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840Dsl Plc Fct Man 1219 en-US

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Fundamental safety
instructions 1
Overview 2
SINUMERIK PLC mode selector 3
Reserve resources (timers,
counters, FC, FB, DB, I/O) 4
SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning hardware
PLC configuration of the PLC CPU 5
Starting up the PLC program 6
Function Manual Coupling of the PLC CPU 7
Interface structure 8
Structure and functions of the
basic program 9
SPL for Safety Integrated 10
Assignment overview 11
PLC functions for HMI (DB19) 12
PLC functions for drive
components on the 13
integrated PROFIBUS
Memory requirements of the
basic PLC program 14
NC VAR selector 15
Block descriptions 16
Data lists 17
Valid for Interface signals 18
Control system
SINUMERIK 840D sl / 840DE sl Appendix A
CNC software version 4.93

Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be
used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified
personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding
potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or
approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described.
Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this
publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.

Siemens AG Document order number: 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 Copyright © Siemens AG 2019.

Digital Industries Ⓟ 12/2019 Subject to change All rights reserved
Postfach 48 48

SINUMERIK documentation
The SINUMERIK documentation is organized into the following categories:
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Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 3

Target group
This publication is intended for:
● Project engineers
● Technologists (from machine manufacturers)
● System startup engineers (Systems/Machines)
● Programmers

The function manual describes the functions so that the target group knows them and can
select them. It provides the target group with the information required to implement the

Standard version
This documentation only describes the functionality of the standard version. Extensions or
changes made by the machine tool manufacturer are documented by the machine tool
Other functions not described in this documentation might be executable in the control. This
does not, however, represent an obligation to supply such functions with a new control or when
Further, for the sake of simplicity, this documentation does not contain all detailed information
about all types of the product and cannot cover every conceivable case of installation, operation
or maintenance.

Note regarding the General Data Protection Regulation

Siemens observes standard data protection principles, in particular the principle of privacy by
design. That means that
this product does not process / store any personal data, only technical functional data (e.g. time
stamps). If a user links this data with other data (e.g. a shift schedule) or stores personal data
on the same storage medium (e.g. hard drive) and thus establishes a link to a person or
persons, then the user is responsible for ensuring compliance with the relevant data protection

Technical Support
Country-specific telephone numbers for technical support are provided on the Internet at the
following address (https://support.industry.siemens.com/sc/ww/en/sc/2090) in the "Contact"
If you have any technical questions, use the online form in the "Support Request" area.

4 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Table of contents

Preface ........................................................................................................................................................3
1 Fundamental safety instructions .................................................................................................................27
1.1 General safety instructions.....................................................................................................27
1.2 Warranty and liability for application examples ......................................................................27
1.3 Industrial security ...................................................................................................................28
2 Overview.....................................................................................................................................................31
2.1 Brief description .....................................................................................................................31
2.2 Key data of the PLC CPU ......................................................................................................33
2.3 PLC operating system version ...............................................................................................34
3 PLC mode selector .....................................................................................................................................35
4 Reserve resources (timers, counters, FC, FB, DB, I/O) .............................................................................37
5 Commissioning hardware configuration of the PLC CPU ...........................................................................39
6 Starting up the PLC program ......................................................................................................................41
6.1 Installation of the basic program ............................................................................................41
6.2 Application of the basic program ............................................................................................41
6.3 Version codes ........................................................................................................................42
6.4 Machine program ...................................................................................................................43
6.5 Data backup ...........................................................................................................................43
6.6 PLC series startup, PLC archive ............................................................................................44
6.7 Software upgrade ...................................................................................................................49
6.8 I/O modules (FM, CP modules)..............................................................................................50
6.9 Troubleshooting .....................................................................................................................51
7 Coupling of the PLC CPU ...........................................................................................................................53
7.1 General information................................................................................................................53
7.2 Properties of the PLC CPU ....................................................................................................53
7.3 Interface with integrated PLC .................................................................................................53
7.4 Diagnostic buffer on PLC .......................................................................................................55
8 Interface structure.......................................................................................................................................57
8.1 Interface .................................................................................................................................57
8.2 PLC/NCK interface .................................................................................................................57
8.3 Interface PLC/HMI..................................................................................................................64

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Table of contents

8.4 PLC/MCP/HHU interface........................................................................................................70

9 Structure and functions of the basic program .............................................................................................73
9.1 Startup and synchronization of NCK PLC ..............................................................................75
9.2 Cyclic operation (OB1) ...........................................................................................................75
9.3 Time-interrupt processing (OB35) ..........................................................................................77
9.4 Process-interrupt processing (OB 40) ...................................................................................78
9.5 Diagnostic alarm, module failure processing (OB82, OB86)..................................................78
9.6 Response to NCK failure........................................................................................................79
9.7 Functions of the basic program called from the user program ...............................................80
9.8 Symbolic programming of user program with interface DB ....................................................83
9.9 M decoding acc. to list............................................................................................................85
9.10 PLC machine data..................................................................................................................89
9.11 Configuration machine control panel, handheld unit, direct keys ...........................................93
9.12 Switchover of machine control panel, handheld unit ............................................................102
9.13 Flexible axis configuration ....................................................................................................103
9.14 Selection of JOG axis via HMI .............................................................................................104
9.15 Mixed operation from the machine control panel and the handheld terminal.......................106
10 SPL for Safety Integrated .........................................................................................................................109
11 Assignment overview................................................................................................................................111
11.1 Block address range for PLC user program .........................................................................111
12 PLC functions for HMI (DB19) ..................................................................................................................115
12.1 Channel selection.................................................................................................................115
12.2 Program selection ................................................................................................................116
12.3 Activating the key lock..........................................................................................................119
12.4 Operating area numbers ......................................................................................................119
12.5 Screen numbers ...................................................................................................................119
12.5.1 Screen numbers: JOG, manual machine .............................................................................120
12.5.2 Screen numbers: Reference point approach .......................................................................125
12.5.3 Screen numbers: MDA .........................................................................................................125
12.5.4 Screen numbers: AUTOMATIC............................................................................................126
12.5.5 Screen numbers: Parameters operating area ......................................................................126
12.5.6 Screen numbers: Program operating area ...........................................................................128
12.5.7 Screen numbers: Program manager operating area............................................................128
12.5.8 Screen numbers: Diagnostics operating area ......................................................................128
12.6 HMI monitor..........................................................................................................................129
13 PLC functions for drive components on the integrated PROFIBUS .........................................................131
13.1 Overview ..............................................................................................................................131

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13.2 Performing a start-up ...........................................................................................................131

13.3 Example ...............................................................................................................................132
14 Memory requirements of the basic PLC program .....................................................................................135
15 NC VAR selector ......................................................................................................................................139
15.1 Overview ..............................................................................................................................139
15.2 Using NC VAR selector ........................................................................................................141
15.2.1 NC VAR selector user interface ...........................................................................................141
15.2.2 Description of functions ........................................................................................................143
15.2.3 Editing projects.....................................................................................................................144
15.2.4 Filtering the variable list .......................................................................................................145
15.2.5 Specifying the project list .....................................................................................................147
15.2.6 Deleting a variable from the project list ................................................................................148
15.2.7 Alias name ...........................................................................................................................149
15.2.8 Generating code...................................................................................................................149
15.2.9 Transfer to STEP 7 ..............................................................................................................151
15.2.10 Using TIA Portal ...................................................................................................................152
15.2.11 Using SINAMICS parameters ..............................................................................................152
15.2.12 Importing variables and parameters.....................................................................................153
15.2.13 Startup, installation...............................................................................................................154
16 Block descriptions.....................................................................................................................................155
16.1 FB1: RUN_UP - basic program, start section.......................................................................155
16.2 FB2: GET - read NC variable ...............................................................................................163
16.3 FB3: PUT - write NC variables .............................................................................................171
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service......................................................................................179
16.4.1 List of available Pl services ..................................................................................................184
16.4.2 PI service: ASUP .................................................................................................................185
16.4.3 PI service: CANCEL .............................................................................................................186
16.4.4 PI service: CONFIG .............................................................................................................186
16.4.5 PI service: DIGION...............................................................................................................186
16.4.6 PI service: DIGIOF ...............................................................................................................186
16.4.7 PI service: FINDBL...............................................................................................................187
16.4.8 PI service: LOGIN ................................................................................................................187
16.4.9 PI service: LOGOUT ............................................................................................................188
16.4.10 PI service: NCRES ...............................................................................................................188
16.4.11 PI service: SELECT .............................................................................................................188
16.4.12 PI service: SETUDT .............................................................................................................189
16.4.13 PI service: SETUFR .............................................................................................................189
16.4.14 PI service: RETRAC.............................................................................................................190
16.4.15 PI service: CRCEDN ............................................................................................................191
16.4.16 PI service: CREACE ............................................................................................................191
16.4.17 PI service: CREATO ............................................................................................................192
16.4.18 PI service: DELECE .............................................................................................................192
16.4.19 PI service: DELETO .............................................................................................................193
16.4.20 PI service: MMCSEM ...........................................................................................................193
16.4.21 PI service: TMCRAD ............................................................................................................194
16.4.22 PI service: TMCRTO ............................................................................................................195
16.4.23 PI service: TMDLAD.............................................................................................................196

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16.4.24 PI service: TMFDPL .............................................................................................................196

16.4.25 PI service: TMFPBP .............................................................................................................197
16.4.26 PI service: TMGETT.............................................................................................................198
16.4.27 PI service: TMMVTL.............................................................................................................199
16.4.28 PI service: TMPOSM............................................................................................................200
16.4.29 PI service: TMPCIT ..............................................................................................................201
16.4.30 PI service: TMRASS ............................................................................................................202
16.4.31 PI service: TRESMO ............................................................................................................202
16.4.32 PI service: TSEARC .............................................................................................................203
16.4.33 PI service: TMCRMT ............................................................................................................206
16.4.34 PI service: TMDLMT ............................................................................................................207
16.4.35 PI service: POSMT...............................................................................................................207
16.4.36 PI service: FDPLMT .............................................................................................................208
16.5 FB5: GETGUD - read GUD variable ....................................................................................209
16.6 FB7: PI_SERV2 - request PI service....................................................................................217
16.7 FB9: MtoN - operator panel switchover................................................................................218
16.8 FB10: Safety relay (SI relay) ................................................................................................223
16.9 FB11: Brake test ..................................................................................................................225
16.10 FB29: Signal recorder and data trigger diagnostics .............................................................231
16.11 FC2 : GP_HP - basic program, cyclic section ......................................................................234
16.12 FC3: GP_PRAL - basic program, interruptdriven section.....................................................236
16.13 FC5: GP_DIAG - basic program, diagnostic alarm and module failure ................................238
16.14 FC6: TM_TRANS2 - transfer block for tool management and multitool ...............................240
16.15 FC7: TM_REV - transfer block for tool change with revolver ...............................................241
16.16 FC8: TM_TRANS - transfer block for tool management ......................................................245
16.17 FC9: ASUP - start of asynchronous subprograms ...............................................................251
16.18 FC10: AL_MSG - error and operating messages .................................................................254
16.19 FC12: AUXFU - call interface for user with auxiliary functions.............................................256
16.20 FC13: BHGDisp - display control for handheld unit .............................................................257
16.21 FC17: YDelta - star-delta switchover ...................................................................................261
16.22 FC18: SpinCtrl - spindle control ...........................................................................................264
16.23 FC19: MCP_IFM - transfer of MCP signals to interface .......................................................274
16.24 FC21: Transfer - data exchange NC/PLC ............................................................................284
16.24.1 Function ...............................................................................................................................284
16.24.2 Declaration of the function ...................................................................................................284
16.24.3 Explanation of formal parameters ........................................................................................285
16.24.4 Function 1, 2: Signals synchronized actions to / from Channel ...........................................285
16.24.5 Function 3, 4: Fast data exchange PLC-NC ........................................................................287
16.24.6 Function 5: Update control signals to channel .....................................................................290
16.24.7 Function 6: Update control signals to axes ..........................................................................291
16.24.8 Function 7: Update control signals to axes ..........................................................................291
16.25 FC22: TM_DIR - direction selection for tool management ...................................................292

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Table of contents

16.26 FC24: MCP_IFM2 - transferring MCP signals to the interface .............................................294

16.27 FC25: MCP_IFT - transfer of MCP/OP signals to interface..................................................298
16.28 FC26: HPU_MCP - Transfer of the HT 8/HT 10 signals to the interface ..............................301
16.28.1 Overview of the NC/PLC interface signals of HT .................................................................306
16.28.2 Overview of the NC/PLC interface signals to HT .................................................................307
16.29 FC1005: AG_SEND - transfers data to Ethernet CP............................................................308
16.30 FC1006: AG_RECV - receives data from the Ethernet CP ..................................................309
17 Data lists ...................................................................................................................................................311
17.1 Machine data........................................................................................................................311
17.1.1 Display machine data ...........................................................................................................311
17.1.2 NC-specific machine data ....................................................................................................311
17.1.3 Channelspecific machine data .............................................................................................311
18 Interface signals .......................................................................................................................................313
18.1 Interface signals - overview..................................................................................................313
18.1.1 Overview of the PLC blocks .................................................................................................313 Organization blocks (OBs) ...................................................................................................313 Function blocks (FBs) ..........................................................................................................313 Function blocks (FCs) ..........................................................................................................314 Data blocks (DBs) ................................................................................................................315 Timer block...........................................................................................................................316
18.1.2 Signals from/to the machine control panel ...........................................................................316 M version, signals from the MCP: Input image ....................................................................316 M version, signals to the MCP: Output image ......................................................................317 T version, signals from the MCP: Input image .....................................................................317 T version, signals to the MCP: Output image.......................................................................318 Slimline version, signals from the MCP: Input image ...........................................................318 Slimline version, signals to the MCP: Output image ............................................................319
18.1.3 Signals from/to the handheld unit HT 2 ................................................................................320 Signals from the handheld unit: Input image ........................................................................320 Signals to the handheld unit: Output image .........................................................................320
18.1.4 Signals from/to the handheld unit HT 8 ................................................................................322 Signals from the handheld unit HT 8: Input image ...............................................................322 Signals to handheld terminal HT 8: Output image ...............................................................322
18.1.5 Signals from/to the handheld unit HT 10 ..............................................................................323 Signals from the handheld unit HT 10: Input image .............................................................323 Signals to handheld terminal HT 10: Output image .............................................................324
18.1.6 PLC alarms/messages .........................................................................................................325 FC 10 alarms in the DB2 (FB1: "ExtendAIMsg" = FALSE) ..................................................325 FC 10 alarms in the DB2 (FB1: "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE) ....................................................334
18.1.7 Signals from/to the NC, PLC and operating software ..........................................................347 DB10, onboard inputs and outputs of the NC ......................................................................347 DB10, general signals to the NC ..........................................................................................348 DB10, onboard inputs and outputs from the NC/operating software....................................349 DB10, selection and status signals from the operating software .........................................350 DB10, general signals from the NC......................................................................................352 DB10, external digital NC inputs ..........................................................................................353 DB10, external digital NC outputs ........................................................................................354 DB10, external analog NC inputs .........................................................................................355

