Transportation Systems Management & Operations: Overview / Summary
Transportation Systems Management & Operations: Overview / Summary
Transportation Systems Management & Operations: Overview / Summary
Overview / Summary
Chapter 13 discusses strategies and actions targeted at improving the performance of the existing
transportation network to relieve vehicular congestion and improve the safety and mobility of people
and goods. The City of Rochester has been the primary agency leading the implementation of
management strategies across the Rochester area network. MNDOT has invested in infrastructure
including a regional Traffic Operations Center, variable message boards, traffic surveillance cameras and
communication equipment as part of the ROC 52 project that is now utilized as part of the traffic
management system in the Rochester area.
Among the key strategies that local roadway agencies utilize to operate the existing system more
efficiently include periodic signal coordination and retiming projects, ongoing installation of advanced
communications infrastructure to permit a higher level of control over traffic signal systems, signal pre-
emption capabilities for both emergency service responders and transit vehicles, monitoring
technologies including advanced vehicle detection sensors and closed circuit television to monitor traffic
flow on major highways, and enhancements such as mobile data terminals for law enforcement officers.
Other key efforts to improve system performance include the adoption and application of access
management policies and level of service policies to guide planning and project design efforts. The plan
recommends three key initiatives, including an update to the 1998 Intelligent Transportation System
(ITS) plan for the Rochester area, consideration of a Regional Concept of Operations Plan, and
development of an ongoing planning process focused on the integrated assessment of Congestion &
High Crash locations.
Transportation Systems Management & Operations (TSM&O) refers to strategies and actions targeted at
improving the performance of the existing transportation network to relieve vehicular congestion and
maximize the safety and mobility of people and goods. The Long Range Plan supports system
management goals, which focus on how the system operates rather than capital investment. Strategies
to improve efficiency or effectiveness focus on low cost measures. Examples of system management
and operations tools include:
The City of Rochester has been the primary agency responsible for implementing management
strategies across the Rochester area network. MNDOT, during the lead up to and construction of the
ROC 52 project, did invest in infrastructure including a Traffic Operations Center, variable message
boards, traffic surveillance cameras and communication equipment to aid in workzone management
during construction of that project. The benefits of that investment are still being realized in ongoing ITS
There are a range of TSM&O strategies being utilized in the Rochester area. Among the most widely
implemented and important to improving the operation of the system include:
• Arterial Corridor Signal Optimization involving the timing and coordination of signals within a
corridor or subarea to minimize the stop-and-go nature of traffic flow;
• Access management planning to reduce opportunities for conflict between through movements
and vehicles turning off and onto roadways;
• Transit operation enhancements such as signal pre-emption have been deployed, with real-time
transit arrival and departure monitors and AVL (vehicle location tracking technology) in the
process of being deployed;
• Traveler information services including highway advisory radio; variable message signs and on-
line road reports;
• Data management systems to improve management and response to incidents such as reported
accidents, unsafe street conditions, and missing or damaged signage, sidewalks, street lights or
traffic signals.
Management Strategies
Area transportation agencies have implemented a range of system management strategies which are
well established and which will continue to be utilized over the 20 year horizon of the Long Range Plan.
These efforts include:
To insure the operational integrity of the traffic signal network, the City of Rochester has a signal
maintenance programs established for 1) the replacement of signal hardware installations over 25 years
in age, with a goal to replace one a year; 2) installation and upgrading of battery backup power systems
for signal installations, with the goal to install 4 per year; 3) replacement of LED’s on a 10 year lifecycle;
and 4) signal controller replacement, with the goal to replace one installation a year. Olmsted County
contracts with the City to maintain signal installations in the Rochester area on the County road network
at a cost of approximately $165,000 per year, while MNDOT funds an annual set-aside in their District
Transportation Improvement Program for signal installation replacement at $450,000 per year within
District 6 (an eleven county area).
Communications infrastructure
ITS Implementation
ITS implementation in the Rochester area was initially completed as part of a “Quick Start” process
under the MNDOT NOVA project in the late 1990’s, which focused on kick-starting the deployment of ITS
initiatives in urban and rural areas of Greater Minnesota. As part of that effort, the Rochester Area
Transportation Operations Center Scoping Study was completed in 1998. Table 13-1 lists the ITS
components that were identified for deployment in that plan, reports on the current implementation
status of projects, and, for those not yet implemented, whether they are programmed.
