MME40804 R 24
MME40804 R 24
MME40804 R 24
Maintenance Manual E4
All incorporated Temporary revisions must be recorded in chapter “List of incorporated Temporary
The new or amended text is indicated by a vertical black line at the left hand side of the revised page,
with the revision number and date appearing at the bottom of the page.
Cover pages of Temporary revisions are inserted in front the cover page of this manual. The other
pages of Temporary revisions are inserted adjacent to or in front of the corresponding MM pages.
Temporary revisions are used to provide information on systems or equipment until the next
‘permanent’ revision of the Engine Manual.
It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that this manual is maintained to a current status.
If the address or the ownership of the engine/aircraft changes, an address card has to be sent to
Austro Engine GmbH.
List of Revision
1 remarks All All 07.05.2009 DOA *) -
Intro 2,4,5,6,7,
01 1,2
02 1,2,3,4
03 1,2
04 1
05 1,2,3,4,5,
12 1,2
24 1,2
51 1,2,3,4,5,
71 1,2,4,5
73 1,2,3,4,5,
Authority 76 1,2,3,4
3 remarks 77 1 09.09.2009 DOA *) -
included 78 1,2
79 1,2,3,4,5,
80 1,2,3
81 1,2,3
85 1,2,3,4,5,
92 1,2,3,4,5
Intro 2,4-16
02 3
05 4,5
12 1
24 2,3,4
MDC-E4- 51 1-6,8
4 2010-05-04 DOA *) -
117 71 2-25
73 1,2,4, 6-9
76 1-4
78 1,2
79 1-3, 5,
80 2,3
81 1-4
85 1-5,7-9,
MDC-E4- 11,13,14
4 2010-05-04 DOA *) -
117 16-18,
92 1-10
Last page
Intro 2,5,6,7,8,
05 4,8,9
5 73 1 2011-01-27 DOA *) -
76 4-6
79 2
85 9
MDC-E4- Intro 2,5,6
6 2011-03-08 DOA *) -
220 05 3,5
Intro 2,5,6,7
MDC-E4- 01 1
7 2011-05-16 DOA *) -
221 05 4
85 3-4,6-23
Intro 2,5,6,7
8 11-16 2011-05-19 DOA *) -
24 3-5
Intro 2, 5-9,
01 2-39
02 1-6
05 4,5
9 24 4 2011-08-11 DOA *) -
71 1
76 1
78 1
81 1
92 4-11
Intro 2,5-8,
MDC-E4- 71 3-4,22-46
10 2011-11-15 DOA *) -
237 81 1,2,4
85 14-16,23
92 1-13
Intro 2, 5-9
01 1-2,4-46
03 1
05 2-9
MDC-E4- 12 2
11 2012-01-19 DOA *) -
257 24 1, 4-6
71 2-5,22,24
73 2-4,6-8
76 1,4-6
78 1
79 1,4,7-14
80 1
81 1,3
DOA *) -
85 1,3,4,
16, 19-24
Intro 2, 6-9,15
MDC-E4- 73 4
12 2012-02-27 DOA *) -
269 79 8
81 1-5
Intro 2, 6-9,
05 2-4
MDC-E4- 12.Apr.
13 73 4-5 2012-04-10 EASA 2012
81 3-6
85 16
92 14
Intro 2,6-9,
24 6-23
14 71 26 2012-07-10 DOA *) -
73 1-2,6
85 11-43
92 13,14
Intro 2,6-9
05 3,4
MDC-E4- 12 2
15 2012-09-05 DOA *) -
219 77 1
79 18
85 4,7-45
92 14
Intro 2, 6-9
16 05 4 2012-10-03 DOA *) -
85 1,11
Intro 4-9
17 16-22 2012-12-05 DOA *) -
85 8-10
MDC-E4- Intro 2, 6-9 14.Feb.
18 2013-01-22 EASA 2013
285 05 2-3
Intro 2, 6-9;
01 1
19 24 11 2013-03-01 DOA *)
71 4;22;23;
85 10
Intro 2, 6-9
MDC-E4- 05 8-9
20 3
2013-05-28 DOA *)
302 76
85 20
Intro 2,7-22
21 05 2-10 06-09-2013 EASA 23.09.2013
24 15
Intro 2,7-10
73 6
MDC-E4- 79 12
318 and 85 20-26,
22 19-11-2013 DOA *)
MDC-E4- 29-31,
238c 33,35,36,
Intro 2,7-10,
23 MDC-E4-314 14.01.2014 DOA *)
05 4,6
85 1-47
Intro 2,3,7-24
01 31-42
03 1
05 4-6,8
24 1,2,3,5
24 MDC-E4-343 7-38 24-10-2014 DOA *)
71 3-61
73 6-10
79 4,5
81 5
85 4,44-65
*) The technical content of this document is approved under the authority of DOA ref. EASA.21J.0399.
25 11 19.01.2012
List of Valid Pages 26 11 19.01.2012
27 11 19.01.2012
28 11 19.01.2012
Chapter Page Revision Date
29 11 19.01.2012
1 1 07.05.2009
30 11 19.01.2012
2 24 24.10.2014
31 24 24.10.2014
3 24 24.10.2014
32 24 24.10.2014
4 17 05.12.2012
33 24 24.10.2014
5 17 05.12.2012
34 24 24.10.2014
6 20 28.05.2013
35 24 24.10.2014
7 24 24.10.2014
36 24 24.10.2014
8 24 24.10.2014
37 24 24.10.2014
9 24 24.10.2014
38 24 24.10.2014
10 24 24.10.2014
39 24 24.10.2014
11 24 24.10.2014
40 24 24.10.2014
12 24 24.10.2014
41 24 24.10.2014
13 24 24.10.2014
42 24 24.10.2014
14 24 24.10.2014
15 24 24.10.2014
1 9 11.08.2011
16 24 24.10.2014
2 9 11.08.2011
17 24 24.10.2014
3 9 11.08.2011
18 24 24.10.2014
4 9 11.08.2011
19 24 24.10.2014
5 9 11.08.2011
20 24 24.10.2014
6 9 11.08.2011
21 24 24.10.2014
22 24 24.10.2014
23 24 24.10.2014 1 24 24.10.2014
24 24 24.10.2014 2 3 09.09.2009
1 19 01.03.2013
2 11 19.01.2012
3 9 11.08.2011
4 11 19.01.2012 1 3 09.09.2009
5 11 19.01.2012 2 1 07.05.2009
6 11 19.01.2012
7 11 19.01.2012
8 11 19.01.2012
9 11 19.01.2012 1 3 09.09.2009
10 11 19.01.2012 2 21 06.09.2013
11 11 19.01.2012 3 21 06.09.2013
12 11 19.01.2012 4 24 24.10.2014
13 11 19.01.2012 5 24 24.10.2014
14 11 19.01.2012 6 24 24.10.2014
15 11 19.01.2012
7 21 06.09.2013
16 11 19.01.2012
8 24 24.10.2014
17 11 19.01.2012
9 21 06.09.2013
18 11 19.01.2012
10 21 06.09.2013
19 11 19.01.2012
20 11 19.01.2012
21 11 19.01.2012
22 11 19.01.2012
23 11 19.01.2012 1 5 27.01.2011
24 11 19.01.2012 2 15 05.09.2012
3 24 24.10.2014
4 24 24.10.2014
1 24 24.10.2014 5 24 24.10.2014
2 24 24.10.2014 6 24 24.10.2014
3 24 24.10.2014 7 24 24.10.2014
4 11 19.01.2012 8 24 24.10.2014
5 24 24.10.2014 9 24 24.10.2014
6 14 10.07.2012 10 24 24.10.2014
7 24 24.10.2014 11 24 24.10.2014
8 24 24.10.2014 12 24 24.10.2014
9 24 24.10.2014 13 24 24.10.2014
10 24 24.10.2014 14 24 24.10.2014
11 24 24.10.2014 15 24 24.10.2014
12 24 24.10.2014 16 24 24.10.2014
13 24 24.10.2014 17 24 24.10.2014
14 24 24.10.2014 18 24 24.10.2014
15 24 24.10.2014 19 24 24.10.2014
16 24 24.10.2014 20 24 24.10.2014
17 24 24.10.2014 21 24 24.10.2014
18 24 24.10.2014 22 24 24.10.2014
19 24 24.10.2014 23 24 24.10.2014
20 24 24.10.2014 24 24 24.10.2014
21 24 24.10.2014 25 24 24.10.2014
22 24 24.10.2014 26 24 24.10.2014
23 24 24.10.2014 27 24 24.10.2014
24 24 24.10.2014 28 24 24.10.2014
25 24 24.10.2014 29 24 24.10.2014
26 24 24.10.2014 30 24 24.10.2014
27 24 24.10.2014 31 24 24.10.2014
28 24 24.10.2014 32 24 24.10.2014
29 24 24.10.2014 33 24 24.10.2014
30 24 24.10.2014 34 24 24.10.2014
31 24 24.10.2014 35 24 24.10.2014
32 24 24.10.2014 36 24 24.10.2014
33 24 24.10.2014 37 24 24.10.2014
34 24 24.10.2014 38 24 24.10.2014
35 24 24.10.2014 39 24 24.10.2014
36 24 24.10.2014 40 24 24.10.2014
37 24 24.10.2014 41 24 24.10.2014
38 24 24.10.2014 42 24 24.10.2014
1 5 27.01.2011 43 24 24.10.2014
2 5 27.01.2011 44 24 24.10.2014
3 5 27.01.2011 45 24 24.10.2014
4 5 27.01.2011 46 24 24.10.2014
5 5 27.01.2011 47 24 24.10.2014
6 5 27.01.2011 48 24 24.10.2014
7 1 07.05.2009 49 24 24.10.2014
8 5 27.01.2011 50 24 24.10.2014
1 9 11-08-2011 51 24 24.10.2014
2 11 19-01-2012 52 24 24.10.2014
53 24 24.10.2014 18 15 05.09.2012
54 24 24.10.2014 19 11 19.01.2012
55 24 24.10.2014 1 11 19.01.2012
56 24 24.10.2014 2 5 27.01.2011
57 24 24.10.2014 3 5 27.01.2011
58 24 24.10.2014 4 1 07.05.2009
59 24 24.10.2014 1 12 27.02.2012
60 24 24.10.2014 2 12 27.02.2012
61 24 24.10.2014 3 13 10.04.2012
1 14 10.07.2012 4 13 10.04.2012
2 14 10.07.2012 5 24 24.10.2014
3 11 19.01.2012 6 13 10.04.2012
4 13 10.04.2012 1 23 14.01.2014
5 13 10.04.2012 2 23 14.01.2014
6 24 24.10.2014 3 23 14.01.2014
7 24 24.10.2014 4 24 24.10.2014
8 24 24.10.2014 5 23 14.01.2014
9 24 24.10.2014 6 23 14.01.2014
10 24 24.10.2014 7 23 14.01.2014
1 11 19.01.2012 8 23 14.01.2014
2 5 27.01.2011 9 23 14.01.2014
3 20 28.05.2013 10 23 14.01.2014
4 11 19.01.2012 11 23 14.01.2014
5 11 19.01.2012 12 23 14.01.2014
6 11 19.01.2012 13 23 14.01.2014
1 15 05.09.2012 14 23 14.01.2014
2 1 07.05.2009 15 23 14.01.2014
16 23 14.01.2014
17 23 14.01.2014
1 11 19.01.2012 18 23 14.01.2014
2 5 27.01.2011 19 23 14.01.2014
20 23 14.01.2014
21 23 14.01.2014
1 11 19.01.2012 22 23 14.01.2014
2 5 27.01.2011 23 23 14.01.2014
3 5 27.01.2011 24 23 14.01.2014
4 24 24.10.2014 25 23 14.01.2014
5 24 24.10.2014 26 23 14.01.2014
6 5 27.01.2011 27 23 14.01.2014
7 11 19.01.2012 28 23 14.01.2014
29 23 14.01.2014
8 12 27.02.2012
9 11 19.01.2012 30 23 14.01.2014
10 11 19.01.2012 31 23 14.01.2014
11 11 19.01.2012 32 23 14.01.2014
12 22 19.11.2013 33 23 14.01.2014
13 11 19.01.2012 34 23 14.01.2014
14 11 19.01.2012 35 23 14.01.2014
15 5 27.01.2011 36 23 14.01.2014
16 11 19.01.2012 37 23 14.01.2014
17 11 19.01.2012 38 23 14.01.2014
39 23 14.01.2014
40 23 14.01.2014
41 23 14.01.2014
42 23 14.01.2014
43 23 14.01.2014
44 24 24.10.2014
45 24 24.10.2014
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49 24 24.10.2014
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53 24 24.10.2014
54 24 24.10.2014
55 24 24.10.2014
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59 24 24.10.2014
60 24 24.10.2014
61 24 24.10.2014
62 24 24.10.2014
63 24 24.10.2014
64 24 24.10.2014
65 24 24.10.2014
1 10 15.11.2011
2 10 15.11.2011
3 10 15.11.2011
4 10 15.11.2011
5 10 15.11.2011
6 10 15.11.2011
7 10 15.11.2011
8 10 15.11.2011
9 10 15.11.2011
10 10 15.11.2011
11 10 15.11.2011
12 10 15.11.2011
13 14 10.07.2012
14 15 05.09.2012
List of Abbreviation
AE Austro Engine
BATT Battery
BPA Boost Pressure Actuator
BPS1 Boost Pressure Sensor 1
BPS2 Boost Pressure Sensor 2
CAD Computer Aided Design
CAN Controller Area Network
CAS 1 Camshaft Sensor 1
CAS 2 Camshaft Sensor 2
CCW Counter-Clockwise
CPC Connector Type
CRS 1 Crankshaft Sensor 1
CRS 2 Crankshaft Sensor 2
CS Certification Specification
CTS Coolant Temperature Sensor
CTS_GPC GPC Coolant Temperature
DOHC Double Overhead Camshaft
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
EECS Electric Engine Control System
EECU Electric Engine Control Unit
ECU Electric Control Unit
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EPC Electric Pneumatic Converter
ESD Electrostatic Sensitive Device
FAR Federal Aviation Regulations
FMU Fuel Metering Unit
FPS Fuel Pressure Sensor
FTS Fuel Temperature Sensor
GBTS Gearbox Temperature Sensor
GEN Alternator Plug
GND Ground
GOV Governor Actuator
GPC Glow Plug Control Unit
GP 1 Glow Plug 1
GP 2 Glow Plug 2
GP 3 Glow Plug 3
GP 4 Glow Plug 4
HIRF High Intensity Radiated Field
HPP High Pressure Pump
IAT 1 Intake Air Temperature 1
IAT 2 Intake Air Temperature 2
INJ 1 Fuel Injector 1
INJ 2 Fuel Injector 2
INJ 3 Fuel Injector 3
INJ 4 Fuel Injector 4
MA Manual Amendments
MBN Mercedes Benz Norm
MDC Mandatory Design Change Advisory
Consumable List
Various types of consumables are necessary for the engine maintenance defined in this manual. These
consumables are listed in the table below including the applicability reference.
Please contact the Austro Engine GmbH customer support under [email protected] or
+43 (0) 2622 23000 2525 in case of material availability.
Introduction .....................................................................................................................3
List of Revision .....................................................................................................................4
List of incorporated Temporary Revisions .........................................................................................8
List of Valid Pages .....................................................................................................................9
List of Abbreviation ................................................................................................................... 13
Conversion Table of Given Torque Values ...................................................................................... 15
Conversion Table of Given Pressure Values .................................................................................... 16
Consumable List ................................................................................................................... 17
Contents ......................................................................................................................................18
Chapter 01-00-00 General ..........................................................................................................1
01-10-00 General Engine Description .................................................................................... 2
01-10-10 Intake/Exhaust System Description........................................................................13
01-10-20 Fuel System Description ........................................................................................15
01-10-30 Exhaust System Description ..................................................................................18
01-10-40 Coolant System Description ...................................................................................18
01-10-50 Lubricating System Description ..............................................................................21
01-10-60 Electrical System Description .................................................................................22
01-10-70 Governor Description ............................................................................................41
Chapter 02-00-00 Transport and Packaging ................................................................................1
02-00-10 Packaging ............................................................................................................. 1
02-00-20 Transport .............................................................................................................. 4
02-00-30 Protective Covers .................................................................................................. 5
02-00-40 Storage ................................................................................................................. 5
02-00-50 Return Parts Shipping Instruction ........................................................................... 5
Chapter 03-00-00 Engine Installation ..........................................................................................1
Chapter 04-00-00 Airworthiness Limitation ..................................................................................1
Chapter 05-00-00 Time Limits and Maintenance Check ................................................................1
05-00-01 General ................................................................................................................. 1
05-10-00 Time Limits ........................................................................................................... 2
05-10-01 Claimable Exceed of Maintenance Actions ............................................................... 2
05-10-02 Engine Time between Overhaul .............................................................................. 2
05-20-00 Schedule Maintenance Inspections and Checks ....................................................... 4
05-20-01 Two Mass Flywheel................................................................................................ 5
05-20-02 Alternator ............................................................................................................. 5
05-20-03 Engine Harness and Sensors .................................................................................. 5
05-20-04 EECU .................................................................................................................... 5
05-20-05 EECU Read Out ..................................................................................................... 5
05-20-06 Gearbox – Oil ........................................................................................................ 5
05-20-07 Gearbox Oil Filter .................................................................................................. 6
05-20-08 V-Ribbed Belt ........................................................................................................ 6
05-20-09 Engine – Oil .......................................................................................................... 6
05-20-10 Engine Oil Filter ..................................................................................................... 6
05-20-11 High Pressure Pump .............................................................................................. 6
05-20-12 Cylinder Head Drain............................................................................................... 7
05-20-13 Fuel System .......................................................................................................... 7
05-20-14 Fuel Filter ............................................................................................................. 7
This Maintenance Manual contains all instructions necessary for continued airworthiness.
In addition this Maintenance Manual contains repair procedures for certain engine components, which
are detailed in a separate section of the chapter related to the engine component.
The engine installation instructions for the engine are given in the engine
Installation Manual E4.02.01.
The engine operating information and the description of the engine are given in the engine
Operation Manual E4.01.01.
