PlasticsInHealthcare Report 2018
PlasticsInHealthcare Report 2018
PlasticsInHealthcare Report 2018
23 October 2018
Ruth Stringer, Faye Ferrer, Moresa Tolibas, Ma. Paz Oliva, Ramon San Pascual
October 2018
Health Care Without Harm - Asia wishes to acknowledge first and foremost the leadership and
staff of the 5 hospitals that freely allowed the conduct of plastic waste audit in their facilities, the
results of which made this whole report possible. These hospitals are Alabang Medical Clinic, Mary
Johnston Hospital, and St. Paul Hospital Cavite in the Philippines; and RSUD R. Syamsudin S.H.
and the Rumah Sakit Akademik Universitas Gadjah Mada in Indonesia. To the medical directors,
doctors, nurses and non-medical staff who volunteered to oversee and perform the actual waste
audits, opening the hospital waste bags and counting/ classifying/weighing the plastic items in
every bag: your efforts are well appreciated as this report elaborates the results of your endeavor.
We also acknowledge the support of Health Care Without Harm global colleagues from the time
the project was conceptualized, negotiated, revised and as it’s being implemented. Plastics waste
in hospitals has been tackled in the HCHW for close to 20 years now, but this is the first time that
it’s being approached from the perspective of global concerns on plastic pollution.
The support from Break Free from Plastic Movement is also vital, and is fully acknowledged. The
inspiration taken from Tagaytay Declaration to the time when the role of healthcare in addressing
plastic pollution is being contemplated, up until when this report is to be made as part of the
activities in Our Ocean Conference in Bali. The guidance from BFFP is well appreciated.
We also acknowledge the vital support from Plastic Solutions Fund, the partnership from which
makes this project entirely possible.
Lastly, we thank the work of the staff of Health Care Without Harm Asia, the leadership of our
Board of Trustees, and of course my colleagues in the Project Team. To Faye Ferrer, Ruth Stringer,
Moresa Tolibas and Ma. Paz Oliva, thank you so much for your perseverance, the hard work and
expertise poured into this project.
Thank you.
Plastic is a versatile material, cheap, light and resilient. Its use has
transformed many aspects of modern life, including healthcare. To
cite just a few uses, single use syringes have been instrumental in
preventing the spread of disease, dialysis tubing saves the lives
of kidney patients, and surgical gloves protect patient, carer, and
laboratory scientist from infection.
However, plastic is also seriously overused and its very resilience means that if it is not properly
disposed of, it will contaminate the environment for decades or even centuries. It is estimated
that, of the 8,300 million metric tonnes (Mt) of plastics produced to date, 6,300 Mt have become
waste and almost 5,000 Mt have been accumulated in the environment or landfills1. Plastics
consumption in Asia currently stands at around 20kg per person per year, and is expected to rise
rapidly2. Overconsumption of plastics contributes significantly to climate change: approximately
8% of global oil consumption is used to make plastics, or power the factories that do so3.
Some of this waste will inevitably find its way into the sea, and many of the rivers that carry the
heaviest loads of plastic pollution are in Asia. The Pasig in the Philippines and the Brantas, Solo,
Serayu and Progo in Indonesia are all in the top twenty. Yet more comes from dumping or littering
in coastal areas, and wind transport. Overall, between 4.8 and 12.7 million tonnes of plastic waste
are estimated to enter the global oceans every year4.
Although it has only come to public prominence recently, the problem of plastics in the marine
environment has been recognised for decades5,6.
All sectors of society will have to examine and improve the choices they make about the products
they use, how, they are packaged, and how they are disposed of when they are no longer needed.
The healthcare sector is no exception.
Healthcare uses many unique, specialist devices, some of which are created with plastics made
from toxic materials, despite the availability of safer alternatives. Healthcare waste is not properly
treated in many parts of the world7,8,9. It is frequently burned in the open, or in poorly controlled
incinerators, or dumped either in uncontrolled landfills or the open.
Geyer et al. (2017) Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made. Science Advances 3(7) e1700782,
EC (2018) Plastic Strategy in Europe: The transition to a circular economy
Worldwatch Institute (2015) Global Plastic Production Rises, Recycling Lags. Press Release, January
2018. Accessed 10 Oct 2018.
Lebreton et al. (2017) River plastic emissions to the world’s oceans. Nature Communications 8: 15611-15620
Maes et al. (2018) Below the surface: Twenty-five years of seafloor litter monitoring in coastal seas of
North West Europe (1992–2017) Science of the Total Environment 630: 790-798
Moore (2008) Synthetic polymers in the marine environment: A rapidly increasing, long-term threat. Environmental Research 108(2): 131-139
Harhay et al. (2009) Health care waste management: a neglected and growing public health problem worldwide. Tropical Medicine and International Health
14(11): 1414-1417,
UNEP (2017) Global Mercury Waste Assessment: Review of Current National Measures. 49pp,
Medical waste is regularly reported washed up on beaches10,11, sometimes having been
transported huge distances. For example, healthcare waste from the South Indian state of Kerala
have been identified in Sri Lanka, over 500km away12. The Asia Waste Management Outlook,
published by UNEP in collaboration with the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) and the
Asia Institute of Technology (AIT), recognises both marine litter as posing very high risks, despite
their comparatively small volumes13.
As well as contributing the marine plastics crisis, improperly disposed healthcare waste also risks
the spread of disease, contamination the wider environment, air pollution and greenhouse gases.
These audits provide a snapshot of the waste in healthcare facilities of differing sizes and
complexity in two countries in the region. The audits were conducted over the course of one day,
as such, it was not possible to audit the entire waste stream. Instead, a representative sample of
the waste was audited and used to estimate daily quantities of waste. However, since the waste
from will vary from ward to ward, and with weekly, seasonal cycles of clinics, holidays, climate
and disease fluctuations, extrapolations do carry an element of error. Nevertheless, the results
are broadly indicative of the trends in plastic waste in healthcare and provide valuable insight
into areas where positive actions can be taken immediately, and others where there is potential if
products or waste systems can be improved or technical or legislative barriers removed.
Audit Goals
The audit aims to assess ways by which the health care sector can improve its waste management
procedures, use its purchasing power and its voice to address health and environmental impacts
of plastics from production to use, treatment and disposal.
1. Identify products used within the healthcare sector which cause harm during manufacture,
use, and due to indiscriminate disposal which impacts our lands and, oceans and society in
general and the healthcare sector in particular;
2. Identify practical steps that to reduce the consumption of harmful and/or non-recyclable
plastics in the healthcare sector including:
a) Actions that hospitals can take
b) Policy actions that governments can take
c) Actions that manufacturers can take.
WHO & UNICEF (2015) Water, sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities. Status in low- and middle-income countries and way forward:
Stringer et al. (2011) Medical Waste and Human Rights Submission to the UN Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur, 68pp,
Paavola (2018) Influx of medical waste washes up on Florida beach. Becker’s Hospital Review, accessed 10 Oct 2018
Srinivasan, M. (2018) Medical waste from Kerala spotted on Sri Lankan shore. The Hindu, 15 August 2018, accessed 21 August 2018
UNEP (2017) Asia Waste Management Outlook: summary for decision makers. Publ: UNEP IETC, Osaka, 12pp,
Research Partners
The Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH) program of Health Care Without Harm partnered
with hospitals from both Philippines and Indonesia who were members of the GGHH for this audit.