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Table of contents DB10, external analog NC outputs.......................................................................................356 DB10, external digital NC inputs and outputs ......................................................................357 DB10, analog NC inputs and outputs ...................................................................................358 DB10, collision avoidance: Protection area active ...............................................................359 DB10, collision avoidance: Activate protection area ............................................................359 DB10, extension, handwheel signals from the NC ...............................................................360 DB10, extension, handwheel signals from the HMI .............................................................361 DB10, interface robot status.................................................................................................361 DB10, interface robot status.................................................................................................361
18.1.8 Mode group-specific signals.................................................................................................362 DB11, mode signals 1 to the NC ..........................................................................................362 DB11, mode signals 1 from the NC......................................................................................362 DB11, mode signals 2 to the NC ..........................................................................................363 DB11, mode signals 2 from NC............................................................................................364
18.1.9 Safety Integrated (SPL)........................................................................................................365 DB18, parameterization part ................................................................................................365 DB18, data area / errors.......................................................................................................365 DB18, additional data areas .................................................................................................367 DB18, F_SENDDP sender ...................................................................................................368 DB18, F_SENDDP receiver .................................................................................................368 DB18, SPL user data ...........................................................................................................369 DB18, data area / errors: Extended data area .....................................................................370 DB18, additional data areas: Extended data area ...............................................................372 DB18, F_SENDDP sender ...................................................................................................373 DB18, F_RECDP receiver ....................................................................................................375
18.1.10 Control/status signals to/from operator panel (OP) ..............................................................379 DB19, signals to the operator panel (OP) ............................................................................379 DB19, signals from the operator panel (OP) ........................................................................381 DB19, sidescreen - interface for the MCP function ..............................................................385 DB19, sidescreen - interface for the MCP function ..............................................................385
18.1.11 Defining PLC alarms ............................................................................................................386 DB20, NC machine data ......................................................................................................386
18.1.12 Channel-specific signals ......................................................................................................387 DB21 - DB30, control signals to the channel (1) ..................................................................387 DB21 - DB30, control signals to the geometry axes ............................................................389 DB21 - DB30, HMI signals to channel / OEM signals from/to channel ................................391 DB21 - DB30, control signals from the geometry axes ........................................................393 DB21 - DB30, change signals for auxiliary function transfer from the channel ...................395 DB21 - DB30, transferred M and S functions: ......................................................................396 DB21 - DB30, transferred T/D/DL functions .........................................................................397 DB21 - DB30, transferred H/F functions ..............................................................................398 DB21 - DB30, decoded M signals ........................................................................................399 DB21 - DB30, active G functions .........................................................................................400 DB21 - DB30, protection areas from the channel ................................................................401 DB21 - DB30, synchronous actions, signals from/to the channel ........................................402 DB21 - DB30, control signals from/to the channel ...............................................................403 DB21 - DB30, signals to the orientation axes ......................................................................404 DB21 - DB30, signals from the orientation axes ..................................................................406 DB21 - DB30, tool management functions from the channel ..............................................407 DB21 - DB30, control signals from/to the channel (2) ..........................................................408
18.1.13 Axis/spindle signals ..............................................................................................................411 DB31 - DB61, signals to the axis/spindle .............................................................................411

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Table of contents DB31 - DB61, signals from the axis/spindle .........................................................................416

18.1.14 Safety Integrated ..................................................................................................................424 DB31 - DB61, Safety Control Channel (SCC) ......................................................................424 DB31 - DB61, Safety Info Channel (SIC) .............................................................................424
18.1.15 Tool management ................................................................................................................425 DB71, interface for loading/unloading the magazine ...........................................................425 DB72, interface for the spindle as change position ..............................................................427 DB73, interface for the turret ................................................................................................429
18.1.16 Signals from/to the machine control panel and the handheld unit .......................................431 DB77, signals from/to the MCP and the HHU ......................................................................431
18.1.17 Signals for Ctrl-Energy .........................................................................................................432 DB1000, energy-saving profiles ...........................................................................................432
18.1.18 SENTRON PAC ...................................................................................................................434 DB1001, SENTRON PAC ....................................................................................................434 DB1001, SENTRON PAC, auxiliary devices ........................................................................436
18.1.19 Spindle temperature sensor .................................................................................................437 DB1002: spindle temperature sensors .................................................................................437
18.1.20 Interface to the tool management, extended area ...............................................................439 DB1071, interface for loading/unloading the magazine Multitool .........................................439 DB1072, interface for the spindle: Multitool .........................................................................440 DB1073, interface for the turret: Multitool ............................................................................441
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description .................................................................................442
18.2.1 DB10: NC, PLC and HMI .....................................................................................................442 DB10 DBX0.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock) ..................................................................442 DB10 DBX1.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Set) ....................................................................443 DB10 DBX4.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Lock) ................................................................443 DB10 DBX5.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite) ........................................................444 DB10 DBX6.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value) ...................................................444 DB10 DBX7.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Target) .............................................................445 DB10 DBX56.1 (Emergency Stop) .......................................................................................446 DB10 DBX56.2 (acknowledge Emergency Stop) .................................................................446 DB10 DBX56.4 - 7 (key-operated switch position 0 - 3).......................................................446 DB10 DBX58.0 - 7 (collision avoidance: Deactivate protection area group) ........................447 DB10 DBX60.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value) ....................................................448 DB10 DBX64.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Setpoint) ........................................................449 DB10 DBX93.0 ... 7 (collision avoidance: Deactivate protection area group) ......................449 DB10 DBX97.0 - 3 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 1)......................................450 DB10 DBX98.0 - 3 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 2)......................................451 DB10 DBX99.0 - 3 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 3)......................................451 DB10 DBX100.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 1) .................................................................452 DB10 DBX100.5 (define handwheel 1 as contour handwheel) ............................................452 DB10 DBX100.6 (handwheel 1 selected).............................................................................453 DB10 DBX100.7 (machine axis handwheel 1) .....................................................................454 DB10 DBX101.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 2) .................................................................454 DB10 DBX101.5 (define handwheel 2 as contour handwheel) ............................................454 DB10 DBX101.6 (handwheel 2 selected).............................................................................454 DB10 DBX101.7 (machine axis handwheel 2) .....................................................................455 DB10 DBX102.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 3) .................................................................455 DB10 DBX102.5 (define handwheel 3 as contour handwheel) ............................................455 DB10 DBX102.6 (handwheel 3 selected).............................................................................455 DB10 DBX102.7 (machine axis handwheel 3) .....................................................................455 DB10 DBX103.0 (remote diagnosis active)..........................................................................455

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Table of contents DB10 DBX103.5 (AT box ready) ..........................................................................................455 DB10 DBX103.6 (HMI temperature limit) .............................................................................456 DB10 DBX103.7 (HMI battery alarm) ...................................................................................456 DB10 DBX104.7 (NC-CPU ready) .......................................................................................456 DB10 DBX106.1 (Emergency Stop active) ..........................................................................457 DB10 DBX107.0 - 1 (probe actuated) ..................................................................................457 DB10 DBX107.6 (NCU link active) .......................................................................................457 DB10 DBX108.3 (operating software ready) ........................................................................458 DB10 DBX108.5 (drives in cyclic operation) ........................................................................458 DB10 DBX108.6 (drive ready)..............................................................................................458 DB10 DBX108.7 (NC ready) ................................................................................................458 DB10 DBX109.0 (NC alarm active) ......................................................................................459 DB10 DBX109.5 (heat sink temperature alarm, NCU) .........................................................459 DB10 DBX109.6 (air temperature alarm) .............................................................................460 DB10 DBX109.7 (NC battery alarm) ....................................................................................460 DB10 DBX110.0 - 113.7 (software cams: minus cam signal 1 to 32) ..................................460 DB10 DBX114.0 - 117.7 (software cams: plus cam signal 1 to 32) .....................................461 DB10 DBX122.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 9 - 16: Lock) ............................................................462 DB10 DBX123.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 9 - 16: Set) ..............................................................462 DB10 DBX124.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 17 - 24: Lock) ..........................................................462 DB10 DBX125.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 17 - 24: Set) ............................................................463 DB10 DBX126.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 25 - 32: Lock) ..........................................................463 DB10 DBX127.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 25 - 32: Set) ............................................................464 DB10 DBX128.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 33 - 40: Lock) ..........................................................464 DB10 DBX129.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 33 - 40: Set) ............................................................464 DB10 DBX130.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Lock) ..........................................................465 DB10 DBX131.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Overwrite) ..................................................465 DB10 DBX132.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Setting value) .............................................466 DB10 DBX133.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Target) .......................................................467 DB10 DBX134.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Lock) ........................................................467 DB10 DBX135.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Overwrite) ................................................468 DB10 DBX136.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Setting value) ...........................................468 DB10 DBX137.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Target) .....................................................469 DB10 DBX138.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Lock) ........................................................469 DB10 DBX139.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Overwrite) ................................................470 DB10 DBX140.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Setting value) ...........................................470 DB10 DBX141.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Target) .....................................................471 DB10 DBX142.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Lock) ........................................................472 DB10 DBX143.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Overwrite) ................................................472 DB10 DBX144.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Setting value) ...........................................473 DB10 DBX145.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Target) .....................................................473 DB10 DBX146.0 - 7 (analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock) .............................................................474 DB10 DBX147.0 - 7 (analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Target) ..........................................................474 DB10 DBW148 - 162 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value) ...........................................475 DB10 DBX166.0 - 7 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite) ...................................................475 DB10 DBX167.0 - 7 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Target) ........................................................476 DB10 DBX168.0 - 7 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Lock)...........................................................476 DB10 DBW170 - 184 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value) ...........................................477 DB10 DBX186.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 9 - 16: Actual value) ................................................477 DB10 DBX187.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 17 - 24: Actual value) ..............................................478 DB10 DBX188.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 25 - 32: Actual value) ..............................................478 DB10 DBX189.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 33 - 40: Actual value) ..............................................479

12 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Table of contents DB10 DBX190.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Setpoint) ....................................................479 DB10 DBX191.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Setpoint) ..................................................479 DB10 DBX192.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Setpoint) ..................................................480 DB10 DBX193.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Setpoint) ..................................................480 DB10 DBW194 - 208 (analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value) ...............................................481 DB10 DBW210 - 224 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setpoint) ...................................................481 DB10 DBX226.0 - 233.7 (collision avoidance: Protection area active) ................................482 DB10 DBX234.0 - 241.7 (collision avoidance: Activate protection area) .............................482 DB10 DBX245.0 - 5 (Ethernet handwheel stationary)..........................................................483 DB10 DBX246.0 - 5 (handwheel active) ..............................................................................484
18.2.2 DB11: Mode group ...............................................................................................................484 DB11 DBX0.0 (AUTOMATIC mode) ....................................................................................484 DB11 DBX0.1 (MDI mode) ...................................................................................................484 DB11 DBX0.2 (JOG mode) ..................................................................................................485 DB11 DBX0.4 (mode change inhibit) ...................................................................................485 DB11 DBX0.5 (mode group stop) ........................................................................................485 DB11 DBX0.6 (mode group stop, axes plus spindles) .........................................................486 DB11 DBX0.7 (mode group reset) .......................................................................................487 DB11 DBX1.0 (TEACH IN machine function) ......................................................................487 DB11 DBX1.1 (REPOS machine function)...........................................................................488 DB11 DBX1.2 (REF machine function) ................................................................................488 DB11 DBX1.6 (single block, type B) ....................................................................................488 DB11 DBX1.7 (single block, type A) ....................................................................................489 DB11 DBX4.0 (AUTOMATIC mode selected) ......................................................................490 DB11 DBX4.1 (MDI mode selected) ....................................................................................490 DB11 DBX4.2 (JOG mode selected)....................................................................................490 DB11 DBX5.0 (TEACH IN machine function selected) ........................................................490 DB11 DBX5.1 (REPOS machine function selected) ............................................................491 DB11 DBX5.2 (REF machine function selected)..................................................................491 DB11 DBX6.0 (AUTOMATIC mode active) ..........................................................................491 DB11 DBX6.1 (active MDI mode) ........................................................................................491 DB11 DBX6.2 (JOG mode active)........................................................................................492 DB11 DBX6.3 (mode group ready) ......................................................................................492 DB11 DBX6.7 (all channels in the "Reset" state) .................................................................492 DB11 DBX7.0 (TEACH IN machine function active) ............................................................493 DB11 DBX7.1 (REPOS machine function active) ................................................................493 DB11 DBX7.2 (REF machine function active)......................................................................493
18.2.3 DB18: Safety Integrated, SPL ..............................................................................................494 DB18 DBB36.0 (SPL_READY) ............................................................................................494 DB18 DBB36.1 (STOP_E) ...................................................................................................494 DB18 DBB38 - 41 (SPL inputs, SPL_DATA.INSEP[1...32]) .................................................494 DB18 DBB42.0 - 45.7 (SPL inputs, SPL_DATA.INSEP[33...64]) .........................................495 DB18 DBB46.0 - 49.7 (SPL outputs, SPL_DATA.OUTSEP[1...32] ......................................495
18.2.4 DB19: Operator panel ..........................................................................................................496 DB19 DBX0.0 (brighten screen)...........................................................................................496 DB19 DBX0.1 (darken screen).............................................................................................496 DB19 DBX0.2 (key lock) ......................................................................................................496 DB19 DBX0.3 (delete cancel alarms) ..................................................................................497 DB19 DBX0.4 (delete recall alarms) ....................................................................................497 DB19 DBX0.7 (actual values in the WCS) ...........................................................................497 DB19 DBB6 (analog spindle 1, utilization as a percentage) ................................................498 DB19 DBB7 (analog spindle 2, utilization as a percentage) ................................................498

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Table of contents DB19 DBB8 (channel number).............................................................................................498 DB19 DBB10 (PLC hardkeys) ..............................................................................................498 DB19 DBX13.5 (NC program: unload) .................................................................................499 DB19DBX13.6 (NC program: load) ......................................................................................499 DB19 DBX13.7 (NC program: selection)..............................................................................499 DB19 DBX14.0 - 6 (PLC index)............................................................................................499 DB19 DBX14.7 (selects the file system) ..............................................................................500 DB19 DBB15 (PLC line offset) .............................................................................................500 DB19 DBB16 (program selection from the PLC: Index of the program list) .........................500 DB19 DBB17 (program selection from the PLC: Program index in the program list)...........501 DB19 DBX20.1 (screen is dark) ...........................................................................................501 DB19 DBX20.3 (cancel alarms deleted) ..............................................................................502 DB19 DBX20.4 (recall alarms deleted) ................................................................................502 DB19 DBX20.6 (simulation active) .......................................................................................502 DB19 DBX20.7 (switch MCS/WCS) .....................................................................................502 DB19 DBB22 (actual channel number) ................................................................................503 DB19 DBW24 (current screen number) ...............................................................................503 DB19 DBX26.1 (program selection from the PLC: Job completed) .....................................503 DB19 DBX26.2 (program selection from the PLC: Error).....................................................504 DB19 DBX26.3 (program selection from the PLC: Active) ...................................................504 DB19 DBX26.5 (program selection from the PLC: Unload) .................................................504 DB19 DBX26.6 (program selection from the PLC: Load).....................................................505 DB19 DBX26.7 (program selection from the PLC: Selection) ..............................................505 DB19 DBB27 (program selection from the PLC: Error detection) ........................................506 DB19 DBX32.0 - 5 (function number) ..................................................................................507 DB19 DBX32.6 (function request) ........................................................................................507 DB19 DBX32.7 (status) ........................................................................................................507 DB19 DBB33 - 35 (parameter 1 - 3).....................................................................................508 DB19 DBB36 (error identification) ........................................................................................508
18.2.5 DB21, ...: Channel ................................................................................................................508 DB21, ... DBX0.1 (RESU: backward/forward) .....................................................................508 DB21, ... DBX0.2 (RESU: start retrace support) ..................................................................509 DB21, ... DBX0.3 (activate handwheel offset (DRF)) ...........................................................509 DB21, ... DBX0.4 (activate single block) ..............................................................................510 DB21, ... DBX0.5 (activate M01) ..........................................................................................510 DB21, ... DBX0.6 (activate dry run feedrate)........................................................................511 DB21, ... DBX1.0 (activate referencing) ...............................................................................511 DB21, ... DBX2.1 (disable all synchronized actions) ............................................................512 DB21, ... DBX1.3 (time monitoring active) ...........................................................................512 DB21, ... DBX1.4 (clearance control (CLC): stop)................................................................512 DB21, ... DBX1.5 (clearance control (CLC): Override).........................................................513 DB21, ... DBX1.6 (PLC action completed) ...........................................................................513 DB21, ... DBX1.7 (activate program test (PRT)) ..................................................................514 DB21, ... DBX2.0 ... 7 (activate "skip block" (SKP)) .............................................................515 DB21, ... DBX3.0 (stroke enable) .........................................................................................515 DB21, ... DBX3.1 (punch interface 1: Manual stroke initiation) ............................................516 DB21, ... DBX3.2 (stroke suppression) ................................................................................516 DB21, ... DBX3.3 (delayed stroke) .......................................................................................516 DB21, ... DBX3.4 (stroke inoperative) ..................................................................................517 DB21, ... DBX3.5 (punch interface 2: Manual stroke initiation) ............................................517 DB21, ... DBB4 (path feedrate override) ..............................................................................517 DB21, ... DBB5 (path rapid traverse override) .....................................................................519

