Rodas Et Al - 2000

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Mineralogical Magazine, October 2000, Vol. 64(5), pp.


Graphite occurrences in the

low-pressure/high-temperature metamorphic
belt of the Sierra de Aracena (southern Iberian Massif)
1 Departamento de Cristalografõ´a y Mineralogõ´a, Facultad de Geologõ´a, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040
Madrid, Spain
2 Departamento de Geologõ´a, Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales, Universidad de Huelva, 21819 Palos de la
Frontera, Huelva, Spain
3 Departamento de Cristalograf õ´a y Mineralogõ´a, Facultad de Quõ´mica, Universidad de Sevilla, 41071 Sevilla, Spain


Four distinct associations of graphite have been identified in the low-pressure, high-temperature belt of
the Sierra de Aracena (SW Spain). Syngenetic occurrences include: (1) stratiform graphite
mineralization within a calc-silicate series; (2) disseminated graphite within a terrigenous sequence;
and (3) ‘restitic’ graphite within anatectic tonalites and their enclaves. Epigenetic graphite occurs as (4)
veins cross-cutting mafic granulites.
Graphite in all types of occurrences is highly crystalline, with the c parameter close to 6.70 AÊ . Such
c values correspond to temperatures of formation of ~8008C. The thermal properties of graphite are
also typical of well-ordered graphite and provide DTA exothermic maxima ranging from 810 to 8588C
depending on the mode of occurrence. The differences among the temperatures of formation estimated
by graphite geothermometry, the position of the exothermic maximum in the DTA curves, and
petrologic geothermometers are discussed in terms of the applicability of graphite geothermometry to
granulite-facies rocks. Carbon isotope analysis yields d13C values in the range from 31.6 to 21.4%
for syngenetic graphite of types I, II and III attributable to biogenically-derived carbon. The heavier
signatures for graphite in vein occurrences (d13C= 17.7 to 18.3%) with respect to syngenetic
graphites suggest that isotopically heavy carbonic species were incorporated into the metamorphic
fluids (probably as a consequence of decarbonation reactions of the calc-silicate rocks) from which
graphite precipitated into the veins. These fluids were strongly channelled through structural pathways.

K EY WORDS : graphite, calc-silicate rocks, low-P/high-T metamorphism, southern Spain.

Introduction carbonaceous matter during metamorphism (the

so-called ‘graphitization’) involves a series of
GRAPHITE occurrences can be grouped into two structural and compositional changes, leading to
categories: (1) syngenetic, formed through the the formation of fully ordered graphite at the
metamorphic evolution of carbonaceous matter highest metamorphic grades (Grew, 1974; Diessel
dispersed in the sediments; and (2) epigenetic, and Of er, 1975; Wada et al., 1994, among
originating from precipitation of solid carbon others). On the other hand, precipitation of
from  uids that contain one or more carbonic graphite from  uids is achieved when a C-O-H
species (mainly CO2 and CH4). The evolution of  uid becomes saturated with respect to this
mineral, most frequently as a consequence of
decreasing temperature (Luque et al., 1998).
The majority of graphite occurrences world-
* E-mail: [email protected] wide, including most mineralizations, falls within

# 2000 The Mineralogical Society


the Ž rst category. Epigenetic graphite occurrences thermal and isotopic characteristics of graphite
are less common in nature, although from an from each type of occurrence have been studied in
economic point of view some of the highest-grade order to constrain the mechanisms of graphite
(largest grain size, highest carbon content) vein- formation. Special attention is paid to potentially
type commercial graphites result from  uid mineable occurrences.
deposition (e.g. graphite deposits of Sri Lanka;
Katz, 1987; Dissanayake, 1994).
This paper deals with graphite occurrences in Geological setting
the low-pressure, high-temperature metamorphic The metamorphic belt of the Sierra de Aracena
belt of the Sierra de Aracena (SW Spain), where (Bard, 1969) is a NE SW oriented narrow band
both metamorphic and  uid-deposited graphite that follows the trend of regional structures at the
have been found. The aim of this paper is to southernmost border of the Ossa-Morena zone
elucidate the geology of graphite occurrences in (Fig. 1), in the Iberian Massif (Julivert et al.,
this area, distinguishing typologies according to 1974). The Aracena Metamorphic Belt (AMB)
lithostratigraphic and structural relationships with lies in the vicinity of an important suture zone
respect to the host rocks. Crystallochemical, marked by layered metabasites (Acebuches