For Indonesia
• RSUD R. Syamsudin S.H., Syamsudin, West Java
• Rumah Sakit Akademik Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Each hospital was given orientation about the project, and an introduction to the project, why
plastic is also a healthcare issue were prepared for the hospitals. Philippine hospitals received
on-site orientation by the project team. Indonesian hospitals were oriented through an online call.
The audits were carried out according to the following schedule:
The audit orientation and training on day 1 was held in all the hospitals and collection of the waste
on day 2 were conducted without any problems. Audit day starts early at 8 in the morning in order
to avoid the heat from midday until early afternoon. Each hospital were responsible for assembling
members of the audit team. Most team members were orderlies and waste management teams
of the hospitals. Other departments of the hospitals like the laboratory, central supply, and even
administration participated in the audit.
All types of waste bags were opened for the purpose of the audit - the Philippines had green bag
(food waste) black bag (residual waste) and yellow bag (infectious) bags, while Indonesia had black
bag (general waste) purple bag (cytotoxic) and yellow bag (infectious). Sharps bags are separate
from the other bags and are also part of the audit. Yellow bags are generally not allowed to be
opened once sealed, however, the audit required all type of bags to be opened and be audited
including yellow bags.
It should be noted that proper precautions were established in order to safeguard the volunteers
working on the yellow bag. Aware of the threat of infection with opening the yellow bag poses,
participating volunteers for the waste audit were required to wear proper protective equipments
that will ensure safety as yellow bags are opened and audited. Audit teams wore masks, gloves,
apron and boots for the audit. To ensure that safety of the volunteers, we also requested that the
head of the waste management team and the infection control head oversee the audit process as
Alabang Medical Clinic (AMC), Philippines
The Alabang Medical Clinic, or AMC, was established in 1982 as a 10-bed primary care hospital.
Today, with 3 clinics connected under its name has increased its bed capacity to 30 and has been
established as a secondary level hospital. Services include inpatient, outpatient and diagnostic
healthcare services delivered onsite and at home, 24 hours, 7 days a week.
The hospital averages 172 bags per day - with 15 yellow bags, 115 black bags, 39 green bags and
3 sharps container.
In the Philippines, incineration of any type of waste, including that of hospital waste, is prohibited
by law (RA 9003). Consequently, all hospitals need to ensure that they are managing their with
non-combustion methods. The law specifies that infectious and pathological waste should be
treated through either through steam or microwave technologies. Food and general waste are to
be managed with special emphasis on proper segregation, recycling, reusing, reduction and then
The AMC, utilizes a private contractor, Integrated Waste Management Inc. (IWMI), for waste
treatment. IWMI is accredited by the Philippine government through the Environment and
Natural Resources Department to transport, treat and dispose infectious waste of hospitals in the
country. Autoclaves are used to disinfect the waste.
Sample of medical related plastics in the hospital would include gloves, oxygen Sample of both medical and non-medical plastics in the hospital would include
mask, IV tubing and IV bottles water bottles, liners, sample containers, and different types of packaging
Treatment of infectious and pathological waste or yellow bags is priced at Php 25.00 (US$0.46)
per kilo. Yellow bags are collected twice a month with an average of 150-200 kilo per month.
AMC sells six types of recyclables, including PET bottles and IV bottles and averages about
Php 17,000 (US$310) annually from sales of their recyclables. The hospital is exploring building
a biodigester for food waste.
They currently have no policy in terms of green or sustainable purchasing, however, the hospital
has already implemented several waste minimization strategies.
Mary Johnston Hospital, Philippines
Mary Johnston Hospital (MJH) is a non-stock, non-profit Healthcare Institution with 120-bed
capacity. It is licensed by the Department of Health and accredited by the Philippine Hospital
Association and Philippine Health Insurance Corporation Association. It has six major clinical
departments and is recognized by the different specialty societies for its Residency Training
Program for Department of Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology.
MJH is also accredited as Mother-Baby Friendly Hospital.
The hospital averages 717 bags per day - with 251 yellow bags, 285 black bags, 137 green bags
and 24 sharps container.
The waste is autoclaved by an external company. Treatment of infectious and pathological waste
or yellow bags is priced at PHP 26.00 (Usd 0.48) per kilo. Yellow bags are collected three times a
week with an average of 628 kilo per collection.
Mary Johnston Hospital recycles plastic bottles, and two other categories of waste, and in 2017
earned Php 37,436.00 (Usd 693) from recyclables.
St. Paul Hospital Cavite (SPHC), Philippines
St. Paul Hospital Cavite (SPHC) is a non-stock, non-profit, religious - owned hospital is a Level 2
Philippine hospital with a capacity of 100 beds. The Laboratory and Diagnostic Imaging Units are
accredited as Tertiary Level. Among the medical specialties in the hospital are: Internal Medicine,
Surgery, OB-Gyn, Pediatrics, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Anesthesia, Radiology, Pathology and
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Medicine. Available facilities are: 10 beds Emergency Room
including a Minor OR/ Traumas room. ER Delivery Room, and an Isolation Room. The Operating
Room Complex is composed of three (3) major OR Theaters, one (1) Minor Room, two (2) Delivery
Rooms, one (1) Labor Room, High Risk Pregnancy Unit, Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) and the
Neonatal ICU (NICU). Other floors are allotted for Private Rooms and Wards for both adult and
pediatric patients; six (6) beds Intensive Care Unit, Hemodialysis Unit, Endoscopy Unit and Ophtha
Laser Unit.
The hospital produces, on average, 94 bags per day - with 45 yellow bags, 44 black bags, and 5
sharps containers. Annual sales of recyclables bring in an average of Php 147,000 annually (Usd
2,725) from sales of their recyclables.
The hospital uses an autoclave to disinfect its own waste. It recycles twelve separate categories
of waste, including PET bottles, syringe barrels and plungers, and mixed plastic items, such as
buckets and microwavable food containers, the majority of which are likely to be polypropylene.
The hospital has recently installed a biodigester for all the food waste coming from patient
rooms and other sources inside the hospital including those that of housing for the nuns and
some employees. The biodigester averages about 20-25kg per day and gas produced from the
biodigester is used for several hours for cooking in their kitchen.
They currently have no green purchasing policy, but have already implemented several waste
minimization strategies also aligned with their city’s own local law on the ban of use of styropor
(polystyrene) for any type of food packaging.
The hospital also provides water fountains with both hot and cold water for each of the
hospital floors.
RSUD R. Syamsudin, S.H., Indonesia
Regional General Hospital (RSUD) R. Syamsudin, S.H.was established in the city of Sukabumi
– West Java at the beginning on September 9, 1920. Formerly called the St. Hospital Lidwina
(Bunut), the efforts to provide social services to the community was established by the Municipal
Government Sukabumi. The hospital has a bed- capacity of 800 beds.