14 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Table of contents DB21, ... DBX6.0 (feedrate disable) .....................................................................................521 DB21, ... DBX6.1 (read-in disable) .......................................................................................522 DB21, ... DBX6.2 (delete distance-to-go, channel-specific) .................................................522 DB21, ... DBX6.4 (program level abort) ...............................................................................523 DB21, ... DBX6.6 (path rapid traverse override active) ........................................................523 DB21, ... DBX6.7 (path feedrate override active) .................................................................524 DB21, ... DBX7.0 (NC start disable) .....................................................................................524 DB21, ... DBX7.1 (NC Start).................................................................................................525 DB21, ... DBX7.2 (NC Stop at the block limit) ......................................................................525 DB21, ... DBX7.3 (NC Stop) .................................................................................................526 DB21, ... DBX7.4 (NC Stop axes plus spindles) ..................................................................526 DB21, ... DBX7.6 (activate configured stop) ........................................................................527 DB21, ... DBX7.7 (reset) ......................................................................................................527 DB21, ... DBX8.0 - 9.1 (activate machine-related protection zone 1 - 10) ...........................528 DB21, ... DBX10.0 - 11.1 (activate channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10) .......................528 DB21, ... DBX12.0 - 2 (geometry axis 1: activate handwheel) .............................................529 DB21, ... DBX12.3, 16.3, 20.3 (feedrate stop, geometry axes 1 / 2 / 3) ...............................530 DB21, ... DBX12.4 (geometry axis 1: traversing key lock) ...................................................530 DB21, ... DBX12.5 (geometry axis 1: rapid traverse override) .............................................531 DB21, ... DBX12.6 - 7 (geometry axis 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus") ..........................531 DB21, ... DBX13.0 - 6 (geometry axis 1: machine function request)....................................533 DB21, ... DBX15.0 (geometry axis 1: invert handwheel direction of rotation) ......................534 DB21, ... DBX16.0 - 2 (geometry axis 2: activate handwheel) .............................................534 DB21, ... DBX16.4 (geometry axis 2: traversing key lock) ...................................................535 DB21, ... DBX16.5 (geometry axis 2: rapid traverse override) .............................................535 DB21, ... DBX16.6 - 7 (geometry axis 2: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus") ..........................535 DB21, ... DBX17.0 - 6 (geometry axis 2: machine function request)....................................535 DB21, ... DBX19.0 (geometry axis 2: invert handwheel direction of rotation) ......................535 DB21, ... DBX20.0 - 2 (geometry axis 3: activate handwheel) .............................................535 DB21, ... DBX20.4 (geometry axis 3: traversing key lock) ...................................................535 DB21, ... DBX20.5 (geometry axis 3: rapid traverse override) .............................................536 DB21, ... DBX20.6 - 7 (geometry axis 3: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus") ..........................536 DB21, ... DBX21.0 - 6 (geometry axis 3: machine function request)....................................536 DB21, ... DBX23.0 (geometry axis 3: invert handwheel direction of rotation) ......................536 DB21, ... DBX24.1 (activate configured stop (CST) using the operating software)..............536 DB21, ... DBX24.3 (handwheel offset (DRF) requested) .....................................................537 DB21, ... DBX24.4 (select NC-associated M01) ..................................................................537 DB21, ... DBX24.5 (M01 requested) ....................................................................................538 DB21, ... DBX24.6 (dry run feedrate selected).....................................................................538 DB21, ... DBX25.3 (feedrate override selected for rapid traverse).......................................539 DB21, ... DBX25.7 (program test (PRT) requested).............................................................539 DB21, ... DBX26.0 ... 7 ("Skip block" (SKP) selected) .........................................................540 DB21, ... DBX29.0 - 3 (activate fixed feedrate 1 - 4, path/geometry axes) ..........................541 DB21, ... DBX29.4 (activate PTP travel) ..............................................................................542 DB21, ... DBX29.5 (tool manager: Deactivate workpiece counter) ......................................542 DB21, ... DBX29.6 (tool manager: Deactivating wear monitoring) .......................................542 DB21, ... DBX29.7 (tool manager: Tool lock not active).......................................................543 DB21 ... DBX30.0 - 2 (activate contour handwheel) ............................................................543 DB21, ... DBX30.3 (simulation contour handwheel: Activate) ..............................................544 DB21, ... DBX30.4 (simulation contour handwheel: Negative direction) ..............................545 DB21, ... DBX30.5 (activate M0 / M1 associated with NC) ..................................................545 DB21, ... DBX30.6 (JOG circular travel)...............................................................................545

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Table of contents DB21, ... DBX31.0 - 2 (REPOS mode).................................................................................546 DB21, ... DBX31.4 (REPOS activation)................................................................................547 DB21, ... DBX31.5 (contour handwheel: invert handwheel direction of rotation) .................547 DB21, ... DBX32.1 (RESU: retrace mode active) .................................................................547 DB21, ... DBX32.2 (retrace support active) ..........................................................................548 DB21, ... DBX32.3 (action block active) ...............................................................................548 DB21, ... DBX32.4 (approach block active)..........................................................................548 DB21, ... DBX32.5 (M00/M01 active) ...................................................................................549 DB21, ... DBX32.6 (last action block active) ........................................................................549 DB21, ... DBX33.0 (referencing active) ................................................................................550 DB21, ... DBX33.2 (revolutional feedrate active) .................................................................550 DB21, ... DBX33.3 (handwheel override active)...................................................................550 DB21, ... DBX33.4 (block search active) ..............................................................................551 DB21, ... DBX33.5 (M02 / M30 active) .................................................................................551 DB21, … DBX33.6 (transformation active) ..........................................................................552 DB21, ... DBX33.7 (program test active) ..............................................................................552 DB21, ... DBX35.0 (program state "running").......................................................................553 DB21, ... DBX35.1 (program state "wait") ............................................................................554 DB21, ... DBX35.2 (program state "stopped") ......................................................................555 DB21, ... DBX35.3 (program state "interrupted") .................................................................555 DB21, ... DBX35.4 (program state "aborted") ......................................................................556 DB21, ... DBX35.5 (channel state "active") ..........................................................................557 DB21, ... DBX35.6 (channel state "interrupted") ..................................................................557 DB21, ... DBX35.7 (channel state "reset") ...........................................................................558 DB21, ... DBX36.2 (all axes that have to be referenced have been referenced) .................558 DB21, ... DBX36.3 (all axes stationary)................................................................................559 DB21, ... DBX36.4 (interrupt handling active) ......................................................................559 DB21, ... DBX36.5 (channel ready) ......................................................................................559 DB21, ... DBX36.6 (channel-specific NC alarm active) ........................................................560 DB21, ... DBX36.7 (NC alarm with machining stop active) ..................................................560 DB21, ... DBX37.0 - 2 (contour handwheel active) ..............................................................560 DB21, ... DBX37.3 (clearance control (CLC): Active)...........................................................561 DB21, ... DBX37.4 (clearance control (CLC): Stop at the lower motion limit) ......................562 DB21, ... DBX37.5 (clearance control (CLC): Stop at the upper motion limit)......................562 DB21, ... DBX37.6 (read-in disable is ignored) ....................................................................563 DB21, ... DBX37.7 (stop at block end is ignored during single block (SBL))........................563 DB21, ... DBX38.0 (stroke initiation active) ..........................................................................564 DB21, ... DBX38.1 (manual stroke initiation: Acknowledgment) ..........................................564 DB21, ... DBX39.1 (NC alarm with program stop)................................................................565 DB21, ... DBX39.4 (stop at block end due to single block) ..................................................565 DB21, ... DBX39.5 (Contour handwheel: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active) 565 DB21, ... DBX39.6 (configured stop is activated) .................................................................566 DB21, ... DBX39.7 (stop at block end due to configured stop).............................................566 DB21, ... DBX40.0 - 2 (geometry axis 1: handwheel active) ................................................566 DB21, ... DBX40.4 - 5 (geometry axis 1: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus") .....................567 DB21, ... DBX40.6 - 7 (geometry axis 1: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus")..................568 DB21, ... DBX41.0 - 6 (geometry axis 1: active machine function) ......................................569 DB21, ... DBX43.0 (geometry axis 1: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active) ......569 DB21, ... DBX46.0 - 2 (geometry axis 2: handwheel active) ................................................570 DB21, ... DBX46.4 - 5 (geometry axis 2: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus") .....................570 DB21, ... DBX46.6 - 7 (geometry axis 2: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus")..................570 DB21, ... DBX47.0 - 6 (geometry axis 2: active machine function) ......................................570

16 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Table of contents DB21, ... DBX49.0 (geometry axis 2: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active) ......570 DB21, ... DBX52.0 - 2 (geometry axis 3: handwheel active) ................................................571 DB21, ... DBX52.4 - 5 (geometry axis 3: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus") .....................571 DB21, ... DBX52.6 - 7 (geometry axis 3: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus")..................571 DB21, ... DBX53.0 - 6 (geometry axis 3: active machine function) ......................................571 DB21, ... DBX55.0 (geometry axis 3: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active) ......571 DB21, ... DBB58, DBB60 - 65 (M-, S-, T-, D-, H-, F fct. change) .........................................571 DB21, ... DBX59.0 - 4 (M fct. 1-5 not decoded) ...................................................................572 DB21, ... DBB60 - 64, ... DBB66 - 67 (M-, S-, T-, D-, H-, F fct. Additional quick information (quick
acknowledgment) ................................................................................................................572 DB21, ... DBB68 - 97 (M function 1 - 5 and extended address M function 1 - 5 ) ................572 DB21, ... DBB98 - 115 (S function 1 - 3 and extended address S function 1 - 3 ) ...............573 DB21, ... DBB118 (T function 1)...........................................................................................573 DB21, ... DBB129 (D function 1) ..........................................................................................574 DB21, ... DBB140 - 157 (H function 1 - 3 and extended address H function 1 - 3 ) .............574 DB21, ... DBB158 - 193 (F function 1 - 6 and extended address F function 1 - 6 )..............574 DB21, ... DBB194 - 206 (dynamic M functions: M0 - M99) ..................................................575 DB21, ... DBB208 - 271 (active G command of group 1 to 60) ............................................575 DB21, ... DBX272.0 - 273.1 (machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 preactivated) ............576 DB21, ... DBX274.0 – 275.1 (channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 preactivated) ...........577 DB21, ... DBX276.0 - 277.1 (machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 violated) ...................577 DB21, ... DBX278.0 – 279.1 (channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 violated)...................578 DB21, ... DBX280.1 (request disabling of synchronized actions).........................................578 DB21, ... DBX281.1 (acknowledgement of synchronized actions disabled) ........................578 DB21, … DBX300.0 - 307.7 (disable synchronized action ID/IDS) ......................................579 DB21, ... DBX308.0 - 315.7 (synchronized actions ID/IDS can be disabled) .......................579 DB21, ... DBB317.1 (workpiece setpoint reached)...............................................................579 DB21, ... DBX317.6 (PTP traversing active) ........................................................................580 DB21, ... DBX317.7 (TOOLMAN: Tool missing) ..................................................................580 DB21, ... DBX318.0 (ASUB is stopped) ...............................................................................580 DB21, ... DBX318.1 (block search via program test is active (SERUPRO)) ........................581 DB21, ... DBX318.2 (online tool length compensation (TOFF) active).................................581 DB21, ... DBX318.3 (online tool length compensation (TOFF): Compensation motion
active)...................................................................................................................................581 DB21, ... DBX318.5 (associated M0 / M1 active) .................................................................582 DB21, ... DBX319.0 (REPOS mode change acknowledgment) ...........................................582 DB21, ... DBX319.1 - 3 (active REPOS mode) ....................................................................583 DB21, ... DBX319.5 (REPOS delay) ....................................................................................584 DB21, ... DBX320.0 - 2 (orientation axis 1: activate handwheel) .........................................584 DB21, ... DBX320.4 (orientation axis 1: traversing key lock) ...............................................585 DB21, ... DBX320.5 (orientation axis 1: rapid traverse override) .........................................586 DB21, ... DBX320.6 - 7 (Orientierungsachse 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus") ...............586 DB21, ... DBX321.0 - 6 (orientation axis 1: machine function request) ................................588 DB21, … DBX323.0 (orientation axis 1: invert handwheel direction of rotation) ..................589 DB21, ... DBX324.0 - 2 (orientation axis 2: activate handwheel) .........................................589 DB21, ... DBX324.4 (orientation axis 2: traversing key lock) ...............................................589 DB21, ... DBX324.5 (orientation axis 2: rapid traverse override) .........................................590 DB21, ... DBX324.6 - 7 (orientation axis 2: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus") ......................590 DB21, ... DBX325.0 - 6 (orientation axis 2: machine function request) ................................590 DB21, … DBX327.0 (orientation axis 2: invert handwheel direction of rotation) ..................590 DB21, ... DBX328.0 - 2 (orientation axis 3: activate handwheel) .........................................590 DB21, ... DBX328.4 (orientation axis 3: traversing key lock) ...............................................590