FIG. 1. Location and simpliŽ ed geological map of the Aracena Metamorphic Belt (AMB) and adjacent areas. CD:
Continental Domain. OD: Oceanic Domain.


amphibolites; cf. Bard, 1969; Bard and Moine, In brief, petrographic, geochemical and struc-
1979) which constitutes a fragment of an oceanic tural data recently reported by Castro et al. (1996a)
crust separating two ancient continental blocks suggest that the AMB registered the evolution of a
(Munhá et al., 1986; Quesada et al., 1994). These low-pressure and high-temperature subduction
metabasites were partially affected by a ductile orogen. In this peculiar tectonic realm, the
shear zone (Crespo-Blanc and Orozco, 1988) metamorphic and magmatic effects of subduction
which marks the southern boundary of the Ossa- have been interpreted by Castro et al. (1996a) as
Morena zone. the result of a triple-junction migration along the
According to the tectonic setting described trench of an ocean-continent subduction zone
above, two main domains have been distinguished during Palaeozoic plate convergence.
in the AMB (Fig. 1) (Castro et al., 1996a,b), with
distinctive lithologic, structural and metamorphic
characteristics: (1) a continental domain, located Types of graphite occurrences
in the northern part of the AMB; and (2) an All graphite occurrences in the AMB are conŽ ned
oceanic domain in the southern margin of the belt. to the high-temperature zone of the continental
The continental domain was intensely folded and domain (Fig. 2), near the contact with the
metamorphosed during the Variscan orogeny. The metabasites of the oceanic domain (Fernández-
thermal peak of metamorphism occurred after the Rodrõ´guez et al., 1996).
main deformation phase, reaching the granulite Four types of graphite occurrences have been
facies under low-pressure conditions in the distinguished on the basis of their lithostrati-
southern part of the continental domain. graphic and structural relationships with respect
Temperatures of ~9008C have been estimated by to the host rocks (Table 1).
El-Biad (in prep.) in metapelites using the Grt-
Crd-Sil-Qtz equilibrium and other thermometers Type I: Stratiform graphite mineralization related to gneisses
such as the Grt-Crd exchange reaction and the Ti
and quartzites interbedded within the calc-silicate series
content in biotite. These values are the same as
those obtained by El-Hmidi (in prep.) from maŽ c Graphite occurs in parallel layers alternating with
granulites using two-pyroxene geothermometry. leucocratic gneisses and quartzites. These rocks
Pressure determinations based on the Al content in are included within a complex series composed
hornblende and the use of Pl-Opx-Cpx equilibria mainly of calc-silicate rocks and wollastonite-
(El-Hmidi, in prep.) indicate pressures of <6 kbar. bearing marbles. The graphite layers are parallel
These low-pressure conditions might explain the to the main foliation in the country rocks (Fig. 3a)
striking absence of sapphirine and other typical and, although they are generally thin (from a few
ultra-high temperature mineral phases in the to several mm in thickness) locally massive
AMB. Similar results were previously obtained mineralized bodies reaching several metres in
by Bard (1969). A low to medium-grade thickness are also found. At some sites (Fig. 2),
metamorphism affected the northern part of the such as La Nin~ a, San Carlos and La Hormiga
continental domain. In fact, the strong meta- mines (Jubes and Carbonell, 1918), these graphite
morphic gradient of the continental domain is deposits were mined in the early 1910s. Deposits
one of the most salient geological features of this of this type contain the largest reserves and best
metamorphic belt (Fig. 1). In the high-temperature graphite grades in the Aracena Metamorphic Belt.
zone, the stratigraphic succession comprises a The graphite crystals are coarsely  aky, ranging
Precambrian series of pelitic gneisses, quartzites, between 0.25 and 1 mm in size, and they display a
and locally anatectic tonalites (Fuente del Oro strong preferred orientation, parallel to the main
series; cf. Bard, 1969), and a younger calc-silicate metamorphic foliation in the leucogneisses within
sequence consisting mainly of calc-silicate rocks which they are hosted.
and leucogneisses with abundant intercalated
layers of marbles, quartzites, amphibolites and Type II: Disseminated graphite flakes within gneisses
maŽ c granulite bodies. The oceanic domain is
belonging to the Fuente del Oro series
composed of an homogeneous thick amphibolitic
pile derived from tholeiitic basalts of MORB The graphite-bearing rocks of the Fuente del Oro
afŽ nity (Bard and Moine, 1979; Castro et al., series consist largely of coarse to medium-grained
1996b), with minor metadolerites and maŽ c pelitic gneisses. These gneisses are composed
schists. essentially of quartz, alkaline feldspar, muscovite


