Manejo Del Dolor Agudo
Manejo Del Dolor Agudo
Manejo Del Dolor Agudo
Acute Pain
Pain Assessment in Critical Illness, G. Chanques Pain Management in Paediatric Critical Care,
S. Huerta-Calpe, R. Suárez, M. Balaguer, E. Esteban
Sedation, Analgesia and Respiratory Drive in
Mechanically Ventilated Adults, A. Tejpal, S. M. Pereira, Delirium: How Can We Protect Our Patients?
M.C. Sklar Detection and Treatment Strategies, B. Lobo-Valbuena,
R. Molina, L. L. de la Oliva Calvo, F. Gordo
Pain Management Specificities in Critically Ill Patients
With Obesity, A. Cuny, A. De Jong, G. Chanques Ten Overlooked Mistakes During Early Mobilisation in
the Intensive Care Unit, A. Gómez-González,
Analgesia, Sedation and Neuromuscular Blockade M. A. Martínez-Camacho, R. A. Jones-Baro et al.
in Critically Ill Patients: A Practical Approach for
Intensivists, J. Molina-Galeote, G. Patiño-Arreola, Perioperative Haemodynamic Optimisation of the
I. D. Radillo-Santana et al. High-Risk Surgical Patient, F. E. Nacul, N. E. de
Oliveira, J. M. da Silva-Jr et al.
Neuromuscular Blockade
del Río
Querétaro, México
[email protected]
Gabriel Patiño-
in Critically Ill Patients:
A Practical Approach for
Intensive Care Unit
Hospital General San Juan
del Río
Querétaro, México
[email protected]
Figure 1. Left. CPOT 0: Facial expression relaxed, absence of movements, muscle tension relaxed, tolerating ventilator. RASS -2: Light sedation.
Middle. CPOT 4: Facial expression tense, body movements protection, muscle tension rigid, coughing but tolerating ventilator. RASS +2: Agitated.
Right. CPOT 8: Facial expression grimacing, body movements restlessness, muscle very tense or rigid, fighting. RASS +3: Very agitated.
and magnesium sulfate, may also be used. and codeine, which are associated with a
Critical Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT) Another strategy to be considered is that higher incidence of adverse effects and a
Facial Relaxed 0 of regional analgesia, more widely used lower analgesic potency.
expression in post-surgical patients, which will not Opioid accumulation is associated with
Tense 1
be addressed in this review. the following side effects: nausea, vomiting,
Grimacing 2
Indications for therapeutic or prophy- ileus, haemodynamic instability and respira-
Body Absence of movements 0 lactic administration of pain medications tory depression. Therefore, their use should
Protection 1 in the ICU include the following: be restricted to short periods of time. It is
Restlessness 2 1. Patients with endotracheal intuba- highly encouraged to use the minimum
tion and IMV effective dose to achieve the desired effect,
Muscle Relaxed 0
tension 2. Polytrauma since higher doses might cause tolerance
Tense, rigid 1 3. Burns and desensitisation of receptors, thereby
Very tense or rigid 2 4. Post-operative period reducing their effect and, in turn, further
Compliance Tolerating ventilator or 0 5. During procedures such as trache- requiring higher doses. To minimise adverse
with the movement ostomy, placement of pleural tubes, effects, a multimodal analgesia with adju-
ventilator dressing and debridement of wounds, vant drugs may be used, with the aim of
Coughing but tolerating 1
drainage of fluid collections, catheter blocking the transmission of pain by other
Fighting 2
placements, etc. mechanisms at the peripheral level and at
Vocalisation Talking in normal tone 0 6. Chronic pain (e.g., cancer) the level of the spinal cord-hypothalamus-
or no sound
7. Neuropathic pain cerebral cortex axis.
Sighing, moaning 1 8. Palliative care Opioid-induced hyperalgesia results from
Crying out, sobbing 2 Opioids are considered first-choice their use for prolonged periods of time
Goal: <3 drugs for analgesia in critically ill patients along with excessive doses (Lee 2011). It
due to their high efficacy. These act on the is originated by an impaired action from
Table1. Critical Care Pain Observation Tool µ, κ and δ receptors of the central nervous N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutama-
system (CNS). The most highly recom- tergic receptors and an increase in spinal
drugs most frequently used for pain manage-
mended of them are remifentanil, fentanyl, dynorphin levels, resulting in an excessive
ment in the ICU include acetaminophen,
morphine and hydromorphone given synthesis and a release of excitatory neuro-
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
their higher analgesic effectiveness. Other peptides, thus shifting the balance between
(NSAIDs) and opioids. Other drugs, such
less advised opioid medications include antinociceptive and pronociceptive systems.
