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Dated – 02.06.2018- 1st Edition

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4.Author of This Books- Dr.Jayant Kittur, Prof. Sachin Kulkarni

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Visionary Learning Community of India

Employability of Engineers
1. Need of Factory Ready Engineers- A degree or Diploma is no
longer enough to guarantee a satisfying future career. In
many sectors, Factories are looking for 'work-ready'
graduates or Diploma engineers with clear evidence of job
specific skills. To have the competitive advantage in the job
market, students need to have developed their employability
throughout their time at college.

2. Engaging in the educational process: Innovative teaching,

learning and assessment methods help students engage in
the education process and have the added benefit of helping
them to develop attributes which make them attractive to
potential employers. Student’s interest is more likely to be
maintained if they can see the relevance of their studies to
their future careers and life beyond college.

Module 1. Basic Observation Skills in Public Places &
As we all know, every normal human being is blessed with 5 senses
namely Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste and Touch.

Knowingly or unknowingly, we keep on using these five senses in our

day to day life. Can you imagine, how difficult our life will be if any
one sense is not possessed by us? We think you will agree, it is very

In this module, we are trying to put more emphasis on the first sense
i.e. SIGHT. By now you must be wondering, we know all this & nothing
is new. But, we must try to know the difference between “Seeing”
and “Observing”.

Basic objective of this module is to help engineering students to

become good observers. This unique skill will be useful for students
in their daily life and once they start their professional life. This
module helps to acquire the “observation skills” step by step, starting
with first by observing various surrounding places around us like
college premises, college canteen/kitchen. In next step, students
learn the same at nearest common public places like railway
station/bus stand. With this practice, Students will be able to write
their observations in a specific format & summarise in a report on
which concerned person can take actions. This module is applicable
for full class of second year (3rd semester) students of
Mechanical/Automobile/Production Engineering. Once students
have developed some level of observation skills & Report writing they
can apply the same to their target fields e.g. factory, after their

Module 2. Evolution of Modern Manufacturing
This module is applicable for full class of second year (4th semester)
students of Mechanical/Automobile/Production Engineering. The
basic objective of this module is to introduce “factory” to the
students. The simplest way to introduce factory is by using example
of college canteen-kitchen where every student visits at least once a
day while attending to college.

The module begins with explaining the different methods of

production like craftsmanship and Mass Production with relevant
examples which students will find interesting & easy to understand.
The other important part talks about “factory” in detail. It explains
the entire flow starting with getting raw material from the supplier
till supply of parts to the customer. With this understanding, students
will find it easy to co-relate once they visit any of the factory.

Students will also understand how a factory functions. How

material flow up & down communication and Organisation structure.
The concept of “Quality” and “Waste” is also introduced in this

Module 3. Modern Manufacturing Basic Knowledge & Skills
This module is applicable for third year (5th semester) students of
Mechanical/Automobile/Production Engineering as an Elective. The
objective of this module is to make students aware necessary things
about “factory”. This module covers important aspects like Self
Discipline, Time Management, Brain Storming, Team Work, factory
language and organisation of a factory.

“Self-discipline” is nothing but adherence to set norms by own

without any reminders from others. This is something that young
students need to understand before entering the factory. Another
important sub-set is “Time Management” as Time is the costliest
resource. Time here means own time, our colleague’s time and
factory’s time.

Engineers are exposed to various problems during day to-day

working in shop floor. They are supposed to work with other team
members & solve the problems collectively as a team. This module
throws light on technique of “Brain Storming” to collect ideas from
all team members without any bias and arrive at common
understanding, Further how as a team, problem can be solved in a
constraint environment.

One more necessary part “factory language” is also introduced

in this module. Students read or understand various terminologies
during their academics about factory. In recent times, various new
terminologies have got introduced in the Manufacturing. This
module will give overview of the same so that students can
communicate with ease in the factory

Module 4. Introduction to Flow Management System
This module is applicable for third year (6th semester) students of
Mechanical/Automobile/Production Engineering as an Elective. The
basic objective of this module is to introduce “Flow Management
Concept” to the students. Flow of water in river is commonly known
or seen by all of us. Water passes through various obstructions in it’s
course of journey. More the obstructions, more time it will take for
water to reach to next stage. If water is stagnant at one location for
more time, it can create bad smell and other related unhygienic

Engineering students need to understand manufacturing with

this perspective of “Flow”. The critical focus area in flow is “Material”.
Students will understand importance of “Material Flow” and how it
is linked with “Cash Flow” in this module.

For practical understanding, tools of Material flow mapping

have been added in this module. Students will learn and practice
tools like Vmap-Q (Quick Visual Map) within which they will trace the
path travelled by the material to surface out obstructions for the
flow. Another important tool – 3S Map which focuses on Safety of
Workplace, Shorter distance of travel and Space creation is also part
of this module.