FIG. 2. Geological map of the study area showing the locations of graphite occurrences and sampling points. Cross-
sections of old graphite mines are also shown.

and biotite with minor amounts of plagioclase, Type IV: Graphite veins
zircon, rutile and graphite. In general, graphite Graphite appears in narrow and irregular mm-
occurs in disseminated tiny  akes parallel to the thick veins cross-cutting maŽ c granulites. The
gneissic foliation (Fig. 3b), with a crystal size up granulitic host-rock shows coarse-grained grano-
to 0.05 mm. In some cases, coarse- to medium- blastic textures, and it is composed of diopside-
grained quartzites appear to show a very Ž ne rich clinopyroxene, brownish hornblende and
layering marked by graphite-rich layers, together plagioclase (An50), with subordinate amounts of
with oriented micaceous minerals deŽ ning a biotite, zircon, apatite, chlorite, sericite, magnetite
rough schistosity parallel to the graphite layers. and hematite. The clinopyroxene occurs partially
replaced by amphibole which suggests that the
granulites underwent a signiŽ cant retrograde
Type III: Graphite associated with anatectic tonalites and
their restitic enclaves metamorphism to amphibolite facies. The
graphite vein distribution is not only tectonically
Graphite occurs either as irregular patches (up to a controlled but it also depends on textural
few cm in thickness) enclosed within the anatectic characteristics, as evidenced by the occurrence
tonalites or as Ž ne  akes disseminated within of intracrystalline veins parallel to the cleavage
their restitic enclaves. The anatectic tonalites planes of the amphibole (Fig. 3d).
show typical igneous textures and include quartz,
alkaline feldspar, Na-rich plagioclase, biotite,
sillimanite, cordierite and a variety of accessory Methods of investigation
minerals, such as muscovite, zircon, apatite and Field work included geological mapping of the
rutile. Graphite occurs with laminar and rounded mineralized areas at a scale of 1:10,000 and
morphologies (Fig. 3c). Disseminated  akes of collection of 49 representative samples at
graphite in quartzitic restites within the tonalites different locations in the continental domain of
show no preferred orientation. the AMB, which were examined by transmitted

TABLE 1. Summary of characteristics for the different graphite occurrences associated with the Aracena Metamorphic Belt.

Strata-bound occurrences (type I) Disseminated occurrences (type II) ‘Restitic’ ocurrences (type III) Vein-type occurrences (type IV)

Associated with leucogneisses and Associated with gneisses of Fuente del Associated with tonalites (Qtz, Associated with mafic granulites (Cpx,
quartzites interbedded within the Oro series. Kfs, Ab, Bi, Sil, Cdr) and quart- Hbl, Pl, Bt).
‘calc-silicate series’. Samples: AF-1 to AF-3, and SA-1 to zitic enclaves. Samples: LM-1 and LM-2.
Samples: CC-1 to CC-5; RB-1 and SA-2. Samples MO-1 and WC. Graphite morphology: Flakes.
RB-2; MO-4 to MO-7; A-1 to A-3. Graphite morphology: Flakes. Graphite morphology: Flakes and Uneconomic.
Millimetric thickness; locally up to Uneconomic. rounded aggregates.
some metres. Uneconomic.
Graphite morphology: Flakes.