as ketamine, lidocaine, neuromodulators
buprenorphine, oxycodone, nalbuphine For the above reasons, opioids should be
withdrawn as early as possible - as soon a histamine H1 receptor antagonist focused post-operative patients (Wick 2017).
as the cause of the pain is solved. on the inhibition of monoamine uptake in However, NSAIDs are not recommended
As a result of its ultra-short action and synapses, which would lead to an increase for routine use in critically ill patients.
its elimination by plasmatic esterases, in noradrenaline, dopamine and serotonin. In subanaesthetic doses, ketamine exerts
remifentanil is the opioid medication of It is advised as an adjuvant treatment to an analgesic effect comparable to morphine,
choice. This drug is associated with lower opioids and as a treatment alternative. with a similar need for rescue doses. This
days under IMV, lower time to extubation However, it is seldom available worldwide. drug reduces chronic hyperalgesia medi-
and lower length of ICU stay. Its phar- NSAIDs remain an adequate alternative for ated by NMDA receptors, as well as that
macokinetics are not affected by renal or analgesia. Their effect is comparable to low- induced by opioid medications (Hirota
hepatic impairment; therefore, it is safe potency opioids, thereby reducing opioid 2011). Its advantages include the fact that
in patients with liver or kidney diseases. consumption, as well as their side effects. it does not cause respiratory or haemo-
Its major disadvantages include its high There is a wide variety of drugs included dynamic depression, hence it is useful in
cost and lower availability compared to in this group such as COX-1, COX-2 and patients with shock (Eikermann 2012).
other opioid medications (Yang 2021). prostaglandin E2 inhibitors. Among critically Its adverse effects are dose-dependent,
Fentanyl is associated with more days of ill patients, their adverse effects include and they include hypersalivation, nausea
IMV compared to remifentanil. Morphine acute kidney injury and gastrointestinal and vomiting, vivid dreams, blurry vision,
is associated with hypotension due to (GI) bleeding, with even higher risks for hallucinations, nightmares and delirium.
histamine release, pruritus, and a higher patients with pre-existing impaired renal Due to its dissociative effects, ketamine
incidence of nausea and vomiting. Along blood flow, older adults, patients with proves useful in the pain management of
with hydromorphone, these drugs are heart disease, and patients with shock or severely burned patients or in those with
reasonable options for analgesia (Devlin those exposed to other nephrotoxic drugs a large number of invasive devices and
2018). (Thadhani 1996). Other lower incidence procedures. It can also be safely used in
Acetaminophen is recommended as an deleterious effects include cardiovascular patients with intracranial hypertension.
adjuvant analgesic in the opioid therapy of and cerebrovascular complications, fluid Ketamine is metabolised via the liver and
critically ill patients. Dose adjustment should retention, hypertension and thromboem- excreted by the kidneys, nevertheless, no
be considered in chronic liver failure, and bolic events. In particular, ketorolac has significant adverse effects over hepatic
this drug must be avoided in acute liver been associated with a significant increase and renal functions have been noted at
failure and in cases of allergy. Nefopam is in the incidence of anastomotic leaks in subanaesthetic doses.
Dizziness, drowsiness,
headache, paraesthesia,
tremor, convulsion,
Hypotension, syncope.
