Timer Interaction in Route Flap Damping
Timer Interaction in Route Flap Damping
Timer Interaction in Route Flap Damping
Figure 1. Example Figure 2. A router’s RIBs 0 240 480 720 960 1200 1440 1680 1920 2160 2400 2640
Time (seconds)
Section 4 analyzes the actual damping behavior in detail, in- Damping Parameters Cisco Juniper
cluding how timer interactions shape routing dynamics dur- Withdrawal Penalty (PW ) 1000 1000
ing damping. Section 5 presents simulation results. Section Re-announcement Penalty (PA ) 0 1000
6 proposes the use of RCN to facilitate damping. Section Attributes Change Penalty 500 500
7 discusses the implication of routing policies on damping, Cut-off Threshold (Pcut ) 2000 3000
and Section 8 concludes the paper. Half Life (minute) (H) 15 15
Reuse Threshold (Preuse ) 750 750
2 Route Flap Damping and Previous Work Max Hold-down Time (minute) 60 60
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Time (seconds)
Figure 4. Four-state of a
damping process in a dis- Figure 5. Silent Reuse Figure 6. Noisy Reuse Figure 7. Damping
tributed system Penalty
path exploration, secondary charging will not only lengthen 4.4 Overall Damping Behavior
existing reuse timers, but can also lead to new route sup-
pressions sometimes. This drives the network to a new sup- The above discussion shows that there are two types of
pression period even though no new route flap has occurred. reuse timer interaction: secondary charging prolongs con-
The network can converge only when all noisy reuse timers vergence time, while muffling by ispAS’ reuse timer re-
have expired. duces secondary charging by making potentially noisy timer
Figure 7 shows an example of simulated route penalty expirations silent. These two types of timer interactions
over time after a single route flap. In this case, the router compete with each other, and the net result depends on the
computing the penalty is not adjacent to the flapping link; number of flaps sent by originAS.
more precisely it is 7 hops away from originAS. The Let RTh be ispAS’ reuse timer, and RTnet be the last
charging period happens within the first 100 seconds, dur- noisy reuse timer in the rest of the network. Initially RTh is
ing which path exploration amplifies one flap into several zero as route suppression is not triggered at ispAS. But once
updates and triggers route suppression, as described in [9]. it is triggered, any further flaps from originAS will increase
With path exploration alone, the network would converge RTh only and have no effect on RTnet at all. As the number
around 2000th second when the route is reused. However, of flaps increases, a critical point (Nh ) is reached when
due to secondary charging, the penalty value is pushed up
over the cut-off threshold again. Before the route is even- RTh > RTnet
tually reused after the 5000th second, secondary charging
That is, when the number of flaps is greater than a certain
pushes the penalty up three more times. In this case, sec-
number Nh , RTh will outlast all noisy reuse timers in the
ondary charging accounts for more than 60% of the total
network, making the muffling effect dominant. When RTh
convergence delay! We will discuss details of the simula-
expires, it is the only reuse timer in the entire network, and
tions in Section 5.
there will be no secondary charging at all. The convergence
time will be totally determined by when RTh expires, which
4.3 Muffling Effect brings the convergence time in line with the intended behav-
ior, as we described in Section 3. The overall results can be
For a single or a small number of route flaps, ispAS summarized as follows:
does not suppress or delay any update. After a number
of flaps, however, route suppression will be triggered at is- • After a small number of route flaps, due to path explo-
pAS, and further flaps will be blocked from entering the ration and secondary charging, a network with damp-
network. Since the link (originAS, ispAS) is suppressed, ing can have longer convergence time than the in-
ispAS has no route to reach originAS. As a result, ispAS tended behavior.
sends a route withdrawal to all its peers, which is then prop-
• When the number of flaps is greater than a certain
agated throughout the network. Note that when a router
number, due to muffling effect, a system with damp-
receives a withdrawal message, it removes the route and in-
creases the penalty value for that route. When a remote ing follows the intended behavior.
router’s reuse timer expires, it will find no route to the orig-
inAS, thus cannot trigger any update. Any reuse timer that 5 Simulation Results
expires before ispAS reuses link (originAS, ispAS) will
be silent. We call this effect the Muffling effect. The muf- Predicting the actual damping behavior in a network is
fling effect is removed after ispAS reuses its route to the difficult. It depends on the degree of path exploration, tim-
originAS and sends an announcement to the network. ing of updates, and order of reuse timer expirations. There-
7000 22000
No Damping (simulation, mesh) No Damping (simulation, mesh)
Full Damping (simulation, mesh) Full Damping (simulation, mesh)
Full Damping (simulation, Internet) 20000 Full Damping (simulation, Internet)
6000 Full Damping (calculation)
Convergence Time (second) 5000 16000
Number of Updates
2000 8000
0 2000
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Pulses Number of Pulses
Number of Updates
Number of Updates
250 30 250 250
0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
Time (seconds) Time (seconds) Time (seconds)
200 200 200
50 50 50
0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
Time (seconds) Time (seconds) Time (seconds)
5.3 Charging, Suppression, and Releasing ger route suppression on the (originAS, ispAS) link, but
Figure 10(d) shows that it does trigger route suppression at
We now examine the simulation results with 100-node roughly 275 other links in the network.
mesh topology (Figure 10) in detail to illustrate how reuse After the 120th second, the update messages cease and
timer interactions influence damping dynamics and cause the network enters a suppression period that lasts from the
distinct charging, suppression, and releasing periods. 120th second to the 1574th second. During this time period,
there is no outstanding routing messages. However, many
The Effect of Single Pulse (n = 1) Figures 10(a) and preferred routes are marked as unavailable due to suppres-
10(d) plot update series and damped link count triggered by sion. Finally at the 1574th second, these reuse timers begin
a single pulse, respectively. The update series shows the to expire and the network enters the releasing period. As
number of update messages observed in the network in 5- the previously suppressed routes become available, new up-
second bins; the damped link count shows the total number dates are triggered and the damped link count decreases.
of links being suppressed at the moment.2 The releasing period lasts until the 5147th second when the
The originAS flaps by sending an initial withdrawal and last update is observed.3
then re-announces the route 60 seconds later. The first with- Note that although route suppressions happen in a rela-
drawal starts a charging period that lasts through the first tively short charging period, the release of all reuse timers is
120 seconds. Note that even though originAS sends only spread over a long period of time. The releasing period ac-
one withdrawal and one announcement, Figure 10(a) shows counts for about 70% of total convergence time and 30% of
that this single pulse is amplified to several hundred up- total message count. Path exploration is the cause of false
dates in the network. This one pulse is not enough to trig- suppression in the charging period, but it is the secondary
2 When a node suppresses routes from a neighbor node, we count it as
charging that is responsible for the extended releasing pe-
one “damped link.” Since there are 200 links in the topology, and each link
can be suppressed by either end, the upper bound on damped link count is 3 Some reuse timers expire after the 5147th second, but they are silent
Figure 11. Damping Without RCN
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Pulses
No Damping (simulation, mesh)
20000 Full Damping (simulation, mesh)
Full Damping (simulation, Internet)
18000 Damping and RCN
Number of Updates
For example, in Figure 1, assume the current se- 8000
at ispAS is 0. When ispAS first detects the failure 2000
eters. Without RCN, false suppression happens earlier due 1500
to path exploration and reduces the number of messages. 1000
9 Acknowledgment