Program Status or Current
Proposed Rochester Area ITS Component Deployment Priority
Transportation Operations Center established at State Patrol Yes
Communication Center ($0.4k)
Vehicle Detection sensors installed on TH 52,14 and 63 to Yes
collect volume / speed data for identifying congestion ($0.4 k)
Closed Circuit Television cameras installed at key locations to Yes
monitor freeway traffic condition / 4 in initial phase and 4
additional in second phase ($0.48k)
Freeway Variable Message Signs at 8 locations on TH 52 and TH Yes
14 ($1.6m)
Portable Traffic Management System acquired for use in Yes
highway work zones; 1st deployment on 14/52 construction
Automated Telephone System to provide real-time, route Yes
specific, on-demand information via telephone managed from 511
Traffic Operations Communications Center (TOCC)
Pavement Condition Reporting system / Maintenance vehicles No Currently being field tested by
equipped with mobile data terminal to transmit information by MnDOT
maintenance personnel into Mobile Data Terminal (MDT)
Variable Message Signs operated by MNDOT on state highways Yes
used to alert motorists to construction diversion and travel
conditions operated from Rochester Traffic Operations Center
Real time travel condition information accessible through the No Under consideration by MnDOT
Internet / managed by the Traffic Operations Communications
Cable Television Broadcast of traffic channel providing 24 hour No Was targeted to assist in TH 52
information on congestion, travel speeds, accidents, reconstruction but not completed;
construction and special events low priority under typical network
congestion conditions
Establish Highway Advisory Radio channel No Low Priority
Program Status or Current
Proposed Rochester Area ITS Component Deployment Priority
Consideration should be given to preparing an updated ITS Deployment Plan for the Rochester area. As
shown on Figure 13-2 on the next page, the number and scope of ITS applications is significant, and
there may be applications such as parking management systems, advanced safety systems or weather
response management that would have value for the Rochester area. Some targeted work, such as the
2009 Olmsted County Pilot ITS Safety Study, have been completed since the 1998 Plan, but it may be
prudent for recommendations from such studies to be incorporated into an overall master plan for the
future of ITS in the ROCOG area. Also note that MnDOT is preparing to conduct some ITS planning work
beginning in 2015.
To facilitate the efficient operation of the roadway system MNDOT, the City of Rochester
Interagency and Olmsted County meet on a periodic basis to discuss operational issues of common
Coordination concern. Among key coordination efforts are existing agreements between the state and the
city regarding responsibility for signal system operations, and issues such as speed limits are
coordinated across jurisdictions.
Both the City of Rochester and the MNDOT accept comments regarding traffic operational
Community issues via their websites as well as routinely taking input on issues via phone calls and
Input letters. Issues are addressed as they are submitted, with no formal system in place to
monitor or track trends in terms of the geographic location or types of requests. One of the
most frequent requests the City of Rochester receives in terms of traffic issues is for speed
control on neighborhood collector streets; The city currently programs $100,000 annually to
provide for the implementation of traffic calming measures through jointly funded projects
with neighborhood property owners.
MNDOT also conducts an annual survey of area businesses to gather input about freight
issues. Staff from ROCOG and the City of Rochester also participate in the Rochester Area
Chamber of Commerce Transportation Forum and city staff meet with the Downtown
Business Association as to help stay informed and respond to business concerns.
The primary source of crash data is the Department of Public Safety Accident Reporting
Data Collection system, which reflects incidents requiring the filing of accident reports under state law.
Access to the information in this system is provided through the Minnesota Crash Mapping
Analysis Tool (MnCMAT), an online database accessible through a GIS interface to allow easy
on-line access to crash data
AADT (Annual Average Daily Traffic) count data is collected on a regular basis under the
State Aid Assistance program, and the City of Rochester archives count data gathered as part
of targeted studies in a local database. This data can be accessed electronically for analysis
and evaluation purposes. The city also has the infrastructure in place to collect traffic volume
data at signalized intersections through video cameras, though utilization at the current time
is for gathering data needed for specific projects.
The City of Rochester and Olmsted County review traffic accident data annually to identify
Traffic locations with 5 or more crashes per year in order to monitor trends at these locations and
The City of Rochester conducts travel time studies for the purpose of tracking performance
on signalized corridors on a very limited basis. While the city and state do have staff that
conduct and manage data collection activities, their level of resources is limited and devoted
to other primary tasks such as state aid count updates and data collection for special studies
or citizen complaints.
Level of Service standards are found in both the Long Range Plan and in the City’s Land
Development Manual, which establish the guidelines that will be used in any study looking at
traffic performance, including corridor studies and (with more frequency) Traffic Impact
Studies. The MNDOT Highway Investment Plan 2014-2033 establishes performance
measures for the state highway system focused primarily on designated Interregional
Corridors. Travel time reliability and extent/duration of congestion on these corridors will be
targeted as roadways become instrumented.
