Fail Safe Control - Safety Manual
Fail Safe Control - Safety Manual
Fail Safe Control - Safety Manual
Safety Manual
Release 710
Revision 03 (01/2011)
Copyright, Notices and Trademarks
Release 710
Revision 03 (01/2011)
In no event is Honeywell Safety Management Systems liable to anyone for any indirect,
special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this document
are subject to change without notice.
TotalPlant, TDC 3000 and Universal Control Network are U.S. registered trademarks of
Honeywell International Inc.
Experion PKS and Plantscape are U.S. registered trademarks of Honeywell International
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Honeywell Safety Management Systems.
Section 7 – Using the FSC Alarm Markers and Diagnostic Inputs........................ 105
7.1 Section Overview ................................................................................................................105
7.2 Applications of Alarm Markers and Diagnostic Inputs ........................................................106
7.3 Shutdown at Assertion of FSC Alarm Markers ...................................................................107
7.4 Unit Shutdown.....................................................................................................................108
7.5 Diagnostic Status Exchange with DCS...............................................................................113
Section 8 – Wiring and 1oo2D Output Voting in AK5 and AK6 Applications....... 115
FSC Documentation:
Publication Publication
Title Number
FSC Safety Manual R710 FS90-710
FSC Software Manual R700 FS80-700
FSC Hardware Manual FS02-710
FSC Obsolete Modules FS02-701
FSC Service Manual FS99-704
FSCSOE Documentation:
Publication Publication
Title Number
FSCSOE – Basic Version FS50-xxx*
FSCSOE – Network Option FS51-xxx*
FSCSOE – Foxboro I/A Interface Option FS52-xxx*
FSCSOE – Yokogawa CS Interface Option FS53-xxx*
FSCSOE – Web Option FS54-xxx*
* 'xxx' is the release number. For example, the manuals for FSCSOE R140 are referred to
as FS50-140, FS51-140, etc.
FSC-SM Documentation:
Publication Publication
Title Number
FSC Safety Manager Installation Guide FS20-500
FSC Safety Manager Implementation Guidelines FS11-500
FSC Safety Manager Control Functions FS09-500
FSC Safety Manager Parameter Reference Dictionary FS09-550
FSC Safety Manager Configuration Forms FS88-500
FSC Safety Manager Service Manual FS13-500
Section This section provides general information on the FSC system and its
compliance to standards, as well as a glossary of terms. It covers the
following topics:
The safety of the FSC system is obtained through its specific design
for these applications. This design includes facilities for self-testing of
all FSC modules through software and specialized hardware based on
a failure mode effect analysis (FMEA) for each module. Additional
software routines are included to guarantee proper execution of the
software. This approach can be classified as software diversity. These
features maintain fail-safe operation of the FSC system even in the
single-channel configurations. By placing these single-channel
versions in parallel, one gets not only safety but also availability:
proven availability.
This Safety Manual covers the applications of the FSC system for
requirement classes (German: Anforderungsklassen) AK1 to AK6 in
accordance with DIN V 19250 of May 1994.
This Safety Manual also covers the applications that must comply
with Safety Integrity Levels (SIL 1 to SIL 3) as indicated in the IEC
Standards Since functional safety is at the core of the FSC design, the system
compliance has been certified for use in safety applications all around the world.
FSC was developed specifically to comply with the strict German
DIN/VDE functional safety standards, and has been certified by TÜV
for use in AK 1 to 6 applications. FSC has also obtained certification
in the United States for the UL 1998 and ANSI/ISA S84.01
FSC-based safety solutions and related Honeywell services can help
you comply with the new ANSI/ISA S84.01 standard for safety-
instrumented systems up to Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3, as well as
the new international standard IEC 61508 for functional safety. These
new standards address the management of functional safety
throughout the entire life cycle of your plant.
Certification FSC has been certified to comply with the following standards:
Standards This subsection lists the standards that FSC complies with, and also
provides some background information on CE marking (EMC
directive and Low Voltage directive).
IEC 60068-2-3 Test Ca: damp heat, steady state 21 days at +40°C (104°F),
93% relative humidity;
function test after cooling
IEC 60068-2-3 Test Ca: damp heat, steady state 96 hours at +40°C (104°F),
93% relative humidity;
system in operation
IEC 60068-2-14 Test Na: change of temperature — –25°C to +55°C (–13°F to +131°F),
withstand test 12 hours,
95% relative humidity,
recovery time: max. 2 hours
IEC 60068-2-30 Test Db variant 2: cyclic damp +25°C to +55°C (+77°F to +131°F),
heat test 48 hours,
80-100% relative humidity,
recovery time: 1-2 hours
Definitions This section provides a list of essential safety terms that apply to the
FSC system. All definitions have been taken from IEC 61508-4
(FDIS version, February '98).
Dangerous failure Failure which has the potential to put the safety-related system in a
hazardous or fail-to-function state.
NOTE: Whether or not the potential is realized may depend on the channel
architecture of the system; in systems with multiple channels to improve safety, a
dangerous hardware failure is less likely to lead to the overall dangerous or
fail-to-function state.
EUC risk Risk arising from the EUC or its interaction with the EUC control
Fault Abnormal condition that may cause a reduction in, or loss of, the
capability of a functional unit to perform a required function
NOTE: IEV 191-05-01 defines "fault" as a state characterized by the inability to
perform a required function, excluding the inability during preventative maintenance
or other planned actions, or due to lack of external resources.
Functional safety Part of the overall safety relating to the EUC and the EUC control
system which depends on the correct functioning of the E/E/PE
safety-related systems, other technology safety-related systems and
external risk reduction facilities.
failure failure
"Entity X" "Entity X"
failure fault failure failure cause
NOTE 1 As shown in a), a functional unit can be viewed as a hierarchical composition of multiple levels, each of which can in turn be called
a functional unit. In level (i), a "cause" may manifest itself as an error (a deviation from the correct value or state) within this level (i) functional
unit, and, if not corrected or circumvented, may cause a failure of this functional unit, as a result of which it falls into an "F" state where it is no
longer able to perform a required function (see b)). This "F" state of the level (i) functional unit may in turn manifest itself as an error in the
level (i-1) functional unit and, if not corrected or circumvented, may cause a failure of this level (i-1) functional unit.
NOTE 2 In this cause and effect chain, the same thing ("Entity X") can be viewed as a state ("F" state) of the level (i) functional unit into which
it has fallen as a result of its failure, and also as the cause of the level (i-1) functional unit. This "Entity X" combines the concept of "fault" in IEC
1508 and ISO/IEC 2382-14, which emphasises its cause aspect as illustrated in c), and that of "fault" in IEC 50(191), which emphasises its
state aspect as illustrated in d). The "F" state is called fault in IEC 50(191), whereas it is not defined in IEC 1508 and ISO/IEC 2382-14.
NOTE 3 In some cases, a failure may be caused by an external event such as lightning or electrostatic noise, rather than by an internal fault.
Likewise, a fault (in both vocabularies) may exist without a prior failure. An example of such a fault is a design fault.
NOTE: Typically for low demand mode, the frequency of demands on the safety-
related system is the same order of magnitude as the proof test frequency (i.e.
months to years where the proof test interval is a year). While typically for high
demand or continuous mode, the frequency of demands on the safety-related system
is hundreds of times the proof test frequency (i.e. minutes to hours where the proof
test interval is a month).
(see note)
PE 1
PE PE 1 PE 2
PE 2
b) Single PES with single program- c) Single PES with dual program- d) Single PES with dual program-
mable electronic device (ie one PES mable electronic devices linked in a mable electronic devices but with
comprised of a single channel of serial manner (eg intelligent sensor shared sensors and final elements (ie
programmable electronics) and programmable controller) one PES comprised of two channels
of programmable electronics)
NOTE The programmable electronics are shown centrally located but could exist at several places in the PES.
Safe failure Failure which does not have the potential to put the safety-related
system in a hazardous or fail-to-function state.
NOTE: Whether or not the potential is realized may depend on the channel
architecture of the system; in systems with multiple channels to improve safety, a
safe hardware failure is less likely to result in an erroneous shutdown.
Safety integrity level Discrete level (one out of a possible four) for specifying the safety
(SIL) integrity requirements of the safety functions to be allocated to the
E/E/PE safety-related systems, where safety integrity level 4 has the
highest level of safety integrity and safety integrity level 1 has the
NOTE 1: The target failure measures for the safety integrity levels are specified in
Table 1-2 and Table 1-3.
Table 1-3 Safety integrity levels: target failure measures for a safety
function, allocated to an E/E/PE safety-related system operating in
high demand or continuous mode of operation
Safety integrity level High demand or continuous mode of
operation (probability of a dangerous failure
per hour)
NOTE 3: The parameter in Table 1-3 for high demand or continuous mode of
operation, probability of a dangerous failure per hour, is sometimes referred to as the
frequency of dangerous failures, or dangerous failure rate, in units of dangerous
failures per hour.
NOTE 4: This document sets a lower limit on the target failure measures, in a
dangerous mode of failure, that can be claimed. These are specified as the lower
limits for safety integrity level 4 (i.e. an average probability of failure of 10-5 to
perform its design function on demand, or a probability of a dangerous failure of 10-
per hour). It may be possible to achieve designs of safety-related systems with
lower values for the target failure measures for non-complex systems, but it is
considered that the figures in the table represent the limit of what can be achieved
for relatively complex systems (for example programmable electronic safety-related
systems) at the present time.
NOTE 5: The target failure measures that can be claimed when two or more E/E/PE
safety-related systems are used may be better than those indicated in Table 1-2 and
Table 1-3 providing that adequate levels of independence are achieved.
Basic architectures The Fail Safe Controller can be supplied in a number of architectures,
each with its own characteristics and typical applications. Table 2-1
below provides an overview of the available architectures.
This FSC architecture has a single Central Part and single input and
output (I/O) modules (see Figure 2-1).
The I/O modules are controlled via the Vertical Bus Driver (VBD),
which is located in the Central Part, and the Vertical bus (V-Bus),
which controls up to 10 I/O racks. Each I/O rack is controlled via the
Horizontal Bus Driver (HBD). No redundancy is present except as
built into those modules where redundancy is required for safety
(memory and watchdog).
System Bus
Up to 14 VBD
H-Bus V-Bus
ESD Watchdog
Module SMOD
Input Output
yyy Module Processor Module
This FSC architecture has redundant Central Parts and single input
and output (I/O) modules (see Figure 2-3 and Figure 2-4).
