MPC-based Admittance Control For Robotic Manipulators
MPC-based Admittance Control For Robotic Manipulators
MPC-based Admittance Control For Robotic Manipulators
Abstract— Robotic applications involving environmental in- admittance control [7], [8] or by introducing oscillation
teraction require control structures that go beyond traditional cancellation to the closed-loop [9]. The fundamental trade-
position control. One approach to handle interaction forces is off in admittance control is the interplay of velocity of the
admittance control. Therein, position or speed reference values
are modified based on interaction forces. To this end, the operation (including at and under contact) and the strength
underlying position control scheme, widely used in industrial of the generated contact forces. Ideally, high velocity (=
manipulators, is augmented with an additional admittance productivity) is paired with low contact forces to protect
control loop. It is well known that such approaches raise the robot and the environment from damage. To this end,
stability issues in the interaction with stiff environments (termed adaptive admittance control laws limiting contact forces
contact stability). As a consequence, in traditional admittance
control, the speed of operation needs to be reduced in order were developed by [10], while [11] prevented bouncing by
to prevent excessive contact force magnitudes and to ensure applying sliding mode control.
stability. In this paper, we propose an MPC-based admittance We will propose a different control approach here. Given
control scheme to circumvent both and discuss its properties the desire to constrain contact forces while staying in a de-
and difficulties for practical use. fined contact with the environment, a natural way to describe
I. I NTRODUCTION this is by using a model-predictive control (MPC) framework.
Hence, the main contribution of this article is to present and
Since its foundations in [1] impedance and admittance discuss an MPC admittance control scheme. While MPC
control reached industrial maturity. The main driver for that has been used for robot motion control in [12], [13] this
is actually the trend towards a more interactive usage of is the first implementation related to an interaction control
robots even in industrial environments [2]. While formerly scheme for industrial robots. It is applicable to force-torque
robots where intended to be used as highly effective means of based interactions of the robot TCP with the environment, for
production, separated from environmental interaction behind all (selected) environmental (Cartesian) degrees of freedom
fences, the age of collaborative robots shows that the new (DoF). In this paper, we will, for the sake of clarity and
form of use is much more interactive - with humans as much brevity, rely on some simplifying assumptions that help us
as with the surrounding environment. focus on the development of the general method. We are
This must be reflected in the control schemes of the robots well aware of the fact that such assumptions pose additional
and necessitates the use of force control techniques over challenges to the method that need to be investigated in the
classical motion control. If the particular interest is in smooth future.
environmental interaction, impedance or admittance control The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In the
are key [3]. While the former creates a force correction term next section the problem solved in this article is properly
based on velocity deviations both in Cartesian space, the introduced together with some notation. Then we show the
opposite holds for the latter. This directly determines the general approach of MPC admittance control in Section III
main terms of use for both methods [3]: (i) Impedance con- and provide first simulation results for a 2 DoF planar robot
trol is mainly intended for stiff behavior and inertia shaping in Section IV. We address real-world effects in Section V
with the potential to demand high gains in the control loop. and point out various directions for future research based on
Hence, the fundamental problems are noise amplification and the concept proposed in this paper. Finally, we conclude the
instability in closed loop operation and friction dependent article in Section VI.
accuracy. (ii) Admittance control, on the contrary, tends
to instability in stiff contact situations [4, Section 1.3.2], II. P RELIMINARIES
but combines well with cascaded, existing industrial motion We consider rigid-link, stiff-joint robotic manipulators
control schemes of the robots since it is relying on the described by the dynamics
feed-forward decoupling [5, Section 7.2]. Hence, admittance
control features some industrial applications mentioned in M (q)q̈ + C(q, q̇)q̇ + G(q) + τfric + τext = τmot , (1)
[3] and references therein. with q ∈ RNdof where Ndof is the number of degrees of
Despite first industrial use, the stability problems at stiff freedom of the manipulator. In (1), M q̈ describes inertial
interaction situations, first reported in [6], remain. Later torques, C q̇ captures centrifugal and Coriolis effects, and G
people tried to circumvent those by formulating adaptive are joint torques resulting from gravity. Furthermore, τfric are
friction torques in the joints, τext are joint torques induced
The authors are with the ABB AG, ABB Corporate Research
Center Germany, Wallstadter Str. 59, 68526 Ladenburg, GERMANY by external loads (e.g. environmental interaction), and τmot
{arne.wahrburg;kim.listmann} are the motor torques driving the manipulator.
