NACC SAR Final-Formatted 12-2-14
NACC SAR Final-Formatted 12-2-14
NACC SAR Final-Formatted 12-2-14
Table of Content
2. For communication:
Visvesvaraya Technological
Machhe, Belgaum- 590 018
6. Type of institution:
a. By Gender
i. For Men
ii. For Women
iii. Co-education √
b. By shift
i. Regular √
ii. Day
iii. Evening
c. Source of funding
i. Government
ii. Grant-in-aid
iii. Self-financing √
iv. Any other (Please specify)
If yes specify the minority status (Religious/linguistic/ any other) and provide
documentary evidence.
Tulu Linguistic Minority
(Enclose the Certificate of recognition u/s 2 (f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act)
Location * Urban
Campus area in sq. mts or acres 23 Acres
Built up area in sq. mts. 39,721
11. Does the College have the following facilities on the campus (Tick
the available facility)? In case the College has an agreement with
other agencies in using such facilities provide information on the
facilities covered under the agreement:
Auditorium/seminar complex √
Sports facilities
o play ground√
o swimming pool ×
o gymnasium √
o Boys‟ hostels √
o Girls‟ hostels √
Residential facilities
o for teaching staff √
o for non-teaching staff √
Cafeteria √
Health centre –
o First aid facility √
o Inpatient facility ×
o Outpatient facility √
o ambulance facility √
o emergency care facility √
Health centre staff –
o Qualified doctor Full time√ Part-time
o Qualified Nurse Full time√ Part-time
Other facilities
o Bank
o ATM √
o post office
o book shops √
Transport facilities
o for students √
o for staff √
Power house √
Waste management √
12. Details of programmes offered by the institution: (Give data for current
academic year):
Mathematic 03
6 Integrated - - - - - -
7 Certificate - - - - - -
8 Diploma - - - - - -
9 PG Diploma - - - - - -
10 Any other - - - - - -
14. Whether new programmes have been introduced during the last five
Yes √ No
If yes,
Number 06
15. List the departments: (Do not list facilities like library, Physical
Education as departments unless these are teaching departments and offer
programmes to students):
16. Are there any UG and/or PG programmes offered by the College, which
are not covered under Autonomous status of UGC? Give details:
a. annual system
b. semester system 16
c. trimester system
b. Inter/multidisciplinary approach
Yes No √
If yes,
a. How many years of standing does the department have?
……… years
Yes No √
If yes,
a. How many years of standing does the department have?
……… years
If yes, please enclose approval / recognition details issued by the statutory body
governing the programme.
23. Has the College been reviewed by any regulatory authority? If so,
furnish a copy of the report and action taken there upon:
Yet to recruit -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
*M-Male *F-Female
27. Students enrolled in the College during the current academic year, with
the following details:
28. Dropout rate in UG and PG (average for the last two batches):
UG 5 PG 2
Yes No √
If yes, provide the
No. of
Department No of Faculty Student
All first year B.E.
I year –B .E. 900 54 1:16
B.E-Computer Science & Intake of 2nd + 3rd
420 28 1:15
Engineering + 4th
B.E-Information Science & Intake of 2nd + 3rd
180 13 1:13
Engineering + 4th
B.E-Electronics &
Intake of 2nd + 3rd
Communication 420 28 1:15
+ 4th
B.E-Electrical & Electronics Intake of 2nd + 3rd
180 12 1:15
Engineering + 4th
B.E -Mechanical Intake of 2nd + 3rd
420 28 1:15
Engineering + 4th
Intake of 2nd + 3rd
B.E-Civil Engineering 180 12 1:15
+ 4th
Intake of 2nd +3rd 120 8 1:15
M.Tech in Computer
Intake of 1st + 2nd 72 6 1:12
Science & Engineering
M.Tech. in Computer
Intake of 1st+2nd 35 3 1:12
Network Engineering
M.Tech. in VLSI Design &
Intake of 1st + 2nd 36 3 1:12
Embedded Systems
M.Tech. in
DigitalCommunications & Intake of 1st 36 3 1:12
M.Tech. in Thermal Power
Intake of 1st + 2nd 36 3 1:12
M.Tech. in Machine Design Intake of 1st Year 20 2 1:10
M.Tech. in Structural
Intake of 1st Year 22 2 1:11
Master of Business
Intake of 1st + 2nd 118 14 1:8
Master of Computer Intake of 1st + 2nd
235 16 1:15
Applications +3rd
34. Date of accreditation* (applicable for Cycle 2, Cycle 3, Cycle 4 and re-
assessment only):
36. Any other relevant data, the College would like to include. (Not
exceeding one page):
Criteria-Wise Inputs
1.1.1 How are the institutional vision / mission reflected in the academic
programmes of the College?
To provide India and the World, technical manpower of the highest academic
excellence and World class by shaping our youth through holistic and
integrated education of the highest quality.
Curriculum for all professional programmes are designed so as to enable the students
to get employment in Indian & Global/Multinational Organizations
The Graduates and Post Graduates passing out of the institution get employment in
Private/Public organizations which are involved in National Development.
The courses like Communicative English, Constitution of India, Environmental and
ProfessionalEthics, Engineering Economics & Management, Entrepreneurship and
IPR are taught to produce graduates with holistic and integrated education.
Every programme has interdisciplinary courses to mould the graduates to work in
collaborative environments.
The students are trained in Soft skills & Personality development to make them ready
to face scientific and technological challengesacross the globe successfully.
1.1.2 Describe the mechanism used in the design and development of the
curriculum? Give details on the process. (Need Assessment, Feedback, etc)
We are offering conventional Engineering Courses for which there are good job
opportunities. The courses are designed keeping in mind Programme Educational
Objectives and Programme Outcomes.
The courses are aligned for the current requirements of the Industry, the opportunities
available in the R&D institutions and the requirements for pursuing higher studies.
While designing courses, the curriculum ofpremier Institutions like IITs, NITs etc.
are also considered.
The model curriculum defined by Professional Bodies like IEEE, ASME, IETE,
AICTE etc. are also referred towhile designing the curriculum.
Due to the advent of emerging technologies, the course contents are revised
periodicallytaking also in to account the feedback from Industries/Associations like
NASSCOM/Alumni etc.
Large number of program specific and Interdisciplinary Electives are introduced by
taking feedback/Suggestions from stake holders.
The Institute has adopted following mechanism towards thedesign and development of the
curriculum. The following committees will ensure the quality in curriculum design.
The Chairperson, Board of studies, may with the approval of the Principal of the College, co
– opt as members:
a) Experts from outside the college whenever special courses of studies are to be
b) Other members of staff of the same faculty.
The governing body of the college, in consultation with the Academic Council, shall
have the power to constitute such number of Boards of studies as it deems fit keeping in view
the types of courses / subjects offered
Term of Members: The term of the nominated members shall be two academic years.
Meetings: The meetings shall be scheduled as and when necessary, but at least once a
Functions (Highlights):
To draw up general time table for the undergraduate course and finalize the UG
academic calendar to be put up to the Senate for approval.
To constitute a sub-committee for monitoring the implementation of the academic
curriculum provided by the BOS and to provide guidance in curriculum assessment,
evaluation process.
To conduct at least one meeting each semester and send the Resolutions to the
Chairman of the Senate, and also to maintain a record of the same in the office of the
Any appropriate responsibility or function assigned by the AC/GC or the Chairman of
the AC/GC.
Scrutinize and approve the proposals, with or without modifications, of the Boards of
Studies with regards to courses of study, academic regulations, curricula, scheme,
syllabi and modifications thereof, instructional and evaluation arrangements, methods,
procedures relevant thereof etc., provided that where the Academic Council differs on
any proposal, it shall have the right to return the matter for reconsideration to the
Board of Studies concerned or reject it, after giving reasons to do so.
Board of Governors will oversee the functionalities of all the above said bodies.
1.1.3 How does the College involve industry, research bodies, and civil
society in the curriculum design and development process? How did the
College benefit through the involvement of the stakeholders?
The Board of Studies and the Academic Councilwhich are the important academic
bodies for curriculum design and development have representations from Academics
from Premier educational institutes, Industry and R&D Organizations.
The relevant feedback from stakeholders will help the institute to fill the gaps in the
Every department has MOUs/Tie Ups with well known industries in their respective
fields the DUGC/Faculty are interacting with these industries to upgrade the syllabi
and also to introduce new courses which are very relevant to current industrial needs.
DUGC/Faculty areinteractingwith Subject Experts from premier institutions like IISc,
IITs, NITs, DRDO Labs, NAL, ISRO etc.while revising the curriculum.
1.1.4 How are the following aspects ensured through curriculum design
and development?
The updated curriculum with respect to the Industry needs has increased the
employability of the students.
The feedback from allstakeholders hashelped the institution to adopt the
courses which prepare the students as Industry ready products.
The strong thrust on the Innovation & Product Development by the Faculty at
the departmental level through the curriculum design has increased the
research activities & interest among the student community which has yielded
in many research publications, productsdevelopment, innovative ideas etc.
Introduction of seminars and projects in the curriculum has motivated the
students to go through the literature in advanced research areas aswell.
Emphasis & Flexibility imparted in the curriculum design in terms of
programme specific&interdisciplinary Electives pertaining to current trends
intechnologiesmotivatethe students to takeup research even at the
undergraduate level.
The introduction of Mini Projects & Industry Case studies at the subject level
has inculcated interest in research among the student community.
1.1.5 How does College ensure that the curriculum developed addresses
the needs of the society and have relevance to the regional / national
developmental needs?
The subjects have been introduced to take care of the overall development of a
student, not only in terms of technical skills but also towards the betterment of the
society by imparting the importance of social cause, ethics, environment, working
culture etc.
Regular revision of the syllabus will make possiblethe introduction ofnew topics
related to industry and Societal needs.
The curriculum is designed to meet the requirements of national developments in
sectors like energy, communication, infrastructure, transportation, information
technology, etc.
Additional Technical talks/Workshops make sure that students will get to know the
problems faced by the community/Society/Industry.
The Mini Projects/Final year projects/Co-curricular activities are also aligned towards
the community services.
1.1.6 To what extent does the College use the guidelines of the regulatory
bodies for developing or restructuring the curricula? Has the College been
instrumental in leading any curricular reform which has created a national
b. Enrichment courses:
Programme specific Electives: 16 credits
Open Electives: 6 credits
Add-on courses- Industry/Design/Management related courses
e. Lateral and vertical mobility within and across programmes and courses
Lateral mobility only at the beginning of the third semester for all the UG
Vertical mobility within the programmes
From odd to even semester- full mobility.
From even to the next odd semester: A student can carry a maximum of 4
courses of the previous year.
Unless a student clears all the subjects of 1st year/2nd year cannot get
vertical mobility to 3rd year /4th year.
For all the PG programs, we follow the VTU norms
1.2.3 Does the College offer dual degree and twinning programmes? If yes,
give details.
1.2.4 Does the College offer self-financing programmes? If yes, list them
and indicate if policies regarding admission, fee structure, teacher
qualification and salary are at par with the aided programmes?
1.2.5 Has the College adopted the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)? If
yes, how many programmes are covered under the system?
* Annual system:
* Semester system: 100%
* Trimester system:
The programmes offered by the Institute are as per the guidelines of AICTE &VTU.
Most of the programs are inter-disciplinary in nature.
The college has instituted several steps to promote research in inter-disciplinary areas
by setting up inter-disciplinary research centers like
Center for design and development and launching of Small satellite in
collaboration with ISRO
Center for design and development of vision based ROBOTS in collaboration
with Korean Institute of Science and Technology
Center for Nano materials and MEMS comprising faculty of Departments of
ECE, EEE, ME, Physics and chemistry.
Center for Design & Development and Launching of Small Sattellite
Center for Design & Development of Vission Based Robots
Center for Nano Materials & MEMS
Center for Design & Process Simulation
Center for Computational Fluid Dynamics
1.3.1 How often is the curriculum of the College reviewed for making it
socially relevant and/or job oriented / knowledge intensive and meeting the
emerging needs of students and other stakeholders?
Curricula is reviewed once in 3 years to meet the emerging needs of students and
other stakeholders
1.3.3 What are the strategies adopted for revision of the existing
programmes? What percentage of courses underwent a major syllabus
The UG programs in Engineering subjects run by the college deal with the basic
courses in science, basic engineering followed by discipline specific core/elective
courses and invariably they are reviewed and revised once in 3 years.
25% to 30% courses underwent a major syllabus revision.
1.3.4 What are the value-added courses offered by the College and how
does the College ensure that all students have access to them?
During every summer, the Institute organizes value added Online courses /webinar
offered by world class universities such as Purdue, Stanford, MIT, IITs etc. for
students taking up advance research in specific areas/fields.
College mandates every student to either take-up Internship Programs in well-known
Industry/R&D Departments or to undergo summer/self-study courses or take up minor
1.3.5 Has the College introduced any higher order skill development
programmes in consonance with the national requirements as outlined by
the National Skills Development Corporation and other agencies?
A Master Trainers National Skills Development Center has been established in the
college with facilities for providing higher order skills development in the area of
Automotive Diagnostics Services supported by BOSCH India and Building Services
supported by L&T which provides world class skills. The students of the college have
opportunities to undergo training in this center.
1.4.1 Does the College have a formal mechanism to obtain feedback from
students regarding the curriculum and how is it made use of?
YES, we collect feedback from the students from every course (Course Exit Survey)
and also collect program exit survey from graduating student.
The relevant/valid feedbacks from the students are implemented in the curriculum
1.4.2 Does the College elicit feedback on the curriculum from national and
international faculty? If yes, specify a few methods adopted to do the same
- (conducting webinar, workshop, online forum discussion etc.). Give
details of the impact on such feedback.
Yes, we are taking informal feedback from National faculty like professors from IISc,
IITs, and NITs& R&D organizations.
Institute has signed an MOU with North Dokoto State University, USA for Research
The departments are advised periodically by experts from NationalInstitutes like IISc,
IITs, IIM, NID, NITs etc.
Such interaction has resulted in the setting up of Interdisciplinary Centers such as
Center for Nano materials and MEMS and Center for Design & Development of
Vision Based Robotics. Center for Design & Development and Launching of Small
Sattellite, Center for Design & Development of Vission Based Robots, Center for
Nano Materials & MEMS, Center for Design & Process Simulation, Center for
Computational Fluid Dynamics.
The BOS & Academic council has senior faculty from renowned academic
institutions, scientist from R&D organization and Experts from Industry in different
disciplines who will review and validate the curriculum proposed by DUGC.
While proposing the curriculum, the senior faculty of the department will go through
the curriculum of the corresponding courses offered by the reputed national and
international institutions to sustain and enhance the quality of the curriculum.
Any additional information regarding Curricular Aspects, which the institution would like
to include.
2.1.1 How does the College ensure publicity and transparency in the
admission process?
75% of the UG seats are filled through common entrance tests conducted by
80% of M.Tech seats are filled through common entrance test conducted by KEA.
50% of the seats of MBA & MCA are filled through common entrance test conducted
by KEA
The remaining seats in the respective programs are filled by the managements by
giving wide publicity through advertisements in print media, electronic media and
through the college website.
Allotment of the management seats is also based on performance of 12th standard
examinationin the relevant subjects for the UG program and in respect of PG
programs based on the merit in the qualifying examinationas well as the ranking
obtained in the Common Entrance tests conducted by the Government of Karnataka
2.1.2 Explain in detail the process of admission put in place for UG, PG
and Ph.D. programmes by the College. Explain the criteria for admission
(Ex. (i) merit, (ii) merit with entrance test, (iii) merit, entrance test and
interview, (iv) common test conducted by state agencies and national
agencies (v) others followed by the College?
MBA Minimum 50% of the seats Seats will be allotted by
through Karnataka Govt. PG KEAbased on merit
Common Entrance Test/
Maximum 50% of the seats As per merit(PGCET
arefilled under Management /CAT/KMAT) among the
Quota applicants
2.1.3 Does the College have a mechanism to review its admission process
and student profiles annually? If yes, what is the outcome of such an
analysis and how has it contributed to the improvement of the process?
Since the admission process and quotas for admissions under different categories is
regulated by the State Government. There is no mechanism in place to review the
admission process at the Institutional Level.
The admissions to professional colleges taking into account the different categories of
students such as SC/ST/OBC/Disabled/Sports/NCC etc. are regulated by the
respective Government order which also fixes the percentages for the different
categories of students.
Concessions in college fees, transportation fees and other fees for the deserving
students in the category of SC/ST/Disabled/Sports/NCC/Economically Weaker.
Remedial Classes are conducted regularly to weaker students of these categories
Lifts/Ramps to assist physically disabled students.
Hostels and transportation facilities being provided.
2.1.5 Furnish the number of students admitted in the College in the last
four academic years.
2.1.6 Has the College conducted any analysis of demand ratio for the
various programmes offered by the College? If so, indicate significant
trends explaining the reasons for increase / decrease.
The relevant information regarding the analysis of demand ratio is not readily
available, however it is observed that admissions to UG programs in Engineering &
Technology are in great demand in view of large existing employment potential.Since 75% of
the seats are filled by KEA/COMED-K, and the data are not readily available for analysis.
Further it may be mentioned all the sanction seats are filled every year.
College annually conducts a 3 day orientation program for the fresher (who get admitted to
the college for first year) covering the following issues.
1. Vision, Mission and Quality policy of the college.
2. About Autonomous system and its advantages and importance - Add-on courses,
Core Engg Courses, Electives-program and open, Certificate Courses and other
academic programs.
3. Emphasis on Research and its inclusion at the UG level.
4. Examination Rules and regulations.
5. Facilities available within the campus such as Library, Labs, Language Lab,
Canteen, Medical facility, Gym, Reprographic and Internet facilities.
6. N.C.C, N.S.S, Technical associations, Departmental associations, Clubs.
7. Availability of the services of the Student Counselor
8. Students‟ grievances cell, committees such as Anti-ragging, mal practice
consideration, Anti-sexual harassment etc.
9. Placement cell.
10. Transportation
The details concerning the above are addressed in by Principal/ Dean-Academic/HODs etc.
2.2.2 Does the College have a mechanism through which the “differential
requirements of student population” are analyzed after admission and
before the commencement of classes? If so, how are the key issues
identified and addressed?
Once the students are admitted to the college, their English proficiency/Computer
knowledge /Mathematics are assessed through one to one interaction.
Based on the assessment the students are given extra coaching/bridge courses after the
regular class hours.
2.2.3 Does the College provide bridge /Remedial /add - on courses? If yes,
how are they structured into the time table? Give details of the courses
offered, department-wise/faculty-wise? (Format –insert tables)
1. Bridge / Remedial / Add-on courses are offered at college level for 1st and 2nd semester
The classes are compulsory for the students whose names are put up below. They need to
maintain 85% of attendance in the special classes. Tutorials or surprise tests conducted
during these classes are also considered for CIE.
3. Based on the one to one interaction, feed-back system, outcomes of the Continuous
Internal Evaluation (CIE) system, the students are coached by taking extra classes
after the class hours.
4. Add-on courses are conducted by the departments during the supplementary semester
Department of Computer science and Engg / Information science and Engg -
C++, Image Processing, Android.
Department of Electronics and Communication-Arm Processor,C++.
Department of Mechanical Engg.-Modeling and analysis
2.2.4 Has the College conducted a study on the incremental academic
growth of different categories of students; student from disadvantaged
sections of society, economically disadvantaged, physically
handicapped and slow learners etc.? If yes, give details on how the
study has helped the College to improve the performance of these
2.2.5 How does the institution identify and respond to the learning needs of
advanced learners?
The college has provided lift and ramp in the college for the disables students.
Personal attention/coaching are provided to the disabled students
Extra time is given during CIE/SEE
The admission to the college for disabled students is according to Government
and university policies
2.3.1 How does the College plan and organize the teaching, learning and
evaluation schedules? (Academic calendar, teaching plan and evaluation
blue print, etc.)
Academic calendar is prepared well in advance before the start of the semester and
made available to all the students, teaching and non teaching staff and also made
available in the college website. The academic calendar includes registration of the
courses, CIE Schedule, Drop and withdrawal of courses, examination schedule,
attendance and CIE submission, last working date, holidays and results announcement
date etc.