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Table of contents DB21, ... DBX328.5 (orientation axis 3: rapid traverse override) .........................................590 DB21, ... DBX328.6 - 7 (orientation axis 3: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus") ......................591 DB21, ... DBX329.0 - 6 (orientation axis 3: machine function request) ................................591 DB21, … DBX331.0 (orientation axis 3: invert handwheel direction of rotation) ..................591 DB21, ... DBX332.0 - 2 (orientation axis 1: handwheel active) ............................................591 DB21, ... DBX332.4 - 5 (orientation axis 1: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus") .................592 DB21, ... DBX332.6 - 7 (orientation axis 1: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus" ...............593 DB21, ... DBX333.0 - 6 (orientation axis 1: active machine function) ..................................594 DB21, ... DBX336.0 - 2 (orientation axis 2: handwheel active) ............................................594 DB21, ... DBX336.4 - 5 (orientation axis 2: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus") .................595 DB21, ... DBX336.6 - 7 (orientation axis 2: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus" ...............595 DB21, ... DBX337.0 - 6 (orientation axis 2: active machine function) ..................................595 DB21, ... DBX340.0 - 2 (orientation axis 3: handwheel active) ............................................595 DB21, ... DBX340.4 - 5 (orientation axis 3: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus") .................595 DB21, ... DBX340.6 - 7 (orientation axis 3: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus" ...............595 DB21, ... DBX341.0 - 6 (orientation axis 3: active machine function) ..................................595 DB21, ... DBX344.0 (TM: tool prewarning limit reached) .....................................................596 DB21, ... DBX344.1 (TM: Tool limit value reached) .............................................................596 DB21, ... DBX344.2 (TM: Transition to new replacement tool) ............................................596 DB21, ... DBX344.3 (TM: Last replacement tool of the tool group) ......................................597 DB21, ... DBB376 (PROG_EVENT trigger event) ................................................................597 DB21, ... DBX377.0 (collision avoidance: stop) ...................................................................598 DB21, ... DBX377.4 (JOG retract active) .............................................................................598 DB21, ... DBX377.5 (JOG retract retraction data available).................................................598 DB21, ... DBX377.6 (JOG circular travel active) ..................................................................598 DB21, … DBX378.0 (ASUB active)......................................................................................599 DB21, … DBX378.1 (stopped ASUB active) ........................................................................599 DB21, ... DBX384.0 (enable GOTOS)..................................................................................599 DB21, ... DBX385.0 - 7 (input signal 1 - 8) ...........................................................................600 DB21, ... DBX386.0 - 7 (disabling of input signal 1 - 8)........................................................600 DB21, ... DBX387.0 - 7 (status of action 1 - 8) .....................................................................600 DB21, ... DBX390.0 - 7 (enable status of input signal 1 - 8) ................................................601 DB21, ... DBX391.0 - 7 (enable request for action 1 - 8) .....................................................601 DB21, ... DBB392 (selection: Coordinate system for Cartesian manual traversing and
handwheel override in automatic mode in the tool direction (DRF)) ....................................601
18.2.6 DB31, ...: Axis/spindle ..........................................................................................................602 DB31, ... DBB0 (feedrate override, axis-specific).................................................................602 DB31, ... DBX1.0 (drive test travel enable) ..........................................................................604 DB31, ... DBX1.1 (acknowledge fixed stop reached) ...........................................................605 DB31, ... DBX1.2 (fixed stop sensor) ...................................................................................605 DB31, ... DBX1.3 (axis/spindle disable) ...............................................................................606 DB31, ... DBX1.4 (follow-up mode) ......................................................................................609 DB31, ... DBX1.5 - 6 (position measuring system 1 (PMS1) / position measuring system
2 (PMS2)) .............................................................................................................................610 DB31, ... DBX1.7 (override active) .......................................................................................612 DB31, ... DBX2.0 (software cams: activation) ......................................................................613 DB31, ... DBX2.1 (controller enable) ....................................................................................613 DB31, ... DBX2.2 (spindle reset/delete distance to go) ........................................................615 DB31, ... DBX2.3 (clamping in progress) .............................................................................617 DB31, ... DBX2.4 - 7 (reference point value 1 - 4) ...............................................................617 DB31, ... DBX3.0 (accept external work offset)....................................................................618 DB31, ... DBX3.1 (enable travel to fixed stop) .....................................................................618

18 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Table of contents DB31, ... DBX3.2 - 5 (activate fixed feedrate 1 - 4, machine axes)......................................619 DB31, ... DBX3.6 (velocity/spindle speed limiting) ...............................................................619 DB31, ... DBX4.0 - 2 (activate handwheel) ..........................................................................620 DB31, ... DBX4.3 (feedrate/spindle stop, axis-specific) .......................................................621 DB31, ... DBX4.4 (traversing key disable)............................................................................621 DB31, ... DBX4.5 (rapid traverse override) ..........................................................................622 DB31, ... DBX4.6 - 7 ("Plus" / "Minus" traversing keys) .......................................................622 DB31, ... DBX5.0 - 6 (machine function request) .................................................................623 DB31, ... DBX7.0 (invert handwheel direction of rotation)....................................................624 DB31, ... DBB8 (request axis/spindle replacement) .............................................................625 DB31, ... DBX9.0 - (2 select: position controller parameter set) ..........................................626 DB31, ... DBX9.3 (parameter set definitions disabled by NC)..............................................626 DB31, ... DBX10.0 (REPOS delay) ......................................................................................626 DB31, ... DBX12.0 (hardware limit switch minus) ................................................................627 DB31, ... DBX12.1 (hardware limit switch plus) ...................................................................627 DB31,... DBX12.2 (second software limit switch minus) ......................................................628 DB31, ... DBX12.3 (second software limit switch plus) ........................................................628 DB31, ... DBX12.4 (modulo rotary axis: activate traversing range limits) ............................628 DB31, ... DBX12.7 (reference point approach deceleration) ................................................628 DB31, ... DBX13.0 - 2 (JOG approach fixed point) ..............................................................629 DB31, ... DBX13.3 (JOG travel to position) ..........................................................................629 DB31, ... DBX14.0 (suppress program test).........................................................................630 DB31, ... DBX14.1 (activate program test) ...........................................................................631 DB31, ... DBX16.0 - 2 (actual gear stage)............................................................................631 DB31, ... DBX16.3 (gear stage has been changed) .............................................................632 DB31, ... DBX16.4 (resynchronize spindle, measuring system 1) .......................................633 DB31, ... DBX16.5 (resynchronize spindle, measuring system 2) .......................................633 DB31, ... DBX16.7 (delete S value)......................................................................................634 DB31, ... DBX17.4 (resynchronizing the spindle before positioning, measuring system 1) ..634 DB31, ... DBX17.5 (resynchronizing the spindle before positioning, measuring system 2) ..634 DB31, ... DBX17.6 (invert M3 / M4)......................................................................................635 DB31, ... DBX18.4 (oscillation controlled by the PLC) .........................................................635 DB31, ... DBX18.5 (oscillation enable) .................................................................................636 DB31, ... DBX18.6 (oscillation: Clockwise direction of rotation) ...........................................636 DB31, ... DBX18.7 (oscillation: Counterclockwise direction of rotation) ...............................637 DB31, ... DBB19 (speed override, spindle-specific) .............................................................637 DB31, ... DBX20.1 (ramp-function generator disable)..........................................................639 DB31, ... DBX21.0 - 4 (motor/drive data set: selection) .......................................................640 DB31, ... DBX21.5 (motor has been selected) .....................................................................640 DB31, ... DBX21.6 (integrator disable, speed controller) .....................................................641 DB31, ... DBX21.7 (pulse enable) ........................................................................................641 DB31, ... DBB22.0 (SI: SBH/SG deselection) ......................................................................642 DB31, ... DBB22.1 (SI: SBH deselection) ............................................................................642 DB31, ... DBB22.3 - 4 (SI: SG selection) .............................................................................642 DB31, ... DBB23.0 - 2 (gear ratio selection) .........................................................................643 DB31, ... DBB23.4 (SI: SE selection) ...................................................................................643 DB31, ... DBB24.1 (control axis) ..........................................................................................643 DB31, …DBX24.2 (MCS coupling: deactivate or do not permit) ..........................................644 DB31, ... DBX24.3 (MCS coupling: activate collision protection) .........................................644 DB31, ... DBX24.4 (master-slave: activate torque compensatory controller) .......................645 DB31, ... DBX24.5 (setpoint switchover: request drive control) ...........................................645 DB31, ... DBX24.7 (master-slave: activate coupling) ...........................................................645

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Table of contents DB31, ... DBX26.4 (enable following axis override) .............................................................646 DB31, ... DBX28.0 (oscillation reversal from external) .........................................................646 DB31, ... DBX28.1 (PLC-controlled axis: Reset) ..................................................................647 DB31, ... DBX28.2 (PLC-controlled axis: Resume) ..............................................................647 DB31, ... DBX28.3 (set reversal point) .................................................................................648 DB31, ... DBX28.4 (change reversal point) ..........................................................................649 DB31, ... DBX28.5 (PLC-controlled axis: Stop at the next reversal point) ...........................649 DB31, ... DBX28.6 (PLC-controlled axis: Stop along braking ramp) ....................................649 DB31, ... DBX28.7 (request, PLC-controlled axis) ...............................................................650 DB31, ... DBX31.5 (disable synchronization) .......................................................................651 DB31, ... DBX34.0 - 1 (setpoint limitation) ...........................................................................651 DB31, ... DBX60.0 (spindle / rotary axis) .............................................................................652 DB31, ... DBX60.1 (NCU link axis active) ............................................................................652 DB31, ... DBX60.2 (encoder limit frequency exceeded 1)....................................................653 DB31, ... DBX60.3 (encoder frequency limit exceeded, measuring system 2) ....................653 DB31, ... DBX60.4 (referenced/synchronized 1) ..................................................................654 DB31, ... DBX60.5 (referenced/synchronized 2) ..................................................................654 DB31,... DBX60.6 (position reached with exact stop coarse) ..............................................655 DB31, ... DBX60.7 (position reached with exact stop fine) ..................................................655 DB31, ... DBX61.0 (drive test travel request) .......................................................................656 DB31, ... DBX61.1 (axis-specific alarm) ...............................................................................656 DB31, ... DBX61.2 (axis ready) ............................................................................................657 DB31, ... DBX61.3 (follow-up active)....................................................................................657 DB31, ... DBX61.4 (axis/spindle stationary (n < nmin)) ........................................................658 DB31, ... DBX61.5 (position controller active) ......................................................................658 DB31, ... DBX61.6 (speed controller active) ........................................................................659 DB31, ... DBX61.7 (current controller active) .......................................................................659 DB31, ... DBX62.0 (software cams active) ...........................................................................660 DB31, ... DBX62.1 (handwheel override active)...................................................................660 DB31, ... DBX62.2 (revolutional feedrate active) .................................................................661 DB31, ... DBX62.3 (measurement active) ............................................................................661 DB31, ... DBX62.4 (activate travel to fixed stop) ..................................................................661 DB31, ... DBX62.5 (fixed stop reached) ...............................................................................662 DB31, ... DBX62.7 (axis container rotation active) ...............................................................662 DB31, ... DBX63.0 (reset executed) .....................................................................................662 DB31, ... DBX63.1 (PLC-controlled axis) .............................................................................663 DB31, ... DBX63.2 (axis stop active) ....................................................................................663 DB31, ... DBX63.3 (axis/spindle disable active) ...................................................................663 DB31, ... DBX64.0 - 2 (handwheel active) ...........................................................................664 DB31, ... DBX64.4 - 5 ("Plus" / "Minus" traversing request) .................................................665 DB31, ... DBX64.6 - 7 ("Plus" / "Minus" traversing command) .............................................665 DB31, ... DBX65.0 - 6 (active machine function)..................................................................666 DB31, ... DBX66.0 (MCS coupling: collision protection active) ............................................666 DB31, ... DBX67.0 (handwheel direction of rotation inversion active)..................................667 DB31, ... DBB68 (status axis/spindle replacement) .............................................................667 DB31, ... DBX69.0 - 2 (active position controller parameter set) .........................................667 DB31, ... DBX70.0 (REPOS offset) ......................................................................................668 DB31, ... DBX70.1 (REPOS offset valid)..............................................................................668 DB31, ... DBX70.2 (REPOS delay acknowledgment) ..........................................................669 DB31, ... DBX71.4 (position restored measuring system 1).................................................670 DB31, ... DBX71.5 (position restored, measuring system 2)................................................670 DB31, ... DBX72.0 (REPOS delay) ......................................................................................670

20 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Table of contents DB31, ... DBX74.4 (modulo rotary axis: traversing range limits active) ...............................671 DB31, ... DBX75.0 - 2 (JOG approach fixed point active) ....................................................671 DB31, ... DBX75.3 - 5 (JOG approach fixed point reached) ................................................672 DB31, ... DBX75.6 (JOG travel to position active) ...............................................................672 DB31, ... DBX75.7 (JOG position reached)..........................................................................672 DB31, ... DBX76.0 (lubrication pulse) ..................................................................................673 DB31, ... DBX76.4 (path axis) ..............................................................................................673 DB31, ... DBX76.5 (positioning axis) ....................................................................................674 DB31, ... DBX76.6 (indexing axis in position) ......................................................................674 DB31, ... DBX77.0 (collision avoidance: Velocity reduction) ................................................675 DB31, ... DBD78 (feedrate, positioning axis) .......................................................................675 DB31, ... DBX82.0 - 2 (set gear stage) ................................................................................675 DB31, ... DBX82.3 (change over gear stage).......................................................................676 DB31, ... DBX83.0 (speed limit exceeded)...........................................................................676 DB31, ... DBX83.1 (speed setpoint limited)..........................................................................677 DB31, ... DBX83.2 (speed setpoint increased) ....................................................................678 DB31, ... DBX83.3 (geometry monitoring)............................................................................679 DB31, ... DBX83.5 (spindle in setpoint range) .....................................................................679 DB31, ... DBX83.6 (speed monitoring) .................................................................................679 DB31, ... DBX83.7 (clockwise actual direction of rotation) ...................................................680 DB31, ... DBX84.1 (grinding wheel peripheral speed active) ...............................................680 DB31, ... DBX84.3 (tapping without compensating check active) ........................................680 DB31, ... DBX84.4 (active spindle operating mode: Synchronous operation)......................681 DB31, ... DBX84.5 (active spindle mode: positioning mode) ...............................................681 DB31, ... DBX84.6 (active spindle mode: oscillating mode) .................................................682 DB31, ... DBX84.7 (active spindle mode: control mode) ......................................................682 DB31, ... DBX85.0 (tool with dynamic response limitation) ..................................................682 DB31, ... DBX85.5 (spindle in position) ................................................................................683 DB31, ... DBW86 (M function for spindle) ............................................................................683 DB31, ... DBD88 (S function for spindle)..............................................................................684 DB31, ... DBX92.1 (ramp-function generator disable active) ...............................................684 DB31, ... DBX92.4 (drive-autonomous motion active) .........................................................685 DB31, ... DBX93.0 - 4 (motor/drive data set: display) ..........................................................685 DB31, ... DBX93.5 (drive ready)...........................................................................................686 DB31, ... DBX93.6 (integrator disable, speed controller) .....................................................686 DB31, ... DBX93.7 (pulses enabled) ....................................................................................687 DB31, ... DBX94.0 (motor temperature prewarning) ............................................................687 DB31, ... DBX94.1 (heat sink temperature prewarning) .......................................................688 DB31, ... DBX94.2 (run-up completed) ................................................................................688 DB31, ... DBX94.3 (|Md| < Mdx)...........................................................................................689 DB31, ... DBX94.4 (|nact| < nmin) ........................................................................................690 DB31, ... DBX94.5 (|nact| < nx) ............................................................................................690 DB31, ... DBX94.6 (nact = nset) ...........................................................................................691 DB31, ... DBX94.7 (variable signaling function) ...................................................................691 DB31, ... DBX95.1 (ESR: DC link undervoltage)..................................................................691 DB31, ... DBX95.2 (ESR: Response initiated or generator operation active) ......................692 DB31, … DBX95.3 (generator operation minimum speed fallen below) ..............................692 DB31, ... DBX95.7 (alarm of alarm class C is active)...........................................................692 DB31, ... DBX96.2 (master-slave: fine differential speed)....................................................693 DB31, ... DBX96.3 (master-slave: coarse speed difference) ...............................................693 DB31, ... DBX96.4 (master-slave: compensatory controller active) .....................................693 DB31, ... DBX96.5 (setpoint switchover: drive control active) ..............................................694