For special removal and installation procedures from the aircraft manufacturer refer to the applicable
Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
Unless otherwise stated only new or overhauled parts, if applicable, shall be used in case of
exchange acc. to this manual.
Brief Description:
The AE 300 is a liquid-cooled, in-line four-stroke four cylinder engine with a double overhead
camshaft (DOHC). Every cylinder has four valves which are actuated by the cam follower.
The direct fuel injection is realized with a common rail technique and the engine is turbo charged.
The whole engine operation is controlled by an Electronic Engine Control System.
The engine is equipped with an electrical starter, an alternator, a water pump, an oil pump, a coolant
system and an oil cooler. The propeller is driven by a directly integrated gearbox with an integral
torsional vibration damper
Power: 123,5 KW (165,6 hp) with a torque of 513 Nm (4540.43 Lbin) at 2300 PropRPM
Displacement: 1991 cm³ (121,5 cu in³)
Bore: 83 mm (3,26 in)
Stroke: 92 mm (3,62 in)
Weight (dry): 185 kg (408 lbs)
Gear Ratio: 1,69
The EECU is the Electrical Engine Control Unit which is used to control the engine actuators (e.g. fuel
injectors) according to the engine sensor information.
Scope of Supply:
The following components and assemblies are included as part in the Type Design of the
AE 300:
Core engine
Water Pump
Fuel injection system
Alternator with Alternator regulator
All actuators and sensors required for engine operation
Wiring harness
Power Lever Sensor
Glow Plug Control
The following components are not part of the Type Design of the AE 300. These parts are provided by
the airframe manufacturer.
Fuel pumps
Fuel Filter Housing
Fuel Filter
Engine shock mounts
Bore: 83 mm
(3.268 in)
Stroke: 92 mm
(3.622 in)
The AE300 is equipped with a gearbox to reduce RPM from the 3880 RPM maximum of the engine to
2300 RPM at the propeller. The reduction ratio of the gearbox is 1.69:1. The figure shows the gearbox
case and the gearbox case cape of the disassembled gearbox.
The gearbox contains three gears. The gearbox housing itself is casted, while the gears are forged
The governor is attached to the top of the gearbox and controls the pitch of the propeller.
Fig. 01 - 6 Gearbox
The crankshaft of the AE 300 is made of vacuum remolded, forged steel. The crankshaft has 5 main
Crank Case
The AE300 Crankcase is a single piece, squeeze casted part. Based on this design ( cast iron)
separate cylinder liners are not necessary. The cast iron design of the crank case has good failsafe
running functions and also a reduced noise emission. The design of the AE300 is an inline, liquid
cooled engine, the crankcase incorporates the cylinders as well as the coolant passages.
The bore of the cylinder is 83 mm (3,268in). The displacement per cylinder is 498cm³ (30,4 cu in)
which results in a total displacement of 1991 cm³ (121,5 cu in) of the engine. The stroke per piston is
92 mm (3,622 in).
The crankcase also includes provisions for an internal oil pump and a water pump that is mounted on
the engine crank case and driven by the rip belt. The crankcase includes a wet oil sump and contains
the oil supply of the engine.
Cylinder Head
The cylinder head is made of high strength aluminum alloy. The cylinder head is equipped with two
camshafts. Each camshaft drives one intake and one exhaust valve per cylinder. One camshaft is
driven by chain directly from the crankshaft. The other camshaft is driven off the first by direct gear.
The chain drive consists of a double steel chain. Chain tensioning is automatic, and the system is
maintenance free for the life of the engine. The camshafts operate 16 valves, 8 intake and 8 exhaust
valves actuated by roller levers with hydraulic valve- clearance compensation.
The combustion chamber shape of the AE300 is defined mainly by the shape of the piston The valves
are arranged such that the intake air enters the combustion chamber in a swirling pattern to improve
combustion efficiency.
The location of the fuel injector is central to the four valves. The hole immediately next to the injector
hole is the hole for the glow plugs, which are used during pre-heating. The remaining openings in the
cylinder head are coolant passageways. The compression ratio of the engine is 17,5:1.
V-Ripped Belt
The engine is equipped with a V-ribbed belt at the rear end, which drives the coolant pump and the
alternator driven by the crankshaft pulley. The belt is self-tensioning by a spring-loaded pulley.
For operation the engine has to be supplied by the intake system with compressed air at manifold
pressures up to 2660 mbar (38,57 psi), which varies with altitude and power setting. The increased
manifold pressure is accomplished with an exhaust driven turbo charger. After the turbocharger, the
air passes through the intercooler, through the engine to the turbine side of the turbocharger before
exhausting to the atmosphere.
The intake air is cleaned by an air filter and then compressed by the turbo charger. During
compression the intake air gets hot. An intercooler between turbo charger and engine is provided to
cool the intake air down thus the desired engine performance can be obtained.
At the intake manifold the intake air temperature and intake air pressure are measured. For the
temperature and pressure readings there are two sensors for each value installed. To provide the
intake air pressure corresponding to the desired engine power and ambient EECU pressure a waste
gate valve is directly mounted at the turbo charger.
Turbo Charger
The EECU controls the turbocharger by using RPM, measured manifold pressure and barometric
pressure to determine a target value for manifold pressure. The EECU then sends an output signal
corresponding to this target value to a boost pressure actuator, which actuates the waste gate.
The boost pressure actuator uses air pressure from the compressor side of the turbocharger to control
a diaphragm box. This diaphragm box is mechanically linked to the turbo charger waste gate and
regulates the amount of exhaust gas that bypasses the turbocharger turbine and therefore manifold
The figure shows the turbocharger with the boost pressure actuator, air filter for the boost pressure
actuator and the waste gate controller which is attached to the turbo charger.
Air filter
Alternate Air intake if required
Intake manifold
Exhaust manifold
Exhaust Manifold
Air Intake
Air Filter
Turbo Charger
Exhaust Pipe
The AE 300 is equipped with a common rail fuel injection system. In such a system the common rail is
a high-pressure fuel reservoir that supplies fuel to solenoid type injectors. Fuel enters the common rail
directly from the high-pressure pump which compresses the fuel up to 1680 bar. The amount of
required fuel is regulated by a fuel metering unit which is attached direct to the high pressure pump.
The actual fuel pressure in the rail (and therefore to the injectors) is measured by the rail pressure
sensor. The EECU interprets the rail pressure, compares it to a target value, and adjust the rail
pressure control valve to reach the correct pressure. Return fuel flows back to the fuel tank. Fuel is
supplied to the injectors through the injector supply ports. Excess fuel (not depicted) is also returned.
The fuel pressure supplied to the injectors is varied continuously. A higher fuel pressure ensures
better vaporization and therefore better combustion, as well as shorter injection duration, allowing
delivering the desired fuel volume at the optimal time. By varying the fuel pressure, the injection
duration can be varied for a given desired fuel injection volume per cycle, allowing for better
combustion at lower RPM.
Injector #1
Injector #2
Injector #4
Common Rail
High Pressure
Pump Rail Pressure Control Valve
Feed pump
Fuel feed line
Fuel filter
Fuel return line
Fuel shut off valve
There must be a shut-off valve on the feed line. In case of an emergency it must be
possible for the pilot to shut of the fuel flow.
In the return line a provision must be provided to cut off fuel flowing back to engine in
case of an engine fire (e.g. check valve).
Protection of the intake line to the fuel pump against vibration and other additional
forces is necessary.
The exhaust system is necessary to release the exhaust fumes in a safe and proper way into the
environment. Wrong installation and maintenance can lead to vibrations, which can cause serious
damage in the exhaust system.
Excessive tension at exhaust system mounting points could cause cracks and be a
potential fire hazard.
The internal engine cooling circuit consists of coolant pump, which is driven by the belt, the integrated
coolant/oil heat exchanger, coolant ducts within crank case, cylinder head and intake manifold, where
the coolant temperature sensors are located, and the coolant thermostat.
Coolant enters the engine, driven by the coolant pump. Depending on coolant temperature the
coolant passes at the coolant thermostat through the short circuit direct back to the engine, or
through the radiator, where it is cooled before returning to the engine by passing the oil/coolant heat
At the thermostat there are two circuits connected, the small circuit, which is flown through as long as
the engine is cold and the radiator circuit, which starts to be opened as soon as a coolant temperature
measured direct at the thermostat is above 80 °C (176 °F).
Above 95 °C (203 °F) coolant temperature the radiator circuit is fully open and the small circuit totally
closed. The Heating circuit is always open and aids in cooling.
An expansion tank is provided which contains a silica reservoir to provide the necessary corrosion
protection. The expansion tank has an overpressure valve installed which limits the relative pressure
in the coolant system to max. 2,3 bar (33,36 psi). In addition a low pressure valve is installed to
protect the coolant system from negative pressure
The coolant reservoir allows the coolant to expand when cold, or allows the cooling system to draw
additional coolant as needed. The coolant reservoir also contains a low coolant level indicator
Coolant radiator
Cabin Air Heat Exchanger
Coolant expansion Tank
Overpressure Valve
Low pressure Valve
Silica Reservoir
Coolant hoses
Cooling Circuit:
Expansion Tank
(incl. Overpressure and low pressure valve)
D3 Part of certified
Mixed Operation: 80 °C – 95 °C
(176 °F – 203°F)
To prevent the system from to much coolant flowing through the vent line an orifice is
installed with an inner diameter of 2 mm (0.079 in) within the line between expansion tank
and radiator. If the line is small enough no orifices are necessary.
The lubricating system of the AE300 consists of an internal chain driven oil pump, which pumps the
engine oil through the oil filter, the coolant/oil heat exchanger and the lubrication ports of the engine.
The lubricating system is part of the engine. A coolant/oil heat exchanger as part of the engine
provides the oil cooling. Dependant on the coolant temperature the oil temperature is obtained. If
necessary the cooling capacity can be increased by an airstream over the oil sump.
Below the injector cover an oil separator is installed. The breather air out of the crankcase is guided
through an oil separator. Downstream the oil separator the crankcase air is released through the
breather line into the environment. The outlet of the oil separator at the injector cover has to be
connected to a breather line provided by the OEM. The oil separator is protected with an overpressure
relief valve.
In front of the oil filter the oil pressure is measured. The oil temperature is measured in the oil sump
next to the oil filler neck.
– Starter
– Generator
– GPC – Glow Plug Control Unit
– EECU – Electronic Engine Control Unit
– Sensors & Actuators
The EECS Block Diagram shows the connection between the EECS components which are used in the
AE 300 Engine and displays also the Interface from the Airframe to the EECS of the AE 300.
Glow Generator
Plug Starter
Power Engine
3way Cockpit
A/C Interface Lever Monitoring A/C Power
The starter is manually controlled by the pilot. The EECU will detect a running engine at 600rpm
(Propeller) and further activation is not necessary.
The Generator is a 28V/70A power supply which consists of an alternator mounted to the engine and
an external regulator. This power supply is used to supply the EECS and the airframe.
The Glow Plug Control Unit is only used to enhance the cold starting behavior of the engine on
ground. It controls the power which is dissipated by glow plugs. These quick start glow plugs help to
ignite the compressed fuel/air mixture because of their hot surface temperature.
The EECU is a 28V supplied device which consists of two similar parts, called ECU A and ECU B. Each
ECU is able to control the engine itself. At each self test both ECU channels will be tested.
Depending on the operating hours count the active ECU will be selected. The other ECU channel is in
hot standby that means active, evaluating sensor values but not operating actuators.
In case of a detected failure on one ECU an internal voter can switch over to the alternate channel.
If different kinds of failures are active at the same time, the switch over decision is based on failure
This switch over decision can be overruled by the pilot by manually forcing one channel.
The interface to the engine indications in the A/C is realized via a serial Bus (CAN-Bus).
The pilot interface is realized over Power Lever Sensors. Each ECU has it´s own sensor. Each sensor
has two outputs which are used to perform plausibility checks of the sensor.
EECU Functions
Sensors ECU A
Camshaft Sensor
Crankshaft Sensor
Shared Sensors
Gearbox Temperature Injectors (4)
Sensor Boost Pressure
Oil Temperature Sensor
Relay Rail Pressure
Fuel Pressure Sensor Shared Sensor
Signal Matrix Control Valve
Rail Pressure Sensor Conditioning
o Power Lever Sensor
o Power Lever Sensor position evaluation
o Hall Effect Sensor with dual output
o Crank Shaft Sensor
o Engine speed evaluation
o Cam Shaft Sensor
o Engine position evaluation
o Fuel Pressure Sensor
o Used for evaluation of the fuel pressure after the pre-supply pump
o Oil Pressure Sensor
o Used for evaluation of the engine oil pressure
o Rail Pressure Sensor
o Used to evaluate the rail pressure
o Boost Pressure Sensor
o Boost (Intake Air) Pressure evaluation
o Coolant Temperature Sensor
o Used for coolant temperature evaluation
o Fuel Temperature Sensor
o Used for fuel temperature evaluation
o Gearbox Oil Temperature Sensor
o Used for gearbox temperature evaluation
o Engine Oil Temperature Sensor
o Combinant Sensor used for engine oil temperature evaluation
o Intake Air Temperature Sensor
o Intake Air Temperature evaluation
o Injectors
o Boost Pressure Actuator
o Rail Pressure Control Valve
o Fuel Metering Unit
o Pre-Supply (electrical) Fuel Pump
o Governor Set Point Actuator
o Caution Lamps
Power Supply
Sensors ECU A
Shared Sensors Voter Actuators
Sensors ECU B
3way Cockpit
Engine Switch
Sensor A Sensor B Indications /
Annunciations ECU A ECU B Voter
Fig. 01 - 16 EECU
Electrical Interfaces
o Outputs protected against
Short Circuit Ubatt
Short Circuit GND
o Diagnosis on Outputs and Sensor Inputs
Short Circuit Ubatt
Short Circuit GND
Open Load
o Sensor Inputs
Linearization of the input voltage
According to the sensor characteristics
The desired propeller speed set point is calculated depending on the power lever sensor position. The
current engine speed is used to compute the deviation of the actual propeller speed from the set
The deviation is converted into an output ratio for the set point actuator. The propeller speed set
point is set by an electric motor (actuator) in the governor system. This electric motor substitutes the
conventionally used Bowden Cable.
The governor itself controls the propeller speed via the propeller blade pitch angle adjustment. The
actuator control ensures together with the monitoring a safe and correct actuation.
If the set point is reached the actuator is deactivated (hysteresis provided).
The requested engine torque is calculated depending on the power lever position and the engine-
- Depending on the requested torque the resulting injection quantity (fuel mass) is calculated.
- Depending on the calculated injection quantity the required boost pressure (air mass) is calculated.
Propeller Propeller
Left Right
Endstop Endstop
Pitch Speed
Power Engine
Power Lever
Lever Sensor Engine
Sensor Signal Speed
Evaluation Engine Speed Information
Actuator Injectors
Torque Quantity Control
Calculation Calculation Calculation Control Quantity
Boost Actuator Boost Boost
Pressure Control Pressure
Control Pressure
Calculation Calculation Actuator
Revision no: 11
Maintenance Manual E4.08.04
The propeller governor self test has been designed to emulate the manual run-up test performed by
the pilot of an aircraft equipped with a conventional (mechanical) propeller control lever. With the
single power lever installation of the AE300 engine, the self test button must be pressed during the
automatic run up. The self test button in the cockpit has to be released once before a new
(subsequent) self test can be initiated by pressing the button again.
Release Criteria:
The propeller governor self test will only be released if the following release conditions have been
Aircraft on the ground.
Prop speed = idle (below 1000rpm).
Prop speed = idle (below 1000rpm).
Power lever = idle (below 5% power lever position).
No errors pending
Self test button active (and pressed during the whole test run).
The EECU will increase the prop speed to about 1900 rpm producing thrust. Therefore
the brakes have to be applied during the whole test run to prevent the A/C from
The engine oil temperature and gearbox oil temperature shall be within the green
range of the respective engine indicators before initiating the self test.
Test Abortion:
The propeller governor self test will abort immediately and the prop speed will be reduced to idle for
the following reasons:
Cockpit Indications:
For the proper sequence of cockpit indications and possible caution alerts during the self test, refer to
the applicable Aircraft Flight Manual.
Error Handling
For the list of engine control system errors and their error handling refer to chapter 7 of Operation
Manual E4.01.01. Three different types errors are known:
The following requirements have to be observed to ensure a proper performance of the AE 300 in the
installation environment.
Pay attention that the entire electrical system and wiring harness is protected against
chafing at hot parts or sharp edges.
The source of electric power of the aircraft is the main battery as defined in The engine is
equipped with an alternator, which is the electrical power system dedicated to the engine. An
excitation battery as defined in has to be provided for alternator start up. Thereafter the
alternator is self-exciting.
The EECU, alternator and batteries must be wired that in a case of battery failure a voltage supply for
the EECU and fuel feed pumps is still granted.
It must always be possible to separate the engine electrical system (EECU, associated systems and
alternator) from the battery and the rest of the aircraft electrical system.
It must be ensured, that the electric power supply to the EECS is always in compliance with the
requirements defined in RTCA DO160D, Section 16, Cat B.
The required minimum reliability of the EECS electric power supply is depended on the class airplane.
Consult AC 23.1309-1C for determination. If this requires the installation of an EECS backup electric
power system, it must be ensured, that this system is independent and isolated from the airplane bus
system or systems so that electric power from the backup system is supplied to the EECS solely.
An example below gives an overview about a possible installation with isolated supply-Buses showing
the possibility of separating the Alternator from the Main Bus.
The EECU is the Electrical Engine Control Unit which is used to control the engine actuators (e.g. fuel
injectors) according to the engine sensor information.
In Installations using the caution indication via CAN, the caution lamp shall be substituted by a
resistor. If the substitute load is not installed, a Caution Lamp Circuit failure will be detected.
If applicable for the installation, lightning protection bonding of the EECU housing to airframe GND
shall be with AWG 4 wire with a maximum length of 0.5m.
The Display and diagnostic interface is a High Speed CAN Bus (with 500k Baud) which is used to
transmit all information to a display/indication panel.
For Example:
nodes nodes
CAN High CAN Termination in
120R 120R Installation
Make sure that the terminating connector is installed in a save position that in any event a
disconnection is impossible.