Economic potential: San Carlos mine
(samples AC-1 to AC-5; graphite =
20 50%; gneissic host-rock: Qtz, Kfs,
Bt, Ms, Kln, Fe-ox), La Hormiga mine
(samples LH-0 to LH-5; graphite =
15 50%; gneissic host-rock: Qtz, Kfs,
Sil, Grt, Bt, Ms), and La Nin~a mine

(samples NI-0 to NI-11; graphite:

20 30%; host-rock: quartzite).

Abbreviations: Qtz = Quartz, Kfs = Feldspar, Bt = Biotite, Ms = muscovite, Kln = Kaolinite, Fe-ox = Iron oxides, Sil = Sillimanite, Grt = Garnet, Cdrt = Cordierite,
Ab = Albite, Cpx = Diopside-rich clinopyroxene, Hbl = Hornblende, Pl = Calcic plagioclase

2 mm A C

1 mm
1 mm
FIG. 3. (a) Transmitted light photomicrograph of graphite from a type I occurrence. Note that the graphite  akes are
parallel to the foliation of the gneissic rock. (b) Transmitted light photomicrograph of disseminated graphite laths in
a sample from a type II occurrence. (c) Re ected light photomicrograph of ‘restitic’ graphite in a cordierite-bearing
nebulitic tonalite (type III occurrence). Note the coexistence of graphite  akes and rounded morphologies (some of
them indicated by arrows). (d) Transmitted light photomicrograph of a graphite vein in a maŽ c granulite (type IV
occurrence). Note that the cleavage of the host amphibole also controls graphite distribution.

and re ected light microscopy for mineral heating the sample at 108C/min in the range 20 to
identiŽ cation and petrographic description. 10008C, with a continuous air supply of
The structural characteristics and chemical 50 ml/min. Under these analytical conditions,
composition of graphite as well as its thermal the exothermic maximum due to carbon combus-
behaviour were studied on concentrates obtained tion is accompanied by a weight loss (as recorded
by  otation in distilled water, as described by in the TG curve) whose magnitude depends on the
Luque et al. (1993). The structural study of carbon content of the graphite sample. Estimated
graphite was performed by X-ray diffraction carbon contents based on the TG curves were
(XRD) in a Philips PW 1729 powder diffract- veriŽ ed by elemental analysis of the samples,
ometer equipped with a graphite monochromator, using a Perkin-Elmer CHN 2400 gas analyser for
using Cu-Ka radiation at 40 kV and 30 mA, a the determination of C, H and N. Elemental
step size of 0.01 (82y), time per step of 0.5 s, scan analyses were carried out by heating the sample at
speed of 0.02 (82y/s), and receiving slit of 0.1. 9508C, followed by reduction with Cu at 6508C.
Samples were run from 20 to 6582y. Silicon was Geochemical characterization included deter-
used as an internal standard. mination of the carbon isotope ratio on bulk
The thermal properties of graphite were graphite concentrates by extraction techniques
determined by simultaneous recording of differ- and mass spectrometry, using a VG Micromass
ential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermogravi- gas -sour ce ap pa rat u s at t he G e och ron
metric (TG) curves, using a Stanton STA 781 Laboratories (Massachussetts, USA). Analytical
apparatus. The DTA curves were obtained by procedures have been described in a previous


paper (Barrenechea et al., 1997). The results are crystallinity of graphite in all types of
reported in the conventional d notation relative to occurrences.
the PDB standard. The anlytical precision of the The position of the exothermic maximum in the
method, including both sample preparation and DTA curve of graphite from type I occurrences
analysis, was ~+0.2%. (Table 2 and Fig. 4) ranges from 775 to 8328C,
with an average value of ~8108C. Graphite from
occurrences of types II, III and IV has slightly
Analytical results higher temperatures of combustion (close to
Table 2 summarizes the structural and thermal 8508C), as shown in Table 2. Elemental analysis
data of graphite in the four types of occurrences in of graphite from type I occurrences yield C
the AMB. The XRD patterns correspond to highly contents ranging from ~80 to 90 wt.% (Table 3).
crystalline hexagonal graphite, showing sharp and The H and N contents as well as the atomic H/C
symmetric (002) peaks with a d 002 spacing ratios (Table 3) are low, as expected for high-
ranging from 3.348 to 3.352 A Ê (i.e. c = 2 d002 = grade metamorphic graphite.
6.696 to 6.704 AÊ ). The intensity ratios of (002) to Carbon isotope ratios for selected graphite
(004) re ections (I002/I004) are also compatible samples are listed in Table 4, and plotted in
with those of fully ordered graphite (Luque et al., Fig. 5. Graphite from type I mineralization has
1992). In addition, crystallite sizes along the isotopic ratios ranging between 21.4 and
c-axis (Lc) determined for selected samples 28.4% ( 26.4% average). Graphite from type
(following the method proposed by Tagiri, II occurrences has slightly lighter d13C values,
1981) exceed 1000 A Ê , which conŽ rms the high with an average of 28.0%. Graphite from restite