Tramadol Acts on the CNS. Binds Partial anta- PO/IV: 50- Onset: Accumulation in renal or Respiratory depression (less
to μ-opioid receptors and gonism by 100 mg every IV: 5-10 liver failure. than other opioids).
blocks noradrenaline and naloxone. 4-6 h min
serotonin reuptake by PO: up to Associated with seizures Nausea/vomiting.
binding to monoaminergic Considered a Maximum 1h in patients with epilepsy.
receptors. mild opioid. dose: 400 mg Ileus.
in 24 h t½: 4-6 h Contraindicated with
concurrent use of mono-
amine oxidase inhibitors
Gabapentin Binds to α2δ subunits Useful for neu- Start with Onset: N/A Requires renal dosage Sedation.
of voltage-gated calcium ropathic pain. 100 mg PO t½: 4.8– adjustment.
channels. every 8 h 8.7 h Confusion.
Reduces Absorbed in a relatively
incidence of Maintenance small portion of the Ataxia.
hyperalgesia and dose: 900- duodenum.
central sensiti- 3600 mg/day Dizziness.
sation. Ineffective in patients
under jejunal feeding.
Reduces opioid
analgesia in the
Pregabalin Neuromodulator. With Useful for neu- 50–300 mg Onset: N/A Requires renal dosage Sedation.
potent binding to the α2-δ ropathic pain. PO every t½: 5.5–6.7 adjustment.
subunit, reduces calcium 8-12 h h Confusion.
influx into presynaptic Reduces
nerve terminals, with incidence of Ataxia.
release of excitatory hyperalgesia and
neurotransmitters such as central sensiti- Dizziness.
glutamate, norepinephrine, sation.
and substance P.
Carbamaze- Blockade of voltage-gated Anticonvulsant. Start with 50- Onset: Caution in AV block. Dizziness
pine sodium channels. 100 mg PO 4-5 h
Reduces opioid every 12 h t½: 5-26 h History of myelo- Ataxia
Potent anticholinergic that consumption suppression and hepatic
acts at the level of muscari- (multimodal Maintenance porphyrias. Drowsiness
nic and nicotinic analgesia in the dose: 100-
receptors. ICU). 200 mg every Caution with concurrent Fatigue
4-6 h use of monoamine oxida-
se inhibitors (MAOIs). Headache
dose: 1200 Diplopia
Lidocaine Blockade of voltage-gated Reduces opioid IV bolus: 1.5- Onset: Caution in congestive Dizziness
sodium channels, leading consumption 2 mg/kg immediate heart failure and liver
to a reversible blockade of (when used in (IV) failure. Tinnitus
the propagation of action infusion). Infusion: 1.5- t½: 90-120
potentials. 3 mg/kg min Fasciculations
Shortens durati-
on of periopera- Maximum Visual disturbances
tive ileus. dose: 5 mg/
kg Arrythmias
Decreases the
incidence of
Morphine Stimulates µ, κ and δ Metabolised by IV bolus: 0.1- Onset: Metabolites accumula- Immunosuppression
receptors distributed in the glucuronidation. 0.2 mg/kg 5-10 min tion in renal failure.
CNS and peripheral tissues. Active metabo- t½: 3-5 h Delirium, sedation, and
lites: M6G and Infusion: Causes histamine release. respiratory depression
M3G. 0.05-0.1 mg/
kg/h Tolerance within 48 h
Releases hista-
mine from mast Withdrawal symptoms after
cells, causing discontinuation
vasodilation. Hyperalgesia and other pain
syndromes with long-term
Urinary retention
Hydromor- Semi-synthetic opioid Metabolised IV bolus: 0.2- Onset: 10- Decrease dose in older Delirium, euphoria, miosis,
phone agonist. mainly into 0.6 mg 20 min adults. drug dependence, tolerance
dihydroiso- t½: 2-6 h
Stimulates µ receptors morphine Infusion: 0.5- Requires dose adjust- Constipation, nausea,
(and δ receptors to a lesser glucuronide and 5.0 mg/h ment in patients with vomiting
degree) at the supraspinal hydromorpho- morbid obesity, liver/
and spinal levels. ne-3-glucuroni- PO: 2-8 renal failure, COPD, or Pruritus
de (H3G). mg/3-4 h restrictive lung diseases.