According to the CAN BUS Protocol each ECU of the EECU sends its own engine information.
Any device connected to the EECU CAN BUS must not transmit any data on the EECU CAN BUS!
It is part of the installer’s responsibility to verify that the information displayed in the
engine instruments conform to the information provided by the CAN BUS.
The output voltage of the alternator has to be constant, independent from engine speed and actual
load current. This requires a regulation of the output voltage by a variation of the excitation current
(implemented in the alternator-regulator device).
To avoid damage of the alternator the regulator must be deactivated when the engine
is not running.
Electrical starter:
The main power supply to the starter cannot be protected with a fuse. Thus the routing
must ensure that there is no increased risk of fire in the event of a short circuit.
The electrical connection of the starter is shown in Chapter 92-00-00 Wiring diagrams.
Function Description
Terminal T30 Power supply starter <200A*
Starter Connector
*Depends on different terms (temperature, mounted propeller, etc.) the current through the supply
line can reach a value up to 200A.
But it is recommended to install the indication lamps to ease failure analysis for maintenance actions
e.g. if problems with cold start performance occur.
Governor Interface:
This EECU is able to actuate the electric motor which changes the governor-set point.
According to power lever position the related propeller speed is controlled by the EECU see Fig. 01-11.
A more detailed description can be found in section Governor Functional description.
As long as the actual propeller speed is different to the predefined propeller set point curve, the EECU
provides a signal to drive the electric motor which is part of the governor.
The desired engine speed for low power is only reachable in flight.
Propeller Setpoint Curve
VC31 Baseline 01
2150 0%
Propeller Speed [rpm]
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Power Lever [%]
The governor must have two mechanical stops which can be detected by the EECU through sensing
pins. If one of these stops is reached the electric motor will not be actuated into the direction of the
detected stop, only movement into direction of the opposite stop is possible. The EECU also detects
mechanical jamming of the electrical motor. In case of a e.g. a defect motor or mechanical stop
sensing the motor will not be overheat because of excessive current consumption.
The connector equipped on the harness is a Deutsch AS 008 35 PN. Each compatible
connector can be used on a governor.
Pin Description
1 Feather Valve
2 Feather Valve
3 Motor +
4 Motor -
5 Governor Stop Sensing
Input Circuit Ubatt
Stop Propeller Governor – Actuator Circuit
180R 560R
Curent 390R
Feedback Current M
H-Bridge Left Right
Measurement Stop Stop
Fig. 01 - 23 Electrical Drawing Governor System System
Each ECU has its own caution lamp output. The lamp will be supplied with bus voltage via the ECU.
These display lamps are used to inform the flight crew of a detected EECU or Engine failure.
(For particular installation refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual)
The engine is able to perform a Selftest. For this a normally open closer pushbutton is installed.
Activation of the Selftest via the Selftest Pushbutton is only be possible if the VOTER Switch is in
AUTO Position (logical AND relation).
During the whole Selftest the Pushbutton must remain pressed.
(For particular installation refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual)
One applicable engine display system consists of a Main Engine Display (MED) and a Secondary
engine Display (SED) device, which is offered by Austro Engine (part no. MED: A1A-10-100-000; part
no. SED: A1A-10-200-000). This system is proven to display the relevant engine parameters in
consistence with the engine operation limitations as described in the Operation Manual.
The display is approved as part of the engine installation by the airframe manufacture.
The instructions for installing, operating and maintaining the engine displays are given in the
document A1.04.01 Revision 3 “Design Specification”. In this document the definition of the physical
and functional interfaces to the aircraft and aircraft equipment is given.
The EECU provides a signal for the governor to adjust the required rpm set point
(refer to Fig.01-11)
Governor drive:
The propeller speed is conventionally controlled and kept by a mechanical propeller governor
but the set point of the governor is adjusted by an electric motor controlled by the EECU.
This electric motor substitutes the conventionally used Bowden cable and if e.g. the connection to the
set point actuator fails, the set point remains unchanged and the governor controls the propeller
speed to the last set-point.
The desired propeller speed set point is calculated depending on the power lever sensor position.
(refer to Governor Interface)
The current engine speed divided by the gear box ratio is used to compute the propeller speed
deviation which is then converted into an output ratio for the actuator
The propeller speed set point is set by an electric motor (actuator) in the governor system.
The governor controls the propeller speed via the propeller blade pitch angle
The actuator control ensures together with the monitoring a safe and correct actuation
If the set point is reached the actuator is deactivated and the governor controls the engine speed to
the set point.
ECU Governor
Desired Actuator
Propeller Set Point Set Point Propeller
Speed Calc Actuator End Stop End Actuator Speed
Control Feedback Stops (Motor) Control Propeller
Engine Speed Information
Sensor Gear
02-00-10 Packaging
The engine is packed in a wooden crate and will be shipped attached to the corresponding mountings.
If not declared otherwise the engine is shipped without any liquids.
Fig.02 - 1
The box containing the supplied parts is filled with filler material and closed with adhesive tape.
Fig.02 - 2
On the box an envelope with the papers belonging to the motor is attached.
Fig.02 - 3
Fig.02 - 4
Fig.02 - 5 Fig.02 - 6
02-00-20 Transport
The used hoisting device must be suitable for the weight of the engine.
Lifting eyelet
Lifting eyelet
The lifting eyelet at the cylinder head must be dismounted after installing the engine.
To protect the engine of corrosion it should be stored and transported in a package appropriate for
corrosion protection. Suitable corrosion protection is available at Austro Engine GmbH.
All engine openings have to be protected against ingress of dirt and moisture.
All protective covers and mountings have to be removed before taking the engine into
To avoid contamination during the installation process, the covers should be removed step
by step with installing the lines and hoses.
02-00-40 Storage
The engine has to be stored in suitable workplaces in a horizontal position, the cylinder axis must
have an angle of 34°, always covered against environmental influences and never outside. For further
information refer to the Installation Manual E4.02.01 Chapter 6 “Installation Position”.
For storage requirements refer to the Operation Manual E4.01.01. of the AE 300 engine.
If you have to return parts to Austro Engine, please follow these instructions:
If the whole engine has to be supplied back ensure that the appropriate box as described in
Chapter 02-00-10 is used
For detailed engine installation refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
No Limitation.
This Airworthiness Limitation Section is approved by European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in
accordance with the applicable certification procedures and the type certification basis.
Any changes must be documented and approved by the local airworthiness agency.
The Airworthiness Limitation Section is FAA approved and specifies maintenance required under Sec.
43.16 and Sec. 91.403 of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations unless an alternative program
has been FAA approved.
05-00-01 General
Work on the engine must be conducted by a certificated mechanic or otherwise authorized persons
under consideration of the applicable national requirements. For warranty reason all of the tasks
described in this manual must be performed by trained personnel only.
In the present Maintenance Manual the correct maintenance of the aircraft engine AE 300 is
With the publication of the Maintenance Manual, Austro Engine GmbH ensures the correctness of
the instruction. In case of changes Austro Engine GmbH will inform with Service Bulletins, Service
Letters or manual amendments, if it is necessary.
If there are any problems with the maintenance and repair or any further questions about the engine,
Austro Engine GmbH can be contacted.
The aircraft engine has to be maintained and repaired in accordance with the instructions given in this
manual unless otherwise approved under consideration of the applicable national requirements.
It is necessary to read this instructions attentive and carefully. To grant a proper engine work and to
obtain the maximum service life all work steps have to be done as shown.
The following symbols and warning signs are used in this manual to point out important instruction.
They must be observed strictly to prevent personal injury and material damage, to insure operational
safety of the aircraft and to avoid any damage to the aircraft as a result of incorrect handling.
Disregarding these safety rules can cause personal injury or even death.
Disregarding these special instruction and safety measures can damage the engine or
other components.
The maintenance intervals must be strictly observed. When the service is not executed in accordance
to this manual Austro Engine GmbH will reject any warranty claims.
The time limits below must be followed to obtain the max. service life of the engine.
Replace the V-Ribbed Belt all 5 years or after 1500 hours – refer to Chapter
Replace the Gearbox – refer to Chapter 85-10-10
Overhaul Engine - remove and reinstall engine in accordance with the
applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual
Replace the EECU all 5 years or after 1500 hours
Fuel filter recommended replace latest every 100 hours – refer to applicable Aircraft Maintenance
The maximum time between overhaul of the engine is 1500 hours or 12 years.
After this time the engine has to be overhauled by a certified mechanic or otherwise authorized
person under consideration of the applicable national requirements. For warranty reasons the
overhaul has to be conducted by trained personnel only in accordance with the instructions given in
the overhaul manual of Austro Engine GmbH.
The engine assembly as per supply volume. Additionally all added-on parts as in the supply
volume such as turbo charger, sensors, actuators, glow plug control unit, electric starter,
engine wiring harness, EECU, alternator and the alternator regulator.
Statement of total period of operation (TSN) and if applicable the period of operation after a
conducted general overhaul (TSO)
Data about the type of aircraft used
Useful remarks and observations concerning the engine
The following service intervals are mandatory to obtain the maximum service life of the engine.
If the engine has not been in operation for a certain time a service interval based on time become
effective. The time intervals are beneath the operating service interval.
100 h
Activities/Services Interval 300 h 600 h 1000 h Chapter
12 Months
Check Change Check Change Check Change Check Change refer to
Two Mass flywheel ● 05-20-01
Alternator ● 05-20-02
Engine Harness and Sensors ● 05-20-03
EECU read out ● 05-20-05
Oil ● ● 05-20-06
Oil Filter ● ● 05-20-07
V-Ribbed Belt ● 05-20-08
Oil ● 05-20-09
Oil Filter ● 05-20-10
HPP(High pressure pump) ● 05-20-11
Cylinder Head Drain ● 05-20-12
Fuel System ● 05-20-13
Fuel Filter ● 05-20-14
Waste Gate Controller ● 05-20-15
Exhaust System ● 05-20-16
Coolant ● 05-20-17
Cooling System ● 05-20-18
Breather line ● 05-20-19
Zonal Inspection ● 05-20-20
Injector Cover ● 05-20-21
Timing chain ● 05-20-22
Only applicable if Gearbox E4A-70-000-000 Rev.70 or higher installed (refer to Engine Log)
on demand
For Removal and Installation of the Two Mass Flywheel refer to Chapter 85-10-60.
05-20-02 Alternator
Carry out a visual inspection of the wiring harness for signs of wear or damage.
Inspect the sensor connections for tight fit.
The parts of the harness which are located below the injector cover have to be
inspected every 300 hours.
To prevent any damage on cables and sensor, don’t apply forces on the cables!
05-20-04 EECU
Replace the EECU in accordance with the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
Read out EECU using the AE 300 Wizard and send data to Austro Engine GmbH.
For usage instructions of the AE 300 Wizard refer to the AE 300 Wizard User Guide E4.08.09.
Data to be sent:
Engine log
Event recorder
(Exception: If not otherwise communicated/defined with AE)
Collect a sample of used Gearbox Oil using the oil container provided with the 300 h
Service Kit and send the oil sample to oil check directly (already pre-filled out envelope).
For gearbox oil discard and refill refer to Chapter 85-10-50.
Collect a sample of the used Engine Oil using the oil container provided with the 100 h Service Kit and
send the oil sample to oil check directly (already pre-filled out envelope)..
After Engine Oil exchange perform an engine ground run according to Chapter 71-00-03.
After the ground run inspect the oil system for leakage.
If leaks are found please contact Austro Engine GmbH for further instructions.
Conduct a visual inspection of the used oil filter for contamination and metal abrasion. If unusual
contamination (metal shavings exceeding 1,5 mm; concentration of particles; clogged filter) is found,
or in case of doubt contact Austro Engine GmbH.
Replace fuel filter in accordance with the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
Check and adjust the waste gate controller according to Chapter 81-00-30
Inspect the exhaust manifold for cracks using a flashlight and a mirror.
Inspect the exhaust manifold gaskets for signs of leakage.
In case of leakages replace the exhaust manifold gaskets according to Chapter 78-00-00.
If cracks have been found contact Austro Engine GmbH.
05-20-17 Coolant
At each exchange of coolant the freezing point has to be checked. The freezing point
with a coolant mixture of 50/50 is -38 ºC (-36.4 ºF).
Inspect the outlet of the Breather Line for abnormal quantity of oil (oil dust has to be expected).
In case of oil detection clean the Breather Outlet and conduct an engine ground run according to
Chapter 71-00-03.
After the ground run inspect the breather outlet again. If oil accumulation is obvious, contact Austro
Engine GmbH.
For inspection and replace of the breather line refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
Conduct a visual inspection of the whole engine surface using a flashlight and mirror.
Look especially for signs of wear and leakage at the oil sump gasket and the cylinder head gasket.
Inspect for loose parts or foreign objects.
If sign of wear, leaks, loosen parts or foreign objects could be found, contact Austro Engine GmbH
for further instructions.
Conduct a visual inspection of the high pressure fuel lines. Inspect especially for signs of
wear and leakage.
Carry out a visual inspection of the wiring harness for signs of wear or damage. Inspect
the cam shaft sensor connection and the injector connections for tight fit.
Inspect the Oil Separator hoses for damage.
Inspect the Oil Separator for signs of leakage.
Clean the area below the injector cover using cleaning agent. To assure an unobstructed
cylinder head drain the cleaning agent should drain off through the cylinder head drain
Read out the EECU data using the AE 300 Wizard and send data to Austro Engine GmbH for
analysis and further instructions.
Data to be sent:
Engine log
Data log (min. 3 hrs.).
(Exception: If not otherwise communicated/defined with AE)
In case a propeller strike occurred send the following data to Austro Engine GmbH for analysis and
further instructions.
Engine log, event recorder and data log (using the AE 300 Wizard).
Pictures from damage of the propeller.
Statement from person operating the aircraft at the time of the occurrence
including details about the engine parameters and power lever position during
the propeller strike.
Direct: Remove the engine in accordance with the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual
and send it to Austro Engine GmbH.
Indirect: Visually inspect the sensor for signs of damage.
Visually inspect all electric engine components for signs of damage. (Sensors,
Actuators, EECU, Harness, GPC, Starter, Alternator)
Perform a ground run according to Chapter 71-00-03, read out the data using the AE 300 Wizard and
send data to Austro Engine GmbH and further instructions.
Check voltage.
Check battery condition.
Check fuel supply.
Check for EECU cautions.
Read out EECU data using the AE 300 Wizard and send data to Austro
Engine GmbH and further instructions.
1. For checking the oil level the oil dipstick has to be taken out.
2. For optimum run, the oil level should be in the middle of the min / max mark.
3. Otherwise the right quantity of engine oil has to be refilled according to the
requirements specified under Chapter 79-00-00 Engine Oil.
4. Afterwards the oil dipstick has to be inserted and closed.
Oil dipstick
Fig. 12 - 1
Fig. 12 - 2
Oil Level
Fig. 12 - 3
For details acc. to the Prop Regulation System refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
For the Servicing of the Engine Coolant Fluid refer to the applicable Aircraft Manufacture Manual.
24-00-01 General
For general description of the Electrical Power refer to the AE 300 Operation Manual E4.01.01 -
Chapter 7.
The following chapters (24-00-20 to 24-00-36) are only applicable for alternator E4A-91-000-000.
24-00-10 Alternator
An Alternator replacement from type E4A-91-000-000 to E4A-91-400-000 is only
allowed once on the used engine harness. For the replacement only an approved
repair Kit as is allowed to be used.
An Exchange from alternator E4A-91-400-000 back to its predecessor E4A-91-000-000
is not permitted.
First disconnect the negative pole and second the positive pole.
Remove the power line from the B+ terminal according to the applicable Aircraft
Maintenance Manual.
1. Carefully install the Alternator [5] and install the mounting screws [4].
2. Torque the screws [2] and [4] with 20 Nm.
3. Alternator E4A-91-400-000: Connect the electrical cable marked with “GEN/G2” the
fastening torque for the lock [6] nut is 2,7 Nm – 3,8 nm. Make sure that the black
plastic cover [6] is placed on the lock nut. Connect the power line to the B+ terminal
(fastening torque 11-13 Nm). Put the white dust seal [8] of the electrical cable over
the black plastic cover of the lock nut.
5. Connect the main battery according to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
6. Perform an engine ground run according to the Chapter 71-00-03.
Fig. 24 - 1 Fig. 24 - 2
3 2
4 5
Fig. 24 - 3
Fig. 24 - 4
Fig. 24 - 5
Fig. 24 - 6
Fig. 24 - 7
The engines should be brought up to full operation coolant temperatures prior to adjustment.
With one engine at cruising speed, the voltage on the operating system is adjusted to 28 volts at a
typical electrical load by a replace of the set screw (see Fig. 24 – 4).The first engine is switched off
and the next engine is switched on. The second system has to be adjusted to the same voltage at the
same load and engine speed (only for twin-engine applications).
Both systems are switches on and the loads have to be compared for the operation point of the
voltage regulation adjustment.
If it is desired to pull the load division closer together, the regulator of the heavier loaded alternator
has to be adjusted lower respectively the regulator of the lower loaded alternator has to be adjusted
A test of the adjustment results shall be conducted by turning on the heaviest loads available and
varying of the engine speeds.
For not having significant brush wear difference on both alternators the alternator load current should
be as equal as possible. A difference of less than 25A is strongly recommended.
After completion of the regulator adjustment, the regulator set screws have to be fixed with torque
A current-regulator is implemented, which enables the adjustment of the load balancing in twin-
engine applications with high accuracy and fault-tolerance against single faults at the load-balancing
adjustment structure. The set point of this current regulator is generated dynamically as averaged
load current of both alternators.
The set point of one voltage regulator in the system is modified continuously to compensate static and
dynamic asymmetries of the system.
Excitation Excitation
Current Current
sensor 1 sensor 2
Engine 1 Alternator 1 Alternator 2 Engine 2
Electrical supply
actuation actuation
Fig. 24 - 8
If it is necessary to replace the alternator regulator type E4A-91-100-000 with the alternator regulator
type E4A-91-200-000, it has to be mentioned that case the wiring harness needs to be replaced.
This chapter shall be guidance for checking the carbon brushes of alternator E4A-91-000-000, and if
necessary for replacing Assy brush holder E4A-91-300-000.