TABLE 2. Structural (XRD) and thermal characteristics of graphite from the different types of occurrences.


Type I c = 6.696 6.708 A Ê Exothermic maximum = 775 8328C

(samples: AC-2, AC-4, AC-5, average = 6.700 AÊ average = 8108C
LH-1 to LH-4; A-2, A-3, MO-4, I002/I004 = 18 35 Ti = 516 5378C
CC-2, CC-5; NI-0 to NI-3, average = 25 average = 5278C
NI-8, NI-10) T = 750 8008C* Tf = 915 9468C
n = 18 average = 9328C
Type II c = 6.700 6.704 A Ê Exothermic maximum = 8478C
(samples: AF-1, AF-2, SA-2) average = 6.703 AÊ Ti = 6108C
I002/I004 = 13 18 Tf = 9448C
average = 15 n=1
T = 750 8008C*
Type III c = 6.704 A Ê Exothermic maximum = 8528C
(samples: MO-1, WC) I002/I004 = 30 Ti = 6268C
T = 7508C* Tf = 9518C
n=2 n=1
Type IV c = 6.698 6.702 A Ê Exothermic maximum = 8588C
(samples: LM-1, LM-2) average = 6.700 A Ê Ti = 6308C
I002/I004 = 12 16 Tf = 10008C
average = 14 n=1
T = 770 7808C*

n = number of analysed samples

* Temperatures calculated on the basis of the c parameter according to the geothermometrical estimation of
Shengelia et al. (1979)


FIG. 4. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetric (TG) curves for graphite from a type I occurrence
(San Carlos mine, sample AC-4), showing the temperature of the maximum of the exothermic effect and the weight
loss (87.47%) due to the combustion of carbon.

occurrences (type III) has a fairly homogeneous mineralogical characteristics. According to

signature, close to 24.7%. For the studied set of regional correlations with lower grade areas
samples, the heaviest isotopic values correspond (Bard, 1969), the most conspicuous graphite
to the vein-type graphite (type IV), which ranges mineralizations in the AMB (type I) were
from d13C = 17.7 to 18.3%. ori gi nal l y de posi t ed duri ng t he U pper
Precambrian–Cambrian as lidites, sandstones and
clayey sediments very enriched in carbonaceous
matter, within a carbonate sequence. The high
The four types of graphite occurrences of the concentration of organic matter in these sediments
Aracena Metamorphic Belt re ect two different could be tentatively ascribed to the result of
processes of graphite formation. The occurrences sedimentation in a continental shelf under reducing
of types I, II and III result from the evolution of conditions, related to a high organic productivity in
organic matter at high-grade metamorphic condi- anoxic bottoms, which favoured the preservation of
tions, as evidenced by their geological and this carbonaceous matter.

TABLE 3. Elemental analyses of selected graphite samples from type I occurrences. Location of samples shown
in Fig. 2.