Academic calendar
Scheduler Activities
2.3.2 Does the College provide course outlines and course schedules prior
to the commencement of the academic session? If yes, how is the
effectiveness of the process ensured?
The syllabi of all the courses are made available to the students and also
available in the college website
The syllabus also contains course outcomes.
The Departments will announce the electives offered and the teaching faculty
assigned for each of the courses.
This process helps the students in identifying the electives of their choice.
HODs will ensure the implementation of the above.
2.3.3 What are the courses, which predominantly follow the lecture
method? Apart from classroom interactions, what are the other methods of
learning experiences provided to students?
All theory courses comprise of lectures with teaching aids like blackboard teaching
supplemented by PPTs, Audio Visual presentations etc.
25% of the total courses comprise of hands–on training in the laboratories.
Other methods of learning experiences followed are
Tutorials, Seminars, Group Discussions
Mini Projects, Case studies, Assignments
Hands on training
Internships at Industry/ R&D labs.
E-Learning facility. The college has subscribed to many E-Journals and digital
databases, which can be accessed through Intranet. Learning materials of MIT,
Stanford, Harward, NPTEL and VTUare also available for use as E-learning facility.
Industrial &Educational tours are also organized regularly
To make learning more students centric the following points have been initiated
40% of the weightage in continuous internal assessment of theory courses isbased
on Assignment, Surprise test and Mini projects.
25% of the total courses comprises of hands –on training in the laboratories.
Students are encouraged to participate in Inter and Intra college Technical
The gap between the Academic and Industry is taken care by:
Inviting Experts from Industry, R&D Labs, and Reputed National institutions
like IITs, IISc etc.
Special workshops and seminars / conferences are periodically conducted to
cater to the needs of the students for quality enhancement and skills
Hands on Training arranged tothe students by experts from Industry.
The activities are organized through the Technical Associations of different Departments in
collaboration with Professional societies. The college supports financially all these activities.
2.3.6 What are the latest technologies and facilities used by the faculty for
effective teaching? Ex: Virtual laboratories, e-learning, open
educational resources, mobile education, etc.
Yes, The Institute has appointed a full time qualified Lady Counselor to attend
to personal and Psycho-socio requirements of the students.
The college also has a scheme of academic mentoring.
As per the scheme Group of students( 5 -15 ) are assigned a Faculty advisor
To identify the academically weak studentsand arrange remedial
To monitor the CIE and attendance regularly and inform the same to
their parents.
To help the students in registering a subject based on his capabilities
About 40-50% of students are benefitted from the system
Yes, college has encouraged the faculty to adopt innovative methods during
teaching/learning process. Some of the methods are as follows:
PPT's, Audio Visual instruction.
Skits and Demonstration.
Group discussions
Hands-on training
Publications by Students
Participation in Conferences/Industrial Internships etc
The Institution has made a sincere effort to recognize the efforts made by the
faculty for their innovative approaches in teaching and teachers who have
excelled by actively participating in above are identified for accelerated
2.3.9 How does the College create a culture of instilling and nurturing
creativity and scientific temper among the learners?
The students once get admitted to the college are given a orientation course at
the start and they are well informed about the research work, projects being
carried out by the departments to inculcate the scientific temper and creativity
among the students.
Even at the UG level the students are motivated to participate in the research
Students are encouraged to involve in the ongoing projects.
Subjects like Innovative Product design, Software project management,
Entrepreneurship management & IPR, etc. have been introduced to instill and
nurture the creativity among the students.
Every year 5 Innovative projects are supported by IEDC cell to evolve the
culture of innovation.
MOU with National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN) helped the college to
arrange workshops/Seminars for the students by bringing successful
entrepreneurs in the country.
MOU with ISRO for satellite development.
The college is having excellent Research & Development facilites like Clean
Room for satellite project, Ground station to track satellites, Robotics lab, HPC
lab, CFD lab etc.
This has yielded better resultsand students are able to design anddevelop a PICO
satellite, a Vision based robot which has been installed in Hyderabad museum,
development of a hybrid car, adaptation of LPG to a two wheeler, etc.
2.3.10 Does the College consider student projects a mandatory part of the
learning programme? If so, for how many programmes is it made
Number of projects executed within the College
Yes, Projects are made a mandatory for all the final year students of all the
The project work shall be on a topic in the area of specialization specified by the
Names of external institutions associated with the College for student project
2.3.11 what efforts are made to facilitate the faculty in learning / handling
computer-aided teaching/ learning materials? What are the facilities
available in the College for such efforts?
2.3.12 Does the College have a mechanism for evaluation of teachers by the
students / alumni? If yes, how is the evaluation used in achieving
qualitative improvement in the teaching-learning process?
College has online feed-back system on teachers by the students wherein the students
can login to the site from the house itself and give their views on teaching
methodology adopted by the faculty.
The feed-back is addressed at the appropriate level i.e, DUGC, HOD's Dean and
Principal based on the kind of information received from the feed-back.
The faculty is advised to improve the methodology of teaching by adopting new
techniques, if needed he/she will be given mentoring/training by the senior faculty.
2.3.13 Does the institution face any challenges in completing the curriculum
within the planned time frame and calendar? If yes elaborate on the
challenges encountered and the institutional approaches to overcome these.
The students & faculty will make use of books, DVDs, e-books, Digital
Course-ware from NPTEL, MITOCW, VTU, Berkley, Stanford, e-Vidya
which are available in thelibrary.
Students are provided with Book bank facility wherein they get extra books to
Students and faculty are encouraged to refer Journals, e-books, technical
magazines available at the library which makes them to cultivate the research
Students & faculty use the reference facility and also barrow books from the
2.3.15 How does the institution continuously monitor, evaluate and report
on the quality of teaching, teaching methods used, classroom environments
and the effect on student performance.
The Principal, Dean & HODs will monitor the conduction of classes as per
the time-table
2.4.1 What is the faculty strength of the College? How many positions are
filled against the sanctioned strength? How many of them are from outside
the state?
2.4.6 Does the College have the required number of qualified and
competent teachers to handle all the courses for all departments? If not,
how do you cope with the requirements? How many faculty members were
appointed during the last four years?
YES, College has the required number of qualified and competent teachers.
2.4.7 How many visiting Professors are on the rolls of the College?
The following professors are visiting our Institute regularly whos names are not on the
Prof Mohan S, IISc, Bangalore.
Prof. L M Patnaik , IISc, Bangalore
Prof Achutha Rao, National Institute of Design , Bangalore
Mr. Vaidhyanathan, Cleentech Consultant & HMX Systems
2.4.9 Give the number of faculty who received awards / recognitions for
excellence in teaching at the state, national and international level during
the last four years.
Dr.P.B Shetty has been awarded with the “Cambridge International Certificate for
Teachers” in Nov 2011 by Cambridge University London through Wipro Mission-
Dr.Nalini N has been awarded Bharat Jyoti Award “IIFS” December 20,2012
2.4.10 Provide the number of faculty who has undergone staff development
programmes during the last four years. (Add any other programme if
Curricular Development
Teaching-learning methods
The Institute conducts Faculty Induction Programmes every year for the newly
recruited faculty members in association with professional training Institutes
Institutes is also having MOUs with Wipro: Mission -10X , Infosys: Campus
Connect and NASSCOM which will help the faculty in teaching methods
and subject specific teaching.
DUGC in each department makes sure that the faculty prepares the course file
consisting of Lesson plan/notes, schedule of assessment components, other
learning aids etc.
Every semester academic audit is done by the IQAC committee to evaluate the
teaching learning process and to give feedback/suggestions.
Examination reforms
Every semester the newly recruited faculty is given orientation about the
examination process/scheme of evaluation.
In view of equal weightage being given for both CIE and SEE, the faculty are
encouraged to come out with innovative ways of evaluating the students
especially in respect of CIE component
In addition to the conventional tests the students are evaluated through
surprise tests, quiz, mini projects, seminars, group discussions,
industry case studies etc.
In some courses the questions of quiz& surprise test components are
also oriented to prepare the students for competitive examinations like
To improve the quality of the graduating students the faculty is trained to
prepare the CIE & SEE question papers which reflect the programme
In the laboratory courses the faculty is oriented to design experiments which
will improve the thinking ability & skills among the students and similar
exercise is done in the semester end exams also.
By these activities the faculty will be able to design improved curriculum and
teach the current trends in the subjects.
2.4.13 What are the teaching innovations made during the last five years?
How are innovations rewarded?
ICT in education
Multimedia teaching and learning
Making lectures more interactive along with deliberations and discussions
Case studies/Mini Projects
Concept sketches
Role playing
Hands-on teaching
Doctoral work with one year stay in NDSU and doing the rest of the research
in NMIT under the joint guidance of one Professor of NDSU and another
identified Professor of NMIT.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has been permitted to deliver specially
designed courses to scientists of National Aeronautical Laboratory etc.
2.5.2 What are the major evaluation reforms initiated by the College and to
what extent have they been implemented in the College? Cite a few
examples which have positively impacted the evaluation management
Each course syllabus is divided into 5 Units. The Semester End Exam question
paper has 5 units and the student has to answer questions of each unit which
ensures that he/she studies the entire syllabus without leaving any portion of
the syllabii.
50% of the weightage in each subject will be given to continuous evaluation
during the term work in the form of tests, assignments, quizzes, surprise tests,
projects, hands-on experiments, seminars, discussions etc.
The college has introduced a scheme whereby 40% of CIE marks are allotted
to Mini projects/seminars/assignments etc. which has helped in enhancing
creativity and the innovativeness, thereby enhancing the employability of the
Weightage will be given for taking up Internships during summer vacations.
2.5.3 What measures have been taken by the institution for continuous
evaluation of students and ensuring their progress and improved
Every subject gets 50% weightage for the Internal Assessment. The Internal
assessment comprises of mid-term tests/weekly or fortnightly class tests/home
work or assignments /seminars/problem solving/hands on training/group
discussions, quiz/mini-project etc..
Continuous feedback is given to the students on his/her performance in the
above said components and faculty advisor/HOD will counsel them for
improving the performance.
Student‟s progress reports are sent to parents frequently and also made
available in the college website.
Continuous Internal Evaluation(CIE)
Mid Sem Exam (MSE) 1 15 Marks
Mid Sem Exam (MSE) 2 15 Marks
Assignment, Test Based on assignment, Surprise Test, Quiz,
20 Marks
Seminar, Mini Projects, Case Studies, Lab components
Semester End Exam (SEE) 50 Marks
Continuous Internal Evaluation(CIE)
Mid Sem Exam 15 Marks
Records and Continuous assessment 30 Marks
Viva-Voce, Surprise Test, Quiz 05 Marks
Semester End Exam (SEE) 50 Marks
The academic calendar will be published at the beginning of the semester and
schedule is strictly followed.
2.5.6 What is the average time taken by the College for declaration of
examination results? Indicate the mode / media adopted by the College for
the publication of examination results e.g., website, SMS, email, etc.
Results will be announced within one week from the last examination.
The results are announcedon the College Notice Boards and in the college
Subsequently parents are informed about the results through personal letters
2.5.7 Does the college have an integrated examination platform for the
following processes?
Pre-examination processes – Time table generation, OMR, student list
generation, invigilators, squads, attendance sheet, online payment gateway, etc.
Examination process – Examination material management, logistics.
Post examination process – attendance capture, OMR based exam result, auto
processing, generic result processing and certification.
The software generates an admit card for the student by considering all the
eligibility criteria.
The materials and logistics required for the conduction of examination and
evaluation processes are indented and procured made ready well in advance
before the start of the examination.
Examination section is having a Strong room facility where the typing and
storing of question papers take place.
Examination section is having exclusive photo copying machine to print the
SEE question papers.
Examination is having separate room to store the blank answer booklets.
The CIE and SEE are processed and verified, wherever applicable, gracing of
marks is carried out as per the norms.
Software processes the Results, SGPA, CGPA & Reports are generated in the
consolidated form for announcement on notice boards & website.
The results are announced within one week of the last examination held.
Software also automatically generates the grade cards, provisional degree
certificate and transcripts.
The software will keep track of credits earned by each student and prepares
the nominal roll for the next academic year after considering criteria for
vertical progression.
2.5.8 Has the College introduced any reforms in its Ph.D. evaluation
2.5.9 What efforts are made by the College to streamline the operations at
the Office of the Controller of Examinations? Mention any significant
efforts which have improved process and functioning of the examination
There is a provision for issue of photo copy of SEE answer booklets, to apply for re-
totaling and revaluation within the stipulated date.
2.6.1 Does the College have clearly stated learning outcomes for its
programmes? If yes, give details on how the students and staff are made
aware of these?
Yes, College has defined set of Program Educational Objectives, Program Outcomes
and Course Outcomes for all the programmes.
All thestakeholders are involved in establishing PEOs & POs.
PEOs and POs are published in website, printed in Syllabus books and Displayed in
prominent places
College conducts orientation programmes to all its faculty and students about the
PEOs & POs.
Faculty will also participate in defining the learning outcomes.
2.6.2 How does the institution monitor and ensure the achievement of
learning outcomes?
Institute has setup following committees to ensure and monitor the achievement of
learning outcomes
Academic Council
Faculty will ensure the achievement of learning outcomes by the students through the
course delivery andappropriate interactions.
Learning outcomes can be achieved through proper design of question
papers/assignments/quizzes/Projects/Mini-Projects/Case studies etc.
It is also beingachieved by designing appropriate experiments in the laboratory
2.6.3 How does the institution collect and analyse data on student learning
outcomes and use it for overcoming barriers of learning?
Data Collection
The institution is employing direct and indirect assessment methods to analyze the
attainment of learning outcomes.
It has a mechanism to collect the feedback from all the stake holders on the learning
outcomes of the programmes for improvement.
Feedback is collected from the Industry during the campus recruitment/ online or
By analyzing the results of attainment level of PEOs , POs& Cos, the institute can
decide on the following courses of action
Refining teaching & learning methods
Refining Assessment methods
Refining the curriculum contents
Refining COs & PEOs
Refining the Content Delivery methods
3.1.1 Does the College have a research committee to monitor and address
the issues of research? If yes, what is its composition? Mention a few
recommendations which have been implemented and their impact.
Yes, the college has a Research Council to monitor and address the issues of research. The
composition of Research Council is as follows
1. Dr. N R Shetty, Director, NMIT
2. Dr. H C Nagaraj, Principal, NMIT
3. Prof. Ranganatha Setty, Dean (Academic)
4. Dr. Jharna Majumdar, Dean (R&D), Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE (PG)
5. Dr. Nalini N, Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE
6. Prof. Mahaviraswamy, Prof. & Head, Dept of ECE
7. Dr. Sanjay H A, Prof. & Head, Dept of ISE
8. Dr. P B Shetty, Prof. & Head, Dept of Mechanical Engg.
9. Dr. H M Ravikumar, Prof. & Head, Dept of EEE
10. Dr. S Sridhar, Prof. & Head, Dept of MBA
11. Dr. Prasad Hamsavanth, Prof. & Head, Dept of MCA
12. Dr. Dhananjaya, Prof. & Head, Dept of Civil Engg.
13. Dr. Indira R, Prof. & Head, Dept of Mathematics
14. Dr. Srilatha Rao, Prof. & Head, Dept of Chemistry
15. Dr. Sekhar Majumdar, Prof., Dept of Mechanical Engg.
16. Dr. Chirag Sharma, Professor, Dept of ECE
17. Dr. Mrinal Sarvagya, Professor, Dept of ECE
18. Dr. H Saroja Devi, Professor, Dept of CSE
19. Dr. V Krishnan, Professor, Dept of EEE
20. Dr. P G Mukunda, Professor, Dept of Mechanical Engg.
21. Dr. Kiran Aithal, Professor, Dept of Mechanical Engg.
1. The faculty are able to get funding from sponsoring agencies like DST, DIT, ADE,
CAIR, NRB, VGST, VTU, IEEE etc for the proposed research projects.
2. Good amount of research projects are carried out & completed successfully.
3. The Institute has the multidisciplinary research in the areas like design, development
of small satellites, vision based robotics and nano materials/ Technology.
4. Good numbers of UG & PG students are involved in implementation of research
5. Both UG & PG Students have published their work in National/International
3.1.2 What is the policy of the College to promote research culture in the
Faculty carring out a Research Project, are given complete independence for
execution of the Research Project.
Faculty is encouraged to bring sponsored projects from external funding agencies.
Faculty are provided complete support from the institution in terms of Infrastructure,
Computational Facilities, and specially allotted time for carrying out research.
Faculty carring out a Research Project, have been given some reduction in the work
Policy hasbeen worked out for giving additional incentives.
Financial support is given for faculty& student for publishing & patenting their work.
The students undertaking researchand development work are given recognition and
other incentives.
3.1.3 List details of prioritised research areas and the areas of expertise
available with the College.
Underwater Imaging
Hyperspectral Imaging
Cryptography and Crypto analysis
Network Security
Wireless Sensor Networks
Performance analysis, compiler assisted parallel processing, image
Vehicular Adhoc Networks
Network on chip
ISE Parallel & Grid Computing
Cloud Computing
Data Mining
Wireless Sensor Networks
Network Intrusion Detection
EEE Power System Operation & Control
Power Quality
Digital Signal Processing
Wireless Communication
Antenna & Wave Propagation
Embedded processor Applications
Mech Advance Manufacturing
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Civil Structures
Geo Technical Engineering
MBA Human Resource
Organization Behaviour
International Business
MCA Mobile Adhoc Networks
Applied Fluid Mechanics
Sciences Graph Theory
Nano Composites
Organic Synthesis
Thin Film Technology
Corrosion inhibition studies
Additional research facilities are provided which are not covered under funded
Seed Money is provided through IEDC & TEQIP schemes.
Research associates are appointed and paid by the college
Yes, Principal Investigator can use the funds as and when needed.
timely auditing
Two notable outcomes of the interdisciplinary research undertaken by the staff and
students of the Institute are
1. Successful Development and launch of Student Sattelite of Pico
category (less than 1kg)
2. Design and Development of Intelligent Robotic Systems
The college invites eminent Researchers from within the country as well as from abroad to
visit the campus and address students and staff. Some of the visits organised are
3.1.7 What percentage of faculty have utilized sabbatical leave for research
activities? How has the provision contributed to the research quality and
culture of the College?
College has a scheme of deputing faculty to IISc, IITs, and NITs etc with salary and
leave to pursue research degrees leading to Ph.D/M.Tech.
A few Professors are permitted to carry out research in Industries during Vacations.
Dr. Sathish S Udpa, Dean& Executive Vice President, Michigan State University
System, USA delivered the Key Note address.
Prof. R Natarajan, Former –Director, IIT Madras and Former Chairman AICTE,
NewDelhi was the Guest of Honor.
The conference attracted many researchers both within the country as well as
All the papers presented at the conference are published through Elseveir
The Pre- conference Tutorials were conducted in the area of Video & Image
processing and Scientific Clouds.
A Pick and Place Robot has been developed and installed in Birla Science
Centre, Hyderabad. The project is sponsored by IEEE, USA& CAIR (DRDO)
Optical Fiber Link for Multimedia communications has been developed and
installed in Birla Science Centre, Hyderabad. The project is sponsored by IEEE,
NASTRAC – A state of the art Ground Station for Amateur Satellite Tracking
has been established in the college. This facility has been taken advantage by
Surry Univ- UK, IIT- Kanpur and SRM Univ, Chennai to track theirstudent
Student Satellite Program facilities like satellite Research Lab, Clean Room and
Satellite Tracking Centre are established in the college are being used by
students of different colleges of India.