Management of the transit system relies heavily on monitoring to assess the cost
Transit effectiveness of various routes and for targeting of service improvements. Four key
Monitoring and measures that are assessed routinely on both a system level and route level are 1) Farebox
Performance recovery ratio; 2) Load Factor; 3) Running Speed and 4) Passengers per vehicle hour, with
reporting through the National Transit Database.
The City of Rochester has incorporated pedestrian activation of signals at intersections in the
Pedestrian downtown area and at other locations in the city where significant pedestrian crossing
Accommodations activity occurs on a regular basis and continues to expand the number of locations that have
pedestrian activation installed. The city budgets for the installation of APS systems at 2-4
locations per year. To improve pedestrian understanding at particular high volume locations,
countdown signals indicating the number of seconds of crossing time remaining for
pedestrians has been installed, primarily in areas around the Mayo Medical Campus and at
crossings of Broadway Avenue in downtown Rochester.
The City has a policy that requires the installation of sidewalks along all streets except for
short cul-de-sacs as part of the required infrastructure improvements that must be provided
in all developments.
The City works closely with MNDOT, Olmsted County and the Rochester School District to
School Travel assess school route travel options and identify the need for crosswalks and other safety
devices on primary walking routes to primary school facilities.
The City of Rochester routinely works with special event organizers and law enforcement
agencies to coordinate roadway operations for major events, particularly those associated
with the Mayo Civic Center in downtown Rochester. Most management efforts involve the
deployment of personnel and traffic control to improve the efficiency and safety of traffic
flow in and out of parking facilities located near the civic center. Currently the ability to
adapt the traffic signal systems for short term event traffic is not available.
Both MNDOT and the City of Rochester have processes in place to respond in a timely
Emergency manner to reports of equipment failure from either law enforcement agencies or the general
Maintenance public. Both agencies maintain a sufficient inventory of spare parts and equipment to permit
staff to respond to and correct most equipment breakdowns in a timely manner. The city has
staff available on a 24/7 basis for responding, while MNDOT responds to equipment
problems during normal working hours except in critical emergency.
Parking Management
At this time fixed or dynamic message signing has been introduced on a limited basis to
direct motorists to available parking in downtown Rochester. Limited use is made of parking
restrictions by time of day or day of week to facilitate traffic operations.
Freeways and Arterial Streets
In the ROCOG planning area management of existing freeway facilities (TH 52 / TH 63) is the
responsibility of MNDOT. Periodically the agency will conduct operational analysis of critical
“hot spots” identified through crash patterns, reports on congestion that have been received
or field observation in an effort to maintain the operational efficiency of these corridors.
The frequency and location of access connections along with traffic signal spacing are key elements for
efficiently managing traffic flow and minimizing traffic conflict along highway corridors, and are most beneficial
in the management of major urban and regional highways. The justification for control of access is based on
several factors, including safety, capacity, economics, and aesthetics. Studies have demonstrated a range of
potential benefits from implementation of programs to manage connection points and signal spacing along
major highways, including:
o Reductions in traffic crashes and congestion, and decreases in travel delays. Studies have found that
over 50% of crashes on arterials are access related.
o The functional life of roads can be extended through higher utilization of the roadway’s design
capacity, thus permitting funds that might have been spent on road widening to be spent on road
maintenance and operations. Studies have found that controlling left and right turns, the impact of
unregulated driveways and the speed of access and egress can improve capacity by 25% over
uncontrolled conditions.
o Motorists can benefit from reduced energy consumption. Estimated fuel usage reductions of 35-50%
have been found in highly congested corridors where stops as well as deceleration and acceleration
cycles were reduced due to coordinated access management planning. Similar reductions in air
pollution emissions may be achieved as well.
o Research indicates that access management is just as valuable to pedestrians as to motorists. Every
sidewalk or path that crosses a driveway represents multiple potential pedestrian/vehicle conflict
points. Reducing the number of driveways per block reduces the number of conflict points
proportionally, which makes it easier for both pedestrians and drivers since they have fewer conflicts
to concentrate on while passing through a corridor.
The rationale for managing access in rural areas differs from that in urban areas. Roadways in rural areas
almost always serve low-density land uses and usually have volumes below capacity thresholds, thus
disruptions to through traffic are less significant. However, managing rural access increases safety (by insuring
adequate sight distance, reducing the number of conflict areas, and reducing the severity of crashes when
vehicles run off the road) and minimizes ongoing operational / maintenance costs related to snow removal,
resurfacing and drainage repairs.
Establishing rules in advance of development also aids developers by reducing the cost and delay that may
occur as a result of needing to negotiate and redesign access. Adopted guidelines also assure consistent and
equitable treatment of all property owners and business interests.