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Table of contents DB31, ... DBX96.7 (master-slave: coupling active) ..............................................................694 DB31, ... DBX97.0 (MCS coupling: slave axis) ....................................................................695 DB31, … DBX97.1 (MCS coupling: coupling active)............................................................695 DB31, ... DBX97.2 (MCS coupling: mirroring active) ...........................................................695 DB31, ... DBX97.3 (MCS coupling: offset change) ..............................................................696 DB31, ... DBX98.0 (fine synchronous operation) .................................................................696 DB31, ... DBX98.1 (coarse synchronous operation) ............................................................697 DB31, ... DBX98.2 (actual value coupling) ...........................................................................697 DB31, ... DBX98.4 (overlaid movement) ..............................................................................698 DB31, ... DBX98.5 (speed alarm threshold reached) ...........................................................698 DB31, ... DBX98.6 (acceleration alarm threshold reached) .................................................699 DB31, ... DBX99.0 (leading spindle active) ..........................................................................699 DB31, ... DBX99.1 (following spindle active)........................................................................700 DB31, ... DBX99.3 (axis accelerates)...................................................................................700 DB31, ... DBX100.2 (oscillation reversal from external active) ............................................700 DB31, ... DBX100.3 (oscillation cannot be started) ..............................................................701 DB31, ... DBX100.4 (error during oscillation) .......................................................................701 DB31, …DBX100.5 (sparking-out active).............................................................................701 DB31, ... DBX100.6 (oscillation active) ................................................................................701 DB31, ... DBX100.7 (oscillation active) ................................................................................702 DB31, ... DBX102.5 (position measuring system 1 activated) .............................................702 DB31, ... DBX102.6 (position measuring system 2 activated) .............................................702 DB31, ... DBX104.0 - 107.6 (active infeed axes) .................................................................703 DB31, ... DBX128.0 (suppress program test).......................................................................703 DB31, ... DBX128.1 (activate program test) .........................................................................703 DB31, ... DBX130.0 - 4 (motor/drive data set: formatting) ...................................................704 DB31, ... DBX132.0 (sensors available)...............................................................................704 DB31, ... DBX132.1 (sensor S1 available (clamped state)) .................................................705 DB31, … DBX132.4 (sensor S4 available (piston end position)) .........................................705 DB31, ... DBX132.5 (sensor S5 available (angular position of the motor shaft)) .................705 DB31, ... DBX133.2 (state value is generated, speed limitation p5043 is active) ................706 DB31, … DBW134 (state of the clamping system (sensor S1))...........................................706 DB31, ... DBW136 (analog measured value: of the clamping system) ................................707 DB31, … DBX138.4 (sensor S4, piston end position)..........................................................707 DB31, ... DBX138.5 (sensor S5 angular position of the motor shaft) ...................................707
18.2.7 DB71. Tool management, loading/unloading points ............................................................708 DB71 DBX0.0 - 1.7 (active status of interfaces 1 - 16) ........................................................708 DB71 DBX2.0 - 3.7 ("auto" acknowledgment of interfaces 1 - 16) .......................................708 DB71 DBX(n+0).0 (command: Loading) ..............................................................................708 DB71 DBX(n+0).1 (command: Unload) ................................................................................709 DB71 DBX(n+0).2 (command: Relocate) .............................................................................709 DB71 DBX(n+0).3 (command: Position to load point) ..........................................................710 DB71 DBX(n+0).4 (command: Job/task comes from the NC program) ...............................710 DB71 DBX(n+0).5 (command: Position a multitool) .............................................................711 DB71 DBX(n+1).0 ("auto" acknowledgment negative) .........................................................711 DB71 DBX(n+1).7 (command: data in the extended range) ................................................712 DB71 DBB(n+2) (assigned channel) ....................................................................................712 DB71 DBB(n+3) (tool management No.)..............................................................................712 DB71 DBW(n+16) (identifier for loading/unloading point (fixed value 9999)) ......................713 DB71 DBW(n+18) (location number of the loading/unloading point) ...................................713 DB71 DBW(n+20) (Magazine No. (Source) for unloading/relocating/positioning) ...............713 DB71 DBW(n+22) (Location No. (Source) for unloading/relocating/positioning) .................714

22 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Table of contents DB71 DBW(n+24) (Magazine No. (Target) for unloading/relocating/positioning) ................714 DB71 DBW(n+26) (location No. (Target) for unloading/relocating/positioning)....................714 DB71 DBX(n+28).0 (loading/unloading without any magazine movement) .........................715
18.2.8 DB72: Tool management, change in the spindle .................................................................715 DB72 DBX0.0-1.7 (active status of interfaces 1-16) ............................................................715 DB72 DBX2.0-3.7 ("auto" acknowledgment of interfaces 1-16) ...........................................716 DB72 DBX(n+0).0 (command code: Obligatory change) .....................................................716 DB72 DBX(n+0).1 (command code: Perform change with M06) .........................................716 DB72 DBX(n+0).2 (command code: Prepare change) .........................................................717 DB72 DBX(n+0).3 (command code: T0) ..............................................................................717 DB72 DBX(n+0).4 (command code: Old tool in buffer) ........................................................718 DB72 DBX(n+0).5 (command code: Load manual tool) .......................................................718 DB72 DBX(n+0).6 (command code: Unload manual tool) ...................................................719 DB72 DBX(n+0).7 (command code: Tool remains in spindle) .............................................719 DB72 DBX(n+1).0 ("auto" acknowledgment negative) .........................................................720 DB72 DBX(n+1).7 (command: data in the extended range) ................................................720 DB72 DBB(n+2) (assigned channel) ....................................................................................720 DB72 DBB(n+3) (tool management No.)..............................................................................721 DB72 DBD(n+4) (user-definable parameter 0 (DInt))...........................................................721 DB72 DBD(n+8) (user-definable parameter 1 (DInt))...........................................................721 DB72 DBD(n+12) (user-definable parameter 2 (DInt)).........................................................722 DB72 DBW(n+16) (buffer magazine number (fixed value 9998)) ........................................722 DB72 DBW(n+18) (location in the buffer magazine (spindle)) .............................................722 DB72 DBW(n+20) (magazine No. (source) for new tool to be loaded) ................................723 DB72 DBW(n+22) (location No. (source) for new tool) ........................................................723 DB72 DBW(n+24) (magazine No. (target) for old tool to be removed) ................................723 DB72 DBW(n+26) (location No. (target) for old tool)............................................................724 DB72 DBW(n+28) (new tool: Location type) ........................................................................724 DB72 DBW(n+30) (new tool: Size left) .................................................................................724 DB72 DBW(n+32) (new tool: Size right)...............................................................................725 DB72 DBW(n+34) (new tool: Size top).................................................................................725 DB72 DBW(n+36) (new tool: Size bottom)...........................................................................725 DB72 DBW(n+38) (tool status for new tool) .........................................................................726 DB72 DBW(n+40) (new tool: internal T number of NC) .......................................................726 DB72 DBW(n+42) (buffer location of the old tool) ................................................................727 DB72 DBW(n+44) (original magazine of the new tool) ........................................................727 DB72 DBW(n+46) (original location of the new tool)............................................................727
18.2.9 DB73: Tool management, change in turret ..........................................................................728 DB73 DBX0.0 - 1.7 (active status of interfaces 1 - 16) ........................................................728 DB73 DBX2.0 - 3.7 ("auto" acknowledgment of interfaces 1 - 16) .......................................728 DB73 DBX(n+0).0 (command code: Obligatory change) .....................................................729 DB73 DBX(n+0).1 (command code: Execute change).........................................................729 DB73 DBX(n+0).3 (T0))........................................................................................................729 DB73 DBX(n+1).0 ("auto" acknowledgment negative) .........................................................730 DB73 DBX(n+1).7 (command: data in the extended range) ................................................730 DB73 DBB(n+2) (assigned channel) ....................................................................................730 DB73 DBB(n+3) (tool management No.)..............................................................................731 DB73 DBD(n+4) (user-definable parameter 0 (DInt))...........................................................731 DB73 DBD(n+8) (user-definable parameter 1 (DInt))...........................................................731 DB73 DBD(n+12) (user-definable parameter 2 (DInt)).........................................................732 DB73 DBW(n+20) (magazine number of the new tool) ........................................................732 DB73 DBW(n+22) (location number of the new tool to be loaded) ......................................732

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Table of contents DB73 DBW(n+24) (magazine No. (target) for old tool to be removed) ................................733 DB73 DBW(n+26) (location number of the old tool to be removed) .....................................733 DB73 DBW(n+28) (new tool: Location type) ........................................................................733 DB73 DBW(n+30) (new tool: Size left) .................................................................................734 DB73 DBW(n+32) (new tool: Size right)...............................................................................734 DB73 DBW(n+34) (new tool: Size top).................................................................................734 DB73 DBW(n+36) (new tool: Size bottom)...........................................................................735 DB73 DBW(n+38) (tool status for new tool) .........................................................................735 DB73 DBW(n+40) (new tool: Internal T no. of the NC) ........................................................736 DB73 DBW(n+42) (original location of the new tool in this turret magazine) .......................736
18.2.10 DB1071: Tool management, load/unload magazine (multitool) ...........................................736 DB1071 DBW(n+0) (distance coding) ..................................................................................736 DB1071 DBW(n+2) (multitool location number) ...................................................................737 DB1071 DBD(n+4) (multitool location distance)...................................................................737 DB1071 DBW(n+8) (multitool number) ................................................................................738 DB1071 DBW(n+10) (multitool location number) .................................................................738 DB1071 DBW(n+12) (toolholder) .........................................................................................738
18.2.11 DB1072: Tool management, spindle (multitool) ...................................................................739 DB1072 DBW(n+0) (distance coding) ..................................................................................739 DB1072 DBW(n+2) (multitool location number) ...................................................................739 DB1072 DBW(n+4) (multitool location distance) ..................................................................739 DB1072 DBW(n+8) (multitool number (new tool))................................................................740 DB1072 DBW(n+10) (multitool location number (new tool)) ................................................740 DB1072 DBW(n+12) (multitool number (old tool)) ...............................................................740 DB1072 DBW(n+14) (multitool location number (old tool)) ..................................................741 DB1072 DBW(n+16) (new tool: Location type) ....................................................................741 DB1072 DBW(n+18) (new tool: Size left) .............................................................................741 DB1072 DBW(n+20) (new tool: Size right)...........................................................................742 DB1072 DBW(n+22) (new tool: Size top).............................................................................742 DB1072 DBW(n+24) (new tool: Size bottom).......................................................................742 DB1072 DBW(n+26) (new tool status) .................................................................................743 DB1072 DBW(n+28) (new tool: internal T number of the NC) .............................................743 DB1072 DBW(n+30) (tool holder) ........................................................................................744 DB1072 DBW(n+32) (original magazine of the new tool) ....................................................744 DB1072 DBW(n+34) (original location of the new tool)........................................................744
18.2.12 DB1073: Tool management, turret (multitool) ......................................................................745 DB1073 DBW(n+0) (distance coding) ..................................................................................745 DB1073 DBW(n+2) (multitool location number) ...................................................................745 DB1073 DBW(n+4) (multitool location distance) ..................................................................746 DB1073 DBW(n+8) (multitool number (new tool))................................................................746 DB1073 DBW(n+10) (multitool location number (new tool)) ................................................746 DB1073 DBW(n+12) (multitool number (old tool)) ...............................................................747 DB1073 DBW(n+14) (multitool location number (old tool)) ..................................................747 DB1073 DBW(n+16) (new tool: Location type) ....................................................................747 DB1073 DBW(n+18) (new tool: Size left) .............................................................................748 DB1073 DBW(n+20) (new tool: Size right)...........................................................................748 DB1073 DBW(n+22) (new tool: Size top).............................................................................748 DB1073 DBW(n+24) (new tool: Size bottom).......................................................................749 DB1073 DBW(n+26) (new tool status) .................................................................................749 DB1073 DBW(n+28) (new tool: internal T number of the NC) .............................................750 DB1073 DBW(n+30) (tool holder) ........................................................................................750 DB1073 DBW(n+32) (original magazine of the new tool) ....................................................750

24 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Table of contents DB1073 DBW(n+34) (original location of the new tool)........................................................751

A Appendix...................................................................................................................................................753
A.1 Overview ..............................................................................................................................753
Index .........................................................................................................................................................755

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 25
Table of contents

26 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Fundamental safety instructions 1
1.1 General safety instructions

Danger to life if the safety instructions and residual risks are not observed
If the safety instructions and residual risks in the associated hardware documentation are not
observed, accidents involving severe injuries or death can occur.
● Observe the safety instructions given in the hardware documentation.
● Consider the residual risks for the risk evaluation.

Malfunctions of the machine as a result of incorrect or changed parameter settings
As a result of incorrect or changed parameterization, machines can malfunction, which in turn
can lead to injuries or death.
● Protect the parameterization against unauthorized access.
● Handle possible malfunctions by taking suitable measures, e.g. emergency stop or
emergency off.

1.2 Warranty and liability for application examples

Application examples are not binding and do not claim to be complete regarding configuration,
equipment or any eventuality which may arise. Application examples do not represent specific
customer solutions, but are only intended to provide support for typical tasks.
As the user you yourself are responsible for ensuring that the products described are operated
correctly. Application examples do not relieve you of your responsibility for safe handling when
using, installing, operating and maintaining the equipment.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 27
Fundamental safety instructions
1.3 Industrial security

1.3 Industrial security

Industrial security
Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is
necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept. Products and solutions from Siemens constitute one element of such a
Customers are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to their plants, systems,
machines and networks. Such systems, machines and components should only be connected
to an enterprise network or the Internet if and to the extent such a connection is necessary and
only when appropriate security measures (e.g. using firewalls and/or network segmentation)
are in place.
For additional information on industrial security measures that can be implemented, please
Industrial security (https://www.siemens.com/industrialsecurity)
Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure.
Siemens strongly recommends that product updates are applied as soon as they become
available, and that only the latest product versions are used. Use of product versions that are
no longer supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase customer’s exposure
to cyber threats.
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS
Feed at:
Industrial security (https://www.siemens.com/industrialsecurity)

Further information is provided on the Internet:

Industrial Security Configuration Manual (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/

28 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Fundamental safety instructions
1.3 Industrial security

Unsafe operating states resulting from software manipulation
Software manipulations, e.g. viruses, Trojans, or worms, can cause unsafe operating states
in your system that may lead to death, serious injury, and property damage.
● Keep the software up to date.
● Incorporate the automation and drive components into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept for the installation or machine.
● Make sure that you include all installed products into the holistic industrial security concept.
● Protect files stored on exchangeable storage media from malicious software by with
suitable protection measures, e.g. virus scanners.
● On completion of commissioning, check all security-related settings.
● Protect the drive against unauthorized changes by activating the "Know-how protection"
converter function.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 29
Fundamental safety instructions
1.3 Industrial security

30 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Overview 2
2.1 Brief description

The PLC basic program organizes the exchange of signals and data between the PLC user
program and the NC, HMI and MCP areas. In the case of signals and data, a distinction is made
between the following groups:
● Cyclic signal exchange
● Event-driven signal exchange
● Messages

Cyclic signal exchange

The cyclically-exchanged signals consist primarily of bit arrays.
● They contain commands transferred from the PLC to the NC (such as start or stop)
and status information from the NC (such as program running, interrupted, etc.).
● The bit fields are organized into signals for:
– Mode group
– Channels
– Axes/spindles
– General NC signals
The cyclic exchange of data is performed by the basic program at the start of the PLC cycle
(OB1). This ensures, for example, that the signals from the NC remain constant throughout a

Event-driven signal exchange NC → PLC

PLC functions that have to be executed as a function of the workpiece program are triggered
by auxiliary functions in the workpiece program. If a block with auxiliary functions is executed,
the type of auxiliary function determines whether the NC has to wait for this function to execute
(e.g. tool change) or whether the function will be executed together with the workpiece
machining process (e.g. tool loading on milling machines with chain magazine).
Data transfer must be as fast and yet as reliable as possible, in order to minimize the effect on
the NC processing. Data transfer is, therefore, interrupt- and acknowledgment-driven. The
basic program evaluates the signals and data, acknowledges this to the NC and transfers the
data to the application interface at the start of the cycle. If the data does not require user
acknowledgment, this does not affect NC processing.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 31
2.1 Brief description

Event-driven signal exchange PLC → NC

An "event driven signal exchange PLC → NC" takes place whenever the PLC transfers a
request to the NC (e.g. traversing of an auxiliary axis). In this case, data transfer is also
acknowledgment-driven. When performed from the user program, this type of signal exchange
is triggered using a function block (FB) or function call (FC).
The associated FBs (Function Blocks) and FCs (Function Calls) are supplied together with the
basic program.

