Im32q56h20 31e PDF
Im32q56h20 31e PDF
Im32q56h20 31e PDF
Integration with FAST/
IM 32Q56H20-31E
IM 32Q56H20-31E
4th Edition
ProSafe-RS can be integrated with FAST/TOOLS, a Yokogawa SCADA system. When Pro-
Safe-RS is integrated with FAST/TOOLS, the SCSs of ProSafe-RS system can be accessed
by FAST/TOOLS through Vnet/IP-Upstream network.
This document describes FAST/TOOLS Integration. When you perform engineering works
and maintenance works for FAST/TOOLS Integration, you should fully understand Part-C in
this document.
Regarding the engineering details of FAST/TOOLS, please refer to the User's Manual of
For engineering works in a non-integrated environment or engineering works for CENTUM in-
tegrated system, read ProSafe-RS Vnet/IP (IM 32Q56H10-31E).
Note that the term "Vnet/IP" that has been traditionally used in FAST/TOOLS Integration is
described as "Vnet/IP-Upstream" in R3.02.10 and later. When you refer to ProSafe-RS IM
other than this document, replace the network name "Vnet/ IP with "Vnet/IP-Upstream."
In this document, the system whose type of safety control unit connected to Vnet/IP-Upstream
in FAST/TOOLS Integration is only SSC57 is called "Upstream system." Also, the station con-
nected to Vnet/IP-Upstream and equipped with a Vnet/IP device is called "Vnet/IP station."
This document abbreviates "function block" as "FB" in order to reduce the number of charac-
ters displayed in tables and figures.
This document consists of the following chapters:
• Part A Functions of FAST/TOOLS Integration
This chapter describes the network configuration and system configuration of FAST/
TOOLS Integration and the shared items between FAST/TOOLS Integration and Up-
stream system functions. In addition, a FAST/TOOLS Integration network can operate in
Standard mode, Wide-area mode and Narrowband mode. This chapter describes the
specifications of each network mode, too.
• Part B Functions of Upstream system
This chapter describes the functions and hardware of Upstream system. The functions of
Upstream system include Data buffering function and AGA Gas flow rate calculation func-
• Part C Engineering and maintenance works
This chapter describes the engineering works for FAST/TOOLS Integration system. It ex-
plains how to operate Domain Properties Setting Tool, how to access the data of the SCS
application logic's variables and function block from FAST/TOOLS, and how to define a
Narrowband mode group. It also introduces specific system maintenance methods.
• Appendix
This chapter describes the function blocks, mapping blocks, and mapping elements of
Upstream system.
Media No. IM 32Q56H20-31E (CD) 4th Edition : Jan. 2015 (YK) IM 32Q56H20-31E 4th Edition : Jan.30,2015-00
All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2011 , Yokogawa Electric Corporation
n Notes on Software
• YOKOGAWA makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the Soft-
ware Product's merchantability or suitability for any particular purpose, except as speci-
fied in the warranty terms.
• Purchase the appropriate number of licenses of the Software Product according to the
number of computers to be used.
• No copy of the Software Product may be made for any purpose other than backup; other-
wise, it is deemed as an infringement of YOKOGAWA's Intellectual Property rights.
• Keep the software medium of the Software Product in a safe place.
• No reverse engineering, reverse compiling, reverse assembling, or converting the Soft-
ware Product to human-readable format may be performed for the Software Product.
• No part of the Software Product may be transferred, converted, or sublet for use by any
third-party, without prior written consent from YOKOGAWA.
n Notes on Hardware
l Appearance and Accessories
Check the following items when you receive the Product:
• Appearance
• Standard accessories
Contact us or your local distributor in the following cases:
• The Product coating is peeling off.
• The Product itself is damaged.
• Any accessories are missing.
If the following label turns dirty and the information on it becomes illegible, or if the label is
peeling off, order a new one with the part number T9029BX to replace it.
: Label attached to the Products such as the power supply module.
Documentation Conventions
n Symbols
The following symbols are used in the User's Manuals.
Identifies instructions that must be observed to avoid physical
injury, electric shock, or death.
n Typographical Conventions
The following typographical conventions are used throughout the User's Manuals.
n Drawing Conventions
Drawings used in the User's Manuals may be partially emphasized, simplified, or omitted for
the convenience of description.
Drawings of windows may be slightly different from the actual screenshots with different set-
tings or fonts. The difference does not hamper the understanding of basic functionalities and
operation and monitoring tasks.
n Station Types
A safety control station (hereafter referred to as SCS) is named according to the type of the
safety control unit used in it.
In the User's Manuals, the following abbreviations may be used to describe functions of these
SCS as a whole.
l Standards
The standards that the Product conforms to are described in the following table:
*7: Class A hardware devices are designed for use in an industrial environment.
*8: Regarding surge immunity, a lightning arrester or an equivalent equipment must be installed.
*9: Regarding the requirements on the limits for harmonic current emissions, the active filter circuitry or an external power supply
unit with proper harmonic filters should be used.
*10: SSC10S/SSC10D (100-120 V AC power supply) are excluded from KC Marking conformity.
In relation to the CE Marking, the manufacturer and the authorised representative for Pro-
Safe-RS in the EEA are indicated below:
• Manufacturer:
ALSO For more information about installation specifications, refer to:
ProSafe-RS Installation Guidance (TI 32S01J10-01E)
l Measurement Categories
The specifications for measurement inputs of devices are as follows.
Devices included in the Product belong to the measurement categories of No.1, which are
shown in the following table. Do not use the devices for measurements that belong to the
measurement categories of No.2, No.3, and No.4.
The following table describes the standard numbers and measurement categories.
The recommended tightening torque for the Product is shown in the following table. However,
if the tightening torque of the screw is specified in the User's Manuals, follow the instructions
described in the User's Manuals.
ALSO For more information about each nominal diameter of a screw, refer to:
ProSafe-RS Installation Guidance (TI 32S01J10-01E)
Connect the power cables according to the procedure specified in the User’s Manuals of the
Power cables must conform to the safety standards of the country where the device is instal-
ALSO For more information about power cables wiring, refer to:
• ProSafe-RS Installation Guidance (TI 32S01J10-01E)
• User's Manuals of each device
l Grounding
The Product requires the protective grounding defined by the safety standards.
You must ground the Product according to the procedure specified in the User's Manuals to
prevent electric shock and to minimize the effect of noise.
ALSO For more information about grounding, refer to:
• ProSafe-RS Installation Guidance (TI 32S01J10-01E)
• User's Manuals of each device
Wire I/O cables according to the procedure specified in the User’s Manuals.
ALSO For more information about I/O cables wiring, refer to:
• ProSafe-RS Installation Guidance (TI 32S01J10-01E)
• User's Manuals of each device
l Connected Devices
To ensure CSA standard conformity for the entire system of the Product, all the devices con-
nected to the system of the Product should conform to CSA standards.
l Maintenance
• The Product maintenance should be performed only by personnel who have undergone
specialized training.
• When a device turns dirty, use a vacuum cleaner or a soft dry cloth to clean it.
• During maintenance, wear a wrist strap and follow Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) precau-
• If any existing caution label is peeling off, or is dirty and illegible, order a new one with the
part number T9029BX to replace it.
ALSO For more information about maintenance, refer to:
• ProSafe-RS Installation Guidance (TI 32S01J10-01E)
• User's Manuals of each device
When the power is on, only modules, cards, cables, and connectors that are allowed in the
User's Manuals can be replaced, removed, or installed.
ALSO For more information about replacing, and removing or installing modules, cards, cables, and connectors, re-
fer to:
• ProSafe-RS Installation Guidance (TI 32S01J10-01E)
• User's Manuals of each device
l Batteries
• You must use only YOKOGAWA-designated batteries.
• When mounting or replacing batteries, you must follow the procedure specified in the Us-
er's Manuals of the device.
• When replacing batteries while the power supply is on, do not put your hands inside the
device to prevent electric shock.
ALSO For more information about batteries, refer to:
• ProSafe-RS Installation Guidance (TI 32S01J10-01E)
• User's Manuals of each device
l Fuses
• Use only YOKOGAWA-designated fuses for replacement.
• Turn off the power supply before replacing the fuses.
ALSO For more information about fuses, refer to:
• ProSafe-RS Installation Guidance (TI 32S01J10-01E)
• User's Manuals of each device
l Fan Unit
When replacing the fan unit while the power supply is on, do not put your hands inside the
device to prevent electric shock.
ALSO For more information about fan unit, refer to:
• ProSafe-RS Installation Guidance (TI 32S01J10-01E)
• User's Manuals of each device
l Crest Factor
The crest factor refers to the ratio of the peak value to the effective value of any input current
of a device.
Input voltage waveform
Effective value
Peak value
Crest factor =
Effective value
Crest Factor=Peak value of the current supplied to the device / Effective value of the current
When selecting a power supply unit, you need to estimate the power supply output capacity,
based on the crest factor of the input current supplied to every connected device. Estimate
the device crest factors by using the following approximate values when selecting a power
supply unit:
• 100 V system: Crest factor about 3
l Inrush Current
When a device is turned on, the large inrush current flows in because of the momentary
charging current for capacitors. Therefore, the minimum requirement is that the inrush current
produced by turning on some devices should not cause any voltage fluctuations that may af-
fect other devices. For turning on all devices together, a soft start or switching to uninterrupti-
ble backup power should be required.
When the power is turned on, the inrush current can trip the overload protector, and then may
switch to the backup power or commercial power supply. You should select a power supply
unit that can automatically and seamlessly recover the normal power supply when overload-
ing ends.
n Trademark Acknowledgments
• CENTUM, ProSafe, Vnet/IP, and STARDOM are registered trademarks of YOKOGAWA.
• Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Windows Server, Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Vis-
ual Studio are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and other countries.
• Adobe, Acrobat, and Adobe Reader are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incor-
• Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation.
• HART is a registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation.
• Modicon and Modbus are registered trademarks of Schneider Electric SA.
• All other company and product names mentioned in the User's Manuals are trademarks
or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
• TM or ® mark are not used to indicate trademarks or registered trademarks in the User's
• Logos and logo marks are not used in the User's Manuals.
PART-A Integration with FAST/TOOLS function...............
A1. FAST/TOOLS Integration configuration........................................... A1-1
A1.1 Outlines of FAST/TOOLS integrated system........................................... A1-2
A1.2 Overview of a Vnet/IP-Upstream network................................................ A1-8
A1.3 Time synchronization of FAST/TOOLS Integration.................................A1-9
A1.4 Vnet/IP-Upstream bus status.................................................................. A1-14
A2. Vnet/IP-Upstream Standard/Wide-area modes................................A2-1
A2.1 Network configuration in Standard and Wide-area modes.................... A2-2
A2.2 Network connection in Standard and Wide-area modes........................A2-3
A2.2.1 Connect devices included in Vnet/IP-Upstream domain..............A2-4
A2.2.2 Connection between Vnet/IP-Upstream domains........................ A2-6
A2.3 Outline of station setup............................................................................. A2-7
A3. Vnet/IP-Upstream Narrowband mode.............................................. A3-1
A3.1 Network configuration in Narrowband mode.......................................... A3-2
A3.2 Functions and configuration of Vnet/IP-Upstream in Narrowband mode....