This chapter describes in detail the steps how to disassemble the alternator and its components
(e.g.: brush holder) for checking the carbon brush length. The criteria of replacing ASSY brush holder
E4A-91-300-000 is also include in this chapter.
AE decided to introduce a maintenance action to measure the length of carbon brushes after a
specified time of operation. The maintenance interval can be found in Chapter 05-02-00 and the
evaluation criteria can be found in Chapter 24-00-31.
Additional to the maintenance action a procedure how to replace ASSY brush holder E4A-91-300-000
is introduced. This document describes in detail how to check the carbon brushes, and if necessary
how to replace ASSY brush holder E4A-91-300-000.
Check the black plastic cover on backside of the alternator if it is cracked or damaged in any kind.
If any damage comparable to the ones described in the pictures above is visible, please contact
Austro Engine GmbH for further instructions.
Check the pulley of the alternator. If there is any kind of damage visible (cuts, chafing marks,…) the
alternator needs to be replaced.
Fig. 24 - 15 Pulley
When ASSY brush holder E4A-91-300-000 is removed the contact ring can be inspected.
Check for grooving (>0,5mm) on the contact ring. If grooving (>0,5mm) are visible the alternator
needs to be replaced.
Grooving (<0,5mm) caused by abrasion of carbon brushes are normal.
Clean the contact ring with a soft brush
Contact ring
To check the length of carbon brushes further disassembly of ASSY brush holder E4A-91-300-000 is
Push upper carbon brush with a small screw driver and hold them in end position below the cover rib.
Cover Rib
Upper Brush
Lower Brush
Insert thin metal sheet between cover rib and brush holder E4A-91-300-801.
Push the metal sheet forward to hold down the upper brush.
Push Direction
Cover Rib
It can take a little effort to push down the cover. Ensure not to damage the cover or
the brushes!
Push Direction
The picture below shows the released carbon brushes and the demounted cover.
Clean the brush holder and the brush rip with a soft brush.
Carbon Brush
Carbon brush
Brush Holder
Ensure to measure the length of the carbon brushes at the points shown in the picture above.
The evaluation criteria can be found in chapter 24-00-31 Evaluation Criteria.
The table below gives information about the inspection time and minimum brush length.
Operation Time of
300 h
Minimum length 7 mm
<7 mm
Brush change necessary if
replace ASSY
below minimum length
brush holder
If the brush length is <7 mm please order a new ASSY brush holder E4A-91-300-000.
For each inspection of ASSY brush holder E4A-91-300-000 an X (cross) has to be engraved into the
housing of alternator E4A-91-000-901. For the exact positioning of X (cross) see Chapter24-00-35
Marking of Alternator.
Carbon Brushes
>7mm <7mm
Brush holder can be used for Order new brush holder from Austro
additonal 300h of operating time, Engine & continue with chapter 2.10
continue with chapter 2.9 Completion of Generator (Integration
Completion of Brush Holder of Brush Holder)
Fig. 24 - 22 Flow chart
It is not allowed to replace carbon brushes in field! Only ASSY brush holders
E4A-91-300-000 provided by Austro Engine GmbH is used for maintenance.
Press down the brushes with metal sheet and place the cover into the brush holder.
Push Direction
Don’t push the cover down to the end position. Cover rib must hold the brushes down in mounting
End Position
Cover Rib
Assure the correct fitment of the cover (direction) as shown in the picture below.
Backside of Cover
If the brushes are not pushed back into the assembly position, it is not possible to
assembly ASSY brush holder E4A-91-300-000.
Assemble the brush holder with screws R1; R2 and R3 using fastening torque 4Nm +/-0,5.
Push Direction
Place the black plastic cover of the alternator on the alternator backside.
Screw down the hexagonal screws G and G2 using fastening torque 4Nm +/-0,5Nm.
After reassembly the alternator has to be functional checked. Therefore continue with chapter
24-00-34 Functionality Check.
After assembly the alternator has to be checked if the full functionality is given.
Excitation Winding
Fig. 24 - 30 Alternator
Test Case 1:
Adjustment Multimeter:
- Resistance
Measuring points:
- Excitation Winding
- Alternator housing
Nominal value:
- 2,5 – 5,0 Ohms
If the value is above 5 Ohms rotate the pulley and repeat the measurement.
If the value is again above 5 Ohms please contact Austro Engine GmbH for further
If the excitation winding resistance is above 10 Ohms, the brushes are defect or not
released. Check if the brush holder is assembled correct as stated in Chapter 24-00-32
Completion of brush holder.
If the brush holder is assembled correct an the excitation winding resistance is above
10 ohms please contact Austro Engine GmbH for further instructions.
For each time when ASSY brush holder E4A-91-300-000 is checked an X (cross) has to be engraved
on the bottom of the alternator. The dimension of the marking is described in Fig. 24.-31.
~10 mm
~10 mm
Fig. 24 - 29 shows the positioning where the marking has to be engraved on the alternator.
X (Cross)
To increase the visibility of the cross, it can be additionally marked with a permanent marker.
After the installation a ground run has to be conducted. During this ground run the
output voltage of the alternator has to be observed.
The output voltage of the alternator has to be in the typical operating range as
described in the E4 Installation Manual E4.02.01.
24-00-37 General
The following chapters (24-00-37 to 24-000-53) are only applicable for alternator E4A-91-400-000.
These chapters describes in detail the steps how to dissemble the alternator and its components (e.g.:
brush holder) for checking the carbon brush length. The criteria of replacing ASSY brush E4A-91-410-
000 is also include in this chapters.
Austro Engine decided to introduce a maintenance action to measure the length of carbon brushes
after a specified time of operation. The maintenance interval can be found in Chapter 05-20-00 and
the evaluation criteria can be found in Chapter 24-00-49.
Additional to the maintenance action a procedure how to replace ASSY brush holder E4A-91-410-000
is introduced. This document describes in detail how to check the carbon brushes, and if necessary
how to replace ASSY brush holder E4A-91-410-000.
The following symbols and warning signs are used in the manual to point out important instructions.
They must be heeded strictly to prevent personal injury and material damage, to insure operational
safety of the aircraft and to avoid any damage to the aircraft as a result of incorrect handling.
Remove R1, R2 and R3 with wrench Torx T20, and Terminal Screw T2.
Check the black plastic cover on backside of the alternator if it is cracked or damaged in any kind.
If any damage comparable to the ones described in the pictures above is visible, please contact
Austro Engine GmbH for further instructions.
Check the pulley of the alternator. If there is any kind of damage visible (cuts, chafing marks,…) the
alternator needs to be replaced.
Fig. 24 - 40 Pulley
When ASSY brush holder E4A-91-410-000 is removed the contact ring can be inspected.
Check for grooving (>0,5mm) on the contact ring. If grooving (>0,5mm) are visible the alternator
needs to be replaced.
Grooving (<0,5mm) caused by abrasion of carbon brushes are normal.
Clean the contact ring with a soft brush.
Contact ring
To check the length of carbon brushes no further disassembly of ASSY Brush Holder E4A-91-410-000
is necessary.
Carbon Brush
Carbon brush
Brush Holder
Ensure to measure the length of the carbon brushes at the points shown in the picture above.
The evaluation criteria can be found in Chapter24-00-49.
The table below gives information about the inspection time and minimum brush length.
Operation Time of
300 h
Minimum length 7 mm
<7 mm
Brush change necessary if
replace ASSY
below minimum length
brush holder
If the brush length is <7 mm please order a new ASSY brush holder E4A-91-410-000.
For each 300h inspection of the alternator an X (cross) has to be engraved into the housing of
alternator E4A-91-400-000. For the exact positioning of X (cross) please see Chapter 24-00-52
Marking of Alternator.
Brush Holder
Carbon Brushes
>7mm <7mm
Brush holder can be used for Order new brush holder from Austro
additonal 300h of operating time, Engine & continue with chapter 2.10
continue with chapter 2.9 Completion of Generator (Integration
Completion of Brush Holder of Brush Holder)
Only ASSY brush holders E4A-91-410-000 provided by Austro Engine GmbH are used
for maintenance.
Push the carbon brush into ASSY Brush Holder softly and move ASSY Brush Holder along the guide rail.
Guide rail
The picture below shows the correct placed ASSY Brush Holder on the alternator.
Assemble the ASSY Brush Holder with screws R1; R2 and R3 using fastening torque 1,6 – 2,3 Nm, and
terminal screw T2 with fastening torque 9 - 13 Nm.
Place the black plastic cover of the alternator on the alternator backside.
Screw down the torx screws G and G2 using fastening torque 1,6 – 2,3 Nm.
Screw down the nut of W (mounted above R1) wit 2,7 – 3,8 Nm.
After reassembly the alternator has to be functionally checked. Therefore continue with
Chapter 24-00-51 Functionality Check.
Fig. 24 - 50 Alternator
Test Case 1:
Adjustment Multimeter:
- Resistance
Measuring points:
- Excitation Winding
- Alternator housing
Nominal value:
- 2,5 – 9,0 Ohms
If the value is above 9 Ohms rotate the pulley and repeat the measurement. If the
value is again above 9 Ohms please contact Austro Engine GmbH for further
If the excitation winding resistance is above 10 Ohms, the brushes are defect or not
released. Check if the brush holder is assembled correct as stated in Chapter 24-00-50
Completion of Generator (Integration of Brush Holder).
If the brush holder is assembled correct an the excitation winding resistance is above
10 Ohms please contact Austro Engine GmbH for further instructions.
For each time when ASSY brush holder E4A-91-410-000 is checked an X (cross) has to be engraved
on the bottom of the alternator. The dimension of the marking is described in Fig. 24 - 51
~10 mm
~10 mm
Fig. 52 shows the positioning where the marking has to be engraved on the alternator.
X (Cross)
To increase the visibility of the cross, it can be additionally marked with a permanent marker.
After the installation a ground run has to be conducted. During this ground run the
output voltage of the alternator has to be observed.
The output voltage of the alternator has to be in the typical operating range as
described in the E4 Installation Manual E4.02.01.
Do not forget to apply the black plastic covers on the electrical Terminals (W, Excitation L and B+).
Safety wire is used to secure fasteners to prevent them from coming lose. It's used a lot in aviation
and racing. To safety wire fasteners you will need safety wire, safety wire pliers, wire cutters (dykes),
and needle nose pliers. In a pinch, you can make do with the wire and needle-nose pliers with a
cutting edge. The hardest part of safety wiring is drilling the holes in the hardened fasteners. There
are jigs available to hold nuts and bolts so they can be drilled more easily. You may also be able to
purchase pre-drilled fasteners and save yourself some time. Safety wire comes in many types and
sizes. You must first select the correct type and size of wire for the job. Annealed corrosion-resistant
steel or stainless steel wire is used in race preparation.
1. All safety wires must be tight after installation, but not under so much tension that
normal handling or vibration will break the wire.
2. The wire must be applied so that all pull exerted by the wire tends to tighten the nut.
3. Twists should be tight and even, and the wire between nuts as taut as possible
without over-twisting. Safety wire pliers can easily twist the wire too far, breaking or
weakening it.
4. Twist ends should routed so that no injured ours
For this reason, wire between nuts should be twisted with the hands. The use of pliers may damage
the wire. Pliers should be used only for final end twist before cutting excess wire
Fig. 51 - 1
All critical nuts except the self-locking types must be safe tied; the method used depends upon the
particular installation. The illustration at left shows various methods commonly used in safety wiring
nuts, bolts, and screws. Examples 1, 2, and 7 show the proper method of safety wiring bolts, screws,
square head plugs, and similar parts when wired in pairs. Examples 4 and 5 show a single threaded
component wired to a housing or lug. Example 3 shows several components wired in series. Example
6 shows the proper method of wiring castellated nuts and studs. Note that there is no loop around the
nut. Example 8 shows several components in a closely spaced, closed geometrical pattern, using the
single-wire method.
Insert the wire through each part consecutively in the direction that will prevent the part from
loosening. Draw the wire tightly around each bend and twist the ends into a tight pigtail close to one
of the safe tied parts. Cut the pigtail square, leaving a minimum of three twists. Bend the pigtail over
against the part being safe tied to prevent snagging. You should not use safety wire longer than 24
inches for single wiring three or more parts as a group.
Fig. 51 - 2
Pull the wire through the first bolt. Bend one end of the wire around the head of bolt #1 toward bolt
#2, in a direction such that a pull on the twisted wire toward bolt #2 would cause bolt #1 to tighten.
Twist the outer wire under the other wire close to bolt #1. Continue twisting the wire clockwise,
keeping the strands wide apart to ensure a tight even twist. When the twisted pair reaches bolt #2
without slack, insert the wire in the bolt hole in a direction so that bolt #2 cannot loosen without
pulling bolt #1 tight. Bend the free wire around the head of bolt #2, and twist the wires counter
clockwise. Continue twisting counter clockwise beyond the bolt to form a pigtail. Cut the pigtail
square, leaving a minimum of three twists. Bend the pigtail over against the part being safe tied, to
prevent snagging.
Fig. 51 - 3
Fig. 51 - 4
Start by looping the wire through the fastener, using a little extra wire, because you don't want to be
short at the end. Loop the wire coming out of the bottom hole around the bolt head clockwise and
pull the wire tight with needle nose pliers in the direction of the second bolt. Start the twist by hand
(two to three turns) then bring the two wires together and clip the safety wire pliers on the wires next
to the hole it will go in on the second bolt, keep the two wires next to each other in the pliers jaws
(no gap between them). Pull the safety wire pliers twist-knob to twist the wire, hold the pliers to keep
it from twisting backwards and let the knob retract then repeat until the desired twist is reached. Do
not over-twist the wire, you can easily weaken or break it. Unclip the safety wire pliers, put one wire
through the second bolt (using needle nose pliers helps), loop the other wire around the bolt head,
start the twist by hand, clip on the safety wire pliers and twist. Now you're ready to cut the wire.
Leave about 1/4 inch of a tail (about 3 twists) Tuck it around the last fastener so it doesn't snag.
Fig. 51 - 5 Fig. 51 - 6
When various types of bolt heads and or nuts are safe tied to stationary parts, you can use either
right or left hand twists. Attach the safety wire in such a manner that if the bolt or nut should start to
loosen then the wire would be in the direction of tightening the fastener.
Fig. 51 - 7
Fig. 51 - 8
Fig. 51 - 9
The importance of correct torque application cannot be overemphasized. Under torque can result in
unnecessary wear of nuts and bolts, as well as the parts they secure. Over torque can cause failure of
a bolt or nut from overstressing the threaded areas. Uneven or additional loads that are applied to the
assembly may result in wear or premature failure. The following are a few simple, but important
procedures, which should be followed to ensure that correct torque is applied.
Be sure that the torque applied is for the size of the bolt shank not the wrench size.
a. Calibrate the torque wrench at least once a year, or immediately after it has been abused or
dropped, to ensure continued accuracy.
b. Be sure the bolt and nut threads are clean and dry, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.
c. Run the nut down to near contact with the washer or bearing surface and check the friction drag
torque required to turn the nut. Whenever possible, apply the torque to the nut and not the bolt.
This will reduce rotation of the bolt in the hole and reduce wear.
d. Add the friction drag torque to the desired torque. This is referred to as “final torque,” which should
register on the indicator or setting for a snap-over type torque wrench.
e. Apply a smooth even pull when applying torque pressure. If chattering or a jerking motion occurs
during final torque, back off the nut and retorque.
f. When installing a castle nut, start alignment with the cotter pin hole at the minimum recommended
torque plus friction drag torque.
Do not exceed the maximum torque plus the friction drag. If the hole and nut
castellation do not align, change washer or nut and try again.
Exceeding the maximum recommended torque is not recommended.
g. When torque is applied to bolt heads or cap screws, apply the recommended torque plus friction
drag torque.
h. If special adapters are used which will change the effective length of the torque wrench, the final
torque indication or wrench setting must be adjusted accordingly. Determine the torque wrench
indication or setting with adapter installed as shown in figure
Fig. 51 - 10
71-00-01 General
71-00-02 Instruction
An engine ground test run should be conducted after any work on the engine. After running the test,
the engine has to be inspected visually, especially the replaced and repaired engine parts.
Wrong maintenance of the engine can cause heavy engine damage even to engine
stop during aviation.
To award the warranty approved parts from the Austro Engine GmbH must be
used. For further information of maintenance Austro Engine GmbH can be
After work on the engine it is recommended to perform a ground run following this procedure:
For starting, warm up and shut down refer to the applicable Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM).
Aircraft engine ground run must be performed in a secure and save area protected
against movements of unauthorised persons.
Accidents can cause severe injury or even death.
The area of the propeller must be kept clear. If objects get into the propeller,
propeller and engine can be seriously damaged.
To execute the Engine Ground Test Run, following steps have to be performed consecutive:
For engine start and warm up refer to the applicable Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM)
Conduct EECU self test (Refer to the applicable Aircraft Flight Manual)
Shut off engine in accordance to the applicable Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM).
After the Engine Ground Run perform a visual inspection of the engine. Look especially for leakage
and chafing.
In case of any maintenance on the camshaft sensor, conduct the following procedure:
Switch ECU-Voter
to ECU_A
Check engine
Engine start‘s mechanical /
electrical System
Switch ECU-Voter
to ECU_B
Test OK
71-50-01 General
The harness provides electrical interconnection between all system components. Also it is an
important part for HIRF & lightning protection.
The wiring harness has to be fixed at several points to avoid harness damage caused by normal
engine operation (e.g.: due to vibration). Fixing points are marked in „ Fig. 71 - 41, Fig. 71 - 42 and
Fig. 71 - 43“.
All connectors must be plugged in a way to avoid forces applied to the connector.
All shielding wires must be attached via electrically conducting connections to the engine block
at the actuator and sensor ends of the wiring harness. It is not allowed to shorten or to
extend the shielding wires.
GP 4
GP 1
Connection Cockpit
Connection EECU
Fig. 71 - 1
Pay attention for correct interlocking and snapping of the plug and socket connections
(e.g. ECU connector or Injector connector)
The sensors have to be inspected for loosened, chafed or damaged connectors according to the
attached list and schematic. Be aware of, that some connectors have interlocks which need to be
In case of signs of damage contact Austro Engine GmbH for further instructions.