Minnesota State Statutes direct public road authorities to provide “reasonable, convenient, and suitable”
access to property unless these access rights have been purchased. Courts have interpreted this to allow:
Land use authorities may exercise additional authority in managing access through development rules and
regulations. Any number of means may be used to manage access, including zoning and subdivision authority,
whereas road authorities are typically limited to issuing driveway permits after development may have been
approved. Since county or city land use authorities are usually involved at the earliest planning stages of a
development, the application of connection spacing guidelines should be focused at this level, supported by
coordination with the applicable road authority.
Strategy 1: Preserve the integrity of the major street system with an effective program for managing the
frequency of connections and signals along major street corridors to maximize the capacity of the existing
street system and improve safety. Plan new higher volume connections to existing arterials at locations where
the spacing of traffic signals will preserve two-way traffic progression.
Strategy 2: ROCOG should work with local jurisdictions to adopt Access Management guidelines for major
street corridors to manage the number and location of driveways and local street connections to major
roadways. Promote the integration of Access Management guidelines into municipal subdivision and zoning
processes at the local level to support roadway management goals, and apply connection and signal spacing
guidelines when reviewing development plans .
Strategy 3: Include connection and spacing recommendations as part of all Corridor Management or
Congestion Mitigation Plans. Median treatments, road connection priorities and use of signalization should
always be a consideration in these plans.
Strategy 4: In rural areas, connection and spacing guidelines should balance land use objectives with the
primary function of major roads as important regional travel corridors
Strategy 5: When purchasing right of way for future major street construction, roadway authorities should
acquire access control rights consistent with the connection and spacing guidelines of this plan.
1. Adopt an access policy for major roads: Jurisdictions should adopt access policies in order to have a
consistent set of location, spacing and design guidelines for use in review of access requests.
3. Encourage coordination during the zoning and platting process: Agencies should encourage
coordination between planning/zoning and highway departments early in the building and
development permitting process relative to future access needs.
4. Access permits should be given for specific use: It is recommended that agencies adopt a policy that
grants access for a specific use. If this use should change, a new access permit would be required.
5. Mechanism for variances: A variance process for addressing hardship situations where reasonably
convenient and suitable access meeting spacing guidelines is not available should be provided, since
policies that are too inflexible risk the loss of public support.
Counties and municipalities have the authority to incorporate access management policy into their zoning and
subdivision regulations and to adopt driveway-related ordinances. The guidelines presented in this plan
provide a starting point for the formulation of an access management program. However, requirements
related to permit application, review processes, variances, permit issuance and enforcement need to be
1. Spacing should be keyed to roadway classification, operating speed, and development density. Spacing
generally will need to be more restrictive along higher-type roads, such as interregional corridors or
strategic arterials, because of higher speeds and traffic volumes.
2. Spacing guidelines should apply to new developments and to significant changes in existing development.
3. Spacing guidelines do not have to be consistent with past access practices. Problems with past access
practices are often one reason to develop new, clearer, and more explicit guidelines.
4. Guidelines should address (1) interchanges, (2) signalized streets and driveways, (3) unsignalized streets and
driveways, (4) median openings, and (5) corner clearances.
5. High volume connections for major activity centers should be treated similar to an intersecting public road
rather than as a private driveway.
6. Traffic signal spacing should be related to the desired operating speed for the corridor.
7. Signal spacing criteria should take precedence over unsignalized spacing standards in situations where
future signalization is likely.
8. In general, traffic signals should not be installed on high-speed corridors in rural locations. Isolated
signals in rural locations are inconsistent with the function and expected performance of the highway.
Rural traffic signals are unexpected by the motorist who is unfamiliar with the location, requiring
longer than normal time for drivers to react.
From a site layout perspective, guidelines concerning the spacing and number of driveways should reflect the
following general principles:
1. Provide access from more than one roadway if available for any traffic generator that will create more
than limited levels of access traffic.
2. On sites with multiple frontages plan primary access to roadways of lower function.
3. Base the number of site driveways on need. For small developments where access to a lower function street
is not available, limit site access to one driveway. For large developments, it may be better to disperse
driveway traffic to a major road across multiple access points than through a single driveway.
4. On-site circulation should be designed with sufficient storage space to preclude spillback of traffic from
site driveways onto the roadway system.
5. Low volume private access onto a major roadway may be permitted when the property in question has no
other reasonable alternative access available. However, access should be relocated if other reasonable
access to a lower function category street becomes available.
