Thermal and Hydraulic Properties of Rock
Thermal and Hydraulic Properties of Rock
Thermal and Hydraulic Properties of Rock
Recommended Readings
1) Richter, D. and Simmons, G. (1974) Thermal expansion behavior of igneous rocks. Int. J.
Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr., Vol. 11, No.10, pp. 403-411.
2) Van Buskirk, R., Enniss, D. and Schatz, J. (1985) Measurement of thermal conductivity and
thermal expansion at elevated temperatures and pressures, in Measurement of Rock Properties
at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures, ASTM STP 869 (H.J. Pincus and E.R. Hoskins, Eds.),
American Society for Testing and Materials, pp.108-127.
3) Habib, P. (1987). The Malpasset dam failure. Engineering Geology, 24, (special issue on Dam
Failures), pp. 331-338.
The measurement of the thermal and hydraulic properties of geologic materials has received a
lot of attention in the past 20 years as a result of the growing interest in the disposal of nuclear
waste, underground storage (compressed natural gas, liquified natural gas (LNG), liquified
petroleum gases (LPG), compressed air, oil or water), permafrost engineering, and geothermal
energy. Knowledge of rock permeability is also very important when analyzing seepage and
uplift below concrete dams and in the prediction of water problems in underground excavations.
Most engineering materials when unrestrained expand when heated and contract when cooled.
The strain associated with a 1 degree temperature change is called the coefficient of thermal
expansion ". This coefficient has the dimension of 1/°K, 1/°C or 1/°F. Using the engineering
mechanics sign convention for strain, the thermal strain can be expressed as follows
where To is a reference temperature and T is the current temperature T. If T>To (heating), the
thermal strain is positive and extension takes place. Conversely, if T<To, (cooling) the strain is
negative and contraction occurs. Values for the coefficient of thermal expansion of several rock
types are given in Table 1.
For most ideal engineering materials, thermal strains are reversible. Note that if the material is
unrestrained, thermal strains are not accompanied by any stress. On the other hand, if the
material is constrained, thermal stresses develop in the material when subject to temperature
changes. For instance, under uniaxial loading and using the engineering mechanics sign
convention for stress, the longitudinal stress is equal to
where E is the Young's modulus of the material assuming isotropic behavior. In this example,
the thermal stress develops without any longitudinal strain. The stress is compressive if T>To
(heating) and tensile if T<To (cooling).
For rocks, thermal contraction and extension are not the same in all directions since rocks are
aggregates of mineral grains with different degrees of thermal expansion. Because of
anisotropic expansion of various mineral grains, stresses develop in the grains or at the grain
Table 1. Coefficient of thermal expansion for different rock types (after Berest and Vouille,
Combination of normal and shear stresses will result in separation between the grains or across
intergranular cracks, i.e. thermal cracking.
Several devices have been used to measure the coefficient of thermal expansion of rocks
(Richter and Simmons, 1974; Van Buskirk et al., 1985; ASTM D5335-92). Experiments
conducted by Richter and Simmons (1974) on igneous rocks at temperatures ranging between
25 and 550°C have shown that thermal expansion depends on various factors such as heating
rates, previous maximum temperatures, mineralogical composition, the initial porosity of the
rock, and crystal orientation. For instance, they found that at low heating rates less than 2°C/min
and temperatures less than 350°C, the expansion curves (,, T) were reproducible and showed
little hysterisis. They also found that the coefficient of thermal expansion, ", of a rock could be
determined from its mineral composition and the coefficients of thermal expansion of the
various mineral grains using the following equation
In equation (3), "i, Ki and Vi are the coefficient of thermal expansion, bulk modulus and volume
fraction of the ith mineral (i=1-N) in the rock. For heating rates larger than 2°C/min and
temperatures larger than 350°C, Richter and Simmons (1974) found irrecoverable
microstructural damage in the rock and a reduction in the value of its coefficient of thermal
expansion. Figure 1 shows the effect of repeated thermal cycling on the thermal coefficient of
two specimens of Gabbro. Permanent strain increases with the number of cycles of heating and
cooling indicating an increase in thermal cracking in the rock.
