Design Standards DPR

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Detailed Project Report for Comprehensive Development of Roads and Drains at Ward Nos.

28, 49 and 59 under Nagarothana Grants 2016 – 17

Chapter 4 – Design Standards January 2017



4.1 General
Planning and Designing of Roads and CD Structures, Pedestrian Facilities and Street
Furniture are essentially based on the IRC Standards and MoRT&H Specifications. Wherever
the Codes / Standards are silent on some of the Aspects, the same has been planned / designed
based on the Sound Engineering Practices. Design Standards relevant to the Project Road
along with the Broad List of Design Parameters and the relevant IRC Codes / Specifications
have been detailed in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1
Design Standards

Sl. No. Design Parameters Reference Code

1. Geometric Design Standards
Carriageway Width
As per IRC: 38, IRC: 86 and IRC: SP: 23
Super Elevation
Horizontal Alignment
Vertical Alignment
2. Parking Facilities As per IRC: SP: 12
3. Road Furniture
Road Delineators As per IRC: 79
Road Markings As per IRC: 35
Road Signs As per IRC: 67
4. Pedestrian Facilities As per IRC: 103
5. Road Capacity As per IRC: 106
6. Design of Flexible Pavement As per IRC: 37
7. Overlay Design As per IRC: 81
8. Road Drainage As per IRC: SP: 42 and IRC: SP: 50
9. Culverts As per Relevant IRC Codes and MoRT&H
10. Bridges Specifications

The Project Road Section passes through Plain Terrain. Design Standards (as appropriate)
have been further elaborated under the following heads.
Geometric Design.
Pavement Design.
Road Furniture and Appurtenances.
Bridges and CD Structures.

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Detailed Project Report for Comprehensive Development of Roads and Drains at Ward Nos. 28, 49 and 59 under Nagarothana Grants 2016 – 17

Chapter 4 – Design Standards January 2017


National Standards have been studied and listed and based on that suggested Standards for
City Roads of Bangalore have been recommended for Approval and for Designing of Roads,
Road Intersections, etc. accordingly.

4.2 Design Standards Related to Geometric Design

Design Standards related to Road Geometric along with the suggested Design Values /
Standards and Recommended Values based on Site Conditions and Data Analysis are detailed
in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2
Geometric Design Standards

Sl. No. Design Parameters Design Values*

1. Design Speed
Arterial Road 80 kmph
Sub Arterial Road 60 kmph
Collector Street 50 kmph
Local Street 30 kmph
2. Geometric Design Standards
Carriageway Width Single lane without Kerb – 3.5m
Two lane without Kerb – 7m
Two lane with Kerb – 7.5m
Three lane with or without Kerb – 10.5 / 11m
Four lane with or without Kerb – 14m
Six lane with or without Kerb – 21m
Land Width Arterial Road – 50 to 60m
Sub Arterial Road – 30 to 40m
Collector Street – 20 to 30m
Local Street – 10 to 20m
Median Absolute Minimum Width – 1.2m
Desirable Minimum Width – 5.0m
Footpath Minimum Width – 1.5m
Camber 1.7 – 3.0% for Paved Carriageway
Kerb Barrier / Semi Barrier / Mountable (Semi Barrier type
Super Elevation Limited to 4% on Urban Section
Minimum Radius of 40m for a Speed of 30 kmph
Horizontal Curve 105m for a Speed of 50 kmph
Extra Widening at Curves Nil for Radius above 300 m
Gradient Maximum Gradient – 4% (1 in 25)
Minimum Gradient for Drainage – 0.5% (Desirable Minimum)
and 0.3% (Absolute Minimum)

(*Reference Code: IRC: 86 “Geometric Design Standards for Urban Roads in Plains”)

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Detailed Project Report for Comprehensive Development of Roads and Drains at Ward Nos. 28, 49 and 59 under Nagarothana Grants 2016 – 17

Chapter 4 – Design Standards January 2017


4.3 Design Standards Related to Pavement Design

Design Standards related to Pavement Design are essentially based on the Guidelines given
in IRC: 37 “Guidelines for Design of Flexible Pavements”, IRC: 58 “Guidelines for Design of
Rigid Pavements for Highways” and Overlay Design are essentially based on IRC: 81
“Guidelines for Strengthening of Flexible Road Pavements Using Benkelman Beam Deflection
Technique”. The suggested Design Values / Standards and Recommended Values based on
Site Conditions and Data Analysis are detailed in Table 4.3. The same have been adopted for
the Design.