..................................................................................................................... A3-3
PART-B Functions of Upstream systems.................... B-1
B1. Data buffering function..................................................................... B1-1
B1.1 Details of the data buffering function...................................................... B1-2
B1.2 Engineering for data buffering..................................................................B1-3
B2. Gas flow rate calculation function................................................... B2-1
B2.1 Functional configuration of the Gas flow rate calculation function.............
..................................................................................................................... B2-2
B2.2 Function blocks used for gas flow rate calculation function................ B2-6
B2.2.1 Outline of function of gas flow rate calculation function block.............
..................................................................................................... B2-7
B2.2.2 Outline of function of report data creation function block.............B2-9
B2.2.3 Function blocks that use data retaining function........................B2-12
B2.3 Structures, mapping blocks, and mapping elements of function blocks
for gas flow rate calculation function.................................................... B2-14
B2.3.1 Structures that are used by gas flow rate calculation function block...
................................................................................................... B2-15
B2.3.2 Mapping blocks and mapping elements for gas flow rate calculation
function...................................................................................... B2-16
B3. Hardware of SCS for Upstream system........................................... B3-1
B3.1 Configuration and name of the hardware................................................ B3-2
B3.1.1 Configuration of Safety Control Unit............................................ B3-3
B3.1.2 Configuration of devices connected to the Safety Control Unit...........
..................................................................................................... B3-6
B3.2 Installing Devices.......................................................................................B3-7
B3.3 Cable Connection.......................................................................................B3-8
B3.4 Function of the units..................................................................................B3-9
B3.5 Signal Cable Connection to Input/Output Modules.............................. B3-10
B3.6 Control bus interface card.......................................................................B3-11
B3.7 Maintenance of ProSafe-RS Hardware...................................................B3-12
B3.8 Relay Board.............................................................................................. B3-13
CMPL 32Q06D25-31E (SSC57S, SSC57D).......................................CMPL B1-1
PART-C Engineering and maintenance....................... C-1
C1. Workflow for engineering of a FAST/TOOLS Integration system..........
............................................................................................................. C1-1
C1.1 SCS Engineering works for FAST/TOOLS Integration............................C1-2
C1.2 Notes on engineering works..................................................................... C1-3
C1.3 Testing in a FAST/TOOLS integrated environment................................. C1-5
C2. Domain Properties Setting Tool........................................................C2-1
C2.1 Starting and exiting the tool......................................................................C2-2
C2.2 Setting domain properties.........................................................................C2-5
C2.3 Downloading domain properties.............................................................. C2-8
C2.4 Obtaining actual domain property settings.............................................C2-9
C3. Defining narrowband groups............................................................C3-1
C3.1 Narrowband mode settings and precautions for narrowband group
definition..................................................................................................... C3-2
C3.2 Display and operation of the Narrowband Group Definition window...........
..................................................................................................................... C3-3
C3.3 Editing SCSs that belong to a narrowband group.................................. C3-7
C3.4 Setting the number of SCSs that can communicate...............................C3-8
C3.5 Quick reference table of the settings in the Narrowband Group Definition
window........................................................................................................ C3-9
C3.6 Setting start and stop of data acquisition............................................. C3-10
C3.7 Procedure for offline download in the Narrowband mode...................C3-12
C3.8 Collecting data from SCSs in a narrowband system in the same way as in
the Standard and Wide-area modes....................................................... C3-13
C4. Defining tag names............................................................................C4-1
C4.1 Overview of tag name definition...............................................................C4-2
C4.2 Definition of the tag name at the gas flow rate calculation..................C4-11
C5. Maintenance of FAST/TOOLS integrated system (environment)..........
............................................................................................................. C5-1
C5.1 Maintenance in Vnet/IP-Upstream network............................................. C5-2
C5.2 Procedures and precautions for adding a station or domain................C5-3
Appendix 1. Function blocks for Upstream systems........................App.1-1
Appendix 1.1 Function blocks for data buffering function.............................App.1-2
Appendix 1.1.1 BUF_DIF_B (buffering when BOOL-type data changes)............
....................................................................................... App.1-3
Appendix 1.1.2 BUF_DIF_I (buffering when INTEGER-type data changes).......
....................................................................................... App.1-5
Appendix 1.1.3 BUF_DIF_R (buffering when REAL-type data changes)............
....................................................................................... App.1-7
Appendix 1.1.4 BUF_TIM_I (periodic buffering of INTEGER-type data)..............
....................................................................................... App.1-9
Appendix 1.1.5 BUF_TIM_R (periodic buffering of REAL-type data)...................
Appendix 1.1.6 BUF_TRIG_B (buffering BOOL-type data on trigger detection)..
..................................................................................... App.1-13
Appendix 1.1.7 BUF_TRIG_I (buffering INTEGER-type data on trigger
Appendix 1.1.8 BUF_TRIG_R (buffering REAL-type data on trigger detection)..
..................................................................................... App.1-17
Appendix 1.2 Function blocks for gas flow rate calculation function.........App.1-19
Appendix 1.2.1 AGA_3 (AGA3 calculation)...........................................App.1-21
Appendix 1.2.2 AGA_7 (AGA7 calculation)...........................................App.1-29
Appendix 1.2.3 AGA_R (Report data creation)..................................... App.1-35
Appendix 1.2.4 ECWR_B (external communication with BOOL-type Data
retaining function).........................................................App.1-41
Appendix 1.2.5 ECWR_I (External communication with INTEGER-type data
retaining function).........................................................App.1-42
Appendix 1.2.6 ECWR_R (External communication with REAL-type data
retaining function).........................................................App.1-43
Appendix 1.2.7 ACCUM (Accumulation)............................................... App.1-44
Appendix 1.2.8 Error code.....................................................................App.1-47
Appendix 2. Structure of function blocks of gas flow rate calculation
Appendix 3. Mapping blocks and mapping elements for FAST/TOOLS
Integration....................................................................... App.3-1
• Install FAST/TOOLS and SENG in different computers.
• You cannot grant licenses for both CENTUM VP/CS 3000 Integration Engineering Pack-
age and FAST/TOOLS Integration Engineering Package to the same computer.
• Do not install CENTUM software in computers that use FAST/TOOLS Integration Engi-
neering Package.
• The Vnet/IP network of a CENTUM system and the Vnet/IP-Upstream network of a FAST/
TOOLS Integration system must be physically segregated. Connection via a switch or a
router is not allowed, either.
• ProSafe-RS systems built on a V net network cannot be integrated with FAST/TOOLS.
Therefore, the V net router (AVR10D) cannot be used also.
• Connection via Exaopc interface is not allowed in a system integrated with FAST/TOOLS.
• The Standard mode and Wide-area mode can be set for each domain. However, the Nar-
rowband mode cannot be set for each domain and must be set to all domains. It cannot
be used together with other modes.
• FAST/TOOLS integration is certified as Interference-Free.
• The system should be configured so that abnormalities in SCS and the devices connec-
ted to SCS are all detected by the ProSafe-RS system, and the diagnostic information
upon detection of abnormality should be confirmed on SENG.
n System configuration
The following illustrates a sample system configuration in Wide-area mode/Narrowband mode
of Vnet/IP-Upstream network in FAST/TOOLS Integration configuration.
The SCSs that can be used for FAST/TOOLS Integration configuration are SCSP1, SCSP2,
and SCSU1.
(Redundant Server)
(Redundant Server)
(2 Mbps or more but less than 100 Mbps)
n Recommended environments
The following sections show the recommended software and hardware environments for
FAST/TOOLS Integration.
l Software environment
The software environments for FAST/TOOLS Integration configuration depend on the type of
SCS that you use. The software environments for FAST/TOOLS Integration configuration of
each SCS are as follows:
For SCSP1 and SCSP2
• ProSafe-RS: R2.02 or later for SCSP1 and R2.03 or later for SCSP2
• FAST/TOOLS: R9.02 or later
• STARDOM (FCN/FCJ): R2.01 or later
• PRM: R3.03 or later for SCSP1 and R3.04 or later for SCSP2
• ProSafe-RS: R3.02.10 or later
• FAST/TOOLS: R9.05 SP2 or later
• PRM: R3.12 or later
l Hardware environment
To communicate with FAST/TOOLS Integration configuration, hardware that configures the
network for the following system is required:
• Hardware necessary for the Standard and the Wide-area modes
• VI702/VI701 (Vnet/IP interface card installed in PC components such as SENG)
Firmware revision (F): 12 or later
• SCP461 (Processor module installed in SCSP2)
Any firmware revision.
• SCP451 (Processor module installed in SCSP1 and SCSU1)
Firmware revision (F1) for SCSP1: 12 or later
Firmware revision (F1) for SCSU1: 19 or later
• Hardware necessary for the Narrowband mode
• VI702/VI701 (Vnet/IP interface card installed in PC components such as SENG)
Firmware revision (F): 19 or later
• SCP451 (Processor module installed in SCSU1)
Firmware revision (F1): 19 or later
*1: This assumes that you have written into the flash memory.
*2: If the outage time exceeds about 300 hours, the data in the memory will be lost.
*3: It will not be initialized for master database offline download.
ALSO For more information about actions at SCS startup, refer to:
B5., “Operations at SCS startup” in Safety Control Station Reference (IM 32Q03B10-31E)
l Vnet/IP station
A station in which a component with a Vnet/IP interface is installed is called a Vnet/IP station.
The Vnet/IP station in a domain is connected to Layer 2 switch in each bus.
An SENG is connected to the Vnet/IP-Upstream network through a Vnet/IP interface card
(VI702/VI701) installed on the computer. The VI702/VI701 card has two ports for connec-
tion to the UTP cables to support Vnet/IP-Upstream bus redundancy.
SCS is used as a safety controller for the FAST/TOOLS Integration system. The Safety
Control Stations that can be connected to Vnet/IP-Upstream include SSC60S/SSC60D
(SCSP2), SSC50S/SSC50D (SCSP1), and SSC57S/SSC57D (SCSU1).
l Vnet/IP-Upstream domain
A Vnet/IP-Upstream domain consists of two independent subnets on each bus.
You can define up to 31 Vnet/IP-Upstream domains. A Vnet/IP-Upstream domain cannot han-
dle a Vnet station.
l Layer 2 switch
Vnet/IP stations and general-purpose Ethernet communication devices in a domain are con-
nected to Vnet/IP buses through the Layer 2 switches (L2SW). At least one L2SW is required
for bus1 and bus 2 respectively.
l Layer 3 switch
A layer 3 switch (L3SW) is used to connect between Vnet/IP-Upstream domains on each bus.
l Router
This is used to connect Vnet/IP-Upstream domains in a wide-area network.
l Ethernet device
STARDOM stations and general-purpose Ethernet communication devices in which a Vnet/IP
interface card is not installed are connected to bus 2 of Vnet/IP-Upstream.