Sample Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen H/C atomic ratio

A-2 79.42 0.37 0.17 0.056

AC-2 89.60 0.10 0.07 0.013
AC-4 86.22 0.22 0.12 0.031
CC-5 89.16 0.12 0.08 0.016
LH-2 85.02 0.19 0.12 0.027
LH-4 82.16 0.19 0.04 0.028
MO-4 83.54 0.24 0.11 0.034
NI-2 85.18 0.10 0.07 0.014
NI-10 84.81 0.19 0.13 0.027


TABLE 4. Isotopic composition of graphite samples boninite afŽ nity resulting from primary magma-
from the different types of occurrences. Location tism in the subduction zone during Palaeozoic
of samples shown in Fig. 2. times, and that later underwent metamorphic
temperatures close to 9008C (Castro et al.,
Type/sample d13C% 1996a). The occurrence of graphite veins in
(relative to the PDB standard) these granulitic rocks involves the problem of
the role of carbonic  uids (that is, CO2-rich  uids;
Type I Glassley, 1982) in the granulite metamorphism.
A-3 27.8 The anhydrous conditions required for granulite
AC-4 A 27.9 formation can be attained either by dry, vapour-
AC-4 B 27.9 free metamorphism (e.g. Lamb and Valley, 1984;
LH-3 B 26.0 Yardley and Valley, 1997) or through the input of
CC-5 21.4 internally- (Hansen et al., 1987) or externally-
MO-4 25.0
derived CO2-rich  uids (Newton et al., 1980;
NI-2 28.4
NI-8 27.2 Farquhar and Chacko, 1991; Wada and Santosh,
Average 26.4 1995). External sources of CO2 include magmatic,
mantle-derived  uids (Newton et al., 1980;
Type II Farquhar and Chacko, 1991; Satish-Kumar and
SA-2 A 26.4
Santosh, 1998), metamorphic decarbonation reac-
SA-2 B 26.2
AF-1 31.6 tions (Hapuarachchi, 1977; Silva, 1987), and
Average 28.0 devolatilization reactions of organic matter
Type III (Dissanayake, 1994). In addition, the debate still
MO-1 A 24.8 continues on the transfer mechanisms of such CO2
MO-1 B 24.7  uids into the crust. The  uid  ow mechanisms
MO-1 C 24.7 can be grouped into two models: (1) pervasive
Average 24.7  ow (Lamb and Valley, 1984, 1985); and (2)
Type IV channelized  ow through structural pathways
LM-1 C 17.7 (Katz, 1987; Santosh and Wada, 1993a; Satish-
LM-2 C-1 18.2 Kumar and Santosh, 1998). Additional evidence
LM-2 C-2 18.3 for the participation of carbonic  uids during
Average 18.1 granulite metamorphism comes from the presence
of CO2  uid inclusions in minerals of granulitic
assemblages (e.g. Touret, 1971; Jackson et al.,
1988; Vry et al., 1988; Satish-Kumar and
Santosh, 1998).
Graphite-bearing gneisses and quartzites from Bearing in mind the above considerations, the
type II occurrences derived from high-tempera- graphite veins that occur in the Aracena
ture metamorphism of an older sequence of pelitic Metamorphic Belt indicate the circulation of
sediments enriched in organic carbon, whose low- CO2-rich  uids through these rocks. In this case,
grade metamorphic counterparts crop out at the graphite was formed by deposition from channe-
core of anticlinorial structures in the northern part lized carbon-bearing  uids, as evidenced by their
of the AMB (La Umbrõ´a Series; cf. Bard, 1969). Ž eld relationships (cross-cutting contacts, and
On the other hand, ‘restitic’ graphite in cordierite- structural control of vein di stribut ion).
bearing tonalites (type III occurrences) resulted Furthermore, the preservation of a biogenic
from the partial melting of the original clayey signature in the disseminated graphite within the
sediments of La Umbrõ´a Series (cf. Bard, 1969). metapelitic lithologies does not favour the
These rocks therefore represent the Ž nal products hypothesis of a pervasive  uid  ow. Finally,
of the ultra-high temperature metamorphism that despite the small scale of the veins in this area,
affected the southern margin of the Continental such carbonic  uids would be comparable to
Domain. those responsible for large vein-type graphite
Vein-type graphite in maŽ c granulites (type IV deposits in granulite terranes of Sri Lanka and
occurrences) is clearly distinct from the India (Luque and Rodas, 1999).
previously described syngenetic occurrences. As noted previously, graphite in all types of
These maŽ c granulites are orthoderivate rocks of occurrences is highly crystalline. The d 002


FIG. 5. d13C values of graphite from stratiform (type I), disseminated (type II), ‘restitic’ (type III), and vein (type IV)
occurrences. Tie-lines connect the extreme values for each type of occurrence (see Table 4). Average values are
plotted as solid symbols.

