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System overview 1
Technology Packages and
Technology Objects 2
SIMOTION Programming with
Technology Objects 3
SIMOTION SCOUT Error Handling in Technology
Basic functions Objects 4
Execution System, Tasks,
and System Cycle Clocks 5
Function Manual
Programming Execution
System/Tasks/System Cycle 6

Programming of general
standard functions 7
Programming of general
system function blocks 8
SIMOTION memory concept
(in the target device) 9
Downloading data to the
target device 10
Error sources and efficient
programming 11

Appendix A A

Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

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If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
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Qualified Personnel
The device/system may only be set up and used in conjunction with this documentation. Commissioning and
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Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
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Siemens AG Copyright © Siemens AG 2007.

Industry Sector Ⓟ 05/2009 Technical data subject to change
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This document is part of the System and Function Descriptions documentation package.

Scope of validity
This manual is valid for SIMOTION SCOUT product version V4.1.4:
● SIMOTION SCOUT V4.1.4 (engineering system for the SIMOTION product range)
● SIMOTION Kernel V4.1, V4.0, V3.2, V3.1 or V3.0
● SIMOTION technology packages Cam, Cam_ext (Kernel V3.2 and higher) and TControl
in the version for the respective kernel (including technology packages Gear, Position
and Basic MC as of Kernel V3.0).

Chapters in this manual

This manual describes the generally applicable functions of SIMOTION and technology
● System overview
General information on SIMOTION.
● Technology Packages and Technology Objects
Basic information on the technology packages and the technology objects.
● Programming of Technology Objects
Information how and with which system functions technology objects can be
● Error Handling in Technology Objects
General information on technological alarms and command return values.
● Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks
Information on the execution system and tasks.
● Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
Information for the programming of the execution system, tasks and system cycle clocks.
● Programming of General System Functions
Information which general system functions exist and how they are used.
● Programming of General System Function Blocks
Information which general system blocks exist and how they are used.
● SIMOTION memory concept (in the target device)
Information on the memory concept in the target device

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● Downloading data to the target device

Information regarding downloading of data to the target device or target system
● Appendix
Information on symbolic constants and identifiers
● Index
Keyword index for locating information.

SIMOTION Documentation
An overview of the SIMOTION documentation can be found in a separate list of references.
This documentation is included as electronic documentation with the supplied SIMOTION
The SIMOTION documentation consists of 9 documentation packages containing
approximately 80 SIMOTION documents and documents on related systems (e.g.
The following documentation packages are available for SIMOTION V4.1 SP4:
● SIMOTION Engineering System
● SIMOTION System and Function Descriptions
● SIMOTION Service and Diagnostics
● SIMOTION Programming
● SIMOTION Programming - References
● SIMOTION Supplementary Documentation

Hotline and Internet addresses

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The latest information about SIMOTION products, product support, and FAQs can be found
on the Internet at:
● General information:
– (German)
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● Downloading documentation
Further links for downloading files from Service & Support.

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4 Function Manual, 05/2009

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● FAQs
You can find information on FAQs (frequently asked questions) by clicking

Additional support
We also offer introductory courses to help you familiarize yourself with SIMOTION.
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Center in 90027 Nuremberg, Germany.
Information about training courses on offer can be found at:

Technical support
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Questions about this documentation

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fax or e-mail us at:

Fax +49 9131- 98 2176

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Table of contents

Preface ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 System overview...................................................................................................................................... 15
1.1 System architecture .....................................................................................................................15
1.1.1 SIMOTION system architecture ...................................................................................................15
1.1.2 SIMOTION SCOUT Engineering System ....................................................................................16
1.1.3 SIMOTION project .......................................................................................................................17
1.1.4 Offline/online mode ......................................................................................................................18
1.1.5 Programming................................................................................................................................18
1.2 SIMOTION motion control............................................................................................................19
1.3 Fields of application .....................................................................................................................20
1.4 Fusion of PLC and motion control ...............................................................................................21
1.5 Totally Integrated Automation ......................................................................................................21
1.6 Hardware platforms......................................................................................................................22
2 Technology Packages and Technology Objects ...................................................................................... 25
2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................25
2.2 Technology packages ..................................................................................................................27
2.3 Technology objects (TO)..............................................................................................................28
2.3.1 Instantiation and configuration .....................................................................................................29
2.3.2 Programming................................................................................................................................30
2.3.3 Programming................................................................................................................................30
2.3.4 Interconnections...........................................................................................................................34
2.3.5 Technology objects and DCC ......................................................................................................35
2.3.6 Available technology objects........................................................................................................37
2.4 Expert list .....................................................................................................................................38
2.4.1 Expert list for configuration data and system variables ...............................................................39
2.4.2 Using the expert list .....................................................................................................................41
2.4.3 Comparing expert lists .................................................................................................................47
2.4.4 Save expert list comparison.........................................................................................................50
2.5 Interconnection of technology objects .........................................................................................51
2.5.1 Interconnection overview for technology objects .........................................................................52
2.5.2 Implicit interconnection when creating.........................................................................................53
2.5.3 Interconnection using general interconnection screen form in SCOUT (for experts) ..................53
2.5.4 General properties of interconnection interfaces .........................................................................54
2.5.5 Interconnection interfaces on the TOs.........................................................................................55
2.5.6 'Motion' interconnection interface type.........................................................................................59
2.5.7 'LREAL' interconnection interface type ........................................................................................60
3 Programming with Technology Objects ................................................................................................... 63
3.1 Definitions ....................................................................................................................................63
3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs) ......................................................................................63
3.2.1 Using technology functions in a program.....................................................................................63
3.2.2 Sample program with namespace option ....................................................................................67

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3.2.3 Differences between cyclical and sequential programming........................................................ 68

3.2.4 Function parameters of the technology functions ....................................................................... 69
3.2.5 Transition and step enabling conditions...................................................................................... 75
3.2.6 Command execution diagnostics ................................................................................................ 80
3.2.7 Identifiers of technology object instances ................................................................................... 82
3.2.8 Conversion of TO data types ...................................................................................................... 83
3.2.9 System variables......................................................................................................................... 85
3.2.10 Configuration data....................................................................................................................... 88
3.2.11 Resetting a technology object..................................................................................................... 93
3.2.12 Use of technology packages in libraries ..................................................................................... 93
3.3 Response to faults and events.................................................................................................... 95
3.3.1 Evaluating faults and events ....................................................................................................... 95
3.3.2 Execution errors in programs ...................................................................................................... 96
3.3.3 Error during operations with floating-point numbers (FPU exceptions) ...................................... 97
3.3.4 Access errors to system variables and configuration data, as well as I/O variables for
direct access ............................................................................................................................... 99
3.3.5 Errors when generating the process image .............................................................................. 101
3.3.6 Using Taskstartinfo ................................................................................................................... 102
4 Error Handling in Technology Objects ................................................................................................... 115
4.1 Possible errors in technology objects ....................................................................................... 115
4.2 Process Alarms ......................................................................................................................... 115
4.2.1 Local response.......................................................................................................................... 117
4.2.2 Global response ........................................................................................................................ 117
4.2.3 Error activation .......................................................................................................................... 118
4.2.4 Configure technological alarms................................................................................................. 120
4.2.5 Displaying and acknowledging technological alarms................................................................ 122
4.2.6 Acknowledging via the user program........................................................................................ 123
4.2.7 Evaluating in the user program ................................................................................................. 127
4.3 Return values of commands ..................................................................................................... 128
4.4 Errors when accessing system data with _get/_setSafeValue.................................................. 130
5 Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks ............................................................................ 133
5.1 Execution system ...................................................................................................................... 133
5.1.1 Execution levels / tasks............................................................................................................. 135
5.1.2 Execution system in SIMOTION SCOUT.................................................................................. 138
5.1.3 Task priorities............................................................................................................................ 140
5.1.4 Runtime model in SIMOTION ................................................................................................... 143
5.1.5 Execution system in the symbol browser.................................................................................. 145
5.2 Description of the user program tasks ...................................................................................... 145
5.2.1 StartupTask ............................................................................................................................... 145
5.2.2 MotionTasks.............................................................................................................................. 147
5.2.3 BackgroundTask ....................................................................................................................... 151
5.2.4 TimerInterruptTasks .................................................................................................................. 154
5.2.5 SynchronousTasks.................................................................................................................... 158
5.2.6 SystemInterruptTasks ............................................................................................................... 164
5.2.7 UserInterruptTasks.................................................................................................................... 169
5.2.8 ShutdownTask .......................................................................................................................... 174
5.3 Configure execution system...................................................................................................... 176
5.3.1 Assigning programs to the execution levels/tasks .................................................................... 176
5.3.2 Selecting the cycle clock source ............................................................................................... 181
5.3.3 Defining system cycle clocks .................................................................................................... 182

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5.3.4 Assigning system cycle clocks to technology objects................................................................187

5.3.5 Task runtimes.............................................................................................................................188
5.3.6 Timeouts and level overflows.....................................................................................................190
5.3.7 Information on starting a task: TaskStartInfo (TSI) ....................................................................192
5.3.8 Watchdog ...................................................................................................................................193
5.4 Time allocation in the round robin execution level.....................................................................194
5.4.1 Setting of the time allocation......................................................................................................196
5.4.2 Settings (examples) ...................................................................................................................197
5.4.3 Processing of the tasks (examples)...........................................................................................200
5.5 Task Trace overview..................................................................................................................203
5.5.1 Using Task Trace.......................................................................................................................203
5.6 Isochronous I/O processing on fieldbus systems ......................................................................203
5.6.1 Data protocol on PROFIBUS DP ...............................................................................................204
5.6.2 Data protocol on PROFINET IO.................................................................................................205
5.6.3 Isochronous data processing .....................................................................................................206
5.6.4 Dynamic response with respect to data processing in the control.............................................210
5.6.5 Dynamic response with respect to data transmission from the acquisition to the
5.6.6 Dynamic response for data acquisition and data output............................................................212
5.6.7 Determination of Tdp, Ti and To using HW Config for ET 200 I/O devices on the
5.6.8 Handling cycle clock scaling ......................................................................................................214
5.6.9 Configuring PROFIBUS DP in HW Config to optimize run-time ................................................214
5.7 Integrating DCC into the SIMOTION execution system ............................................................216
5.7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................216
5.7.2 Sequence model for DCC blocks (DCB)....................................................................................216
5.7.3 servoDccTask in the servo level ................................................................................................218
5.7.4 ipoDcc Task in the IPO level......................................................................................................219
5.7.5 ipoDcc_2 Task in the IPO2 level ................................................................................................220
5.7.6 Execution levels for DccAux and DccAux_2 ..............................................................................221
5.7.7 Data exchange between blocks .................................................................................................222 Data exchange between blocks (overview) ...............................................................................222 Data exchange between blocks in the same level.....................................................................222 Data for blocks from a lower-priority level..................................................................................225 Data for blocks from a higher-priority level ................................................................................228
5.7.8 Interconnection of blocks with variables ....................................................................................229 Interconnection with variables....................................................................................................229 Behavior for FPU exceptions .....................................................................................................230
5.8 Include drive I/O .........................................................................................................................231
5.8.1 Terminal modules TM15 and TM17 High Feature .....................................................................231
5.8.2 TM31, TM41, TM15 DI/DO terminal modules, TB30 terminal board and onboard I/Os on
SIMOTION D or CU310/CU320 and CX32................................................................................231
6 Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks............................................................... 235
6.1 Execution system.......................................................................................................................235
6.1.1 Introduction to the execution system .........................................................................................235
6.1.2 Execution levels and tasks.........................................................................................................235
6.1.3 Task start sequence...................................................................................................................237
6.1.4 Configure execution system.......................................................................................................237 Specifications for the configuring ...............................................................................................237 Assigning programs to the tasks................................................................................................238
6.1.5 Effect of the task execution behavior on the variable initialization ............................................238 Time for the initialization of local program variables..................................................................238

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Table of contents Assigning initial values to unit variables.................................................................................... 239 Use multiple VAR_GLOBAL, VAR_GLOBAL RETAIN blocks .................................................. 240 Influence of the compiler on variable initialization..................................................................... 241 Marking HMI relevant data ........................................................................................................ 243
6.1.6 Task status ................................................................................................................................ 245 Querying and meaning of the task states ................................................................................. 245 Combinations of task states ...................................................................................................... 246 Example of using the task states .............................................................................................. 246
6.1.7 Waiting in MotionTask for a condition to be satisfied................................................................ 247 Syntax of the condition of the EXPRESSION ........................................................................... 247 Syntax of the WAITFORCONDITION statement ...................................................................... 248 Effect of the WAITFORCONDITION statement ........................................................................ 248 Example of use of WAITFORCONDITION ............................................................................... 249 Example for time verification via FB.......................................................................................... 250 Example for using WAITFORCONDITION with time monitoring directly in non-cyclic task /
Motion Task............................................................................................................................... 251
6.1.8 Making tasks wait a defined period........................................................................................... 253
6.2 Task control commands ............................................................................................................ 254
6.2.1 Overview of the task control commands ................................................................................... 254
6.2.2 Example for using a task control command .............................................................................. 256
6.2.3 _getStateOfTaskId function....................................................................................................... 257
6.2.4 _resetTaskId function ................................................................................................................ 259
6.2.5 _restartTaskId function.............................................................................................................. 260
6.2.6 _resumeTaskId function ............................................................................................................ 261
6.2.7 _retriggerTaskIdControlTime function....................................................................................... 263
6.2.8 _startTaskId function ................................................................................................................. 264
6.2.9 _suspendTaskId function .......................................................................................................... 265
6.2.10 _getTaskId function ................................................................................................................... 267
6.2.11 _checkEqualTask function ........................................................................................................ 268
6.3 Functions for runtime measurement of tasks............................................................................ 269
6.3.1 Functions for runtime measurement of tasks - overview .......................................................... 269
6.3.2 _getMaximalTaskIdRunTime function....................................................................................... 270
6.3.3 _getMinimalTaskIdRunTime function........................................................................................ 271
6.3.4 _getCurrentTaskIdRunTime function ........................................................................................ 273
6.3.5 Function _getAverageTaskIdRunTime...................................................................................... 274
6.3.6 Functions for the precise runtime measurement of tasks ......................................................... 276
6.3.7 Function _getInternalTimeStamp .............................................................................................. 276
6.3.8 Function _getTimeDifferenceOfInternalTimeStamp.................................................................. 277
6.4 Functions for message programming (AlarmS) ........................................................................ 277
6.4.1 General information for the message programming ................................................................. 277
6.4.2 _alarmSId function .................................................................................................................... 279
6.4.3 _alarmSqId function .................................................................................................................. 282
6.4.4 _alarmScId function................................................................................................................... 285
6.4.5 _getAlarmId function ................................................................................................................. 286
6.4.6 Function _getPendingAlarms .................................................................................................... 287
6.4.7 Functions _resetAlarmId and _reset_AllAlarmId ....................................................................... 288
7 Programming of general standard functions .......................................................................................... 289
7.1 Programming of general standard functions - overview ........................................................... 289
7.2 Numeric standard functions ...................................................................................................... 290
7.2.1 Special features of a numeric function...................................................................................... 290
7.2.2 General numeric standard functions ......................................................................................... 290
7.2.3 Logarithmic standard functions ................................................................................................. 291

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7.2.4 Trigonometric standard functions...............................................................................................292

7.2.5 Bit string standard functions.......................................................................................................292
7.3 Access to bits in bit strings.........................................................................................................294
7.3.1 _getBit function...........................................................................................................................294
7.3.2 _setBit function...........................................................................................................................295
7.3.3 _toggleBit function......................................................................................................................297
7.4 Bit operations on numeric data types ........................................................................................298
7.5 String processing (from V4.0 and greater).................................................................................299
7.5.1 Functions for the string editing...................................................................................................299
7.5.2 Error analysis during the string editing ......................................................................................301
7.6 Standard functions for data type conversion .............................................................................303
7.6.1 Functions for the conversion of numeric data types and bit data types.....................................303
7.6.2 Functions for converting date and time data types ....................................................................307
7.6.3 Functions for the conversion of enumeration data types...........................................................308
7.6.4 Conversions between BYTE and STRING ................................................................................308
7.6.5 Functions for the conversion of INT/REAL/LREAL and STRING data types ............................309
7.7 Converting between any data types and byte arrays ................................................................311
7.7.1 General ......................................................................................................................................311
7.7.2 AnyType_to_BigByteArray function, AnyType_to_LittleByteArray function ...............................311
7.7.3 BigByteArray_to_AnyType function, LittleByteArray_to_AnyType function ...............................313
7.8 Combining bit-string data types .................................................................................................315
7.8.1 General information for combining bit-string data types ............................................................315
7.8.2 _BYTE_FROM_8BOOL function ................................................................................................315
7.8.3 _WORD_FROM_2BYTE function...............................................................................................316
7.8.4 _DWORD_FROM_2WORD function ..........................................................................................316
7.8.5 _DWORD_FROM_4BYTE function ............................................................................................317
7.9 Conversion of technology object data types ..............................................................................318
7.9.1 AnyObject_to_Object function....................................................................................................318
7.10 Functions for verification of floating-point numbers ...................................................................319
7.10.1 _finite function ............................................................................................................................319
7.10.2 _isNaN function ..........................................................................................................................320
7.11 Functions for selection ...............................................................................................................321
7.11.1 SEL function...............................................................................................................................321
7.11.2 MUX function..............................................................................................................................322
7.11.3 MAX function..............................................................................................................................323
7.11.4 MIN function ...............................................................................................................................324
7.11.5 LIMIT function ............................................................................................................................325
7.12 Consistent access to global variables of derived data types (UDT) ..........................................326
7.12.1 General ......................................................................................................................................326
7.12.2 _testAndSetSemaphore function ...............................................................................................327
7.12.3 _releaseSemaphore function .....................................................................................................328
7.13 Access to system variables and inputs/outputs .........................................................................329
7.13.1 General information on accessing system variables and inputs/outputs...................................329
7.13.2 _getSafeValue function ..............................................................................................................329
7.13.3 _setSafeValue function ..............................................................................................................332
7.13.4 _getInOutByte function...............................................................................................................335
7.14 Backing up data from the user program ....................................................................................337
7.14.1 General information on saving data sets from the user program ..............................................337
7.14.2 _saveUnitDataSet function.........................................................................................................337

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7.14.3 _loadUnitDataSet function......................................................................................................... 341

7.14.4 _exportUnitDataSet function (as of Kernel V3.2) ...................................................................... 345
7.14.5 _importUnitDataSet function (as of Kernel V3.2) ...................................................................... 348
7.14.6 _deleteUnitDataSet function...................................................................................................... 352
7.14.7 _getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand function ............................................................................. 354
7.14.8 _checkExistingUnitDataSet function ......................................................................................... 355
7.14.9 _deleteAllUnitDataSets function................................................................................................ 357
7.15 Functions for commandId.......................................................................................................... 359
7.15.1 _getCommandId function .......................................................................................................... 359
7.15.2 _getSyncCommandId function .................................................................................................. 360
7.16 Defining the waiting time ........................................................................................................... 361
7.16.1 _waitTime function .................................................................................................................... 361
7.17 Device-specific functions........................................................................................................... 362
7.17.1 _getDeviceId function................................................................................................................ 362
7.17.2 _getMemoryCardId function ...................................................................................................... 363
7.17.3 _setDeviceErrorLED function .................................................................................................... 364
7.17.4 _setDriveObjectSTW function ................................................................................................... 365
7.18 Determine the memory size of a variable or of a data type ...................................................... 367
7.18.1 _sizeOf function......................................................................................................................... 367
7.19 Additional available system functions ....................................................................................... 368
7.20 Application of certain system functions..................................................................................... 368
7.20.1 Programming messages ........................................................................................................... 368 General...................................................................................................................................... 368 Overview of the functions.......................................................................................................... 369 AlarmId ...................................................................................................................................... 370 Buffer management of AlarmS.................................................................................................. 370 Example of message generation .............................................................................................. 372 Checking the error number and status of a message (filtering return values).......................... 373
7.20.2 Consistent reading and writing of variables (semaphores)....................................................... 374 Consistent data access ............................................................................................................. 374 Semaphores.............................................................................................................................. 374 Example: Consistent data access with semaphores ................................................................ 375
7.20.3 Data backup and initialization from user program .................................................................... 376 Data backup and data initialization from user program - functions and instructions ................ 376 Input parameters ....................................................................................................................... 377 Return value.............................................................................................................................. 379 Storage location and memory requirement............................................................................... 379 Step enabling condition............................................................................................................. 380
7.20.4 Converting between any data types and byte arrays (marshalling).......................................... 381
7.20.5 Communication functions.......................................................................................................... 385 Available functions .................................................................................................................... 385 Parameter description for _Xsend............................................................................................. 386 Parameter description for _Xreceive......................................................................................... 387 Parameter description for _GetStateOfXCommand.................................................................. 388 Communication between SIMOTION and SIMATIC S7 devices .............................................. 388 Example of send and receive program ..................................................................................... 390 Communication via Ethernet with TCP/IP protocol ................................................................... 391 Communication via Ethernet with UDP protocol ....................................................................... 392
7.20.6 Synchronous start ..................................................................................................................... 393
7.21 HMI (Human Machine Interface) connection ............................................................................ 397
7.21.1 Interface between HMI and SCOUT or SIMOTION .................................................................. 397
7.21.2 Consistent data access with HMI devices (example) ............................................................... 398

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8 Programming of general system function blocks.................................................................................... 401

8.1 Overview of the function blocks .................................................................................................401
8.2 Bistable elements (set flip-flop)..................................................................................................403
8.3 Edge detection ...........................................................................................................................405
8.4 Counters.....................................................................................................................................407
8.4.1 General information on counters................................................................................................407
8.4.2 CTU up counter..........................................................................................................................407
8.4.3 CTU_DINT up counter ...............................................................................................................409
8.4.4 CTU_UDINT up counter.............................................................................................................409
8.4.5 CTD down counter .....................................................................................................................410
8.4.6 CTD_DINT down counter...........................................................................................................410
8.4.7 CTD_UDINT down counter ........................................................................................................411
8.4.8 CTUD up/down counter .............................................................................................................411
8.4.9 CTUD_DINT up/down counter ...................................................................................................412
8.4.10 CTUD_UDINT up/down counter.................................................................................................412
8.5 Timers ........................................................................................................................................413
8.6 Splitting bit-string data types......................................................................................................416
8.6.1 General information for splitting bit-string data types ................................................................416
8.6.2 _BYTE_TO_8BOOL function block ............................................................................................416
8.6.3 _WORD_TO_2BYTE function block...........................................................................................417
8.6.4 _DWORD_TO_2WORD function block ......................................................................................418
8.6.5 _DWORD_TO_4BYTE function block ........................................................................................418
8.7 Emulation of SIMATIC S7 commands .......................................................................................419
8.7.1 General ......................................................................................................................................419
8.7.2 _S7_COUNTER function block ..................................................................................................420
8.7.3 _S7_TIMER function block.........................................................................................................421
9 SIMOTION memory concept (in the target device) ................................................................................ 423
9.1 Overview of the memory in the target device ............................................................................423
9.2 Memory access ..........................................................................................................................426
10 Downloading data to the target device................................................................................................... 429
10.1 Overview of the data download..................................................................................................429
10.2 Save and compile ......................................................................................................................430
10.3 Performing a consistency check ................................................................................................431
10.4 Downloading a project to the target system (all target devices) ................................................432
10.5 Downloading CPU/drive unit to target device ............................................................................433
10.6 Separate initialization of source and TO data during a download .............................................435
10.7 Download in RUN ......................................................................................................................436
10.7.1 Perform download in RUN .........................................................................................................436
10.7.2 Download of changed sources in RUN......................................................................................436
10.7.3 Initialization of data during a STOP - RUN transition ................................................................441
10.7.4 Control of MotionTasks from SCOUT ........................................................................................442 Controlling MotionTasks ............................................................................................................442 Switching on debug mode and controlling MotionTasks ...........................................................443
10.7.5 Download without HW Config information .................................................................................444
10.7.6 Download of changed technology objects .................................................................................445
10.7.7 Copying RAM to ROM in RUN...................................................................................................447

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10.8 Download direct to memory card or hard disk .......................................................................... 448

10.9 Downloading using the device update tool ............................................................................... 449
10.10 Loading data from the target device to the programming device (PG)/PC............................... 450
11 Error sources and efficient programming ............................................................................................... 453
11.1 Error sources during programming ........................................................................................... 453
11.1.1 Error sources during programming ........................................................................................... 453
11.1.2 Checking data types when assigning arithmetic expressions................................................... 453
11.1.3 Checking start of functions in cyclic tasks every time............................................................... 453
11.1.4 Wait times in cyclic tasks .......................................................................................................... 454
11.1.5 Using the commandId parameter correctly ............................................................................... 454
11.1.6 Locating errors (ST programs).................................................................................................. 455
11.1.7 Errors on download ................................................................................................................... 456
11.1.8 CPU does not switch to RUN .................................................................................................... 456
11.1.9 CPU goes to STOP ................................................................................................................... 456
11.1.10 Checking and setting system clocks ......................................................................................... 458
11.1.11 Comparing REAL or LREAL variables ...................................................................................... 458
11.1.12 Sequential task is interrupted.................................................................................................... 458
11.1.13 Checking for range violations.................................................................................................... 459
11.1.14 Setting size of local data stack.................................................................................................. 459
11.2 Efficient programming ............................................................................................................... 460
11.2.1 Efficient programming - overview.............................................................................................. 460
11.2.2 Runtime optimized programming .............................................................................................. 460 Runtime-optimized programming.............................................................................................. 460 Optimizing access to inputs and outputs .................................................................................. 460 Optimizing access to system variables ..................................................................................... 461 Optimal variable declaration...................................................................................................... 461 Optimizing access to function block parameters ...................................................................... 461 Optimizing function block calls.................................................................................................. 461 Optimizing program structure.................................................................................................... 462 Optimizing the execution system .............................................................................................. 462 Use of USEPACKAGE for multiple technology packages ........................................................ 462
11.2.3 Change-optimized programming............................................................................................... 462 Change-optimized programming............................................................................................... 462 Declaring retentive variables in one unit ................................................................................... 463 HMI variables in one unit........................................................................................................... 463 Using device global variables versus unit global variables....................................................... 463 Centralized starting and resetting of MotionTasks.................................................................... 465 Example of a download of changed sources ............................................................................ 466
A Appendix A ............................................................................................................................................ 471
A.1 Symbolic constants ................................................................................................................... 471
A.2 Identifiers with defined meaning in SIMOTION......................................................................... 473
Index...................................................................................................................................................... 557

Basic functions
14 Function Manual, 05/2009
System overview 1
1.1 System architecture
The SIMOTION system architecture enables trends towards decentralization, heterogeneous
target systems, and distributed intelligence to be implemented.

1.1.1 SIMOTION system architecture

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Figure 1-1 SIMOTION system architecture

The basic functionality of the device (SIMOTION Kernel) includes functions for open-loop
and closed-loop control as well as logic and arithmetic. Program execution can be cyclical,
time-triggered or interrupt-triggered. As a result, the SIMOTION Kernel contains the
functions needed for virtually all applications and corresponds in essence to a PLC with the
IEC 61131-3 command set plus system functions for controlling various components, such
as inputs and outputs.
You can expand the SIMOTION Kernel of the device by downloading technology packages.
You access the technology packages from the user program using special language
commands, in the same way that you access the SIMOTION Kernel.
For particular tasks, you can either use existing applications or you can program and link the
required applications yourself. The applications are programmed in compliance with IEC
61131-3 and can be adapted to your specific task.
In addition, SIMOTION provides function libraries that include the system functions and
motion functions. The function libraries contain functions and access to system variables of a
technology object and are linked to the associated device and technology package in
For special tasks, such as closed-loop control functions, you can use wiring diagrams and
execute them in the corresponding DCC execution tasks using blocks connected with a
graphical tool.

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 15
System overview
1.1 System architecture

1.1.2 SIMOTION SCOUT Engineering System

The following activities are required for machine automation:
● Selection/configuration of the hardware and software components, configuration of
hardware and software, including the communication networks with HW Config
● Creation and configuration of the technology objects
● Creation of the user program
● Testing and commissioning of the drive units
● Linking of the machine operator control (HMI)
● Concluding steps, such as the generation of machine documentation.
The SIMOTION SCOUT engineering system offers a uniform user view and flexible
Individual automation tasks for production machines are formulated in a uniform and
consistent user interface.



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Figure 1-2 SIMOTION SCOUT engineering system

The SIMOTION SCOUT engineering system is a powerful tool that acts as the PC
development environment to provide optimal support for the required engineering steps in a
user-friendly way. It is integrated in the SIMATIC landscape, where it operates as an option
package for STEP7. Special attention has been given to optimum usability and a
comprehensive, function-oriented view of the automation task.

Basic functions
16 Function Manual, 05/2009
System overview
1.1 System architecture

1.1.3 SIMOTION project

The project includes all SIMOTION devices, drives, etc. The associated devices are
hierarchically assigned to technology objects and programs. This hierarchical structure is
displayed in the Project navigator.

Figure 1-3 SIMOTION SCOUT project navigator

The project is the highest level in the data management hierarchy. SIMOTION SCOUT
saves all data which belongs, for example, to a production machine, in the project directory.

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 17
System overview
1.1 System architecture

1.1.4 Offline/online mode




Figure 1-4 Connection between offline and runtime project with SIMOTION SCOUT

SIMOTION SCOUT can be used in two modes:

● In offline mode, you can create projects and user programs.
In offline mode, you work with the SCOUT engineering system without connection to the
runtime system. The data and technology objects are maintained in the engineering
The offline mode is the leading work mode, i.e. changes of system variables and
configuration data should be made offline.
● In online mode, you can load projects and data into the target system, control and
monitor the application.
The data in the SCOUT engineering system is retained as offline project.
Configuration data changed online can be reloaded into the offline project; this is not
possible with system variables changed online.

1.1.5 Programming
The open-loop control and motion control tasks are predefined in the user program.
The following programming languages are available to create your user programs:
● MCC - Motion Control Chart
is a graphical programming language for programming logic and motion control functions.
MCC charts are created.
● ST - Structured Text
is a text-based programming language compliant with IEC 61131-3 that enables you to
create an ST source that can comprise several programs.
You can also edit an ST source file using an external ST editor.

Basic functions
18 Function Manual, 05/2009
System overview
1.2 SIMOTION motion control

Programs created using MCC can be converted to ST, but not vice versa.
● LAD/FBD - Ladder Logic / Function Block Diagram
are graphics-based programming languages in compliance with IEC 61131-3 for
programming logic as well as motion control via PLCopen blocks.
● DCC - Drive Control Chart
Is a graphic programming language for programming drive functionality.
It is possible to edit a Drive Control Chart with an external DCC editor.
Detailed information on the programming languages is provided in the SIMOTION MCC,
SIMOTION ST and SIMOTION LAD/FBD Programming Manuals.
Programming in SIMOTION provides the following advantages:
● Programs of different programming languages can be used in one project (MCC, ST and
● Programming is independent of the hardware platform
● PLC, motion control and technology can be implemented in one program
● There are functions for direct access to drive parameters available via PROFIDRIVE
Modular machines are supported by the following:
● Modular software development with libraries
● Division into individual machine modules
● Activation/deactivation of DP slaves and technology objects
● Commands for the synchronization

1.2 SIMOTION motion control

SIMOTION offers an optimized system platform for automation and drive solutions with
emphasis on motion control applications and technology tasks.
SIMOTION is the answer to the latest trends in production machines:
● Mechatronics
Mechatronics means that a machine is regarded not only from the mechanical aspect, but
as a complete system in which mechanical components, electrical components, and
control and software technologies are integrated equally. As part of mechatronics,
relatively inflexible mechanical components (such as cams, gears, couplings, line shafts,
etc.) are replaced by intelligent software solutions.
● Fusion of PLC functionality and motion control technology
The historical separation of pure automation functions and motion functions has been
eliminated. These functions are combined both on the hardware and on the software
● Usability
A uniform engineering system (SIMOTION SCOUT) ensures consistency in configuration,
parameterization and programming. Automation tasks and motion control tasks are
programmed in the same language.

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 19
System overview
1.3 Fields of application

● Standards
Industrial automation is increasingly governed by standards in the PC world such as
Microsoft Windows and Ethernet. Standardized global programming languages have
greatly facilitated system handling for the customer.
● Modular machine concepts
The trend towards standardization is also encompassing machine designs. As a
consequence, attempts are being made to break down machine design into various
subcomponents. By virtue of this modularity, it is possible to standardize individual
subcomponents and install them as standard components in different types of machines.

1.3 Fields of application

An efficient control system requires that today's tasks and future trends in the field of
production machines are implemented using open control concepts.
SIMOTION is a uniform motion control system that focuses on the automation of production
machines. The uniformity involves engineering, programming, communication, data
management and human machine interface (HMI), and thus encompasses the whole system
- even on different hardware platforms.
These trends relate primarily to the following mechanical engineering sectors, for which our
motion control system is particularly well-suited:
● Packaging machines
● Plastics processing machines
● Metal forming technology
● Textile machines
● Printing machines
● Machines used in the wood, glass, and ceramics industries
● And other machines
In addition to the standard logic and drive-related tasks, the automation solutions in these
sectors are also increasingly requiring the incorporation of integrated, uniform motion control
and technology tasks.
The SIMOTION modular system consists of the SCOUT engineering system and a common
runtime system for various hardware platforms. The SCOUT engineering system is identical
for all hardware platforms. Configuration, parameter assignment, and programming are
performed using graphics-based or text-based methods. This also provides the basis for
sector-specific solutions.
You decide which runtime software (position, gear, ...) to load to enhance the basic functions
based on your application. The fact that SIMOTION runs on a variety of hardware platforms
makes it a versatile solution that satisfies all requirements

Basic functions
20 Function Manual, 05/2009
System overview
1.4 Fusion of PLC and motion control

1.4 Fusion of PLC and motion control

SIMOTION combines open-loop control, technology and motion control. Thus, there are no
hardware and software interfaces between the controls required.




Figure 1-5 Fusion of PLC and motion control

On the hardware side, this means that the programmable controller is able to process motion
functions. The hardware platform can be selected individually.
On the software side, the fusion of automation functions and motion functions makes for
simpler engineering. This starts with the configuration and continues through parameter
assignment and programming.
Consistency with SIMATIC is another essential feature, since both systems can be used
together in one plant.

1.5 Totally Integrated Automation

Threefold consistency in programming and configuration, data management, and
communication is at the heart of Totally Integrated Automation: In this way, every automation
task solved by SIMATIC can also make full use of the many advantages of Totally Integrated
● Marked reduction in engineering costs
● No system breaks within the automation landscape
● One software basis for all components
It makes no difference whether your automation task involves implementation of customized
solutions in machines or systems, or small-scale automation tasks. Totally Integrated
Automation with SIMATIC includes all of the technologies that your automation landscape
requires, including programmable controllers, PC-based control, automation computers,
distributed I/O, HMI systems, communication networks or process control systems. Because
of its modularity, you can use one complete, uniform system to implement the exact solution
that satisfies your process requirements and is economically feasible.
SIMOTION and SIMATIC are integrated in the sense of Totally Integrated Automation. This
is achieved by integrating SIMOTION SCOUT into SIMATIC Manager and by adopting the
same engineering philosophy for comparable activities. Engineering processes that are not

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 21
System overview
1.6 Hardware platforms

available in SIMATIC (motion control, output cam controller, etc.) or that are required by
SIMOTION to meet the demands of a distributed system are selected based on optimal
usability. Moreover, SIMOTION is integrated into PROFINET and includes all of the requisite
system features for this purpose.

1.6 Hardware platforms

SIMOTION supports various hardware platforms. The choice of hardware components is
largely driven by your requirements. You can also distribute your automation tasks to
different target systems.

Figure 1-6 SIMOTION hardware platforms

The following platforms are available:

Basic functions
22 Function Manual, 05/2009
System overview
1.6 Hardware platforms

● PC-based (SIMOTION P350)

As a PC-based motion control system, SIMOTION P3xx works with the Windows XP
operating system, equipped with a real-time expansion for SIMOTION. Apart from
SIMOTION applications, other PC applications can also be started.
SIMOTION P350 is suitable for:
– Applications requiring an open architecture to the PC world
– Applications requiring hardware-based control and visualization
– Extensive data storage, evaluation and logging
● Controller-based (SIMOTION C2xx)
This controller in SIMATIC S7-300 mounting technology comprises integrated analog
drive interfaces and several digital inputs and outputs.
Moreover, it can be expanded by I/O modules from the SIMATIC S7-300 product range.
Two PROFIBUS connections with PROFIdrive interface and one Industrial Ethernet
connection allow for communication with other machine parts.
PROFIBUS can also be used for communication with operator panels (such as those
from the SIMATIC HMI range) or with higher-level controls such as SIMATIC S7.
SIMATIC HMI panels as well as PCs with ProTool/Pro, WinCC flexible or OPC interfaces
are suitable as operator systems.
SIMOTION C2xx allows for the following:
– Freedom in the selection of the drives
– Wide range of process signals
– Retrofit applications via integrated analog interfaces
– Direct connection of analog drives and stepper drives
● Drive-based (SIMOTION D4xx)
The SIMOTION D is directly integrated in the closed-loop control module of the
SINAMICS S120 multi-axis drive system.
Two PROFIBUS connections with PROFIdrive interface as well as two Industrial Ethernet
interfaces are available onboard.
SIMOTION D4xx offers the functionality of the SIMOTION Cxx and allows for the
integration of control and drive in one component.
SIMOTION D4xx offers the full functionality of SIMOTION and allows for the integration of
control and drive in one component.

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 23
Technology Packages and Technology Objects 2
2.1 Introduction

SIMOTION basic functionality

A SIMOTION system without technology packages and without technology objects provides
the execution system and basic functionality of a control system in accordance with IEC

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Figure 2-1 SIMOTION basic functionality

The user programs can arbitrarily be assigned to the various tasks.

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 25
Technology Packages and Technology Objects
2.1 Introduction


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Figure 2-2 Assignment of the user programs to tasks

Technology Objects
SIMOTION provides technology objects for the technology and motion control.
The technology objects offer the user a technological view of actuators and sensors and
provide technological functions for these, for example:
● the TO axis for drive and encoder
● the TO external encoder for one encoder only
● the TO outputCam/camTrack for an output to be switched in a defined way
● the TO measuringInput for a measuring input
Moreover, technology objects for the preparation of technological data on the system level
are available, for example:
● the TO FollowingObject for synchronous operation between two axes or one axis on an
encoder value
● the TO path for traversing path axes along a path and a positioning axis synchronous to
the path
● the TO cam for representing complex programmable functions
● the TO additionObject, TO formulaObject for the processing of motion data and
technological data on the system side
The technology objects are implemented by the system in system tasks, e.g. IPO task,
IPO_2 task or servo task.

Basic functions
26 Function Manual, 05/2009
Technology Packages and Technology Objects
2.2 Technology packages

Technology objects are provided by the system as technology object types adapted to the
specific application using instantiation.

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Figure 2-3 Programming model on technology object instances, e.g. on TO axis

Technology object types are combined in one technology package and loaded to the runtime

2.2 Technology packages

In SIMOTION, the technology object types are provided via technology packages. They are
loaded to the SIMOTION runtime system together with the project.
The following technology packages are available:
● TP CAM contains the basic technologies for motion control, such as drive axis, position
axis, synchronized axis, synchronous object, cam, output cam, cam track, and measuring
● TP Path contains the technology path.
● TP Cam_ext additionally contains objects for the preparation of technological data on the
system level, e.g. additionObject, formulaObject
● DCC contains interconnectable blocks for drive-based controller functions.
● TControl contains temperature controller technology.

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 27
Technology Packages and Technology Objects
2.3 Technology objects (TO)

Shell diagram for technology packages

The range of functions offered by the technology packages can be graphically represented in
the form of a shell diagram.




Figure 2-4 Shell diagram for technology packages

Other technology packages

Other sector-specific technology packages are also available as separate products.

2.3 Technology objects (TO)

Technology objects / technology object types provide the functionality for technology and
motion control, thus comprising technological system functions and hiding the concrete
hardware connection.




Figure 2-5 Possible interfaces to technology objects

For the cross-TO processing of technological data on the system level, the technology
objects provide defined input and output interfaces.

Basic functions
28 Function Manual, 05/2009
Technology Packages and Technology Objects
2.3 Technology objects (TO)

See also
Available technology objects (Page 37)
Interconnections (Page 34)

2.3.1 Instantiation and configuration

With Add <technology object>, you create an instance of the corresponding TO type in
SIMOTION SCOUT. (Data, parameters, alarm lists, etc. are created in the system.)
If necessary, the technology object type must be specified, e.g. for an axis: drive axis,
position axis, following axis.
The hardware/software interfaces to the actuator/sensor are defined, e.g. hardware
addresses, data width, message frame type for PROFIdrive message frames.
Basic settings are defined, e.g. the processing of the technological system functions in the
IPO or IPO_2 cycle clock, see Task runtimes (Page 188).
SIMOTION SCOUT provides wizards and dialogs for the configuration of the technology
objects. The basic functionality of a technology object is defined by the configuration data.
All entries in the configuration and parameterization screen forms are output in configuration
data and system variables, which are displayed in the screen forms as tooltips.
For a detailed description of the configuration data and system variables, please refer to the
SIMOTION Reference Lists.
For a description of the procedure of creation and configuration of the individual technology
objects, please refer to the respective function manuals.
A majority of the configuration data can be modified during the runtime via the user program
or the expert list.
For a detailed description of the configuration data and system variables, please refer to the
SIMOTION Reference Lists.

See also
Programming of general standard functions - overview (Page 289)
System variables (Page 85)
Configuration data (Page 88)

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 29
Technology Packages and Technology Objects
2.3 Technology objects (TO)

2.3.2 Programming
System variables comprise technological parameters and display values of technology
SIMOTION SCOUT usually provides screen forms for the setting of technological
parameters and standard values/defaults.
System variables are individual values or structures that are read out consistently.

The object will be reinitialized after restarting a technology object.
Among other things, this brings about that, for example, system variables cannot be read
until the end of the restart, i.e. are not available.

Additional information on the system variables can be found in System variables (Page 85).

2.3.3 Programming
The technological functions are activated/deactivated using specific commands.

Synchronous/asynchronous command execution

The commands can be set synchronously or asynchronously.
With the synchronous setting of motion commands, it is possible to wait for a certain motion
status or for the end of the motion, e.g. of a positioning, on the command. This setting is
especially advantageous when programming motion sequences in sequential tasks (motion

Return value
The return value supplies the result of the function call, e.g. function was/is carried out as
planned or there is an error.

CommandId can be used to uniquely identify and trace a TO command.
For information on parameters, step enabling conditions, diagnostics, etc., please refer to the
● Functions for CommandID (Page 359) and various examples in this manual.
● SIMOTION MCC Motion Control Chart, Programming MCC Charts
For a detailed description of the TO commands, please refer to the SIMOTION Reference

Basic functions
30 Function Manual, 05/2009
Technology Packages and Technology Objects
2.3 Technology objects (TO)

Programming model
The commands are assigned to tasks which are in turn assigned to the execution levels of
the task system.
Commands can be issued from all user program tasks of the system.






Figure 2-6 Programming model on technology object instances, e.g. on TO axis

The execution time of a command on the technology object is the only factor that determines
the effectiveness of the command.
If commands are issued from multiple tasks, programming consistency must be ensured by
the user program.

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 31
Technology Packages and Technology Objects
2.3 Technology objects (TO)

Command execution on the TO / effectiveness of TO commands

The commands issued from the user program, the user program tasks, to the TO can
generally be subdivided as follows:
● Commands which are executed immediately in the context/sequence of the user program
These are handled like a function within the user program tasks.
These commands are synchronous since the user program is continued only upon the
return of the function result.
Example: Reading TO values
● Commands which are entered in a command buffer and which overwrite each other
● Commands which are entered in a command buffer and which are rejected if the
command buffer is occupied
In the TO commands you specify the response of the commands on the TO if more than one
command is issued to a command group between two processing cycle clocks, e.g.
replace/overwrite or, command rejection.
Information on the command buffer and command activation can be found in the function
manuals of the individual technology objects.

Execution properties
The execution properties of technology objects are object-specific.
The following synchronous execution levels are provided for the execution of the technology
objects: DP cycle clock, servo cycle clock and IPO or IPO_2 cycle clock (except for
temperature controllers).




Figure 2-7 Flow chart

The instances of the technology objects are processed in different execution levels.
● The command evaluation and motion control are processed in the IPO/IPO_2 cycle clock.
● The position and setpoint control are processed in the servo cycle clock.
● Communication with the drive is processed via PROFIBUS DP in the DP cycle clock or
PROFINET IO with IRT in the PN cycle clock.

Basic functions
32 Function Manual, 05/2009
Technology Packages and Technology Objects
2.3 Technology objects (TO)

The processing can be influenced by means of the system and object configurations.
● System cycle clock setting
Setting the system cycle clocks also sets the sampling time for the motion control of axes
(IPO, IPO_2), the position control (servo) and the communication via PROFIBUS DP or
● When configuring objects, you can specify whether motion control is to be executed in the
IPO or IPO_2 cycle clock. This allows you to distinguish between operations that are time
critical and those that are not.
● Technology objects are controlled from the user program through system function calls.

A technology object monitors the execution and executability of technological functions as
well as the I/O required for the TO, and creates a technological alarm, if necessary.
A technological alarm has a TO-local alarm response, e.g. stop motion, and a global
response, e.g. stop system or call alarm task in which further responses can be specified.
The local and global responses can be set for specific alarms.
For a detailed description of the TO alarms, please refer to the SIMOTION Reference Lists.

See also
Execution system (Page 133)
Differences between cyclical and sequential programming (Page 68)
Process Alarms (Page 115)

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 33
Technology Packages and Technology Objects
2.3 Technology objects (TO)

2.3.4 Interconnections
There are interconnection interfaces defined on the technology objects for the exchange of
data/information between the technology objects on the system level. These interfaces
generally allow for the bidirectional exchange of data between individual technology objects.
The type of the external interfaces can be different on each TO type. There are no
interconnections or actuators/sensors required.


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Figure 2-8 Interconnection between technology objects,

example: Master axis - Following object - Slave axis

Depending on the interface type, interconnection interfaces can exchange different data in
cyclic mode (cyclic motion data, e.g. s,v,a for the motion vector of type motion) and during
initialization (e.g. modulo information, units).

Implicit interconnection
If an interconnection is mandatory and unambiguous, it is implicitly created by the
SIMOTION SCOUT engineering system, e.g. measuring input with axis, cam with axis,
synchronous operation with axis. The corresponding TO types are offered under the axis.

Basic functions
34 Function Manual, 05/2009
Technology Packages and Technology Objects
2.3 Technology objects (TO)

Interconnection using technological interconnection screen forms

There are specific screen forms provided for further interconnections, e.g. for:
● Following axis with master axis/master value
● Following object with cams
● Profile inputs with cams

Interconnection using general interconnection screen form (for experts only)

There is a general interconnection screen form provided for special interconnections, e.g.
● MotionIn interface interconnection (for motion vectors)
● Torque input interface interconnection

See also
'Motion' interconnection interface type (Page 59)
'LREAL' interconnection interface type (Page 60)
Interconnection of technology objects (Page 51)

2.3.5 Technology objects and DCC

The data exchange between DCC and TO is performed by DCC charts
● using the direct interconnection of block inputs and block outputs with system variables of
the TO;
for TO axes, it is possible to transfer cyclically the data specified in system variables,
such as override and setpoints, without commands needing to be issued each time in the
user program.
● or by forwarding values calculated in DCC via commands and variables in the user
programs to the TO. The TOs have specific function-related interconnection interfaces.
The TOs themselves are not available as blocks in the DCC charts.

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 35
Technology Packages and Technology Objects
2.3 Technology objects (TO)




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Figure 2-9 Technology and DCC

See also
Sequence model for DCC blocks (DCB) (Page 216)

Basic functions
36 Function Manual, 05/2009
Technology Packages and Technology Objects
2.3 Technology objects (TO)

2.3.6 Available technology objects

Table 2- 1 Overview of the technology objects available in SIMOTION

Technology object Symbol Product Brief

Axis Axes are available in various versions. There are:
• Real or virtual axes
• Position axes or drive axes
• Electrical axes or hydraulic axes
• Standard axes or force/pressure controlled
• Modulo axes
• Following axes
• Path axes
For detailed information, refer to the Motion Control TO Axis Electric/Hydraulic,
External Encoder Function Manual.
Following object If an axis is created with the synchronous operation technology, the following
object will then be created below the axis.
The settings for the synchronous operation are stored in the following object.
For detailed information, refer to the Motion Control TO followingObject, TO cam
function manual.
Path object You can use the Path object technology object to configure the path interpolation.
(as of V4.1) For detailed information, refer to the Motion Control Path Interpolation function
Measuring input Measuring inputs are used for fast, accurate measurement of actual positions.
For detailed information, refer to the Motion Control TO outputCam, TO
measuringInput function manual.
Output cam The TO outputCam creates position-dependent switching signals and can be
assigned to position axes, following axes or external encoders.
For detailed information, refer to the Motion Control TO outputCam, TO
measuringInput function manual.
Cam track Cam tracks are used to group several output cams to form a technology object.
(camTrackType) For detailed information, refer to the Motion Control TO outputCam, TO
(as of V3.2) measuringInput function manual.
External encoder The TO external encoder provides the functionality in the system for connecting an
external encoder without an axis, e.g. a shaft encoder on a press.
For detailed information, refer to the Motion Control TO Axis Electric/Hydraulic,
External Encoder function manual.
Cam The TO cam can be used to define a transmission function and apply it with other
technology objects.
For detailed information, refer to the Motion Control TO followingObject, TO cam
function manual.
Temperature channel The TO temperatureChannel can be used to configure temperature controls in
For detailed information, refer to the Motion Control Additional Technology Objects
Function Manual.

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 37
Technology Packages and Technology Objects
2.4 Expert list

Technology object Symbol Product Brief

Additional technology objects (for experts):
The advantage of these technology objects is that they are executed on the system level like other TOs. The
interconnected signals are processed directly in the technology objects within a system cycle clock.
Applicative solutions in structured text, in contrast, bring about frequent changes between system and application and thus
dead times. The additional technology objects are used for the implementation of winder applications, for example.
Fixed gear You can use the fixed gear technology object to implement a fixed synchronous
(as of V3.2) operation (without synchronization/desynchronization) using a specified gear ratio.
For detailed information, refer to the Motion Control Additional Technology Objects
Function Manual.
Addition object You can use addition objects to add up to four input vectors to produce an output
(as of V3.2) vector.
For detailed information, refer to the Motion Control Additional Technology Objects
Function Manual.
Formula object With formula objects, you can use mathematical operations on scalar (LREAL,
(as of V3.2) DINT) and on motion vectors of the Motion type.
For detailed information, refer to the Additional Technology Objects function
Sensor The TO sensor can be used to record scalar measured values.
(as of V3.2) For detailed information, refer to the Motion Control Additional Technology Objects
Function Manual.
Controller object The controller object can be used to prepare and control scalar variables.
(as of V3.2) For detailed information, refer to the Motion Control Additional Technology Objects
Function Manual.

2.4 Expert list

In addition to accessing the configuration data and system variables via wizards and
parameterization screen forms, you also have the option of direct access via the expert list.
Since all important configuration data and system variables can be parameterized via
dialogs, the expert list is, however, only required in exceptional cases (such as online
modification of configuration data).
These lists state the most important configuration data and system variables for the
programming and diagnostics of axes, following object and external encoder.
Starting in V4.1, the expert list has a separate view containing a selection of the most
important configuration data and system variables (Selected Parameters). This gives you
easy access to the most important configuration data and system variables for programming
and diagnostics for each individual technology object.

Special knowledge of the system is required to modify parameters in the expert list.
• You can overwrite entries made using the expert list by calling wizards and
parameterization screen forms.
• No check is made on dependencies with other parameters.

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Invoking the expert list

1. Highlight the required technology object in the project navigator.
2. Select Expert > Expert list in the object context menu or press Ctrl+E on the keyboard (if,
for example, an axis dialog is open).

2.4.1 Expert list for configuration data and system variables

The system variables and configuration data for the technology object are displayed in the
first two tabs in the expert list. On the Selected Parameters tab, user-defined lists are saved
and individually adjusted.
You can change the configuration data values in OFFLINE mode and in ONLINE mode
during RUN. Parameters which can be written are displayed in green, those which cannot be
written are displayed in yellow. Grayed-out values cannot be changed.

Table 2- 2 The following information is displayed in the expert list:

Button / Table column Meaning/Note

Configuration data
The Configuration data tab lists the configuration data of the TO in
alphabetical order. All configuration data can generally be modified by the
user (displayed in green).

System variables
The System Variables tab lists the configuration data of the TO in
alphabetical order. There are system variables which can be written
(displayed in green) and which cannot be written (displayed in yellow).

Selected parameters
On the Selected Parameters tab, the most important system variables
and configuration data of a TO are displayed in alphabetical order,
separated according to system variables and configuration data. The tab
can be closed, but it will be displayed again at the next call.
The selection is a factory setting and cannot be changed. To enable a
different selection nevertheless, the selection can be saved as a user-
defined list.
User-defined parameter lists
Configuration data or system variables from user-defined lists are
displayed on additional tabs. Configuration data and system variables are
divided into blocks.

Create new tab Click this button if you want to create a new or open an existing user-
defined list or default parameter list.

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Button / Table column Meaning/Note

Quick search In this text field, you can carry out a quick search within the expert list.
The columns Parameter, Parameter text and Value are searched.

Collect changes As long as the button is activated, all the configuration data changed by
you (in RUN mode) is collected and the new values do not take effect in
the target system. Only when Activate changes is clicked, do all the
changes to the configuration data take effect in the target system.
Activate changes Click this button if all the collected changes to the configuration data are
to take effect in the target system.

Configuration selection list Select whether the parameters for a linear axis or rotary axis are to be
displayed or changed for standard, force or pressure in the table in the
expert list.
New user-defined list By clicking this button a new user-defined list is created.

Open user-defined list By clicking this button an existing user-defined list is opened.

Save user-defined list By clicking this button the currently opened user-defined list is stored.

Edit user-defined list By clicking this button you access the editing mode of the currently
opened user-defined list.
Cancel editing mode By clicking this button the editing mode is canceled. Changes are

Enter comment lines (editing mode) By clicking this button you change the format of newly created lines in

Enter headlines (editing mode) By clicking this button you change the format of newly created lines in

Enter parameter lines (editing mode) By clicking this button you change the format of newly created lines in

Restart For configuration data that only take effect after a restart of the TO, the
restart can be performed by either activating the system variable
"restartActivation" or by clicking the Restart button. The button restarts
the axis.
The button becomes active when you have changed an effective data
item after a restart, but not yet accepted it.
Parameter The name of the configuration data item or the system variable is
displayed here. Click the plus sign to open the entire structure.

Parameter text A brief description of the system variable or the configuration data is
Offline value The value of the configuration data item or the system variable is
displayed here. Depending on the type of parameter, you can enter the
value directly as a numerical value or select a symbolic identifier from the
selection list.

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Button / Table column Meaning/Note

Configured value (ONLINE only, The configured value of the configuration data item is displayed here.
configuration data) This value is saved to the RAM of the target device.
Current value (ONLINE only) The current value of the system variable or the configuration data is
displayed here. You can change the value of the system variable directly
in ONLINE mode. Changes to the configuration data can only be made in
the Next value column.
Current values are stored in the current data memory. To transfer these
values to the RAM, Target system > Copy current data to RAM must first
be selected in the menu.
System variables changed ONLINE cannot be copied to RAM. This also
means that it is not possible to Save to memory card (Ram2Rom) or
"Save in the engineering project (load configuration data in PG).
See SIMOTION memory concept.
Next value (ONLINE only, You can enter the Next value of the configuration data item in ONLINE
configuration data) mode here. This value is then taken over as Current value depending on
when the configuration data item is to take effect. With Immediately, the
new value takes immediate effect in the target system after pressing the
ENTER key or selecting a value.
Units The unit of the system variable or the configuration data is displayed.
Effectiveness This displays when the value of the changed configuration data item
takes effect, e.g. with restart, the changed value takes effect in the target
system after a restart. You cannot change certain configuration data in
ONLINE mode. With V4.1.2 and higher, this column is also displayed
Data type The data type of the system variable or the configuration data item is
displayed here (e.g. INT for an integer value).
Minimum The minimum value of the system variable or the configuration data item
is displayed.
Maximum The maximum value of the system variable or the configuration data item
is displayed.

2.4.2 Using the expert list

Displaying the help for the system variables and the configuration data
1. Select Help > Context-sensitive help or press the Shift+F1 keys.
The cursor changes to a question mark.
2. Click the configuration data item or the system variable in the expert list for which help is
The help for this is displayed.

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Changing the Data in the Expert List Offline

1. In the expert list, select the Configuration data or System variables tab.
A tabular overview is displayed.
2. In the Parameter column of the expert list, click the plus sign in front of an entry to display
You cannot change entries highlighted in yellow.
3. Click the Offline value column of the entry to be changed.
4. Enter the value directly or select a value when a selection list appears.

Carrying Out a Quick Search

When entering a search term, the cursor jumps to the first line in which the search term is
1. Enter the search term and press the ENTER key.

Figure 2-10 Example of quick search

If it is a writable parameter, the cursor jumps directly to the value field.

If a structure shell is found that does not have a separate parameter value, the jump is made
directly to the cell in which the term was found.
Continue search:
1. Press the F3 key.
The next cell containing this term is searched.
If the search function does not find any further entry in the list, a message is output.

Navigating within the Expert List Using the Arrow Keys

Each cell within the expert list can be selected using the arrow keys.
1. Press an arrow key.
The cell located next is selected.
2. With the Ctrl+arrow shortcut, the cursor jumps to the end or beginning of the respective
line or column.

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Selecting Cells Using the Keyboard

If you want to select the complete expert list, including the cells in the non-visible area:
1. Press the Ctrl+A key combination.
In online mode, this shortcut also initiates a read process for all of the parameter values (with
technology objects as of V4.0).
Individual cell areas can be selected by navigating with the arrow keys or with the mouse:
1. The cells are selected in the course of navigating by simultaneously pressing the Shift
Cell areas can also be selected using the mouse:
1. Place the cursor on a line, press the left mouse key and drag the mouse pointer across
the cell area to be selected.

Copying cell contents into other Windows applications

Selected lines can be copied into other Windows applications using the Windows clipboard:
1. Press the Ctrl+C key combination or select Copy to clipboard in the context menu.
From the clipboard, the cell content can be inserted, e.g. in an Excel or Word document.
Via the context menu entry Copy parameter path to clipboard, the complete structure path
can be copied to the clipboard and from there back to other SCOUT applications (ST
program, watch table, etc.).
Use Copy cell contents to clipboard to transfer the content of cells in the expert list to the

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Creating a user-defined parameter list

1. Press the Create new tab button

The selection dialog box is displayed:

Figure 2-11 Selection dialog box for user-defined parameter lists

2. Select Create new user-defined parameter list and click OK.

An additional tab is displayed containing the new list to be created. Initially the tab only
contains a shell with the two separators for configuration data and system variables.

Figure 2-12 New user-defined parameter list

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3. Transfer the desired parameters from the other tabs via copy & paste (context menu or
Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V).

Figure 2-13 Copy parameter

Figure 2-14 User-defined parameter list

Figure 2-15 Saving or printing the user-defined parameter list

4. To save the list, click the Save button or select Save list in the context menu of the
tab and confirm with OK.
The name of the saved list is taken as label for the tab.

Figure 2-16 Saved user-defined parameter list

5. To print the list, select Print list in the context menu of the tab.

Inserting an empty line in a user-defined parameter list or deleting an entry

Insert empty line (if there is already an empty line in the user-defined list, this must be
deleted first)
1. Place the cursor on the line above which you want to insert an empty line.
2. Press the Ins key on the keyboard.
An empty line is inserted.

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Delete entry
1. Place the cursor in the line that you want to delete.
2. Press the Del key on the keyboard.
The line will be deleted.

Creating an executable script from a parameter list

As of Version V4.0, you can save a parameter set as a chain of write/read requests in script
form within the expert list.
1. Select Save list in the context menu of the tab.
The selection dialog box opens:

Figure 2-17 Selection dialog box for saving the list

2. In the displayed selection window, activate the Save as executable script ... option and
click OK to confirm.
3. In the Add script window, you can enter a name for the script. Then click OK to confirm.
The script will be saved in the SCRIPTS folder below the object. If the script folder does
not exist, it will be created.
Optionally, you can also export the script as ASCII text:
1. In the Save as window, you can select a storage location and the name for the text file.
Then click OK to confirm or click Cancel if the script is not to be exported.

You can also save the results of an expert list comparison as a user-defined list or as
executable script, see Comparing expert lists (Page 47).

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Notes for the structure of scripts:

● Each converted script receives a header with date and origin, and then an empty line.
● The logging mechanism of the script engine is activated in the next line. This causes
each write and read action to be output in the script output window.
● Headings in the user-defined parameter list will be entered in the script as comment with
a leading empty line.
● Comments in the user-defined parameter list will be entered in the script as simple
comments without an additional empty line.
● For each write parameter in the user-defined parameter list, a write request will be
entered in the script. Numbers and enumerations are written as integer values. The
parameter text of the parameter is added as comment at the right-hand side next to the
write request.
● An assignment of the form Value = (Parameters(x, y)) will be entered for read-only
parameters in the user-defined parameter list. This causes the parameter to be read and
the value output in the Scripting output window.

Example for the use of scripts:

● Any changed unit systems will not be used when the script is executed. You must
yourself ensure that the acceptance of the parameter values is sensible in the current
● Parameters that change the structure (e.g. TypeOfAxis.typeOfAxis) are not treated
differently. You must yourself ensure that these parameters are at the top of the
parameter selection.
● Only the current value is written; this means the script may not be executed online if it
contains configuration data.
Application: You can also transfer the parameter assignment from one axis to the other with

2.4.3 Comparing expert lists

In this window, you can compare the differences in parameter settings of a maximum of 5
objects (TOs) and the differences in ONLINE and OFFLINE mode of an object.
The displayed data are always the current data in effect. For TOs in ONLINE mode, these
data are the actual values. System variables are not permanently updated, only if you update
the representation with New comparison.
You can change the values of the comparison objects as well as the values of the reference
objects. Objects that cannot be changed are indicated with "???".

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Figure 2-18 Experts list comparison

Parameters with different settings or parameters not available for an object are presented in
a list.

A comparison can only be made within groups of compatible objects (TOs). Only the eligible
objects for the comparison will be made available.

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2.4 Expert list

Button / Table column Meaning/Note

Objects to be compared Select the check box for the objects you want to compare. You can
compare up to five objects with one another and objects in OFFLINE
and ONLINE mode. In ONLINE mode, separate check boxes are
available for ONLINE and OFFLINE parameterization of an object. The
uppermost list, which is grayed out, is used as a reference list.
The display is always dictated by the structure and, thus, the
parameter set of the reference object. As a result, for comparison
objects it can only be indicated whether or not they have the
parameter of the reference object. Parameters that only the
comparison objects have but not the reference object are not
If the values of a setting are different, this is indicated by the
appearance of a light-orange colored background in the relevant cell in
the columns of the relevant comparison objects. However, the relevant
cell of the reference object does not display a colored background.
New comparison Click New comparison to compare the parameter settings of the
selected objects. The compared settings are listed under Result.
Value filter Select the parameter types that are to be displayed under Result after
the comparison.
Non-comparable Only the parameters that cannot be compared will be displayed under
Unequal values Only the parameters whose values are not equal will be displayed
under Result.
Equal values Only the parameters whose values are equal will be displayed under
Display filter mode
Parameter filter active Only those parameters that are specified under Display filter in the
Parameter filter tab will be displayed.
Only column selection Only those columns that are specified under Display filter in the
Column selection tab will be displayed.
Display filter Click the button to open the Display filter window. Here you can filter
the parameter display or hide columns.
Next value The next values (values in the next memory) are also displayed.
Result Result displays the parameters found to have different settings during
comparison of the objects and other parameters that are not available
for an object. Diverging values and non-comparable values of
parameters are displayed with a colored background.
Lines with non-comparable Displays the number of parameters that are only available in one of the
values objects to be compared, which means a value comparison is
impossible. Result displays the non-comparable parameters
highlighted in color. The parameters are marked with color.
Lines with equal values Displays the number of parameters having the same value for all
Lines with unequal values Displays the number of parameters having different values for the
objects. Result displays the unequal parameter values highlighted in

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Button / Table column Meaning/Note

Save comparison result Click the button to save the comparison results as a new user-defined
parameter / value list or as executable script. The button is active only
if the parameters of a device are displayed under Result.
For further information, see Save expert list comparison (Page 50).
Print comparison result Click the button to print the comparison results in a tabular form. The
parameter number, the value for the respective object and the unit will
be printed in each case.

See also
Save expert list comparison (Page 50)

2.4.4 Save expert list comparison

In this window, you can save the results of the expert list comparison.
The button is active only if the parameters of a device are displayed under Results.
● Click User-defined parameter list to save the results of the comparison as a *.cdl file.
● Click Executable script on source object and select the object to which you want to assign
the script. The SCRIPTS folder will then be created under this object.
See also Comparing expert lists (Page 47).
You can save only the comparison results of one object. Prior to storing, you must specify
which object is to be saved.

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2.5 Interconnection of technology objects

2.5 Interconnection of technology objects

Apart from the normal implicit interconnection and the interconnection via technological
interconnection screen forms, technology objects can also be interconnected via a general
interconnection screen form with other technology objects on the system level.




Figure 2-19 Interconnection interfaces to technology objects

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2.5 Interconnection of technology objects

2.5.1 Interconnection overview for technology objects

With the interconnection overview you can display all motion input and output
interconnections of technology objects in the project via an interconnection tree. The tree
display enables the interconnections to be displayed in cascades.
An interconnection table shows the TOs interconnected on the input or output side with
interface designation for the TO selected in the interconnection tree.

Figure 2-20 Interconnection overview

Properties of the interconnection overview

The interconnection overview can be started with the button or via Edit > Interconnection
● After the interconnection overview has been started, the device level (CPUs) is displayed
first. You can then display all instantiated TOs under each CPU by opening the
appropriate interconnection tree of the CPU. The TOs are sorted according to TO type
and displayed in alphabetical order within a TO type.
● Two interconnection trees are offered for the TOs that are displayed directly below the
– Input-side interconnection tree; indicates the motion input interconnection
– Output-side interconnection tree; indicates the motion output interconnection
● All TOs that have motion inputs and outputs interconnected to other TOs, e.g axes,
.synchronous objects or encoders, can be opened further. This is possible at every
hierarchy level of the interconnection tree.
● Recursion is shown if the interconnection tree contains a node which already exists on
the path to the root of the tree. The lower part of the tree is not shown for the sake of
simplicity. Continue to the node which is closer to the root.
The interconnection trees can only be opened up sequentially, not all at once with one click.

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Displaying interconnection table

Select a TO in the interconnection table.
The associated interconnection table is displayed below the interconnection overview. The
input and output interconnections of all interconnected TOs are listed.

2.5.2 Implicit interconnection when creating

Interconnections are generated automatically when the following TOs are created:
● Synchronous axis; master object is interconnected to the following axis
● Output cam; this is interconnected to the master value
● Measuring input; this is interconnected to the master value
These interconnections are also displayed in the interconnection overview.

2.5.3 Interconnection using general interconnection screen form in SCOUT (for experts)
SCOUT offers the Interconnection view for interconnection of various technology objects.

Figure 2-21 Interconnection in the SCOUT - axis example

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On the left-hand side, all input-side interconnection interfaces of the selected object are
listed, on the right-hand side, the output-side interconnection interfaces of the same type.
Only the output-side interfaces displayed bold can be selected.
● When one of these lines is highlighted (clicked), you can open a tree that displays all
interconnection possibilities.
Only those elements displayed bold can be selected.
The display of the devices and technology objects is used only for orientation purposes.
● Direct input can be made in the input line.
Only complete and correct inputs are accepted. The input field cannot be exited if incorrect
inputs are made.
If the input-side interconnection interface has the characteristic of multiple interconnectability
and can therefore be interconnected with several output-side interconnection interfaces,
another line is added for the interconnection of the input-side interconnection interface after
the interconnection with an output-side interconnection interface.
● An interconnection can be removed by deleting a line.
The value will be accepted when the input line is exited.

2.5.4 General properties of interconnection interfaces

Configuration of interconnection interfaces

The input-side interconnection interfaces are created:
● Implicitly with the instantiation of the TO
● Via technology-specific interconnection screen forms
● Via general interconnection screen forms

The input-side interconnection interfaces are activated with a command on the associated
TO or they are active by default.
In the case of multiple interconnectability of an input-side interconnection interface,
enabling/disabling is carried out with a command for the technological function, e.g.:
● Selection of the cam in _enableCamming() via the cam parameter
● Selection of the technology object for the master value in the _setMaster() command via
the master parameter
● Selection of the technology object for the reference value of the MotionIn interface in the
_run...basedMotionIn...() command via the mastertype.reference parameter
● Selection of a profile or the cam in the _run…Profile() commands via the profile
For information on this topic, please refer to the function manuals of the respective
technology objects.

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Indicator for status and interconnection values

The indicator for the status of the input-side interconnection and the interconnection values
is defined on the TO for the individual interface types.
For information on this topic, please refer to the function manuals of the respective
technology objects.

Interconnection interfaces have valid values when the interconnection is established and the
interconnection values have the 'valid' status; invalid interconnections / interconnection
values have the value 0.
If a (virtual) axis is set to simulation, the output-side setpoints will continue to be updated, the
actual values will be frozen.
The status available in the system variables can be read out to determine whether the
interconnection value or the substitute value is valid after ramp-up.

Alarm Response
In the case of a faulty interconnection, a technological alarm is only issued when a function
on the interconnection interface is activated.
In the case of multiple interconnectability of an input-side interconnection interface, a
reference TO must be selected.
Programmed functions will be cancelled at the transition from STOPU to STOP,
interconnection functions remain active at the transition from STOPU to STOP.

2.5.5 Interconnection interfaces on the TOs

The input-side interconnection interfaces can only be interconnected with output-side
interconnection interfaces of the same type.

TO Interface Type
Drive axis (driveAxis)
Input-side interconnection interfaces:
Motion input Motion
Torque limit, positive LREAL
Torque limit, negative LREAL
Additive torque LREAL
Motion profile MotionProfile
Force/pressure profile ForceProfile
Valve characteristic (hydraulic axis) ValveCharacteristics
Output-side interconnection interfaces:
Motion setpoint Motion
Motion actual value with extrapolation Motion
Actual torque LREAL

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Position axis
Input-side interconnection interfaces:
As for drive axis
Output-side interconnection interfaces:
As for drive axis plus additionally:
Interface for output cam, cam track Specific
(implicitly interconnected with the axis by the system when
creating an output cam, cam track)
Interface for measuring input Specific
(implicitly interconnected with the axis by the system when
creating a measuring input)
Following axis
input-side interconnection interfaces:
As for position axis plus additionally:
Interface for synchronous object Specific
(implicitly interconnected by the system when creating a
following axis/following object)
output-side interconnection interfaces:
As for position axis, plus additionally:
Path axis
Input-side interconnection interfaces
Interface as for the following axis, in addition:
Path motion specific
Output-side interconnection interface
As for position axis
Following object
Input-side interconnection interfaces:
Motion input Motion
Output-side interconnection interfaces:
Interface for slave axis specific
(implicitly interconnected by the system when creating a
following axis/following object)
Path object
Input-side interconnection interfaces:
Velocity profile MotionProfile
Output-side interconnection interfaces:
Path motion (path axis 1) specific
Path motion (path axis 2) specific
Path motion (path axis 3) specific
Path synchronous motion specific
Motion output (path object.x) Motion
Motion output (path object.y) Motion
Motion output (path object.z) Motion

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External encoder:
Input-side interconnection interfaces:
Output-side interconnection interfaces:
Interface for output cam, cam track specific
(implicitly interconnected by the system when creating an
output cam, cam track)
Interface for measuring input specific
(implicitly interconnected by the system when creating a
measuring input)
Motion setpoint Motion
Motion actual value with extrapolation Motion
Measuring input
Input-side interconnection interfaces:
Measuring input interface specific
(implicitly interconnected with the axis, external encoder by
the system when creating a measuring input)
Input interface 'Listening measuring input' (V4.0 and higher) specific
(via general interconnection screen form)
Output-side interconnection interfaces:
Output interface for 'Listening measuring input' (V4.0 and specific
Output cam, cam track
Input-side interconnection interfaces:
Output cam interface specific
(implicitly interconnected with the axis, external encoder by
the system when creating an output cam, cam track)
Input-side interconnection interfaces:
Output-side interconnection interfaces:
Cam Cam
Motion profile MotionProfile
Force/pressure profile ForceProfile
Valve characteristic (hydraulic axis) ValveCharacteristics
Temperature controller
No interconnection interfaces
Addition object
Input-side interconnection interfaces:
Motion output 1 Motion
Motion input 2 Motion
Motion input 3 Motion
Motion input 4 Motion
Output-side interconnection interfaces:
Motion output Motion

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Formula object
Input-side interconnection interfaces:
Motion input 1 Motion
Motion input 2 Motion
Motion input 3 Motion
DINT input 1 DINT
DINT input 2 DINT
DINT input 3 DINT
DINT input 4 DINT
Output-side interconnection interfaces:
Motion output 1 Motion
Motion output 2 Motion
Motion output 3 Motion
LREAL output 1 LREAL
LREAL output 2 LREAL
LREAL output 3 LREAL
LREAL output 4 LREAL
DINT output 1 DINT
DINT output 2 DINT
DINT output 3 DINT
DINT output 4 DINT
Fixed gear
Input-side interconnection interfaces:
Motion input Motion
Output-side interconnection interfaces:
Motion output Motion
Input-side interconnection interfaces:
Output-side interconnection interfaces:
Sensor value LREAL
Sensor value derivation LREAL
Motion output Motion
Controller object
Input-side interconnection interfaces:
Setpoint LREAL
Actual value LREAL
Feedforward control LREAL
Motion input setpoint Motion

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Motion input actual value Motion

Output-side interconnection interfaces:
Output value on motion output Motion
Output value LREAL

2.5.6 'Motion' interconnection interface type

The interconnection interface type Motion contains the motion vector (s, v, a), internal
information such as validity status and, if applicable, modulo information.

Motion basis
The motion vector can have a different motion basis: position or velocity.
The position component is zero for the "velocity" motion basis.
A drive axis provides only the motion vector with the velocity motion basis on the output side.
Commands / command parameters (TO axis) or the configuration (TO additionObject, TO
fixedGear) are used to consider/set the motion basis.
The components of the motion vector are maintained consistent at the output side of the TO
axis, TO fixedGear (the derivation of the position value is the velocity value, the derivation of
the velocity value is the acceleration).
The components of the motion vector are not maintained consistent at the output side of the
TO additionObject and TO formulaObject.
The velocity and the acceleration can be specifically defined in this item for the position.

'MotionInput' input-side interconnection interfaces of the 'Motion' type

The TO type specifies whether a 'MotionInput' input-side interconnection interface of the
Motion type can be interconnected once or several times.
The following technology objects have, for example, an input-side interconnection interface
'MotionInput' of the 'Motion' type:
● Drive axes
● Positioning axes
● Following axes
● Fixed gear
● Addition object
● Formula object
● Following object (master value)

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Output-side interconnection interfaces of the 'Motion' type

The following technology objects have, for example, an output-side interconnection interface
of the 'Motion' type:
● Drive axes
● Positioning axes
● Following axes
● Path object
● Fixed gear
● Addition object
● Formula object
● External encoder

2.5.7 'LREAL' interconnection interface type

There is an interconnection interface of the LREAL type available for scalar variables.

Input-side interconnection interface on the axis 'TorqueLimitPositive' and 'TorqueLimitNegative' for

specifying the torque limit.
To specify the B+/B- torque limits, the 'TorqueLimitPositive' and 'TorqueLimitNegative' input-
side interconnection interfaces of the axis can be interconnected with output-side
interconnection interfaces of the LREAL type of other TOs.
Prerequisite is the activation of the process-related field on the TO axis.
The input-side interfaces 'TorqueLimitPositive' and 'TorqueLimitNegative' cannot be
interconnected several times and they cannot be distributed.
Output-side interconnection interfaces of the LREAL type have, for example:
● TO axis with the output-side interconnection interface 'Torque'
● TO formulaObjectType with the output-side interconnection interface 'LRealOut'
● Sensor TO
● Controller Object TO

'Torque' output-side interconnection interface on the axis for providing the actual torque
There is a 'Torque' output-side interconnection interface available on the axis for issuing the
actual torque to other TOs.
Prerequisite is the activation of the process-related field on the TO axis.
The actual torque supplied by the drive in the additive process-related field is issued.
It is issued in the unit set on the axis.
The output-side interconnection interface can be interconnected several times.
The output-side interconnection interface 'ActualTorque' cannot be distributed.