The I/O modules are controlled via the VBDs, which are located in
each Central Part, and the V-Bus, which controls up to 10 I/O racks.
Each I/O rack is controlled via the HBD. The processor is fully
redundant, which allows continuous operation and bump less
(zero-delay) transfer in case of a Central Part failure.
Even though there is a bump less transfer between Central Parts if the
first failure occurs, the remaining risk must be limited within a certain
time. This time can be derived in a quantitative manner through the
Markov modeling techniques using the mathematics defined in
IEC 61508 and ANSI/ISA S84.01. A more pragmatic approach, which
is actually recommended by TÜV Product Services, is to allow
continued operation for 72 hours, leaving sufficient fault tolerance
time (FTT) for the organization to act upon the failure annunciation.
For the 10020/./. QuadPM processor module, see section 2.7. (For
details on the second fault timer refer to section 4.5.8 of the software
System Bus
Figure 2-3 Redundant Central Parts, single I/O configuration
ESD Watchdog
yyy Module
Final Element
ESD Watchdog
Module Processor
xx Quad
Module Processor
Final Element
ESD Watchdog
Module Processor V+
Sensor SMOD
xx Input Quad
Module Voter
Module Processor
Final Element
Central Part 1
ESD Watchdog
CPU Output
Processor Module
Processor SMOD
xx Quad
Processor SMOD
Processor Output
Final Element
The 2oo4D voting is realized by combining 1oo2 voting for both main
processors and memory on one Quad processor module, and 1oo2D
voting between the two Central Parts. Voting is therefore applied on
two levels: on a module level and between the Central Parts.
Section This section describes the design phases for an E/E/PE safety-related
system. It covers the following topics:
Safety lifecycle In order to deal in a systematic manner with all the activities
necessary to achieve the required safety integrity level for the E/E/PE
safety-related systems, an overall safety lifecycle is adopted as the
technical framework (as defined in IEC 61508) (see Figure 3-1).
The portion of the overall safety lifecycle dealing with E/E/PE safety-
related systems is expanded and shown in Figure 3-2. The software
safety lifecycle is shown in Figure 3-3. The relationship of the overall
safety lifecycle to the E/E/PES and software safety lifecycles for
safety-related systems is shown in Figure 3-4.
The overall, E/E/PES and software safety lifecycle figures (Figure
3-1, Figure 3-2 and Figure 3-3) are simplified views of reality and as
such do not show all the iterations relating to specific phases or
between phases. The iterative process, however, is an essential and
vital part of development through the overall, E/E/PES and software
safety lifecycles.
Overall scope
2 definition
Overall safety
4 requirements
Safety requirements
5 allocation
Safety-related Safety-related External risk
systems: 10 systems: 11 reduction
Overall planning facilities
E/E/PES other
6 operation
7 Overall
8 OveralI
installation and
maintenance validation
8commissioning Realisatio Realisatio Realisatio
(see E/E/PES
planning planning planning safety
Overall installation
12 and commissioning
Overall safety
Back to appropriate
validation overall safety lifecycle
16 or disposal
NOTE 1 Activities relating to verification , management of functional safety and functional safety assessment are
not shown for reasons of clarity but are relevent to all overall, E/E/PES and software safety lifecycle phases.
NOTE 2 The phases represented by boxes 10 and 11 are outside the scope of this standard.
NOTE 3 Parts 2 and 3 deal with box 9 (realisation) but they also deal, where relevant, with the programmable electronic
(hardware and software) aspects of boxes 13, 14 and 15.
9.6 E/E/PES
safety validation
One E/E/PES safety
lifecycle for each To box 14
E/E/PE safety-related
system in figure 3-1
To box 12 in figure 3-1
To box 14
in figure 3-1
To box 12 in figure 3-1
E/E/PES Software
safety safety
lifecycle lifecycle
(see figure 3-2) (see figure 3-3)
Objectives Table 3-1 indicates the objectives to be achieved for all phases of the
overall safety lifecycle (Figure 3-2).
Overall scope To determine the boundary of the EUC and the EUC 2
definition control system;
To define the scope of the hazard and risk analysis (for
example process hazards, environmental hazards, etc.).
Hazard and risk To identify the hazards and hazardous events of the EUC 3
analysis and the EUC control system (in all modes of operation),
for all reasonably foreseeable circumstances including
fault conditions and misuse;
To identify the event sequences leading to the hazardous
events identified;
To determine the EUC risks associated with the
hazardous events identified.
Overall operation and To develop a plan for operating and maintaining the 6
maintenance planning E/E/PE safety-related systems, to ensure that the
required functional safety is maintained during operation
and maintenance.
Overall installation To develop a plan for the installation of the E/E/PE safety- 8
and commissioning related systems in a controlled manner, to ensure the
planning required functional safety is achieved;
To develop a plan for the commissioning of the E/E/PE
safety-related systems in a controlled manner, to ensure
the required functional safety is achieved.
External risk reduction To create external risk reduction facilities to meet the 11
facilities: realization safety functions requirements and safety integrity
requirements specified for such facilities.
Overall modification To ensure that the functional safety for the E/E/PE 15
and retrofit safety-related systems is appropriate, both during and after
modification and retrofit activities have taken place.
Decommissioning or To ensure that the functional safety for the E/E/PE safety- 16
disposal related systems is appropriate in the circumstances during
and after the process of decommissioning or disposing of
the EUC.
Sequence of The overall safety lifecycle should be used as a basis. The most
phases important item with respect to the FSC system is the sequence of
phases for the safety-related system.
The safety-related system connects to the process units, the control
system and the operator interface. Consequently, the specification of
the safety-related system is made late in the project. However, the first
system that is required during start-up and commissioning is the safety
system to ensure the safe commissioning of the total plant. The result
is always a very tight schedule for the detailed design and production
of the safety-related system, and this requires a system that can be
designed and modified in a flexible way, and if possible is
Instrumentation The field instruments related to the safety system consist of valves,
related to safety limit switches, high-level and low-level pressure switches,
system temperature switches, flow switches, manual switches, etc. Inputs and
outputs used for safety applications are primarily digital. There is,
however, a strong tendency towards analog I/O.
Type Tag number Service Qualification Location Unit Subunit Sheet Safety Force En. Write En. SER En. SER seq. no.
The setting of the I/O parameters determine how the FSC system will
treat the inputs and the outputs. The design engineer specifies the
functionality required. In this way the engineer preferably delegates
the safety control aspects to the main processor of the FSC system.
Basic function of The basic function of the safety system is to control the outputs
safety system (process) according to the predefined logic sequence based on the
current status of the process received via the inputs.
The input and the output signals of a safety system are a mixture of
both digital and analog signals. For digital signals, the relation
between input and output can be established with logical functions
including AND, OR and NOT. This is also possible with analog
signals after they have been verified to be below or above a defined
setpoint. In order to allow certain process conditions to occur or to
continue, time functions are required within the safety system (e.g.
delayed on, delayed off, pulse time). In the FSC system, the above
basic functions have been extended to include a number of other
functions that allow more complex functions such as counters,
calculations, communication, etc.
The relations are determined via functional logic diagrams (see Figure
3-7). The functional logic diagrams are created using the 'Design
FLDs' option of FSC Navigator.
M 53HS-101 3
P "TEST" 1
C 53PT-920.H 1 40003
O MAIN LINE = 110 BAR 2 3 53PT-920.H M
M Signal type: W A >
> 1 5 "ALARM" P
3 A D 5
53PT-920 53PRA-920
5 1
1 1
3 53PT-920.L M
> 1 6 "ALARM" P
C 53PT-920.L 1 40004
M Signal type: W A
53TT-900 3 A D 5 53TR-900
5 1
2 2
C 53FT-700.H 1 40001
O MAIN LINE = 75% 2 S 3 53FT-700.H M
M Signal type: W A 0 t >
> 1 1 "ALARM" P
t=30 S
Signal type: F 102 1
S 3 53FT-700.L M
0 t >1
> 1 2 "ALARM" P
C 53FT-700.L 1 40002 t=30 S
O MAIN LINE = 30% 2 R
M Signal type: W A
A 5223 AS 's-Hertogenbosch
Honeywell SMS BV Fax +31 73-6219125
P.O. Box 116
Drawing number:
O 30-5-1997 FIRST ISSUE Req/Ordernr : SPEC & TECH DEMO_1 102 103
5201 AC
Serial Unit
Rev Date Description Chk'd 's-Hertogenbosch Project Sheet Cnt'd
Code Code
Approval The last step before acceptance of the safety system is the approval of
the specifications made during the phases as described in subsections
3.3 to 3.5. The approved specification is the basis for the use of the
safety system. Since the time for the specification preparation is
generally too short and since the safety system influences all process
units, a large number of revisions (function and termination details)
to the specification may be required.
4.1 Overview
FSC Navigator During the specification phases as described in subsections 3.3 to 3.5,
the design engineer is supported by FSC Navigator (see Figure 4-1).
Functional logic The functional logic diagrams (FLDs) define the relationship between
diagrams (FLDs) the inputs and the outputs of the safety system (see Figure 2-14). The
variable-related information entered into the I/O database is added
automatically in the functional logic. FSC Navigator also checks the
consistency of the information if the engineer uses tag numbers that
have not been specified in the I/O database.
The basic functions of FSC Navigator's project configuration features
are presented in Figure 4-2.
FLD no. n
Installation (.INS)
Functional Logic
I/O database
Diagrams (FLDs)
(.DAT, .IXT, .IXP)
FLD no. 1
Hardware Functional
Configuration Logic FSC Application Program
Listing Diagrams
General The first step in the FSC system configuration stage is the
determination of the FSC system configuration parameters.
The most important parameters are:
• Requirement class,
• Central Part architecture,
• Diagnostic Test Interval,
• Interval time between faults,
• Memory type, and
• Power-on mode.
Requirement class This parameter specifies the safety requirement class for the overall
according to system. It must be set to the requirement classification of the process
DIN V 19250 parts (loops) with the highest safety demand.
Central Part One of the basic functions of the FSC system architectures is selected
architecture in accordance with the demanded safety and availability (see Table 3-
2) by selecting the architecture of the Central Parts.
Diagnostic test The diagnostic test interval (DTI) is the period in which a self-test of
interval the FSC hardware will be executed.
The process safety time (PST = fault tolerant time of the process) is
the time that a fault may be present in the Safety Instrumented
Function (SIF), without possible danger for an installation or an
The DTI may differ from the PST and is as default set to 3 seconds.