The guidelines will have relevance to many of the traffic management decisions that jurisdictions will make,
from whether to permit certain types of connections to occur, to the location of traffic signals, to the
appropriate spacing between adjacent driveways and streets. The guidelines are intended as a planning tool
that will be most relevant 1) in the early stages of development review, 2) the design of roadway improvement
projects, and 3) as the policy basis for a more specific access management regulation. Additional
considerations related to permitting processes, variance procedures, review procedures and
inspection/enforcement are needed at the jurisdictional level in order to establish a full-fledged access
management program. It is important to note that while these guidelines are comprehensive, final spacing of
medians and driveways will need to be resolved on an individual basis using accepted engineering and
planning principles.
The basis on which the guidelines have been established is by roadway classification. The key factors which
have been addressed in the guidelines are connection limitations, the spacing of medians, local streets and
driveways, traffic signal spacing, corner clearance guidelines and interchange area spacing guidelines. The
guidelines do not address the specifics of access or street design such as grades, sight distance, driveway or
roadway widths or vehicle storage needs, which are driven by engineering principles and are best left to be
addressed in a design guide or handbook. The specific guidelines recommended in this plan include:
1. Table 13-3 below identifies PERMITTED CONNECTIONS and CONNECTION LIMITATIONS. An important
principle of connection management is to avoid if possible the connection of roadways or driveways
that have significantly different functions and operating characteristics. For example, the connection of
private driveways to high mobility arterials or expressways should be discouraged by regulations. Table
13-3 groups the roadway network into four classes (down the side of the table) and addresses
connection policy for each of five different classes of connection types (across the top of the table)
ranging from major roadways to low volume or minimum use driveways.
2. Table 13-4 includes Spacing Guidelines for INTERCHANGES, MEDIAN OPENINGS, STREET
CONNECTIONS AND DRIVEWAYS. Spacing guidelines identify minimum separation standards for
different types of connections, which will improve safety and traffic flow by reducing the number of
conflict points through separation of areas where drivers are entering, existing, weaving or crossing
opposing traffic streams. Spacing standards also should provide adequate sight distance and reaction
time for motorists in general.
3. Table 13-5 includes guidelines for TRAFFIC SIGNAL SPACING on different classes of roadways. Spacing
between traffic signals is a strategy employed to increase the level of service (LOS) of the roadway
segment. Optimum signal spacing will provide for greater signal progression and higher arterial speeds.
Long and uniform spacing can more efficiently accommodate varying traffic conditions during peak
and off peak and are essential to an effective traffic management program
4. Table 13-6 includes guidelines for CORNER CLEARANCE, which is the distance from an intersection of a
public or private road to the nearest access connection, measured from the edge of the pavement of
the road to the closest edge of the pavement of the connection. Inadequate corner clearance can
result in traffic operation, safety and capacity problems by creating confusing and conflicting turns at
intersections, insufficient weaving distance and backups from downstream driveways into upstream
street intersections.
5. Table 13-7 establishes guidelines for the specialized issue of INTERCHANGE MANAGEMENT AREAS.
New highway interchanges have the ability to create substantial impacts on land development
patterns around the interchange area. A variety of problems can occur if interchange areas are allowed
to develop without connection management measures. Signalized intersections too close to
interchange ramps can cause heavy volumes of weaving traffic, complex traffic signal operations and
the backing of traffic down ramps onto the freeway mainline. Curb cuts and median openings in close
proximity to the ramps only further complicate these problems. The IMA guidelines assist in improving
the operation of the road system through incorporation of minimum spacing recommendations that
permits the complex mix of traffic movements at an interchange to flow more smoothly.
Interim Connection
Interim access
Connection Permitted; permitted; Full Median No new connections Reversion of Full
Connection not approval must include
Full Median Opening; Opening with reversion permitted; Existing Median Opening to
permitted except on planning for closure to
See table 13-4-b for to Directional median if connections permitted Directional median or
Planned Freeway All interim basis where no occur at time alternate
recommended spacing; Safety / congestion to remain on Interim RI/RO if safety or
feasible alternative access becomes
Interim Signals if future problems develop; See basis with planning for congestion problems
access exists available or when
interchange location Table 13-4-b for closure develop
freeway is built
recommended spacing
Spacing of connections Spacing of connections and driveway separation clearance (Table 13-6)
Super Two should be consistent should be consistent Rural/UIA (13-4-c) req.; Traffic and driveway spacing
with with Signal if warranted (Table 13-4-c)
and consistent with
System Development System Development All Urban spacing guidelines (13-5) requirements(2)
Connection permitted if consistent with Local
Road Spacing Guidelines table 13-4-c Connection permitted New connection not
Main Street Guidelines of Table 6-1 Guidelines of Table 6-1 CBD
subject to Driveway permitted; require
Separation & Corner access to lower class
on page 4-25 on page 4-25
Signalization of Local Street connections Clearance req. street or alley
discouraged unless for School, Fire Station Connection permitted Require access to
Other Regional Signalization should be Signalization should be Urban lower level road if
subject to corner
Major Arterial consistent with signal consistent with signal Zones avalable, otherwise
clearance (Table 13-6)
spacing guidelines spacing guidelines and driveway separation one access per parcel
(Table 13-5) (Table 13-5) (Table 13-4-c) req. subject to corner
Other Urban Major Urban Signalization if clearance (Table 13-6)
Arterial Zones warranted consistent and drivway spacing
with spacing guidelines (Table 13-4-c)
(Table 13-5) requirements
(1) Volume Ranges for Private Access Connections: High (HV) > 1500 ADT; Medium (MV) 500-1500 ADT; Low (LV) 50-500 ADT; Minimum Use <50ADT
(2) If Driveway Separation requirements cannot be met use of joint or shared access to obtain spacing should first be investigated to determine feasibility
o Table 13-4-a provides guidelines for interchange and overpass spacing along freeways and planned
o Table 13-4-b provides guidelines for the spacing of full and restricted median openings along the various
types of divided highways that are constructed in Olmsted County.
