Physics 231 Homework 4, Question 4, Graphene

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Graphene has a honeycomb lattice structure consisting of carbon atoms. Its band structure can be described by a tight-binding model, leading to a linear dispersion near the Dirac points and a density of states that varies linearly with energy.

Graphene has a honeycomb lattice structure, with a triangular Bravais lattice and a basis of two carbon atoms labeled A and B.

The tight-binding model describes electrons hopping between neighboring carbon atoms. This leads to a dispersion relation that is linear near the corners of the Brillouin zone, known as Dirac points.


Homework 4, Question 4, Graphene

It has recently become possible to produce samples of graphene one atom thick. A single layer of
graphene consists carbon atoms in the form of a honeycomb lattice. There are four valence electrons
(two 2s and two 2p electrons). Three of those participate in the chemical bonding and so are in bands
well below the Fermi energy. We therefore just consider the bands formed by the one remaining electron.
We assume a tight-binding model in which the electron hops between neighboring atoms.
The lattice structure is as shown in Fig. 1. We denote the spacing between neighboring atoms by a.

Figure 1: The solid lines indicate the crystal structure of graphene. The basis has two atoms, labeled
A and B. The Bravais lattice (consider, e.g, the lattice formed by
√ the A atoms shown by dashed lines)

is triangular with a Bravais lattice spacing 2 × sin 60 × a = 3a, where a is the spacing between
neighboring atoms.

a. There are two atoms per unit cell so 1 band will be filled.
b. The Bravais lattice is the same as the lattice formed
√ by all the A atoms, say. As shown in Fig. 1
this is a triangular lattice with lattice spacing 3a.
c. From Fig. 1, we see that two basis vectors of the Bravais lattice are
√ √
a1 = 3 a (1, 0), a2 = a ( 3/2, 3/2). (1)

The Bravais lattices, b1 , b2 , are defined such that

b · aj = 2π δij . (2)
To determine them, either consider the formulae discussed in class for three dimensions, with the
third basis vector a3 = ẑ, a unit vector in the z direction, or just figure it out. The answer is
ẑ × a2 2π 1 √
b1 = 2π = ( 3, −1), (3)
|a1 × a2 | 3 a
ẑ × a1 4π 1
b2 = 2π = (0, 1). (4)
|a1 × a2 | 3 a

These basis vectors are of equal length and at 60◦ so the reciprocal lattice is a triangular lattice .
The first Brillouin zone is shown in Fig. 2. The distance OA to the center of the edge of the zone
1 2π 2 2π
is (1/2)b1 = . The distance OC to the corner of the zone is OA/ sin 60◦ = √ .
3 a 3 3 a


Figure 2: The solid circles indicate points of the reciprocal lattice. The hexagon is the boundary of the
(first) Brillouin zone.

d. The tight-binding Hamiltonian is X

H = −t c†R+δ cR , (5)

where R is a lattice point, and δ is the displacement to a neighboring lattice point. In other
words, an electron at site R can hop to any of the neighboring sites, i.e. if | R i denotes a state
with one electron which is at R we have

h R + δ |H| R i = −t, (6)

and, if R and R′ are not neighbors, then

h R′ |H| R i = 0. (7)

We look for eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian. Consider a state with amplitude ψR for the electron
to be at site labeled by R. The eigenvalue equation is then
   
ψ R1 ψ R1
 ψR   ψR 
 2  2
H .  = ǫ .  . (8)
 ..   .. 
ψ RN ψ RN
Considering one row of this equation we have
−t ψR+δ = ǫψR . (9)

We look for amplitudes which vary like eik·r . There will be different amplitudes ψA and ψB on
sublattices A and B, so
ψA eik·r , (R ∈ A) ,

ψR = (10)
ψB eik·r , (R ∈ B) .

An atom √ on sublattice A√has neighboring atoms, all on sublattice B, at displacements

(0, a), ( 3a/2, −a/2), (− 3a/2, −a/2).√ An atom on √ sublattice B has three neighbors on sub-
lattice A at displacements (0, −a), ( 3a/2, a/2), (− 3/2, a/2). Hence the eigenvalue ǫ and the
amplitudes ψA and ψB are determined, for each wavevector k, from the two equations
−t eiky a + 2e−iky a/2 cos 23 kx a ψB = ǫ ψA ,

−t e−iky a + 2eiky a/2 cos 23 kx a ψA = ǫ ψB .


The eigenvalues are given by

ǫ = ±t eiky a + 2e−iky a/2 cos 23 kx a .