The maximum allowed DTI can be calculated in the overall SIL
calculation of the SIF. If this cannot be determined it is advised to set
DTI equal to the PST.
Interval time During operation, each Central Part of the FSC system performs
between faults self-tests and also tests the allocated I/O modules.
If a fault is detected during self-testing, the Central Part will report the
failure and take action to guarantee a safe operational result. If
possible, the failure will be isolated and Central Part operation
continues. If continuation of the fail-safe operation cannot be
guaranteed, the Central Part shuts down. Failures of certain failure
Memory type The memory type specifies the memory type that is used in the FSC
system. There are three memory types:
• RAM, or
The memory type determines how the FSC-related software is
transferred to the FSC system as shown in the table below:
Power-on mode The power-on mode provides the conditions for the start-up of the
FSC system. There are two power-on modes:
• Cold start
A cold-start power-on means that the FSC system starts up with the
values of the variables being reset to their power-on values as laid
down in the variable database.
1. If the FSC system starts up for the first time, a cold start is
2. If the FSC system is started up after a shutdown that was
caused by a fault, there will always be a cold start, regardless
of the defined power-on mode.
Using the warm start option in combination with on-line
modification of the application program may result in
spurious diagnostic messages and Central Part shutdown.
Input/output signals The specification of input and output signals is partly done during the
specification stage. The information entered in that stage does not
contain any information on the physical allocation of the I/O signal in
the safety system.
Physical allocation The physical allocation in the FSC system can be related to a number
of criteria including:
• subsystems,
• process units,
• location in the plant,
• type of signal, and
• personal preference.
The loading method that can be used depends on the CPU and COM
module types in the FSC system. Not all module types support
downloading to (flash) memory. Some require EPROMs to be used.
For details on loading software into the FSC system refer to
Section 10 of the FSC Software Manual ("Loading Software").
I/O signal The Print option of FSC Navigator allows the user to create hardcopy
configuration of the I/O signal configuration as stored in the application database.
The hardcopy must be reviewed to verify that the signal configuration
represents the originally defined configuration.
This review may be concentrated on the safety-related configuration
items, e.g. signal safety-related, force enable, hardware allocation and
power-on value.
Functional logic The Print option of FSC Navigator also allows the user to create
diagrams (FLDs) hardcopy of the functional logic diagrams as stored in the application
database. The hardcopy must be reviewed to verify that the functional
logic diagrams represent the intended application program.
The major part of this step is carried out using the 'Verify Application'
option of FSC Navigator. FSC Navigator uploads the application
software from the FSC system and verifies if it is "identical" to the
information contained in the application database on the hard disk of
the FSC user station (Figure 4-3). Subsection 4.7 describes this step in
more detail.
Finally, the assessor may carry out a sample functional test with
respect to the safety-related functions in the application software.
Installation (.INS)
I/O database
(.DAT, .IXT, .IXP)
Verify + Compare
FSC Navigator
FSC System
FSC database The 'Verify Application' option of FSC Navigator compares the
information in the FSC database (as stored on the FSC user station)
with the application software in the FSC system. Any differences
between the FSC database and the FSC application software are
reported on screen and in the log file. The log file can be inspected
using the 'View Log' option of FSC Navigator (see Figure 4-4)
Functional logic After having verified the contents of the FSC databases, FSC
diagrams (FLDs) Navigator also verifies the functional logic diagrams (FLDs) that
make up the application. Any differences found will be displayed on
screen and recorded into the log file.
If you perform an on-line upgrade to a new FSC Release from
an older release, sheet differences may be reported for all
functional logic diagrams (FLDs) that contain mathematical
routines, PIDs and/or equation blocks, even though no
modifications were implemented. This is normal behavior.
When FSC Releases evolved the internal addressing schemes
are modified occasionally. This will causes the above sheet
differences to be reported. Check the Release note of the FSC
Release that you are upgrading the FSC system(s) to for exact
Test data Due to the importance of the results of the verifications, correct
execution of the 'Verify Application' option of FSC Navigator must
be guaranteed.
This is realized by including test data in each application. The test
data is automatically generated whenever a new application is created
or when an old application is converted to a newer FSC release. When
the application software is generated by the compiler, the test data is
modified. During verification, these differences will then be
recognized and logged. That is why the verification log file will
always report a number of differences. This log file can be shown on
screen or printed (see the sample report on the next page).
It must always be verified that the expected differences are actually
present in the log file.
5.1 Overview
Section This section describes the special functions in the FSC system. It
covers the following topics:
Summary The FSC system is a safety system which has a number of special
functions. These functions are:
• Forcing of I/O signals (maintenance override),
• Communication with process control systems,
• Safety-related communication between FSC systems,
• On-line modification, and
• Safety-related non fail-safe inputs.
COM CPU input
module module
I/O database
(.DAT, .IXT, .IXP) Output
user station with FSC Navigator B enable
Enabling Table 5-1 shows the procedure to include forcing in the FSC system
(See also Figure 5-1):
3 Define the tag number and hardware allocation for the Force
Enable key switch.
1. If the Force Enable key switch is deactivated, all forces are
2. All force actions are included in the SER report for
review/historical purposes.
3. All forced signals are reported in “List forces”
4. For details on forcing signals refer to Section 12 of the FSC
Software Manual ("On-Line Environment").
Checks FSC Navigator and the FSC system carry out the following checks
before the force is actually executed:
1. FSC Navigator checks if the password is activated.
2. FSC Navigator checks if the Force Enable key switch is activated.
3. FSC Navigator checks if the force enable flag in the application
database is set to 'Yes'.
4. The FSC system checks if the Force Enable key switch is
The FSC system continuously checks the Force Enable key switch and
clears all forces immediately as soon as the Force Enable key switch is
References Specific TÜV requirements with the regard to forcing are described
in a document by TÜV Bayern Sachsen e.V. and TÜV Rheinland
entitled Maintenance override. This document is available on request;
please contact the HSMS Marketing department (tel.: +31 73-
6273273, fax: +31 73-6219125, e-mail: [email protected]).
All FSC architectures meet the requirements specified in the above
Exchanging The FSC system can be used to exchange process data with a process
process data control system or a man machine interface (PC).
This data is represented in the functional logic diagrams (FLDs) as I/O
symbols with location 'COM'. The variables with location 'COM' may
only be used for non safety-related functions. The 'System
Configuration' option of FSC Navigator sets the safety relation flag of
these signals to 'No' (FALSE) and does not allow this flag to be
changed. The safety relation of variables can be checked using the
listing that is produced with the 'Print Project Configuration' option of
FSC Navigator. Figure 5-2 below shows an example of such an input
signal specification.
Configuration documents of application: DEMO_1 Date: 08-31-2000 Time: 13:39 Page: 2
Type Tag number Service Qualification Location Unit Subunit Sheet Safety Force En. Write En. SER En. SER seq. no.
FSC system
1 FSC system
FSC system
FSC system 3 FSC system 4 FSC system 5 FSC system 6 FSC system 7
Redundant For redundant systems, redundant FSC links must be used (see Figure
communication 5-5). This results in a single-fault-tolerant communication network.
FSC system 1 FSC system 2
e.g. e.g.
Redundant CP + Redundant CP +
Redundant I/O Redundant I/O
Point-to-point The response time is the sum of the application program cycle times
of the master and slave system. The result will always be less than 5
second. This is represented in the following formula:
Point-to-point links running at baud rates lower than 125 kbaud
are treated as multidrop links.
Multidrop The maximum response time is the sum of the application program
cycle times of the master and the slave system plus the total
communication time needed to serve all systems connected to the
multidrop network. This is represented in the following formula:
Multiple masters Consider the network configuration as shown in Figure 5-6 below.
in FSC network A communication server has been connected point-to-point to three
masters, and acts as a slave to each of them. There is a multidrop
connection from the communication server to five slaves. For each
slave, a connection has been configured to each master.
Point to point
During Translation of the application the timing settings of the
FSC-FSC network are checked on the master application. The
translate function reports a warning when timing is found
critical and an error when it is found overloaded.
Timeout time All systems within the network monitor the operation of the
communication link by means of timeouts.
The timeout depends on the system function and the type of the
communication link (see Table 5-4).
If communication fails via all links, the safety-related variables I
and BI of location 'FSC' that are allocated to the system
connected to the link are set to 0. The non safety-related
variables are frozen at their last received state.
Compatibility check During the upgrade, the FSC system performs a compatibility check
across the application-related data, in order to guarantee a safe
changeover from the old software to the new software. The system
reports the FLD numbers of the functional logic diagrams that have
changed (see Figure 5-7). This allows easy verification of the
implemented modifications.
1. If you perform an on-line upgrade to a new FSC Release
from an older release, sheet differences may be reported for
all functional logic diagrams (FLDs) that contain
mathematical routines, PIDs and/or equation blocks, even
though no modifications were implemented. This is normal
When FSC Releases evolved the internal addressing
schemes are modified occasionally. This will causes the
above sheet differences to be reported. Check the Release
note of the FSC Release that you are upgrading the FSC
system(s) to for exact details.
2. If a function block is changed, a difference will be reported
for all functional logic diagrams that use this function block.
During on-line modification, the 'Verify Application' option
of FSC Navigator may be used to log all revision
information. For more information, refer to Section 11 of the
FSC Software Manual ("Verifying an Application").
FSC networks If a system has been integrated into an FSC communication network,
it performs a compatibility check for all connected systems.
Introduction Safety-related inputs require the use of fail-safe input module (e.g.
10101/2/1 for digital inputs and 10105/2/1 for analog inputs). In
addition, it is also required that fail-safe input devices are used (e.g.
sensors, switches and transmitters). If the input device is not fail-safe,
then redundant sensors (transmitters) and redundant inputs are
Depending on the number of sensors and the FSC architecture applied,
the system offers a variety of "sensor redundancy configurations".
The maximum on time may also be deactivated. In that case
organizational procedures must exist that ensure periodical
testing of the sensors.
3 S & 15 STATUS
11 t 0 6
t=6 min
Maximum On time
S >
_1 15 FAULT
t 0 5 "NO FAULT"
t=10 s
Maximum discrepancy time
Section overview This section describes how the FSC detects system faults and how it
responds to them. It covers the following topics:
Introduction Progressive test software and the use of dedicated hardware allow the
FSC system to detect a number of faults in the field instrumentation
and all predefined faults according to the FMEA model applied
within the FSC system itself, and to provide adequate diagnostics on
any detected fault. As a result, the system is able to respond as a fail-
safe system in accordance with its specifications as projected during
the safety specification stage.