Involved in Guiding
Student research /leading
research projects/engaged
Department Name of the faculty Area
in individual / collaborative
research activity (List the
Involved in Guiding Student
Prof. Sekhar Majumdar research and collaborative CFD
research activity
Involved in Guiding Student
Material science
Prof. P G Mukunda research and collaborative
and Manufacturing
research activity
Involved in Guiding Student
Dr. P B Shetty Aircraft materials
Involved in Guiding Student Material science
Dr. Sudheer Reddy
research and Manufacturing
Involved in Guiding Student Material science
Prof. Desai Gowda H S
research and Manufacturing
Material science
Involved in Guiding Student and
Dr. Kiran Aithal S
research Manufacturing,
machine design
Bio medical signal
Dr. H.C.Nagaraj Guiding Student research
Guiding Student research ,
Dr. S.L. Pinjare Leading research projects,
,Collaborative research
projects (NPMASS)
Guiding Student research, Digital
Dr. Mrinal Sarvagya
Leading research projects communication
Antenna wave and
Dr. Rukmini Guiding Student research
Guiding Student research Sattelite Program,
Prof. Sankar Dasiga
Leading research projects Embedded
Dr. Srinivassappa Individual Research Power Electronics
Ms. Veda Sandeep
Ms. Madhu Patil
Ms. Manjula B M
MEMS, Fault
Ms. Sowmya M
Tolerance, Analog
Ms. Varsha P
Individual Research VLSI, Analog
Mr. Prasanna Paga
Electronics, Image
Mr. Rajesh N
Processing, DSP
Mr. Girish G k
Mr. Shashidhar K S
Ms. Rekha Padke
Power system
Dr.H.M.Ravikumar Guiding Student research
operation &control
Dr.V.Krishnan Guiding Student research Power Quality
Mrs. Samanvita. N Individual research Robotics
Mr. Vinayak. K.U Individual research Power quality
Ms. Vasudha Hegde Individual research MEMS
Guiding UG, PG and Ph.D
student research, leading
Image and Video
Dr Jharna Majumdar, research projects, engaged in
Processing, Vision
individual, Interdisciplinary
Based Robotics
sponsored and collaborative
research activity
Guiding & leading research
Dr. Nalini project, Guiding Individual cryptography and
research network security
3.2.1 What percentage of the total budget is earmarked for research? Give
details of major heads of expenditure, financial allocation and actual
utilization for last four years.
College has made provision in the annual budget which is being used for creating
research facilities in different departments
Research Associates have been employed for successful execution of the
sponsored research projects.
Fully equipped Laboratories have been established.
3.2.2 What are the financial provisions made in the College budget for
supporting student research projects?
The Research budget includes the funding for both faculty and student research
Over and above the budget, the college funds the innovative students projects
In addition underIEDC program every year 5 students‟ innovative projects are
funded with Rs. 1 Lakh for each.
3.2.4 Are there any special efforts made by the College to encourage
faculty to file for patents? If so, provide details of patents filed and
enumerate the sanctioned patents.
Yes, college has funded for filling and obtaining the patents certificate.The following are the
list of patents filed and obtained
Technology, Bangalore
a. College funded
Minor projects
Major projects 2011– 2014 1 STUDSAT- 2
1 Effect of ICSSR
Urbanization on
2011 – 2012 1 STUDSAT 2, VTU, 45 Lakhs
c. Industry sponsored
3.2.6 How many departments of the College have been recognized for
their research activities by national / international agencies (UGC-SAP,
CAS, DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, ICHR, ICPR, etc.) and what is the
quantum of assistance received? Mention any two significant outcomes or
breakthrough due to such recognition.
Hydro Dr. Chirag Complete
IEDC,DST 01Lakh 2012
System Sharma d
Modeling Prof. Sekhar NRB(DRD 21.15 2010 Complete
& Majumdar O) Lakhs d
Simulatio Mr.
n of Y.J.Jagadeesh
al Flows
All Wheel Mr. H.S. Desai IEDC 1 Lakh 2011 Complete
Drive Gowda d
KineticEn Mr.E. IEDC 1Lakh 2011 Complete
ergy Balaraman d
for two
Industrial Prof. Jharna CAIR(DRD 9.5 2010 Complete
Robot Majumdar O) Lakhs d
Automati Prof.
on P.G.Mukunda
Harvestin Prof. IEDC 1 lakh 2010 Complete
g energy P.G.Mukunda d
from the
of an
e engine
Piezo –
Design Dr. Kiran IEDC 1 lakh 2011 Complete
and Aithal S d
Takeoff &
Performan Mr. KSCST Rs. 2011 Complete
ce test on Madhusudan 4500/- d
using Bio
ester of
oil as fuel
To Mr. KSCST Rs. 2011 Complete
produce Raviprakash 8000/- d
from milk
scum and
to study
ce and
as a
fuel in IC
Diesel- Mr.Manjunath KSCST Rs. 2011 Complete
Jatropa- HN 8000/- d
ce on C.I
Organic Mr. Rudra Naik KSCST Rs. 2011 Complete
processin M 6000/- d
g facility
fuel as
from the
of kitchen
CSE Cryptanal Dr. Nalini AICTE- 8.5lakh 2011 Complete
ysis of RPS d
and Block
Separatio Dr. H. IEDC 1 lakh 2010-11 Complete
n of Sky Sarojadevi and d
and Non- Dr. Jharna
sky region Majumdar
Micro Air
Video by
3D Game Dr. H. FAER Rs 2010-11 Complete
for Sarojadevi 5,000/- d
Classificat r 2011
ion of sky Developme
and non nt Cell
sky region (IEDC),
using New Delhi
Door Dr. Jharna Centre for Rs 5.00 Decembe Complete
Sensing Majumdar Artificial Lakhs r 2010 – d
Mobile Intelligence October
Robot and 2011
Door Dr. Jharna Innovative Rs 1.00 July 2010 Complete
Sensing Majumdar Entrepreneu Lakhs – June d
Mobile r 2011
Robot Developme
nt Cell
New Delhi
3.3.1 What efforts are made by the College to keep pace with the
infrastructure requirements to facilitate Research? How and what
strategies are evolved to meet the needs of researchers?
College research council will identify the research funding agency and support
the researchers in getting funds.
Provision is made in the budget for providing Infrastructure facility for the
Laboratories have been setup in the thrust areas of research to facilitate Faculty
and Researchers to execute their work.
Fully furnished Air conditioned laboratories are provided with computational
facilities and internet.
3.3.2 Does the College have an information resource centre to cater to the
needs of researchers? If yes, provide details on the facility.
3.3.3 Does the College provide residential facilities (with computer and
internet facilities) for research scholars and faculty?
Research Scholars are provided with Hostel Facility having Wi-fi connectivity
About 20% of the Faculty are provided with residential accommodation.
Center for Design & Development and Launching of Small Sattellite
Center for Design & Development of Vission Based Robots
Center for Nano Materials & MEMS
Center for Design & Process Simulation
Center for Computational Fluid Dynamics
NASTRAC (Nitte Amateur Satellite Center)
Image and Video Processing Lab
3.3.5 Does the College have research facilities (centre, etc.) of regional,
national and international recognition/repute? Give a brief description of
how these facilities are made use of by researchers from other laboratories.
3.4.1 Highlight the major research achievements of the College through the
Dr. Sanjay.H.A 16
Prasanth Gogoi 05
K. Aditya. S 03
Ashwini.J.P 06
Lakshmi.M 01
Chandrashekhar.B.N 05
Bini.Y.Baby 01
Kshema Raphael 01
Kavitha Kulkarni 01
Deepika.K.M 02
Rohit H P 01
Manjunatha B A 01
Sambatur Sridhar 20
Senthil Kumar 8
Harish Babu S 18
MBA Jayasmita. Rath 5
Shilpa Ajay 2
Kiran Kumar 5
Shreedar 1
Dr. Srilatha Rao 6
Dr. Aravinda T 7
Physics Dr. Jeevan Kumar P 8
Dr. Jharna Majumdar 95
Mrs. Aparna Manikonda 10
Mrs. Bhuvaneshwari Patil 4
Pallavi M 1
Santhosh Kumar K.L. 1
Dr. Nalini 35
Dr.H. Sarojadevi 34
Vidyadevi Biradar 9
Kavitha Sooda 13
Prathibha Ballal 5
Vijaya Shetty S. 6
Mohan B.A. 4
Nagaraj S R 2
Sanju 2
Dr.H.M.RaviKumar 02
Mrs.Vasudha Hedge 01
Mr.V.M.Parthasarathy 03
Mrs.Veena 03
Mrs.Maya 01
Mr.Sanjeev nayak 4
Dr. P G Mukunda 27
Dr. Sekhar Majumdar 24
Dr. P B Shetty 6
Dr. Sudheer Reddy 4
Mr. Desai Gowda H S 5
Mr. Kiran Aithal S 9
Mr. Madhusudhan 8
Mr. Sriram Mukunda 2
Mr. Manjunath H. N 2
Mr. Rudra Naik. M 2
Mr. Ramesh Babu. N 1
Mr. Sunil Kumar H. S 1
Aeronatical Mr. Santhosh 1
Dr. Indira 11
Mr. Dhananjaya Murthy 02
Sujatha N 06
Chandrakala S B 01
Padmavathi R 01
Jagadish S 01
3.4.2 Does the College publish research journal(s)? If yes, indicate the
composition of the editorial board, publication policies and whether
it is listed in international database?
Editorial Board: Professors from reputed Organizations like IISc, DRDO etc.
Publication Policy:
3.4.5 What is the stated policy of the College to check malpractices and
misconduct in research?
Dr. Sanjay H A
has been given the “Seed Money to Young Scientist for Research”
award to pursue Scientific research by VGST, Govt of Karnataka
Dr. P.B.Shetty
Awarded with the “Cambridge Internaltional Certificate for teachers” in
Nov 2011 by Cambridge University, London.
Dr. H R Dhananjaya listed in the Prestigious book “Who is Who in
computational Science and Engineering(WWCSE)” Published by Saxe-
Coburg Publications in 2005/2006 U.K
Dr. Nalini N received Best paper award for
Aparna Manikonda
Awarded with the “ Mission 10x Certified Professional” by Wipro
technology , India
Dr. H.C.Nagaraj
Awarded fellowship of the Institution of Electronics &
Telecommunication Engineers, New Dehli, 2007
3.4.9 State the incentives given to faculty for receiving state, national and
international recognitions for research contributions.
Under Consideration
3.5 Consultancy
3.5.1 What is the stated policy of the College for structured consultancy?
List a few important consultancy services undertaken by the College.
In order to facilitate the coordination of Testing and Consultancy activities and its
utilization, a proper administrative, documentation and accounting procedure need to
be set up. A unified approach to all T&C assignments in which an individual or group
of individual is involved in presented below.
2.1. Individuals or departments may take up consultancy work only after taking
approval from appropriate authority as given below
The party seeking T&C services has to submit the request letter along with a signed
proposal addressed to:
a) Head of the department, whenever the estimated charges of the T&C work is less
than or equal to one lakh. At the department a committee consisting of one
Professor, one associate professor and one assistant professor has to be
constituted. This committee should scrutinize the proposal and recommend it for
approval by HOD. The approved proposal has to be sent to Principal‟s office.
b) Principal, whenever the estimated charges of the T&C work is greater than Rs.
1.0 lakh, the proposal has to recommend by the department committee and
forwarded by HOD to the Principal. The proposal is to be scrutinized by a
committee consists of Principal, Dean-Academics, Dean-R&D and Accounts In
2.2. All payments in connection with Consultancy Project should be received in the
name of the “The Principal, Nitte Meenakshi Institution of Technology, and
4.1 General
The Institute share in the T&C charges of every T&C activity will be 40%.
After transferring the 40% to the Institute, the expenditure if any (with prior approval)
will be deducted from the department share of 60% and the balance amount will be
made available for distribution to consultants/department.
This is an amount that can be utilized by the concerned individual faculty for
expenditure under approved heads. These may include telephone charges,
membership of professional bodies , travel charges and registration fees for attending
conference/research interaction, etc. and such other purposes with due approval by the
Principal. The PDF amount can be utilized by the individual even when there are no
5% of the Institute Share will be transferred to the staff welfare fund. This
fund will be operated by the Principal for the general welfare activities of the staff. A
committee comprising of Principal, Dean-Academics, Dean-R&D and Accounts-
Incharge as members shall evaluate applications seeking funding from this fund and
recommend to director for approval. The sanction will be made subject to approval by
the Principal.
The consultant In-charge may get specific job work done on payment from
outside. However, such payment may not exceed 5% of the total amount sanctioned
for the project. While making such expenditure all the rules / regulations as
applicable to Consultancy project should be followed. The expenditure higher than
5% Principal‟s prior permission will be necessary.
5.3 Travel
Once in five years the T&C rules shall be reviewed by the committee under
chairmanship of Principal. The recommendations of the committee are to be placed
through the Principal for approval by BOG.
3.5.2 Does the College have College-industry cell? If yes, what is its scope
and range of activities?
Expert Lectures
Internship programs
Projects for the Students
Curriculum Development
Faculty Development Programs
Advisory committee for feedback on Outcome Based Education
Training program for Industry personnel
3.5.3 What is the mode of publicizing the expertise of the College for
consultancy services? Mention the departments from whom consultancy
was sought.
College Publicizes the expertise of faculty & Department through College Website
and Brochures
Indo-Korean Institute of Technology
3.5.4 How does the College encourage the faculty to utilise the expertise for
consultancy services?
Faculty who are involved in consultancy services have been given flexible working
3.5.5 List the broad areas of consultancy services provided by the College
and the revenue generated during the last four years.
Name of
the Area of Name of the Revenue generated
faculty consultancy organization to
which consultancy
service is provided
MECH Dr. Sekhar CFD M/s Fluidyn The software is
Majumdar Software and installed on NMIT
Consultancies facilities, free of
Dr P G Materials Assam Carbon Collaborative work
Mukunda Products-Carbon Rs 20000/-
Brushes, Image
Dr P B Shetty CAE Flow Serve, Gained practical
CANADA-3D experience due to
Modeling collaborative work
Prof. Desai Casting Shantala Foundry- Gained practical
Gowda H S Shimoga experience due to
collaborative work
ECE Prof.Chirag VLSI Design Sonic chips India 2.2lakh
Sharma private limited
Prof. Optical fiber Optical fiber 8lakh
Mahaviraswamy communication communication
ISE Dr.Sanjay.H.A Parallel KPTCL 4lakh (F)unded by
computing VGST
R & D Dr. Jharna Articulated 5 IEEE, USA Rs. 8.5 Lakhs from
NMIT Majumdar& DOF Pick and IEEE USA
Team Place Robot DRDO
3.6.1 How does the College sensitize the faculty and students on
Institutional Social Responsibilities? List the social outreach programmes
which have created an impact on students‟ campus experience.
The College has started and supported various clubs / associations to sensitize
the faculty and students on Institutional Social Responsibilities. Some of the
social outreach clubs which have created an impact on the students‟ campus
experience are as follows:
i) National Cadet Corps
ii) National Service Scheme
iii) Rotaract Club of “NMIT – Bengaluru”
iv) Youth Wing of Red Cross Society
v) Literary Forum
Some of the activities arranged through these clubs are
Awareness programs of social responsibilities
Blood donation camps
NSS & NCC Camps
Organ Donation camps
Distributions of School furniture, Text books & stationeries to Govt Schools in the
neighbouring villages
Literacy Programs
The NSS wing distributed fruits to the blind children‟s who underwent Cataract
Surgery at Rotary Eye Hospital Bangalore.
The NSS wing created awareness on organ donation at the NMIT Campus.
The NSS wing created awareness on the importance of eye donation at NMIT
The RCNMIT participated in community service project at Little Sisters (Home for
the Aged) Richmond Road by visiting and by volunteering to help the NGO in their
annual sales mela “Jumble Sale” a fund raising event organized by the NGO and
recorded a round Rs. 2 lakhs in a day.
Distributions of School furniture, Text books & stationeries for neighboring Govt
Computer Literacy programs in neighboring Schools
3.6.3 How does the College promote the participation of students and
faculty in extension activities including participation in NSS, NCC, YRC
and other National/ International agencies?
One of the few engineering colleges in Karnataka which has Units likes NCC and NSS
from Inception.The College promote the participation of students through
Benefit of Attendance
Flexibility in Internal Assessment Schedule
Financial Support for Travel
(i) The RCNMIT and NSS conducted Blood donation camp in association with NSS
and NCC of our college on 05th November, 2011 recorded 178 units of blood and on
09th October 2012 recorded 250 units of blood.
(ii) The Rotaract Club of “NMIT – Bengaluru” visited Sree Old Age Home, the home
for the aged located in Rajaji Nagar, Behind City Hospital and West of Chord Road
on 15th September, 2012 between 02:30 PM to 05:00 PM. Around 42 Rotaractors and
03 Non Rotaractors and the staff of NMIT visited to conduct the service Project. The
RCNMIT – Bengaluru, Collected Rupees One Thousand Seven Hindered and Seventy
only (Rs. 1770/-) from the students and staff of NMIT to purchase the daily
requirements for the old age home which was requested by the authorities of the old
age home. The following items were purchased: Bansi Sooji 05 Kgs, Cooking Oil 05
Liters, U Dhal, 2.5 Kgs, Green Dhal 2.5 Kgs, Lamp Oil 02 Liters, Coffee Powder 01
Kg and Ragi Flour 25 Kgs. These items were donated to the authorities of the Sree
Old Age Home. The members had a nice time interacting with the inmates, further the
Rotaractors and the staff members also entertained the inmates with the small skit just
to bring laughter in the inmates of the Old Age Home.
(iii) As a part of the Community Service Activity of the Rotaract Club “NMIT –
Bengaluru”, the Rotaract members of the club visited Little Sisters of the Poor to
assist and render free volunteer service in organizing a Fashion Show for the
Residents. The event was sponsored by GE India Private Limited Company, on 15th
September 2012 between 11:00AM to 06:00 PM. This program was assisted by the
Rotaract Club of “NMIT – Bengaluru”. It was a privilege for the Rotaract Club of
“NMIT – Bengaluru” to participate and assist the organizers in making this event a
grand success. Most of the Residents participated in the program carried memories
and prizes and mementos
3.6.4 Give details on social surveys, research or extension work (if any)
undertaken by the College to ensure social justice and empower the under-
privileged and most vulnerable sections of society?
Survey has been conducted in neighborhood schoolsin villages and identified the
lack of facilities.
Impact of the survey resulted in
Providing Furniture , Text books and Stationeries to Government Schools
Arranging NSS camps in near by villages
Adult Literacy and Computer Literacy Programs
Skill Development Program like Plumbing, Carpentry etc for school
Blood/Eye donation camps
The NSS and RCNMIT participated in at many local project that serves
the community by providing training on Spirituality, Vedic Mathematics
and other Cultural Activities to the near by village school students at
Gantiganahalli, Harohalli and Nagenahalli.
i) The Rotaract Club of “NMIT – Bengaluru” organized a one day Blood
Donation Camp on 09th October, 2012 in the Room No.: 134 at the Nitte
Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Yelahanka, and Bangalore Campus
between 10:00 AM &4:00 PM. The RCNMIT donated 262 Units of Blood to
the Rastrothana Blood Bank, Chamarajpet, and Bengaluru.
The RCNMIT was the first Youngest Rotaract Club to receive the “Change
Maker Award” for the Rotary International District 3190 for the Year 2011-
Mr. Rajesh N., Department of ECE received Commendation by Chief Minister of
Karnataka, for serving in the NCC organization.
Dr. H.C. Nagaraj,principal received Jewel of India Award and Best
Educationalist Award by Indian Solidarity Council, for outstanding
achievements, 19th August 2008.
Dr. H.C. Nagaraj received Eminent Citizen of India Award by National and
International Compendium, 27th September 2008.
Gopinath of 8th Sem ISE received the memento from his Excellence
H.R.Bharadwaj, Governor of Karnataka for highest collection of funds, for the
National Association for Blind (NAAB)
Appreciation Letter from Indian Red Cross Society for arranging Blood
Donation Camps
By participating in these activities, students have learnt the conditions of the under
privileged and this has transformed the students‟ behavior towards under privileged in
the society.
It also results in improved discipline.
Students have taken the academic projects to build applications/products for the
sections like blinds, farmers etc. of the society
3.6.7 How does the College ensure the involvement of the community in its
outreach activities and contribute to the community development? Detail
the initiatives of the College which have encouraged community
participation in its activities.
3.6.8 Does the College have a mechanism to track the students‟ involvement
in various social movements / activities which promote citizenship roles?