Most rocks obey Fourier's law relating the heat flux vector q (J/m/s2) to the thermal gradient
gradT (or LT) as follows
where D is the density (kg/m3). For most rocks, Kt varies between 0.5 and 4.2 W/m/K, and Cp
varies between 500 and 1000 J/kg/K (Berest, 1988). Values of Kt and kt for an "average" rock,
air, water and steel (0.5%C) are compared in Table 2.
Table 2. Values of Kt and kt for rock and other media (after Berest, 1988).
The thermal conductivity of geologic materials is usually low requiring sensitive measuring
systems with high heat input and temperature gradient (Ashworth and Ashworth, 1990). An
overview of the different methods to measure the thermal conductivity of rocks can be found
in Ashworth et al. (1985). ASTM standards include D4611-86 (specific heat), D4612-86
(thermal diffusivity), and D5334-92 (thermal conductivity).
where P is the power input or dissipated in the test sample per unit length (W/m or J/m/s), )2
is the temperature rise in the line source between times t1 and t2. Van Buskirk et al. (1985) have
shown experimentally that the thermal conductivity of rocks depends on their composition,
anisotropy, grain size, pore size, saturation including the type of saturating fluid, specimen
density and porosity, confining and pore fluid pressures conditions, and temperatures.
Conductivity was found to decrease with increasing porosity and increasing temperature.
Thermal conductivity has also been found to be sensitive to moisture content (Ashworth and
Ashworth, 1990).
The following trends are illustrated by Figures 3a-3h taken from the paper by Homand-Etienne
and Houpert (1988):
Permeability can be used to assess the interconnection between the pore phase of an intact rock
and its degree of rock fissuring. Most intact rocks obey Darcy's law relating the discharge
velocity, v, to the hydraulic gradient, i, as follows
In equation (7), k is the coefficient of permeability and has the dimension of a velocity (L/T). The
permeability k can also be represented by the equation
where (w and < are the unit weight and dynamic viscosity of water (M/LT), respectively. For
water at 20°C, (w=62.4 lf/ft3 (9.80 kN/m3) and <=2.098 x 10-5 lb.s/ft2 (1.005 x 10-3 N.s/m2). In
equation (8), K is the so-called absolute or specific permeability and has the dimensions of an
area (L2). Sometimes K is expressed in Darcies where 1 Darcy is equal to 9.87x10-9 cm2. For
water at 20°C, 1 Darcy corresponds to a permeability of about 10-3 cm/s. In writing equation (8),
the coefficient of permeability is divided into two parts, i.e. the absolute permeability K which
depends on the properties of the rock only, and ((w/<) which accounts for the properties of the
fluid only.
The permeability of intact rocks is usually small compared to the permeability of rock masses
where most of the fluid flow takes place along preferred channels in fractures, joints, etc... This
is clearly illustrated in Table 3 where values of the permeability coefficients have been reported
for intact rocks and rock masses.
Table 3. Permeability of intact rocks and rock masses (adapted from Goodman, 1989).
One apparatus used to measure intact rock permeability was proposed by Bernaix (1966) for the
testing of the gneiss at the site of the Malpasset dam. The apparatus called the radial
permeability test apparatus is shown in Figure 4. The test is conducted on a hollow cylindrical
rock specimen.
Let R1 and R2 be the inner and outer radii of the test specimen and p1 (or head h1) and p2 (or head
h2) be the pressures applied on its inner and outer surfaces. Depending on the values of p1 and
p2, convergent or divergent flow can be conducted. Assuming Darcy's law for the radial flow
in the test specimen, the coefficient of permeability, k, can be expressed as follows
where Q is the flow rate passing through the rock sample and )h =h2-h1 for convergent flow and
h1-h2 for divergent flow. In equation (9), )h can also be replaced by the difference in pressure
)p with )p=(w )h. Convergent flow creates compressive-type body forces that tend to close
rock microfissures whereas divergent flow creates tensile-type body forces that tend to open the
microfissures. In both cases, the seepage force per unit volume is equal to
Comparison between the values of k measured during convergent and divergent flows gives an
indication of the stress dependency of the rock material and therefore of its degree of fissuring.