Its services and offices include Administration of Medical Services Management, Emergency
Services, Hospital Information System and Medical Records, Outpatient and Inpatient
Departement, Radiology, Clinical Pathology Laboratory and Anatomy Pathology, Nursing Services,
Pharmacy, Occupational health, Operating Wards, Intensive care unit, Perinatal High Risk wards,
Hospital Infection Control and health promotion department.
The hospital averages 257 bags per day - with 126 yellow bags, 129 black bags and 2 sharps
The Indonesian government regulation number 101 of 2014 or the regulation regarding hazardous
and toxic waste management, mandates all hospitals to have their infectious and pathological
waste (otherwise known as type B3 waste) to be incinerated. but currently it is not permissible to
carry out burn in the hospital area, so the hospital must collaborate with the private sector that is
certified in carrying out hospital waste management.
Syamsudin hospital was carried out in collaboration with PT Watec for hospital waste
management. PT Watec is a waste treatment company certified by the Ministry of Health. The
hospital also has an autoclave to disinfect some plastic waste and also has a counter to chop
plastic waste into plastic ore. currently 15% of medical plastic waste, especially infusion bottles,
is managed with aoutoclave and then chopped into plastic ore which is then sold. every year
produces USD2500 from the sale of the plastic ore. while organic type waste is managed to be
compost with an average monthly gain of 45 kg of compost used to fertilize hospital plants.
Some food waste is disposed of together with general (black bag) waste, however, leftovers from
inpatient rooms are collected and are given to farmers that use the food waste for livestock.
Syamsudin also sells twenty-three separate categories of waste to a local recycler, but no specific
information was available on the types of plastic sold or related incomes.Water dispensers are
available in each floor wards for access by patients, visitors and hospital personnel. These are
prominently sited for easy access.
RSA University Gadjah Mada, (UGM), Indonesia
The Rumah Sakit Akademik Universitas Gadjah Mada was built to answer the challenges in
delivering excellence in service, education and research in accordance with the vision of the
University of Gadjah Mada. The hospital currently has 120 beds.
Its services include primary and specialist health care service, outpatients, emergency, laboratory,
radiology, pharmacy, and non-medical supports. Extension development of inpatient and
outpatient, and the development of education and research building from basic up to community
level, adding other supporting facilities such as guesthouse for patients’ families and building for
hospital management.
The hospital averages 180 bags per day - with 60 yellow bags, 113 black bags, and 7 sharps
container. All infectious wastes are incinerated.
Treatment of infectious and pathological waste or yellow bags is priced at IDR 72,800 (US$ 4.80)
per kilo. Yellow bags are collected twice a week with an average of 50-60 kilo per collection.
Counted black waste bags lined up for audit Counted yellow waste bags lined up for audit
The hospitals recycles paper and some non-infectious plastics: infusion or IV bottles and
hemodialysis fluid containers. This earns an annual income of approximately IDR 157,300,00
(Usd 1,035) annually from sales of their recyclables.
The hospital has not yet implemented any purchasing initiatives that would promote green
purchases. The hospital is exploring the possibility of building a biodigester for food waste.
Results and discussion
Facility Name Waste/day (kg) Plastics/day (kg) % plastic
The audits clearly demonstrate the significance of plastics in the healthcare waste stream,
representing between 46 and 72 percent. Other research has found it to represent between
12% and 46% (see table 2 below).
The high percentage of plastics in the waste streams from the audited hospitals may also be partly
due to the separate treatment of organic waste, which can form a significant fraction of the whole
waste stream. As described above, Syamsudin Hospitals separate food wastes for livestock feed.
St. Paul Hospital Cavite produces approximately 20kg of food waste per day, equivalent to 10%
of the audited waste stream. The food waste is biodigested and produces methane gas for the
kitchens. Alabang and UGM are also considering biodigestion systems. All hospitals should adopt
systems to minimise and treat food waste to reduce their carbon footprint. Mixing food waste with
general waste during collection also contaminates any recyclables and makes them less attractive
to recyclers.
UNEP (2012) Compendium of Technologies for Treatment/Destruction of Healthcare Waste. Publ: UNEP IETC, Osaka, 233pp.
Figures 1 and 2 below show the different types of products in the plastics waste streams in each
of the project facilities; figure 1 shows the data according to weight and figure 2 according to
number of items.
Alabang Mary Johnston St. Paul Syamsudin
UGM Hospital
Medical Clinic Hospital Hospital Cavite Hospital
OT Other 0.08 0.44 0.00 0.02 0.01
Figure 1. Amounts (kg) of different types of plastic waste generated per day in each facility.
Alabang Mary Johnston St. Paul Syamsudin
UGM Hospital
Medical Clinic Hospital Hospital Cavite Hospital
OT Other 2 108 0 9 20
TT Toiletry 88 444 84 0 0
By weight, the three largest categories are medical devices, sanitary items and packaging.
However, the sanitary items are generally far heavier than other waste plastic items, so they are
only a small fraction of the waste if items are counted individually.
Packaging is one of the top uses for plastics15. According to the
EU plastics strategy 95% of packaging is wasted, and the strategy
envisions that, by 2030, all plastic packaging should be either
reusable or recyclable in a cost effective manner16. Five trillion
plastics bags are produced each year17, the vast majority of which
are not recycled. Consequently, numerous governments, starting
with Bangladesh in 2002, have banned or restricted plastic bags18.
The European directive to reduce plastics bags was has resulted in a
reduction in the amount of them littering the sea floor in northwest
Europe19, demonstrating the need for similar legislation elsewhere.
Packaging for medical devices can be made from many different polymers and is designed with
ease of use, barrier properties and sterilisation in mind20. Manufacturers should strive to avoid
unnecessary packaging and ensure that what is used can be recycled.
Healthcare facilities should consider the amount of packaging in the products they purchase and
avoid over-packaged products as part of a sustainable purchasing program. In-house shops should
cease to provide plastic shopping bags.
Disposable diapers are made of multiple materials, including plastics outers and absorbents
including cotton, food pulp and super-absorbent polymers (SAPs). Recycling is technically possible
but it is expensive and few reliable facilities exist anywhere in the world21,22. One company
recycling absorbent hygiene products (AHPs) commissioned a life cycle analysis that estimated it
reduces greenhouse emissions by up to 71% compared to landfill and incineration, and “toxicity
impacts to humans reduced by up to 97%, toxicity impacts to animals and plants reduced by
up to 99%, acid rain impacts reduced by up to 48%, resource depletion reduced by up to 54%,
eutrophication reduced by up to 93%”23.
Plastics Europe (2016) Plastics – the Facts 2014/2015 An analysis of European plastics production, demand and waste data. 34pp,
EU (undated) A EUROPEAN STRATEGY FOR PLASTICS IN A CIRCULAR ECONOMY. Publ: European Union, Brussels, 3pp, accessed 9 Oct 2018
The World Counts Website accessed 10 October 2018
Wikipedia (2018) Phase-out of lightweight plastic bags. Accessed 10 October 2018.
Maes et al. (2018) Below the surface: Twenty-five years of seafloor litter monitoring in coastal seas of North West Europe (1992–2017) Science of the Total
Environment 630: 790-798.