• When the bandwidth used by Vnet/IP-Upstream is 100 Mbps, control the traffic flowing
from general-purpose Ethernet devices into a Vnet/IP-Upstream network according to the
engineering guidelines of FAST/TOOLS.
• When the bandwidth used by Vnet/IP-Upstream is 1 Gbps, use a hub to control the traffic
flowing from general-purpose Ethernet devices to a Vnet/IP-Upstream network so as to
prevent it from exceeding 300 Mbps (for example, three 100 Mbps ports).
In a system using open communication on bus 2 of Vnet/IP-Upstream, when you connect
SCSs in Vnet/IP-Upstream network where general-purpose Ethernet devices are connected,
use intelligent switches such as Layer 2 switches in order to prevent multi-casting of open
communication from flowing into the SCSs.
l STARDOM Controller
Open communication is performed between a STARDOM controller (FCN/FCJ) and a FAST/
TOOLS station. A network of STARDOM controllers can be configured for redundancy by us-
ing bus 2 as the primary bus and bus 1 as the secondary bus.
l SNTP server
This can be a reference for network time.
In addition to an SNTP server connected to Vnet/IP-Upstream network, a reference for net-
work time can also be an SNTP server that STARDOM references.
Vnet/IP-Upstream L3SW Vnet/IP-Upstream
domain 1 domain 3
domain 2
L3SW: Layer 3 switch
ALSO For more information about precautions for time synchronization, refer to:
“■ Precautions for Time Synchronization” in 2.15, “Time Synchronization” in Engineering Guide (IM
The system software of a Vnet/IP station references the network time, and adjusts the station
system time according to the network time. Because the method of time adjustment is differ-
n Time groups
The time group denotes a range in which time synchronization is performed. The entire
Vnet/IP-Upstream network can be defined on one time group. On the other hand, by separat-
ing domains in the same Vnet/IP-Upstream network into time groups, the range in which time
synchronization is performed can be limited.
The time group number to which the domain belongs is 0 to 7. The default time group number
is 1. To perform time synchronization only within a domain, set the time group number to 0.
If an SNTP server does not exist in a time group, one of the Vnet/IP stations in a time group
will act as the time master station, and other Vnet/IP stations in the same time group will syn-
chronize with the time of the time master station.
If there is a notification that the SNTP server that exists in a time group is not synchronized
with the standard time, all the stations in the time group will synchronize their times with the
time master station in the Vnet/IP network. When the SNTP server time is synchronized again
with the standard time, all the stations in the time group will synchronize their times with the
standard time, instead of the time master station in the Vnet/IP network, at once.
bus status
Information of domains is not
broadcasted beyond domains
except the bus status.
In the ProSafe-RS system where the FAST/TOOLS Integration Package is used, ensure that
no path connects to a V net or CENTUM Vnet/IP network.
l Number of domains
Up to 31 domains can be connected. (However, domains that have any CENTUM station can-
not be connected.)
Multiple stations are connected to Layer 2 switches. It is strongly recommended to provide an
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for Layer 2 switches so that they will not stop due to pow-
er failure.
If the Layer 2 switches stop due to power failure, there will be the following effects:
• A communication error will occur if Layer 2 switches for the buses stop due to power fail-
• For dual-redundant SCS, if the Layer 2 switches for both buses fail, the control will be
switched to the standby CPU in rare cases, causing the dual-redundant SCS to operate
in non-redundant mode.
• If a Layer 2 switch is restarted after momentary power failure, it takes several tens of sec-
onds for the communications between stations to recover.
Avoid the connection in which multiple communication routes exist between any two stations.
Otherwise, the communication may not be properly performed.
TIP As for a dual-redundant SCS, both the controlling-side and standby-side CPU modules are connected to a
Layer 2 switch with UTP cables, but the SCS is counted as one station.
Multiple stations are connected to Layer 3 switches. It is strongly recommended to provide an
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) for Layer 3 switches so that they will not stop due to
power failure.
• Avoid the connection in which multiple communication routes exist between any two do-
mains. Otherwise, the communication may not be properly performed.
ALSO For more information about configuring a wide-area network among domains, refer to:
“■ Extended Network Configuration” in 2.23, “FAST/TOOLS Integrated Configuration” in Engineering
Guide (IM 32Q01C10-31E)
In a system using open communication on bus 2 of Vnet/IP-Upstream, when you connect
SCSs in Vnet/IP-Upstream network where general-purpose Ethernet devices are connected,
use intelligent switches as Layer 2 switches in order to prevent multicasting of open communi-
cation from flowing into the SCSs.
ALSO For more information about engineering for SCS stations on SENG, refer to:
C., “Engineering and maintenance” on page C-1
For more information about procedure to set up SENG, refer to:
B3., “Setting Up the SENG” in Installation (IM 32Q01C50-31E)
l Domain number
The Vnet/IP-Upstream domain number needs to be set within the range from 1 to 31.
The domain number can be set by the DIP switch on the hardware.
l Station number
The Vnet/IP station number needs to be set within the range of 1 to 64. The station numbers
in the same domain should not be identical.
The station number can be set by the DIP switch on the hardware.
• Blank will be displayed for the "SCS Status," "CPU Status" and "Comment" of the SCS
whose status is not obtained.
• When navigating from SCS State Management window to SCS Status Overview window
and then returning to SCS State Management window again, the statuses are obtained
from the beginning of the SCS list of the SCS Status Overview window.
• The Diagnostic Information button for SCS whose status is not obtained is displayed in
gray until the status is obtained, but the button is operational. Clicking the button displays
the Diagnostic Information window to enable to check received messages.
• Even if the status in the SCS Status Overview window is not updated, SCS State Man-
agement window can be called for the SCS.
• If a narrowband group where automatic acquisition is paused exists in the Narrowband
Group Definition window of the Message Cache Tool, "(Pause)" is displayed at the head
of the window title of the SCS Status Overview window.
• The Suspended data acquisition checkbox does not affect update of the SCS Status
Overview window. Display of SCS state list is also updated even for SCS that belongs to
a narrowband group with pause state. The purpose of the Suspended data acquisition
checkbox is to pause the collection of SOE events and diagnostic information messages.
• The SENG only obtains the status of SCSs that are displayed in the SCS Status Over-
view window and also contained in the SCS list of a narrowband group. The SENG does
not communicate with SCSs that became hidden as a result of scrolling or resizing the
SCS Status Overview window.
• When the SCS displayed at the top of the list is changed by scroll operation or change of
the window size, statuses are obtained again from the SCS that newly comes to the top
of the list.
• When the SCS that is displayed at the top of the list is not changed by changing the win-
dow size, including by stretching the window downward to expand the display area, sta-
tuses are not obtained again from the top SCS but update of statuses is continued from
the SCS next to the one that was updated before the change of the window size.
• When a displayed SCS is deleted from a narrowband group, the SCS Status Overview
window continues to display the status before the SCS is deleted.
If you have deleted an SCS or a narrowband group definition in the Narrowband Group
Definition window, display the window again to display the latest state.
When DNP3 slave function is enabled, the data buffering function cannot be used.
ALSO For more information about DNP3 slave function, refer to:
D., “DNP3 slave function” in Open Interfaces (IM 32Q05B10-31E)
read t to
Data buffering Buffered data
function collection function
Sto fer
re Re
Data buffer
(rotary buffer)
Diagnostic SCS
information databases Tag access Data buffering
Interface Interface
Mapping elements / Mapping FBs / Data buffering function
Parameters / Parameters /
Parameters Report data
Calculated data Calculated data
Figure B2.1-1 Functional configuration of the Gas flow rate calculation function
n Mapping blocks/elements
Mapping blocks/elements are the interface function used to access SCS data from FAST/
TOOLS by specifying tag names. The Gas flow rate calculation function generates mapping
blocks for gas flow rate calculation function blocks and report data creation function blocks. It
also generates, mapping elements that correspond to external communication function blocks
with data retaining function.
Table B2.1-1 Information about gas flow rate calculation-related function displayed on the SCS tab
Item Description
AGA FB The number of AGA_3 and AGA_7 function block instances is shown.
This includes the number of instances defined as parameters of user-
defined function blocks.
AGA Report FB The number of AGA_R function block instances is shown. This includes
the number of instances defined as parameters of user-defined function
Retainable Data The size of retainable data used is shown in bytes. This is determined
based on the number of instances of function blocks with data retaining
function (AGA_R, ACCUM, ECWR_B, ECWR_I, ECWR_R).
ALSO For more information about information about the SCS Information dialog box, refer to:
5.3, “Display SCS Information” in Utilities and Maintenance Reference (IM 32Q04B20-31E)
The gas flow rate calculation function is compliant with the specifications of the following re-
Table B2.2.1-2 Reports supported by the Gas flow rate calculation function
Report Number Title Note
AGA Report No.3 Orifice Metering of Natural Gas Part 3: Natural Gas Applications -
AGA Report No.7 Measurement of Natural Gas by Turbine Meters (1996) -
AGA Report No.8 Compressibility Factor of Natural Gas and Related Hydrocarbon -
Gases (1992)
AGA Report No.10 Speed of Sound in Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon -
Gases (2003)
GPA Standard 2172-96 Calculation of Gross Heating Value, Relative Density and Com- Dry only
pressibility Factor for Natural Gas Mixtures from Composition Anal-
The gas flow rate calculation function block consists of the following functions:
Table B2.2.1-3 Functions that gas flow rate calculation function block provides
Function AGA_3 AGA_7 Note
Calculation execution con- Yes Yes -
Reading parameters Yes Yes As the process input data and input parameters are differ-
ent between AGA_3 and AGA_7, the processing is differ-
Closing action at the Yes Yes ent.
change of a parameter
Process input processing Yes Yes
Reading gas composition Yes Yes -
Detecting gas production Yes Yes As the process input data and input parameters are differ-
stop ent between AGA_3 and AGA_7, the processing is differ-
Compressibility calculation Yes Yes -
Gas flow rate calculation Yes No -
Gas flow rate calculation No Yes -
Calculation of Speed of No Yes -
sound (AGA10)
Continues on the next page
ALSO For more information about details of the AGA_3 function block functions, refer to:
Appendix 1.2.1, “AGA_3 (AGA3 calculation)” on page App.1-21
For more information about details of the AGA_7 function block functions, refer to:
Appendix 1.2.2, “AGA_7 (AGA7 calculation)” on page App.1-29
*1: Accumulated flow at end is the accumulated value for the current month (cumulative from the previous monthly closing up to
the last accumulation).