Yes! The College has appointed Coordinator for each individual club. These
Coordinators are drawn from permanent full time teaching faculty who have
passion, interest and concern towards the weaker sections of the society.
Thus the College monitors the students‟ involvement in various social
movements / activities resulting in improvement in the living conditions of
the unprivileged sections of the society.
3.6.9 Give details on the constructive relationships (if any) with other
institutions in the nearby locality in working on various outreach and
extension activities.
The Rotract club of NMIT was the first Rotaract Club to receive the “Change
Maker Award” by the Rotary International District 3190 for the Year 2011-
Mr. Rajesh N., Department of ECE received Commendation by Chief Minister of
Karnataka, for his meritorious service in the NCC organization.
Dr. H.C. Nagaraj,principal received Jewel of India Award and Best
Educationalist Award by Indian Solidarity Council, for out standing
achievements, 19th August 2008.
Gopinath of 8th Sem ISE received the memento from his Excellency
H.R.Bharadwaj, Governor of Karnataka for highest collection of funds, for the
National Association for Blind (NAAB)
Appreciation Letter from Indian Red Cross Society for arranging Blood
3.7 Collaboration
3.7.1 How has the College‟s collaboration with other agencies impacted the
visibility, identity and diversity of activities on the campus? To what extent
has the College benefitted academically and financially because of
By active collaboration with ISRO in the area of Small Satellites, ISRO has approved
NMIT as a “Centre for Research, Design & Development of Small Satellites” which
is rare honour for any educational Institution.
DRDO Labs have recognized NMIT as “ Centre for Design and Development of
Vision and Robotics Research”
DRDO Labs have recognized NMIT as “ Centre for Video and Image processing and
Embedded Systems ”
The collaboration with Industries and R&D organization has resulted in Research
curriculum development as per current requirements.
Increase of Involvement of students in Inter disciplinary projects
Improvement in admission quality
Able to get more sponsored research projects from different National agencies
Drawn the attention of the Research & Academic organizations for tracking their
satellites using our Satellite Tracking facility-NASTRAC
IEEE , Research Rs. 8.5 -
USA Lakhs
Indo- Robotic Research - -
Institute of
Science and
DST, New Research Rs. 28.0 -
Delhi Lakhs
ARM, Training in ARM processors to NIL -
Bangalore students and faculty
Texas Training NIL -
, Bangalore
EMC2, Internship, Faculty exchange and --- ---
WIPRO, development
MCA IBM Internship - -
Texas Faculty exchange and development Microcontrol
Instrument ler Lab
NPMASS Advance Facility for Research at IISc
CAD Curriculum development/ Internship
EEE Infosys Curriculum Development - -
DELL – Information Exchange (Research) - Guidance for
R&D establishing
Grid &
ISE Research
CDAC Curriculum & Faculty Development - -
Infosys, Curriculum Development - -
NITK Research work - -
Mech HAL Faculty Exchange & Development
Fluidyne Research work
Curriculum development
Collaboration with Infosys, EMC , IISc, CDAC, Texas, ARM , CPRI etc have
Research, Publication
Consultancy, Extension
Student placement
3.7.3 Does the College have MoUs nationally / internationally and with
institutions of national importance/other universities/ industries/corporate
houses etc.? If yes, explain how the MoUs have contributed in enhancing
the quality and output of teaching-learning, research and development
activities of the College?
NMIT has signed an MOU with North Dakota State University (NDSU), USA
(One of the prestigious Land Grant Universities) for collaborative research by the
faculty and provision for pursuing their Doctoral work with only one year stay in
NDSU and doing the rest of the research in NMIT under the joint guidance of one
Professor of NDSU and another identified Professor of NMIT
NMIT has Collaboration with Indo-Korean Institute of Science and Technology for
Research in the areas of Robotics to develop Education Robots and Museum Exhibits
in the country.
Surrey Uni of UK which is a well-known small satellite research centre in the world
requested NMIT to track for the first time their Nano satellite Strand-1 which was
launched by ISRO through PSLV and NASTRAC has successfully completed the
above task.
The MOU with industries contributed in enhancing the quality and output of teaching-
learning, research and development activities by introducing the topics which is
related to real life industrial activities and its application.
The faculty undergone training for Industry supported elective courses which resulted
in improved teaching-learning process
Participation of faculty in ongoing research projects resulted better teaching learning
Resulted New UG & PG Programs
Resulted in more number of students and faculty have involved in research and
further resulted into good publications
More focus for Innovative Projects
4.1.1 How does the College plan and ensure adequate availability of
physical infrastructure and ensure its optimal utilization
4.1.2 Does the College have a policy for creation and enhancement of
infrastructure in order to promote a good teaching-learning environment?
If yes, mention a few recent initiatives.
To promote good teaching learning environment every department and each of the
PG classrooms are provided with LCDs, Computing Facility & Internet connection.
Every faculty is provided with a computer with Internet facility.
4.1.3 Does the College provide all departments with facilities like office
room, common room, and separate rest rooms for women students and
Every department is provided with office facility
The Institute has separate spacious rest room for women staff & students.
4.1.4 How does the College ensure that the infrastructure facilities meet the
requirements of students/staff with disabilities?
The college has been made disabled- friendly by providing ramps and lifts.
Few washrooms are also designed for differently abled students.
Capacity of the hostels and occupancy (to be given separately for men and
All the hostels are provided with Wi-Fi connectivity through 25 mbps 1:1 leased
4.1.6 How does the College cope with the health related support services for
its students, faculty and non-teaching staff on the campus and beyond?
The college has a well equipped medical center with a well qualified doctor and
a nurse and also a 24 hour ambulance facility is provided.
Medical insurance facility is provided for all the students and staff to take care of
the emergency requirements.
The non teaching staffs are covered under ESI scheme for medical benefits.
The college has tied –up with nearby multi-specialty hospitals such as Avaksha
Hospital, K K hospital , Colombia Asia Multispecialty Hospital , M S Ramiah
hospitaletc.for the needs beyond the college medical center.
4.1.7 What special facilities are made available on the campus to promote
interest in sports and cultural events?
The college has a full time qualified Physical Director. Adequate facilities including
grounds for the following games are available
Multi Gym
Basket ball
Volley ball
Ball Badminton
Kho Kho
Hand Ball
Table Tennis
College has facilities like music club, literary forum, Hobby
club,Amateur Radio Club etc
College has an Open Air Theater for cultural events.
College conducts annual techno-cultural inter collegiate fest ( Anaadyanta ) where
students from different colleges within Karnataka as well as from other states of India
actively participate.
Library Committee comprises of the following members.
Library Committee Chairman- Senior Professor/Dean
Members- All HOD‟s
Secretary- Librarian
The Library advisory committee takes decision in
Allocation of the budgeted funds
Formulating rules for procurement of Books/Journals/E-learning materials etc.,
Taking decisions regarding fixation of working timings of the Library, fines to be
collected from the students
Identifying books, journals, E-learning materials for the library from time to time.
Making proposals for strengthening the Library by procuring Books/Journals/E-
materials and also other infrastructure required for the library.
Working Hours:
Monday to Friday: 8.30 AM-8.30 PM
Saturdays: 8.30 AM-5.00 PM
Sundays & General Holidays: 10.00 AM- 02.00 PM
Layout of the Library (individual reading carrels, Lounge area for browsing and
IT zone for accessing e-resources)
d) Special Collection
(Eg. Text books, Reference books, Standards, Patents)
References Books - 4545
Poject Reports - 2000
4.2.4 What tools does the Library deploy to provide access to the
Online Public Access Catalogue facility has been provided to search the Library
* Library Website
Library Website has been developed as a section of Institutes‟ website where it gives a
Bird view of its Collection, Rules & Regulations, and Services
Hyperlinks to available freely E-Journals & Subject Gateways are also given.
Science Direct can be accessed throughout the campus as we have multiple access
facility through IP authentication.
E-publication like E-Books, E-Question Paper, and Courseware can be accessed
within the Digital Library.
* Library Automation:
Details of entire collection of the Library have been fed into the EASYLIB Library
Management Software.
1. EASYLIB Library Management Software has been deployed to automate the Library
2. Every user‟s ID card as well as every item of the Collection has been bar coded the
transaction (Issue/Return) will be done in a few seconds.
1. Three Systems are kept for clients use to check the catalogue of the collection as well
as they are able to check who has borrowed, when it is due, what are all the items borrowed
by himself.
* Institutional Repository
DSpace-freely available software has been installed wherein E-Books, Soft copies of
Question papers, Lecture Notes are indexed, preserved and made available to access.
Newspaper clippings on Institution‟s achievements are archived
An INTEL Server has been installed and Courseware of National Programme for
technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), University of MIT, Berkeley, and Stanford are
indexed and preserved departmentwise.
E-vidya e-learning facility of V T U is also available.
Beginning of the academic year, during the orientation programs for the freshers, the
awerness about the usage of library resourses will be given.
The library conducts the awareness programs for the faculty yearly once about the
usage of library resourses.
* Manuscripts
* Reference:
* Reprography:
* User Orientation:
In the beginning of every academic year, freshers will be introduced to each and every
section of the Library and rules to be followed in the Library are explained. Same training
will also be given to faculty members newly joined.
Instructions about the Collections as well as the rules and procedures are also hosted
on the Institution‟s website.
Every year User orientation programmers on IEEE/ Science Direct will be arranged
for final year UG / MTech students/ research scholars by IEEE/ Science Direct publishers.
This year the same has been modified and webinar was arranged twice for our PG students.
Guidelines are displayed in Digital Library to search databases step by step and
where ever required assistance will be provided by the Library staff.
* INFLIBNET/IUC facilities:
4.2.8 Provide details on the annual Library budget & amount spent for
purchasing new books & Journal
Rs 25 lakhs
5 lakhs for Print Journals
5 lakhs for E-Journals
15 lakhs for Text Books
4.2.9 Does the Library get the feedback from users? If yes, how is it
analyzed and used for improving the Library Services. (What strategies are
deployed by the Library to collect feedback from users? How is the
feedback analyzed & used for further improvement of the Library
Feedback from users will be collected through Questionnaire method. Data obtained
is analyzed & discussed in Library Committee meetings& decisions like increasing E-
resources, extending Library opening hours etc. will be taken depending on the requirements.
4.2.10 List the infrastructural development of the over the last four years?
2012-13- Bar code Printer
2011-12-New Issue Counters, Newsletter Display Stand, additional journal racks
2010-11- New cabin for Digital Library, Newspaper Display Stand
2009-10- 10 PC‟s with Multimedia Set
2008-09- 5 PC‟s
There is a proposal to have a separate Building for housing the Library at a cost of
about Rs 1.00Crore.
4.2.11 did the library organize workshop for students, teachers, and non-
teaching staff by the Library for better library usage?
Every year, Orientation Programs will be arranged for new students. All sections of the
Library will be introduced and briefing about Rules and Regulations are made.
4.3 IT Infrastructure
The Central Computing Facility (CCF) forms an important component of the NMIT's
infrastructure, providing a wide spectrum of services to the students as well as faculty and
staff involved in research and other academic activities. All students have various computer
science related subjects in their courses. The CCF provides support for them to have hands-
on feel of what they learn in the classrooms and enhance their computer skills. The CCF also
supports research activities undertaken in the Institute.
CCF have extensive academic computing & networking facilities of the NMIT,
providing the College community with state-of–art computing facilities to cater to their
computational needs and access to Internet resources as well as telecommunication needs.
The college has BSNL leased line (1:1) connectivity of 25 Mbps. The Campus network is
carefully planned, keeping options in mind for future expansions. Fiber-optic cabling is used
to connect all the major buildings. CCF has strong IT security infrastructure (Cyberoam) that
protects the NMIT network from outside hackers. Most of the servers are using Open Source
NO Name of the Computer RAM HDD Processor
1 SERVER ML150 4GB 160GB XEON 1.8
2 HP ML150 SERVER 1 GB GB Dual core AMD 1.80 GHz
3 HP work Station 3 GB GB Intel Core 2.67 GHz
4 Lenova 2 GB GB Intel Core i3
2 GB 500 Intel Core i3
5 HP Desktops GB
6 (workstation) 3GB 500GB INTEL CORE i5
7 SUN SOLARIES 1GB GB Intel core 2 duo
9 Desktops 2GB 500GB 2DUO2.93Ghz
10 DELL 2 GB GB Intel core 2 2.93 GHz
11 HCL NEW 2 GB 320GB Intel Dual Core 2.96 GHz
12 CP AMD SAMPRON 1 GB 40GB AMD Sampron 1.81 Ghz
13 ACER 1 GB 40 GB Intel P4 1.70 GHz
14 INTEL CP 1 GB 80 GB Intel P4 3.06 GHz
15 LENOVA 1 GB GB Intel Core 2.53 GHz
16 HP 1 GB 160GB Intel; Quad 2.67 GHz
17 HP COMPAQ 1GB 40GB Intel P4 2.60 GHz
23 CP AMD ATHLON MB 40GB AMD Athelon 2.93 Ghz
24 WIPRO P4 NEW 512MB 80GB Intel P4 1.60 GHz
26 Assembled 4 GB GB Intel i7 3rd Generation
27 Zenith 2 GB GB Core i3
Computer-student ratio
UG : 1:3
PG : 1:2
Sl no Department Total no of
4 Electronics & communication engg 193
5 Electrical & electronics engg 46
6 Mechanical engg 205
7 Stores dept 05
8 MBA 68
9 MCA 127
10 CIVIL 45
13 R&D NMIT 82
17 MATHS 04
18 LANGUAGE LAB (Centralized Facility) 30
19 Internet Lab (Centralized Facility) 30
20 TEQIP/Maintenance/Principal/Transport/Sports/Director/Hostel 12
21 Aeronautical Engg 03
22 IT Cell 14
23 Examination Office 02
Total Computers 1338
LAN facility
Windows XP
Windows Server 2000
Windows Server 2003
Office XP
Boraland C
Oracle 9i
MSDN software
TCS ION Administrative Software
Easy Lib
Quick heal antivirus software
E-learning packages
Intel Compilers
IBM Rational Rose
Fedora / CENT OS
MySql Data Base
Apache Web Server
Sybase Data Base
NS 2
Auto Cad
Any other
4.3.6 How are the faculty facilitated to prepare computer aided teaching-
learning materials? What are the facilities available in the College or
affiliating University for such initiatives?
4.3.7 How are the computers and their accessories maintained? (AMC,
Institute is having VPNoBB connectivity under National Mission for Education. The
objective of this connectivity is for delivery of e-content and collaboration between
institution/academicians/experts/researchers of the University and colleges. High quality
personalized and interactive knowledge modules over the internet/intranet for all the learners
in higher education institutions in anytime and anywhere mode and also for enhancement of
gross enrollment ration in higher education.
4.3.9 Provide details on the provision made in the annual budget for
update, deployment and maintenance of the computers in the College?
4.4.1 Does the College have an Estate Office / designated officer for
overseeing maintenance of buildings, class-rooms and laboratories? If yes,
mention a few campus specific initiatives undertaken to improve the
physical ambience.
The college has a full-fledged project cum maintenance cell headed by a senior army
officer of the rank of Colonel(Engineers regiment) for construction and maintenance of all
infrastructural facilities, The institutehas created good ambience in the campus by creating
lawns, gardens , temples, play grounds and good parking facilities etc .
4.4.2 Does the College appoint staff for maintenance and repair? If not,
how are the infrastructure facilities, services and equipment maintained?
Give details.
The maintenance cell of the collegeis in charge of the maintenance/repair of the
infrastructure facilities and equipments etc., the cell has neccessary staff for the same.The
department staffs are trained for repairs and maintenance work.
The well maintained gardens, fountains and parks in the campus provide a green
environment which is appreciated by all those who visit the campus
The college has setup a sewage treatment plant and the treated water is utilized for
gardens and parks.
Hostels are provided with solar water heaters.
Campus Energy audit is carried out by electrical engineering dept.
The campus has a back-up power provided by 320 KVA dieselgenerator.
The faculty are provided with residential facilities in the campus
The Open Air Theater for conducting extra- curricular activities
Well equipped Library with reference section functions beyond the working hours for
the benefit of the students & staff
Internet Lab facility is available beyond the working hours.
5.1.1 Does the College have an independent system for student support
and mentoring? If yes, what are its structural and functional
5.1.2 What provisions exist for academic mentoring apart from class room
The college has a scheme, where every 12-15students are allotted to one
Faculty member who does the academic mentoring of the students under
his/her charge
The mentor has following duties:
o Counseling for selection and registration of courses.
o Monitoring and analyzing each student‟s academic performance and
punctuality and counseling the students accordingly.
o Interacting with the parents/guardians as and when required.
The college has appointed a senior faculty of the rank of Professor as Prof & Head,
Dept of Placement, Training and students‟ welfare.
The above department provides guidance and support in respect of career counseling, soft
skills development etc. to all the students.
The activities of the above department in furtherance of its objectives are
A customized English Language course with Language lab is offered to the students
to enhance their communication skills as part of their curriculum.
Every month, guest lectures from experts from Industry/R & D organisations are
The department conducts intensive coaching from experts for logical reasoning
,numerical aptitude, soft skills, analytical thinking, technical aptitude and interview
Career Counseling
Career counseling sessions are organized to guide the students in order to
choose the best career option. Students are motivated to take up the following
options based on their individual strengths
Higher studies (Both Technical & non Technical)
Appear for various competitive examinations like
Appear for civil and engineering services examinations.
Appear for public sector job openings under both central and state
governments like Defense services, DRDO, ISRO, NAL, BARC, KPSC etc.
An overview of the profiles of various jobs like teaching, product
development, and services industry will be discussed
Development Schemes
Entrepreneurship and Development Cell of the Institute creates an awareness
of Entrepreneurship through various workshops /seminars. The Cell organizes
Industry visits and also interactions with successful entrepreneurs. Every year
the cell conducts a competition for identify students with best business Ideas.
Internship programs in Industry/R&D organization/IITs/IISc/NID/NITs etc are
regularly organized.
5.1.4 Does the College publish its updated prospectus and handbook
annually? If yes, what are the activities / information included / provided to
students through these documents? Is there a provision for online access?
Departmental Details
Rules & Regulations of the Autonomous System
5.1.5 Specify the type and number of scholarships / free ships given to
students (UG/PG/M.Phil/Ph.D./Diploma/others in tabular form) by the
College Management during the last four years. Indicate whether the
financial aid was available on time.
Based on the economic condition of the students , tuition fee waiver or reduction and
waiver of transportation/ other fee are given
About 20% of the students receive financial assistance from the state, central and
private agencies.
Teaching assistant ships for PG Students under TEQIP & GATE
Financial aid available as per TEQIP/GATE policies
Research assistant ships for full time Ph.D. students
Financial aid available as per TEQIP policies
5.1.7 Does the College have an International Student Cell to cater to the
needs of foreign students? If so, what measures have been taken to attract
foreign students?
The college has set up an International Student Cell to cater the needs of the foreign
The Institution has approval of AICTE for 15% Super numeracy quota for
PIO/Foreign Nationals etc.
Since last three years, the college hasadmitted a number of foreign students through
EdCILas well as direct admissions.
A separate wing for the foreign student‟s withgood facilities is provided in the hostels.
Continuous special care has been given to cater to the needs of foreign students in
respect of food, academics, medical facilities, etc.
Foreign students are mentored by a senior faculty of the rank of the Professor.
The college participates International Fairs conducted by EDCIL regularly
Special Toilets for disabled
Book Banks
State/Central Scholarships
Teaching assistantship under TEQIP
Partial waiver Tuition and Transportation fee
The college has a well equipped medical center with a well qualified doctor and
a nurse and also a 24 hour ambulance facility is provided.
Medical insurance facility is provided for all the students and staff to take care of
the emergency requirements.
The college has tied –up with nearby multi-specialty hospitals such as K K
hospital , Colombia Asia Multispecialty hospital , M S Ramaiah hospital,
Aveksha hospital for the needs beyond the college medical center.
5.1.9 Does the College provide guidance / coaching classes for Civil
Services, Defense Services, NET/SLET and any other competitive
examinations? If yes, what is the outcome?