X) This Sensor can only be checked all 300 h if the Injector cover is removed.
71-50-40 Material and saving material for the Engine Wiring Harness
Fig. 71 - 2
Use the screw 06 to fix the clamp 09 and torque it with 10 Nm (see Fig. 71-3)
Fig. 71 - 3
Use the screw of the engine fastener to fix the clamp 12 and torque it with 12 Nm
(see Fig.71-3).
Fig. 71 - 4
Fig. 71 - 5
Use Clamp 03 to fix the sub-backbone (intake air manifold) and the wire for glow-plug 4 and torque it
with 12 Nm.
Fig. 71 - 6
Fig. 71 - 7
Fig. 71 - 8
Fig. 71 - 9
Fig. 71 - 10
Fig. 71 - 11
Fig. 71 - 12
Fig. 71 - 13
Fig. 71 - 14
Use the screw (Pos. 02) to fix the clamp 05 and torque it with 6 Nm (see Fig. 71 - 14).
Fig. 71 - 15
Fig. 71 - 16
Use the screw 02 to fix the Clamp 04 and torque it with 6 Nm (see Fig. 71 - 16).
Fig. 71 - 17
Fix the clamp on the oil filter housing. The clamp-bow is orientated to the engine block
(see Fig. 71 – 17).
71-50-80 Alternator
Fig. 71 - 18
Fig. 71 - 19
71-50-90 GPC
Fig. 71 - 20
Fig. 71 - 21
Fig. 71 - 22
Fig. 71 - 23
Fig. 71 - 24
Fig. 71 - 25
Fig. 71 - 26
Fig. 71 - 27
Fig. 71 - 28
Fig. 71 - 29
Fig. 71 – 29 shows the laying and the fixing point of the shielding cable.
Inspect the engine wiring harness for chafing, damage or missing clamps.
In case of signs of wear or damage contact Austro Engine GmbH for further instructions.
Fig. 71 - 30
Fig. 71 - 31
Pay attention for correct interlocking and snapping of the plug and socket connections
(e.g. ECU connector or Injector connector).
The sensors have to be inspected for loosened, chafed or damaged connectors according to the
attached list and schematic.
In case of signs of damage contact Austro Engine GmbH for further instructions.
X) This Sensors can only be checked all 300h if the Injector cover is removed.
71-50-150 Material and saving material for the E4A Engine Wiring Harness
71-50-160 Material and saving material for the E4B Engine Wiring Harness
On the following pages the mounting of the engine wiring harness is described in detail. The mounting
instruction is identical for both versions of E4 wiring harness (E4A-95-000-000 and E4B-95-000-000).
Pigtail RPS
Fig. 71 - 32
Ensure sufficient space between the wiring harness and the engine block as shown
below to avoid chafing of the engine harness.
Fig. 71 - 33
Fig. 71 - 34
A clamp which is mounted to the lifting eyelet (12 Nm) is used for fixation wiring harness and RPS
pigtail as shown at Fig. 71 -32.
Fig. 71 - 35
The wiring harness has to be placed above the pipes for each injector. CAS1 pigtail has to be
connected to the fastening screw (14 Nm) of CAS1.
The wiring harness has to be fixed with cable ties 03 in the near of injector plug.
Fig. 71 - 36
Fig. 71 - 37
Fig. 71 - 38
The branch for the glow plugs shall be placed behind the thermostat as shown at Fig. 71 - 36,
Fig. 71 – 37 and Fig. 71 – 38.
Fig. 71 - 39
The wiring harness has to be placed on the rail and fixed with 3 cable ties 05 .
It has to be ensured that the branches and cable ties do not constrain the mounting of the
injector cover.
Fig. 71 - 40
The mounting screws (5 Nm) of sensors, BPS 1 and BPS 2 shall be used to connect the pigtails of
IAT 1, IAT 2, BPS 1 and BPS 2 with the intake air manifold.
Fig. 71 - 41
It has to be insured that the engine wiring branch hat to be placed as shown at Fig. 71 – 41.
Fig. 71 - 42
The pigtails of FTS and PCV have to be screwed (12 Nm) as shown at Fig. 71 – 42.
Fig. 71 - 43
The pigtails of FMU and CTS have to be screwed (12 Nm) to the lifting eyelet shown at Fig. 71 – 43.
For the engine harness E4A-95-000-000 and E4B-95-000-000 the fuel pressure sensor
(FPS) and fuel pressure sensor cable have to be covered by an additional shielding (E4A-
95-100-000), which is provided with the engine if applicable.
Fig. 71 - 44
Fuel pressure sensor and the fuel pressure sensor cable have to be equipped with an additional
shielding as shown in picture Fig. 14. 2. Therefore cover the fuel pressure sensor and fuel pressure
sensor cable with a netting 10 , RAY-90-25.0 with the length of 180mm. At each end of the netting a
cable tie 05 is used to fix the netting. At each end of the netting a tape 11 can be used to avoid
Pigtail FPS
Branch FPS
Fig. 71 - 45
The pigtail connector of FPS has to be connected to the mounting screw of the FMU as shown at Fig. 71 – 45
Fig. 71 - 46
For fixation the branch of CRS1 sensor the edge clips 08 has to be placed as shown at Fig. 71 – 46.
Pigtail CRS1
Pigtail CRS1
Fig. 71 - 47
The pigtail of CRS1 (crankshaft sensor) has to be connected to the screw of EGR cover (21 Nm).
The edge clips shall be used to fix the branch of CRS1.
EGR Cover
Fig. 71 - 48
The engine harness has to be fixed (9 Nm) with a clamp 03 to the EGR cover. The rest of the branch
located in that area are fixed after starter, gearbox and GPC are mounted.
Fig. 71 - 49
Pigtail BPA
Pigtail CAS 2
Fig. 71 - 50
Pigtail of CAS2 has to be connected sensor mounting screw (12 Nm), pigtail of BPA has to be
connected to injector cover plate (9Nm), as shown at Fig. 71 -50.
Branch of CRS2 has to be placed as shown on picture above. Ensure that the branch is not in contact
with the turbo charger.
Fig. 71 - 51
The branch of EPW and CAS2 has to be fixed with edge clip 06 and cable tie 05 as shown at
Fig. 71 – 51.
BPA Filter
Fig. 71 - 52
BPA filter has to be fixed with a cable tie 05 as shown at Fig. 71 – 52.
Only the connector adapter (of PBA filter) is allowed to be used for fixation with the cable tie.
Fig. 71 - 53
The branch of GPC, MOK and GEN, CRS2 has to be fixed with a clamp 03 to the oil filter housing
screws (8 Nm).
Heat exchanger
Pigtail OPS
Fig. 71 - 54
The pigtail of OPS has to be connected to the heat exchanger (9 Nm). The engine harness has to be
fixed with cable tie 05 to the starter.
Pigtail MOK
Pigtail GEN
Oil sump
Fig. 71 - 55
Clamp 04 is used for fixation the branch of GEN. The screw of MOK which is used for mounting the
clamp shall also be used to connect the pigtail of GEN (5 Nm). W11/1 loop and pigtail of MOK have to
be connected to the screw of the oil sump (5 Nm).
09 07
Fig. 71 - 56
2 edge clips have to be mounted to the GPC holder. The edge clips shall be used for fixation the
branch of GBTS and W11/2 as shown at Fig. 71 – 56.
GBTS Pigtail
Fig. 71 - 57
The pigtail of GBTS has to be connected to the GPC holder screw (10 Nm) as shown at Fig. 71 – 57.
Branch CRS2
Fig. 71 - 58
Branch CRS2
GPC Holder
Fig. 71 - 59
Branch CRS2
Pigtail CRS2
Fig. 71 - 60
One edge clip 07 has to be mounted as shown at Fig. 71 – 60. It shall be used to fix the branch of
CRS2. The pigtail of CRS2 has to be connected to the screw (11 Nm) of CRS2.
Fig. 71 - 61
The governor pigtail is included to the bayonet connector GOV. No additional screwing of pigtail is
therefore needed.
Fig. 71 - 62
The installer of the engine harness is allowed to use the same cable tie type for additional fixation, if
the described fixation points are not sufficient. It has to be ensured by installer that the additional
cable ties are not directly mounted to driven or hot parts of the engine.
If it is required the installer is allowed to use cable ties 05 and Edge Clips (06; 07; 08) to fix the
engine harness additional. In such a case of an additional fixation with the described materials it has
to be ensured that the branches with the used materials are not attached to hot areas.
The wiring harness has to be fixed at several points to avoid harness damage.
Fixing points are marked in Fig 71.-.63, Fig. 71.-.64 and Fig. 7 - 65.
Fig. 71 - 63
Fig. 71 - 64
Fig. 71 - 65
DISCONNECT the power source prior to the remove of the wiring harness.
Remove the Injector Cover – refer to Chapter 85-00-11 Removal of the Injector Cover
Remove all clamps. (Pos. 03, 04, 05, 09, 11, 12).
Remove the cable strap from the Edge Clip (Pos.10) and the starter motor.
Disconnect the shielding cable.
Disconnect the wiring harness from all electrical equipment which is connected to the harness.
Start on the right gearbox side.
The harness can be removed.
Each connector is locked. Release the lock before disconnect the plugs.
Fig. 71 - 66
Fig. 71 - 67
Fig. 71 - 68
Herein described repair procedures for exchange of connectors can only be conducted once.
Step 1: Step 2:
Remove the protective sleeve. Cut off the “damaged” part at the solder sleeve. The
old connector will not be used for repair.
Protective Sleeve
Solder Sleeve
Step 3: Step 4:
Remove approx. 10mm (± 2mm) of the insulation The inline crimp shall be used to connect the single
with shielding of the remaining wire. Put the solder wire (2) of the remaining engine harness, and the
sleeve over the cable of the remaining engine white single (1) wire of the repair kit cable E4A-90-
harness. The solder sleeve will be needed for R16-000.
electrical connection as described at step 6. 1
Inline Crimp
Solder Sleeve
Step 5: Step 6
Strip the insulation behind the inline crimp (5mm Move the solder sleeve, which was putted over the
± 2mm) which was mounted as described in Step4. wire of the reaming harness (see Step 3), over the
Ensure not to cut off the shielding below the shielding that was exposed at step 5. The red
insulation. marking of the solder sleeve should be placed over
the exposed shielding.
Put the white / black wire (3) of repair kit cable E4A-
Inline Crimp 90-R16-000 into the solder sleeve (expose wire
should connect the shielding).
Heat the solder sleeve (300°C – 350°C) with a hot
air gun until the solder sleeve is connected with the
Shielding cable and the shielding.
Solder Sleeve
Step 7: Step 8:
Put the smaller ROUNDIT over the cable as shown The bigger ROUNDIT can be placed in addition over
below. The cable ties or / and the tape of the the smaller ROUNDIT for improved chafing
repair kit can be used for fixation of the ROUNDIT protection.
as necessary. The cable ties or / and the tape of the repair kit can
be used for fixation of the ROUNDIT as necessary.
Step 9:
Check with a Multimeter the connection between the pins as stated below:
s B50/2 (IAT2) 2
t B50/2 (IAT2) 1
Step 1: Step 2:
Cut off the old connecter Remove the black and white cable insulation.
engine wiring
50 mm (±5)
20 mm (+5mm)
Step 3: Step 4:
Remove the shielding as shown below. Put the solder sleeve over the engine harness cable
and place it above the shielding.
10 mm (+5mm) Heat the solder sleeve (300°C – 350°C) with a hot air
gun until the solder sleeve is connected with the
cable and the shielding
Solder Sleeve
Step 5: Step 6:
Remove the isolation of all single wires on the end The inline crimp consists of the splice crimp and the
of the engine harness and the repair kit cable E4A- isolation sleeve. Put the isolation sleeve of the inline
90-R18-000 as shown below. crimp over the single wire of engine harness.
Place the splice crimp at the end of the single wires
of the repair kit cable E4A-90-R18-000.
Step 7: Step 8:
Connect the singles wires of the engine harness Put the isolation sleeve of the inline crimp over the
with the repair kit cable of E4A-90-R18-000 by inline crimp sleeve. Heat the isolation sleeve (300°C
usage of the inline crimp. – 350°C) with a hot air gun until the isolation sleeve
seals the splice crimp and the single wires.
Pinning list for FPS connector is shown in
the table below.
Pig Tail
Ensure that the Cable ties as provided in the repair kit can be used
pig tail is not covered with ROUNDIT and a ring for fixation.
termination is mounted on it.
Step 1: Step 2:
Cut off the old solder sleeve of the BPA branch. Remove the black and white cable insulation.
50 mm (+5mm)
10 mm (+5mm)
Step 3: Step 4:
Remove the shielding as shown below. Put the solder sleeve over the wiring harness cable
and place it above the shielding.
Heat the solder sleeve (300°C – 350°C) with a hot air
gun until the solder sleeve is connected with the
cable and the shielding
Solder Sleeve
10 mm (+5mm)
Step 5: Step 6:
Remove the isolation of single wire on the end of The inline crimp consists of the splice crimp and the
the engine wiring harness and the cable of the isolation sleeve. Put the isolation sleeve of the inline
repair kit as shown below. crimp over the single wire of engine harness.
Place the splice crimp at the end of the single wires
of the repair kit cable E4A-90-R17-000.
See also picture of step 6 of chapter 71-50-802.
5 mm (±1)
Step 7: Step 8:
Connect the singles wires of the engine wiring Put the isolation sleeve of the inline crimp over the
harness with the repair kit cable by use of the inline crimp sleeve. Heat the isolation sleeve (300°C
inline crimp sleeve. – 350°C) with a hot air gun until the isolation sleeve
seals the splice crimp and the single wires.
Pinning list for BPA connector is shown in
the table below.
Isolation Sleeve
Step 1: Step 2:
The black backsheel needs to be removed. Cut off the connector G2/Gen as close as possible at
the connector housing.
Step 3: Step 4:
Remove the insulation of the remaining harness The part number of the inline crimp is D-436-37. This
and the repair kit cable. number includes the splice crimp and the (blue)
isolation sleeve.
Put the blue isolation sleeve of the inline crimp D-
436-37 over the single wire of the repair kit cable.
Place the splice crimp at the end of the single wire of
the repair kit cable. Connect the crimp with the
repair kit cable by usage of the crimp tool Mil
Standard Part Number: M22520/37-01
5mm (+/-2)
Crimp Gasket
Step 5:
Use the crimp tool Mil Standard Part Number: Step 6:
M22520/37-01 to connect the repair kit cable (A) and Put the blue isolation sleeve of the inline crimp
the remaining engine harness (B). D-436-37 directly over the splice crimp.
Step 7: Step 8:
If necessary the green roundit 2000NX5-5 which is part Use a Multimeter to check connection between
of the repair kit can be put over inline crimp and the the pins stated below:
black expando of the repair kit cable.
Connector Pin Connector Pin
Roundit Expando
Pig Tail
Step 9:
Cable ties PLT1M-M30 and PLT4S-M30 can be used for
fixation of repair kit cable.
Step1: Step2:
Cut off the “damaged” part at the solder sleeve of the (The following pictures are example pictures, to
engine harness. The old connector will not be used for detail the repair instruction)
Remove the black insulation as shown in the
picture below. (~50mm from remaining
Solder Sleeve
50mm (+5)
Step3: Step4:
Remove the white cable insulation down to the shielding Put the solder sleeve over the cable of the
of the cable as shown in the picture below. remaining engine harness.
Heat the solder sleeve (300°C – 350°C) with a
“hot air gun”.
50mm (+5)
Solder Sleeve
10mm (+5)
Remove the insulation with shielding of the remaining Step 6:
wire. The part number of the inline crimp is D-436-37.
This number includes the splice crimp and the
isolation sleeve.
10mm (+/-2)
Put the blue isolation sleeve of the inline crimp
D-436-37 over the single wire of engine harness.
Place the splice crimp at the end of the single
wires of the repair kit cable E4A-90-R22-000-
Step 7: Step 8:
The inline crimp shall be used to connect the single wire Put the blue isolation sleeve of the inline crimp
(A) of the remaining engine harness, and the white D-436-37 directly over the splice crimp.
single (B) wire of the repair kit cable E4A-90-R22-000-
000. Heat the inline crimp isolation sleeve (300°C –
B 350°C) with a “hot air gun” until the inline crimp
isolation seals the inline crimp barrel and the
single wires.
Isolation sleeve
Step 9: Step10:
Put the chafing protection ROUNDIT 2000NX5-5 over the Use a Multimeter to check connection between
repair kit cable and the engine harness. The length of the pins stated below:
the chafing protection ROUNDIT 2000NX5-5 can be
Connector Pin Connector Pin
reduced if necessary.
X1/2 4 G2 / GEN 1
Pig Tail
Cable ties PLT1M-M30 and PLT4S-M30 can be used for
fixation of repair kit cable E4A-90-R22-000-000.
Herein described repair procedures for exchange of connectors can only be conducted once.
Step 1: Step 2:
Cut off the GBTS connector as close as possible at Strip the insulation of the remaining single wires of
the end of the wiring branch. the engine wiring harness as shown below.
5mm (±1mm)
Step 3: Step 4:
Strip the insulation of the repair kit cable as shown Place the isolation sleeve over the single wires of the
below. repair kit cable.
5mm (±1mm)
Step 5: Step 6:
Connect the single wires of the repair kit cable Move the blue isolation sleeve over the inline crimps and
E4B-95-R10-000 with the remaining engine wiring heat them with a hot air gun (300 °C).
harness as shown in the table below using the
inline crimps and crimp tool.
Connector Pin Connector Pin
Step 7: Step 8:
Put the ROUNDIT over the cable as shown below. The cable ties and the fusion tape can be used for fixation
ROUNDIT and the cable harness as shown below.
Step 1: Step 2:
The black backsheel needs to be removed. Cut off the connector G2/Gen as close as possible at
the connector housing.
Step 3: Step 4:
Remove the insulation of the remaining harness The part number of the inline crimp is D-436-37. This
and the repair kit cable. number includes the splice crimp and the (blue)
isolation sleeve.
Put the blue isolation sleeve of the inline crimp D-
436-37 over the single wire of the repair kit cable.
