Department Store Sport Store: (The Customer Goes in The Fitting Room.)
Department Store Sport Store: (The Customer Goes in The Fitting Room.)
Department Store Sport Store: (The Customer Goes in The Fitting Room.)
SALESPERSON - May I help you? -You: I need a new tennis racket, please.
CUSTOMER - Yes. Do you have this dress in
blue? -Costumer: Look at his racket.
SALESPERSON - Yes. Here you go. -You: No, I don't want a heavy racket.
CUSTOMER - Can I try it on?
-Costumer: How about this racket? It is lighter
SALESPERSON - Of course. The fitting
than the other racket.
rooms are over there.
CUSTOMER - Thank you. -You: Youŕe right. It isn't as heavy as the
(The customer goes in the fitting room.) other rackets, but itś too expensive. I haven´t
got enough money to buy it!
SALESPERSON - How does it fit?
CUSTOMER - It's too small. Do you have a -Costumer: You , look at this racket!!!. It's
large? cheaper than the other one. I think it's light
enough for you.
SALESPERSON - Hmmm. Let me see. Yes,
here's a large.
-You: Let's see . Yes, I think .I'll buy
(The customer goes in the fitting room again.) this racket. How much is it?
SALESPERSON - How is it?
-Customer: 30 dollars
CUSTOMER - It's perfect. I'll take it.
SALESPERSON - OK. The total is $25.00 -You: Thank you, very much. bye
Shop Assistant: Here are some new You: yes, I have got a chocolate cake.
Nikes. Try them on.
You: How much is it?
Leonard: Oh they fit well! Thanks! How
much are they? Waiter: It´s $16.95 dollars.
Shop Assistant: 75 dollars, plus taxes. DRUGSTORE
Leonard: Oh, they’re kind of expensive! Mrs. Collins: Good morning, Mr. Mendez
Leonard: Thank you! See you! Mrs. Collins: Yes, she went by herself on
Sunday. Doctor Becker said it was the flu and
Shop Assistant: Goodbye. He prescribed her rest and some pills. I was
sure that she was going to get better.
Pharmacist: Why don't you take her to a
different doctor? D: Try to get some rest, and be sure to drink lots
of water and orange
Mrs. Collins: I did. We went to see Doctor
Nick Riviera. He gave me this prescription. DOCTOR’S OFFICE #2
Pharmacist: Let me see. Oh yes. This is a NANCY – Hi doctor.
very effective antibiotic. Give me a second.
DOCTOR – Hi Nancy. What's the matter?
Ok, here you are. It's 5 dollars
NANCY – I have a sore throat and a bad
Mrs. Collins: Ok, thank you. cough.
BOOKSTORE DOCTOR – Hmmm. You should drink lots of
tea and take cough medicine.
Attendant: hi, can i help you in anything?
NANCY – I have to go to work tomorrow.
student: shure. i´m search the book of the DOCTOR – You shouldn't go to work. You
dracula should rest.
a:wait, i´m shearching in the computer. I’m NANCY – I have a big project to finish at
looking here, that we have one. Would you work.
like it? DOCTOR – You should rest and you
shouldn't talk too much.
s:yes, of course.
a: here you are, the book of dracula. It’s 15 DOCTOR’S OFFICE #3
dollars, please
Mother: Daughter, get up. You are going to
s:shure, Here’s $100. be late.
Daughter: I'm not feeling well,
a: Thank you, here’s your change. Enjoy Mother.
your new book! Come back again soon.
M: What's the matter?
s: Thank you! See you!
D: I have a terrible headache and a fever.
a: Goodbye. M: You should see Doctor Beker.
D: I feel weak. Do you think he might come if
you call him?
DOCTOR’S OFFICE #1 M: I don't think so. It's two o'clock. He must
be working at the clinic now, but you could
Doctor: Hello Mrs. Wilson see Doctor Smith. He is an outstanding
Patient: Hi Doctor
D: No, I prefer Doctor Beker. Would you do
D: How are you feeling? me a favor?
P: I don’t fell good. M: Yes, What do you need?
D: What’s bothering you? D: His secretary may be at the clinic. Call her
to find out when I can see him.
P: I have a stomachache and a headache.
D: Where does it hurt?
M: The secretary said that the doctor will be
P: Here. there at 4:30. Shall I drive you
D: Do you have a fever? there?
D: No, I'll take a taxi. It's not that
P: No, I don’t think so.
D: Ok. Let me look at your throat. Open your
mouth. Your throat’s red. Does it hurt?
Karla and Victor are at the doctor with their
When did it start to feel this away? son (John):
DOCTOR’S OFFICE #5 N: Yes, Miss Torres. The doctor will see you
Doctor: Good day. What's wrong with you?
Doctor: Hi Laura, how are you feeling
Carlos: I think I have a cold. today?
L: Not very well Doc.
Doctor: What symptoms do you have?
D: What seems to be the problem?
Well doctor, I feel bad, I'm cold, I have a
headache... L: I have a headache and a fever.
D: Are there any other symptoms?
Doctor: Do you have a cough?
L: Yes, all of my body aches and I feel
Carlos: Yes doctor. weak.
D: I'm going to examine you. Please take off
Doctor: And do you have a fever?
your clothes.
Carlos: This morning I took my temperature THE DOCTOR EXAMINES LAURA.....
and the thermometer read 38.5º.
D: I think you have a serious case of cold.
Doctor: Ok... I'm going to prescribe these pills L: What should I do?
so that your fever goes down and this syrup
for the cough. Take one pill every eight hours. D: I'm going to prescribe you some medicine,
but you must stay in bed if you want to get
Carlos: And the syrup? better.
L: thank you, doctor. I’m going to take the
Doctor: Three times a day, after each meal. medicine and stay in bed