Table B2.2.2-3 Current data (daily data and hourly data prior to closure)
Data name Type Remarks
TOTAL_FLOW Totalization Total flow
RAW_VOLUME Totalization Total uncorrected flow
TOTAL_ENERGY Totalization Total energy
PULSES Totalization Pulse
ACCUM_VOLUME Totalization Accumulated flow at end (*1)
AVE_SP Average Average static pressure
AVE_DP Average Average differential pressure
AVE_TEMP Average Average temperature
AVE_FLOW Average Averaged flow rate at base condition
AVE_FLOW_RAW Average Averaged flow rate at flowing condition
AVE_ENERGY Average Average energy
AVE_COMPOSITION Average Averaged normalized gas composition
AVE_CALCULATED_REAL_SG Average Averaged Calculated Specific Gravity (Real)
AVE_CALCULATED_SG Average Averaged Calculated Specific Gravity (Ideal)
AVE_CALCULATED_HV Average Averaged Calculated Heating Value
AVE_CALCULATED_ID_HV Average Averaged Calculated Ideal Heating Value
Continues on the next page
*1: Accumulated flow at end is the accumulated value for the current month (cumulative from the previous monthly closing up to
the last accumulation).
Table B2.2.3-1 Function blocks that have retainable data and the size of the retainable data used
Function block name Size of retainable data used by one function block
instance (Byte)
AGA_R 1900
ALSO For more information about details on system alarms, refer to:
Message Number 4151 in 2.1, “System Alarms (Message Numbers 4101 through 4199)” in Messages
(IM 32Q02B10-31E)
ALSO For more information about process alarms, refer to:
“n Process alarms” on page C1-2
For more information about details on system alarms, refer to:
Message Number 4151 in 2.1, “System Alarms (Message Numbers 4101 through 4199)” in Messages
(IM 32Q02B10-31E)
The operating temperature range for the standard type safety control unit is –20 to 40 deg. C.
Be sure to use it within the range.
terminal Base unit (5 UNIT) (*1)
*1: 1 UNIT=44.45 mm
Table B3.1.1-1 Model Names of Safety Control Unit Components (Standard Type)
Standard type safety control unit
Name Single configuration Duplexed configuration
(SSC57S-S) (SSC57D-S)
Power supply module (100-120 V AC) SPW481 2pcs SPW481 2pcs
Power supply module (220-240 V AC) SPW482 2pcs SPW482 2pcs
Power supply module (24 V DC) SPW484 2pcs SPW484 2pcs
SCP451 SCP451
Processor module 1pcs 2pcs
(*1) (*1)
Dummy cover (for processor module) (*2) T9083VB 1pcs - -
Dummy cover (for I/O module) (*3) SDCV01 as required SDCV01 as required
ESB bus coupler module(*4) SEC401 2pcs SEC401 2pcs
External interface unit for standard type safety con-
- 1pcs - 1pcs
trol unit
*1: The firmware revision number (F1) of the processor module must be 19 or later.
Base unit (5 UNIT) (*1)
Table B3.1.1-2 Model Names of Safety Control Unit Components (Wide Range Temperature Type)
Wide range temperature type safety control unit
Name Single configuration Duplexed configuration
(SSC57S-F) (SSC57D-F)
Power supply module (100-120 V AC) SPW481 2pcs SPW481 2pcs
Power supply module (220-240 V AC) SPW482 2pcs SPW482 2pcs
Power supply module (24 V DC) SPW484 2pcs SPW484 2pcs
SCP451 SCP451
Processor module 1pcs 2pcs
(*1) (*1)
Dummy cover (for processor module)(*2) T9083VB 1pcs - -
Dummy cover (for I/O module)(*3) SDCV01 as required SDCV01 as required
ESB bus coupler module(*4) SEC401 2pcs SEC401 2pcs
External interface unit for wide range temperature
- 1pcs - 1pcs
type safety control unit
Power supply unit for fan unit (100-120/220-240 V
S9159FA 2pcs S9159FA 2pcs
Power supply unit for fan unit (24 V DC) S9160FA 2pcs S9160FA 2pcs
Fan unit AIP602 2pcs AIP602 2pcs
Model or
Item Part No. Qty Description
1 SSC57S — Safety Control Unit (with ISA standard G3)
SSC57D Duplexed Safety Control Unit (with ISA standard G3)
2 — — Node Fan Unit (wide range temperature type,
with fan unit and ISA standard G3)
• The Customer Maintenance Parts List (CMPL) is provided as a reference for ordering maintenance parts. Customers should not
assemble or disassemble the products by themselves using this CMPL, but should contact Yokogawa's sales agents for parts
replacement. YOKOGAWA assumes no liability to any party for damages caused through disassembly or assembly.
• Parts numbers on Parts Lists are subjected to change.
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2013, Yokogawa Electric Corporation CMPL 32Q06D25-31E
Subject to change without notice Printed in Japan 1st Edition : Oct. 2013 (YK)
2nd Edition : Apr. 2014 (YK)
6 A
13 To A
16 15 14
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2013, Yokogawa Electric Corporation CMPL 32Q06D25-31E 2nd Edition : Apr.2014-00
Model or Model
Item Part No. Description
1 - 1 1 CPU Node Unit
2 T9082QE 1 1 Cable Tray
3 Y9306LB 4 4 B.H.Screw, M3 × 6
4 SCP451 1 1 Processor Module with firmware (F1) revision number 19 or later
5 T9083UB 1 1 Cover
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2013, Yokogawa Electric Corporation CMPL 32Q06D25-31E 2nd Edition : Apr.2014-00
4 3
Model or
Item Part No. Qty Description
1 S9475FA 1 Node Fan Unit
2 S9528VK 2 Fuse
3 Below 2 Fan Power Module
S9159FA for 100 to 120 V and 220 to 240 V AC Power Supply Unit
S9160FA for 24 V DC Power Supply Unit
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2013, Yokogawa Electric Corporation CMPL 32Q06D25-31E 2nd Edition : Apr.2014-00
Subject to change without notice Printed in Japan
<C. Engineering and maintenance> C-1
n Process alarms
Process alarms should be managed by using the alarm management feature of FAST/
n System alarms
System alarms should be confirmed on SENG using the SCS Maintenance Support Tool's Di-
agnostic Information window. The following alarms are effective for maintenance of devices:
• No. 4125 (I/O module channel error occurred)
• No. 4126 (Recovery from I/O module channel error)
ALSO For more information about alarm management on FAST/TOOLS, refer to:
The user's manual of FAST/TOOLS
Obtain domain property settings from Check to see if the settings on the Domain Properties Setting Tool
stations and check them match the actual settings.
Obtain domain property settings from Make sure that the new settings on the tool have been
stations and check them downloaded properly.
In-use Domain Time Group Network Mode SNTP Bus 1 SNTP Bus 2 Comment
□ 01 1 Wide-area
□ 02 1 Wide-area
□ 03 1 Wide-area
□ 04 1 Standard
□ 05 1 Standard
□ 06 1 Standard
□ 07 1 Standard
□ 08 1 Standard
□ 09 1 Standard
□ 10 1 Standard
□ 11 1 Standard
□ 12 1 Standard
□ 13 1 Standard
□ 14 1 Standard
□ 15 1 Standard
□ 16 1 Standard
--- Error = 0 Warning = 0 ---
Exit Do-
Properties - Exits the tool.
Continues on the next page
to All Do- Downloads the settings of all in-use domains.
Get Do-
main Sta- Acquires the domain property settings of all in-use domains.
n Setting items
This section describes the types and values of the settings for the Vnet/IP-Upstream domain
l In-Use
Specifies whether the domain is used or not.
You need to select the domain number checkbox of a domain for use. You can set the proper-
ties for the selected domain. By default, this checkbox is not selected.
l Time Group
Sets the time group (0 to 7) of the domain. If a number from 1 to 7 is set, this domain will
synchronize its clock with other domains of the same group. If 0 is set, the domain will only
synchronize the clocks within the domain.
ALSO For more information about Time Group, refer to:
“n Time groups” on page A1-11
l Network mode
Specifies the distance between stations and the bandwidth in a domain.
Specify either Standard, Wide-area, or Narrowband. The default setting is Standard.
If you change the network mode of a certain domain to Narrowband mode from other mode, a
confirmation message appears, asking you if it is alright to change the mode. If you click the
[OK] button, the mode of all other domains are changed to Narrowband mode. Likewise, if
you change from Narrowband mode to Standard mode for a certain domain, a confirmation
message appears, asking you if it is alright to change the mode. If you click the [OK] button,
the mode of all other domains are changed to Standard mode.
l SNTP Bus 1
Sets the IP address of the SNTP server connected to Bus 1.
To set the IP address, click the cell and enter the IP address in the form of "nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn."
If the entered address is beyond the range, the cell will turn red and an error message ap-
l SNTP Bus 2
Sets the IP address of the SNTP server connected to Bus 2.
To set the IP address, click the cell and enter the IP address in the form of "nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn."
If the entered address is beyond the range, the cell will turn red and an error message ap-
ALSO For more information about SNTP Server, refer to:
“n Connection and redundancy of SNTP server” on page A1-11
l Comment
You can enter a comment for each domain. A comment may be up to 32 alphanumeric char-
acters long.
Click the cell and then enter the comment.
Domain Time Group Network Mode SNTP Bus 1 SNTP Bus 2 Comment
01 1 Wide-area Site-A1
02 1 Wide-area Site-A2
03 1 Wide-area Site-A3
11 1 Standard Site-B1
12 1 Standard Site-B2
13 1 Standard Site-B3
Domain Time Group Network Mode SNTP Bus 1 SNTP Bus 2 Comment
01 1 Narrowband Site-C1
02 1 Narrowband Site-C2
n Download error
When starting download under the following situations, an error message appear in the mes-
sage display area and the download cannot continue.
Dom:01 Group:1 Network Mode:Standard SNTP Bus 1: SNTP Bus 2: WideAreaSupport:No NarrowbandSupport:-
Dom:02 Group:1 Network Mode:WideArea SNTP Bus 1: SNTP Bus 2: WideAreaSupport:Yes NarrowbandSupport:No
Dom:01 Group:1 Network Mode:NarrowBand SNTP Bus 1: SNTP Bus 2: WideAreaSupport:Yes NarrowbandSupport:-
Dom:02 Group:1 Network Mode:NarrowBand SNTP Bus 1: SNTP Bus 2: WideAreaSupport:Yes NarrowbandSupport:Yes
Narrowband Narrowband
50 Mbps L3SW 10 Mbps
Narrowband group
SCSs connected in a narrowband system must belong to a narrowband group. It is not possi-
ble to display the status or collect SOE events and diagnostic information massages from an
SCS that does not belong to a narrowband group.
In a narrowband group definition, the following items should be specified to restrict communi-
cation for each narrowband group in consideration of network load:
• SCS name included in the narrowband group
• Number of SCSs that can communicate per acquisition cycle of the message caching
• Number of SCSs that can communicate per display update cycle of the SCS Status Over-
view window.