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As pointed out in (4), the dynamics of the velocity- describing the environment as a spring. Denoting the forward
controlled manipulator can be described by a set of decou- kinematics of the manipulator by Ψ (q), the insertion depth
pled first-order lag elements. Thus, the velocity dynamics of with respect to the initial contact point pcontact is given
the entire manipulator in Laplacian domain are given by by Ψ (q) − Ψ (qcontact ). With Ke describing environmental
1 1
stiffness, contact wrench is given by
q̇ = diag ,..., q̇ref . (5)
TV,1 s + 1 TV,Ndof s + 1 f = Ke (Ψ(q) − Ψ(qcontact )) . (11)
Apart from the manipulator model, information about contact
Formulating (6) in time domain, introducing
forces and torques is obviously a key element for admittance
control. Those quantities may be obtained from a wrist 1 1
mounted force/torque sensor, for example. However, such ΛTest = diag ,..., , (12)
Test,1 Test,Ncart
additional sensing substantially increases the cost of the
robotic system and is thus not available in many cases. An and substituting (11), the dynamics of fˆ can be written as
alternative to measuring wrench is estimating its compo-
nents from motor currents and a manipulator model. While ẋ3 = −ΛTest x3 + ΛTest Ke (Ψ(q) − Ψ(qcontact )) . (13)
different approaches to contact force estimation exist (see Remark 2: Note that throughout the paper we assume
e.g. [14], [21], [22], [23]), the resulting components of pcontact is known to apply our scheme. In practice this
the wrench estimate can be well approximated by low-pass is tricky, of course, and involves accurate environmental
filtered versions of the actual contact forces and torque. perception and scene interpretation. However, we focus on
Therefore, we rely on developing the basic idea of MPC admittance control here
1 1 and interpret such practical obstructions as challenges for the
fˆ = diag ,..., f (6)
Test,1 s + 1 Test,Ncart s + 1 future of the method.
The equations ẋ1 = ẋ2 , (10), and (13) define the system
for the purpose of designing a system model that enables
model that is employed for designing the MPC-based ad-
MPC-based admittance control.
mittance controller. Based on a proper discretization, e.g. by
Combining joint positions, joint speeds, and wrench we
simple first-order Euler with sampling time Ts , the system
define the state vector as
dynamics can be summarized into
x1 q
x = x2 = q̇ ∈ R2Ndof +Ncart . (7) xk+1 = Axk + B k ∆ṗk + E k ṗ0 + γ k , (14a)
x3 fˆ
IN Ts INdof 0
The dynamics of x1 are trivially given by ẋ1 = x2 . In A = 0 INdof − Ts ΛTV 0 , (14b)
order to express the dynamics of x2 (i.e. joint accelerations) 0 0 INcart − Ts ΛTest
in terms of the commanded Cartesian speed offset ∆ṗ, we 0
employ the inverse velocity kinematics of the manipulators. B k = Ts ΛTV J −1 (xk1 ) , (14c)
Assuming non-singular configurations, this is described by 0
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about an operating point x1 , which is the joint configuration In order to only activate certain Cartesian directions for
at the beginning of the prediction horizon. This results in admittance control, the dimension of the input u = ∆p ∈
Rκadm can be reduced to only describe admittance con-
Ψ(xk1 ) ≈ Ψ(x1 ) + J(x1 ) xk1 − x1 .
trolled directions. Consequently, only forces in the respective
Based on the aforementioned assumptions, the relation directions have to be estimated and the Jacobian in the
between wrench and joint configuration is approximated as model (18) is reduced to the rows corresponding to the
admittance controlled directions. Thereby, purely position-
flin = Ke Ψ(x1 )− Ψ(qcontact )− J(x1 )x1 + J(x1 )xk1 .
controlled Cartesian directions remain unaffected by the
(16) admittance controller.
Thus, the system model (14) can be simplified to the affine
Due to the constraint (18e), the control input resulting
from (18) cannot be used when the TCP moving through free
xk+1 = Axk + B∆ṗk + E ṗ0 + γ, space. We propose using thresholds on the force estimates
INdof Ts INdof 0
fˆ to trigger activation of the admittance controller. If an
A= 0 IN −Ts ΛTV 0 , estimate in a certain direction is below a specified threshold
Ts ΛTest Ke J(x1 ) 0 INcart −Ts ΛTest β, the corresponding direction is removed from the set of
admittance controlled directions. For free motion, the set of
admittance controlled directions is thus empty. Note that this
B = E = Ts ΛTV J −1 (x1 ) , (17)
removal impacts the constraints (18d), (18e), since they do
not need to hold for the removed Cartesian directions.