Respiratory depression
May require Urinary retention
higher doses in
patients with
history of prior
opioid use
Fentanyl Stimulates µ, κ and δ Synthetic opioid. IV bolus: 0.3- Onset: 1-2 Administration should Sedation, delirium
receptors distributed in the 0.5 mcg/kg min be based on ideal body
CNS and peripheral tissues. Fat-soluble. Up to 2 mcg/ t½: 1-4 h weight in obese patients. Tolerance within 48 h
Causes less Older adults may require Withdrawal symptoms after
hypotension Infusion: lower doses. discontinuation
than morphine. 1-10 mcg/
kg/h Caution in uncontrolled Hyperalgesia and other pain
Hepatic meta- hypothyroidism, lung syndromes with long-term
bolism without diseases, decreased
active metabo- respiratory reserve, alco- Respiratory depression
lites holism, functional liver/
renal damage. Ileus, constipation, nausea,
Muscle stiffness when
rapidly infused. Urinary retention
Remifen- μ receptor selective ago- Hydrolysis by IV bolus: 1 Onset: 1-3 No accumulation in Immunosuppression
tanil nist, with rapid onset and plasmatic este- mcg/kg min patients with liver/renal
short duration. rases, without t½: 3-10 failure. Sedation, delirium
active metabo- Infusion: min
lites. 0.05-2 mcg/ Administration should Respiratory depression
kg/h be based on ideal body
Allows for an weight in obese patients. Tolerance within 48 h
early neurologic
assessment in Muscle stiffness may Withdrawal symptoms after
neurointensive occur.
care. Hyperalgesia and other pain
syndromes with long-term
Does not increa- use
se histamine.
Ileus, constipation, nausea,
Urinary retention
Sufentanil High affinity to the µ re- Synthetic opioid. IV bolus: 0.1- Onset: 1-3 Caution with concurrent Sedation, delirium
ceptor. Slow dissociation. 7 to 10 times 0.3 mcg/kg min use of monoamine oxi-
more potent t½: 0.5-2 h dase inhibitors (MAOIs). Respiratory depression
than fentanyl. Infusion: 0.1-
Accumulation 1 mcg/kg/h Tolerance or withdrawal
unlikely. symptoms
Urinary retention
Diclofenac COX-1 and COX-2 inhibi- Analgesic, IV bolus: 75 Onset: 15- Avoid in patients with Acute kidney injury.
tion, which regulate pro- antipyretic, and mg 30 min risk of acute kidney in-
duction of prostaglandins anti-inflamma- t½: 2 h jury: e.g., hypovolaemia GI bleeding.
and thromboxane from tory. Infusion: or inotrope-dependent
arachidonic acid. 0.04 mg/ shock. Hypotension.
PO is 100% Avoid in patients with
absorbed. risk of GI bleeding:
burns, platelet abnor-
malities, coagulopathy,
concomitant use of ACE
inhibitors, congestive
heart failure, cirrhosis.
Ibuprofen COX-1 and COX-2 inhibi- Analgesic, PO: 400-600 Onset: 25 Avoid in patients with Acute kidney injury.
tion, which regulate pro- antipyretic, and mg every 4 h min risk of acute kidney in-
duction of prostaglandins anti-inflamma- t½: 1.8- jury: e.g., hypovolaemia GI bleeding.
and thromboxane from tory. Maximum 3.5 h or inotrope-dependent
arachidonic acid. dose: 2.4 g/ shock.
Avoid in patients with
risk of GI bleeding:
burns, platelet abnor-
malities, coagulopathy,
concomitant use of ACE
inhibitors, congestive
heart failure, cirrhosis.
Ketorolac COX-1 and COX-2 inhibi- Analgesic, IV: 10-30 mg Onset: 10 Avoid in patients with Acute kidney injury.
tion, which regulate pro- antipyretic, and every 4-6 min risk of acute kidney in-
duction of prostaglandins anti-inflamma- h, in no less jury: e.g., hypovolaemia GI bleeding.
and thromboxane from tory. than 15 s t½: 4-6 h or inotrope-dependent
arachidonic acid. shock. Anastomotic leak.
