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Determinants of Strand Preferences of Grade 10 Junior High School

Student in President Diosdado Macapagal Memorial National High

Part I

Determinants of Strand Preferences of Grade 10 Junior High School

Student in President Diosdado Macapagal Memorial National High
Directions: Please read each item below. Using the 5-point scale, indicate
your perception and observation on your Determinants of Strand Preferences
of Grade 10 Junior High School Student in President Diosdado Macapagal
Memorial National High School
5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
You are in You believe You don’t You believe You totally
agreement that know about it that disagree with
with the statement is or in between statement is the statement
statement to true to some not true to
a very high extent some extent


Items 5 4 3 2 1
In choosing strand, I am...
Seeking for parents’ advice
Making decision on the basis of family
Determine to level on my family’s
Into indirect parental pressure
Influence by the family’s business
Influence by parent’s values and beliefs
Encourage and support by parent in what
strand that need to take in Senior High
Always question by my parents in
reasoning for choosing a strand
Items 5 4 3 2 1
In choosing strand, I am..
1. Choosing the path that is similar to my
2. Taking the advice of my friends
3. Being influenced by my friends
4. Relying on encouragement from the
students of my age
5. Taking the information and
comvaluesive from my friends
6. Considering my friends' preference in
career choices
7. Considering my friends' school choice
for the future career
8. Valuing the time or chance to be with


Items 5 4 3 2 1
In choosing strand, NCAE..
1. Is the guide on what strand that need
to take in Senior High School
2. Makes me aware on my post-secondary
3. Help me to determine my strenghts in
different career fields
4. Used to measure my skills that will be
suitable on the strand that I will choose.
5. Gives information on what strand that
is suited for me.
6. Provide guidance and knowledge to my
future career choice
7. Provide basis for my prepare course in
Senior High School
8. Affect my decision making in choosing
strands in terms of mySchool
Part II

Strand Preferences of Grade 10 Junior High School Student in

President Diosdado Macapagal Memorial National High School
Directions: Please read each item below. Using the checklist, indicate your
perception and observation on your Strand Preferences of Grade 10 Junior
High School Student in President Diosdado Macapagal Memorial National
High School.
Academic Track:
Accountancy, Business and Management(ABM)
Humanities and Social Sciences(HUMSS)
General Academic Strand(GAS)

Technical Vocational Course:

Information and Communication Technology

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