Narrowband group list pane Narrowband group defined SCS list pane
When you click on a narrowband group name, the following panes appear in the right side of
the window:
Figure C3.6-1 Display example of the SCS State Management window in the "(Pause)" status
Changes made to the definitions for a tag name that is already imported will not be reflected
in FAST/TOOLS by the above mentioned procedure. To change the definitions for already im-
ported tag names, you need to work on both Tag Name Builder and FAST/TOOLS.
ALSO For more information about variables whose tag names you can define and the detail of definition items, refer
“n Settings of the Tag Name Builder” on page C4-4
For more information about mapping blocks/elements, refer to:
C9., “External communication function blocks” in Safety Control Station Reference (IM 32Q03B10-31E)
You can register a variable name in Tag Name Builder by dragging the variable name from
Dictionary View and dropping it into a variable name field in Tag Name Builder. When multiple
variable names are dragged and dropped, the variable names are registered in multiple varia-
ble fields starting from the top field. If a variable name is already registered in the variable
name field, the variable name field is overwritten.
Name Alias Type
Main (Config1)
BoundVariable UserAcknowledge BOOL
BindingError OUT01 BOOL
Any Group InitBindText BOOL
All variabl
Global var
Addition (
Main (*si
ManualReset OK1 BOOL
Binding Te OKStart OK3 BOOL
ComplexT OKStop OK2 BOOL
Test (Config1) CopyOfval31 DINT
CopyOBesAdd1 DINT
Table C4.1-1 Variable types for which you can define a tag name in Tag Name Builder.
Type Description
BOOL BOOL type variables
Continues on the next page
The following describes the setting items of Tag Name Builder and whether to modify each
item online. In addition to the setting items, there are reference items for checking the values
in Dictionary View or I/O Wiring View. The reference items cannot be changed in Tag Name
Builder. Note that all the items can be printed.
The following describes whether or not the advanced setting items of Tag Name Builder can
be modified online. Select [View] > [Detailed Setting Items] on the menu bar to display the ad-
vanced setting items.
This section describes the items you need to set in Tag Name Builder in FAST/TOOLS Inte-
gration configuration. The following table describes the items on Tag Name Builder that are
valid in FAST/TOOLS Integration configuration. Other items are displayed in gray and cannot
be set.
A Tag Name Builder window consists of tab pages grouped by variable types shown in the
following table.
The settings you have made can be printed out by self-documentation.
Table C4.1-4 Variable types and items on the Tag Name Builder
Variable type(*1)
Variable Name Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Element Name
- - - No - - - - Yes
Type (*3) No No - - - - No No Yes
Comment (*4) No No No No No No No No -
Tag Name Yes Yes Yes Yes (*5) Yes Yes Yes Yes -
Tag Comment Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes -
Annunciator Mes-
- - - Yes - - - - -
Low Limit - - Yes - - - - - -
High Limit - - Yes - - - - - -
Unit - Yes Yes - Yes - - Yes -
AGA FB Instance
Yes (*6) Yes (*6) - - - - Yes (*6) Yes (*6) -
AGA Parameter
Yes (*6) Yes (*6) - - - - Yes (*6) Yes (*6) -
ALSO For more information about the mapping blocks and mapping elements of FAST/TOOLS, refer to:
Appendix 3., “Mapping blocks and mapping elements for FAST/TOOLS Integration” on page App.3-1
l Variable Name
To assign a tag name to a function block instance, enter the [instance name] as the variable
name. From among the variables created in SCS Manager, specify the variable name you
want to assign a tag name. A tag name can be defined regardless of the scope of the varia-
In case of a local variable, enter a scope name after "@."
In case of an internal variable of a user-defined function block, assign an instance name using
Dictionary View of SCS Manager. The variable name is specified in the format of "[Instance
Name].[Internal Variable Name]." Up to two nests are permitted in each variable to which a
tag name is assigned.
*1: The variable name can contain up to 69 single-byte characters. Tag Name Builder also checks the following items:
• The variable name consists only of alphanumeric characters and "@," "." or "_". If any other character is used, an error will
• The variable name begins with an alphabetic character or "_"; otherwise, an error will occur.
• Three or more nests in a variable will result in an error. The variables "FB01.VAR3" and "FB01.VAR3@PROG1" have one
nest, while "FB01.FB2.VAR3" has two nests.
l Tag Name
A name used to access each application logic variable from FAST/TOOLS. A tag name can
contain up to 16 single-byte alphanumeric characters including "_" and "-". Note that tag
names cannot begin with "_" or "-". All characters are converted to uppercase as they are en-
tered. Tag names must be unique within the same station (SCS).
l Tag Comment
A comment assigned to a tag name. It can be defined within 24 single-byte characters.
l Annunciator Message
A message notifying the process error. You can define any string within 80 single-byte charac-
Default: None
l Unit
A symbol indicating the engineering unit of data such as flow rate and pressure. A unit can be
defined within 6 single-byte characters .
Default: %
l Low Limit
A low limit (SL) is the lowest point of engineering data scale. It can be defined using up to
seven digits including a sign and decimal point. This setting is referenced by FAST/TOOLS
only for display purposes and not used in calculation or alarm processing of the SCS. Enter
the same value as the low limit set on Multi-Language Editor, although a different value can
be set.
Default: 0.0
l High Limit
A high limit (SH) is the highest point of engineering data scale. It can be defined using up to
seven digits including a sign and decimal point. This setting is referenced by FAST/TOOLS
only for display purposes and not used in calculation or alarm processing of the SCS. Enter
the same value as the "High limit" set on Multi-Language Editor, although a different value can
be set.
Default: 100.0
TIP When a builder file (*.edf), a file saved with another name (*.sva), or a CSV file (*.csv) is imported on Tag
Name Builder, the setting items that cannot be used on FAST/TOOLS are not imported and the default values
will be used.
Table C4.2-1 Type of AGA parameter name that can set value through variable
Type of Variable type to set a Type of AGA parameter name that Example of AGA param-
AGA FB value (*1) can be set eter name
DINT, ECW_I, Parameter name of structure AGA8_METHOD_SE-
REAL, ECW_R, Parameter name of structure FIXED_ATMPRESS
Parameter name of structure METHANE
DINT, ECW_I, Parameter name of structure FLOW_CAL_SELECT
REAL, ECW_R, Parameter name of structure FIXED_ATMPRESS
Parameter name of structure METHANE
Parameter name of structure INIT_CURH_DATA_Q
DINT, ECW_I, Parameter name of structure CONTRACT_HOUR
If AGA FB instance name is set without selecting a parameter name that is appropriate to the
combination of variable types used for AGA FB type and the value setting, an error occurs.
User Define
AGA3_METHANE_INST Function Block
ALSO For more information about sample application logic of gas flow rate calculation, refer to:
“■ Examples of Gas Flow Rate Calculation Application Logic” in 9.6, “Gas Flow Rate Calculation Func-
tion” in Engineering Guide (IM 32Q01C10-31E)
Table C4.2-2 External communication with data retaining function for value setting
Type Variable name Tag name
Figure C4.2-2 Example of defining the Tag Name Builder (EXEC, SET)
Table C4.2-3 External communication with data retaining function for value setting
Type Variable name Tag name
AGA8_METHOD_SELECT Variable Name Tag Name Type AGA FB name AGA Parameter Name
Figure C4.2-3 Example of defining the Tag Name Builder (SP_MNT, METHANE)
TIP • SP_MNT is one of parameter names of AGA_3_PARAM structure. In the example of the application log-
ic, it is included in the argument named PARA of AGA_3 FB.
• METHANE is one of parameter names of AGA_COMPOSITION structure. In the example of the applica-
tion logic, it is included in the argument named COMP of AGA_3 FB
• Before you add a station, make sure that there are no duplicate station addresses.
• Turn off the power of the additional station before you connect the cables.
l Case 2: When you need to add Layer 2 switches (no ports are available on
existing Layer 2 switches)
Firstly, carry out steps 1 to 11 as shown below to add Layer 2 switches for BUS1 and BUS2.
Next, carry out the procedure for "Case 1" above to add a station.
1. On an SENG, select the project of a running SCS and call up an SCS status display win-
dow (either SCS Status Overview or SCS State Management) of the SCS Maintenance
Support Tool. In the SCS status display window, check that both buses are normal.
2. Disconnect the cable between any one of the existing stations and a Layer 2 switch for
3. Connect the additional Layer 2 switch for BUS1 to the existing Layer 2 switch for BUS1
with a cable.
4. Turn on the power of the Layer 2 switch that you have added.
Make sure that there are no duplicate station addresses (domain number + station number) in
the system.
l Case 2: When you need to add Layer 3 switches (no ports are available on
existing Layer 3 switches)
Firstly, carry out steps 1 to 7 as shown below to add Layer 3 switches for BUS1 and BUS2.
Next, add stations by following the procedures in "■ Procedures and precautions for adding a
Vnet/IP station."
1. On an SENG, select the project of a running SCS and call up an SCS status display win-
dow (either SCS Status Overview or SCS State Management) of the SCS Maintenance
Support Tool. In the SCS status display window, check that both buses are normal.
n Arguments
Table Appendix 1.1.1-1 Arguments of BUF_DIF_B
IN/OUT Argu- Data type Description
IN IN BOOL Input value
IDNO DINT Identification number. (1 to 60000)
OUT STS BOOL Data status.
It becomes TRUE during the scan period when the data is stor-
ed. During other timing, it is FALSE.
n Description
• Monitor an input value (IN) at every scan period and stores the value in the buffer when
the input value changed from the previous buffered value. The input value is stored in the
buffer at an initial scan after the SCS starts.
• IDNO indicates the data identification number. The identification number allowed ranges
from 1 to 60000. Data will not be stored in the buffer if a number less than 0 or larger than
60001 is specified.
• Data status (STS) is TRUE only during the scan period when data is stored in the buffer,
and otherwise it is FALSE. A sample output is shown in the following figure:
1s t s c an Stored v alue
Sc an
n Remarks
• BUF_DIF_B is an interference-free function block. Do not use it to input data to safety
• BUF_DIF_B can be used only in SCSU1 running R3.02.10 or later.
n Arguments
Table Appendix 1.1.2-1 Arguments of BUF_DIF_I
IN/OUT Argu- Data type Description
IN IN DINT Input value
DEL DINT Deadband for DEL >= 0.
If DEL < 0, the FB will operate with DEL as 0.
IDNO DINT Identification number (1 to 60000)
OUT STS BOOL Data status.
It becomes TRUE during the scan period when the data is stor-
ed. During other timing, it is FALSE.
n Description
• Monitor an input value (IN) at every scan period and stores the value in the buffer when
the absolute value of the amount in the input value changed from the previous stored val-
ue exceeded deadband (DEL). If DEL < 0 is specified, the value is stored in the buffer
assuming the absolute value exceeded deadband at the change of the input value. The
input value is stored in the buffer at an initial scan after the SCS starts.
• IDNO indicates the data identification number. The identification number allowed ranges
from 1 to 60000. Data will not be stored in the buffer if a number less than 0 or larger than
60001 is specified.