Basic functions
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Technology Packages and Technology Objects
2.5 Interconnection of technology objects

'AdditiveTorque' Input-side interconnection interface on the axis for specifying an additive torque
There is a 'AdditiveTorque' input-side interconnection interface of the LREAL type available
on the axis for specifying an additive torque to the drive using the additive process-related
To specify an additive torque depending on other TOs, the input-side interconnection
interface'AdditiveTorque' can be interconnected with output-side interconnection interfaces
of the LREAL type of other TOs on the axis.
The input-side interface 'AdditiveTorque' cannot be interconnected several times and it
cannot be distributed.
Output-side interconnection interfaces of the LREAL type have, for example:
● TO axis with the output-side interconnection interface 'Torque'
● TO formulaObjectType with the output-side interconnection interface 'LRealOut'
● Sensor TO
● Controller Object TO

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Programming with Technology Objects 3
3.1 Definitions
The following section provides an introduction to the motion components primarily from the
perspective of the ST programming language. This mainly involves system functions, system
variables and configuration data. Some definitions are provided below:
● System functions are functions used for the system management. They provide access to
technology-neutral functionality of the device. System functions are always available.
● A technology object (TO) represents a technological functionality (for example,
positioning an axis, assigning parameters for an output cam) in the SIMOTION user
● TO functions or technology commands are language commands available to the
individual TOs, i.e. functions for a technology object.
● A technology package contains one or more technology object types, from which the
respective TO instance is generated with <Insert technology object>.
● System variables and configuration data are attributes of the technology objects and the
basic system. You can use system variables to assign parameters for technology objects
and the basic system or to read their status.

You will find additional information about the basics, configuration and programming of
motion control technology and, in particular, technology objects, in the SIMOTION Motion
Control <Technology Objects> Function Manuals.
The specified topics are only briefly described in this documentation.

3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs)

3.2.1 Using technology functions in a program

In order to use technology functions (TO functions), you must select a technology package
once. Technology objects (TOs) and, thus, TO functions are contained in the technology
package. Formally, these are functions with a function name, input parameters and, usually,
a return value. Below is an overview of the codes and components of the technology objects
and TO functions except for the input parameters, which are described in the Input
parameters of the technology functions section.
The following is presented from the ST programming perspective. For LAD/FBD and MCC
programming see the respective manuals.

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Programming with Technology Objects
3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs)

Selecting a technology package

You use the following command to select the technology package:
USEPACKAGE tp-name AS name space
Here tp-name is the name of the technology package (see next table).
You can use the optional namespace add-on AS to define a name space. You can then also
access types, variables, functions and function blocks in the technology package that have
the same name as those in the ST source file.

Table 3- 1 Technology packages in 4.1

Technology package Description of contents

Cam1 • Basic motion control commands, positioning, gearing and discontinuous
synchronous operation (cam)
• Commands for external encoders, measuring inputs, output cams, and
cam tracks
CAM_EXT2 Commands for supplementary technology objects (fixed gear, addition object,
formula object, sensor, controller object)
TControl Commands for temperature controllers
1 Version V3.1 and higher no longer contain the BasicMC, Position and Gear technology packages.
In USEPACKAGE commands, these technology packages are to be replaced by the Cam technology
2 with V3.2 and later
The following example shows how to select the Cam technology package, to assign it the
namespace Cam1 and to use the namespace:

Table 3- 2 Example of selecting a technology package and using a namespace

FUNCTION function1;

FUNCTION function1 : VOID
Axis : posAxis;
retVal: DINT;

retVal:= Cam1._enableAxis (
axis := axis,
nextCommand := Cam1.WHEN_COMMAND_DONE,
commandId := _getCommandId() );

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Programming with Technology Objects
3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs)

Technology object (TO) codes

A technology package provides technology objects (TOs); they are instantiated in the
SIMOTION SCOUT. An instantiated TO is addressed (referenced) in the program by means
of its name.

Codes of technology functions (TO functions)

TO functions are primarily commands that execute specific actions on the technology object,
which is why they are also referred to as TO commands. You can also use TO functions in
user-defined FBs. For more information about the format rules of user-defined FCs and FBs,
please refer to the SIMOTION ST Programming Manual. The following table shows an
overview of the formal codes of the TO functions.

Table 3- 3 Codes of the TO functions

Code Description
Name All TO function names (_enableAxis in the example) are defined identifiers
in the SIMOTION system that always begin with _ (underscore). To
maintain a distinction between these TO functions and user-defined FBs
and FCs, you should not create source file sections beginning with the _
Input parameter When called, TO functions can contain one or more input parameters and
always supply a return value to the call location. Output parameters are not
For more information, see Subsection 8.1.2.
Return value All commands normally return a double-precision integer (DINT data type).
This indicates whether the command was successfully transferred to the
system and processed normally (return value of zero) or whether an error
occurred (return value other than zero).

If the application requires you to enable a virtual axis, you could program a source file like
the one shown in the following figure.
The following conditions must be fulfilled:
● An instance of a positioning axis or speed axis has been created in SIMOTION SCOUT
as a virtual axis called Axis_1.
● The myPos program has been assigned to MotionTask_1, for example. The Activation
after StartupTask option has been selected in the task configuration of MotionTask_1.
● The source file has been downloaded to the target system.
After the CPU has changed to RUN mode, virtual axis Axis_1 will issue an enable. You can
verify the status of the axis enable in system variable Axis_1.control.

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Programming with Technology Objects
3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs)

Table 3- 4 Example for using TO functions in a program

// The following program must be assigned to a
// MotionTask.
// In the task configuration, the "Activation
// after StartupTask" option must be selected.
retVal : DINT;
// Axis is enabled for positioning.
retVal := _enableAxis (
axis := Axis_1,
// TO instance identifier
nextCommand := WHEN_COMMAND_DONE,
// Condition for program advancement.
commandId := _getCommandId() );
// Unique command ID

Use the long form for passing parameters (with value assignment) described in Input
parameters of the technology functions. This form is clearer and more flexible.
You will find tips on efficient use of parameters in system functions in Error sources and
efficient programming.

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Programming with Technology Objects
3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs)

3.2.2 Sample program with namespace option

The following example shows how to select the Cam technology package, to assign it the
namespace Cam1 and to use the namespace:

Table 3- 5 Example of selecting a technology package and using a namespace

FUNCTION function1;

FUNCTION function1 : VOID
p_Axis : posAxis;
retVal : DINT;

retVal:= Cam1._enableAxis (
axis := p_Axis,
nextCommand := Cam1.WHEN_COMMAND_DONE,
commandId := _getCommandId() );

If a namespace is defined for an imported library or technology package, this must always
be specified if a function, function block or data type from this library or technology package
is being used. See above example: Cam1._enableAxis, Cam1.WHEN_COMMAND_DONE.

See also
Function parameters of the technology functions (Page 69)
Efficient programming - overview (Page 460)

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Programming with Technology Objects
3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs)

3.2.3 Differences between cyclical and sequential programming

Cyclic tasks
Cyclic tasks (such as the BackgroundTask) will be started by the system after their
completion or automatically after a defined time frame. The values of the static variables of
the assigned programs are retained. Cyclic tasks have a time monitoring and a defined error
response should the time monitoring be exceeded. This means the code contained in cyclic
tasks must perform its tasks quickly and efficiently. Tasks with a waiting character (for
example, wait for the positioning of an axis) can only be performed in several call cycles of
the cyclic task. This means TO system commands must normally be called with the
IMMEDIATELY step enabling condition for the nextCommand parameter. The subsequent
call cycles must then check the result of the system command for successful processing or
error. This procedure is also called asynchronous execution.

Sequential tasks
After start, sequential tasks (e.g. MotionTasks) are executed once and then terminated. At
each start, all local variables of the assigned programs are initialized; see Influence of the
compiler on variable initialization (Page 241) for variable initialization. Because sequential
tasks do not have any time monitoring, they can attain a run time of any length. Sequential
tasks are subject only to the control of the application. This means the application can start,
stop, pause and resume tasks. The code contained in sequential tasks processes tasks
successively, where the following task is normally performed only when the previous task
has been completed. For example, an axis is first released and then homed. This means TO
system command calls should be performed using the WHEN_COMMAND_DONE step
enabling condition for the nextCommand parameter. The system function returns to the
calling sequential task only when the command has been processed. This is also called
synchronous execution.

General Procedure
In general, it is better to program sequential sequences in MotionTasks. The differences
between a sequential programming in a MotionTask and the cyclical programming in the
BackgroundTask are:
● As part of the sequential processing of a the MotionTask, one and only one (but
nevertheless linked) step enabling condition can be awaited at any point in time. The step
enabling condition is checked with high priority in the interpolator cycle clock. To reduce
the response time for continuing the MotionTask, its priority can be increased temporarily
● A normally cyclical program checks in each cycle a number of signal states and step
enabling conditions. This heavily loads and extends the cycle time. The advantage
compared with the sequential type of programming lies in the parallel processing of
requests and sequences.

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Programming with Technology Objects
3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs)

Synchronous and asynchronous command execution

Synchronous command execution:
The program waits with the further processing at the command, until the command has been
completed executed.
Asynchronous execution:
The function is activated via a command and the program processing continued while the
function is still being executed by the system.
For more information, please read Transition and step enabling condition (Page 75).

3.2.4 Function parameters of the technology functions

The function parameters of the TO functions are:
● mandatory, i.e. they must be specified, for example, the TO instance and the target
position for positioning;
● optional predefined, i.e. they can be specified; otherwise, a default setting for the system
is activated, for example, IMMEDIATELY for the step enabling condition;
● optionalUserDefault, i.e. they can be specified, but if they are not, a user-defined default
behavior takes effect (programmable or configurable in the associated userDefault
variable). For information about the use of parameter values in motion control programs,
refer to the documentation for the technology objects (TOs).
The TO instance name must always be specified for the TO commands as they cannot be
preset by the system. In our Example of variables to be specified, you must specify which
axis is to be activated (axis := myaxis).

Mandatory rules for specifying function parameters

The following table shows the rules you must follow when specifying function parameters.

Table 3- 6 Rules for specifying function parameters

Rule Example
All function parameters are always transferred, either with In the Example of variables to be specified the actual values
the programmed values or with the default settings. myAxis (variable) and IMMEDIATELY (value) are assigned
to the function parameters axis and nextCommand.
Several function parameters
Several function parameters are separated by commas. In the Example of variables to be specified:
_enableAxis (axis:=myAxis, nextCommand :=
Sequence of the function parameters
The function parameters can be in any order as long as the In the Example of variables to be specified, _enableAxis
first two rules are followed. (nextCommand:=IMMEDIATELY, axis:=myAxis) is also
Function parameters with preset values

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Programming with Technology Objects
3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs)

Rule Example
If the parameter names are also specified, the sequence is In the Example of variables to be specified, you can omit
arbitrary (e.g. "velocity:=..."). If not all parameter names are function parameter nextCommand := IMMEDIATELY as this
specified, they must all be entered in the correct sequence. is the default value.
Actual values as variables
The advantage is that you can reuse the source file sections In the Example of variables to be specified, the user-defined
that use these variables. function block posFB defines the TO instance myAxis
For example, a user-defined function block (FB) is to call a (myAxis:PosAxis).
TO function with variable axis identifiers as function When you call a TO function from this FB, the TO instance
parameters. It would be awkward to have to call the function is used as actual values (Axis := myAxis).
several times using constant axis names and would also The values for the TO instance are derived not from the
mean that you could not reuse the FB. user-defined FB, but from the program called by this FB with
You can also use other actual values as variables. myFB (myAxis := Axis).
For the reasons named, you can also call the FB and, thus,
the TO function with myAxis := Axis2 or myAxis := Axis3,
This means you can use the FB in all programs of the ST
source file and in programs of other source files with the aid
of the export function.
Actual values as values (enumerators)
If you enter actual values as values (next Command: = In the Example of variables to be specified, enumerators
IMMEDIATELY in the example), you must usually choose a IMMEDIATELY and WHEN_COMMAND_DONE are
value from various specific states (only for enumerators). available for function parameter nextCommand in TO
Enumerators are a derived data type. You will find basic function _enableAxis. The compiler rejects other values
information about enumerators in the "User-defined data during compilation of the program.
types" section in the ST programming manual. You can also
specify direct values for other data types.
Parameters for the transition and step enabling condition
With many motion commands, you can specify when the TO function is executed on the technology object and when the
next statement is processed (see Transition and step enabling condition)
Parameters for command identification
All motion commands must contain a parameter for the command identification. This allows you to track the status of the
command execution (see Diagnosis of the command execution).

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Programming with Technology Objects
3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs)

All system data types for enumerations (in system functions and system variables) begin
with the word Enum. For example, function parameter nextCommand has enumeration data
type EnumNextCommandEnable (with values IMMEDIATELY or
All system data types for structures (in system functions and system variables) begin with
the word Struct.
If you do not begin user-defined data types with character string Enum or Struct, names
cannot overlap. For a detailed description of of the name spaces, see ST programming
Appendix D of this manual contains all reserved identifiers of the ST (Structured Text)
programming language, the system functions, the system blocks, and the SIMOTION
The reserved identifiers of the SIMOTION technology packages can be found in the
Parameter Manuals for the SIMOTION technology packages.

Reference and value specification for motion variables

The parameters of motion variables (e.g. velocity, acceleration) are defined using a
reference parameter and a value parameter.
● The reference parameter specifies which system variable the motion variable to be
transferred references and, if required, how the following value parameter is to be
The identifier of a reference parameter is formed from the identifier of the motion variable
with the suffix Type, e.g. velocityType.
● The value parameter specifies:
– For reference parameter = DIRECT: The numerical value of the motion variable.
– For reference parameter = USER_DEFAULT: The scaling factor of the default value
stored in the system variable.
The value parameter has no significance for other reference parameter settings.
The identifier of a value parameter is the identifier of the motion variable, e.g. velocity.

Table 3- 7 Frequent reference parameters and effect of the associated value parameters

Reference parameter Value parameter Value of the motion variable

DIRECT Absolute value Content of the value parameter (with the unit of the
motion variable specified during the configuration of the
technology object).
See example in the table below.
USER_DEFAULT Relative value [%] Default setting * value parameter / 100
The default settings for the motion variable are stored in
a system variable.
See example in the table below.

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Programming with Technology Objects
3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs)

Reference parameter Value parameter Value of the motion variable

ACTUAL –1 Current actual value
CURRENT –1 Current setpoint of the interpolator
EFFECTIVE –1 Last programmed value
1 Value parameter is ignored

Table 3- 8 Example of velocityType (reference parameter) and velocity (value parameter)

velocityType velocity Value of the motion variable

DIRECT (no details) 100 [configured unit]
50.0 50 [configured unit]
200.0 200 [configured unit]
USER-DEFAULT (no details) 100 % of the system variable value1
50.0 50 % of the system variable value1
200.0 200 % of the system variable value1
1 For motion commands of an axis: system variable userDefault.velocity

Specification of the function parameters without specifying the function parameter identifiers
Two variants are supported for the specification of function parameters in the function call
(see IEC1131/3 2nd Edition, 11/98):
● "call by value" as call with fixed assignment and number of input variables corresponding
to the function declaration, whereby assignment operators are not permitted.
● "call by name" as call with variable assignment and number of input variables, whereby
an assignment of the transfer parameter to the formal operand is required. In this call
variant, transfer parameters with default values can remain unused.
In the short form of parameter transfer, the function parameters (parameter identifiers) are
omitted and only the actual values (parameter values) are used.

In the short form of parameter transfer, you must specify all parameter values (even
optional ones) separated by commas in the correct order!

Only a few system functions (see Functions for the runtime measurement of tasks, Task
control commands and Functions for the message configuration) require the short form of
parameter transfer when called. This is specified explicitly for the relevant functions.

Use the long form (with value assignment) described above. This form is clearer and more

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Programming with Technology Objects
3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs)

Data type of TO instance variables

You can use TO instance variables, for example, for object specification in TO function calls.

New TO data types (V4.0 and higher) begin with a "_" to prevent confusion with user

You must first declare the variables, however, and you must choose from a predefined
selection of data types (see table for Data types for technology objects). In our Use of TO
functions in the program examples in this section (Example of variables to be specified), the
data type is PosAxis, because you want to create TO instance variables for positioning axes.
The Cam (discontinuous synchronous operation) technology package you have selected
contains the PosAxis data type for the Position Axis technology object.

Table 3- 9 Data types of technology objects (names of technology objects)

Technology object Data type Contained in the technology

Drive axis driveAxis CAM1 2, PATH, CAM_EXT
External encoder externalEncoderType CAM1 2, PATH, CAM_EXT
Measuring input measuringInputType CAM1 2, PATH, CAM_EXT
Output cam outputCamType CAM1 2, PATH, CAM_EXT
Cam track (V3.2 and higher) _camTrackType CAM, PATH, CAM_EXT
Position axis posAxis CAM1 3, PATH, CAM_EXT
Following axis followingAxis CAM1 4, PATH, CAM_EXT
Following object followingObjectType CAM1 4, PATH, CAM_EXT
Path axis (V4.1 and higher) _pathAxis PATH, CAM_EXT
Path object (V4.1 and higher) _pathobjecttype PATH, CAM_EXT
Cam camType CAM, CAM_EXT
Fixed gear (V3.2 and higher) _fixedGearType CAM_EXT
Addition object (V3.2 and _additionObjectType CAM_EXT
Formula object (V3.2 and _formulaObjectType_ CAM_EXT
Sensor (V3.2 and higher) _sensorType CAM_EXT
Controller object (V3.2 and _controllerObjectType_ CAM_EXT
Temperature channel temperatureControllerType TControl
General data type, to which ANYOBJECT
every TO can be assigned
1 Version V3.1 and higher no longer contain the BasicMC, Position and Gear technology packages.
2 Up to Version V3.0, also contained in the BasicMC, Position, and Gear technology packages
3 Up to Version V3.0, also contained in the Position, and Gear technology packages
4 Up to Version V3.0, also contained in the Gear technology package.

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Programming with Technology Objects
3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs)

Variables of the technology object (TO) data type are initialized by default with the value
TO#NIL. You can use this to check whether a valid TO was assigned to a variable; see
Example of variables to be specified.

Example of variables to be specified

An example of variables to be specified with a technology object data type (an example of
optional use was described in Data types for technology objects) follows. A reusable FB will
be written, which will enable any axis. Since the axis name is variable, you must define a
variable with the data type of the axis.
The axis to be enabled is provided when the FB is called. This is verified for safety reasons.
If no TO is available (TO#NIL), execution of the FB is interrupted.

Table 3- 10 Example of variables to be specified with a technology object data type

// ...
myAxis: posAxis;

// Return value of the TO function,
// also output parameter of the FB
return_value: DINT:= -1;
// Check for valid TO
// Example of call with variable of data type of TO
return_value := _enableAxis (
axis:= myAxis, // TO function
nextCommand:= IMMEDIATELY, //optional
commandId := _getCommandId() );
myFB: posFB;
myFB (myaxis := Axis1);
// Name is created on start-up // in the SIMOTION SCOUT.
myFB (myaxis := Axis2);
// Name is created on start-up // in the SIMOTION SCOUT.


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Programming with Technology Objects
3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs)

3.2.5 Transition and step enabling conditions

Fundamentals for the processing of a TO function (command execution)

The TO functions are transferred as commands to the technology function for execution. The
TO executes or activates these commands in the processing cycle clock, which was
specified during their configuration (e.g. IPO cycle clock).
The outputCam, measuringInput, externalEncoder and cam technology objects have a direct
command execution. A new command on the same technology object supersedes a
command which is active there.
In addition to commands for direct command execution, motion commands can be issued on
the following technology objects: driveAxis, posAxis, followingAxis, and followingObject. The
technology objects have structure elements for command management.
An example of the command management for axes is described below.












Figure 3-1 Command execution on the axes

The MotionBuffer stores motion commands that are executed sequentially by the
interpolator. The number of motion commands that can be stored in the motion buffer is
defined via the configuration data
TypeOfAxis.DecodingConfig.numberOfMaxbufferedCommandId. Multiple motion commands
can therefore be issued on the technology object, irrespective of the execution status of the
active command.
A commandId is assigned to each command when it is issued. This is stored in the
command and provides a reference to the issued command.

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3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs)

The commands are assigned to command groups. The pending commands in the existing
command groups are processed in parallel by the interpolator. Certain commands become
active on the technology object immediately and form a queue in the motion buffer; other
commands, i.e. superimposing commands, take effect immediately.

The behavior of the command groups and command buffers, e.g. MotionBuffer, is TO-
specific. Thus, for example, you cannot call the _enableaxistorquelimitpositive and
_enableaxistorquelimitnegative commands simultaneously within one IPO2 cycle clock. Only
one of the commands will be executed.
An exact description of command groups and command buffers can be found in the TO
manuals, e.g. in the "TO Axis Electric / Hydraulic, External Encoder" function manual.

Transition behavior of the currently active motion command

You specify the transition behavior of the currently active motion command on the
technology object in the TO function with the parameter MergeMode. Here you specify, how
the TO function is placed in the command execution sequence on the technology object, or
to which command group it is assigned.

Table 3- 11 Frequent merge modes

Merge mode Description

IMMEDIATELY The motion specified in the command becomes active
immediately; already active motions are replaced, pending
commands/motions are aborted.
NEXT_MOTION Execute after the active motion and delete further pending
SEQUENTIAL Attach to previous commands/motions.
SUPERIMPOSED_ Superimposed motion on the axis is possible in addition to the
MOTION_MERGE basic motion.

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3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs)

Command step enabling condition

A step enabling condition can be programmed for TO functions that are executed in the
interpolator. It specifies when the next statement in the program source is executed. The
nextCommand parameter is used for this purpose. Refer to the SIMOTION TP Cam System
Functions parameter manual (reference list) for the permissible conditions for each
The main difference is between asynchronous and synchronous command execution:
● Asynchronous command execution:
The TO function is transferred to the technology object and the program continued
immediately. The nextCommand = IMMEDIATELY is set for this.
In this case, the application must ensure that TO functions are issued only once and
checkback signals are evaluated explicitly by scanning the axis or command status (see
Diagnosis of the command execution).
Example: see the following two figures
This method of motion control is referred to as cyclic programming. It is permitted in all
system tasks and is intended especially for the programming of cyclic tasks.
The asynchronous command execution is the default setting when parameter
nextCommand is not specified.
● Synchronous command execution:
The TO function together with the parameterization for the step enable are transferred to
the technology object and the called task stopped. The technology object executes the
function and calls for program execution to be resumed as soon as the specified step
enabling condition is satisfied or the command has been aborted. For this, nextCommand
is set to the desired step enabling condition.
Example: see Asynchronous program execution (sequential programming).
This method of motion control is referred to as sequential programming. It is supported
especially by the MotionTasks.
Programming command sequences in cyclic tasks leads to task timeouts and therefore to
runtime errors.

Table 3- 12 Example of asynchronous program execution (cyclic programming) - Part 1

PROGRAM ProgramCycle;


PROGRAM ProgramCycle
boStartCommand : BOOL; // Command - issue command
boCommandStarted : BOOL; //Auxiliary variable - command issued
boCommandDone : BOOL; // Auxiliary variable - command executed
i32Ret : DINT; // Return value of system functions
sCommandId : CommandIdType; // CommandId

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3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs)

// Return value - _getStateOfAxisCommand

sRetCommandState : StructRetCommandState;
// Instance of the system FB for the edge detection
r_trig_1 : R_TRIG;

r_trig_1 (boStartCommand); // Call the edge detection

IF r_trig_1.q THEN
// Request for a system-wide unique commandId
sCommandId := _getCommandId ();
// Register commandId at the TO
// --> Diagnostics of end or abort of command possible
i32Ret := _bufferAxisCommandId (
axis := Axis_1,
commandId := sCommandId );
// Evaluation of return value of system function
// ...
// Issuing of a command - motion with USER_DEFAULT values
i32Ret := _move(
axis := Axis_1,
nextCommand := IMMEDIATELY,
commandId := sCommandId );
// Evaluation of return value of system function
// ...
// Auxiliary variables for coordination of command execution
boCommandStarted := TRUE;
boCommandDone := FALSE;
// Continuation follows

Table 3- 13 Example of asynchronous program execution (cyclic programming) - Part 2

// Continuation
ELSIF boCommandStarted AND NOT boCommandDone THEN
// Query command execution status
sRetCommandState := _getStateOfAxisCommand(
axis := Axis_1,
commandId := sCommandId );

IF sRetCommandState.functionResult = 0 THEN
IF sRetCommandState.commandIdState = EXECUTED THEN
// Command has been executed (completed)
boCommandStarted := FALSE;
boCommandDone := TRUE;
// Remove registered commandId on TO
i32Ret := _removeBufferedAxisCommandId(
axis := Axis_1,

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3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs)

commandId := sCommandId );
// Error handling for _getStateOfAxisCommand function call
// ...

ELSIF boCommandDone THEN

// Execution after command execution
// ...

// Further user program as of here

// ...



Table 3- 14 Example of synchronous program execution (sequential programming)

g_boCommandStarted : BOOL; //Auxiliary variable - command issued
g_boCommandDone : BOOL; // Auxiliary variable - command executed
PROGRAM ProgramSequential;

PROGRAM ProgramSequential
i32Ret : DINT: // Return value of system function
g_boCommandStarted := TRUE;
g_boCommandDone := FALSE;
// Statements executed before the motion.
// ...
i32Ret := _move(
axis := Axis_1,
nextCommand:= WHEN_MOTION_DONE,
commandId:= _getCommandId () );

// Statements executed after the motion.

// ...
// Evaluation of return value of system function

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// ...

g_boCommandStarted := FALSE;
g_boCommandDone := TRUE;


3.2.6 Command execution diagnostics

Command identification – commandId

When a system function issues a command, a commandId is transferred. While the
command is being executed by the technology object, it stores the commandId in the
command, thus identifying the command.
A project-wide unique commandId is obtained with the _getCommandId system function.
This ensures that no further command with the same commandId exists in the system
(unique reference to the command).

Table 3- 15 Example of the use of the commandId

myCommandId : CommandIdType;
// Save unique ID
myCommandId := _getCommandId ();
// Execute function with ID
myFC := _pos (axis := myAxis,
position := position_1,
nextCommand :=IMMEDIATELY,
commandId :=myCommandId);

The description how you can track the execution status of a command with the aid of the
commandId follows.

System functions for scanning the command/execution status

Technology objects, on which several commands are issued for execution, have
_getStateOf...Command system functions (e.g. _get StateOfAxisCommand). The return
value of data type StructRetCommandState provides information on the execution status of a
motion command by the interpolator in the EnumCommandIdState component.
As of Version V3.2 of the SIMOTION Kernel, the abort reason is specified in the abortId
component (DINT data type) for EnumCommandIdState = ABORTED. The values
correspond to the reason in the technological alarm "30002 Command aborted".

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Status check after completion or abort of a command

Once a command has been aborted or has finished executing, it is normally deleted from the
internal command management system of the technology object. As a result, it is not
possible to diagnose the command status End or Abort by calling the system functions
indicated above.
To enable the status of a command to be scanned even after it has been aborted or its
execution is complete, the commandId of the relevant command must be made known to the
internal command management of the technology object. This is performed using the
_buffer...CommandId system function (e.g. _bufferAxisCommandId).
After the End or Abort status has been evaluated, the commandId must be explicitly
removed from the command management of the technology object. This is performed via the
system function _removeBuffered...CommandId (e.g. _removeBufferedAxisCommandId).

Example 1 The _buffer... command is not issued, and the _pos command for which the query is to
be made is already finished.
Result Because a matching command for the CommandId specified in the
_getStateOf...CommandId was not found (_pos is already finished), NOT_EXISTENT
('commandId' is not known or command is already finished) is returned.
Example 2 The _buffer... command is issued, and the _pos command for which the query is to be
made is already finished.
Result The _pos command is no longer found, but the result was stored in the CommandId
buffer. The result is now either EXECUTED (command processing finished) or
ABORTED (command processing aborted).
The size of the CommandID buffer is limited and can be set, for example, for the axis with
configuration data item TypeOfAxis.DecodingConfig.NumberOfMaxBufferedCommandId.
Thus, you can notify the TO regarding the maximum number of commands it has to manage
On the STOP-RUN transition, the buffered Command IDs will be deleted. The CommandID
buffer is then empty.
Example: see Asynchronous program execution (cyclic programming), Part 1 and Part 2.
The behavior of the "buffer and removeBuffer" commands is the same in all TOs that support
this functionality (exceptions: names of commands and name of the configuration data item
for the buffer size).

The description applies analogously to the external encoder, as well.

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Status check after resetting a technology object

As of Version V3.2 of the SIMOTION Kernel, the CommandID can be buffered in such a way
that it is not deleted when a technology object is reset. It is then also available after resetting
a technology object.
● To do this, call the TO function __buffer...CommandId with the parameter
deleteCommandIdWithReset = NO. The commandId can then only be deleted explicitly
with the command _removeBuffered...CommandId.
● If you call the _buffer...CommandId TO function with the deleteCommandIdWithReset=
YES (default setting) parameter, the commandId is also deleted with the _reset... function
(e.g. _resetAxis) when resetting the technology object.
This is also the behavior up to Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel.

3.2.7 Identifiers of technology object instances

The identifiers of technology object instances are defined during their configuration in
SIMOTION SCOUT. They must be defined uniquely within a SIMOTION device.
In general, you can call the instance of a technology object with its identifier.
However, if the same identifier is defined as data type, variable, function or function block in
ST source files or if a global device variable or I/O variable of the same name was created,
these identifiers cover the technology object instance.
You can use the predefined name space _to so that you can still access the technology
object instance, for example to access its system variables or configuration data (see Name
spaces in the ST Programming Manual). Place the name space identifier in front of the
corresponding name, separated by a period, for example
If you want to access the instance of a technology object on another SIMOTION device,
place the name of the SIMOTION device in front of the instance identifier, separated by a
period, for example or
If the identifier of a device is covered, you can use the predefined name space _project, for
example or

With a project-wide unique identifier for the technology object instance, you can use the
predefined name space _project also for identifying the instance. This ensures compatibility
with projects created with an older SIMOTION SCOUT version (up to V3.2).

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3.2.8 Conversion of TO data types

Type conversions within the hierarchical data types

The driveAxis, posAxis, followingAxis TO data types are hierarchically structured by the
functional scope.
● A position axis (posAxis data type) contains the functionality of a speed-controlled axis
(driveAxis data type).
● A following axis (followingAxis data type) contains the functionality of a position axis
(posAxis data type) and, therefore, also of a speed-controlled axis (driveAxis data type).
Type conversions are only possible within these hierarchical data types and with the general
ANYOBJECT technology object data type.

Other type conversions are not possible (for example, between a measuring input and
following object).

Implicit type conversion

Variables (with TO data type) or TO instances can be assigned to the following variables
without specifying a conversion function:
● Variables of a lower hierarchy TO data type:
– followingAxis to posAxis or driveAxis
– posAxis to driveAxis
● Variables of general ANYOBJECT TO data type
See the table below.

Table 3- 16 Example of implicit type conversion

// The following TO instance (axis) is configured in the project

navigator: fol_axis_real as a following axis

drv_axis1 : driveAxis;
pos_axis1 : posAxis;
any_obj1 : ANYOBJECT;

drv_axis1 := pos_axis1;
any_obj1 := fol_axis_real;...

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Explicit type conversion

The anyObject_to_Object type conversion function is used to assign variables (with a TO
data type) to variables with higher hierarchy TO data types.
A requirement for this is that the source variable (with the hierarchically lower TO data type)
must refer to a TO instance that at least corresponds hierarchically to the TO data type of the
target variable (see example in the following table).

Table 3- 17 Example of successful type conversions

// The following TO instances (axes) are configured in the

// project navigator:
// pos_axis_real as position axis
// fol_axis_real as a following axis

drv_axis1 : driveAxis;
pos_axis1 : posAxis;
any_obj1 : ANYOBJECT;

// Implicit type conversions

drv_axis1 := pos_axis_real;
any_obj1 := fol_axis_real;

// Successful type conversions

pos_axis1 := anyObject_to_Object (in := drv_axis1);

// Type conversion successful,
// because drv_axis1 refers to a position axis.

pos_axis1 := anyObject_to_Object (in := any_obj1);

// Type conversion successful,
// because any_obj1 refers to a following axis.


In the event of a failed type conversion, the value TO#NIL is assigned to the target variable:

Table 3- 18 Example of a failed type conversion

// The following TO instance (axis) is configured in the

// project navigator:
// drv_axis_real as a drive axis

pos_axis1 : posAxis;
any_obj1 : ANYOBJECT;

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// Implicit type conversions

any_obj1 := drv_axis_real;

// Type conversion failed

pos_axis1 := anyObject_to_Object (in := any_obj1);
// Type conversion is not required,
// because any_obj1 refers to a speed-controlled axis.
// pos_axis1 has the value TO#NIL.

3.2.9 System variables

You can use system variables to assign parameters for technology objects and the basic
system or to read their status.

Syntax of system variables

System variables are queried using a structure access with the following syntax. The
following table shows the significance of the individual syntax components.
[_to.]TO name.variable.component or

Table 3- 19 Syntax components of system variables

Syntax component Meaning

TO name TO name stands for the name of a technology object (TO), e.g. of an axis. You
have performed one of the following:
• Inserted the technology object in SIMOTION SCOUT.
• Or declared a variable of the data type of this technology object in the
You will find a list of all the data types for technology objects in Input parameters
of the technology functions.
_to The optional word _to identifies the predefined name space for technology
objects. It should be used to unambiguously specify a technology object with TO
Also see Name spaces in the ST programming manual.
_device The optional word _device identifies the predefined name space for device-
specific variables (system variables of the SIMOTION devices, I/O variables,
global device variables). It should be used to unambiguously specify the variable
as system variable of the SIMOTION device. These system variables are also
available when no technology object is loaded.
Also see Name spaces in the ST programming manual.
Variable Variable stands for the name of the system variable as found in the list of all
system variables (see parameter manual for the SIMOTION technology package
system variables).
Component Component stands for the part of the structure you want to query. This can be
an additional structure that contains further components, as well. The depth of
the structure depends on the system variable and can be zero.

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Using system variables

Read access to a system variable is always possible. A system variable can be assigned to
a variable in two ways:
● With a value assignment (see also Value assignments in the ST programming manual).
This means ExecutionFaultTask is called in the event of an error (please also refer to
Reading out the replacement value or last values at the end of the section). For more
information on the error reaction, see Accesses to system variables (Page 99).
● With the _getSafeValue and _setSafeValue system functions (see _getSafeValue function
(Page 329) , _setSafeValue function (Page 332), and Accesses to system variables and
inputs/outputs (Page 329)). In this case it is possible to program the desired response in
the event of an error.
The use in an expression or as parameter in a function or function block is also possible. In
this case, ExecutionFaultTask is also called in the event of an error (see Accesses to system
variables (Page 99)).
If a system variable can be written is specified in the parameter manual (reference list) of the
system variables of the technology objects (TO) in the following entry:
● Effective: immediately (can be read and written to)
● Effective: read only (can only be read).
If a system variable can be written to, it can be assigned a value in two ways:
● With a value assignment (see also Value assignments in the ST programming manual).
This means ExecutionFaultTask is called in the event of an error (please also refer to
Reading out the replacement value or last values at the end of the section). For more
information on the error reaction, refer to Access errors to system variables and
configuration data, as well as I/O variables for direct access (Page 99).
● With the system function _setSafeValue (see function _setSafeValue (Page 332)). In this
case it is possible to program the desired response in the event of an error.
TO#NIL is a special variable value. You can use this value to check whether a valid
technology object is present (see the example in Input parameters of the technology

For performance reasons, you should only access system variables when absolutely
necessary. Instead, save their contents in a local variable of the same data type. Local
variable accesses need much fewer resources because less processor time is used. For
more information, see Efficient programming.
Also note that a source of error can be comparing REAL variables, LREAL variables, and
system variables (for example, axis position) with each other, see Compare REAL or LREAL

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Scope of system variables

1. System variables, for example, the status flag, may only exist for just one IPO cycle clock.
2. All system variables have the documented Update property.
3. If you want to query the status of a task with a lower cycle time, the status should be
linked with the following OR status. The OR operation ensures that all states of the
application are used. The operation ensures that the subsequent ENUMS of the status
flag are grouped.

Examples of system variables

You want to check the axis position and dynamic axis state of Axis1.
● You have created Axis1 in SIMOTION SCOUT or have defined and initialized it in the
program, e.g. using the myAxis variable of PosAxis data type.
● You have defined variables in the program for recording the axis position and the
dynamic axis state. The data type of these variables must match the data type of the
variables to be checked, e.g.:
act_pos : LREAL;
act_motionState : EnumAxisMotionState;
Example of accessing a system variable using a structure element of an elementary data
act_pos := Axis1.positioningState.actualPosition;
PositioningState is the system variable and actualPosition is the structure element of data
type LREAL that will be queried.
Example of querying a system variable with an enumeration element:
act_motionState := Axis1.motionStateData.motionState;
motionStateData is the system variable and motionState is the structure element of
enumerator data type EnumAxisMotionState that will be queried.

Initialization of system variables

System variables are not reinitialized as a rule when you download the project; their actual
values are not reset to the initial values. In general, system variables are only reinitialized
when the SIMOTION device is restarted.

Replacement value or the last value of system variables at TO restart or where TO is deactivated
(V4.1 and higher)
The access to system variables is also possible at RESTART of the TO or at activated TO,
without the system going to STOP. Instead of reading out the system variables using the
_getSaveValue function, you can configure the following by means of an entry in the config
data (restart.behaviorInvalidSysvarAccess) to enable direct access:
● read last value (LAST_VALUE = default)
● Read default value (=value when loading the project; DEFAULT_VALUE)

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Variables that deliver the current TO status, also return the correct status at RESTART. This
affects the system variable restartActivation, which you can access via _getSafeValue.
TO system variables can be written to during a TO restart or where a TO is deactivated
(apart from STOP_DEVICE). The values will be applied or are effective after the RESTART.
If writing system variables exceeds the applicable limits, the CPU will go to STOP.

System variables saved ONLINE cannot be saved with "Save to memory card (Ram2Rom)"
or "Save in the engineering project (load configuration data to PG)" is not possible.
So that values of system variables can also be saved in the engineering project and on
memory card the value of system variables must be changed OFFLINE and then loaded into
the target system per download and saved. See Storage concept in the target system.

3.2.10 Configuration data

Configuration data define the basic functionality of a technology object. They are normally
set during the configuration of the technology object with SIMOTION SCOUT and for the
most part cannot be modified during runtime.
A major part of this configuration data can, however, be modified while the program is
running. Whether or not a configuration data item can be modified during runtime is specific
to each configuration data item and is documented in the parameter manual for SIMOTION
technology package configuration data.

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Depending on the configuration data item, the following options are available:
● Cannot be modified online:
These configuration data can only be modified during configuration of the technology
object with SIMOTION SCOUT.
● Can be modified online, effective after restart:
These configuration data can be changed by variable access from the user program. The
change does not take effect until the technology object is restarted (see Resetting a
technology object).
● Can be modified online, immediately effective:
These configuration data can be changed by variable access from the user program.
Change is immediately effective.

If you make a change to configuration data which only takes effect after a TO restart,
subsequent changes to "effective immediately" configuration data will also only take effect
after the TO restart.

Configuration data changed ONLINE can be saved on a memory card with "Copy current
data to RAM" and subsequent "Copy from RAM to ROM" or saved with "Load to PG" in
the engineering project. See Storage concept in the target system.

Reading the configuration data

You can read each configuration data of a technology object and assign it to a variable, for
● The value saved in the SIMOTION device's RAM (can be read in the "Next value" column
in the expert list).
To do so, use the syntax: TO-name.setconfigdata.config-date.
● Value currently in effect on the technology object
To do so, use the syntax: TO-name.activeconfigdata.config-date.
See example in the table below.
Only access to individual variables of the configuration data is permitted.

Table 3- 20 Read access to a configuration data item of a technology object

lreal_var : LREAL;
drive_var : driveaxis;
lreal_var :=
// Read access to saved value
lreal_var :=
// Read access to value currently in effect

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A configuration data item can be assigned to a variable in two ways:

● With a value assignment, such as the example in the previous table (see also Value
assignments in the ST Programming Manual). This means ExecutionFaultTask is called
in the event of an error (please also refer to Replacement value or last value at the end of
the section). For more information on the error reaction, see Errors when accessing
config data (Page 329).
● With the _getSafeValue system function (see function _getSafeValue (Page 329)). In this
case it is possible to program the desired response in the event of an error.
The use in an expression or as parameter in a function or function block is also possible. In
this case, the ExecutionFaultTask is called in the event of an error.

Modifying configuration data at runtime (online modification)

Configuration data are modified online by a simple variable write access to the value stored
in the RAM. To do so, use the syntax:
The effectiveness (adoption as the current value in effect on the technology object) is
determined by the configuration data item (effective immediately / effective after restart).
See example of write access to a configuration data item.
Only access to individual variables of the configuration data is permitted.

Table 3- 21 Write access to a configuration data item of a technology object

lreal_var : LREAL;
drive_var : driveaxis;

drive_var.setconfigdata.TypeOfAxis.MaxJerk.maximum :=
// Write access to saved value

A configuration data item can be assigned a value in two ways:

● With a value assignment, such as the example in the previous table (see also Value
assignments in the ST programming manual). This means ExecutionFaultTask is called
in the event of an error (please also refer to Replacement value or last value at the end of
the section). For more information on the error reaction, see Errors when accessing
config data (Page 99).
● With the system function _setSafeValue (see function _setSafeValue (Page 332)). In this
case it is possible to program the desired response in the event of an error.
In addition, there is the option to control the activation via a system variable.

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Use technology object system variable activationModeChangedConfigData to define when

the modified configuration data are to take effect:
● If activationModeChangedConfigData = ACTIVATE_CHANGED_CONFIG_DATA is set,
the modified data is set immediately active. If the system variable is set to this value, data
collected up to this point are also activated.
● If activationModeChangedConfigData = COLLECT_CHANGED_CONFIG_DATA is set,
the modified data is collected.
They are activated as a body as soon as this system variable is set to
The collected, modified configuration data can be deleted (without activation) by calling
the corresponding technology object system function (e.g. _resetAxisConfigDataBuffer).

When activationModeChangedConfigData:= ACTIVATE_CHANGED_CONFIG_DATA, it
takes a certain amount of time for a modified configuration data item to take effect after
it has been written.
In particular, when several configuration data are changed simultaneously, timeouts can
occur in the tasks. It is not possible to change configuration data in SynchronousTasks.

If you want to change several configuration data at the same time, it is advisable to
collect them first with activationModeChangedConfigData =
COLLECT_CHANGED_CONFIG_DATA and then activate them as a body in a sequential
task using the ACTIVATE_CHANGED_CONFIG_DATA setting.

Config data changed at runtime can be saved on card and in the ES project, see Memory
access (Page 426).

For access to configuration data from the user program, (e.g. in a general FB) that the
respective configuration data is also available depending on TO type.

Access to config data for TO references and axis arrays

Access to config data for TO references is possible. For access to config data of an axis
array you must use an intermediate variable. If you attempt to use axis arrays directly you
will get a compiler message that an intermediate variable should be used.


myPosAxis :posaxis;
myPosAxis :=Pos[2]

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myPosAxis.setconfigdata.TypeOfAxis.MaxJerk.maximum :=
Because you are accessing the axis directly via a reference, no further assignment is
necessary to access the value. You do not have to reassign pos[2] to myPosAxis.
Config data can be written to during a TO restart or where a TO is deactivated (apart from
STOP_DEVICE). The values will be applied or are effective after the RESTART.

Replacement value or the last value of config data at TO restart or where TO is deactivated (V4.1 and
Config data can also be accessed when a RESTART of the TO is performed or where the
TO is deactivated without the system going to STOP. Instead of reading out the config data
using the _getSaveValue function, you can configure the following by means of an entry in
the config data (restart.behaviorInvalidSysvarAccess):
● Read out last value (LAST_VALUE = default)
● Read out default value (=value when loading the project; DEFAULT_VALUE)
If writing config data exceeds the applicable limits, the CPU will go to STOP.

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3.2 Programming technology objects (TOs)

3.2.11 Resetting a technology object

Resetting a technology object aborts the current motion without an error message.

To integrate configuration data that require a restart of the technology object, you must reset
the technology object. The procedure depends on the restart.restartActivationSetting
configuration data item of the technology object:
● For the setting restart.restartActivationSetting = RESTART_BY_COMMAND:
The technology object can only be restarted by means of the corresponding system
function (e.g. _restartAxis). To do so, set the parameter activateRestart =
● For the setting restart.restartActivationSetting=
The restart can be performed in two ways:
– By calling the corresponding system function (e.g. _restartAxis). By setting parameter
activateRestart = ACTIVATE_RESTART.
– By assigning a value to the technology object system variable: restartActivation=
ACTIVATE_RESTART. The system variables are initialized, the technology object
loses all of its status information, such as axis homed.
The restart is always performed asynchronously. After a successful restart of the
technology object, this system variable has the value NO_RESTART_ACTIVATION.

3.2.12 Use of technology packages in libraries

Libraries can also contain TO functions and accesses to the system variables of a
technology object.
You specify the SIMOTION device and technology package for which the library is compiled
in the object properties of the library:
1. Select the library in the project navigator.
2. Select the Edit > Object Properties menu command.
3. Select the TPs/TOs tab there.
4. Select the SIMOTION devices (including the version number) and the technology
packages for which the library is to be compiled.

To compile a project without errors, observe the rules governing the selection of
SIMOTION devices and technology packages in the following table!

You can also specify the technology package in the library's ST source files if you want (with
the USEPACKAGE command), however, this is not necessary.

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Table 3- 22 Selection of devices and technology packages in a library

Selection Description
Device-independent You must also select:
• The technology packages
• The version number of the selected technology packages
1. The library is compiled without reference to a SIMOTION device or a
version of the SIMOTION Kernel.
For this reason, the following must not be used:
– System functions of SIMOTION devices
– System variables of SIMOTION devices
– Version-dependent system functions
– Configuration data of technology objects
2. The library is compiled precisely to the version selected. The use of
system functions or variables which are not available in the selected
version will result in a compilation error.
3. If a device-independent library is to be made available for another version
it must be copied and inserted under a different name. This copy must be
recompiled with a different version reference.
SIMOTION device Only those technology packages are displayed that are available for all of the
including version selected devices.
(multiple selection Note:
1. The library is compiled for all of the selected devices and technology
packages (of the selected device versions).
2. The use of system functions or variables which are not available for one of
the selected devices, or the technology package of the respective device
version, will result in a compilation error.
3. The library can only be used for the selected devices and technology
packages. When you use the library in an ST source file, the following is
therefore checked:
– Whether the library is compiled for the SIMOTION device (including
version) that contains the importing ST source file.
– Whether the technology package set on the SIMOTION device and
specified in the ST source file with the USEPACKAGE command
corresponds to the one in the library.
Any inconsistencies will result in compilation errors.

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3.3 Response to faults and events

3.3 Response to faults and events

3.3.1 Evaluating faults and events

The SIMOTION system has various execution levels for scheduling programs. One of these
execution levels is the interrupt execution level, which is started in response to specific
events, such as errors.

Options for responding to faults and events

There are two classes of events that can start tasks in the interrupt execution level:
● When events are user-defined, they are called UserInterruptTasks; the programs
assigned to these tasks are also user-defined.
● If the events are system or technology-related (system errors or technology objects), we
refer to SystemInterruptTasks. The following table lists the available
Messages generated by the system are known as alarms. The reaction is defined in the
interrupt configuration (see below).

Table 3- 23 Specified SystemInterruptTasks

SystemInterruptTask Called for the following events

ExecutionFaultTask Execution errors in programs
PeripheralFaultTask Process and diagnostic alarms from I/O modules
TechnologicalFaultTask Alarms, warnings, and notes from technology objects
TimeFaultBackgroundTask Timeout for the BackgroundTask
TimeFaultTask Timeouts for TimerInterruptTasks

Message generation is another system feedback option. User-assigned messages can be
used in programs, e.g. if certain events occur (tank empty, etc.). For more information, see
Programming messages (Page 368).

Alarm configuration
You can define the system behavior for technological alarms in SIMOTION SCOUT (alarm
configuration). You can choose between:
● STOP: Transition to STOP mode (all system and user tasks are stopped.)
● STOP U: Transition to STOP U mode (only user program tasks are stopped.)
● START TechnologicalFaultTask: Starts the associated SystemInterruptTask
● NONE: No response
Each alarm has a default response. Details for the alarm configuration can be found at Error
handling for technology objects.

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3.3 Response to faults and events

When you select START TechnologicalFaultTask, you must assign a program to the
TechnologicalFaultTask that responds to the associated alarm.
Besides a configurable response to program execution, alarms also have a reaction in the
technology object (see SIMOTION Motion Control Technology Objects function manuals).

3.3.2 Execution errors in programs

You set the response to execution errors in programs in the task configuration
(seeConfiguring the execution system).
This affects the following operations, for example:
● Invalid operation with floating-point numbers (e.g. logarithm of a negative number)
● Incorrect type conversions
● Division by zero
● Violation of array limits
The possible error responses are listed in the following table.

Table 3- 24 Error response in case of execution errors in the program

Error reaction Task type Description

CPU to STOP All tasks SIMOTION device switches to STOP mode
and the ShutdownTask is started.
ExecutionFaultTask Sequential (non-cyclic) The ExecutionFaultTask is started.
The task in which the error occurred, is
aborted; the aborted task can be dispatched
again by the user.
Cyclic The ExecutionFaultTask is started.
The task in which the error occurred is
When the ExecutionFaultTask is finished, the
SIMOTION device switches to STOP mode;
the ShutdownTask is started.

See also
Specifications for the configuring (Page 237)

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3.3.3 Error during operations with floating-point numbers (FPU exceptions)

Invalid floating-point numbers

The data types for REAL and LREAL floating-point numbers are implemented with their bit
patterns according to IEEE 754. Accordingly, the following bit patterns for invalid floating-
point numbers are also supported:
● Signaling NaN (NaNs): Invalid bit pattern (Not a Number), which triggers an error (FPU
exception) on each operation.
● Quiet NaN (NaNq): Invalid bit pattern (Not a Number), which triggers an error (FPU
exception) only on certain operations.
● Infinity: Bit pattern for + infinity or – infinity.

You can create an NaN or infinity from the corresponding bit pattern, e.g. with system
function DWORD_TO_REAL, BigByteArray_to_AnyType or LittleByteArray_to_AnyType.

When a floating-point number is displayed in the engineering system (e.g. in the symbol
browser of SIMOTION SCOUT), no distinction is made between a signaling and a quiet

FPU exceptions
The operations with floating-point numbers are also implemented according to IEEE 754. If
any of the indicated errors for the operations below occur, an FPU exception will be
● Any operation with a signaling NAN (NaNs).
● Addition: Both addends are infinity but have different signs.
● Subtraction: Minuend and subtrahend are infinity and have the same sign.
● Multiplication: One factor is 0 and the other is infinity.
● Division:
– Both operands are 0 or infinity.
– Divisor is 0.
● Modulo division (x MOD y): x = infinity or y = 0.

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● The argument of a system function is outside the domain, e.g.:

– SQRT: The radicand is < 0.
– LN, LOG: The argument is ≤ 0.
– EXPT or Operator "**": Base is ≤ 0:
Exceptions as of Version 4.1 of the SIMOTION kernel:
Base is < 0 and exponent has an integer value.
Base is = 0 and exponent is > 0.
– SIN, COS, TAN: The argument is infinity.
– ASIN, ACOS: Argument is > 1
● Conversion of a floating-point number to an integer or its assigned bit data type with the
corresponding system function (e.g. LREAL_TO_DINT, REAL_VALUE_TO_DWORD):
– Range of target data type is exceeded.
– Argument is a signaling or quiet NaN (NaNs or NaNq).
– Argument is infinity.
● Comparison operations:
– At least one operand is a signaling or quiet NaN (NaNs or NaNq).
– At least one operand is infinity.
● Range is exceeded for operations with valid floating-point numbers
The behavior specified for the processing errors in programs (Page 96) will be carried out. If
ExecutionFaultTask is called, then TSI#executionFaultType =
_SC_INVALID_FLOATING_POINT_OPERATION, see Taskstartinfo (Page 102).

No error (no FPU exception) is triggered:
• For operations with quiet NaN (NaNq), if not mentioned explicitly above.
For example, the addition of a valid floating-point number to a quiet NaN (NaNs)
produces the same quiet NaN (NaNs).
• For operations with + infinity or - infinity, if not mentioned explicitly above.
For example, the addition of a valid floating-point number to + infinity produces +infinity

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3.3.4 Access errors to system variables and configuration data, as well as I/O variables
for direct access
This section describes the behavior when errors occur while accessing system variables,
configuration data or I/O variables with the usual methods (using the variable identifier in an
expression or variable assignment), see also Using Taskstartinfo (Page 102).

Errors in system variables and configuration data:

With V4.1 SP2/V4.1 SP3 and higher, system variables and configuration data can also be
accessed when a RESTART of the TO is performed or where the TO is deactivated without
the system entering STOP mode.
You can configure the following by means of an entry in the configuration data
● Read out last value (LAST_VALUE = default)
● Read out default value (=value when loading the project; DEFAULT_VALUE)
The ExecutionFaultTask is started, and the additional error response depends on the task
type (sequential or cyclic) in which the error occurs (see the following table).
Response at start of ExecutionFaultTask for incorrect access to system variables and
configuration data

Task type Description

Sequential (non-cyclic) The ExecutionFaultTask is started.
The task in which the error occurred, is aborted; the aborted task can be
dispatched again by the user.
Cyclic The ExecutionFaultTask is started.
The task in which the error occurred is aborted.
When the ExecutionFaultTask is finished, the SIMOTION device switches
to STOP mode; the ShutdownTask is started.
Writing of system variable values outside the applicable limits is not affected by the
configuration data referred to above (e.g. STOP_DEVICE). See also System variables
(Page 85), General information on accessing system variables and inputs/outputs
(Page 329), or Errors when accessing system data with _get/_setSafeValue (Page 130).

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The DEFAULT_VALUE is the configured value. This is the value transferred during a
download (system variables and config data).
– Config data
The last value can be the configured value. The value will then be equivalent to the
value shown under "Current value" in the expert list.
The last value can be the last configured value. The value will then be equivalent to
the value shown under "Next value" in the expert list.
Either of these values can be output, depending on the configuration data entered.
– System variables
With system variables, the last value is the value which is currently set and effective.

Errors for I/O variables (direct access to inputs and outputs)

The error response is specified when the I/O variables are defined (see Direct access and
process image of the cyclical tasks in the ST programming manual).
● CPU stop: The ExecutionFaultTask is started. The SIMOTION device then switches to
STOP mode; the ShutdownTask is started.
● Substitute value: The substitute value specified when the I/O variable was defined is
taken, and the task is continued.
● Last value:
With read access (to inputs or outputs): The last valid value is applied, and the task is
With write access (to outputs): The value is written to the variable. However, it will not be
active at the output until the output becomes available again. The task is continued.
In specific cases it is necessary to respond differently to errors, to deviate from the defined
error response, or to avoid errors by performing queries beforehand. The functions
_getSafeValue (Page 329) and _setSafeValue (Page 332), and getInOutByte (Page 335)
serve this purpose. The functions _getSafeValue and _setSafeValue are very time intensive.

See also
Configuration data (Page 88)

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3.3.5 Errors when generating the process image

This section describes the behavior when I/O access errors occur during updating of the
process image with the assigned task. Possible causes:
● The I/O module is not present.
● The I/O module is switched off.
● The connection to the I/O module is missing or faulty.
● The I/O module is signaling an error.
The behavior is as follows:
● For the process image of the cyclic tasks (see Direct access and process image of the
cyclic tasks in the programming manuals)
The error response is specified when the I/O variables are defined:
– CPU stop: For response information, see the following table.
– Substitute value: The substitute value specified when the I/O variable was defined is
taken, and the cyclic task is continued.
– Last value:
Process input image (reading of inputs): The value of the process image at the
address is not changed; the cyclic task is continued.
Process output image (writing to outputs): The value only takes effect at the output
with the address when the output is available again; the cyclic task is continued.
● For the fixed process image of the BackgroundTask (see Accesses to the fixed process
image of the BackgroundTask in the programming manuals):
The error response depends on whether direct access was defined at the same address
using I/O variables:
– No direct access is defined: Error response is always CPU STOP; for response
information, see the following table.
– Direct access is defined: The error handling specified in the definition of the I/O
variables does apply (see above, like process image of cyclic tasks).

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Table 3- 25 Error response during process image update for CPU STOP response

Event Description
Error occurs 1. An incoming message is generated once.
2. If no program is linked to the PeripheralFaultTask, the SIMOTION
device goes to STOP mode, and the ShutdownTask is started.
3. Otherwise:
– The PeripheralFaultTask is started once immediately (rather than in
the next IPO cycle clock):
TSI#logBaseAdrIn or TSI#logBaseAdrOut contains the address at
which the error occurred.
See Taskstartinfo (Page 102).
– Process input image: The value of the process image at the address
is not changed.
Process output image: Value will not take effect at the output with
the address until the output becomes available again.
– The cyclic task in which the error occurred is continued.
Error persists • No additional messages are generated.
• The PeripheralFaultTask is not restarted.
• Process input image: The value of the process image at the address is
not changed.
Process output image: Value will not take effect at the output with the
address until the output becomes available again.
Error disappears 1. An outgoing message is generated once.
2. The PeripheralFaultTask is started once immediately (rather than in the
next IPO cycle clock):
TSI#interruptId = _SC_IMAGE_UPDATE_OK, see Taskstartinfo
(Page 102).
3. The cyclic task is continued.

3.3.6 Using Taskstartinfo

Important information about starting the task is stored in the Taskstartinfo for each task, e.g.:
● Start time of task
● For the TechnologicalFaultTask: the triggering instance of the Technology Object and the
alarm number,
● For the TimeFaultTask: TimerInterruptTask that caused the timeout error.
Within a task, you can query the relevant Taskstartinfo of this task. To do this, use the
TSI#<info> system variable; where <info> is the particular information to be queried. The
contents and scope of the Taskstartinfo and the associated system variables depend on the
relevant task (see following table).
The query of the Taskstartinfo is normally used for SystemInterruptTasks (see examples,
Querying the Taskstartinfos in the TechnologicalFaultTask and Querying the Taskstartinfo in
the TimeFaultTask).

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Table 3- 26 Taskstartinfo of user program tasks

Task Taskstartinfo Meaning

Description : Data type
TSI#startTime : DT Start time of the task
TSI#currentTaskId : StructTaskId TaskId of task
TSI#cycleTime : TIME Configured cycle time of task (= 0, because the task is
TSI#dwuser_1 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#dwuser_2 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#startTime : DT Start time of the task
TSI#currentTaskId : StructTaskId TaskId of task
TSI#cycleTime : TIME Configured cycle time of task (= 0, because the task is
TSI#dwuser_1 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#dwuser_2 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#startTime : DT Time of cycle control point
TSI#currentTaskId : StructTaskId TaskId of task
TSI#cycleTime : TIME Configured cycle time of task (= 0, because the task is non-
equidistant and cyclic)
TSI#dwuser_1 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#dwuser_2 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#startTime : DT Time of cycle control point
TSI#currentTaskId : StructTaskId TaskId of task
TSI#cycleTime : TIME Configured cycle time of task
TSI#dwuser_1 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#dwuser_2 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#startTime : DT Start time of task (= cycle clock with which the task runs
TSI#currentTaskId : StructTaskId TaskId of task
TSI#cycleTime : TIME Configured cycle time of task
• ServoSynchronousTask: Position control cycle
• IPOsynchronousTask: Interpolator cycle clock (IPO)
• IPOsynchronousTask_2: Interpolator cycle clock (IPO_2)
• PWMsynchronousTask: Pulse-width modulation cycle
• InputSynchronousTask_1: Input1 cycle clock
• InputSynchronousTask_2: Input2 cycle clock
• PostControlTask_1: Control1 cycle clock
• PostControlTask_2: Control2 cycle clock
TSI#dwuser_1 : DWORD Reserved for internal use

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TSI#dwuser_2 : DWORD Reserved for internal use

TSI#startTime : DT Start time of the task
TSI#currentTaskId : StructTaskId TaskId of task
TSI#cycleTime : TIME Configured cycle time of task (= 0, because the task is
TSI#dwuser_1 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#dwuser_2 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#interruptId : UDINT Triggering event:
Additional events are not defined at this time.
TSI#taskId : StructTaskId TaskId of TimerInterruptTask during which the time watchdog

Table 3- 27 Taskstartinfo of user program tasks (continued)

Task Taskstartinfo Meaning

Description : Data type
TSI#startTime : DT Start time of the task
TSI#currentTaskId : StructTaskId TaskId of task
TSI#cycleTime : TIME Configured cycle time of task (= 0, because the task is
TSI#dwuser_1 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#dwuser_2 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#interruptId : UDINT Triggering event:
Additional events are not defined at this time.
TSI#startTime : DT Start time of the task
TSI#currentTaskId : StructTaskId TaskId of task
TSI#cycleTime : TIME Configured cycle time of task (= 0, because the task is
TSI#dwuser_1 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#dwuser_2 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#alarmNumber : DINT Number of the triggered alarm (see description in the
SIMOTION Alarms Diagnostics Manual)
The parameters output in the alarm message are available in
TSI#alarmP1_DINT to TSI#alarmP5_LREAL (e.g.
TSI#alarmP3_UDINT is parameter 3 with data type UDINT).
TSI#toInst : ANYOBJECT TO instance responsible for error, can be converted with the
AnyObject_to_Object function.
Comparison to the instance of the technology object is also
possible (see example Querying the Taskstartinfos in the

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TSI#commandId.low : UDINT Commandld of triggering command (less significant word)

TSI#commandId.high : UDINT Commandld of triggering command (more significant word)
TSI#alarmP1_DINT : DINT Parameters 1 to 5 (associated value) of the message for the
TSI#alarmP1_UDINT : UDINT triggered alarm in the respective data type.
TSI#alarmP1_LREAL : LREAL Example: TSI#alarmP3_UDINT contains parameter 3 with
UDINT data type.
You can obtain the significance of the parameter from the
description of the alarm in the SIMOTION Alarms Diagnostics
Manual. This states the number and data type of the
parameter with the following syntax:
• /n/ : Number of the parameter
• %A : Abbreviation for the data type
– %d: DINT
– %lf : LREAL
Example: /3/%X means parameter 3 with UDINT data type.
Only the parameters documented in the SIMOTION Alarms
Diagnostics Manual for the triggered alarm are released for
use. For information about process interrupts, refer to
Process interrupts below.

Table 3- 28 Taskstartinfo of user program tasks (continued)

Task Taskstartinfo Meaning

Description : Data type
TSI#startTime : DT Start time of the task
TSI#currentTaskId : StructTaskId TaskId of task
TSI#cycleTime : TIME Configured cycle time of task (= 0, because the task is sequential)
TSI#dwuser_1 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#dwuser_2 : DWORD Reserved for internal use

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TSI#executionFault : UDINT Type of execution error in user program

Type • _SC_DIVISION_BY_ZERO ( = 500)
Error during division or modulo division of integers (data type
ANY_INT or ANY_BYTE): divisor is 0.
Error during operations with floating-point numbers (FPU
exceptions) (Page 97)
Array boundaries exceeded during read access
Array boundaries exceeded during write access
Error during read access:
– To a system variable of a Technology Object:
Violation of array limits;
Access while Technology Object is being reset (RESET);
Access to a Technology Object data type variable with a
value of TO#NIL;
– To an I/O variable by means of direct access.
See Errors when accessing system variables and configuration
data as well as I/O variables for direct access (Page 99).
Error during write access:
– To a system variable of a Technology Object:
Violation of array limits;
Access while Technology Object is being reset (RESET);
Access to a Technology Object data type variable with a
value of TO#NIL;
– To an I/O variable by means of direct access.
See Errors when accessing system variables and configuration
data as well as I/O variables for direct access (Page 99).
Access to a non-existent TO instance: A Technology Object
data type variable with a value of TO#NIL is used in a TO
TSI#taskId : StructTaskId TaskId of task in which the execution error has occurred.

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Table 3- 29 Taskstartinfo of user program tasks (continued)

Task Taskstartinfo Meaning

Description : Data type
TSI#startTime : DT Start time of the task
TSI#currentTaskId : StructTaskId TaskId of task
TSI#cycleTime : TIME Configured cycle time of task (= 0, because the task is sequential)
TSI#dwuser_1 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#dwuser_2 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#interruptId : UDINT • _SC_PROCESS_INTERRUPT ( = 200)
Process interrupt occurred at I/O module
Additional information in the following TSI:
– TSI#logBaseAdrIn
– TSI#logBaseAdrOut
– TSI#details
– TSI#eventClass
– TSI#faultId
For information about process interrupts, refer to Process
interrupts below.
Diagnostic interrupt occurred at I/O module
Additional information in the following TSI:
– TSI#logBaseAdrIn
– TSI#logBaseAdrOut
– TSI#logDiagAdr
– TSI#details
– TSI#eventClass
– TSI#faultId
PROFIBUS DP: A DP slave station has failed
PROFINET IO: Station failure of an IO device
Additional information in the following TSI:
– TSI#logDiagAdr
– TSI#eventClass
– TSI#faultId
PROFIBUS: Station reconnection of a DP slave
PROFINET IO: Station reconnection of an IO device
Additional information in the following TSI:
– TSI#logDiagAdr
– TSI#eventClass
– TSI#faultId

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Error during process image update (for DP slave: in connection
with station failure)
Additional information in the following TSI:
– TSI#logBaseAdrIn
– TSI#logBaseAdrOut
See Errors when generating the process image (Page 101).
Error in local controller module
Additional information in the following TSI:
– TSI#details

Table 3- 30 Taskstartinfo of user program tasks (continued)

Task Taskstartinfo Meaning

Description : Data type
PeripheralFaultTask (continued)
TSI#interruptId : UDINT • _SC_IMAGE_UPDATE_OK ( = 206)
(continued) Process image update works again (for DP slave: In connection
with station reconnection)
Additional information in the following TSI:
– TSI#logBaseAdrIn
– TSI#logBaseAdrOut
See Errors when generating the process image (Page 101).
Clock signal detected for the first time, and valid PRM message
frame is received
Multiple cycle failure or PLL has slipped (in internal
PLL switches to uncontrolled mode
PLL has slipped into synchronized operation
Multiple cycle failure or PLL has slipped (in internal
PLL remains in controlled mode
e.g. onboard SINAMICS measuring input (Control Unit)
e.g. TM15/TM17 High Feature/DO1 with message frame 39x:
Synchronization attained.
More information in the following TSI:
– TSI#logBaseAdrIn
– TSI#logBaseAdrOut

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TM15/TM17 High Feature/DO1 with message frame 39x:
Synchronization failed.
More information in the following TSI:
– TSI#logBaseAdrIn
– TSI#logBaseAdrOut
PROFINET IO: Unplugging or plugging of modules in an IO
More information in the following TSI:
– TSI#logBaseAdrIn
– TSI#logBaseAdrOut
– TSI#eventClass
– TSI#faultId
Fault message from DO1; cause of fault stored in the fault
buffer, can be read out with _readDriveFaults. The alarm must
be acknowledged with _resetDriveObjectFault.
More information in the following TSI:
– TSI#logBaseAdrIn
– TSI#logBaseAdrOut
– TSI#logDiagAdr
Warning message from DO1; warnings are stored in the
warning parameters, can be read out with
_readDriveParameter. The alarm cannot be acknowledged. It is
triggered by the arrival and departure of the last warning (see
More information in the following TSI:
– TSI#logBaseAdrIn
– TSI#logBaseAdrOut
– TSI#logDiagAdr
– TSI#details
TSI#logBaseAdrIn : DINT Logic base address for following TSI#InterruptId if the interrupt was
caused by an input area on the module:
• _SC_IMAGE_UPDATE_OK ( = 206)
Otherwise _SC_INVALID_ADDRESS (= -1)

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Taskstartinfo of user program tasks (continued)

Task Taskstartinfo Meaning

Description : Data type
PeripheralFaultTask (continued)
TSI#logBaseAdrOut : DINT Logic base address for following TSI#InterruptId if the interrupt
was caused by an output area on the module:
• _SC_IMAGE_UPDATE_OK ( = 206)
Otherwise _SC_INVALID_ADDRESS (= -1)
TSI#logDiagAdr : DINT Diagnostic address of a DP slave or IO device for following
• _SC_IMAGE_UPDATE_OK ( = 206)
Otherwise _SC_INVALID_ADDRESS (= -1)
TSI#details : DWORD Detailed information depending on TSI#InterruptId (see
Significance of the TSI#details table)
TSI#eventClass : UINT Event class depending on the TSI#InterruptId
Description in connection with TSI#faultId: See Significance of the
TSI#eventClass and TSI#faultId table
TSI#faultId : UINT Fault ID depending on the TSI#InterruptId
Description in connection with TSI#eventClass: See Significance
of the TSI#eventClass and TSI#faultId table
TSI#startTime : DT Start time of the task
TSI#currentTaskId : StructTaskId TaskId of task
TSI#cycleTime : TIME Configured cycle time of task (= 0, because the task is
TSI#dwuser_1 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#dwuser_2 : DWORD Reserved for internal use
TSI#startTime : DT Start time of the task
TSI#currentTaskId : StructTaskId TaskId of task
TSI#cycleTime : TIME Configured cycle time of task (= 0, because the task is
TSI#dwuser_1 : DWORD Reserved for internal use

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TSI#dwuser_2 : DWORD Reserved for internal use

TSI#shutDownInitiator : UDINT Initiate transition to STOP:
• _SC_MODE_SELECTOR ( = 400):
Mode selector switch
• _SC_DEVICE_COMMAND ( = 401):
System function in user program
• _SC_EXCEPTION ( = 403):
Configured response to technological Alarm_
Example of exceptions:
• Execution errors in programs
• Level overflow
• Withdrawing a central module in RUN mode

Table 3- 31 Significance of TSI#details depending on TSI#InterruptId (PeripheralFaultTask)

TSI#InterruptId Significance of TSI#details

_SC_PROCESS_INTERRUPT • Interrupt data of module signaling interrupt
( = 200)
The structure of these data is presented in the module manual.
• If interrupt source is in a SIMOTION I-slave:
Call parameters of the _sendProcessInterrupt() system function
_SC_DRIVE_OBJECT_ALARM • 1 = Incoming warning
(= 218) • 0 = Outgoing warning
_SC_DIAGNOSTIC_INTERRUPT DS0 ( = byte 0 - 3 of DS1) of module/station signaling interrupt
( = 201) The structure of the DS0 is presented in the module manual.
_SC_PC_INTERNAL_FAILURE The cause of the interrupt is represented as an OR operation to the following causes
( = 205) (sum of hexadecimal values).
Value Cause
16#00000001 "Fatal error" of host operating system (Windows
blue screen - P350).
16#00000002 Temperature error (P350, D4xx)
16#00000004 Temperature returned to normal (P350, D4xx)
16#00000008 Battery warning (battery voltage low, but still
sufficient - P350, D4xx)
16#00000010 Battery voltage returned to normal (P350, D4xx)
16#00000020 Battery error (battery voltage too low - P350,
16#00000040 Battery module removed (P350, D4xx)
16#00000080 Fan or dual fan failed (P350, D4xx)
16#00000100 UPS in buffer state (P350)

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TSI#InterruptId Significance of TSI#details

16#00000200 UPS non-chargeable interval expired, PC is
booting (P350)
16#00000400 UPS okay again (P350)
16#00000800 UPS battery warning (P350)
16#00001000 UPS battery error (battery no longer operational –
16#00002000 UPS battery warning (P350)
16#00004000 1 fan failed in dual fan (P350, D4xx)

Table 3- 32 Significance of TSI#eventClass and TSI#faultId depending on TSI#InterruptId (PeripheralFaultTask)

TSI#InterruptId TSI#eventC TSI#faultId Bus system1 Meaning

_SC_PROCESS_INTERRUPT 16#11 16#41 PROFIBUS DP Process interrupt
( = 200) PROFINET IO
_SC_DIAGNOSTIC_INTERRUPT 16#392 16#42 PROFIBUS DP Incoming diagnostic interrupt
( = 201) PROFINET IO
16#383 16#42 PROFIBUS DP Outgoing diagnostic interrupt
_SC_STATION_DISCONNECTED 16#392 16#C4 PROFIBUS DP A DP slave station has failed
( = 202) 16#CA PROFINET IO System error PROFINET IO4
16#CB PROFINET IO Station failure of an IO device
16#CC PROFINET IO IO device faulty.
Channel diagnostics or manufacturer-
specific diagnostics pending.
_SC_STATION_RECONNECTED 16#383 16#C4 PROFIBUS DP A DP slave station has been
( = 203) reconnected
16#CB PROFINET IO An IO device has been reconnected
without errors
16#CC PROFINET IO IO device error corrected
16#CD PROFINET IO An IO device has been reconnected,
but error: Set configuration <> actual
16#CE PROFINET IO An IO device has been reconnected,
but error during module
( = 216) removed or cannot be addressed.
16#61 PROFIBUS DP PROFINET DP module has been
removed or cannot be addressed.
16#54 PROFINET IO PROFINET IO submodule has been
removed or cannot be addressed.

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TSI#InterruptId TSI#eventC TSI#faultId Bus system1 Meaning

16#61 PROFIBUS DP Station is faulted or module has been
16#383 16#54 PROFINET IO PROFINET IO module or submodule
has been inserted, module type OK
(actual configuration = set
16#55 PROFINET IO PROFINET IO module or submodule
has been inserted, but wrong module
type (actual configuration <> set
16#56 PROFINET IO PROFINET IO module or submodule
has been inserted, but error during
module parameterization
16#58 PROFINET IO IO status of a module has changed
from BAD to GOOD
16#61 PROFIBUS DP PROFINET DP module or submodule
has been inserted, module type OK
16#63 PROFIBUS DP PROFINET DP module or submodule
has been inserted, but wrong module
type or module inserted
1 Bus system which signals the TSI#InterruptId with the specified TSI#eventClass and TSI#faultId
2 Signals incoming event
3 Signals outgoing event
4Outgoing event (TSI#eventClass = 16#38) is signaled for each existing station as station reconnection. Depending on the
error status, the values 16#CB, 16#CD or 16#CE are displayed in TSI#faultId.
The following example shows you how to query the TO instance that initiated the alarm and
the alarm number using the Taskstartinfo in the TechnologicalFaultTask. The TO_AlarmProg
program must therefore be assigned to the TechnologicalFaultTask.

Table 3- 33 Example of polling for Taskstartinfo in the TechnologicalFaultTask

dintVar : DINT;
dtVar : DT;
IF TSI#toInst = axis_1 THEN // from TO you have created
; // commands
IF TSIalarmNumber = 30002 THEN // Triggering alarm
; // commands
For an additional example, refer to Evaluating in the user program (Page 127) .

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Programming with Technology Objects
3.3 Response to faults and events

Process interrupts
Process interrupts are indicated using the TSI "_SC_PROCESS_INTERRUPT".
Once a module triggers a process interrupt, the interrupt is read out, the PeripheralFaultTask
is called and the interrupt is acknowledged. If a process interrupt of the same module occurs
again during this time, note the following:
● If the process interrupt occurs in the same channel that previously triggered a process
interrupt, then the relevant interrupt is lost.
● If the process interrupt occurs in a different channel of the same module, then no process
interrupt can be triggered at that moment. However, this interrupt is not lost, but rather is
triggered after the first active process interrupt has been acknowledged. The behavior is
analogous if a process interrupt is triggered:
– On another module of the same station
– On another module of another station

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Error Handling in Technology Objects 4
4.1 Possible errors in technology objects
The following basic errors are possible in the programming of technology objects:
● The technology object itself cannot execute the function required by the application or
reports certain events or states:
→ A technological alarm is output.
You can find information on the individual alarms in the SIMOTION Reference Lists.
● The command issued to a technology object cannot be executed:
→ The return value of the command provides information about the cause.
You can find information on the return values of the commands in the SIMOTION
Reference Lists.
● Error while accessing configuration data, system variables or I/O variables
The ExecutionFaultTask is called in the event of errors when configuration data or
variables are being read or written

See also
Process Alarms (Page 115)
Return values of commands (Page 128)
Errors when accessing system data with _get/_setSafeValue (Page 130)

4.2 Process Alarms

If an event (error, note) occurs on a technology object, the object issues a technological
A maximum of 160 technology object alarms can be stored in the system at one time. In this
regard per TO identical alarms are counted as one alarm. If this buffer overflows because
more than 160 alarms are pending simultaneously, the system switches to STOP mode with
a Message buffer overflow diagnostics entry. The user cannot read out the buffer level.
If a series of the same alarms occur in succession, the detailed information will only be
displayed on the first alarm. For the subsequent alarms the information will only be displayed
when the first alarm that occurred has been acknowledged.

Effects of alarms
Technological alarms cause subsequent responses in the system. A distinction is made
● Effects on the affected technology object itself: Local response
● Effects on other technology objects or the execution system: Global response

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4.2 Process Alarms

For each alarm, certain effects have a default setting. However, you can adapt these settings
to suit your requirements.
● By specifying the error activation, you can define whether the alarm is to be activated
immediately, after repeated occurrences of an error, or after a certain period of time.
● You can hide some alarms. This allows you, for example, to suppress unimportant

Alarm group association

TO alarm numbers are assigned to an alarm group. Some alarm groups are defined for each
TO type, whereas others are TO-specific. For example, alarm numbers 20006 and 20011
are assigned for a TO from the "Configuration error" alarm group.
Alarm groups are configured using the "errorGroup" system variable. A bit in this variable is
assigned to each alarm group. Bit 1 (the lowest is bit 0) is assigned to the "Configuration
error" alarm group. If bit 1 is set, this means there is an alarm from the "Configuration error"
group at the TO. The following table lists the various alarm groups.