Apart from safety, the FSC system fault detection and response
strategy also provides optimum availability. As the system is able to
locate faults accurately, the faulty part can be isolated from the
process to obtain a safe process state while minimizing the effect on
the remaining process parts.
This section describes the behavior of the FSC system in case of faults
and how alarms can be used within the application.
Voting The FSC system is available in single and redundant mode, both for
Central Part and I/O, in several combinations.
For details on the various FSC architectures refer to Section 2.
If the Central Part and I/O are operating in single architectures, it is
obvious what will happen in case a fault is detected: the Central Part
or I/O will go to the safe (i.e. non-operational) state. For redundant
Central Parts and/or I/O, this is less obvious, and users may want to
define the system response in case a fault is detected in one part of the
redundant components. This is the reason that voting has been
incorporated into the system, which allows the users to optimize the
system response to his safety needs.
Single components For all single components in the FSC system, two voting schemes are
available depending on the hardware that is being used. The table
below lists the various options.
The default voting scheme for single Central Parts is 1oo1D for
processor modules 100x2/./. and DMR for process modules 10020/./..
The default voting scheme for redundant Central Parts is 1oo2D for
processor modules 100x2/./. and 2oo4D (QMR) for processor modules
1oo2 Without diagnostics Safety The first fault may result in switch-off as
capabilities (switch-off) the faulty module may overrule the
(e.g. 10206/./. digital output correct one.
2oo2 Without diagnostics Availability The first fault may result in incorrect
capabilities (continue) operation as the faulty module may
(e.g. 10206/./. digital output overrule the correct one.
1oo2D With diagnostics capabilities Safety For detected faults, operation continues
(e.g. 10101/./. digital input (switch-off) as desired. A fault that cannot be
modules) detected by the diagnostics (probability
= 1 – diagnostic coverage) may result in
switch-off as the faulty module may
overrule the correct one.
2oo2D With diagnostics capabilities Availability For detected faults, operation continues
(e.g. 10101/./. digital input (continue) as desired. A fault that cannot be
modules) detected by the diagnostics (probability
= 1 – diagnostic coverage) may result in
incorrect operation as the faulty module
may overrule the correct one.
2oo4D With diagnostics capabilities Safety + For detected faults and the first fault,
(e.g. 10105/./. analog input availability operation continues as desired. The first
modules or 10106/./. digital fault that cannot be detected by the
input with line monitoring or diagnostics (probability = 1 –
safety-related digital output diagnostics coverage of single leg) will
modules). result in safe operation due to the 1oo2
General Apart from the alarm markers, a variety of diagnostic inputs are
available. There are basically two types of diagnostic inputs:
• Diagnostic inputs related to channel status.
These indicate the diagnostic status of a specific I/O channel
allocated to an FSC fail-safe I/O module (see Table 6-4).
• Diagnostic inputs related to loop status.
These indicate the diagnostic status of a process loop in the field
(see Table 6-5).
Diagnostic inputs Table 6-4 below provides an overview of the available channel status
(channel status) diagnostic inputs and the I/O modules for which they exist.
Diagnostic inputs Table 6-5 below provides an overview of the available loop status
(loop status) diagnostic inputs and the I/O modules for which they exist.
Function of The FSC system uses a number of alarm markers to indicate the
alarm markers occurrence of abnormal system situations. The following alarm
markers are used:
The normal state of the markers (no fault present) is '1'. If the first
fault occurs, the associated alarm marker changes to '0'. Any
subsequent fault of the same type will cause the alarm marker to be
pulsed to '1' for one application program cycle (see Figure 6-1).
The FSC alarm markers are available in the application program, e.g.
to generate an alarm.
Input fault detection Input fault detection applies to hardware inputs that are allocated to
fail-safe, tested input modules. The tests include detection of faults
• A single input channel,
• A group of input channels at the same input module, and
• All channels of an input module.
Tested modules Input fault detection applies to hardware inputs allocated to the
following fail-safe input modules:
• 10101/1/1, 10101/1/2, 10101/1/3, 10101/2/1, 10101/2/2, 10101/2/3,
SDI-1624, SDI-1648,
• 10102/1/1, 10102/1/2, 10102/2/1, SAI-0410,
• 10105/2/1, SAI-1620m and
• 10106/2/1, SDIL-1608.
Hardware inputs can be configured to be safety-related or not.
Non safety-related If a system fault affects an input configured for a non safety-related
inputs signal connected to a tested input module, the fault is only alarmed.
The input value is applied to the application program as read from the
input channel.
Loop monitored If a fault affects the loop of a signal configured with loop monitoring,
inputs the loop fault is alarmed. The input value is applied to the application
FSC Safety Manual
84 Section 6: FSC System Fault Detection and Response
program as read from the input channel. This means for instance that
when a short circuit is detected in the loop, a logical “1” will be
applied to the application. At the same time, the LoopI signal of the
corresponding channel is de-activated. In other words, loop
monitored digital inputs follow the exact same behavior as normal
digital inputs, with the advantage that the operator receives a warning
in case the signal becomes inoperable due to a short circuit or open
Loop monitored inputs The above listed description might contradict with what could be
in ESD applications expected from a ESD function. Though, instead of clamping the
signal to a logical “0” in case of a short circuit, which normally
would result in a process trip, the process is kept alive, and the
operator is warned of a faulty loop. If for some reason a shut down is
required anyway, the corresponding diagnostic input of the signal
(LoopI) can be used as this signal will be deactivated if a loop fault is
Loop monitored inputs If a loop monitored signal is used in a Fire & Gas application, the
in F&G applications signal will most likely be de-energized in a healthy process situation.
Upon energizing of the signal, action must be taken. This means that
in case a short circuit is detected in the loop, action would be taken,
as a logical “1” is applied to the application. Normally this is not
desired in Fire & Gas applications. Therefore, the input can be
combined with its diagnostic input through an “AND” gate. In this
way action will be taken only when the signal is healthy, and
Transmitter fault A transmitter fault is detected if the value obtained from a transmitter,
detection via an analog input, is outside its configured range.
Tested modules Transmitter fault detection applies to inputs allocated to the following
fail-safe analog input modules:
• 10102/1/1, 10102/1/2, 10102/2/1, SAI-0410 and
• 10105/2/1, SAI-1620m
Redundant input Redundant input fault detection applies to fail-safe inputs with
fault detection redundant non fail-safe sensors.
Analog inputs For analog inputs, a fault is detected if the transmitter values differ
more than the specified maximum discrepancy value. If a fault is
detected, the configured bottom scale is applied to the application.
Output fault Output fault detection applies to hardware outputs that are allocated
detection to tested output modules. The tests include detection of faults
• A single output channel,
• A group of output channels at the same output module,
• All channels of an output module, and
• The secondary means of de-energizing.
The pulse that it used to test the output channel has a duration
of less than 2 milliseconds. at all times. Inductive loads such
as relays and solenoid valves will not notice the test pulse.
Though, fast-scanning devices (such as MM5 unit from S&I)
could notice this test pulse and should therefore make sure
that a detected change of signal state should last for at least 2
The channels of the 10203/1/2 module are single fault tolerant.
In case of a fault within a channel, full output control is still
guaranteed. Therefore, any first channel fault is only reported.
No additional corrective actions will be taken.
Safety-related outputs If a fault affects an output configured for a safety-related signal, the
faulty output is forced to the safe state (i.e. '0'). The '0' value is
applied to the process, regardless of the value calculated by the
application program. Depending on the predefined effects of the fault,
a single channel, a group of channels or all channels of an entire
module are forced to '0'.
External External power failure is an exceptional fault, which does not cause a
power failure trip of the Central Part that controls the output module, even if
safety-related output signals are allocated to the module.
I/O compare error The FSC system includes two high-level safety check functions
detection which are active in redundant FSC configurations:
1. Input compare, and
2. Output compare.
Input and output compare faults are discussed in more detail below.
Tested modules Input compare error detection applies to all hardware inputs.
Output compare error detection applies to all digital hardware outputs
and to communication outputs (O, BO) with location 'FSC'.
Digital input A digital input compare error is detected if the inputs of both Central
synchronization Parts are stable but different (e.g. CP1 continuously '0', CP2
continuously '1'), for the duration of the configured Diagnostic Test
Interval (DTI).
For details on the available voting schemes for the FSC input modules
refer to Section 4 of the FSC Software Manual ("System
Configuration"). For details on voting refer to subsection 6.2.
1-6 Yes 0 0 0 0 0 No
1-6 No 0 0 0 0 0 No
1-6 No 0 0 0 0 0 No
1-6 2oo2D Yes 0 0 1 1 0 No
1-6 2oo2D No 0 0 1 1 0 No
1) 1oo1D voting is treated as 1oo2D as the voting of redundant
Central Parts is 1oo2D by default.
2) 2oo2D voting for inputs that must satisfy safety requirement
class higher than AK4 are not allowed. FSC Navigator does
NOT check for this.
3) 2oo4D voting is not shown in this table as the 1oo2 voting
for the applicable modules is fully transparent to the user.
Analog input For analog inputs, the synchronized value is the mean value of the
synchronization input values. An input compare error is detected if the input values
differ more than 2% of the full scale for the duration of the
configured Diagnostic Test Interval.
The input compare error detection algorithm puts the following
demands on the dynamic nature of the analog process inputs:
1. For inputs located at modules within a redundant I/O section
(10102/1/2, 10102/2/1, 10105/2/1 and SAI-1620m), the slope
steepness must be less than 125 mA/s.
2. For inputs located at modules within a single I/O section
(10102/./., 10105/2/1, SAI-0410 and SAI-1620m), the slope
steepness must be less than 20 mA/s.
Analog input compare errors may, for example, occur when calibrating smart
transmitters using hand-held terminals. Refer to the project maintenance
manual for details on calibrating smart transmitters that are connected to FSC
analog inputs.
last healthy
1-6 2oo2D Yes 0 0 1 0 No
last healthy
1-6 2oo2D No 0 0 1 0 No
1) 1oo1D voting is treated as 1oo2D as the voting of redundant
Central Parts is 1oo2D by default.
2) 2oo2D voting for inputs that must satisfy safety requirement
class higher than AK4 are not allowed. FSC Navigator does
NOT check for this.
3) 2oo4D voting is not shown in this table as the 1oo2 voting
for the applicable modules is fully transparent to the user.
Output compare As a result of the synchronization algorithms within the FSC system,
both Central Parts will continuously have an identical application
status, which results in identical process outputs.