Bix and de la Fuente (2009) Medical device packaging. In: The Wiley Encyclopedia of Packaging Technology Edition: 3rd edition, Publisher:
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Hoboken, NJ, USA. Editors: Kit L. Yam, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1717.2964
Green Bottoms (2018) US-based recycling company: We’ve cracked the nappy recycling process., accessed 29 September 2018.
Knowaste (2018) Healthcare and Hygiene Waste Management. Publ: Knowaste, Bromsgrove, UK, 2pp. Accessed 1 Oct 2018
Deloitte (2011) Absorbent Hygiene Products Comparative Life Cycle Assessment. Knowaste Ltd: Summary of Findings. Publ: Knowaste, Bromsgrove, UK 12pp. accessed 1 Oct 2018
Given the scarcity of recycling facilities, however, and the general need to prioritise waste
reduction and reuse over recycling (see figure 5 about the waste hierarchy), the best action
healthcare facilities in Asia can take is to promote and use alternatives to disposables wherever
possible. Reusable diapers range from simple cloth wraps secured with a pin, to more
sophisticated systems with outer pants and absorbent liners. St. Paul Hospital has been trialling
reusable cloth diapers for newborns to reduce their sanitary waste. Legal reclassification of
sanitary waste as general rather than non-infectious waste would also reduce the legal and waste
management burden on Philippine hospitals.
Medical Devices
The most common medical devices in the waste stream were: surgical gloves, syringes and
accessories, IV tubing and accessories, saline bottles, medical bottles and saline bottles.
Number of
items 379 6041 2340 7316 7970
% weight of
medical items 33% 37% 38% 61% 53%
Disposable surgical gloves are an essential item, which will continue to be used in large quantities.
Between them, the audited hospitals dispose of approximately 24,000 surgical gloves per day
weighing almost 110kg. Over the course of a year, this would add up to almost 40 tonnes of
Disposable gloves can be made of PVC (vinyl), latex (natural rubber), nitrile (synthetic rubber) or
PE24, but the vast majority of surgical gloves are made of the first three materials. Each has their
PVC are the least favoured from an environmental point of view and should be avoided wherever
possible. They are also the least flexible in use and provide the least protection against chemicals.
Latex is highly flexible, and gives good dexterity. However, it does not provide a good barrier to
chemical or drug exposure, and some users can become allergic to latex, in which case synthetic
rubbers like nitrile are recommended25. Nitrile rubber is generally regarded as the best option for
users but one of the precursors, acrylonitrile26, is highly toxic.
Reports and Intelligence (2017) World Medical Glove Market by Product Type, Market, Players and Regions-Forecast to 2021.
WHO & ILO (2014) HealthWISE - Work Improvement in Health Services - Action Manual. Publ: World Health Organization, Geneva, 178pp,
Wikipedia (2018) Nitrile rubber. accessed 13 Oct 2018
None of the three main materials are regularly recycled, though there are some examples:
recycling companies that take latex gloves27; latex gloves have been recycled into tyres28, and and
manufacturers collecting nitrile gloves from customers to recycle into items like park benches29,30.
Healthcare facilities should eliminate PVC gloves, take measures to ensure that non-latex gloves
and powder-free gloves are provided for those with a latex allergies, and investigate opportunities
for recycling. Governments and manufacturers should take a policy decision to cease the
manufacture of PVC medical gloves.
Alabang Mary Johnston St. Paul Syamsudin UGM
Medical Clinic Hospital Hospital Cavite Hospital Hospital
Number of
items 0 2373 804 1174 3450
% weight of
medical items 0% 14% 13% 10% 23%
Syringes are another essential, life-saving, single use item. No sharps container was opened at
Alabang. Between them, the other four sites consumed an estimated 7,800 syringes in a single
day, representing some 35kg of high grade plastic. Over the course of a year, this would add up to
nearly 13 tonnes of plastic. The manufacturer of syringes was not always known, but where it was,
the manufacturers were BD and Terumo. They are among the largest global manufacturers31.
The combination of the potential to pierce the skin and likelihood of containing pathogens,
syringes are one of the most hazardous of medical waste. Three of the audited hospitals- Alabang,
SPHC and Syamsudin- use needle cutters to prevent needle stick injuries and subsequent
infections during and after disposal. Most of these devices also remove the tip of the syringe,
making it impossible to reuse. This can prevent injury and infection in anyone handling syringes,
such as waste handlers. They are rag pickers are particularly vulnerable to needle stick injuries32
and is particularly important in contexts where waste ragpickers may access landfills, or search out
syringes to be sold on for recycling or illicit reuse33.
Hunker (2018) How to recycle latex gloves. Acessed 10 Oct 2018
Mahesh Nakarmi, Director, Healthcare waste programme, Health Care Foundation Nepal, pers. comm.
Labconscious (2015) Case study: recycling nitrile gloves vs single use latex. Accessed 10 Oct 2018
Kimberley Clarke (2018) RightCycle by Kimberly-Clark Professional: Turn previously hard-to-recycle products into useful, eco-responsible items. accessed 10 Oct 2018
Reports and Intelligence (2017)Global Disposable Syringe Market by Product Type, Market, Players and Regions-Forecast to 2021.
Blenckharn and Odd (2008) Sharps Injuries in Healthcare Waste Handlers. Ann Occup Hyg. 52(4): 281-286
Once the needles and syringe tips are removed, syringes can be disinfected in an autoclave or
similar technology, making them safe to recycle. Syringes are sent for treatment/disposal in all
facilities except St. Paul Cavite, which has an in-house autoclave.
Syringes are “prequalified” by the World Health Organization, a form of certification for vital
medical products, and those produced by the manufacturers identified at these facilities are
described as made of polypropylene34, though others may also contain high density polyethylene.
These two plastics have among the least toxic life cycles and are recyclable. The combination of
the well defined plastic content, the huge number made per year, and the fact that also frequently
collected separately from other waste, this a potentially valuable recyclable waste stream.
Number of
items 117 1739 522 1139 270
% weight of
medical items 10% 11% 8% 9% 1.8%
Altogether, the five hospitals in the audit disposed of almost 3,800 items of IV tubing or related
equipment. Together, these added up to some 106 kg of waste per day, or over 38 metric tonnes
per year. These products are not recycled.
Historically, IV tubing (or lines) was almost exclusively made of DEHP-plasticised PVC. Alternatives
do exist35, though there is little evidence that they are widely used in the Philippines or Indonesia.
Although vital, until alternatives are in place, patients will be exposed to softeners, particularly
DEHP, leaching from these products. All stakeholders in the healthcare sector should act to enable
a transition to PVC-free IV products and devices.
WHO (2018) Immunization standards accessed 10 Oct 2018
HCWH (2018) PVC-Free Alternatives., accessed 16 October 2018.
IV bottles and other sterile liquid containers
Alabang Mary Johnston St. Paul Syamsudin UGM
Medical Clinic Hospital Hospital Cavite Hospital Hospital
Number of 520
items 163 251 1542 50
% weight of
medical items 14% 3.2% 4.1% 13% 0.3%
% weight of
medical items 30% 28% 9.0% 66% 2.4%
Table 6. Numbers, weight and percentage of IV bottles and other sterile liquid containers.