Place the splice crimp at the end of the single wire of
the repair kit cable. Connect the crimp with the
repair kit cable by usage of the crimp tool Mil
Standard Part Number: M22520/37-01
5mm (+/-2)
Crimp Gasket
Step 5:
Use the crimp tool Mil Standard Part Number: Step 6:
M22520/37-01 to connect the repair kit cable (A) and Put the blue isolation sleeve of the inline crimp
the remaining engine harness (B). D-436-37 directly over the splice crimp.
Step 7: Step 8:
If necessary the green roundit 2000NX5-5 which is part Use a Multimeter to check connection between
of the repair kit can be put over inline crimp and the the pins stated below:
black expando of the repair kit cable.
Connector Pin Connector Pin
Roundit Expando
Pig Tail
Step 9:
Cable ties PLT1M-M30 and PLT4S-M30 can be used for
fixation of repair kit cable.
73-00-01 General
For detailed description refer to the AE 300 Operation Manual E4.01.01 – Chapter System Description.
For approved fuels refer to the AE 300 Operation Manual E4.01.01 Chapter Fuel Grade.
73-00-10 Injector
Mark each injector for correct position. Do not swap injector IQA-Codes!
Two different types of injectors are used on the AE 300 engine (see picture below)
Make sure that all 4 injectors of the same type are installed.
Standard injector:
E4A-34-000-000 LU Injector for common rail
corresponds no. of Daimler A 640 070 07 87
If a new injector is installed, record IQA-code given at the top of the injector.
The IQA-code has to be programmed into the EECU with the AE 300-Wizard.
1. Put on the new gasket rings [1] of the injectors - refer to Chapter 73-00-22.
2. Lubricate the cleaned injectors [2] with special grease [3] refer to Chapter 73-00-22.
3. Insert the injectors according to the marking sequence during the removal Chapter.
4. Use only new (!) screws [4] for clamping shoe [5].
5. Starting torque for clamping shoe:
Level 1: 7 Nm
Level 2: 90º
Level 3: 90º
10 4x 6 4x
Fig. 73 - 1
7 4x 8 9 4x
Fig. 73 - 2 Fig. 73 - 3
Fig. 73 - 4
4 3
5 6
Fig. 73 - 5
Fig. 73 - 6 Fig. 73 - 7
2 3 4 2x
7 8 2
5 9 3 4
6 3x
Fig. 73 - 8 Fig. 73 - 9
Fig. 73 - 10
Whenever loosening or tightening hose connections fitted with a twin nipple, always hold
the twin nipple steady.
1. Unscrew hexagon nut [1]. Use the special tool AE300T-012-1 as counter torque
2. Remove the spur gear [2] from the High Pressure Pump.
4 2
Fig. 73 - 11
Perform a visual inspection of the spur gear. If one of the following damages is identified
during the visual inspection replace the spur gear:
The teeth flanks may show slight wear (polished surfaces) and sporadic traces of oil
lacquer. An example of a polished tooth flank surface can be seen in Fig. 73 – 8b.
Nevertheless these spur gears are acceptable for re-use. In case of doubt contact Austro
Engine GmbH.
Fig. 73 - 12
For references refer to figure of Chapter 73-00-42 – Removal of the spur gear.
1. Put the spur gear [2] onto the High Pressure Pump [3].
2. Screw on the hexagon nut M14x1.5 [1]. Check the fit of the spur gear.
3. Use the special tool AE300T-012-1 as counter torque wrench.
4. Tighten the nut with a torque of 70 Nm.
5. Check if the sealing [4] ring is installed at the High Pressure Pump.
6. Install the High Pressure Pump according to chapter 73-00-44.
When using Loctite, make sure, that the thread is free of grease and apply only a thin
film of Loctite.
7. Mount the fuel line - refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
8. Fit on the connector [1] (FMU).
9. Fit on the connector [7] (FTS).
10. Fit on the connector [8] (FPS).
11. Clean working area.
12. Perform an engine ground run according to Chapter 71-00-03.
13. After the ground run the engine must be cooled down (40°C-50°C / 104°F-122°F) for
a further tighten of the banjo bolt [4] with 25 Nm.
14. Install a safety wire [3].
15. After the ground run inspect fuel system for leakage.
Whenever loosening or tightening hose connections fitted with a twin nipple, always hold
the twin nipple steady.
1. Install the new common rail assy [4] and screw it down with 16 Nm.
2. Screw on the fuel lines on the common rail.
3. Torque the coupling nuts at the common rail with 27 Nm.
4. Torque the coupling nuts at the injectors with 22 Nm.
5. Install the injector cover - refer to Chapter 85-00-12.
6. Attach the connectors (RPS), (PCV).
7. Clean the working area.
8. Perform an engine ground run according to Chapter 71-00-03.
9. After the ground run inspect fuel system for leakage.
3 3
Fig. 73 - 13
76-00-01 General
For detailed description refer to the Chapter 01-10-60 Electrical System Description.
For removal and installation of the EECU refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
To perform an EECU Software Update you have to follow the instructions given below.
The intention of this procedure is to document the current status of the EECU, update the
EECU Software (SW) acc. to the MSB-E4-003 using the AE Wizard and document the updated
status of the EECU.
For detailed instructions on the Software Updates Process itself refer to the AE 300 Wizard User
GuideE4.08.09 at least revision 7.
The Software-file for updating the EECU will be part of a Flash Container (FCT) which is used by the
AE300-Wizard.This FCT is available at the Austro Engine Homepage / Client Area.
Use the appendix of MSB E4-003 “Execution Report” to document the performed update.
The EECU Software Update Procedure below will also guide you through a Software Update procedure
by use of references to AE300 Wizard.
SW to be updated
Engine Log
Flash Container
Update EECU AE300 Wizard Load Flash Container with new SW
into Wizard (downloaded from
Software AE-Homepage)
Flash Autosave
Engine Log
Engine Log
Refer to MSB E4-003 for current software versions. Software updates may only be performed by an
Austro Engine GmbH service partner.
2 4x 3 1
Fig. 76 - 1
Fig. 76 - 2
3 1 2
1 1 1
5 5 5
Fig. 76 - 3
Fig. 76 - 4
77-00-01 General
The engine indicating is realized by the EECU. The EECU gathers the required information from engine
sensors and passes it through the CAN-Bus to an engine display.
If a failure in indication is suspected maintain the relevant sensor (Rely on EECU sensor failure
detection to identify electrically defect sensors.)
78-00-01 General
1. Remove the exhaust pipe from the turbo charger - refer to the applicable Aircraft
Maintenance Manual.
2. Remove the intake air hose from the turbo charger - refer to the applicable Aircraft
Maintenance Manual.
3. Remove the oil return line from the turbo charger - refer to Chapter 79-00-111.
4. Remove the lubricate line from the turbo charger - refer to Chapter 79-00-101.
5. Remove the clip [1] from the waste gate controller [2] and pull down the hose.
6. Remove the banjo bolt [3].
7. Open the nuts [4] from the exhaust manifold [8].
8. Remove the exhaust manifold with the turbo charger.
9. Remove the screws [5].
10. Remove the turbo charger [6].
1. Attach the turbo charger with new gasket [7] to the exhaust manifold [8].
2. Insert the screws [5] with new nuts.
3. Tighten the screws equally with 35 Nm.
4. Install the exhaust manifold [8] with the turbo charger [6].
5. Use only new gaskets [9].
6. Screw the exhaust manifold with new nuts [4] with 30 Nm.
7. Put on the hose on the waste gate controller and fix it with the clip [1].
8. Install the banjo bolt [3] with new sealing rings and torque it with 7 Nm.
9. Before install the oil line fill in approximately 1 cm³ engine oil (see Fig. 78 - 1).
10. Install the oil lubricate line - refer to Chapter 79-00-102.
11. Install the return line - refer to Chapter 79-00-112.
12. Install the intake air hose - refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
13. Install the exhaust pipe - refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
14. Clean the working area.
15. Perform an engine ground run according to Chapter 71-00-03.
16. After the ground run inspect exhaust system for leakage.
Fig. 78 - 1
1 2 6
5 4x
4 8x
Fig. 78 - 2 Fig. 78 - 3
7 5 4x
4 8x
Fig. 78 - 4
79-00-01 General
For approved engine oils see Operation Manual E4.01.01 – Chapter
1. Open the sleeve nut [1] of the drain line [2] on the upper end (Oil filter housing) first.
2. Remove the safety wire from the banjo bolt [3].
3. Open the sleeve nut [4] on the lower end of the drain line [2].
4. Open the banjo bolt [5] at the oil sump [6].
5. Carefully remove the drain line.
6. Remove the gasket rings from the banjo bolt [5].
Whenever loosening or tightening hose connections fitted with a twin nipple, always hold
the twin nipple steady.
Do not over torque the banjo bolt – serious damage of the oil sump is possible.
6. Torque the lower sleeve nut of the oil drain line [2] with 16 Nm.
7. Torque the upper sleeve nut of the oil drain line [2] with 16 Nm.
8. Apply safety wire on banjo bolt [5] according to the standard practices on Chapter
9. Clean the working area.
10. Perform an engine ground run according to Chapter 71-00-03.
11. After the ground run inspect oil system for leakage.
5 3 4 2 1 7
Fig. 79 - 1
2 1
Fig. 79 - 2
6. Turn in the oil drain plug [2] with a new sealing ring and torque it with 30 Nm.
7. Save it with a safety wire Ø 0,81 mm.
8. Refill Engine Oil at the Oil Dip Stick Opening
9. Install Oil Dip Stick and check oil level (refer to Chapter 12-20-01)
The washers are not shown in Fig. 79 – 3. Some oil baffle panels have
washers already soldered onto the oil baffle panel. In this case no additional
washers have to be removed.
The washers are not shown in Fig. 79 – 3. Some oil baffle panels have
washers already soldered onto the oil baffle panel. In this case no additional
washers have to be mounted.
When using Loctite, make sure, that the thread is free of grease and apply only a thin
film of Loctite.
3. Install the engine bracket – refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
4. Install the oil drain plug – refer to Chapter 79-00-30.
5. Install the oil level sensor – refer to Chapter 79-00-120.
6. Install the oil dipstick.
7. Install the crankshaft sensor - refer to Chapter 76-00-32.
8. Put on carefully a new gasket [15] on the oil sump [1] and then put the oil sump on the
Use a small amount of sealant near the joint of the crankshaft cover.
10. Install the oil filter housing drain line – refer to Chapter 79-00-12.
11. Install the return line – refer to Chapter 79-00-112 Installation of the Oil Return
12. Install the belt tensioner – refer to Chapter 85-40-22.
13. Install the gearbox – refer to Chapter 85-10-12.
14. Install the engine to the aircraft – refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
15. Fill in engine oil – refer to the Chapter 79-00-30.
16. Clean the working areas.
17. Perform an engine ground run according to Chapter 71-00-03.
18. After the ground run inspect fluid systems for leakage.
3 6x
2 7 6
11 14x
16 *
13 5 4 8 10 2x
Fig. 79 - 3
17 *
1. Remove the oil filter housing drain line – refer to Chapter 79-00-11.
2. Remove the fitting [9] from the oil filter housing drain line.
3. Remove the oil filter – refer to Chapter 79-00-71.
4. Remove the (OPS) Oil pressure sensor [3] – refer to Chapter 79-00-131
5. Remove the screws [5], [6] and the screw [7] with the clamp [8] of the wiring
6. Remove the oil filter housing.
79-00-70 Oil-Filter
Fig. 79 - 5 Fig. 79 - 6
3 7
Fig. 79 - 7
3. Push on the hose [5] (lubricate the connecting tube with acid free lubrication).
4. Push on the oil pipe [3].
5. Use only new sealing rings [4] (lubricate the rings with acid free lubrication).
6. Install the oil separator on the injector cover.
7. Push on the tube to the injector cover [9].
8. Push on the oil pipe into the injector cover [10].
9. Inspect the correct position of the o-rings [4].
10. Screw on the oil separator with 5 Nm using Loctite 243.
When using Loctite, make sure, that the thread is free of grease and apply only a thin
film of Loctite.
Fig. 79 - 8
When using Loctite, make sure, that the thread is free of grease and apply only a thin
film of Loctite.
5 7 6
Fig. 79 - 9
Fig. 79 - 10
1. Use new o-ring [5] and lubricate it with acid free lubrication.
2. Push the oil-line in the injector cover and fixed it with the screw.
3. Install the banjo bolt in the camshaft sensor housing with new sealing rings and
torque it with 15 Nm.
4. Secure the banjo bolt with a safety wire.
5. Clean the working area.
6. Perform an engine ground run according to Chapter 71-00-03.
7. After the ground run inspect oil system for leakage.
1 2
Fig. 79 - 11 Fig. 79 - 12
2 1
Fig. 79 - 13 Fig. 79 - 14
1. Install the new o-ring and lubricate it with acid free lubrication.
2. Install the new sealing rings [3].
3. Install the lubricant line [1] – refer to Chapter 79-00-102.
4. Perform an engine ground run according to Chapter 71-00-03.
5. After the ground run inspect oil system for leakage.
6. The lubricant line banjo bolt has to be torqued again after cooling down the engine.
Fig. 79 - 15
Fig. 79 - 16
1. Install the new o-ring [1] and lubricate with acid free lubrication.
2. Install the new sealing rings [3].
3. Install the new gasket [2].
4. Install the oil return line – refer to Chapter 79-00-112.
Fig. 79 - 17
When using Loctite, make sure, that the thread is free of grease and apply only a thin
film of Loctite.
Fig. 79 - 18
When using Loctite, make sure, that the thread is free of grease and apply only a thin
film of Loctite.
Fig. 79 - 19
79-00-140 Governor
The Governor is not part of the engine. For detailed information refer to the applicable
Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
3 1
Fig. 79 - 20 Fig. 79 - 21
Fig. 79 - 22
80-00-01 General
For detailed description refer to the AE 300 Operation Manual E4.01.01 - Chapter Operating
80-00-10 Starter
First disconnect the negative pole and second the positive pole.
2. Disconnect the electrical cables from the starter – refer to the applicable Aircraft
Maintenance Manual.
3. Remove the tie rap [1].
4. Remove the screws [2] from the GPC-bracket.
5. Remove the screw [3].
6. Place the GPC side wards.
7. Do not lose the spacer [4].
8. Remove the second screw at the starter.
9. Remove carefully the starter.
4 2x
Fig. 80 - 1
Fig. 80 - 2
81-00-01 General
For description refer to Chapter 01-10-10 Intake/Exhaust System Description.
The following figure defines the Installation versions of the waste gate controller bracket.
Take care to install the waste gate controller according to your engine configuration
(E4A, E4B or E4C).
1. Install the bracket with the M6 bolts [2] and torque them with 7 Nm.
2. Chose a suitable air pressure device (see Fig. 81 – 4) as described in
Chapter 81-00-32.
3. Attach the chosen device to the top of the waste gate controller and apply pressure
till the rod starts to move. Do not excess a pressure level of 3,5 bar.
4. Connect rod to waste gate lever.
5. Adjust waste gate controller – refer to Chapter 81-00-32.
Note: For fixing of the rod on the waste gate lever use new circlip.
There are actually two different BPA installation versions on the E4 engine.
At the previous version the BPA inlet is connected to the turbocharger (see Fig. 81 – 3).
The BPA inlet of the latest version is connected to the Manifold and therefore the BPA is
installed twisted.
In case of installation of the previous BPA versions (for explanations refer to chapter
81-00-21) please follow the steps 1, 3 (routing according to Fig. 81 – 4) 4, 5 and 7 of the
following installation instruction.
In case of installation of the latest BPA version (for explanation refer to chapter 81-00-21)
the following steps need to be followed.
If parts need to be replaced (e.g. bracket or hose) it is always required to install the latest
BPA version.
1. Install the boost pressure actuator [4] using existing screws [3], washers and new
counter nuts and torque them with 3 Nm.
2. Make sure that the spacer [5] is installed on the Manifold according to chapter
3. Route the hoses according to Fig. 81 - 4.
4. Install hoses and secure them with the clamps [2].
5. Connect electric connector “BPA” [1].
6. If the previous disassembled EPW (according to chapter 81-00-21) was connected to
the Turbo Charger instead to the Manifold make sure that the Turbo Charger outlet is
plugged with a scrub screw [6]. Secure the scrub screw with Loctite 542 and torque
them with 5 Nm.
7. Perform an engine ground run according to Chapter 71-00-03.
04 01
05 02
Fig. 81 - 4 Latest BPA installation version
81-00-31 Inspection
If you have problems with the waste gate controller, remove the complete turbo charger (refer to
Chapter 81-00-11) and send it to an Austro Engine GmbH – Service Center.
1. For checking the waste gate controller, remove the clip [1] and pull off the hose [2].
2. For the checking procedure use an air pressure device with the ability to stepwise
increase the pressure at the waste gate.
3. Apply the hose [3] from the chosen air pressure device [4] onto the port of the
controller and fix it with a clamp.
4. Slowly pump air in the controller by use of an air pressure device.
5. At 1,5 bar the pushrod must start to move.
6. If it is necessary to correct the adjustment, loosen the nut [5] and remove the circlip
Only apply an relative air pressure of 1,4 – 1,5 bar to the controller to move the
pushrod. Do not exceed the maximum allowable pressure of 3,5 bar.
7. To reduce the opening pressure, turn the fitting [7] out of the pushrod [8].
8. To increase the opening pressure, turn the fitting [7] into the pushrod [8].
9. Recapitulate this procedure until the pressure has 1,5 bar.
10. When the pressure is correct, mount the fitting [7] back onto the waste gate pin and
secure it with a circlip [6].
When using Loctite, make sure, that the thread is free of grease and apply only a thin
film of Loctite.
12. Remove the hose [3] from the special tool [4] and apply the hose [2] onto the
controller port.
13. Secure the hose with new clamp.
14. Perform an engine ground run according to Chapter 71-00-03.
04 08
07 02
Fig. 81 - 6 Fig. 81 - 7
correct incorrect
Fig. 81 - 8 Fig. 81 - 9
In case the injector cover has a maintenance lid installed, remove the maintenance lid as
described in section 85-00-13 for the following work steps.