Description Value Meaning

SYSTEM_FAULT 0x00000001 System error
CONFIG_FAULT 0x00000002 Configuration error
USER_FAULT 0x00000004 User error
PERIPHERAL_FAULT 0x00000008 I/O error
FUNCTION_FAULT 0x00000010 Function/command error
FUNCTION_ABORTED 0x00000020 Function/command abort
RESET_RESTART_FAULT 0x00000040 Reset/restart error
DISTRIBUTED_MOTION_FAULT 0x00000080 Error during distributed synchronous operation
FOLLOWING_ERROR 0x00000100 Dynamic following error monitoring
STANDSTILL_POSITIONING_ERR 0x00000200 Standstill/positioning monitoring error
DYNAMIC_LIMIT 0x000000400 Limitation of velocity, acceleration or jerk
CLAMPING_ERROR 0x000000800 Clamping monitoring error
SOFTWARE_LIMIT 0x000001000 Software limit position switch
LIMIT_SWITCH 0x000002000 Hardware limit position switch
SENSOR_FAULT 0x000004000 Encoder error
REFERENCE_NOT_FOUND 0x000008000 Homing output cam/zero mark error
OUTPUT_LIMIT 0x000010000 Output variable limitation
FORCE_DYNAMIC_LIMIT 0x000020000 Limitation of force and/or pressure
ADDITIONAL_SENSOR_FAULT 0x000040000 Error on additional encoder
SYNCHRONOUS_MOTION_FAUL 0x000080000 Synchronous operation error
FOLLOWING_OBJECT 0x000100000 Following object error
PATH_SYNCHRONOUS_MOTION 0x000200000 Synchronous path operation error
PATH_MOTION_FAULT 0x000400000 Path motion error
PATH_OBJECT 0x000800000 Path object error

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116 Function Manual, 05/2009
Error Handling in Technology Objects
4.2 Process Alarms

See also
Local response (Page 117)
Global response (Page 117)
Error activation (Page 118)
Configure technological alarms (Page 120)
Displaying and acknowledging technological alarms (Page 122)
Acknowledging via the user program (Page 123)
Evaluating in the user program (Page 127)

4.2.1 Local response

With the Local response setting, you specify how the relevant technology object is to react
when the alarm occurs and how subsequent commands for this TO will be handled.
Alarm responses are prioritized. Only one response can be in progress at any given time.
This is the response with the highest priority of all the alarms pending at that particular point
in time. When an alarm response occurs (except for NONE), the command decoder is
always stopped. Any programmed commands issued subsequently are rejected. Command
execution can continue after the alarm has been acknowledged in cases where the global
error response for the alarm does not automatically require a Power ON.
You can select specific response options depending on the individual technology object and
technology object alarm.
For information on the specific local response, please refer to the function manuals of the
respective technology objects.

4.2.2 Global response

The global response describes the effect of a technology object alarm on the execution
system. You can select the following response options depending on the respective TO
System does not respond when the alarm occurs.
● START TechnologicalFaultTask

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Error Handling in Technology Objects
4.2 Process Alarms

The TechnologicalFaultTask is started. Programs assigned to this task are started. This
provides the user with the option of programming an application-specific response to the
TO alarm. If there is no program assigned to this task, the system switches to STOP
The system switches to STOP mode. In this mode, all technology objects are inactive, the
user program is not executed, and all outputs are at zero. However, all system services
are still active, and user programs can be downloaded.
The system switches to STOPU mode. The program execution is terminated, the axis
enable and thus the position control is deactivated. The technology objects also remain
active and can still process requests for testing and commissioning functions. Otherwise,
identical to STOP mode.

4.2.3 Error activation

Type of error activation (TypeOfActivation)

Alarms and their associated alarm responses can be triggered in a variety of ways.
Depending on the error type, the error activation is preset to one of the following values.

Table 4- 1 Type of error activation

TypeOfActivation parameter Meaning

ACTIVATE_IMMEDIATELY The alarm is activated immediately when the
error occurs.
ACTIVATE_AFTER_NTIME The alarm is activated after the error occurs n
times. The number n of error repetitions is set in
the Continue parameter, see Error reproducibility
ACTIVATE_AFTER_NTIME_CONSECUTIVE The alarm is activated after time t. The error must
be pending without interruption over the entire
time t. The time is set in the Time parameter, see
Error response time table.

Error repeatability (Continue)

Table 4- 2 Error repeatability

Continue parameter Meaning

NO_TIME The alarm is activated immediately when the error occurs.
TIME_n The alarm is activated after the error occurs n times.
This parameter is relevant only if the TypeOfActivation parameter is set to
TIME_n can be set to values TIME_10, TIME_100, and TIME_1000, depending on the alarm.

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Error Handling in Technology Objects
4.2 Process Alarms

Error response time (Time)

Table 4- 3 Error response time

Time parameter Meaning

NO_TIME The alarm is activated immediately when the error occurs.
TIME_n The alarm is triggered after a temporally uninterrupted error presence
of n milliseconds.
This parameter is relevant only if the TypeOfActivation parameter is set to
TIME_n can be set to values TIME_1, TIME_10, TIME_100, and TIME_1000, depending on
the alarm.

You can set the Type parameter to specify whether certain TO alarms are to be displayed. If
you select the Hidden setting, an alarm message is not displayed when this alarm occurs
and no entry is written to the diagnostics buffer. You can thereby prevent an overflow of the
alarm buffer when a particular technology alarm is issued frequently, or suppress a note
message that is not important to you.

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Error Handling in Technology Objects
4.2 Process Alarms

4.2.4 Configure technological alarms

Individual responses are preset for each alarm. To change these default settings, proceed as
1. Select the Execution System path in the project navigator. The Execution System window
opens. Select the path SystemInterruptTasks → TechnologicalFaultTask. Then click the
Alarm configuration button in the window.

Figure 4-1 Configuring a technological alarm

2. In the combo box, select the technology object for which you want to configure alarms.
The alarms for the technology object are displayed.

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Error Handling in Technology Objects
4.2 Process Alarms

3. Select the alarm for which you want to change the response.
4. Select the required response from the list for the corresponding technology object alarm.
The options available depend on the type of alarm.

Figure 4-2 Selecting a technological alarm

The technology object whose alarms you want to configure must already be configured.

The alarm configuration can be transferred to other technology objects via the corresponding
buttons in the Alarm configuration dialog (via export/import).

Exporting or importing technological alarms

So that all changes that you execute in the dialog Configuration:Technological alarms are
exported, the button Export remains inactive until you accept all changes with Accept.

To export all TO alarms in XML format, proceed as follows:

1. Open the Configuration: Technological alarms dialog.
2. Click on export to select the Export alarm configuration dialog.
3. Select a path for the export and confirm with OK.
The alarms will be saved in the specified path.

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Error Handling in Technology Objects
4.2 Process Alarms

To import TO alarms in XML format, proceed as follows:

1. In the Configuration: Technological alarms dialog click on Import.
This displays the Import alarm configuration dialog.
2. Under Source path and source name of the import select the desired XML file.
3. Click OK to import the data. The alarms will then be displayed in the dialog.

Configuring messages (alarms) for all TOs of a certain TO type

You can assign an alarm configuration to all TOs of a certain type. For example you can
assign a configuration to all position axes.
1. Open the Configuration: Technological alarms dialog.
2. Adapt the configuration of the alarms. Once you have changed the settings of at least
one alarm the entries in the Technology object list will be extended by the TO types, e.g.
position axes.
3. Select the TO type from the list.
4. Click on OK to assign the the settings to all TOs of the selected type.

4.2.5 Displaying and acknowledging technological alarms

Technological alarms can be evaluated and acknowledged in different ways:
● When SIMOTION SCOUT is in online mode, alarms and messages are displayed on the
Alarms tab in the detail view of the workbench.
With Acknowledge, all alarms of the associated type are deleted.
● Alarms can be output, displayed, and acknowledged via the Human Machine Interface
● All pending or individually selected alarms of a technology object can also be queried,
evaluated and acknowledged via the user program.

Acknowledging via SIMOTION SCOUT

1. Select the alarm in the Alarms tab of the detail view
2. Click Acknowledge.
All alarms of the associated type are then deleted.

Because drive alarms usually generate technology object alarms as well, the drive alarms
are also deleted with the Acknowledge (TO) switch. If however the cause of a drive alarm
still exists then a new TO alarm will be triggered immediately. In this case first correct the
cause of the drive alarm.

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Error Handling in Technology Objects
4.2 Process Alarms

Display and acknowledge via HMI

1. Connection via ProTool or WinCC flexible
Alarms are displayed in a configured message line or in message windows.
WinCC or ProTool devices are acknowledged via the ACK key or via user-configured
softkeys or buttons.
(See the WinCC flexible description or the ProTool description for more information)
2. Link via OPC
Alarms can be displayed and acknowledged in SimaticNet as of V6.0 SP4 OPC Alarms &
Events. In addition the diagnostic buffer can be read out and acknowledged if necessary.
(For operating instructions see the Ethernet-based HMI and diagnostic functions product
information, which you can find on the SIMOTION SCOUT CD documentation)

4.2.6 Acknowledging via the user program

Acknowledge all pending technology object alarms

_resetTechnologicalErrors → Acknowledge all currently pending technology object alarms
ST call example: Acknowledge all pending alarms

s_i_RetVal : DINT;
(* Acknowledge all TO alarms *)
s_i_RetVal:= _resetTechnologicalErrors();


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Error Handling in Technology Objects
4.2 Process Alarms

MCC call: Acknowledge all pending alarms

Figure 4-3 MCC call: Acknowledge all pending alarms

Acknowledge all pending alarms of a technology object

ST call example: Acknowledge all alarms on a TO axis, TO measuringInput and TO

s_i_RetVal : DINT;
(* Acknowledge TO alarms ('ResetTOAlarms') *)
s_i_RetVal:= _resetAxisError(axis:=Axis_1);
s_i_RetVal:= _resetMeasuringInputError(
s_i_RetVal:= _resetOutputCamError(outputCam:=OutputCam_1);

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Error Handling in Technology Objects
4.2 Process Alarms

MCC call: Acknowledge all alarms on a TO axis, TO measuringInput and TO outputCam

Figure 4-4 MCC call: Acknowledge all alarms on a TO axis, TO measuringInput and TO outputCam

Acknowledging a specific alarm of a technology object

By adding errorResetMode := SPECIFIC_ERROR and errorNumber := XXXXX to the _reset..
commands, it is possible to specifically acknowledge a certain alarm.
_resetAxisError (..., errorResetMode := SPECIFIC_ERROR, errorNumber := 30002)
ST call example: Acknowledge alarm 30002 on a TO axis

s_i_RetVal : DINT;
(* Acknowledge specific TO alarm ('ResetSingleTOAlarm') *)
s_i_RetVal := _resetAxisError(axis:=Axis_1,

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Error Handling in Technology Objects
4.2 Process Alarms

MCC call: Acknowledge alarm 30002 on a TO axis

Figure 4-5 MCC call: Acknowledge alarm 30002 on a TO axis

Resetting a technology object

The technology object is set to its initial state and all pending alarms are acknowledged.

In addition to troubleshooting the commands for reset have other effects on the TO as well.
Therefore, as a general rule, errors should be acknowledged with the _reset...Error

In contrast to the _reset...Error command, the _reset... commands also bring the respective
TO to a safe state. In addition to acknowledging the alarms, the following actions are
performed for each TO type:
● Stop the active commands
● Clear the command buffer
● Reset system variables (parameter userDefaultData)
● Execute a TO restart (parameter activateRestart)
In addition, actions dependent on the TO type are executed:
● Axes: Generate a braking ramp
● Output cam and cam track: Switch off the hardware output
● Cam: Delete the curve geometry
● Path object: Stop the path group
Call example: Resetting TO axis, TO measuringInput and TO outputCam

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Error Handling in Technology Objects
4.2 Process Alarms

s_i_RetVal : DINT;
(* Reset object ('ResetObject') *)
s_i_RetVal := _resetAxis(axis:=Axis_1,
s_i_RetVal := _resetMeasuringInput(
s_i_RetVal:= _resetOutputCam(outputCam:=OutputCam_1,

4.2.7 Evaluating in the user program

In the case of alarms for which the StartTechnologicalFaultTask global response is
configured, the TechnologicalFaultTask is called once with every alarm occurrence. The
number of the pending alarm and the technology object triggering the alarm can be scanned
in this task. The information is passed to the TechnologicalFaultTask via the task start info
You can add a program to the TechnologicalFaultTask and thus program an individual error
reaction for specific alarms or, for example intercept alarms and forward them to higher-level
alarm evaluation.

If you have not added any program to the TechnologicalFaultTask, the CPU will switch to
STOP mode if the task is called by an alarm.

The following parameters are transferred in TechnologicalFaultTask for evaluation:

TSI#startTime → time at which the alarm was registered

TSI#alarmNumber → alarm number
TSI#toInst → name of the technology object that triggered the alarm (e.g.
Programming example
Every time Alarm 30002 occurs on Axis_1, a counter (s_i_Count) is to be incremented and
the alarm acknowledged automatically.

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Error Handling in Technology Objects
4.3 Return values of commands

Note: This sample program must be added to the TechnologicalFaultTask in the execution

s_i_Count : INT;
s_i_RetVal: DINT;

(*Query whether alarm 30002 is pending for Axis_1*)

IF (TSI#alarmNumber = 30002) AND
(TSI#toInst = Axis_1) THEN
(*Increment counter*)
s_i_Count:= s_i_Count + 1;
(* Acknowledge specific TO alarm
('ResetSingleTOAlarms') *)
s_i_RetVal := _resetAxisError(axis:=Axis_1,

4.3 Return values of commands

The user program indicates whether or not an executed command was able to be executed
successfully during runtime.
Any error information is contained in the return value of the block. You do not have to
acknowledge this error information.

Evaluating the return value

When a command returns a value of zero, this signifies that the command has been
executed without error. If an error has occurred, the return value contains an error number
that can be used to identify the cause of the error.
The possible error numbers for the respective commands can be found in the SIMOTION
Reference Lists.
You can respond to possible errors during system function execution in the user program,
thus preventing secondary errors.
Likewise for MCC commands you can program a specific error reaction by entering a return
variable with the return value of the command (see MCC Programming Manual, section
Expert tab).

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Error Handling in Technology Objects
4.3 Return values of commands

Call example
If an error occurs when the _pos command is being executed, the g_bo_error variable is to
be set to true, the return value entered in the g_i_errornumber parameter and the block
Note: This sample program must be added to a MotionTask in the execution system!

g_bo_error: BOOL;
g_i_errornumber: DINT;
g_i_RetVal: DINT;

(* Position axis ('Pos') *)

g_i_RetVal:= _pos(axis:=Axis_1,
(*Evaluation of the return value *)
IF g_i_RetVal <> 0 THEN
g_i_errornumber := g_i_RetVal;
g_bo_error := true;
Return; // End block
// Further user program as of here.

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Error Handling in Technology Objects
4.4 Errors when accessing system data with _get/_setSafeValue

4.4 Errors when accessing system data with _get/_setSafeValue

Error while accessing configuration data, system variables or I/O variables

With V4.1.3 and higher, these system functions are not necessarily required for system
variables and config data. In the event of access errors (e.g TO in restart), a "replacement
value" or "last value" can be configured; see System variables (Page 85) or Configuration
data (Page 88).
Where direct access is involved, ExecutionFaultTask is called in the event of errors occurring
when configuration data or system variables are being read or written (see Access errors to
system variables and configuration data, as well as I/O variables for direct access
(Page 99)).
However, in certain cases it is necessary to avoid calling the ExecutionFaultTask, to respond
differently to an error or to deviate from the configured error response. The functions
_getSafeValue, _setSafeValue, and getInOutByte serve this purpose.
restartInfo.behaviorInvalidSysvarAccess can be used for this (only when accessMode =
CONFIGURED, see System variables (Page 85) or Configuration data (Page 88)).

Replacement value strategy and errors when accessing system variables, config data, and IO
There are various situations in which the reading or writing of a system variable, a
configuration data item or an I/O variable can fail.

Table 4- 4 Possible causes for the read/write failure

Cause System variable Config data item I/O variable

Variable temporarily not TO in restart TO in restart Faulty input
available TO deactivated TO deactivated
- Data not visible in the current Faulty output
Illegal value (for write) Value lies outside the limits Value lies outside the limits -
Value not in the grid Value not in the grid -
Depending on the cause, the following responses are possible:

Table 4- 5 System response in the event of an error when using _getSafeValue

Required response System variable Config data item I/O variable

A value that temporarily cannot be accessed while reading:
Answer → STOP → STOP → STOP
Value Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged
Do not read Call = accessMode NO_CHANGE NO_CHANGE Not implemented
Value Last value Configured value
Read substitute value Call = accessMode DEFAULT_VALUE DEFAULT_VALUE DEFAULT_VALUE
Value Default value Default value Substitute value

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Error Handling in Technology Objects
4.4 Errors when accessing system data with _get/_setSafeValue

Required response System variable Config data item I/O variable

Read last valid value Call = accessMode CONFIGURED CONFIGURED NO_CHANGE
Answer (In acc. with (In acc. with NO_CHANGE
Value configuration data item configuration data item Last valid value
behavior, etc.) behavior, etc.)

Table 4- 6 System response in the event of an error when using _setSafeValue - when writing a temporarily inaccessible

Required response System variable Config data item I/O variable

Answer → STOP → STOP → STOP
Value Unchanged Unchanged Current value
Return value setValue Current value Current value -
Do not write Call = accessMode NO_CHANGE NO_CHANGE Not implemented
Value Unchanged Unchanged
Return value setValue Current value Current value
Do not write Call = accessMode DEFAULT_VALUE DEFAULT_VALUE Not implemented
Value Unchanged Unchanged
Return value setValue Current value Current value
Do not write Call = accessMode CONFIGURED CONFIGURED Not implemented
Answer (In acc. with config (In acc. with config
Value data item behavior, data item behavior,
etc.) etc.)
Return value setValue Current value Current value
Accept substitute Call = accessMode Not implemented Not implemented DEFAULT_VALUE
value, will take effect Answer DEFAULT_VALUE
Value Substitute value
Accept current value, Call = accessMode Not implemented Not implemented NO_CHANGE
will take effect later Answer NO_CHANGE
Value Current value

Table 4- 7 System response in the event of an error when using _setSafeValue - error when writing an invalid value

Required response System variable Config data item I/O variable

Go to STOP Call = accessMode STOP_DEVICE STOP_DEVICE Does not occur
Answer → STOP → STOP
Value Unchanged Unchanged
Return value setValue Current value Current value
Do not write Call = accessMode NO_CHANGE NO_CHANGE

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Error Handling in Technology Objects
4.4 Errors when accessing system data with _get/_setSafeValue

Required response System variable Config data item I/O variable

Value Unchanged Unchanged
Return value setValue Current value Current value
Write default value Call = accessMode DEFAULT_VALUE DEFAULT_VALUE
Value DEFAULT_VALUE Unchanged
Return value setValue Current value Current value

Legend for tables above

The DEFAULT_VALUE is the configured value. This is the value transferred during a
download (system variables and config data).
● LAST VALUE - configured value (config data)
The last value can be the configured value. The value will then be equivalent to the value
shown under "Current value" in the expert list.
The last value can be the last configured value. The value will then be equivalent to the
value shown under "Next value" in the expert list.
Either of these values can be output, depending on the configuration data entered.
● LAST VALUE - last value (system variables)
With system variables, the last value is the value which is currently set and effective.

See also
System variables (Page 85)
_getSafeValue function (Page 329)
_setSafeValue function (Page 332)
_getInOutByte function (Page 335)
Configuration data (Page 88)

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132 Function Manual, 05/2009
Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks 5
5.1 Execution system
The SIMOTION execution system provides various execution levels.
● The execution levels are assigned user program tasks.
– The user tasks are assigned programs.
All programs - and thus also tasks - can contain PLC and motion control tasks.
The following execution levels are available:
● Synchronous execution levels: synchronous with control and interpolator cycle clocks
● Time-driven execution levels
● Event-driven execution levels
● Interrupt-controlled execution levels
● Sequential execution levels
● Free-running execution levels
Various tasks with different execution properties are available for specific tasks:

System tasks
System tasks are regularly executed by the system.
The system cycle clock can be specified.
The following tasks are executed by system tasks:
● Communication
System tasks for the connection to the isochronous PROFIBUS, to PROFINET IO with
IRT or the system cycle clock and for I/O processing.
● Motion control
– Base cycle clock/bus cycle clock
The bus cycle clock (DP cycle clock or PN cycle clock) is based on the cycle of the
isochronous bus and determines the time intervals for data exchange with the DP/PN
I/O. The base/bus cycle clock is used as the basis for setting further cycle clocks.
– Servo cycle clock
Among other things, position control and monitoring of axes, drive communication,
and I/O processing take place during the time slice of the servo cycle clock. The cycle
for the servo cycle clock determines the interval between two position control cycle
clocks. The servo cycle clock can be set as a multiple of the base/bus cycle clock. A
cycle clock ratio of 1:1 is recommended.

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Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks
5.1 Execution system

– IPO cycle clock

The time slice of the interpolator cycle clock is used, amongst other things, to
calculate the setpoints. The cycle for the interpolator cycle clock determines the
interval between two interpolator cycle clocks. Time slice requirements may increase
briefly at the start of one or more commands. The IPO cycle clock can be set as a
multiple of the servo cycle clock. A cycle clock ratio of 1:1 is recommended.
– IPO2 - cycle clock 2
Interpolator cycle clock 2 handles the same tasks as the interpolator cycle clock and
can be used for technology objects of lower priority classes. The IPO2 cycle clock can
be set as a multiple of the IPO cycle clock.
Adjustable gear ratios between bus task, servo, and IPO support appropriate load
distribution and optimum system utilization.
With digital drives, these execution levels are synchronized with the isochronous
PROFIBUS or PROFINET IO with IRT. For analog drives without isochronous
PROFIBUS, the execution levels are supplied with an adjustable system cycle clock from
an internal timer.









Example of cycle clock settings

● Temperature control
In connection with the TControl technology package, execution levels are available for
the temperature control: Actual value measurement, control and pulse width modulation
of the output signals.

User programming
Execution levels for the task-related programming are available for the user programming
(user program tasks): Motion control, logic and technological functions.

See also
Specifications for the configuring (Page 237)

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Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks
5.1 Execution system

5.1.1 Execution levels / tasks

The execution levels define the chronological sequence of programs in the execution
system. Each execution level contains one or more tasks.
A task provides the execution framework for the programs. Each task is executed when
specific conditions are satisfied. You can assign one or more user programs to each task
and specify their order within the task.
Besides user program tasks there are also several system tasks, the contents and execution
sequence of which you cannot influence.

Execution levels
The following figure shows the execution levels with their tasks.





'FF$X[ '&&








Figure 5-1 Execution levels and tasks in the SIMOTION runtime system

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Function Manual, 05/2009 135
Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks
5.1 Execution system

When you use technology packages, the execution levels provided by the system are
automatically assigned. The user program cannot influence the processing of technology
functions in these execution levels. System tasks are acyclic communication (Ethernet,
PROFIBUS DP. PROFINET IO), debug services or trace preprocessing, for example.
The DCC levels and tasks are not visible in the execution system in the SCOUT user
interface. The DCC plans are arranged in the DCC editor via execution groups, see
Description of the DCC editor.
The following example for the Axis technology object demonstrates how the system and user
program tasks interact with each other. At the end of cyclic data transmission, the
ServoSynchronousTask and ServoTask are started, followed by the IPOSynchronousTask
and IPOTask.










Figure 5-2 Task interaction

For more information, go to:

Isochronous I/O processing on fieldbus systems (Page 203)
Dynamic response with respect to data processing in the control (Page 210)

One or more tasks are available in each execution level for user programming.
The main features of the tasks are:
● Start behavior: When and under what conditions a task is started. (refer to Table )
● Priority: Which task is interrupted by which other task. (refer to the table for the task
priorities in the next section)
The following table shows the tasks available for user programs.

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5.1 Execution system

Table 5- 1 Tasks in the SIMOTION runtime system

Task Description
StartupTask The StartupTask is executed once at the transition from STOP or STOPU mode to
RUN mode. It is intended for initialization and resetting of technology objects.
Free-running tasks: In the round robin execution level, the MotionTasks and BackgroundTask are
executed by the system in the background in the time-slice procedure.
MotionTasks MotionTasks are intended for the programming of sequences, for programmed
motion control or other sequential executions.
MotionTasks are started by user programs and executed once.
BackgroundTask The BackgroundTask is provided for the programming of cyclic sequences without
a fixed time scale.
The BackgroundTask is started after system start-up and then executed cyclically
and free-running.
Time-driven tasks and synchronous Cyclic tasks. They are called cyclically in a certain time frame and are
tasks: automatically restarted after the execution of the assigned programs.
TimerInterruptTasks TimerInterruptTasks are intended for the periodical starting of programs.
SynchronousTasks SynchronousTasks are started periodically, synchronous with a specified system
cycle clock.
Event-driven tasks: Sequential tasks. They are started and executed once when an event occurs and
then terminated.
SystemInterruptTasks SystemInterruptTasks are started and executed once when a system event
UserInterruptTasks UserInterruptTasks are started and executed once when a user-defined event
ShutdownTask The ShutdownTask is executed once at the transition from RUN mode to STOP or
STOPU mode.

In addition to the user program tasks, there are various system-internal tasks that the user
cannot influence.
The ControlPanelTask is such a system-internal task, for example. It is visible during the
task run times of the device diagnosis, but not in the execution system.
As of V4.1.2, the TaskTrace is also available. The SIMOTION Task Trace records the
sequence of the individual tasks, labels "user events" which you can generate using a
program command, and represents this graphically; see .

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See also
StartupTask (Page 145)
MotionTasks (Page 147)
BackgroundTask (Page 151)
TimerInterruptTasks (Page 154)
SynchronousTasks (Page 158)
SystemInterruptTasks (Page 164)
UserInterruptTasks (Page 169)
ShutdownTask (Page 174)
Isochronous I/O processing on fieldbus systems (Page 203)

5.1.2 Execution system in SIMOTION SCOUT

All tasks used in the execution system can be viewed in SIMOTION SCOUT.
● Select the SIMOTION device in the project navigator and select Target system >
Configure execution system in the menu or double-click EXECUTION SYSTEM.

Figure 5-3 Overview of the tasks in SCOUT

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5.1 Execution system

Execution system
The execution system with the execution levels and the assigned tasks are displayed here.

Execution levels tree

The execution levels tree displays the available execution levels / tasks as fixed entries.
The OperationLevel folder contains the tasks that are available in the RUN mode.
● To open the OperationLevel folder, click the plus sign in front of it.
The list below each execution level or task name shows the configured tasks and the
programs assigned to them.
After you have assigned programs to tasks, they are displayed in the execution levels tree.

Use task in execution system

Select the tasks from the list that should be used in the execution system.
● Activate the checkbox of the respective task.
Only those tasks that have been selected will be shown in the execution levels tree.

Execution system - context menu

You can select the following functions:

Function Meaning/Note
Open Use this to open the execution level configuration.
Set system cycle clocks Use this to set the ratio between the system cycle clocks (e.g.
between the interpolator cycle clock and the servo cycle clock)
depending on a parameterized isochronous operation at the
Print Use this to print the contents of the execution system. All tasks with
the associated configuration are printed.
Print preview Use this to open the print preview for the execution system.

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5.1 Execution system

5.1.3 Task priorities

Tasks and the programs assigned to them are started and executed at a certain time. If
several tasks are to be started and executed at the same time, the task priority determines
which task will be executed first.

Table 5- 2 Overview of the task priorities

Priority Execution level Task Cyclic/ Meaning

High Servo, DP - z
Servo / T1(DCC) Servodcc z Task of a DCC runtime group (T1)
ServoSynchronousTask User program task in the servo
ServoTask cycle clock
System task
IPO / T2(DCC) Ipodcc z Task of a DCC runtime group (T2)
IPOSynchronousTask z User program task in the
• Check UserInterrupt interpolator cycle clock
• User program
IPOTask z System task in the IPO cycle clock
• Check the condition for
IPO_2 / T3(DCC) Ipodcc_2 z Task of a DCC runtime group (T3)
IPOSynchronousTask_2 z User program task in the
interpolator cycle clock 2
IPOTask2 z System task in the IPO cycle clock
TControlTasks PWMsynchronousTask z Temperature controller task
InputSynchronousTask_ 1 z Temperature controller task
InputSynchronousTask_ 2 z Temperature controller task
PostControlTask_1 z Temperature controller task
PostControlTask_2 z Temperature controller task
+ associated system tasks z
DccAux (DCC) Dccaux z Task of a DCC runtime group (T4)
DccAux_2 (DCC) Dccaux_2 z Task of a DCC runtime group (T5)
Low SystemInterruptTasks TimeFaultTask s System alarm
(in the order of events)
TimeFaultBackgroundTask s System alarm
(in the order of events)
TechnologicalFaultTask s System alarm
(in the order of events)
PeripheralFaultTask s System alarm
(in the order of events)
ExecutionFaultTask s System alarm
(in the order of events)

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5.1 Execution system

Priority Execution level Task Cyclic/ Meaning

TimerInterruptTasks TimerInterruptTask1 ... z ... z Timer alarms
UserInterruptTasks UserInterruptTask_1 s User alarm (in the order of events)
UserInterruptTask_2 s User alarm (in the order of events)
Round robin BackgroundTask z User program task (the sequence
cannot be specified)
MotionTask_1 ... MotionTask_32 s ... s User program tasks (the sequence
cannot be specified)

The priority of a task cannot be changed by the user.

Tasks run according to their priorities. Thus, higher priority tasks supersede lower priority
Therefore, fluctuations of the cycle time can occur for lower priority tasks.

● TimerInterruptTasks:
The shorter a time slice, the higher its priority.
● UserInterruptTasks:
All tasks have the same priority and are executed in the order of their activation events.
● Wait for condition / WAITFORCONDITION temporarily increases the priority of a
– The condition is checked with the same priority as for UserInterruptTasks.
– If the condition is satisfied, the MotionTask (that was previously pending) is
– The commands enclosed between WAITFORCONDITION and
ENDWAITFORCONDITION are executed with increased priority (between
SystemInterruptTasks and TimerInterruptTasks).
Further information on Wait for condition / WAITFORCONDITION can be found in the
SIMOTION MCC or SIMOTION ST programming manuals.

Checking the condition for UserInterruptTask

The condition for the UserInterruptTasks is checked in the IPOSynchronousTask, prior to the
execution of the user program of the IPOSynchronousTask.
Any errors that occur for the UserInterruptTask condition will be handled as if they came
from the IPOsynchronousTask.
The time required for checking the condition of the UserInterruptTask is part of the runtime of
the IPOsynchronousTask.

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Checking the wait condition

If wait conditions can be used, such as Wait for condition / WAITFORCONDITION, the
system performs the check, the task is not started for the check.
A synchronous setting on the command (e.g. Wait until motion end) is reasonable especially
in sequential tasks.
The WAITFORCONDITION condition is checked after the user program for the
IPOSynchronousTask at the start of the IPOTask.
Any errors that occur for WAITFORCONDITION will be handled as if they came from the
associated MotionTask.
The time required for checking the WAITFORCONDITION condition(s) is part of the runtime
of the IPOTask.

Task start sequence

When the StartupTask is completed, RUN mode is reached.
The following tasks are then started:
● SynchronousTasks
● TimerInterruptTasks
● BackgroundTask
● MotionTasks for which the attribute for automatic start is set

The priorities of the execution levels or their tasks do not indicate the order in which the
MotionTasks, BackgroundTask and time-triggered tasks are started after RUN mode is

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5.1 Execution system

5.1.4 Runtime model in SIMOTION

The following diagram shows the general sequence and (from top to bottom) the priorities of
the tasks in SIMOTION.

1 '331V\VWHP

'331$6,&!EXV 1:n

2 3 4 6HUYR
'331$6,&! 3$ 6HUYR6\QFKUR 3$ /RJDGGU!

5 6 7 ,32









3$ 3$

3$ 3$

Explanations for the figure:

The display applies to a ratio between DP, Servo and IPO of 1:1:1
• Color blue/green: available to the user (application / technology objects)
• Color yellow (dashed): not available to the user (system tasks)

Figure 5-4 Runtime model in SIMOTION - general sequence, priorities

Explanation of the system tasks

1. DP/PN-ASIC <-> Bus:
Data is copied from the communications chip to the PROFIBUS or PROFINET IO with
IRT or fetched from there. The transfer of the I/O inputs on the logical addresses (2) is
started at the end of the copy action.
The copy action runs on its own processor and thus asynchronously to the remaining
execution system. The synchronization point is the end of the data exchange between the
bus and the ASIC.
2. DP/PN-ASIC -> log. addr.:
The I/O inputs are loaded from the communications chip.

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3. System servo:
System calculations in the servo cycle clock (position controller, etc.).
If all tasks of the servo level cannot be calculated in a single cycle (bus cycle clock), a
level overflow occurs and the system enters STOP mode, the start-up lock is set and a
corresponding entry is made in the diagnostic buffer. Only after a ramp-up (power on/off)
or download can the system return to RUN mode.
4. Log. addr. -> DP/PN-ASIC:
The I/O outputs are written to the communications chip.
5. UserInterrupt - Check:
The conditions of the two user interrupts are checked.
6. Wait for condition - Check:
The conditions for WAITFORCONDITION (wait for axis, wait for signal, etc.) are checked.
7. System IPO/IPO_2:
The system-side components of the IPO cycle clock are calculated (motion control:
Positioning profiles, synchronous operation, etc.).
8. MotionTask n:
A MotionTask that is waiting with a WAITFORCONDITION will be switched in preference
when the condition occurs (with higher priority).
9. BackgroundTask:
The BackgroundTask runs here.
The updating of the background process image (PI) is performed at the start and after
completion of the complete BackgroundTask.
The runtime model normally runs several times between the reading of the input image
and the writing of the output image. I.e. depending on the size of the user program, the
BackgroundTask is interrupted several times by higher priority tasks (starting with the
Communication functions (HMI, PG/PC, etc.).

See also
SynchronousTasks (Page 158)
BackgroundTask (Page 151)

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

5.1.5 Execution system in the symbol browser

You can monitor and, if required, change program instance data of programs that are used in
the execution system. This data includes the values of local variables that are normally not
monitored on the unit.
For example, you have used a function block several times in the execution system on
MotionTasks. You can then view the program instance data under every MotionTask in the
symbol browser of the execution system.

To display the symbol browser for the execution system:

1. Select the execution system in the project navigator.
2. Click the symbol browser into the foreground in the detail view.
The available program instance data is then displayed for each task.

If you have selected "Only create program instance data once" as the compiler setting,
the program instance data is no longer displayed. It is displayed locally on the unit.

5.2 Description of the user program tasks

5.2.1 StartupTask
The StartupTask is provided for the one-time initialization and the resetting of the technology
It is activated when the operating mode switches from STOP or STOPU to RUN.
It must not be used for process start-up or homing or for setting up axes (motion commands
must not be used).
While the StartupTask is being executed, no other user program tasks except for the
SystemInterruptTask and the UserInterruptTask are active.
Access to process image and symbolic I/O variables is restricted. The process image of the
inputs is updated before the startup task and remains constant for the duration of the startup
task. The process image of the outputs is set to zero before the startup task, and output after
the startup task. Direct accesses to inputs provide the current values. Write I/O variables can
be set to initial values. These values, however, act only after the startup task with the enable
of all outputs on the terminals.

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

When the StartupTask is completed, RUN mode has been reached. The following tasks are
now started:
● SynchronousTasks
● TimerInterruptTasks
● MotionTasks, in which the automatic start attribute is set
● BackgroundTask
Select the Program assignment tab to assign the created and compiled programs to the
StartupTask and define their execution sequence.

Configuring the StartupTask

1. Click StartupTask in the Execution Levels tree.

Figure 5-5 Configuration of the StartupTask (program assignment)

2. In the Program assignment tab, assign the required programs to this task and define the
execution sequence.

Figure 5-6 Configuration of the StartupTask (task configuration)

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

3. Switch to the Task Configuration tab.

4. If required, enter the Range limit for dynamic data (stack size).
5. Specify the Error reaction with program error (e.g. ExecutionFaultTask).

Task configuration - StartupTask

In the Task configuration tab, parameterize the error reaction with program errors.
You can set the following parameters:

Field/Button Significance / Note

Limits for dynamic data Enter the stack size for this task in bytes. When the programs assigned
to this task are executed, this size is made available for data in the
stack. The guide value is 16 KB for a task.
Error reaction with program Select the error reaction if errors occur while processing programs.
error Program errors are, for example, faulty operations with floating-point
numbers, division by zero and overshooting array limits.
CPU to STOP The CPU switches to STOP mode and the ShutdownTask is started.
ExecutionFaultTask The ExecutionFaultTask is started. All programs assigned to this task
are started.
If no programs assigned, the CPU switches to STOP mode. The task in
which the error occurred is terminated.

See also
Assigning programs to the execution levels/tasks (Page 176)
SystemInterruptTasks (Page 164)

5.2.2 MotionTasks
MotionTasks are intended for the programming of sequences, for programmed motion
control or other sequential executions.
Example for the sequential execution: An axis traverses to a target position, waits for an
enable signal, and then traverses to the next target position.
Several MotionTasks are available:
● Up to V3.2: 20 MotionTasks MotionTask_1 to MotionTask_20
● As of V4.0 only for D4xx and P350: 32 MotionTasks MotionTask_1 to MotionTask_32
The names of the MotionTasks can be changed, see below.

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

MotionTasks are executed in the round robin execution level.

C230 and C240 devices only have 20 MotionTasks; all other CPUs (see above) have 32.
With the C230 and C240, the excess MotionTasks may be deleted. Once deleted, these
MotionTasks cannot be reinstalled.

MotionTasks and BackgroundTask share the free time apart from the higher-priority system
and user program tasks. The relationship of the time slices between both levels can be
parameterized, see Setting the time allocation (Page 196).
There is no fixed sequence of execution for MotionTasks and BackgroundTask.
Instructions for influencing the task execution are provided in Overview of the task control
commands (Page 254).

Starting a MotionTask
MotionTasks are usually controlled from the user program via task control commands such
as _startTaskID, _stopTaskID,, ... . With the corresponding configuration (set attribute), a
MotionTask starts automatically when the RUN mode has been reached. You can scan the
current task status using the _getStateOfTaskID system command.
A MotionTask does not have any time monitoring, i.e. once a MotionTask is started, it can
remain active for an indefinite period.
A MotionTask that waits for a synchronous command remains active with regard to its status.

Completing a MotionTask
A MotionTask is completed when the task has been completed or at the transition to the
STOP or STOPU mode (start of the ShutdownTask).
One way to automatically suspend the task is to use wait commands Wait for condition /
The task is suspended when the wait command is issued. The condition specified in the
command is checked in the IPO cycle clock. When the condition is fulfilled, the MotionTask
is automatically resumed. Depending on where you position the wait command, you can
influence the task priority when execution continues.
The commands (with MCC in the gray area behind the command) enclosed between
WAITFORCONDITION and ENDWAITFORCONDITION are executed with increased priority
(between SystemInterruptTasks and TimerInterruptTasks).
Select the Program assignment tab to assign the created and compiled programs to the
MotionTasks and define the execution sequence.

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

You can set the following parameters:

Field/Button Meaning/Note
MotionTask Under MotionTask, select the MotionTasks you want to assign the
programs to. You can assign several programs to one MotionTask.
MotionTask_1 to Predefined names of the possible MotionTasks.
Use task in execution Activate the checkbox to display and use the task in the execution
system system. If the checkbox is deactivated, you cannot assign any programs
to this task.

Configuring MotionTasks
You can define which tasks are to be started automatically when the RUN mode is reached.
Otherwise MotionTasks must be explicitly started via programmed task control commands.
1. Click MotionTasks in the execution level tree.
2. Select the required task in the MotionTask list. The task names can be changed.
3. To do so click in the field MotionTask and enter a new name. Umlauts and special
characters are not permitted. The name is updated in the task list.

Figure 5-7 Configuration of the MotionTasks (program assignment)

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

4. In the Program assignment tab, assign the required programs to this task and define the
execution sequence.

Figure 5-8 Configuration of the MotionTasks (task configuration)

5. Select the Task configuration tab.

6. Activate the Activation after StartupTask option to start the MotionTask once after the
7. If required, enter the Range limit for dynamic data (stack size).
8. Specify the Error reaction with program error (e.g. ExecutionFaultTask).
9. Repeat steps 2 through 7 for all the MotionTasks to be configured.
10.Specify the time allocation in the round robin execution level between MotionTasks and
BackgroundTasks, see Setting the time allocation (Page 196).

Task configuration - MotionTasks

In the Task configuration tab, parameterize the time allocation between the MotionTasks and
BackgroundTasks in the round robin execution level, and define when the MotionTasks are
You can set the following parameters:

Field/Button Meaning/Note
Limits for dynamic data Enter the stack size for this task in bytes. When the programs assigned to
this task are executed, this size is made available for data in the stack.
The guide value is 16 KB for a task.
Activation after Select this if you want the MotionTask to start once when RUN mode is
StartupTask reached (StartupTask is completed).
Time allocation Clicking this button opens the screen form for time allocation in the round
robin execution level.
This is where you can parameterize the time allocated to MotionTasks
and BackgroundTasks in the round robin execution level.

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

Field/Button Meaning/Note
Error reaction with Select the error reaction for errors that occur while processing programs.
program error Program errors are, for example, faulty operations with floating-point
numbers, division by zero, and overshooting array limits.
CPU to STOP The CPU switches to STOP mode and the ShutdownTask is started.
ExecutionFaultTask The ExecutionFaultTask is started. All programs assigned to this task are
If no programs are assigned, the CPU switches to STOP mode. The task
in which the error occurred is terminated.

See also
BackgroundTask (Page 151)
Assigning programs to the execution levels/tasks (Page 176)
SystemInterruptTasks (Page 164)
Time allocation in the round robin execution level (Page 194)
Assigning programs to the tasks (Page 238)

5.2.3 BackgroundTask
The BackgroundTask is provided for the programming of cyclic sequences without a fixed
time frame.
It is executed cyclically in the round robin execution level, which means it will be
automatically restarted on completion.
The BackgroundTask is used in programs that have to be executed cyclically, e.g.
interlocking tasks, PLC tasks.
The cycle time of the BackgroundTask is monitored. When the cycle time monitoring
responds, the TimeFaultBackgroundTask is started. The CPU will switch to STOP mode if
the task is not configured or there is no program assigned to it.
The process image of the inputs and outputs is generated for the BackgroundTask in
address space 0.0 to 63.7. The process image remains consistent during the time the
BackgroundTask is being processed.
You can use the BackgroundTask to implement lower-priority, cyclical logic functions,
interlocks, calculations, monitoring functions.
The BackgroundTask shares available CPU time with the MotionTasks.

The BackgroundTask shares computation time with MotionTasks and SystemTasks (e.g.
communication tasks). Relative to time allocation you must consider that the runtime, i.e. the
performance, is influenced by the settings (time allocation of the round robin execution level).

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

Starting the BackgroundTask

The BackgroundTask is started automatically when the RUN mode has been reached or
when the task has been completed (with the next servo cycle clock).

Completion of the BackgroundTask

A MotionTask is completed at the transition to the STOP or STOPU mode (start of the
Select the Program assignment tab to assign the created and compiled programs to the
BackgroundTasks and define the execution sequence.

Configuring the BackgroundTask

1. Click BackgroundTask in the Execution Levels tree.

Figure 5-9 Configuration of the BackgroundTask (program assignment)

2. In the Program assignment tab, assign the required programs to this task and define the
execution sequence.

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

Figure 5-10 Configuration of the BackgroundTask (task assignment)

3. Switch to the Task configuration tab.

4. If required, enter the Range limit for dynamic data (stack size).
5. Enter a value for the time monitoring.
If this time is exceeded, the relevant SystemInterruptTask (TimeFaultBackgroundTask)
can be called or the CPU to STOP can be set, 0 ms = no monitoring).
6. Specify the Error reaction on timeout.
CPU in STOP or call TimeFaultBackgroundTask.
7. Specify the time allocation in the round robin execution level between MotionTasks and
BackgroundTasks, see Setting the time allocation.
8. Specify the Error reaction with program error (e.g. ExecutionFaultTask).

Task configuration - BackgroundTask

You can parameterize the time monitoring and the error reaction in the Task configuration
You can set the following parameters:

Field/Button Meaning/Note
Limits for dynamic data Enter the stack size for this task in bytes. When the programs
assigned to this task are executed, this size is made available for
data in the stack. The guide value is 16 KB for a task.
Watchdog Specify the cycle time in ms for executing the BackgroundTask.
Enter a value for time monitoring. The time monitoring is inactive if
you enter 0 or no value.
Error reaction with program You can select the error reaction, if the cycle for the
error BackgroundTask is not terminated within the time frame specified
under Time monitoring. You can select and configure a
SystemInterrupt as error reaction.
TimeFaultBackgroundTask Timeout system interrupt in the BackgroundTask

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

Field/Button Meaning/Note
CPU to Stop The CPU switches to STOP mode.
Time allocation Clicking this button opens the screen form for time allocation in the
round robin execution level.
This is where you can parameterize the time allocated to
MotionTasks and BackgroundTasks in the round robin execution
Error reaction with program Select the error reaction for errors that occur while processing
error programs. Program errors are, for example, faulty operations with
floating-point numbers, division by zero, and overshooting array
CPU to Stop The CPU switches to STOP mode and the ShutdownTask is
ExecutionFaultTask The ExecutionFaultTask is started. All programs assigned to this
task are started.
The CPU subsequently changes to STOP.

See also
MotionTasks (Page 147)
Assigning programs to the execution levels/tasks (Page 176)
Watchdog (Page 193)
Setting of the time allocation (Page 196)
SystemInterruptTasks (Page 164)
Time allocation in the round robin execution level (Page 194)

5.2.4 TimerInterruptTasks
TimerInterruptTasks are intended for the periodical starting of programs.
Five TimerInterruptTasks, i.e. TimerInterruptTask_1 to TimerInterruptTask_5, are available
for different time levels.
TimerInterruptTasks are periodically started and executed in the configured fixed time frame
(e.g. 100 ms).
This time frame must be a multiple of the interpolator cycle clock.
In this task, you can implement closed-loop control or monitoring functions that require a
reproducible time reference without a direct link to I/O or motion control of the axes.
Additional system and user tasks are provided for the TControl technology package. The
TControl technology package is processed in the system tasks, whereas the application-
specific adaptations are processed in the user program tasks.
You can find additional information in the functional description of the temperature controller,
refer to the Motion Control Additional Technology Objects Function Manual.

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

Starting a TimerInterruptTask
TimerInterruptTasks are started periodically. A start delay can be set.

Completing a TimerInterruptTask
TimerInterruptTasks are completed automatically after completion of the programs assigned
to the TimerInterruptTask.
You can assign the created and compiled programs to the selected TimerInterruptTask and
define their execution sequence in the Program assignment tab.
You can set the following parameters:

Field/Button Significance / Note

For task Use this to select one of the five TimerInterruptTasks to which you
want to assign the programs. You can assign several programs to one
TimerInterruptTask_1 to Predefined names of the five TimerInterruptTasks.
Defined time level Use this to select the time frame for restarting the TimerInterruptTask.
You can choose time levels from the available list or enter additional
ones as required. The value must be a multiple of the IPO cycle clock.
Use task in execution Activate the checkbox to display and use the task in the execution
system system. If the checkbox is deactivated, you cannot assign any
programs to this task.

Configuring TimerInterruptTasks
1. Click TimerInterruptTasks in the Execution Levels tree.
2. Select the required task in the For task selection box. The names (TimerInterruptTask_1
to TimerInterruptTask_5) are preset.

Figure 5-11 Configuration of the TimerInterruptTasks (program assignment)

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

3. Select a Defined time level or enter an arbitrary integer value. This value must be an
integral multiple of the interpolator cycle clocks (IPO cycle clocks). Different settings are
rounded up to the next integral multiple of the IPO cycle clock.
4. In the Program assignment tab, assign the required programs to this task and define the
execution sequence.

Figure 5-12 Configuration of the TimerInterruptTasks (task configuration)

5. Switch to the Task configuration tab.

6. If required, enter the Range limit for dynamic data (stack size).
7. Enter the Start delay for this task, if applicable.
To prevent different time-triggered tasks from starting at the same time, you can define a
start delay for each task. This prevents different TimerInterruptTasks from being executed
at the same time.
IPO cycle clock: 4 ms
TimerInterruptTask_1: 8 ms
TimerInterruptTask_2: 16 ms
Both TimerInterruptTasks are started simultaneously in every fourth IPO cycle clock. By
delaying the start of one of the two tasks by 4 ms, you can prevent them from being
executed at the same time. In this way, the load on the system is distributed more evenly,
and the behavior of the lower-priority tasks can be reproduced.
8. Enter a value for time monitoring.
If this time is exceeded, the relevant SystemInterruptTask (TimeFaultTask) can be called
or the CPU to STOP can be set, 0 ms = no monitoring).
9. Specify the Error reaction on timeout.
CPU to STOP or call TimeFaultTask.
10.Specify the Error reaction with program error (e.g. ExecutionFaultTask).
11.Repeat steps 3 through 10 for all the TimerInterruptTasks to be configured.

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

Task configuration - TimerInterruptTasks

You can define the start delay, time monitoring and the error reaction for the
TimerInterruptTasks in the Task configuration tab.
You can set the following parameters:

Field/Button Significance / Note

Limits for dynamic data Enter the stack size for this task in bytes. When the programs assigned to
this task are executed, this size is made available for data in the stack.
The guide value is 16 KB for a task.
Start delay Enter a time value in ms for the task start delay. The start of
TimerInterruptTask is delayed by this time value. This delay ensures that
different TimerInterruptTasks will not start simultaneously, resulting in a
Watchdog Specify the cycle time in ms for executing the TimerInterruptTask. Enter a
value for time monitoring. The time monitoring is inactive if you enter 0 or
no value.
Error reaction with You can select the error reaction if the TimerInterruptTask is not
timeout terminated within the time frame specified under Time monitoring.
You can configure the following as error reaction:
TimeFaultTask Timeout SystemInterrupt in the TimerInterruptTask.
CPU to Stop The CPU switches to STOP mode.
Error reaction with Select the error reaction if errors occur while processing programs.
program error Program errors are, for example, faulty operations with floating-point
numbers, division by zero, and overshooting array limits.
CPU to STOP The CPU switches to STOP mode and the ShutdownTask is started.
ExecutionFaultTask The ExecutionFaultTask is started. All programs assigned to this task are
If no programs are assigned, the CPU switches to STOP mode. The task
in which the error occurred is terminated.

See also
Assigning programs to the execution levels/tasks (Page 176)
Watchdog (Page 193)
SystemInterruptTasks (Page 164)

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

5.2.5 SynchronousTasks
SynchronousTasks are started synchronously to the specified system cycle clock on a
periodic basis. They run with high priority in the time-triggered execution level.
The following SynchronousTasks are available:
● ServoSynchronousTask (V4.0 and higher): Synchronous with the servo cycle clock
In the servo-synchronous task you can implement time-critical terminal - terminal
responses for I/O or fast influencing of setpoints on the servo level.
Isochronous I/O processing on PROFIBUS DP
Application, such as for fast terminal - terminal response. If a TO is configured for
execution in the servo cycle clock then TO and motion commands can also be issued.
● IPOSynchronousTask/IPOSynchronousTask_2: Synchronous with interpolator cycle clock
In IPO-synchronous tasks, you can implement time-critical functions that have a direct
effect on the functions of the technology object. The user program is executed prior to the
interpolator, i.e. the programmed functions can be effective in the same IPO cycle clock.
Application, e.g. for a fast start depending on the event, fast response to events terminal -
Additionally, there are further SynchronousTasks for TControl:
● PWMsynchronousTask: Synchronous with the PWM cycle clock
● InputSynchronousTask_1/InputSynchronousTask_2: Synchronous with the Input1/2 cycle
clock before temperature control
● PostControlTask_1/PostControlTask_2: Synchronous with the Control1/2 cycle clock after
temperature control
You can assign the created and compiled programs to the selected SynchronousTask and
define their execution sequence in the Program assignment tab.
You can set the following parameters:

Field/Button Meaning/Note
For cycle clock level Use this to select the SynchronousTask to which you want to
assign the programs. You can assign several programs to one
ServoSynchronousTask SynchronousTask which is started in the servo cycle clock
IPOSynchronousTask SynchronousTask which is started in the interpolator cycle clock
(IPO cycle clock).
IPOSynchronousTask_2 SynchronousTask which is started in the second interpolator cycle
clock (IPO2 cycle clock).

PWMsynchronousTask SynchronousTask which is used for the actuating signal output of

(TCPWM_Tasks) the TO TController (temperature channel). Defines the basic cycle
clock for further tasks of the TO TController.
InputSynchronousTask_ 1/2 SynchronousTask which is used for the actual value measurement
(TCInput_Tasks_1/2) of the TO TController.
PostControlTask _1/2 SynchronousTask which is used for the control of the TO
(TCTasks_1/2) TController.

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

Field/Button Meaning/Note
Use task in execution system Activate the checkbox to display and use the task in the execution
system. If the checkbox is deactivated, you cannot assign any
programs to this task.

ServoSynchronousTasks are provided for applications in which fast processes are to be
implemented with the help of isochronous mode (V4.0 and higher).
ServoSynchronousTasks run within a servo cycle clock and behave similar to
The ServoSynchronousTask is reasonable for:
● Fast responses (e.g for short terminal - terminal times for I/O processing)
● Influencing servo-effective system variables
Information on servo efficacy of the system variables is provided in the SIMOTION
reference list technology package CAM system variables.
● for motion commands if a TO (in exceptional cases) is configured for execution in the
servo cycle clock.
It is not reasonable for:
● Communication
● For motion commands if a TO is configured for execution in the IPO cycle clock (since
this is evaluated in the IPO cycle clock)
If a TO is configured for execution in the servo cycle clock then TO and motion commands
can also be issued.
The same characteristics apply as for the IPOSynchronousTask.
The ServoSynchronousTask can be configured in the execution system. (The cycle time of
the servo execution level is set with the servo). The default setting is active.
There is a process image available for the ServoSynchronousTask as for the other cyclic
tasks. This only results in an improved performance if the same I/O addresses are accessed
several times.
As of V4.1 the monitoring of the ServoSynchronousTask can also be set. In this way,
MOTION commands are also permitted in the ServoSynchronousTask, where the IPO share
is executed in the servo (all commands with the step enabling condition IMMEDIATELY).
You can set the following parameters:

Table 5- 3 Task configuration ServoSynchronousTask

Field/Button Meaning/Note
Limits for dynamic data Enter the stack size for this task in bytes. When the programs assigned
to this task are executed, this size is made available for data in the
stack. The guide value is 16 KB for a task.
Monitoring when executing You can select the error reaction if the ServoSynchronousTask is not
synchronous functions completed within the system cycle clock.

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

Field/Button Meaning/Note
Suspend time Compatible with the functionality up to V4.0
monitoring and interrupt With synchronous functions, time monitoring is suspended and one
task servo cycle clock is lost - all old projects have this setting, too, if they
have been updated to V4.1 (CPU replacement).
Leave time monitoring Time monitoring is not suspended, i.e. the CPU goes to STOP with
active timeout when synchronous functions are called which really interrupt
the ServoSynchronousTask.
If overflows are tolerated, it might be possible to avoid STOP - this is
the default setting for newly created V3.2 CPUs.
Diagnostics buffer entry: "STOP by execution system, cause: Timeout".
CPU goes to STOP There is no synchronous function permitted. In the case of a
synchronous function, the CPU goes to STOP - even if the
ServoSynchronousTask is not interrupted in the specific case.
Diagnostics buffer entry: "Impermissible calling of a system/package
Error reaction with program Select the error reaction for errors that occur while processing
error programs. Program errors are, for example, faulty operations with
floating-point numbers, division by zero, and overshooting array limits.
CPU to STOP The CPU switches to STOP mode and the ShutdownTask is started.
ExecutionFaultTask The ExecutionFaultTask is started. All programs assigned to this task
are started.
If no programs are assigned, the CPU switches to STOP mode. The
task in which the error occurred is terminated.

IPOSynchronousTasks are intended for applications that require, for example, fast and
deterministic responses or correction movements. Optimum time transfer of motion
commands to the motion control system is thus possible.
IPOsynchronousTasks run immediately before the interpolator within an IPO cycle clock.
Thus, commands in these tasks can directly affect the motion control.
The IPOSynchronousTask is started synchronously to the IPO cycle clock, whereas the
IPOSynchronousTask_2 is started synchronously to the IPO cycle clock 2, i.e. a reduced
IPO cycle clock.
The IPOSynchronousTask is executed prior to the internal IPOTask and
IPOsynchronousTask_2 is executed before IPOTask_2.

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

The following properties must be specified for the IPOsynchronousTasks:

● Task configuration
● Sum (number) of level overflows in the IPO/IPO_2 cycle clock
If the tasks in the IPO level (IPOSynchronousTask, IPOTask) are not completed within an
IPO cycle clock, an overflow will occur. An overflow of a task in the cycle clock (n) must
be processed in the following cycle clock (n+1).
The same applies for the tasks in the IPO_2 level (IPOSynchronousTask_2, IPOTask_2).
You can set the number of overflows which should be tolerated in sequence (n = 0 ... 5).
(The ratio can be violated n-times.) The internal monitoring counter is reset when a task
has been performed without overflowing.
The accumulated level overflows are displayed in the
numberOfSummarizedTaskOverflow system variables.
● Error reaction to timeout (level overflow): The CPU goes to STOP mode and a starting
lockout is set.
● IPOSynchronousTask/IPOTask: Time ratio between IPOSynchronousTask and IPOTask.
A timeout occurs if an IPO-synchronous task exceeds this ratio.
You also define the time frame for the IPOTask in the system cycle clocks. In the
IPOSynchronousTask/IPOTask parameter, you can specify the percentage of time that is
to be made available for the IPOSynchronousTask per cycle clock.
If, for example, 4 ms is set as IPO cycle clock and 25% set as ratio, the runtime of the
IPOSynchronousTask must not exceed 1 ms, including possible interrupts of higher-
priority tasks.
Recommendation: With a gear ratio of servo : IPO_1 > 1, enter a percentage value that is
as large as possible.

If a synchronous system function is called that suspends the IPOSynchronousTask, the
CPU will go into STOP mode with a diagnostic buffer entry (as of V3.2).
It is possible to configure whether time monitoring is to be performed.

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

Configuring SynchronousTasks
1. Click the appropriate task in the Execution Level tree.
2. Select the required SynchronousTask in the For cycle clock level selection box.

Figure 5-13 Configuration of the SynchronousTasks (program assignment)

3. In the Program assignment tab, assign the required programs to this task and define the
execution sequence.

Figure 5-14 Example: Configuration of the IPOsynchronousTask (task configuration)

4. Switch to the Task configuration tab.

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5. The following options are also available:

– Stack size as an option in the Task configuration tab
– Enter the number (0-5) of permitted level overflows in the Level overflows selection
– Select the ratio between SynchronousTask and IPO task
– Select the Error reaction with program error
– Configure the IPOSynchronousTask/IPOTask time monitoring
6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for all the synchronous tasks to be configured.

Task configuration - SynchronousTasks

In the Task configuration tab you can select the error response for the SynchronousTask.
You can set the following parameters:

Table 5- 4 IPOSynchronousTask task configuration

Field/Button Meaning/Note
Limits for dynamic data Enter the stack size for this task in bytes. When the programs assigned
to this task are executed, this size is made available for data in the
stack. The guide value is 16 KB for a task.
Number of IPO/IPO2 cycle Enter the number of tolerable level overflows in the IPO/IPO_2 cycle
clock overflows clock for the SynchronousTask. If the number of overflows is less than
the entered overflows, there will be no error reaction.
When arithmetic operations are processed, level overflows in the
IPO/IPO_2 cycle clock can occur that can be tolerated by the user for
the SynchronousTask and SynchronousTask_2 execution levels.
Execution level overflows may occur if:
• IPOSynchronousTask + IPO task > IPO cycle clock or
• IPOSynchronousTask_2 + IPO_2 task > IPO_2 cycle clock
This set tolerance level causes the next IPO cycle clock to be used for
terminating the arithmetic operation of the previous cycle clock without
triggering the set error reaction. When the set number of overflows is
exceeded, or if no tolerance has been set, an entry is made in the
diagnostic buffer and the error response (CPU to STOP with starting
lockout) results. A maximum of 5 execution level overflows can be set.
Monitoring when executing You can select the error reaction if the SynchronousTask is not
synchronous functions completed within the system cycle clock.
Suspend time Compatible with the functionality up to V3.1.1
monitoring and interrupt With synchronous functions, time monitoring is suspended and one
task IPO cycle clock is lost - all old projects have this setting, too, if they
have been updated to V3.2 (CPU replacement).
Leave time monitoring Time monitoring is not suspended, i.e. the CPU goes to STOP with
active timeout when synchronous functions are called which really interrupt
the IPOSynchronousTask.
If IPO overflows are tolerated, it might be possible to avoid STOP - this
is the default setting for newly created V3.2 CPUs.
Diagnostics buffer entry: "STOP by execution system, cause: Timeout".

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

Field/Button Meaning/Note
CPU goes to STOP There is no synchronous function permitted. In the case of a
synchronous function, the CPU goes to STOP - even if the
IPOSynchronousTask is not interrupted in the concrete case.
Diagnostics buffer entry: "Impermissible calling of a system/package
The behavior applies to the IPOsynchronousTask,
IPOsynchronousTask_2 and PWMTask.
Task / cycle clock Here you select the duration for the specified task as a percentage of
the cycle clock (e.g. IPOsynchronousTask / IPO cycle clock). If the task
requires more time than set here, the system will respond according to
the settings in error reaction.
To configure the system cycle clocks, select the CPU in the project
navigator and select Target system > Expert > Set system cycle clocks
in the menu.
25%: The maximum duration of the task is 25% of the cycle clock.
50%: The maximum duration of the task is 50% of the cycle clock.
75%: The maximum duration of the task is 75% of the cycle clock.
Error reaction with program Select the error reaction for errors that occur while processing
error programs. Program errors are, for example, faulty operations with
floating-point numbers, division by zero, and overshooting array limits.
CPU to STOP The CPU switches to STOP mode and the ShutdownTask is started.
ExecutionFaultTask The ExecutionFaultTask is started. All programs assigned to this task
are started.
If no programs are assigned, the CPU switches to STOP mode. The
task in which the error occurred is terminated.

See also
Isochronous I/O processing on fieldbus systems (Page 203)
Timeouts and level overflows (Page 190)
Assigning programs to the execution levels/tasks (Page 176)
Sequence model for DCC blocks (DCB) (Page 216)

5.2.6 SystemInterruptTasks
SystemInterruptTasks are started and executed once when a system event occurs.
The following SystemInterruptTasks are available:
● TimeFaultTask: starts in the event of a TimerInterruptTask timeout
● TimeFaultBackgroundTask: starts in the event of a BackgroundTask timeout
● TechnologicalFaultTask: starts in the event of an error on a technology object
● PeripheralFaultTask: starts in the event of an error on the I/O
● ExecutionFaultTask: starts in the event of an error when executing a program

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

Starting a SystemInterruptTask
A SystemInterruptTask is started automatically after the set event has occurred.
If an event that triggers a SystemInterruptTask occurs, the SystemInterruptTask must be
used in the execution system, and a program must be assigned to this task; otherwise, the
CPU switches to STOP mode.
Up to 8 different interrupts can be stored in the buffer. If another interrupt occurs, the buffer
overflows and the CPU goes into STOP mode, too.
The events that caused a SystemInterruptTask to be called can be queried using the
associated TaskStartInfo for this task and are described under Using Taskstartinfo
(Page 102).

Completing a SystemInterruptTask
A SysteminterruptTask is completed automatically after completion of the programs assigned
to the SystemInterruptTasks.
You can assign the created and compiled programs to the selected SystemInterruptTask and
define their execution sequence in the Program assignment tab.
You can set the following parameters:

Field/Button Meaning/Note
For task Use this to select one of the SystemInterruptTasks to which you
want to assign the programs. You can assign several programs
to one SystemInterruptTask.
ExecutionFaultTask Program processing error, for example, division by zero.
PeripheralFaultTask I/O alarms such as process alarms, diagnostic alarms, removing
and inserting modules.
TechnologicalFaultTask Technological alarms such as alarms, warnings and notes.
TimeFaultBackgroundTask Timeout in the BackgroundTask.
TimeFaultTask Timeouts, for example in the SynchronousTasks,
TimerInterruptTasks, system runtime and cycle time.
Alarm configuration This displays the window for the configuration of the
technological alarms. You can configure the alarm response to
a technological alarm for the SystemInterruptTasks.
Use task in execution system Activate the checkbox to display and use the task in the
execution system. If the checkbox is deactivated, you cannot
assign any programs to this task.

The TimeFaultTask is started when the time monitoring of a TimerInterruptTask responds.
The CPU will switch to STOP mode if the TimeFaultTask is not configured or there is no
program assigned to it.
In the TimeFaultTask, you can program the response to timeouts of TimerInterruptTasks.
For additional information, see Using Taskstartinfo (Page 102)).

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

The TimeFaultBackgroundTask is started when the time monitoring of the BackgroundTask
responds. The CPU will switch to STOP mode if the TimeFaultBackgroundTask is not
configured or there is no program assigned to it.
In the TimeFaultBackgroundTask, you can program how timeouts of BackgroundTasks are

The TechnologicalFaultTask is started when the technology package generates an alarm or
information message. The CPU will switch to STOP mode if the TechnologicalFaultTask is
not configured or there is no program assigned to it.
Generally, alarm messages have a direct effect on the behavior of the technology package
and must be acknowledged before technology functions can be activated again.
In the TechnologicalFaultTask you can, for example, acknowledge errors directly and/or
initiate further responses with respect to the sequence of operations on the machine.
For additional information, see Using Taskstartinfo (Page 102)).

The PeripheralFaultTask is started immediately in accordance with its priority for I/O access
I/O access errors can occur, for example, when the load voltage supply for the I/O module
fails or other errors occur on the I/O module.
For further information, refer to the descriptions of the I/O modules.
The task for which an error occurred during its I/O access, will not be terminated.
The CPU will switch to STOP mode if the PeripheralFaultTask is not configured or there is
no program assigned to it.
For additional information, see Using Taskstartinfo (Page 102))."

The ExecutionFaultTask is started immediately in accordance with its priority for program run
Examples of program run errors:
● Faulty operations with floating point numbers, such as logarithms of negative numbers,
invalid numbers, etc.
● Division by zero
● Violation of array limits
● Error while accessing system variables
The task in which the error occurred is terminated.
The CPU will switch to STOP mode if the ExecutionFaultTask is not configured or there is no
program assigned to it.

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The CPU to STOP error response is possible for all tasks and starts the ShutdownTask. The
SIMOTION device switches to STOP mode.
An error reaction for the ExecutionFaultTask restarts the ExecutionFaultTask.
The following tasks can be restarted by commands in the program of the
● StartupTask
● ShutdownTask
● MotionTasks
For the following tasks, the SIMOTION device switches to STOP mode once the
ExecutionFaultTask is completed and the ShutdownTask is started:
● BackgroundTask
● TimerInterruptTasks
● SynchronousTasks
For additional information, see Using Taskstartinfo (Page 102)).

Program errors in the ExecutionFaultTask and in the ShutdownTask switch the system to
STOP mode immediately.

Configuring SystemInterruptTasks
1. Click SystemInterruptTasks in the Execution Levels tree.
2. Select one of the specified tasks in the For task selection box.

Figure 5-15 Configuration of the SystemInterruptTasks (program assignment)

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

3. In the Program assignment tab, assign the required programs to this task and define the
execution sequence.

Figure 5-16 Configuration of the SystemInterruptTasks (task configuration)

4. Switch to the Task Configuration tab.

5. Configure the task.
6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for all the synchronous tasks to be configured.
7. To configure the technological alarms:
Click Alarm configuration.

Task configuration - SystemInterruptTasks

In the Task configuration tab, parameterize the error reaction to program errors.
You can set the following parameters:

Field/Button Meaning/Note
Limits for dynamic data Enter the stack size for this task in bytes. When the programs
assigned to this task are executed, this size is made available for
data in the stack. The guide value is 16 KB for a task.
Error reaction with program Select the error reaction if errors occur while processing programs.
error Program errors are, for example, faulty operations with floating-point
numbers, division by zero and overshooting array limits.
CPU to STOP The CPU switches to STOP mode and the ShutdownTask is started.
ExecutionFaultTask The ExecutionFaultTask is started. All programs assigned to this
task are started.
If there are no programs assigned, the CPU switches to STOP
mode. The task in which the error occurred is terminated.

See also
Information on starting a task: TaskStartInfo (TSI) (Page 192)

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

5.2.7 UserInterruptTasks
UserInterruptTasks are intended for user-defined actions.
Two UserInterruptTasks are available: UserInterruptTask_1 and UserInterruptTask_2.
A defined condition must be specified for the UserInterruptTask. Each time the condition is
fulfilled, the UserInterruptTask is started.
If you want to use a UserInterruptTask, the IPOsynchronousTask must be used in the
execution system.
UserInterruptTasks are not active during a StartupTask and a ShutDownTask.

Starting a UserInterruptTask
UserInterruptTasks are started automatically as soon as the user-defined interrupt condition
is fulfilled. The interrupt condition is checked in the interpolator cycle clock.
If both UserInterruptTasks are started at the same time, UserInterruptTask_1 is processed
before UserInterruptTask_2.

If a user-defined interrupt occurs during shutdown, the UserInterruptTask is not started
During shutdown (ShutdownTask), starting the UserInterruptTask is only possible using the
_startTask() command.

Completing a UserInterruptTask
UserInterruptTasks are completed automatically after completion of the programs assigned
to the UserInterruptTask.
You can assign the created and compiled programs to the selected UserInterruptTask and
define their execution sequence in the Program assignment tab.
You can set the following parameters:

Field/Button Meaning/Note
For task Use this to select one of the two UserInterruptTasks to which you want to
assign the programs. You can assign several programs to one
UserInterruptTask_1 Predefined names of the UserInterruptTask.

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

Field/Button Meaning/Note
Defined condition Here you define the condition for the selected UserInterruptTask
according to IEC 61131. During operation, the specified condition is
checked in the interpolator cycle clock. If the condition is fulfilled, the
UserInterruptTask is started with the assigned programs. You enter the
condition in the input field by using the symbol browser (variables via
drag and drop) and the Command library tab in the project navigator
(operators via drag and drop).
Only simple conditions (logic operations of inputs and local CPU
variables) and Boolean variables are permissible.
Use task in execution Activate the checkbox to display and use the task in the execution
system system. If the checkbox is deactivated, you cannot assign any programs
to this task.

Configuring UserInterruptTasks
1. Click UserInterruptTasks in the Execution Levels tree.
2. Select a UserInterruptTask in the For task selection box.
3. Specify the condition for starting this task.

Figure 5-17 Configuration of the UserInterruptTasks (program assignment)

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

4. In the Program assignment tab, assign the required programs to this task and define the
execution sequence.

Figure 5-18 Configuration of the UserInterruptTasks (task configuration)

5. Switch to the Task configuration tab.

6. Configure the task.
7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for the second UserInterruptTask.

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

Formulating a Condition for a UserInterruptTask

Figure legend - example:

When the digital input 0.0 = TRUE and the global variable "variable_1" has a value > 200.0, then the
UserInterruptTask_1 is executed once.
Figure 5-19 Configuration of a UserInterruptTasks with condition

You enter the condition for starting a UserInterruptTask as a formula according to IEC 61131
(Structured Text). You can use the following variables:
● Global device variables
● Unit variables in an ST/MCC or LAD/FBD source file
SIMOTION SCOUT helps you create the formula.
To formulate a condition for starting the UserInterruptTask:
1. Under For task select the UserInterrupt for which you want to define the start condition.
2. Take the required operators from the Command library tab and insert them in the Defined
condition text field using drag and drop.
Alternatively, you can enter the operators directly in the text field.
3. Take the operands from the symbol browser and insert them in the Defined condition text
field using drag and drop or copy and paste. Alternatively, you can enter the operands
directly in the text field.
Creating conditions with the command library

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The Command library tab contains a list of mathematical operations and functions. You can
use these to create conditions.

Figure 5-20 Command library in SCOUT

To open the individual operations, click the plus sign in front of the folders. You can drag the
operators to the required text field via drag and drop. You can use these commands, for
example, to define conditions.

Task configuration - UserInterruptTasks

In the Task configuration tab, parameterize the error reaction to program errors.
You can set the following parameters:

Field/Button Meaning/Note
Limits for dynamic data Enter the stack size for this task in bytes. When the programs assigned
to this task are executed, this size is made available for data in the
stack. The guide value is 16 KB for a task.
Error reaction with program Select the error reaction for errors that occur while processing
error programs. Program errors are, for example, faulty operations with
floating-point numbers, division by zero, and overshooting array limits.
CPU to STOP The CPU switches to STOP mode and the ShutdownTask is started.
ExecutionFaultTask The ExecutionFaultTask is started. All programs assigned to this task
are started.
If no programs are assigned, the CPU switches to STOP mode. The
task in which the error occurred is terminated.

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See also
Assigning programs to the execution levels/tasks (Page 176)

5.2.8 ShutdownTask
The ShutdownTask is intended for selective intervention in the transition from RUN to
STOPU/STOP mode or for programming stop sequences with a preassigned braking ramp,
e.g. selected setting of outputs, defined shutdown of axes.
The ShutdownTask is not called in the case of a power failure.
The time monitoring must be specified in the Task configuration for the ShutdownTask: You
can configure the maximum duration for the execution of the ShutdownTask; 0 ms = no
monitoring. After this time, the CPU switches to STOP mode.
The I/O can be accessed directly in the ShutdownTask. Access to process image and
symbolic I/O variables is restricted. It is not practical to access the I/O by means of the
process image, as the process image is no longer being updated.
For additional information, see SIMOTION ST Structured Text, "Access to inputs and outputs
(process image, I/O variables)"
Select the Program assignment tab to assign the created and compiled programs to the
ShutdownTask and define their execution sequence.

Program errors in the ExecutionFaultTask and in the ShutdownTask switch the system to
STOP mode immediately.

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5.2 Description of the user program tasks

Configuring the ShutdownTask

1. Click ShutdownTask in the Execution Levels tree.

Figure 5-21 Configuration of the ShutdownTask (program assignment)

2. In the Program assignment tab, assign the required programs to this task and define the
execution sequence.

Figure 5-22 Configuration of the ShutdownTask (task configuration)

3. Switch to the Task configuration tab.

4. If required, enter the Range limit for dynamic data (stack size).
5. Enter a value for the time monitoring.
6. Specify the Error reaction to program error (e.g. ExecutionFaultTask).

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Task configuration - ShutdownTask

Select the Task configuration tab to parameterize the time monitoring.
You can set the following parameters:

Field/Button Meaning/Note
Limits for dynamic data Enter the stack size for this task in bytes. When the programs assigned
to this task are executed, this size is made available for data in the
stack. The guide value is 16 KB for a task.
Watchdog Specify the cycle time in ms for executing the ShutdownTask. Enter a
value for time monitoring. The time monitoring is inactive if you enter 0
or no value.
Error reaction to program Select the error reaction for errors that occur while processing
error programs. Program errors are, for example, faulty operations with
floating-point numbers, division by zero, and overshooting array limits.
CPU to STOP The CPU switches to STOP mode.

See also
Assigning programs to the execution levels/tasks (Page 176)
Watchdog (Page 193)

5.3 Configure execution system

Configuration of the execution system involves the following steps:
● Assignment of user programs and definition of the task properties
● Enabling of the tasks used
● Selection of the cycle clock source and setting of the system cycle clocks

5.3.1 Assigning programs to the execution levels/tasks

The programs must be assigned to execution levels. Only then are the programs executed.
After creation, you can assign the programs of an MCC source, an ST source or a LAD/FBD
source to one or more tasks with SIMOTION SCOUT.
You can assign more than one program to a task.
The assigned programs are then executed in the order in which they are listed; this order
can be specified and modified using SIMOTION SCOUT.
If several programs are assigned to a task, execution of the first program must be finished
before the next program in the same task can be started. If, for example, the first program is
in a continuous loop, the second program will never be executed.
You can also assign one program to several tasks, which are then executed independently
of each other.

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With the program assignment, you specify the following:

● Priority with which the programs are executed
● The execution behavior: sequential/cyclic
● The initialization behavior of program variables
See the SIMOTION MCC Programming Manual or SIMOTION ST - "Time of variable
initialization" and Influence of the compiler on variable initialization (Page 241).
Please note the following when assigning a program to one or more tasks:
● Before programs can be assigned, they must be compiled without error.
● The assignment must be made before downloading the program to the target system.
● It is possible that the program (if multiple tasks are assigned) may be called by another
task while it is being executed. No measures are taken in the system to ensure data
● Once you have assigned a program to a task, it will remain assigned even in the event of

DCC tasks are assigned via the DCC editor, see the description of the DCC editor
andSequence model for DCC blocks (DCB) (Page 216).