IV infusion bottles and other medical bags, such as urine bags, make up a significant amount of
the plastics waste stream. The high variation between hospitals seen in this case may partly be an
effect of subsampling the waste and partly because of the different practices at the participating
facilities, but regardless of whether they are they will remain an important set of medical devices.
Based on the audit data, together, these five hospitals would generate over 2,500 items a day,
weighing 113kg and adding up to more than forty tonnes of these products every year. Some
of these can be profitably recycled. Many IV saline and other infusion bottles are made from
polyethylene, which is one of the world’s most recycled plastics. Critically, as they contain liquids
that are for infusion into the body, they do not come into contact with infectious materials and can
be segregated for recycling without treatment.
Medical bottles
Alabang Mary Johnston St. Paul Syamsudin UGM
Medical Clinic Hospital Hospital Cavite Hospital Hospital
Number of
items 157 1193 439 308 760
% weight of
medical items 13% 7% 7% 2.6% 5.0%
Together the five facilities dispose of around 2,800 items in this category every day, weighing
27kg and adding up to almost ten tonnes a year.
Medical bottles include a variety of items from medicine bottles to specimen bottles and cups.
This is a diverse waste stream, but there is potential for waste reduction. For example, some
facilities are disposing of many single use specimen containers. These could be disinfected and
recycled, but it would be environmentally preferable for them to be designed for disinfection and
reuse so that the waste stream would be permanently reduced.
In the short term, healthcare facilities should investigate the products least likely to expose
patients to leachable plasticisers.Ultimately, the only way to eliminate exposure is to substitute
PVC entirely.
One of the hardest products to substitute has been the blood bags for red blood cells. However,
a European project has designed a PVC-free blood bag which should be able to offer the same
performance at an equivalent price. The Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden is inviting
hospitals to sign a letter of intent to catalyse large scale production38. This and other similar
innovations should be embraced by manufacturers and purchasers at all levels to provide these
essential products in a safe and environmentally sustainable fashion.
Oxygen masks
Oxygen masks may be made of a PVC, silicone or other materials. PVC oxygen masks are not able
to withstand high temperatures, but silicone ones are more resilient and hence can be autoclaved
and reused. Reusing silicone masks both saves money and reduces plastic waste.
HCWH (2018) PVC-Free Alternatives., accessed 16 October 2018.
Malarvannan et al. (2018) Phthalate and Alternative Plasticizers in indwelling Medical Devices in Pediatric Intensive Care Units.
Journal of Hazardous Materials,
38 (2018) Karolinska University Hospital takes the next step for a PVC-free blood transfusion., accessed 20 Oct 2018
Rapid test kits
Rapid test kits provide a fast and reliable analysis of
everything from pregnancy to blood sugar level, to presence
or absence of life threatening infections. Cheap and easy
to use, they deliver enormous benefits to the healthcare
professional and patient alike, and use will continue to grow
for the foreseeable future. Consequently they will represent
an increasing fraction of the plastic waste stream, especially
in small or rural healthcare facilities that lack conventional
Wikipedia (2018) Olefin fibres. Accessed 16 Oct 2018
Babcock et al. Cut the wrap: How to reduce hospital waste and emissions. Accessed 16 Oct 2018
Drinks Bottles
DRINKS Alabang Mary Johnston St. Paul Syamsudin UGM
BOTTLES Medical Clinic Hospital Hospital Cavite Hospital Hospital
Number of
bottles 150 615 157 848 1000
% total
items 4.3% 2.1% 1.2% 3.2% 3.9%
Weight of
bottles (kg) 2.7 32 2.8 11 11
% plastic
waste 12% 7% 1.9% 4.7% 4.8%
Table 8. Estimated number, weight and percentage of plastic waste represented by single use drinks bottles.
*Hospitals providing drinking water for staff, patients and visitors.
The waste from each hospital contains hundreds of drinks bottles per day. Taken together, they
add up to more than 2,750 a day, and over a million bottles a year, weighing over 21 tonnes.
No water
bottles 93 286 52 411 710
Weight water
bottles 1.9 18.1 0.6 4.1 6.6
% water
bottles 68% 56% 22% 39% 61%
Overall, about 55% of the bottles were water bottles- 1500 per day, constituting over 11 tonnes
per year. The lowest percentage of water bottles (33%) were found at St Paul Hospital, which is
one of three which provides drinking water. However, across the audited hospitals, there was no
consistent relationship between the provision of water and the number of water bottles or drinks
bottles of all types. Tap water in the Philippines is generally safe to drink, but few people feel
confident in it; they have become accustomed to drinking bottled water and more action will be
needed to change habits. Similarly, soft drinks, often carbonated and containing high levels of
sugar, are still very popular despite increasing concern about the link with obesity. A combination
of education and offering healthier choices in facility catering would simultaneously reduce waste
and offer health benefits.
Alabang Mary Johnston St. Paul Syamsudin UGM
FOODWARE Medical Clinic Hospital Hospital Cavite Hospital Hospital
Number of
items 384 2912 188 4266 2610
% total
items 11% 10% 1.4% 16% 10%
Weight of
foodware (kg) 1.6 27.3 1.5 18.1 8.9
Weight % of
plastic waste 7% 6% 1.0% 8% 4.0%
Disposable foodware includes plastic knives, forks and spoons, plates, bowls, cups and lids,
stirrers. Together, the audited facilities disposed of an estimated ten thousand separate items of
plastic foodware on in one day, weighing almost 60kg. Over the course of a year, this would add
up to 3.8 million items, and over 21 tonnes of plastic waste.
Much of this is completely unnecessary, and could be replaced with reusable plates and cutlery/
silverware. Reusable personal takeout coffee cups are increasingly popular and their use should
be encouraged. The EU is planning to ban most disposable foodware41 and the Philippine and
Indonesian authorities should consider similar legislation.
EU (2018): proposal for a directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment,
Alabang Mary Johnston St. Paul Syamsudin UGM
Medical Clinic Hospital Hospital Cavite Hospital Hospital
Rank Manufacturer % of items Manufacturer % of items Manufacturer % of items Manufacturer % of items Manufacturer % of items
Unknown 46% Unknown 48% Unknown 48% Unknown 59% Unknown 78%
La Vida
1 BD 12% Terumo 12% Mayora 19% (Darusyifa 9% Terumo 4%
Euro-Med Euro-Med
2 Laboratories 4% Laboratories 7% Terumo 12% Nipro 8% Danone* 3%
3 Pfizer 3% Mcare 9% BD 8% Indomart 6%
4 Nissin*
2% RGL 2% Nestlé* 1% Otsuka 4% Minzhhing
Universal Universal
6 Robina
1% Essity 1% Otsuka 1%
LIFE Euro-Med
2% BD 1% Laboratories 1% Danone* 1% biomedical
Philippine Biotech
Bio-Rad Kapal Api
10 Spring
1% Laboratories 46%
46% B Braun 0%
Top 10 known Top 10 known Top 10 known Top 10 known Top 10 known
manufacturers 32% manufacturers 41% manufacturers 46% manufacturers 34% manufacturers 16%
BFFP (2018) Branded: In search of the world’s top corporate plastic polluters. Volume 1. Accessed 10 Oct 2018
The majority of products were not labelled with the manufacturers’ name. The top identified
manufacturers varied greatly between facilities. In each, there was a mixture of medical and
general (mostly food manufacturers) amongst the top 10. Leading syringe manufacturers (BD or
Terumo) featured in the top 10 of all sites except Syamsudin. Labelling medical and other products
with the manufacturers’ name is a positive step towards transparency which will make it easier to
identify and solve environmental problems along the supply chain.