1. Disconnect the breather line [5] from the injector cover – refer to the applicable
Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
2. Remove the oil-separator return line - refer to Chapter 79-00-91.
3. Remove the screws [1].
4. Carefully lift up the injector cover [4].
5. Open the hose clamp [2].
6. Pull off the hose [3] from the cylinder head.
7. Remove the cover.
1. Route the oil separator hose [3] below the high pressure lines – refer to Fig. 85 - 2
and Fig. 85 - 3.
2. Push the oil separator hose on the socket and fix it with the hose clamp [2].
Make sure that the hose is installed and routed without tension. If necessary push the hose
below the high pressure lines in direction connector socket to assure the stress less routing.
In case the installed injector cover has no maintenance lid refer to MSB-E4-008/1 or higher
3. Put the injector cover [4] in position above the cylinder head.
1 1
5 1
2 3
Fig. 85 - 2 Fig. 85 - 3
Fig. 85 - 4
1. Route the oil separator hose [3] below the high pressure lines – refer to Fig. 85 - 5.
2. Push the oil separator hose on the socket and fix it with the hose clamp [2].
Make sure that the hose is installed and routed without tension. If necessary push the hose
below the high pressure lines in direction connector socket to assure the stress less routing.
Before installation put both hose clamps over the tube.
3. Put the injector cover [4] in position above the cylinder head.
4. Connect the tube to the oil separator – refer to Fig. 85 – 7.
2 3
Fig. 85 - 5
1. Cover the overlapping area at the injector cover with silicone – refer to Fig. 85 -9.
2. Put the maintenance lid at the provided opening at the injector cover and move it
thus the holes at the lid are coaxial with the threads at the injector cover.
3. Fix the lid screws with a torque of 3 Nm.
4. Secure the screw with a safety wire – refer to Fig. 85 – 4.
Fig. 85 - 6
Fig. 85 - 7
Fig. 85 - 8 Fig. 85 - 9
85-10-10 Gearbox
1. Apply a container with minimum 3 litres below the gearbox drain plug.
2. Open the gearbox filler plug [1].
3. Open the gearbox drain plug [2]
4. Remove the propeller – refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
5. Remove the electrical connector [3] of the governor solenoid marked with “GOC/M55”
and secure the connector and the socket with a cap.
6. Remove the pressure line [13] from the governor (If the pressure line is installed) -
refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
7. Remove the electrical connector of the gearbox temperature sensor [5] market with
“GBTS/B50/5” and secure the connector and socket with a cap.
8. Remove all clamps [14] of the cable fixation for the crankshaft sensor.
9. Remove the engine starter –refer to Chapter 80-00-11.
10. Install forward engine hinge [6] for slinging the engine (if not installed).
11. Sling the engine on the forward hinge and apply slow force.
12. Open and remove the right [7] and left [8] forward engine mounts - refer to the
applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
13. Support the gearbox or sling the gearbox on the prop shaft.
14. Remove the gearbox screws [9] (11x).
Four different types of screws are used. Mark screws for correct position before removing.
If the gearbox is replaced due to high debris contamination make sure that the parts
mounted to the gearbox and operated with gearbox oil (i.e. propeller, governor and
feathering accumulator if applicable) are properly purged before reinstallation.
Four different types of screws are used. Make sure that the correct screws according to the
marking during removal are used.
4. Install the two forward engine mounts [7] and [8] to the gearbox - refer to the
applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
5. Install the starter on the engine - refer to Chapter 80-00-12.
6. Connect the pressure line to the governor - refer to the applicable Aircraft
Maintenance Manual
7. Connect the electrical connector [3] “GOV/M55” to the governor solenoid.
8. Connect the electrical connector [5] of the gearbox temperature sensor marked with
9. Install all clamps [14] of the cable fixation for the crankshaft sensor.
10. Install the gearbox magnetic drain plug – refer to Chapter 85-10-22.
11. Fill the gearbox according to Chapter 85-10-51 General
12. Install the filling plug [1] with 12 Nm and apply safety wire according to the standard
13. Install the adequate propeller - refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
14. Perform an engine ground run according to Chapter 71-00-03.
15. After the ground run check gearbox oil system for leakage.
Fig. 85 - 10
7 8
Fig. 85 - 11 Fig. 85 - 12
11 9 11x
Fig. 85 - 13
Fig. 85 - 15
If this is the first gearbox oil inspection to be conducted on this engine (gearbox TSN:
100 h) a quantity like the one shown in Fig. 85 – 16 is acceptable, as slightly more
debris is not uncommon for the first flight hours.
Fig. 85 - 16
If the gearbox operation time is more than 100 h TSN, less debris is allowable. Thus
compare the magnetic drain plug with the one shown in Fig. 85 – 17. Should the
particles present on the magnetic drain plug be over the allowable size or quantity
contact Austro Engine GmbH for further information and send a picture of the
contaminated magnetic drain plug via E-mail to [email protected].
Fig. 85 - 17
- Small quantities that are like thin pieces of hair (see Fig. 85 – 16).
- Small quantities that are like powder (see Fig. 85 – 16).
Removal of GBTS prior removal of the filter is recommended. Take care when
handling the GBTS.
For 100h check: Check the filter (damage, debris) and clean it with Brake Cleaner.
Conduct a visual inspection of the used gearbox oil filter for contamination and metal
abrasion. If unusual contamination (metal shavings exceeding 1 mm; concentration of
particles; clogged filter) is found, or in case of doubt contact Austro Engine GmbH.
For 300h change: Dispose the old filter and replace it with a new filter.
2 Screw the plug screw [1] with 25 Nm and secure it with safety wire.
If gearbox Rev. 70 to Rev. 90 is installed on an E4-B or E4-C engine, install gearbox
temperature sensor according to chapter 85-10-40 instead of plug screw.
When using Loctite, make sure, that the thread is free of grease and apply only a thin
film of Loctite.
3 2 1
5 5 5
If gearbox Rev. 70 to Rev. 90 is installed on an E4-B or E4-C engine, the GBTS has to
be installed above the gearbox oil filter. For all other configurations the installation is
similar to Fig. 85 - 24
Note that a gearbox Rev. 80 to Rev. 90 cannot be mounted on an E4-A engine.
85-10-51 General
With this additional gearbox oil above inspection window level the gearbox
E4-70-000-000 Rev. 60 or lower is filled with the required quantity.
1 2
5 1
Fig. 85 - 25 Fig. 85 - 26
85-10-60 Two-Mass-Flywheel
Pay attention not to squeeze the Teflon ring during tightening of the 8 new screws [4]
between sealing surface and two-mass-flywheel. The Teflon ring should be centered.
1 4 8x
5 5 5
2 8x
1 5
Fig. 85 - 27 Fig. 85 - 28
85-10-64 Cleaning
To clean the surfaces of the two-mass-flywheel a cleaning cloth covered with WD40
can be used. With the cloth the contact surfaces to the crank shaft and to the hub
(E4A-73-000-203) can be cleaned from surface rust and dust.
The present of rust at the surface of the two-mass-flywheel is not critical for the
function of it. It is adequate to clean the surface with a dry Scotch-Brite hand pad
from light surface corrosion.
85-10-65 Inspection
To describe the investigation points an overview of the two-mass-flywheel is given in the following
picture. The flywheel is build up out of two discs (masses) which are connected together with springs
at the inside of the bigger disc. The bigger disc with the starter and pick up ring is called primary
mass and sign with the number 1 (E4A-73-300-201-002) in the following figure. The smaller disc
signed with the number 2 (E4A-73-300-202-010) is named secondary mass.
Fig. 85 - 33 Starter (1) and pick-up ring (2, with gap) at the outside contour of the primary mass.
Visual Inspection:
The two-mass-flywheel must not have any traces of thermal damage at the rear side or at the outside
coverage. Otherwise the two-mass-flywheel has to be replaced.
This check has to be repeated after the mechanical inspection. Due to the rotation during the
mechanical inspection the covered part of the friction control cam is positioned at the wholes of the
back side of the primary mass.
min. 1,5mm
Friction traces:
The gap between primary and secondary mass has to be checked. If there are traces of wear at the
surface of the primary mass, caused by friction of the secondary mass at the surface of the primary
mass, the two-mass-flywheel has to be replaced.
If the friction ring is covered by the secondary mass thus the inner diameter can not be seen
completely the ring has to be repositioned. Therefore lift the secondary mass slightly thus the ring can
be repositioned with a small screwdriver. The correct position is reached when the inner diameter of
the ring has approximately the same gap to the outside diameter of the notch in the primary mass as
demonstrated with the green dotted line in Fig. 85 – 38.
If the friction ring is not in the correct position the ring can be damaged when the Two-Mass-Flywheel
is mounted at the test rig for mechanical investigation. This damage is seen in the following figure.
Fig. 85 - 39
For further operation of the Two-Mass Flywheel the ring has to be reworked. Use a sharp knife to cut
off the ragged area of the ring. If the width of the ring is less than 50% or the ring gets broken, the
Two-Mass-Flywheel has to be replaced.
Fig. 85 - 40
Thereafter reposition the ring. Therefore lift the secondary mass slightly thus the ring can be
repositioned with a small screwdriver.The correct position is reached when the inner diameter of the
ring has approximately the same gap to the outside diameter of the notch in the primary mass as
demonstrated with the green dotted line in Fig. 85 - 38.
Pick-up ring:
If the teeth of the pick-up ring are out of shape the engine run could be rough. Therefore if the teeth
are bent the two-mass-flywheel has to be replaced.
Fig. 85 - 41
Take care that also small bending of a pick-up ring teeth could lead to engine running problems.
Fig. 85 - 42
Fig. 85 - 43
Starter ring:
Traces of wearing or damage at the gear tooth of the starter ring. If traces are present the two-mass-
flywheel has to be replaced. Less than 95% of the present volume of each tooth is not acceptable.
If teeth are damaged the starter has to be checked. When damage is indicated the starter has to be
changed as well.
Fig. 85 - 44
Balancing weights:
If the balancing weights are missing the two-mass-flywheel has to be replaced. This is noticeable if
weld points can be seen without the balancing weights.
If the weld points are broken the flywheel has to be replaced as well.
(Name, Date, Signature) (Name, Date, Signature)
Mechanical Inspection:
To control the mechanical function the two-mass-flywheel has to be tested in a special testing rig –
AEP-0061. The wheel is build up and fixed with its primary mass and loaded with defined torque
loads. The deflection between the primary and secondary mass will be measured at the defined
torque (see Table 1) and recorded.
At first the two-mass-flywheel will be attached in the fixing adapter of the test rig.
Thereafter a hub is attached at the connecting flange of the secondary mass and the bearing support
of the test rig is mounted as seen.
Fig. 85 - 47
To measure the deflection between the primary and secondary mass an angle measuring instrument
is attached at the input shaft.
Fig. 85 - 48
The torque will be attached with a torque wrench at the angle measuring instrument according to the
required torque values in Table 1: Tolerance Values.
Before the measuring is started the spring packages at the inside of the two-mass-flywheel have to be
positioned. Therefore the flywheel has to be turned not more than three times into the desired
direction with a torque of about 350 Nm. After this the angle measuring system has to be reset to
Thereafter the measuring can be done according to the following table. The measured angle values
have to be within the minimum and maximum tolerance values. The measuring direction may not be
changed during the procedure unless the spring packages will be repositioned for the change of the
(Name, Date, Signature) (Name, Date, Signature)
Tolerance Limits
70 70
60 60
50 50
Turning Angle [°]
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350
Torque [Nm]
After the measuring the inspection is finished and the two-mass-flywheel can be dismounted from the
test rig.
If the two-mass-flywheel has passed the visual and mechanical inspection the flywheel is qualified for
a further use in an E4 engine.
If the two-mass-flywheel has passed the visual and mechanical inspection the flywheel needs to be
marked for future identification of the already performed inspections.
Engrave the Fywheel with a “x” next to the part number as shown in Fig 85 - 49. The Fywheel needs
to be engraved with a “x” every time this maintenance procedure has been performed.
Fig. 85 - 49
Do not hammer the marking on the part to avoid damage to the two-mass-flywheel.
85-10-68 Reassembly
After the Flywheel is attached at the crankshaft hub check the position of the friction
ring. The ring must be positioned that no tapped hole is covered by the ring. The ring
must not be screwed down by one of the screws.
1. Re-attach the hub [3] to the pins and tighten up the 8 screws [2] (DIN 912 M8x12-12.9) with
25 Nm.
2. Re-attach the flywheel locking tool.
3. Use new 8 bolts and screw them in finger-tight in a crosswise sequence.
4. Tighten up all 8 screws in a crosswise sequence with the first step 45 Nm and the
second step with 90°.
5. Remove the flywheel locking tool.
6. Install the crankshaft sensors - refer to Chapter 76-00-32.
7. Connect the crankshaft sensor plugs.
8. Attach the ground strips of the crankshaft sensor plugs.
9. Install the gearbox - refer to Chapter 85-10-12.
10. Install the starter – refer to Chapter 80-00-12.
11. Perform an engine ground run according to Chapter 71-00-03.
12. After the ground run check gearbox oil system for leakage.
The overhauled two mass flywheel is packed in a bubble wrap and marked with a label indicating part
number, name, S/N number and revision status.
Fig. 85 - 50 Fig. 85 - 51
The two mass flywheel is packed and shipped with the 300h maintenance kit in a special packaging,
as seen below. Packaging can differ if the part is shipped independent from the 300h maintenance kit.
Fig. 85 - 52
For removal and installation of the crankshaft cover the engine has to be removed from the aircraft.
1. Clean the sealing ring contact surface on the crankcase with a fibre-free cloth.
2. Mount the crankshaft cover [2] with the mounting sleeve [3] and tight the 6 screws
[1] with 9 Nm.
3. Look out for correct horizontal alignment of the crankshaft cover with the crankcase
at position 4 in the picture below.
4. Remove the mounting sleeve [3]
5. Clean the sealing surface for oil sump.
6. Apply engine sealing material at the joint [4].
3 4 2 4
5 1 5 5
1 6x
5 5
1. Remove the intake hoses - refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
2. Put a container below the engine coolant drain.
3. Drain the engine coolant - refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
4. Remove the coolant hoses - refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
5. Remove the coolant thermostat - refer to Chapter 85-70-41.
6. Remove the intake-air temperature sensor#1-IAT1 (B50/1) and intake air
temperature sensor #2 – IAT2 (B50/2) refer to Chapter 85-30-31.
7. Remove the boost pressure sensor #1 – BPS1 (B5/1) and boost pressure sensor #2 –
BPS2 (B5/2) refer to Chapter 85-30-21.
8. Remove the coolant temperature sensor #1 – CTS1 (B50/3) and coolant temperature
senor #2 – CTS1 (B50/4) refer to Chapter 85-70-11.
9. Remove the screw [10] 9x.
10. Remove the intake air manifold [13].
11. Take off the gasket [9].
12. Clean the sealing surface.
5. Install the coolant hoses -refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
6. Install the intake air temperature sensor #1 & #2 – refer to Chapter 85-30-32.
7. Remove the security plug of the sensor and connector.
8. Install the electrical connectors to the intake-air temperature sensor +#1-IAT1
(B50/1) and intake air temperature sensor #2 – IAT2 (B50/2).
9. Install the boost pressure sensor #1 & #2 - refer to Chapter 85-30-22.
10. Install the electrical connectors to the boost pressure sensor #1 – BPS1 (B51) and
boost pressure sensor #2 – BPS2 (B5/2).
11. Install the coolant temperature sensor #1 & #2 - refer to Chapter 85-70-12.
12. Install the electrical connectors to the coolant temperature sensor #1 – CTS1 (B50/3)
and coolant temperature sensor #2 – CTS1 (B50/4).
13. Install the air intake hoses - refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
14. Fill engine with coolant and bleed the cooling system – refer to the applicable Aircraft
Maintenance Manual.
15. Perform an engine ground run according to Chapter 71-00-03.
16. After the ground run inspect coolant system for leakage.
15 16
02 06
03 12 11 10 9x 09
Fig. 85 - 56
Fig. 85 - 57
14 16 13
04 05
01 02 03
12 10 09x 09
Fig. 85 - 58
Fig. 85 - 59
1. Insert boost pressure sensor and the spacer with new o-ring.
2. Look out for the correct position of the o-ring.
3. Lubricate or ring with acid free lubrication.
4. Spacer [8] assembly steps in case of latest Boost Pressure Actuator installation:
Assemble the hose nipple [14] together with the sealing [15] onto the spacer [8]
using Loctite 542 and torque them with 5 Nm.
5. Screw boost pressure sensor screws down with 5 Nm using Loctite 243.
When using Loctite, make sure, that the thread is free of grease and apply only a thin
film of Loctite.
1. Move the v-belt tensioner [1] clockwise by turning the screw [2] to release the belt
2. Secure the v-belt tensioner with a locking pin [3].
3. Remove the v-ribbed belt [4].
Make absolutely sure that the belt is routed as shown in the diagram.
No other routing is allowed.
Make sure that the ribbed side of the v-ribbed belt is facing inward.
In addition make sure that the ribs of the belt match the rills on the wheel.
The belt must lie within the boundaries of the wheel
2. Move the v-belt tensioner [1] clockwise by turning the screw [2]
3. Remove the locking pin [3].
4 2 3
1 1 1
5 5 5
Fig. 85 - 60 Fig. 85 - 61
1 5 3x
5 1 15
Fig. 85 - 62
When using Loctite, make sure, that the thread is free of grease and apply only a thin
film of Loctite.
1 25 Nm 1 25 Nm
1 67 Nm
Fig. 85 - 63
02 03
• Remove all coolant of the engine. For detailed information see applicable AMM.
• Remove the air tube (No. 01 at Figure 85-2) connected to the intake air manifold. For detailed
information see applicable AMM.
• Remove the expansion tank for coolant (No. 02 at Figure 85-2). For detailed information see
applicable AMM.
• Loosen the intake air manifold (No. 03 at Figure 85-2). Move the manifold until the chain
tensioner (No. 04 at Figure 85-2) is exposed and can be removed. For detailed information
see applicable engine MM.
Remove the chain tensioner from the engine and screw the TCMT into the chain tensioner socket.