Execution system - program assignment

You can assign the created and compiled programs to the various tasks of the execution
levels in the Program assignment tab.
You can set the following parameters:

Field/Button Meaning/Note
Programs A list of all compiled programs that are available in the project is displayed
here. Non-compiled programs are not displayed. The number after the
program name indicates how often the program has been assigned to the
different tasks of the execution levels. MCC charts and LAD/FBD programs
are displayed immediately after entering as long as they have been entered
as "exportable".
Assign Use this to assign selected programs to the task. Mark the program in the
Programs list and click on the Arrow button. The program is assigned to the
task and is displayed in the task list.
Removing Use this to remove programs assigned to a task. Mark the program in the
Task list and click on the corresponding Arrow button. The program is
removed from the task.
Task A list of all programs assigned to this task is displayed here. The sequence
of the programs in the list corresponds to the execution sequence when the
program is executed. The program at the top of the list is executed first.

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5.3 Configure execution system

Field/Button Meaning/Note
Arrow up Use the arrow up to move the selected program up one position within the
task. In this way you can determine the order of program execution within
the task.
Arrow down Use the arrow up to move the selected program down one position within
the task. In this way you can determine the order of program execution
within the task.

Assigning programs to the tasks

1. Select the SIMOTION device in the project navigator and select Target system >
Configure execution system in the menu or double-click EXECUTION SYSTEM.
The EXECUTION SYSTEM window opens in the working area of the workbench.

Figure 5-23 Configuration of the execution system in SCOUT

In the left-hand pane of the window, you can see the execution levels tree. It displays as
entries the execution levels / tasks for which Use task in execution level has been clicked.
The OperationLevels folder contains the tasks that are available in the RUN mode.

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5.3 Configure execution system

The list below each execution level or task name shows the configured tasks and the
programs assigned to them.
1. Select the task to be configured.
2. Select the Program assignment tab.
The left-hand list box lists all available programs (ST programs, MCC charts and
LAD/FBD with Task creation type).
3. Select the programs in the list box on the left that you want to assign to the task.

4. Click .
The assigned programs are listed in the right-hand list box.
They are still listed in the left-hand list box. You can assign programs to several tasks.
The number of assignments made appears in brackets.
5. Select the Task configuration tab and make any additional settings, such as:
– Error reaction with program error
– Time watchdogs for cyclic tasks
– Start behavior of MotionTasks
After you have assigned a program to one or more tasks, you can establish the connection
to the target system, download the project to the target system, and start it.

Change execution sequence

Programs are executed in the order entered. You can change this order.
1. Select the entry to be moved in the right-hand list box.
2. Click ▲ or ▼ to move the element up or down.
3. Repeat Step 2 as often as required.

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Task names
The names of the MotionTasks can be changed.

Figure 5-24 Task names in SCOUT

1. Select the desired task on the left-hand side.

2. Enter the desired new task name in the drop-down list on the right-hand side.

Task control
The MCC, ST and LAD/FBD programming languages provide several commands for the task
control (e.g. start, stop, etc.).
These programming guides also provide information about how to use these task control
commands and several examples.

Stack size
In SIMOTION SCOUT as of V3.0, the stack size (limit for dynamic data) of the associated
task can be set in the Task configuration tab of the Task Configuration window. A default
value is specified for each task.
For more information, refer to the SIMOTION ST Programming Manual, "Setting the size of
the local data stack"

See also
Task priorities (Page 140)

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5.3.2 Selecting the cycle clock source

Selection of the cycle clock source is implemented in the device configuration in the HW
As soon as you parameterize one of the interfaces as isochronous DP/PN interface (select
"Isochronous mode" in the Properties dialog box), the cycle clock setting is used as the bus
cycle clock.
The DP/PN communication level and servo and interpolator levels are synchronized with the
bus cycle clock. This setting is essential if you want to utilize the motion control functions of
the TPCam/TPCam_ext technology package in combination with digital drives in accordance
with PROFIDRIVE V3 on the PROFIBUS DP / PROFINET. Drives that support and require
this communication are, for example: SIMODRIVE 611U, MASTERDRIVES MOTION
CONTROL, SINAMICS. Synchronization to the bus cycle clock if you must isochronously
access I/O from your application.
You can still operate drives that do not support isochronous mode as drive axes on the
isochronous bus. Examples of these drives are Micromaster MM4 and MASTERDRIVES VC.
If you are not using an isochronous DP/PN interface, you can set the basic system cycle
clock. The servo and interpolator levels are synchronized to the basic cycle clock. You can
select this setting if you are not using the TPCam technology package or are using it
exclusively with analog drives on SIMOTION.

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5.3 Configure execution system

5.3.3 Defining system cycle clocks

Once the cycle clock source is selected, you specify the sampling times of the isochronous
execution levels derived from the basic cycle clock.
Included here:
● Bus cycle clock (DP cycle clock / PN cycle clock): refer to the table for the execution
system - system cycle clocks
The base cycle clock is the basic cycle clock if no isochronous DP/PN interfaces have
parameterized in HW Config. The "bus cycle clock" is based on the equidistant bus cycle
and is set in HW Config. The base/bus cycle clock (DP cycle clock or PN cycle clock) is
used as a basis for setting further tasks.
● Servo cycle clock (position control cycle clock) / T1(DCC) cycle clock
Inputs/outputs are updated in the servo cycle clock.
The position control for the axes and the processing of the centralized and distributed I/O
are carried out in the servo cycle clock. The servo cycle clock can be operated relative to
the bus cycle clock at a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2. For isochronous PROFINET IO, the following
– The DP master interface must run in the same cycle clock as the servo cycle clock.
– For SIMOTION C, P and D, the bus cycle clock for the external PROFIBUS interfaces
must be at least 1 ms in order for these to be operated isochronously.
– If the PROFINET cycle clock is scaled down (e.g. 0.5 ms), the Servo cycle clock must
then be the same as the PROFIBUS cycle clock (for SIMOTION D: also the same as
the bus cycle clock of PROFIBUS Integrated).

The reduction ratio between the bus and servo cycle clocks must also be set on the
drive as master application cycle. This setting is necessary to enable reciprocal sign-
of-life monitoring. For further information, refer to the drive descriptions.

● Interpolator cycle clock (IPO cycle clock) / T2(DCC) cycle clock

The axis motion control is calculated in the IPO cycle clock.
The IPOSynchronousTask is executed in this cycle clock. The IPO cycle clock can be
reduced relative to the servo cycle clock at a ratio of 1:1 to 1:6.
● Interpolator cycle clock 2 (IPO_2 cycle clock) / T3(DCC) cycle clock
The IPO cycle clock 2 is the basis for motion control of lower-priority axes.
The IPOSynchronousTask_2 and the PWM Task (TControl) are executed in this cycle
The IPO_2 cycle clock can be reduced relative to the IPO cycle clock at a ratio of 1:2 to
● DccAux (DCC) - cycle clock
The DCCAux cycle clock can be reduced relative to the T3(DCC) cycle clock at a ratio of
1:2 to 1:32.

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● DCCAux_2(DCC) cycle clock

The DCCAux_2 cycle clock can be reduced relative to the DCCAux cycle clock at a ratio
of 1:2 to 1:32.
● PWM cycle clock: For the TControl technology package

The settings of the system cycle clocks affect the system operating sequence
considerably. You must therefore exercise caution when making these settings.

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5.3 Configure execution system

Set system cycle clocks

1. Call the configuration window in the main menu via Target system > Expert > Set system
cycle clocks..., or in the context menu of the device, or in the EXECUTION SYSTEM
context menu via Expert > Set system cycle clocks.

Figure 5-25 Setting of the system cycle clocks in SCOUT

2. Specify the basic/bus cycle clock (only if the isochronous mode is not configured). The
bus cycle clock is specified in HW Config for the equidistant bus.
Possible values: 1.0 ... 8.0 ms for PROFIBUS
Possible values for PROFINET:
– As of V4.0 of SIMOTION P with PROFINET and SIMOTION D445: 0.5 ... 4.0 ms
– As of V4.1 for SIMOTION P with PROFINET: 0.25 ms to 4 ms.
The bus cycle time for PROFIBUS must be an integer multiple of 0.125 ms, or of 0.25 ms
for the C2xx.
The bus cycle time for PROFINET must be an integer multiple of 0.125 ms. Change the
value in HW Config if this is not the case.
3. Specify the ratio between the cycle clocks.

If the basic/bus cycle clock has been set too small for a large hardware configuration, this
can result in the CPU not switching to the RUN mode. In this case, note the entries in the
diagnostics buffer for timeouts.

The entries for DCC are displayed as soon as a chart has been added under programs. DCC
charts are started automatically when the appropriate task is started.

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5.3 Configure execution system

Setting the system cycle clocks for TControl

1. You can use the TControl button in the System Cycle Clocks configuration window to
display the settings for the TControl system tasks.
2. You can use the Use system tasks for TControl checkbox to activate or deactivate the
TControl system tasks.
If Use system tasks for TControl is activated, the special tasks for the temperature
channels are displayed in the execution system.
If you have not configured a temperature channel, you should deactivate the system
tasks for TControl as they require unnecessary computation time.
3. Furthermore, you can specify here the cycle clock ratios of the TControl tasks.
– The PWM cycle clock must be an integer multiple of the position control cycle clock.
– The cycle clock of InputTask_1/2 depends on the PWM cycle clock.
– The cycle clock of PostTask_1/2 depends on the cycle clock of InputTask_1/2.

Figure 5-26 Setting of the system cycle clocks for TControl in SCOUT

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Execution system - system cycle clocks

You can set the following parameters:

Field/Button Meaning/Note
Cycle clock ratios
Basic cycle clock or The base cycle clock is the basic cycle clock if no isochronous
bus cycle clock DP/PN interfaces have been parameterized in HW Config. The
"bus cycle clock" cannot be set in this dialog box if the "Equidistant
bus cycle" setting is activated. The "bus cycle clock" is set in HW
Config. This means the equidistant bus cycle forms the basic cycle
clock for the system cycle clocks. The basic/bus cycle clock (DP
cycle clock or PN cycle clock) is used as a basis for setting further
Servo / T1(DCC) You can set an integral ratio between the servo cycle clock and
bus cycle clock here.
Among others, the position control of the axes is calculated in this
cycle clock.
Normally the factor 1 should be used. If you set the factor 2,
although the dynamic performance of the controller will
deteriorate, more computing time will be available for processing
other tasks.
The reduction ratio between the bus cycle clock and the servo
cycle clock must also be set as "master application cycle" for the
drive. This setting is necessary to enable reciprocal sign-of-life
monitoring. For further information, refer to the drive descriptions.
If isochronous mode is not configured, the default setting for the
basic time to servo cycle clock ratio is 1:1. It cannot be changed
PROFIBUS DP: The servo cycle clock can be operated at a ratio
of 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, and 1:4.
PROFINET IO: The servo cycle clock can be operated at a ratio of
1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:6, 1:8, 1:10, 1:12, 1:14 and 1:16.
Ipo / T2(DCC) You can set an integral ratio between the IPO cycle clock and
servo cycle clock here.
As standard, the motion control of the axes will be calculated in
the interpolator cycle clock. The interpolator cycle clock factor is
used to determine how fast the drive setpoints are calculated.
Ipo2 / T3(DCC) You can set an integral ratio between the IPO_2 cycle clock and
IPO cycle clock here.
The interpolator cycle clock 2 is used for the motion control of low-
priority axes. The factor is used to determine how fast the
setpoints of the low-priority drives are calculated.
DCCAux (DCC) You can set an integer ratio between the DCCAux DCC cycle
clock and T3(DCC) DCC cycle clock here.
DCCAux_2(DCC) You can set an integral ratio between the DCCAux_2 DCC cycle
clock and DCCAux DCC bus cycle clock here.
TControl Click the arrow to open the configuration of the system tasks for
the TP TControl. There, you can set the ratio of the cycle clocks
for the task of the temperature channels to the servo cycle clock.

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5.3 Configure execution system

Field/Button Meaning/Note
Use system tasks for Activate the checkbox if the special tasks for the temperature
TControl channels in the execution system should be displayed. If you have
not configured a temperature channel, you should deactivate the
system tasks for TControl as they require unnecessary
computation time.
Servo cycle clock The servo cycle clock is displayed here for information purposes.
(master application cycle) To change this, you must select the value further up in the dialog
box. All other cycle clocks of the temperature channel are a
multiple of the servo cycle clock.
PWM (Pulse Width Cycle clock which is used for the actuating signal output of the
Modulation) temperature channel. Specifies the basic cycle clock for further
cycle clocks. Select the cycle clock in ms or in Hz. If you select
Hz, the ratios to the input cycle clock and the control cycle clock
are specified automatically.
Input1/2 Cycle clock which is used for the actual value measurement of the
temperature channel. Select the ratio of this cycle clock to the
PWM cycle clock. The duration is displayed in the grayed-out field.
Control1/2 Cycle clock which is used for the closed-loop control of the
temperature channel. Select the ratio of this cycle clock to the
input cycle clock. The duration is displayed in the grayed-out field.
Network settings
Network settings at the DP Indicates whether isochronous mode was configured on the
master submodule X9 PROFIBUS interface. This display is for information purposes
Isochronous bus cycle Isochronous operation parameterized on the PROFIBUS interface.
Isochronous bus cycle not Isochronous operation not parameterized on the PROFIBUS
activated interface.
Isochronous bus cycle Displays the fieldbus cycle in ms if isochronous mode was
configured for the fieldbus interface. This display is for information
purposes only and corresponds to the isochronous mode
calculated in HW Config.

5.3.4 Assigning system cycle clocks to technology objects

Assigning system cycle clocks

You can make better use of the performance reserves of the SIMOTION CPU by assigning
priorities to your technology objects and specifically assigning them to system cycle clocks.
The definition of lower-priority tasks allows you to gain performance reserves for higher-
priority tasks.
Consequently, a higher time level can be used for the TOs, particularly for uniform motions
without large accelerations/decelerations. (e.g. call of the TO in the interpolator cycle clock
Change the standard setting if you detect:
● A job processing that lasts too long
● Too great a utilization of the technology in the CPU

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Assign the interpolator cycle clock 2 to the axis and external encoder technology objects with
lower-priority tasks, and assign the IPO cycle clock or the interpolator cycle clock 2 to the
output cam and the measuring input technology objects.
Assign the interpolator cycle clock or the servo cycle clock to the technology objects with
high-priority tasks.
You can assign the following cycle clocks to the technology objects:

Motion control task High priority ... Lower priority

Technology object Servo cycle Interpolator cycle clock Interpolator cycle clock
clock 2
Drive axis (x) Standard X
Positioning axis (x) Standard X
Synchronous axis (x) Standard X
External encoder (x) Standard X
Output cam X X X
Cam track X X X
Measuring input X X X
The system cycle clocks for output cams and measuring inputs, and as of V3.2 for axes as
well, are set in SIMOTION SCOUT in the Configuration dialog.
As of V4.1 in exceptional cases the IPO share can also be calculated in the servo, in this
regard see Motion control / interpolator in the TO axis manual.

5.3.5 Task runtimes

You can use the task runtimes to check whether the computer performance of the system is
sufficient for the demands of the application.
The task runtimes are displayed in the Taskruntime and effectiveTaskruntime device

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A distinction is made between:

● The runtimes of the individual tasks within a level (Taskruntime)
The Taskruntime displays the sum of the net runtimes of the task (without the interrupt
● The runtime of the level (effectiveTaskruntime)
The effectiveTaskruntime displays the effective runtime of a level (including the interrupt
times). This is the time from the start of the level until the end of the last task in the level.


,6 ,32 ,6 ,32 ,6 ,32

,6 ,32 ,32 ,6 ,32

,32 WW
Figure 5-27 Representation of the Taskruntime and effectiveTaskruntime (cycle clock ratio IPO1 :
IPO2 = 2)

Servo: Servo cycle clock
IS1: IPOSynchronousTask
IS2: IPOSynchronousTask_2
IPO2: IPOTask2
The following table shows the tasks and the levels for which a Taskruntime (tasks) and an
effective Taskruntime (levels) can be determined.

Tasks (Taskruntime) Levels (effective Taskruntime)

servodcc Servo / T1(DCC)
Ipodcc Ipo / T2(DCC)
ipodcc_2 Ipo_2 / T3(DCC)
dccaux DCCAux
dccaux_2 DCCAux_2
background Background

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5.3 Configure execution system

To determine the task runtimes, the system variable taskRuntimeMonitoring must be set to

The task runtimes are also shown in the SCOUT device diagnostics.

See also
Functions for runtime measurement of tasks - overview (Page 269)
Optimizing the execution system (Page 462)
Efficient programming - overview (Page 460)

5.3.6 Timeouts and level overflows

Timeouts and/or level overflows may occur when executing computing processes. To
monitor task runtimes, you can use the device diagnostics in SCOUT (ONLINE only). The
evaluation of system variables is described in Monitoring of timeouts and level overflows
(see below).
You have the possibility of configuring various responses for the system response to
overflows of certain execution levels.

You can configure maximum execution cycles for the execution levels BackgroundTask,
TimerInterruptTask, SynchronousTasks and ShutdownTask.
If the set maximum duration is exceeded, the associated SystemInterruptTask
(TimeFaultTask or BackgroundFaultTask) or a standard function (e.g. CPU to STOP) can be
called up.

Level overflow
A toleration of level overflows can be set for the execution levels IPOSynchronousTask and
A level overflow occurs when a level (IPOTask/IPOSynchronousTask or
IPOTask2/IPOSynchronousTask_2) has not been executed within the set system cycle
clock, IPO or IPO_2.

A cyclic user task (IpoSync, Ipo2Sync) must be finished within its cycle.
A task overflow caused by a failed start attempt of a lower priority task produces an entry in
the diagnostic buffer.

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With a set tolerance, the next IPO cycle clock is used in order to:
● Complete the computing process of the previous cycle clock without triggering the set
error reaction.
● Start the computing process of the current cycle clock.
If another level overflow occurs in the next level cycle (if no tolerance is set or the number
has been exceeded), the CPU is set to STOP in order to prevent a blockade of the entire
system. This results in an entry in the diagnostic buffer and the error reaction (CPU to
STOP) with starting lockout.
You can set a maximum of 5 level overflows to be tolerated in the task configuration in the
execution system.
The following are examples of the execution relationships for level overflows:


,6 ,32 ,32 ,6 ,32

Figure 5-28 IPO overflow example


,6 ,6 ,32 ,6 ,32

Servo: Servo cycle clock

IS1: IPOSynchronousTask
Figure 5-29 Overflow of the IPOSynchronousTask example

High-performance programming
If level overflows occur, but it is not possible to increase the DP/servo cycle clock, the
following measures can be taken:
● In task configuration for IPOSynchronousTask
Ratio of IPOSynchronousTask : IPO cycle clock = 75%
Tolerate two IPO overflows
● Use optimized PROFIBUS
User-defined profile: HSA=2 (highest PROFIBUS address)
with, for example, two nodes on the PROFIBUS, RetryLimit = 1, switch off cyclic
distribution of the bus parameters (then, however, a PG can no longer be connected to
the isochronous PROFIBUS)

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● Change ratio BackgroundTask : MotionTasks

If, for example, focus is placed on the MotionTask, an event in the BackgroundTask
results in a MotionTask being quickly started and handled with few interruptions.
● Read system variables only once and temporarily store them in a local variable for later
For additional information on high-performance programming, refer to Optimizing access to
inputs and outputs (Page 460) .

Monitoring of timeouts and level overflows

The system variables Taskruntime and effectiveTaskruntime can be used to determine
whether a level overflow or a timeout has occurred.
● If the Taskruntime in the IPO/IPO_2 cycle clock is the same as the effectiveTaskruntime
in the IPO/IPO_2 cycle clock, then the task has not been interrupted by a higher-priority
● If the Taskruntime in the IPO/IPO_2 cycle clock is not the same as the
effectiveTaskruntime in the IPO/IPO_2 cycle clock, then the task has been interrupted by
a higher-priority task.
Recommendation: With a ratio of servo : IPO : IPO_2 > 1, enter a percentage value of the
IPO cycle clock for the duration which is as large as possible in the task configuration of
the SynchronousTasks.
● If the effectiveTaskruntime of the level which has overflowed is less than the set cycle
clock of the level, a timeout has occurred.
You can prevent this by adjusting the monitoring time of the levels to the values of the
system variable effectiveTaskruntime.
● If the effectiveTaskruntime of the level which has overflowed is very close to or greater
than the set cycle clock of the level, a level overflow has occurred.
You can prevent this by adjusting the system cycle clocks, or you can tolerate these

See also
SynchronousTasks (Page 158)
Task runtimes (Page 188)

5.3.7 Information on starting a task: TaskStartInfo (TSI)

Every time a task is started, important information is stored in the TaskStartInfo, e.g.:
● The starting time of the task
● For the TechnologicalFaultTask: The triggering instance of the technology object and the
alarm number
● For the TimeFaultTask: The TimerInterruptTask that caused the timeout error
Within a task, you can query the relevant TaskStartInfo of this task.

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5.3 Configure execution system

See also
Using Taskstartinfo (Page 102)

5.3.8 Watchdog
The maximum duration for the execution of a task (cycle time) can be configured. If this time
is exceeded, the associated SystemInterruptTask (TimeFaultTask or
TimeFaultBackgroundTask) or the response CPU to STOP mode can be called.
The cycle time monitoring can be activated for the following tasks:
● BackgroundTask
● TimerInterruptTasks
● SynchronousTasks
● ShutdownTask

Configure cycle watchdog

● Switch to the Task configuration tab in the Configuration window for the task.
For BackgroundTask, TimerInterruptTask, ShutdownTask:
● Enter the maximum execution time in the Time monitoring field (0 ms = no monitoring).
For IPOsynchronousTask:
● Choose the ratio between the maximum execution period and the IPO cycle clock.
For tasks other than ShutdownTask:
● Select as error response to timeout either the associated SystemInterruptTask or the
CPU to STOP mode response.

For time-triggered tasks: If the task is restarted before it has been executed, there is a
timeout error. The SystemInterruptTask is started or the CPU goes to STOP mode.

See also
SystemInterruptTasks (Page 164)

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5.4 Time allocation in the round robin execution level

5.4 Time allocation in the round robin execution level

The time remaining after high-priority user and system tasks have been processed is used
by the MotionTasks and the BackgroundTask.
This time is allocated to the BackgroundTask and the MotionTasks according to the round
robin principle.





Figure 5-30 Overview of the time allocation in the round robin execution level

Round robin principle

Computing time that is not consumed by higher priority talks is distributed over the remaining
tasks in the round robin principle (Background Task, MotionTasks and Systemtasks); this
means that these tasks run one after the other. Thus a quasi parallel (quasi "concurrent")
processing of these tasks take place.
The next task is always started when the previous task gives up the computing time (task
completed or in the "wait" state). The computing time of a round robin task is also limited to
the maximum number of servo cycle clocks. In the next round robin cycle the computing time
is continued at the point of interruption. The system ensures that a round robin task always
gets at least the computing time of a servo cycle clock. BackgroundTasks can be favored so
that the computing time of multiple successive servo cycle clocks can be made available to
these tasks (slider execution system).

Additional tasks
In addition to the user program tasks (BackgroundTask, MotionTask), other system tasks
(e.g. for communication) that require computing time in the round robin cycle also run in the
round robin execution level.

In general, the tasks run successively in the round robin cycle. (The sequence is non-
deterministic and can, for example, change each time via a download, PowerON.)

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5.4 Time allocation in the round robin execution level

Time allocation
A task can successively run a specified number of servo cycle clocks (remaining runtime)
before it must transfer the computation time to the next task. However, it can also be
transferred beforehand to the next task if it "does not have anything to do".
For the constructed case that all tasks in the round robin execution level have already been
handled once, the first task is restarted. In this way, there is no IDLE time.
There are times in which no user program is being executed. This, for example, is the case
when the BackgroundTask and the MotionTask are very brief (shorter than the remaining
runtime in a servo cycle clock); the system tasks will then use the remaining runtime.

Restart / process image

After finishing, the BackgroundTask is not started again until the process image has been
updated. The update is performed in the ServoTask.

A continuous loop in a MotionTask, without wait commands or synchronous motion
commands, causes the MotionTask to use its maximum computation time. Consequently,
the cycle of a BackgroundTask is additionally utilized (a larger part of the computation time
goes into the MotionTask). Consequently, the system tasks in the round robin level are
called at longer time intervals, which, for example, may influence the communication.

MotionTasks with (continuous) loops without _waitTime (0 s) burden the round robin
execution level as the MotionTask uses two complete servo cycle clocks.

During the allocation of the round robin execution level for the BackgroundTask and
MotionTasks, the BackgroundTask in a complete round robin cycle receives at least one
time slice, a MotionTask receives two time slices (if, for example, they are required because
of a continuous loop).

Cyclic MotionTasks
Note when Motion Tasks should run cyclically:
If you want to use continuous loops in MotionTasks, then issue, for example, a
_waitTime(0s) in each cycle. This MotionTask then passes to the following MotionTask.

MotionTasks with (continuous) loops without _waitTime (0 s) burden the round robin
execution level as the MotionTask needs two complete servo cycle clocks.

If you want a MotionTask to be executed cyclically, it is better to end the task in the normal
way and restart the MotionTask again from a different task (e.g. BackgroundTask) rather
than use a continuous loop or a step command at the start of the program. This also has
advantages for a download during RUN.

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5.4 Time allocation in the round robin execution level

See also
Optimizing the execution system (Page 462)

5.4.1 Setting of the time allocation

You can use a slider accessible via the Time allocation button for MotionTasks or for the
BackgroundTask to set the chronological weighting of the BackgroundTask to the remaining
tasks of the round robin execution level.

Figure 5-31 Task configuration in SCOUT

Specifying the time allocation in the round robin execution level

1. Select the Task configuration tab in the configuration window of a MotionTask or the
2. Click the Time allocation.
The Time Allocation in the Round Robin Execution Level window opens.
3. Use the slider to set the ratios of the computation times.
4. Click OK to confirm.

Figure 5-32 Time allocation in the round robin execution level

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5.4 Time allocation in the round robin execution level

Time allocation in the round robin execution level

This is where you specify the ratio of the time allocation between the BackgroundTask and
all other round robin tasks (MotionTasks and Systemtasks, see Execution levels/tasks
(Page 135)).
The BackgroundTask gets a (maximum) of n-times the computing time of a different round
robin task (all other round robin tasks, e.g. MotionTask_1, each have the same maximum
share of computing time). You can set this factor with the slider.
When the BackgroundTask has run to an end, it will be restarted when the inputs are
updated, at the earliest (after the next servo cycle).
If the computing time of the BackgroundTask is set high, and thus disadvantages the other
round robin tasks then, for example, this will slow the communication to SCOUT/OP. Such a
setting should only be made for extremely time-critical applications.

Table 5- 5 Effect of computation time allocation to MotionTasks and BackgroundTask

Increased computation Effect

time for
MotionTasks BackgroundTask takes longer to run from beginning to end; time monitoring
may respond in extreme cases.
BackgroundTask Programs in the MotionTask may take longer to execute under some
The computation time for the BackgroundTask also includes the time required for acyclic
communication (via PROFIBUS or PROFINET IO with IRT).

5.4.2 Settings (examples)

To explain the time allocation in the round robin execution level, two examples are provided
here for setting the slider.

Case 1: Slider at the far right-hand side

The BackgroundTask runs for at least one servo cycle clock.

Figure 5-33 Time allocation in the round robin: Setting of the computation time for MotionTasks

In this setting, the BackgroundTask runs for one servo cycle clock, then all MotionTasks run
(each MotionTask runs for maximum two servo cycle clocks, unless it enters the suspend
mode beforehand), then the BackgroundTask runs again for one servo cycle clock, etc.

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5.4 Time allocation in the round robin execution level

Table 5- 6 Example:

Servo cycle clock Servo cycle clock Servo cycle clock Servo cycle clock Servo cycle clock
1 2-3 4-5 6 7-8
Background MotionTask 1 MotionTask 2 Background MotionTask 1
Task Task
Sample program:
MotionTask 1 and 2 run concurrently with the BackgroundTask;
servo cycle clock = 3 ms
● A counter in a While loop is incremented in the BackgroundTask (green line).
● A counter in a While loop is incremented in MotionTask 1 (red line).
● A counter in a While loop is incremented in MotionTask 2 (blue line).

Figure 5-34 Execution example for the time allocation in the round robin: Setting of the computation time for MotionTasks

t = 1518 ms BackgroundTask runs for one servo cycle clock

t = 1521 ms, 1524 ms MotionTask 1 runs for two servo cycle clocks
t = 1527 ms, 1530 ms MotionTask 2 runs for two servo cycle clocks
t = 1533 ms BackgroundTask runs for one servo cycle clock

Case 2: Slider at the far left-hand side

The BackgroundTask runs for 20 servo cycle clocks.

Figure 5-35 Time allocation in the round robin: Setting the computation time for BackgroundTask

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5.4 Time allocation in the round robin execution level

In this setting, the BackgroundTask runs for 20 servo cycle clocks, then all MotionTasks run
(each MotionTask runs for maximum two servo cycle clocks, unless it enters the suspend
mode beforehand), then the BackgroundTask runs again for another 20 servo cycle clocks,

Table 5- 7 Example:

Servo cycle clock Servo cycle clock Servo cycle clock Servo cycle clock Servo cycle clock
1-20 21-22 23-24 25-40 41-42
Background MotionTask 1 MotionTask 2 Background MotionTask 1
Task Task
Sample program:
MotionTask 1 and 2 run concurrently with the BackgroundTask;
servo cycle clock = 3 ms
● A counter in a While loop is incremented in the BackgroundTask (green line).
● A counter in a While loop is incremented in MotionTask 1 (red line).
● A counter in a While loop is incremented in MotionTask 2 (blue line).

Figure 5-36 Execution example for the time allocation in the round robin: Setting the computation time for BackgroundTask

t = 1788-1845 ms The BackgroundTask runs for 20 servo cycle clocks

t = 1848 ms, 1851 ms MotionTask 1 runs for two servo cycle clocks
t = 1854 ms, 1857 ms MotionTask 2 runs for two servo cycle clocks
t = 1860-1917 ms The BackgroundTask runs for 20 servo cycle clocks

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5.4 Time allocation in the round robin execution level

5.4.3 Processing of the tasks (examples)

The following examples illustrate the chronological execution of the various tasks.
The examples refer to PROFIBUS and apply to PROFINET IO with IRT analogously.

Example 1: Chronological execution when no InterruptTask is active













1 In the execution system, the cycle clocks have been selected as follows for this example:
DP cycle: Servo cycle clock: IPO cycle clock: 1:1:2
This means that the servo task is executed in each DP cycle and the IPO task is only executed
in every second DP cycle.
2 DP communication has the highest priority followed by the servo task.
3 IPO tasks are executed after servo tasks.
4 The round robin execution level is executed in the remaining time.

Figure 5-37 Chronological task execution, example: no InterruptTask active

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5.4 Time allocation in the round robin execution level

Example 2: Chronological execution when an InterruptTask is active and IPOTask lasts longer than
one servo cycle clock














1 The program executed in the IPO task lasts longer than the servo cycle clock. As a result, the
IPO task is interrupted and the DP communication and the servo task are executed. Then,
execution of the IPO task resumes.
2 After the IPO task is completed, the SystemInterruptTask is executed. Then the lower-priority
TimerInterruptTask is started.
3 The UserInterruptTask is also not executed until the higher-priority tasks are completed, even if
the condition for the UserInterruptTask was previously satisfied.
4 The round robin execution level is executed in the remaining time.
Figure 5-38 Chronological task execution, example: with InterruptTask active and IPOTask lasts
longer than one servo cycle clock

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5.4 Time allocation in the round robin execution level

Example 3: Special features for task change in multitasking

However the behavior of the multitasking with task changes, e.g., in case of wait commands
or synchronous commands, must be taken into account when querying conditions in
MotionTasks and also in the BackgroundTask.

Table 5- 8 Example:

BackgroundTask MotionTask1 MotionTask2

Sources: x=5 … …
… if x <> 5 if x = 5
x=4 _enableAxis _stopAxis
… Endif Endif
… …

BackgroundTask MotionTask1 MotionTask2

Execution sequence: x=5
Task change → if x <> 5
Condition not fulfilled
Task change → if x = 5
Condition fulfilled
Task change →
Task change → …
Task change → …
Although the execution seems clear in MotionTask2, it may occur that the execution is other
than intended due to a task change.
After the renewed change in the BackgroundTask (x=4), the if-queries have already been
processed and the query results from before the task change are still valid. This means that
although the condition x=5 is not fulfilled anymore at this time:
● _enableAxis is not executed in MotionTask1
● _stopAxis is executed in MotionTask2
The execution depends on when the task change is performed.

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5.5 Task Trace overview

5.5 Task Trace overview

5.5.1 Using Task Trace

The Task Trace is a tool for troubleshooting in the SIMOTION multitasking environment. The
Task Trace offers the following options:
● Graphic display of the sequence of individual tasks and user events (generated using a
program command).
● Trace of individual user tasks.
● Ability to configure the Task Trace using IT Diag or via the user program (system
● Storage of the trace file on a memory card.
● Start of the SIMOTION Task Profiler as a separate application using IT Diag or the
SCOUT device diagnostics.
For detailed information regarding the Task Trace, see the Task Trace function manual.

5.6 Isochronous I/O processing on fieldbus systems

The general sequence of isochronous I/O processing in a control system with I/O connection
via a fieldbus system is presented below:



,2 'DWD 'DWD

Figure 5-39 Data flow of isochronous I/O processing on fieldbus systems

In an isochronous system, the individual actions are chronologically synchronized with each
other. Thus, short and reproducible response times (i.e. with the same length) are achieved.
Cycle clock and time reference are preset by an isochronous, i.e. clocked bus system.

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5.6 Isochronous I/O processing on fieldbus systems

5.6.1 Data protocol on PROFIBUS DP



Figure 5-40 Data protocol on PROFIBUS DP

The data protocol on the bus contains the following:

● An isochronous global control message frame (GC) that defines the bus cycle clock
● Cyclic data: Data transmitted between the nodes in each cycle clock
Cyclic data communication allows for especially short and reproducible process response
times. The transfer of information is done in each cycle.
A user program accesses this data via the process image or via direct access to the I/O.
● Acyclic data: Data transmitted only if required and in larger quantities
The acyclic transmission is suitable especially for the non-time-critical transmission of
larger data quantities; the data can be distributed to several tasks.
Example of acyclic data: Alarms, diagnostic services and data sets
A user program accesses this acyclic data, e.g. using the commands _readrecord,
● Reserve: Remaining time until the next global control.
The residual time differs depending on the current running acyclic communication, and is
a maximum of TDP-TDX.

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5.6.2 Data protocol on PROFINET IO



Figure 5-41 Data protocol on PROFINET IO

The data protocol on the bus contains the following:

● The IRT communication that transfers cyclic data in a planned time interval.
● The RT and standard communication in which the following data can be transferred:
– Cyclic RTC telegrams with which IO data can be transferred, for example.
– Acyclic RTA telegrams with which alarm data can be transferred, for example.
– NRT data (standard communication), standard Ethernet telegrams with which all
standard Ethernet-based protocols can be transferred.
● Standard communication (last interval prior to synchronization telegram); here only
communication can take place that is concluded by the time the synchronization telegram
is used.
TIME IO Output Valid describes the time during which the new output data are available.

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5.6 Isochronous I/O processing on fieldbus systems

5.6.3 Isochronous data processing

Isochronous application
For an isochronous application the processing cycle clock of the controller and drives, or
decentral I/O, if connected, is synchronized to the bus cycle.

Isochronous data transmission on the Profibus DP

For PROFIBUS the bus cycle clock is synchronized to the Global Control Telegram (GC).
The GC embodies the bus cycle clock and is also the system cycle clock for the entire




Figure 5-42 Structure of a bus cycle for PROFIBUS DP

Isochronous data transmission on PROFINET IO

For PROFINET IO the processing cycle clock of the controller is synchronized to the IRT



Figure 5-43 Structure of a bus cycle for PROFINET IO

The data transmitted via cyclic data communication can thus be processed isochronously.

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5.6 Isochronous I/O processing on fieldbus systems

Isochronous data acquisition with PROFIBUS DP

In an isochronous complete system, data acquisition, data processing and data output refer
to the total system cycle clock.
The application is started when the cyclic data transfer has been completed (TDX).

7'3 Q  0$3&  7'3 Q  0$3&  7'3 Q  0$3& 




7, 7, 72




Figure 5-44 Calculation of the reaction times (PROFIBUS DP)

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5.6 Isochronous I/O processing on fieldbus systems

Isochronous data transmission with PROFINET IO

The application is started when the cyclic data transfer has been completed (Time IO Output


7B'&Q &$&)  7B'&Q &$&)  7B'&Q &$&) 



57157 DF\FOLF

7, 7, 72




Figure 5-45 Calculation of the reaction times (PROFINET IO)

Calculation of the reaction times (PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET IO)

The read-in process in the distributed I/O must be brought forward, offset by the time TI so
that a consistent status of the inputs can be read in at the starting time of the new bus cycle.
The time TI comprises at least the signal processing, and conversion time on the electronic
modules, and in the case of a modular ET 200 I/O system also the transmission time of the
inputs on the ET 200 backplane bus. In general TI is selected in such a manner that it is the
same for all modules, the slowest module determines the time in this regard.
The time TO ensures that the process reactions of the user program (data processing) are
switched through simultaneously and consistently to the "terminals" of the distributed I/O on
the bus. analagously for drives the set point is made available for the drive control. The time
TO comprises at least the time for the cyclic data exchange of all nodes on the bus; in the
case of a modular ET 200 I/O system the transmission time of the outputs on the ET 200
backplane bus and the signal processing, and conversion time on the electronic modules.

Reaction times or dead times (for drives)

By synchronizing the individual cycles it is possible to read the input data in the cycle clock
"n-1", to transmit and process the data in the cycle clock "n", and to transmit the calculated
output data at the beginning of the cycle clock "n+1", and to connect the output data to the
"terminals" in the same cycle clock.

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This results in a real process reaction time of:
● TI +TDP +TO minimum
● TI + 2·TDP + TO maximum

This results in a real process reaction time of:
● minimum TI +T_DC+TO
● maximum TI + 2·T_DC+ TO

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5.6 Isochronous I/O processing on fieldbus systems

5.6.4 Dynamic response with respect to data processing in the control

Data processing in the ServoSynchronousTask

● For data processing in the ServoSynchronousTask, for the bus cycle clock: Servo = 1 : 1
the setting can produce a processing time of one bus cycle clock in the controller.
This applies, for example, for the setting of output data, e.g. DO or AO, depending on the
input signals.



Figure 5-46 Data processing in the control - setting the output data

● When influencing axis data/axis motions, the processing time depends on the fact if the
data is already active in the servo (e.g. superimposed setpoint or output value).



Figure 5-47 Data processing in the control - influencing motion data

● If the data or commands become effective not until the IPO (e.g. issuing of motion
commands), the output data on the outputs only become effective with the next servo.
Note: To keep the runtime of the ServoSynchronousTask low (and thus the time until
Data Out), it is preferable to implement the programming of such tasks in the



Figure 5-48 Data processing in the control - output data effective in the IPO

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Data processing in the IPOSynchronousTask

● In the data processing in the IPOSynchronousTask, the output data on the I/O become
effective with the next servo.



Figure 5-49 Data processing in the control - output data effective in the next servo

● Or: Motion data in the next IPO or servo (see above)



Figure 5-50 Data processing in the control - output data effective in the IPO - influencing motion

In those cases where the output data of the I/O are only transmitted in the next servo, the
reaction time is increased by one bus cycle clock each (for bus cycle
clock: servo : IPO = 1 : 1 : 1).

Scenario Recommendation for user program task

Fast terminal-terminal response on I/O Use ServosynchronousTask
Fast influencing of the setpoint (servo level) Use ServosynchronousTask
Switching/superimpositioning the motion Use IPOsynchronousTask
(e.g. _stop, _move, _pos, …)
e.g. print mark
As of V4.1 in exceptional cases the IPO share can also be calculated in the servo, in this
regard see Motion control / interpolator in the TO axis manual.

5.6.5 Dynamic response with respect to data transmission from the acquisition to the
When using a PROFIBUS or PROFINET bus system, the specified times for data
transmission (TDX) must be taken into account in the calculation of the system cycle clock.
Small TDX allow for shorter cycle clocks or more processing time for the application with the
same cycle clock length.
● For PROFIBUS DP TDX is shown by the HW config.
● On the SIMOTION D on PROFIBUS-integrated depending on the degree of extension of
the SINAMICS project (I/O extension on SIMOTION D4xx and SIMOTION CX32) a
transmission time in the range of 125 µs ≦ TDX ≦ 375 µs is set automatically.
● For PROFINET IO TDX = 0.5 • TDP is set automatically

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5.6 Isochronous I/O processing on fieldbus systems

5.6.6 Dynamic response for data acquisition and data output

When configuring time TO take TDX into consideration. The following always applies: TDX ≦
T O.
● The times can be set in HW Config.
● When using TM15/TM17 High Feature modules for acquisition and output, the following
times are to be set:
– For the acquisition: TI + 1 DRIVE-CLiQ cycle (typically 125 µs)
– For the output TO + 1 DRIVE-CLiQ cycle (typically 125 µs)

See also
Determination of Tdp, Ti and To using HW Config for ET 200 I/O devices on the PROFIBUS
(Page 212)

5.6.7 Determination of Tdp, Ti and To using HW Config for ET 200 I/O devices on the
In HW Config in the Isochronous mode screen form (called from the Edit > Isochronous
mode menu), the times for TDP, TI and TO can be determined.
The dialog box gives an overview of the parameters and times set for the isochronous mode
of the involved objects PROFIBUS, slaves and modules in the respective slaves.
All times in the dialog are specified in milliseconds.
● TI/TO setting
– in the network means that the times TI and TO are centrally set "same for all slaves"
– in the slave means that the times TI and TO are set individually on each slave
Shows the currently set or calculated values TI, TO and TDP for the selected DP master
For a detailed description of the screen form and all other parameters, please refer to the
online help for HW Config.

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5.6 Isochronous I/O processing on fieldbus systems

Figure 5-51 Isochronous mode screen form in HW Config

Full "terminal-to-terminal" support of isochronous mode is only possible if all components
within the sequence support the "isochronous mode" system property. When selecting from
the PM10 catalog or the hardware catalog of HW Config, pay attention to the entry
Isochronous mode in the information field of the module.
A current list of isochronous I/O modules can be found on the Internet under

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5.6 Isochronous I/O processing on fieldbus systems

5.6.8 Handling cycle clock scaling

The following must be observed for cycle clock scaling:
● At the end of an IPO synchronous task the process image is output with the next possible
servo (Data Out) (= reaction time optimized). When scaling the servo cycle clock to the
IPO cycle clock sooner or later this can cause the data of one or more servo cycle clocks
to be output within an IPO cycle clock, if the I/O access are executed via the
● At the end of the servo execution level, the process image of the ServoSynchronousTask
is output with the next possible bus cycle clock (= reaction time optimized).
– For PROFINET and downscaling PROFINET cycle clock to servo cycle clock this can
cause the data of one or more bus cycle clocks to sooner or later be output within one
servo cycle clock if the I/O accesses are executed via the ServoSynchronousTask and
the runtime of the server execution level fluctuates beyond one bus cycle clock.
– For PROFIBUS the data are always output with the first bus cycle clock as the servo
execution level must always be concluded with the first bus cycle clock.

Thus with a different runtime of the servo execution level in the individual cycle clocks, the
terminal-terminal time may vary.
If an always constant reaction time is to be achieved instead of a reaction time optimized
behavior, the following must be set:
– A reduction ratio servo: IPO = 1 : 1 so that the I/O accesses from the
IPOSynchronousTask are always implemented in isochronous mode.
Comment: I/O accesses from the ServoSynchronousTask are always isochronous for
– A reduction ratio bus cycle clock : Servo: IPO = 1 : 1 : 1 so that the I/O accesses from
the IPOSynchronousTask are always implemented in isochronous mode
– A reduction ratio bus cycle clock : servo = 1 : 1 so that the I/O accesses from the
ServoSynchronousTask are always implemented in isochronous mode

5.6.9 Configuring PROFIBUS DP in HW Config to optimize run-time

Optimized configuration in HW Config can greatly improve the runtime behavior of the
SIMOTION firmware.

Runtime optimized configuration relative to station topology

On an isochronous PROFIBUS DP, isochronous drives intended for a TO Axis and
isochronous DP slaves should be given consecutive station addresses (e.g. 11, 12, 13, 14,
…). There may be gaps in this address sequence (e.g. 11, 13, 16, etc.), provided that no
other slaves are allocated to these numbers.

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Runtime-optimized configuration for i-Slave

In the slot definition for an intelligent DP slave configuration, the slots for which no
consistency is applied across the entire slot should be arranged in consecutive slot numbers.

Runtime optimized configuration for ET200 slaves

You can enhance system cycle clock or process reaction times by selecting a PROFIBUS
DP topology.
● Isochronous and non-isochronous I/O should be distributed to separate DP master
systems in order to maintain short and reproducible process reaction times
● Isochronicity should only be activated for stations and peripheral modules where this
property is also required.
● Reduce the number of slave stations in order to reduce basic load times and to minimize
the isochronous DP cycle time. Refrain for this reason from using OPs and text displays
on the isochronous DP master system. Operate these HMIs on a separate non-
isochronous DP master system or via the Ethernet interface.
● Short filter times on the I/O inputs reduce process reaction time (consequently select the
lowest filter setting for the ET 200 S High Feature digital inputs)
● Many peripheral modules have a special mode to achieve the shortest possible cycle
times (e.g. Fast Mode for ET 200M analog input or ET 200S SSI module, etc.)
● The number of I/Os per station is also a decisive factor in terms of TI and TO times. The
greatest TI and TO times of the specific components determine the TI and TO times of the
entire system. Minimize TI and TO times by means of appropriate I/O distribution within
the system architecture.
The following architectures are not favorable in terms of dynamic response:
– A small number of interface modules (ET 200M, ET 200S) and a large number of I/O
– A large number of interface modules (ET 200M, ET 200S) and a small number of I/O
Architectures which are favorable in terms of dynamic response:
– A small number of slaves /interface module) on the DP subnet
– interface modules with a small number of I/O submodules
– Interface modules operating only with input modules
– Interface modules operating only with output modules
– ET 200M: Insert the output modules with the longest processing time into the left slots
of the ET 200M.
– ET 200M: Insert the input modules with the longest processing time into the right slots
of the ET 200M.
– High PROFIBUS transmission rates contribute to the reduction of DP cycle times.
You can view and edit the resultant DP cycle time and the times TI and TO in the dialog
boxes of HW Config in order to create a practical configuration of your DP topology in HW

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5.7 Integrating DCC into the SIMOTION execution system

See also
Timeouts and level overflows (Page 190)

5.7 Integrating DCC into the SIMOTION execution system

5.7.1 Introduction

Drive Control Chart (DCC) allows you to implement your regulating and control tasks in a
drive-related manner. For this there is a set of blocks (DCB) available to you that you can
interconnect graphically via a configuration tool (DCC editor) in so-called charts. The DCBs
are available to you in the form of a library (DCBLIB).
Thus the charts created can be executed on the SIMOTION platforms as well as on
SINAMICS drives.
Only DCC for Simotion is described below.

Additional references
DCB lib DCC editor description

5.7.2 Sequence model for DCC blocks (DCB)

The individual DCC blocks (DCB – Drive Control Block) are organized as runtime groups in
the DCC editor. You can freely assign these runtime groups to the DCC tasks in the DCC
editor (task T1 to T5). The DCC tasks in the DCC editor correspond to the DCC tasks in the
SIMOTION execution system.

Task in the DCC editor Execution level Task

T1 Servo servoDcc
D2 IPO ipoDcc
T3 IPO_2 IpoDcc_2
T4 DccAux dccAux
T5 DccAux_2 dccAux_2
Execution groups can be activated or deactivated via binary outputs of blocks. Detailed
description in the editor.

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5.7 Integrating DCC into the SIMOTION execution system



'&% '&% '&% '&% '&% '&%



Figure 5-52 Sequence model of the runtime groups for DCBs

In the user model, the DCC task assigns itself in the execution level next to the user program
tasks (execution environment for user programs in ST, MCC, LAD/FBD) and the system
tasks. If required, the DCC task is created by the Engineeringsystem (ES); this means it is
not present in the system as standard.

Execution of the DCC diagrams

The execution of DCC diagrams is linked to the task status but rather to the status of the
runtime group assigned to it. They are enabled and disabled depending on the mode

Mode Action
STARTUP->RUN ON runtime groups
SHUTDOWN->STOPU OFF runtime groups
SHUTDOWN->STOP OFF runtime groups
All other changes in the mode cause no changes to the runtime groups.

See also
servoDccTask in the servo level (Page 218)
ipoDcc Task in the IPO level (Page 219)
ipoDcc_2 Task in the IPO2 level (Page 220)
Execution levels for DccAux and DccAux_2 (Page 221)

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Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks
5.7 Integrating DCC into the SIMOTION execution system

5.7.3 servoDccTask in the servo level

The T1(DCC) task runs in the servo level of the SIMOTION execution system. The servo
level is called synchronous to the data exchange with the isochronous I/O and used primarily
for fast control tasks.
● At start, the cyclical I/O data for the technology objects and servo-synchronous I/O
variables is copied from the interface to the isochronous I/O in the execution system.
● At conclusion, the cyclical I/O data is copied again from the execution system and, for
example, transferred with PROFIBUS to a PROFIBUS node.
The following graphic shows the chronological sequence of a task in the servo level.


'; ';




Figure 5-53 T1(DCC) task in the servo level

The T1(DCC) task is automatically started and executed at the begin of the servo level.
The following graphic shows the sequence of the tasks in the servo level.




Figure 5-54 Servo level with T1(DCC) task

Level overflow in the servo level

Tasks in the servo level run with the same priority and so do not interrupt each other. If all
tasks of the servo level cannot be calculated in a single cycle, a level overflow occurs and
the system enters STOP mode and the start-up lock is set. Only after a new startup (power
on/off) or download can the system return to RUN mode.

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Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks
5.7 Integrating DCC into the SIMOTION execution system

See also
Defining system cycle clocks (Page 182)

5.7.4 ipoDcc Task in the IPO level

The IPO level runs with the same cycle time as the servo level or in an integer reduction
ratio. Tasks in the servo level have a higher priority and so can interrupt tasks in the IPO
level. In addition, in the IPO level all I/O data not copied in the servo level are copied into the
execution system. The data can come both from the isochronous and the non-isochronous
The command processing and the setpoint generation of the technology objects run in the
system task of the IPO level.
The following graphic shows the chronological sequence in the IPO level.



'; '; ';





Figure 5-55 IPO level with T2(DCC) task

The T2(DCC) task is automatically started and executed at the begin of the IPO level.

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5.7 Integrating DCC into the SIMOTION execution system

The following graphic shows the execution sequence in the IPO level.



Figure 5-56 Execution sequence in the IPO level

Execution overflow in the IPO level

Tasks in the IPO level run with the same priority and so do not interrupt each other. A task in
the higher priority servo level can at anytime interrupt the processing in the IPO level; this
can possibly cause a level overflow, because not all tasks in the level can be processed.
In this case, the tasks of the level will be calculated to end in the next cycle and restarted. To
relieve load on the level and to better compensate the overflow, the DCC tasks are not
recalculated in the new cycle.
With the standard behavior, for a level overflow the device enters into STOP mode and the
start-up lock is set. Only after a new startup (power on/off) or download can the system
return to RUN mode.
However, you can also configure the system for toleration of up to five successive overflows.
You must set the behavior appropriately in the task configuration.

See also
Defining system cycle clocks (Page 182)
Timeouts and level overflows (Page 190)
SynchronousTasks (Page 158)
Isochronous data processing (Page 206)

5.7.5 ipoDcc_2 Task in the IPO2 level

The cycle time of the IPO2 level is an integer multiple of the cycle time of the IPO level.
However, it is not possible to set the IPO2 cycle clock equal to the IPO cycle clock.
The cycle time of the IPO2 level is shorter than that of the IPO level. Consequently, both the
IPO level and the servo level can interrupt the processing.
The T3(DCC) task is assigned in the IPO2 level as follows:




Figure 5-57 Order of processing in the IPO2 level

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5.7 Integrating DCC into the SIMOTION execution system

Level overflow in the IPO2 level

In the case of a level overflow, the IPO2 level behaves like the IPO level.

See also
ipoDcc Task in the IPO level (Page 219)
Defining system cycle clocks (Page 182)

5.7.6 Execution levels for DccAux and DccAux_2

The two DCC execution levels, DccAux and DCCAux_2, are called synchronous to the
The DCCAux and DCCAux_2 levels have the following properties:
● DccAux has a multiple of the Ipo_ cycle clock.
● DccAux_2 has a multiple of the DccAux cycle clock.
● DccAux has a higher priority than DccAux_2
● Synchronous trace recordings are possible.
● Up to five level overflows are tolerated (the default is 1). The current number of level
overflows can be fetched.
● In the case of a level overflow, the DCCTask is calculated to completion in the next task.

Table 5- 9 System variables for fetching level overflows

System variable Data type Significance

_device.numberOfSummarizedT UDINT Number of overflows of the
askOverflow.DccAux DccAux level since system
_device.numberOfSummarizedT UDINT Number of overflows of the
askOverflow.DccAux_2 DccAux_2 level since system

See also
Defining system cycle clocks (Page 182)

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Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks
5.7 Integrating DCC into the SIMOTION execution system

5.7.7 Data exchange between blocks Data exchange between blocks (overview)

In the DCC editor, you can interconnect the connections of various blocks. Three basic
scenarios must be differentiated for the data exchange between the blocks:
● You have connected connections of blocks with each other that lie in the same execution
● You have interconnected the output of one block with the input of a block in a higher
execution level.
● You have interconnected the output of one block with the input of a block in a lower
execution level.

See also
Data exchange between blocks in the same level (Page 222)
Data for blocks from a lower-priority level (Page 225)
Data for blocks from a higher-priority level (Page 228) Data exchange between blocks in the same level

If you have interconnect the blocks in the same execution level, the data will be transferred
in accordance with the execution sequence of the blocks. The guarantees that the value is
current at the input of the execution sequences.
If you have defined the execution sequence in accordance with the data flow, no additional
dead time results in the level.

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222 Function Manual, 05/2009
Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks
5.7 Integrating DCC into the SIMOTION execution system


'&% '&% '&%



'&% '&% '&% '&% '&% '&%


Figure 5-58 Interconnection sequence and execution sequence are identical

If the execution sequence of the blocks in the level does not correspond to the data flow,
additional dead times result, because at the input access has been made to values from the
previous cycle clock.

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Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks
5.7 Integrating DCC into the SIMOTION execution system


'&% '&% '&%



'&% '&% '&% '&% '&% '&%



Figure 5-59 Interconnection sequence and execution sequence differ

To optimize the dead times, always orient the execution sequence on the data flow.

Basic functions
224 Function Manual, 05/2009
Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks
5.7 Integrating DCC into the SIMOTION execution system Data for blocks from a lower-priority level

All blocks in an execution level must be calculated before their output values are made
available to blocks at the input in a different execution level. Output values from a higher-
priority level are accessed in a dedicated cycle clock (acceptance cycle clock) in order to
ensure isochronism of input values. The following graphic illustrates the isochronous value
transfer in a higher-priority level.


'&% '&%
'FF$X[B 'FF$X[



'FF$X[ 'FF$X[ 'FF$X[ 'FF$X[ 'FF$X[


Figure 5-60 Example for the data exchange from a lower priority level

The cycle clock ratio between the levels is 1:2. The task in the higher-priority level always
accepts the value in a second cycle clock, independent of whether the lower-priority task
was already calculated to the end in the previous cycle clock.

Level overflow of the lower-priority level

If a level overflow of the lower-priority level occurs, the current values have not yet been
calculated at the acceptance cycle clock. In this case, the old value is used for calculations
at the input until the next acceptance cycle clock.
The following graphic illustrates the overflow behavior for a cycle clock ratio of 1:2. A level
overflow for T2 occurs. This means the old values are transferred to the higher-priority task
at the acceptance time (cycle clock 1). A new value is accepted at the next acceptance time,
namely two cycle clocks later.

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Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks
5.7 Integrating DCC into the SIMOTION execution system


'&% '&%
'FF$X[B 'FF$X[





Figure 5-61 Data exchange from a lower-priority level with overflow

The described overflow scenario is true only for an ideal system. In a real application, user
tasks and system tasks also run in a level together with the DCC task.

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5.7 Integrating DCC into the SIMOTION execution system

Example consideration of user programs and system tasks

If overflow occurs during the processing of the iposynchronous UP or of the IPO system
task, the values have already been calculated in the IPoDCC task and can be transferred to
the higher-priority level. However, no new value is calculated in the next cycle clock. If the
ipoDCC task already causes an overflow, a correct value will only be accepted again two
cycle clocks later. In the two cycle clocks between, the value is accepted delayed by one
cycle clock.







Figure 5-62 Overflow in the execution context with other tasks

To ensure an isochronal data transfer between the ipoDCC task in the IPO level and the
servoDCC in the servo level, the ipoDcc task in the IPO level considered by itself should not
already cause a level overflow. If this is the case, the higher-priority task does not have
available any updated values for the transfer of the values from the lower-priority level. The
updated values are then transferred only after the next cycle of the lower-priority levels.

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Function Manual, 05/2009 227
Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks
5.7 Integrating DCC into the SIMOTION execution system Data for blocks from a higher-priority level

If an access is made to the output values from a lower-priority level, the values must be
transferred from a dedicated cycle clock of the higher-priority level in order to guarantee the
isochronism of input values.


'&% '&%

7 '&& 7 '&&





Figure 5-63 Data transfer from a higher-priority level

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228 Function Manual, 05/2009
Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks
5.7 Integrating DCC into the SIMOTION execution system

5.7.8 Interconnection of blocks with variables Interconnection with variables

Overview of the interconnection possibilities with variables

In addition to the possibility of interconnecting blocks, a PIN can also be interconnected to an
external variable. In this way, you can establish a connection with the I/O, the technology
objects, a user program and an HMI.
The following user variables can be interconnected with blocks:
● I/O variables.
● System variables
● The following user variables can be interconnected with DCC:
– Global device variables
– Variables in the interface of a source

Interconnection of technology objects

● Interconnection using system variables and cyclic interface
● System functions of TOs cannot be called directly from DCCs.

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Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks
5.7 Integrating DCC into the SIMOTION execution system

Interconnect PIN with variables

You can interconnect the various inputs and outputs of a block in the DCC editor. The
description of the DCC editor contains detailed information.

Figure 5-64 Interconnection of user variables in the DCC editor

There are no restrictions as to how often an output can be interconnected to a variable. The
output value of the most recently calculated block is always effective. Behavior for FPU exceptions

DCC Tasks exhibit the following behavior for FPU (Floating-Point Unit) exceptions:

Exception Description SIMOTION response

Invalid Operation Invalid operation (e.g. 0/0, Device switches to STOP mode.
Division by Zero Division by zero Device switches to STOP mode.
Overflow The absolute result of an Device switches to STOP mode.
operation is larger than abs(+/--

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230 Function Manual, 05/2009
Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks
5.8 Include drive I/O

Exception Description SIMOTION response

Underrun The absolute result of an The result is 0.
operation is less than abs(+/--
Inexact The result cannot be The result is rounded.
represented exactly.
See Error during operations with floating-point numbers (FPU exceptions) (Page 97).

5.8 Include drive I/O

5.8.1 Terminal modules TM15 and TM17 High Feature

The TM15 and TM17 High Feature terminal modules must be evaluated isochronously by
the SIMOTION motion control system. Details for the timing can be obtained from the TM15 /
TM17 High Feature Terminal Modules Commissioning Manual.

5.8.2 TM31, TM41, TM15 DI/DO terminal modules, TB30 terminal board and onboard
I/Os on SIMOTION D or CU310/CU320 and CX32.

TM31, TM41, TM15 DI/DO, TB30 and the onboard I/Os operate free-running (not
isochronous) for SINAMICS.
The updating cycle is specified by the following drive parameters with 4 ms as default
● p4099 for TM31, TM41 and TM15 DI/O or
● p0799 for TB30 and the onboard I/O
The accesses are performed in a SINAMICS background task (for example, every 4 ms).
Access time to the inputs and outputs within the set updating cycle can vary from cycle to
cycle; this means that the system merely ensures that within each cycle an update is made
with a possible fluctuation range in accordance with the updating cycle. This can be
influenced using the setting for p4099 or p0799.

The following figure only provides a schematic presentation of the times and does not
provide information on the absolute amount.

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Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks
5.8 Include drive I/O

The I/O produces the following timing:

7,SR ,SR'3 







'; '; '; '; ';

7'3 7'3 7'3 7'3


7L 7R
7F\F 7F\F
7'2 7'2
76HUYRRU 7,2 7,2
7&8LQ 7&8RXW 7&8RXW

Figure 5-65 I/O Timing

● TDP: Clock cycle PROFIBUS (see setting in HW Config)
● Ti : Latch time of the inputs for isochronous PROFIBUS (see setting in HW Config for the
● To: Delay of the outputs for isosynchronous PROFIBUS (see setting in HW Config for the
● TIO: Module-specific signal delay (corresponds to a DRIVE-CLiQ cycle + the input delay
time for digital input or the load-dependent output delay time for digital outputs)
● Tcyc: Updating cycle in the SINAMICS (p4099 or p0799 parameter)
● Servo: SIMOTION servo-cycle clock; multiple of TDP (see cycle clock settings for
● IPO: SIMOTION IPO-cycle clock; multiple of the servo cycle clock (see cycle clock
settings for SIMOTION)
● TDQ: DRIVE-CLiQ clock cycle (for V4.1, always corresponds to the current controller cycle
● UP: User program
● Output time on the CU: TCU_out = TO + Tcyc + TDQ + TIO
● Read in time on the CU: TCU_in = Ti + Tcyc + TDQ + TIO
The figure shows all times that affect the terminal-terminal response time. Worst case values
should be used for the dashed times, thus:
● The set updating cycle Tcyc (= maximum time for the access time)
● The time Tservo or TIPO in the gray area. Depending on the time the input event occurs the
maximum terminal-terminal reaction time can be up to one servo or IPO cycle clock
longer than the minimum terminal-terminal reaction time.

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5.8 Include drive I/O

The gray area shows the range in which the input event is acquired and processed with the
next call of the user program (UP). The size of this range depends on whether the user
program runs in the servo-synchronous task or IPO-synchronous task.

Note that a reduction of the updating cycle leads to higher loading of the SINAMICS closed
loop control or the SIMOTION D4xx, this means that the quantity frame for drives, terminal
modules, etc., can be reduced under some certain circumstances!

The SIMOTION user program can access I/O components in the SINAMICS drive device
when they are added as I/O PZD (process data) to the PROFIdrive message frame using
BICO interconnection (refer to the SIMOTION D4xx commissioning and hardware installation
manual, "Message frame configuring for onboard I/O and drive objects" section): As of V4.1
special message frames (39x) can also be used.
The timing depends on which I/O component is accessed. The following table specifies the
maximum delay times. To determine the terminal-terminal times, the values for the "terminal
->UP" and "UP -> terminal" must be added.

The dashed line areas in the IO Timing graphic for the IPO synchronous task only apply for
PROFINET IO. Analogously the times for PROFINET IO are presented in the following table
in the UP in iposynchronous task column. For PROFIBUS DP in the line OUT TIPO must be
replaced by TServo. The dotted line area is irrelevant for PROFIBUS as the servo cannot run
there over multiple bus cycles.

Maximum delay times

I/O module UP in servo-synchronous task UP in iposynchronous task Tcyc
TM31, TM41, Out UP -> terminal TDP + TCU_out TIPO + TDP + TCU_out p4099
TM15 DI/O In Terminal -> UP TServo + TCU_in TIPO + TCU_in
TB30 Out UP -> terminal TDP + To + Tcyc + TIO TIPO + TDP + To + Tcyc + TIO p07993)
In Terminal -> UP TServo + Ti + Tcyc + TIO TIPO + Ti + Tcyc + TIO
Onboard I/O Out UP -> terminal1) 75 µs 75 µs p07993)
D4xx, CX32, UP -> terminal2) TDP + To + Tcyc TIPO + TDP + To + Tcyc
CU320 In Terminal -> UP TServo + Ti + Tcyc TIPO + Ti + Tcyc

1) Access to integrated drives SIMOTION D4xx in conjunction with standard message frame
39x for the DO1. Without standard message frame the timing behavior applies the same as
for CX32.
2.) Access to CX32 as well as via external PROFIBUS or PROFINET IO on CU310 / CU320
3) For isochronal operation, Tcyc = max (TDP, p0799)

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Function Manual, 05/2009 233
Execution System, Tasks, and System Cycle Clocks
5.8 Include drive I/O

Further information
You can also find more information on this topic:
● In the SIMOTION D410 and D4x5 Commissioning Manuals
● In an FAQ on the Utilities & Applications CD under FAQs
● On the Internet at

Basic functions
234 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle

6.1 Execution system

6.1.1 Introduction to the execution system

All programs are executed in the SIMOTION device execution system. The execution system
provides a series of execution levels with various execution properties.
Programs must therefore be assigned to the execution levels in order to be executed. To this
end, programs of the source files are assigned to one or more tasks.
This defines the sequence in which they are to be executed.

Before programs can be assigned to the execution levels the ST/MCC/LAD/FBD sources
must be translated.

6.1.2 Execution levels and tasks

Execution levels define the chronological sequence of programs in the execution system.
Each execution level contains one or more tasks.
A task provides the execution framework for the programs. You can assign one or more user
programs to each task and specify their order within the task.
Besides user program tasks there are also several system tasks, the contents and execution
sequence of which you cannot influence.
The table shows the execution levels with their tasks that are available for the user programs
(user program tasks).
You can use task control commands to influence the execution system.

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Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.1 Execution system

Table 6- 1 Execution levels in SIMOTION

Execution level Description

The execution levels and tasks are described in detail in the SIMOTION
Motion Control Basic Functions Function Manual.
Time-controlled Cyclic tasks, automatically restarted once assigned programs have been
• SynchronousTasks Tasks are started periodically, synchronous with specified system cycle
• ServoSynchronousTask: synchronous with the position control cycle
(SIMOTION Kernel V4.0 and higher)
• IPOsynchronousTask: Synchronous with interpolator cycle clock IPO
• IPOsynchronousTask_2: Synchronous with interpolator cycle clock
• Synchronous tasks for the Tcontrol technology package:
– PWMsynchronousTask: Synchronous to the PWM cycle clock
InputSynchronousTask_1: Synchronous with cycle clock Input1
– InputSynchronousTask_2: Synchronous with cycle clock Input2
– PostControlTask_1: Synchronous with cycle clock Control1
– PostControlTask_2: Synchronous with cycle clock Control2
• TimerInterruptTasks Tasks are started periodically in a fixed time frame. This time frame must
be a multiple of interpolator cycle clock IPO.
Interrupts Sequential tasks, executed once after start and then terminated.
• SystemInterruptTasks Started when a system event occurs:
Detailed description
• ExecutionFaultTask: Error processing a program
• PeripheralFaultTask: Error on I/O
• TechnologicalFaultTask: Error on the technology object
• TimeFaultBackgroundTask: BackgroundTask timeout
• TimeFaultTask: TimerInterruptTask timeout
• UserInterruptTasks Started on edge trigger when a user-defined event occurs.
Round robin MotionTasks and BackgroundTasks share the free time remaining after
execution of the higher-priority system and user tasks. The proportion of the
two levels can be assigned.
• MotionTasks Sequential tasks, executed once after start and then terminated. Start takes
• Explicitly via a task control command in a program assigned to another
• Automatically when RUN mode is attained if the corresponding attribute
was set during task configuration.
The priority of a MotionTask can be increased temporarily using the system
function WAITFORCONDITION (seeLet MotionTask wait until a condition is
• BackgroundTask Cyclic task, restarted automatically once the assigned programs have been
executed; task cycle time depends on runtime.
StartupTask Task is executed once when there is a transition from STOP or STOP U
mode to RUN mode.
SystemInterruptTasks are started by their triggering system event.

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Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.1 Execution system

Execution level Description

ShutdownTask Task is executed once when there is a transition from RUN mode to STOP
or STOP U mode. STOP or STOP U mode is reached by:
• Corresponding mode selector position
• Corresponding system function of the SIMOTION device
• Alarm (fault) with corresponding error response
SystemInterruptTasks and PeripheralFaultTasks are started by their
triggering system event.
For information on behavior of sequential and cyclic tasks:
• For the initialization of local program variables, refer to the Initialization of local program variables depending on the
task execution behavior (Page 238) table.
• In the event of execution errors in the program, see Processing errors in programs (Page 96) section.
For information about options for accessing the process image and I/O variables, see the Important properties for direct
access and process image section, which can be found in the various programming manuals.

6.1.3 Task start sequence

When the StartupTask is completed, RUN mode is reached.
The following tasks are then started:
● SynchronousTasks
● TimerInterruptTasks
● BackgroundTask
● MotionTasks with startup attribute.

The sequence in which these tasks are first started after RUN mode has been reached does
not conform to the task priorities.

6.1.4 Configure execution system Specifications for the configuring

When configuring the execution system, you assign the programs you want to execute in
each task. In so doing, you specify the following:
● Priority with which the programs are executed
● Execution behavior (sequential, cyclical)
● Initialization behavior of local program variables
Assignment of a program to one or more tasks can only be performed after compilation and
must occur before the program is loaded onto the target system.
When you have assigned a program to one or more tasks, you can establish the connection
to the target system, download the program to the target system, and start it.

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Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.1 Execution system

See also
Configure execution system (Page 176)
Assigning programs to the execution levels/tasks (Page 176) Assigning programs to the tasks

In the Execute sample program section, you set up a task assignment using the sample
program. The basic procedure is as follows:
1. Select the SIMOTION device in the project navigator, and select the Target system >
Configure execution system menu command.
The configuration window for the execution system of the SIMOTION device opens.
2. Select the task to be configured.
3. Select the Program assignment tab, and assign the desired programs to the task.
4. Select the Task configuration tab and make any additional settings, such as:
– The local data stack size (see Storage areas of the variablen type section) in the Area
limit for dynamic data field
– Error response for program errors (see Processing errors in programs section)
– Time watchdogs for cyclic tasks
– Start behavior of MotionTasks

See also
Assigning programs to the execution levels/tasks (Page 176)

6.1.5 Effect of the task execution behavior on the variable initialization Time for the initialization of local program variables

The execution behavior of the task (sequential or cyclic) determines the initialization of local
variables in the assigned programs. These descriptions also apply to instances of function
blocks that were declared as local variables in the programs.
You will find a summary of all variable types and their time of initialization in the Time of the
variable initialization section, which can be found in the various programming manuals.

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238 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.1 Execution system

Table 6- 2 Initialization of local program variables according to task execution behavior

Execution Tasks Initialization of local

behavior program variables
Sequential MotionTasks, After start, sequential tasks are executed once and
(not cyclic) UserInterruptTasks, then terminated. On each start, all local variables of
SystemInterruptTasks, the assigned programs are initialized.
StartupTask, The time for data initialization is included in the task
ShutdownTask. runtime.
Behavior with compiler switch "One-time program
data initialization": The local variables of the
assigned programs will be initialized once (during
the download). See Download of changed sources
in RUN (Page 436) and Influence of the compiler on
variable initialization (Page 241).
Cyclic BackgroundTask, Cyclic task are automatically restarted upon
SynchronousTasks, completion, and the values of static local variables
TimerInterruptTasks of the assigned programs (declared in VAR /
END_VAR) are retained.
Static variables are initialized once only during the
transition from STOP to RUN.
Temporary variables (declared in VAR_TEMP /
END_VAR) are initialized every time the task is
This one-time initialization of static variables is not
included in the task runtime.
Behavior with compiler switch "Only create program
instance once": The local variables of the assigned
programs will be instantiated once (during the
download). See Download of changed sources in
RUN (Page 436) and Influence of the compiler on
variable initialization (Page 241).
For information about the initialization for a STOP - RUN transition and pragma
BlockInit_OnDeviceRun, see Initialization of data during a STOP - RUN transition
(Page 441). Assigning initial values to unit variables

Unit variables and global device variables are not initialized during the transition from STOP
or STOPU mode to RUN mode (refer to the Time of the variable initialization section, which
can be found in the various programming manuals).
If you nevertheless want to assign initial values to these variables, use the StartupTask to do
so. For information about the initialization for a STOP - RUN transition and the pragma
BlockInit_OnDeviceRun, see also Initialization of data during a STOP - RUN transition
(Page 441).

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Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.1 Execution system

The task start sequence is not defined after the transition to RUN mode (refer to the Task
start sequence section).
Correct initial value assignment is not ensured if a task other than the StartupTask is used. Use multiple VAR_GLOBAL, VAR_GLOBAL RETAIN blocks

You can create multiple VAR_GLOBAL, VAR_GLOBAL RETAIN blocks in the interface and
implementation area of a UNIT (as of V4.1).
In the interface area and in the implementation area you can specify multiple declaration
blocks in any sequence. Each of these blocks will be versioned separately. Changes within a
block (whether direct or indirect via data type change) thus result in reinitialization of these
blocks when reloading. Thus the (RETAIN) data retain works block-by-block.
New blocks can be added on the end and the changed sources can be reloaded in the RUN,
without influencing the existing data blocks. If in one source section (statement applies
separately for interface and implementation) a block is added in front of an existing block of
the same type (RETAIN or not RETAIN) then all the subsequent blocks change and will be
reinitialized at download. Thus download in the RUN after such a change is not possible.
Via the functions _saveUnitDataSet /_loadUnitDataSet and _exportUnitDataSet
/_importUnitDataSet, the unit data block information can be saved. If when reading a data
set one or multiple blocks are missing this can be detected on the return code, the remaining
blocks however will be read. See also General information on saving data sets from the user
program (Page 337) and Data backup and data initialization from user program - functions
and instructions (Page 376).

Loss of retain data due to initialization

These data can be saved beforehand in the SCOUT via the "Save variables" function and
read in again via the "Restore variables" function.
Alternatively you can also use the runtime functions in the application _exportUnitDataSet /

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6.1 Execution system Influence of the compiler on variable initialization

Compiler switch "One-time program data instantiation"

The compiler switch can be set on each source and thus overwrites the global setting. The
compiler switch works regardless of the creation language and consequently it can also be
used in LAD/FBD and MCC.
The compiler switch governs how the instance data must be created in a PROGRAM
contained in a source. Instance data of a PROGRAM are formed by the content of the VAR
declaration block.
Generally, the following is valid: A program can be hooked into the execution system once
and only once per task.
If "One-time program data instantiation" is not set (DEFAULT) then the following behavior
● The program cannot be called from a different LAD.
● The instance data of a program will be created separately for each task to which the
program is assigned.
● The data initialization of the instance data is executed with the start of the TASK;
(sequential task with task start cyclic tasks for the STOP-RUN transition)
● Instance data of PROGRAMs in sequential tasks can be changed in this mode in RUN (if
a loading is possible in principle).
Activation of the compiler switch "One-time program data instantiation" (also when using a
program in different tasks) causes the following:

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● Instance data of programs translated in this manner will only be created once. The
instance data are in the source, where the PROGRAM is declared.
● Each time a PROGRAM created in this manner is used, the same data is involved. This
affects the assignment to (possibly multiple) tasks and the call in other PROGRAMS or
function blocks.
● With the setting 'one-time program data instantiation' the data initialization is executed
according to the rules of global initialization (see Download settings on the project) with
the download of the source/ of the code, in which the program is declared. See also
Download of changed sources in RUN (Page 436).

Changed behavior for the data initialization when "Only create program instance data
once" has been selected.
For sequential tasks, the data initialization is no longer performed with a task start or for
cyclic tasks with the STOP-RUN transition, but generally only during a download. If
required, the data initialization must now be performed applicatively in the StartUpTask
or at the start of the programs in sequential tasks. Initialization during the STOP-RUN
transition is possible with a pragma, see Initialization of data during a STOP - RUN
transition (Page 441). For information on the influence of the compiler switch in
conjuction with the download in RUN, see Download of changed sources in RUN
(Page 436).
If several tasks are assigned to one program, the same data is used as the basis for all
of them.

Initialization of variables during a STOP - RUN transition

For information about the initialization for a STOP - RUN transition and pragma
BlockInit_OnDeviceRun, see Initialization of data during a STOP - RUN transition
(Page 441).

Compiler switch "Permit language extensions" (for non-IEC_conformity)

The compiler switch can be set on each source and thus overwrites the global setting. It
works regardless of the creation language and consequently it can also be used in LAD/FBD
and MCC.
The compiler switch allows the following:
● Direct bit access, bit addressing for bitstring variables (except BOOL)
● Reading and writing INPUT variables from function blocks outside the scope of the
● Permissible call "program in program".
A program can be called within a different program, like a global FB instance within a POU,
such as calling "myprog" within a different program; within a different FB, however not within
a function.

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Global availability of the instance data is a prerequisite for "program in program". This can be
satisfied either in that the PROGRAM does not have any instance data, or however through
using the compiler switch "One-time program data instantiation" when compiling the
PROGRAM that will be called (see One-time program data instantiation).

If you do not set the compiler switch, then the behavior remains unchanged relative to V4.0
(corresponds to DEFAULT).