The Break Free From Plastics campaign group recently published the results of a brand audit
which catalogued the manufacturers of waste washed up on beaches in 42 countries. The
most frequently encountered brands were: Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Nestlé, Danone, Mondelez
International, Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Perfetti van Melle, Mars Incorporated, and Colgate-
Palmolive. Three of these: Monde Nissin, Danone and Nestlé were also among the top 10 for at
least one of the audited facilities.
Weight (kg)
Number of items
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
BD 1791 1.6
Figure 3. Top 10 manufacturers for plastic waste from all sites combined.
Combining the data from all facilities, 78% of the waste items were not identified. Of the
remaining items, the greatest number (6309) came from the syringe manufacturer Terumo. Over
18kg/day were recorded in the audit.
However, the greatest weight (28.4kg) was recorded from manufacturer Otsuka, based mostly on
the large amount of saline bottles in the waste at Syamsudin, underscoring the variability between
facilities. It is worth noting that both the syringes and saline bottles are potentially recyclable;
indeed some of the facilities are already recycling one or both.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Table 12. Percentage of items in each category which were labeled with the polymer of construction
The majority of products were not labelled, either with the manufacturers’ name (see previous
section) or the plastics code for recycling.
Drinks bottles, particularly, water bottles, were the most likely items to be labelled, followed by
foodware. The drinks bottles were predominantly PET, with the rest being LDPE, HDPE, PP or
PS. The two most common polymers for foodware were PP and PS, with some items also being
labelled as PET. Disposable coffee cups are often made of paper coated with plastic, which are
Aside from drinks bottles and foodware, no more than 10% of the items in any category at any
site were labelled, and in most cases, the percentage was less than 1%. The lack of labelling
of medical devices has potential repercussions for medical professionals, who are not able to
make informed choices about the products they are using, and for waste disposal and recycling
Aside from drinks bottles and foodware, no more than 10% of the items in any category at any
site were labelled, and in most cases, the percentage was less than 1%. The lack of labelling
of medical devices has potential repercussions for medical professionals, who are not able to
make informed choices about the products they are using, and for waste disposal and recycling
In the medical context, some products, particularly those made of PVC and containing
plasticisers such as diethyl hexyl phthalate (DEHP) hold potential risks for patients. The European
Commission’s Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Emerging Health Risks (SCENIHR)
highlights the following problems with DEHP: 1) Reproductive and developmental effects; 2)
Testes toxicity; 3) Endocrine disruption; and 4) Peroxisome proliferation-related liver cancer in
Vulnerable patients include the unborn and newborn, and peripubertal boys, whose developing
reproductive systems can be damage by the endocrine disruption and testicular toxicity exhibited
by DEHP44. DEHP is classified as a reproductive toxin, and an endocrine disrupting substance with
repercussions for human health and the environment. It is toxic to aquatic life45, (Type 1B, May
damage fertility. May damage the unborn child).
Under EU law (Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008) medical devices containing more than 0.1% w/w
must be labelled48. This labeling allows doctors and buyers in Europe to choose whether they
use medical devices containing PVC or DEHP, but in other parts of the world, this is not nearly so
Substituting PVC medical devices has direct health benefits for patients. In 2009, German doctors
published research showing that incidence of liver problems (cholestasis) dropped from 50% to
13% when PVC infusion systems for newborn children receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
were replaced with non-PVC ones49.
SCENIHR (2016) Opinion on the safety of medical devices containing DEHP-plasticized PVC or other plasticizers on neonates and other groups possibly at risk
(2015 update). Publ: European Commission Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly-Identified Health Risks, Brussels, 170pp.,
SCENIHR (2016) Opinion on the safety of medical devices containing DEHP-plasticized PVC or other plasticizers on neonates and other groups possibly at risk
(2015 update). Publ: European Commission Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly-Identified Health Risks, Brussels, 170pp.,
ECHA (2018) Candidate List of substances of very high concern for Authorisation., accessed 9 Oct 2018
Philippine Department of Health (2008) Advisory Medical Devices containing DEHP plasticised DEHP. Publ: DoH, 3pp.
Government of India (2016) Bio-medical waste rules, 2016, Publ: MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE, 37pp,
Fernandez-Canal et al. (2018) Patients’ exposure to PVC plasticizers from ECMO circuits. Expert review of medical devices 15(5): 377-383,
von Rettberg, H. et al. (2009) Use of Di(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate-Containing Infusion Systems Increases the Risk for Cholestasis. Pediatrics 124(2): 710-716,
The European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Emergency and Newly Identified Health
Risks50 summarises the toxicity of various plasticisers in comparison to DEHP (see figure XX),
including toxicity to the foetus, reproductive system, liver, kidney and more. As well as DEHP, the
EU ECHA list of substances of very high concern contains nine other phthalates, all of which are
toxic for reproduction and four of which have endocrine disrupting properties which might affect
human health51.
Ultimately the only sure way to avoid harm from PVC additives is to substitute the plastic entirely,
wherever possible.
Ortho-Phthalate Plasticizers
DEHP Ester 4.8 Yes Reproduction
DINP Ester 15 (88)3 No / Yes3 Liver
Alternative Plasticizers
TOTM Ester 100 Yes Reproduction
DOTP Ester 500-700 No Developmental
Galland (2016) Determining the Best Alternative to DEHP for PVC Medical Devices. Medical Design Technology
Lack of labelling also makes it harder for facilities to know what is recyclable and hampers
segregation. Recycling companies need well segregated waste streams; the effort of extracting
and disposing of non-recyclable products can make the difference between a waste stream being
viable and non-viable for them. In Nepal recently, recyclers working with HCWH strategic partner
Health Care Foundation Nepal (HECAF) notified them that they were finding polypropylene (PP)
IV bottles in the waste stream that had previously been polyethylene (LDPE). The value of the PP
bottles was 7 NPR/kg (approx 7 US cents/kg), compared with 60 NPR/kg (approx 60 US cents/kg).
The bottles were not labelled and hard to tell apart visually, so medical staff would not be able to
segregate them at source.
In this case, the recyclers were still able to process the bottles, but this may not be possible
elsewhere. PET recycling can be completely damaged by the presence of PVC in the mixture
because the PVC chars at the PET processing temperature. Conversely, PET forms solid lumps in
recycled PET, reducing its value53.
Least preferable
The waste hierarchy prioritises actions to solve waste problems. The most environmentally
sustainable option is not to produce waste at all, for example by drinking tap water rather than
bottled water. Secondly, waste can be reduced, for example by minimising plastic packaging.
Only then is recycling advisable. Disposal - landfilling and incineration - is the last option.
Ignatyev et al. (2014) Recycling of polymers: a review. ChemSusChem 7(6): 1579-1593
Waste elimination and waste reduction
As noted above, eliminating waste is the highest priority
action to solve the plastics crisis. Many plastic products
can be eliminated by replacement with other materials,
and in particular, disposable products should should be
replaced with reusable ones.