User messages are acquired and conditioned by the basic program. The message signals are
transferred to the basic program via a specified bit array. where they are evaluated and, if
message events occur, entered in the PLC's interrupt buffer by means of the ALARM S/SQ
functions. If an HMI (e.g. SINUMERIK Operate) is being used, the messages are transferred to
the HMI and displayed.

PLC/HMI data exchange

In this type of data exchange, the HMI takes the initiative, being referred to as the "client" on the
bus system. The HMI polls or writes data. The PLC processes these requests at the cycle
control point via the operating system. The PLC basic program is not involved in these

The function of the machine is largely determined by the PLC program. Every PLC program in
the RAM can be edited with the programming device.

Know-how protection for user blocks

To protect the know-how contained in the the user blocks (OB, FB and FC), they can be
encoded with the SBP tool (SIMATIC block protection) contained in SIMATIC STEP 7. These
blocks can then no longer be opened, debugged and modified without specifying the password
for the encoding.
When encoding, the automation system on whose PLC-CPU the blocks are to be executed,
must be specified: SIMATIC and/or SINUMERIK PLC-CPU.
The handling of the blocks, e.g. loading to the CPU, is not affected by the encoding.

SIMATIC STEP 7 as of Version 5.5 SP3

32 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
2.2 Key data of the PLC CPU

2.2 Key data of the PLC CPU

Key data of the PLC CPU

For further information:
The overview of the key data of the PLC CPU integrated in the SINUMERIK NCU can be found
NCU 7x0.3 PN Manual, Section "Technical data"

I/O addresses for integrated drives
The I/O addresses above 4096 are reserved for the integrated drives of the NCU and must not
assigned otherwise.

Functions of the basic PLC program

Axes/spindles 31
Channels 10
Mode groups 10
Status/control signals +
M decoders (M00-99) +
G group decoders +
Aux. function distributors +
Aux. function transfer, interrupt-driven +
M decoding acc. to list +
Move axes/spindles from PLC +
ASUP interface +
Error/operating messages +
Transfer MCP and HHU signals +
Display control handheld unit +
Read/write NC variables and GUD +
PI services +
Tool management +
Star/delta switchover +
M to N +
Safety Integrated +
Program diagnostics +

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 33
2.3 PLC operating system version

2.3 PLC operating system version

The PLC operating system version is displayed at:
● User interface of SINUMERIK Operate: "Operating area switchover" > "Diagnostics" >
"Version" ⇒ version data / system software NCU: Selection "PLC" > "Details" ⇒ version
data / system software NCU/PLC: The PLC operating system version is displayed in the first
line is at "PLC 3xx…".
The displayed version is SINUMERIK-specific. It is not compatible with the basic SIMATIC
● SIMATIC STEP 7, HW Config: In the properties of the PLC CPU in the SINUMERIK rack:
"Properties - CPU 3xx…" > "Order no. / firmware": xxxx / Vx.y.z
The version of the basic SIMATIC CPU is displayed.

34 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
PLC mode selector 3
The PLC mode selector is located on the front of the NCU module. The following PLC operating
modes can be set via the PLC mode selector:

S 1) Meaning Remark
0 RUN-P The PLC program can be changed without activation of the password
1 RUN Only read access operations are possible using a programming device (PG). It
is not possible to make changes to the PLC program until the password has been
2 STOP Processing the PLC program is stopped and all PLC outputs are set to substitute
3 MRES The PLC is switched into the STOP state followed by a PLC general reset (de‐
fault data).
1) Switch position of the PLC mode selector

Further information
A detailed description of the position of the PLC mode selector on the front of the NCU module,
as well as its use in connection with NC and PLC general reset can be found in:
CNC Commissioning Manual: NC, PLC, Drive in chapter "Power-on and startup".

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 35
PLC mode selector

36 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Reserve resources (timers, counters, FC, FB, DB, I/O) 4
Reserve resources (timers, counters, FC, FB, DB, I/O)
The components below are reserved for the basic program:
● Timer
No reservation
● Counter
No reservation
● FC, FB, DB
FC0 to FC29 and FB0 to FB29 are reserved for the basic program. The number range
between 1000 and 1023 is also reserved for FCs and FBs. DB1 to DB61, DB71 to DB80 are
reserved for data blocks. The number range 1000 to 1099 is also reserved in addition for DB.
The data blocks of channels, axes/spindles and tool management functions that are not
activated may be assigned as desired by the user.
● I/O range
The PLC has an I/O address volume of 16384 bytes each for inputs and outputs. The
address ranges starting at 4096 are reserved for/occupied by integrated drives. However,
diagnostic addresses for modules can be assigned to the highest address range as
proposed by STEP 7. The address range between 4080 and 4097 is also assigned for the
NC, CP and HMI in rack 0 of the SIMATIC 300 station (for NCU 7x0.3).

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 37
Reserve resources (timers, counters, FC, FB, DB, I/O)

38 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Commissioning hardware configuration of the PLC
The commissioning of the PLC CPU is described in detail in:

Further information
CNC Commissioning Manual: NC, PLC, Drive:
● Chapter: "Commissioning PLC"
● Chapter: "Configuring PLC-controlled drives"
● Chapter: "Requirements for commissioning" > "Power-on and startup" > "Separate NC and
PLC general reset"
● Chapter: "Commissioning PLC" > "Configuring a network (NetPro) for PG/PC" > "Integrating
PG/PC into the network (NetPro)"

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 39
Commissioning hardware configuration of the PLC CPU

40 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Starting up the PLC program 6
6.1 Installation of the basic program
The installation of the basic program is described in detail in:

Further information
CNC Commissioning Manual: NC, PLC, Drive; Section: "Commissioning PLC" > "Creating a
PLC program"

Before installing SINUMERIK 840D sl STEP 7 Toolbox V16, SIMATIC STEP 7 must be
It is recommended that the hardware expansions for STEP 7 be installed again from the toolbox
after an update of STEP 7.
The OB source programs, including standard parameterization, interface symbols and data-
block templates for the handheld unit and M decoding functions are included in the basic

6.2 Application of the basic program

A new CPU program (e.g. "Turnma1") must be set up in a project by means of the STEP 7
software for each installation (machine).

The catalog structures of a project and the procedure for creating projects and user programs
are described in the relevant SIMATIC documentation.

The basic program blocks are copied using the SIMATIC Manager and
"File" > "Open" > "Library".
The following components must be copied from the library:
● From the block container: FCs, FBs, DBs, OBs, SFC, SFB, UDT
● The source_files (from the source container): GPOB840D
● Possibly MDECLIST, HHU_DB and others
● The symbols table (from the symbols container)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 41
Starting up the PLC program
6.3 Version codes

Compatibility with STEP 7

There are no dependencies between the basic program and current STEP 7 versions.

6.3 Version codes

Basic program
The version of the basic program is displayed on the Version screen of the user interface along
with the control system type.
The control system type is encoded as follows:

Leftjustified decade of DB17.DBD0 (byte 0) Control system type

03 SINUMERIK 840D sl (NCU 7x0)

User program version identifications

Users can also display their own PLC version codes on the HMI version screen. For this
purpose, a data of type STRING containing a maximum of 54 characters must be defined in any
data block. The version, however, is not interpreted, but rather the entered string is accepted.
The parameterization on this string is done via a pointer on FB1. For this, the data block must
be defined symbolically. See the FB1 block description for more information.
The version identification can be formatted in the string as follows:
● xx.yy
● xx.yy.zz
● ww.xx.yy.zz
● vv.ww.xx.yy.zzz
● x.y
● x.y.z
● w.x.y.z
● v.w.x.y.z
In addition to the version identification, a date can be entered in the string, which given the
appropriate formatting, is displayed in the HMI in the version screen. The date, however, is not
interpreted, but rather the entered string is accepted. A combination with version identifications
is possible. The following formats are currently supported:
● 00/00/0000
● 0000/00/00
● 00/00/00

42 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Starting up the PLC program
6.5 Data backup

● "Test project version 01.02.03 01/01/2015"
● "1.2 2015/01/01 test project"
● "01/01/15 version 01.02 test project"

6.4 Machine program

The machine manufacturer creates the machine program using the library routines supplied
with the basic program. The machine program contains the logic operations and sequences on
the machine. The interface signals to the NC are also controlled in this program. More complex
communication functions with the NC, e.g. read/write NC data, tool-management
acknowledgments, etc., are activated and executed via the FCs and FBs blocks of the basic
The machine program can be created in various STEP 7 creation languages, e.g. STL, LAD,
FBD, S7-HIGRAPH, S7GRAPH, SCL. The complete machine program must be generated and
compiled in the correct sequence.
This means that blocks that are called by other blocks must generally be compiled before these
If blocks that are called by other blocks are subsequently modified in the interface
(VAR_INPUT, VAR_OUTPUT, VAR_IN_OUT, VAR) as the program is developed, then the call
block and all blocks associated with it must be compiled again. This general procedure applies
analogously to instance data blocks for FBs. If this sequence of operations is not observed,
timestamp conflicts occur when the data is retranslated into STEP 7. As such, the
recompilability of the blocks is not ensured and with the function "Status of block" unnecessary
conflicts can also appear. It is, moreover, advisable to generate blocks in ASCII-STL by means
of the STEP 7 editor when they have been created in Ladder Diagram or in single statements
(incremental mode).

6.5 Data backup

The PLC-CPU does not save any symbolic names, but instead only the datatype descriptions
of the block parameters VAR_INPUT, VAR_OUTPUT, VAR_IN_OUT, VAR and the datatypes
of the global data blocks.

No sensible recompilation is possible without the related project for this machine. This
especially affects, for instance the function status of the block or the necessary changes done
in the PLC-CPU programs later. It is, therefore, necessary to keep a backup copy of the STEP
7 project located in the PLC CPU on the machine. This is a great help for the service case and
saves unnecessary consumption of time in restoring the original project.

If the STEP 7 project exists and has been created according to the instructions given above,
then symbols can be processed in the PLCCPU on this machine. It may also be advisable to
store the machine source programs as ".awl" files in case they are required for any future

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 43
Starting up the PLC program
6.6 PLC series startup, PLC archive

The source programs of all organization blocks and all instance data blocks should always be

6.6 PLC series startup, PLC archive

Once the blocks have been loaded to the PLC CPU, a series archive can be generated via the
HMI user interface to back up data on the machine. To ensure data consistency, this backup
must be created immediately after block loading when the PLC is in the Stop state. It does not
replace the SIMATIC project backup as the series archive saves binary data only. For instance,
no symbolic information is present here. In addition, no CPU DBs (SFC 22 DBs) or SDBs
generated in the CPU are saved.

Selection of the SINUMERIK archiving program

The PLC series archive can be generated directly from the SIMATIC project as an alternative:
1. In the SIMATIC Manager open dialog box "Settings": menu bar "Tools" > "Settings".
2. Open tab "Archiving".
3. In the "Preferred archiving program" drop-down list box, select the SINUMERIK archiving
program "SINUMERIK (*.arc)".

Start of the SINUMERIK archiving program

The SINUMERIK archiving program is started in the SIMATIC Manager via the menu command
"File" > "Archive".
After you have selected a project and assigned an archive name, the PLC archive is generated.
If a project contains several program paths, the S7 program for which the PLC archive will be
created can be selected in the dialog box. All blocks contained in folder "CPU ..." > ... > "Blocks"
at the selected program path are archived. Blocks in the folder "CP 840D sl" are not included
in the PLC archive:



Data blocks that were created with SFC22 (online) in the CPU are also excluded from the
The "Sdb archive" option can be activated or deactivated for the archiving program:

44 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Starting up the PLC program
6.6 PLC series startup, PLC archive

If "Sdb archive" is activated, a PLC archive is created that only contains the system data blocks
(SDB) of the selected program path.

Creating application-specific PLC archives

Various archive options are available in Expert mode when creating a PLC archive.
Expert mode is activated with two parameters in the "MMCARC.INI" file:
● Parameter Option = 1
● Parameter Expert = 1
The "MMCARC.INI" file is available as standard via the path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Siemens
\Step7\S7bin\". Administrator rights are required in order to change the file.
The behavior and result when importing into the PLC varies depending on the respectively set
archive options.
The following figure shows the options for creation of a PLC archive in Expert mode:

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 45
Starting up the PLC program
6.6 PLC series startup, PLC archive

PLC reload archive without overwriting

The following table displays the project with the data from which the archive is created and the
archive options to be activated:

Data in the PLC project Archive options

● Program blocks ☑ "Without general PLC reset"
☑ "With PLC start command" (optional)

The program blocks must not exist in the PLC to be loaded.

The project must not include any system data.
Result when importing the archive:
● There is no general PLC reset.
● The program blocks are transferred.
● No blocks are overwritten.
● With the "With PLC start command" option selected, the PLC is started after loading.

PLC reload archive with overwriting

The following table displays the project with the data from which the archive is created and the
archive options to be activated:

Data in the PLC project Archive options

● Program blocks ☑ "Overwrite block in PLC"

The project must not include any system data.

Result when importing the archive:
● There is no general PLC reset.
● The program blocks are transferred and available blocks overwritten in the PLC as
● Blocks which are only available in the PLC and not available in the archive remain
● The PLC is always restarted after loading.

PLC hardware upgrade archive

The following table displays the project with the data from which the archive is created and the
archive options to be activated:

Data in the PLC project Archive options

● System data ☑ "Sdb archive"
● Program blocks may be included, however, are
not transferred

46 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Starting up the PLC program
6.6 PLC series startup, PLC archive

Result when importing the archive:

● There is no general PLC reset.
● The system data is overwritten in the PLC.
● The PLC is always restarted after loading.

PLC commissioning archive

The following table displays the project with the data from which the archive is created and the
archive options to be activated:

Data in the PLC project Archive options

● System data ☑ "With PLC start command" (optional)
● Program blocks

Result when importing the archive:

● There is a general PLC reset.
● System data and program blocks are transferred into the PLC.
● With the "With PLC start command" option selected, the PLC is started after loading.