This module can be of great use for any business as application

of these tools will help Factories to smoothen material flow and
thereby improving cash flow which in turn will improve factory
business health.

Module 5. Flow Management Concepts
This module is applicable for final year (7th semester) students of
Mechanical/Automobile/Production Engineering as an Elective. The
basic objective of this module is to teach Flow management concepts
– Heijunka and Standardised Work to the students.

Any factory which is manufacturing certain products need to

meet requirements received from its customer. Customer
requirement can be in the form of quantity, variety, quality, cost,
delivery etc. Variety of products is one critical aspect as market taste
keeps on changing quite frequently. Depending upon the change in
market requirements, customers are required to produce variety of
products. Requirements from customers changes from time to time
due to various reasons like seasonal changes, environmental
changes, economical changes etc. Such frequent changes are
inevitable. So only thing that the supplying factories need to do is
quickly adapt and respond to such changes by following certain steps.

This module teaches one of such technique – Heijunka. Broadly

it is a technique to achieve stable production even though the
customer requirements are fluctuating in terms of variety & quantity.

Once stable production is achieved, next step is to standardise the

work of all individuals involved. This module also covers the
introductory part of “Standardised Work” by making students aware
about how to calculate required number of manpower for doing
certain amount of work and then defining the sequence so that even
though there is change in person, the activity will be performed in
same defined way.

Student Internship.

Module 6. Leadership Skills for Mfg.
This module is applicable for final year (8th semester) students of
Mechanical/Automobile/Production Engineering as an Elective.

Students attending at this stage are in the last semester of their

engineering education. Most of the students expect to join “factory”
after completing the college. Earlier 5 modules which have been
taught to the students are helpful to get smooth entry of students in
“Manufacturing” environment. This last module has been added to
the curriculum with foresight that some of the engineering graduate
after certain experience attain a leadership position in factory. In that
position, he/she must handle various critical aspects of the business
with the help of team members of the factory. In academic’s students
are taught about desired characteristics of a good leaders but by the
time the student is at leadership position, he/she need to be aware
about what exactly is required him/her to demonstrate good
leadership skills.

This module-6 will cover few of the aspects of leadership skill


• Using power of observation skills to find out hidden/invisible

issues by observing visible things in the factory.

• How to arrive at Ideal Layout – for smooth & safer material flow.

• How to make factory profitable by using concept of Profit Tree.

These concepts will be helpful for the students for developing

their leadership skills as they rise in the hierarchy in the factory.

VLCI 2020 Vision/Footprint
1. 6 Locations (Towns – Pune, Belagavi, Hosur, Haridwar, Solan,

2. @ 40+ Engineering colleges/polytechnics

3. @ 32+ Volunteer Demonstrators

4. @ 200 + factory Partners (VLCI and VSME)

5. @ 1000 + Graduating Students

1.Role of Demonstrator
1. Help the faculty of engineering colleges to learn modern
manufacturing practices in factory.

2. Support the factory for the collective improvement of

efficiency and productivity to the next level of growth.

3. Help the students to understand and learn modern

manufacturing practices from college faculty.

2.Using college canteen / Kitchen as a Factory for Students



We are very privileged to have been The Visionary Learning Community

associated with the VLCI journey from the journey has been an exciting and
very beginning. The Visionary Learning transformative one for us. Indian
Community of India has sown the seeds academia has long been struggling to
of a new path of mutual learning for the find a better way of collaborating with
industry and academia, which will lead to industry to develop industry ready talent.
developing a new breed of Manufacturing The VLCI initiative has opened a new path
Change Leaders. for such collaborative working.
Being a voluntary initiative, we in the With a shift from knowledge download to
academia found high acceptance and skill building, I am sure that we will be
enthusiasm towards this initiative. I able to develop talent with the BIG F
believe that both the faculty as well as the mindset that will contribute to building
students will greatly benefit from the Indian manufacturing. I am sure that the
industry exposure. I can also see the mutual learning concept being applied
beginnings of a mindset change amongst through VLCI will have a far reaching
those who have joined this journey. impact on both industry and academia, in
KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, the process making a positive impact on
Belagavi looks forward to contributing to the coming generation.
creating India into a manufacturing hub
by developing industry ready engineers. The Nutan faculty and administration
are enthusiastically looking forward to
I wish this initiative all the success.
breaking new ground in talent
development in collaboration with
My best wishes for this initiative.

Dr. Jayant K. Kittur Dr. Rajendra

Professor and Dean IRDC,
KLS Gogte Institute of Principal,
Nutan Maharastra Institute of
Technology, Belagavi
Engineering & Technology,

Module 2 – Evolution of Modern Manufacturing

Title Page no.

