Ebook DesignThinking V4
Ebook DesignThinking V4
Ebook DesignThinking V4
Is design thinking My own interest in design thinking originated with my work on organic growth.
When we studied managers who were very successful at growing their top-
for anyone and line revenues, what we discovered was they had a set of behaviors that were
everyone? Are there a lot like designers. They developed very deep insights into their customers,
oftentimes using ethnographic methods. They had a “learning mindset,” that
times when to use
is, they realized that the way to success was often filled with small failures and
it and when not to that figuring out how to conduct experiments fast and cheap was the way
use it? to deal with life in a world full of uncertainty. And so originally I studied and
taught design thinking to managers as a way to grow their business.
For me, one of the amazing benefits turns out, at least my hypothesis is, that finally get to the answers.
I’ve observed in design thinking that design thinking may have an even more
I didn’t really expect, is the way it beneficial impact through not only We find that design thinking asks us to
creates a set of collaborative tools better ideas but also better ways of make an initial investment as a team in
that help people work together across working together. The tools allow us to really understanding the problem from
differences. create a common mind around today’s diverse perspectives — and especially
problem and the pain points that we’re that of the people we’re trying to serve
Originally we began working with trying to eliminate today, and that — building a common mental map
design thinking because we believed coming together and alignment set the across team members based on the
it would produce better ideas. But it stage for a lot less debate when you criteria required for a good solution to
So if we want to change their behaviors, to learn new In our original work on the subject, we identified 10
ways of doing things, to be willing to experiment with different tools that designers use, ranging from journey
new products and services, we need to tell a more mapping to visualization to prototyping to assumption
compelling story than that. This idea of creating a testing, all of which managers could learn to significantly
vivid image of the new future that we’re talking about improve their outcomes. We’ve since added many more
becomes really important. Designers spend years tools, because designers have such an array, it’s almost a
learning how to be visual in their thinking. Some of it is question of pinpointing what exactly it is that I’m trying
just how do we use imagery in place of words, some of to accomplish and what tools are already out there that
it is how do we create stories in place of bullet points. will help me accomplish it.
These are all different aspects of visualization. It’s
decisive. and 1990s, mergers and acquisitions lent themselves to conquest language.
Organic growth, by contrast, requires a lot of nurturing, intuition and a
tolerance for uncertainty.
question to
opportunities do not yield easily to leading questions and preconceived
which you
don’t know
the answer.
Better maxim 3: Be willing to start in
the unknown and learn.
twice, to measure the unmeasurable offers temporary comfort but does little to
reduce risk.
cut once.
solution. If certain of is that you’ve focused on a worthy problem. You’ll iterate your way
to a workable solution in due time.
you don’t
believe in it,
no one will.
Better maxim 5: Choose a worthwhile
customer problem, and consider it a
hypothesis to be.
is good, the ideas is that we don’t know if they are good; only customers know that. Gmail
sounds absurd: free email in exchange for letting a software bot read your
money will
personal messages and serve ads tailored to your apparent interests. Who
would have put money behind that? The answer, of course, is Google.