Infusion: 5
mg/h Avoid in patients with
risk of GI bleeding:
burns, platelet abnor-
malities, coagulopathy,
concomitant use of ACE
inhibitors, congestive
heart failure, cirrhosis.
Table 3. Analgesics
CNS: Central nervous system, MAOIs: Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ACE: Angiotensin converting enzyme, GI: Gastroin-
testinal bleeding.
Sedation If opting for sedation, it is highly recom- Immobility, and Sleep Disruption in Adult
Although maintenance sedation is a mended that the dose of the medications Patients in the ICU (PADIS) guidelines
commonly used approach in critically ill is titrated according to predefined goals endorse propofol and dexmedetomidine
patients, it is intrinsically harmful. This based on the patient’s condition, as well as as first-choice sedatives. Benzodiazepines
intervention is associated with patient continuous monitoring. There are several are not recommended as maintenance
weakness, delirium, increasing days on ways to monitor the sedation state of a sedatives due to their association with
mechanical ventilation and increasing days critically ill patient; the RASS scale is the delirium (Devlin 2018). Ketamine might
of hospitalisation and ICU stay (Nedergaard most widespread tool for this purpose. If also be considered as a sedative for criti-
2022). However, it might be necessary in a given patient has an indication for deep cally ill patients, even showing benefits in
some specific scenarios. Indications for sedation (e.g., ARDS or refractory intra- patients with shock including lower rates
maintenance sedation include the follow- cranial hypertension) it is recommended of hypotension and bradycardia (Umunna
ing (Reade 2014): that they remain at a level <-3. However, 2015).
1. Moderate to severe acute respiratory if only minimal sedation is planned (such The haemodynamic changes associated
distress syndrome (ARDS). as in a patient under a weaning protocol), with propofol may include myocardial
2. Intracranial hypertension (e.g., it is reasonable to remain in levels from 0 depression, bradycardia and hypoten-
severe traumatic brain injury with to -1. It is difficult to find a justification sion. It must be taken into consideration
concurrent mass effect). for maintaining a moderate sedation (RASS that propofol provides up to 1.1 kcal per
3. Status epilepticus (when non- 2 to 3). There are different technological millilitre; therefore, it may cause hypertri-
responsive to first-line or second- sedation monitors such as the unilateral glyceridaemia, pancreatitis or overfeeding.
line therapy). or bilateral bispectral index (BIS), entropy With regard to dexmedetomidine, this drug
4. Consider in abdominal compartment monitoring, among others, although none frequently causes bradycardia, and it may
syndrome, flail chest and patients has been shown superior to the RASS scale also contribute to hypotension in patients
requiring major surgery, or inability (Table 2), and they could indeed prompt with shock; nevertheless, its safety profile
to perform regional anaesthesia. additional expenses. appears to be better than other sedatives
Pain, Agitation/Sedation, Delirium, and it has even been associated with greater
haemodynamic stability in patients with
Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) septic shock. Unfortunately, despite many
Combative Overtly combative, immediate danger to staff +4
recommendations discouraging the use of
benzodiazepines, midazolam remains the
Very agitated Pulls on or removes tube (s) or catheter (s) or has aggressive +3 most commonly used sedative in continu-
behaviour toward staff ous sedation among many hospitals (Luz
Agitated Frequent non-purposeful movement or patient-ventilator +2 2022). It is recommended to consider
the use of anti-psychotic agents, volatile
Restless Anxious or apprehensive but movements not aggressive or +1 anaesthetics or intermittent benzodiaz-
epines in patients with ARDS who do not
Alert and calm Spontaneously pays attention to caregiver 0 achieve deep sedation with propofol and
Drowsy Not fully alert, but has sustained (more than 10 seconds) -1
awakening, with eye contact to voice It is important to emphasise that the
condition that leads the patient to require
Light sedation Briefly (less than 10 seconds) awakens with eye contact to -2
voice sedation must be solved as soon as possible,
Moderate sedation Any movement (but no eye contact) to voice -3 and a wake-up test must be performed
early in the course to prompt a timely
Deep sedation No response to voice, but any movement to physical stimula- -4 ICU discharge, which should be repeated
tion every day until the patient can be safely
Unarousable No response to voice or physical stimulation -5 withdrawn from mechanical ventilation.