Chapter 1 Introduction – Manufacturing 15

Chapter 2 Input-output model of manufacturing 18
Chapter 3 Evolution of Craftsman (Job) Production 20
3.1 Characteristics of Craft production: 22
3.2 Advantages and disadvantages of craft (Job) production 23
Chapter 4 Assembly Line Production 25
4.1 Characteristics 25
4.2 Suitability of mass production 26
4.3 Advantages of mass production 26
4.4 Example of Evolution of cloth stitching: Tailor to Garment 26
4.5 Difference between Job production v/s Mass production. 29
Chapter 5 Case study 30
5.1 Craftsmanship 30
5.2 Batch production: Pai Bakery 30
5.3 Mass Production: Monginis Bakery 33

Chapter 6 Factory concept 37

6.1 Types of waste 37
6.2 Introduction 38
6.3 Things seen in factory 38
6.3.1 Finish Goods (FG) Store 39
6.3.2 Packing section 39
6.3.3 Inspection and Testing station 41
6.3.4 Assembly line 42
6.3.5 Shop floor 44

6.3.6 Machines 44
6.3.7 Material handling equipment 45
6.3.8 Store room 46
6.3.9 Tool room 47
6.4 Organization of men 47
6.4.1 Technical staff 47
6.4.2 Office staff 48
6.4.3 Shop floor worker 48
6.5 Types of materials 48
6.5.1 Raw material 48
6.5.2 Semi finish parts/work in process 49
6.5.3 Finished goods 49
6.5.4 Tools 50
6.5.5 Spares 50
6.5.6 Consumables 51
6.5.7 Scrap 51
6.6 College Canteen/Kitchen & Factory 52
6.6.1 Input – Process – Output Model 52
6.6.2 Supplier – Manufacturing – Customer Model 52
6.6.3 Flow Model 52
a. Information 52
b. Material 52
c. Operators 52
6.7 Factory Language – Vocabulary 53

Introduction – Manufacturing
Man is a social animal. We live in a society, where the basic physical needs
are Food, Shelter and Clothing. Apart from these basic things we have many
secondary needs and innumerous wants in terms of things and services. If we look
around, one can list many manmade products. One can broadly classify these things
as hardware and software Products/ services.

Product is a thing which can be sold to a customer (Buyer) who needs it and is ready
to exchange money to get that product. Products are to be produced to fulfill the
needs (requirements)/wants of the customer. Take for example a product called pen.
It serves the purpose of writing.
The process of producing a product is called manufacturing. The word
manufacture is derived from two Latin words, manus (hand) and factus
(make); the combination means made by hand. The English word manufacture is
several centuries old, and ‘‘made by hand’’ accurately described the manual methods
used when the word was first coined.
To manufacture a product, we use various resources/inputs and process
them in a certain way to get the desired features to call it a product. During the
process of manufacturing products, we end up developing some scrap material which
has consumed resources but does not add any value. Disposing scrap will add
additional cost and efforts to organization.
Fig 1 (a) Raw material and products to build a Fig 1 (b) Other Products

The physical products that we have today can be broadly classified as

Consumer Goods and Capital Goods.
Consumer Goods:
Consumer goods cater to the needs and wants of consumers; they are
produced in large number and are purchased by general consumer. Hence are
produced with some common features which will meet the requirements of most of
the customers.
Examples of Consumer goods are: Food items, Clothes, Stationary etc. Such
products are consumed more frequently – daily, weekly, monthly.

Capital Goods used by Families:

Capital Goods- Washing Machine

 Mostly purchased by a

 Once in a few years

 Cars, TV’s, Computers are

similar products

© 1995 Corel

Capital Goods used by Companies:
Capital Goods are purchased by the companies, who use these products for
specific purpose of further production of other products/ services.
Examples of Capital Goods are Aero planes, Ships, Lorries, Machine tools,
Mainframe Computers, Construction equipment etc.

Capital Goods- Lathe machine

 Industry specific
 Used for making of

Fig 1.(C) Lathe machine

Exercise 1.1

Activity: List the man-made things (Products) around you and classify them. (Give 6
examples each)

List the man-made things (Products) around you and classify them.
1.1.1 Consumer Goods – Hand Made – Frequency of Purchase
- Machine Made – Frequency of Purchase

1.1.2 Capital Goods – What products are made using such capital goods?

Chapter 2
Manufacturing can be presented as an Input- Process - Output model as
shown in block diagram below.
Raw Material
Machines/ Tools/
Processes & Product
Skilled Worker Assembly

Power (Energy)
Scrap Material


Fig. 2.1 An Input- Process -Output model

Raw materials are the basic ingredients (Building Blocks) to manufacture a product, there
can be one main or many other raw materials which go in the manufacture of a product.