An output compare error is detected if there is a difference between
the Central Parts with regard to the status of digital outputs (O, BO) or
communication outputs (O, BO) with location 'FSC'.
1-5 Yes 0 0 0 0 0 No
1-5 No 0 0 0 1 0 No
6 Yes 0 0 0 0 0 Yes
6 No 0 0 0 0 0 Yes
1) 1oo1D voting is treated as 1oo2D as the voting of redundant
Central Parts is 1oo2D by default.
2) 2oo2D voting for outputs that must satisfy safety
requirement class higher than AK4 are not allowed. FSC
Navigator does NOT check for this.
3) 2oo4D voting is not shown in this table as the 1oo2 voting
for the applicable modules is fully transparent to the user.
Central Part fault Central Part fault detection applies to Central Part modules,
detection horizontal bus driver modules (HBD) and system internal buses.
If an error is detected, the faulty part will be isolated, which may
result in the Central Part trip. Exceptions are faults detected at
non-safety-related HBD modules (10100/1/1, 10100/2/1, ) and some
faults on the Diagnostic and Battery Module (10006/./.), e.g. if the
battery fuse is open.
Tested modules Central Part fault detection applies to the following FSC modules:
• 10001/./1, 10002/1/2, 10004/./., 10005/1/1, 10006/./., 10007/1/1,
10008/./., 10012/1/2, 10014/./., 10018/./., 10020/1/1, 10020/1/2,
• 10100/1/1, 10100/2/1, IO-0001
• System bus, and
• V-bus, H-bus, IOB-0001S, IOB-0001R
If both links (CP1 and CP2) to a connected system are faulty, the
safety-related inputs that are received from the connected system are
forced to the safe state (i.e. '0'). The non safety-related inputs are
frozen to the state that was last received from the connected system.
The outputs are not affected. These will be handled by the other FSC
system as there they come in as inputs.
communication The FSC system monitors for several device types if the
fault detection communication link with the device is operating correctly.
Distributed control For distributed control systems (DCS) that communicate with the
system FSC system via the Modbus or RKE3964R protocol, continuous
communication is expected. If no communication is established
within a predefined timeout period (the "device communication
timeout"), the link to the device is regarded faulty. If the device is
connected to the FSC system via a redundant communication link, the
fault detection applies to each link separately resulting in single-fault-
tolerant communication.
Inputs and outputs that are allocated to the distributed control system
(location 'COM') are always non-safety-related.
If all links to the DCS are faulty, the inputs remain frozen at the state
that was last received from the DCS. The outputs are not affected.
Modbus device The device communication timeout for the Modbus protocol can be
communication timeout configured using the 'System Configuration' option of FSC
Navigator. It can be set to any value between 1.0 and 25.0 seconds, or
it can be deactivated altogether.
RKE3964R device The device communication timeout for the RKE3964R protocol can
communication timeout also be configured using the 'System Configuration' option of FSC
Navigator. It can be set to any value between 1 and 90 seconds. If the
RKE3964R protocol is used for communication between FSC and a
DCS, the device communication timeout must be set to a multiple of
3 seconds (which is the default value). If any other value is specified,
RKE communication between FSC systems is assumed.
SOE collecting devices A communication fault for SOE collecting devices is detected if the
device is off-line for more than 1 minute.
Temperature alarm During configuration of the FSC system, the user may define the
temperature range within which the FSC system must operate.
Temperature prealarm values can also be configured.
Tested modules Temperature alarms apply to the operational temperature within the
Central Part as measured at the Diagnostic and Battery module
Fault alarm If the temperature exceeds the alarm settings, this is indicated in the
TEMP.PRE-ALARM alarm marker.
General Calculation errors result from the application program and occur if:
• the calculated value for an analog value is outside the specified
range of the analog output,
• the square root of a negative number is taken,
• A logarithm function is loaded with a negative value or zero,
• a divide-by-zero occurs,
• an overflow of the result of addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division functions occurs,
• a timer is loaded with a value > 2047, or
• a counter is loaded with a value > 8191.
calculation errors Calculation errors can be prevented in a number of ways:
• prevention from occurrence through overall process design,
• inclusion of FSC diagnostic data,
• validation of signals when entering the Functional Logic Diagrams
(FLDs), and
• exception handling during the actual calculation.
Preventive measures If a valid input value cannot be guaranteed, preventive measures must
be built into the design. A comparison function can be used as an
indicator that the transmitter value has left its normal operational
band and that the calculation should not be done. The alarm signal is
used to implement corrective action and to indicate the exception to
the operator (see Figure 6-3).
input value
≥ &
alarm /
Common function block A last option is to create a common function block, e.g. square root,
which is used for all such calculations. The function block validates
the operand(s) and only performs the intended function if the
operands are valid. Otherwise a predefined value is returned. An
additional function block output should be provided which indicates
if the calculation result is valid or not. This output signal can then
again be used for implementation of corrective actions in the
application program.
A special standard function block for this function is included in the
Function Block Library. See appendix I of the FSC Software manual
for details.
Section overview This section describes how FSC alarm markers and diagnostic inputs
are used. It covers the following topics:
Section 7: Using the FSC Alarm Markers and Diagnostic Inputs 105
7.2 Applications of Alarm Markers and Diagnostic Inputs
Applications FSC alarm markers and diagnostic inputs can be used within the
functional logic diagrams (FLDs) to respond to abnormalities or to
initiate an alarm. This is illustrated in three examples below.
• Shutdown at assertion of FSC alarm markers
This example shows how to program a shutdown in case of
assertion of FSC alarm markers. This kind of programming could
be used if the system is intended to run in AK5 without operator
surveillance. (See subsection 7.3.)
• Unit shutdown
This example shows how diagnostic inputs of type I/O-TYPE O can
be used to realize independent safeguarding of process units
including only unit shutdown in case of defects.
(See subsection 7.4.)
• Diagnostic status exchange with DCS
This example discusses the functional logic which can be used to
report the status of alarm markers and diagnostic inputs to a
distributed control system (DCS). (See subsection 7.5.)
106 Section 7: Using the FSC Alarm Markers and Diagnostic Inputs
7.3 Shutdown at Assertion of FSC Alarm Markers
Figure 7-1 shows an example of how to shut down the system in case
of an I/O compare error. An additional manual shutdown hardware
input is provided which the operator can use to initiate a shutdown by
B 1 B 1
Y Systemmarker
101 Signaltype:B
S & 1
"1=HEALTHY" 10
A manual shutdown can also be realized via the ESD input of
the watchdog module (10005/1/1). This module enables the use
of a tested solid-state hardwired connection, which allows the
secondary means of de-energization of all outputs to be
activated. This unique feature allows an ESD pushbutton chain
to be connected to the FSC system which can then be used to
initiate an emergency shutdown (ESD), fully independently of
the central processor.
Section 7: Using the FSC Alarm Markers and Diagnostic Inputs 107
7.4 Unit Shutdown
Process units If a process can be divided into independent process units, the overall
process availability can be increased by separate shutdown of the
units within the FSC system. Thus, in case a fault is detected within
the hardware of a process unit, only the affected unit needs to be shut
down, while the remaining parts of the process are not affected.
Unit Shutdown option is not available for FSC systems with
Safety Manager IO modules and chassis.
Central Part
Watchdog signal
Unit 10201/./1
shutdown Safety = Yes
outputs 10201/./1 10201/./1 10201/./1 10201/./1 10201/./1 10201/./1
Safety = No Safety = No Safety = No Safety = No Safety = No Safety = No
For each unit, a relay is used to connect the watchdog input signal of
the unit output to the output of the FSC watchdog module (10005/1/1).
This relay is controlled via an output of the FSC system: the unit
shutdown output. In normal operation, all relays are activated. If a
fault is detected within a process unit, the corresponding relay is
deactivated, which results in a shutdown of the unit.
108 Section 7: Using the FSC Alarm Markers and Diagnostic Inputs
The unit relays must meet the requirements of DIN VDE 0116, part and of October 1989, i.e.:
a) Mechanical reliability > 3.10 switches.
b) Contacts protected (e.g. fuses, series resistors, etc.) at 0.6 ∗ nominal
contact current.
c) Electrical reliability > 2.5 ∗ 10 switches.
Unit shutdown outputs The unit shutdown outputs must be safety-related (e.g. allocated to a
10201/./1 or 10216/./1 module). This will guarantee that the FSC
system will direct the process to its safe state if a fault occurs which
affects this output.
The power-up status of the output must be on, to allow correct start-up
of the FSC system with activated unit relays (see Figure 7-3).
For optimum availability it is recommended that the unit shutdown
outputs are allocated to redundant output modules.
Section 7: Using the FSC Alarm Markers and Diagnostic Inputs 109
Process outputs The process outputs must be allocated to an FSC fail-safe output
(safety-related) module:
− 10201/1/1 Fail-safe digital output module
(24 Vdc, 0.55 A, 8 channels)
− 10201/2/1 Fail-safe digital output module
(24 Vdc, 0.55 A, 8 channels)
− 10203/1/2 Fail-safe output module with double switch-off
(24 Vdc, 0.9 A, 4 channels)
− 10205/1/1 Fail-safe analog output module
(0(4)-20 mA, 2 channels)
− 10205/2/1 Fail-safe analog output module
(0(4)-20 mA, 2 channels)
− 10212/1/1 Digital output module
(24 Vdc, 0.9 A, 16 channels)
− 10213/1/1 Fail-safe digital output module
(110 Vdc, 0.32 A, 4 channels)
− 10213/2/1 Fail-safe digital output module
(110 Vdc, 0.32 A, 4 channels)
− 10213/1/2 Fail-safe digital output module
(60 Vdc, 0.67 A, 4 channels)
− 10213/2/2 Fail-safe digital output module
(60 Vdc, 0.67 A, 4 channels)
− 10213/1/3 Fail-safe digital output module
(48 Vdc, 0.75 A, 4 channels)
− 10213/2/3 Fail-safe digital output module
(48 Vdc, 0.75 A, 4 channels)
− 10214/1/2 Fail-safe digital output module
(220 Vdc, 0.25 A, 3 channels)
− 10215/1/1 Fail-safe digital output module
(24 Vdc, 2 A, 4 channels)
− 10215/2/1 Fail-safe digital output module
(24 Vdc, 2 A, 4 channels)
− 10216/1/1 Fail-safe loop-monitored digital output module
(24 Vdc, 1 A, 4 channels)
− 10216/2/1 Fail-safe loop-monitored digital output module
(24 Vdc, 1 A, 4 channels)
− 10216/2/3 Fail-safe loop-monitored digital output module
(48 Vdc, 0.5 A, 4 channels)
110 Section 7: Using the FSC Alarm Markers and Diagnostic Inputs
The safety relation for the outputs must be set to 'No' (see Figure 7-4).