• Data status (STS) is TRUE only during the scan period when the data is stored in the buf-
fer; otherwise it is FALSE. A sample output is shown in the following figure:
The difference between the
input value (IN) and the value
stored in the buffer last time.
Sc an
n Remarks
• BUF_DIF_I is an interference-free function block. Do not use it to input data to safety
• BUF_DIF_I can be used only in SCSU1 running R3.02.10 or later.
• Do not specify the same identification number for different variables. Specifying the same
identification number causes FAST/TOOLS to display a trend incorrectly.
n Arguments
Table Appendix 1.1.3-1 Arguments of BUF_DIF_R
IN/OUT Argu- Data type Description
IN IN REAL Input value
DEL REAL Deadband for DEL >= 0.
If DEL < 0, the FB will operate with DEL as 0.
IDNO DINT Identification number (1 to 60000)
OUT STS BOOL Data status.
It becomes TRUE during the scan period when the data is stor-
ed. During other timing, it is FALSE.
n Description
• Monitor an input value (IN) at every scan period and stores the value in the buffer when
the absolute value of the amount in the input value changed from the previous stored val-
ue exceeded deadband (DEL). If DEL < 0 is specified, the value is stored in the buffer
assuming the absolute value exceeded deadband at the change of the input value. The
input value is stored in the buffer at an initial scan after the SCS starts.
• IDNO indicates the data identification number. The identification number allowed ranges
from 1 to 60000. Data will not be stored in the buffer if a number less than 0 or larger than
60001 is specified.
• Data status (STS) is TRUE only during the scan period when the data is stored in the buf-
fer; otherwise it is FALSE.
n Remarks
• BUF_DIF_R is an interference-free function block. Do not use it to input data to safety
• BUF_DIF_R can be used only in SCSU1 running R3.02.10 or later.
• Do not specify the same identification number for different variables. Specifying the same
identification number causes FAST/TOOLS to display a trend incorrectly.
n Arguments
Table Appendix 1.1.4-1 Arguments of BUF_TIM_I
IN/OUT Argu- Data type Description
IN IN DINT Input value
CT TIME Buffering period
IDNO DINT Identification number (1 to 60000 )
OUT STS BOOL Data status.
It becomes TRUE at a scan in which the data is stored. The oth-
er timing, it is FALSE.
n Description
• Stores the input value (IN) in the buffer with buffering period (CT) specified. When 0 s is
specified in CT, it is not stored in the buffer. If the specification of CT is not divisible by the
scan period, the input value is stored in the buffer when the accumulation of the scan pe-
riod exceeds CT. The accumulated scan period will be reset at a scan beyond CT. The
input value is stored in the buffer at an initial scan after the SCS starts.
The following figure shows the example when the scan period is 200 ms and 300 ms is
specified in CT.
When CT = 300 ms and scan period = 200 ms
1s t s c an 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
200 ms
(= 300 ms)
• IDNO is an identification number of data. The identification number allowed ranges from 1
to 60000. Data will not be stored in the buffer if a number less than 0 or larger than 60001
is specified.
• Data status (STS) is TRUE only at the scan for which the data is stored in the buffer; oth-
erwise it is FALSE.
n Remarks
• BUF_TIM_I is an interference-free function block. Do not use it to input data to safety
• BUF_TIM can be used only in SCSU1 running R3.02.10 or later.
• Do not specify the same identification number for different variables. Specifying the same
identification number causes FAST/TOOLS to display an incorrect trend.
n Arguments
Table Appendix 1.1.5-1 Arguments of BUF_TIM_R
IN/OUT Argu- Data type Description
IN IN REAL Input value
CT TIME Buffering period
IDNO DINT Identification number (1 to 60000)
OUT STS BOOL Data status.
It becomes TRUE during the scan period when the data is stor-
ed. The other timing, it is FALSE.
n Description
• Stores the input value (IN) in the buffer with buffering period (CT) specified. When 0 s is
specified in CT, it is not stored in the buffer. If the specification of CT is not divisible by the
scan period, the input value is stored in the buffer when the accumulation of the scan pe-
riod exceeds CT. The accumulated scan periods will be reset at a scan beyond CT. The
input value is stored in the buffer at an initial scan after the SCS starts.
• IDNO is an identification number of data. The identification number allowed ranges from 1
to 60000. Data will not be stored if a number less than 0 or larger than 60001 is specified.
• Data status (STS) is TRUE only during the scan period when the data is stored in the buf-
fer; otherwise it is FALSE.
n Remarks
• BUF_TIM_R is an interference-free function block. Do not use it to input data to safety
• BUF_TIM_R can be used only in SCSU1 running R3.02.10 or later.
• Do not specify the same identification number for different variables. Specifying the same
identification number causes FAST/TOOLS to display a trend incorrectly.
n Arguments
Table Appendix 1.1.6-1 Arguments of BUF_TRIG_B
IN/OUT Argu- Data type Description
IN IN BOOL Input value
TRIG BOOL Trigger signal
IDNO DINT Identification number (1 to 60000)
OUT STS BOOL Data status.
It becomes TRUE during the scan period when the data is stor-
ed. During other timing, it is FALSE.
n Description
• When the trigger signal (TRIG) changes from FALSE to TRUE, this stores the input value
(IN) in the buffer.
• IDNO is an identification number of data. The identification number allowed ranges from 1
to 60000. Data will not be stored in the buffer if a number less than 0 or larger than 60001
is specified.
• Data status (STS) is TRUE during the scan period when the data is stored in the buffer;
otherwise it is FALSE. A sample output is shown in the following figure:
1s t s c an
Sc an
n Remarks
• BUF_TRIG_B is an interference-free function block. Do not use it to input data to safety
• BUF_TRIG_B can be used only in SCSU1 running R3.02.10 or later.
n Arguments
Table Appendix 1.1.7-1 Arguments of BUF_TRIG_I
IN/OUT Argu- Data type Description
IN IN DINT Input value
TRIG BOOL Trigger signal
IDNO DINT Identification number (1 to 60000)
OUT STS BOOL Data status.
It becomes TRUE during the scan period when the data is stor-
ed. The other timing, it is FALSE.
n Description
• When the trigger signal (TRIG) changes from FALSE to TRUE, this stores the input value
(IN) in the buffer.
• IDNO is the identification number of data. The identification number allowed ranges from
1 to 60000. Data will not be stored in the buffer if a number less than 0 or larger than
60001 is specified.
• Data status (STS) is TRUE only during the scan period when the data is stored in the buf-
fer; otherwise it is FALSE.
n Remarks
• BUF_TRIG_I is an interference-free function block. Do not use it to input data to safety
• BUF_TRIG_I can be used only in SCSU1 running R3.02.10 or later.
• Do not specify the same identification number for different variables. Specifying the same
identification number causes FAST/TOOLS to display a trend incorrectly.
n Arguments
Table Appendix 1.1.8-1 Arguments of BUF_TRIG_R
IN/OUT Argu- Data type Description
IN IN REAL Input value
TRIG BOOL Trigger signal
IDNO DINT Identification number (1 to 60000)
OUT STS BOOL Data status.
It becomes TRUE during the scan period when the data is stor-
ed. The other timing, it is FALSE.
n Description
• When the trigger signal (TRIG) changes from FALSE to TRUE, this stores the input value
(IN) in the buffer.
• IDNO is the identification number of data. The identification number allowed ranges from
1 to 60000. Data will not be stored in the buffer if a number less than 0 or larger than
60001 is specified.
• Data status (STS) is TRUE only during the scan period when the data is stored in the buf-
fer; otherwise it is FALSE.
n Remarks
• BUF_TRIG_R is an interference-free function block. Do not use it to input data to safety
• BUF_TRIG_R can be used only in SCSU1 running R3.02.10 or later.
• Do not specify the same identification number for different variables. Specifying the same
identification number causes FAST/TOOLS to display a trend incorrectly.
Table Appendix 1.2-1 List of function blocks for gas flow rate calculation function
Type of function block Function Outline of the functions Supported
block name from (*1)
Gas flow rate calcula- AGA_3 Perform calculation defined in AGA Reports No. R3.02.10
tion 3 and AGA Report No.8.
AGA_7 Perform calculation defined in AGA Reports No. R3.02.10
7, No.8, and No.10.
Report data creation AGA_R Create AGA report data R3.02.10
External communica- ECWR_B Function block with external communication with R3.02.10
tion with date retaining BOOL-type data retaining function
ECWR_I Function block with external communication with R3.02.10
INTEGER-type data retaining function
ECWR_R Function block with external communication with R3.02.10
REAL-type data retaining function
Supporting user de- ACCUM Perform accumulation R3.02.10
fined gas flow calcula-
*1: Function blocks can be used in the SCS data base that is newly created by SENG of the software release number or later
shown in the table.
n Arguments
Table Appendix 1.2.1-1 Argument of AGA_3
IN/OUT Argu- Data type Description
IN EXEC BOOL Calculation execution flag
Starts calculation at the rising from FALSE to TRUE.
SP REAL Static pressure
Unit: psi (US), kPa (SI)
SP_S BOOL Status of SP
DP REAL Differential pressure
Unit: inH2O (US), kPa (SI)
DP_S BOOL Status of DP
T REAL Flow temperature
Unit: degF (US), degC (SI)
T_S BOOL Status of T
SET BOOL Flag to specify whether to read PARA and COMP
FALSE: Do not read PARA and COMP.
PARA AGA_3_PARAM AGA3 input parameters
COMP AGA_COMPOSI- AGA gas composition
CP_S BOOL AGA gas composition status
Continues on the next page
n Description
AGA_3 uses process input data (SP, DP, T), parameter (PARA), and gas composition data
(COMP) to calculate the gas flow rate. AGA_3 consists of the following functions to calculate
the gas flow rate defined in AGA Reports No.3 and No.8:
• Calculation execution control
• Parameter load processing
• Closing operation on change of parameter
• Process input processing
• Gas composition data load processing
• Detection of halt to gas production
• Unit designation
• Compressibility calculation (AGA Report No.8)
• Gas flow rate calculation (AGA Report No.3, SP, DP, and T as standard)
• Heating value calculation (GPA2172)
• Energy calculation
2: User entered value 0: No
• AGA_3 determines the static pressure (SP) by using Static Pressure Maintenance
mode (SP_MNT) of the parameters (PARA) and the SP status (SP_S). It also deter-
mines the differential pressure (DP) by using Differential Pressure Maintenance
mode (DP_MNT) of the parameters (PARA) and the DP status (DP_S).
• In case of abnormal input (the status is BAD), AGA_3 calculates using the latest nor-
mal value (the input value when the status is normal the last time). Since the latest
normal value is not available immediately after SCS startup, it is treated as gas pro-
duction suspended.
• In the maintenance mode, it is possible to continue the gas flow rate calculation while
fixing the input value during maintenance and calibration of a field device.