spacings for graphite of types I and II are in good sensitive to crystallinity changes once graphite
agreement with those reported in the literature for has attained the d002 spacing corresponding to the
graphite in high-grade metamorphic rocks (e.g. ideal structure (d002 = 3.35 A Ê ), although the
Kwiecinska, 1980; Wada et al., 1994; Radhika et crystallite size along the stacking direction (Lc)
al., 1995). In addition, XRD data for restitic becomes larger with increasing crystallinity.
graphite (type III) are similar to those reported by These data show that a closer arrangement of
Kanaris-Sotiriou (1997) for graphite in anatectic the layers of carbon atoms along the stacking
dacites. Graphite in vein-type occurrences (type direction is physically unlikely in the graphite
IV) also has the structural features of highly structure. In fact, the lowest d 002 spacings
crystalline graphite, typical of natural  uid- reported for both metamorphic (Kwiecinska,
deposited occurrences (Luque et al., 1998, and 1980) and  uid-deposited graphite (Luque et al.,
references therein). As recently reported by 1998) are in the range 3.350 3.348 A Ê . Therefore,
Pasteris and Luque (1997) and Luque and Rodas temperatures estimated by graphite geothermo-
(1999), such structural characteristics are in u- metry in the present study should be regarded as
enced by a number of factors, such as the T and P, minimum temperatures, since the c values for
the source of carbon and kinetic constraints. graphite in the occurrences of the AMB
According to the XRD results, and by using the correspond to the upper limit of the calibration.
graphite geothermometry estimation based on the The position of the exothermic maximum in
c parameter proposed by Shengelia et al. (1979), DTA curves correlates with the temperature at
the temperature of formation for graphite in all which graphite was formed (Diessel and Of er,
types of occurrences ranges from 750 to 8008C 1975; Kwiecinska, 1980; Wada et al., 1994),
(Table 2). Such temperatures are ~1008C lower although it is also in uenced by the elemental
than those estimated by Castro et al. (1996a) for composition of graphite (Luque et al., 1998).
the host-rocks of the graphite occurrences on the According to the ranges given by Kwiecinska
basis of element partitioning between coexisting (1980), the temperatures recorded for graphite
minerals. Differences between temperatures of from the different types of occurrences in the
formation from both geothermometric methods AMB are close to the limit between amphibolite-
may re ect the limitation of the c parameter of facies and granulite-facies metamorphic rocks.
graphite as a geothermometer at temperatures Individual DTA temperatures of carbon combus-
above 8008C. The application of graphite as a tion are therefore closer to those estimated by
geothermometer is based upon the progressive petrologic geothermometers.
decrease in the c parameter with increasing Elemental analyses of graphite concentrates
crystallinity as temperature rises (Shengelia et from type I occurrences (Table 3) show typically
al., 1979; Tagiri, 1981; Luque et al., 1993). high C contents and very low contents of
However, the results obtained by Wada et al. heteroatoms (H, N), which agree with their fully
(1994) clearly indicate that the c parameter is not ordered nature. The H/C atomic ratios are close to