Exercise 2.1
Activity: Identify the raw materials to manufacture the products:

Develop 3 I-P-O models for products which you or your family uses

E.g. Pencil, Pen, Paper, (Consumer products)

Bicycle, Washing machine, Computer (Capital goods)

Exercise 2.2 I-P-O model of college canteen/kitchen

Example of work sheet to identify the various elements of Input- Process -Output
model at College canteen/kitchen.


S.N. Particular


S.N. Particular


S.N. Particular

Chapter 3

Fig. 3.1 Evolution of Man

Fig. 3.2 Evolution of Foot ware (Shoes)

In ancient times, society evolved in villages which were self-contained/self-

sufficient. All the basic requirements like food, clothing and shelter requirements of people
were met by the productions at village level only. Of course, the people had very minimum
of other requirements as the life was simple.

Food grains were grown in fields with the help of simple equipment and Bullocks
were extensively used as power source in the fields. Simple Houses (huts) were constructed
using locally available materials like mud, stones, wooden logs etc. by the same people who

used to work in fields. Simple hand-woven cotton clothing prepared from the self-grown
cotton was used. In this way most of the products were hand made using locally available
raw materials and with the local knowhow (skill). The tools and equipment’s required for
producing the products were locally prepared.

Example: Foot ware – Types & production processes also evolved as the human race
progressed (Refer Fig. 3.2)

 Craftsman & Barter System:

As the civilization grew the needs of people gradually increased but more than that
the wants increased. Slowly different people started doing only one kind of work and
gradually craftsmanship started developing. People started becoming experts in one job
and could produce excellent variety products as desired by the customer. This led to the
barter system of economy where we exchange our goods and services to meet our
requirements without the use of currency.

 Small Scale Production System:

When the population started growing the demand for more products of good
quality increased. A class of people called merchants started emerging, who would move
around with different products and sell them to different people to meet their
requirements. The crafts production by one person was not sufficient to meet the demand.
The merchants started supplying raw materials and men and women at home started
producing the products as desired by individual customer. The merchants would distribute
the products to individual customers as per their requirements.

Fig. 3.3 Pottery Fig. 3.4 Weaving

Fig. 3.5 Idol making Fig. 3.6 Footware making

Exercise 3.1

Activity: Identify the inputs and process and output for the above crafts productions.

(Fig. 3.3. 3.4, 3.5, 3.6)

3.1 Characteristics of Craft production

 Craftsmanship requires high skills in designing, machine/making operations

 The use of general-purpose machine tools to perform different operations
 A very low production volume
 Products are custom made
 Time to produce is generally more and is inconsistent
 Crafts man knows whole process and method of manufacture of the entire
product consisting of many parts
 He is also capable of designing, producing, using, repairing and maintenance of
all tools as well as equipment
 The use of general-purpose machine tools to perform drilling, grinding, and

other operations on metal/wood.
 Inconsistent quality depending on Skill
 Assembly by trial and error
 Difficulty in the availability and replacement of spare parts

3.2 Advantages and disadvantages of craft (Job) production


 A lot more care is put into making the product as good as possible
 The quality tends to be considerably higher than that of mass-production
 The product can also be customized to fit personal needs, and there is a good

deal of flexibility for the designer, customer and craftsman

 High skill is often required for the craftsman; therefore, they can charge more for
the product. Handmade products generally cost more.


 The economies of large scale production may not be attained because

production is done in small lots.
 Sub optimum use of labor and equipment
 The proper assessment of costs is difficult
 Manufacturing time is generally more
 Manufacturing time is generally more
 The Product is not designed for disassembly, interchangeability

 Higher demand led to mechanized production

With increase in demand it was not possible to produce products as per each
customer requirements. Also repair and replacement of parts was not easy as each product
was uniquely produced for the customer.

Meanwhile industrial revolution brought out new machines which could replace
human efforts and rate of production increased. Consistency in quality could be achieved.
Slowly the main advantage of crafts production the variety or production as per
requirements of customer decreased. So, the concept of standardization got evolved. The

standardized products will have specific features, shapes and sizes which will suit many

Exercise 3.2

Activity: Compare Home kitchen (Craftsman-Mother) Vs College Kitchen (Mechanized


Advantages & Disadvantages

Chapter 4

Fig. 4.1 Few assembly line process

An assembly line production is a part of manufacturing process arrangement in which

various parts are added to the base part as the semi-finished assembly moves from station to
station. At each station some of the parts are added in sequence until the final product is
By mechanically moving the parts to the assembly work and moving the semi-finished
assembly from station to station, a finished product can be assembled faster and with less labour
than by having workers carry parts to a fixed place for assembly.
Items such as automobiles and consumer goods which contain many parts are generally
assembled on assembly lines. Henry Ford is considered as the father of assembly lines who
introduced this concept to manufacture cars in large assembly lines.
4.1 Characteristics of Mass production
The mass production possesses the following characteristics.
 Product is standardized
 Large quantity of product is produced

 Large investment in production & assembly lines
 Automated material handling
 Variation in product features is not that easy
 Worker skill required is less, but more specialised
4.2 Suitability of Mass production
 Most suited for continuous demand for standardized product.
 When the order quantity is large with less or no variations in the
product features.