• Input processing of flow temperature (T)
The following figure shows the input processing of the flow temperature (T):
3: Always DEFAULT_TEMP 1: No
2: User entered value 0: No
T used for calculation T used for calculation T used for calculation T used for calculation
= Default value = Last good value of T = User entered value = T value input at this scan
AGA_3 determines the flow temperature (T) by using Default Temperature Selection (DE-
FAULT_TEMP_SELECT) and Flow Temperature Maintenance mode (T_MNT) of the pa-
rameters (PARA) and the T status (T_S).
• Calculation process of absolute pressure
The following figure shows the calculation process of absolute pressure:
SP_SELECT 1: Absolute
2: Gauge
1: Calculated 2: Manual
atmospheric pressure
to SP.
SP is converted into the absolute pressure according to the specifications of Static Pres-
sure Selection (SP_SELECT) and Atmospheric Pressure Calculation Selection (ATM-
PRESS_CAL_SELECT) of the parameters (PARA).
ALSO For more information about the behavior while gas production is suspended, refer to:
“l Detection of halt to gas production” on page App.1-26
l Unit designation
Unit system for process input values and parameter settings is specified using Input Unit Se-
lection (UNIT_SELECT) in the parameters (PARA). The unit system designated in UNIT_SE-
LECT and the unit system for process input values and parameter setting should be consis-
l Gas flow rate calculation (AGA Report No.3, SP, DP, and T as standard)
Based on AGA Report No. 3 specifications, AGA_3 calculates the gas flow rate of the orifice
plate flow meter.
l Energy calculation
This function block calculates gas energy by using the following formula:
Energy = flow rate at base condition * real heating value
For the heating value, this function block uses the calculation result of GPA2172. You can use
the gross method heating value (GROSS_HV) in the parameter (PARA) by specifying "0:
Manual" for Energy calculation (ENERGY_CAL_SELECT) in PARA.
n Remarks
• AGA_3 is an interference-free function block. Do not use it to input data to safety loops.
• AGA_3 can be used only in SCSU1 running R3.02.10 or later.
n Arguments
Table Appendix 1.2.2-1 AGA_7 arguments
IN/OUT Argu- Data type Description
IN EXEC BOOL Calculation execution flag
Starts calculation at the rising from FALSE to TRUE.
SP REAL Static pressure
Unit: psi (US), kPa (SI)
SP_S BOOL Status of SP
T REAL Flow temperature
Unit: degF (US), degC (SI)
T_S BOOL Status of T
PULS REAL Pulse count per Scan period
P_S BOOL Status of PULS
SET BOOL Flag to specify whether to read PARA and COMP
FALSE: Do not read PARA and COMP.
PARA AGA_7_PARAM AGA7 input parameters
COMP AGA_COMPOSI- AGA gas composition
CP_S BOOL AGA gas composition status
Continues on the next page
n Description
AGA_7 uses process input data (SP, T, PULS), parameters (PARA), and gas composition da-
ta (COMP) to calculate the gas flow rate. AGA_7 consists of the following functions to calcu-
late the gas flow rate defined in AGA Reports No.7, No.8 and No.10:
• Calculation execution control
• Parameter load processing
• Closing operation on change of parameter
• Process input processing
• Gas composition data load processing
• Detection of halt to gas production
• Unit designation
• Compressibility calculation (AGA Report No.8)
• Gas flow rate calculation (AGA Report No.7, SP, DP, and PULS as standard)
• Calculation of speed of sound (AGA Report No.10)
• Heating value calculation (GPA2172)
• Energy calculation
2: User entered value 0: No
• AGA_7 uses Pulse Maintenance mode (PULS_MNT) of the parameters (PARA) and the
PULS status (P_S) to determine the pulse count per scan period (PULS).
• If an abnormal input (with the status BAD) is detected, AGA_7 uses the latest normal val-
ue (input value when the latest status was normal) for calculation. Since the latest normal
value is not available immediately after the SCS activation, it is assumed as the gas pro-
duction suspended.
• If you use using the maintenance mode, you can fix the input value while doing the main-
tenance or calibration of the field devices in order to continue the gas flow rate calcula-
ALSO For more information about the input processing of the static pressure (SP) and flow temperature (T), refer to:
“l Process input processing (SP, DP, T)” on page App.1-23
For more information about the behavior while gas production is suspended, refer to:
“l Detection of halt to gas production” on page App.1-32
l Unit designation
Unit system for process input values and parameter settings is specified using Input Unit Se-
lection (UNIT_SELECT) in the parameters (PARA). The unit system designated in UNIT_SE-
LECT and the unit system for process input values and parameter setting should be consis-
l Gas flow rate calculation (AGA Report No.7, SP, T, and PULS criteria)
Based on AGA Report No. 7 specifications, AGA_7 calculates the gas flow rate of the turbine
flow meter.
l Energy calculation
This function block calculates gas energy by using the following formula:
Energy = flow rate at base condition * real heating value
n Remarks
• AGA_7 is an interference-free function block. Do not use it to input data to safety loops.
• AGA_7 can be used only in SCSU1 running R3.02.10 or later.
n Arguments
Table Appendix 1.2.3-1 AGA_R arguments
IN/OUT Argu- Data type Description
IN EXEC BOOL Calculation execution flag
Starts calculation at the rising from FALSE to TRUE.
CDAT AGA_CALC_DATA Data after AGA calculation
NOFL BOOL Gas production suspended flag
TRUE: Gas production suspended
FALSE: Gas being produced
SET BOOL Flag to specify whether to read PARA
FALSE: Do not read PARA.
PARA AGA_R_PARAM AGA REPORT input parameters
OUT CURH AGA_RP_H Report data (current hourly data)
PREH AGA_RP_H Report data (last hourly closing data)
TDAY AGA_RP_D Report data (current daily data)
YDAY AGA_RP_D Report data (last daily closing data)
CURM AGA_RP_M Report data (current monthly data)
HRLY DINT Hourly closing execution counter
DYLY DINT Daily closing execution counter
MNLY DINT Monthly closing execution counter
CNFC DINT Parameter change counter
CMPC DINT Gas composition data change counter
ERCD DINT Error cause
PARO AGA_R_PARAM AGA report input parameters
Output PARA that is read into AGA_R.
n Description
AGA_R creates and outputs report data based on the data after AGA calculation (CDAT) and
the report data creation parameters (PARA). Report data includes closing data (daily closing
data, hourly closing data) and the current data (hourly, daily, monthly). Average values and
accumulated values of the gas flow rate are saved as the closing data or current data.
AGA_R consists of the following functions:
• Calculation execution control
• Parameter load processing
• Closing operation on change of parameter
• Calculation of accumulated values
• Calculation of average values
• Calculation of gas production time
• Closing processing
• Data retaining processing
l Closing processing
Closing process closes the accumulation value and average value on a monthly/daily/hourly
basis and produces report data.
On hourly closing, CURH (current hourly data) is reflected in PREH (hourly closing data). In
the next scan, the accumulated values and average values that are output to CURH will be
calculated from their initial values, except for ACCUM_VOLUME.
The following table describes the relationships of closing targets to closing times:
l Closing counter
Executing the closing processing updates a closing counter. The closing counter is incremen-
ted by one when the closing processing is executed regardless of a closing trigger factor.
The closing counter is equipped with the following counters:
• Hourly closing execution counter (HYLY)
• Daily closing execution counter (DYLY)
• Monthly closing execution counter (MNLY)
The closing counter provides retainable data. The value is kept retained after the SCS is re-
started. When the closing counter reaches up to the maximum value, it starts counting over
again from 1. The closing counter showing 0 indicates that the closing processing has not yet
been executed even once.
n Remarks
• AGA_R is an interference-free function block. Do not use it to input data to safety loops.
n Arguments
Table Appendix 1.2.4-1 Arguments of ECWR_B
IN/OUT Argu- Data type Description
IN VAL BOOL Initial value
OUT OUT BOOL Output value
n Description
ECWR_B is a function block for external communication with BOOL-type data retaining func-
tion. The external data received in ECWR_B is periodically stored as retained data. When the
function have receive external data, the received data is output.
Until the first external data is received after the SCS is start-up, this function block outputs the
following values:
• The value set for VAL, if the data in the memory backed up by a battery is lost or if re-
tained data is initialized by offline download.
• Data stored by Data retaining function, if SCS was restarted or if master database offline
download was run.
n Remarks
• ECWR_B is an interference-free function block. Do not use it to input data to safety loops.
• ECWR_B can be used only in SCSU1 running R3.02.10 or later.
n Arguments
Table Appendix 1.2.5-1 Arguments of ECWR_I
IN/OUT Argu- Data type Description
IN VAL DINT Initial value
OUT OUT DINT Output value
n Description
ECWR_I is a function block that external communication with INTEGER-type data retaining
function. The external data received in ECWR_I is periodically stored as retained data. When
the function have receive external data, the received data is output.
Until the first external data is received after the SCS is start-up, this function block outputs the
following values:
• The value set for VAL, if the data in the memory backed up by a battery is lost or if re-
tained data is initialized by offline download.
• Data stored by Data retaining function, if SCS was restarted or if master database offline
download was run.
n Remarks
• ECWR_I is an interference-free function block. Do not use it to input data to safety loops.
• ECWR_I can be used only in SCSU1 running R3.02.10 or later.
n Arguments
Table Appendix 1.2.6-1 Arguments of ECWR_R
IN/OUT Argu- Data type Description
IN VAL REAL Initial value
OUT OUT REAL Output value
n Description
ECWR_R is a function block for external communication with REAL-type data retaining func-
tion. The external data received in ECWR_R is periodically stored as retained data. When the
function block have receive external data, the received data is output.
Until the first external data is received after the SCS is start-up, this function block outputs the
following values:
• The value set for VAL, if the data in the memory backed up by a battery is lost or if re-
tained data is initialized by offline download.
• Data stored by Data retaining function, if SCS was restarted or if master database offline
download was run.
n Remarks
• ECWR_R is an interference-free function block. Do not use it to input data to safety
• ECWR_R can be used only in SCSU1 running R3.02.10 or later.
n Arguments
Table Appendix 1.2.7-1 Argument of ACCUM
IN/OUT Argu- Data type Description
IN IN REAL Input value to be accumulated
STS BOOL Status of an input value
RST BOOL Reset an accumulated value
Reset by rising from FALSE to TRUE
SW DINT Totalizer specification switch
0: Does not accumulate
1: Accumulation in second
2: Accumulation in minute
3: Accumulation in hour
4: Accumulation in day
LCSW BOOL Low-Input Cut Switch
TRUE: Cut low input using the Low input cut switch
FALSE: Does not cut low input
LCUT REAL Low input cut value
Positive value (including 0): Does not execute accumulation
processing for input values that is less than the low input cut
value (negative input value is also ignored).
Negative value: Does not execute accumulation processing for
input values when the absolute value of the input value is less
than the absolute value of the low input cut value
LMT REAL Upper limit of accumulation value
When the absolute value of accumulated value is higher than
the upper limit value, the accumulated value is reset to 0, and
accumulation continues.