0 On the one hand, the threshold β should be chosen large
γ = 0 . enough to ensure the admittance controller does not react to
Ts ΛTest Ke (Ψ(x1 )−Ψ(qcontact )−J(x1 )x1 ) noise and/or uncertainties in the wrench estimates. On the
We emphasize that in contrast to (14), the input matrices B other hand, a too large threshold β delays the activation of
and E are constant as well as the affine term γ. the admittance controller. Due to the limited bandwidth of
Based on (17) we formulate the MPC problem the speed control loop (4) and the fact that forces may rise
quickly in stiff contact situations, the MPC problem (18)
xi − x0
Q xi − x0 + ∆ṗi R∆ṗi
(18a) may be infeasible. From a practical perspective, a feasibility
check for (18) has to be performed first if the threshold β is
T exceeded and admittance control is activated. This takes into
+ xH − x0 Q xH − x0 ,
(18b) account estimated contact forces, manipulator joint speeds,
s.t. (17), (18c) given contact force constraints, the time constants describing
|flin,j | ≤ |fmax,i | , ∀j = 1, . . . , Ncart , (18d) the independent joint control, and environmental stiffness.
In case the MPC problem is infeasible, an error triggers the
|flin,j | > 0, ∀j = 1, . . . , Ncart , (18e)
manipulator to stop its motion.
where the prediction horizon H is used. The set point Remark 4: Please note that for the implementation we
x0 = [q0 , q̇0 , 0]T contains the originally commanded joint rely on state-of-the-art suites (e.g. FORCES [25], ACADO
configuration and speeds and is constant over the prediction [26]) for obtaining a solution to (18). These automatically
horizon. condense dynamic constraint into a single equality constraint
Remark 3: Assigning a wrench of f0 = 0 is no contra- and provide feasbility checks of the given problem.
diction to establish steady contact forces in environmental
interaction. Thanks to the assumption of spring-like behavior IV. S IMULATION E XAMPLE
of the environment, any penetration results in a Cartesian
wrench. To highlight the benefits of the proposed MPC-based
The constraints (18d) and (18e) reflect the two fun- admittance control, we apply it to the planar 2 DoF ma-
damental requirements for stable admittance control: The nipulator with Ndof = Ncart = 2 sketched in Fig. 2. Starting
magnitudes of contact forces have to be limited and must from an initial configuration, joint speed reference values q̇0
not become zero (avoid damage and prevent bouncing). are commanded to move the TCP in negative y-direction.
During this motion, the TCP hits an inclined surface. The
C. Admittance Control in Specific Cartesian Directions environment is described by the stiffness matrix expressed
The MPC problem (18) applies for situations in which all in the coordinates of the inclined surface as
Cartesian directions are admittance controlled and the TCP
0 0
exchanges contact forces and torques with the environment Ke,plane = . (19)
0 kenv
in all Cartesian directions. In a lot of robotic applications,
the former is not the case (including e.g. free robot motion). Denote the surface tilt angle by α, then the stiffness matrix
As an example, consider tracking a trajectory in the xy-plane in base-frame coordinates is given by
on an uneven surface. Then, admittance is only intended in
z-direction. Ke = Tplane Ke,plane Tplane (20)
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0.8 This is also visualized in Figure 5. While the standard
scheme with low damping bounces along the surface instead
0.6 of sliding, the standard scheme with high damping penetrates
y in m
the TCP bounces along the inclined surface. Using the high -200
damping values Dhigh , contact is maintained since |fy | > 0 -400
is ensured. However, the tolerated magnitude of the contact
force is exceeded by more than 200%.
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
In comparison to the two standard admittance control
time in s
schemes, the proposed MPC-based admittance control is sim-
ulated. The prediction horizon is H = 5 and the weighting 1.5
∆ẏ in m s−1
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0 relies on a model of the environment. In real-world scenarios,
fy in N
−100 the behavior of the environment will always be subject
to uncertainties. To this end, it is conceivable to integrate
online identification schemes for local approximations of
the environmental model [27], [28], [29], [30], [31], [32]
0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96
into the proposed admittance control scheme. Related to the
time in s
interaction with the environment, the joint configuration of
1 initial contact, qcontact is in general also not known a-priori.
∆ẏ in m s−1
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