Make sure that the aluminium seal is installed at the Timing Chain Measuring Tool as
shown in figure above. In case of a replacement of the aluminium seal, make sure that
the old aluminium seal was removed before. Two or more aluminium seals and also no
aluminium seal result in measuring errors.
Chain length ok
To conduct the checking procedure the engine has to be hand turned at the propeller to the top dead
center (TDC) position:
TDC Indicator
The engine is in the TDC position when the mark next to “OT” is positioned at the pointer of
the crank case.
Due to the aircraft system build up the TDC position must be checked with mirror and
torch light when the engine is attached to the aircraft.
To move the engine into the TDC position turn the propeller by hand until the TDC position is
reached. Record the values visible at the dial gauge and turn the engine for one revolution to
reach the second TDC.
Due to the gearbox transmission the propeller must be turned for a 3/5 revolution to
turn the engine for one revolution.
Check the indicator scale of the TCMT according to figure 85 - 64 and repeat turning the
engine according to the described checking sequence:
• Checking sequence
• Turn the engine at the propeller two times and adjust it at the first TDC point.
• After 10 seconds (for balancing reasons) check the indicator scale of the TCMT.
• Turn the engine at the propeller for one engine revolution. (3/5 propeller revolution).
• After 10 seconds (for balancing) check the indicator scale of the TCMT.
• Turn the engine at the propeller for one engine revolution. (3/5 propeller revolution).
• After 10 seconds (for balancing) check the indicator scale of the TCMT.
• Turn the engine at the propeller for one engine revolution. (3/5 propeller revolution).
• After 10 seconds (for balancing) check the indicator scale of the TCMT.
• Turn the engine at the propeller for one engine revolution. (3/5 propeller revolution).
If during the checking sequence described above in one of the check points the last or less of the last
red ring of the indicator scale on the TCMT has been visible, the timing chain and the chain wheel
have to be replaced. Proceed with Chapter 85-40-50 to Chapter 85-40-54.
If more than one red ring of the indicator scale has always been visible, proceed with
Chapter 85-40-45.
• Screw chain tensioner until it is locked and fasten it with a torque wrench. Tightening
torque is 80 Nm (708 inch-lbs). After tightening rotate the engine at the propeller
to check the rotatability.
02 03
To finish the timing chain check the coolant must be refilled and the assembly of engine compartment
has to be conducted according to aircraft maintenance instructions.
For detailed information use the maintenance manuals of aircraft and engine.
Remove the following components from the top of the engine to expose the chain drive:
Mark the cylinder number onto the injector and the fuel line accordingly in order to place it back
in the same order during re-assembly. To protect the injectors from dust and contamination put
the injectors in plastic bags.
• Cylinder head cover. Therefore all screws (indicated with “S” for short screws and “L”
for the long screws in the figure below) have to be removed.
S 06 L 02 L 04 L 08 L S
07 L
01 05 03 L
S 05 L
05 L 01 L 03 L
07 L
S 06 L 02 L 04 L 08 L S
• Front side cover E4-A-14-000-000: Loosen all five screws of the front side cover of the
cylinder head.
Do not cant the cover whilst removing. The drain plug must not be damaged
(See drain plug at Figure 85 – 70).
• Camshaft bearing shell from the intake camshaft on the timing chain side. Replace it by a
chain guiding bar as shown in Figure 85 – 71 (AEP-00139).
• To maintain the chain at the camshaft, fasten the chain to the chain wheel with a able
retainer. The position of the cable retainer must be at the 11 o’clock position of the chain
wheel seen from the rear side of the engine. The position of the cable retainer is shown
in Figure 85 - 69.
To prevent small parts from falling into the chain slot cover the slot with a rag. The chain
must not be slip from the tooth of the chain wheel!
The following parts are required for changing of the timing chain and chain wheel:
The following tools are required for changing of the timing chain and chain wheel:
Only use special tools when in good condition and free of any signs of deterioration or
retainer 1
Connect the new timing chain with the replacing timing chain by use of a chain coupling
(AEP-00160). Position the chain in a way that the holes in the pin sleeves of the link are
on the outside of the chain as shown in Figure 85 - 73.
Remove the cable retainer. Pull out the existing timing chain whilst ensuring permanent
contact between chain and chain wheel. Turn the engine clockwise in flight direction (as
shown in Figure 85 - 74) and feed in the new chain. The chain shall be pulled beyond the
guiding tool.
Before turning the engine, remove the cover from the chain slot.
Do not turn engine in reverse direction while pulling in the new chain.
Turn engine until the new chain is almost completely fed in. Stop turning when
approximately two or three links are left outside the down holder. Fasten the replacing
chain on the chain wheel with a cable retainer, about two links from the connection link.
Remove the chain coupling (AEP-00160). The chain coupling from the tool set must not
remain in the engine. The part is not capable for engine operation
Make sure that the chain slot is closed or covered with a rag or similar
to prevent debris inside the engine.
The remaining free ends of the new chain have to be connected with the open chain link
(as part of E4A-75-100-000-000). Push the link with its pins in each free end of the chain.
If there is too much tension on the chain, you can ease that tension with small
movements on the prop in both directions. Push the link in coming from the camshaft
side (see Figure 85 - 75).
Fig. 85 - 75 Both ends of the new chain connected with the open chain link
Close the chain by mounting the chain clip at the open link. Therefore place the clip at
the chain closing tool. A built-in magnet in the pressure pad ensures securing of the
chain clip (see Figure 85 - 76).
Pressure pad
Chain clip
• Position the chain closing tool with the clip over the free ends of the link’s pins. The
riveted ends of the connection link must sit in the groove of the tool as shown in
Figure 85 - 77.
• Turn the spindle slowly to make sure that the pins slip exactly in the holes of the plate.
Turn the spindle up to the correct torque.
• Torque to press plate onto connection link pins: 32 Nm (283 inch-Ibs.)
• Turn back the spindle and take the pressure pad out of the tool, turn it thus the riveting
slot of the pressure pad can be used to rivet the chain. Figure 85 - 78 shows the chain
closing tool with the pressure pad is positioned to use the riveting slot.
• To rivet the pins place the chain closing tool back on the chain. Place the pressure pad
centered over the head of one of those pins, which have to be riveted, as the pins have
to be riveted one by one.
• Turn the screw slowly until the pad gets in contact with the pin’s head. Check again the
alignment of pressure pad and pin, turn down the screw with the correct tightening
• Tightening torque chain pins: 32 Nm (283 inch-Ibs.)
• Repeat the riveting accordingly on the second pin.
• Remove the chain closing tool and check the riveting of the pin’s head.
Figure 85 - 79 shows the riveted pins of the chain link.
• Remove the chain guiding bar. Clean the surfaces of shell and camshaft and use fresh oil
for the reassembly on the bearing surfaces of camshaft and bearing shell. Remount the
bearing shell. Turn in the screws equally and fasten them with correct tightening torque.
• Tightening torque screws: 12 Nm (106 inch-Ibs.)
• Turn the engine two or three times and check the setting of the cam timing.
• (Description in the following Chapters)
• Turn the engine to top dead center (TDC) position. See Figure 85 - 80.
Fig. 85 - 80 Engine set on TDC when control mark of the belt wheel
is aligned with mark on housing
• The punch marks on the timing wheels of the camshafts must be aligned as shown in
Figure 85 - 81.
• Both timing wheels contain a 6 mm hole. These holes must be on the exhaust side and
the lower edge must be aligned with the cylinder head surface. Figure 85 - 82 shows tool
AE-300-T009 placed into these holes of the timing wheels.
To ensure the correct setting of the camshafts insert tool AE-300-T009. The tool bolts must
be located at the exhaust side in contact with the cylinder head housing.
• Assemble the new chain wheel. Therefore place the teeth of the timing wheel in the
chain at first. Thereafter turn the wheel in the chain to fit the wheel at the centering pin
at the camshaft.
Centering pin
Fig. 85 - 83 New chain wheel with timing chain placed at the camshaft
• Mount new chain wheel with three new screws. Do not tighten the screws.
• Install the chain tensioner with a new gasket. Tighten it with correct tightening torque.
• Tightening torque chain tensioner: 80 Nm (708 inch-Ibs.)
• If the timing setup is ok, remove tool AE-300-T009 from the timing wheels.
• Turn the engine two turns in clockwise direction
Turn the engine very carefully. If there is a stop or resistance TURN BACK and check the
timing setup once again!
Remove the materials, which were used to cover the chain slot before you turn the
• Turn the engine to TDC and check the timing setup again.
• Tighten the 3 screws of the timing wheel with correct tightening torque.
• Tightening torque screws: 18 Nm (159 inch-Ibs.)
• Clean the sealing surfaces of the side cover and the cylinder head.
• Apply a line of sealant to the sealing surface of the cylinder head. Place the side cover
onto the engine and fix it with 5 screws.
• Tightening torque screws: 12 Nm (106 inch-Ibs.)
Camshaft Slot
• Apply oil at the slot of the cam shaft (See Figure 85 - 84) and attach the sensor cover. Apply
Loctite 243 to the screws and tighten them with correct torque.
• Tightening torque screws: 5 Nm (44 inch-Ibs.)
• Attach cylinder head cover. Fasten screws in the order as displayed in Figure 85 - 67
(numbers close to the “L”) with correct torque.
• Tightening torque screws: 12 Nm (106 inch-Ibs.).
• Attach oil returning line according to Chapter 79-00-112.
• Attach lubrication line according to Chapter 79-00-102.
• Mount injectors according to Chapter 73-00-12.
Place the injectors according to the numbers which were recorded during their
o The accomplishment of the above given instructions must be confirmed in the respective
engine log.
o Perform an engine ground run according to Chapter 71-00-03.
5. Screw down the water pump and torque the screws with 20 Nm.
6. Install the coolant pipe - refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
7. Install the v-ribbed belt - refer to Chapter 85-40-12.
8. Fill and bleed the cooling system - refer to the applicable Aircraft Maintenance
9. Clean the working area.
10. Perform an engine ground run according to Chapter 71-00-03.
11. After the ground run inspect coolant system for leakage.
Fig. 85 - 85 Fig. 85 - 86
1. Remove the oil filter housing drain line - refer to Chapter 79-00-11.
2. Remove the oil filter housing - refer to Chapter 79-00-61.
3. Remove the screws [1] from the heat exchanger [2].
4. Remove the heat exchanger.
5. Clean the sealing face.
Fig. 85 - 87
Fig. 85 - 88 Fig. 85 - 89
Fig. 92 - 1
Fig. 92 - 2
Fig. 92 - 3
Fig. 92 - 4
A/C Interface
CPC connector 1
EECU Sensor Supply
Sensor Signal
Power Lever
Sensor GND 6 2 Sensor
Sensor Supply
2 6
Sensor Signal 4 3
Sensor GND 3 5
Engine Aircraft
Fig. 92 - 5
Alternator Regulator
E4A – 91-200-000
Supply Voltage
Bus Voltage
Lamp Alternator
Enable Alternator
CPC connector 2
Alternator 4
Sensor Supply 7 1
Sensor Signal 11 4 Power Lever
Sensor GND 12 2 Sensor
Sensor Supply 6
Sensor Signal 10 3
Sensor GND 9 5
26 Spare
Engine Aircraft
Fig. 92 - 6
Plane Power R1224
Lamp Alternator
Enable Alternator
CPC connector 2
Alternator 4
Sensor Supply 7 1
Sensor Signal 11 4 Power Lever
Sensor GND 12 2 Sensor
Sensor Supply 6
Sensor Signal 10 3
Sensor GND 9 5
26 Spare
Engine Aircraft
Fig. 92 - 7
The following diagram shows the sequence of events, checks and results expected by the EECU
software while running the propeller self test procedure.
ü A/C on the ground
ü Prop speed = idle (<1000rpm)
ü Power lever = idle (<5%) Routine to „cycle the prop“
ü No errors pending
N ü
Release Selftest button active ü Run actuator motor in
Increase propeller State „2"
criteria met ? „high rpm“ direction
speed to 1900 rpm
ü Increase engine speed
State „0" Keep required
torque „frozen“
Cycle the prop using currently activ ECU
(eg. ECU-B) Increase prop
pitch until prop State „3" ü Run actuator motor in
speed drops by „low rpm“ direction
Switch-over to „passiv“ ECU (e.g. ECU-A) about 70 rpm
by simulating the „activ“ ECU (eg. ECU-B)
to be „hung“ (not responding anymore) Abort self test, Check for v Timeout reached
caution alert on errors v Release criteria not fullfilled
Abort self test, Y Decrease prop
Time out ?
caution alert on pitch until prop State „4" ü Run actuator motor in
speed increases „high rpm“ direction
N State „0" to about 1870 rpm
Cycle the prop using the previously
passiv ECU (e.g. ECU-A) Abort
Abort self test, Check for v Timeout reached
caution alert on errors v Release criteria not fullfilled
Continue State „6"
Switch-over to the previously „activ“ ECU
(e.g. ECU-B) by simulating the current Cycle count State „5" Decrease engine speed to idle,
ECU (e.g. ECU-A) to be „hung“ (not No reached return control to self test
responding anymore) coordinator
In case of an abort due to a failure, the current state (“0–7”) of the test is stored as one of the
environmental conditions within the Fault Code Memory (FCM) entry to help diagnosing the abort.
If the Propeller Self Test does not complete successfully, an entry will be written into the Fault Code
Memory (FCM).
The FCM entries can be displayed by the “AE 300 Wizard” (see “List of Tools”).
For setup and usage of the AE 300 Wizard please refer to the latest revision of the “AE 300 Wizard
User Guide”, document number E4.08.09. The chapter “Using the Fault Code Memory (FCM)” in the
“Trouble Shooting”-Section explains, how to work with the FCM.
The AE 300 Wizard will display an FCM entry caused by a failure during the propeller self test which
contains information sampled at the time of the occurrence similar to the following example:
Bit position 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Timeout error flags shown in FCM: 0 0 0 0 0 x x x
Bits 0, 1 or 2 will be set to “1” to indicate the reason for the self test timeout:
Bit position 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Release status as shown in FCM: x x x x x x x x
The Propeller Self Test will start if bit 0 (release self test) has been set to “1”. Bits 2-7 will indicate the
individual release criteria as described in the “Self Test Overview”.
Each ECU senses the power lever position separately. So if the power lever sensors are not
properly aligned one ECU might release the self test with power lever position <5% while
the other ECU might not release the self test because it senses a position >5% !
There is a hysteresis in the detection of propeller idle speed. If the propeller speed increases
beyond 1000rpm, it has to be decreased below 800rpm again before the release criteria of
bits 6 and 7 can be fulfilled again.
If the FCM entry of a self test failure is not available or if trouble shooting multiple events from past
flight cycles, using the Data Logger function of the EECU is recommended.
The Data Logger information can be downloaded and displayed by the “AE 300 Wizard” (see “List of
For setup and usage of the AE 300 Wizard please refer to the latest revision of the “AE 300 Wizard
User Guide”, document number E4.08.09. The chapter “Offline Analysis using the Data Logger” in the
“Trouble Shooting”-Section explains, how to work with the Data Logger.
The AE 300 Wizard will display the Data Logger record of a successfully performed propeller self test
similar to the following example (e.g. after replacement of a faulty governor shown below).
The AE 300 Wizard will display the Data Logger record of a failure during the propeller self test similar
to the following example (a faulty propeller governor):
The self test occurrence can be found by looking for the characteristic two “humps” in the propeller
speed-line when at the same time the power lever is at “0%”. Also the “Combined Engine Status”
shows an ECU-switchover event between the two “humps”.
Problem 1:
Problem 2:
During the pitch-down test phase (state 4) the goal of 1870 rpm had not been fulfilled on ECU-B
(actual speed reached was just over 1850 rpm) which eventually had caused a caution lamp
Harness Routing
Ensure that wires and cables are routed in such a manner that chafing will not occur against the
engine or other components.
Ensure that wires and cables are routed in such a manner that in no circumstances a contact to
extreme hot engine areas (exhaust pipes) is possible to prevent insulation break down.
Where practical, route electrical wires and cables above fluid lines and provide at least a 50 mm
separation from any flammable liquid fuel line or other low voltage wiring that enters a fuel tank and
requires electrical isolation to prevent an ignition hazard.
Ensure that a trap or drip loop is provided to prevent fluids or condensed moisture from running into
wires and cables dressed downward to a connector, terminal or junction box.
The minimum radius of bends in wire groups or bundles must not be less than 10 times the outside
diameter of the largest wire or cable.
For harness branches of diameters less than 2 cm which connect to a one actuator or one sensor a
different rule applies.
The minimum radius of the wire connecting one sensor or one actuator is 3 times the diameter of the
wire or cable.
Also where the wire is suitable supported, the radius may be 3 times the diameter of the wire or
cable. Where it is not practical to install wiring or cables within the radius requirements, the bend
should be enclosed in insulating tubing.
Ensure that wires and cables that are attached to assemblies where relative movement occurs
(rotating pieces) are installed or protected in such a manner as to prevent deterioration of the wires
and cables caused by the relative movements of the assembled parts.
Ensure that wires and cables are provided with enough slack to meet following requirements:
Ensure that unused wires are individually dead-ended, tied into bundle and secured to a permanent
Each wire should have conductor strands cut even with the insulation. (no blank conductor strand
The end of the wire shall be covered (electrically isolating) with an connector or a 25 mm piece of
insulating tubing placed over the wire with its end folded back and tied.
Wires and cables are properly supported and bound so that there is no interference with other wires,
cables and equipment.
Wires and cables are adequately supported to prevent excessive movement in areas of high vibration.
Insulating tubing and abrasion protection is secured by tying tie straps or with clamps.
List of Tools
Title: Tool: Remark:
AE 300 Wizard EECU Software Read Out Program For installation and
The user guide E4.08.09 of the AE 300 Wizard will be usage of the
delivered with the program Software refer to
the user guide
Flywheel Locking Tool For use see
Chapter 85-10-61
Removal of the
Two-Mass-Flywheel AEP-00061
These technical data and the information contain therein are the property of
Austro Engine GmbH and may not be reproduced either in full or in part or passed on to a
third party without written consent from Austro Engine GmbH.
This text must be included in any full or partial reproduction of this documentation.