Use of Spread Spectrum Time Domain Reflectometry To Estimate State of Health of Power Converters
Use of Spread Spectrum Time Domain Reflectometry To Estimate State of Health of Power Converters
Use of Spread Spectrum Time Domain Reflectometry To Estimate State of Health of Power Converters
Abstract— A new online measurement and analysis method MOSFETs, IGBTs, BJTs are some of the primarily affected
has been presented in this paper to identify the state of health of components in power converters due to aging. Components
power converter circuits. Using spread spectrum time domain with degraded electrical characteristics eventually cause
reflectometry (SSTDR), impedance in the various current paths secondary and tertiary effects that can accelerate the aging
inside the converter as well as any fault can be identified without
process in a circuit having multiple control loops. Aging can
interrupting the circuit’s normal operation. Multiple sets of test
data have been generated while the SSTDR process is applied to degrade individual component’s performance as well as the
each of the components i.e. the power MOSFETs, the dc bus overall circuit’s efficiency and reliability.
capacitor and the load. These obtained test data are analyzed to
show how these test results are consistent with the impedances in II. AGING FACTORS AND STATE OF THE ART SOLUTIONS
various current paths. An impedance matrix was formed for a MOSFETs and electrolytic capacitors are known to be the
non-aged converter and a corresponding matrix using SSTDR two major components responsible for converter failure, and
data was formed as well. The matrices could be formed for any they have significantly higher failure rate than other
power converter, and the impedance matrix for the non-aged
components used in power converters. From the failure survey
converter could be considered as a “Reference matrix” for
comparison purpose. By comparing these two matrices, the
of two different types of switched mode power supplies, 60%
variation in path impedances due to aging could be determined. and 72% power supply failures are due to electrolytic
This research aims to identify the measurable quantities to capacitor breakdown and 31% of the total failure occurs due to
characterize the aging process, their origins of these quantities the failure of semiconductor switches [1], [2]. Degradation
and propose convenient methods to measure them. and failure of these components may be due to long time
operation under normal operating condition or due to short
Keywords-Reflectometry, Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR), time operation under extreme stress condition i.e. high
Spread Spectrum Time Domain Reflectometry (SSTDR), ambient temperature, high voltage, reverse bias and high
Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR), ON – state resistance
ripple current.
I. INTRODUCTION Electrical stress at the gate area was implemented in [3][4]
Power converters are widely used in industrial by applying high voltage at gate terminal and the
manufacturing processes, and the uninterrupted operation of corresponding impacts were studied. Here it was found that
those converters is critical. In addition, power converters are the threshold voltage increases with aging. An increase in
becoming a part of the residential power system because of the threshold voltage directly corresponds to an increase in
widespread adoption of grid-tied PV inverters. The switching time. Threshold voltage deviation is generally
overstressed conditions i.e. over voltage, over current or occurred due to the degradation in gate oxide region and the
switching impulses could permanently damage various interface of gate oxide and semiconductor region. The
components in a power converter. In addition, the degradation rate depends on the thickness of the gate oxide.
functionality and performance of a power converter degrades
The ON – state resistance is found to be the most
with time, and the degradation rate depends on several
significant aging factor in power MOSFETs [5], and two
associated factors such as any overload, ambient temperature,
aging measurement techniques for power MOSFETs have
connected load types, radiation, and so on. Power converters
been presented in [6]. During the first test, the drain current
are periodically replaced in an industrial process, but without
was increased from 3A to 15A and the device fails to turn off
identifying the remaining life of the aged converter. Therefore,
when the gate voltage reaches to zero. This phenomenon
effectiveness and utilization factor of power converters could
indicates the loss of gate control, and the ON – state resistance
be greatly enhanced if the power converters’ state of health
(RDS) exhibits a sudden drop due to elevated drain current.
could be identified with certain accuracy. Electrolytic
Therefore, higher RDS is consistent with aging and a sudden
capacitors are mostly affected, and switching devices such as
Correlated output
Path impedance Steady A=
60 Hz state
RDS1 -13700 -23016
1 and 2 Figure 8. Impedance matrix.
Req + RDS4 -10942 -19347
Table 2. Experimental values of MOSFET ON – resistances,
RDS3 -13415 -22821
capacitor ESR and load resistance
1 and 3
Req + RDS2 -12101 -20635
Name of the Corresponding
RDS4 -13178 -23057 components resistance
2 and 4 S1 37.78 mΩ
Req + RDS1 -10505 -19232