This will suppress the automatic response of the FSC system if faults
occur at safety-related output modules, which allows programming of
the response via the application.
Application To realize the unit shutdown in the functional logic diagrams, all
programming diagnostic inputs ('SYS' internal markers related to output modules
available in the database) of one process unit are connected to an
AND gate.
The output signal of the AND gate is connected to the unit shutdown
output (see Figure 7-5).
As long as all the diagnostic inputs are healthy, the diagnostic inputs
will be high, the unit shutdown output will be high and the unit relay
is activated (relay contact closed).
If one diagnostic input of an output channel within the unit becomes
'not healthy', the corresponding unit shutdown output becomes low
and the unit relay is deactivated (relay contact open).
Section 7: Using the FSC Alarm Markers and Diagnostic Inputs 111
Figure 7-5 Functional logic diagram of unit shutdown
112 Section 7: Using the FSC Alarm Markers and Diagnostic Inputs
7.5 Diagnostic Status Exchange with DCS
Distributed control FSC alarm markers and the diagnostic inputs can be transferred to
systems (DCS) distributed control systems (DCSs), e.g. to generate an operator alarm
or to initiate corrective action within the DCS.
Figure 7-6 shows the functional logic diagram to report the occurrence
of an input fault (INPUT-FAILURE alarm marker) and the use of a
diagnostic input (I/O type AI) to report the status of an analog input
channel to a DCS system.
Y System marker O
S t=800ms M
The status of both variables is transferred to the DCS via outputs with
location 'COM', which are allocated to the communication channel
that the DCS is connected to.
Section 7: Using the FSC Alarm Markers and Diagnostic Inputs 113
Behavior of The behavior of the diagnostic inputs is static. Normally, an I/O
diagnostic inputs channel is healthy and the value of the corresponding diagnostic input
is high. If the I/O channel becomes faulty, the diagnostic input will be
low. It remains low until the fault is repaired and a fault reset has
been given. The diagnostic input can therefore be connected directly
to the output to the DCS.
114 Section 7: Using the FSC Alarm Markers and Diagnostic Inputs
Section 8 – Wiring and 1oo2D Output Voting in AK5 and AK6
Using standard The FSC architecture with redundant Central Parts and redundant I/O
wiring is a versatile configuration, which may be used in applications of
requirement classes AK1 up to AK6. In applications up to AK4,
standard redundant I/O wiring is used as long as output modules are
not configured 1oo2D.
In applications of requirement class AK5 where CPU module type
100x2/./. is installed (i.e. system configuration 1oo2D), standard
wiring can be used if no output modules are configured 1oo2D, and if
the process runs under continuous operator surveillance, i.e. if the
• Is able to monitor the process, and
• Is able to respond to achieve the safe process state within acceptable
For this purpose a pushbutton can be provided which the operator can
use to shut down the FSC system connected to the ESD input of the
watchdog module (10005/1/1).
Figure 8-1 shows the wiring principle. The figure shows cross-wiring
of an output channel which each Central Part can use to de-energize
the output channels of the other Central Part via the 24 Vdc
emergency shutdown input of the watchdog module (10005/1/1). The
24 Vdc ESD input is switched via a normally closed relay contact.
The relay must meet the requirements of DIN VDE 0116 part
and of October 1989 (see subsection 7.4).
+ 24 V + 24 V
+5V +5V
10201/./1 10201/./1 10201/./1 10201/./1 10201/./1 10201/./1
Safety = Yes Safety = Yes Safety = No Safety = No Safety = Yes Safety = Yes
The SEC.SWITCH-OFF output may not be used in the
application program to initiate a shutdown at a user-specified
Application example This section describes an application program for a Fire & Gas
(F&G) application, which is designed according to the requirements
of EN-54 part 2, with the OVERRIDE and TEST options installed.
The FSC system does not support alphanumeric displays, so this
option of EN-54 part 2 is not shown here.
The figures in this section are identified by a descriptive text and the
functional logic diagram (FLD) number, which is used in the sheet
references. Where applicable, references to the EN-54 part 2 standard
are shown in italics in square brackets.
The status of the installation, which is monitored and the status of the
FSC system must be uniquely displayed [EN-54 part 2, 2.1.3]. Within
the complete example this is accomplished by the use of hardwired
digital I/O signals, which can drive LEDs or lamps. Another option is
to have the display on a remote location, and communicate the status
via the FSC-FSC communication link [EN-54 part 2, 2.2.13, 2.3.10,]. For details on configuring the FSC-FSC communication refer
to Section 4 of the FSC Software Manual ("System Configuration").
Failure of the communication link must be alarmed [EN-54 part 2,,,].
Please note that the sheet references in the functional logic diagrams
must point to a higher FLD number, which means that they are used in
the same application program cycle in order to get the best possible
response time. This response time for automatic fire detectors
resulting in the required outputs is 1 second [EN-54 part 2, 2.2.8].
Functional logic The system alarm FLD (see Figure 9-1) covers the status indication
diagrams (FLDs) for the redundant power supplies (PSU 1 and 2) [EN-54 part 2,], the indication for an earth leakage alarm [EN-54 part 2,] and the common failure alarm which is set in case of a failure
of any component in the Fire & Gas detection system, including
failures in the F&G detectors.
The failures in the F&G detectors are handled on other FLDs, in this
example in the FLD for each input loop as shown in Figure 9-2
[EN-54 part 2, 2.3.1]. Function Block (FB) 912 handles the latching
function for the alarm status, the alarm reset function and the lamp test
50 PSU-2 24VDC
501 3 "NO FAILURE"
1 1 A
B "NO FAILURE" 2 912 >1
50 System marker
Y System marker
505 6
912 5 "RESET"
13 "ALARM" L
L 3 A E
P 5 A
1 FIRE LOOP 1 D F 50 3
S I/O type: AI 3 H
S "Not faulty" 1 I 9 FAILURE LOOP 1 N
911 100 FAILURE LOOP 1
501 4 "ALARM HORN"
100 ????
0 ????
Loop status The loop status (operational status, failure status, override status and
test status) is indicated on panel indications with an indication per
status [EN-54 part 2, 2.1.3]. All states are also transferred to other
FLDs via sheet transfers to generate the common status indication
and to drive the audible indications (horn) [EN-54 part 2, 2.2.12].
Failure indication In this example the failure indication and the override indication is
and override done using separate digital outputs. It is possible to use the same
indication digital output per channel but with different common outputs in order
to distinguish uniquely between failure and override [EN-54 part 2,
Test function The test function is implemented per input loop. The test function on
one input loop may not override or prohibit detection of a fire or gas
alarm on another input loop which is not in test or override [EN-54
part 2, 2.5.1].
Monitoring for All components of the Fire & Gas system, including the input loops
failure status and output loops, are monitored for a failure status. If a failure
occurs, an audible alarm (horn) must also be activated which has a
different frequency than the Fire & Gas audible alarm. The example
FLD in Figure 9-4 creates a common signal of the failure status in
order to activate the failure horn. The cycle pulse logic for each loop
combined in the NOR gate is required to activate the horn for every
subsequent failure in a failure group [EN-54 part 2, 2.3.9]. An entry
to the top OR gate is required for each failure in a failure group, as
well as a cycle pulse and entry to the bottom NOR gate. Failures
which must be covered are power supply failures and earth leakage
failures. Depending on the application, other internal failures of the
FSC system can also be covered by the common failure alarm.
If more than one failure group is used in one Fire & Gas detection
system, logic as shown in the diagram below is required for each
failure group.
PSU-2 24VDC 50
PSU-1 24VDC 50
Override function Input sensors can go faulty during operation. To allow exchanging of
a faulty input sensor without a constant Fire or Gas alarm, it is
necessary to have an override function. The override function is also
visually indicated on the operator panel. Although not required by the
EN-54 part 2 standard, it is possible to generate an override audible
alarm as indicated in the FLD shown in Figure 9-5. The cycle pulse
logic for each loop combined in the NOR gate is required to activate
the horn for every subsequent override in the same alarm group. An
entry to the top OR gate is required for each override in an alarm
group, as well as a cycle pulse and entry to the bottom NOR gate.
If more than one alarm group is used in one Fire & Gas detection
system, logic as shown in the diagram below is required for each
alarm group.
Cycle pulse The signals controlling the horn are used to set the horn flip-flop via a
cycle pulse [EN-54 part 2, (alarm), (failure)] (see
Figure 9-7). The horn flip-flops can be reset via a horn reset digital
input signal [EN-54 part 2, 2.3.8]. If multiple alarm groups are used
in a Fire & Gas detection system, these can be combined via an OR
gate between the cycle pulse and the flip-flop. A cycle pulse must be
used for each individual alarm group.
& S
505 3 HORN-1 P
1 >1
Y System marker
S 6
Figure 9-7 Control and acknowledge of the alarm horns (FLD 505)
Common alarm The alarm indications for Fire or Gas alarm must be combined into a
common alarm according to the EN-54 part 2,,, 2.2.19.
This combination is shown in Figure 9-8 as a number of signals
combined in an OR gate. The common alarm indication is combined
with the lamp test function in order to test this visual indication too.
The combination of Fire and Gas alarms into a common alarm must
be done for each individual alarm group.
L "TEST" 6 1
L "TEST" 6 5
L "TEST" 6 1
Common failure The indications that failures have been detected in Fire or Gas
indication detectors must be combined into a common failure indication
according to EN-54 part 2, 2.3.1, This combination is shown
in Figure 9-10 as a number of signals combined in an OR gate. The
common failure indication is combined with the lamp test function in
order to test also this visual indication.
The combination of Fire and Gas detector failure indications into a
common failure indication must be done for each individual alarm
L "TEST" 6 5
L "TEST" 6 5
Alarm sequence The alarm sequence function block handles the control of all visual
function block and audible indications associated with an input loop [EN-54 part 2,,, 2.3.1]. For the example application, all alarm settings
are identical so the determination of the alarm levels is included in
this function block, but they may differ depending on the fire & gas
detector (see Figure 9-12).
If the alarm levels are not the same for all input loops, the alarm
detection should be included on the FLDs where this function block is
t=1 s
t=10 s
& A
Signal type: F
F 18
_ &
_ >
F 6
The control of the indication is described via Function Block 912 (see
Figure 9-13). This function handles the control of the indications and
the control of the horn in case of the test function (alarms are passed
but the horn is suppressed) and the override function (alarms and horn
are suppressed).