Many drinks bottles are also unnecessary, particularly water bottles. In the Philippines, tap water
is largely potable, so there is no need to buy bottled water to drink. Healthcare actors should
educate staff and public about safe sources of water, promote the use of reusable water bottles
and discontinue the sale of sugary drinks.
Based on the results of the audit, if the participating hospitals were able to avoid single use drinks
bottles and disposable foodware, over 40 tonnes of waste each year would be eliminated.
Similarly, halving the amounts of disposable diapers and plastic packaging would avoid 40 and 16
tonnes of waste per year respectively.
Potential reduction or elimination options in the medical context could include substituting single
use PVC oxygen masks with autoclavable silicone ones. Reusable surgical instruments, gowns and
drapes can be employed, rather than disposable ones.
Packaging is another area where reductions can be made, either by controlling the packaging
used within the hospital, such as no longer supplying plastic shopping bags in facility shops and
canteens or selecting products which only have the minimum packaging necessary.
Waste elimination/reduction initiatives should aim to reduce the toxicity of materials, including
targeting products that pollute at any stage of the life cycle.
EU (2018): proposal for a directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment,
Scott & Tullo (2018) Europe to ban some single-use plastics. Chemical and Engineering News 96(23).
BFFP (2018) Plastic producers could market single-use items as reusable to dodge EU ban., accessed 11 Oct 2018
PVC is made from vinyl chloride monomer, which is a known human carcinogen, contains
toxic additives, to which patients and staff are exposed, is very hard to recycle, and spreads
environmental contamination during disposal. This should, therefore, be a priority for elimination.
Other plastics with human and environmental hazards include polycarbonates, which are made
from the endocrine disruptor, BPA, polystyrene, polyurethane, and some chemical rubbers. Where
plastics cannot be eliminated, less toxic polymers such as polyethylene and polypropylene should
be employed wherever possible. SPHC has already demonstrated what is possible by banning
polystyrene packaging from the facility.
The global plastics recycling industry is under extreme stress.
Multiple factors, including taxes imposed to discourage
landfilling in Europe and the low value of recycled plastics, have
caused much of the world’s plastics recycling to concentrate in
China, where labour and environmental protection costs were
lower. However, from the beginning of 2018, China stopped
importing many low grades of materials for recycling, including
plastics. Some waste exporting countries are finding themselves
with backlogs of plastic waste needing a destination, and others
are seeking out alternate destinations for their waste.
Analysis of data from the US census bureau found that while exports to Hong Kong and China
dropped by 77%-99%, exports to Thailand increased by 2000%, exports to Malaysia increased
by 273% and Vietnam by 46%57. By 2030, an estimated 111 million metric tonnes of plastic waste
will have been displaced as a result of the Chinese import58 ban and unless drastic reductions in
the generation of plastic waste are achieved, much of this waste will end up in the environment,
or in damaging processes such as resource recovery or incineration, either with or without
energy recovery. Consequently, it has been argued that trade of this type runs counter to circular
economy principles59.
To prevent non-OECD countries being inundated with unwanted plastic waste from wealthier
nations, the upcoming Conference of Parties of the Basel Convention, the UN forum dealing with
the international trade in hazardous wastes, will consider a recommendation to reclassify plastic
waste so that it can no longer be traded as a non-hazardous waste and transboundary movements
cannot take place without formal notification60.
McVeigh (2018) Huge rise in US plastic waste shipments to poor countries following China ban
Accessed 6 Oct 2018
Brooks et al. (2018) The Chinese import ban and its impact on global plastic waste trade. SCIENCE ADVANCES 4:eat0131,
Liu et al. (2018) Are exports of recyclables from developed to developing countries waste pollution transfer or part of the global circular economy?
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 136: 22-23
Basel Convention (2018) UN convention on waste makes breakthrough recommendations to address global marine litter and other types of waste. Publ:
Secretariat of the Basel Convention, Geneva,
aspx Accessed 12 Oct 2018
Some recycling may not be as environmentally friendly as it seems. The highest standard of
recycling is mechanical recycling which returns plastics to use in the same or similar application.
Downcycling is where a product of high quality plastic is recycled into a low-grade use, such as
infill for road construction. Chemical or feedstock recycling can mean breaking the plastic down
into a tarry mixture from which some materials can be extracted for use in other manufacturing
processes. This is dirty and inefficient, an carries little real environmental benefit. Finally, burning
plastic waste can be branded as “feedstock recycling”, making it appear more environmentally
acceptable than it is.
The most commonly recycled plastics globally are PET and polyethylene (both high density
polyethylene, HDPE and low density polyethylene (LDPE). Others, including biodegradable
polymers, are recycled little or not at all.
PVC in healthcare is almost never recycled. One healthcare PVC recycling project in Australia
processes 200 tonnes per year, producing garden hoses and playground matting61. In the UK,
a similar industry driven project included six hospitals in 2015 and collected 719.5 kg of PVC62.
These “successful” recycling projects are also dependent on a high quality waste stream. The
VinyLoop factory in Italy was intended to recycle more difficult PVC waste streams63, but concerns
over plasticisers in recycled materials- known as “legacy toxics”- made the Vinyloop recycling
factory in Italy non-viable and it closed in June 201864. High concentrations of toxic metals have
also been found in PVC products as a consequence of recycling waste from the electronics
These issues underscore the need to eliminate plastic waste wherever possible, but also show
how important it is that healthcare facilities include criteria in their purchasing procedures to make
sure that, wherever possible, supplies are made from recyclable plastics, and that as many waste
streams as possible are segregated and recycled.
In some cases, there are policy barriers to increasing recycling. Indonesian healthcare waste
management legislation promotes incineration of infectious wastes such as syringes. Amending
the law to allow steam disinfection would reduce emissions of dioxin, mercury and greenhouse
gases, and allow for increased resource recovery.
One or more of the audited facilities are recycling PET bottles, IV bottles and other sterile liquid
containers, syringes, and miscellaneous plastic products (probably PP). As noted above, the 21
tonnes per year of single use drinks bottles generated by these 5 sites should be eliminated as far
as possible, but those that cannot be should be recycled.
Messenger (2018) 150 Hospital Target for Australian PVC Recycling Scheme in 2018. Waste Management World Accessed 10 Oct 2018
VinylPlus (2016) Progress report 2016: Reporting on 2015 activities. Publ: VinylPlus, Brussels, 17pp.
Vinyloop (2012) Vinyloop White Paper. Publ: 2 VinyLoop Ferrara S.p.A., Italy, 8pp,
PlastEurope (2018)VINYLOOP: Closure of operation in Italy / Phthalates issue under REACH brings down European PVC recycling project, Accessed 23 Oct 2018
Turner (2018) Black plastics: Linear and circular economies, hazardous additives and marine pollution. Environment International 117: 308-318
Both landfilling and incineration waste resources, pollute and and generates greenhouse gases.