Increase in the number of students appearing for GATE/GRE/SSB
Special classes will be arranged to the students who miss the regular classes
due to participation in sports/NCC/NSS/Cultural activities.
Flexible schedule for taking Continuous Internal Evaluation components and
Semester End Exams.
any other
The Institute encourages the students to take part in the sports and
NMIT, Bangalore has a focused Placement Cell. We strongly believe that placement of
Students through campus recruitments has to be an essential component of the Instructional
The Placement Cell of the Institute is responsible for arranging training of the
undergraduate and postgraduate students in order to make them successful in the
recruitment process by various organizations which include Public/Private/Defence
The Placement Cell also arranges pre-placement orientation to the students prior to
formal campus interviews by senior executives of major industries.
Placement Cell regularly briefs the students about the requirements of various
companies and prerequisites necessary for succeeding in their selection processes.
The Institute takes care to train students for the campus recruitment. A structured
Training programme for both IT and Non-IT students is put in place.
NMIT regularly conducts training on topics such as Quantitative ability, Technical
ability, Verbal ability, Logical ability, Group discussion, and personal interview and
communication skills with the assistance of best trainers.
NMIT encourages interdisciplinary approach and thus exposes Non IT students to
software languages like C, C++ etc.
Students of Mechanical Engineering disciplineare trained in various software tools
used by the industries as CAE tools like CATIA, Pro/Engineer, Fluent etc.
NMIT has a close interaction with organizations such as DRDO, TCS, Infosys,
Wipro, DELL, TATA Elxsi, EMC2, Cypress Semiconductors, FlUIDYN, CPRI etc.
for research, academic and Training & Placement activities.
The Placement Cell conducts extensive on-campus recruitment programmes,
workshops, seminars and individual career and provides job search assistance.
NMIT organizes Industrial tours to give students a feel of work culture in the
29 IBM 6 8 6 2 2
30 ISRO 2
31 Indian Navy 1 1
32 Indian Airforce 1 2
33 Indian Army 1
34 L&T IES 4
35 L&T Infotech 1
36 Manthan Software Services 1
37 MphasiS 4 27
38 Microland 7
39 Mindtree 1 14
40 Nokia Siemens/Nokia 2
41 NIIT 2
42 One Source 1
43 Open Stream Technology 1
44 Oracle 6 3
45 Paladion Networks Pvt Ltd 8
46 Prestine Technology 1
47 SAP Labs 6
48 Sasken 1 6 1 1
50 SLK 17 8
51 Sonata Software 4
52 Sourcebits 2
53 Span Infotech 8
54 Subex 1 3
55 Syntel 2 1
56 Tata Elxsi 22 30
57 TESCO 1 8 3 15
59 Thomson Reuters 1 5
60 Trix Tech 1
61 Unisys 3
62 Virtusa (India) Private Limited 1
63 Vijaya Bank 12
64 Yokogawa 5
65 Yahoo 1
66 Diagnosys Electronics 4
67 KPIT Cummins 4
68 Ace Designers 3
69 Ajax Fiori 1 4
70 Amada India 1
71 Atkins 2
72 Bosch 2 4
73 Coca-Cola 2 2
74 Dynamatic Technologies 5 3
75 Ericson 2
76 Firepro Systems 2
77 Infotech Enterprises 3
78 Macurex Sensors 8 8
79 Maiyas 4
80 Mahindra Engg 5 11
81 Moog India 2
82 MRO Tech 1
83 Neil Soft 4
84 Purvankara Projects 8
Saint - Gobain Grindwell
85 4
86 Sobha Developers 1
87 Toyota Kirloskar 1
88 Triveni Turbine Ltd 1
89 Trigent 2
90 Universal Power Transformer 2
91 Victory Electricals 8
92 Weir Minerals 1
93 Weg India Pvt Ltd 4
94 Analytics Quotient 1
95 Apco Pharma 1
96 ATS 7
97 Axis Sales 9 4
98 Career Net 1
99 Common Floor 3
100 Deutsche Bank 3
101 Ernst & Young 2 3
102 Fenesta 1
103 HDFC 1
104 J.P Morgan 1
105 ICICI Securities 2
106 itrust 3
107 India Infoline 2
108 Invensoft 1
109 Karvy 1
110 Kriatec Services 2
111 KVP Business Solutions 1
112 NIIT 2
113 Ratna Packages 1
114 RetailOn 4
Reliance Money Solutions Pvt
115 3
116 Rochester 2
117 Soma 1
118 Taj Hotel 1
119 World Courier 1
120 Xlpro 4
121 Zenith Software 1
Total 248 336 278 256 159**
** In Progress
5.1.13 Does the College have a registered Alumni association? If yes, what
are its activities and contributions to the development of the College?
We have an Alumni Association registered in the year 2006.
Every year, Institute with the office bearers of Alumni Association conducts Alumni
During Alumni Meet, Alumni share their Feedback and suggestions to improve
curriculum, facilities, placement, training etc.
Alumni will also participate in Board of Studies, Advisory committee; the institute
utilizes their experience of the outside world while implementing the Outcome Based
Educational activity.
Alumni will assist the institute for getting Internship, Projects, Placements, and
Training etc.
5.1.14 Does the College have a student grievance redressal cell? Give
details of the nature of grievances reported and how they were redressed.
Yes, it is constituted as per AICTE norms. So for no one has approached the Grievance
redressal cell, as the day to day student grievances are addressed by HODs/Principal.
5.1.15 Does the College have a cell and mechanism to resolve issues of
sexual harassment?
Yes, No major ragging incidence has occurred, since the Institution is taking every care to
implement the policies of the Government to curb ragging in Educational Institutions
5.1.17 How does the College elicit the cooperation from all stakeholders to
ensure overall development of the students considering the curricular
and co - curricular activities, research, community orientation, etc. ?
NMIT is one of the few Educational Institutes in the country where even UG students
are participating in research projects. For example, Design, Development and Launch
of Student Satellite with guidance of ISRO. In the implementation of this project, the
Institute has taken the consortium approach through which along with NMIT as the
lead Institution, six other Engineering colleges in the state are part of the consortium
to implement the project. The outcome of the project includes UG students of
different disciplince and Faculty who are members of the consortium has been able to
publish research papers in reputed Journals/International conferences. This is a good
example of students from different Institutions working together and contributing, as a
part a team.
Design & Development of Vision Based Robots.
The college has established a state of the art CFD Laboratory provided with 1 Dell
workstation, 15 Dell and Lenovo Desktop machines, HP Printer/Scanner/Copier and
7.5 KVA UPS facilities. The facility is used round the clock for undergraduate and
postgraduate (Thermal) research project. Most of the research work are published in
Journals and Conferences
The college has a student Council with representatives from different classes/sections.
The Student Council is actively involved in organizing the curricular /co
curricular/Extra curricular activities in the campus with the support, supervision and
participation of the faculty.
5.1.19 How does the College ensure participation of women in „intra‟ and
„inter‟ institutional sports competitions and cultural activities? Provides
details of sports and cultural activities in which such efforts were made?
The college encourages and gives all the support for women for participation in intra and
inters institutional sports competitions and cultural activities.
Following are a few recent events participated and won by our girl students
Ms. Sinchana K.R.of 5th Sem E&C had won Silver and Bronze medals in single zone
inter collegiate swimming competition and also represented VTU in inter university
swimming competition held at Kolkata.
Girls‟ basket ball team had participated in VTU single Zone Basket Ball Tournament
was organized by SIT Tumkur and reached quarter finals
Girls‟ basket ball team had participated in VTU Inter collegiate Throw Ball
Tournament at APS college of Engineering Bangalore on 24th and 25th Aug 2012 and
reached the quarter finals
Girls‟ Kho Kho Team had participated in VTU –Single zone tournament during 8-10
April 2013 at Acharya IT, Bangalore
Girls‟ Table Tennis team had participated in VTU tournament during 6-7 March 2013
at Nagrjuna College of Engg, Bangalore
Girls‟ Volley Ball team participated in VTU tournament during 21-23 March 2013 at
KSIT Bangalore
Girls‟ Badminton Team had participated in VTU tournament during 30-31 March
2013 at BMSIT, Bangalore
Ms. Lakshmi of I year ISE had participated in VTU Single Zone Archery
Completions was held at RLJIT Doddaballpur during 3- 4 Oct 2012
M.Tech-Machine NA NA NA NA
MBA 2009-10 57 50 88%
2010-11 57 45 79%
2011-12 52 48 92%
2012-13 112 99 93.39%
MCA 2009-10 60 54 90%
2010-11 61 51 83.6%
2011-12 61 56 91.8%
2012-13 61 55 90.16%
2009-10 10%
2010-11 7.6%
2011-12 9.2%
Accepted - 6
5.3.1 List the range of sports and games, cultural and extracurricular
activities available to students. Provide details of participation and
program calendar.
Note: Mr. Abhishek Kumar Singh 8th Sem CSE & Mr. Avinesh 6th Sem Mech was
respresented VTU Foot Ball Team
5.3.2 Provide details of the previous four years regarding the achievements
of students in co-curricular, extracurricular activities and cultural
activities at different levels: University / State / Zonal / National /
International, etc.
15 Ms.Sinchana VTU Inter Collegiate 21st to 22nd Sept 2011- One Silver
.K.A Single Swimming 12 RVCE Medal,
2011-12 Bengaluru One bronze
16 Ms.Sinchana Represented VTU in Culcuta, University
.K.A All India Inter kolkata, 17 to 21st
5.3.3 How often does the College collect feedback from students for
improving the support services? How is the feedback used?
All the stakeholders are free to give feedback to the HODs, Principal, and
Management representatives.
At the first level, if the feedback is about the faculty, departmental issues, it is solved
at the level of the HODs.
If the stake holders are not satisfied, they go to Principal and then management for
redressal.If the issues are general in nature, it will be handled by the Principal, if
needed the management‟s support is taken for redressal.
This year we have introduced an online feedback system about the faculty by the
The principal and management will go through the feedback for corrective actions.
5.3.4 Does the College have a mechanism to seek and use data and feedback
from its graduates and employers, to improve the growth and development
of the College?
Every Department collects feedback and takes necessary steps for correction.
College arranges Alumni meet for feedback and corrective actions.
Alumni are part of BOS and participate in the development of curriculum.
Departments send questionnaires to alumni and the employers on the curriculum /
program educational objectives / learning outcomes to improve the curriculum.
During Employers‟ visit to the campus for recruitment, suggestions and feedback are
collected from them for improving the relevance of the curriculum etc.
5.3.5 How does the College involve and encourage students to publish
materials like catalogues, wall magazines, College magazine, and other
material? List the major publications/ materials brought out by the
students during the previous academic session.
5.3.6 Does the College have a Student Council or any similar body? Give
details on its constitution, major activities and funding.
The college has a student council to organize and conduct co-curricular and
extracurricular activities. The student council is constituted by nominating two students one
girl and one boy from each class/ section and the meetings are held under the guidance of the
faculty advisor, Dean (Students welfare) and Dean (Academic). The student council actively
participates in planning and conducting the annual techno-cultural festival ANAADYANTA,
Independence Day, Republic Day and Kannada Rajotsava day, Ethnic Day to showcase the
culture of all the parts of the country in a grand way every year. The college funds entirely
for all the activities every year.
5.3.7 Give details of various academic and administrative bodies that have
student representatives on them. Provide details of their activities.
The students have representation in the following academic and administration bodies:
Committee Activities
Student council Responsible for all co- Curricular and Extra-
curricular Activities
Literary Forum Publishing college magazine Ostium and
NMIT news letter.
Departmental Association Arranging Technical fest and Expert talks,
Publishing DepartmentalNews Letters
Library Committee Identifying the Library resources for
Hostel Committee Takes care of running the Mess, conducting
Extra-curricular activities for hostel students.
Any additional information regarding Student Support and Progression, which the institution
would like to include.
To provide India and World, technical man power of highest academic excellence by
shaping our youth through holistic and integrated education of the highest quality.
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology is a unit of Nitte Education Trust,
Mangalore. Nitte Education Trust was established by the visionary Justice K. S. Hegde
former Supreme Court Judge and former Speaker of Lok Sabha with a vision to provide
quality education addressing the requirements of the society which is changing from time to
time, with human values.
Accordingly, the vision and mission students of Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, has
the following activities,
To provide India and the world, technical manpower of the high quality.
To create an innovation and state of the art educational facilities to turn out youth
with academic excellence.
To produce technical manpower who can successfully face the scientific and
technological challenges in the fast changing global scenario.
To inculcate human values along with the professional educations to make the
graduate of discharging his duties with high degree of credibility, integrity and ethical
The highest governing body of the institution is its Governing Council. The
Governing council has eminent educationalists, industrialists and researchers who
meet regularly and make policy decisions and give guidelines and suggestions to
implement policies successfully.
The principal who is the member secretary of the governing body takes steps for
implementations of the governing council decisions, through the HODs and members
of several committees.
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is responsible for overseeing the activities of
various departments to review and improve the qualityof teaching and learning
Academic council will ensure quality in academic activities such as design & framing
curriculum, proper evaluation system etc.
The college has established from the inception Units of NSS/NCC/Youth wing of Red
Cross Society/ Rotract club, etc. to enable large number of students
participatemultifarious activities conducted by these units which in turn will inculcate
among them values like discipline, team work, leadership etc.
6.1.4 Were any of the senior leadership positions of the College vacant for
more than a year? If so, indicate the reasons.
6.1.5 Does the College ensure that all positions in its various statutory
bodies are filled and conduct of meetings at the stipulated intervals?
All positions in various statutory bodies like Governing Council, Academic
Council, Board of Studies, and Board of Examiners are filled as per norms.
The meetings are regularly held.
6.1.8 How does the College groom the leadership at various levels?
The college has well-defined hierarchy. The HODs &Senior Professorsare members
of the various Committees of the Institution such as
Governing Council
Academic Council
Advisory Committee
Research Council
Purchase Committee
Malpractice consideration committee
Anti-Sexual Harrasement
Anti-Ragging committee
Grievances Redressal Cell
Literary Forum
Participation in these commities enable them to aquire the required leadership skills
The senior facultyare regularly deputed to attend workshops on leadership,
improvement in management and administrative skills, etc.
Exam Section
Faculty DUGC
From the inception of the college, certain initiatives have been put in place so
that NMIT can become an Institution of difference. For example, while recruiting
the faculty in the initial stages when availability of Post graduates in engineering
was scarce, young graduates in engineering with high academic background were
recruited and were deputed to higher studies in reputed Institutions like IITs,
NITs, IISc etc. and therebythe Institute was able to have a strong band of young
faculty from the very beginning and who have become the core group of teachers
and are contributing in a good measure to provide quality engineering education
to the students. In continuation of the above action, some of them have been
given opportunity to pursue Doctoral studies in reputed Universities/Institutions.
Added to this effort the policy followed in the Institution resulted in the
recruitment of Teachers with Ph.D. qualifications in open recruitment.
Policy of appointment of senior faculty from among those who have retired from
National Level Institutions/Laboratories such as NAL, DRDO, ISRO, ITI ,IITs,
NITs etc as well as senior experts from reputed Industries
Encourage the faculty to take-up research activities
Support for research publications, patents and projects.
Good library resources including the E-learning facility, Digital library
Providing State of art research facility.
MOUs with many reputed organizations like North Dakota State University,
USA, Infosys, Wipro, DELL, SAE, PIA, MSME, Texas Instruments, IISc and
Cypress Semiconductors, USA.
The above initiatives have resulted in the following outcomes
Student Satellite projects
Vision based Robotics
Several funded research projects from DRDO, DST, DIT, VGST, VTU,
Several International Publications & patents
Good number of Research scholars pursuing Doctoral programs.
Organization of several International Conferences in the Institute.
6.1.10 How are the following values reflected in various functions of the
The management is constantly striving for excellence. The college within a short span of
11 years has achieved the following which are indicators for our quest for excellence
Seven UG Programs, seven PG Programs, eight Ph.D Programs recognized by
Four Ph.D programs recognized by University of Mysore
Upgraded as an Autonomous Institute from the academic year 2007-08 by the
Accredited by NBA
Selected under TEQIP-Phase II subcomponent 1.1, only one unaided engineering
college in Karnataka state.
Launched India‟s first Pico Satellite on 12 July 2010, from Sriharikota in
collaboration with ISRO.
Designed and developed a pick and place robot, which is kept as a permanent
exhibit in Birla Science Center, Hyberabad.
Large number of sponsored research projects from DRDO, AICTE, VTU, VGST,
DST, DIT, NRB, etc amounting to 4.5 Crores.
Involving UG students in the ongoing research projects as well as Internship
Programs in Industries/IITs/IISc/NITs/R&D Organizations.
o UGC committee visited the college during 2009 and the committee has
recommended Autonomy for the Institute. (Letter Attached)
o UGC committee has again visited the college during 2012 and has recommended
the Autonomous status for a period of six years w.e.f 2012-13 to 2017-18 and the
same has been implemented.
6.2.1 Does the College have a Perspective Plan for development? If so,
give the aspects considered in development of policy and strategy.
Yes. The institution has a perspective plan, which is made by the combined
participation of senior faculty members, heads of the departments, Deans , Principal and
Management. The plan is vetted by the governing body. All the departmental activities
are streamlined according to the perspective plans. It is being formulated by looking into
down the line over a period of minimum five years. The goals and objectives are being
set according to the perspective plan. These are made known to each and every member
of the institute through various meetings and platforms.
The following are the achievements of strategic planning and developing over the
last 5 yrs.
Community engagement
The college through units like NSS, NCC, and Youth Wing of Red Cross society and
Rotaract club conducts community and extension activities
Regular blood/eye donation camps
Helping the nearby Govt. schools by donating desks, computers, books etc.
Conducting regular vocational training in trades like carpentry, plumbing etc for
the school dropouts for gainful employment.
The institution hasbeen very active over the years in deputingfaculty members
for improving their qualifications in the areas of specialization needed by the
Encourages the faculty to register for Ph.D program in the institutions by giving
some facilities
Orientation programs on pedagogy are arranged regularly for the newly recruited
Departments are conducting faculty development programs in the emerging areas
of technology
Institution deputes faculty for faculty development program / short term
courses/ workshops conducted by the university and other institutions
Technical supporting staff are also encouraged to take up courses relating to
skills up gradation.
Computer awareness programs are organized to the general staffs to become
conversant with computer operations
Industry interaction
NMIT has signed MOU with North Dakota State University (NDSU)
(One of the prestigious Land Grant Universities of USA) for
collaborative research by the faculty with provision for pursuing their
Doctoral work with only one year stay in NDSU and doing the rest of the
research in NMIT under the joint guidance of one Professor of NDSU and
another identified Professor of NMIT
NMIT has Collaboration with Indo-Korean Institute of Science and
Technology for Research in the areas of Robotics to develop Education
Robots and Museum Exhibits in the country.
Surrey University of UK which is a well-known small satellite research
centre in the world had requested NMIT to track for the first time their
Nano satellite Strand-1 which was launched by ISRO through PSLV and
NASTRAC has successfully completed the above task.
6.2.2 Enunciate the internal organizational structure of the College for decision making processes and their
Exam Section
6.2.4 Does the College have a formally stated quality policy? How is it
designed, driven, deployed and reviewed?
Quality policy:
To bring about constant and continuous improvement in the quality of Education
imparted and turning out high quality professionals with balance and globally
competitive personality through regular monitoring of the academic / administrative
activities of the institution and implementing corrective action in the best transparent
Departmental UG Committee
Academic audit
Research Council
Faculty advisor
Class teacher
Faculty mentor
Student counselor
Parents‟ meeting
Feedback mechanism / online
Grievance committee
Self-appraisal of faculty
Appraisal of faculty by HOD/principal
Involving external examiners in Question Paper Setting , assessment in theory
and lab exams
QP Scrutiny by BOE consisting of external members
VTU mid-term revision
6.2.5 How does the College ensure that grievances / complaints are
promptly attended to and resolved effectively? Is there a mechanism to
analyze the nature of grievances for promoting better stakeholder-
All the stakeholders can present their grievances to HODs/ Heads of Sections /
Principal / Director.