L "TEST" 8 1 t=1 s
B "RESET" 4 2
Figure 9-13 Alarm latching, alarm reset and lamp test function block
(FLD 912)
Requirements for The FSC system can be used for those processes that require TUEV
TUEV approval approval. The requirements for the safety applications are the
1. The maximum application program cycle time is half the process
safety time. For example, the process safety time of a burner
control system is 1 second in accordance with TRD-411 for
boilers > 30 kW (July 1985) Table 1, TRD-412 (July 1985)
Table 1 and DIN 4788 (June 1977) Part 2 Chapter 1. This
implies that the application program cycle time must be 0.5
second or less. The application program cycle time is calculated
by the compiler. It is listed in the log file (.LOG) produced by the
compiler, and also shown on screen during translation.
2. If the FSC system detects a fault in its safety-related output
hardware it is possible to de-energize part of the process instead of
de-energizing all outputs. The de-energization of process parts or
all outputs is fully implemented in the system software and cannot
be influenced by the user (see also item 3). The de-energization
depends on the output module type:
− 10201/1/1, Fail-safe digital output module
10201/2/1, (24 Vdc, 0.55 A, 8 channels)
SDO-0824 De-energization per group of output channels:
Group 1: outputs 1, 2, 3, 4.
Group 2: outputs 5, 6, 7, 8.
− 10205/1/1, Fail-safe analog output module
10205/2/1, (0(4)-20 mA, 2 channels)
SAO-0220m De-energization per channel.
The 1200 S 24 P067 power supply does not require a
watchdog repeater module.
10. The value of the voltage monitor analog input channels of the
10105/2/1 or SAI-1620m modules must be checked in the
application software for the correct transmitter power supply
range for the transmitters connected to that analog input module.
11. To reduce the influence of disturbances on the power supply lines,
all major metal parts (cabinet side walls, doors, 19-inch racks,
horizontal bus rack and flaps, swing frames, etc.) must be
grounded properly.
12. All power supply inputs (except 110/230 Vac) require a power
supply filter to be fitted immediately after the power supply input
13. Grounding of the power supplies of the FSC system is only
permitted for the 0 Vdc. Grounding of the +24 Vdc / +48 Vdc /
+60 Vdc / +110 Vdc / +220 Vdc is NOT allowed as an earth fault
will result in an unsafe situation.
14. To maintain the separation between the external power supply
(24 Vdc) and the internal power supply (5 Vdc), the wiring of
these voltage levels must be physically separated. This can be
obtained by using separate ducts and a separate power supply
15. Do not use radio transmitting equipment within a radius of 1 m
(3 ft) of the system cabinet when the doors are opened.
16. For details on power supply distribution and watchdog wiring
(especially FSC architecures with redundant Central Parts and
both redundant and single I/O) refer to the FSC Hardware Manual.
F&G applications Fire and Gas (F&G) applications have the following additional
1. Each visual indication (alarm, override or test, failure) shall have
its own dedicated digital output. This digital output may be a
hardware output or a communication output, e.g. to a DCS
system. Override and test status may be combined in one visual
indication. No support for alphanumeric displays is available.
2. Redundant power supplies must be connected to the FSC system
in such a way that the redundant power supplies do not fail at the
same time, e.g. by using diverse primary power sources (e.g.
220 Vac mains and a 24 Vdc from a battery backup). Detection of
power supply failure (e.g. via a voltage-monitoring module) shall
be part of the system design.
Monitoring System
0 Vdc
A C (continued)
Address field of test variable, 57 CE marking, 3, 4, 8
AK class. See: Requirement class (AK) CENTR.PART-FAULT alarm marker, 82
Alarm markers, 76, 82, 107 Central Part configuration, 48
Application, 106 Central Part faults, 96
Behavior, 82, 113 Fault alarm, 96
CENTR.PART-FAULT, 82, 96 Tested modules, 96
DEVICE-COM.FLT, 82, 99 Channel status diagnostic inputs, 79
EXT.COMMUNIC.FLT, 82, 91, 98 Checks
FSC-FAULT-RESET, 112 Before forcing, 61
FSC-SYSTEM-FAULT, 82 Cold start, 49
INPUT-FAILURE, 82, 85, 91, 113 Common alarm, 125
INT.COMMUNIC.FLT, 82 Common failure indication, 126
IO-COMPARE, 82, 91 Common override indication, 127
IO-FORCED, 82 Common test indication, 126
Normal state, 82 Communication
OUTPUT-FAILURE, 82, 90 Redundancy, 66
RED.INPUT-FAULT, 82, 87 Communication links, 42
TEMP.PRE-ALARM, 82, 100 Timeout, 69
TRANSMIT.-FAULT, 82, 86 Communication networks. See: Networks
Alarm sequence function block, 127 Communication protocols, 64
Allocation of I/O signals, 51 Communication timeout
Analog input compare errors, 94 FSC-FSC, 69
Analog inputs, 74 Communication with process control systems (DCS /
Analog inputs (AI) ICS), 63
And redundant input faults, 87 Compare errors, 91, 107
Synchronization, 93 Fault alarm, 91
ANSI/ISA S84.01, 3 System response to analog input ~, 94
Application database, 47, 52, 55 System response to digital input ~, 93
Application program cycle time, 67, 129 System response to digital output ~, 95
Application software, 52, 53, 54 Tested modules, 91
Approval of specification, 44 Compatibility check during on-line modification, 70,
Audible alarm, 122, 124 71
Availability, 1 Compliance to standards, 5
Availability degrees, 38 Configurations of FSC system, 20
Quadruple Modular Redundant (QMR)
architecture, 28
B Redundant Central Parts and redundant I/O, 24
Redundant Central Parts and single I/O, 22
Baud rates Redundant Central Parts with redundant and single
In networks, 67 I/O, 26
Single Central Part and single I/O, 21
Connections to safety system, 40
Continuous mode of operation, 13, 15
Calculation errors, 101 Counters (C)
Prevention, 101, 102 And calculation errors, 101
Canadian Standards Association (CSA), 3 Cycle pulse, 124
C (continued) E
Cycle time, 67, 129 Earth leakage monitoring/detection, 135
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), 9
EMC. See: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
D EMC directive (89/336/EEC), 9
Emergency shutdown (ESD), 107
Dangerous failure, 11 Emergency shutdown (ESD) input, 131
Databases, 52, 55 EPROM mode, 49
I/O database, 47 EPROMs, 52
Installation database, 46 Error, 11
DCS. See: Distributed control systems (DCS) Human ~, 12
De-energization, 129, 130 Error report after verification, 18, 57, 58
Default ESD. See: Emergency shutdown (ESD)
FSC-FSC communication timeout, 69 EU directives, 8
Definition of safety terms, 11 EMC directive (89/336/EEC), 9
Design phases for a safety or ESD system, 35, 37 Low voltage directive (73/23/EEC), 10
Device communication faults EUC risk, 11
Distributed control systems (DCS), 99 European Economic Area (EEA)
Fault alarm, 99 Systems to be delivered in ~, 8, 9, 10
SOE collecting devices, 99 European Union
Device communication timeout Systems to be delivered in ~, 8, 9, 10
Modbus, 99 Exchanging process data, 63
RKE3964R, 99 EXT.COMMUNIC.FLT alarm marker, 82
DEVICE-COM.FLT alarm marker, 82 Extended diagnostics, 71, 76
Diagnostic inputs, 111 External power failure, 90
Application, 106
Behavior, 114
Channel status, 79
Loop status, 80
LoopI, 80 Factory acceptance test (FAT), 54
LoopO, 80 Failure, 11
SensAI, 80 Dangerous ~, 11
Diagnostic markers, 76 Safe ~, 14
Diagnostic status exchange with DCS, 106, 113 Failure indication, 121
Diagnostic test Interval (DTI), 48 Failure status, 122
Diagnostics, 76 Fault, 11
And calculation errors, 102 Fault alarm
Digital input compare errors, 93 Central Part faults, 96
Digital inputs (I), 73 Device communication faults, 99
And redundant input faults, 87 FSC-FSC communication faults, 98
Synchronization, 92 I/O compare errors, 91
Digital output compare errors, 95 Input fault, 85
Directives, 8 Output faults, 90
EMC directive (89/336/EEC), 9 Redundant input faults, 87
Low voltage directive (73/23/EEC), 10 Temperature alarm, 100
Distributed control systems (DCS), 63, 113 Transmitter faults, 86
And device communication faults, 99 Fault detection and response, 75, 76
Divide by zero, 101 Analog input compare errors, 94
Downloading software, 52 Behavior of alarm markers, 82
Central Part faults, 96
F (continued) F (continued)
Device communication faults, 99 Remote display, 135
Digital input compare errors, 93 Requirements, 134
Digital output compare errors, 95 Simulation, 124
FSC-FSC communication faults, 98 Test function, 121, 124
I/O compare errors, 91 Flash memory, 49
Input faults, 84 FLASH mode, 49
Output faults, 88 Force enable flag, 61
Temperature alarm, 100 Force Enable key switch, 61
Transmitter faults, 86 Forcing of inputs and outputs, 60
Voting schemes, 78 Checks, 61
Fault indication for Fire & Gas detection systems, Enabling, 60
135 Setting, 61
Faults FSC configurations
Calculation errors, 101 Overview, 20
Central Part faults, 96 Quadruple Modular Redundant (QMR)
Device communication faults, 99 architecture, 28
FSC-FSC communication faults, 98 Redundant Central Parts and redundant I/O, 24
I/O compare errors, 91 Redundant Central Parts and single I/O, 22
Input faults, 84 Redundant Central Parts with redundant and single
Output faults, 88 I/O, 26
Redundant input faults, 87 Relation between ~ and requirement classes (AK),
Temperature alarm, 100 38
Transmitter, 86 Single Central Part and single I/O, 21
Transmitter faults, 86 FSC Navigator, 46
Field instruments, 135 Basic functions, 47
Filters, 132 Checks prior to forcing, 61
Fire & Gas (F&G) applications Verification of application, 54, 55
Alarm sequence function block, 127 FSC networks. See: Networks
Audible alarms, 122, 124 FSC system