4.3 Advantages of Mass production
 Less direct labour cost.
 Since large quantity is produced the fixed cost of machines is
distributed and hence the cost of production of each item will be
 There will be very less or no work-in-progress
 Rate of production will be high
4.4 Example of Evolution of cloth stitching: Tailor to
Garment factory
 Steps followed by a tailor for stitching garment:
First the tailor measures the size of the cloth supplied by customer from which the garment is to
be stitched
Then takes the body measurement of the person for whom the garment is to be stitched
Next gets the information from the customer the style in which the garment is to be stitched
Then according to the style and measurements the marking on the cloth will be done
1 Cutting operation of the cloth as per the marking will be done
2 Stitches the main part with the help of a sewing machine
3 Stitches the other parts to the main part
4 Fixes the buttons and hooks etc.
5 Customer takes a trial wear and suggests any alterations/
modifications if required
6 Tailor incorporates changes to the satisfaction of the customer
7 Lastly the garment will be ironed and packed in a cover before
handing it to the customer
All these operations in sequence are done by a skilled tailor with the help of a sewing machine,
measuring tape (scale), tailoring instruments like scissors, marking chalk, different colored
threads, needles, buttons, hooks etc.

 Steps followed in producing a garment in a garment factory:

1. Cloth is procured in bulk to produce many identical garments

2. Markings are done as per standard size with the help of a
marking machine

3. Cloth is fed to cutting machine where cutting of cloth is
4. At different stations different sewing machines are arranged
with proper colored thread and each operator at the machine
does the specified stitching operation and the cloth is pushed to
next station till all the stitching and other operations like fixing
buttons etc. are performed
5. Next the ready garment sent to ironing station to perform the
ironing operation
6. Next, the ready garment is inspected before it is sent for packing
7. After the packing the garment is dispatched to Finished Goods
At each station, a semi-skilled operator performs the specified operation in the given interval of
time and sends the cloth to the next station for further operation as per the instruction.

Fig. 4.2.1 Typical Tailor Shop

Fig. 4.2.2 Detail flow of garment factory

Exercise 4.1

Relate individual skills (Tailor) Vs use of machines (Garment Factory)

Identify the other differences between the two

Exercise 4.2

Activity: To identify the advantages and disadvantages of Mass Production (Garment Factory)

Advantages Disadvantages

1 1

2 2

3 3

4.5 Difference between Craft production v/s Mass

Characteristics Job Production Mass production

Unit cost High Low

Labour Highly skilled Moderately skilled.

Main feature Customization Mass production of

standardized products

Flexibility Labour and machines are Labour machines have no

highly flexible flexibility

Time required for the More Less.


Quantity of product Single Large numbers

Product nature Customized Standardized

Variety High Low

Process Ad- Hoc Continuous

Order size Individual Large

Chapter 5

5.1 Craftsmanship (Baking Bread at Home)

Fig.5.1 Preparing the dough Fig. 5.2 Baking the Bread

5.2 Batch Production: Pai Bakery

Fig.5.3 Pai Bakery Shop Fig.5.4 Mixing of the Dough using the
mixing machine

Fig.5.5 Preparation of dough Fig.5.6 Adding ingredients to the dough

Fig.5.7 Sizing the dough Fig.5.8 Baking the dough in big Oven

Fig.5.9 Baked bread boxes Fig.5.10 Slicing the Bread

Fig.5.11 Packing the Bread Fig.5.12 Dispatching to the retailers

Raw material
Store Room















Packing and Stacking


Scrap Dispatch

Fig.5.13 Flow chart of white bread baking process

5.3 Mass Production case study: Monginis (Mass Production)

Fig.5.14 Monginis Bakery company

Monginis began their journey in 1956 in Mumbai. The company was started by
Khorakhiwala family. The company today operates in 12 cities in India and 2 cities in Egypt.
Today the company has 521 outlets across these cities. The average daily customer base
has reached 75000 recently.