Re-initialization of variable blocks

In VAR_GLOBAL, VAR_GLOBAL RETAIN blocks (interface and implementation sections of
the source/unit):
● BlockInit_OnChange := true; causes (IMPLEMENTATION only) a reinitialization of
the data to be executed with the values specified in the source when changes are made
to the block structure for the download in RUN.
This pragma is also applicable in VAR declarations of PROGRAMs. However there it is only
effective if the compiler option "One-time program data instantiation" is selected.
See also Download of changed sources in RUN (Page 436). Marking HMI relevant data

Marking data as "non HMI relevant data"

By default, the variables declared in the interface section of a unit are available for operator
control and monitoring.
Use a compiler pragma at the beginning of the block to mark a block in the interface area as
not HMI relevant. In this case no more operate&observe addresses will be generated for the
contained variables and changes on this block will no longer have an effect on the HMI

Table 6- 3 Example

{HMI_Export := false; }
x : INT;
y : INT;

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Marking data as HMI-relevant data

You can use a compiler pragma at the beginning of the block to mark a block in the interface
area as non-HMI relevant. Then, operator control and monitoring addresses will be
generated for the contained variables, and changes in this block will have an effect on the
HMI consistency.

Table 6- 4 Example

{HMI_Export := true; }
x : INT;
y : INT;
This means that all HMI-relevant variables must be below the 64kbyte address limit for HMI
access. For device variants less than V4.1 this corresponds to the position of the block within
the source, and RETAIN blocks are ordered independently of association with the source
section in front of the dynamic blocks (no change possible).
For device variants as of V4.1 only HMI-relevant blocks still occupy areas in the HMI address
If the 64kbyte address limit is exceeded then there is a warning, citing the variable from
which an HMI access is no longer possible. If data blocks are explicitly exported by
specifying the compiler pragmas for HMI, and it is not possible to reach variables of the block
via HMI, then then an error message is executed when translating.

Access from HMI without consistency check setting is possible if variables at the end of the
entire VAR_GLOBAL area are added, this means they are added in the last VAR-GLOBAL
block variables, or that an entire VAR-GLOBAL definition block is supplemented at the end.

See also HMI (Human Machine Interface) connection (Page 397) and HMI variables in one
unit (Page 463).
For detailed information on the behavior of HMI-relevant data, see ST programming manual,
Section Variables and HMI devices.

Reinitialization of variable blocks with HMI-relevant data

In VAR_GLOBAL, VAR_GLOBAL RETAIN blocks, the following pragma can be used to mark
HMI-relevant data at the beginning of the block:
HMI_Export := [true|false]; causes an address export for HMI devices deviating
from the default position (INTERFACE is exported, IMPLEMENTATION is not).

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6.1.6 Task status Querying and meaning of the task states

You can check the task status with the _getStateOfTaskId(taskId) function. This function
requires the task ID as an input parameter and returns a value of data type DWORD.
For SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0, use the function _getStateOfTask(name).
The table shows the possible combinations of task states in hex representation and as
symbolic constants. Task status combinations are possible and are displayed as the sum of
the hexadecimal values.

Table 6- 5 Task states and their meaning

Symbolic constant Hex Symbolic constant

TASK_STATE_INVALID 16#0000 The task does not exist.
TASK_STATE_STOP_PENDING 16#0001 Task has received signal to stop; it is in a state between
Actions may be performed until the task has stopped.
TASK_STATE_STOPPED 16#0002 Task stopped (e.g. via _resetTask function), completed
or not yet started.
TASK_STATE_RUNNING 16#0004 Task running, e.g.:
• By _startTask function
• As an active cyclic task
TASK_STATE_WAITING 16#0010 Task waiting due to _waitTime function or
TASK_STATE_SUSPENDED 16#0020 Task suspended by function _suspendTaskid.
TASK_STATE_WAIT_NEXT_CYCLE 16#0040 TimerInterruptTask waiting for start trigger.
TASK_STATE_WAIT_NEXT_INTERRUPT 16#0080 SystemInterruptTask or UserInterruptTask is waiting for
the triggering event to occur.
TASK_STATE_LOCKED 16#0100 Task locked by function _disableScheduler.

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6.1 Execution system Combinations of task states

_getStateOfTaskId (and _getStateOfTask) often return as value combinations of the task
states depending on the source file section contained in the Keywords for the declaration of
static and temporary variables table that are formed with an OR operation. Frequent
combinations are listed in the table.

Table 6- 6 Frequently occurring task status combinations

Combination Hex Meaning

TASK_STATE_WAITING OR 16#0014 Task running but currently waiting, for example, because
TASK_STATE_SUSPENDED OR 16#0024 Task running but currently suspended by
TASK_STATE_RUNNING _suspendTaskid.
TASK_STATE_WAIT_NEXT_CYCLE OR 16#0044 TimerInterruptTask running, but currently waiting for its
TASK_STATE_RUNNING start trigger.
TASK_STATE_WAIT_NEXT_CYCLE OR 16#0064 TimerInterruptTask running but currently waiting for its
TASK_STATE_SUSPENDED OR start trigger and suspended by _suspendTaskid.
TASK_STATE_WAIT_NEXT_INTERRUPT OR 16#0084 SystemInterruptTask or UserInterruptTask running, but
TASK_STATE_RUNNING currently waiting for its triggering event.
TASK_STATE_WAIT_NEXT_INTERRUPT OR 16#00A4 SystemInterruptTask or UserInterruptTask running, but
TASK_STATE_SUSPENDED OR currently waiting for its triggering event, and is
TASK_STATE_RUNNING suspended by _suspendTaskid.
TASK_STATE_LOCKED OR 16#0104 Task running but currently locked by _disableScheduler.
Other combinations are possible. Example of using the task states

In the following example, the task status of a MotionTask is queried to decide whether it can
be started. The relevant bits of the return value are evaluated for this. If the result is positive,
the MotionTask is started.

Table 6- 7 Example of a query whether a MotionTask can be started

ret_dword := _getStateOfTaskId (id := _task.motionTask_1);

IF (ret_dword AND
) <> 0 THEN
// MotionTask can be started.
ret_dword := _restartTaskId (id := _task.motionTask_1);
; // MotionTask cannot be started.
See the MCC Programming Manual under the command Task status for an example with

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6.1.7 Waiting in MotionTask for a condition to be satisfied Syntax of the condition of the EXPRESSION

The following applies for programming in ST. For MCC, definition of the wait condition is
executed directly in the commands.
You can use the WAITFORCONDITION command in a MotionTask to wait for a condition to
be satisfied (e.g. an event to occur). The MotionTask in which the statement is called is kept
in TASK_STATE_WAITING status until the condition is satisfied.
When the VAR_IN_OUT in/out parameter is used, you can permit a time monitoring for
This condition is formulated in the form of an EXPRESSION.
The expression is a special type of function declaration (for information on the syntax, see
the Expressions section in the ST Programming Manual):
● The data type of the return value can be defined as BOOL and is not specified explicitly.
● The use of the VAR_IN_OUT in/out parameter and the VAR_INPUT input parameter is
An expression can only be declared in the implementation section of the unit.
Optionally, local (temporary) variables can be declared in the declaration section. No other
declarations (e.g. of input parameters or constants) are possible.

The following can be accessed in the statement section:

● Local variables for the expression
● Unit variables
● Global device variables, I/O variables, and the process image
An expression of the BOOL data type must be assigned to the expression identifier in the
statement section of the expression (see Expressions section in the ST Programming

The statement section of the expression cannot contain any function calls or loops.

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6.1 Execution system Syntax of the WAITFORCONDITION statement

The following syntax is used to call the command for a waiting task subject to an expression:


:$,7)25&21',7,21 ([SUHVVLRQLGHQWLILHU



:,7+ ([SUHVVLRQ '2


6WDWHPHQWVHFWLRQ (1'B:$,7)25&21',7,21 


Figure 6-1 Syntax of WAITFORCONDITION statement

Expression identifier is a construct declared with EXPRESSION; its value defines (together
with WITH edge evaluation, if necessary) whether the condition is considered as satisfied.
The WITH edge evaluation sequence is optional. Edge evaluation is an expression of data
type BOOL; it determines how the value of expression identifier is interpreted:
● Edge evaluation = TRUE: The rising edge of expression identifier is interpreted; i.e. the
condition is satisfied when the value of expression identifierchanges from FALSE to
● Edge evaluation = FALSE: The static value of expression identifier is interpreted; i.e. the
condition is satisfied when the value of expression identifier is TRUE.
If is not specified, the default setting is FALSE, i.e. the static value of expression identifier is
You can use the NOT expression identifier to check for a trailing edge. Effect of the WAITFORCONDITION statement

The WAITFORCONDITION statement sets the task that called it to TASK_STATE_WAITING
status until the condition (expression) is TRUE.
The priority of the task is increased if the expression is true. The priority is higher than for
UserInterruptTasks and lower than for SystemInterruptTasks, i.e. the MotionTask has its turn
before the other task in the round-robin execution level, as well as before the
UserInterruptTasks and TimerInterruptTasks.

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The increased task priority applies to all statements between the WAITFORCONDITION
command and the END_WAITFORCONDITION command. The
END_WAITFORCONDITION command ends the increased task priority.
The statement section must contain at least one empty statement.
Please note the following when using the WAITFORCONDITION command:
● The command is used to wait for an event in a MotionTask. If it is programmed within
another task, it is ignored.
● There is no time watchdog in a MotionTask.
Therefore, make sure that the condition does actually become true. Otherwise, the
MotionTask would always be in the wait state and this would produce a timeout error.
● As of V4.1 time monitoring for WAITFORCONDITION can be programmed in a Motion
● The WAITFORCONDITION ... END_WAITFORCONDITION structure may not be nested.
● Within the round-robin level, the waiting task is the next to be executed when the event
occurs, as long as it is not hindered by higher-priority tasks (such as alarms).
● The time slice of the active task in the round robin level is interrupted.
● For the behavior in the event of task interruption, see _suspendTaskid).
● The expression is checked in the IPO cycle clock with high priority.

See also
Task priorities (Page 140)
MotionTasks (Page 147) Example of use of WAITFORCONDITION

The following example assumes that the feeder program is running in a MotionTask. The
option Activation after StartupTask is selected for this MotionTask.
The assignment of programs to tasks is performed in SIMOTION SCOUT (see Assigning
programs to the execution levels / tasks).

Table 6- 8 Example for use of the WAITFORCONDITION condition

PROGRAM feeder;

// Condition for WAITFORCONDITION in MotionTask_1
EXPRESSION automaticExpr
automaticExpr := IOfeedCam; // Digital input
// feeder (MotionTask_1)
PROGRAM feeder

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retVal : DINT;
retVal := _enableAxis(axis := realAxis,
enableMode := ALL,
servoCommandToActualMode := INACTIVE,
nextCommand := WHEN_COMMAND_DONE,
commandId := _getCommandId() );
// Wait for automatic start
retVal := _pos(axis := realAxis,
positioningMode := RELATIVE,
position := 500,
velocityType := DIRECT,
positiveAccelType := DIRECT,
positiveAccel:= 400,
negativeAccelType := DIRECT,
negativeAccel := 400,
velocityProfile:= TRAPEZOIDAL,
commandId:= _getCommandId() );
// Reduce priority after WAITFORCONDITION
retVal := _disableAxis(axis := realAxis,
disableMode := ALL,
servoCommandToActualMode := INACTIVE,
nextCommand := WHEN_COMMAND_DONE,
commandId := _getCommandId() );
END_IMPLEMENTATION Example for time verification via FB

Example of using WAITFORCONDITION with time verification via FB (V4.1 and higher)
The following example shows time monitoring of the expressions (WAITFORCONDITION).
The bonding of the expression at the call point to instance data of a calling function block
inclusive time monitoring is presented alongside. This is a TON type reference variable. The
call is executed within the expression with query of the output.

v1, v2 : INT;
t1, t2 : TIME;


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v : INT;
t : TON;
exp := v > 100 and not t.q ;

FUNCTION_Block waitfb
refpar1 : INT;
refpar2 : TIME;
expr_timeout : TON;
expr_timeout(pt := refpar2, IN := true);
// Set monitoring time and
//activate timer
WAITFORCONDITION exp(v := refpar1, t := expr_timeout ) DO
… ; //Statement

IF (expr_timeout.q) THEN
// Error handling feasible, if Time-Out
… ;
The call of the waitfb type instance can then be executed at any point with different variables
in each case. These global variables are then updated by cyclic tasks:
my_waitfb_1(refpar1 := v1, refpar2:=t1); //Wait until V1>100 and
time t1 not elapsed
my_waitfb_2(refpar1 := v2, refpar2:=t1); Example for using WAITFORCONDITION with time monitoring directly in non-cyclic task /
Motion Task

Example of time monitoring of the expression (WAITFORCONDITION).
The call is executed directly in a MotionTask.
The time monitoring is type TON, with call within the expression and query of the output.


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eDiag : eDiagType := NOTHING;
v1 : INT := 0;
t1 : TIME := T#0d_0h_0m_3s_0ms;
PROGRAM testExpression;
PROGRAM increaseV1;
v : INT;
t : TON;
expr := v > 500 OR t.q;
PROGRAM testExpression
expr_timeout : TON;
// Set monitoring time, and activate timer
expr_timeout(pt := t1, IN := TRUE);
//Wait until v1 > 500 or time t1 has elapsed
WAITFORCONDITION expr(v := v1, t := expr_timeout) DO
IF (expr_timeout.q) THEN
// Error handling
// Time t1 has elapsed without v1 > 500 becoming true
eDiag := TIMEOUT;
… ;
// Good case, v1 > 500
… ;
PROGRAM increaseV1
v1 := v1 + 1;
You can update v1 in any cyclical tasks.

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6.1.8 Making tasks wait a defined period

Place task in the wait state

You can place a task in the TASK_STATE_WAITING status for a specific period of time (see
Task states (Page 245)). To do so, use the _waitTime function. This places the calling task in
the wait state for the specified period.

A task that is in the wait state does not (or hardly) requires any CPU time. The only load on
the target system is the periodic check to establish whether the wait time has expired. This
check takes place in the IPO cycle clock.
The call of _waitTime (timeValue := T#0ms) in a MotionTask temporarily inactivates these
and returns the program control to the scheduler. This is recommended, for example for
longer loops if the program control will knowingly be transferred to the next round robin task
(also possible in BackgroundTask).

The function should be used in MotionTasks only; using it in cyclic tasks may lead to time
monitoring errors!
• With SynchronousTasks: As of SIMOTION Kernel V3.2 you may configure if time
monitoring is suspended. Time monitoring is active by default1.
With IPOsynchronousTask, additionally take the following into account:
UserInterruptTasks will no longer be started by their triggering event!
• With other cyclic tasks (BackgroundTask, TimerInterruptTasks): Time monitoring is
always active.
In cyclic tasks, use the timer system function blocks (see Timers section) to implement
waiting times.
1Up to Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel, time monitoring is suspended for the

Use an expression of data type TIME as an input parameter, the return value of data type
DINT is always 0.
For more information on the function (syntax), refer to the description of the _waitTime
The following sample program puts the MotionTask to which it is assigned in the wait state
for ten seconds:

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6.2 Task control commands

Table 6- 9 Example of _waitTime function

PROGRAM waitTime;

PROGRAM waitTime
retVal :DINT;
retVal := _waitTime(timeValue := T#10s);

6.2 Task control commands

6.2.1 Overview of the task control commands

The commands listed in the table are available for task control.
These functions are available in SIMOTION Kernel Version V3.1 and higher.

Table 6- 10 Task control commands in SIMOTION ST

Task control command Meaning

_startTaskId(TaskId) _ Starts a MotionTask that is in the state
TASK_STATE_STOPPED; its startup code is executed.
Can only be applied to MotionTasks.
Command may not directly follow _resetTaskId. Use
_restartTaskId instead.
_resetTaskId(TaskId) _ Resets a MotionTask to TASK_STATE_STOPPED.
Can only be applied to MotionTasks.
_restartTaskId(TaskId) Resets a MotionTask to TASK_STATE_STOPPED and
restarts it; the startup code for this MotionTask is executed.
Can only be applied to MotionTasks.
_startTaskId must not directly follow this command. Use
_restartTaskId instead.
_suspendTaskId(TaskId) The task in question will be suspended (set to
TASK_STATE_SUSPENDED), for cyclic tasks time
monitoring will be suspended.
Cannot be used on SynchronousTasks, StartupTask, or

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6.2 Task control commands

Task control command Meaning

_resumeTaskId(TaskId) The task in question that is in
TASK_STATE_SUSPENDED, will be resumed; time
monitoring will again be executed.
Cannot be used on SynchronousTasks, StartupTask, or
_getStateOfTaskId(TaskId) Queries the state of the relevant task.
_retriggerTaskIdControlTime(TaskId) The monitoring time is reset once for the relevant task.
MCC blocks for task commands are described in the MCC Programming Manual.
Example of a task control command, see Task control commands.
See also Task states.

The task is specified for these functions via a unique TaskId. You can obtain the TaskId for a
task as follows:
● As variable (e.g. _task.motionTask_1). Explanation of terms:
– _task identifies the predefined namespace for the TaskId (see Namespaces section).
The identifier for the namespace is separated by a period from the following identifier.
– name is the identifier of the task as assigned in the execution system (e.g.
● With the _getTaskId(name) function
The task is specified by its name (as in the execution system).
● You can use the _checkEqualTask function to check whether a TaskId belongs to a
particular task (see _checkEqualTask function).

Similar functions are available for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0. For these
functions, the task is specified via its name (as in the execution system). These functions
must not be used in libraries.
These functions should no longer be used as of Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel;
their availability is not guaranteed with future versions of the SIMOTION Kernel.

In addition, SIMOTION devices provide system functions for controlling the scheduler. These
are listed in the table (for a description, see the Parameter Manuals for SIMOTION devices):

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6.2 Task control commands

Table 6- 11 Commands for controlling the scheduler

Task control command Meaning

_disableScheduler() Prevents all user program tasks (except
SynchronousTasks) from being loaded until
_enableScheduler is called. It does not, however, affect
system tasks.
Note: The time watchdog for cyclic tasks is not suspended.
Note: This command also prevents exchanging of
SystemInterruptTasks and UserInterruptTasks!
_enableScheduler() Cancels the effect of _disableScheduler.

The _checkEqualTask and _getTaskId functions and variables of the form must
not be used in libraries.

See also
Example for using a task control command (Page 256)
Querying and meaning of the task states (Page 245)

6.2.2 Example for using a task control command

The following example requires that the following assignments have been made in
● The myStart program is assigned to the StartupTask.
● The myMotion program is assigned to MotionTask_1.
After controller startup (transition from STOP to RUN), the StartupTask runs automatically.
The myStart program is executed in this task.
The _startTaskId task control command is used in the myStart program to start
MotionTask_1. In MotionTask_1, the myMotion program is executed.

PROGRAM myStart;
PROGRAM myMotion;

RetDWord : DWORD;

RetDWord := _startTaskid (_task.motionTask_1);

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// Start MotionTask_1

// Here, commands in the program, e.g. axis commands
PROGRAM myMotion


6.2.3 _getStateOfTaskId function

This function is available in SIMOTION Kernel as of V3.1.
It return the state of the relevant task. The task is specified by means of project-wide, unique
task ID (see Overview of the task control commands (Page 254)).
The function can be applied to all tasks except StartupTask and ShutdownTask.
See also task states. There is also an example given of how to decide if a MotionTask can
be started, based on the task status (see Example for the use of the task states).
A similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0 is described at the end of the


_getStateOfTaskId (
{ id : StructTaskId // Task ID

Input parameter

id (optional)
Data type: StructTaskId
Default: The TaskId of the current task in which the function is called.
Task ID of the task to be controlled (see Overview of the task control commands
(Page 254)).

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6.2 Task control commands

Return value

Data type: DWORD

Status of the task is displayed as an OR operation on the following values (see also Task
16#0000 Task does not exist or Task ID is invalid
16#0001 Task in transition from running to stopped
16#0002 Task stopped
16#0004 Task running
16#0010 Task waiting
16#0020 Task suspended
16#0040 TimerInterruptTask waiting for its start trigger
16#0080 SystemInterruptTask or UserInterruptTask waiting for the
occurrence of an initiating event
16#0100 Task locked (by _disableScheduler)

Similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0

getStateOfTask (// Only the short form is permitted

{ name : Task_Name // Name of the task

This function corresponds to the _getStateOfTaskId function with the following exceptions:
● The task is specified by means of its name (as it appears in the execution system).
● This function may only be called in the short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all
parameter values, but without specification of the formal parameters.
● This function must not be used in libraries.
This function should no longer be used as of Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel; it will no
longer be supported in future versions.

See also
Querying and meaning of the task states (Page 245)

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6.2 Task control commands

6.2.4 _resetTaskId function

This function is available in SIMOTION Kernel as of V3.1.
It resets a MotionTask to TASK_STATE_STOPPED. The task is specified by means of
project-wide, unique task ID (see Overview of the task control commands (Page 254)).
The function is only applicable to MotionTasks.
The _startTaskId function must not directly follow this function. Use the _restartTaskId
function instead.
Similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0: _resetTask function.
A similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0 is described at the end of the


_resetTaskId (
id : StructTaskId // MotionTasks only

Input parameter

Data type: StructTaskId
TaskId of the task to be controlled.

Return value

Data type: DWORD

0 No error
16#FFFF_FFFE TaskId does not refer to a MotionTask
16#FFFF_FFFF TaskId is invalid

Similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0

_resetTask (// Only the short form is permitted

name : Task_Name // Name of the task
) : VOID // MotionTasks only

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 259
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.2 Task control commands

This function corresponds to the _resetTaskId function with the following exceptions:
● The task is specified by means of its name (as it appears in the execution system).
● This function may only be called in the short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all
parameter values, but without specification of the formal parameters.
● The function has no return value.
● This function must not be used in libraries.
This function should no longer be used as of Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel; it will no
longer be supported in future versions.

See also
_restartTaskId function (Page 260)
_startTaskId function (Page 264)

6.2.5 _restartTaskId function

This function is available in SIMOTION Kernel as of V3.1.
It resets a MotionTask to TASK_STATE_STOPPED and restarts it; its data is initialized. The
task is specified by means of project-wide, unique task ID (see Overview of the task control
commands (Page 254)).
The function is only applicable to MotionTasks.
To prevent this function from being used to stop a running MotionTask, its status can be
queried and evaluated (see _getStateOfTaskId function and the example for the use of the
task states in Task states).
A similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0 is described at the end of the


_restartTaskId (
id : StructTaskId // MotionTasks only

Input parameter

Data type: StructTaskId
Task ID of the task to be controlled (see Overview of the task control commands
(Page 254)).

Basic functions
260 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.2 Task control commands

Return value

Data type: DWORD

0 No error
16#FFFF_FFFE TaskId does not refer to a MotionTask
16#FFFF_FFFF TaskId is invalid

Similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0

_resetTask (// Only the short form is permitted

name : Task_Name // Name of the task
) : VOID // MotionTasks only

This function corresponds to the _restartTaskId function with the following exceptions:
● The task is specified by means of its name (as it appears in the execution system).
● This function may only be called in the short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all
parameter values, but without specification of the formal parameters.
● The function has no return value.
● This function must not be used in libraries.
This function should no longer be used as of Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel; it will no
longer be supported in future versions.

6.2.6 _resumeTaskId function

This function is available in SIMOTION Kernel as of V3.1.
It resumes a task that is in the TASK_STATE_SUSPENDED state. This status has been
achieved with the _suspendTaskId function. The task is specified by means of project-wide,
unique task ID (Overview of the task control commands (Page 254)).
The function is applicable to MotionTasks, BackgroundTask, TimerInterruptTasks,
UserInterruptTasks, SystemInterruptTasks.
In the case of cyclic tasks (BackgroundTask, TimerInterruptTasks), the time watchdog for the
task is enabled again.
A similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0 is described at the end of the


_resumeTaskId (
id : StructTaskId

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 261
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.2 Task control commands

Input parameter

Data type: StructTaskId
Task ID of the task to be controlled (see Overview of the task control commands).

Return value

Data type: DWORD

0 No error
16#FFFF_FFFE TaskId refers to an illegal task
16#FFFF_FFFF TaskId is invalid

Similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0

_resumeTask (// Only the short form is permitted

name : Task_Name // Name of the task
) : VOID

This function corresponds to the _resumeTaskId function with the following exceptions:
● The task is specified by means of its name (as it appears in the execution system).
● This function may only be called in the short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all
parameter values, but without specification of the formal parameters.
● The function has no return value.
● This function must not be used in libraries.
This function should no longer be used as of Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel; it will no
longer be supported in future versions.

See also
_suspendTaskId function (Page 265)

Basic functions
262 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.2 Task control commands

6.2.7 _retriggerTaskIdControlTime function

This function is available in SIMOTION Kernel as of V3.1.
It resets the monitoring time once for the relevant task. The task is specified by means of
project-wide, unique task ID (see Overview of the task control commands (Page 254)).
The function is applicable to MotionTasks, BackgroundTask, TimerInterruptTasks,
UserInterruptTasks, SystemInterruptTasks.
A similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0 is described at the end of the


_retriggerTaskIdControlTime (
{ id : StructTaskId

Input parameter

id (optional)
Data type: StructTaskId
Default: The TaskId of the current task in which the function is called.
Task ID of the task to be controlled (see Overview of the task control commands
(Page 254)).

Return value

Data type: DWORD

0 Function executed normally.
Not equal to 0 Function not executed normally.

Similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0

_retriggerTaskControlTime ( // Only short form permitted

{ name : Task_Name // Name of the task

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 263
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.2 Task control commands

This function corresponds to the _retriggerTaskIdControlTime with the following exceptions:

● The task is specified by means of its name (as it appears in the execution system).
● This function may only be called in the short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all
parameter values, but without specification of the formal parameters.
● This function must not be used in libraries.
This function should no longer be used as of Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel; it will no
longer be supported in future versions.

6.2.8 _startTaskId function

This function is available in SIMOTION Kernel as of V3.1.
It starts a MotionTask that is in the TASK_STATE_STOPPED state; its data is initialized. The
task is specified by means of project-wide, unique task ID (see Overview of the task control
commands (Page 254)).
The function is only applicable to MotionTasks.
It has no effect on MotionTasks in the following states:
Prior to using the function, the status of the MotionTask can be polled and evaluated (see
_getStateOfTaskId function and the example for the use of the task states in Task states).
It must not directly follow the _resetTaskId function. Use the _restartTaskId function instead.
A similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0 is described at the end of the


_startTaskId (
id : StructTaskId // MotionTasks only

Input parameter

Data type: StructTaskId
Task ID of the task to be controlled (see Overview of the task control commands
(Page 254) – only MotionTasks).

Basic functions
264 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.2 Task control commands

Return value

Data type: DWORD

0 No error
16#FFFF_FFFE TaskId does not refer to a MotionTask
16#FFFF_FFFF TaskId is invalid

Similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0

_startTask (// Only short form permitted

name : Task_Name // Name of the task
) : VOID // MotionTasks only

This function corresponds to the _startTaskId function with the following exceptions:
● The task is specified by means of its name (as it appears in the execution system).
● This function may only be called in the short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all
parameter values, but without specification of the formal parameters.
● The function has no return value.
● This function must not be used in libraries.
This function should no longer be used as of Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel; it will no
longer be supported in future versions.

See also
_getStateOfTaskId function (Page 257)
_resetTaskId function (Page 259)
_restartTaskId function (Page 260)

6.2.9 _suspendTaskId function

This function is available in SIMOTION Kernel as of V3.1.
It suspends the relevant task (sets it to TASK_STATE_SUSPENDED). The task is specified
by means of project-wide, unique task ID (see Overview of the task control commands
(Page 254)).
The function is applicable to MotionTasks, BackgroundTask, TimerInterruptTasks,
UserInterruptTasks, SystemInterruptTasks.
In the case of cyclic tasks (BackgroundTask, TimerInterruptTasks), the time watchdog for the
task is stopped.
The task and its time watchdog are resumed with the _resumeTaskId function.
Similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0: The _suspendTask function is
described at the end of the section.

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 265
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.2 Task control commands


_suspendTaskId (
id : StructTaskId

Input parameters

Data type: StructTaskId
Task ID of the task to be controlled (see Overview of the task control commands
(Page 254)).

Return value

Data type: DWORD

0 No error
16#FFFF_FFFE TaskId refers to an illegal task
16#FFFF_FFFF TaskId is invalid

Interruption of the evaluation of a WAITFORCONDITION

When the value condition of a WAITFORCONDITION is checked, the task status is not taken
into account automatically. You have programmed a wait condition, e.g. wait for overtravel of
an initiator, in a MotionTask with WAITFORCONDITION. The task is now interrupted with
_suspendTaskId before the wait condition is satisfied. Subsequently the condition is
temporarily satisfied, e.g. through manual overtravel of an initiator. After _resumeTask, the
task is executed as if the condition had been satisfied in the normal process. However, you
can avoid this by additionally querying the task status in the condition for

// Condition for WAITFORCONDITION in MotionTask_1

EXPRESSION automaticExpr
automaticExpr := IOfeedCam AND (task_status = (TASK_STATE_RUNNING OR
TASK_STATE_WAITING)); // Digital input

Similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0

_suspendTask (// Only short form permitted

name : Task_Name //Name of the task
) : VOID

Basic functions
266 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.2 Task control commands

This function corresponds to the _suspendTaskId function with the following exceptions:
● The task is specified by means of its name (as it appears in the execution system).
● This function may only be called in the short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all
parameter values, but without specification of the formal parameters.
● The function has no return value.
● This function must not be used in libraries.
This function should no longer be used as of Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel; it will no
longer be supported in future versions.

See also
_resumeTaskId function (Page 261)

6.2.10 _getTaskId function

This function is available in SIMOTION Kernel as of V3.1.
It generates a project-wide unique TaskId from the task name (as in the execution system).
This TaskId can be assigned to a variable of data type StructTaskId and used as an input
parameter in the following functions:
● Task control commands
● Functions for runtime measurement of tasks

This function must not be used in libraries.
This function may only be called in the short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all
parameter values, but without specification of the formal parameters.


_getTaskId ( // Only short form permitted

name : Task_Name // Name of the task
) : StructTaskId

Input parameters

name (only short form permitted)

Name of task as defined in the execution system.

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Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.2 Task control commands

Return value

Data type: StructTaskId

Return value contains the TaskId of the task.

6.2.11 _checkEqualTask function

This function indicates whether a TaskId is associated with a task.

This function must not be used in libraries.
This function may only be called in the short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all
parameter values, but without specification of the formal parameters.


_checkEqualTask (// Only short form permitted

id : StructTaskId,
Name : TaskName // Name of the task
) : BOOL

Input parameters

(only short form
Data type: StructTaskId
TaskId to be checked, e.g. TSI#taskId.
(only short form permitted)
Data type: TaskName
Name of a task, as defined in the execution system.

Return value

Data type: BOOL

The return value indicates whether the TaskId is associated with the specified task:
TRUE: TaskId is associated with the specified task.
FALSE TaskId is not associated with the specified task.

Basic functions
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Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.3 Functions for runtime measurement of tasks

6.3 Functions for runtime measurement of tasks

6.3.1 Functions for runtime measurement of tasks - overview

The functions for runtime measurement are permissible for all tasks. However, the
measurement is not supported by the IPOsynchronousTask, the ServosynchronousTask and
the ShutdownTask. The functions for runtime measurement of tasks supply the runtime in
The following runtimes can be measured:
● The maximum runtime of the task since the last STOP-RUN transition (see
_getMaximalTaskIdRunTime (Page 270) function)
● The minimum runtime of the task since the last STOP-RUN transition (see
_getMinimalTaskIdRunTime (Page 271) function)
● The runtime from the preceding task pass (see _getCurrentTaskIdRunTime (Page 273)
● The average task runtime from the last ten preceding passes (see
_getAverageTaskIdRunTime (Page 274) function)
These functions are available in SIMOTION Kernel V3.1 and higher and can also be used in
The task is specified for these functions via a unique TaskId.

You can also use the Track Trace to determine the runtime of tasks. For detailed information
regarding the Task Trace, see the Task Trace function manual.

In many cases, there is a similar function available for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to
V3.0. For these functions, the task is specified by its name (as in the execution system).
These functions must not be used in libraries.
These functions should no longer be used as of Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel; their
availability is not guaranteed with future versions of the SIMOTION Kernel.

Functions for accurate runtime determination

You can use the following system functions to measure the time since the system started
with µs precision. Thus, you can measure the time precisely for sections within the
application in order, for example, to optimize the application.
● Function _getInternalTimeStamp (Page 276)
● Function _getTimeDifferenceOfInternalTimeStamp (Page 277)

See also
Task runtimes (Page 188)

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 269
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.3 Functions for runtime measurement of tasks

6.3.2 _getMaximalTaskIdRunTime function

This function is available in SIMOTION Kernel V3.1 and higher.
It provides the maximum runtime of the task since the last STOP to RUN transition, including
all interruptions by higher-priority tasks. The task is specified by means of project-wide,
unique task ID (see _startTaskId function).
The following functions do not interrupt the measurement:
● _suspendTaskId
● _disableScheduler (see list manuals for SIMOTION devices)
The determined runtime is a multiple of the servo cycle clock; for runtimes less than the
position control cycle clock, T#MIN (= T#0ms) is returned as measured value.
The function is permitted for all tasks. However, the measurement is not supported by the
IPOsynchronousTask and the ShutdownTask. Measured value T#MIN (= T#0ms) is returned
when called with these tasks.
A similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0 is described at the end of the


_getMaximalTaskIdRunTime (
{ id : StructTaskId
) : TIME

Input parameters

id (optional)
Data type: StructTaskId
Default: The TaskId of the current task in which the function is called.
Task ID of the task for which the runtime is to be measured (see page 6-330).

Return value

Data type: TIME

T#MIN (= T#0ms = T#1ms * UDINT#0) Measurement is not supported or is
not yet finished.
Greater than T#MIN and less than T#MAX Greatest runtime that has occurred.
T#MAX (= T#49d_17h_2m_47s_295ms = T#1ms * TaskId is invalid

Basic functions
270 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.3 Functions for runtime measurement of tasks

Similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0

_getMaximalTaskRunTime (// Only short form permitted

{ name: Task_Name // Name of the task
) : TIME

This function corresponds to the _getMaximalTaskIdRunTime function with the following

● The task is specified by means of its name (as it appears in the execution system).
● This function may only be called in the short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all
parameter values, but without specification of the formal parameters.
● This function must not be used in libraries.
These functions should no longer be used as of Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel; their
availability is not guaranteed with future versions of the SIMOTION Kernel.

See also
_startTaskId function (Page 264)
_suspendTaskId function (Page 265)

6.3.3 _getMinimalTaskIdRunTime function

This function is available in SIMOTION Kernel as of V3.1.
It provides the minimum runtime of the task since the last STOP to RUN transition, including
all interruptions by higher-priority tasks. The task is specified by means of project-wide,
unique task ID (see _startTaskId function).
The following functions do not interrupt the measurement:
● _suspendTaskId
● _disableScheduler (see list manuals for SIMOTION devices)
The determined runtime is a multiple of the servo cycle clock; for runtimes less than the
position control cycle clock, T#MIN (= T#0ms) is returned as measured value.
The function is permitted for all tasks. However, the measurement is not supported by the
IPOsynchronousTask and the ShutdownTask. Measured value T#MIN (= T#0ms) is returned
when called with these tasks.
A similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0 is described at the end of the

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 271
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.3 Functions for runtime measurement of tasks


_getMinimalTaskIdRunTime (
{ id : StructTaskId
) : TIME

Input parameters

id (optional)
Data type: StructTaskId
Default: TaskId of the current task in which the function is called.
TaskID of the task for which the runtime is to be measured (see _startTaskId function).

Return value

Data type: TIME

T#MIN (= T#0ms = T#1ms * UDINT#0) Measurement is not supported or is
not yet finished.
Greater than T#MIN and less than T#MAX Minimum runtime that has occurred.
T#MAX (= T#49d_17h_2m_47s_295ms = T#1ms * TaskId is invalid

Similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0

_getMinimalTaskRunTime ( // Only short form is permitted

{ name : Task_Name // Name of the task
) : TIME

This function corresponds to the _getMinimalTaskIdRunTime function with the following

● The task is specified by means of its name (as it appears in the execution system).
● This function may only be called in the short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all
parameter values, but without specification of the formal parameters.
● This function must not be used in libraries.
These functions should no longer be used as of Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel; their
availability is not guaranteed with future versions of the SIMOTION Kernel.

Basic functions
272 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.3 Functions for runtime measurement of tasks

See also
_startTaskId function (Page 264)
_suspendTaskId function (Page 265)

6.3.4 _getCurrentTaskIdRunTime function

This function is available in SIMOTION Kernel as of V3.1.
It provides the runtime from the preceding pass of the task, including all interruptions by
higher-priority tasks. The task is specified by means of project-wide, unique task ID (see
_startTaskId function).
The following functions do not interrupt the measurement:
● _suspendTaskId
● _disableScheduler (see list manuals for SIMOTION devices)
The determined runtime is a multiple of the servo cycle clock; for runtimes less than the
position control cycle clock, T#MIN (= T#0ms) is returned as measured value.
The function is permitted for all tasks. However, the measurement is not supported by the
IPOsynchronousTask and the ShutdownTask. Measured value T#MIN (= T#0ms) is returned
when called with these tasks.
A similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0 is described at the end of the


_getCurrentTaskIdRunTime (
{ id : StructTaskId
) : TIME

Input parameters

id (optional)
Data type: StructTaskId
Default: TaskId of the current task in which the function is called.
TaskID of the task for which the runtime is to be measured (see _startTaskId function)

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 273
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.3 Functions for runtime measurement of tasks

Return value

Data type: TIME

T#MIN (= T#0ms = T#1ms * UDINT#0) Measurement is not supported or is
not yet finished.
Greater than T#MIN and less than T#MAX Runtime that occurred during the
preceding pass.
T#MAX (= T#49d_17h_2m_47s_295ms = T#1ms * TaskId is invalid

Similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0

_getCurrentTaskRunTime (// Only short form permitted

{ name : Task_Name // Name of the task
) : TIME

This function corresponds to the _getCurrentTaskIdRunTime function with the following

● The task is specified by means of its name (as it appears in the execution system).
● This function may only be called in the short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all
parameter values, but without specification of the formal parameters.
● This function must not be used in libraries.
These functions should no longer be used as of Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel; their
availability is not guaranteed with future versions of the SIMOTION Kernel.

See also
_startTaskId function (Page 264)
_suspendTaskId function (Page 265)

6.3.5 Function _getAverageTaskIdRunTime

This function is available in SIMOTION Kernel as of V3.1.
This function provides an average runtime of the task from the last 10 preceding cycles,
including all interruptions by higher-priority tasks. The task is specified by means of a
project-wide, unique taskID (see function _startTaskId).
The following functions do not interrupt the measurement:
● _suspendTask
● _disableScheduler (see list manuals for SIMOTION devices)

Basic functions
274 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.3 Functions for runtime measurement of tasks

The determined runtime is a multiple of the servo cycle clock; for runtimes less than the
position control cycle clock, T#MIN (= T#0ms) is returned as measured value.
The function is permitted for all tasks. However, the measurement is not supported by the
IPOsynchronousTask and the ShutdownTask. Measured value T#MIN (= T#0ms) is returned
when called with these tasks.


_getAverageTaskRunTime ( // Short form only

{ id : : StructTaskId
) : TIME

Input parameters

id (optional)
Data type StructTaskId
Default: TaskID of the task for which runtime is to be measured, as
defined in the execution system.
TaskID of the task for which the runtime is to be measured (see _startTaskId function).

Return value

Data type: TIME

T#MIN (= T#0ms = T#1ms * UDINT#0) Measurement is not supported or is
not yet finished.
Greater than T#MIN and less than T#MAX Average of runtimes that have
T#MAX (= T#49d_17h_2m_47s_295ms = T#1ms * TaskId is invalid

Similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0

_getAverageTaskRunTime ( // Short form only

{ name : Task_Name // Name of the task
) : TIME

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 275
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.3 Functions for runtime measurement of tasks

This function corresponds to the _getAverageTaskIdRunTime function with the following

● The task is specified by means of its name (as it appears in the execution system).
● This function may only be called in the short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all
parameter values, but without specification of the formal parameters.
● This function must not be used in libraries.
This function should no longer be used as of Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel; it will no
longer be supported in future versions.

See also
_startTaskId function (Page 264)
_suspendTaskId function (Page 265)

6.3.6 Functions for the precise runtime measurement of tasks

With the following system functions you can measure the time since system start with µs
precision. Thus for sections within the application you can measure the time precisely, in
order to optimize the application.
You can use the following functions:
● Function _getInternalTimeStamp (Page 276)
● Function _getTimeDifferenceOfInternalTimeStamp (Page 277)

6.3.7 Function _getInternalTimeStamp

The _getInternalTimeStamp function supplies a specific internal time stamp as UDINT. You
can set a time stamp, at the beginning and end of a task for example, and then use this in
the Function _getTimeDifferenceOfInternalTimeStamp (Page 277) as UDINT t1 and UDINT

_getInternalTimeStamp :UDINT;

Basic functions
276 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.4 Functions for message programming (AlarmS)

6.3.8 Function _getTimeDifferenceOfInternalTimeStamp

The function _getTimeDifferenceOfInternalTimeStop supplies a time value from two internal
time stamps. You must generate the two time stamps via the Function
_getInternalTimeStamp (Page 276) (return value UDINT).

The start time point of the time that will be measured is t1, the end time point t2. The function
returns the difference (t2 - t1) as UDINT (in µs).

With the function you can measure the runtimes of code sections, for example
communication times in an IPO-synchronous task

6.4 Functions for message programming (AlarmS)

6.4.1 General information for the message programming

You can send freely configured messages (e.g. error messages) to logged-on display
devices and check their status.
In particular, you can:
● Send a message that does not require acknowledgement (see _alarmSId function)
● Send a message that requires acknowledgement (see _alarmSqId function)
● Check the status of a message and its acknowledgement (see _alarmScId function)
These functions are available in SIMOTION Kernel V3.1 and higher and can be used in
● List all pending alarms (see function _getPendingAlarms) (as of V4.1)
● Set alarm on "outgoing" (see _resetAlarmId and _resetAllAlarmId functions) (as of V4.1)

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 277
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.4 Functions for message programming (AlarmS)

The message is specified for these functions using a unique AlarmId.

In many cases, there is a similar function available for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to
V3.0. For these functions, the message is specified via its name (as configured in
SIMOTION SCOUT). These functions must not be used in libraries.
These functions should no longer be used as of Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel; their
availability is not guaranteed with future versions of the SIMOTION Kernel.

Examples of message programming are included in Programming messages. (Page 368)

See the MCC Programming Manual (section Incoming message and outgoing message) for
programming functions in MCC.

You can obtain the AlarmId for a configured message name in the following way:
● As variable Where
– _alarm designates the predefined namespace for the AlarmId (see Namespaces in the
ST Programming Manual). The identifier for the name space is separated by a period
from the following identifier.
– name is the identifier of the message as configured in SIMOTION SCOUT.
● With the _getAlarmId(name) function (see _getAlarmId function). The message is
specified by means of the configured message name:

The _getAlarmId function and variables of the form must not be used in

See also
_getAlarmId function (Page 286)
_alarmScId function (Page 285)
_alarmSqId function (Page 282)
_alarmSId function (Page 279)

Basic functions
278 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.4 Functions for message programming (AlarmS)

6.4.2 _alarmSId function

This function is available in the SIMOTION Kernel as of V3.1.
When a level change occurs in the triggering signal (Sig), it generates a message that does
not require acknowledgement and that is sent to all display devices logged on to receive
such signals. The message to be generated is specified by means of a project-wide, unique
AlarmID (see AlarmID (Page 370)).
Optionally, an auxiliary value can be appended.
A maximum of 40 messages can be processed simultaneously.
A similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0 is described at the end of the


_alarmSId (
Sig : BOOL
Ev_Id : StructAlarmId

Input parameters

Data type: BOOL
The signal triggering the message is interpreted as follows:
If the signal represents a rising edge – relative to the last call with this AlarmId – an
incoming message is generated. An incoming message is also generated if the signal
state is TRUE on the first call with this message name.
If the signal represents a trailing edge – relative to the last call with this AlarmId – an
outgoing message is generated.
Data type: StructAlarmId
AlarmId of the message to be generated (see AlarmID (Page 370))
sd (optional)
Data type: ANY_NUM, ANY_BIT

Basic functions
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Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.4 Functions for message programming (AlarmS)

Default: 0
Auxiliary value: All elementary data types are permissible auxiliary values. Values
cannot be entered; only variables or previously defined identifiers for constants
belonging to one of the allowed data types are permitted.
The auxiliary value must be specified if an auxiliary value has been defined during
message configuration in SIMOTION SCOUT.
During compilation, a check cannot be performed with the data type of the auxiliary
value configured in the message.

Return value

Data type: DWORD

The return value informs the user about the result of the call.
The specified values can be represented as an OR operation between the
ALARMS_ERROR constants and the DSC_SVS_DEVICE_ALARMS_xxx constants.
16#0000 No error
For incoming message entry is executed in the message list.
For an outgoing message entry was deleted from the message
16#8001 Message name not permissible.
16#8002 Loss of messages due to overflows (no more space in the
message list).
All 40 entries in the message list are occupied.
Entry is not executed in the message list.
16#8003 Loss of messages due to overflow (signal not yet sent, signal
Send buffer for notifying clients is still occupied by the last event.
Entry is not executed in the message list.
Error may also occur if function calls come quickly one after the
other with rising and falling edge.
16#8004 Double message, message rejected (call with message arrived or
outgoing for the second time in a sequence).
Entry is not executed in message list.
16#8005 No display unit registered (message is entered into the list

Basic functions
280 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.4 Functions for message programming (AlarmS)

16#8006 Message name already being processed in a lower-priority level.

Does not occur for SIMOTION.
16#8007 No job has been started yet with this message name (first call with
Sig = FALSE).
Falling edge (outgoing message) arrived without prior rising edge
(incoming message)
Entry is not executed in message list.
16#8008 Message name already assigned.
Does not occur for SIMOTION.
16#8009 Internal error.
16#8010 Entry was rejected; message acknowledgement memory full.
Only for _alarmSqId

See Example of message generation (Page 372).

Similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0

_alarmS ( // Short form only permitted

Sig : BOOL
Al_Name : Alarm_Name // Name of the message

This function corresponds to the _alarmSId function with the following exceptions:
● The task is specified by means of its name (as it appears in the execution system).
● This function may only be called in the short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all
parameter values, but without specification of the formal parameters.
● This function must not be used in libraries.
This function should no longer be used as of Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel; it will no
longer be supported in future versions.

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 281
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.4 Functions for message programming (AlarmS)

6.4.3 _alarmSqId function

This function is available in the SIMOTION Kernel as of V3.1.
When a level change occurs in the triggering signal (Sig), it generates a message that
requires acknowledgement and that is sent to all display devices logged on to receive such
signals. The message to be generated is specified by means of a project-wide, unique
AlarmID (see AlarmID (Page 370)).
Optionally, an auxiliary value can be appended.
A maximum of 40 messages can be processed simultaneously.
A similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0 is described at the end of the


_alarmSqId (
Sig : BOOL
Ev_Id : StructAlarmId

Input parameters

Data type: BOOL
The signal triggering the message is interpreted as follows:
If the signal represents a rising edge – relative to the last call with this message name –
an incoming message is generated. An incoming message is also generated if the
signal state is TRUE on the first call with this message name.
If the signal represents a negative edge – relative to the last call with this message
name – an outgoing message is generated.
Data type: StructAlarmId
AlarmId of the message to be generated (see AlarmID (Page 370))
sd (optional)
Data type: ANY_NUM, ANY_BIT

Basic functions
282 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.4 Functions for message programming (AlarmS)

Default: 0
Auxiliary value: All elementary data types are permissible auxiliary values. Values
cannot be entered; only variables or previously defined identifiers for constants
belonging to one of the allowed data types are permitted.
The auxiliary value must be specified if an auxiliary value has been defined during
message configuration in SIMOTION SCOUT.
During compilation, a check cannot be performed with the data type of the auxiliary
value configured in the message.

Return value

Data type: DWORD

The return value informs the user about the result of the call.
The specified values can be represented as an OR operation between the
ALARMS_ERROR constants and the DSC_SVS_DEVICE_ALARMS_xxx constants.
16#0000 No error
For incoming message entry is executed in the message list.
For an outgoing message entry was deleted from the message
16#8001 Message name not permissible.
16#8002 Loss of messages due to overflows (no more space in the
message list).
All 40 entries in the message list are occupied.
Entry is not executed in the message list.
16#8003 Loss of messages due to overflow (signal not yet sent, signal
Send buffer for notifying clients is still occupied by the last event.
Entry is not executed in the message list.
Error may also occur if function calls come quickly one after the
other with rising and falling edge.
16#8004 Double message, message rejected (call with message arrived or
outgoing for the second time in a sequence).
Entry is not executed in message list.
16#8005 No display unit registered (message is entered into the list

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 283
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.4 Functions for message programming (AlarmS)

16#8006 Message name already being processed in a lower-priority level.

Does not occur for SIMOTION.
16#8007 No job has been started yet with this message name (first call with
Sig = FALSE).
Falling edge (outgoing message) arrived without prior rising edge
(incoming message)
Entry not executed in message list.
16#8008 Message name already assigned.
Does not occur for SIMOTION.
16#8009 Internal error.
16#8010 Entry was rejected; message acknowledgement memory full.

See Example of message generation (Page 372)Programming messages.

Similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0

_alarmSq ( // Short form only

Sig : BOOL
Al_Name : Alarm_Name // Name of the message

This function corresponds to the _alarmSqId function with the following exceptions:
● The task is specified by means of its name (as it appears in the execution system).
● This function may only be called in the short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all
parameter values, but without specification of the formal parameters.
● This function must not be used in libraries.
This function should no longer be used as of Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel; it will no
longer be supported in future versions.

Basic functions
284 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.4 Functions for message programming (AlarmS)

6.4.4 _alarmScId function

This function is available in the SIMOTION Kernel as of V3.1.
It displays the status of a message and its acknowledgement status. The message is
specified by means of a project-wide, unique AlarmID (see AlarmID (Page 370)).
A similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0 is described at the end of the


_alarmScId (
Ev_Id : StructAlarmId

Input parameters

Data type: StructAlarmId
AlarmId of the message to be generated (see AlarmID (Page 370))

Return value

Data type: DWORD

The return value informs the user about the result of the call and the status of a message.
The constant values and symbolic constants below can be used with on an equal footing.
First check for error; see also Programming messages (Page 368):
16#8000 Filter for errors
16#8001 Message name not permitted.
Second check for message status; see also Programming messages (Page 368):
16#0000 Outgoing message, not acknowledged (a).
16#0001 Incoming message, not acknowledged (b).
16#0010 There is no message for this message name.
(3 options:
Message not yet been triggered (1),
message triggered via AlarmS, but also sent (2),
message triggered via _AlarmSq, sent and acknowledged at the
display device (3)).

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Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.4 Functions for message programming (AlarmS)

16#0101 Incoming message, acknowledged (c).

Messages a-c imply _alarmSqId or _alarmSq, message b implies _alarmScId or _alarmSc.

See Checking the error number and status of a message (filtering return values) on page 5-
261 in Subsection 5.7.1.

Similar function for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0

_alarmSc ( // Short form only permitted

Al_Name : Alarm_Name // Name of the message

This function corresponds to the _alarmScId function with the following exceptions:
● The task is specified by means of its name (as it appears in the execution system).
● This function may only be called in the short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all
parameter values, but without specification of the formal parameters.
● This function must not be used in libraries.
This function should no longer be used as of Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel; it will no
longer be supported in future versions.

6.4.5 _getAlarmId function

This function is available in the SIMOTION Kernel as of V3.1.
It generates the AlarmId of the message from a configured, application-specific message
name. This AlarmId can be assigned to a variable of data type StructAlarmId and used as an
input parameter in the following functions:
● _alarmSId function
● _alarmSqId function
● _alarmScId function

This function must not be used in libraries.
This function may only be called in the short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all
parameter values, but without specification of the formal parameters.

Basic functions
286 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.4 Functions for message programming (AlarmS)


_getAlarmId ( // Short form only permitted

Al_Name : Alarm_Name // Name of the message
) : StructAlarmId

Input parameters

This is a message name configured specifically for the application that is created when
the message is configured in SIMOTION SCOUT.

Return value

Data type: StructAlarmId

The return value contains the AlarmId of the configured message.

See also
_alarmSId function (Page 279)
_alarmScId function (Page 285)
AlarmId (Page 370)
_alarmSqId function (Page 282)

6.4.6 Function _getPendingAlarms

The function returns a max. of 40 pending alarms according to the maximum number of
entries in the alarm list. (pending alarms). The number of pending alarms is displayed in
The type of each alarm is displayed in _type.
The type of each alarm is displayed in state.


_getPendingAlarms :StructRetGetPendingAlarms

StructRetGetPendingAlarms :STRUCT

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Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks
6.4 Functions for message programming (AlarmS)

numberOfPendingAlarms :UINT;
alarm :Array[1..40] of StructPendingAlarmState;
StructPendingAlarmState :STRUCT
Id :StructAlarmId;
_type :EnumAlarmIdType [ALARM_S |ALARM_SQ]
State :EnumAlarmIdState [INCOMING|OUTGOING]

6.4.7 Functions _resetAlarmId and _reset_AllAlarmId

Use the functions _resetAlarmId and _resetAllAlarmId to set one or all alarms to "outgoing".
As before SQ alarms must be acknowledged via an HMI or the SCOUT.

Set "outgoing" and concurrent "Acknowledge" of the AlarmSQ in a 2nd step if necessary;
Resetting the alarms deletes the AlarmS,
You must acknowledge the AlarmSQ yourself.

Setting a single alarm to "outgoing"

_resetAlarmId //( see _alarmSId + extension, no error, alarm not

pending, ID not available, internal error)
Id :StructAlarmId;

Setting all pending alarms to "going"

_resetAllAlarmId : DWORD //( see _alarmSId + extension, no error,

internal error)
Id :StructAlarmId;

Basic functions
288 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions 7
7.1 Programming of general standard functions - overview
SIMOTION provides a series of standard functions you can call in your sources to solve
common tasks.

Some of the following standard functions can only be called in short form, i.e. with a
complete list of all parameter values, but without specifying the formal parameters:
• Result := function name (1st parameter value, 2nd parameter value)
instead of
• Result := function name (formal parameter1 := 1st parameter value, etc.)
This is noted in the description of each function.
For information about the general data types (e.g. ANY_INT, ANY_BIT), see Elementary
data types, General data types table in the ST programming manual.

Using the command library

The command library is a tab in the project navigator. It contains the available system
functions, system function blocks, and operators.
You can use a drag-and-drop operation to move these elements from the command library:
● To the window of the ST editor
● To a network of the LAD/FBD editor
● To the system function call command of the MCC editor

Comparison of the system functions for SIMOTION and SIMATIC

You can find a comparison of the SIMATIC S7 and SIMOTION system functions on the
Utilities & Applications CD under FAQs.

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 289
Programming of general standard functions
7.2 Numeric standard functions

7.2 Numeric standard functions

7.2.1 Special features of a numeric function

Every numeric standard function has an input parameter. The result is always the return
value. The general numeric, the logarithmic and the trigonometric standard functions each
specify a group of numeric standard functions through the function name and the data type.

7.2.2 General numeric standard functions

General numeric standard functions are used for:
● Calculation of the absolute value of a variable
● Calculation of the square root of a variable
● Truncating a variable to its integer part

Table 7- 1 General numeric standard functions

Function Input parameters Return value Description

name Name Data type Data type
ABS in ANY_NUM ANY_NUM1 Absolute value
SQRT in ANY_REAL ANY_REAL1 Square root
TRUNC in ANY_REAL ANY_INT Truncation of value to integer part
(0 direction)
1 Data type of input parameter in.
The following table shows possible general numeric standard function calls and their results:

Table 7- 2 General numeric standard function calls

Call Result
Result:=ABS (-5); 5
Result:=ABS (in := -5);
Result:=SQRT (81.0); 9.0
Result:=SQRT (in := 81.0);
Result:=TRUNC (-3.141_59); -3
Result:=TRUNC (in := -3.141_59);

Basic functions
290 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.2 Numeric standard functions

7.2.3 Logarithmic standard functions

Logarithmic standard functions are the functions for the calculation of an exponential value
or a logarithm.

Table 7- 3 Logarithmic standard functions

Function Input parameter Return value Description

Name Data type Data type
EXP in ANY_REAL ANY_REAL1 ex (e function)
EXPT in1 ANY_REAL2 ANY_REAL3 Exponentiation
in2 ANY_REAL (see also Operator ** in Arithmetic
expressions in the ST programming
LN in ANY_REAL ANY_REAL1 Natural logarithm
LOG in ANY_REAL ANY_REAL1 Common logarithm
1 Data type of input parameter in.
2 The input parameter in1 must be greater than zero.
Exceptions as of SIMOTION Kernel V4.1:
– If in2 is an integer, in1 can be less than zero.
– If in2 is positive, in1 can also be equal to zero.
The following applies up to SIMOTION Kernel V4.0: If in1 is equal to zero, an error message can be
caught with ExecutionFaultTask.
3 Data type of input parameter in1.
The following table shows possible logarithmic standard function calls and their results:

Table 7- 4 Logarithmic standard function calls

Call Result
Result := EXP (4.1); 60.3403 ...
Result := EXP (in := 4.1);
Result := EXPD (3.0); 1_000.0
Result := EXPD (in := 3.0);
Result := EXPT (2.0,4.0); 16.0
Result := EXPT (in1 := 2.0, in2 := 4.0);
Result := 2.0 ** 4.0;
Result := LN (2.718_281); 1.0
Result := LN (in := 2.718_281);
Result := LOG (245); 2.389_166
Result := LOG (in := 245);

Basic functions
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Programming of general standard functions
7.2 Numeric standard functions

7.2.4 Trigonometric standard functions

The trigonometric standard functions shown expect and calculate variables of angles in

Table 7- 5 Trigonometric standard functions

Function Input parameter Return value Description

Name Data type Data type
ACOS in ANY_REAL ANY_REAL1 2 Arc cosine (main value)
ASIN in ANY_REAL ANY_REAL1 2 Arc sine (main value)
ATAN in ANY_REAL ANY_REAL1 2 Arc tangent (main value)
COS in ANY_REAL2 ANY_REAL1 Cosine (radian measure input)
SIN in ANY_REAL2 ANY_REAL1 Sine (radian measure input)
TAN in ANY_REAL2 ANY_REAL1 Tangent (radian measure input)
1 Data type of input parameter in
2 Angle in radian measure
The following table shows possible trigonometric standard function calls and their results:

Table 7- 6 Trigonometric standard function calls

Call Result
PI:= 3.141592; //PI is a variable! 0.5
Result := SIN (PI / 6);
Result := SIN (in := PI / 6);
Result := ACOS (0.5); 1.047_197 //equals PI/3
Result := ACOS (in := 0.5);

7.2.5 Bit string standard functions

Each bit string standard function has two input parameters:
● in (data type ANY_BIT):
Bit string to be manipulated by bit shift operations
● n (data type USINT):
– Number of places to be rotated for ROL and ROR
– Number of places to be shifted for SHL and SHR
The result is always the return value. The following table shows the function names and the
data types of the two input parameters and of the return value.

Basic functions
292 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.2 Numeric standard functions

Table 7- 7 Bit string standard functions

Function Input parameters Return value Description

name Name Data type Data type
ROL in ANY_BIT ANY_BIT1 The bit string in parameter in is left-
n USINT rotated through the number of
places specified by the content of
parameter n.
ROR in ANY_BIT ANY_BIT1 The bit string in parameter in is
n USINT right-rotated through the number of
places specified by the content of
parameter n.
SHL in ANY_BIT ANY_BIT1 The bit string contained in
n USINT parameter in is left-shifted and
replaced by 0, as specified by the
content of parameter n2.
SHR in ANY_BIT ANY_BIT1 The bit string contained in
n USINT parameter in is right-shifted and
replaced by 0, as specified by the
content of parameter n2.
1Data type of input parameter in
2Only the five least-significant bits of the parameter in are evaluated, so that, for example:

If numeric values are used as input parameter in, the smallest possible data type is assumed
(for example, BOOL if 1, BYTE if 2).

The following table shows possible bit string standard function calls and their results.

Table 7- 8 Examples of bit string standard function calls

Call Result
Result := ROL (2#1101_0011, 5); 2#0111_1010
// 1st parameter corresponds to 211 decimal (= 122 decimal)
Result := ROR (2#1101_0011, 2); 2#1111_0100
// 1st parameter corresponds to 211 decimal (= 244 decimal)
Result := SHL (2#1101_0011, 3); 2#1001_1000
// 1st parameter corresponds to 211 decimal (= 152 decimal)
Result := SHR (2#1101_0011, 2); 2#0011_0100
// 1st parameter corresponds to 211 decimal (= 52 decimal)
Result := SHL (1, 3); 2#0000_0000
// 1st parameter data type BOOL (= 0 decimal)
Result := SHL (2, 3); 2#0001_0000
// 1st parameter data type BYTE (= 16 decimal)

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 293
Programming of general standard functions
7.3 Access to bits in bit strings

7.3 Access to bits in bit strings

7.3.1 _getBit function

This function provides the value of the specified bit of a bit string variable.


FUNCTION _getBit ( // Bitstring-Variable

in : ANY_BIT, // Number of the bit
) : BOOL

Input parameters

Data type ANY_BIT
Bit string variable
Data type USINT
Number of the bit for which the value is to be output
Permissible values: [0..7] for BYTE
[0..15] for WORD
[0..31] for DWORD
When specifying impermissible values the function supplies the return value FALSE.

Return value

Data type: BOOL

Bit value


myBit := _getBit (in := myBitString,

n := 5);
The user variable myBit contains bit 5 of the user variable myBitString.

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294 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.3 Access to bits in bit strings

Bit addressing (as of V4.1)

You can specify the bit number of a bit string variable (except BOOL) via the syntax of a
structure addressing. In this process specification of the bit number as integer, or
specification via symbolic constant from type ANY_INT in the limits of the bit string length is
possible. The function is enabled via the compiler switch "Permit language extensions"

BIT_7 : INT := 7;
dw : DWORD;
b: BOOL;
b := dw.BIT_7; // Access to bit number 7
b := dw.3; // Access to bit number 3
b := dw.33; // Translation error; insufficient bit width!

When using bit string addressing on I/O and system variables as a consequence of the
separate read, operation and re-write process that is interruptible by another task, there is no
way to ensure consistent access. The error will not be detected by the system; read access
however is possible.

7.3.2 _setBit function

This function provides the value of a bit string variable if the specified bit has been set to a
specific Boolean value (TRUE/FALSE).


FUNCTION _setBit (
in : ANY_BIT, // Bit string variable
n : USINT, // Bit number
{ value : BOOL // Bit value

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 295
Programming of general standard functions
7.3 Access to bits in bit strings

Input parameters

Data type: ANY_BIT
Bit string variable
Data type: USINT
Number of the bit for which the value is to be set.
Permissible values: [0..7] for BYTE
[0..15] for WORD
[0..31] for DWORD
If illegal values are specified (without an additional message), the unchanged value of
the bit string variable is returned.
Default: TRUE
Value assigned to the bit to be set

Return value

Data type: ANY_BIT

Data type of input parameter in.
Value of the bit string variable with modified bit.
Note: For direct modification of the bit string variable, the return value can be assigned to it.


myBitString := _setBit (in := myBitString,

n := 5,
value := FALSE);
Bit 5 of the myBitString user variable is set to FALSE (logic 0).

Bit addressing (as of V4.1)

You can specify the bit number of a bit string variable (except BOOL) via the syntax of a
structure addressing. In this process specification of the bit number as integer, or
specification via symbolic constant from type ANY_INT in the limits of the bit string length is
possible. The function is enabled via the compiler switch "Permit language extensions"

Basic functions
296 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.3 Access to bits in bit strings

BIT_7 : INT := 7;
dw : DWORD;
b : BOOL;
b = 1;
dw.BIT_7 := b; // Write to bit number 7
dw.BIT_3 := b; // Write to bit number 3

When using bit string addressing on I/O and system variables as a consequence of the
separate read, operation and re-write process that is interruptible by another task, there is no
way to ensure consistent access. The error will not be detected by the system; read access
however is possible.

7.3.3 _toggleBit function

This function supplies the value of a bit string variable in which the specified bit is inverted.


FUNCTION _toggleBit (
in : ANY_BIT, // Bit string variable
n : USINT, // Bit number

Input parameters

Data type: ANY_BIT
Bit string variable
Data type: USINT
Number of the bit whose value is to be inverted (set from TRUE to FALSE or from

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 297
Programming of general standard functions
7.4 Bit operations on numeric data types

Permissible values: [0..7] for BYTE

[0..15] for WORD
[0..31] for DWORD
If illegal values are specified (without an additional message), the unchanged value of
the bit string variable is returned.

Return value

Data type: ANY_BIT

Data type of input parameter in.
Value of the bit string variable with inverted bit
Note: For direct modification of the bit string variable, the return value can be assigned to it.


myBitString := _toggleBit (in := myBitString, n := 5);

Bit 5 of the myBitString user variable is inverted.

7.4 Bit operations on numeric data types

The following functions enable bit operations on numeric data types. Each bit of the return
value is generated from the corresponding bits of the input parameters.

Table 7- 9 Bit operators on numeric data types

Function Input parameters Return value Description

name Name Data type Data type
_NOT1 in ANY_INT ANY_INT2 Bit-by-bit negation
_AND in1 ANY_INT3 ANY_INT4 Bit-by-bit conjunction (AND operation): A
in2 ANY_INT3 bit of the return value is only 1 when all
the corresponding bits of the input
parameters are 1, otherwise 0.
_OR in1 ANY_INT3 ANY_INT4 Bit-by-bit disjunction (OR operation): A
in2 ANY_INT3 bit of the return value is only 1 when at
least one of the corresponding bits of the
input parameters is 1, otherwise 0.

Basic functions
298 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.5 String processing (from V4.0 and greater)

Function Input parameters Return value Description

name Name Data type Data type
_XOR n1 ANY_INT3 ANY_INT4 Bit-by-bit exclusive disjunction (exclusive
in2 ANY_INT3 OR operation): A bit of the return value is
only 1 when exactly one of the
corresponding bits of the input
parameters is 1, otherwise 0.
1The _NOT function may only be called in the short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all parameter
values, but without specification of the formal parameters.
2 Data type of the input parameter.
3It must be possible to convert the data types of in1 and in2 implicitly to a common general ANY_INT
data type.
4 Smallest common data type to which the input parameters can be converted implicitly.

7.5 String processing (from V4.0 and greater)

7.5.1 Functions for the string editing

The following functions enable the editing of variables of data type STRING.

Table 7- 10 Functions for the string editing

Function Input parameter Return value Description

Name Data type Data type
CONCAT in1 STRING[254] STRING[254] Attaches string in2 to string in11.
in2 STRING[254] Error flags:
TSI#ERRNO := 1 if
length(IN1)+length(IN2) > 254
DELETE In STRING[254] STRING[254] Deletes l character(s) from string in,
l INT starting at position p2 4 6.
p INT Error flags:
TSI#ERRNO := 2 if L < 0, P < 1,
P > length(IN)
FIND in1 STRING[254] INT Returns position at which string in2
in2 STRING[254] begins in string in1. Result is 0 if string
in2 is not contained in string in1.
Error flags:
INSERT in1 STRING[254] STRING[254] Inserts string in2 in string in1, starting at
in2 STRING[254] position p1 2 5 7.
p INT Error flags:
TSI#ERRNO := 2 if P < 0, P >
TSI#ERRNO := 1 if
length(IN1)+length(IN2) > 254

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 299
Programming of general standard functions
7.5 String processing (from V4.0 and greater)

Input parameter Return value

LEFT In STRING[254] STRING[254] Returns the first l characters in string
l INT in2 3.
Error flags:
TSI#ERRNO := 2 if L < 0
LEN in INT[254] INT[254] Returns the number of characters in
string in.
Error flags:
MID In STRING[254] STRING[254] Returns l character(s) from string in,
l INT starting at position p2 3.
p INT Error flags:
TSI#ERRNO := 2 if L < 0, P < 1, P >
REPLACE in1 STRING[254] STRING[254] Replaces l character(s) from string in1
in2 STRING[254] with string in2, starting at position p2 4 7.
l INT Error flags:
TSI#ERRNO := 2 if L < 0, P < 1, P >
TSI#ERRNO := 1 if
length(IN1)+length(IN2)-L > 254
RIGHT In STRING[254] STRING[254] Returns the last l characters in string
l INT in2 3.
Error flags:
TSI#ERRNO := 2 if L < 0
1 If LEN (in1) + LEN (in2) > 254: String is truncated.
2 If l < 0 or p < 0: Empty string is returned.
3 If l = 0 or p = 0: Empty string is returned.
4 If l = 0 or p = 0: String in or in1 remains unchanged.
5 If p = 0: String in1 is attached to string in2.
6 If p > LEN(in) : String in remains unchanged.
7 If p > LEN(in1): String in2 is attached to string in1.

Table 7- 11 Examples for calls of the functions for the string processing

Call Result
A := CONCAT (in1 := ’ASTRING’, in2 := ’123’); ’ASTRING123’.
A := DELETE (in1 := ’ASTRING’, l := 2, p := 4); ’ASTNG’.
A := DELETE (in1 := ’ASTRING’, l := 2, p := 0); ’ASTRING’.
A := DELETE (in1 := ’ASTRING’, l := 2, p := 8); ’ASTRING’.
A := DELETE (in1 := ’ASTRING’, l := 0, p := 4); ’ASTRING’.
A := DELETE (in1 := ’ASTRING’, l := 10, p := 4); ’AST’.
A := DELETE (in1 := ’ASTRING’, l := -1, p := 4); ’’.
A := DELETE (in1 := ’ASTRING’, l := 2, p := -1); ’’.
B := FIND (in1 := ’ASTRING’, in2 := ’RI’); 4.
B := FIND (in1 := ’ASTRING’, in2 := ’RB’); 0.
A := INSERT (in1 := ’ASTRING’, in2 := ’123’, p := 1); ’A123STRING’.
A := INSERT (in1 := ’ASTRING’, in2 := ’123’, p := 0); ’123ASTRING’.
A := INSERT (in1 := ’ASTRING’, in2 := ’123’, p := 10); ’ASTRING123’.
A := INSERT (in1 := ’ASTRING’, in2 := ’123’, p :=-1); ’’.

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Programming of general standard functions
7.5 String processing (from V4.0 and greater)

Call Result
A := LEFT (in := ’ASTRING’, l := 3); ’AST’.
A := LEFT (in := ’ASTRING’, l := 10); ’ASTRING’.
A := LEFT (in := ’ASTRING’, l := -1); ’’.
B := LEN (in := ’ASTRING’); 7.
A := MID (in := ’ASTRING’, l :=3, p :=2 ); ’STR’.
A := MID (in := ’ASTRING’, l :=3, p :=6 ); ’NG’.
A := MID (in := ’ASTRING’, l :=3, p :=8 ); ’’.
A := MID (in := ’ASTRING’, l :=3, p :=0 ); ’’.
A := REPLACE (in1 := ’ASTRING’, in2 := ’123’, l := 4, p := 2); ’A123NG’.
A := REPLACE (in1 := ’ASTRING’, in2 := ’123’, l := 4, p := 1); ’123ING’.
A := REPLACE (in1 := ’ASTRING’, in2 := ’123’, l := 0, p := 2); ’ASTRING’.
A := REPLACE (in1 := ’ASTRING’, in2 := ’123’, l := 4, p := 0); ’ASTRING’.
A := REPLACE (in1 := ’ASTRING’, in2 := ’123’, l := 2, p := 10); ’ASTRING123’.
A := REPLACE (in1 := ’ASTRING’, in2 := ’123’, l := 4, p := 5); ’ASTRI123’.
A := REPLACE (in1 := ’ASTRING’, in2 := ’123’, l := 4, p := -1); ’’.
A := REPLACE (in1 := ’ASTRING’, in2 := ’123’, l := -1, p : =2); ’’.
A := RIGHT (in := ’ASTRING’, l := 3); ’ING’.
A := RIGHT (in := ’ASTRING’, l := 10); ’ASTRING’.
A := RIGHT (in := ’ASTRING’, l := -1); ’’.

For information about conversion functions for STRINGs, see Functions for the conversion of
INT/REAL/LREAL and STRING data types (Page 309)

7.5.2 Error analysis during the string editing

Errors which occur during string functions are stored separately for each task in the
Taskstartinfo. It is therefore implemented in the task context and can then be subsequently
queried accordingly in the same task, e.g. BackgroundTask.
Value 0 indicates free of errors. For the string functions, the errors in P (position in the string)
and L (number of characters) are stored separately from the violation of the maximum string
length with different values
● Value 0 for free of errors
● Value1 for violation of the maximum string length
● Value 2 for P or L outside of the value range

TSI#ERRNO cannot be used to examine the string length (applies to DINT_TO_STRING,
In this case, the 0 error code will be set in TSI#ERRNO (string length exceeded).
You must, therefore, ensure that the string you enter is long enough or should check the
length in the user program prior to conversion.

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Programming of general standard functions
7.5 String processing (from V4.0 and greater)

Resetting of the TSI#ERRNO value:

● The error remains in the Taskstartinfo until you explicitly reset the content of
● The value of TSI#ERRNO is only rewritten in the case of an error when executing a new
string; a correctly executed string function does not overwrite any error ID present in
● The error ID is reset when the task is restarted.
● Cyclic execution of a task, e.g., IPOSynchronousTask does not overwrite the error ID.
The error ID is retained, as is the content of local variables.

Table 7- 12 Example

A: STRING[254];

A := DELETE (in := 'ASTRING',_ l:= -1, p := 4);

// Result is empty string
IF (TSI#ERRNO = 2)then // String processing error
// L < 0, P < 1, P > length(IN)
A := 'ERROR';

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Programming of general standard functions
7.6 Standard functions for data type conversion

7.6 Standard functions for data type conversion

7.6.1 Functions for the conversion of numeric data types and bit data types
Explicit conversion is always required if information could be lost, for example, if the value
range is decreased or the accuracy is reduced, as is the case for conversion from LREAL to
The compiler outputs warnings when it detects conversions associated with loss of precision.

The type conversion result may cause errors when the program is running, the error
response set in the task configuration will then be triggered, see Execution errors in
programs (Page 96).
Special attention is required when converting DWORD to REAL. The bit string from
DWORD is taken unchecked as the REAL value. You must make sure that the bit string in
DWORD corresponds to the bit pattern of a normalized floating-point number in accordance
with IEEE. To do this, you can use the _finite (Page 319) and _isNaN (Page 320) functions.
Otherwise, an error can be triggered (FPU exception (Page 97)) as soon as the REAL
value is first used for an arithmetic operation (for example, in the program or when
monitoring in the symbol browser).

Explicit data type conversion is performed using standard functions which are listed in the
following table.
● Input parameter
Each function for the conversion of a data type has exactly one input parameter named
● Return value
The result is always the return value of the function. The respective conversion rule is
specified in the following table.
● Names
As the data types of the input parameter and the return value come from the respective
function name, they are not listed separately in the following table: For example, with the
BOOL_TO_BYTE function, the data type of the input parameter is BOOL and the data
type of the return value is BYTE.

