Einstain Mistaks With e MC
Einstain Mistaks With e MC
Einstain Mistaks With e MC
Einstein made three basic mistakes in his interpretation of the E=MC2 equation. Einstein’s first mistake
with E=MC2 was to take a simple equation and then try to interpret it with two contradictory and
paradoxical ideas of mass and energy.
In the general interpretation, kE=MC2 defines the relationship between mass and kinetic energy. This
means that when a body of mass is decelerated it loses mass and energy and when it is accelerated it
gains mass and energy. This mass increase/decrease for all matter is proportional to each body’s kinetic
energy relative to a common position of rest for all matter. In this interpretation of E=MC2, energy and
mass coexist together. When a body is accelerated to a given velocity, the kinetic energy inherent in that
velocity contributes to overall mass of the body. One Joule has a mass of 10,-17 kg and a kilogram of mass
weighs 1017 Joules. Here their is no conversion of matter to energy. While a Joule is a quantity of energy
it is also a quantity of mass.
A single Joule of mass and energy is at the same time very small and very large. It takes 1014 joules of
mass just to weigh a single gram but a one Joule photon would be a formidable event indeed. It would
have an energy 1,000,000,000,000 times greater than a typical X-ray photon. A one Joule photon could
not be produced in the laboratory with even the most powerful of accelerators. The only place where
such photons could be found would be among the most powerful of the cosmic rays.
Moving bodies contain both Joules of kinetic energy and Joules of kinetic mass contained in that energy.
When a body is decelerated its kinetic mass decreases as it is slowed and its kinetic energy is lost in the
deceleration process.
Einstein refused to believe in deceleration as a meaningful concept that could be differentiated from
acceleration to establish a position of absolute rest because the mass changes caused by motion cannot
be measured locally.