Fig.5.15 Raw material procurement Fig.5.16 Raw material storage

Fig.5.17 Mixing of raw materials-process 1 Fig.5.18 Mixing of raw materials- process 2

Fig.5.19 Pouring the mixture Fig.5.20 Baking in Oven

Fig.5.21 Post processing Fig.5.22 Decorating the cake

Fig.5.23 Quality control/ Inspection Fig.5.24 Packing in stage-1

Fig.5.25 Packing in stage-2 Fig.5.26 Storage of Finished Goods

Fig.5.27 Dispatching to the retailer


Raw material
Store Room






Post Processing









Fig.5.28 Flow chart of cake making process

Chapter 6


Fig.6.1 Factory building Fig.6.2 Layout of factory

After studying this section, the student will be able to understand:

 What is the meaning of a factory

 What are the major things that are seen in a factory
 What is the significance of each part of a factory
 What are the different types of materials seen in a factory
How different men perform different work (role) in a factory

Fig.6.3 Simple business model of factory

6.1 Types of wastes (Leakages) (TIMWOODS)

 Transport – Distance

 Inventory

 Motion – Loading /Unloading

 Waiting Time

 Over-processing- Rework

 Over production – More than order quantity

Defects-Rework, Scrap
Skills- Underutilizing capabilities, delegating tasks with inadequate

6.2 Introduction to Factory

Factory - The system of producing goods made on a mass scale by machines which replaced goods
made by individual craftsmen. The factory system evolved in England in the eighteenth century as part of the
Industrial Revolution.

We have seen that manufacturing is a process of converting input to more value-added product. The
factories can be classified as Small scale or Large scale. Whatever may be the scale of manufacturing the
factory produces products in a building/s or shed/s. The building or shed in which various types of
machinery, equipment, materials, and other facility are located where workers work with them to
manufacture the products is known as a Factory.

6.3 Things seen in a Factory

A factory is a place where we receive variety of raw material, semi-finished parts, sub-assemblies etc. from
suppliers (both internal as well as external), different processing operations are performed in various ways
using different manufacturing steps with the help of various machines to produce the products as per the
requirement and of the customers.

Input Process Output

Fig.6.4 Suppliers-Manufacturing process of product – Customers

Model of a factory

Depending on the type of factory, whether the quantity of production is small or large, whether the
product is discrete item or continuous, whether the product is in the form of solid / liquid or otherwise, one
can see similar pattern in the factory.

6.3.1 Finish Good (FG) Store

It is a place where the finished goods are stored/ stacked in a condition ready to be dispatched to
the customer. Usually the FG are stored in bins or containers of standard size this method of storing the FG
offers many advantages in terms of ease of counting the number of FG ready for dispatch, ease to load the
FG in to transport vehicle, as well as unloading at customer place.

Fig.6.5 Boxes are placed on pallet Fig.6.6 Boxes are stacked

6.3.2 Packing section

To dispatch the product to the customer from FG Store, the product is to be packed properly to avoid
any kind of damage/tampering during the transit. The place where this packing of products is done is called
packing section.

Different packing materials are being used for packaging the FG including crates, boxes, containers, wire
baskets, and pallets.

Fig.6.7 Different packing materials used in the factory

Fig.6.8 Packing using cartons Fig.6.9 Wrapping of protective sheet on


Fig.6.10 Applying the protective coating Fig.6.11 Packing using wooden boxes

Some of the requirements of good packaging are:

 Functional – effectively contain and protect the contents
 Provide convenience during distribution, sale, opening, use, reuse, etc.
 Be environmentally responsible
 Be cost effective


Fig.6.12 Symbols used on boxes and containers

6.3.3 Inspection and Testing
Inspection and testing are the two important processes carried out to make sure that the product is
produced as designed or intended to be produced and it serves the customer in the manner it is designed to
do so. Inspection and testing are to ensure that quality of the product is good.
Inspection is the process of observing visually or otherwise the availability of all the proper parts in
the product or the presence of any defects. Inspection can be done either by visual observation or with the
help of different types of gauges. Whereas testing is the process of putting the product to the intended
working condition and verifying the satisfactory service there off.
Before the product is sent for packing section, it is very much essential that it should be properly
inspected and if required tested because even by chance a bad/ defective product should not be dispatched
to the customer.
The outcome of inspection and testing is the segregation of good and bad products before sending
them for packing section. Not only that, one can find/understand the reasons/causes for the creation of
defects and try to avoid the same happening again. The bad parts or products are further analyzed and
segregated as the things which can be sent to rework and others for scrap.
Testing ensures that all parts of the products are not only produced defect free but also all the
parts are in right place and the assembly is done properly and hence the final product delivers the intended
service to the customer when the product is received by him and put to intended work/ service.

Fig.6.13 Inspection procedure Fig.6.14 Inspection of components using standard


Fig.6.15 Inspection and Testing of components Fig.6.16 Inspection of components using
measuring instruments

Fig.6.17 Destructive Testing Fig.6.18 Nondestructive Testing

6.3.4 Assembly line

An assembly line is a part of manufacturing process arrangement on the shop floor, wherein various
parts are added to the base part as the semi-finished assembly moves from one assembly station to another
station. At each station some of the parts are added in sequence until the final product is produced.
The base part, on which many sub-assemblies or parts are assembled, moves to each assembly
station in sequence and stays in that section for a predetermined interval of time within which the required
assembly operation is to be performed and after which the base part moves to next assembly station. In this
way the base part which entered the assembly line will come out from the line as a finished product.
By mechanically moving the parts to the assembly work and moving the semi-finished assembly from
station to work station, a finished product can be assembled faster and with less labour than by having
workers carry parts to a stationary place for assembly.
Items such as automobiles and consumer goods which contain many parts are generally assembled
on assembly lines.
Henry Ford is considered as the father of assembly lines who introduced this concept to manufacture cars in
large assembly lines.