OUT OUT REAL Accumulated value
n Description
ACCUM is a function block that accumulate input values.
The following is the accumulation calculation formula:
Table Appendix 1.2.7-2 Totalizer specification switch and time scale conversion constant
Totalizer specification switch (SW) Time scale conversion constant (Tk)
1: Accumulation in second 1
2: Accumulation in minute 60
3: Accumulation in hour 3600
4: Accumulation in day 86400
You should configure the Totalizer specification switch (SW) according to the unit of the input
value (IN). For example, if the unit of IN is m3/min, set the Totalizer specification switch (SW)
to "2: Accumulation in minute."
l Accumulation action
An accumulated value is retainable data.
A negative value is allowed to accumulate when the input value is negative. In this case, AC-
CUM accumulates without changing the sign of the input value. An accumulated value incre-
ments when the input value is positive and decrements when it is negative. However, accu-
mulation of a negative value is valid when the Low-Input Cut Switch (LCSW) is set to "Does
not cut low input" or a negative value is set as the Low input cut value.
When the absolute value of the accumulate value exceeds the upper limit, the value is reset
to 0 and the accumulation continues. Specify a value ranging from 1.0E-12 to 1.0E12 as the
upper limit value. If a value outside this range is specified, the upper limit value is set to
The accumulation does not take place when the status of the input value is set to BAD.
l Resetting operation
RST (Reset an accumulated value) functions as a switch to reset the calculation result of the
accumulation value. ACCUM resets the accumulation value to 0 in the scan period when it
detects RST transitioning from FALSE to TRUE, and accumulates IN values.
n Remarks
• ACCUM is an interference-free function block. Do not use it to input data to safety loop.
• Make your application so that the calculation result does not cause an overflow.
• ACCUM can be used only in SCSU1 running R3.02.10 or later.
Table Appendix 1.2.8-1 List of error codes that are output to ERCD
Error code Description
0 Normal calculation
-3 Gas composition does not add up to 1.0 (100%)
-4 Bad tap location
-5 Compressibility check failed
-6 Pressure ratio out of range
-7 Flow temp out of range when retrieving linear coefficient of thermal expansion
-9 Division by zero error (AGA3)
-10 Division by zero error (AGA7)
-12 Invalid calculation type selection
-13 Invalid atmospheric pressure calc. selection
-14 Invalid specific gravity calc. selection
-15 Invalid orifice plate material
-16 Invalid pipe material
-17 Invalid static pressure tap location
-22 Division by zero error (AGA8)
-23 Orifice diameter >= pipe diameter
-25 Incorrect compressibility calculation selection
-26 Bad heating value
-27 Bad reference temperature for heating value
-28 N2, CO2, H2, and CO cannot all be zero
-29 N2, CO2, H2, or CO cannot all be less than zero
-30 Bad specific gravity
-31 Bad reference temperature for specific gravity
-32 Bad reference pressure for specific gravity
-34 GPA2172 Gas composition does not add up to 1.0 (100%)
-35 GPA2172 Division by zero error (base pressure)
-36 AGA3 flow calculation is failed.
-37 N2 and CO2, or CO2 is out of range.
-101 Division by zero error (AGA10)
-102 Division by zero error (AGA Report)
-103 Bad PULSE
-104 Bad reference pressure for molar density
Table Appendix 2-1 Structure of function blocks of gas flow rate calculation function
Data type Description
The structure used in AGA_3 block.
The structure used in AGA_3 block.
The structure used in AGA_7 block.
The structure used in AGA_7 block.
The structure used in AGA_3, AGA_7, AGA_R blocks.
The structure used in AGA_R block.
The structure used in AGA_3, AGA_7, AGA_R blocks.
The structure used in AGA_R block.
The structure used in AGA_R block.
The structure used in AGA_R block.
n AGA_3_PARAM structure
The following table describes the configuration of AGA_3_PARAM structure.
n AGA_3_OUTPUT structure
The configuration of AGA_3_OUTPUT structure is shown in the following table:
n AGA_7_PARAM structure
The configuration of AGA_7_PARAM structure is as follows:
n AGA_7_OUTPUT structure
The configuration of AGA_7_OUTPUT structure is shown in the following table:
The following table describes the configuration of AGA_COMPOSITION structure.
n AGA_R_PARAM structure
The configuration of AGA_R_PARAM structure is as follows:
n AGA_CALC_DATA structure
AGA_CALC_DATA structure is used to connect AGA_3 or AGA_7 to AGA_R.
n AGA_RP_H structure
AGA_RP_H structure is used for the output parameters in the AGA_R block: It stores hourly
closing report data.
n AGA_RP_D structure
AGA_RP_D structure is used for the output parameters in the AGA_R block: It stores daily
closing report data.
n AGA_RP_M structure
AGA_RP_M structure is a structure used for the output parameter of AGA_R block. This con-
tains monthly report data.
l Internal variables
To access different types of internal variables, use the following data items of the correspond-
ing mapping element.
Table Appendix 3-2 Accessible data items of mapping elements for internal variables
Type (mapping ele-
Data item Range R/W
BOOL (%WB) PV 0, 1 R
DINT (%WB) PVI32 32-bit signed integer R
REAL (%WB) PVF32 Single-precision real R
l I/O variables
To access different types of I/O variables, use the following data items of the corresponding
mapping element.
Table Appendix 3-3 Accessible data items of mapping elements for I/O variables
Type (mapping ele-
Data item Range R/W
IO_BOOL (%Z) PV 0, 1 R
IO_REAL (%WB) PVF32 Single-precision real R
Table Appendix 3-4 Data items of mapping elements for external communication function block and
external communication function block with data retaining function
Type (mapping ele-
FB type Data item Range R/W
ECW_B (%WB) PV 0, 1 R/W
communica- ECW_I (%WB) PVI32 32-bit signed integer R/W
tion FB
ECW_R (%WB) PVF32 Single-precision real R/W
External ECWR_B (%WB) PV 0, 1 R/W
tion function ECWR_I (%WB) PVI32 32-bit signed integer R/W
block with
data retain- ECWR_R (%WB) PVF32 Single-precision real R/W
ing function
Table Appendix 3-5 Data items of mapping block (S_ANLG_S) for ANLG_S
Data item Range R/W
MODE Mode of the block R
Continues on the next page
*1: Writing to this data item does not change the SCS action. The value is reset to 0 after restarting SCS.
*2: The value of the data item of ANLG_S with the same name is reflected as it is.
*3: The value defined on Tag Name Builder.
l Annunciator
To access data of function block ANN or ANN_FUP, use the following data items of %AN. Use
Tag Name Builder to define the annunciator message.
Table Appendix 3-6 Data items of mapping element (%AN) for ANN/ANN_FUP
Data item Range R/W
ALRM Alarm status R
AOFS 0, 1 R/W
PV 0, 1 R
Table Appendix 3-7 Data items of mapping elements for subsystem communication I/O function
Type (mapping ele-
Data item Range R/W
SCI_B (%WB) PV 0, 1 R
SCI_R (%WB) PVF32 Single-precision real R
SCO_B (%WB) PV 0, 1 R
SCO_R (%WB) PVF32 Single-precision real R
Table Appendix 3-8 Data item that can be referenced and set by AGA_3 and AGA_7 mapping block
Data Item Accessibility (*1) Parameter to map Description Parameter
AGA_3 AGA_7 (*2)
MODE R R - - -
ALRM R R - Always NR -
EXEC R R EXEC (*3) Calculation execution IN
(0: Stopped, 1: Calcu-
SP R R SP Static pressure IN
Status of SP
DP R - DP Differential pressure IN
Status of DP
T R R T Flow temperature IN
Status of T
PULS - R PULS Pulse count per Scan IN
Status of PULS
ceptance flags
CPS R R CP_S Status of COMP IN
NOFL R R NOFL Gas production sus- OUT
pended flag
ERCD R R ERCD Error code OUT
METERNM R R METER_NAME Meter Name Internal
FLSEL R R FLOW_CAL_SELECT Flow calculation algo- Internal
1: Orifice (AGA3)
2: Turbine (AGA7)
5: Ultrasonic
AGA8SEL R R AGA8_METHOD_SE- AGA8 calculation Internal
LECT method selection
0: Detail
1: Gross Method1
2: Gross Method2
ATMSEL R R ATM- Atmospheric pressure Internal
PRESS_CAL_SE- calculation selection
LECT 1: Calculated
2: Manual
SGSEL R R SG_CAL_SELECT Specific gravity calcu- Internal
lation selection
1: Calculated
2: Manual
CMPNRSL R R COMP_NORMAL- Normalize composi- Internal
0: No
1: Yes
DFTMPSL R R DEFAULT_TEMP_SE- Default temperature Internal
LECT selection
1: No
2: If input fails
3: Always
Continues on the next page
*1: R: Readable
W: Writable
-: Not accessible
*2: Type of the function block parameter to be mapped and its mapped value
IN: Value of the input parameter of the function block
OUT: Value of the output parameter of the function block
Internal: Value of the internal parameter the function block uses for calculation (structures AGA_3_PARAM , AGA_7_PAR-
*3: The value of the internal parameter that indicates whether the function block is calculating is reflected, not the value of an
input/output parameter.
Table Appendix 3-9 Data items of AGA_R mapping block that can be referenced and set
Data item Accessibili- Mapping-from parame- Description Parameter
ty (*1) ter (*2)
MODE R - - -
ALRM R - Always NR -
Continues on the next page
*1: R: Readable
W: Writable
*2: Type of the function block parameter to be mapped and its mapped value
IN: Value of the input parameter of the function block
OUT: Value of the output parameter of the function block
Internal: Value of the internal parameter the function block uses for calculation (structure AGA_R_PARAM)
*3: The value of the internal parameter that indicates whether the function block is calculating is reflected, not the value of an
input/output parameter.
Revision information
Title : Integration with FAST/TOOLS
Manual No. : IM 32Q56H20-31E
Jan. 2015 / 4th Edition / R3.02.20 or later*
*: Denotes the release number of the Software Product corresponding to the contents of this Man-
ual. The revised contents are valid until the next edition is issued.
Introduction Deleted the ProSafe-RS document map, and changed descriptions of precautions
for Safety, Protection, and Modification of the Product.
A1.1 Added PRM to Sample system configuration in Narrowband mode and the software
environment for SCSU1.
B1 Added a description of IMPORTANT.
B2.2 Changed the title of items in a section.
B2.3 Changed the title of items in a section. Changed the structure of items in a section.
Oct. 2013 / 3rd Edition / R3.02.10 or later
Introduction Descriptions of Station Types have been changed.
All Chapter composition has been changed into part composition.
Explanation of the Narrowband mode have been added.
Explanation of Upstream system functions have been added.
Explanation of SCS hardware used for Upstream systems and CMPL have been
Dec. 2012/2nd Edition/R3.02 or later
4.1 Descriptions of Vent/IP overview have been changed.
Aug. 2011/1st Edition/R3.01 or later
Newly published