Maintenance Coupling: Assembly Instructions For Butt-End Joints and Repair
Maintenance Coupling: Assembly Instructions For Butt-End Joints and Repair
Maintenance Coupling: Assembly Instructions For Butt-End Joints and Repair
Bondstrand Installation
Maintenance Coupling
Assembly instructions for
butt-end joints and repair
Instructions 1. Cutting the pipe — Before cutting the replacement length of pipe, allow the
temperature of the existing system to stabilize to avoid length changes through
expansion or contraction. Measure the replacement piece carefully so that the space
between its ends and the ends of the pipe in the existing system will be no more
than 1⁄ 8 inch.
2. Positioning the coupling — Center the maintenance coupling over the joint and
mark the lap length on the pipe ends. Sand the pipe ends with a belt sander using
Inner sections (2)
belts with a 40-grit abrasive. Sand inaccessible areas with a flapper sander or by
Outer sections (2) hand using a “shoeshine” method. Sand until all gloss is removed from surfaces to
be bonded. Sand the cut ends of the pipe as well.
3. Checking for snugness of fit — Fit the parts together dry before final sanding.
The 180° inner sections placed around the pipe ends should, when held in contact
on one side, show from 0 to 1⁄8 inch separation on the opposite side. If, with zero
separation, the inner sections are not snug against the pipe surfaces, file back an
edge as required to get a snug fit. If the sections, when fitted snugly, show a
separation of more than 1⁄8 inch, correct any misalignment of pipe ends and sand to
fit. The outer sections of the coupling should show 1⁄8 inch or more of separation.
4. Final sanding — All mating surfaces must be clean and dry and must be sanded
within two hours of assembly. Sand using a 1⁄4-inch drill motor at 1700-2000 rpm and
a flapper type sander with a 40- 50 grit aluminum oxide abrasive, available from
Hose Clamp Ameron. After sanding, bonding surfaces should show a dull fresh finish, not a
polished look.
Use special care in handling parts to avoid contamination. Handle the parts with new
Areas to be sanded and gloves which are used only for this purpose or with clean, dry cotton cloths.
adhesive applied
If the bonding surfaces are wet, warm them with a Bondstrand heating blanket until
dry, then resand. Protect the bonding surfaces from moisture during wet weather
with tenting over the work area.
5. Selecting the adhesive — Unless the project specifications or the Bondstrand
Corrosion Guide (FP132) recommends a special adhesive for your particular service,
use Bondstrand PSX™34 epoxy adhesive. Instructions for mixing and using the
adhesive are in the adhesive kit.
Larger couplings are more difficult to handle and assemble; once the adhesive has
been mixed, the time available for assembly is limited by the adhesive pot life. A
crew of two or three is suggested when assembling 8- through 16-inch couplings.
FP199D (7/99)
Instructions (cont.) 6. Applying the adhesive — With the spatula supplied in the adhesive kit, apply
adhesive to completely cover the cut pipe edges, the prepared pipe ends and the
inner surfaces of the two inner sections of the coupling. Use enough adhesive so
that any excess will be forced to flow to the edges of the sections when assembled
around the pipe ends. Assemble these two inner half sections by centering them
around the butted ends of the pipe. If the potlife of the adhesive is now more than
half expired, it may be necessary to defer further assembly and cure the inner
sections. If so, clamp the sections and cure according to the instructions provided in
the adhesive kit. After curing, let the parts cool completely, remove the clamps,
resand the remaining mating surfaces, mix a new batch of adhesive and proceed as
Apply adhesive to cover completely the outer surfaces of the inner sections.
Assemble the two outer sections with the split line about 90° away from the split line
in the inner sections. Place the hose clamps around the assembly and draw them
tight. Remove excess adhesive for a workmanlike appearance.
7. Curing the adhesive — Heat-cure the adhesive using Ameron heating blankets.
Cure time is 1 hour and 15 minutes for all diameters. Apply the heating blankets in
accordance with the instructions provided with the blanket, making certain that any
overlap of the blanket covers the thermostat. It is always a good idea to insulate
around the heating blanket and to close the ends of the piping system to prevent
movement of cold air inside the pipe while the adhesive is curing.
Maintenance coupling kit Kit includes inner and outer sections, hose clamps and assembly instructions.
Adhesive must be ordered separately.
Pipe Coupling Adhesive Pipe Coupling Adhesive
Size Code Length Usage1,2 Size Code Length Usage1,2
(in) (in) (kits) (in) (in) (kits)
— — — — 8 80400801 5.38 3
2 20400801 4.00 1 10 A0400801 5.88 4
3 30400801 4.00 1 12 B0400801 6.38 4
4 40400801 4.00 2 14 C0400801 7.38 6
6 60400801 4.88 2 16 D0400801 8.38 8
1) Approximate number of 5-ounce adhesive kits required per maintenance coupling. Maintenance
coupling kits do not include adhesive.
2) Rated hydrostatic pressure for maintenance coupling is 150 psi at 70°F. Pressure rating is reduced by
50% if RP105B adhesive is substituted for PSX™34.
Important notice This literature and the information and recommendations it contains are based on data
reasonably believed to be reliable. However, such factors as variations in environment, appli-
cation or installation, changes in operating procedures, or extrapolation of data may cause
different results. Ameron makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, including
warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose, as to the accuracy, adequacy or
completeness of the recommendations or information contained herein. Ameron assumes no
liability whatsoever in connection with this literature or the information or recommendations it
contains. Product specifications are subject to change.
P.O. Box 801148 • Houston, TX 77280 • Tel: (713) 690-7777 • Fax: (713) 690-2842 •
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© 1976 Ameron • FP199D (7/99) supersedes FP199C (11/96) • Printed in U.S.A. • 5M[124]