those given by different authors (e.g. Kwiecinska, isotope (Weis et al., 1981; Mattey, 1987; Luque et
1980; Itaya, 1981) for graphite in high-grade al., 1999).
metamorphic rocks. In addition to these isotopic shifts between
The carbon isotope ratio (13C/12C) is a useful syngenetic and epigenetic graphite, small isotopic
geochemical tool for interpreting the origin of differences even exist among graphite samples
graphite, since the main sources of C (organic from the metamorphic occurrences (types I, II and
matter, carbonates and igneous carbon derived III). Thus, the difference between the average d13C
from the mantle) are characterized by different for type I and type II graphite is ~1.6% (up to
isotopic ranges. Graphite from syngenetic occur- 3.2% for the lightest values), although their
rences (types I, II and III) has a light carbon isotopic signatures fall within the reported ranges
isotope signature, falling within the typical range for most Precambrian and Phanerozoic biogeni-
of bi ogenical ly-deri ved graphi te (Ha hn- cally-derived graphites (Schoell and Wellmer,
Weinheimer and Hirner, 1981; Weis et al., 1981). The isotopic shift related to the thermal
1981; Crawford and Valley, 1990). evolution of the carbonaceous matter during
In contrast, graphite from type IV occurrences metamorphism, including Precambrian materials,
(veins) shows a distinctly heavier signature is well documented (Des Marais et al., 1992;
( 18.1% on average, i.e. from 6 to 10% Naraoka et al., 1996). The observed differences in
heavier than the average signatures for graphite the carbon isotope ratio for graphite from type I
in syngenetic occurrences). Heavier carbon and II occurrences are probably not primarily
isotopic signatures for vein-type graphite in related to the effect of temperature on the isotopic
granulitic areas than for graphite in the metase- fractionation during metamorphism as both types
dimentary host-rocks have also been reported in were affected by similar granulite-facies meta-
the literature (Vry et al., 1988; Farquhar and morphic conditions. Moreover, the isotopic signa-
Chacko, 1991; Santosh and Wada, 1993b; Wada tures for graphite in both types of occurrences
and Santosh, 1995). It is well-known that seem to indicate that any signiŽ cant isotopic
increasing metamorphic temperatures cause devo- fractionation did not occur during the metamorphic
latilization of carbonaceous matter as well as event, or that the precursor carbonaceous matter
decarbonation reactions in carbonate lithologies. had anomalously light d13C values. In this context,
During devolatilization of carbonaceous matter, the heaviest isotopic signature found in one
isotope fractionation is dependent upon several graphite sample from a type I occurrence ( 21.4
parameters (Poulson, 1996) but residual graphite %) may re ect local isotope fractionation.
is usually enriched in 13C, and carbonic species Schidlowski et al. (1979) and Arneth et al.
enriched in the lighter isotope are released (Hoefs (1985) have suggested that the magnitude of the
and Frey, 1976; Rumble et al., 1986; Crawford isotopic shift during metamorphism in gneissic
and Valley, 1990). If carbon was incorporated lithologies within calc-silicate sequences is related
into metamorphic  uids by such a mechanism, to the modal abundance of newly formed Ca-Mg
lighter d13C values should be expected for vein- silicates. As a consequence of the arguments
type graphite with respect to graphite from above, the observed differences in the carbon
syngenetic occurrences. The isotopically heavier isotope ratios for graphite in type I and II
C of graphite from the epigenetic occurrences occurrences might be attributable to original
described here probably resulted from mixing of differences between Precambrian (type II) and
carbonic species with signiŽ cantly distinct Cambrian (type I) organic precursors or, alter-
isotopic signatures, 13 C-depleted methane natively, to the in uence of the different lithology
coming from the devolatilization of organic of their host-rocks (gneisses and quartzites within a
matter and 13C-enriched CO2 released through calc-silicate sequence, and gneisses within a
decarbonation of the calc-silicate lithologies terrigenous series, respectively).
(marbles and amphibolites). These processes of Finally, ‘restitic’ graphite from type III
devolatilization and decarbonation would be occurrences shows an homogeneous isotope
associated with the granulite-facies meta- signature, slightly heavier than the average
morphi sm t hat affected the st udy area. values for graphite from type I and II. Such an
Therefore, the source of CO2 would be local, isotopic ratio reveals a biogenic origin and agrees
although a deep-seated, magmatic origin of with the residual character of this graphite, which
carbon should not be discarded, because such is hosted by a rock that underwent partial melting,
carbon would also be enriched in the heavy leading to a slightly higher isotopic fractionation.


Conclusions (Espagne). Thèse d’État, Univ. Montpellier.

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DGICYT through projects PB93-0064 and PB98- 29, 57 67.
Farquhar, J. and Chacko, T. (1991) Isotopic evidence for
0836. The paper was improved through the
involvement of CO2-bearing magmas in granulite
criticism of Prof. J.L.R. Touret. The authors also
formation. Nature, 354, 60 3.
express their gratitude to Dr R. Rojas for technical
Fernández-Rodrõ´guez, C., Fernández Caliani, J.C. ,
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Miras, A., Barrenechea, J.F., Luque F.J. and Rodas,
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