Table 7- 13 Functions for converting numeric data types and bit data types

Function name Conversion rule Implicitly

BOOL_TO_BYTE Accept as least significant bit and fill the rest with 0. yes
BOOL_TO_DWORD Accept as least significant bit and fill the rest with 0. yes
BOOL_TO_WORD Accept as least significant bit and fill the rest with 0. yes
BOOL_VALUE_TO_DINT Accept Boolean value as DINT value (0 or 1). no
BOOL_VALUE_TO_INT Accept Boolean value as INT value (0 or 1). no

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7.6 Standard functions for data type conversion

Function name Conversion rule Implicitly

BOOL_VALUE_TO_LREAL Accept Boolean value as LREAL value (0.0 or 1.0). no
BOOL_VALUE_TO_REAL Accept Boolean value as REAL value (0.0 or 1.0). no
BOOL_VALUE_TO_SINT Accept Boolean value as SINT value (0 or 1). no
BOOL_VALUE_TO_UDINT Accept Boolean value as UDINT value (0 or 1). no
BOOL_VALUE_TO_UINT Accept Boolean value as UINT value (0 or 1). no
BOOL_VALUE_TO_USINT Accept Boolean value as USINT value (0 or 1). no
BYTE_TO_BOOL Accept the least significant bit. no
BYTE_TO_DINT Accept bit string as least significant byte and fill the rest with 0. no
BYTE_TO_DWORD Accept bit string as least significant byte and fill the rest with 0. yes
BYTE_TO_INT Accept bit string as least significant byte and fill the rest with 0. no
BYTE_TO_SINT Accept bit string as SINT value. no
BYTE_TO_UDINT Accept bit string as least significant byte and fill the rest with 0. no
BYTE_TO_UINT Accept bit string as least significant byte and fill the rest with 0. no
BYTE_TO_USINT Accept bit string as USINT value. no
BYTE_TO_WORD Accept bit string as least significant byte and fill the rest with 0. yes
BYTE_VALUE_TO_LREAL Interpret bit string as USINT value and accept this value. no
BYTE_VALUE_TO_REAL Interpret bit string as USINT value and accept this value. no
DINT_TO_BYTE Accept the least significant byte as bit string. no
DINT_TO_DWORD Accept bit string. no
DINT_TO_INT Accept the 2 least significant bytes as INT value. no
DINT_TO_LREAL Accept value. yes
DINT_TO_REAL Accept value (accuracy may be lost). no
DINT_TO_SINT Accept the least significant byte as SINT value. no
DINT_TO_UDINT Accept value as bit string. no
DINT_TO_UINT Accept the 2 least significant bytes as UINT value. no
DINT_TO_USINT Accept the least significant byte as USINT value. no
DINT_TO_WORD Accept the 2 least significant bytes as bit string. no
DINT_VALUE_TO_BOOL FALSE (0), if DINT value = 0; else TRUE (1). no
DWORD_TO_BOOL Accept the least significant bit. no
DWORD_TO_BYTE Accept the least significant byte as bit string. no
DWORD_TO_DINT Accept bit string as DINT value. no
DWORD_TO_INT Accept the 2 least significant bytes as INT value. no
DWORD_TO_REAL Accept bit string as REAL value no
(validity check of the REAL number is not carried out!).
Note the important information: Notice on Page 6-300.
DWORD_TO_SINT Accept the least significant byte as SINT value. no
DWORD_TO_UDINT Accept bit string as UDINT value. no
DWORD_TO_UINT Accept the 2 least significant bytes as UINT value. no
DWORD_TO_USINT Accept the least significant byte as USINT value. no
DWORD_TO_WORD Accept the 2 least significant bytes as bit string. no
DWORD_VALUE_TO_LREAL Interpret bit string as UDINT value and accept this value. no

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7.6 Standard functions for data type conversion

Function name Conversion rule Implicitly

DWORD_VALUE_TO_REAL Interpret bit string as UDINT value and accept this value (accuracy no
can be lost).
INT_TO_BYTE Accept the least significant byte as bit string. no
INT_TO_DWORD Accept bit string as least significant word (2 bytes) and fill the rest no
with 0.
INT_TO_DINT Accept value. yes
INT_TO_LREAL Accept value. yes
INT_TO_REAL Accept value. yes
INT_TO_SINT Accept the least significant byte as SINT value. no
INT_TO_USINT Accept the least significant byte as USINT value. no
INT_TO_UDINT Accept bit string as least significant word (2 bytes) and fill the rest no
with 0.
INT_TO_UINT Accept bit string as UINT value. no
INT_TO_WORD Accept bit string. no
INT_VALUE_TO_BOOL FALSE (0), if INT value = 0; else TRUE (1). no
LREAL_TO_DINT Round off to next integer1. no
LREAL_TO_INT Round off to next integer1. no
LREAL_TO_REAL Accept value (accuracy may be lost). no
LREAL_TO_SINT Round off to next integer1. no
LREAL_TO_UDINT Round off value to next integer1. no
LREAL_TO_UINT Round off value to next integer1. no
LREAL_TO_USINT Round off value to next integer1. no
LREAL_VALUE_TO_BOOL FALSE (0), if LREAL value = 0.0; else TRUE (1). no
LREAL_VALUE_TO_BYTE Round off value to next integer1 and accept value as bit string. no
LREAL_VALUE_TO_DWORD Round off value to next integer1 and accept value as bit string no
(only for positive numbers2)
LREAL_VALUE_TO_WORD Round off value to next integer1 and accept value as bit string. no
REAL_TO_DINT Round off to next integer1. no
REAL_TO_DWORD Accept bit string. no
REAL_TO_INT Round off to next integer1. no
REAL_TO_LREAL Accept value. yes
REAL_TO_SINT Round off to next integer1. no
REAL_TO_UDINT Round off value to next integer1. no
REAL_TO_UINT Round off value to next integer1. no
REAL_TO_USINT Round off value to next integer1. no
REAL_VALUE_TO_BOOL FALSE (0), if REAL value = 0.0; else TRUE (1). no
REAL_VALUE_TO_BYTE Round off value to next integer1 and accept value as bit string. no
REAL_VALUE_TO_DWORD Round off value to next integer1 and accept value as bit string. no
REAL_VALUE_TO_WORD Round off value to next integer1 and accept value as bit string. no
SINT_TO_BYTE Accept bit string. no
SINT_TO_DINT Accept value. yes
SINT_TO_DWORD Accept bit string as least significant byte and fill the rest with 0. no

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Programming of general standard functions
7.6 Standard functions for data type conversion

Function name Conversion rule Implicitly

SINT_TO_INT Accept value. yes
SINT_TO_LREAL Accept value. no
SINT_TO_REAL Accept value. no
SINT_TO_UDINT Accept bit string as least significant byte and fill the rest with 0. no
SINT_TO_UINT Accept bit string as least significant byte and fill the rest with 0. no
SINT_TO_USINT Accept bit string. no
SINT_TO_WORD Accept bit string as least significant byte and fill the rest with 0. no
SINT_VALUE_TO_BOOL FALSE (0), if SINT value = 0; else TRUE (1). no
StructAlarmId_TO_DINT Accept bit string. no
UDINT_TO_BYTE Accept the least significant byte as bit string. no
UDINT_TO_DINT Accept bit string. no
UDINT_TO_DWORD Accept bit string. no
UDINT_TO_INT Accept the 2 least significant bytes as INT value. no
UDINT_TO_LREAL Accept value. yes
UDINT_TO_REAL Accept value (accuracy may be lost). no
UDINT_TO_SINT Accept the least significant byte as SINT value. no
UDINT_TO_UINT Accept the 2 least significant bytes as UINT value. no
UDINT_TO_USINT Accept the least significant byte as USINT value. no
UDINT_TO_WORD Accept the 2 least significant bytes as bit string. no
UDINT_VALUE_TO_BOOL FALSE (0), if UDINT value = 0; else TRUE (1). no
UINT_TO_BYTE Accept the least significant byte as bit string. no
UINT_TO_DINT Accept value. yes
UINT_TO_DWORD Accept bit string as least significant word (2 bytes) and fill the rest no
with 0.
UINT_TO_INT Accept bit string. no
UINT_TO_LREAL Accept value. no
UINT_TO_REAL Accept value. yes
UINT_TO_SINT Accept the least significant byte as SINT value. no
UINT_TO_UDINT Accept value. yes
UINT_TO_USINT Accept the least significant byte as USINT value. no
UINT_TO_WORD Accept bit string. no
UINT_VALUE_TO_BOOL FALSE (0), if UINT value = 0; else TRUE (1). no
USINT_TO_BYTE Accept bit string. no
USINT_TO_DINT Accept value. no
USINT_TO_DWORD Accept bit string as least significant byte and fill the rest with 0. no
USINT_TO_INT Accept value. yes
USINT_TO_LREAL Accept value. no
USINT_TO_REAL Accept value. no
USINT_TO_SINT Accept bit string as SINT value. no
USINT_TO_UDINT Accept value. yes
USINT_TO_UINT Accept value. yes
USINT_TO_WORD Accept bit string as least significant byte and fill the rest with 0. no

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7.6 Standard functions for data type conversion

Function name Conversion rule Implicitly

USINT_VALUE_TO_BOOL FALSE (0), if USINT value = 0; else TRUE (1). no
WORD_TO_BOOL Accept the least significant bit. no
WORD_TO_BYTE Accept the least significant byte as bit string. no
WORD_TO_DINT Accept bit string as least significant word (2 bytes) and fill the rest no
with 0.
WORD_TO_DWORD Accept bit string as least significant word (2 bytes) and fill the rest yes
with 0.
WORD_TO_INT Accept bit string as INT value. no
WORD_TO_SINT Accept the least significant byte as SINT value. no
WORD_TO_UDINT Accept bit string as least significant word (2 bytes) and fill the rest no
with 0.
WORD_TO_UINT Accept bit string. no
WORD_TO_USINT Accept the least significant byte as USINT value. no
WORD_VALUE_TO_LREAL Interpret bit string as UINT value and accept this value. no
WORD_VALUE_TO_REAL Interpret bit string as UINT value and accept this value. no
1 If the distance to the two next integers is the same: Round off to next even integer
2The LREAL_VALUE_TO_DWORD function behaves the same as the LREAL_TO_UDINT function. Consequently only
positive numbers are converted. If a floating-point number with sign is to be converted to a bit string, the combination of
LREAL_TO_DINT and DINT_TO_DWORD must be used.

7.6.2 Functions for converting date and time data types

The following standard functions are available for date and time data types.
For information about arithmetic expressions with date and time data types, see Arithmetic
expressions in the ST programming manual.

Table 7- 14 Standard functions for date and time

Function name Input parameter Return value Description

Name Data type Data type
INT_TO_TIME in INT TIME Accept value as time (unit is ms)
The function does not return any
useful results for negative values.

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7.6 Standard functions for data type conversion

Input parameter Return value

REAL_TO_TIME in REAL TIME Round off to unsigned whole-number
component and accept the value as
indication of time (in ms).
TIME_TO_INT in TIME INT Accept time
(unit is ms) as value.
(unit is ms) as value.
(unit is ms) as value.
UDINT_TO_TIME in UDINT TIME Accept value as time (unit is ms).
The function does not return any
useful results for negative values.

7.6.3 Functions for the conversion of enumeration data types

You can obtain the numeric value of an enumeration data type element with the
ENUM_TO_DINT function. When calling the function, you specify the data type of the
enumeration element by placing the identifier of the data type and the character # in front of
the identifier of the enumeration element (enum_type#enum_value).

Table 7- 15 Standard functions for date and time

Function name Input parameter Return value Description

Name Data type Data type
ENUM_TO_DINT in Any enumeration DINT Supplies the numeric value of the
data type enumeration element
All ENUM data types declared by the user organize the values in ascending order starting
with 0. The ENUM data types of TPs, etc., deviate from this. You will find a list of the values
in the relevant reference manuals.

7.6.4 Conversions between BYTE and STRING

The implicit conversion from BYTE to STRING and from STRING to BYTE enables a byte to
be written to a string or a byte to be read from a string (ASCII format, 1 byte per character).

Strings are interpreted as ARRAY[1...stringsize].

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7.6 Standard functions for data type conversion

Conversion from BYTE to STRING

The conversion is performed through direct assignment of the byte to string element n:
mySTring[n] := myByte;

1. If n > len(myString) and n < maxlen(myString), the length of the string is adjusted.
All characters between myString[len(myString)] ... myString[n] are assigned the value "0".
2. If n > maxlen(myString), TSI#ERRNO is set to value 1 (maximum string length exceeded)
and myString remains the same.

Conversion from STRING to BYTE

The conversion is performed through direct assignment of string element k to the byte:
myByte := myString[k];

1. If k > len(myString), TSI#ERRNO is set to value 2 (value outside of the valid range) and
myByte assigned the value 0.

● Read out of internal variable and, if required, conversion from INT to STRING or DINT to
● Direct output of STRING on HMI, e.g. WIN CC Op.
● Conversion of STRING to ARRAY of bytes and thus output on HMI.

7.6.5 Functions for the conversion of INT/REAL/LREAL and STRING data types

The following functions are used for the conversion of numbers to strings for the purpose of
displaying numbers of the INT/REAL(LREAL) data types.
Explicit data type conversion is performed using standard functions which are listed in the
following table.
● Input parameter
Each function for the conversion of a data type has exactly one input parameter named IN.
● Return value
The result is always the return value of the function.

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7.6 Standard functions for data type conversion

Rules for the conversion from DINT/UDINT/REAL/LREAL to STRING

● Values are written left-justified in the STRING as decimal number or real number.
● If signs are present, they are written in front of the numerals.
● If the string length is not sufficient, the numeric sequence is truncated on the right
(violation of the string length).
● With the conversion to STRING, the number representation is decimal.

Rules for the conversion from STRING to DINT/UDINT/REAL/LREAL

1. Leading white spaces are not taken into account; blanks and tabs are recognized as
white spaces.
2. Conversion stops at the end of the string or at the first character that is not a numeral.
3. If the string does not contain a valid number or the value range is violated, TSI#ERRNO
is set to value 3 (invalid number representation) and 0.0 (REAL/LREAL) output.
4. Leading zeros are omitted.

Function Example Description

DINT_TO_STRING myString:=DINT_TO_STRING(myDint) Observe rules
UDINT_TO_STRING myString:=UDINT_TO_STRING(myUDint) Observe rules
STRING_TO_DINT myDint:=STRING_TO_DINT(myString) A valid number has the form
[white space [sign][digits]
Decimal numbers are required for
conversion from STRING. Octal and
hexadecimal notation is not supported.
STRING_TO_UDINT myUDint:=STRING_TO_UDINT(myString) A valid number has the form
[white space [+][digits]
Decimal numbers are required for
conversion from STRING. Octal and
hexadecimal notation is not supported.
REAL_TO_STRING myString:=REAL_TO_STRING(myReal) Observe rules
STRING_TO_REAL myReal:=STRING_TO_REAL(myString) A valid number has the form
STRING_TO_LREAL myLReal:=STRING_TO_LREAL(myString) [white space [sign][digits][digits][ { e I E

● An HMI fetches texts from the file system (recipe memory) and loads text for text via a
sequence into the run-time system of SIMOTION (unit variable).
● The data is saved with _saveUnitDataSet or _exportUnitDataSet in the run-time system.
Extension of the STRINGs with current SIMOTION data (e.g. actual position).
● The text is output via the serial interface (e.g. ET200)

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7.7 Converting between any data types and byte arrays

7.7 Converting between any data types and byte arrays

7.7.1 General
Variables of any data type (elementary data types, standard data types of technology
packages and devices, and user-defined data types) can be converted to byte fields, and
vice versa, using the following functions:
For further information (e.g. on the arrangement of the byte arrays, application example) see
Converting between any data types and byte arrays (marshalling) (Page 381)).
These functions are commonly used to create defined transmission formats for data
exchange between various devices (see also Communication functions (Page 385)).

7.7.2 AnyType_to_BigByteArray function, AnyType_to_LittleByteArray function

The functions convert a variable of any data type (elementary data types, standard data
types of technology packages and devices, and user-defined data types) to a byte array.
● For AnyType_to_BigByteArray:
Big Endian-type byte array (most significant byte at low memory address)
● For AnyType_to_LittleByteArray:
Little Endian-type byte array (least significant bytes at low memory address)
The array index of the first element to be occupied in the array is an optional constant offset
(default = 0). It must fall within the array limits.
When an ST source file is compiled, a check is made to determine whether the offset falls
within the array limits and whether the variable can be displayed completely in the byte array
(between the offset and the upper array limit).
Only those byte array elements that are covered by variables to be converted are occupied
with values. Other elements of the byte array remain unchanged.

The functions either have to be called and processed in one task only or, if several tasks are
used, suitable methods have to be implemented to synchronize these tasks from the point of
view of calling and processing functions (e.g., _testAndSetSemaphore, _releaseSemaphore).
If different tasks are used for the purpose of calling and processing the result, then undefined
values may be produced. If the destination memory for the BigByteArray_to_AnyType
function is a global variable that is evaluated in a higher priority task, the conversion should
be performed initially using a temporary destination variable. This is then copied over to the
global variable following the conversion. This also applies to elementary data types.

Each variable of data type BOOL (including variables that are components within a
structured data type) occupies one byte in the byte array.

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7.7 Converting between any data types and byte arrays


FUNCTION AnyType_to_BigByteArray (
anydata : ANY, // Any data type
{ offset : DINT // Only constant permitted
) : ARRAY [..] OF BYTE // Big Endian
FUNCTION AnyType_to_LittleByteArray (
anydata : ANY, // Any data type
{ offset : DINT // Only constant permitted
) : ARRAY [..] OF BYTE // Little Endian

Input parameters

Data type: ANY
Variable of any data type
The following data types are permitted:
• Technology objects
Data type: DINT
Default 0
Constant, specifies the first element to be assigned in the array.

Return value

Data type: ARRAY [..] OF BYTE

• For AnyType_to_BigByteArray:
In Big Endian arrangement (most significant byte at low memory address)
• For AnyType_to_LittleByteArray:
In Little Endian arrangement (least significant byte at low memory address)

See also
Converting between any data types and byte arrays (marshalling) (Page 381)

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7.7 Converting between any data types and byte arrays

7.7.3 BigByteArray_to_AnyType function, LittleByteArray_to_AnyType function

The functions convert a byte array to a variable of any data type (elementary data types,
system data types, user-defined data types).
● For BigByteArray_to_AnyType
Big Endian-type byte array (most significant byte at low memory address)
● For LittleByteArray_to_AnyType
Little Endian-type byte array (least significant bytes at low memory address)
The array index of the first element to be evaluated in the array is an optional constant offset
(default = 0). It must fall within the array limits.
When an ST source file is compiled, a check is made to determine whether the offset falls
within the array limits and whether the byte array (between the offset and the upper array
limit) completely covers the variable.

The functions either have to be called and processed in one task only or, if several tasks are
used, suitable methods have to be implemented to synchronize these tasks from the point of
view of calling and processing functions (e.g., _testAndSetSemaphore, _releaseSemaphore).
If different tasks are used for the purpose of calling and processing the result, then undefined
values may be produced.

One byte from the byte array is assigned to each variable of data type BOOL (including
variables that are components within a structured data type).


FUNCTION BigByteArray_to_AnyType (
byteArray : ARRAY [..] OF BYTE, // Big Endian
{ offset : DINT // Only constants permitted
) : ANY
FUNCTION LittleByteArray_to_AnyType (
byteArray : ARRAY [..] OF BYTE, // Little Endian
{ offset : DINT // Only constants permitted
) : ANY

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7.7 Converting between any data types and byte arrays

Input parameters

Data type: ARRAY [..] OF BYTE
• For BigByteArray_to_AnyType
In Big Endian arrangement (most significant byte at low memory address)
• For LittleByteArray_to_AnyType
In Little Endian arrangement (least significant byte at low memory address)
Data type: DINT
Default 0
Constant, specifies the first element to be assigned in the array.

Return value

Data type: ANY

Any data type. The following data types are not permitted:
• Technology objects

The marshalling function result may cause errors when the program is running, the error
response set in the task configuration will then be triggered, see Execution errors in
programs (Page 96).
Proceed with caution when converting byte arrays to the general ANY_REAL data type or
to structures that contain this data type. The bit string from the byte array is taken
unchecked as the ANY_REAL value. You must make sure that the bit string of the byte
array corresponds to the bit pattern of a normalized floating-point number according to
IEEE 754. To do this, you can use the _finite (Page 319) and _isNaN (Page 320) functions.
Otherwise, an error can be triggered (FPU exception (Page 97)) as soon as the ANY_REAL
value is first used for an arithmetic operation (for example, in the program or when
monitoring in the symbol browser).

See also
Converting between any data types and byte arrays (marshalling) (Page 381)

Basic functions
314 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.8 Combining bit-string data types

7.8 Combining bit-string data types

7.8.1 General information for combining bit-string data types

The following functions enable several bit-string data-type variables to be combined into a
higher-level data-type variable.
The inverse functions are implemented as functions (see Separating bit-string data types
(Page 416))

7.8.2 _BYTE_FROM_8BOOL function

This function combines eight variables of data type BOOL into one variable of data type


{ bit0, // Least significant bit
bit1, bit2, bit3, bit4, bit5, bit6,
bit7: BOOL // Most significant bit
) : BYTE

Input parameters

bit0 (optional)
bit7 (optional)
Data type: BOOL
Default FALSE
Up to eight variables of data type BOOL, which are to be combined into a variable of
data type BYTE
bit0: least significant bit
bit7: most significant bit

Return value

Data type: BYTE

Byte formed by combining input parameters.

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Programming of general standard functions
7.8 Combining bit-string data types

7.8.3 _WORD_FROM_2BYTE function

This function combines two variables of data type BYTE into one variable of data type


{ byte0, // Less significant byte
byte1: BYTE // More significant byte
) : WORD

Input parameters

byte0 (optional)
byte1 (optional)
Data type: BYTE
Default BYTE#0
Up to two variables of data type BYTE, which are to be combined into a variable of data
type WORD
byte0: less significant byte
byte1: more significant byte

Return value

Data type: WORD

Word formed by combining input parameters.

7.8.4 _DWORD_FROM_2WORD function

This function combines two variables of data type WORD into one variable of data type


{ word0, // Less significant word
word1: WORD // More significant word

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316 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.8 Combining bit-string data types

Input parameters

word0 (optional)
word1 (optional)
Data type: WORD
Default WORD#0
Up to two variables of data type WORD, which are to be combined into a variable of
data type DWORD
word0: less significant word
word1: more significant word

Return value

Data type: DWORD

Double word formed by combining input parameters.

7.8.5 _DWORD_FROM_4BYTE function

This function combines four variables of data type BYTE to one variable of data type


{ byte0 // Least significant byte
byte1, byte2,
byte3: BYTE // Most significant byte

Input parameters

byte0 (optional)
byte1 (optional)
byte2 (optional)
byte3 (optional)
Data type: BYTE

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Programming of general standard functions
7.9 Conversion of technology object data types

Default BYTE#0
Up to four variables of data type BYTE, which are to be combined into a variable of
data type DWORD
byte0: least significant byte
byte3: most significant byte

Return value

Data type: DWORD

Double word formed by combining input parameters.

7.9 Conversion of technology object data types

7.9.1 AnyObject_to_Object function

The function converts variables of a hierarchical TO data type (driveAxis, posAxis,
followingAxis) or of the general ANYOBJECT type to a compatible TO data type.
You will find examples and additional information in Conversion of TO data types (Page 83).


FUNCTION AnyObject_to_Object (

Input parameters

Data type: ANYOBJECT
Variable of a TO data type (or ANYOBJECT) or a TO instance

Return value

Data type: ANYOBJECT

Value is TO#NIL, if type conversion is not possible

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Programming of general standard functions
7.10 Functions for verification of floating-point numbers

7.10 Functions for verification of floating-point numbers

7.10.1 _finite function

The function checks whether the input parameter complies with the bit pattern for infinite in
accordance with IEEE 754.
In combination with the _isNaN function, it is used in particular to check if bit strings
converted to floating-point numbers correspond to the bit pattern of a normalized floating-
point number in accordance with IEEE.
This prevents that the error response specified during task configuration is triggered (see
Execution errors in programs) as soon as an invalid floating-point number is first used for an
arithmetic operation (for example in the program or when monitoring in the symbol browser).


_finite (
) : BOOL

Input parameters

Data type: ANY_REAL
Variable to be checked

Return value

Data type: BOOL

FALSE Bit pattern for infinite in accordance with IEEE 754
TRUE No bit pattern for infinite in accordance with IEEE 754, i.e. valid
floating-point number within the value range or invalid bit pattern
(NaN Not a Number)


var_real := DWORD_TO_REAL (var_dword);

IF NOT _finite (var_real) OR _isNaN (var_real) THEN
; // Error handling
var_real := SQRT (var_real);

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Function Manual, 05/2009 319
Programming of general standard functions
7.10 Functions for verification of floating-point numbers

See also
_isNaN function (Page 320)
Execution errors in programs (Page 96)

7.10.2 _isNaN function

The function verifies whether the input parameter corresponds to an invalid bit pattern of a
floating-point number according to IEEE 754 (is Not a Number NaN).
In combination with the _finite function, it is used in particular to check if bit strings converted
to floating-point numbers correspond to the bit pattern of a normalized floating-point number
in accordance with IEEE.
This prevents the error response specified during task configuration from being triggered
(see Execution errors in programs) as soon as an invalid floating-point number is used for an
arithmetic operation for the first time (for example in the program or when monitoring in the
symbol browser).


_isNaN (
) : BOOL

Input parameters

Data type: ANY_REAL
Variable to be checked

Return value

Data type: BOOL

FALSE Valid bit pattern or bit pattern for infinite in accordance with IEEE
TRUE Invalid bit pattern in accordance with IEEE 754 (NaN Not a

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320 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.11 Functions for selection


var_real := DWORD_TO_REAL (var_dword);

IF NOT _finite (var_real) OR _isNaN (var_real) THEN
; // Error handling
var_real := SQRT (var_real);

See also
_finite function (Page 319)
Execution errors in programs (Page 96)

7.11 Functions for selection

7.11.1 SEL function

Binary selection
The return value is one of the input parameters in0 or in1, depending on the value of input
parameter g.


g: BOOL,
in0 : ANY,
in1 : ANY
) : ANY

Input parameters

Data type: BOOL
Selection of the input parameter in0 or in1
in0, in1
Data type: ANY
The input parameters in0 and in1 must either be of the same data type or must be
convertible to a common data type by implicit conversion (see Elementary data type
conversion in the ST Programming Manual).

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Programming of general standard functions
7.11 Functions for selection

Return value

Data type: ANY

Selected input parameter
in0 if g = 0 (FALSE)
in1 if g = 1 (TRUE)
The data type corresponds to the common data type of the input parameters in0 and in1.

7.11.2 MUX function

Expandable multiplex function
The return value is one of the n input parameters in0 to inn-1, depending on the value of the
input parameter k.

This description is not relevant to LadFdb. The corresponding function is described in the
LadFdb Programming Manual.


k : ANY_INT,
in0 : ANY,
inn-1 : ANY
) : ANY

Input parameters

Data type: ANY_INT
Selection of the input parameter in0 to inn–1.
The value range depends on the number n of the input parameters
in0...inn–1: 0 ≤ k ≤ n-1.
If illegal values are specified, input parameter in0 will be selected.

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Programming of general standard functions
7.11 Functions for selection

Data type: ANY

The number n of the input parameters in0 and inn–1 may vary.
All input parameters in0 and inn–1 must either be of the same data type or must be
convertible to a common data type by implicit conversion (see Elementary data type
conversion in the ST Programming Manual).
If n formal parameters in0 to inn–1 are specified when calling the function, this must be
done in ascending uninterrupted order; for four input parameters, for example, the
identifiers of the formal parameters are: in0, in1, in2, in3.

Return value

Data type: ANY

Input parameter inm if input parameter k has the value m.
The data type corresponds to the common data type of the input parameters in0 to inn–1.

7.11.3 MAX function

Expandable maximum function
The return value is the maximum value of n input parameters in0 to inn–1.

This description is not relevant to LadFdb. The corresponding function is described in the
LadFdb Programming Manual.



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Programming of general standard functions
7.11 Functions for selection

Input parameters

The number n of the input parameters in0 and inn–1 may vary.
All input parameters in0 and inn–1 must either be of the same data type or must be
convertible to the most powerful data type by implicit conversion (see Elementary data
type conversion in the ST Programming Manual).
If n formal parameters in0 to inn–1 are specified when calling the function, this must be
done in ascending, uninterrupted order; for four input parameters, for example, the
identifiers of the formal parameters are: in0, in1, in2, in3.

Return value


Maximum of the input parameters
The data type corresponds to the most powerful data type of the input parameters in0 to

7.11.4 MIN function

Expandable minimum function
The return value is the minimum value of n input parameters in0 to inn–1.

This description is not relevant to LadFdb. The corresponding function is described in the
LadFdb Programming Manual.



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324 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.11 Functions for selection

Input parameters

The number n of the input parameters in0 and inn–1 may vary.
All input parameters in0 and inn–1 must either be of the same data type or must be
convertible to the most powerful data type by implicit conversion (see Elementary data
type conversion in the ST Programming Manual).
If n formal parameters in0 to inn–1 are specified when calling the function, this must be
done in ascending, uninterrupted order; for four input parameters, for example, the
identifiers of the formal parameters are: in0, in1, in2, in3.

Return value


Minimum of the input parameters
The data type corresponds to the most powerful data type of the input parameters in0 to

7.11.5 LIMIT function

Limiting function
Input parameter in is limited to values between the lower limiting value mn and the upper
limiting value mx.



Input parameters


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Programming of general standard functions
7.12 Consistent access to global variables of derived data types (UDT)

Lower limiting value

All input parameters must either be of the same data type or must be convertible to the
most powerful data type by implicit conversion (see Elementary data type conversion in
the ST Programming Manual).
Value to be limited
All input parameters must either be of the same data type or must be convertible to the
most powerful data type by implicit conversion (see Elementary data type conversion in
the ST Programming Manual).
Upper limiting value
All input parameters must either be of the same data type or must be convertible to the
most powerful data type by implicit conversion (see Elementary data type conversion in
the ST Programming Manual).

Return value


MIN (MAX (in, mn), mx)
The data type corresponds to the most powerful data type of the input parameters.

7.12 Consistent access to global variables of derived data types (UDT)

7.12.1 General
When accessing global variables of derived data types (see User-defined data types (UDT)
in the ST programming manual), the user is responsible for ensuring data consistency when
multiple tasks access the same user variables (I/O variables, system variables, system
variables of technology objects, global device variables, and global unit variables, see
Variable model in the programming manuals).

Consistent data access is always ensured within a task.

You can work with semaphores to ensure that global variables of derived data types (UDT)
are written and read consistently.

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326 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.12 Consistent access to global variables of derived data types (UDT)

A global variable of data type DINT serves as a semaphore. Use the following functions to
change and test the status of the semaphore:
● _testAndSetSemaphore
● _releaseSemaphore
Consistent data access to global variables is ensured under the following conditions:
1. All tasks signal access to global variables by setting a semaphore.
2. All tasks access global variables only when the semaphore is enabled.
For more information on consistent data access and semaphores, refer to Consistent
reading and writing of variables (semaphores).

See also
Consistent data access (Page 374)

7.12.2 _testAndSetSemaphore function

Use this function to check whether the semaphore is set.
When the function is ended, the semaphore is always set. Additional calls of this function
(even from other programs) return a value of FALSE, until the _releaseSemaphore (semaA)
function is called.


_testAndSetSemaphore (
sema : DINT
) : BOOL

Input parameters

Data type DINT
Sema is a global variable of data type DINT; it is used as a semaphore. It should not
be indexed. If the variable is an element of an array, the index must be specified when
compiling (e.g. a[2]).

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Programming of general standard functions
7.12 Consistent access to global variables of derived data types (UDT)

Return value

Data type: BOOL

This return value can be used to find out whether the semaphore is set:
TRUE Semaphore enabled.
FALSE Semaphore set.

See Consistent reading and writing of variables (semaphores).

See also
Example: Consistent data access with semaphores (Page 375)

7.12.3 _releaseSemaphore function

Use this function to enable the semaphore. The next call of the _testAndSetSemaphore
function (even from different programs) results in a return value of TRUE.


_releaseSemaphore (
sema : DINT
) : VOID

Input parameters

Data type: DINT
Sema is a global variable of data type DINT; it is used as a semaphore. It should not be
indexed. If the variable is an element of an array, the index must be specified when
compiling (e.g. a[2]).

Return value


See Consistent reading and writing of variables (semaphores).

Basic functions
328 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.13 Access to system variables and inputs/outputs

See also
Example: Consistent data access with semaphores (Page 375)

7.13 Access to system variables and inputs/outputs

7.13.1 General information on accessing system variables and inputs/outputs

The _getSafeValue and _setSafeValue functions allow a special error response for access to
system variables, configuration data, or I/O variables. It is possible to specify a different
response from what has been configured in the event of an error (see Access errors to
system variables and configuration data, as well as I/O variables for direct access
(Page 99)).
The system functions _getSafeValue and _setSafeValue require a lot of execution time.
Therefore, only use them when necessary, e.g. in an IF statement, to wait for the restart of a
With V4.1 and higher, you can also specify a "replacement value" or "last value" for
accesses to system variables and config data (V4.1.3 and higher) in the event of an error
(e.g. TO is in restart). The configuration data restartInfo.behaviorInvalidSysvarAccess is
relevant for this. See System variables (Page 85) or Configuration data (Page 88).
The _getInOutByte function enables direct read access to individual I/O bytes by specifying
the address.

See also
Access errors to system variables and configuration data, as well as I/O variables for direct
access (Page 99)
System variables (Page 85)
Configuration data (Page 88)

7.13.2 _getSafeValue function

This function reads the specified system variable (or configuration data element) or I/O
variable and returns the value in another variable.
When this function is used (instead of a variable assignment), the transition to STOP mode
can be prevented if an error occurs when accessing system variables, configuration data or
I/O variables (e.g. while restarting a technology object, or in the event of an I/O failure).

The runtime of this function can be very long. Therefore, this function is not suitable for use
in fast cyclic tasks.

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Programming of general standard functions
7.13 Access to system variables and inputs/outputs

Specifying error reaction

You can control the error reaction using the accessmode parameter:
● CONFIGURED (default): The error reaction defined by
restart.behaviorInvalidSysvarAccess is used, see Access errors to system variables and
configuration data, as well as I/O variables for direct access (Page 99).
– System variables and configuration data:
Variable is not read and the value remains undefined (see System variables
(Page 85)).
– I/O variables:
With read access (to inputs or outputs): The last valid value is applied.
● DEFAULT_VALUE: Replacement value or limit value is read.
● STOP_DEVICE: SIMOTION device switches to STOP mode. When a transition to STOP
mode occurs, the ExecutionFaultTask is not started.
You can use the return value to determine whether the access was successful.


_getSafeValue (
variable : ANY, //System variable,
// Configuration data or
// I/O variable
accessMode : EnumAccessMode,
getValue : ANY
) : EnumSetAndGetSafeValue

Input parameters

Data type: ANY
System variable, configuration data item or I/O variable to be read.
Data type: EnumAccessMode
Response when an error occurs during read access.

TYPE EnumAccessMode : (
// Response as configured:
CONFIGURED // System variables and config data:
// Behavior depends on config data item
// restartInfo.behaviorInvalidSysvarAccess

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Programming of general standard functions
7.13 Access to system variables and inputs/outputs

// For I/O variables:

// Strategy specified during creation
// of the I/O variables
// Different response than configured:
NO_CHANGE // For system variables and
// configuration data: Not reading
// variable.
// For I/O variables: Accept
// last available (valid)
// value.
DEFAULT_VALUE // Configured value or
// Replacement value for I/O variables
STOP_DEVICE // Device switches to STOP mode.

Data type: ANY
Name of the variable to which the current value of the system variable (or configuration
data item) or I/O variable is written.
The following applies for the data type:
• It must be the same as the data type of the variable to be read, or
• the data type of the variable to be read must be convertible to this data type by
means of implicit type conversion (see Evaluating faults and events).

Return value

Data type: EnumSetAndGetSafeValue

The return value indicates whether the access was successful.

TYPE EnumSetAndGetSafeValue : (
// Access successful:
OK // Access was successful.
// Access error:
, NO_CHANGE // For system variables and configuration data: Variable was
// not read, last value
// For I/O variables: Last
// available (valid) value was
// accepted.
, DEFAULT_VALUE // Only for I/O variables:
// Replacement value was accepted.
, INVALID_VALUE // Only for configuration data:
// Configuration data item was
// not read, default value is returned,
// impermissible parameter
//(accessMode = DEFAULT_VALUE).

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Function Manual, 05/2009 331
Programming of general standard functions
7.13 Access to system variables and inputs/outputs

, NO_ACCESS ) // Only for configuration data:

// Configuration data item was
// not read, default value is returned

See also
Evaluating faults and events (Page 95)
Errors when accessing system data with _get/_setSafeValue (Page 130)

7.13.3 _setSafeValue function

With V4.1.3 and higher, this function writes the specified value to the system variable, the
configuration data item, or I/O variable and, as an option, returns the currently written value
in another variable. It is possible to specify a different response to what has been configured
in the event of an error (see Errors when accessing system variables and configuration
When this function is used (instead of a variable assignment), the transition to STOP mode
can be prevented if an error occurs when accessing system variables, configuration data, or
I/O variables (e.g. while restarting a technology object, or in the event of an I/O failure).

The runtime of this function can be very long. Therefore, this function is not suitable for use
in fast cyclic tasks.

Specifying an error reaction

You can control the error reaction using the accessmode parameter:
● CONFIGURED (default): The error reaction specified in
restart.behaviorInvalidSysvarAccess is used, see Errors when accessing system
variables and configuration data as well as I/O variables for direct access (Page 99).
– System variables and configuration data:
Value is not written and remains unchanged or retains the last available value.
– I/O variables:
With write access (to outputs): The value is written to the variable. However, it will not
be active at the output until the output becomes available again.
● DEFAULT_VALUE: Replacement value or limit value is written.
● STOP_DEVICE: SIMOTION device switches to STOP mode. When a transition to STOP
mode occurs, the ExecutionFaultTask is not started.
● Value range for variable

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7.13 Access to system variables and inputs/outputs

The value is restricted to the value range and is not affected by the accessMode parameter.
You can use the return value to determine whether the access was successful.


_setSafeValue (
variable : ANY, //System variable,
// Configuration data or
// I/O variable
value : ANY,
accessMode : EnumAccessMode,
setValue : ANY
) : EnumSetAndGetSafeValue

Input parameter

Data type: ANY
System variable, configuration data item or I/O variable to be written.
Data type: ANY
Value to be written to the system variable (or configuration data item) or I/O variable.
The value data type must be the same as the data type of the variable to be written to,
or it must be convertible to this data type by means of implicit type conversion (see
Evaluating faults and events).
Data type: EnumAccessMode
Response when an error occurs during write access:

TYPE EnumAccessMode : (
// Response as configured:
CONFIGURED // System variables and config data:
// Behavior depends on config data item
// restartInfo.behaviorInvalidSysvarAccess
// For I/O variables:
// Strategy specified during creation
// of the I/O variables
// Different response than configured:
, NO_CHANGE // For system variables and
// configuration data: Current value
// Is not written.
//For I/O variables
// The value transferred in the

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7.13 Access to system variables and inputs/outputs

// parameter is written to the

// variable. It is not active at the output
// until the output is
// again available.
// For system variables and config data:
// Variable is not described.
// For I/O variables:
// Variable is described with the
// substitute value specified
// when creating the variable.
, STOP_DEVICE ) // Device goes into STOP
// mode

Data type: ANY
Name of a variable to which the current value of the system variable, configuration data
item, or I/O variable is written.
The following applies for the data type:
• It must be of the same data type as the variable to be written, or
• The data type of the variable to be written must be convertible to this data type by
means of implicit type conversion (see Evaluating faults and events).
If, for example, 100 is to be written, but only 90 was entered, setValue is given a value
of 90.

Return value

Data type: EnumSetAndGetSafeValue

The return value indicates whether the access was successful.

TYPE EnumSetAndGetSafeValue : (
// Access successful:
OK // Access was successful.
// Access error:
, NO_CHANGE // For system variables and config data:
// Value is not written.
// For I/O variables: The value transferred
// in the parameter was
// written. It is not active at the output
// until the output is
// again available.
, DEFAULT_VALUE // For system variables: Limitation
// active, limit value was

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334 Function Manual, 05/2009
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7.13 Access to system variables and inputs/outputs

// written.
// For I/O variables: Substitute value was
// written. It is not active at the output
// until the output is
// again available.
, NO_ACCESS ) // Only for configuration data and system variables:
// Value of the configuration data item was
// not changed,
// Configuration data item
// not available).

See also
Evaluating faults and events (Page 95)
Errors when accessing system data with _get/_setSafeValue (Page 130)
System variables (Page 85)

7.13.4 _getInOutByte function

This function enables direct read access to individual I/O bytes through specification of the
input/output address.
In the event of an access error, the PeripheralFaultTask is not called; rather a corresponding
value is returned in the functionResult component of the return value.
If an I/O variable (for direct access or the process image of the cyclic task (see Direct access
and process image of the cyclical tasks in the ST Programming Manual) is defined for the
specified I/O address and a substitute value is specified, this substitute value is returned in
the event of an access error.
Evaluation of the return value can determine, for example, whether an input or an output is
assigned to the address in the hardware.

The runtime of this function can be very long. Therefore, this function is not suitable for use
in fast cyclic tasks.


_getInOutByte (
mode : EnumInOutDirection,
logAddress : DINT
) : StructRetGetInOutByte

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Function Manual, 05/2009 335
Programming of general standard functions
7.13 Access to system variables and inputs/outputs

Input parameters

Data type: EnumInOutDirection
Specifies whether logAddress is used to access the input or output.

TYPE EnumInOutDirection : (
IN // Access to input
, OUT ) // Access to output

Data type: DINT
Logic address of input or output

Return value

Data type: StructRetGetInOutByte

Function call result and read byte value

TYPE StructRetGetInOutByte : STRUCT

functionResult : DINT; // Result of the
// function call
value : BYTE; // Value of byte read

Possible values of functionResult (result of function call):

0 No error, access okay.
16#FFFF_FFFA Not enough memory available
16#FFFF_FFFE Access error
16#FFFF_FFFF Input/output not available

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336 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

7.14 Backing up data from the user program

7.14.1 General information on saving data sets from the user program
The functions below are for:
● Saving, loading, or initializing the following values:
– Non-retentive or retentive global unit variables of the interface or implementation
section of a unit (e.g. ST source file, MCC unit)
– Non-retentive or retentive global device variables (declared via project navigator)
Data backup is performed by selecting the relevant function
– Binary: The backed-up data set can no longer be read after the version ID of the data
segment has been changed.
– In XML format: The backed-up data set can be read after the version ID of the data
segment has been changed.
● Managing the data set in which the values are backed up
The values are backed up in a data set that is identified uniquely by specifying the storage
location, the name of the unit, and a data set number.
The application of these functions - in particular, the step enabling condition - is described in
detail in Data backup and initialization from user program (Page 376).
As well as saving retentive variables as individual data sets, it is also possible to back up all
the retentive data to the memory card using the _savePersistentMemoryData function. For
more information, see the System Functions/Variables Parameter Manual.

7.14.2 _saveUnitDataSet function

The values of the following variables are saved as a binary data record:
● As of Version V3.2 of the SIMOTION Kernel:
– Non-retentive or retentive global unit variables of the interface or implementation
section of a unit (e.g. ST source file, MCC unit, LAD/FBD unit)
– Non-retentive or retentive global device variables (declared via project navigator)
● Up to Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel:
Non-retentive global unit variables of the interface section of a unit (e.g. ST source file,
MCC unit, LAD/FBD unit)
You can select the location at which the data set will be stored:
● Temporary data storage (RAM disk), erased in the event of a power failure
● Permanent data storage (memory card), retained throughout a power failure
Pay attention to consistency of the data to be backed up (see Consistent reading and writing
of variables (semaphores) (Page 374)).
When calling this function in short form, all parameters (including all optional parameters)
must be specified.

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 337
Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

The "Save variables" and "Restore variables" SCOUT functions can be used to retain data
sets saved with _saveUnitDataSet, even if there is a change of version or data segments
have been changed. For additional information, refer to the SIMOTION SCOUT
Configuration Manual or the online help.


_saveUnitDataSet (
unitName : STRING,
id : UDINT,
storageType : EnumDeviceStorageType,
{ path : STRING,
overwrite : BOOL,
nextCommand : EnumNextCommandMode,
dataScope : EnumDeviceDataScope,
kindOfData : EnumDeviceKindOfData,
): StructRetUnitDataSetCommand

Input parameters

Data type: STRING
Name of the unit (e.g. ST source file, MCC unit, LAD/FBD unit) whose unit variables
will be saved.
The name must be indicated in lower case and inside single quotation marks (e.g.
If ’_device’ is specified, the global device variables are saved (possible as of Version
V3.2 of the SIMOTION Kernel).
Data type: UDINT
Number of the data set under which the variable values are saved (maximum of
1_000_000 data sets per unit).
Data type: EnumDeviceStorageType
Location at which the data is saved.

TYPE EnumDeviceStorageType : (
TEMPORARY_STORAGE // temporary storage
// (RAM Disk),
// is deleted if there is a power failure
, PERMANENT_STORAGE // permanent data storage
// (MemoryCard), retained
// with power failure

Basic functions
338 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

, USER_DEFINED ) // with path specification

// (only default permissible)

path (optional)
Data type: STRING
Default: ' ' (empty string)
Destination path, if storageType = USER_DEFINED.
Only default value may be specified.
overwrite (optional)
Data type: BOOL
Default: FALSE
If TRUE, existing data set is overwritten.
nextCommand (optional)
Data type: EnumNextCommandMode
Advance to next command

TYPE EnumNextCommandMode : (
IMMEDIATELY // immediately
, WHEN_COMMAND_DONE ) // After completion or abort
// of the command

dataScope (optional)
Data type: EnumDeviceDataScope
The parameter is available as of Version V3.2 of the SIMOTION Kernel.
Specification of the section whose unit variables are to be saved.

Type EnumDeviceDataScope : (
_INTERFACE // Interface section
, _IMPLEMENTATION // Implementation section
// Implementation section

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 339
Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

If unitName = ’_device’ is specified, only the values _INTERFACE or

_INTERFACE_AND_IMPLEMENTATION are permissible for dataScope.
Up to and including Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel, only non-retentive variables of
the interface section of a unit can be saved.

KindOfData (optional)
The parameter is available as of Version V3.2 of the SIMOTION Kernel.
Specification of whether non-retentive or retentive global variables will be saved.

TYPE EnumDeviceKindOfData : (
NO_RETAIN_GLOBAL // non-retentive variables
, _RETAIN // retentive variables
, ALL_GLOBAL ) // retentive and non-retentive
// variables

Up to and including Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel, only non-retentive variables of
the interface section of a unit can be saved.

Return value

Data type: StructRetUnitDataSetCommand

The return value is a structure of data type StructRetUnitDataSetCommand. It comprises
the following:
• A functionResult component: EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand
This supplies information on errors and the current status.
• A handle component: UDINT
This provides the possibility, by means of the _getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand
function (see _getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand function), of checking the current state
of a data backup function (especially useful with step enabling condition

EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand: (
DONE // Execution or start successful
, ACTIVE // Being executed
, INTERNAL_ERROR // internal error
// (please call the hotline)
,COMMAND_FAILED // Command cannot be executed

Basic functions
340 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

// Command buffer full
, COMMAND_NOT_FOUND // Command (handle) not found
, DATASET_ID_NOT_VALID // Data set number invalid
, READ_ERROR // Data read error
// (Defective storage medium)
, NO_STORAGE_AVAILABLE // No storage available
, ACCESS_DENIED // Access denied
// (missing write/read rights)
,DATASET_ALREADY_EXISTS // Data set already exists
,DATASET_NOT_FOUND // Data set not found
,VERSION_MISMATCH // Wrong version code
// of the data area to be imported (e.g. section of the unit
,UNIT_NOT_FOUND// Unit (e.g. ST source,
// MCC source) not found
,DATA_INCOMPLETE // Incomplete import of the data
,DATA_MISMATCH // Data range to be imported
// is not contained in the data set
// Not available (activate the OPC-XML
// on the program source
functionResult : EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand;
handle : UDINT;
For information about data backup see Using data backup and data initialization from user
program (Page 376)

See also
General information on saving data sets from the user program (Page 337)
Communication via Ethernet with UDP protocol (Page 392)

7.14.3 _loadUnitDataSet function

The values of the following variables are loaded as a binary data set with _saveUnitDataSet:
● SIMOTION Kernel Version V3.2 and higher:
– Non-retentive or retentive global unit variables of the interface or implementation
section of a unit (e.g. ST source file, MCC unit, LAD/FBD unit)
– non-retentive or retentive global device variables.
● Up to Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel:
Non-retentive global unit variables of the interface section of a unit (e.g. ST source file,
MCC unit, LAD/FBD unit)

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 341
Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

The data set can only be loaded if the version codes of all the data segments to be loaded
(e.g. non-retentive and retentive variables of the interface section of the unit) have remained
unchanged since the data set was saved. For data segments and their version codes, see
Time of variable initialization in the ST, MCC, or LAD/FBD Programming Manuals.
A subset of the data segments backed up in the data set can be loaded (e.g. if the version
IDs of some data segments have changed).
When calling this function in short form, all parameters (including all optional parameters)
must be specified.
The "Save variables" and "Restore variables" SCOUT functions can be used to retain data
sets saved with _saveUnitDataSet, even if there is a change of version or data segments
have been changed.
For additional information, refer to the SIMOTION SCOUT Configuration Manual or the
online help.


_loadUnitDataSet (
unitName : STRING,
id : UDINT,
storageType : EnumDeviceStorageType,
{ path : STRING,
nextCommand : EnumNextCommandMode,
dataScope : EnumDeviceDataScope,
kindOfData : EnumDeviceKindOfData,
): StructRetUnitDataSetCommand

Input parameters

Data type: STRING
Name of the unit (e.g. ST source file, MCC unit), whose unit variables will be loaded.
The name must be indicated in lower case and inside single quotation marks (e.g.
If ’_device’ is specified, the global device variables are loaded (possible with Version
V3.2 and higher of the SIMOTION Kernel).
Data type: UDINT
Number of the data set from which the variable values are loaded (maximum of
1_000_000 data sets per unit).
Data type: EnumDeviceStorageType
Location at which the data is saved.

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342 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

TYPE EnumDeviceStorageType : (
TEMPORARY_STORAGE // temporary data storage
// (RAM disk),
// is deleted if there is a power failure
, PERMANENT_STORAGE // permanent data storage
// (MemoryCard), retained
// with power failure
, USER_DEFINED ) // with path specification, only the
// default is valid

path (optional)
Data type: STRING
Default: ' ' (empty string)
Destination path, if storageType = USER_DEFINED
Only default value may be specified.
nextCommand (optional)
Data type: EnumNextCommandMode
Advance to next command

TYPE EnumNextCommandMode : (
IMMEDIATELY // immediately
, WHEN_COMMAND_DONE ) // After completion or abort
// of the command

dataScope (optional)
Data type: EnumDeviceDataScope
The parameter is available as of Version V3.2 of the SIMOTION Kernel.
Specification of the section whose unit variables are to be saved.

Type EnumDeviceDataScope : (
_INTERFACE // Interface section
, _IMPLEMENTATION // Implementation section
// Implementation section

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 343
Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

If unitName = ’_device’ is specified, only the values _INTERFACE or

_INTERFACE_AND_IMPLEMENTATION are permissible for dataScope.
Up to and including Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel, only non-retentive variables of
the interface section of a unit can be saved and loaded.

KindOfData (optional)
The parameter is available as of Version V3.2 of the SIMOTION Kernel.
Specification of whether non-retentive or retentive global variables will be saved.

TYPE EnumDeviceKindOfData : (
NO_RETAIN_GLOBAL // non-retentive variables
, _RETAIN // retentive variables
, ALL_GLOBAL ) // retentive and non retentive
// variables

Up to and including Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel, only non-retentive variables of
the interface section of a unit can be saved and loaded.

Return value

Data type: StructRetUnitDataSetCommand

The return value is a structure of data type StructRetUnitDataSetCommand. It comprises
the following:
• A functionResult component: EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand
This supplies information on errors and the current status.
• A handle component: UDINT
This provides the possibility, by means of the _getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand
function (see _getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand function), of checking the current state
of a data backup function (especially useful with step enabling condition
For further information on data types StructRetUnitDataSetCommand and
EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand, see the Return value section of the _saveUnitDataSet
function (see _saveUnitDataSet function).
For information about data backup see Using data backup and data initialization from user

Basic functions
344 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

See also
_getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand function (Page 354)
_saveUnitDataSet function (Page 337)
General information on saving data sets from the user program (Page 337)
Data backup and data initialization from user program - functions and instructions
(Page 376)

7.14.4 _exportUnitDataSet function (as of Kernel V3.2)

The values of the following variables are exported in XML format as a data set:
● Non-retentive global unit variables of the interface and the implementation section of a
unit (e.g. ST source file, MCC unit, or LAD/FBD unit)
● Retentive global unit variables of the interface and the implementation section of a unit
You can select the location at which the data set will be stored:
● Temporary data storage (RAM disk), erased in the event of a power failure
● Permanent data storage (memory card), retained throughout a power failure
Non-retentive or retentive global device variables can only be backed up with the
_saveUnitDataSet function.
Make sure the symbol information of the unit variables in the SIMOTION device is available
for the relevant unit. With this in mind, activate the Enable OPC-XML checkbox on the
program source for the local settings of the compiler (see sections titled "Compiler
operations" or "Settings of the ST compiler" in the programming manuals).
Pay attention to consistency of the data to be exported (see Consistent reading and writing
of variables (semaphores)).
The exported data set can also be imported with the _importUnitDataSet function if the
version ID of the data area (e.g. retentive variables of the interface section of the unit) has
changed in the meantime (e.g. due to a change in the data structure).
When calling this function in short form, all parameters (including all optional parameters)
must be specified.


_exportUnitDataSet (
unitName : STRING,
id : UDINT,
storageType : EnumDeviceStorageType,
{ path : STRING,
overwrite : BOOL
nextCommand : EnumNextCommandMode,
dataScope : EnumDeviceDataScope,
kindOfData : EnumDeviceKindOfData,
): StructRetUnitDataSetCommand

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Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

Input parameters

Data type: STRING
Name of the unit (e.g. ST source file, MCC unit), whose unit variables will be exported.
The name must be indicated in lower case and inside single quotation marks (e.g.
Specifying ’_device’ (for exporting global device variables) is not permissible here (only
possible with _saveUnitDataSet).
Data type: UDINT
Number of the data set under which the variable values are saved (maximum of
1_000_000 data sets per unit).
Data type: EnumDeviceStorageType
Location at which the data is saved.
Only the default can be used for the USER_DEFINED setting.

TYPE EnumDeviceStorageType : (
TEMPORARY_STORAGE // temporary storage
// (RAM disk),
// is deleted if there is a power failure
, PERMANENT_STORAGE // permanent data storage
// (MemoryCard), retained
// with power failure
, USER_DEFINED ) // with path specification
// (only default permissible)

path (optional)
Data type: STRING
Default: ' ' ' (empty string)
Destination path, if storageType = USER_DEFINED.
Only the default value may be specified. Otherwise, an error message is output.
overwrite (optional)
Data type: BOOL
Default: FALSE
If TRUE, existing data set is overwritten.
nextCommand (optional)
Data type: EnumNextCommandMode

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Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

Advance to next command

TYPE EnumNextCommandMode : (
IMMEDIATELY // immediately
, WHEN_COMMAND_DONE ) // After completion or abort
// of the command

dataScope (optional)
Data type: EnumDeviceDataScope
Specification of the section whose unit variables will be exported.

Type EnumDeviceDataScope : (
_INTERFACE // Interface section
, _IMPLEMENTATION // Implementation section
// Implementation section

KindOfData (optional)
Specification of whether non-retentive or retentive global variables will be exported.

TYPE EnumDeviceKindOfData : (
NO_RETAIN_GLOBAL // non-retentive variables
, _RETAIN // retentive variables
, ALL_GLOBAL ) // retentive and non retentive
// variables

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Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

Return value

Data type: StructRetUnitDataSetCommand

The return value is a structure of data type StructRetUnitDataSetCommand. It comprises
the following:
• A functionResult component: EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand
This supplies information on errors and the current status.
• A handle component: UDINT
This provides the possibility, by means of the _getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand
function (see _getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand function), of checking the current state
of a data backup function (especially useful with step enabling condition
For further information on data types StructRetUnitDataSetCommand and
EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand, see the Return value section of the _saveUnitDataSet
function (see _saveUnitDataSet function).
For information about data backup see Using data backup and data initialization from user
program (Page 376)

See also
Consistent data access (Page 374)
_getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand function (Page 354)
General information on saving data sets from the user program (Page 337)

7.14.5 _importUnitDataSet function (as of Kernel V3.2)

The values of the following variables are imported from a data set that was exported with
● Non-retentive global unit variables of the interface and the implementation section of a
unit (e.g. ST source file, MCC unit, or LAD/FBD unit)
● Retentive global unit variables of the interface and the implementation section of a unit
Make sure the symbol information of the unit variables of the interface section in the
SIMOTION device is available for the relevant unit. Consequently on the program source for
the local settings of the compiler activate the Enable OPC-XML check box (see sections
Compiler operations or Settings of the ST compiler in the programming manuals).
Importing the data set is also possible if, since the data set was saved, the version ID of a
data segment to be loaded has changed (e.g. non-retentive variables of the interface section
of the unit):
● Variables that no longer exist are ignored.
● The value of added variables remains unchanged.
● In the case of a variable with a changed data type, the value is transferred if it can be
converted to the new data type; otherwise the value of the variable is retained.
● The returned value of the function is DATA_INCOMPLETE.

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Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

To avoid unwanted values in variables, you can initialize the relevant data segments before
importing the data set with the _resetUnitData function (see parameter manual for the
system functions of the SIMOTION devices).
For data segments and their version ID see Time of variable initialization in the ST
programming manual.
A subset of the data segments exported in the data set can be imported.
When calling this function in short form, all parameters (including all optional parameters)
must be specified.


_importUnitDataSet (
unitName : STRING,
id : UDINT,
storageType : EnumDeviceStorageType,
{ path : STRING,
nextCommand : EnumNextCommandMode,
dataScope : EnumDeviceDataScope,
kindOfData : EnumDeviceKindOfData,
): StructRetUnitDataSetCommand

Input parameters

Data type: STRING
Name of the unit (e.g. ST source file, MCC unit), whose unit variables will be imported.
The name must be indicated in lower case and inside single quotation marks (e.g.
Specifying ’_device’ (for importing global device variables) is not permissible here (only
possible with _loadUnitDataSet).
Data type: UDINT
Number of the data set under which the variable values are saved (maximum of
1_000_000 data sets per unit).
Data type: EnumDeviceStorageType
USERDEFINED (only default permissible)
Location at which the data is saved.

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 349
Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

TYPE EnumDeviceStorageType : (
TEMPORARY_STORAGE // temporary data storage
// (RAM disk), erased in the event of a power
, PERMANENT_STORAGE // permanent data storage
// (MemoryCard), retained in the event of a power

path (optional)
Data type: STRING
Default: ' ' ' (empty string)
Destination path, if storageType = USER_DEFINED.
Only the default value may be specified. Otherwise, an error message is output.
overwrite (optional)
Data type: BOOL
Default: FALSE
If TRUE, existing data set is overwritten.
nextCommand (optional)
Data type: EnumNextCommandMode
Advance to next command

TYPE EnumNextCommandMode : (
IMMEDIATELY // immediately
, WHEN_COMMAND_DONE ) // After completion or abort
// of the command

dataScope (optional)
Data type: EnumDeviceDataScope
Specification of the section whose unit variables will be imported.

Basic functions
350 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

Type EnumDeviceDataScope : (
_INTERFACE // Interface section
, _IMPLEMENTATION // Implementation section
// Implementation section

KindOfData (optional)
Specification of whether non-retentive or retentive global variables will be imported.

TYPE EnumDeviceKindOfData : (
NO_RETAIN_GLOBAL // non-retentive variables
, _RETAIN // retentive variables
, ALL_GLOBAL ) // retentive and non retentive
// variables

If retentive and non-retentive variables are stored in the exported data set, it is possible
to import retentive or non-retentive variables selectively.

Return value

Data type: StructRetUnitDataSetCommand

The return value is a structure of data type StructRetUnitDataSetCommand. It comprises
the following:
• A functionResult component: EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand
This supplies information on errors and the current status.
• A handle component: UDINT
This provides the possibility, by means of the _getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand
function (see _getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand function), of checking the current state
of a data backup function (especially useful with step enabling condition
For further information on data types StructRetUnitDataSetCommand and
EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand, see the Return value section of the _saveUnitDataSet
function (see _saveUnitDataSet function).
For information about data backup see Using data backup and data initialization from user
program (Page 376)

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 351
Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

See also
_getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand function (Page 354)
General information on saving data sets from the user program (Page 337)
_loadUnitDataSet function (Page 341)

7.14.6 _deleteUnitDataSet function

A single data record containing the stored values of the following variables is deleted:
● Backed-up non-retentive or retentive unit variables of the interface or implementation
section of a unit (e.g. ST source file, MCC unit).
● Backed-up non-retentive or retentive global device variables.
● Exported non-retentive or retentive unit variables of the interface section of a unit (e.g. ST
source file, MCC unit).
When calling this function in short form, all parameters (including all optional parameters)
must be specified.


_deleteUnitDataSet (
unitName : STRING,
id : UDINT,
storageType : EnumDeviceStorageType,
{ path : STRING,
nextCommand : EnumNextCommandMode,
): StructRetUnitDataSetCommand

Input parameters

Data type: STRING
Name of the unit (e.g. ST source file, MCC unit); the name must be written in lower
case and placed inside single quotation marks (e.g. 'st_unit1').
If ’_device’ is specified, a data set for global device variables will be deleted (possible
as of Version 3.2 of the SIMOTION Kernel).
Data type: UDINT
Number of the data set to be deleted (maximum of 1_000_000 data sets per unit).

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352 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

Data type: EnumDeviceStorageType

Location from which the data set is to be deleted.
Only the default can be used for the USER_DEFINED setting.

TYPE EnumDeviceStorageType : (
TEMPORARY_STORAGE // temporary data storage
// (RAM disk),
// is deleted if there is a power failure
, PERMANENT_STORAGE // permanent storage
// (MemoryCard), retained
// with power failure
, USER_DEFINED ) // with path specification
// (in preparation)

path (optional)
Data type: STRING
Default: ' ' (empty string)
Destination path, if storageType = USER_DEFINED
Only the default can be used for the USER_DEFINED setting.
nextCommand (optional)
Data type: EnumNextCommandMode
Advance to next command

TYPE EnumNextCommandMode : (
IMMEDIATELY // immediately
, WHEN_COMMAND_DONE ) // After completion or abort
// of the command

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Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

Return value

Data type: StructRetUnitDataSetCommand

The return value is a structure of data type StructRetUnitDataSetCommand. It comprises
the following:
• A functionResult component: EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand
This supplies information on errors and the current status.
• A handle component: UDINT
This provides the possibility, by means of the _getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand
function (see _getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand function), of checking the current state
of a data backup function (especially useful with step enabling condition
For further information on data types StructRetUnitDataSetCommand and
EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand, see the Return value section of the _saveUnitDataSet
function (see _saveUnitDataSet function).
For information about data backup see Using data backup and data initialization from user
program (Page 376)

See also
_deleteAllUnitDataSets function (Page 357)
General information on saving data sets from the user program (Page 337)
_exportUnitDataSet function (as of Kernel V3.2) (Page 345)

7.14.7 _getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand function

It returns the status of the functions for data backup.


_getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand (
handle : UDINT
) : EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand

Input parameters

Data type: DINT
Handle of the data backup function for which the status is to be checked. You received
this handle as a component of the return value of the data backup function.

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Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

Return value

Data type: EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand

This supplies information on errors and the current state.
For further information on data type EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand, see the Return
value section of the _saveUnitDataSet function (see _saveUnitDataSet function).
For information about data backup see Using data backup and data initialization from user
program (Page 376).

See also
_exportUnitDataSet function (as of Kernel V3.2) (Page 345)
General information on saving data sets from the user program (Page 337)

7.14.8 _checkExistingUnitDataSet function

A check is performed to determine whether the specified data record containing the stored
values of the following variables is available on the storage medium:
● Backed-up non-retentive or retentive unit variables of the interface or implementation
section of a unit (e.g. ST source file, MCC unit).
● Backed-up non-retentive or retentive global device variables.
● Exported non-retentive or retentive unit variables of the interface section of a unit (e.g. ST
source file, MCC unit).
When calling this function in short form, all parameters (including all optional parameters)
must be specified.


_checkExistingUnitDataSet (
unitName : STRING,
id : UDINT,
storageType : EnumDeviceStorageType,
{ path : STRING,
nextCommand : EnumNextCommandMode,
) : StructRetUnitDataSetCommand

Input parameters

Data type: STRING

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 355
Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

Name of the unit (e.g. ST source file, MCC unit); the name must be written in lower
case and placed inside single quotation marks (e.g. 'st_unit1').
If ’_device’ is specified, a data set for global device variables will be checked (possible
as of Version 3.2 of the SIMOTION Kernel).
Data type: UDINT
Number of the data set (max. 1_000_000 data sets per unit).
Data type: EnumDeviceStorageType
Location at which the data are stored.

TYPE EnumDeviceStorageType : (
TEMPORARY_STORAGE // temporary data storage
// (RAM Disk),
// is deleted if there is a power failure
, PERMANENT_STORAGE // permanent storage
// (MemoryCard), retained
// with power failure
, USER_DEFINED ) // with path specification
// (only default is permissible)

path (optional)
Data type: STRING
Default: ' ' (empty string)
Destination path, if storageType = USER_DEFINED
Only default value may be specified.
nextCommand (optional)
Data type: EnumNextCommandMode
Advance to next command

TYPE EnumNextCommandMode : (
IMMEDIATELY // immediately
, WHEN_COMMAND_DONE ) // After completion or abort
// of the command

Basic functions
356 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

Return value

Data type: StructRetUnitDataSetCommand

The return value is a structure of data type StructRetUnitDataSetCommand. It comprises
the following:
• A functionResult component: EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand
This supplies information on errors and the current status.
• A handle component: UDINT
This provides the possibility, by means of the _getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand
function (see _getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand function), of checking the current state
of a data backup function (especially useful with step enabling condition
For further information on data types StructRetUnitDataSetCommand and
EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand, see the Return value section of the _saveUnitDataSet
function (see _saveUnitDataSet function).
For information about data backup see Using data backup and data initialization from user
program (Page 376).

See also
_exportUnitDataSet function (as of Kernel V3.2) (Page 345)

7.14.9 _deleteAllUnitDataSets function

All data records containing stored values for the following variables are deleted.
● Backed-up non-retentive or retentive unit variables of the interface or implementation
section of a unit (e.g. ST source file, MCC unit).
● Backed-up non-retentive or retentive global device variables.
● Exported non-retentive or retentive unit variables of the interface section of a unit (e.g. ST
source file, MCC unit).
When calling this function in short form, all parameters (including all optional parameters)
must be specified.


_deleteAllUnitDataSets (
unitName : STRING,
storageType : EnumDeviceStorageType,
{ path : STRING,
nextCommand : EnumNextCommandMode,
) : StructRetUnitDataSetCommand

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 357
Programming of general standard functions
7.14 Backing up data from the user program

Input parameters

Data type: STRING
Name of the unit (e.g. ST source file, MCC unit); the name must be written in lower
case and placed inside single quotation marks (e.g. 'st_unit1').
If ’_device’ is specified, all data sets for global device variables will be deleted (possible
as of Version 3.2 of the SIMOTION Kernel).
Data type: EnumDeviceStorageType
Location from which the data set is to be deleted.

TYPE EnumDeviceStorageType : (
TEMPORARY_STORAGE // temporary storage
// (RAM disk),
// is deleted if there is a power failure
, PERMANENT_STORAGE // permanent data storage
// (MemoryCard), retained
// with power failure
, USER_DEFINED ) // with path specification
// (only default permissible)

path (optional)
Data type: STRING
Default: ' ' ' (empty string)
Destination path, if storageType = USER_DEFINED.
Only default value may be specified.
nextCommand (optional)
Data type: EnumNextCommandMode
Advance to next command

TYPE EnumNextCommandMode : (
IMMEDIATELY // immediately
, WHEN_COMMAND_DONE ) // After completion or abort
// of the command

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Programming of general standard functions
7.15 Functions for commandId

Return value

Data type: StructRetUnitDataSetCommand

The return value is a structure of data type StructRetUnitDataSetCommand. It comprises
the following:
• A functionResult component: EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand
This supplies information on errors and the current status.
• A handle component: UDINT
This provides the possibility, by means of the _getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand
function (see _getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand function), of checking the current state
of a data backup function (especially useful with step enabling condition
For further information on data types StructRetUnitDataSetCommand and
EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand, see the Return value section of the _saveUnitDataSet
function (see _saveUnitDataSet function).
For information about data backup see Using data backup and data initialization from user
program (Page 376).

See also
_exportUnitDataSet function (as of Kernel V3.2) (Page 345)

7.15 Functions for commandId

7.15.1 _getCommandId function

This function supplies a project-wide unique commandId, which can be used for explicit
identification of commands.
A commandId is always produced, there is no error feedback.


_getCommandId ( ) : CommandIdType

Input parameters


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Programming of general standard functions
7.15 Functions for commandId

Return value

Data type: CommandIdType

Project-wide unique CommandId for tracking the command status

CommandIdType : STRUCT
SystemId_low : UDINT; // Lower-order part
SystemId_high : UDINT; // Higher-order part

See also
Using the commandId parameter correctly (Page 454)

7.15.2 _getSyncCommandId function

This function supplies the user with a project-wide unique syncCommandId. This ID can be
transferred to system functions BEGIN_SYNC and _startSyncCommands (see Parameter
Manuals for SIMOTION devices) to start motion sequences synchronously.
A syncCommandId is always produced, there is no error feedback.


_getSyncCommandId ( ) : CommandIdType

Input parameters


Return value

Data type: CommandIdType

Project-wide unique syncCommandId for tracking the command status.

CommandIdType : STRUCT
SystemId_low : UDINT; // Lower-order part

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360 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.16 Defining the waiting time

SystemId_high : UDINT; // Higher-order part


See also
Using the commandId parameter correctly (Page 454)

7.16 Defining the waiting time

7.16.1 _waitTime function

This function interrupts the task triggering this function until the time specified in the call has

The function should be used in MotionTasks only; using it in cyclic tasks may lead to time
monitoring errors!
• With SynchronousTasks: As of SIMOTION Kernel V3.2 you may configure if time
monitoring is suspended. Time monitoring is active by default.
With IPOsynchronousTask, additionally take the following into account:
UserInterruptTasks will no longer be started by their triggering event!
• With other cyclic tasks (BackgroundTask, TimerInterruptTasks): Time monitoring is
always active.
In cyclic tasks, use the timer system function blocks (see Timers) to implement waiting
1Up to Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel, time monitoring is suspended for the

The _waitTime function is always executable, its return value = 0.

For information on how you can make a task wait for a certain time, see Making tasks wait a
defined period (Page 253).


_waitTime (
timeValue : TIME // Wait time
) : DINT // always = 0

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Programming of general standard functions
7.17 Device-specific functions

Input parameter

Data type: TIME
Indicates the time interval during which task processing is interrupted.

Return value

Data type: DINT

Is always 0.

See also
Timers (Page 413)
Time allocation in the round robin execution level (Page 194)
Wait times in cyclic tasks (Page 454)

7.17 Device-specific functions

7.17.1 _getDeviceId function

The function reads the hardware ID of the SIMOTION device from its hardware information
block. You specify the type of ID to be read as input parameter when calling the function.


_getDeviceId (
idType : EnumDeviceIdType
) : StructRetGetDeviceId0

Input parameters

Data type: EnumDeviceIdType
Specification of the ID to be read

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362 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.17 Device-specific functions

TYPE EnumDeviceIdType : (
SERIAL_NUMBER ) // Serial number
, HW_TYPE // Hardware type

Return value

Data type: StructRetGetDeviceId

The return value is a structure of data type StructRetGetDeviceId. It comprises the
• A functionResult component: DINT.
This provides information on errors.
• An id component: STRING[254]
This contains the read hardware ID of the memory card.

TYPE StructRetGetDeviceId : STRUCT

functionResult : DINT; //Error status
// 0: No error
// <> 0: Error
id : STRING[254]; // Read hardware ID

7.17.2 _getMemoryCardId function

The function reads the hardware ID of a memory card from its hardware information block.
You specify the type of ID to be read as input parameter when calling the function (at present
only serial number possible).


_getMemoryCardId (
idType : EnumMemoryCardIdType
) : StructRetGetMemoryCardId0

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Function Manual, 05/2009 363
Programming of general standard functions
7.17 Device-specific functions

Input parameters

Data type: EnumMemoryCardIdType
Specification of the ID to be read

TYPE EnumMemoryCardIdType : (
SERIAL_NUMBER ) //Serial number

Return value

Data type: StructRetGetMemoryCardId

The return value is a structure of data type StructRetGetMemoryCardId. It comprises the
• A functionResult component: DINT.
This provides information on errors.
• An id component: STRING[254]
This contains the read hardware ID of the memory card.

TYPE StructRetGetMemoryCardId : STRUCT

functionResult : DINT; //Error status
// 0: No error
// <> 0: Error
id : STRING[254]; // Read hardware ID

7.17.3 _setDeviceErrorLED function

The function sets the Underlicensing of technology/option objects error on the SIMOTION
device. The corresponding LED flashes in red on the SIMOTION device (see Manual of the
SIMOTION device).


_setDeviceErrorLED ( ) : DINT

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364 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.17 Device-specific functions

Input parameters


Return value

Data type: DINT

0 No error
<> 0 Fault

7.17.4 _setDriveObjectSTW function

As of V4.1.2, you can set freely usable bits or bits not supported by SIMOTION RT in the
STW1_Device of message frame 39x to DO1 with the system function _setDriveObjectSTW.


(DINT logAddress,

Input parameters

LogAddr Logical base address of the output message frame for the drive
STW1BitMask Bit mask for selecting the affected bits in the control word of the
output message frame. Bits that are operated autonomously in
the connection to the drive object of SIMOTION (e.g. for the
synchronization, fault handling, etc.) cannot be accessed by this
STW1BitSet Bit-coded value for writing in the control word of the output
message frame. Only those bits selected via STW1BitMask are

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Function Manual, 05/2009 365
Programming of general standard functions
7.17 Device-specific functions

Return value

Data type: Status of the function Meaning of the return value

0x0000 0000 Request successfully completed Bits have been written to the
control word
Bits were already in the specified
status in STW1
0xFFFF 8090 Job aborted Logical address is not available
0xFFFF 8091 Addressed DO does not support
the function
0xFFFF 8093 STW1BitMask contains bits
blocked for the UP
0xFFFF 809F Internal error, function cannot be
executed, e.g. function called in a
version lower than 4.1.2

Bit assignment and reservation of the STW bits in the 39x-message frames:

Bit Name Meaning Access right

12-15 MLZ Dyn. master sign-of-life SIMOTION FW
11 - Reserved - system Reserved
10 DAG Demand from AG SIMOTION FW
9 - Reserved - system Reserved
8 - Reserved - system Reserved
7 FACK Fault acknowledge _resetDriveObjectFault
6 - _setDriveObjectSTW
5 - _setDriveObjectSTW
4 - _setDriveObjectSTW
3 - _setDriveObjectSTW
2 - _setDriveObjectSTW
1 PING Start pulse for time synchronization _setDriveObjectSTW
0 SYN Dyn. synchronization flag for system SIMOTION FW
time cycle

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366 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.18 Determine the memory size of a variable or of a data type

7.18 Determine the memory size of a variable or of a data type

7.18.1 _sizeOf function

The function returns the memory size required for a variable or data type in bytes as a
constant value. It can therefore also be used in data type and variable declarations (e.g. as
dimension of an array).


_sizeOf (
in : ANY // Identifier of the data type or
// of the variables
) : DINT

Input parameters

Data type: ANY
Identifier of the variable or data type, whose size is to be determined.

Return value

Data type: DINT

Required memory size in bytes.
The memory size is specified taking account of the natural layout, i.e. in accordance with
the assignment possibilities of the data types in the memory. Therefore, the effective size is
determined, which is required for the use of the data type in an ARRAY.
The actual required size may be less.

a_type : STRUCT
a : LREAL; // 8 bytes
b : BOOL; // 1 byte
x := _sizeOf (a_type); // supplies value 16

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Programming of general standard functions
7.19 Additional available system functions

7.19 Additional available system functions

In SIMOTION additional system functions are available that are introduced, for example, by
the SIMOTION devices and technology objects. The following table lists provides an
overview of where these functions are described.

Table 7- 16 Overview of additional system functions and system function blocks in SIMOTION ST

System function Description

System functions of technology objects SIMOTION Cam Technology Package, System
Functions Parameter Manual (reference list)
SIMOTION TControl Technology Package
Parameter Manual (reference list)
Additionally see the function manuals on the
technology objects
System functions of SIMOTION devices Parameter Manual of the SIMOTION devices
(reference list)
System functions for controlling axes in SIMOTION Cam Technology Package, System
accordance with the PLCopen standard Functions Parameter Manual (reference list)
Standard functions for controlling I/O modules Parameter Manual for the corresponding I/O
and drive components module and drive component (reference list)

7.20 Application of certain system functions

7.20.1 Programming messages General
You can use the following functions to program messages, e.g. error messages, or check
their status:
● _alarmSId (generation of a message without acknowledgment)
● _alarmSqId (generation of a message with acknowledgment)
● _alarmScId (query about message status)
However the prerequisite is an application-specific configured message name

You can use the _writeAndSendMessage function to make user-defined entries in the
diagnostic buffer. For a description of this function, refer to the Parameter Manuals for
SIMOTION devices.

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368 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions Overview of the functions

The described functions are available as of Version V3.2 of the SIMOTION Kernel. They can
be used in libraries.
During each call, _alarmSId generates a message that does not require acknowledgment.
The message is triggered according to a signal and an auxiliary value can be appended to it.
The message is transmitted to all display devices registered for this purpose.
During each call, _alarmSqId generates a message that requires acknowledgment. The
message is triggered according to a signal and an auxiliary value can be appended to it. The
message is transmitted to all display devices registered for this purpose and can be
acknowledged at these devices. .
You use the following as input signals for the functions:
1. The signal that triggered the message:
This is interpreted as follows:
– If the signal represents a rising edge – relative to the last call with this message name
– an incoming message is generated. An incoming message is also generated if the
signal state is TRUE on the first call with this message name.
– If the signal represents a negative edge – relative to the last call with this message
name – an outgoing message is generated.
2. The message to be compiled:
It is specified via a unique, project-wide AlarmId.
For more on the AlarmId, see the relevant section below.
3. Optionally an auxiliary value, if an auxiliary value was specified in the message
The _alarmScId function queries the status of a message and its acknowledgment status.
There are two different scenarios here: The message is specified by means of a unique
For information on the formal structure of the functions, see _alarmSId and _alarmSId.
Similar functions, in which the message is specified via the configured message names, are
available for SIMOTION Kernel versions up to V3.0. These functions must not be used in
For application-specifically configured message names, see online help.

You should only generate an outgoing message after an incoming one, otherwise an error
message is output.
Commands in which the configured message name is transferred can only be called in the
short form, i.e. with a complete listing of all parameter values, but without specifying the
formal parameters.
The auxiliary value (optional) must be a variable of an elementary data type. Avoid the use of
constant values in the function call!

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Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions AlarmId
The message to be generated is specified by means of the AlarmId for the _alarmSId,
_alarmSqId, and _alarmScId functions. You can obtain the AlarmId for a configured message
name in the following way:
● As variable, whereby name is the message identifier, as configured in
● With the _getAlarmId(name) function.