The college has introduced online feedback mechanism for students and teachers.
At the first level, HODs in their faculty meeting / DUGC will analyze and solve
the grievances pertaining to the dept. if the stakeholders are not satisfied they are
free to approach the principal for redressal of their grievances.
If the problems are pertaining to the college level, the principal and HODs will
decide in the HODs meeting and give solutions to the grievances.
If the stakeholders are not satisfied, they approach the management
representatives for redressal who generally give solutions to the grievances.
All the stakeholders are free to give feedback to the HODs, principal,
management representatives.
At the first level if the feedback is about the faculty, department issues, it is
solved at the level of the HODs. If the stake holders are not satisfied they go to
principal and management for redressal.
If the issues are general in nature, it will be handled by the principal, if needed
the management‟s support is taken for redressal.
This year we have introduced an online feedback system about the institution for
students and faculty
The principal and management will go through the feedback for corrective
6.2.9 How does the College get feedback from non-teaching, teaching,
parents and alumni on its functioning and how it is utilized?
All the stakeholders are free to give their feedback. College has mechanism to get
feedback from teaching, non-teaching, parents and alumni.
Faculty is free to give feedback in a informal way to
Institute conducts the parents‟ meet, alumni meet and collects feedback and take
necessary steps for correction.
Parents / Alumni are part of BOS in discussing and framing the curriculum.
Departments send questionnaires to parents / alumni on the curriculum / program
educational objectives / learning outcomes to improve the curriculum to give
outcome based educations, which is the prime focus of NBA‟s accreditation
process for autonomous colleges.
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology 197
NAAC - Self Study for Autonomous Colleges
Currently, a team of senior professors and the Dean (Academic) conduct the
academic audit of the department.Matrix is being developed for the performance
audit of every faculty of the department and the performance of the department as
a whole. Self appraisal, appraisal by HOD for faculty is in the place. The
feedback from students about faculty are periodically taken and assessed.
6.3.1 What efforts are made by the College to enhance the professional
development of teaching and non teaching staff?
From the feedback and performance appraisal reports, Principal, HODs and
Management will look into the areas of weakness, then remedial action will be
taken to overcome the weaknesses.
The faculty members are counseled at the first level by the HODs and by
principal at the second level. So that faculty performance improves subsequently,
if there is no improvement in the performance, then they will be asked to seek
employment elsewhere.
6.3.3 What are the welfare schemes available for teaching and non
teaching staff? What percentage of staff have availed the benefit of
such schemes in the last four years?
6.3.4 What are the measures taken by the College for attracting and
retaining eminent faculty?
Higher salary
Deputing faculty for higher studies with salary
Incentives for getting sponsored projects and consultancy
Paying registration fee TA/DA for attending /presenting papers in conferences
Support for paper publications in journals
Support for patenting
Financial support for presenting papers in international conferences
Providing vehicles for pick-up and drop
Providing facilities for research with flexible workload / timing
Providing accommodation in faculty quarters
6.3.5 Has the College conducted a gender audit during the last four
years? If yes, mention a few salient findings.
Though there is no formal gender audit is conducted, the following are the observations
In circuit branches like CSE, ISE, ECE and EEE, the female faculty outnumber
the male faculty
In non-circuit branches like Civil, Mech and AE, male faculty outnumber the
female faculty
6.3.6 Does the College conduct any gender sensitization programs for
its staff?
Our faculties have not utilized the facilities so far, we would encourage our faculty in
attending the UGC-Academic staff college programs to enhance their competencies.
There is no academic staff college for engineering teachers till now. But, teachers
undergo refresher/Staff Development programs organized by ISTE/AICTE/VTU etc.
Before the end of the current financial year, the budget for the next financial year
is prepared by getting the recurring and non-recurring estimated amount required by
HODs/Heads of sections. After a detailed review of expected income, budget is finalized
and the same is approved by finance committee and the BOG. The financial position is
reviewed midway if needed by reallocation of funds among various heads.
This procedure ensures the use of efficient use of financial resources.
6.4.2 Does the College have a mechanism for internal and external
audit? Give details.
Yes, annually audited. A full time internal auditor has been appointed by the Trust.
The college has a mechanism of internal and external auditing appointed by the
management.The full time internal auditor regularly audits the income and expenditure
and ensures that proper procedure is followed. The external auditor audits at the end of
the year and gives audit reports
An audited statement of the previous four years is enclosed, and also published in
the college website.
6.4.4 Have the accounts been audited regularly? What are the major
audit objections and how are they complied with?
6.4.5 Narrate the efforts taken by the College for resource mobilization.
6.4.6 is there any provision for the College to maintain the „corpus
fund‟? If yes, give details.
As per the requirement of TEQIP-II program, the college has maintained 4 corpus funds
in the bank.The four different accounts are:
Corpus Fund
Faculty Development Fund
Equipment Replacement Fund
Maintenance Fund
The college does conduct an academic audit of the departments. The academic
audit committee consists of principal, Dean (Academic) and the senior professors. The
committee visits all the departments every semester, the department and the faculty files
are reviewed. Each faculty maintains a personal file and a course file. At the review
meetings, if any short comings are found, suggestionsare given for necessary corrections.
The central body headed by the Principal and the Dean (Academic) and HODs as
members continuously review the teaching-learning processes. The central body reviews
the number of classes held, course delivery, course coverage, conduct of various
continuous internal evaluation components, quality of question papers, evaluation
methodologies, students performance, feedback from the students etc. and the conduct
of tutorials and additional classes for academically weaker students.
The outcome has shown a steady and rapid improvement in program outcomes.
The institution has defined a minimum set of components for continuous internal
Each and every faculty has to follow the minimum set of components. The
institution gives an academic calendar with scheduling for minimum set of
components for the semester.
The tests are conducted at the institutional level with one department, co-
ordinating the conduction by rotation, as per the academic calendar.
Each faculty gives 3 sets of questions, which will be scrutinized by the DUGC
for the quality of question papers and the format. Dean (Academic) will select
one question paper to ensure transparency.
There is academic audit of every department once in a semester to ensure that the
quality is maintained.
Even for SEE, one question paper is set by the internal examiner, 2 more
question papers are set by two external examiners one each, which will be
reviewed by BOE consisting of internal and external experts. The answer books
are coded. External examiners also participate in the evaluation of SEE answer
books and practical examinations. These processes assure quality and
transparency at the institutional level.
6.5.5 Does the IQAC have external members on its committees? If so,
mention any significant contribution made by such members.
Currently Dr. N R Shetty, the former Principal, KREC, Suratkal, Former Vice
Chancellor of Bangalore University, with his vast experience in the field of
higher education and experience in TechnicalEducation helps in quality
maintenance / Assurance in all our academic activities.
We propose to form different committees for each of the specializations by co-
opting external experts from IISc / NITs / IITs in the committees to monitor the
quality and take steps for continuous improvements in the learning outcome &
employability of the students passing out of the institution.
6.5.6 Has the IQAC conducted any study on the incremental academic
growth of students from disadvantaged sections of society?
centers twice in a year. All critical issues concerning progress made/suggestions for
improvement in the performance are discussed and reviewed, solutions or suggested for
improved performance.
7.1.2 What are the initiatives taken by the College to make the
campus eco-friendly?
Energy Conservation:
The department of electrical has conducted an energy audit in the campus the
following steps are initiated to conserve energy.
Replace fluorescent / incandescent lamps by CFL in phases.
Replace high energy consuming CRT monitors by TFT monitors in
Bring awareness among students/ staff and faculty to switch off lights
/fans when not in use. To use ACs only when it is absolutely necessary.
To operate the campus load near to unity power factors.
Buildings are constructed so as to have natural light as far as possible.
Water harvesting
Waste Management:
E waste Manage:
E wastes are collected from all the departments and are given to
organisations handling e waste like cerebra Technologies for eco-friendly
7.2 Innovations
7.3.1 Give details of any two best practices which have contributed to
better academic and administrative functioning of the College.
Best practice – I
1. Title of Practice
3. The context
4. The practices
5. Evidence of Success
The vision based Robots and their applications require professionals/ engineers
of different disciplines like Mechanical. Electrical, Electronics, Computer
Science. The multidisciplinary group in NMIT developed several vision based
robots for various applications. Students have developed a Pick & Place Robot
and OFC link which are kept as permanent exhibits at Birla Science Center,
Started national MEMS design center in the year 2009, and become as a
nodal center and actively participating in the collecting the designs for the
development of MEMS chip under INUP programme, CeNSE, IISc,
Bangalore in collaboration with NPMASS, India.
Best Practice – II
The context
The faculty needs to be more mature to handle the academic and administrative
responsibility. Each faculty needs to handle sensitive responsibilities like
curriculum design, continuous internal evaluation, examination duties etc.
The practice
Other committees
Faculty will also have to take responsibilities in the implementation of the Out
come based education and participate in following bodies
Advisory Committee
Program coordinator
Course Coordinator
Evidence of Success
The result of the periodic review and the best practices followed, NMIT has achieved the
following distinctions in a short span of 10 years
Autonomous Status was conferred by UGC/VTU/Govt of Karnataka
Accredited by NBA
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology 213
NAAC - Self Study for Autonomous Colleges
Department offers open elective for higher semester and in the 1st year subject
basic electrical engineering for all under graduate engineering disciplines
Sanctioned Filled
Professor 02 02
Associate Professors 02 02
Asst. Professors 10 10
BE 15:1
11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding
agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and
grants received project-wise.
12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants
14. Publications:
number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national /
international): 6
Monograph -NIL
Chapter(s) in Books -NIL
Editing Book-NIL
Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers: Energy Auditing and
Demand side management is in progress
number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus,
Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.)
Citation Index – range / average -2
Impact factor – range / average -NIL
h-index -NIL
Refresher courses
23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET,
GATE and any other competitive examinations?
PG to Ph.D. -
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral -
Campus selection 50 %
35 %
Other than campus recruitment
Entrepreneurs NIL
26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the
assessment period.
28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College:
UG - 46 Students
29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new
program(s)? If so, give the methodology.
Yes- Depending on the feedback the faculty is counseled and sent for additional
training programmes if necessary.
c. alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the
department to the same?
Dr. Srini Ramaswamy from ABB Bangalore, given a talk on “smart grid
technology” on 11th sep 2012.
IEEE-PES-Chapter-Dr.Mini Shaji Thomas, JMI university New Delhi,
given talk on “An Overview of SCADA in power system and power
automation laboraties at JMI” on 2nd sep 2013.
33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes
To make effective delivery and to support students attention , teachers are
experimenting by making use of relevant techniques as and when required in
addition to regular blackboard/Modern technology
Mini projects, self study, internship, Remedial classes, tutorial classes.
Hands on training
34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met
and learning outcomes monitored?
38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC)
of the department
Sanctioned Filled
Professor 2 2
Associate Professors 4 4
Asst. Professors 12 12
& Internet
Ms.Kshema Raphael B.E. Information Asst. Prof 5.6 Nil
Sc. & Engg.
M.T.ech. Master of
M.Tech Computer Sc
& eng
Mrs.Yashaswini H.M B.E. Computer Sc. Asst. Prof 2.8 Nil
& Engg.
M.Tech. Computer Sc.
& Engg
Ms.Roopa R B.E. Computer Sc. Asst. Prof 3.6 Nil
& Engg.
M.Tech. Computer Sc.
& Engg
Mr. Preetham N B.E. Computer Sc. Asst. Prof 2 Nil
& Engg.
M.Tech. Computer Sc.
& Engg
12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants
14. Publications:
number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national /
international): 7
Monographs: -NIL
Chapter(s) in Books:-NIL
Editing Books:-NIL
Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers:-NIL
Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus,
Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.):
Citation Index – range / average: 1-28
Impact factor – range / average : 0.5 - 1.556
h-index: 2
Mr. Shyam Kumar
Infosys, Bangalore
Pavan Soni Innovation
Evangelist CTO OFFICE
Mr prabu.D senior
engineer EMC
23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET,
GATE and any other competitive examinations?
2012-13 3 GRE,GATE
2011-12 3 GRE, GATE
2010-11 7 GRE, GATE
2009-10 6 GRE, PGCET
26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the
assessment period.
Research laboratories 1
28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College:
UG - 47 Students
PG – 1 Student
29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new
program(s)? If so, give the methodology.
Preparation of curriculum by the faculty in consultation with senior faculty.
DUGC consists of senior faculties who discusses about prepared curriculum.
Yes on staff. If the feedback is low, HOD and principal inform the faculty
about the same.
Alumni are part of BOS, who gives suggestion on as teaching-learning
evaluation. Valid inputs will be considered by the departments.
c. Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the
department to the same?
Yes, every year at the time of alumni meet we will take a feedback on the
program and try to implement their suggestions. The alumni are also a part of
BOS, which helps the department to design a better syllabus. Also feedback is
collected through online Survey.
33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.
34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met
and learning outcomes monitored?
the students
38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC)
of the department
students at
all levels
is strongly
and focused
Department offers open elective and first year basic subjects for all undergraduate
engineering discipline.
Sanctioned Filled
Professor 10 10
Associate Professors 5 5
Asst. Professors 21 21
B Sc Physics, Maths
B.E. Instrumentation
Ms.Sowmya M.Tech. Digital Electronics Asst. Prof. 5 Nil
Madhavan Communication
Dasiga Dual
12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants
14. Publications:
number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national /
National: 1
International: 18
Monographs: NIL
Chapter(s) in Books: NIL
Editing Books: NIL
Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers: NIL
Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus,
Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) 2
Citation Index – range / average: 1-15
Impact factor – range / average: 0.7-1.9
h-index: NIL
Communication Engineering,
IIT Kharagpur.
M Tech (VLSI)
2010-11 Nil 89% 11% Nil
2011-12 Nil 83% 17% Nil
2012-13 Nil 89% 11% Nil
23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET,
GATE and any other competitive examinations? 68
Entrepreneurs 5%
26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the
assessment period:
28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College.
UG - 90 Students
PG (VLSI) – 6 Students
PG (DCN) – 2 Students
29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new
program(s)? If so, give the methodology.
Preparation of curriculum by the faculty in consultation with senior faculty.
DUGC consists of senior faculties who discusses about prepared curriculum.
BOS will have faculties at deferent cadre who gives suggestion about
Yes on staff. If the feedback is low, HOD and principal inform the faculty
about the same.
Alumni are part of BOS, who gives suggestion on as teaching-learning –
evaluation. Valid inputs will be considered by the departments
c. alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the
department to the same?
Yes, every year at the time of alumni meet we will take a feedback on the
program and try to implement their suggestions. The alumni are also a part of
BOS, which helps the department to design a better syllabus.
Li2 Innovations
33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.
Course project
Programming Assignment
Hands on training
34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met
and learning outcomes monitored?
of many subjects
Home assignments are more oriented
towards case studies
38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC)
of the department
Open Elective and 1st year basic subject for all under graduate disciplines
Sanctioned Filled
Professor 4 4
Associate Professors 6 6
Asst. Professors 31 31
Processing persuing
Dr. Nalini N PhD(CSE) Professor & Cryptography 17 2complete
Head & Network d
Security 5 Students
Dr H PhD(CSE) Professor Computer 23 Registered
Sarojadevi Science & -5
Prof. K A MSc (Engg), Dean, Computer 46 Nil
Ranganatha MTech(CST Academics Network &
Setty ) Computer
Vidyadevi G B.E, Associate Image 14 Nil
Biradar M.Tech., Professor Processing
Aparna B.E, Assistant Networking 8 Nil
Manikonda M.Tech(CS Professor &Image
E). Processing
Vijaya Shetty B.E, Associate CNE 21 Nil
M.Tech(CS Professor System
E)., (PhD) performance
Prathibha A B.E, Associate Computer 20 Nil
Ballal M.E(CSE), Professor Science &
(Phd) Engineering
Kavitha Sooda B.E, Associate Network 11 Nil
M.Tech(CS Professor Routing
E)., (PhD)
Sanju B.E, Associate On Chip 11 Nil
M.Tech(CS Professor
E)., (PhD)
Archana Naik B.E, Associate Computer 11 Nil
M.Tech. Professor Science &
(CSE) Engineering
Mohan B.A B.E, Assistant Computer 10 Nil
M.Tech(CS Professor Networks
E)., (Phd)
Bhuvaneshwar B.E, Assistant Image 4 Nil
i Patil M.Tech(CS Professor Processing
Pallavi B.E, Assistant Networking 1 Nil
B.E. 15:1
M.Tech 12:1
12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants
14. Publications:
number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national /
international) --30
Monographs: NIL
Chapter(s) in Books: 2
Editing Books: 2
Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers: 2
number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus,
Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.): 16
Citation Index – range / average: 1 to 31
Impact factor – range / average: NIL
h-index: 2 to 3
Dr. SarojaDevi H
1. Guided Project under Innovation and Enterpreneurship Development Centre on
“Classification of Sky and Non sky Region during the academic year 2010-11
2. Processor-Directed Cache Coherence Mechanism, ISBN 978-3-659-11944-6,
LAP LAMBART Academic Publishing GmbH and Co. KG, Germany.
3. Guiding FIVE Candidates for PhD under Visvesvaraya Technological
University, Belgaum.
International award:
National award:
Mr Ganga Prasad
Centre for Development of
Advanced Computing,
Bangalore, India
Mr Raghavendra
IIT Chennai
23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET,
GATE and any other competitive examinations?
26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the
assessment period.
10 staff rooms have the internet facility. Students can avail the internet facility
from internet lab having 30 systems and also from the project lab having 21
e) Students‟ laboratories: 8
f) Research laboratories: 1
28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College.
UG - 97 Students
PG – 4 Students
29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new
program(s)? If so, give the methodology.
(Detailed Project Reports)
Discussion at the Departmental Level
Surveying of benefits from new program & Industry job requirements.
Decide upon the Program educational objectives
Discussion on Eligibility criteria & Curriculum
Preparing application & applying to concerned organization for approval
Subjects for the curriculum are selected by the Faculty members within the
Syllabus is formed by the experienced faculty in the respective subject
Elective groups are made and syllabus for the same is prepared by the subject
expertise within the department.
Any faculty may give his/her view in selecting the subject as well as in forming
the syllabus Evaluation is done by
DUGC team which will planning and monitoring the academic
activities of the department throughout the semester
BOS meeting is held before starting of every academic year for any
changes or correction in the syllabus
BOE team will be organizing the examination and deciding the
examiners Achievement of the learning process is reflected in the good
academic result and placement
Internal Advisory Committee and Advisory Commitee
Feedback will be taken for every subject and each faculty
Alumni will be included in the BOS members
Department will be taking all the feedback positively
c. alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the
department to the same?
Improvement in the infrastructure and transport facility of the college
Increase in lab hours and additional training for the student like Soft skill
and advanced technologies
33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.
34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met
and learning outcomes monitored?
Field visit – Faculty from the department have attended the Campus connect
program conducted by Infosys
Problem solving- Our faculties have improved their teaching methodologies by
attending programs like Mission 10X,Soft skill Development
Project Work- All our staff have successfully guided the student projects all final
year projects problem statement will be given by faculty members
Case study- In subject like SE, OOMD, OOPs, SS, CG,D BMS students take up
the problem and implement using the concepts studied in these subjects at the
end of the course
Concevoir- Inter departmental technical fest for will be conducted every accadamic year
E-learnig facility
Technical Talk by Industry expert
Workshops on current technologies.
Entrepreneurship activities.
Value Added Courses
Internship Program
38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC)
of the department
Resource and capabilities usage
Unique product and service utilization
Efficient and cost-effective operations
Deputation o faculty for higher studies
MoU with industries
Faculty participation in paper publication specially in Journals
Modernizing classrooms
Upgradation of departmental library
Establishment of incubation centre
Utilization of on-campus services by looking forward for new funding agencies
Online courses
Declining enrollment for engineering for job opportunity
Competition due to distance education institution
Declining supply of qualified faculty
Possibility of attrition of key staff
Civil Engineering
Established in the year 2009-10
Department offers open elective and first year basic subjects for all under graduates
engineering disciplines.
