Improving TCP Throughput Over HSDPA Networks
Improving TCP Throughput Over HSDPA Networks
Improving TCP Throughput Over HSDPA Networks
Abstract—The various link adaptation techniques employed Recently, researchers have begun to investigate the impact
by High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) in the third of the wireless link bandwidth variation on the TCP per-
generation (3G) networks augment the bandwidth oscillation, formance [3][4][5][6]. 3G networks are required to support
which is identified as one of the most important factors resulting
in the throughput deterioration of Transmission Control Protocol dynamic resource sharing among concurrent data users. If
(TCP). In this paper, we firstly explain why the bandwidth multiple users wish to transfer large numbers of data simulta-
oscillation degrades the TCP performance through a special neously, the scheduler may have to repeatedly allocate and de-
simulation experiment. Subsequently, a split connection Win- allocate resources for each user. Intuitively, the channel-state
dow Adaptation TCP Proxy is proposed to improve the TCP based scheduling mechanisms improve the overall throughput,
throughput over HSDPA networks. In this solution, the built-in
attributes of HSDAP system are sufficiently utilized. In order while they also result in bandwidth oscillations, which were
to effectively use the precious cellular link resources, the length identified as one of the most important factors in deteriorat-
of the queue connected with it is intentionally kept around the ing throughput [3][6].It is an open question to what extent
reference value through adjusting the sending window size of transport protocols can be designed to optimize performance
TCP proxy based on the dynamic values of varying bandwidth. in the presence of bandwidth oscillation, and to what extent
A discrete-time stochastic state space model is formulated to
analyze the system stability. The validity of enhanced scheme wireless link-level mechanisms for bandwidth variation can be
is verified through simulation experiments. The performance of designed to take into account the transport protocols that will
TCP proxy is compared with the standard TCP protocol. The run over these links [7].
numerical results show that our TCP proxy is able to keep In this paper, we will restrict ourselves to Universal Mobile
the cellular link utilization over 90%, and to improve TCP Telecommunication System(UMTS) based 3G networks to
throughput by 100% under most conditions.
investigate this open performance optimization issue. Based
Index Terms—TCP performance, bandwidth oscillation, proxy, on the split-connection approach [8], we propose a new
stochastic control, HSDPA networks. TCP enhancement solution called Window Adaptation TCP
Proxy to maximize TCP throughput over HSDPA in UTMS
I. I NTRODUCTION networks. Our TCP proxy sufficiently utilizes the inherent
attribute of HSDAP system to obtain the dynamic bandwidth
HS-PDSCH15 User 3
Fig. 3. Simulation Experiment plot (a) shows the bandwidth variation, Fig. 4. TCP sequence trace.
plot (b) shows the evolution of congestion window, and plot (c) shows the
evolution of queue length in the intermediate node.
bw UDP(bw, q)
U Node-B Controller
IP Networks E
Modified TCP TCP proxy Standard TCP
UTRAN Core Networks
⎛ ⎞
C. Stability analysis α1 α2 · · · αp−1 αp
⎜ 1 0 ··· 0 0 ⎟
The control law (7) and (8) will be effective as long as 0 −1 ⎜ ⎟
B= C=⎜ .. .. .. .. ⎟
the system is stable. In this section, we will proof a theorem 1 1 ⎝ . . . . ⎠
relating to the
system stability. 0 0 ··· 1 0
p Matrix Ahas p + 2 eigenvalues. The two eigenvalues should
Theorem If i=1 |αi | < 1 and E[q(0)] = q0 then the
following system is neutrally stable. be determined by matrix B, and the other p eigenvalues are
fixed by the matrix C. The eigenvalues of the matrix C are the
q(n + 1) = q(n) + w(n) − b(n) (9) roots of a complicated polynomial of degree p, and it is hard
p q to obtain the explicit solutions. However, using Gerschgorin’s
b(n) = b + αi ϕ(n − i) + βj φ(n − j) (10) theorem[13], we can find that the modulus of any root of this
i=1 j=1 polynomial satisfies the following inequality:
w(n) = b(n) − q(n) + q0 + π(n + 1) (11)
|λ − α1 | ≤ αi (17)
Proof For the convenience of analysis, the system can be Thus i=1 |αi | < 1 is a sufficient condition that the system
rewritten⎛as the state space⎞model[10].