Incineration with energy recovery is used in many countries, but is extremely costly if it is to
meet internationally accepted standards. Even when they most advanced air pollution control
devices are installed, toxic metals such as mercury and persistent organic pollutants are inevitably
released. Data from the USA show that incineration, or “waste to energy” is both the most
expensive and polluting form of energy production66. Worldwide, it is estimated that plastics
production and the incineration of plastic waste cause the emission of approximately 400 million
tonnes of CO2 a year67. 95% of plastic packaging is wasted68.
The amount of pollution caused by plastic is not just a factor of how much is produced, but
how it is handled. Wealthier countries, such as the USA, tend to have more established waste
management systems compared to the newly industrialised countries such as Indonesia and the
Philippines. The combination of inadequate waste management infrastructure with expanding
economies and large coastal populations make these two countries among the largest
contributors to ocean plastic pollution69. It is vital that governments mandate and implement
improvements in the national waste infrastructures. Healthcare facilities, as respected microcosms
of the wider society, can play their part in practical terms, by minimising and safely managing their
waste, and an educational and inspirational role by setting an example to society.
However, given the scale of the plastics problem and gap between the amount of waste, simply
improving waste management infrastructure will never fully resolve the problem. As recognised
by an expanding cohort of thinkers in government, industry and the healthcare sector, the “take,
make, dispose” linear model of production and consumption needs to be replaced with a more
circular economic model.
USEIA (2013) Updated capital cost estimates for utility scale electricity generating plants. Publ: U.S. Energy Information Administration, 201pp.
EC (2018) A European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy. Publ. European Commission, 21pp,
Basel Convention (2018) Marine plastic litter and microplastics. Accessed 10 Oct 2018
Tibbetts (2015) Managing Marine Plastic Pollution Policy Initiatives to Address Wayward Waste. Environmental Health Perspectives 123(4): A90-A93
UN (2018) Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns Accessed 15 Oct 2018
WHO & UNICEF (2015) Water, sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities. Status in low- and middle-income countries and way forward: WASH IN HEALTH CARE FACILITIES.
Publ: WHO, Geneva, 52pp,
WHO (2018) Health care facilities and waste Accessed 10 Oct 2018
The circular economy seeks to eliminate waste through better design of products and systems.
The concept includes the elimination of unnecessary products and toxic materials which hamper
recycling and materials recovery. Products are designed to be reusable, repairable, and, once
they have reached the end of their useful life, they are recyclable. Business models are built
around long-term plans, collective responsibility through the value chain and extended producer
responsibility74,75 . It is at the heart of the latest strategies for dealing with plastics76,77 and as such,
should be at the heart of policy initiatives by Asian governments.
Within this context therefore, it is important to set ambitious goals for dealing with plastics
in the healthcare sector. They need to include and extend beyond action within the
healthcare facility and be backed up with action by manufacturers and government.
73 accessed 16 Oct 2018
Ellen MacArthur Foundation and Fung Global Institute (2014) Towards a Circular Economy in Asia. ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES. 29pp,
ISWA (2017) Extended Producer Responsibility. Publ: ISWA, Vienna, 10pp,
EC (2018) A European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy. Publ. European Commission, 21pp,
World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation & McKinsey & Company (2016) The New Plastics Economy — Rethinking the future of plastics. Publ: Ellen MacArthur Foundation,
There are three sets of actions that healthcare can take to help solve the plastics crisis. First are
the recommendations for hospitals and other healthcare facilities to undertake. Second are
policy recommendations addressed to officials in the Health Ministry or other national agencies,
officials in local government or sub-national units, and to the Parliament. The third set of
recommendations are addressed to industries that supply healthcare with various plastic products.
A. Hospital Actions
• Eliminate single use plastic products in healthcare facilities such as disposable knives
forks, spoons, straws, fast food clamshells, PET bottles, sachets, wipes, blister packs,
shopping bags
• Install water stations across hospitals and edicate staff to eliminate use of
PET water bottles
• Educate and train staff to improve waste segregation
• Organize and educate waste management team on plastic waste reduction
• Negotiate with manufacturers to reduce amount of packaging in the products they
purchase and avoid over-packaged products
• Maximise recycling of non-toxic plastics
• Promote and use alternatives to disposable diapers such as simple cloth wraps secured
with a pin, to more sophisticated systems with outer pants and absorbent liners.
• Create facility level policies on plastics
• Healthcare facilities should consider the amount of packaging in the products they
purchase and avoid over-packaged products as part of a sustainable purchasing
program. In-house shops should cease to provide disposable plastic bags.
• Minimise the use of plastics which contain hazardous components or which have toxic
manufacturing or disposal processes.
• Substitute PVC wherever possible,
• Replace PVC medical gloves with safer and environmentally friendly alternatives
• Develop a sustainable procurement policy that will facilitate replacement of unnecessary
plastic products with safer and environmentally friendly alternatives
• Join the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals network and sign up for the GGHH Waste
Challenge, which promotes sustainable health care waste management
• Use HCWH waste tracking tools which records plastics recycling information
• Assist facilities to recycle by connecting recyclers with hospitals where polyethylene,
polypropylene and PET are recycled and other types of plastics
• Choose healthcare essential products that best fit with the circular economy
• Hospitals must adopt system for treatment of food waste which will help reduce volume
of waste and will therefore isolate how plastic waste can be reduced
B. Policy Actions for governments
• Submit clear position paper on health effects of plastic as it impacts human population,
the environment, the oceans, and climate
• Gov’t of Indonesia should eliminate incineration, starting with healthcare waste
incinerators which do no meet the guidelines of the Stockholm Convention
• Legislate to reduce consumption of single use plastics
• For the Philippines, this includes:
o SB 1948 – Plastic Bag Regulatory Act
o SB 430 – Single Use Plastic Ban
• Support recommendations of the Basel Convention to prevent plastics pollution78 79
• amend the Annexes to the Convention to allow for better control, and
minimisation of transboundary movements of plastic waste
• enact legislation to prevent the import of low-grade plastic waste from
other countries
• Require extended producer responsibility: ensure that companies throughout the plastics
value chain shoulder the costs of collection recycling and safe disposal
• Eliminate the use of hazardous additives in plastics manufacturing.
C. Industry Actions
• Phase out the use of toxic plastics, such as PVC, polycarbonates and polyurethane
• Phase in new non-toxic polymers such as thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs).
• Redesign products including medical products, to maximise reusability
• Redesign products and packaging for recyclability
• avoiding mixtures of materials eg plastics and paper, multiple polymers
• avoiding use of leachable additives
• Create recycling schemes for your products if they are not already easy to recycle
• Label products with the manufacturers’ name and the polymer and
recycling classification
• Label products that contain more than 0.1% of DEHP or any substance on the REACH
Substances of Very High Concern list80
• Reduce volume and density of plastic packaging
Basel Convention (2018) Marine Plastic Litter and Microplastics: Overview. Accessed 10 Oct 2018
Basel Convention (2018) UN convention on waste makes breakthrough recommendations to address global marine litter and other types of waste. Publ: Secretariat of the Basel
Convention, Geneva, accessed 10 Oct 2018,
ECHA (2018)Candidate List of substances of very high concern for Authorisation (published in accordance with Article 59(10) of the REACH Regulation) Accessed 15 Oct 2018
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