No. of
No. of student
Qualificatio Specialization Designatio Years of s
n n Experienc guided
e in the
last 4
Dr. H.R. Ph.D. (IISc) Structural
DHANANJAY Engineering Prof & 25 Years Nil
A M.Tech. Structural Head
B.E. Civil
Dr. B.Sc Geology
Ramachandra M.Sc Geology Professor 21 Years Nil
Reddy Ph.D. Geology
Mr. Suresh B.E. CivilEngineerin Asst Prof 35 Years Nil
Sapare S g
M.E. Civil
Mr. Ananthayya Civil Associate 13 Years Nil
M. B. B.E. Engineering Prof.
M.Tech Structural
Ph.D. Hydraulic
Mr. Vasudev B.E. Civil Asst. Prof. 22 Years Nil
M. V. Engineering
M.Tech Structural
Ms. Archana B.E. Civil Asst. Prof. 7 Years Nil
Nayak Engineering
M.T.ech. Environmental
Mrs.Prathima.G B.E. Civil Asst. Prof. 10 Years Nil
M.T.ech. Highway
Mr. B.E. Civil Asst. Prof. 3 Years Nil
Muralidhar.H Engineering
M.Tech. Highway
Ms. Rashmi B.E. Civil Asst. Prof. 3 Years Nil
H.R Engineering
M.Tech. Environmental
Mr. Jairaj.C. B.E. Civil 8 Years
Engineering Asst. Prof. Nil
M.T.ech. Geotechnical
(Ph.D.) Geotechnical
Mr.Vinay. M B.E. Civil Asst. Prof. 2 Years Nil
M.T.ech. Structural
Mr.Kiran. M.U. B.E. Civil Asst. Prof 3 Years Nil
M.T.ech. Structural
Mr.Nanjundi B.E. Civil Asst. Prof 1 Year Nil
Prabhu Engineering
M.T.ech. Water
Resources Engg
Ms.Radhika V. B.E. Civil Asst. Prof 2Years Nil
Gaikwad Engineering
M.T.ech. Structural
Mrs. Amitha B.E. Civil Asst. Prof 06 Months Nil
S.B Engineering
M.Tech. Pre Stressed
B.E. Civil
Mrs. Arpitha M. Asst. Prof 06 Months Nil
M.Tech Earthquake
B.E. 15:1
M.Tech 12:1
12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants
received: NIL
14. Publications:
number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national /
International: 11
National: 06
Monographs: NIL
Chapter(s) in Books: NIL
Edited Books: 02 (Proceedings of Conferences)
Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers: NIL
number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus,
Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.): NIL
23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET,
GATE and any other competitive examinations? :
03 (GATE)
26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the
assessment period: NIL
28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College.
UG - 32 Students
PG – 2 Students
29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new
program(s)? If so, give the methodology
Discussion at the Departmental Level
Surveying of benefits from new program & Industry job requirements.
Decide upon the Program educational objectives
Discussion on Eligibility criteria & Curriculum
Preparing application & applying to concerned organization for approval
Yes on staff. If the feedback is low, HOD and principal inform the faculty
about the same.
Alumni are part of BOS, who gives suggestion on as teaching-learning –
evaluation. Valid inputs will be considered by the departments
c. Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the
department to the same?
Yes, every year at the time of alumni meet we will take a feedback on
the program and try to implement their suggestions. The alumni are also
a part of BOS, which helps the department to design a better syllabus.
33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.
34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met
and learning outcomes monitored?
Case study Industry oriented case studies are part of many subjects
Home assignments are more oriented towards case
v) Literary Forum
Some of the activities arranged through these clubs are
Awareness programs of social responsibilities
Blood donation camps
NSS & NCC Camps
Organ Donation camps
Distributions of School furniture, Text books & stationeries to Govt Schools in
the neighbouring villages
Literacy Programs
The Faculty and Students of the department actively involved in the said activities.
38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC)
of the department
Planning to start new PG courses in other Civil Engineering areas other than
Structural Engineering.
More Focus towards research activities through proposed R & D Centre
MSc in
Santhosh N M E (PhD) Assistant Manufacturing 2.5 NIL
Professor Science And
Prashanth AMAeSI,Mt Professor Aeronautical 22 NIL
Mohanta ech (PhD)
Mahendra M Mtech Assistant Aeronautical 1 NIL
A Professor Engineering
Harish HV Mtech Assistant Thermal 6 NIL
Nishant Desai BE, Msc Assistant Mech,Aeronautic 1 NIL
Professor al
Karthick S BTech, Assistant Aeronautical 6 NIL
MTech Professor
Srikanth H V BE, MTech Assistant Thermal 1 NIL
(PhD) Professor
UG 1:15
12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants
14. Publications:
number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national /
international): 14
Monographs: NIL
Chapter(s) in Books: NIL
Editing Books: NIL
Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers:
number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus,
Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.):
Citation Index – range / average:
Impact factor – range / average:
23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET,
GATE and any other competitive examinations?
26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the
assessment period.
Students‟ laboratories 5
28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College.
UG – 9 Students
29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new
program(s)? If so, give the methodology.
Feedbacks from students are collected every semester. There are certain
levels of evaluating the teaching process. After every feedback, consistency,
performance and attendance profiles are checked. Feedback is collected as a
hard-copy and documented.
The feedback analysis process is done manually. The comments are
analyzed by the concerned HOD and Dean (Academic) and are discussed with
the concerned faculty individually. Suggestions for improvement in teaching
performance are given if required.
c. alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the
department to the same?
33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.
37. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC)
of the department
An emerging department with enthusiastic faculty
Deputation of faculty for higher studies
Limited number of industry interactions
Lagging behind in research
Up gradation of resource required
Less number of live projects
Upgradation of departmental library
Utilization of on campus services by looking forward for new funding agencies
A relatively new department with very few colleges offering the course
Aeronautical engineering is the new booming industry in indian context
Declining supply of qualified faculty
Competition due to distance education institution
Online courses
Declining opportunity in job market for engineers
Possibility of attrition of key staff
UG – Mechanical Engineering
PG – Thermal Power Engineering and Machine Design
Ph. D- Mechanical Engineering
Dept. offers open elective & first year basic subjects for all under graduate
engineering disciplines
Sanctioned Filled
Professor 5 5
Associate Professors 3 3
Asst. Professors 29 29
No. of No. of
Years of Ph.D.
Experien studen
Sl Qualification
Name of Designatio ce ts
N and Year of Specialization
the Faculty n guided
o Graduation
in the
last 4
Dr. P G Ph.D IIT 45 40
1 Professor Metallurgy
Mukunda KGP, 1971
Ph.D NIT Professor 42 02
Dr. Sekhar Computational
2 Durgapur,198 HOD(MTec
Majumdar Fluid Dynamics
1 h)
Dr. P B Ph.D VTU HOD, 28 -
3 Aeronautics
Shetty 2008 Professor
ME PSGT 28 -
Prof. Desai
4 Coimbatore Assoc. Prof Engg Design
Gowda H S
Dr. 15 -
Ph.D NITK Machine
5 Sudheer Professor
2011 Design
Mr. K 28 -
M.Tech Engg.Managem
6 Srikanth Assoc. Prof
Mysore 1980 ent
Dr. Kiran Ph.DNITK,20 16 -
7 Asst. Prof Machine design
Aithal S 12
Mr. 15 -
M.Tech Heat Power
8 Madhusudh Assoc. Prof
NITK 2006 Engg
M.Tech 14 -
9 Hemanth Asst. Prof Manufacturing
College of
Mrs. Smriti M.Tech KIIT 9 -
10 Asst. Prof Manufacturing
Rekha Sen 2006
Mr. Ravi Thermal Power 7 -
11 M.Tech Asst. Prof
Prakash Engg
Mr. Sriram M.Tech 4 -
12 Asst. Prof Manufacturing
Mukunda NITK 2011
13 Mr. M.Tech VTU Asst. Prof Thermal Power 3 -
Mr Machine Tool 11 -
33 M.Tech Asst. Prof
Surendra design
Mr. Production 2 -
M.Tech VTU
34 Prashanth. Asst. Prof Engg And
N management
Mr. M.E, - -
Shivapratha Bangalore Machine
35 Asst. Prof
p Sing University Design
Yadav 2012
Mr. - -
36 Muralidhar Asst.Prof Mechatronics
NITK 2011
M.Tech VTU - -
37 Mr. Sachin Asst.Prof CIM
UG 1:15
PG 1:12
Majumdar Simulation of
Complex Flows with
Laminar to Turbulent
“Diesel-Jatropa- Rs 8000/-
Mr.Manjunath HN Ethanol: Performance
on C.I Engine.
“Organic processing
facility to generate
high quality
KSCST Mr.Rudra Naik renewable fuel as Rs 6000/-
biogas from the
utilization of kitchen
International Funding Nil Nil Nil
12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants
International Recognitions -
14. Publications:
number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national /
international) - 12
Monographs -NIL
Chapter(s) in Books- 1
Editing Books - NIL
Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers- NIL
number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus,
Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.)- NA
Citation Index – range / average - NIL
Impact factor – range / average - 0.8 to 1.3
h-index- NIL
1. Sending for higher studies in the reputed institutes to complete M.Tech and PhD
research program and allowing faculty to attend the conference and workshop
held in India and abroad.
2. MHRD sponsored “CFD workshop” and “Introduction to Research Methodology”
are held in college and the faculties attended the workshop.
3. Internet facilities and new edition textbooks are provided for the purpose of
continuous growth of the subject knowledge.
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology 303
NAAC - Self Study for Autonomous Colleges
PGThermal 16 0 16 0 87.65%
PG Design 19 1 18
23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET,
GATE and any other competitive examinations?
26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the
assessment period.
Class rooms with ICT facility Faculty use portable LCD projectors
Students‟ laboratories 12
28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College.
UG – 95 Students
PG (Thermal) – 7 Students
29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new
program(s)? If so, give the methodology.
Aeronautical labs are arranged and required numbers of faculty are appointed.
Separate class rooms and required facilities are made.
Feedbacks from students are collected every semester. There are certain levels of
evaluating the teaching process. After every feedback, consistency, performance and
attendance profiles are checked. Feedback is collected as a hard-copy and documented.
The feedback analysis process is done manually. The comments are analyzed by the
concerned HOD and Dean (Academic) and are discussed with the concerned faculty
individually. Suggestions for improvement in teaching performance are given if required
c. Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the
department to the same?
Improvement in the infrastructure and transport facility of the college. Increase in lab
hours and additional training for the student like Soft skill and Advanced CAE Tools
Response: Department appreciates the fact that changes have been recognized
1. Lecture by J.S. Rao (Altair Engineering Pvt Ltd., Former HOD, Mech Engg Dept
IIT, Delhi) on Introduction to CFD and their application conjugate heat Transfer
& Aero acoustics on 5th Mar 2007.
2. Lecture By Prof. G.R.K Murthy (Former Head, FEM Division, CMTI, Blore) on
Thermal Analysis using FEM Approach on 5th Mar 2007.
3. Lecture by Prof.S.N.Sreedhar (Prof. & Dean, R&D M.S.R.School of Advanced
Studies, Banglore) on introduction to CFD Methodology on March 5th, 2007.
4. Lecture by Dr.S. Majumdar (Head, CTFD Division, National Aerospace
Laboratories, Bangalore) Numerical Simulation of Incompressible Turbulent
Flow in Complex Configuration on March 6th, 2007.
5. Lecture by Dr.S.V.Raghurama Rao (Prof, Aerospace Dept IISC, Banglore on
CFD Algorithms on 6th Mar 2007.
6. Lecture by Prof. Rama Govindarajan (Associate Prof, Engineering Mech Unit
JNCASR, and Banglore) on an incomplete roadmap of the Routes toTurbulence
in Shear flow on March 6th 2007.
7. Lecture by Prof N.Ramesh from EDII, Banglore on Entrepreneurial
Competencies, Motivating the students and assessing entrepreneurial
competencies on 7th June 2008.
8. Lecture by Prof N.Ramesh from EDII, Banglore on Business opportunity
identification, Innovation as a tool to create new goods and service & incubation
centre on 8th June 2008.
9. Lecture by Mr.DS. Vishwanath (Industries Department) on Industrial Policy of
Govt of Karnataka and Steps in starting a small enterprise on 9th June 2008.
10. Lecture by Mr.KSN Bhat EDII, Banglore, on Financial Assistance from state
financial corporation on 9th June 2008.
11. Lecture by C.H.V Rao on “Centrifugal casting” on 12th Jan 2009.
34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met
and learning outcomes monitored?
Field visit Faculty from the department along with students have
visited to various industries
Problem solving Our faculties have improved their teaching
methodologies by attending programs like Soft skill
Development, STTP
Project work All our staff has successfully guided the student
Case study Industry oriented case studies are part of the many
subjects like, project management, operation
management, operation Research and operation
Internship programme
Industry visit
Value added courses
Workshops on current technology
Mechanical branch festival MECHALICA and IGNITION
Supra SAE Formula 1 car and aero SAE
38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC)
of the department
interaction a low
Deputation o Lack of consistency Utilization of on- Competition due to
faculty for of advising at the campus services by distance education
higher studies graduate level looking forward for institution
Lack of off-campus new funding agencies
and alternative
Efficient and Scope for improving Opportunities for tie Online courses
cost-effective industry-institute ups between
operations interaction department and
industries like IISC,
DRDO, etc
Unique Inadequate research Up gradation of Declining
product and culture emanating departmental library enrollment for
service from the initial Engineering for job
utilization “developmental” opportunity
Sridhar Professor MBA, M.Tech,
Sambatur Ph.D Management 30 01(Ongoing)
MBA, M.Com,
Jayaram (ISTD), (Ph.D) Banking and
Shetty Professor Pursuing HRM. 21 ----
Dr.S.Haris Associate General
h Professor MBA, M.Phil Managemen 01
Babu and Head Ph.D t. 11 (Ongoing)
Dr. Developme
Jayasmita Associate. Ph.D (IISc) nt, Public 06
Rath Professor Policy. 08 (Ongoing)
B.Sc. MBA, Marketing,
MHRM,M.Phil,P General
Prof. G Managemen
Senthil Asst.Profes DCA, (Ph.D) t and
Kumar sor Pursuing Systems 17
Prof. BA,MA, MBA, Marketing,
N.Kiran Asst.Profes M.Phil, L.L.B HR, and
Kumar sor (Ph.D) Pursuing Law 12
Mrs. MBA, M.Com,
Shilpa Asst. PGDMM (Ph.D) HR and
Ajay Professor Pursuing Marketing 08
Sreedhar. Asst. HR and
N Professor MBA Marketing 04
Ms. Asst.
Deepali V Professo
K r MBA Finance 03
Ms. Professo
Nayana r MBA Marketing 03
Ashwath Asst.
Reddy Professor BE, MBA Finance 06
Ms. Asst.
Jyothi. G Professor MBA Finance 02
Asst. Marketing
Ms Malini Professor MBA and HR 07
Liria Asst.
Rereira Professor MBA HR 0.5
MBA 15:1
Ph.D 3:1
NABARD Dr. Ashwini Kr. BJ Yes Trade-
12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants
14. Publications:
Editing books 02
Private Limited
23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET,
GATE and any other competitive examinations?
Campus selection 75%
Other than campus recruitment 20%
Entrepreneurs 5%
26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the
assessment period. : 1
Volume: 4414
Titles: 2235
a) Department Library Journals: 24
Each faculty has been
provided with computer and
Internet facility
Department is having separate
b)Internet facilities for staff and internet lab with 90
students Computers
c)Total number of class rooms 06
ICT Facility-Nil
We have mounted- LCDs and OHPs
d)Class rooms with ICT facility in each classrooms
e) Students laboratories NIL
f) Research laboratories NIL
28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College.
36 Students
29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new
program(s)? If so, give the methodology. :
Yes on staff. If the feedback is poor HOD and principal inform the faculties
about the same and methods are chalked out for enhancement of performance.
c. alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the
department to the same?
Yes every year during alumni meet, we take the feedback on the program and try
to see the feasibility in implementing their suggestions
33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes:
Faculties adopt Case Analysis Method, Role Play and Presentation Method for
teaching Different Concepts.
34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met
and learning outcomes monitored?
The Faculty and Students of the department are actively involved in the said
38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC)
of the department
Highly qualified faculty members
Strong focus on quality teaching
Strong focus on Research activities and Indusry Institute Interaction
PG – Semester System
Semester Based
Sanctioned Filled
Professor 1 1
Associate Professors 2 2
Asst. Professors 12 12
H. , New Wireless
Delhi) Networks Prof &
M.Tech. Mobile Adhoc Head 11.6
Ms. Geetha B.E. Computer Sc. Associate
Priyadarshini & Engg. Professor Nil
MCA 14.6
Ms. Joy Lavinya B.E. Electronics & Assistant
Communicatio Professor Nil
n Engg
M.S. Medical
Software 9.2
Ms. Deepthi J. B.E. Information Assistant
Shetty Science & Professor
Engg. Nil
M.T.ech. Computer Sc.
& Engg. 7.6
Ms. Uma R. B.E. Computer Sc. Assistant
& Engg. Professor
M.T.ech. Computer Sc. 6 Nil
& Engg
Ms. B.E. Computer Sc. Assistant
Ramyashree B. & Engg. Professor
R. M.Tech. Computer Sc.
& Engg. Nil
(Ph.D.) Grid 8.5
Computer Sc.
Ms. Shruthi. B. B.E. & Engg. Assistant
V. Professor Nil
M.T.ech. Computer Sc.
& Engg
Ms. Sowmya H. MCA Assistant
N. Professor 3.6 Nil
Mr. Mariyan MCA Assistant 3.9
Richard Professor Nil
Mr. Lakshmi MCA Assistant
Narayan Professor 5 Nil
12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants
14. Publications:
number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national /
Dr. Prasad N. H. – 6
Prof. Shruti B. V. – 1
Prof. Uma R. – 2
Prof. Deepthi J. Shetty – 1
Prof. Lakshmi Narayan- 2
Monographs: NIL
Chapter(s) in Books:
Editing Books: ERCICA-2013, ISBN:978-93-5107-102-0
Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers: Object Oriented
Programming using C++, Thakur Publishers. ISBN : 978-93-8392-223-9
number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus,
Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.)
Citation Index – range / average: NIL
Impact factor – range / average: 2
h-index: NIL
2. Dr. Prasad N. H., was nominated and awarded for “Young Faculty”
by Education Expo TV at 2nd Academic Brilliance Awards, New
23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET,
GATE and any other competitive examinations?
26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the
assessment period.
d) Students‟ laboratories
28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College.
18 Students
29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new
program(s)? If so, give the methodology.
Feedback forms are given to the students at the end of every semester to
evaluate the teaching-learning activity.
This form contains a set of questions which includes many parameters with
some value associated with it. Adding these values gives a score.
Based on the score, a department level discussion is held in order to
improve the teaching-learning activity.
c. Alumni and employers on the program and what is the response of the
department to the same?
Some alumni attend the departmental events and assist the junior students
in organizing the same in a better way.
They give information about the recent trends in industry.
Faculties try to a maximum extent to conduct their classroom sessions in
par with the industry needs.
33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programs.
34. How does the department ensure that program objectives are constantly met
and learning outcomes monitored?
37. State whether the program/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies.
Give details.