This procedure is associated with fewer
Table 2. Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale days on IMV, and fewer days of ICU stay.
Preserves airway
Etomidate Modulates and activates Anaesthetic, IV bolus: Onset: Hepatic metabolism. Inhibition of adrenocortical
GABA A receptors that con- hypnotic. 0.2-0.6 mg/ 30-60 s axis
tain β2 and β3 subunits. kg t½: 2.5- Renal excretion.
Haemodynamic 5.5 h Myoclonus
stability (atte- Infusion: no Interaction with metami-
nuates responses zole (dipyrone). Nausea/vomiting
to ACO and
bradykinin). Injection site pain
Midazolam GABA agonist. Hypnotic, seda- IV bolus: Onset: 2-3 Clearance depends on he- Hypotension
tive, anxiolytic, 0.01-0.05 min patic and renal function.
Increases the opening and amnesic mg/kg t½: 3-72 h Bradycardia
frequency of chloride activity.
channels. Infusion: Thrombosis
Anticonvul- 0.02-0.1 mg/
sant (first-line kg/h Respiratory depression
therapy in status
epilepticus). Delirium
illness myopathy
Lorazepam GABA agonist. Anterograde PO: 2-3 mg Onset: 1-3 Myasthenia gravis, acute Hypotension
amnesia. every 8-12 h min (IV), angle-closure glaucoma.
Increases the opening 15-30 min Respiratory depression
frequency of chloride Sedative. IM: 0.05 mg/ (IM) Caution in obstructive
channels. This change kg t½: 14 h sleep apnoea and severe Diarrhoea
results in hyperpolarisati- Anxiolysis. Peak plas- respiratory failure.
on and stabilisation of cell IV bolus: ma time: 2 Delirium
plasma membrane. Anticonvulsant. 0.02-0.04 h (PO)
mg/kg Tachyphylaxis
0.01-0.1 mg/
Diazepam GABA agonist. Anterograde IV bolus: 0.1- Onset: 2-5 Diazepam and desmet- Hypotension
amnesia, seda- 0.2 mg/kg min hyldiazepam (active
Increases the opening tion. t½: 20- metabolite) accumulate Respiratory depression
frequency (but not ope- Infusion: no 120 h with repeated dosing.
ning duration) of chloride Highly fat-so- Phlebitis
channels. luble. Biphasic Accumulation occurs
half-life mostly in newborns, ol- Delirium
Crosses the with a der adults and in patients
blood-brain rapid with liver diseases. Tachyphylaxis
barrier. initial dis-
phase and a
phase of 1
to 2 days.
Table 4. Sedatives
NMDA: N-methyl-D-aspartate, GABA: Gamma-aminobutiryc acid.
Neuromuscular Blockade 2. Moderate to severe ARDS only non-depolarising drug indicated for
Neuromuscular blockade (NMB) can be 3. Consider in intracranial hyperten- induction and intubation during RSI.
common among critically ill patients, sion, refractory status asthmaticus, Regarding the management of moder-
especially in the course of ARDS treat- failed sedation, and to temporarily ate to severe ARDS in patients under IMV,
ment. Its indications are limited, and this reduce intra-abdominal pressure meta-analyses have shown a reduction in
modality is associated with several adverse in patients with intra-abdominal mortality in the ICU when using an infusion
effects such as venous thromboembolism, hypertension (IAH), among others of cisatracurium (Ho 2020), and recently,
critical illness myopathy, patient awareness (De Laet 2007). it has shown greater utility if maintained
during paralysis, autonomic interactions, The American Society of Anesthesi- under continuous infusion for more than
pressure ulcers, corneal ulcers and residual ologists (ASA) recommends the use of 48 hours in patients with respiratory failure
paralysis (Renew 2020). NMB to reduce the number of intubation under IMV due to COVID-19 (Li 2021). The
Indications of NMB in the ICU include: attempts, thereby decreasing the risk of major advantage of cisatracurium relies on
1. Rapid sequence intubation (RSI) airway injuries during direct laryngoscopy its metabolism by Hofmann elimination,
(Apfelbaum 2013). Rocuronium is the which confers a rapid elimination of its
effects when withdrawn. Moreover, it does by relaxation of the abdominal muscles fixed-dose of cisatracurium; titration based
not depend on hepatic or renal depuration. A (Malbrain 2005). Nonetheless, conclusive solely on TOF and a ventilator synchrony
strategy that combines the use of NMB with evidence in this regard is lacking. protocol), it was shown that a protocol
cisatracurium and low tidal volume could There are other neuromuscular block- using ventilator synchrony for cisatracu-
reduce mortality, most likely due to a reduc- ing agents (NMBA) not currently recom- rium titration required significantly less
tion of asynchrony events and improvement mended as first-choice drugs; however, drug compared to TOF-based titration and
of pulmonary compliance and functional their use in specific scenarios may be a fixed dosing regimen (DiBridge 2021).