Common alarm, 125 Configurations, 20
Common failure indication, 126 Overview, 1
Common override indication, 127 Quadruple Modular Redundant (QMR)
Common test indication, 126 architecture, 28
Cycle pulse, 124 Redundant Central Parts and redundant I/O, 24
Earth leakage monitoring/detection, 135 Redundant Central Parts and single I/O, 22
Example, 119 Redundant Central Parts with redundant and single
Failure indication, 121 I/O, 26
Fault indication, 135 Sequence of phases for safety-related system, 37
Field instruments, 135 Single Central Part and single I/O, 21
Input loops, 121 Special functions, 59
Input sensors, 123 Standards compliance, 3, 5
Loop status, 121 FSC-FSC communication, 65, 66
Loop testing, 135 FSC-FSC communication faults, 98
Loop-monitoring, 135 Fault alarm, 98
Monitoring for alarm status, 122 FSC-FSC communication protocol
Monitoring of failure status, 122 Timeout, 69
Override function, 123 FSC-FSC communication timeout, 69
Override indication, 121 FSC-SYSTEM-FAULT alarm marker, 82
Redundant power supplies, 134 Function blocks, 71, 121, 127
F (continued) I (continued)
And calculation errors, 103 Digital inputs, 92
Function of safety system, 42 Input/output signals
Functional logic diagrams (FLDs), 43, 47, 52, 53, 56, Physical allocation, 51
106, 119 Specification, 51
Functional safety, 11 INPUT-FAILURE alarm marker, 82
Functional safety assessment, 12 Installation database, 46
Functional test, 54 Instrumentation index, 39
Instrumentation related to safety system, 39
INT.COMMUNIC.FLT alarm marker, 82
G Interval time between faults, 48, 131
IO-COMPARE alarm marker, 82
Grounding, 132 IO-FORCED alarm marker, 82
IO-FORCED system variable, 62
ISA S84.01, 3
Isolation of failures, 48
Functional logic diagrams (FLDs), 53
I/O signal configuration, 53 L
Hardware safety integrity, 13 Loading software
High demand mode of operation, 13, 15 Downloading to memory, 52
Human error, 12 Programming EPROMs, 52
Log files
Verification log file, 55, 56
Logical functions (in FLDs), 42
I/O compare errors, 91, 107 Loop status, 121
Fault alarm, 91 Diagnostic inputs, 80
Tested modules, 91 Loop testing, 135
I/O database, 47, 52, 55 LoopI diagnostic input, 80
I/O signal configuration, 53 Loop-monitoring, 135
IEC 61131-3, 4 LoopO diagnostic input, 80
IEC 61508, 3 Low demand mode of operation, 13, 15
Implementation of application software, 52 Low voltage directive (73/23/EEC), 10
Input compare, 91, 92
Input compare errors
Fault alarm, 91 M
System response to analog ~, 94 Manual shutdown, 107
System response to digital ~, 93 Master, 65, 66
Input faults, 84, 87 Multiple ∼s in FSC networks, 68
Fault alarm, 85 Timeout in FSC networks, 69
Non safety-related inputs, 84 Maximum discrepancy time, 73, 133
Safety-related inputs, 84 Maximum on time, 73, 133
Tested modules, 84 Memory type, 49
Input filters, 132 Modbus device communication timeout, 99
Input loops (in F&G applications), 121 Mode of operation, 13, 15
Input sensors, 123 Monitoring for alarm status, 122
Input synchronization Monitoring of failure status, 122
Analog inputs, 93 Multidrop networks, 65, 69
M (continued) O (continued)
Response time, 67, 68 Override indication, 121
Networks, 65 PES. See: Programmable electronic system (PES)
Baud rate, 67 Phases of overall safety lifecycle, 35, 37
Master, 65, 66 Physical allocation in FSC system, 51
Multidrop, 65, 67, 68, 69 Point-to-point networks, 65, 69
Multiple masters, 68 Response time, 67
On-line modification, 71 Power supply failure, 134
Point to point, 65, 67, 69 Power supply filters, 132
Response time, 67, 68 Power supply units (PSU), 132
Single fault-tolerant, 66 Redundancy, 134
Slave, 65, 66 Power-on mode
System numbers, 66 After shutdown caused by fault, 50
Timeout time, 69 At first system start-up, 50
Non fail-safe inputs, 72 Cold start, 49
Non fail-safe sensors/transmitters, 133 Warm start, 50
Non safety-related inputs Preventing calculation errors, 101, 102
And input faults, 84 Printing
Non safety-related outputs Functional logic diagrams (FLDs), 53
And output faults, 90 I/O signal configuration, 53
Process control systems (DCS/ICS). See also: DCS
Process interface, 41
O Process outputs (in unit shutdown), 110
Process safety time (PST), 129
Objectives of overall safety lifecycle, 35 Process units, 108
On-line modification (OLM), 70 Programmable electronic system (PES), 13
And warm start, 50 Programming EPROMs, 52
Compatibility check, 70, 71 Project configuration, 46
Function blocks, 71
In FSC networks, 71
Verification of application, 56, 71
Operating conditions, 133
Operating temperature, 133 QMR. See: Quadruple Modular Redundant (QMR)
Operator surveillance, 115, 133 Quadruple Modular Redundant (QMR) architecture,
Output compare, 91, 94 28
Output compare errors Qualification, 40
Fault alarm, 91
System response to digital ~, 95
Output faults, 88 R
Fault alarm, 90
Non safety-related outputs, 90 Radio interference, 132
Safety-related outputs, 89 RAM mode, 49
Tested modules, 89 RED.INPUT-FAULT alarm marker, 82
OUTPUT-FAILURE alarm marker, 82 Redundancy
Overflow, 101 Analog inputs, 74
Override function, 123 Digital inputs, 73
R (continued) S (continued)
Power supplies, 134 Safety standards, 3, 5
Sensors/transmitters, 72 Safety system
Redundant Central Parts and redundant I/O, 24 Basic function, 42
Redundant Central Parts and single I/O, 22 Connections to ~, 40
Redundant Central Parts with redundant and single Instrumentation related to ~, 39
I/O, 26 Process interface, 41
Redundant communication, 66 Safety system specification
Redundant FSC components Approval of specification, 44
Voting schemes for ~, 78 Connections, 40
Redundant input faults, 87 Functional logic diagrams (FLDs), 43
Analog inputs, 87 Functionality, 42
Digital inputs, 87 Inventory of I/O signals, 41
Fault alarm, 87 Relations between inputs and outputs, 42, 43
Relations between inputs and outputs, 42, 43 Safety-related inputs, 133
Remote display, 135 And input faults, 84
Requirement class (AK), 38, 48 Safety-related non fail-safe inputs, 72
AK5 and AK6 applications, 115 Safety-related outputs
Relation between ~ and FSC configurations, 38 And output faults, 89
Requirements for TÜV approval, 129 Safety-related system, 16
Response time, 67 Secondary switch-off, 117
Multidrop networks, 67, 68 Self-tests, 48
Point-to-point networks, 67 SensAI diagnostic input, 80
Risk, 14 Sensor redundancy, 72
Risk reduction measures, 32 Separation of voltage levels, 132
RKE3964R device communication timeout, 99 Sequence of phases of overall safety lifecycle, 37
Service, 40
S Emergency ~ (ESD), 107
Manual ~, 107
Safe failure, 14 Unit ~, 108, 109, 110, 111
Safety, 1, 14 Shutdown at assertion of FSC alarm markers, 106,
Functional ~, 11 107
Terminology, 11 SIL. See: Safety integrity level (SIL)
Safety classification, 38 Simulation, 124
Safety integrity Single Central Part and single I/O, 21
Hardware ~, 13 Single Central Part operation in AK5 and AK6, 116
Systematic ~, 17 Single fault-tolerant communication network, 66
Safety integrity level (SIL), 14 Single FSC components
Safety lifecycle, 16, 32 Voting schemes for ~, 77
E/E/PES, 34 Slave, 65, 66
Objectives, 35 Timeout in FSC networks, 69
Overall, 33 SOE collecting devices
Phases, 35, 37 And device communication faults, 99
Sequence of phases, 37 Special functions in FSC system, 59
Software, 34 Forcing of I/O signals, 60
Safety or ESD system Specification of input and output signals, 51
Design phases, 35, 37 Square root of negative number, 101
Safety relation, 111 Standards, 5
Safety relation of variables, 63 Standards compliance, 3, 5
S (continued) U
Storage conditions, 134 UL 1998, 3
Synchronization Underwriters Laboratories (UL), 3
Analog inputs, 93 Unit relays, 109
Digital inputs, 92 Unit shutdown, 106, 108
System alarm FLD, 119 Application programming, 111
System configuration parameters, 48 Configuration, 108
Diagnostic test Interval, 48 Diagnostic inputs, 111
Interval time between faults, 48 Process outputs (safety-related), 110
Memory type, 49 Safety relation of outputs, 111
Power-on mode, 49 Unit shutdown outputs, 109
Requirement class, 48 Unit shutdown outputs, 109
System markers. See: Alarm markers Upgrading to latest version, 56, 71
System numbers in FSC networks, 66
System overview, 1
System variables V
Systematic safety integrity, 17 Validation, 17
Verification log file, 55, 56
Verification of application, 53, 55
T Application software, 54
FSC database, 55
Tag numbers, 40 Functional logic diagrams (FLDs), 53, 56
SEC.SWITCH-OFF, 117 I/O signal configuration, 53
TEMP.PRE-ALARM alarm marker, 82 On-line modification, 56, 71
Temperature alarm, 100 Test data, 56
Fault alarm, 100 Verification test report, 18, 56, 58
Tested modules, 100 Voltage-monitoring, 132, 134
Terminology Voting, 77, 78
Safety-related, 11 1oo2D output ~ in AK5 and AK6 applications,
Test data during verification, 56 115
Test function, 121, 124 Fault detection and response, 78
Test variable, 57 Voting schemes, 92, 94
Time functions (in FLDs), 42 1oo1, 77
Timeouts 1oo1D, 77
FSC-FSC communication ∼, 69 1oo2, 78
Multidrop communication link (master), 69 1oo2D, 78
Multidrop communication link (slave), 69 2oo2, 78
Networks, 69 2oo2D, 78
Point-to-point communication link (master), 69 Default ~ for redundant Central Parts, 78
Point-to-point communication link (slave), 69 Default ~ for single Central Parts, 77
Timer in case of fault, 130 Redundant components, 78
Timers (T) Single components, 77
And calculation errors, 101
TRANSMIT.-FAULT alarm marker, 82
Transmitter faults, 86 W
Fault alarm, 86
Tested modules, 86 Warm start, 50
TÜV, 3 On-line modification (OLM), 50
TÜV approval, 129 Watchdog (WD), 131
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