Bernaix (1966) and Habib and Bernaix (1966) proposed an index of fissuring, S, equal to
where k(-0.1 MPa) is the radial permeability measured under radial flow with a pressure
difference p2 - p1 = 0 - 0.1 MPa = -0.1 MPa and k (5 MPa) is the radial permeability measured
under radial flow with a pressure difference p2 - p1= 5 MPa - 0 = 5 MPa. The following
classification was proposed:
It was found that the gneiss at the Malpasset site had values of s in excess of 100 with some
measurements well over 1000, and as large as 50,000 (Habib, 1987). Note that in deriving
equation (9), the permeability coefficient is also assumed to be constant and independent of the
stress level.
Another permeability apparatus was developed at the University of Colorado at Boulder for the
testing of radial flow in intact rocks under axisymmetric loading (Sewell, 1979). The apparatus
shown in Figure 5 allows the measurement of the permeability under a combination of axial and
radial stresses.
Ashworth, T., Smith, D.R. and Ashworth, E. (1985) Measurement methods for thermal transport
properties of rocks. Proc. 26th. U.S. Symp. on Rock Mech., Rapid City, pp.797-805.
Ashworth, E. and Ashworth, T. (1990). A rapid method for measuring thermal conductivity of
rock cores and its preliminary use for finding the thermal resistance of cracks. Proc. 31st. U.S.
Symp. on Rock Mech., Golden, pp. 613-620.
Bernaix, J. (1966). Contribution à l'étude de la stabilité des appuis de barrages, Thèse, Paris.
Habib, P. and Bernaix, J. (1966). La fissuration des roches. Proc. 1st. Int. Cong. ISRM (Lisbon),
Habib, P. (1987). The Malpasset dam failure. Engineering Geology, 24, (special issue on Dam
Failures), pp. 331-338.
Homand-Etienne, F. and Houpert, R. (1988) Données récentes sur le comportement des roches
en fonction de la température, in La Thermomecanique des Roches, BRGM Manuels et Methods,
No.16, pp. 304-312.
Woodside, W. and Messmer, J.H. (1961) Thermal conductivity of porous media, J. of Applied
Physics, Vol. 32, No.9, pp. 1688-1698.
Richter, D. and Simmons, G. (1974) Thermal expansion behavior of igneous rocks. Int. J. Rock
Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr., Vol. 11, No.10, pp. 403-411.
Sewell, P.A (1979). Laboratory measurement of radial permeability of oil shale and coal, MS
Thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder.
Van Buskirk, R., Enniss, D. and Schatz, J. (1985) Measurement of thermal conductivity and
1) Consider the geometry of the radial permeability test. Let p1 and p2 be the applied pressures
on the inner and outer surfaces of the test specimen with inner radius R1 and outer radius R2. Let
)p = p2 - p1.
a) What is the expression for the pressure p at any distance r from the center of the test
specimen. Express (p-p1)/)p in terms of r/R1 and R2/R1.
b) What is the expression of the seepage body force per unit volume?
c) Write the equations of equilibrium in terms of total and effective stresses.
2) Consider a rock mass cut by a single joint set with average spacing, S, and average aperture
b. The intact rock permeability is denoted as Km. The joint permeability is equal to Kj = gb2/12<
where g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2 or 32.2 ft/s2), b is the joint aperture, and <
is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid (for water it is equal to 1.3 x 10-6 m2/s or 14 x 10-6 ft2/s at
20° C).
Show that the rock mass permeability is anisotropic with Kz = Km and K2 = Km + Kjb/S . Kjb/S
for small values of S. Numerical example: b = 1 mm (0.04 in), Km = 10-5 cm/s and S varies
between 0.1 m and infinity (intact rock).
Figure 2. Thermal conductivity test apparatus (after Van Buskirk et al. ,1985).
Figure 3. Effect of temperature on various rock properties (after Homand-Etienne and Houpert,