The absolute value can be expanded out as

√ 2  √ 2 1/2
3 3
ǫ = ±t cos(ky a) + 2 cos( 21 ky a) cos( 2 kx a) + sin(ky a) − 2 sin( 21 ky a) cos( 2 kx a) ,
but Eq. (12) will be more useful for us.
Along the x direction, which is to the corner of the Brillouin zone, Eq. (12) is clearly
h √ i
ǫ = ±t 1 + 2 cos 23 kx a . (14)

The result is plotted in the left part of Fig. 3. We see that the bands meet at the corner of the
zone (the largest value of kx ), point C in Fig. 2. Along the y direction, which is to the center of
the edge of the Brillouin zone, Eq. (12) can be simplified to
ǫ = ±t 5 + 4 cos 23 ky a . (15)

This is plotted in the right part of Fig. 3. At the zone edge the energies are ±1. This corresponds
to point A in Fig. 2.
The maximum and minimum energies are ±3, and occur at k = 0.

e. There are two bands one with positive energy and one with negative energy. They touch at the
corners of the Brillouin zone. Because there are two electrons per unit cell the lower band is
completely filled and the upper one completely empty. Hence the Fermi energy is at ǫF = 0.
We want to compute the dispersion relation in the vicinity of the zone corners where the energy
tends to zero. We write
k=K+q (16)

where K is the wavevector at the zone corner, K = (4π/(3 3a), 0) for example, and we will
assume that q is small.

Figure 3: The dispersion relation in graphene along two directions in the Brillouin zone. The left figure
is in the direction to the corner of the zone, and the right figure is in the direction to the center of the
edge of the zone.

We write the Hamiltonian for a fixed-k, Eq. (11), as

0 F (kx , ky )
H(k) = t (17)
F ⋆ (kx , ky ) 0

F (kx , ky ) = eiky a + 2e−iky a/2 cos

2 kx a . (18)
To lowest order in q we have, after a little algebra,
F (kx , ky ) = 2 a (qx + iqy ) , (19)

H(k) = h̄v σ · q, (20)
where the speed v is given by
3 at
v= , (21)
2 h̄
and σx and σy are Pauli spin matrices. Hence the eigenvalues of the H(k) are

ǫ = ±h̄vq . (22)

Hence we have “massless” excitations with a linear dispersion. The speed v is, of course, much
less than the speed of light. The cone-like energy surface is shown in Fig. 5.

f. There are pockets of low energy excitations near the corner of the Brillouin zone, see Fig. 6
Hence there are are two pockets of low energy excitations, one for each of the two inequivalent
points on the Brillouin zone boundary. Let us compute the density of states in this region (i.e. en-
ergy close to zero). We consider unit area, and, for now, just one pocket and one spin state. As

Dispersion relation of graphene


Out[2]= 0



Figure 4: The dispersion relation in graphene. There are two bands, one with positive energy, and the
other with negative energy, which touch at the zone corners.
4 Π relation of graphene near a zone corner
kx - 0.10
3 3




Ε 0.0


ky 0.10

Figure 5: The dispersion relation in graphene near a corner of the Brillouin zone showing the linear

above, we define k = K + q, and assume q is small. Counting states in a (two-dimensional) box,

as we have done several time before in this course, the number of states with energy in between ǫ
and ǫ + dǫ can be written as
ρ(ǫ) dǫ = 2π q dq . (23)
Assuming that ǫ is positive, we have ǫ = h̄vq, where v is the speed of the low energy (massless)
particles, so Eq. (23) gives ρ(ǫ) = h̄2 ǫ/2πv 2 . If ǫ is negative then ǫ = −h̄vq and combining both
possibilities gives the final result for the density of states per unit area (per pocket and per spin

D’’ C D’’

C’’ D C’’

D’ C’ D’ C’

Figure 6: The points C, C ′ , and C ′′ at the corners of the zone are equivalent because they are connected
by a reciprocal lattice vector. Similarly for points D, D′ , and D′′ . However, C is not equivalent to D,
so there are two distinct corners of the Brillouin zone. Consequently, in the repeated zone (right hand
figure) one sees that there are two separate pockets of low energy excitations.

direction) to be
ρ(ǫ) = |ǫ| . (24)
2πv 2

Figure 7: The density of states of graphene computed numerically. Note the linear variation near
ǫ = 0. This comes from the linear dispersion near the corners of the Brillouin zone, as discussed in
the text. There are also Van Hove singularities. The discontinuity at the end points ǫ = ±3 comes
from a maximum or minimum of the dispersion relation in two dimensions. (These are at k = 0). The
logarithmic divergence at ǫ = ±1 comes from a saddle point in the dispersion relation at the middle of
the edges of the boundary of the Brillouin zone, point A in Fig. 2.

The density of states of graphene, computed numerically, is shown in Fig. 7. The linear density
of states near zero energy is clearly seen, as is the discontinuity at the top of the upper band and
bottom of the lower band (an example of a Van Hove singularity in two dimensions at a maximum
or minimum of the the dispersion relation). One can also see a logarithmic divergence in the
density of states, which is a Van Hove singularity coming from saddle points in the dispersion
relation at points A and B in the figure of the Brillouin zone, Fig. 2.
Hence graphene is on the border between a metal, which has a finite density of states at the Fermi
energy, and an insulator which has a band gap. It is perhaps best thought of as a semi-metal
(which is a metal with a small density of states at the Fermi energy). Alternatively, one could
perhaps view it from the other direction as a semiconductor with a vanishing bandgap.

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