According to Henry Ford, the principles of assembly are these:

(1) Place the tools and the men in the sequence of the operation so that each component part shall
travel the least possible distance while in the process of finishing.

(2) Use work slides or some other form of carrier so that when a workman completes his operation,
he drops the part always in the same place—which place must always be the most convenient place to his
hand—and if possible have gravity carry the part to the next workman for his own.

(3) Use sliding assembling lines by which the parts to be assembled are delivered at convenient distances

Fig.6.19 Different assembly lines

6.3.5 Shop floor

A shop floor is the area of a factory, machine shop where people work on machines to produce the
parts / products. We can see machines arranged in a planned manner, various material handling devices, raw
material, in process inventory, tools, equipment etc. spread across the shop floor.

Activity: Prepare a schematic layout of the shop floor of a College kitchen & Canteen

6.3.6 Machines

Machine is a tool containing one or more parts that uses electrical energy (most of the times) to
perform an intended action. Machines are usually motorized. In the industry various types of machines are
used for different purposes like cutting, bending, joining, mixing and processing various materials.

Lathe, Milling Machine, Drilling Machine etc. are called conventional machines which have been used
in industry from many decades. On these machines every time a part is loaded manually by operator and the
machines are typically operated sequentially by operators every time to give proper feed, speed and depth
of cut inorder to generate the desired shape for the part.

In case of modern machines like Computer Numerically Controlled Machines (CNC), the required
sequence of operations and feed, speed, depth of cut are programmed once, and the operator just loads the
job on machine and machine runs as programmed and produces the part with more consistency.

Fig.6.20 Lathe machine Fig.6.21 CNC machine

Special Purpose Machines (SPM) are those machines which are not available off the shelf. Hence,
they have to be designed & custom made as per the customer’s specific requirements.

Fig.6.22 Some special purpose machine

6.3.7 Material handling equipment

It is mechanical equipment used for the movement, storage, control and protection of materials,
goods and products throughout the process of manufacturing, distribution, consumption and disposal. In the
factory shop floor different materials are moved using different material handling equipment. As seen from
the figures the material handling equipment can be motorized, hydraulically operated, operator driven, hand
held/pulled by operator etc. depending on the size, shape, weight, quantity, distance travelled by the part to
be moved.

Fig.6.23 Various material handling equipment

6.3.8 Store room

The factory store room provides all the materials needed to maintain a smoothly operating
manufacturing environment.

Fig.6.24 Raw material and finish good store rooms

6.3.9 Tool room

A tool room is a room where tools are stored or, in a factory, a space where tools are made and
repaired for use throughout the rest of the factory.

Fig.6.25 Tool room

6.4 Organization of men

The men working in a factory can be classified as technical staff, office staff and shop floor workers.

6.4.1 Technical staff

The engineers (B.E. as well as Diploma) employed in industry for purchasing, planning, designing,
process planning, operations, maintenance, inspection and testing, repairs, sales etc. are categorized as
technical staff.

Fig.6.26 Technical staff at different department

6.4.2 Office staff

We need office staff with suitable qualification and ability to handle various office works of an
industry which include issues related store, suppliers, customers, HR, Government agencies like tax office,
environmental and labor etc.

Fig.6.27 Office staff

6.4.3 Shop floor workers

The skilled /semi-skilled or unskilled labor who work at shop floor or other sections of an industry
helping in various activities of manufacturing are categorized as shop floor workers.

Fig.6.28 Shop floor worker

6.5 Types of materials

6.5.1 Raw material

Raw material is the basic substance in its natural, modified, or semi-processed state, used as an input
to a production process for subsequent modification or transformation into a finished product.

Activity: List the raw materials required for manufacturing different products in Canteen

S. N. Product Raw material/s

1 Rice

2 Chapati

3 Vegetables

6.5.2 Semi-finished parts/Work in Process (WIP)

WIP refers to the intermediary stage of inventory as semi-finished product. ... WIP and finished goods
refer to the intermediary and final stages of inventory respectively.

Fig.6.29 Work in process of seat assembly

6.5.3 Finished goods

Finished goods are goods that have completed the manufacturing process but have not yet been
sold or distributed to the end user.