o Table 13-4-c provides guidelines for the minimum spacing of local streets and private driveway spacing
along major roadways, linked to the posted speed limit of the roadway.
(1) Driveway Spacing may b e reduced b y up to 33% if driveway restricted to Right-in / Right-out operation only
(2) Adequate Stopping Sight Distance and Intersection Sight Distance should b e provided at all local street and private driveway connections points
(3) Distances b etween adjacent one-way driveways with inb ound drive upstream from outb ound drive can b e 1/2 distance shown in tab le
(4) Where parcel lacks sufficient frontage to meet ab ove requirements, owner may 1) seek a variance, b ut in no case shall variance permit spacing less than
next lower class, or 2) agree to estab lish common driveway with adjacent owner
(5) Local Streets and Low to High Volume driveways should b e aligned with connection points on the opposite side of the roadway or offset a minimum
distance as defined in the following table
Posted Speed 30 MPH 35 MPH 40 MPH 45 MPH > 45 MPH
Desirable Offset: Local or HV 300 ft 425 ft 525 ft 630 ft 750 ft
Desirable Offset: LV or MV 150 ft 200 ft 250 ft 300 ft 400 ft
(1) A signalized intersection location may deviate from the ideal location without detailed analysis
if within a distance from the preferred location as specified in the tab le b elow.
Where a proposed distance is offset b y a greater distance, an analysis should
b e conducted demonstrating that minimum b andwidth criteria can b e met.
35 ft if ADT < 3000 ^ 75 ft if ADT 3000-6,000 ^ 150 ft if ADT 6000-15,000 ^ 300’ if ADT > 15,000
recommended for
Median < 35 MPH 35-45 MPH > 45 MPH
dimension “D” is 120 ft. Road Classification Area A B A B A B
This reflects the time High Type Street Design
needed for a driver to Planned Freeway or
complete a turning Expressway N/A N/A 400 275 500 375
maneuver off the major Expressway or Super
Two 350 250 450 315 625 435
street before needing to Main Street 100 75 125 100 125 125
react to conditions at the
Urban Street Classes
first access point.
Major Arterial Divided 135 100 150 115 175 125
Major Arterial Undivided 225 175 300 235 375 300
Secondary Arterial Undivided 175 125 235 175 275 225
Primary Collector Undivided 100 75 125 100 175 125
Local Collector Undivided 50 25 N/A N/A N/A N/A
(1) Where required Corner Clearance cannot b e provided first driveway should b e located at far side of
property away from intersection setb ack 10 feet from adjacent property
Influence Area 1320 1320 2640 1320 1320 990 1320 N/A
Area Free Flow 990 990 1760 1320 1056 880 1056 N/A
Signalized 660 660 1320 990 880 660 880 N/A
Urban or CBD Free Flow 660 660 1320 990 990 660 990 N/A
Signalized 480 480 880 660 660 480 660 N/A
Applying access management in a fully developed arterial corridor is one of major challenges in traffic
engineering. An opportunity-based strategy that focuses on prevention and remediation when the
opportunity arises is probably the most feasible approach to addressing traffic management needs in
these corridors. The process of improving access management along an already developed corridor can
take twenty years or more. It is often best to start slowly by evaluating the full range of techniques
available and identifying what will work best in a corridor.
Elements of a REMEDIATION approach that should be considered for a developed urban corridor
1. Correct unsafe access situations as individual parcels are expanded or redeveloped. Work with
affected owners to consolidate driveways and provide cross access between parcels. Use the
standards for new development as a guide to improve access in “change of use” situations.