The process of generating a series archive can be automated (comparable to the command
interface in STEP 7). In generating this series archive, the command interface is expanded.
The following functions are available for this expansion:
The functions (shown here in VB script) are not available until server instantiations and Magic
have been called:
Const S7BlockContainer = 1138689, S7PlanContainer = 17829889
Const S7SourceContainer = 1122308
set S7 = CreateObject("Simatic.Simatic.1")
rem Instantiate command interface of STEP 7
Set S7Ext = CreateObject("SimaticExt.S7ContainerExt")
Call S7Ext.Magic("")
● Function Magic(bstrVal As String) As Long
● Function MakeSerienIB (FileName As String, Option As Long,
Container As S7Container) As Long

Function Magic(bstrVal As String) As Long

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 47
Starting up the PLC program
6.6 PLC series startup, PLC archive

The call provides access to certain functions. The function must be called once after server
instantiation. The value of bstrVal can be empty. This initiates a check of the correct STEP 7
version and path name in Autoexec. The functions are enabled with a return parameter of 0.
Return parameter (-1) = incorrect STEP 7 version
Return parameter (-2) = no entry in Autoexec.bat
Function MakeSerienIB(FileName As String, Option As Long, Container As S7Container) As
Parameter "Option":

0: Normal series startup file with general reset.

Bit 0 = 1: Series startup file without general reset. When project contains SDBs, this option is
A general reset is then always executed.
Bit 1 = 1: Series startup file with PLC restart

Return value:

0 = OK
-1 = Function unavailable, call Magic function beforehand
-2 = File name cannot be generated
-4 = Container parameter invalid or container block empty
-5 = Internal error (memory request rejected by Windows)
-6 = Internal error (problem in STEP 7 project)
-7 = Write error when generating series startup files (e.g. data storage medium full)

Use in script
Program code
If S7Ext.Magic("") < 0 Then
End If
Set Proj1 = s7.Projects("new")
set S7Prog = Nothing
Set s7prog = Proj1.Programs.Item(1) if there is only one program
For Each cont In s7prog.Next
If (Cont.ConcreteType = S7BlockContainer) Then
'Check block container
Exit For
End if
Cont = Nothing
Error = S7Ext.MakeSerienIB("f:\dh\arc.dir\PLC.arc", 0, Cont)
'Now error analysis

48 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Starting up the PLC program
6.7 Software upgrade

The For Each ... Next block programmed above can be programmed in the Delphi
programming language as follows (The programming in the C, C++ programming languages is

Program code
EnumVar: IEnumVariant;
rgvar: OleVariant;
fetched: Cardinal;

//For Each Next

EnumVar := (S7Prog.Next._NewEnum) as IEnumVariant;
While (EnumVar.Next(1,rgvar,fetched) = S_OK) Do Begin
Cont := IS7Container(IDispatch(rgvar)); // block container,
Check sources
If (Cont.ConcreteType = S7BlockContainer) Then Break;
Cont := NIL;

6.7 Software upgrade

A general PLC reset should be performed to achieve a defined initial state before the PLC
software is upgraded. In this case, among other things, all user data (program and data blocks)
will be deleted. The PLC general reset is described in:
Further information:
Commissioning Manual IBN CNC: NC, PLC, Drive; section "Requirements for commissioning"
> "Power-on and startup"

Generating a new SIMATIC S7 project

In normal cases, the new PLC basic program is to be linked in for a new NCU software version.
The basic programs blocks must be loaded into the user project for this purpose. If the following
program and data blocks are already in the user project, these should not be transferred with
the blocks of the basic PLC program: OB1, OB40, OB82, OB86, OB100, FC12, and DB4.
These may have been changed by the user and should not be overwritten. The new basic
program must be linked with the user program. The following procedure must be taken into
1. Generate the text or source file of all user blocks before copying the basic PLC program.
2. Copy the new basic program blocks into the SIMATIC S7 project (described in Section
"Application of the basic program (Page 41)")
3. All user programs "*.awl" must be recompiled in the correct order! (See also "Machine
program (Page 43)")
4. This newly compiled SIMATIC S7 project should then be downloaded with STEP 7 into the

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 49
Starting up the PLC program
6.8 I/O modules (FM, CP modules)

However, it is normally enough to recompile the organization blocks (OBs) and the instance
data blocks of the S7 project. Before upgrading, therefore, only the sources for the organization
blocks and the instance data blocks are generated.

NC variables
The latest NC VAR selector can be used for each NC software release (even older versions).
The variables can also be selected from the latest list for earlier NC software versions. The data
content in DB120 (default DB for variables) does not depend on the software version. This
means, variables selected in an older software version need not be reselected when the
software is upgraded.

6.8 I/O modules (FM, CP modules)

Additional packages for STEP 7 are generally required for more complex I/O modules (FM, CP
modules). Support blocks (FC/FB) are provided in these additional packets. The blocks contain
specific functions for operating the relevant module. These functions can be parameterized and
called in the user program.

Identical numbers
If handling and basic program blocks have identical numbers, the block numbers of the basic
program must remain unchanged. The block numbers of the handling blocks must be renamed
to free numbers via STEP 7.

50 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Starting up the PLC program
6.9 Troubleshooting

6.9 Troubleshooting
This section describes problems which may occur, their causes and remedies and should be
read carefully before hardware is replaced.

Errors, cause/description and remedy

Serial Errors Cause/description To correct or avoid errors
error in‐
1 No connec‐ The MPI cable is not plugged in or Test: Create a link with the programmer
tion via MPI to is defective. Possibly, the STEP 7 in the STEP 7 editor by means of con‐
PLC. software is also not correctly con‐ nection "Direct_PLC". A number of
figured for the MPI card. node addresses must be displayed
here. If they do not appear, the MPI ca‐
ble is defective/not plugged in.
2 PLC cannot A system data block SDB 0 has Disconnect all MPI cables to other com‐
be accessed been loaded with a modified MPI ponents. Create the link "Direct_PLC"
in spite of PLC address. This has caused an MPI with the programmer. Correct the MPI
general reset. bus conflict due to dual assign‐ address.
ment of addresses.
3 All four LEDs A system error has occurred in Once the PLC program has been RE‐
on the PLC the PLC. SET or reloaded, the system may re‐
flash (DI dis‐ Measures: turn to normal operation. Even in this
aster) case, the content of the diagnostic buf‐
The diagnostic buffer on the PLC
fer should be sent to the Development
must be read to analyze the sys‐
tem error in detail. To access the
buffer, the PLC must be stopped
(e.g. set "PLC" switch to position
2). A hardware reset must then be
performed. The diagnostic buffer
can then be read out with STEP 7.
Relay the information from the di‐
agnostic buffer to the Hotline / De‐
velopment Service. A general re‐
set must be carried out if reques‐
ted after the hardware RESET.
The diagnostic buffer can then be
read with the PLC in the Stop

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 51
Starting up the PLC program
6.9 Troubleshooting

52 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Coupling of the PLC CPU 7
7.1 General information
A CPU of the S7-300 automation system is used as PLC for the SINUMERIK 840D sl. The PLC-
CPU is integrated into the NCU component as a sub-module. A reference to the performance
data of the PLC CPU can be found in Section "Key data of the PLC CPU (Page 33)".

7.2 Properties of the PLC CPU

The PLC integrated in the SINUMERIK 840D sl generally has the same functionality as the
corresponding SIMATIC S7-300 PLC.
For differences, see reference in Section "Key data of the PLC CPU (Page 33)".
Owing to differences in their memory system as compared to a SIMATIC S7-300 PLC, certain
functions are not available (e.g. save blocks on memory card, save project on memory card).

As with the PLC integrated in SINUMERIK, there is no automatic start of the PLC after power
failure and recovery for a SIMATIC S7-300 PLC when a "PLC stop" is triggered by an operator
action on the programming device. For safety reasons, the PLC remains in the stop state with
an appropriate diagnostic entry. You can start the PLC only by an operator action on the
programming device, "Execute a restart", or via the mode selector "Stop" > "Run" (warm

7.3 Interface with integrated PLC

Physical interfaces
With the SINUMERIK 840D sl, the PLC integrated in the NCU offers the option of exchanging
signals between the NC and PLC directly via a dual-port RAM.

Data exchange with the operator panel

Data exchange with the operator panel (e.g. TCU/OP) can be performed via Ethernet or
PROFIBUS. With a connection via Ethernet, communication takes place via the integrated
communication processor (CP 840D sl).
Data exchange with the machine control panel (MCP) and handheld unit (HHU) can be
performed via MPI, PROFIBUS or Ethernet.
Programming devices should preferably be connected via Ethernet or via MPI (Multi-Point
Interface) directly to the PLC.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 53
Coupling of the PLC CPU
7.3 Interface with integrated PLC

(6 3*




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Figure 7-1 NC-PLC coupling on SINUMERIK 840D sl (integrated PLC)

Interface: NC/PLC
The data exchange between NC and PLC is organized by the basic program on the PLC side.
The status information, such as "Program running", stored by the NC in the NC/PLC interface
is copied to data blocks by the basic program at the beginning of the cycle (OB1) and can then
be accessed in the user program (user interface). The control signals for the NC (e.g. NC start)
entered in the interface data block by the user are also written to the internal DPR and
transferred to the NC at the start of the cycle.
Workpiece-program-specific auxiliary functions transferred to the PLC are first evaluated by the
basic program (alarmdriven) and then transferred to the user interface at the start of OB1. If the
relevant NC block contains auxiliary functions that require that NC processing is interrupted
(e.g. M06 for tool change), the basic program stops the decoding of the NC block initially for one
PLC cycle. The user can then use the "read disable" interface signal to halt the block execution
until the tool change has been completed. If, on the other hand, the relevant NC block only
contains auxiliary functions, which do not require interruption of the decoding (e.g. M08 for

54 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Coupling of the PLC CPU
7.4 Diagnostic buffer on PLC

cooling medium on), the transfer of these "fast" auxiliary functions is directly acknowledged in
OB40, so that decoding is only insignificantly influenced by the transfer to the PLC.
The evaluation and enabling of the G commands transferred from the NC are also alarm-driven
and acknowledged, however they are transferred directly to the user interface. If a G command
is evaluated at several points in the PLC program, differences in the information of the G
command within one PLC cycle may arise.
In the case of NC actions triggered and assigned with parameters by the PLC (e.g. traverse
concurrent axes), triggering and parameter assignment is performed using FCs and FBs, not
interface data blocks. The FCs and FBs belonging to the actions are supplied together with the
basic program. The FCs and FBs required must be loaded by the user and called in the PLC
program of the machine manufacturer (machine program). For an overview of FC, FB and data
blocks, sorted according to basic and extended functions, please refer to Section "Start-up of
PLC programs".

Interface: HMI/PLC
HMI/PLC data exchange is performed via the integrated CP, whereby the HMI is always the
active partner (client) and the PLC is always the passive partner (server). Data transferred or
requested by the HMI is read from and written to the HMI/PLC interface area by the PLC
operating system (timing: Cycle control point). From the viewpoint of the PLC application, the
data is identical to I/O signals.

Interface: MCP/PLC or HHU/PLC (connection: Ethernet)

MCP/PLC and HHU (HT 2) / PLC data is exchanged via the integrated CP. The CP transfers
the MCP/HHU signals to and fetches them from the PLC's internal DPR (Dual-Port RAM). On
the PLC side, the basic program handles communication with the user interface. The basic-
program parameters (FB1, DB7) define the operand areas (e.g. I/O areas) and the start

Interface: MCP/PLC (connection: PROFIBUS)

MCP/PLC data exchange takes place via the PLC's PROFIBUS. The MCP's I/O addresses are
to be placed in the PLC's process image area and via HW configuration in STEP 7. The
MCP*In, MCP*Out pointer variables must be set to the same addresses. The selected DP slave
number must be entered in MCP*BusAdr.

Interface: HHU/PLC (connection: MPI)

The HHU/PLC data exchange is performed via the MPI interface on the PLC. The
"Communication with global data (GD)" service is used for this purpose (see also STEP 7 User
Manual). The PLC operating system handles the transfer of signals from and to the user
interface. The STEP 7 "Communication configuration" configuring tool is used to define both
GD parameters as well as operand areas (e.g. I/O areas) and their start addresses.

7.4 Diagnostic buffer on PLC

The diagnostic buffer of the PLC (readable using STEP 7) will enter diagnostic information on
the PLC operating system.

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Coupling of the PLC CPU
7.4 Diagnostic buffer on PLC

56 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface structure 8
8.1 Interface

Interface DBs
Mapping in interface DBs is necessary due to the large number of signals exchanged between
the NC and PLC. These are global DBs from the viewpoint of the PLC program.

8.2 PLC/NCK interface

The PLC/NC interface comprises a data interface on one side and a function interface on the
other. The data interface contains status and control signals, auxiliary and G commands, while
the function interface is used to transfer jobs from the PLC to the NC.

Data interface
The data interface is subdivided into the following groups:
● NC-specific signals
● Mode-group-specific signals
● Channel-specific signals
● Axis/spindle/drive-specific signals

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 57
Interface structure
8.2 PLC/NCK interface

Function interface
The function interface is formed by FBs and FCs. The figure below illustrates the general
structure of the interface between the PLC and the NC.


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+0, 0WR1


Figure 8-1 PLC-NC user interface

58 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface structure
8.2 PLC/NCK interface

Compile cycle signals

The user has the option of defining compile-cycle data for exchanging with the PLC. A data
block (DB9) with the following properties must be created as the PLC user interface for compile

Data block number: 9

Data block name: freely selectable
Optimized block access: no
Minimum size: Sum of the input bytes and output bytes for compile cycles

The associated signals, which are dependent on the compile cycles, are transmitted cyclically
at the start of OB1. First, signals are transferred from the PLC to the NC, then from the NC to
the PLC. The signals from the PLC to the NC, whose length is specified by machine data
$MN_CC_VDI_IN_DATA, are defined at the beginning of DB9. Behind that in DB9, the signals
from the NC to the PLC, whose length is specified by machine data
$MN_CC_VDI_OUT_DATA, are defined.
To enable data exchange between the NC and PLC, the user may have to synchronize the NC
and PLC as necessary, e.g. using the semaphore technique. Signal transmission is
asynchronous between NC and PLC. This means, for example, that active NC data
transmission can be interrupted by the PLC. This can mean that data is not always consistent.

PLC/NC signals
The group of signals from the PLC to NC includes:
● Signals for modifying the high-speed digital I/O signals of the NC
● Keyswitch and emergency stop signals

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Interface structure
8.2 PLC/NCK interface


Figure 8-2 PLC/NC interface

NC/PLC signals
The group of signals from the NC to PLC includes:
● Actual values of the digital and analog I/O signals of the NC
● Ready and status signals of the NC
Also stored in this group are the HMI handwheel selection signals and the channel status
The signals for handwheel selection are decoded by the basic program and entered in the
machine/axis-specific interface.

Digital/analog inputs/outputs of the NC

The following must be noted with respect to the digital and analog inputs and outputs of the NC:

60 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface structure
8.2 PLC/NCK interface

● All input signals or input values of the NC are also transferred to the PLC.
● The transfer of signals to the NC part program can be suppressed by the PLC. Instead, a
signal or value can be specified by the PLC.
● The PLC can also transfer a signal or value to the NC even if there is no hardware for this
channel on the NC side.
● All signals or values to be output are also transferred to the PLC.
● The NC can also transfer signals or values to the PLC even if there is no hardware for this
channel on the NC side.
● The values transferred by the NC can be overwritten by the PLC.
● Signals and values from the PLC can also be output directly via the NC I/O.
When implementing the digital and analog NC I/O, the information contained in the following
documentation must be taken into account:
Further information
Function Manual Basic Functions; Digital and Analog NC I/O

PLC / mode group signals

The mode signals set by the machine control panel or the HMI are transferred to the operating
mode group of the NC. These apply to all NC channels. Several mode groups can be optionally
defined in the NC.
The mode group reports its current status to the PLC.