See also
_alarmSId function (Page 279)
_getAlarmId function (Page 286) Buffer management of AlarmS

A message list with 40 buffer areas is available for the AlarmS messages. The AlarmS
messages are entered in this message list with their ID. For each outgoing AlarmS an
incoming AlarmS with the same ID must exist in the message list. For each of the in total 40
list entries there is also a send buffer. This send buffer is used to organize the notification of
the registered client (HMI or SIMOTION SCOUT).

Message list and send buffer

Message list and send buffer are used as follows:

Return value Significance

Return value for incoming AlarmS (function call with rising edge)
16#8002 There are already messages in
the message list, the AlarmS
was not entered in the message
16#8003 There is still an outgoing alarmS
for this ID in the message list
and the send buffer is still
occupied, the AlarmS was not
entered in the message list
16#8004 In the message list there is
already an incoming AlarmS for
this ID, the AlarmS was not
entered in the message list.

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Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

Return value Significance

16#0000 IDof the AlarmS is entered in
the message list.
The associated send buffer is
The system function returns with
the return value 0000.
The registered clients are
After the clients are successfully
notified the send buffer is
released again.
The ID of the AlarmS remains in
the message list incoming
Return value for outgoing AlarmS (function call with falling edge)
16#8003 There is still an outgoing alarmS
for this ID in the message list
and the send buffer is still
assigned, the AlarmS was not
entered in the message list
16#8004 In the message list there is
already a outgoing AlarmS for
this ID, the AlarmS was not
entered in the message list.
16#8007 An incoming entry for this ID
was not found, the AlarmS was
not entered in the message list.
16#0000 If an incoming AlarmS for the ID
is found in the message list and
its send buffer is no longer
assigned then this entry will be
overwritten with the outgoing
The associated send buffer is
The system returns with the
return value 0000.
The registered clients are
After successful notification of
the clients the send buffer is
again released.
The entry in the message list is

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Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions Example of message generation

The example in the table checks the temperature and generates an incoming message
which does not have to be acknowledged (e.g. Temperature too high, incoming), if the
temperature is too high. If the temperature drops below the maximum value specified, an
outgoing message is generated (the incoming message disappears).
The message named SCOUT_alarm_name has been configured in SIMOTION SCOUT, as
for example: Temperature too high: @1I%2d@ degrees. A status variable prevents the
same message from being repeated. The handleAlarm program is assigned to the

Table 7- 17 Example of message generation

PROGRAM handleAlarm;

PROGRAM handleAlarm
retVal : DWORD; // Return value
temperature : INT; // Status to be checked
maxTemperature: INT := 60; // Comparison value for status
mySignal : BOOL := FALSE; // Signal status yes/no
IF temperature > maxTemperature THEN
IF mySignal = FALSE THEN
// Incoming message, does not require
retVal := _alarmSId (
Sig := TRUE,
Ev_id := _alarm.SCOUT_alarm_name,
Sd := temperature);
mySignal := TRUE;
IF mySignal = TRUE THEN
// Outgoing message, does not require
retVal := _alarmSId (
Sig := FALSE,
Ev_id := _alarm.SCOUT_alarm_name,
Sd := temperature);
mySignal := FALSE;

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Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions Checking the error number and status of a message (filtering return values)
The return value of the _alarmSId and _alarmSqId functions contains the error number and
thus indicates whether an error occurred during execution. As with most system functions,
return value = 0 indicates error-free execution.
However, the return value of the _alarmScId function indicates both the error number and the
status of a message. For this reason, you must first filter the return value with the
ALARMS_ERROR constant (= 16#8000) when checking the status with these functions. This
enables you to determine whether an error occurred while the function was being executed.
The filter and the error numbers are selected such that they are true when combined in an
AND operation. If no error has occurred, you can evaluate the status of the message.
You can find a complete listing of error numbers and message states under Functions for the
message programming.
Consequently, you can check for errors when the _alarmScId command is dispatched (the
retVal variable of data type DWORD contains the return value of the function) as follows:

Table 7- 18 Examples of error checking

retVal := _alarmScId (Ev_id := _alarm.SCOUT_alarm_name);

// Here, check for error
// Condition satisfied, thus an error has occurred.
; // Message number illegal.
// Condition not satisfied, thus no error has occurred.
// Check for message and acknowledgment status
IF retVal = 16#0000 THEN
; // Message gone, not acknowledged
; // Message arrived, not acknowledged.
ELSIF retVal = 16#0010 THEN
; // Message not present
; // Message arrived, acknowledged.

You can use constant values and symbolic constants on an equal footing to check for errors;
see Functions for the message programming.

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Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

7.20.2 Consistent reading and writing of variables (semaphores) Consistent data access

All accesses to variables of elementary data types (see Section Elementary data types) are
managed consistently by the system. The system ensures that these variables do not
change while you are processing them.
When accessing global variables of derived data types (see Section User-defined data types
(UDT)), the user is responsible for ensuring data consistency when multiple tasks access the
same variables (symbolic I/O variables, system variables of SIMOTION devices, system
variables of technology objects, global device variables and unit variables, see Section
Variable model).
Access to local variables of derived data types are always consistent, since they can only be
used inside the program (or function or function block) in which they are defined.

Consistent data access is always ensured within a task. Semaphores
To ensure consistent reading and writing of global variables, you work with semaphores.
A global variable (e.g. semaA) of data type DINT is used as a semaphore. If the variable is
an element of an array, the index must be specified when compiling (e.g. a[2]).
Use the following functions to change and test the status of the semaphore:
● _testAndSetSemaphore (sema : DINT) : BOOL
This function is used to check whether the semaphore is set:
– Return value TRUE: The semaphore is enabled.
– Return value FALSE: The semaphore is set.
When the function is ended, the semaphore is always set. Additional calls of this function
(even from other programs) return a value of FALSE, until the _releaseSemaphore
(semaA) function is called.
● _releaseSemaphore (sema: DINT) : VOID
For information on the formal structure of functions, see Section Working with variables.
The semaphore is released.
Consistent data access to global variables is ensured under the following conditions:
1. All tasks signal access to global variables by setting a semaphore.
2. All tasks access global variables only when the semaphore is enabled.

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Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions Example: Consistent data access with semaphores

The example in the table illustrates the use of semaphores in a program that reads data and
a program that writes data.

Table 7- 19 Example for ensuring consistent access to global variables using semaphores

myArray : ARRAY [0..1] OF DINT;
semaA : DINT;
// Consistent writing of variables
IF _testAndSetSemaphore(sema := semaA) THEN
myArray[0] := 18;
myArray[1] := 19;
_releaseSemaphore(sema := semaA);
// The semaphore must be released in the TRUE
// branch of the query; this ensures that
// it is only released when it has been
// reset.
; // Error handling
// _releaseSemaphore(sema := semaA);
// The release would be incorrect at this point;
// the semaphore would always be released.
var0 : DINT;
var1 : DINT;
// Consistent reading of variables
IF _testAndSetSemaphore(sema := semaA) THEN
var0 := myArray[0];
var1 := myArray[1];
_releaseSemaphore(sema := semaA);
// The semaphore must be released in the TRUE
// branch of the query; this ensures that
// it is only released when it has been
// reset.
; // Error handling
// _releaseSemaphore(sema := semaA);
// The release would be incorrect at this point;
// the semaphore would always be released.


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Function Manual, 05/2009 375
Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

7.20.3 Data backup and initialization from user program Data backup and data initialization from user program - functions and instructions
From a user program, it is possible to save, load, or initialize the values of the following
variables in data sets:
● Non-retentive or retentive unit variables of the interface or implementation section of a
unit (e.g. ST source file, MCC unit).
● Non-retentive or retentive global device variables.
Various functions are available for this, see Backing up data from the user program
(Page 337).
● _saveUnitDataSet: The values are stored as a binary data set (_saveUnitDataSet function
(Page 337)).
● _loadUnitDataSet: The values are loaded from a binary data set saved with
_saveUnitDataSet (_loadUnitDataSet function (Page 341)).
Loading the data set is only possible if since saving the data set the version IDs of all
data segments to be loaded have remained unchanged.
Please also pay attention to the note below.
● _exportUnitDataSet (as of Version V3.2 of the SIMOTION Kernel): The values are
exported in XML format as ZIP archive (file name *.dat) (_exportUnitDataSet function (as
of Kernel V3.2) (Page 345)).
● _importUnitDataSet (as of Version V3.2 of the SIMOTION Kernel): The values are
imported from a data set that was exported in XML format as ZIP archive (file name *.dat)
with _exportUnitDataSet (_importUnitDataSet function (as of Kernel V3.2) (Page 348)).
Importing the data set is also possible if, since the data set was saved, the version ID of a
data segment to be loaded has changed:
– Variables that no longer exist are ignored.
– The value of added variables remains unchanged.
You can, for example, initialize the relevant data segments with _importUnitDataSet
before importing a data set to avoid unwanted values in variables.
– In the case of a variable with a changed data type, the value is transferred if it can be
converted to the new data type; otherwise the value of the variable is retained.
● _deleteUnitDataSet: A single data set is deleted (_deleteUnitDataSet function
(Page 352)).
● _checkExistingUnitDataSet: A check determines whether the specified data set exists on
the storage medium (_checkExistingUnitDataSet function (Page 355)).
● _deleteAllUnitDataSets: All data sets are deleted (_deleteAllUnitDataSets function
(Page 357)).
● _resetUnitData (as of Version V3.2 of the SIMOTION Kernel): The values of the variables
are initialized, see System Functions of Devices parameter manual.
For data segments and their version ID, see Section Time of variable initialization, Table
Version ID of global variables and their initialization during download, which can be found in
the various programming manuals.

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Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

The description for _resetUnitData can be found in the parameter manual (reference list) for
the system functions of the SIMOTION devices.
Here is a more detailed explanation of the parameters.

If the data structure of a data segment is changed in a unit or in the global device variables,
the following applies to loading the project into the SIMOTION device:
• All temporarily backed-up data sets are deleted.
• None of the binary data sets that have been permanently saved (with
_saveUnitDataSet) can be read for this data segment any longer.

Up to 16 data backups can run simultaneously on a device.

The number of data sets that can be saved - up to 1_000_000 - depends on the available
memory space.
Pay attention to consistency of the data to be backed up or exported (see Section Consistent
reading and writing of variables (semaphores)).

You can upload data sets saved with _saveUnitDataSet or _exportUnitDataSet from the
SIMOTION device. Use the Save variables function in SIMOTION SCOUT. The data sets
saved with _saveUnitDataSet are automatically converted to XML format.
You can use the Restore variables function to download these data sets and variables back
to the SIMOTION device. For this purpose select the relevant SIMOTION device in the
project navigator and select the function from the context menu. For more information, refer
to the SIMOTION SCOUT configuration manual.
This makes it possible, for example, to obtain the data saved with _saveUnitDataSet, even if
it is initialized by a project download or if it becomes unusable (e.g. due to a SIMOTION
version change). Input parameters

The most important parameters are briefly outlined below. For a more detailed description of
the individual functions and their parameters, refer to Backing up data from the user program
(Page 337).
● unitName: Name of the unit (e.g. ST source file, MCC unit)
If ’_device’ is specified, the data backup function is applied to global device variables
(possible with _saveUnitDataSet in SIMOTION Kernel Version V3.2 and higher).
● id: Data record number
Specifying a data set number as an index enables several versions of the unit variables
to be saved and then downloaded selectively.
id < 1_000_000

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Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

● storageType: Specifying the storage location allows you to select the following:
– TEMPORARY_STORAGE: Data is saved to the RAM disk (deleted after a power
– PERMANENT_STORAGE: Data is saved to a memory card (and retained after a
power failure).
● nextCommand: Step enabling condition
Specifying the step enabling conditions enables you to select from the following options:
– Execute next command in the ST source file immediately (IMMEDIATELY).
– Wait until command is done (WHEN_COMMAND_DONE).
For information on step enabling conditions, refer to the relevant description in this
● dataScope
The parameter is available with SIMOTION Kernel Version V3.2 and higher.
It enables the section of the unit to which the data backup function is applied to be
– _INTERFACE: Function is applied to the interface section of a unit.
– _IMPLEMENTATION: Function is applied to the implementation section of a unit.
– _INTERFACE_AND_IMPLEMENTATION: Function is applied to the interface and
implementation section of a unit.
If unitName = ’_device’ is specified, only the values _INTERFACE or
_INTERFACE_AND_IMPLEMENTATION are permissible for dataScope.
Up to and including Version V3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel, it is only possible to apply
the data backup function to non-retentive variables in the interface section of a unit.
● KindOfData:
The parameter is available with SIMOTION Kernel Version V3.2 and higher.
It permits selection of whether the data backup function will be applied to retentive or
retentive global variables.
– NO_RETAIN_GLOBAL: Function is applied to non-retentive global variables.
– _RETAIN: Function is applied to retentive global variables.
– ALL_GLOBAL: Function is applied to retentive and non-retentive global variables.
If retentive and non-retentive variables are stored in a data set, it is possible to load or
import retentive or non-retentive variables selectively.
Up to and including Version 3.1 of the SIMOTION Kernel, it is only possible to apply the
data backup function to non-retentive variables in the interface section of a unit.

Basic functions
378 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions Return value

The return value is a structure of data type StructRetUnitDataSetCommand. It comprises the
● A functionResult component: EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand
This supplies information on errors and the current status.
● A handle component: UDINT
This allows you to check the current status of a data backup function by means of the
_getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand function (this is required for step enabling condition
IMMEDIATELY). Storage location and memory requirement

You define the storage location with input parameter storageType:
● TEMPORARY_STORAGE: Data sets are saved to the RAM disk.
● PERMANENT_STORAGE: Data sets are saved to the Memory Card (under
The number of data sets that can be saved depends on the available memory space at the
respective memory location. Information on the available memory space can be obtained by
means of the Device diagnostics, System utilization tab (see online help).

Do not fill the entire available memory space with data sets! Otherwise, it will no longer be
possible to download a project to the target system or copy RAM to ROM if project data are

You can estimate the required memory space for binary data sets (saved with
_saveUnitDataSet) with the following information:
● Elementary data types occupy their natural data width on the memory (see Table Bit
widths and value ranges of the elementary data types in Section Elementary data types;
data type BOOL occupies 1 byte).
● Additional memory space is required due to:
– Adaptation of the memory addresses to word or double-word boundaries
– Consistency information (approx. 100 bytes per data set)
– Usual supplementary data of a file system (e.g. sector headers, directory, occupy
whole sectors only)
For data sets exported in XML format (with _exportUnitDataSet), the memory requirement is
much higher and cannot be ascertained in this way.

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 379
Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions Step enabling condition

The step enabling condition is indicated in input parameter nextCommand. If this is set to
WHEN_COMMAND_DONE, the next command of the ST source file will only be executed
when the function has ended (synchronous execution).
The return value contains the result of the executed function in its functionResult component
(see example).

Table 7- 20 Call of a data backup function with step enabling condition WHEN_COMMAND_DONE

ds_ret : StructRetUnitDataSetCommand;
error : BOOL := FALSE;

PROGRAM save_data_seq
// Program is assigned to a sequential task.
// Function is executed synchronously:
ds_ret := _loadUnitDataSet (
unitName := 'ds3',
id := 1,
nextCommand := WHEN_COMMAND_DONE);
// Function completed, evaluate result
IF (ds_ret.functionResult <> DONE) THEN
error := TRUE; // error
This procedure is primarily used in sequential tasks.
The execution of this function may take quite a long time. Therefore, the time watchdog
might respond in connection with cyclic tasks (e.g. BackgroundTask). For this reason, the
function can also be executed asynchronously by setting the nextCommand parameter to
IMMEDIATELY. In this case, the function is started, and then the next command in the
source is immediately processed.
From the return value you can see:
● If the start was successful (component functionResult = DONE)
● A handle for further status query (handle component)
If the command start was successful, you must check the current status of the data backup
function using the _getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand function and the handle until the result
is something other than ACTIVE (see example).

Table 7- 21 Function call of a data backup function with step enabling condition IMMEDIATELY

error : BOOL := FALSE;
ds_rslt : EnumDeviceUnitDataSetCommand;
ds_ret : StructRetUnitDataSetCommand;
cmd_busy : BOOL := FALSE;

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380 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

cmd_done : BOOL := FALSE;


PROGRAM save_data_cycl
// Program is assigned to a cyclic task.
IF NOT cmd_busy THEN
cmd_busy := TRUE;
// Function is executed asynchronously:
ds_ret := _saveUnitDataSet (
unitName := 'ds1',
id := 1,
overwrite := TRUE,
nextCommand:= IMMEDIATELY);
IF (ds_ret.functionResult <> DONE) THEN
cmd_busy := FALSE;
error := TRUE; // Start of the function has failed
// (e.g. too many services)
// Function is running, wait for result:
ds_rslt := _getStateOfUnitDataSetCommand (
IF (ds_rslt <> ACTIVE) THEN
cmd_busy := FALSE;
IF (ds_rslt = DONE) THEN
cmd_done := TRUE;// Function successfully
// completed
error := TRUE;// Function failed

7.20.4 Converting between any data types and byte arrays (marshalling)
Conversion of variables of any data type to byte arrays, and vice versa, is frequently used in
order to create defined transmission formats for data exchange between different devices
(see also Section Communication functions).
Variables of any data type (elementary data types, standard data types of technology
packages and devices, and user-defined data types) can be converted to byte arrays, and
vice versa, using the following functions:
● AnyType_to_BigByteArray (Page 311)
● AnyType_to_LittleByteArray (Page 311)

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Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

● BigByteArray_to_AnyType (Page 313)

● LittleByteArray_to_AnyType (Page 313)
For all functions, an offset can be specified optionally for the first element to be assigned or
evaluated in the byte array.
A distinction is made as to:
● Conversion direction (to or from byte arrays)
● Byte order in the array (see table):
– Big Endian: Most significant byte at low memory address
(Motorola, SUN Sparc, SIMATIC S7)
– Little Endian: Least significant byte at low memory address
(Intel, DEC Alpha)

Table 7- 22 Examples of byte order (big endian and little endian)

Address Number 34677374 = 16#2_11_22_7E Character string "Byte"

(data type UDINT) (data type DWORD)
Big Endian Little Endian Big Endian Little Endian
2#...11 16#7E = 126 16#02 = 2 16#65 = "e" 16#42 = "B"
2#...10 16#22 = 34 16#11 = 17 16#74 = "t" 16#79 = "y"
2#...01 16#11 = 17 16#22 = 34 16#79 = "y" 16#74 = "t"
2#...00 16#02 = 2 16#7E = 126 16#42 = "B" 16#65 = "e"

TO data types cannot be converted (for information about TO data type conversion, see
Section Conversion of technology object data types).
If structures and arrays are to be converted, consistency is guaranteed only at the
elementary variable level. Any higher level of consistency must be ensured by the user (see
Sections Consistent reading and writing of variables (semaphores) and Working with

The following data types are not portable convertible, i.e their transmission formats are not
defined across systems. Conversions between SIMOTION devices are possible without any
• Time types: For conversion format, see Table
• Enumerators (enumeration data types)
When converting these data types, the compiler outputs a warning (16013).

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Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

Table 7- 23 Conversion formats of time data types for marshalling functions

Data type Conversion format

TIME Time specification, in ms (UDINT)
TIME_OF_DAY (TOD) Time of day starting with TOD#0:0:0 in ms (UDINT)
DATE Number of days since DATE#1992_01_01 (UDINT).
DATE#1992_01_01 corresponds to 1
DATE_AND_TIME (DT) Summary of TOD and DATE in the order specified.

The marshalling function result may cause errors when the program is running, the error
response set in the task configuration will then be triggered, see Execution errors in
programs (Page 96).
Proceed with caution when converting byte arrays to the general ANY_REAL data type or
to structures that contain this data type. The bit string from the byte array is taken
unchecked as the ANY_REAL value. You must make sure that the bit string of the byte
array corresponds to the bit pattern of a normalized floating-point number according to
IEEE 754. To do this, you can use the _finite (Page 319) and _isNaN (Page 320) functions.
Otherwise, an error can be triggered (FPU exception (Page 97)) as soon as the ANY_REAL
value is first used for an arithmetic operation (for example, in the program or when
monitoring in the symbol browser).

Table 7- 24 Example of marshalling function use

Struct_1 : STRUCT
m_word : WORD;
m_byte : BYTE;
Struct_2 : STRUCT
m_struct : ARRAY [0..2] OF Struct_1;
m_lreal : LREAL;

gsbVar : Struct_2;
big_b_Array : ARRAY [0..16] OF BYTE;
lit_b_Array : ARRAY [0..16] OF BYTE;

// Assignment of the values to the structure

gsbVar.m_struct[0].m_word := WORD#16#7FF1;
gsbVar.m_struct[0].m_byte := BYTE#16#F9;
gsbVar.m_struct[1].m_word := WORD#16#9FF7;
gsbVar.m_struct[1].m_byte := BYTE#16#80;

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Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

gsbVar.m_struct[2].m_word := WORD#16#A881;
gsbVar.m_struct[2].m_byte := BYTE#16#BC;
gsbVar.m_lreal := LREAL#-12345.6789e123;
// Conversion to Big Endian
big_b_Array := AnyType_to_BigByteArray (
anyData := gsbVar,
offset := 0);
// Content of the elements of big_b_array (Big Endian):
// See 2nd column in following table

// Conversion to Little Endian

lit_b_Array := AnyType_to_LittleByteArray (
anyData := gsbVar,
offset := 0);
// Content of the elements of lit_b_array (Little Endian):
// See 3rd column in following table

// Conversion from Big Endian

gsbVar := BigByteArray_to_AnyType (
bytearray := big_b_Array,
offset := 0);

// Conversion from Little Endian

gsbVar := BigByteArray_to_AnyType (
bytearray := lit_b_Array,
offset := 0);

Table 7- 25 Content of the array elements of big_b_array and lit_b_array from example

Byte array big_b_array or lit_b_array Components of the variable gsbVar

Array big_b_array lit_b_array Name Value

index (Big Endian) (Little Endian)
16 BYTE#16#07 BYTE#16#DA m_lreal LREAL#-
15 BYTE#16#F0 BYTE#16#52 12345.6789e123
14 BYTE#16#43 BYTE#16#3C
13 BYTE#16#68 BYTE#16#EC
12 BYTE#16#EC BYTE#16#68
11 BYTE#16#3C BYTE#16#43
10 BYTE#16#52 BYTE#16#F0
9 BYTE#16#DA BYTE#16#07
8 BYTE#16#BC BYTE#16#BC m_struct[2].m_byte BYTE#16#BC
7 BYTE#16#81 BYTE#16#A8 m_struct[2].m_word WORD#16#A88
6 BYTE#16#A8 BYTE#16#81
5 BYTE#16#80 BYTE#16#80 m_struct[1].m_byte BYTE#16#80
4 BYTE#16#F7 BYTE#16#9F m_struct[1].m_word WORD#16#9FF7

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Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

Byte array big_b_array or lit_b_array Components of the variable gsbVar

Array big_b_array lit_b_array Name Value

index (Big Endian) (Little Endian)
3 BYTE#16#9F BYTE#16#F7
2 BYTE#16#F9 BYTE#16#F9 m_struct[0].m_byte BYTE#16#F9
1 BYTE#16#F1 BYTE#16#7F m_struct[0].m_word WORD#16#7FF1
0 BYTE#16#7F BYTE#16#F1

7.20.5 Communication functions Available functions

ST provides the following functions for communication over non-configured connections:
● _Xsend, see Parameter description for _Xsend (Page 386)
● _GetStateOfXCommand, see Parameter description for _GetStateOfXCommand
(Page 388)
● _Xreceive, see Parameter description for _Xreceive (Page 387)
● _tcpsend, see Communication via Ethernet with TCP/IP protocol (Page 391)
● _tcpreceive
● _udpsend, see Communication via Ethernet with UDP protocol (Page 392)
● _udpreceive
These communication functions are used to send and receive data:
● Between SIMOTION devices
● Between SIMOTION and SIMATIC S7 devices
(S7-300, S7-400, M7-300, M7-400, etc.).
The dual functions _Xsend and _Xreceive enable transparent transmission of data packets
that are sent coordinately by the user program of the client and received coordinately by the
user program of the server.

Further information
Additional information is also available in the Communication system/configuration manual.
The program on the receiving device recognizes whether it is the data packet to be received
on the basis of a user-definable integer appended to the data packet. The data exchange is
only successful if the user program accepts and does not reject the data packet.
The sent data is in the form of byte sequences in an array, i.e. the data has no logical
structure. SIMOTION devices can send or receive up to 200 bytes at once; the actual user
data length depends on the communication peer.
You can check the status of an XSend or XReceive request with the _GetStateOfXCommand

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 385
Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions Parameter description for _Xsend

The _Xsend function sends a data packet with transparent data to a communication peer.
For the detailed syntax of the parameters, refer to the Parameter Manual for the SIMOTION
An overview is provided below:
● You can choose between two communication modes (communicationMode parameter):
The connection is or is not retained after the data transmission.
● The address parameter specifies the destination address of the communications peer.
The parameter is of data type StructXSendDestAddr. The following table lists the
meaning of the individual components.

Table 7- 26 Structure of destination address

Parameter / data type Meaning/values Values

deviceId Point of the connection C230-2, C240: 1 for X8
(USINT 2 for X9
P350: 1 for X101
2 for X102
D4x5: 1 for X126
2 for X136
remoteSubnetIdLength Length of the subnet dialog box 0 for MPI, PROFIBUS
remoteStaddrLength Length of station address 1 for MPI, PROFIBUS
(USINT) (station number) of destination
nextStaddrLength Length of the router address 0 for MPI, PROFIBUS
remoteSubnetId Subnet mask (Irrelevant for MPI, PROFIBUS)
remoteStaddr Station address of target system Station number for MPI, PROFIBUS:
(ARRAY [0..5] OF USINT) (actual destination address) e.g.: remoteStaddr[0] = 25
nextStaddr Router address (Irrelevant for MPI, PROFIBUS)

Additional parameters of the _Xsend function are:

● The receiver identifies the data packet from the job identifier (messageId parameter) that
you append to the data packet.
● You can select between two modes of data transmission (nextCommand parameter):
synchronous or asynchronous.
– During synchronous data transmission, the program waits until the receiver
acknowledges receipt of the data packet before resuming execution. This happens
automatically on receipt of the data packet.
– During asynchronous data transmission, the program is resumed immediately after the
command is issued. You can check the status of the command with

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386 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

● The mandatory commandId parameter is used for internal command detection in ST. The
parameter value should be saved to a local variable (CommandIdType data type) with the
_getCommandId function. This variable can be used as a parameter value.
● The data packet (data parameter) involves a list containing 200 entries of 1 byte each.
The list does not have to be this long if the amount of data you are sending is less than
the maximum.
● The data length (dataLength parameter) is used to specify the actual length of the data
packet to be transmitted.
● You can determine whether the command was successfully executed (return value = 0)
on the basis of the return value.
If a return value other than 0 is returned, an error has occurred (see the command syntax
in the Parameter Manual for the SIMOTION devices). Parameter description for _Xreceive

The _Xreceive function is used to receive transparent data sent by a communication peer
with _Xsend.
Below is a brief overview of the function parameters (see also the section on system
functions in the Parameter Manual for the SIMOTION devices):
● You identify the anticipated data packet from the job identifier (messageId parameter)
appended by the sender.
● As when sending data, you can choose between two modes of data reception
(nextCommand parameter): synchronous or asynchronous.
– During synchronous data receipt, the program waits until the data packet has arrived
before it resumes execution. Receipt of the data packet is then acknowledged
automatically to the sender.
– During asynchronous data transmission, the program is resumed immediately after the
command is issued. You can check the status of the command with
● The mandatory commandId parameter is used for internal command detection in ST. The
parameter value should be saved to a local variable (CommandIdType data type) with the
_getCommandId function (see section in SIMOTION Basic Functions Function Manual).
This variable can be used as a parameter value.
● The return value is a structure:
– You can determine whether the command was successfully executed (functionResult
= 0) on the basis of the functionResult element.
If a value other than 0 is returned, an error has occurred (see the command syntax in
the Parameter Manual for the SIMTOTION devices).
– The dataLength element represents the data length of the data packet received.
– The data element represents the data packet received (array of up to 200 entries of 1
byte each).

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Function Manual, 05/2009 387
Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions Parameter description for _GetStateOfXCommand

You can check the status of an _Xsend or _Xreceive command with the
_GetStateOfXCommand function.
Below is a brief overview of function parameters (see also documentation for the technology
● The status query can tell which command is involved by the mandatory commandId
parameter uniquely assigned to each send and receive function (see information about
this parameter for _Xsend and _Xreceive above).
● The return value consists of an error number (zero when command execution is okay,
otherwise greater than zero) and the status of the command being checked (see
command syntax in the system functions for the SIMOTION devices). Communication between SIMOTION and SIMATIC S7 devices

You must consider the following for communication between SIMOTION and SIMATIC S7
● Communication is only possible with _Xsend and _Xreceive.
● The maximum volume of data that can be transmitted in one packet is limited to 76 bytes.
If you transmit larger data packets, an error message is output.
● The SIMOTION interface must be connected to the MPI interface of the SIMATIC S7
devices. The baud rate on the SIMOTION interface must be set to correspond to the
baud rate of the SIMATIC S7device. For example, the baud rate for an SIMATIC S7-300
must be configured to 187.5 Kbits/s (see documentation for the relevant SIMATIC S7

The parameters for the _Xsend and _Xreceive commands have different names in the
SIMOTION system are in some cases have a different meaning than those you used in
your previous SIMATIC S7 system. You will find a comparison in the following tables.
The _GetStateOfXCommand command does not exist in an SIMATIC S7 system, thus
eliminating the need for comparison.

Table 7- 27 Comparison of the parameters for _Xsend in SIMATIC S7 and SIMOTION devices

SIMATIC S7 device SIMOTION device

(parameters for SFC 65 X_SEND) (parameters for _Xsend)
(Request to activate, data type BOOL) (Not available)
DEST_ID address
(MPI station number of the communications peer) (Destination address of the communication peer
as a structure of data type StructXSendDestAddr)
CONT communicationMode
(Keep connected, Boolean value TRUE or (Keep connected, enum. value M_TRUE or

Basic functions
388 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

SIMATIC S7 device SIMOTION device

(parameters for SFC 65 X_SEND) (parameters for _Xsend)
– nextCommand
(Not available) (Data transmission mode, enum values for
synchronous and asynchronous)
REQ_ID messageId
(Job identifier, value of data type DWORD) (Job identifier, value of data type UDINT)
SD data
(Variable address for sent data, value of data (Data packet to be sent, one-dim. array with max.
type ANY pointer, max. 76 bytes long) 200 values of data type USINT)
– dataLength
(Not available) (Data length of data packet to be sent in bytes,
value of data type UDINT)
– commandId
(Not available) (Internal command identifier, see description in
parameter description above)
(Activation status, values of data type BOOL) (Not available)
<Return value> <Return value,
(= 0, if no error occurred; <> 0, if error occurred; (= 0, if no error occurred; <> 0, if error occurred;
see SIMATIC S7 documentation) see Parameter Manual for the SIMOTION

Table 7- 28 Comparison of the parameters for _Xreceive in SIMATIC S7 and SIMOTION devices

SIMATIC S7 device SIMOTION device

(parameters for SFC 66 X_RCV) (parameters for _Xreceive)
(Enable Data Transfer, data type BOOL) (Not available)
REQ_ID messageId
(Job identifier, value of data type DWORD) (Job identifier, value of data type UDINT)
– nextCommand
(Not available) (Data transmission mode, enum values for
synchronous and asynchronous)
– commandId
(Not available) (Internal command identifier, see description in
parameter description above)
RD <Return value, data structure element>
(variable address for received data, value of data (Received data packet; an array of up to 200
type ANY pointer, entries of 1 byte each)
max. 76 bytes long)

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Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

SIMATIC S7 device SIMOTION device

(parameters for SFC 66 X_RCV) (parameters for _Xreceive)
– <Return value,
(Not available) dataLength structure element>
(Data length of received data package)
<Return value> <Return value,
(= 0, if no error occurred; <> 0, if error occurred; functionResult structure element>
see SIMATIC S7 documentation) (= 0, if no error occurred; <> 0, if error occurred;
see Parameter Manual for the SIMOTION
devices) Example of send and receive program

The following figures show the source text for the send and receive program.

Table 7- 29 Example of send program

PROGRAM xsend_control;

// The following program must be assigned
// to a MotionTask.
// In the task configuration, the "Activation
// after Startup Task" option must be selected.
PROGRAM xsend_control
retVal : DINT;
myAddress : StructXSendDestAddr;
myStaddr : ARRAY[0..4] OF BYTE;
myData : ARRAY[0..199] OF BYTE;
// Specify destination address and PROFIBUS interface ////////
myAddress.deviceID := 1;
// PROFIBUS interface X8
myAddress.remoteStaddrLength := 1;
// must always be assigned a value of 1
myAddress.remoteStaddr[0] := 4;
// PROFIBUS address of the receiving station

// Send data
myData[0] := 170;

// Call of send function

retVal := _Xsend( communicationMode := ABORT_CONNECTION
, address := myAddress
, messageId := 1
, nextCommand := WHEN_COMMAND_DONE
, commandId := _getCommandId()

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Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

, data := myData
, dataLength := 1

Table 7- 30 Example of receive program

PROGRAM xreceive_control;

retVal : StructRetXReceive;
// The following program must be assigned
// to a MotionTask.
// In the task configuration, the "Activation
// after Startup Task" option must be selected.
PROGRAM xreceive_control

// Call of receive function

retVal := _Xreceive( messageId := 1
, nextCommand := WHEN_COMMAND_DONE
, commandId := _getCommandId()
END_IMPLEMENTATION Communication via Ethernet with TCP/IP protocol

For SIMOTION devices with Ethernet interface, communication via the TCP/IP protocol is
also possible.
The following table lists the individual steps to establish communication between a sender
(client) and a receiver (server):

Table 7- 31 Communication steps of a TCP/IP connection and the corresponding system functions

Communication steps System function

Establish the connection
1 Receiver (server) waits for communication request. _tcpOpenServer
2 Sender (client) requests connection establishment to the _tcpOpenClient
3 Receiver (server) has established communication

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Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

Communication steps System function

4 Sender sends data to the receiver. _tcpSend
5 Receiver receives data from the sender. _tcpReceive
Close the connection
6 Sender does not send any more data and closes the _tcpCloseConnection
7 There is no further connection required. _tcpCloseServer

The system functions are described in detail in the Parameter Manual for the SIMOTION
devices, in the chapter on system functions.

A sender or receiver can be a client as well as a server when establishing a connection.
There must be at least one client and one server to establish TCP/IP connection.
The client-server relationship is only valid until the connection is established. After
connection is established, both communication peers are equivalent, i.e. each of the two can
send or receive or close the connection at any point of time.

For detailed information, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on
SIMOTION Utilities & Applications (DVD2 - CD_14). Communication via Ethernet with UDP protocol

For SIMOTION devices with Ethernet interface, communication via the UDP protocol is also
● The _udpSend function sends a data packet to a communication peer which is specified
with IP address and port number.
The data to be sent is transferred to the function as ARRAY [0..1399] OF BYTE.
● The _udpReceive function is used to receive a data packet which a communication peer
has sent with _udpSend.
The received data is stored in a variable of data type ARRAY [0..1399] OF BYTE, whose
identifier is transferred to the function as parameter.
The system functions are described in detail in the Parameter Manual for the SIMOTION
devices, in the chapter on system functions.
A detailed description is available in the FAQs on SIMOTION Utilities & Applications (DVD2 -

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392 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

7.20.6 Synchronous start

On synchronous start, several commands are started within an IPO cycle clock or IPO_2
cycle clock.
Follow these steps:
1. First, obtain a unique SyncCommandId from the system. You will need this
SyncCommandId as a unique designation for the synchronized commands.
For this purpose, use the _getSyncCommandId() system function.
2. Enclose the commands to be executed synchronously between the
BEGIN_SYNC(SyncCommandId) and END_SYNC() functions. This defines them for
synchronized start.
All motion commands are permissible within the structure BEGIN_SYNC/END_SYNC.
The value IMMEDIATELY must be transferred as the nextCommand parameter.
3. The synchronous start itself occurs with the _startSyncCommand (SyncCommandId)
function. The commands defined for the synchronized start are processed in parallel.
See sample program.

Synchronous start for motion commands is only ensured if the following conditions are
1. Commands included in a synchronous start must act on various technology objects.
2. The technology objects involved must be in the same execution level (IPO or IPO_2).
3. When you use the Synchronous Start command in MCC, you must generate the
UserInterruptTask_1 since this is called in the event of an error. You can program an
error response in this task, see UserInterruptTasks (Page 169).

The task controller is temporarily shut down during the synchronous start. It is not restarted
until the following conditions are met:
● All single-axis commands and synchronous operation and cam commands in the
branches have been started
● All basic commands in the branches have been completed
Start interruptions by other tasks (except SynchronousTasks) are thus prevented. This can
cause a timeout to occur in cyclic tasks (BackgroundTask, TimerInterruptTasks). This error
can be detected and caught by programming the TimeFaultBackgroundTask or
TimeFaultTask appropriately.
The BEGIN_SYNC, END_SYNC, and _startSyncCommand functions are system functions of
SIMOTION devices; for more information, refer to the parameter manual for the relevant
SIMOTION device.

Synchronous start is often used in conjunction with the WAITFORCONDITION construct. In
this case, the system waits for a condition to be fulfilled before the synchronized start. The
_startSyncCommand function must not occur within the WAITFORCONDITION construct.

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Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

Table 7- 32 Sample program for synchronized start of two axes with WAITFORCONDITION

PROGRAM sync_motion;


EXPRESSION wait_sync_expression
wait_sync_expression := TRUE;

PROGRAM sync_motion
ret_val : DINT;
sync_id : CommandIdType;

sync_id := _getSyncCommandId();
(* Position axis ('Pos') *)
ret_val := _pos (axis := Axis_1,
positioningMode := ABSOLUTE,
position := 100,
mergeMode := IMMEDIATELY,
nextCommand := IMMEDIATELY,
commandId := _getCommandId() );
(* Position axis ('Pos') *)
ret_val := _pos (axis := Axis_2,
positioningMode := ABSOLUTE
position := 50
mergeMode := IMMEDIATELY
nextCommand := IMMEDIATELY,
commandId := _getCommandId() );

WAITFORCONDITION wait_sync_expression DO

ret_val := _startSyncCommands(sync_id);
// In case of an error, start of the UserInterruptTask
//IF (_ret_val <> 0) THEN


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Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

To check the correct completion of the synchronous start, you can query whether the
commands of the two axes started in the previous example have been completed without
The following MCC sample program shows a synchronous start with two axes and
subsequent query of the group variable _MccRetSyncStart. This is not equal to 0 when a
command within the synchronous start had a return value not equal to 0.

Figure 7-1 MCC synchronous start

The following is the section from the appropriate ST program (generated here via export
from MCC unit)

Table 7- 33 ST synchronous start

(* Synchronous start ('StartSync') *)

_MccCommand1 := _getCommandId();
_MccCommand2 := _getCommandId();

_MccSync := _getSyncCommandId();
(* Start axis position-controlled ('Move') *)
_MccRetDINT_1:=_move(axis:=Axis_1, velocityType:=DIRECT,
velocity:=v_blue, moveTimeOutType:=WITHOUT_TIME_LIMIT,
mergeMode:=IMMEDIATELY, nextCommand:=IMMEDIATELY,
commandId:=_MccCommand1, movingMode:=POSITION_CONTROLLED);
(* Start axis position-controlled ('Move') *)
_MccRetDINT_2:=_move(axis:=Axis_2, velocityType:=DIRECT,
velocity:=v_red, moveTimeOutType:=WITHOUT_TIME_LIMIT,
mergeMode:=IMMEDIATELY, nextCommand:=IMMEDIATELY,
commandId:=_MccCommand2, movingMode:=POSITION_CONTROLLED);

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Programming of general standard functions
7.20 Application of certain system functions

(* Synchronous start ('EndSync') *)



_MccRetDINT := _startSyncCommands(_MccSync);
// Start of the UserInterruptTask
IF (_MccRetDINT <> 0) THEN

_MccRetStructRetMotionCommandState := _getMotionStateOfAxisCommand
(Axis_1, _MccCommand1);

//Query whether both axis commands are completed

WHILE ((_MccRetStructRetMotionCommandState.functionResult = 0 )
AND (_MccRetStructRetMotionCommandState.motionCommandIdState <>
(_MccRetStructRetMotionCommandState.motionCommandIdState <>
_MccRetDINT := _waitTime(T#0d_0h_0m_0s_0ms);
_MccRetStructRetMotionCommandState :=
_getMotionStateOfAxisCommand(Axis_1, _MccCommand1);

_MccRetStructRetMotionCommandState :=
_getMotionStateOfAxisCommand(Axis_2, _MccCommand2);

WHILE ((_MccRetStructRetMotionCommandState.functionResult = 0 )
AND (_MccRetStructRetMotionCommandState.motionCommandIdState <>
(_MccRetStructRetMotionCommandState.motionCommandIdState <>
_MccRetDINT := _waitTime(T#0d_0h_0m_0s_0ms);
_MccRetStructRetMotionCommandState :=
_getMotionStateOfAxisCommand(Axis_2, _MccCommand2);

_MccRetSyncStart := 0; //Query whether both axis commands are running without

IF (_MccRetDINT_1 + _MccRetDINT_2 <> 0) THEN
_MccRetSyncStart := -1;

(* IF: Program branching ('If') *)

IF (_MccRetSyncStart <> 0) THEN
;//Error handling

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Programming of general standard functions
7.21 HMI (Human Machine Interface) connection

(* ('Else') *)

(* ('EndIf') *)

7.21 HMI (Human Machine Interface) connection

7.21.1 Interface between HMI and SCOUT or SIMOTION

SIMOTION allows communication with HMI devices (operator devices for the end user), e.g.
with operator panels.
If one or more SIMOTION devices are connected on the PROFIBUS or PROFINET, the HMI
device can display variables, messages and alarms of the SIMOTION devices. Likewise, you
can initiate functions programmed using the HMI device and a program in the SIMOTION
The WinCC flexible and ProTool software packages are available for implementing such
tasks on the HMI device. You can use WinCC flexible or ProTool to read and write to system
variables and unit variables declared in the interface section. See also HMI variables in one
unit (Page 463).
SIMOTION also provides an OPC server. You can use this server to access process data
with non-proprietary HMI software. The configuration software for WinCC flexible or
ProTool/Pro allows direct access to the symbolic variables of a SIMOTION device. Likewise,
this is possible via OPC. For this purpose, the configuration data of WinCC flexible or
ProTool/Pro must be located in the same project as the SIMOTION devices.

Variables that are meant to be available in HMI must always be created as unit variables in
the interface section of a source.

Further information about WinCC flexible

Notes on the configuration with WinCC flexible can be found:
● In the online help for WinCC flexible
● In the online help for SCOUT when WinCC flexible is integrated in SCOUT
Further FAQs are also available in the Internet at:
Additional information on the topics below is available in the FAQs on SIMOTION Utilities &
Applications (DVD2 - CD_14):

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Function Manual, 05/2009 397
Programming of general standard functions
7.21 HMI (Human Machine Interface) connection

● Time synchronization SIMOTION

● WinCC/WinCCFlexible
● SIMOTION and HMI (parallel work on SIMOTION and HMI projects)
Examples of HMI configurations can be found among the standard applications contained
within the Applications section on SIMOTION Utilities & Applications.
● Examples of HMI implementation
See also HMI variables in one unit (Page 463).

Everything that is displayed in the alarm list in SCOUT can also be displayed in WinCC
flexible with the appropriate configuration, except SINAMICS alarms!
All SIMOTION and SINAMICS alarms function with OPC Alarm&Event.
The present mechanism is as follows: When generating the HMI project, the SCOUT texts
(axis names, axis alarms, Alarm_S, ...) are synchronized on the HMI; whereby each TO has
a number.
Therefore, when an alarm occurs the TO number, alarm number, coefficient, etc. are
signaled and the HMI then writes the TO number, alarm text with coefficient, time stamp, etc.
With WinCC flexible or ProTool/Pro, warning and error messages of the technology objects
(axes, output cams, measuring inputs, etc.) are output directly on the HMI and are
acknowledged by the operator. The AlarmS concept also provides a method for configuring
and programming user messages. User messages are configured in SIMOTION SCOUT;
messages are called and acknowledged during runtime by calling the appropriate system
commands. OPC supports the same message mechanisms. For the OPC export, an
additional OPC alarm/event must be activated.

7.21.2 Consistent data access with HMI devices (example)

HMI devices can also access user data of the SIMOTION device consistently. The following
example includes an ST program on the SIMOTION device (see example) and an
application (Visual Basic program) on the HMI device (see example).
The user requests consistent read access to user variables (including arrays) from within the
HMI application (in this case, Visual Basic; but it could also be Visual C++ ...). An uneven
value is written to the consistencyFlag variable. The SIMOTION user program then copies
the data. The HMI application waits until the SIMOTION user program confirms that it has
completed copying the data by writing an even value to the consistencyFlag variable. Then,
the HMI reads out this variable consistently, since no changes have been made in the
The ST program can be assigned to a cyclic task; it may be necessary to take the
IPOsynchronousTask if, for example, axis positions and velocities are to be read at the same
time (as a snapshot).

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Programming of general standard functions
7.21 HMI (Human Machine Interface) connection

Table 7- 34 ST program for consistent data access from HMI devices

consistencyFlag : DINT;
myDint : DINT;
myArray : ARRAY[0..10] OF LREAL;

IF (consistencyFlag MOD 2) = 1 THEN
myDint := 99;
myArray[0] := 0.0;
myArray[1] := 1.0;
myArray[10] := 10.0;
consistencyFlag := consistencyFlag + 1;

Table 7- 35 HMI application for consistent data access (Visual Basic)

Option Explicit
Option Base 1

Dim g_Server As OPCServer

Dim g_GroupObj As OPCGroup

Dim g_myItem1 As OPCItem

Dim g_myItem2 As OPCItem

Dim g_myItem3 As OPCItem


Dim consistencyFlag As Long

Private Sub Form_Load()

Set g_Server = New OPCServer
g_Server.Connect ("OPC.SimaticNet")
Set g_GroupObj = g_Server.OPCGroups.Add("Test1")
g_GroupObj.IsActive = False
Set g_myItem1 = g_GroupObj.OPCItems.AddItem("C240.consistencyFlag", 2)
Set g_myItem2 = g_GroupObj.OPCItems.AddItem("C240.myDint", 2)
Set g_myItem3 = g_GroupObj.OPCItems.AddItem("C250.myArray", 3)
consistencyFlag = 1
End Sub

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Programming of general standard functions
7.21 HMI (Human Machine Interface) connection

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

Set g_myItem1 = Nothing
Set g_myItem2 = Nothing
Set g_myItem3 = Nothing
Set g_GroupObj = Nothing
Set g_Server = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub cmdRead_Click()

Static reentrancyFlag As Boolean
Dim var1 As Variant
Dim var2 As Variant
Dim var3 As Variant

If reentrancyFlag = False Then

reentrancyFlag = True
consistencyFlag = consistencyFlag + 2
g_myItem1.Write consistencyFlag
g_myItem1.Read OPC_DS_DEVICE, var1
Loop Until var1 = consistencyFlag + 1
g_myItem2.Read OPC_DS_DEVICE, var2
g_myItem3.Read OPC_DS_DEVICE, var3
reentrancyFlag = False
End if
End Sub

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400 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general system function blocks 8
8.1 Overview of the function blocks
ST contains a series of system function blocks that you can use in your ST source files
without having to declare them beforehand. You only have to create an instance and assign
the necessary parameters.

Overview of system function blocks

Below is an overview of all system function blocks implemented in the system. You will find
definitions and a further specification starting at Section 7.1.

Table 8- 1 System function blocks

Collective term Name Input parameters Output parameters

Definition Name : Type Name : Type
Bistable function blocks SR1 S1 : BOOL; Q1 : BOOL;
Priority set R : BOOL;
RS1 SR1 : BOOL; Q1 : BOOL;
Priority reset : BOOL;
Edge detection R_TRIG1 CLK : BOOL; Q : BOOL;
Rising edge
Falling edge
Counters CTU1 CU : BOOL; Q : BOOL;
Up counter R : BOOL; CV : INT;
Data type: INT PV : INT;
Up counter R : BOOL; CV : DINT;
Data type: DINT PV : DINT;
Up counter R : BOOL; CV : UDINT;
Data type: UDINT PV : UDINT;
Down counter LD : BOOL; CV : INT;
Data type: INT PV : INT;
Down counter LD : BOOL; CV : DINT;
Data type: DINT PV : DINT;
Down counter LD : BOOL; CV : UDINT;
Data type: UDINT PV : UDINT;

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Function Manual, 05/2009 401
Programming of general system function blocks
8.1 Overview of the function blocks

Collective term Name Input parameters Output parameters

Up/down counter CD : BOOL; QD : BOOL;
Data type: INT R : BOOL; CV : INT;
Up/down counter CD : BOOL; QD : BOOL;
Data type: DINT R : BOOL; CV : UINT;
Up/down counter CD : BOOL; QD : BOOL;
Data type: UDINT R : BOOL; CV : UDINT;
Timers TP1 IN : BOOL; Q : BOOL;
Puls PT : TIME; ET : TIME;
ON delay PT : TIME; ET : TIME;
ON delay PT : TIME; ET : TIME;
Real-time clock READ : BOOL;
Splitting bit-string data _BYTE_TO_8BOOL n : BYTE bit0, bit1, : BOOL;
types bit2, bit3,
bit4, bit5,
bit6, bit7
_WORD_TO_2BYTE in : WORD byte0, : BYTE;
_DWORD_TO_2WORD in : DWORD word0, : WORD;
_DWORD_TO_4BYTE in : DWORD byte0, : DWORD;

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402 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general system function blocks
8.2 Bistable elements (set flip-flop)

Collective term Name Input parameters Output parameters

Emulation of SIMATIC S7 _S7_COUNTER1 CU : BOOL; Q : BOOL;
commands CD : BOOL; CV : INT;
_S7_TIMER1 T_Type : WORD; Q : BOOL;
1 These function blocks require a repeated call (e.g. in a cyclic task)

Comparison of the system function blocks for SIMOTION and SIMATIC

You can find a comparison of the SIMATIC S7 and SIMOTION system function blocks in the
2_FAQ directory on the Utilities & Applications CD.

8.2 Bistable elements (set flip-flop)

In ST you can use system function block SR to set/reset the flipflop (priority set) and system
function block RS to reset/set the flipflop (priority reset).

Bistable function block SR (priority set)

The stored value can be obtained at output Q1. Output Q1 is 1 when S1 is 1. If S1 and R are
equal to 0, output Q1 does not change. )


6 W

5 W

4 W

Figure 8-1 Mode of operation of the SR bistable function block

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Programming of general system function blocks
8.2 Bistable elements (set flip-flop)

Table 8- 2 Program code of the SR bistable function block


S1,R : BOOL;

Q1 : BOOL;

Q1 := S1 OR (NOT R AND Q1);



Table 8- 3 Call parameters for SR

Identifier Parameter Data type Description

S1 Input BOOL Set
R Input BOOL Reset
Q1 Output BOOL Signal state

Bistable function block RS (priority reset)

The stored value can be obtained at output Q1. Output Q1 is 0 when R1 is 1. If R1 and S are
equal to 0, output Q1 does not change.


6 W

5 W

4 W

Figure 8-2 Mode of operation of the RS bistable function block

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404 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general system function blocks
8.3 Edge detection

Table 8- 4 Program code of RS bistable function block


R1,S : BOOL;

Q1 : BOOL;

Q1 := NOT R1 AND (S OR Q1);


Table 8- 5 Call parameters for RS

Identifier Parameter Data type Description

S Input BOOL Set
R1 Input BOOL Reset
Q1 Output BOOL Signal state

8.3 Edge detection

System function block R_TRIG can be used to detect a rising edge; F_TRIG can detect a
falling edge. You can use this function, for example, to set up a sequence of your own
function blocks.

Detection of rising edge R_TRIG

If a rising edge (R_TRIG, Rising Trigger), i.e. a status change from 0 to 1 is present at the
input, 1 is applied at the output for the duration of one cycle time.


&/. W

4 W

7$ 7$ 7$


Figure 8-3 Mode of operation of R_TRIG (rising edge) function block

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Function Manual, 05/2009 405
Programming of general system function blocks
8.3 Edge detection

Table 8- 6 Program code for function block R_TRIG (rising edge)




M : BOOL := 0;


M := CLK;


Table 8- 7 Call parameters for R_TRIG

Identifier Parameter Data type Description

CLK Input BOOL Input for edge detection
Q Output BOOL Status of edge

Detection of falling edge F_TRIG

When a falling edge (F_TRIG, falling trigger), i.e. a status change from 1 to 0, occurs at the
input, the output is set to 1 for the duration of one cycle time.


&/. W

4 W

7$ 7$


Figure 8-4 Mode of operation of F_TRIG (falling edge) function block

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406 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general system function blocks
8.4 Counters

Table 8- 8 Program code for function block F_TRIG (falling edge)




M : BOOL := 1;




Table 8- 9 Call parameters for F_TRIG

Identifier Parameter Data type Description

CLK Input BOOL Input for edge detection
Q Output BOOL Status of edge

8.4 Counters

8.4.1 General information on counters

ST provides a series of system function blocks for counters that you can use in your ST

8.4.2 CTU up counter

The CTU counter allows you to perform upward counting operations:
● If the input is R = TRUE when the FB is called up, then the CV output is reset to 0.
● If the CU input changes from FALSE to TRUE (0 to 1) when the FB is called (positive
edge), then the CV output is incremented by 1.
● Output Q specifies whether CV is greater than or equal to comparison value PV.
The CV and PV parameters are both INT data types, which means that the maximum
counter value possible is 32_767 ( = 16#7FFF).

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Function Manual, 05/2009 407
Programming of general system function blocks
8.4 Counters

User interface prototype

Sample code
CU: BOOL; // Count
R : BOOL; // Reset
PV : INT; // Comparison value
Q : BOOL; // Status
CV : INT; // Counter reading
// ... (Code)

Input parameters

Data type: BOOL
Count up if value changes from FALSE to TRUE (positive edge)
Data type: BOOL
TRUE: Reset the counter to 0
Data type: INT
Comparison value

Output parameter

Data type: BOOL
Status of counter (CV >= PV)
Data type: INT
Counter value

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Programming of general system function blocks
8.4 Counters

8.4.3 CTU_DINT up counter

The method of operation is the same as for the CTU up-counter (see Subsection 7.3.1), with
the following exception:
The CV and PV parameters are both DINT data types, which means that the maximum
counter value possible is 2_147_483_647 ( = 16#7FFF_FFFF).

Table 8- 10 Parameters for CTU_DINT

Identifier Parameter Data type Description

CU Input BOOL Count up if value changes from FALSE to TRUE
(rising edge)
R Input BOOL Reset the counter to 0
PV Input DINT Comparison value
Q Output BOOL Status of counter (CV >= PV)
CV Output DINT Counter value

8.4.4 CTU_UDINT up counter

The method of operation is the same as for the CTU incrementer except for the following:
The CV and PV parameters are both UDINT data types, which means that the maximum
counter value possible is 4_294_967_295 ( =16#FFFF_FFFF).

Table 8- 11 Parameters for CTU_UDINT

Identifier Parameter Data type Description

CU Input BOOL Count up if value changes from FALSE to
TRUE (rising edge)
R Input BOOL Reset the counter to 0
PV Input UDINT Comparison value
Q Output BOOL Status of counter (CV >= PV)
CV Output UDINT Counter value

See also
CTU up counter (Page 407)

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Programming of general system function blocks
8.4 Counters

8.4.5 CTD down counter

The CTD counter allows you to perform downward counting operations.
● If the LD input = TRUE when the FB is called, then the CV output is reset to start value
● If the CD input changes from FALSE to TRUE (0 to 1) when the FB is called up (rising
edge), then the CV output is decremented by 1.
● Output Q specifies whether CV is greater than or equal to 0.
The CV and PV parameters are both INT data types, which means that the minimum counter
value possible is
–32_768 ( = 16#8000).

Table 8- 12 Call parameters for CTD

Identifier Parameter Data type Description

CD Input BOOL Count down if value changes from FALSE to
TRUE (rising edge)
LD Input BOOL Reset the counter to start value
PV Input INT Start value of counter
Q Output BOOL Status of counter (CV <= 0)
CV Output INT Counter value

8.4.6 CTD_DINT down counter

The method of operation is the same as for the CTD up counter except for the following:
The CV and PV parameters are both DINT data types, which means that the minimum
counter value possible is
–2_147_483_648 ( = 16#8000_0000).

Table 8- 13 Call parameters for CTD_DINT

Identifier Parameter Data type Description

CD Input BOOL Count down if value changes from FALSE to TRUE
(rising edge)
LD Input BOOL Reset the counter to start value
PV Input DINT Start value of counter
Q Output BOOL Status of counter (CV <= 0)
CV Output DINT Counter value

Basic functions
410 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general system function blocks
8.4 Counters

8.4.7 CTD_UDINT down counter

The method of operation is the same as for the CTD up counter except for the following:
The CV and PV parameters are both UDINT data types, which means that the minimum
counter value possible is 0.

Table 8- 14 Call parameters for CTD_UDINT

Identifier Parameter Data type Description

CD Input BOOL Count down if value changes from FALSE to
TRUE (rising edge)
LD Input BOOL Reset the counter to start value
PV Input UDINT Start value of counter
Q Output BOOL Status of counter (CV = 0)
CV Output UDINT Counter value

8.4.8 CTUD up/down counter

The CTUD counter allows you to perform both upward and downward counting operations.
● Reset the CV count variable:
– If the input is R = TRUE when the FB is called up, then the CV output is reset to 0.
– If the LD input = TRUE when the FB is called, then the CV output is reset to start value
● Count:
– If the CU input changes from FALSE to TRUE (0 to 1) when the FB is called (rising
edge), then the CV output is incremented by 1.
– If the CD input changes from FALSE to TRUE (0 to 1) when the FB is called up (rising
edge), then the CV output is decremented by 1.
● Counter status QU or QD:
– Output Q specifies whether CV is greater than or equal to comparison value PV.
– Output QD specifies whether CV is less than or equal to 0.

Table 8- 15 Parameters for CTUD

Identifier Parameter Data type Description

CU Input BOOL Count up if value changes from FALSE to TRUE
(rising edge)
CD Input BOOL Count down if value changes from FALSE to
TRUE (rising edge)
R Input BOOL Reset the counter to 0 (up counter)
LD Input BOOL Reset the counter to PV start value (down counter)
PV Input INT Comparison value (for up counter)
Start value (for down counter)
QU Output BOOL Status as up counter (CV >= PV)

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Programming of general system function blocks
8.4 Counters

Identifier Parameter Data type Description

QD Output BOOL Status as down counter (CV <= 0)
CV Output INT Counter value

8.4.9 CTUD_DINT up/down counter

The method of operation is the same as for the CTUD up counter except for the following:
The CV and PV parameters are both DINT data types.

Table 8- 16 Parameters for CTU_DINT

Identifier Parameter Data type Description

CU Input BOOL Count up if value changes from FALSE to TRUE
(rising edge)
CD Input BOOL Count down if value changes from FALSE to
TRUE (rising edge)
R Input BOOL Reset the counter to 0 (down counter)
LD Input BOOL Reset the counter to PV start value (down
PV Input DINT Comparison value (for up counter)
Start value (for down counter)
QU Output BOOL Status as up counter (CV >= PV)
QD Output BOOL Status as down counter (CV <= 0)
CV Output DINT Counter value

8.4.10 CTUD_UDINT up/down counter

The method of operation is the same as for the CTUD up counter except for the following:
The CV and PV parameters are both UDINT data types.

Table 8- 17 Parameters for CTU_UDINT

Identifier Parameter Data type Description

CU Input BOOL Count up if value changes from FALSE to TRUE
(rising edge)
CD Input BOOL Count down if value changes from FALSE to
TRUE (rising edge)
R Input BOOL Reset the counter to 0 (up counter)
LD Input BOOL Reset the counter to PV start value (down
PV Input UDINT Comparison value (for up counter)
Start value (for down counter)
QU Output BOOL Status as up counter (CV >= PV)

Basic functions
412 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general system function blocks
8.5 Timers

Identifier Parameter Data type Description

QD Output BOOL Status as down counter (CV = 0)
CV Output UDINT Counter value

8.5 Timers
Timers are elements in your program used to execute and monitor time-driven processes.
ST provides a series of system function blocks that you can access with ST. You can use
timers in your program to do the following:
● Set waiting times
● Enable monitoring times
● Generate pulses
● Measure times

TP pulse
With a signal state change from 0 to 1 at the IN input, time ET is started. Output Q remains
at 1 until elapsed time ET is equal to programmed time value PT. As long as time ET is
running, the IN input has no effect.
The following figure illustrates the mode of operation of the TP pulse timer.


,1 W

4 W

(7 37 37 37



Figure 8-5 Mode of operation of the TP pulse

The following table shows the call parameters.

Table 8- 18 Call parameters for TP

Identifier Parameter Data type Description

IN Input BOOL Start input
PT Input TIME Duration of pulse
Q Output BOOL Status of time
ET Output TIME Elapsed time

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Programming of general system function blocks
8.5 Timers

TON ON delay
With the signal state change from 0 to 1 at the IN input, time ET is started. The output signal
Q only changes from 0 to 1 if the time ET = PT has elapsed and the input signal IN still has a
value of 1, i.e. the output Q is switched on with a delay. Input signals of shorter durations
than that of programmed time PT do not appear at the output.
The following figure illustrates the mode of operation of the TON ON delay timer.


,1 W

4 W

(7 37 37 37



Figure 8-6 Mode of operation of the TON ON delay

The following table shows the call parameters.

Table 8- 19 Call parameters for TON

Identifier Parameter Data type Description

IN Input BOOL Start input
PT Input TIME Duration for which the rising edge at input IN
is delayed
Q Output BOOL Status of time
ET Output TIME Elapsed time

Mytimeout : TON;
Mytimeout(pt := T#2s, IN := TRUE);
IF (mytimeout.q) THEN
//Time expired

TOF OFF delay

With a signal state change from 0 to 1 at start input IN, state 1 appears at output Q. If the
state at the start input changes from 1 to 0, then time ET is started. If a change occurs at
input IN from 0 to 1 before time ET has elapsed, then the timer operation is reset. A start is
initiated again when the state at input IN changes from 1 to 0. Only after the duration ET =

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414 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general system function blocks
8.5 Timers

PT has elapsed does output Q adopt a signal state of 0. This means that the output is
switched off with a delay.
The following figure illustrates the mode of operation of the TOF OFF delay timer.


,1 W

4 W

(7 37 37 37



Figure 8-7 Mode of operation of the TOF OFF delay timer

The following table shows the call parameters.

Table 8- 20 Call parameters for TOF

Identifier Parameter Data type Description

IN Input BOOL Start input
PT Input TIME Period for which the falling edge at input IN is
Q Output BOOL Status of time
ET Output TIME Elapsed time

Real-time clock RTC

The rising edge on SET sets the real-time clock to the value of PDT; PDT is copied to CDT.
If READ is set to TRUE, then the current system time is read and is available at output CDT.

Table 8- 21 Call parameters for the RTC

Identifier Parameter Data type Description

SET Input BOOL Set time, default FALSE
READ Input BOOL Read time, default FALSE
PDT Input DT Value to which the real-time clock is to be set,
default DT#0001-01-01-0:0:0
If the value is less than the default value of the
SIMOTION device real-time clock, the real-time
clock will be set to its default value (e.g. in C230-
2: DT#1994-01-01-00:00:00)
CDT Output DT Current system time
The granularity for setting the real-time clock is 1 ms; the accuracy depends on the position
control cycle clock.

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Programming of general system function blocks
8.6 Splitting bit-string data types

8.6 Splitting bit-string data types

8.6.1 General information for splitting bit-string data types

The following functions enable a variable of a bit string data type to be split into multiple
variables of a lower-level data type.
The inverse functions are implemented as functions (see Combining bit-string data types)

See also
General information for combining bit-string data types (Page 315)

8.6.2 _BYTE_TO_8BOOL function block

This function splits a variable of data type BYTE into 8 variables of data type BOOL.

User interface prototype

bytein : BYTE;
bit0, // Least significant bit
bit1, bit2, bit3, bit4, bit5, bit6,
bit7: BOOL; // Most significant bit
// ... (Code)

Input parameters

Data type: BYTE
Variable of data type BYTE to be split into 8 variables of data type BOOL.

Output parameter


Basic functions
416 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general system function blocks
8.6 Splitting bit-string data types

Data type: BOOL

8 variables with the individual bits of the input parameter
bit0: least significant bit
bit7: most significant bit

8.6.3 _WORD_TO_2BYTE function block

This function splits a variable of data type WORD into 2 variables of data type BYTE.

User interface prototype

wordin : WORD;
byte0, // Less significant byte
byte1: BYTE; // More significant byte
// ... (Code)

Input parameters

Data type: WORD
Variable of data type WORD to be split into 2 variables of data type BYTE.

Output parameter

byte0 (optional)
byte1 (optional)
Data type: BYTE
2 variables with the individual bytes of the input parameter
byte0: less significant byte
byte1: more significant byte

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 417
Programming of general system function blocks
8.6 Splitting bit-string data types

8.6.4 _DWORD_TO_2WORD function block

This function splits a variable of data type DWORD into 2 variables of data type WORD.

User interface prototype

dwordin : DWORD;
word0, // Less significant word
word1: WORD; // More significant word
// ... (Code)

Input parameters

Data type: DWORD
Variable of data type DWORD to be split into 2 variables of data type WORD.

Output parameter

Data type: WORD
2 variables with the individual bytes of the input parameter
word0: less significant word
word1: more significant word

8.6.5 _DWORD_TO_4BYTE function block

This function splits a variable of data type DWORD into 4 variables of data type BYTE.

User interface prototype

dwordin : DWORD;

Basic functions
418 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general system function blocks
8.7 Emulation of SIMATIC S7 commands

byte0, // Least significant byte
byte1, byte2,
byte3: BYTE; // Most significant byte
// ... (Code)

Input parameters

Data type: DWORD
Variable of data type DWORD to be split into 4 variables of data type BYTE.

Output parameter

Data type: BYTE
Default BYTE#0
2 variables with the individual bytes of the input parameter
byte0: least significant byte
byte3: most significant byte

8.7 Emulation of SIMATIC S7 commands

8.7.1 General
The following function blocks are interface-compatible with the commands for the SIMATIC
S7 counters and timers; see the reference manual SIMATIC Statement List (STL) for S7-

You should generally use the function blocks in accordance with IEC 61131-3 (counters and

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 419
Programming of general system function blocks
8.7 Emulation of SIMATIC S7 commands

See also
General information on counters (Page 407)
Timers (Page 413)

8.7.2 _S7_COUNTER function block

User interface prototype

// ... (Code)

Input parameters

Data type: BOOL
Count up (with edge)
Data type: BOOL
Count down (with edge)
Data type: INT
Preset value
Data type: BOOL
Set preset value (with edge)
Data type: BOOL
Reset counter (static)

Basic functions
420 Function Manual, 05/2009
Programming of general system function blocks
8.7 Emulation of SIMATIC S7 commands

Output parameter

Data type: BOOL
Counter status
Data type: INT
Counter value

8.7.3 _S7_TIMER function block

This function block is used to emulate SIMATIC S7 time functions.

User interface prototype

T_Type : WORD;
// ... (Code)

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 421
Programming of general system function blocks
8.7 Emulation of SIMATIC S7 commands

Input parameters

Data type: WORD
S7 timer function to be executed
TYPE_S7T_SI_ = 16#0001 SI SP
TYPE_S7T_SV_ = 16#0002 SV SEE
TYPE_S7T_SE_ = 16#0004 SE SD
TYPE_S7T_SS_ = 16#0008 SS SS
TYPE_S7T_SA_ = 16#0010 SA SF
TYPE_S7T_BCD_IN = 16#0020 SA SF
TYPE_S7T_SI_ = 16#0040 R FR
TYPE_S7T_SI_ = 16#0080 L LC (U; UN; X ...)
Data type: BOOL
Data type: BOOL
Set preset value
Data type: BOOL
Reset timer
Data type: TIME
Preset value (as data type TIME)
Data type: WORD
Preset value in S7 coding

Output parameter

Data type: BOOL
Timer status
Data type: TIME
Current time

Basic functions
422 Function Manual, 05/2009
SIMOTION memory concept (in the target device) 9
9.1 Overview of the memory in the target device

Memory types
SIMOTION has a staggered memory management concept. A distinction is made in the
target device between the DRAM (RAM disk and RAM) and the SRAM/NVRAM. The data
(TOs, units and TPs) in the DRAM are lost when the device is switched off whereas the
SRAM/NVRAM can retentively store smaller data quantities. A removable data medium (CF
card or memory card) is also available as ROM.

RAM disk
The RAM disk is a virtual memory that can be controlled in the same way as a hard disk, but
can be accessed much faster. A fixed memory area is reserved for the RAM disk in the
DRAM of the target device. After the download, the RAM disk contains the hardware and
device configuration, technology packages (TP), configuration data of the technology
objects, and the program units. With Copy RAM to ROM, the contents of the RAM disk are
written to the ROM (on the card). During an upload, the data is loaded from the RAM disk to
the programming device. You can display the utilization of the RAM disk in the device
diagnostics under System utilization (ONLINE only).

User data (user RAM) and system data (system RAM) are stored in the RAM. The user RAM
contains the TO Current data memory, the TO Next memory of the technology objects (for
more information, see Changing system variables and configuration data online) and is also
used to store technology packages, units (variables and code). During power-up or
download, the data is loaded from the RAM disk to the RAM.
The user RAM containing the TPs and units can be divided into a data memory (e.g.
variables) and a code memory (compiled user programs) for clarity. Retain variables are
saved retentively (powerfail-proof) in the SRAM/NVRAM.
The kernel, kernel data and further settings such as communication settings, cycle clock
settings and the contents of the diagnostic buffer are stored in the system RAM.
You can display the utilization of the RAM in the device diagnostics under System utilization
(ONLINE only).

ROM (CF card or memory card)

Data is saved retentively on the memory card (ROM). To do this, you must execute the
command Copy RAM to ROM. The data saved last with Copy RAM to ROM is loaded from
the ROM to the RAM disk during power-up and from there to the RAM. You can display the
utilization of the CF/memory card in the device diagnostics under System utilization (ONLINE

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 423
SIMOTION memory concept (in the target device)
9.1 Overview of the memory in the target device

SRAM/NVRAM (retentive data - non-volatile data)

Data is saved retentively and in a powerfail-proof manner in the SRAM/NVRAM. The data is
loaded from the SRAM/NVRAM to the RAM during power-up. You can display the allocation
of the SRAM/NVRAM in the device diagnostics under System utilization (retentive data,
ONLINE only).
Non-volatile data available in SIMOTION devices:

Non-volatile data Contents

Kernel data Last operating mode
IP parameters (IP address, subnet mask, router
DP parameters (PROFIBUS DP address, baud
Diagnostics buffer
Retain variables Variables in the interface or implementation
section of a unit declared with VAR_GLOBAL
Global device variables set with the "RETAIN"
Retain TO Absolute encoder offset
DCC blocks SAV blocks and user-defined blocks with retain
The user program can use the "_savePersistentMemoryData" system function to save the
contents of non-volatile data to the memory card. This prevents the retain variables and the
absolute encoder position from being lost if, for example, a component is replaced (for more
details, see the System Function/Variables Parameter Manual).
The following graphic shows the general structure of the memory in the target device

Basic functions
424 Function Manual, 05/2009
SIMOTION memory concept (in the target device)
9.1 Overview of the memory in the target device

'5$0LQWKH 5$0 8VHU5$0








&RGH 5(7$,1 HJ












72V <'%  5$0WR520 72V <'%

73 73 .HUQHO
6'% 6'%

5$0 6\VWHP5$0

Figure 9-1 Memory concept, general representation

1) YDBs contain the configuration data of TOs, such as system variables, configuration data
or alarms
2) SDBs are system data blocks

See also
Download in RUN (Page 436)
Overview of the data download (Page 429)
Memory access (Page 426)

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 425
SIMOTION memory concept (in the target device)
9.2 Memory access

9.2 Memory access

Power-up of the target device

The data of the TOs, technology packages, units and further data is transferred from the
ROM via the RAM disk to the USER RAM during a power-up. The TO data is loaded to the
TO Current data memory, the technology packages (TP) and units to the USER-RAM. The
individual TOs are instantiated and assigned the appropriate values. Communication
settings, cycle clock settings and the contents of the diagnostic buffer (if available) are
transferred from the SRAM/NVRAM to the system RAM.

IP and DP parameters in non-volatile data
If there is configuration data on the memory card, the IP and DP parameters are loaded from
the memory card during ramping up and used by the SIMOTION device. The addresses
defined in the configuration data are used to go online. During ramping up, the IP and DP
parameters on the memory card card are also written to the non-volatile data. If the
SIMOTION device is then powered up with a CF card with no configuration, the IP and DP
parameters are retained in the non-volatile data and are used by the device. This means the
SIMOTION device can continue to go online if a configuration has been loaded with
SIMOTION SCOUT at least once or if the SIMOTION device is powered up with a memory
card containing a configuration.

Power On and overall reset

Data (configuration data, default values of system variables) is loaded from ROM (memory
card) into the RAM disk and then into the TO Current data memory. During the memory reset
operation, the RAM and the retentive data in the SRAM/NVRAM, except for the
communication configuration (baud rates, network addresses, etc.), are deleted prior to the
power-up. In addition, the unit data are deleted during the memory reset and and are then
reloaded from the ROM during power-up.

Restarting a technology object

Data of the TO (configuration data, default values of system variables, cams) is loaded from
RAM disk into the TO Current data memory.

STOP - RUN transition

There is no access to any of the various memories during the transition from STOP to RUN.

Basic functions
426 Function Manual, 05/2009
SIMOTION memory concept (in the target device)
9.2 Memory access

Download to the target device

During a download from the programming device to the target device, the data is first written
to the RAM disk and then from there to the RAM, with optional data initialization. See also
Overview of the data download (Page 429) and Separate initialization of source and TO data
during a download (Page 435).
Additional data (e.g., sources) can be included in the download to the target device.
These data are required for
● Online object comparison (e.g., additional properties)
● Diverse detailed comparisons (e.g., ST source file comparison)
● "Load to PG" function (complete upload to offline project)
● Synchronization with online objects
In order to be able to load sources or additional data of a project to the programming device,
this must be specified in the project under Options > Settings > CPU download > Save
supplementary data on the target device.

Changing system variables and configuration data online

If you change the values of system variables, the system variable values are effective
immediately in the TO Current data memory. New configuration data values are initially
stored in the Next memory. Immediately effective configuration data is transferred
automatically to the TO Current data memory. Configuration data that only becomes active
following a RESTART on the technology object (set the restartactivation system variable to
ACTIVATE_RESTART) is only written to the TO Current data memory after the RESTART.
To save the configuration data changed online to the offline project, you must first transfer
the content of the TO Current data memory to the RAM disk with the menu command Target
system > Copy current data to RAM.
The configuration in SCOUT is then no longer consistent with the configuration in the target
device as the data of the RAM disk is used for the consistency check. Read the data from
the RAM disk with the menu command Target system > Load > Load to PG (only for the
configuration data) to re-establish a consistent system state. To ensure a power-failsafe
storage of the configuration on the CF card or memory card, execute the menu command
Target system > Copy RAM to ROM.

Copy current to RAM does not transfer the values of the system variables to the RAM
memory. This means that "Save to memory card (Copy RAM to ROM)" or "Save in the
engineering project (Load to PG)" is not possible.
So that values of system variables can also be saved in the engineering project and on
memory card, the values of system variables must be changed OFFLINE and then loaded to
the target device per download and saved.

For information on how TOs, variables and programs behave during a download in RUN, see
Download in RUN (Page 436)

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 427
Downloading data to the target device 10
10.1 Overview of the data download

You have to download the project data that you have created with the SCOUT to the target
system. The target system can contain several CPUs (SIMOTION controllers or drives). The
project data contains the programs (ST, MCC, LAD/FBD and DCC) that you have created
and compiled, the hardware configuration and the technology packages that you have
created and parameterized.
You must reload a project to the target system, if you have:
● Created or changed programs
● Changed definitions of global variables or symbolic I/O variables
● Made changes to the execution system
● Changed technology object configurations

Download requirements
The following conditions must be met before the project can be downloaded to the target
● All cables must be plugged in and the interfaces configured
● All program sources are compiled (Project > Save and compile all) or the program
sources will be compiled automatically before the download
● The project has been checked for consistency (Project > Check consistency)
● The system status is ONLINE (menu: Project > Connect to target system)
If an error occurs, transfer of data to the target system is aborted. The Target system output
tab in which the transfer sequence and any errors are logged indicates the possible cause of
the error.

As of SIMOTION SCOUT Version V3.2, a message appears in the diagnostics buffer if a
power failure occurs during the download: Starting lockout set, after you have switched to
RUN mode. Go online again and carry out the download once more.
In earlier versions, this can lead to various faults that cannot be corrected by the system.
Unexplainable error messages may appear.
If this happens:
Go online again and carry out the download once more.