2. For the most critical corridors, prepare corridor-level access management plans and include
broad property owner participation on projects involving major physical changes. In addition to
addressing direct access onto major roadways, the plan should look at opportunities for filling in
the supporting roadway network with local access roads as part of future redevelopment
3. Consider combining major access management remediation programs into a larger set of
corridor enhancement or revitalization initiatives (such as economic redevelopment or adaptive
reuse projects, community beautification, improved sign or landscaping controls, etc.).
Development of good parallel street systems for carrying local traffic: Make sure that important
arterial routes have good parallel street systems to provide for the local access function and to handle
short distance local trips.
Providing or preserving the opportunity for future frontage roads through adequate setbacks (Fig 13-
7 vi): Make sure that proper building and parking lot set-backs are established so that future frontage
roads or internal private drives connecting to local streets can be installed with minimal impacts.
Develop proper secondary street spacing: When reviewing new development proposals, be sure that
they provide proper intersection spacing for future signals. As a guideline, signalized intersections
should be limited to use on through streets, with spacing of ¼ to ½ mile on secondary arterials and
collectors and ½ mile or more on major arterials and expressways in developing areas. This spacing is
important in order to provide the ability to effectively manage traffic on the major corridors. The
secondary street system also needs to provide continuity and connectivity between the major arterials
and local street system to minimize the need for local street connections to major highways.
Encourage proper lot layout to minimize access points (Fig 13-8 vii) Plans should promote residential
access onto local streets, not arterials or major collectors. Direct residential access to arterial or
collector routes will result in complaints when traffic levels increase. Even in rural areas, where
development is less dense and traffic levels are lower, access should be encouraged off local roads, not
high-speed, higher volume state or county roads.
Align local streets in adjacent developments to provide access or reserve right-of-way to provide for
future connections to adjacent developments. This reduces the need for short trips on the arterial
system and promotes neighborhood connectivity, good emergency services, and more efficient travel
for mail, garbage and bus services as well as street maintenance activities
FIGURE 13-10
Agencies should encourage alignment of access points directly across from other roads or entrances and
avoid minimal offsets to minimize driver errors and impacts to mainline flow. In areas where offsetting
access points cannot be avoided, adequate spacing is needed to
avoid the conflict created by overlapping turning movement
and acceleration and deceleration maneuvers.
FIGURE 13-11
Level of Service (LOS) is a measure of the quality of service provided by a roadway facility. Quality of
service refers to a user’s perception of how well a transportation service or facility operates. LOS
measurement is tied to a rating scale ranging from A (very high level of satisfaction with freely moving
traffic) to F (very poor quality with near gridlock conditions). Figure 13-12 xi illustrates typical roadway
conditions under different levels of service.
While numerous methods have been developed to assess Level of Service, ROCOG recommends use of
the methods found in the Highway Capacity Manual as the primary methodology for assessing LOS
o Where a roadway creates the border between adjacent land use zones (for example, where a
roadway is the border between an Urban and a Developing land use zone) the less restrictive
guideline from Table 13-8 should be used
o Level of Service is quantitatively measured using numeric performance measures where each LOS
grade (A through F) represents a range of performance on a continuum; guidelines such as “B/C” in
the table above represent the breakpoint between LOS B and LOS C, and guidelines such as “Mid-C”
represent the midpoint of the range for Level of Service C conditions.
ROCOG and its partner agencies should conduct traffic engineering studies on roadway segments or at
key intersections where there are identified congestion or capacity problems, giving priority to locations
where elevated congestion levels are combined with a high incidence of accidents. In the development
of mitigation plans, priority should be given to low cost methods for improving traffic flow such as:
• Traffic signal system optimization achieved through interconnection of signal systems and
coordination of signal timing patterns
• Isolated geometric improvements in critical bottleneck areas
• Enhanced traveler information systems to disseminate information on incident locations
affecting daily system operation
• Better roadway access control to reduce level of conflict along corridors
In areas where multiple jurisdictions are involved in the management of land adjacent to the corridor,
efforts should be made to develop and implement corridor management Intergovernmental
Agreements: Efforts should be made to develop corridor management agreements in cooperation with
land use agencies along selected corridors where extensive future land use change is expected. A good
corridor management agreement will include detailed discussions of matters such as traffic signal
spacing, development of turning lanes and medians, acceptable driveway locations and alternative
access such as frontage and backage roads.
Make access rights purchases where feasible: Agencies should undertake a targeted program to
purchase access rights from private landowners along selected arterial highways in situations where
there is considerable land development pressure expected in the near future. This sort of situation—
where access purchases could still be made and there is a considerable risk of future access
management, safety and operational problems—is where access rights purchase may be most effective.
These areas are likely be found on major radial and beltway corridors that carry or are projected to carry
the heaviest volumes of high mobility traffic.