38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC)
of the department
Sanctioned Filled
Professor 1 1
Associate Professors 3 3
Asst. Professors 33 33
Sl.No No. of
Name Qualificati Specializati Designati No. of Ph.D.
on on on Years of studen
Experien ts
ce guided
in the
last 4
Dr.Shaik Solid State
abdul Ph.D Physics Associate 20 5
sulaman professor
[Ph.D] Electronics 15
1 Mrs.Jyothi.G. M.Sc Asst.Prof
[Ph.D] Nuclear
2 Mrs.Hitha Physics Asst.Prof 12
Shetty M.Sc
Prasad M.Sc
M.Sc Nuclear Asst.Prof 06
8 Mrs.Jyothi Physics
M.Sc Solid State Asst.Prof 03
9 Ms.Chaitra.J Physics
(Ph.D) Fluid
6 Mrs.Chandrakala Assistant 12
S maths Professor
(Ph.D) Graph Theory
1 Mr. Srinivas M.A English Asst. Prof. 4
A (Ph.D)
2 Mrs. M.A. English Asst. Prof. 8
Nagarathna M.Phil
3 Ms. Radha M.A English Asst. Prof. 1
4 Mrs. Vandana M.A Political Science Asst. Prof. 10 Nil
Rai Ph.D Political Science
5 Mrs. M.Sc Environmental Science Asst. Prof. 5 Nil
Dr. Ph.D Japanese studies Asst. Prof. 3 Nil
6 Varalakshmi
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology 345
NAAC - Self Study for Autonomous Colleges
VGST & 20 Lakhs Jyothi.G.B (physics) + 3.0 Lakhs under VTU (Maths) Dr.Indira
12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants
received: 3.0 Lakhs under VTU (Maths)+ 20 Lakhs (Physics)+4.5lakhs(chemistry)
14. Publications:
number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national /
international): 65
Monographs : NA
Chapter(s) in Books: NA
Editing Books : NA
Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers : NA
Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus,
Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.):
Citation Index – range / average : NA
Impact factor – range / average : 0.5-1.85
h-index : NA
19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by: NA
Doctoral / post doctoral fellows
23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET,
GATE and any other competitive examinations? NA
26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the
assessment period.
28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College:
29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new
program(s)? If so, give the methodology: NA
Yes on staff. If the feedback is low, HOD and principal inform the faculty about
the same.
Alumni are part of BOS, who gives suggestion on as teaching-learning –
evaluation. Valid inputs will be considered by the departments.
c. Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the
department to the same?
33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.
Tutorial approach
Problem solving
34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met
and learning outcomes monitored?
Problem solving
VTU (Maths)
38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC)
of the department
Post-accreditation Initiatives
If the college has already undergone the accreditation process by NAAC, please
highlight the significant quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken
during the last four years. The narrative may not exceed five pages.
I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of
my knowledge.
This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has
been outsourced.
I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during
the peer team visit.
Place: Bangalore
Date: 29-11-2013
1. Dr. H.M. Ravikumar Micro level energy planning for rural area of Malnad
regionCiit International journal of programmable device circuits and systems,
July /vol 4/11/2012
2. Dr.H.M.Ravikumar Comparison of descrete wavelet transform (DWT),lifting
wave let transform (LWT) stationary wavelet transform (SWT) And S transform
in power quality analysisEuropean journal of scientific research Vol.39/4/2010
3. Dr.H.M.Ravikumar Comparison of DWT ,LWT,SWT,S-transform and
classification and chracterisation of power quality events using LWT
International journal on electronics & electrical engineering (IJEEE),2010,ISSN
0974-2042 code:JEEE/WINTER/2009/011/03
4. Sanjeev K Nayak and DNGaonkar Fuzzy Logic Controlled Microturbine
Generation System for Distributed Generation Application National System
Conference-2010 (NSC-2010), At National Institute of Technology Karnataka,
Surathkal, Mangalore-575025, INDIA.
5. Sanjeev K Nayak and D N Gaonkar Modeling and Performance Analysis of
Microturbine Generation System for Distributed Generation A Review IEEE
International Conference on Energy Technology, Case Western University, USA.
25th-26th May 2011
6. Sanjeev K Nayak and D N Gaonkar Combined Model of Fuel cell and
Microturbine Generation System for Distributed Generation, IEEE-PES-ISGT-
International Conference on Smart Grid and Tecchnology-, Jeddah, Saudi
Arabia.17th-21st- December 2011
7. Santohosh Kumar A, D N Gaonkar and Sanjeev K Nayak Performance Study of
Grid Connected Fuel Cell Based Distributed Generation System with
Ultracapacitor IEEE-PES-ISGT-International Conference on Smart Grid and
Tecchnology- Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.17th-21st- December 2011.
8. Sanjeev K Nayak and D N Gaonkar Coordinated voltage control in 3 phase
unbalanced distribution system with multiple regulators using Genetic Algorithm
International Conference on Advances in Energy Engineering, (ICAEE-
2011),25th-28th December 2011, Bangkok, Thailand.
9. Sanjeev K Nayak and D N Gaonkar Fuzzy Logic Controlled Microturbine
Generation System for Distributed Generation International Journal of Energy
and Procedia, Elsevier, Science Direct, Vol, 14, 2012, pp. 1213–1219.
10. Sanjeev K Nayak and D N Gaonkar Modeling and Performance Analysis of
Microturbine Generation System for Grid connected and Islanded mode of
21. Chandra Shekar B.N, Dr.S.C Desai “Continuous Collision Detection in Virtual
Environment”, Second National Level Conference on “Recent Trends in
computers, Communications and Information Technology”(Rccit‟11)April 2011.
22. Chandra Shekar B.N, Aditya. Shastry, “Ellipsoid triangle – based collision
Dection for Virtual Reality Applications” In the International Conference on
Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT-2010), September 2010
28. Prasanta Gogoi, D.K. Bhattacharyya, B. Borah and J.K. Kalita, „A Survey of
Outlier Detection Methods in Network Anomaly Identification‟, The
Computer Journal, Oxford University Press, Vol 54, No 4, April 2011, pp 570-
588, Online ISSN: 1460-2067 - Print ISSN: 0010-4620.
29. PrasantaGogoi, R. Das, B. Borah, and D.K. Bhattacharyya ,'Efficient Rule Set
Generation using Rough Set Theory for Classification of High Dimensional
Data', International Journal of Smart Sensors and Ad Hoc Networks (IJSSAN),
pp. 13--20, ISSN: 2248-9738 (Print), Vol. I, Issue 2,November, 2011.
Mechanical Engineering
11. Kiran Aithal S Effect of L/D ratio on Al-Si Functionally Graded Material cast
through Centrifuge Technique‟ -ICAMR 2011, Chongquing, China.
12. Dr. Sudheer Reddy “Influence of silicon in Al2O3 reinforced al-Si alloy
composites on same mechanical properties”. Accepted for oral presentation
AMMT 2010
13. Mr. Madhusudhan “Experimental Study on Rate of Solidification of Centrifugal
Casting”, International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
(IJMME), vol. 5 Nov 1,2010
14. Mr. Madhusudhan “Experimental Study on Effect of Mould Wall Thickness on
Rate of Solidification of Centrifugal Casting”, International conference (FIME
2010) held at NITK, Surathkal on May 15, 2010
15. Mr. Sriram Mukunda “Effect of copper content on wear properties of Nitinols”,
International Conference on Advanced Materials held at University of Delaware,
USA, 2011
16. Mr. Sriram Mukunda “Effect of copper content and low temperature aging on
Nitino”l, Indian Foundry Journal, vol 57, no 8, Aug 2011
17. Mr. Manjunath H. N “Vision based interactive robot exhibits for museums”,
IEEE Hyderabad, Nov-2012.
18. Mr. Manjunath H. N “Diesel-Jatropa-Ethanol blends performance and emission
of a C. I. Engine”, National conference on Biofuels, July 2012
19. Mr. Rudra Naik. M “Interfacing of MEMS Accelerometer with PLC for real time
health/condition monitoring of CNC machine”. An international conference on
precision, micro and Nano Engineering at college of Engineering Pune, 10th Dec
20. Mr. Rudra Naik. M “Organic processing facility to generate a High quality
renewable fuel as biogas from the utilization of kitchen wastes”. National
Conference on Biofuels, July 2012
21. Mr. Ramesh Babu. N “Vision based interactive robot exhibits for museums”,
IEEE Hyderabad, Nov-2012.
22. Mr. Sunil Kumar H. S “Vision based interactive robot exhibits for museums”,
IEEE Hyderabad, Nov-2012
Electronics &Communication
M Tech CSE
48. Guruprasad Bhat , Vidyadevi G. Biradar, H. Sarojadevi and Nalini N., “Artificial
Neural Network based Cancer cell Classification”, International Conference on
Data Engineering and Communication Systems (ICDECS), December 2011
49. Venugopala P.S., Sarojadevi H. and Niranjan N.C., “Survey on the Issues of
Digital Video Watermarking for Mobile Devices”, International Journal for
Electro Computational World Knowledge Interface, Volume 1, Issue 4, ISSN
NO. 2249-5428 (Print) ISSN No.2249-5428 (Online), pages 18-21, December
50. H. Sarojadevi and S. K. Nandy, “Processor-Directed Cache Coherence
Mechanism – A Performance Study”, International Journal on Computer Science
and Engineering, Vol.3, Issue 9, page 3202-3206, ISSN 2229-5631, e-ISSN :
0975-3397, September 2011
51. H. Sarojadevi, “Autonomic Computing”, ARETHA,-The Cryptec Speak, Vol. 3,
Issue 1, News Letter, Dept. of CSE, NMIT, December 2011
52. H. Sarojadevi and Bhuvaneshwari Patil, “Zone-based Ant Colony Routing for
MANET”, International Conference on Frontiers in Computer Science (ICFoCS),
August 2011
53. Vidyadevi G. Biradar, H. Sarojadevi and Guruprasad Bhat, “Fingerprint
Recognition System”, ICFoCS, August 2011
54. Rajesh N. and H. Sarojadevi, “Emerging Trends in Video Surveillance
Applications”, International Conference on Computing and Computer Vision
(ICCCV), July 2011
55. Bhuvaneshwari Patil and Sarojadevi H, “Ant Colony Routing – An
Implementation Experience”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in
Engineering (ICETE), May 2011
56. Chaitra S., Mohan B.A., H. Sarojadevi, “Evolutionary Trust Formalization in
57. H. Sarojadevi, “Neural Networks for Image Processing”, ARETHA,-The Cryptec
Speak, vol. 2, Issue 2, News Letter, Dept. of CSE, NMIT, March 2011
58. H. Sarojadevi, “Taxonomy of Education and Learning”, ConfER-2011 – CSI
National Conference on Education and Research, 2011
59. Venugopala P.S., Sarojadevi H. and Niranjan N.C., “Survey on the Issues of
Digital Video Watermarking for Mobile Devices”, International Journal for
Electro Computational World Knowledge Interface, Volume 1, Issue 4,
December 2011, ISSN NO. 2249-5428 (Print) ISSN No.2249-5428 (Online)
60. Dr.H. Sarojadevi, Sanket Dessai, “Design and verification of SoC with
MicroBlaze and Ethernet MAC/PHY for networking applications”, ACCEPTED
PAPER FOR International Conference on Advances in Information,
Communication Technology and VLSI design (ICAICV) 2010
61. Dr.H. Saroja devi, “Optimization and porting of H. 264 Video codec on
ARM9TDMI” Communicated to HiPC 2010
62. Dr.H. Sarojadevi, “Enforcing Early and Local Cache Coherence- A Comparative
Study”, - Accepted for publication, IEEE International H. Sarojadevi,
63. Dr.H. Sarojadevi, “Performance Testing – State of the Art Methodologies and
Tools”, ICIP 2007 Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing (ICETiC),
64. Dr.H.Sarojadevi, Ambikashri B. Shetty, Apoorva K. Murthy, P. Balachandra
Shetty, Dr.P.G Mukunda, “Digital Image Processing Technique for
Microstructure Analysis of Spheroidal Graphite Iron”, International Journal of
Combined Research & Development (IJCRD) eISSN:2321-225X;pISSN:2321-
2241 Volume: 1(4) pp 1-5, August 2013
65. Dr.H.Saroja Devi and Pradeep Gowda.B.S., “Link Stability and Energy Aware
routing Protocol for Mobile Adhoc Network”, Pradeep Gowda.B.S, Dr.H.Saroja
Devi , “Link Stability and Energy Aware routing Protocol for Mobile Adhoc
Network”, IOSR (International Organization of Scientific Research) International
Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE), 6(4):37-
47, e-ISSN: 2278-2834, p-ISSN:2278-8735, June 2013
66. Dr.H.Saroja Devi and Vijaya Shetty S, “e-Business Performance Issues, Quality
Metrics and Development Frameworks”, International Journal of Computer
Applications, 55(7):42-47, Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New
York, USA, Impact factor 0.814, doi>10.5120/8769-2694, ISSN 0975-8887,
October 2012
67. Prashant G. Desai, Niranjan N. Chiplunkar and Dr.H.Sarojadevi, “An Approach
for POS Tagging for a Conversational Software System”, International
conference on Research Trends in Computer Technologies, January 2013
68. Venugopala P S, Dr. H.Sarojadevi, Dr. Niranjan N C, Vani Bhat, “Invisible
Image Watermarking Using Bit Substitution” , International Conference on
Evolutionary trends in Information Technology, VTU, Belgaum, 5th,6th October
69. Venugopala P S, Dr. H.Sarojadevi, Dr. Niranjan N C, Savitha G, “Object
Detection and Extraction for Image Tagging on Android Platform”, ICETE -
2013 NMAMIT, Nitte, May 15th and 16th , 2013.
70. Dr.H.Sarojadevi, Pallavi Munihanumaiah, Mohan B.A., Ramya S, Sushma M. "A
new Design approach for developing Electronic Health Record Application on
Android", Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Research in
Computing, Information, Communication and Applications (ERCICA-13),
Bangalore, ELSEVIER publications, pp.639-644, ISBN: 9789351071020,
August 2013
71. Vijaya Shetty, Dr. H. Sarojadevi , “A Systematic Approach to Performance
Analysis of Transaction Processing Systems”, National Conference organized by
T.John Institute of Technology, Bangalore on 21st and 22nd March 2012
72. Guruprasad Bhat, Pratibha Ballal, Vijaya Shetty, “HeapLet Sort” International
Conference on Frontiers of Computer Science 2011(ICFoCS-2011), held at
IISc,Bangalore from 7th-9th August 2011
73. Vijaya Shetty S, ”An Approach to Leased Circuit Traffic Acceleration”, National
Conference on Advances in Emerging Information Technology, DBIT -May
100. Prathibha A Ballal EEAPA: Energy Efficient Adaptive Precision Allocation for
Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks”. Fourth International
Conference on Information Processing, Bangalore, Aug 2010 ( Best Paper
Presentation Award)
101. Guruprasad Bhat, Prathibha Ashwin Ballal, Vijaya Shetty S., Ramakrishna K ,
and Afroz Pasha, “A Novel Sorting Approach for Critical Real-Time
Applications”, In the Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging
Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications
(ERCICA), pp 547-556, Bangalore, Aug. 2013, Elsevier, ISBN: 9789351071020
102. Sanju V, Niranjan Chiplunkar, M Khalid, Sujata Joshi, Nirmala J S, “A
Performance Study of 2D Mesh & Torus for Network on Chip Based System”,
Proc. International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing,
Information, Communication and Applications, ERCICA 2013,Banglore Aug 02
– 03 (Indexed In Elservier), ISBN: 9789351071020.
103. Sanju V ,Niranjan Chiplunkar, M Khalid, Venkata Krishna, “Performance
Analysis Through Simulation For Three Dimension Network On Chip
Topology”, Accepted In Anusandhana, Journal Of Science, Engineering And
104. ChaitraS, Mohan B A, Dr. H. Sarojadevi, ”Evolutionary Trust Formalization in
MANETs”, ICAET 2011.
105. Mohan B A, Dr. H. Sarojadevi, ”Study of Scalability Issue in Optimized Link
State Routing (OLSR) Protocol”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in
Technology, April 2012.
106. Mohan B A, Dr. H. Sarojadevi, ”Study of Scalability Issue in Optimized Link
State Routing (OLSR) Protocol”, International Journal of Advanced Technology
& Engineering Research (IJATER) National Conference on Emerging Trends in
Technology (NCET-Tech), Volume 2, Issue 4, July 2012, ISSN No: 2250-3536.
107. Dr. H. Sarojadevi, Pallavi Munihanumaiah, Mohan B A, Ramya S, Sushma
M, ”A new Design approach for developing Electronic Health Record
Application on Android”, Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging
Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications
(ERCICA-13), Bangalore, ELSEVIER publications, pp.639-644, ISBN:
9789351071020, August 2013.
1. H.R.Dhananjaya, "A Software for Concrete Mix Design", The Indian Concrete
Journal, September, 1996, pp.489-493.
Dr. H.R.Dhananjaya:
Mr. Jairaj:
4. Srikanth.H.V, Production of Biodiesel from Milk Dairy Wash Water Scum and
Study of its Characterisitics, International Journal of Advanced Innovation and
Research, Vol.2, Issue 8, August-2013, ISSN:2278-7844.
10. J. Rath and M. Chatterjee (2011). Optimizing the Benefits of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) In Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs)- An Indian
Study. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 4, (12), pp-301-322
11. J. Rath and Gurtoo A. (2012) Corporate Social Responsibility Orientation:
Theorizing Oliver Williamson‟s Framework. Vikalpa- The Journal of Decision
Makers, IIM Ahmedabad, 37 (2), pp 9-18.
12. Senthil Kumar (2012). The War for Talent – Retention Strategies in Post
Economic Crisis, SAMSMRITI Journal, 6(2), July-December, ISSN No: 0976-
13. Harish Babu S (2011). Entry of International Retailer in Indian Retailing.
Journal of Management, II(II), July-December, ISSN: 2231-2145 .
18. J. Rath and M. Chatterjee, (2011). Optimizing The Benefits Of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) In Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs)- An Indian
Study, paper presented at International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS)
Conference held at Harvard University, USA from 29 May to 2 June.
19. Harish Babu S. (2011). A Study of Foreign Direct Investment equity inflows in
India, presented at the International Conference on “Global Impact of Indian
Management” organized by The Oxford College of Engineering, Bangalore on
27th& 28th April.
20. Harish Babu S. (2011). Entry of International retailers and its Impact on Indian
retailing – A case of Wal-Mart, presented at the International Conference on
“India Inc: challenges and opportunities” held at Don Bosco Institute of Bio-
science and Management Studies, Bangalore on 3rd – 5th January.
21. Beena Dias, Sambatur Sridhar and Rowena Wright (2011). An Exploratory Study
on Perceived Satisfaction with Competencies of HRD Practitioners and Its
Implications. International HR Conference 2011, IES Management College &
Research Centre, January 12. Proceedings Volume “Changing Dynamics of
Human Resources”, pp 474-485, Excel Publishers, ISBN 978-93-80697-46-8.
22. Harish Babu (2010). Sales Associate Service Attitude – Challenges for Retailers,
paper presented at the International Conference on “Management of Emerging
paradigm conflicts in a Globalizing world” jointly organized by PESIT and
Indiana University of Pennsylvania at PESIT campus, Bangalore on 8 - 9
January. (ISBN: 978-81-8424-594-3, Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd. Pg.338-347).
23. Harish Babu S. (2010). Driving Forces and potential Impact of Medical Tourism
in India, paper presented at the International Conference on “Accelerating
Economic Revival through Innovation and Reform” organized by Women‟s
Christian College, Chennai on 5-6, February. (ISBN: 978-93-80043-76-0, Excel
India Publishers, New Delhi).
24. Harish Babu S and Senthil Kumar (2010). Ethical issues in Higher Education,
paper presented at the International Conference on “Convergence of science &
Engineering in Education and Research – A Global perspective in the new
Prof. Uma R.
Naik, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements, 2009, 184,
13. Synthesis of Quinoline-based Thieno-Seleno-Phenylquinazolinones. H.R.
Prakash Naik, H.S. Bhojya Naik, T.R. Ravikumar Naik, M. Raghavendra, T.
Aravinda, and D.S. Lamani, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related
Elements, 2009, 184, 460-470.
14. Rapid and sensitive extraction-free spectrophotometric methods for the
determination of pheniramine maleate using three sulphonthalein dyes, M.S.
Raghu, K. Basavaiah, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. A Phys. Sci. 2012,
82 (3),187–196.
15. Development and validation of a UV-spectrophotometric method for the
determination of pheniramine maleate and its stability studies, M.S.
Raghu, K. Basavaiah, P.J. Ramesh, A.M.A. Sameer, K.B. Vinay, J. Appl.
Spectroscopy., 2012, 79 (1), 141-149.
16. Two charge transfer complexation reaction for the spectrophotometric
determination of pheniramine maleate using π-acceptors, M.S. Raghu, K.
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