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 429
Downloading data to the target device
10.2 Save and compile

Download scope
You can either download the entire project or perform a download for a specific device.
● Downloading a project to the target system (all target devices) (Page 432)
● Downloading CPU/drive unit to target device (Page 433)

Operating mode
You can perform a download in the STOP mode, and also in the RUN mode.

Additional download options in OFFLINE mode

Additional functions in OFFLINE mode are also available for transferring the project data in
SCOUT to the memory card:
● Download direct to memory card or hard disk, see Download direct to memory card or
hard disk (Page 448)
● Device update tool, see Updating devices

10.2 Save and compile

The project must be saved and compiled first before the download. SIMOTION SCOUT
distinguishes three commands in the main project menu that act differently when saving and
● Save; the project is saved to the hard disk
● Save and compile all
● Save and recompile all
In addition, there is another command in the context menu of a source:
● Accept and compile (a single source)

If there are sources in the project that cannot be compiled without error, or sources that
should not be compiled yet, they can be temporarily stored in an unused library.

Save and compile all

On this command, the whole project is searched for changes. If a source that has been
changed is found, this single source is compiled and saved. Therefore only the changes are
compiled. This command is used in a normal application.

Basic functions
430 Function Manual, 05/2009
Downloading data to the target device
10.3 Performing a consistency check

Save and recompile all

All sources of the entire project are recompiled with this command.
The Save and recompile all command is suitable if you are entirely sure that all the old data
from older SCOUT versions has been removed and should be replaced with new compilation

Information about errors

Detailed information about transfer and compilation errors is output during the compilation of
single sources (OFFLINE Compile/Check Output and ONLINE Target System Output).
Double-clicking the error message in the detail window causes the cursor to jump to the error
location in the source. Correct the errors, for example, by:
● Changing the configuration of the technology objects
● Changing the programs
Repeat the steps as often as required until no more errors are displayed.

10.3 Performing a consistency check

Checking the project for consistency and compiling the project

Before you download the project to the target system, the program sources must be
compiled without error and the consistency ensured. In this process, I/O addresses or TO
configurations are checked, for example.
1. Select the Project > Save and compile all menu.
SIMOTION SCOUT compiles all changed sources.
Further information about saving and compiling the project can be found in Save and
compile (Page 430).
2. Select the Project > Consistency check menu.
SIMOTION SCOUT checks, for example, whether all technology objects have been
configured and that the sources have been compiled without errors. Prior to a download,
a consistency check can be performed automatically if the corresponding option is
selected under Options > Download > Check consistency before loading.
During the download, a consistency check is always performed in the target system. If
download errors occur, their possible causes are displayed by entries in various output
windows (ONLINE in the Target System Output window) of the detail view.

If you perform a download with an older project, it is possible that the sources will no
longer be consistent. Select Project > Save and recompile all.

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 431
Downloading data to the target device
10.4 Downloading a project to the target system (all target devices)

10.4 Downloading a project to the target system (all target devices)

During a project download, the entire project is downloaded to the target system.

You can only perform a project download in the STOP mode and for all target devices with
which you are ONLINE. You cannot download to drives that cannot be configured in SCOUT,
such as MASTERDRIVE or 611U. The project data is selected as a body under Target
system -> Select target devices and loaded to devices connected ONLINE. This can only be
done in STOP mode.

1. Click the Download project to target system button. The Download to Target System
dialog box is displayed.

Figure 10-1 Download to target system

You can select the following options depending on the device:

● After loading, copy RAM to ROM; copies RAM to ROM after the download for all target
● Perform download during RUN; enables a download to be performed in RUN mode (not
possible with Load project to target system, use Download CPU/drive unit to target device
Click Additional CPU options (only visible for controllers) to display the following options,
which act only in STOP mode.
● Initialization of the non-RETAIN technology object data (see Separate initialization of
source and TO data during a download (Page 435))

Basic functions
432 Function Manual, 05/2009
Downloading data to the target device
10.5 Downloading CPU/drive unit to target device

● Initialization of the non-RETAIN program data and non-RETAIN global device variables
Initialization of the RETAIN program data and RETAIN global device variables
(see Separate initialization of source and TO data during a download (Page 435) )
● Load without HW configuration (see Download without HW Config information
(Page 444)
Click Yes to start the download.
The additional options are also active when they are not visible. If you do not select any
additional options, the global settings (Options > Download) are active.
For drive devices, you can only select After loading, copy RAM to ROM.

See also
Save and compile (Page 430)

10.5 Downloading CPU/drive unit to target device

In addition to a project download, you can also selectively load data to each CPU / drive unit.
The standard procedure is the download in STOP mode. However, under certain
circumstances you can also perform a download in RUN mode, for more details, see
Download in RUN (Page 436).

1. First select the device to which you want to load the data in the project navigator (device
must be ONLINE).
2. Click the Download CPU / drive unit to target system
right-click the device in the project navigator and perform Target device > Download in
the context menu.
3. The Download dialog box is displayed. The contents depend on the device for which you
want to download data.

Loading the CPU to the target device

A download can be performed for the entire CPU (without drive unit) but also separately for
individual related download units.
● Download CPU without drive unit
● Download all technology objects of the CPU
● Download all programs of the CPU
You can select the following options:

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 433
Downloading data to the target device
10.5 Downloading CPU/drive unit to target device

● After loading, copy RAM to ROM; copies RAM to ROM to the selected device once the
download is complete.
● Perform download in RUN; enables a download to be performed in RUN mode (see
Click Additional CPU options to display the following options:
● Initialization of the non-RETAIN technology object data - only effective in STOP mode
(see Separate initialization of source and TO data during a download (Page 435))
● Initialization of the non-RETAIN program data and the non-RETAIN global device
variables - only effective in STOP mode
– Initialization of the RETAIN program data and RETAIN global device variables
(see Separate initialization of source and TO data during a download (Page 435) )
● Load without HW configuration (see Download without HW Config information
(Page 444)
You can set the global default under Options > Settings > Download or CPU download.

Figure 10-2 Download to CPU / drive unit

Basic functions
434 Function Manual, 05/2009
Downloading data to the target device
10.6 Separate initialization of source and TO data during a download

Loading the drive to the target system

For drives, you can only download the drive data (parameterization, etc.) to the drive unit.

Figure 10-3 Download to drive unit

By default, the download is performed in STOP. After a successful download, the CPU can
be restored to its previous status.
The "After loading, copy RAM to ROM" option copies RAM to ROM to the selected device
once the download is complete.

See also
Download of changed sources in RUN (Page 436)
Download of changed technology objects (Page 445)

10.6 Separate initialization of source and TO data during a download

As of V4.1.2, you can initialize non-RETAIN and RETAIN data of programs (units) with global
device variables and technology objects separately via two settings. During the project
creation, the data is normally initialized together. During servicing or if you only want to
reload programs (units, sources) or technology objects, you can initialize the data separately.
● Initialization of the non-RETAIN technology object data; only non-RETAIN data can be
initialized for TOs. This does not affect the program data (source data).
● Initialization of the non-RETAIN program data and the non-RETAIN global device
variables The RETAIN program data and RETAIN global device variables can also be
initialized. This does not affect the technology object data. The global device variables
are initialized together with the settings for the program data (source data).
To make the settings, see Downloading CPU/drive unit to target device (Page 433).
The "Time of variable initialization" section in the programming manuals contains general
information on variable initialization.

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 435
Downloading data to the target device
10.7 Download in RUN

10.7 Download in RUN

10.7.1 Perform download in RUN

Perform download in RUN

As for a download in STOP, all changes are always downloaded in RUN. Therefore, only
manageable changes should be made for a download in RUN. You can load an entire target
device or only parts of the target device so that current, required values of the system are
not overwritten. By default, variables are not initialized as the values of the system would be
You enable a download in RUN by selecting the "Enable download/copy RAM to ROM
during RUN" option under Options > Settings > CPU download in SCOUT.
For detailed information about the individual downloads, see
● Download without HW Config information (Page 444)
● Download of changed sources in RUN (Page 436)
● Download of changed technology objects (Page 445)

10.7.2 Download of changed sources in RUN

Download of changed sources in RUN

If a source (unit) contains several programs, FBs or FCs, then the entire unit is always
An example of a download can be found at Example of a download of changed sources
(Page 466).

Basic conditions for the download of changed sources in RUN

● The programs, FBs and FCs of a unit must not be running at the time of the change.
– With cyclic tasks, an attempt is made for several seconds to change sources at the
cycle control point (the time at which all of the relevant cyclic tasks are restarted or not
running). After this time, the operation is aborted.
– Running MotionTasks, such as long-running tasks, cannot be changed to.
You can stop and restart MotionTasks from SCOUT; see Control of MotionTasks from
SCOUT (Page 442) .
● The number of cyclic tasks in which changes can be made in their programs (POUs) is
limited to four. A change-over time must be found within the time allowed for all the tasks
to be changed in order to change them all at the same time.
● If the number of sources (units) and relevant tasks is too high for time or volume reasons,
the sum of the changes cannot be processed (loaded). This problem is displayed in the
output window and the complete set of changes not transferred to the sequence. The old
data remains active.

Basic functions
436 Function Manual, 05/2009
Downloading data to the target device
10.7 Download in RUN

● No changes may be made in the VAR_GLOBAL blocks. You can still enable these
changes by using the BlockInit_OnChange pragma (see below).
● Program instance data provides the static variables for the programs (VAR).
● No changes may be made in VAR blocks if these are used by cyclic tasks (the data of a
cyclic task is retained throughout the execution of that task). VAR_TEMP can be changed
for programs and FBs, as well as VAR for FCs. You can still use the BlockInit_OnChange
pragma and the "Only create program instance data once" compiler switch to enable
these changes, however (see below).
● The program instance data of non-cyclic tasks (MotionTasks) can be changed as this is
reinitialized on every start.

Allowing a download in RUN

Use appropriate programming to enable a download of changed units in RUN mode:
● Use the USES statement in the implementation section whenever possible. In this way,
fewer units are involved during download. For more information, see "USES statement in
an importing unit" in the ST programming manual.
● If the modified unit's program is assigned to a MotionTask, make sure that the
MotionTask is not active so that it can be changed:
– Avoid continuous loops in MotionTasks! For example, instead of a WHILE loop, use
the _restartTaskId() function
– Make provision for an operator control function (such as single clock mode) so that
you can reset one MotionTask, several MotionTasks, or all MotionTasks. This function
is also available via SCOUT as of V4.1.2 (see Controlling MotionTasks (Page 442)).
● Especially for MotionTasks, it is better to store program sections that run continually (e.g.
execution control in MCC) and program sections that are called depending on the
circumstances, in separate units. These called program sections can then be replaced
when they are not being used.
● Create units in accordance with how tasks and programs are assigned to one another.
This reduces dependencies and increases clarity.
Do not assign as follows (example of what NOT to do): A unit contains two programs; one
of them is assigned to the BackgroundTask, the other to a MotionTask. It is then not
possible to download this unit in RUN mode while the MotionTask is active.
● Configure the size of the local data stack in the task configuration (see Section
"Configuring the execution system" and Section "Setting the size of the local data stack"):
Take a reserve into account for the download in RUN. For example, temporary additional
storage may be required on the local data stack during downloading in RUN (e.g. for new
local variables and function parameters).
● Instead of using an additional variable block, you can also create a new UNIT with the
new data and then link it with USES (in the implementation section). This is also possible
in MCC and LAD/FBD.
● If new IO variables are required, these have to be located in the process image for the
BackgroundTask (0-63 bytes) (a detailed description of this can be found in the
SIMOTION ST Programming Manual).
anio AT %I2.7 : BOOL;

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 437
Downloading data to the target device
10.7 Download in RUN

Improvement for a download in RUN (as of V4.1)

A download in RUN can be improved by the use of a compiler switch and pragma:
● Set the "Only create program instance data once" compiler switch so that no other
programs are affected by the changed instance data of one program (as of V4.1, see
● Program instance data (VAR) can be changed and reinitialized by means of the
"BlockInit_OnChange := True;" compiler pragma. Compiler pragma "BlockInit_OnChange"
(see below)
● It is possible to make changes to TYPE and global variables in a unit's interface and
implementation section using an additional variable block or the "BlockInit_OnChange :=
True;" compiler pragma (V4.1 and higher) (see Influence of the compiler on variable
initialization (Page 241)).
● Where instance data has been changed, a program within a cyclic task can only be
downloaded in RUN if no task (cyclic or sequential) is active.

Compiler switch for one-time program data instantiation

The program data instantiation and the storage of the program instance data is important in
conjunction with a download in RUN.
Compiler switch "Only create program instance data once" is not set (default)
● The data instantiation is performed with the start of the task.
● The instance data of all programs is in a central memory area (for diagnostic purposes,
this data is in the symbol browser for the execution system). If several tasks are assigned
to the same program, then separate instance data will be created for each task. Changes
to the instance data of one program also affect the instance data of the other active
programs (because of the central storage), which results in restrictions during the
download in RUN.
● As of V4.1.2, you can also control MotionTasks from SCOUT. This enables you to stop
MotionTasks in order to obtain a change-over time for a download in RUN and then start
the MotionTasks again, see "Controlling MotionTasks".
● A program within a non-cyclic task can also be downloaded in RUN (as long as this task
and other non-cyclic tasks are not active) when the instance data is changed, as the
program data is initialized at the start of the task.
Compiler switch "Only create program instance data once" is set
● The data initialization is performed when the program is downloaded, with the source
(unit) containing the program, or when the CPU is ramped up.
● Instance data associated with programs compiled in this way is created just once, even if
the program is used in multiple tasks. The instance data is then in the source of in the
code of the program (for diagnostic purposes, this data is in the symbol browser for the
● This has advantages for a download in RUN as the changed instance data of a program
does not affect the instance data of other tasks.
● Where instance data has been changed, a program within a cyclic or sequential task can
even be downloaded in RUN while other tasks (cyclic or sequential) are active.
Information on which tasks can run sequentially or cyclically can be found at Execution levels
/ tasks (Page 135).

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Downloading data to the target device
10.7 Download in RUN

Changed behavior for the data initialization when "Only create program instance data once"
has been selected.
With sequential tasks, data initialization is no longer performed at the start of a task (or with
cyclic tasks, during the STOP-RUN transition), but is generally only performed during a
download or when the CPU is ramped up. If required, data initialization must be performed
applicatively in the StartUpTask or at the start of the programs in sequential tasks.
Initialization during the STOP-RUN transition is possible with V4.1.2 and higher, using the
"BlockInit_OnDeviceRun" pragma; see Initialization of data during a STOP - RUN transition
(Page 441).
If several tasks are assigned to one program, the same instance data is used as the basis
for all of them.

Setting the compiler switch

● For the global setting, select Only create program instance data once under Options >
Settings > Compiler.

Figure 10-4 Compiler settings

● For the local setting, select Only create program instance data once under Compiler in
the Insert xxx dialog (xxx = program, function, function block) when adding a program
source (ST and MCC). Note that a change is only possible if the check box is cleared
(click the check box twice). The compiler switch must be placed in RUN before a
download (i.e., source must have been loaded previously with a download in STOP).

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10.7 Download in RUN

Compiler pragma "BlockInit_OnChange" initiates a reinitialization of the program instance data

The pragma "{BlockInit_OnChange := TRUE;}" initiates a reinitialization of the data with the
values specified in the source in the event of changes to the block structure during a
download in RUN. The pragma can be used in VAR_GLOBAL blocks in the interface and
implementation sections of the source (unit).
Where changes are made in VAR_GLOBAL blocks in the INTERFACE section, this pragma
will not be able to prevent any MotionTasks which might be running from stopping a
download in RUN (for details of how to avoid this, see Controlling MotionTasks from SCOUT,
page 438).
Changes made in VAR_GLOBAL blocks in the INTERFACE section may affect other
sources which will then also need to be loaded. This applies to sources which import the
amended source via USES (ST) or are linked with the amended source in the declaration
table (MCC, LAD/FBD). By contrast, only the amended source is affected during the
download where changes are made in VAR_GLOBAL blocks in the IMPLEMENTATION
The pragma can also be used in VAR declarations of programs. For VAR declarations of
programs you must also have set "Only create program instance data once". A message
appears if the pragma has no effect when compiling the source.
The pragma may only be placed at the beginning of a block.
At present the pragma BlockInit_OnChange is only available in ST source files.
Example of the syntax of BlockInit_OnChange:
{BlockInit_OnChange := TRUE;}
Interface_Var_Global1 : INT;
Interface_Var_Global2 : REAL;
If necessary, the pragma can be set at any time.
If it is not possible to perform a download in RUN because of a change to a VAR block within
the program, then the pragma can be subsequently set in the VAR block. Following
compilation, a download in RUN will be possible, because the VAR block will have been
The pragma can be removed again prior to the next download. Where this is not the case,
however, reinitialization is only performed for a change in the VAR block.
See also .

Error messages if download is not possible

Error messages are output during the download if a change is not possible in RUN, e.g. UPP
change in RUN not possible (UPP = User Program Processing). UPP indicates that an error
has occurred when a user program is changed to. The old program is retained in the
controller, the change is rejected. Also refer to Example of a download of changed sources
(Page 466) .
Any changes made to the source in the SCOUT project can be easily undone by reloading
the current data on the controller to the engineering system. This ensures the SCOUT
project is consistent online once more.
See Loading data from the target device to the programming device/PC.

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10.7 Download in RUN

See also
Download of changed technology objects (Page 445)

10.7.3 Initialization of data during a STOP - RUN transition

With the "Only create program instance data once" compiler switch, data initialization only
occurs during a download or when the CPU is ramped up. With V4.1.2 and higher, you can
use a pragma in the units to make settings so that global unit variables and program
variables are also initialized during a STOP-RUN transition. The initialization is performed
immediately before the start of the StartupTask. You can therefore definitely perform an
initialization of the variables during a STOP - RUN transition.
You must insert the pragma "BlockInit_OnDeviceRun".

Always/never initialize data in ST units

● In ST units, you can influence the initialization during a STOP - RUN transition using the
pragma "BlockInit_OnDeviceRun" at the start of the variable blocks. If this pragma is set
to "ALWAYS" in the Var_Global block or in the Var block of programs (if program instance
data is only created once), the variables are initialized at every STOP - RUN transition.
The setting is only valid for the variable block in which the pragma is used. If an
initialization during the STOP/RUN transition is to be specifically prevented, the
"DISABLE" pragma setting is used. You can only use the pragma for VAR declarations of
programs if you have also set "Only create program instance data once".

Declaration block BlockInit_OnDeviceRun

Var_Global Is possible
Var_Global Is possible
Var Only with compiler option "Only create program instance data
once", otherwise no
The compiler issues a warning when the pragma is used at a position where it has no effect.

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10.7 Download in RUN

Setting options for the pragma ("always" or "never")

Initialization ... STOP - RUN transition

Always BlockInit_OnDeviceRun := ALWAYS
Never BlockInit_OnDeviceRun := DISABLE
Example of "always" initialize:
{BlockInit_OnDeviceRun := ALWAYS;}
Test_1 : REAL;
Test_2 : REAL;
Example of "never" initialize (compiler switch "Only create program instance data once" is
{BlockInit_OnDeviceRun := DISABLE;}
Test_1 : REAL;
Test_2 : REAL;

10.7.4 Control of MotionTasks from SCOUT Controlling MotionTasks

You can control MotionTasks from SCOUT without having created a user program.
In this way you can test programs and directly affect the execution of MotionTasks. You can
stop selected MotionTasks, disable them for the sequence or restart them.

Supporting the download in RUN

If you have made changes to sources and want to reload these using download in RUN, an
active MotionTask may prevent a change-over time from being found for the interchange of
the sources. If this is the case, you can stop specific MotionTasks with SCOUT in order to
perform a download in RUN.

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10.7 Download in RUN Switching on debug mode and controlling MotionTasks

To control MotionTasks, you must be ONLINE and switch to debug mode.
1. Right-click the relevant device and execute Test mode in the context menu.
2. Then select the Debug mode option in the Test Mode dialog box, read the safety
instructions, accept these by clicking the option and then clicking OK.

1. After you have activated the debug mode, call the diagnostics via Target system > Device
2. Select a MotionTask and right-click it.
A context menu is displayed.
3. Select Disable task start if you want to block the start of the MotionTask. This prevents
the task from restarting (TASKSTART_LOCKED in task status).
4. Select Reset task if you want to set the task in the STOPPED state. A download in RUN
can be performed in this state.
5. Select Enable task start if you want to release the start of the task. You can then restart
the task from the program or via SCOUT.
6. Select Start task if you want to start the MotionTask.
After executing the task control commands, it takes some time before the display in SCOUT
is refreshed. You can also click the Update (F5) button.

Controlling several MotionTasks simultaneously

1. Select the desired tasks by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking them.
The tasks are selected.
2. Click the Control MotionTasks button and then select the appropriate command in the
displayed context menu.

The task control commands depend on the system task control commands. You can read
the task status in the Task runtimes tab under Task status.

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10.7 Download in RUN

Behavior when changing the operating mode during test mode

The system displays the following behavior if you intentionally or unintentionally exit the
debug mode and at least one task is disabled.
● If the debug mode is exited before all tasks are enabled, the CPU goes into STOP and
the disables are cancelled.
● If you go OFFLINE before all tasks are enabled, the CPU goes into STOP and the
disables are cancelled. If you go ONLINE, the CPU is in process mode again (debug
mode is cancelled).
● A RUN - STOP - RUN transition does not affect the task status. If the task was disabled
before the start, it is also disable for the start.
The CPU goes into STOP if SCOUT unintentionally loses communication to the controller.
SCOUT goes OFFLINE at the same time.

10.7.5 Download without HW Config information

Download with inconsistent HW Config

As of V4.1.2, it is also possible to perform a download with inconsistent HW Config. It is
determined whether a download without HW Config is possible or not. The check determines
whether the changes to the hardware configuration are so significant that the HW Config
also has to be downloaded. Otherwise the HW Config does not have to be downloaded.

The settings for the message frame length, address and data types are adapted in HW
Config in the DP Slave Properties dialog box in the Configuration tab.
The cycle clock settings are made in the Isochronous operation tab.

The following parameter changes require a download with HW Config

● Logical addresses
– Moving address in HW Config
– Adding separate slots to DP nodes or to existing nodes
● Message frame length
– The message frame length must always be the same.
● Cycle clock settings
– DP cycle time and PN send cycle clock may not be changed.

Setting download without HW Config

You can select this additional option in Additional CPU options in the Load to target system
and Load to CPU/drive unit dialogs. You can preset the additional option in Options >
Settings > Download.

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10.7 Download in RUN

10.7.6 Download of changed technology objects

You can reload changes in the configuration data and system variables of a TO you made
offline in RUN (using restart and effective immediately). If necessary, a TO restart is
performed after the download.

Downloading TOs
It is possible to download a changed TO under the following circumstances or prerequisites:
● Only technology objects whose structure is retained can be downloaded (see below)
● A download is performed when a TO is used by a program, e.g. axis is enabled. If
necessary, TO alarms are then output.
● The substitute values of the TO supplied during the download are returned according to
the setting of "restart.behaviorInvalidSysvarAccess" (LAST_VALUE, DEFAULT_VALUE).
If a restart is performed during a download of TOs, access errors from the user program
may occur. The reaction of the CPU or the return value then depends on the settings of
the configuration data item "restart.behaviorInvalidSysvarAccess". If this configuration
data item is set to STOPPED, the CPU goes to STOP. For more information, refer to
System variables (Page 85).
● If the change to a TO cannot be loaded during the download or an error occurs, the
original configuration is retained or re-established (situation as prior to the download).
● The TOs are loaded in succession and take effect immediately.

Behavior when loading from multiple TOs is not possible

If you are loading a group of TOs and one of the TOs cannot be downloaded:
● The configuration for already loaded TOs remains active
● The download for the TO that could not be loaded is rejected
● The download for the TOs not yet loaded continues

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10.7 Download in RUN

Permitting a TO restart
Before the download is performed, you can use an option to select whether a RESTART of
the TOs is to be permitted or not. In this way, you can prevent a TO RESTART. A RESTART
is then executed independently of the setting under RestartCondition.

Figure 10-5 TO overview for download

1. Select the Permit restart on technology objects option.

The option is selected by default. If you deselect the option, this setting is saved for further
downloads with this project, but the dialog continues to be shown. The TO then responds as
though the download is not functioning.

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10.7 Download in RUN

Changeable parameters that allow a download in RUN

Configuration data that can be changed via a download always acts on the structure of the
TO. In addition, changes to units, interconnections, alarm configuration, and profiles also act
on the structure of a TO in such a way that a download in RUN is no longer possible. In view
of this, you are able to change the following data for a download in RUN:
● Immediately effective configuration data
● Configuration data effective at a restart
● System variables
In the expert list of the TOs, the Effectiveness column allows you to recognize whether the
change in a configuration data item takes effect immediately, requires a restart or is possible
only with a download (in STOP). This applies to the configuration data in ONLINE as well as

Performing a download during runtime with Version 4.1.1

If you perform a download in RUN with SCOUT V4.1.2 with the extended functions for
V4.1.2, SCOUT will permit the download. The runtime system V4.1.1 will, however, reject the

10.7.7 Copying RAM to ROM in RUN

If you have performed a download in RUN, you can also save the changes on the memory
card in a powerfail-safe manner.
The Copy RAM to ROM option can be selected beforehand in the download dialog. After a
download, this is also possible by means of a separate function (using the Copy RAM to
ROM button in the toolbar or in the device context menu under Target device).
To preset the option in the download dialog, select Options > Settings > CPU download.
Here, it can also be specified whether or not the actual values of the TO configuration data
are transferred to RAM before the copy RAM to ROM operation.

During "Copy RAM to ROM in RUN", CPU utilization must not be at a critical level (see
device diagnostics) as this function generates additional load.

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Downloading data to the target device
10.8 Download direct to memory card or hard disk

Inconsistent TO after a download in RUN

TOs may become inconsistent after a download in RUN as a result of a TO configuration
data item being amended in the application. You have set the following:
● Settings > CPU download > Accept actual values when copying RAM to ROM
● Download > Copy RAM to ROM
The configuration data amended by the application will then be in the current data memory.
The settings ensure they are copied to the RAM and the memory card (ROM). This causes
the project navigator to indicate an inconsistency. The configured values in the project and
the values in the RAM are different.
You will then be able to proceed as follows:
● Ignore TO inconsistency, then download programs via "Load all programs".
● Analyze the TO inconsistency by means of a project comparison.
● Load the TO configuration data to the programming device using Load to PG.
● Load the TO configuration data by performing a download to the device.

10.8 Download direct to memory card or hard disk

With Load into file system, you can save the executable project data from the SCOUT to the
hard disk of the PC/programming device or directly to the memory card using a card adapter.
Two methods of saving are available:
● With the "Save normally" option, the user directory is created containing the SIMOTION
and SINAMICS subdirectories.
● The "Save compressed" option creates the same content in the form of a Zip file that can
be used, for example, for loading via SIMOTION IT Diag.
The loading to the memory card can be viewed the same as a download with subsequent
copying of RAM to ROM. This function is very useful, for example, during series

To save the data, SCOUT must be in OFFLINE mode and the device must have been
selected in the project navigator for this function to be available.
Perform Edit > Load to file system or Load to file system using the context menu of the CPU
to save the data of a device on a memory card / CF card or locally on a hard disk.
SCOUT does not automatically recognize the connected read and storage media
automatically. The storage/read device must be explicitly selected using Select target. An
executable project is produced when the project data is saved.

When you save data (either to hard disk or CF card), a USER directory is created
automatically so that you can copy data directly to the ROOT directory of a CF card.

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Downloading data to the target device
10.9 Downloading using the device update tool

Loading data from the hard disk to the card

You can copy the data from the hard disk to the CF card. First delete the USER directory on
the card as otherwise inconsistencies can occur. Before doing this, back up any user data
which may be saved on your card.
● Backing up retain data (non-volatile data saved using _savePersistentMemoryData)
stored in the directory:
– user\simotion\pmemory.xml
1. Backing up IT DIAG user files, settings (e.g. trace.xml), task trace data, log files, and
Java files (classes, archives, user file system, etc.), stored in the following directories:
– user\simotion\hmicfg
– user\simotion\hmi
● Backing up unit data (data saved on the CF card using
_saveUnitDataSet/_exportUnitDataSet), stored in the following directory:
– user\simotion\user dir\<unitname>

The stored data must match the firmware of the card. If, for example, you load an old
configuration to a card with the latest firmware, you receive error messages during

10.9 Downloading using the device update tool

SIMOTION offers a convenient solution when updating SIMOTION devices or SIMOTION
projects for machine manufacturers and machine operators. Updating does not simply refer
to an update to a higher version of firmware; rather, in general terms it refers to switching to
a defined configuration, e.g. a project update. It is also possible to return (restore) to a
previous configuration. Update or restore procedures can easily be performed on SIMOTION
devices in situ or remotely. The data can be imported to a SIMOTION device via a portable,
handy storage medium (e.g. memory stick) or a communication connection.

The firmware of connected SINAMICS drives will only be updated if the automatic firmware
update function has been set in parameter p7826 (on every drive unit to be updated).

Detailed information can be found under Updating SIMOTION devices.

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10.10 Loading data from the target device to the programming device (PG)/PC

10.10 Loading data from the target device to the programming device
With Load to PG, the data is loaded from the target device to the programming device/PC. In
this way, the currently loaded project can be loaded from the target device with all settings to
the local hard disk.
Sources or additional data of a project can only be loaded to a programming device when
they have previously been loaded to the target system. Options > Settings > CPU download
> Store additional data on the target device must have been set in the project for this.
The menu entry is only active when you are ONLINE and a device has been selected.
● Loading with an existing original project:
You are placing commissioned equipment into service, along with a project, or loading
the archived project from the memory card of the controller. The project is not consistent
online, but is essentially the same as the project that will run on the target device. You
can use "Load to PG" when performing the upload to create online consistency between
the SCOUT project and the CPU. Afterwards, possible errors are searched for and
changes downloaded to the target device.

Objects in the OFFLINE project will be overwritten. As a result, objects which are only
present OFFLINE will be deleted. If you would like to use the OFFLINE project again,
activate the "Save before loading to PG" option before uploading. This creates a backup
copy of the project.

Procedure where there is an existing project

1. Execute Target system > Load to PG.
The Load to PG dialog box is displayed.
2. Select the option Load target device to PG if you want to load all the project data from the
target device to the programming device. Note the information in the dialog box.
3. Select the option Save before loading to PG if you want to save the project on your PG
before uploading.
4. Select the option Overwrite available libraries if you want to overwrite the libraries of the
project available locally on your programming device.

Only load configuration data to PG

1. Select the "Only load configuration data to PG" option if you want to load the
configuration data from the RAM to the programming device.

Transfer current data to RAM

If you want to load the amended configuration data in the current data memory of the target
device to the RAM before loading to the programming device, select the "Transfer current
data to RAM" checkbox. If you do not transfer the current data to the RAM, it is not loaded to
the programming device.

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Downloading data to the target device
10.10 Loading data from the target device to the programming device (PG)/PC

Loading to the programming device via a project comparison (object granular)

● With the project comparison functionality, you can also load the data for individual objects
to the programming device. For more detailed information, please refer to the online help
on project comparison or the sections relating to project comparison in the SIMOTION

See also
Overview of the data download (Page 429)

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Function Manual, 05/2009 451
Error sources and efficient programming 11
11.1 Error sources during programming

11.1.1 Error sources during programming

Explanations of the most important error sources associated with programming are provided
below. The section also provides you with solution possibilities for eliminating these error

11.1.2 Checking data types when assigning arithmetic expressions

In arithmetic expressions, the result is always calculated in the largest number format
contained in the expression.
An expression value can only be assigned to a variable in the following cases:
● The calculated expression and the variable to be assigned are of the same data type.
● The data type of the calculated expression can be implicitly converted to the data type of
the variable to be assigned.
Therefore, if you wish to assign an expression to a variable, make sure that the variable is of
a large enough data type or perform an explicit data type conversion for that part of the
expression that is too large (see SIMOTION Basic Functions Function Manual).
Example, see .
If applicable, specify the data type explicitly for numbers (e.g. UINT#127, if the number 127
is to be of data type UINT instead of USINT).

See also
Functions for the conversion of numeric data types and bit data types (Page 303)

11.1.3 Checking start of functions in cyclic tasks every time

TO functions, such as functions for positioning axes, should only be started in cyclic tasks if
they are not already running. Otherwise, the commands in your program are executed every
time the cycle is repeated.
You can program a condition for the TO function start in cyclic tasks, e.g. depending on the
contents of an auxiliary variable, which is set when the command is executed.

Table 11- 1 Example for correct TO function start in a cyclic task

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11.1 Error sources during programming

IF myStart = 0 THEN // If auxiliary variable has not yet been set
myStart := 1; // Set auxiliary variable (function started)
myCommandID := _getCommandId ();
myFC := _pos (axis := myAxis, // Execute function
position := position_1,
nextCommand := IMMEDIATELY,
commandID := myCommandID);
IF myAxis.positioningState.actualPosition = position_1 THEN
myStart := 0; // Reset auxiliary variable, if
// function execution required.

11.1.4 Wait times in cyclic tasks

If you link command transitions to conditions when using system functions in cyclic tasks,
e.g. for the _pos command, a timeout can occur, causing a CPU stop.
This can occur in any system function where the nextCommand parameter assumes a value
other than IMMEDIATELY, e.g. the value WHEN_MOTION_DONE.
The timeout occurs if the cycle time configured in SIMOTION SCOUT is exceeded as a
result of a step enabling condition or programmed wait times, e.g. using _waitTime.

Do not use commands with wait times in cyclic tasks, e.g. _waitTime.
Use only input parameter nextCommand := IMMEDIATELY for system functions in cyclic

11.1.5 Using the commandId parameter correctly

All TO commands must contain a parameter for command identification, see Input
parameters of technology functions.
Prior to calling the appropriate command you can obtain a project-wide unique command ID
with the command _getCommandId. Save the command ID in a local variable and use it as
parameter in the TO command, or alternatively use the function call directly in
commandId:=_getCommandId() as parameter.
You must use this unique command ID to check the status of the motion command, e.g. to
check the status of a positioning motion with _getStateOfAxisCommand. The system can
only uniquely identify a motion command from its command ID!

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Error sources and efficient programming
11.1 Error sources during programming

Table 11- 2 Example of using a TO function with command identification

myCommandID : commandIdType;
myState : StructRetCommandState;
myCommandID := _getCommandId ();
// Save unique ID
myFC := _pos (axis := myAxis,
// Execute function with ID
position := position_1,
nextCommand := IMMEDIATELY,
commandID := myCommandID);
myState := _getStateOfAxisCommand (axis:=myAxis,
commandID := myCommandID);
// Status check

See also
Function parameters of the technology functions (Page 69)
_getCommandId function (Page 359)
_getSyncCommandId function (Page 360)

11.1.6 Locating errors (ST programs)

The following error message can occur during compilation:
Error 7000, 7010, 7011, or 7014 in Line ...
A syntax error has occurred. Possible causes:
● Incorrectly terminated control structures (e.g. END_IF missing)
● Statements not terminated with ;
● Missing parentheses
First, check the specified line to see whether the error actually occurred there, i.e. perhaps
you have not terminated a control structure, or have omitted a semicolon at the end of a line,
or a parenthesis is missing.
If you cannot find any of the specified errors, you must locate the error:

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11.1 Error sources during programming

1. Comment out the program block-by-block before the line containing the error message,
i.e. enclose the selected section between the character pair (* and *). The line with the
error message must not be commented out.
2. Recompile the program.
3. If an error message still appears after steps 1 and 2, the commented-out section is too
small. Expand it until the error message disappears.
4. When the error message no longer appears, the error is contained in the commented-out
section. Now reduce the size of the commented-out section line by line and recompile the
program each time until the error message appears again. The last enabled line is the
line with the error message.

You can consult a list of all compiler error messages in the appendix of the ST
programming manual.

11.1.7 Errors on download

If an error message occurs when your program is downloaded, the log is held in the
SIMOTION SCOUT detail view. Look for the error cause in the log. Check your hardware
configuration or the program, e.g. for addresses that do not exist.
For more information about hardware configuration and addressing, refer to the SIMOTION
SCOUT configuration manual.
Error messages during the download that contain the abbreviation UPP (User Program
Processing) occur when a user program is being processed, e.g. when changes cannot be
performed in RUN.

11.1.8 CPU does not switch to RUN

If the CPU switches back to STOP mode immediately after you have started your programs,
check the device diagnostics and alarm window in SCOUT. The causes for the STOP are
entered in the diagnostics buffer. The alarms of the technology objects which can also cause
a CPU STOP are displayed in the Alarms window.

11.1.9 CPU goes to STOP

If the CPU changes to STOP mode then check the device diagnostics and the alarm window
in the SCOUT. Causes for the STOP are entered in the diagnostics buffer. The alarms of the
technology objects that can also cause a CPU STOP are displayed in the Alarms window.
Possible reasons, why a CPU can go into STOP are:

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Error sources and efficient programming
11.1 Error sources during programming

● Incorrect direct I/O access

● Configuration data access or system variable access to TO if in RESTART (as of V4.1,
however, substitute values for system variables are possible; see System variables
(Page 85))
● Missing PeripheralFaultTask (if there is incorrect access to the process image)
● Missing TechnologicalFaultTask (if there are errors on the technology object)
● Processing error in the programs (or missing ExecutionFaultTask)
● Monitoring time overflow of the IPO/servo tasks
● Monitoring time overflow of the BackgroundTask
● Monitoring overflow of a TimerInterruptTask
● Sign-of-life monitoring Simotion - drive
● TO alarms with STOP response (e.g. 20001).
● Set mode using system variable

Displaying and changing the operating mode

Use the device system variable modeOfOperation to display or change the current operating
Syntax example

modeOfOperation :EnumDeviceModeOfOperation //readable, writable,

immediately effective
For example, with this, you can switch a SIMOTION CPU that has gone into STOP into RUN
again from a local HMI by writing the device system variables.
Detailed information about the system variable modeOfOperation can be found in the
System Functions/Variables of the Devices Manual or in the online help.

See also
Execution errors in programs (Page 96)
Access errors to system variables and configuration data, as well as I/O variables for direct
access (Page 99)
SystemInterruptTasks (Page 164)
Possible errors in technology objects (Page 115)

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11.1 Error sources during programming

11.1.10 Checking and setting system clocks

Often, incorrectly set system cycle clocks (servo cycle clock, interpolator cycle clock, PWM
cycle clock) cause the SIMOTION device to go to STOP mode.
Check the runtimes of the SynchronousTasks (IPOsynchronousTask,
IPOsynchronousTask_2, tasks for the TControl technology package). It could be that the
user programs or system programs for individual tasks need more time than is set in the
system cycle clocks in SIMOTION SCOUT.
Also try to minimize the runtime of the SynchronousTasks. Shift the programs to
MotionTasks as much as possible, and split up your programs accordingly, if necessary.
Make sure there is an integer ratio between individual tasks. Otherwise, low-priority
SynchronousTasks will not be started at periodic intervals.
Disable unnecessary tasks.

The system tasks for the TControl technology package can be disabled in the system cycle
clock settings window.

Refer to the online help for information about how to check the device diagnostics, interpret
the alarm window and check/change your system clocks.
System functions and a Task Trace are available for checking the runtimes. The Task Trace
can be used to graphically display the sequence of individual tasks and user events
(generated per program command); see Task Trace function manual.
See also Isochronous data processing (Page 206) , Functions for message programming
(AlarmS) (Page 277)

11.1.11 Comparing REAL or LREAL variables

When you compare REAL variables or LREAL variables (also corresponding system
variables, e.g. axis position) with one another, you should never use "=". Because of the
different internal number representation, the compared numbers are never identical. Instead,
you should evaluate, for example, the direction of motion and use ">" or "<" or the system
variable for "Position window reached".

11.1.12 Sequential task is interrupted

Sequential tasks (MotionTasks) can assume different statuses, including
TASK_STATE_WAITING. The status can be read out in the diagnostics display of the CPU.
If you do not know why the task is waiting, you must carry out an extensive search to identify
the point in the program at which the task is waiting on a condition.
You use the following functions to find these points:

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11.1 Error sources during programming

● Display program run function

● Display code position (e.g., line of an ST source) file that runs a MotionTask
For detailed information refer to Section Program run in the ST programming manual.

11.1.13 Checking for range violations

Range violations, i.e. the violation of range limits for a data type, are not signaled by the
compiler. Therefore, if you use variables in arithmetic operations, you should always check
for possible range violations.

Table 11- 3 Example of checking for a range violation

a,b : SINT := 100;
c: SINT;

c := a + b;
// If c is outside range, then exit program.
IF (a > 0) AND (c < a) AND (c < b) OR
(a < 0) AND (c > a) AND (c > b) THEN
// Range violation
; // OK

11.1.14 Setting size of local data stack

When configuring the execution system, set the size of the reserved local data stack for each
task. Use the program structure function to obtain information about the memory
requirements of a program with all called POUs (FCs and FBs) on the stack (see Program
structure in the ST Programming Manual). During configuration, ensure that there is
sufficient spare. For example, temporary additional storage may be required on the local
data stack during downloading in RUN.
The download operation will be aborted with an error message if the reserved local data
stack exceeds the available memory space in the RAM.
The program will be aborted during execution if the reserved local data stack is insufficient
for program execution.
In the event of an error, check the following:

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11.2 Efficient programming

● RAM utilization in the device diagnostics

● The sources (programs, etc.) for large data structures (arrays, structures), e.g. using the
cross-reference list
● Size of local data stack for the task

See also
Specifications for the configuring (Page 237)

11.2 Efficient programming

11.2.1 Efficient programming - overview

The following discrepancy always occurs in many control systems and/or the associated
programming environments:
● Well structured and concise user programs with special emphasis on modifiability and
expandability do not perform optimally with regard to runtime.
● On the other hand, runtime-optimized programs are difficult to expand or modify.
The following description provides information for runtime-optimizing programming and for
change-optimizing programming. Depending on the task or with local optimizations, you
should focus on one of these options.

11.2.2 Runtime optimized programming Runtime-optimized programming

The following description contains information about runtime-optimized programming. Note
that instructions for runtime-optimizing programming are often at odds with the rules of
structured programming. Optimizing access to inputs and outputs

Access to the process image of cyclic tasks is significantly faster than direct access to inputs
or outputs (see Direct access and process image of the cyclic tasks in the ST Programming
Manual). Therefore, you should assign an I/O variable to the process image of the task in
which the variable is used. In addition to quicker access, another advantage of this is that the
I/O variable will be consistent during the entire runtime of the task.

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11.2 Efficient programming Optimizing access to system variables

It takes considerably longer to access system variables (seeSystem variables (Page 85))
than to access variables that are stored in the dynamic memory (local variables, non-
retentive unit variables).
Therefore, only a few direct access operations to system variables are possible in high-
speed cyclic tasks (e.g. SynchronousTasks). For this reason, when a system variable is
accessed many times, it is recommended that you copy the entire system variable structure
at the beginning of a cycle (program in the cyclic task) to a local variable of the
corresponding system data type. Then access this variable during the program cycle.
The data types for declaring the local variables can be found in the Parameter Manuals for
SIMOTION technology objects (TOs). Optimal variable declaration

Arrange the variables within a declaration block (e.g. VAR/END_VAR) in order of ascending
size. This enables you to make optimal use of the memory space.
Initialize variables with values other than 0 only when necessary. Variable initialization at the
start of a task or POU requires time. This is especially the case for temporary variables and
variables of programs that are assigned to sequential tasks. Optimizing access to function block parameters

When creating function blocks (FBs) that are to process values, you can select one of two
methods. You can assign input variables in the FB with VAR_INPUT, process the variables
there, and assign the results to output parameters with VAR_OUTPUT.
If a large data volume is to be transferred to the FB, it can be faster to use in/out parameters
(VAR_IN_OUT) than to use input and output parameters (VAR_INPUT and VAR_OUTPUT).
Parameters can be transferred more quickly because copying is eliminated, however, it
could take longer to access the variable from the FB under certain conditions.

When you access unit variables or global device variables with in/out parameters, note that
other tasks can access these variables at the same time. Optimizing function block calls

Only for SIMOTION Kernel V3.0 and below:
When you call the instance of a function block (FB), the instance data are copied to the stack
(see ); when you exit the instance, they are copied back from the stack to the instance. Avoid
FBs with large amounts of instance data due to their long runtimes.

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11.2 Efficient programming Optimizing program structure

Make sure that your ST source files and the POUs they contain are structured clearly and
concisely. However, avoid modularizing your source files too much, since it takes longer to
access functions and variables of imported units than functions and variables within a unit. Optimizing the execution system

Assign the IPOsynchronousTask to a single program only. This reduces the risk of a timeout
during runtime.
Use functions that are executed synchronously in MotionTasks only. (During synchronous
processing, the next command is not executed until processing of the pending command
satisfies a condition, e.g. it is complete.)
Make sure that not too many MotionTasks are active simultaneously.
For more efficient programming of cyclic tasks (primarily the BackgroundTask) go to
sequence controlled programming. This means you consciously control the program flow via
case decisions and only run through the portions of code that are relevant in the current
status (e.g. via CASE statement).
Moreover edge triggered program instead of level-triggered programming is recommended.
Do not run through the relevant code cyclically (if the level of the condition is TRUE) but
rather just once. This is done by querying the satisfied condition on rising edge (new status
of the condition is TRUE, the old status on the other hand was FALSE). Use of USEPACKAGE for multiple technology packages

Syntax for the use of "USEPACKAGE" for several technology packages

If you want to use more than one technology package simultaneously, you can select it again
using the following syntax.

Table 11- 4 Formal description

usepackagestatement ::= ‘USEPACKAGE‘ packagelist ‘;‘

packagelist ::= packageentry {‘,‘ packageentry }
packageentry ::= simplepackname | namespacepackname
simplepackname ::= packagename
namespacepackname ::= packagename ‘AS‘ namespaceident
//packagename and namespaceident must be valid identifiers

11.2.3 Change-optimized programming Change-optimized programming

The following description contains information about change-optimized programming.

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11.2 Efficient programming

For information about downloading in RUN, please see Download of changed sources in
RUN (Page 436) . Declaring retentive variables in one unit

Declare all retentive variables in the interface section in one single unit. This has the
following advantage:
● It enables you to make optimal use of limited memory space.
● The variables are only initialized if the interface section in this unit has been changed.
● As of V4.1 you can also use multiple declaration blocks, see Use multiple VAR_GLOBAL,
VAR_GLOBAL RETAIN blocks (Page 240) . HMI variables in one unit

Declare variables that are exported to HMI devices (see HMI (Human Machine Interface)
coupling (Page 397)). In the case of larger projects or strictly delimited software modules, a
separate HMI unit per module is appropriate.
● The HMI project (e.g. WinCC flexible, ProTool) must only be downloaded again if the
interface section of this unit has been changed.
● You also have the option of disabling the consistency check during commissioning
(Options > Settings > Download), though you do so at your own risk. Please note that, as
there is no check for inconsistencies (e.g. for valid hardware addresses), access to
processes may go unmonitored.
● You can also mark HMI relevant data, see Marking HMI relevant data (Page 243).
See also HMI (Human Machine Interface) connection (Page 397) . Using device global variables versus unit global variables

Use of global unit variables in sources is preferable to use of device global variables (via the
project navigator).

● Variable structures can be used.
● Initialization (initial values) of the variables for the STOP-RUN transition is possible (via
program in StartupTask)
● For newly created global unit variables a download in RUN is also possible (in a new
declaration block)

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11.2 Efficient programming

1. Define unit-global variables in a source file in the interface section.
Retain variables and HMI variables should likewise each be declared in a separate
source file or declaration block (see above).
2. Assign the program with the initialization of the variables to the StartupTask.
The variables will be set to a defined initial value in the startup.

Figure 11-1 Example of the declaration of structures in an MCC source file

Figure 11-2 Example of the declaration of parameters in an MCC source file

Table 11- 5 Example declaration and program in an ST source file (unit)

//global types
MyStruct : STRUCT
Intvalue : INT;
Realvalue: REAL;
Bitvalue : BOOL;
//global constants
n : INT := 0;
m: INT := 15;
//global variables
Bitarray : ARRAY [n..m] OF BOOL := [16 (FALSE)];
Intarray : ARRAY [0..15] OF INT := [16 (0) ];
Realarray: ARRAY [0..15] OF REAL:= [16 (0.0) ];
StructVar: MyStruct;

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//end of the interface

//initialization of the variables during startup//
StructVar.Intvalue :=0;
StructVar.Bitvalue :=FALSE;
The program is then assigned to the StartupTask.
Always when unit global variables will be used in a different source file the source files must
be combined with the source file that contains the declaration (USES). See also Connection
to other program sources or to libraries in the MCC Programming Manual or Use of the
USES statement in the interface or implementation section of an importing unit in the ST
programming manual. Centralized starting and resetting of MotionTasks

To enhance programming clarity, program starting and resetting of MotionTasks in one
centralized location.

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11.2 Efficient programming Example of a download of changed sources

Example program for download in RUN

The screen below illustrates the structure of a project's execution system intended to show
when and under what conditions a download in RUN is possible if you wish to insert or
change a variable. As you can see, the execution system contains tasks, each of which
contain different units.

Figure 11-3 Structure of the execution system

The Download in Run graphic shows which program units can be called in succession. For
example, Motion_Unit_01 calls FunctionBlock_01, which in turn calls the two functions
Function_01 and Function_02.
For Motion_Unit_01 and Cyclic_Unit_05, only the basic conditions described in Download of
changed sources in RUN (Page 436) exist.
The area highlighted in red identifies the program blocks where a download in RUN could
cause problems.
Motion_Unit_02 contains a While TRUE loop, from which FunctionBlock_02 and then
Function_02 are then called in turn (see example of a While loop in the corresponding
section). Because the loop prevents a download in RUN (no change-over time possible), the
function block and the function called in the loop are blocked. The conditions under which,
conversely, a download in RUN is possible, are listed in the table below.

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11.2 Efficient programming

86(6*OREDO 86(6*OREDO


86(6*OREDO 86(6*OREDO


Figure 11-4 Download in RUN

With SIMOTION V4.1.2, you can also control MotionTasks from SCOUT. You can therefore
stop the MotionUnit_02, perform the download and then restart the MotionUnit_02; see .

Overview of the options for a download in RUN

The table below shows which data can be changed where.

Change location I/O variable

Change location Global device variables

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11.2 Efficient programming

Change location Interface

Type Var_Global Var_Global Var_Global USES USEPACKAGE
Retain Constant
Motion_Unit_01 4) 2) 4) 4) 6)
Motion_Unit_02 1) 1) 1) 6) 1) 1)
Motion_Unit_03 4) 2) 4) 4) 6)
Cyclic_Unit_04 4) 2) 4) 4) 6)
Cyclic_Unit_05 4) 2) 4) 4) 6)
Function_Block_01 4) 2) 4) 4) 6)
Function_Block_02 1) 1) 1) 6) 1) 1)
Function_Block_05 4) 2) 4) 4) 6)
Function_01 4) 2) 4) 4) 6)
Function_02 1) 1) 1) 6) 1) 1)
Function_05 4) 2) 4) 4) 6)
Global 1) 1) 1) 6) 1) 1)
Global_FB 1) 6) 1) 1)

Change location Implementation

Type Var_Global Var_Global Var_Global USES USEPACKAGE
Retain Constant
Motion_Unit_01 4) 2) 4) 4) 6)
Motion_Unit_02 1) 1) 1) 6) 1) 1)
Motion_Unit_03 4) 2) 4) 4) 6)
Cyclic_Unit_04 4) 2) 4) 4) 6)
Cyclic_Unit_05 4) 2) 4) 4) 6)
Function_Block_01 4) 2) 4) 4) 6)
Function_Block_02 1) 1) 1) 6) 1) 1)
Function_Block_05 4) 2) 4) 4) 6)
Function_01 4) 2) 4) 4) 6)
Function_02 1) 1) 1) 6) 1) 1)
Function_05 4) 2) 4) 4) 6)

Change location Program

Type Var Var_Temp Var_Constant Code change
Motion_Unit_01 motion1_prg_01
Motion_Unit_02 motion2_prg_01 1) 1) 1) 1)
Motion_Unit_03 motion3_prg_01 2)7) 3)
Cyclic_Unit_04 cyclic4_prg_01 2)5) 5)
Cyclic_Unit_05 cyclic5_prg_01 2)7) 3)

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11.2 Efficient programming

Change location FunctionBlock

Type Var Var_ Var Code Var_Input Var_In_O Var_Outp
Temp Constant change ut ut
FunctionBlock_01 Fb1_single_
FunctionBlock_02 Fb2_multi_c 6) 1)7) 1)7) 1)7)
all_01 1)2) 1)7)
FunctionBlock_03 Fb5_single_ 6) 7) 7) 7)
call_01 2)7) 7)

Change Function
Type Var Var Code Var_Input Var_In_Out Return
Constant change value
Function_01 Fc1_single_call_01
Function_02 Fc2_multi_call_01 1) 1) 1)
Function_03 Fc5_single_call_01

Key for tables

Footnote Description
1) MotionTask_2 must be stopped prior to commencing the download:
- Download is prevented by a continuous loop (WHILE TRUE) in the program.
- Download will also be prevented if the program waits too long in
"WAITFORCONDITION", remains set to "_waitTime" or waits for synchronous
commands to finish.
2) In terms of use, structural changes are the same as creating/modifying a variable.
3) Use the "BlockInit_OnChange" pragma.
4) Additional variable can be inserted by means of an additional variable block or using
the "BlockInit_OnChange" pragma.
5) Only possible if the "Only create program instance data once" setting has been
selected and you are using the "BlockInit_OnChange" pragma.
6) Ability to change depending on use:
- Code is always possible.
- Field lengths; same as when creating/modifying a variable, possible with
"BlockInit_OnChange" pragma.
- Initial value is always possible, analogous to code.
7) Reinitialization necessary, you may need to use the "BlockInit_OnChange" pragma.
It must always be possible to download the entire content of a unit. If one of the programs in a unit
(e.g. interface, implementation) is not functioning, download of the entire unit will be prevented.
Can always be changed.
Restricted changes are possible; a description of the information to be taken into
account is provided (see footnote).
Cannot be changed; see footnote for reason.

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11.2 Efficient programming

See also
Control of MotionTasks from SCOUT (Page 442)
Controlling MotionTasks (Page 442)

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Appendix A A
A.1 Symbolic constants
The following table presents names of reserved constants that you must not use for
individual variable names.

Table A- 1 Symbolic constants of the Taskstartinfo

Symbolic constant Data type Value


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Appendix A
A.1 Symbolic constants

Table A- 2 Symbolic constants of task states

Symbolic constant Data type Hex notation


Table A- 3 Symbolic constants for alarm messages

Symbolic constant Data type Hex notation


Table A- 4 Symbolic constants for the value range limits of elementary data types

Symbolic constant Data type Value Hex notation

SINT#MIN SINT -128 16#80
INT#MIN INT -32768 16#8000
INT#MAX INT 32767 16#7FFF
DINT#MIN DINT -2147483648 16#8000_0000
DINT#MAX DINT 2147483647 16#7FFF_FFFF
UINT#MIN UINT 0 16#0000

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Appendix A
A.2 Identifiers with defined meaning in SIMOTION

Symbolic constant Data type Value Hex notation

UDINT#MIN UDINT 0 16#0000_0000
T#MIN TIME T#0ms 16#0000_00001
T#MAX TIME T#49d_17h_2m_47s_295ms 16#FFFF_FFFF1
TOD#MIN TOD TOD#00:00:00.000 16#0000_00001
TOD#MAX TOD TOD#23:59:59.999 16#0526_5BFF1
1 Internal display only

Table A- 5 Symbolic constants for invalid values of selected data types

Symbolic constant Data type Meaning

STRUCTALARMID#NIL StructAlarmId Invalid AlarmId
STRUCTTASKID#NIL StructTaskId Invalid TaskId
TO#NIL ANYOBJECT Invalid technology object

A.2 Identifiers with defined meaning in SIMOTION

This chapter contains an alphabetical listing of identifiers with a predefined meaning in
SIMOTION. The list contains:
● The reserved and protected identifiers of the SIMOTION ST (Structured Text)
programming language
● The reserved and protected identifiers of other programming languages
● The general standard functions and standard function blocks with their associated data
● The functions for task control, runtime measurement and message programming (see
Programming Execution System/Tasks/System Cycle Clocks (Page 235)) with their
associated data types
● The system functions and system variables of SIMOTION devices with their associated
data types
● The system functions, system variables (and configuration data) of technology packages
The response when these identifier are used is different, e.g.:
● Compiler error with reserved identifiers
● Possible masking and resulting inability to obtain the identifiers
Under certain circumstances, the compiler may not issue a warning if, for example, the
associated technology package is not imported.

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Basic functions
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Appendix A
A.2 Identifiers with defined meaning in SIMOTION


Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 549
Appendix A
A.2 Identifiers with defined meaning in SIMOTION


Basic functions
550 Function Manual, 05/2009
Appendix A
A.2 Identifiers with defined meaning in SIMOTION



Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 551
Appendix A
A.2 Identifiers with defined meaning in SIMOTION



Basic functions
552 Function Manual, 05/2009
Appendix A
A.2 Identifiers with defined meaning in SIMOTION


Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 553
Appendix A
A.2 Identifiers with defined meaning in SIMOTION




Basic functions
554 Function Manual, 05/2009
Appendix A
A.2 Identifiers with defined meaning in SIMOTION


Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 555
Description, 319
_ _fixedGearType, 73
_formulaObjectType, 73
_additionObjectType, 73
_alarm, 278, 370
Application, 370
Description, 286
Application, 368, 369
_getAverageTaskIdRunTime, 274
_getBit, 294
Application, 368, 369
_getCommandId, 359
Error source, 454
Application, 368, 369
_getCurrentTaskIdRunTime, 273
Description, 285
_getDeviceId, 362
Application, 368
Description, 335
Application, 369
_getMaximalTaskIdRunTime, 270
Description, 279
_getMemoryCardId, 363
_getMinimalTaskIdRunTime, 271
Application, 368
_getPendingAlarms, 287
Application, 369
_getsafeValue, 329
Application, 369
Brief description, 255
Application, 368
Description, 257
Description, 282
_AND, 298
Description, 354
Example, 381
_camTrackType, 73
_GetStateOfXCommand, 388
_getSyncCommandId, 360
Description, 268
Application, 393
Example, 113
Application, 255
Application, 376
Application, 278
Description, 355
Description, 267
_controllerObjectType, 73
Application, 376
Application, 376
Description, 357
Description, 320
Application, 376
Application, 376
Description, 352
Description, 341
_device, 338, 342, 349, 352, 356, 358, 377
Example, 380
_NOT11, 298
Brief description, 256
_OR, 298
_pathAxis, 73
_pathobjecttype, 73
_project, 82
See also name space, 82
Application, 376

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 557

Application, 374 _SC_STATION_RECONNECTED, 107

Description, 328 _SC_TO_INSTANCE_NOT_EXISTENT, 106
_resetAlarmId, 288 _SC_VARIABLE_ACCESS_ERROR_READ, 106
_resetAllAlarmId, 288 _SC_VARIABLE_ACCESS_ERROR_WRITE, 106
_resetTaskId _sensorType, 73
Brief description, 254 _setBit, 295
Description, 259 _setDeviceErrorLED, 364
_resetUnitData _setDriveObjectSTW, 365
Application, 376 _setSafeValue
_restartTaskId Description, 332
Brief description, 254 _sizeOf, 367
Description, 260 _startSyncCommand
_resumeTaskId Application, 393
Brief description, 255 _startTaskId
Description, 261 Brief description, 254
_retriggerTaskControlTimeId Description, 264
Description, 263 _suspendTaskId
_retriggerTaskIdControlTime Brief description, 254
Brief description, 255 Description, 265
_S7_COUNTER, 420 _task, 255
_S7_TIMER, 421 _testAndSetSemaphore
_saveUnitDataSet Application, 374
Application, 376 Description, 327
Description, 337 _to, 82
Example, 381 see also Name space, 82
_SC_ALARM_CONFIGURATION, 111 _toggleBit, 297
_SC_ARRAY_BOUND_ERROR_READ, 106 _waitTime, 454
_SC_ARRAY_BOUND_ERROR_WRITE, 106 Application, 253
_SC_DIAGNOSTIC_INTERRUPT, 107 _writeAndSendMessage
_SC_DIVISION_BY_ZERO, 106 device function, 368
_SC_DP_SLAVE_SYNCHRONIZED, 108 Application, 385
_SC_DP_SYNCHRONIZATION_LOST, 108 Parameter description, 387
_SC_DRIVE_OBJECT_, 109 _Xsend
_SC_DRIVE_OBJECT_ALARM, 109 Application, 385
_SC_EXCEPTION, 111 Parameter description, 386
_SC_EXTERNAL_COMMAND, 111 Structure of destination address, 386
ABS, 290
ACOS, 292
Actual torque, 60
Addition object, 38
Additive torque, 61
Alarm group association, 116
AlarmId, 278

Basic functions
558 Function Manual, 05/2009

Configuration, 95 BOOL_VALUE_TO_UINT, 304

Possible reactions, 95 BOOL_VALUE_TO_USINT, 304
Querying TaskStartInfo, 113 Buffer management
AlarmS AlarmS messages, 370
Buffer management, 370 BYTE_TO_BOOL, 304
ALARMS_ERROR, 280, 283, 285 BYTE_TO_DINT, 304
284 BYTE_TO_UINT, 304
ANYOBJECT, 73, 318 C
Cam, 37, 73
Description, 318
Cam track (camTrackType), 37
camType, 73
Description, 311
Clock synchronization
Terminal-terminal, 213
Description, 311
Command processing
ASIN, 292
Diagnostics, 80
Asynchronous command execution, 30
Command reference - commandId;, 80
For data transmission, 385
CommandId, 30
ATAN, 292
Error source, 454
Axis, 37
Drive axis, 73
Step enabling condition, 77
Following axis, 73
CommandId, 30
Position axis, 73
Return value, 30, 65, 128
synchronous/asynchronous, 30
Communication commands, 385
BackgroundTask, 137, 151 Expert list, 47, 50
TaskStartInfo, 103 CONCAT_DATE_TOD, 307
BEGIN_SYNC Configuration, 29
Application, 393 Execution system, 176
BigByteArray_to_AnyType Configuration data, 29
Description, 313, 315 Consistency commands
Bistable function block, 403 Application, 374
Bit string standard functions, 292 Description, 326
Blocking calls, 454 Constant bus cycle time, 181
BOOL_TO_BYTE, 303 Controller object, 38
BOOL_TO_DWORD, 303 ControlPanelTask, 137
BOOL_TO_WORD, 303 COS, 292
BOOL_VALUE_TO_INT, 303, 304 STOP, 95

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 559

CTU, 407 DINT_TO_WORD, 304

CTU_UDINT, 409 Down counter (system FB), 410
CTUD, 411 Download
CTUD_DINT, 412 CPU/drive unit, 433
CTUD_UDINT, 412 Project, 429
Cycle clock source To memory card or hard disk, 448
Selection, 181 Download in RUN
Cycle time Changed sources, 436
Monitoring, 193 Changed technology objects, 445
Cyclic program execution Enabling, 437
Determining, 237 Without HW Config, 444
Influencing, 254 Drive axis, 73
Status of the task, 245 driveAxis, 73
Cyclic tasks, 137 1, 284
D, 280, 283
80, 283, 285
Sending, 385
81, 284
Data processing
Isochronous, 206
280, 283
Data types
Conversions, 303
280, 283
Enumerator, 70
Enumerators, 70
DT_TO_TOD, 307
Error sources, 453
Technology objects, 73
DCC, 19
Block, 216
DCCAux Task, 221
DCCAux_2 Task, 221
T1(DCC) task, 218
T2(DCC) task, 219
T3(DCC) task, 220
For command processing, 80
DINT_TO_DWORD, 304 Edge detection
DINT_TO_INT, 304 In message programming, 369
DINT_TO_LREAL, 304 System FBs, 405
DINT_TO_REAL, 304 effectiveTaskruntime, 192
DINT_TO_SINT, 304 Efficient programming, 460
DINT_TO_STRING, 310 encoder
DINT_TO_UDINT, 304 External, 73
DINT_TO_USINT, 304 Application, 393

Basic functions
560 Function Manual, 05/2009

Enumerator data types, 70
F_TRIG, 406
Enumerators, 70
Fault, 95
Cyclic tasks, 454
CommandId missing, 454
Wait times in cycle, 454
Comparing REAL variables, 458
FBD, 19
CPU not in RUN, 456
Fields of application, 20
Cyclic tasks, 453
Filter for error numbers, 373
Data type conversion, 453
Fixed gear, 38
during operations with floating-point numbers, 97
Floating-point number
Locating, 455
Error cause, 458
Range violation, 459
Floating-point numbers
Return values of commands, 65
Error, 97
runtime, 95
Following axis, 73
TO function in cycle, 453
Following object, 37, 73
while accessing system data, 130
followingAxis, 73
Error activation, 118
followingObjectType, 73
errorgroup, 116
Formula object, 38
Event-driven tasks, 137
FPU exception, 97
Free-running tasks, 137
Expression, 249
Using data types of TOs, 74
Communication, 385
WaitForCondition, 249
Error sources during a call, 453, 454
Execution errors, 96
Semaphores (application), 374
Execution level, 235
Semaphores (description);, 326
Interrupts, 236
Standard function, 289
Overview, 133
Function block
Round robin, 236
Efficient parameter access, 461
Tasks, 135
System function block, 401
Time-controlled, 236
Function chart, 19
Execution system, 133
Function parameters
configuring, 176
System functions, 69
Symbol browser, 145
ExecutionFaultTask, 99, 166, 236
TaskStartInfo, 105
EXP, 291
EXPD, 291 General interconnection screen form, 35
Expert list General standard functions, 290
Comparing, 47, 50 Global control telegram (GC), 204
Saving as executable script, 46 Global response
User-defined parameter list, 44 Technological alarms, 117
Using, 41
Expert List, 38
Exponentiation, 291 H
Hardware platforms, 22
Description (in context), 247
HMI (Human Machine Interface), 397
EXPT, 291
HW Config, 16
External encoder, 37, 73
externalEncoderType, 73
I/O processing

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 561

Isochronous, 203 L
Ladder diagram, 19
Reserved for basic system, 473
Level overflow, 190
Implicit interconnection, 34
Monitoring, 192
Infinity, 97
Technology package, 94
Data for STOP-RUN transition, 441
LIMIT, 325
Source and TO data separated, 435
Technology objects, 73
Description, 313
InputSynchronousTask_1:, 158, 236
LN, 291
TaskStartInfo, 103
InputSynchronousTask_2, 158, 236
CPU/drive unit, 433
TaskStartInfo, 103
Data from the hard disk to the card, 449
Instantiation, 27, 29
Project to PG, 450
INT#MAX, 472
To file system, 448
INT#MIN, 472
Local response
Technological alarms, 117
LOG, 291
Logarithmic standard functions, 291
implicit, 34
of technology objects, 51
Via general interconnection screen forms, 35
via technological interconnection screen forms, 35
Interconnection overview, 52
Interconnection table, 53 Marshalling, 311
Interface arrangements, 385 Masked error numbers, 373
Interpolator cycle clock, 182 MAX, 323
Interpolator cycle clock 2, 182 Measuring input, 37, 73
Interrupt measuringInputType, 73
Programmable, 247 Mechatronics, 19
IPO cycle clock, 182 Messages
IPO_2 cycle clock, 182 Alarms, 95
IPOsynchronousTask, 160, 236 Programming, 277, 368
TaskStartInfo, 103 MIN, 324
IPOsynchronousTask_2, 160, 236 Monitoring
TaskStartInfo, 103 Cycle time, 193
IPOTask, 161 Timeouts and level overflows, 192
IPOTask_2, 161 Motion
Isochronous data processing, 206 Interface type, 59
Isochronous I/O processing, 203 Motion basis, 59
Motion control, 133
Motion Control, 19, 133

Basic functions
562 Function Manual, 05/2009

Motion Control Chart, 18 Assigning tasks, 237

MotionTasks, 137, 147 Increasing efficiency, 460
Controlling, 442 Locating errors, 455, 456
TaskStartInfo, 103 Program data instantiation
MUX, 322 One-time, 436
Program instance data, 437
Programming, 18
N Command execution; command execution;, 75
Error sources, 453
Increasing efficiency, 460
Quiet, 97
Programs, 133
Signaling, 97
Assigning tasks, 176
NaNq, 97
Project, 17
NaNs, 97
Check consistency, 431
Numeric standard functions, 290
Compiling, 431
Download, 429
ProTool, 397
Pulse (system FB), 413
OFF delay (system FB), 415 Pulse-width modulation cycle clock, 183
Offline mode, 18 PWMsynchronousTask, 158, 236
ON delay (system FB), 414 TaskStartInfo, 103
One-off program data instantiation
Compiler switch, 438
One-time program data instantiation, 241 R
Online mode, 18
R_TRIG, 405
OperationLevel, 139
Range violation, 459
Output cam, 37, 73
outputCamType, 73
Value specification; reference parameter REAL_TO_STRING, 310
Value specification, 71 REAL_TO_TIME, 308
Parameter REAL_TO_UDINT, 305
Efficient access in function blocks, 461 REAL_TO_UINT, 305
Path axis, 73 REAL_TO_USINT, 305
Path object, 37, 73 REAL_VALUE_TO_BOOL, 305
PeripheralFaultTask, 166, 236 REAL_VALUE_TO_BYTE, 305
TaskStartInfo, 107 REAL_VALUE_TO_DWORD, 305
Permit language extensions, 242 REAL_VALUE_TO_WORD, 305
PLC functionality, 19 References, 4
PLCopen, 19 Reserved identifiers, 473
posAxis, 73 Return value, 30, 128
Position axis, 73 Rising edge
Position control cycle clock, 182 System FB, 405
PostControlTask_1, 158, 236 ROL, 293
TaskStartInfo, 103 ROR, 293
PostControlTask_2, 158, 236 Round robin, 137, 194
TaskStartInfo, 103 Setting time allocation, 196
Priorities, 141 RTC, 415
Process alarms, 114 RUN
Program Effect on variable initialization, 238

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 563

Mode not reached, 456 SINT_TO_DWORD, 305

Runtime group, 216 SINT_TO_INT, 306
Runtime model, 143 SQRT, 290
Runtime system, 135 SR, 403, 404
Stack size, 180
Standard functions, 289, 290
S Start sequence
Tasks, 142
SEL, 321
StartupTask, 137, 145
Semaphore commands
TaskStartInfo, 103
Application), 374
Description, 326
Task (status values), 245
STOP mode, 95
Data, 385
Sensor, 38
Effect on variable initialization, 238
Error cause, 456
in the round robin execution level, 194
Sequential program execution
Editing functions, 299
Determining, 237
Influencing, 254
Status of the task, 245
Sequential tasks, 137
Servo cycle clock, 182
ServoSynchronousTask, 159, 236
Structure-changing variables, 447
TaskStartInfo, 103
Structured text, 18
Set flip-flop, 403
Symbol browser
SHL, 293
Execution system, 145
SHR, 293
Synchronous command execution, 30
ShutdownTask, 137, 174
For data transmission, 385
TaskStartInfo, 110
Synchronous start, 393
SIMATIC S7 device
Synchronous tasks, 137
Communication with SIMOTION devices, 388
SynchronousTasks, 137, 158
Destination address, structure, 386
TaskStartInfo, 103
System architecture, 15
Execution system, 133
System clocks
Fields of application, 20
Assigning, 187
Motion control, 19
Defining, 182
Project, 17
System cycle clock
Runtime model, 143
Error cause, 456
Runtime system, 135
System data
System architecture, 15
Error while accessing, 130
Technology packages, 27
System function
Definition, 63
Query the command/execution status; system
SIMOTION device communication with SIMATIC S7
function: Return values;, 80
device, 388
System function blocks
Definitions, 403
SIMOTION SCOUT engineering system, 16
Overview, 401
SIN, 292
System tasks, 133
System variables, 30
Definition, 63
Error cause, 458

Basic functions
564 Function Manual, 05/2009

Overview; variables: System; variables: structured; TASK_STATE_WAITING, 245, 258

structured variables, 85 Taskruntime, 192
Optimizing access, 461 Tasks, 133, 135
SystemInterruptTasks, 137, 164 Assigning programs, 176
Start sequence, 142
TaskStartInfo, 113
T TaskStartInfo (TSI), 192
T#MAX, 473
Technology package, 27
T#MIN, 473
Tdp, 207
TAN, 292
Tdx, 207
Technological alarm, 33
Assigning initial values, 239
Technological alarms, 115
Assigning programs, 237
configuring, 120
BackgroundTask, 151, 236
Evaluating in the user program, 127
Concept, 235
Global response, 117
Control commands (brief description), 254
Local response, 117
ExecutionFaultTask, 166
Technological interconnection screen forms, 35
Initialization of local variables, 238
TechnologicalFaultTask, 166, 236
IPOsynchronousTask, 160
TaskStartInfo, 104
MotionTask, 147, 236
Technology object, 26, 28
PeripheralFaultTask, 166
Configuration, 29
Priorities, 140
Configuration data, 89
Programming, 254
Data types, 73
Runtime measurement (functions), 269
Definition, 63
ServoSynchronousTask, 159
Functions (codes), 65
ShutdownTask, 174, 237
Functions (definition), 63
Start info, 113
Functions (input parameters), 69
StartupTask, 145, 236
Initialization, 73
States, 245
Instances, 65
SynchronousTask, 236
Instantiation, 27, 29
SynchronousTasks, 158
Interconnection, 51
SystemInterruptTask, 236
Names, 65
SystemInterruptTasks, 164
Package (definition), 63
TaskStartInfo (TSI), 192
Querying TaskStartInfo, 113
TechnologicalFaultTask, 166
reset, 93
TimeFaultBackgroundTask, 166
System variables, 30
TimeFaultTask, 165
Validity check, 73
TimerInterruptTask, 154, 236
Technology object types, 27, 28
UserInterruptTask, 236
Technology package
UserInterruptTasks, 169
Definition, 63
Task control, 180
in library, 94
Task priorities, 140
Technology packages, 27
Task runtimes, 188
Temperature channel, 37
Task Trace, 203
Temperature control, 37, 134
Temperature controller, 73
temperatureControllerType, 73
Terminal - axis - response time, 158
Terminal - terminal response time, 158
Terminal-terminal isochronous mode, 213
Ti, 207
Time allocation

Basic functions
Function Manual, 05/2009 565

in the round robin execution level, 194 TSI#alarmP4_UDINT, 105

Setting, 196 TSI#alarmP5_DINT, 105
Time types TSI#alarmP5_LREAL, 105
Conversions, 307 TSI#alarmP5_UDINT, 105
TIME#MAX, 473 TSI#commandId.high, 105
TIME#MIN, 473 TSI#commandId.low, 105
TIME_OF_DAY#MAX, 473 TSI#currentTaskId, 103, 104, 105, 107, 110
TIME_OF_DAY#MIN, 473 TSI#cycleTime, 103, 104, 105, 107, 110
TIME_TO_INT, 308 TSI#details, 110, 111
TIME_TO_REAL, 308 TSI#dwuser_1, 103, 104, 105, 107, 110
TIME_TO_UDINT, 308 TSI#dwuser_2, 103, 104, 105, 107, 110, 111
TimeFaultBackgroundTask, 166, 236 TSI#eventClass, 110
TaskStartInfo, 104 TSI#executionFaultType, 106
TimeFaultTask, 165, 236 TSI#eventClass, 112
TaskStartInfo, 104 TSI#faultId, 110
Timeout, 190, 454 TSI#interruptId, 104, 107
Monitoring, 192 TSI#InterruptId, 111, 112
TimerInterruptTask, 154 TSI#logBaseAdrIn, 109
TimerInterruptTasks, 137 TSI#logBaseAdrOut, 110
TaskStartInfo, 103 TSI#logDiagAdr, 110
Time-triggered tasks, 137 TSI#shutDownInitiator, 111
To, 207 TSI#startTime, 103, 104, 105, 107, 110
TO, 26 TSI#taskId, 104, 106
TO#NIL, 74, 86, 473 TSI#toInst, 104
TOD#MAX, 473 Type conversion functions, 303
TOD#MIN, 473
TOF, 415
TON, 414 U
Tooltips, 29
Torque limits B+ / B, 60
Totally Integrated Automation, 21
TP Cam
Technology package, 27
TP Cam_ext
Technology package, 27
Up counter (system FB), 407
TP Path
Up/down counter (system FB), 411
Path object, 27
Trigonometric standard functions, 292
User interrupt
TRUNC, 290
Programmable, 247
TSI, 192
User program
TSI#alarmNumber, 104
Overview, 18
TSI#alarmP1_DINT, 105
Tasks, 134
TSI#alarmP1_LREAL, 105
UserInterruptTasks, 137, 169
TSI#alarmP1_UDINT, 105
TaskStartInfo, 110
TSI#alarmP2_DINT, 105
TSI#alarmP2_LREAL, 105
TSI#alarmP2_UDINT, 105
TSI#alarmP3_DINT, 105
TSI#alarmP3_LREAL, 105
TSI#alarmP3_UDINT, 105
TSI#alarmP4_DINT, 105 Variable initialization
TSI#alarmP4_LREAL, 105 In ST source files, 441

Basic functions
566 Function Manual, 05/2009

Efficient access, 460
Instance declaration of TO, 65
Range violation, 459
Semaphores (application), 374

Wait for condition, 141
Description (in context), 247
Watchdog, 193

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Basic functions
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