Fig.6.30 Finish goods

6.5.4 Tools

A tool is any physical item that can be used to achieve a goal, especially if the item is not consumed
in the process. Tools that are used in particular fields or activities may have different designations such as
"instrument", "utensil", "implement", "machine", "device," or "apparatus". The set of tools needed to achieve
a goal is "equipment". The knowledge of constructing, obtaining and using tools is technology.

Fig.6.31 Different types of tools

6.5.5 Spares

A spare part, spare, service part, repair part, or replacement part, is an interchangeable part that is
kept in an inventory and used for the repair of machine or replacement of failed units.

Fig.6.32 Spares of valves and automobile

6.5.6 Consumables in a Factory /Office

Consumables (also known as consumable goods) are goods that are intended to be frequently
consumed. For example consumable office supplies are such products as paper, pens, file folders, Post-it
notes, and toner or ink cartridges.

Typical consumables in a factory are- welding rods, lubricating oils, grease, compressed air, water,
cutting tools etc.

Fig.6.33 Copper wire roll

6.5.7 Scrap

Scrap consists of recyclable materials during product manufacturing. Scrap has monetary value.

Fig.6.34 CI Scrap

6.6 College Canteen/kitchen – Schematic Models

6.6.1 Input – Process – Output Model:

6.6.2 Supplier – Manufacturing – Customer Model
6.6.3 Flow Model –
a. Information
b. Materials
c. Operators
 Flow Concept of Manufacturing: Every factory functions based on various
types of flows. The efficiency & productivity of a factory is
determined/based on how well synchronized these flows are.
 Critical flows in a factory:
o Information Flow –
Incoming --------- Internal -------------- Outgoing
Orders ---------Interdepartmental---- Customer
o Material Flow -
Incoming ---------------------- Internal --------------------- Outgoing
From suppliers ---------Interdepartmental---- Delivery to Customer
o People Flow – People doing various functions in a factory – e.g.
Material handling, Inspection, Stores, Production, Quality control,
dispatch etc.

6.7 Factory Language – Vocabulary

Identify @ 25 keywords used in this module which relate to the Evolution of Modern
manufacturing & functioning of a Factory.


Craft Mass Garment inspection Testing

production production factory

Assembly Shop floor Machines Material handling Store

line equipment room

Raw Semi-finish Work-in Finished goods Tools

material Parts process

Spares Consumables Scrap Product Customer

Hardware Capital Lathe Pottery Input

Goods Machine

The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the development of India,
partnering industry, Government, and civil society, through advisory and consultative processes.
CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led and industry-managed organization, playing a proactive role in India's development
process. Founded in 1895, India's premier business association has over 8000 members, from the private as well as public sectors,
including SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect membership of over 200,000 enterprises from around 240 national and regional sectoral
industry bodies.
CII charts change by working closely with Government on policy issues, interfacing with thought leaders, and enhancing efficiency,
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provides a platform for consensus-building and networking on key issues.
Extending its agenda beyond business, CII assists industry to identify and execute corporate citizenship programmes. Partnerships with
civil society organizations carry forward corporate initiatives for integrated and inclusive development across diverse domains including
affirmative action, healthcare, education, livelihood, diversity management, skill development, empowerment of women, and water, to
name a few.
The CII theme for 2016-17, Building National Competitiveness, emphasizes Industry’s role in partnering Government to accelerate
competitiveness across sectors, with sustained global competitiveness as the goal. The focus is on six key enablers: Human Development;
Corporate Integrity and Good Citizenship; Ease of Doing Business; Innovation and Technical Capability; Sustainability; and Integration
with the World.
With 66 offices, including 9 Centers of Excellence, in India, and 9 overseas offices in Australia, Bahrain, China, Egypt, France, Germany,
Singapore, UK, and USA, as well as institutional partnerships with 320 counterpart organizations in 106 countries, CII serves as a
reference point for Indian industry and the international business community.

Japan International Cooperation Agency

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is a governmental agency that coordinates Official Development Assistance (ODA)for the
government of Japan. It is chartered with assisting economic and social growth in developing counties, and the promotion of International
JICA aims to contribute to the promotion of international development cooperation and addressing the global agenda by supporting the
socio-economic development, recovery and economic stability of developing counties. The Official Development Assistance coordinated
by JICA is broadly divided into bilateral aid, in which assistance is given directly to developing counties, and multilateral aid, provided
through International organizations. JICA distributes its aid in the form of Technical Cooperation (including Technical Cooperation Project),
ODA Loans and Grant Aid.
JICA has many Worldwide overseas offices and Domestic offices to support the international cooperation work.
JICA India Office
2nd floor, Dr. Gopal Das Bhawan, 28 Bharakhamba Road, New Delhi 110-001, India Tel: (91-11) 47685500, (91-11) 29714362/63
Fax: (91-11) 47685555


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