⎛ Let ⎞ is stable. If this condition holds, as n 1 , the corresponding
w(n) − b π(n + 1) terms in (16) approaches zero, the value of E[X(n)] is only
⎜ q(n) − q0 ⎟ ⎜ 0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ q ⎟ determined by the eigenvalues of B.
⎜ ϕ(n) ⎟ ⎜ β φ(n − j) ⎟ 2
X(n)=⎜ ⎟ Y(n)= ⎜ ⎟ √ det(B − λI) = λ − λ + 1 = 0, we obtain λ1,2 =
j=0 j
⎜ .. ⎟ ⎜ .. ⎟
⎝ . ⎠ ⎝ . ⎠ (1 ± 3i)/2. Since |λ1,2 | = 1 , the system is neutrally stable
ϕ(n − p + 1) according to the conclusion in [13].
⎛ ⎞ 0
0 −1 1 0 ··· 0 0
⎜ 1 1 −1 0 · · · 0 0 ⎟ V. S IMULATION R ESULTS
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 0 α1 α2 · · · αp−1 αp ⎟
A=⎜ ⎟ We have implemented the Window Adaptation TCP Proxy
⎜ .. .. .. .. .. .. ⎟
⎝ . . . . . . ⎠ on ns2.29 simulator and conducted the simulation experiments
0 0 0 0 ··· 1 0 to validate its performance and made comparison with the
then it is easy to verify that the system can be rewritten as: standard TCP. Our TCP Proxy is inserted between Node-B and
the server depicted in Fig.2. We use a random variable, whose
X(n + 1) = AX(n) + Y(n) (12) peak value is 2Mbps and the varying period is T = 200 ms,
to describe the actual bandwidth oscillation shown in Fig.7(a).
The general solution of equation (12) is:
Without special statement, the parameters in foregoing simu-
lation are kept unchangeable. We assume the updating step
X(n + 1) = An X(0) + An−i−1 Y(i) (13) as the unit time in the previous analysis and design. If the
i=1 sampling interval is τ , the corresponding control law will
Taking expected values on both sides of equation (13), we become:
yield: w(n) = b̂(n)τ − q̂(n) + q0 (18)
Let τ = 10ms, and fix q0 and q20 at 15 packets and 50
E[X(n + 1)] = An E[X(0)] + An−i−1 E[Y(i)] (14) packets respectively. The whole simulation lasts 150s. The
related parameters are traced and presented in Fig.7 together.
Since the random variables π(n) and φ(n) are zero-mean, Fig.7(b) and Fig7 (d) describes the sending window size of
equation (14) becomes: the proxy and the queue length in Node-B controlled by our
Window Adaptation TCP Proxy. When the server employs
E[X(n + 1)] = An E[X(0)] (15) TCP NewReno without our TCP Proxy, the evolutions of the
If A can be diagonalized, i.e. A = SΛS−1 ,then congestion window and the queue length in Node-B are shown
in Fig.7 (c) and Fig.7(e) respectively. The congestion window
E[X(n+1)] = SΛS−1 E[X(0)] = k1 λn1 f1 +· · ·+kp+2 λnp+2 fp+2 of TCP newReno displays the regular saw-tooth shape, which
(16) does not timely catch up the dynamic change of the bandwidth
where [λ1 , · · · , λp+2 ] is eigenvalues of the matrix A, and and results in queue oscillation with large amplitude. Plenty of
the coefficients f = [f1 , · · · , fp+2 ]T that match the initial packets are dropped due to buffer overflow, and the end-to-end
condition E[X(0)] are f = S−1 E[X(0)]. goodput is deteriorated. On the other hand, the empty queue
The general solution (16) of equation (12) indicates that occurs frequently, the wireless link is in underutilization. On
the stability of the system (9) (11) can be analyzed using the the contrary, our TCP proxy dynamically adjusts the sending
eigenvalues of the matrix A , Observing the structure of A, window based on the queue length on the Node-B and the
some characteristics are beneficial to analyzing its eigenvalues. cellular link bandwidth. The queue length is always kept
We can decompose the matrix A into blocks matrices. The around the constant value. Both packet dropping and empty
upper left 2 × 2 block matrix of A is denoted by B, and the queue seldom appear. The end-to-end performance, including
lower right p × p block matrix of A is denoted by C, namely: goodput and delay jitter, is improved. The upper limit of