Table 4.3
Pavement / Overlay Design Standards

Sl. No. Design Parameters Reference Code / Design Values

1. Pavement Design IRC: 37 “ Guidelines for Design of Flexible Pavements”
IRC: 58 “Guidelines for Design of Plain Jointed Rigid
Pavements for Highways”
Traffic Growth Rate Estimated Annual Growth Rate
Design Life 15 – 20 years for Arterial and Sub Arterial Road
10 – 15 years for Local and Collector Streets
Vehicle Damage Factor As per the Data collected and compiled
Lane Distribution Factor As per IRC: 37
Minimum Thickness Sub Grade – 500 mm
Sub Base – 150 / 200 mm (< 10 msa / > 10 msa)
Base – 225 / 250 mm (< 2 msa / >2 msa)
Bituminous Surfacing – Desirably 40mm thick, to prevent
Ingress of Water through surface
2. Overlay Design IRC: 81 “Guidelines for Strengthening of Flexible Road
Pavements Using Benkelman Beam Deflection
Design Life At least 10 years
Correction Factors Temperature Correction Factor.
Correction for Seasonal Variation (inclusive of Correction
for Moisture Content, Soil Type and Rainfall)
Minimum Thickness From Structural Considerations, the recommended
Minimum Bituminous Overlay Thickness is 50mm
Bituminous Macadam (BM) with an additional Surfacing
Course of 50mm Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) or
40mm Bituminous Concrete (BC)
3. Wearing Course Material Bituminous Concrete with Crumb Rubber Modified
(Options) Bitumen / Plastic Waste
4. Mastic Asphalt Near Junctions

4.4 Design Standards Related to Road Drainage

Drainage of Water from Pavement Surface is of paramount importance as far as preserving
the Road Assets created by investing huge funds in addition to maintenance of the Structural
Soundness and Functional Efficiency of the Road. Design Standards related to Road Drainage
are essentially based on the Guidelines given in IRC: SP: 42 “Guidelines on Road Drainage”

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Detailed Project Report for Comprehensive Development of Roads and Drains at Ward Nos. 28, 49 and 59 under Nagarothana Grants 2016 – 17

Chapter 4 – Design Standards January 2017


and in IRC: SP: 50 “Guidelines on Urban Drainage”. The suggested Design Values / Standards
are detailed in Table 4.4.

Table 4.4
Design Standards Related to Road Drainage

Sl. No. Design Parameters Design Values

1. Camber 1.7 – 3.0% (bi directional) for Carriageway
Longitudinal Gradient Minimum 0.3% for satisfactory Drainage
Drain Type Precast RCC Box Drain with RCC Top Slab for Tertiary
and Shoulder Drain
RCC Box Culverts across Cross Roads

4.5 Design Standards Related to Road Furniture and Appurtenances

Utility and Importance of the Road are greatly enhanced by installing Road Furniture and
Appurtenances at Appropriate Locations along the Project Road, which ensures Improved
Road Safety. Planning and Designing of Road Furniture and Appurtenances are as per the
Guidelines stipulated in IRC. Detailing of each of these Components has been done so that to
integrate the same with the Road Improvement Scheme. The suggested Design Values /
Standards are detailed in Table 4.5.

Table 4.5
Design Standards Related to Road Furniture and Appurtenances

Sl. No. Design Parameters Reference Code / Design Values

1. Road Markings IRC: 35 “Code of Practice for Road Markings”.
2. Road Signs IRC: 67 “Code of Practice for Road Signs”.
3. Road Delineators IRC: 79 “Recommended Practice for Road Delineators”.
4. Pedestrian Facilities IRC: 103 “Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities”.
5. Metal Beam Crash Barriers At Locations where Embankment Height is more than

In addition to the above Measures, various other Integral Road Components have been
planned so that to achieve the Maximum and Optimal Use of the Carriageway with no / least
Interference to Traffic Flow and at the same time ensuring Adequate Facilities to other Road
Users especially Pedestrians. All the Encroachments, if any shall be cleared within the ROW.

4.6 Design Standards Related to Bridges and CD Structures

The Design Standards and Loading considered for Culverts and Bridges are as stipulated in
Latest IRC Codes / Special Publications supplemented by appropriate MoRT&H Circulars and
/ or IS codes. The Unsafe and / or Deficient Bridge and Culvert Structures (existing) will be
rehabilitated or replaced by Sound Structures.

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