residual capacity, which would translate justified when the latter are not available. Several factors affect the duration of
into an increase in oxygenation (Murray In patients with ARDS that require NMB, NMBA activity: for instance, the concomitant
2016; Battaglini 2021; Chang 2020). vecuronium, atracurium or pancuronium use of diuretics, antiarrhythmics, amino-
Among neurocritical patients with acute may also be used, although with the risk glycosides, magnesium, lithium, as well
brain injury, the use of NMB has been of prolonging neuromuscular relaxation, as some conditions such as hypokalaemia,
suggested in order to reduce the number thereby increasing side effects. In addition, hypothermia and acidosis, all increase the
of episodes of intracranial hypertension; when rocuronium is not available for RSI, potency of non-depolarising NMBA. NMBA
however, the level of evidence for this succinylcholine can also be considered, potency is inversely related to its speed of
recommendation is low (Renew 2020). which is a depolarising NMB of ultra-short onset (that is, the lower the potency of the
Its main effect relies on the reduction of action, although with the risk of hyperka- drug, the faster the onset of neuromuscular
asynchrony events with the ventilator, cough laemia and even malignant hyperthermia blockade after its administration). Patients
limitation and any other condition that (Zamarrón-López 2019). with myasthenia gravis and glaucoma are
may cause Valsalva manoeuvre (Steingrub Train-of-four nerve stimulation (TOF) is especially sensitive to the effects of NMB.
2014). In patients with intra-abdominal a tool for the monitoring of NMB. A value On the other hand, patients with burns are
hypertension and abdominal compartment <0.7 is considered an adequate paralysis resistant to the effects of NMBA due to the
syndrome, NMB has also been suggested (Murphy 2010). In a recent study that proliferation (upregulation) of nicotinic
in order to increase abdominal compliance compared three strategies for using NMB (a receptors in the sarcolemma (Murray 2016).
Cisatracu- nNMBs. First-line in IV bolus: 0.1- Onset: 2-3 Does not require dose Histamine release in high
rium continuous 0.2 mg/kg min adjustment in liver/renal doses
Elimination by plasmatic infusion. t½: 22-29 failure.
esterases. Infusion: 1-4 min
Pancuro- nNMBs. Prolonged action. Vagal blockade, IV bolus: Onset: 2-3 Significant accumulation, Hypotension
nium sympathetic 0.05-0.1 mg/ min prone to residual blocka-
stimulation. kg t½: 89-161 ge (3-OH metabolite). Tachycardia
Infusion: Vagal blockade
0.8-1.7 mcg/
kg/min Catecholamine release
Rocuronium nNMBs. Intermediate Second-line IV bolus: 0.6- Onset: 1-2 Preferable over vecuro- Unpredictable in recurring
action. in continuous 1.2 mg/kg min nium in renal dysfunc- doses
infusion. t½: 1-2 h tion.
8-12 mcg/kg/
Vecuronium nNMBs. Intermediate Does not cause IV bolus: 0.1 Onset: 3-4 Preferable over rocuro- Vagal blockade with higher
action. fasciculations. mg/kg min nium in liver dysfunc- doses
t½: 4 min tion.
Infusion: Arrhythmia
0.8-1.7 mcg/
kg/min Urinary retention
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