ROCOG and its partners should consider development of an RCTO, which is a formal agreement that
would be developed collaboratively to guide regional operations through establishment of a shared
regional framework or vision for transportation operations. Implementation of the RCTO would
involve deliberate, continuous, and sustained activity by the transportation agency managers and
officials responsible for day-to-day operations working together at a regional level to solve
Chapter 13 Transportation Systems Management & Operations
operational problems, improve system performance, and improve communications with one
The RCTO concept has been pioneered in many of larger urban areas across the United States and is
now moving into use in smaller areas. Recently the Fargo-Moorhead completed an RCTO framework
document as part of ongoing management of their traffic operations center.
Consideration should be given to establishing a coordinated Congestion and Crash Monitoring and
Mitigation program to provide for a region-wide, inter-jurisdictional assessment of needs related to
safety and traffic mobility. Congestion and safety problems often have roots in similar causes, and a
partnership program considering both safety and mobility offers the prospect of addressing problems in
a more efficient and systematic manner. The monitoring element of the program would involve the
establishment of a periodic review of data that would be collected according to a predefined data
Chapter 13 Transportation Systems Management & Operations
collection program, which would be screened for identification of potential congestion “hot spots” or
safety “black spots”. The mitigation element of the program would consist of undertaking studies to
evaluate strategies in high risk locations to identify low cost measures that could be deployed in a
relatively short period of time. Issues requiring major study and investment should be addressed
through a corridor study and appropriate funding programmed when available.
The partners should define a “right-sized” process that would balance the level of effort and
timeliness of response to the resources available. Consideration of the following elements should
be considered in the basic program framework
a) Identification of a set of basic performance measures that will be used for monitoring and
b) Review the current data collection efforts and potential data gaps that need to be filled;
c) Prioritize key policy goals related to congestion and safety in order to provide direction to
evaluation efforts;
d) Establish a process, preferably on an annual basis, for reviewing traffic management priorities;
e) Establish a reporting process to provide monitoring results to decision-makers and the general
Deployment of the ITS infrastructure in the Rochester area has been guided by the 1998 Rochester Area
Transportation Operations Center Scoping Study. Given the status of this document, and the fact that a
number of the ITS infrastructure elements have been deployed though are not fully utilized, it may be
appropriate to consider an update to the 1998 study report that would address the following items:
• Preparation of an inventory of deployed ITS infrastructure in the Rochester area and active ITS-
based services that are being provided which utilize the infrastructure in place.
• Identification of any refinement or expansion of existing services or new services that could be
deployed based on using the current ITS infrastructure in place.
• Identification of new ITS services that should be considered for deployment along with the
infrastructure, operational framework and level of resources that would be needed to deploy.
• Review of current ITS architecture for consistency with regional and national standards.
• Identification of a Regional ITS program identifying a future sequence of projects to be
state should develop, as part of an RCTO or through a separate agreement, a framework for
resourcing this effort in a timely manner.
• Traffic Calming
The City of Rochester and as needed other ROCOG partners should continue to fund a traffic
calming program to address issues of driver behavior that is inconsistent with the function and
environment of specific road corridors. Areas of particular concern include residential collector
streets and other local streets in the vicinity of major traffic generators.
• Access Management
ROCOG should continue to work with local jurisdictions on development, adoption and
administration of access management ordinances.
• Roundabouts
When issues related to intersection configuration are involved, give strong consideration to the
use of a modern roundabout design where appropriate.
Continue to respond on a case by case basis but monitor need for more systematic approach to
issues such as Incident management, work zone management and event management to
identify where benefits could be gained from improved coordination of planning, response or
Emphasize the effective use of and provide for timely maintenance of signage and pavement
markings to improve the safety and efficiency of the roadway network as well as the travel
opportunities of pedestrians, bicyclists, the elderly, disabled or school age children.
Figure 13-1 courtesy of City of Rochester Public Works Department, Traffic Division
Figure 13-2 from USDOT Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Intelligent Transportation Systems
Access Management Manual, Transportation Research Board, p. 155
Access Management Manual, Transportation Research Board, p. 160
Access Management Manual, Transportation Research Board, p. 161
Figure 13-7
Figure 13-8 courtesy of Center for Transportation Research and Education, Iowa State University, Access
Management Toolkit, Frequently Asked Question #2: Driveway Spacing, available online at
Access Management Manual, Transportation Research Board, p.57
Figure 13-10 courtesy of Mn/DOT, in Mn/DOT Needs You! As Partners in Corridor Access Management brochure,
available online at
Access Management Manual, Transportation Research Board, p.137
Figure 13-12 courtesy of Florida Department of Transportation, 2002 Quality/Level of Service Handbook, p.7