0&3 1&.

Figure 8-3 PLC / mode group interface

PLC/NC signals
The signal groups below must be considered on the interface:
● Control/status signals
● Auxiliary commands / G commands

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 61
Interface structure
8.2 PLC/NCK interface

● Tool management signals

● NC functions
The control/status signals are transferred cyclically at the start of OB1. The signals entered in
the channel-specific interface by the HMI (HMI signals are entered by the PLC operating
system) are also transferred at this time if they have been defined on the HMI operator panel,
not on the MCP.
Auxiliary commands and G commands are entered in the interface data blocks in two ways.
First, they are entered with the change signals.
● The M signals M00 - M99 (they are transferred from the NC with extended address 0) are
also decoded and the associated interface bits set for the duration of one cycle.
● For G commands, only the groups selected via machine data are entered in the interface
data block.
● The S values are also entered together with the related M signals (M03, M04, M05) in the
spindle-specific interface. The axis-specific feedrates are also entered in the appropriate
axis-specific interface.
When the tool management (magazine management) function is activated in the NC, the
assignment of spindle or revolver and the loading/unloading locations are entered in separate
interface DBs (DB71-73).
The triggering and parameter assignment of NC functions is performed by means of PLC
function calls.
The following function calls are available:
● Position a linear axis or rotary axis
● Position an indexing axis
● Start a prepared asynchronous subprogram (ASUP)
● Read/write NC variables
● Update magazine and tool motion
Some of the above functions are described in their own function documentation.





Figure 8-4 PLC/NC channel interface

62 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface structure
8.2 PLC/NCK interface

PLC/axis, spindle, drive signals

The axis-specific and spindle-specific signals are divided into the following groups:
● Shared axis/spindle signals
● Axis signals
● Spindle signals
● Drive signals
The signals are transferred cyclically at the start of OB1 with the following exceptions.
Exceptions include:
● axis-specific F value
● M value
● S value
An axis-specific F value is entered via the M, S, F distributor of the basic program if it is
transferred to the PLC during the NC program processing.
The M and S value are also entered via the M, S, F distributor of the basic program if one or both
values require processing.



Figure 8-5 Interface PLC / axes/spindles/drives (DB31, …)

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Interface structure
8.3 Interface PLC/HMI

8.3 Interface PLC/HMI

The following groups of functions are required for the PLC/HMI interface:
● Control signals
● Machine operation
● PLC messages
● PLC status display

Control signals
Some control signals are signal inputs, for example, via the machine control panel, which have
to be taken into account by the HMI. This group of signals includes, for example, display actual
values in MCS or WCS, key disable, etc. These are exchanged with the HMI via a separate
interface data block (DB19).

Machine operation
All operator inputs, which lead to response actions on the machine, are monitored by the PLC.
Operator actions are usually performed on the machine control panel (MCP). However, it is also
possible to perform some operator actions on the HMI, e.g. mode selection.
The PLC operating system enters the operating signals sent by the HMI directly into the
interface data blocks. As standard, the basic program routes these operating signals in such a
way that, provided equivalent operator actions are available, these can be performed either on
the HMI or on the MCP. If required, the user can switch off operation via HMI using an FB1
parameter "MMCToIF".

PLC messages
The signaling functions are based on the system diagnostic functions integrated in the
operating system of the AS 300. These have the following characteristics:
● The PLC operating system enters all important system states and state transitions in
a diagnostics status list. Communication events and I/O module diagnostics data (for
modules with diagnostic functions) are also entered.
● Diagnostics events, which lead to a system stop, are also entered with a time stamp in
a diagnostic buffer (circular buffer) in the chronological order of their occurrence.
● The events entered in the diagnostic buffer are automatically transmitted to human machine
interface systems (OP or HMI) via the bus systems once these have issued a ready signal
(message service). "Transfer to the node ready" is a function of the PLC operating system.
Receipt and interpretation of the messages are executed by the HMI software.
● The PLC user program can also use SFCs (System Function Calls) to enter messages in the
diagnostic buffer or ALARM S/ALARM SQ buffer.
● The events are entered in the alarm buffer.
The associated message texts must be stored on the OP or HMI.

64 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface structure
8.3 Interface PLC/HMI

An FC (FC10) for message acquisition is prepared in conjunction with the basic program. This
FC records events, subdivides them into signal groups and reports them to the HMI via the
alarm buffer.
The message acquisition structure is shown in the figure "Acquisition and signaling of PLC
events". The features include:
● Bit fields for events related to the NC/PLC interface are combined in a single data block
(DB2) with bit fields for user messages.
● Bit fields are evaluated at several levels by FC10.
– Evaluation 1; acquisition of group signals
A group signal is generated for each group of signals if at least one bit signal is set to "1".
This signal is generally linked to the disable signal of the NC/PLC interface (on modules
with diagnostic functions). The group signals are acquired completely in cycles.
– Evaluation 2; acquisition of alarm messages
A fixed specification exists to define which signals in a group generate an alarm message
when they change from "0" to "1".
– Evaluation 3; acquisition of operating signals
A fixed specification exists to define which signals in a group generate an operational
● The scope of the user bit fields (user area) is set by default to 10 areas with 8 bytes each,
but the number of areas can also be adjusted to suit the requirements of the machine
manufacturer via basic program parameters in FB1.

Acknowledgement concept
The following acknowledgement procedures are implemented for error and operational
Operating messages are intended for the display of normal operating states as information for
the user. Acknowledgement signals are, therefore, not required for this type of message. An
entry is made in the diagnostic status list for incoming and outgoing messages. The HMI
maintains an up-to-date log of existing operating messages using the identifiers "operating
message arrived" and "operating message gone".
Alarm messages display error states on the machine, which will usually lead to the machine
being stopped. Where several errors occur in rapid succession, it is important to be able to
distinguish their order of occurrence for troubleshooting purposes. This is indicated, on the one
hand, by the order in which they are entered in the diagnostic buffer and on the other, by the
time stamp, which is assigned to every entry.
If the cause of the error disappears, the associated alarm message is only deleted if the user
has acknowledged it (e.g. by pressing a key on the MCP). In response to this signal, the
"Message acquisition" FC examines which of the reported errors have disappeared and enters
these in the diagnostic buffer with the entry "Alarm gone". This enables the HMI to also maintain
an up-to-date log of pending alarm messages. The time of day indicating the time at which the
error occurred is maintained for messages, which are still pending (in contrast to a received

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 65
Interface structure
8.3 Interface PLC/HMI

A tool can be started in the SIMATIC Manager via menu item "Target system" > "CPU
messages". Alarms and messages can be displayed by number using this tool. To do this,
acivate the "Alarm" tab and enter a check mark under "A" in the upper half of the screen.

User program
The user PLC program only has to call the basic program block FC10 with appropriate
parameter settings in the cyclic program section and set or reset the bit fields in DB2.
Everything else is handled by the basic program and the HMI.



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Figure 8-6 Acquisition and signaling of PLC events

Extensions of the PLC alarms via block FC10

The FB1 parameter "ExtendAlMsg" selects the PLC alarm mechanism.
If "ExtendAlMsg:= FALSE" the earlier process of the FC10 with the DB2 is active as bit array
data block. The known restrictions regarding the number of channels and axes are applicable.
On the other hand, in case of "ExtendAlMsg:= TRUE" the extension of the FC10 becomes
active. DB2 and DB3 are created just as before. The user must set or reset the bits in DB2. The
parameter setting via message and alarm and a parameter setting of the numeric value of the
2nd decade of the user alarms are contained in DB5.

66 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface structure
8.3 Interface PLC/HMI

The extensions are:

● Support for 10 channels, 31 axes, 64 user areas (the number of user areas should be
entered in the FB1 parameter "MsgUser").
● Areas for feed stop, read-in disable, etc. are available without messages. The information
from this area is stored on the interface in DB21, DB31 depending on FC10 parameter
"ToUserIF" together with the related message bits as group signals. As such, the previous
cumbersome handling of the signals is omitted.
● The alarms / messages also get the 16-bit integer additional value (%Z parameter in the
alarm text) in addition to the alarm number for the user area 0. The user must write the 16-
bit integer values in the DB2 in the array variable ZInfo0 parallel to setting an alarm bit. An
integer value is available for each bit in the user area 0, see UDT1002 in the basic program.
● The user messages can be parameteized in the second decade of the message number in
the numerical range 0 to 9. The display value of the second decade must be written by the
user in the DB5 in the array variable UserDek2No. A number can be defined for each user
area, see DB5 in the basic program.
The value 0 is set by default for the second decade.
The structuring of the DB2 in UDT1002 can be recognized (basic program). In case of new
alarm functions, the UDT1002 must be assigned symbolically to the DB2.
At the start of DB2 there are bit arrays for signals without alarm generation. This is followed by
an array of size 64 integer values for additional info about the user area 0.
Thereafter follow the areas, which also trigger alams / messages (see List manual) These
areas are extended to 10 channels, 31 axes.

Switching over a user program from the small DB2 layout to the large DB2 layout (UDT2 → UDT1002)
With the small DB2 layout, i.e. if DB2 is derived from UDT2 - and FB1 parameter "ExtendAlMsg
= FALSE" is used - then a max. of 8 channel areas, max. of 18 axis areas and a max. of 31 user
areas (depending on FB1 parameter "MsgUser") can be used. As default setting, 10 user areas
are defined in the UDT2. When using more than 10 user areas (FB1 parameter "MsgUser"
> 10), then users must extend UDT2 if DB2 is to be symbolically accessed.
With the large DB2 layout, i.e. if DB2 is derived from UDT1002 - and FB1 parameter
"ExtendAlMsg = TRUE" is used - then you can generate alarms for 10 channels, 31 axes and
64 user areas.
If it is no longer possible to generate alarms with the restrictions of the small DB2 layout, then
it may be necessary to switch over an already existing project to the large layout. The
switchover procedure depends on how DB2 is accessed in the project. The various procedures
are described in the following.

Switchover for symbolic programming

The source container of the basic program contains the "udt2_for_Convert.awl" file, which
contains the following structural element from UDT1002:
● ChanA as array of 1 ... 8 for switching over the 8 channel ranges.
● AxisA as array of 1 ... 18 for switching over the 18 axis/spindle ranges
● UserA as array from 0 ... 31 for switching over user areas

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Interface structure
8.3 Interface PLC/HMI

From this STL file, a UDT can be generated that assigns the offsets of the small DB2 version
to the symbolic names of the large DB2 version.

Table 8-1 Symbolic signal designator from the channel area

DB2 without alarm extension DB2 with alarm extension

Cj.FDD_5j00xx[i] ChanA[j].FDD_5C00xx[i]
Cj.FDD_RID_5j01xx[i] ChanA[j].FDD_RID_5C01xx[i]
Cj.RID_5j02xx[i] ChanA[j].RID_5C02xx[i]
Cj.NCSD_5j03xx[i] ChanA[j].NCSD_5C03xx[i]
Cj.FdStop_1_5j11xx[i] ChanA[j].FdStop_1_5C11xx[i]
Cj.FdStop_2_5j12xx[i] ChanA[j].FdStop_2_5C12xx[i]
Cj.FdStop_3_5j13xx[i] ChanA[j].FdStop_3_5C13xx[i]

j (shown bold): Channel number (1 … 8)

Table 8-2 Symbolic signal designator from the axis/spindle area

DB2 without alarm extension DB2 with alarm extension

_jFdStop600jxx[i] AxisA[j].AAFdStop60AAxx[i]
_jjFdStop60jjxx[i] AxisA[jj].AAFdStop60AAxx[i]

j or jj (shown bold): Axis/spindle number (1 ... 9 or 10 … 18)

Table 8-3 Symbolic signal designator from the user area

DB2 without alarm extension DB2 with alarm extension

A70jjxx[i] UserA[jj].A70UUxx[i]

jj (shown bold): User range (00 … 31)

1. Select the block folder and under "Object properties" > "Operand priority" ensure that
"Absolute value has priority" is active.
2. Compile source "udt2_for_Convert.awl".
The new symbols of the large layout are now already available in UDT2.
3. Generate sources of blocks, which contain symbolic assignments to the DB2. To do this, in
the LAD/STL/FBD KOP/AWL/FUP editor, under "File" > "Generate source", select the
required blocks and create an STL source.
4. In the symbol table, assign UDT1002 to the DB2.
5. In the SIMATIC Manager under "Sources" compile the currently generated source.
Now all the alarm allocations are assigned to the new data areas in the DB2 and now only the
parameter "ExtendAlMsg" at FB1 must be set to True.

Switchover for direct absolute access to the DB2

For instance, this is the case if the user first opens the DB2 in the program code, and then
directly accesses it (at "ALMSG_DB"; S DBX180.0;).

68 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface structure
8.3 Interface PLC/HMI

1. Using the cross reference list (menu command "Tools" > "Reference data" > "Display"),
search for blocks in the user program that's contain DB2 access operations.
2. Open the program locations involved one after the other and switchover the offset
addresses of the relevant DB2 signals.
The new offset address results from the sum of the previous address and the "offset".

Searching for DB2 accesses in the user program
Not all DB2 access operations are found via the reference data. Accesses via BLK_DB or
pointer are not detected.

A comparison of the particular offset addresses and/or the address offset are listed in the
following table.

Table 8-4 Addresses in the DB2 versions

Alarm DB2 without alarm extension Off‐ DB2 with alarm extension
number Area Offset set Offset Area
- 0 Chan
(Channel 1 ... 10)
- 120 Axis
(Axis/spindle 1 ... 31)
Addition‐ 182 As of V6.0: AddVa‐
al value lUserA0 (AddValU‐
serA0 0 ... 63)
(Up to V4.8: ZInfo0
0 ... 63)
5C0000 .. (C1 ... C8) Byte 0 ... <last byte 310 Byte 310 ... <last ChanA
. 5C1315 Channel 1 ... 8 for channel area> byte for channel Channel 1 ... 10

60AA00 .. (Axis areas) Byte 144 ... <last 346 Byte 490 ... <last AxisA
. 60AA15 Axis/spindle byte for axis area> byte for axis area> Axis/spindle 1 ... 31
1 ... 18
70UU00 . (User area) Byte 180 ... <last 374 Byte 554 ... <last UserA
.. User area byte for user area> byte for user area> User area 0 ... 63
0 ... 31

Conversion for indirect access via BLKMOV

The following adaptations are required if DB2 is not directly accessed, but instead BLKMOV is
used, for example to copy memory areas of its own data blocks to DB2.
Within the individual DB2 areas, the offset addresses of both DB2 versions are offset by a
specific value. This offset is, however, different for each DB2 area.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 69
Interface structure
8.4 PLC/MCP/HHU interface

A check has to be made whether BLKMOV copy operations are used that copy a memory area
that is larger than a DB2 area. If this is the case, then copying must be split up over several
operations. The new offset address must then be considered and adapted depending on the
particular DB2 area.

8.4 PLC/MCP/HHU interface

There are different connection options for the machine control panel (MCP) and the handheld
unit (HHU). This is in part due to the history of the MCP and HHU. This description focuses
primarily on the connection of the Ethernet components.
On the SINUMERIK 840D sl, the machine control panel (MCP) and handheld unit (HHU) are
connected via the Ethernet bus, which also links the TCU to the NCU. The advantage of this is
that only one bus cable is required to connect the operating unit.

Topology SINUMERIK 840D sl

On the 840 D, the machine control panel and the handheld unit are connected to the CP 840D
sl Ethernet bus (see Figure below). Where the connection of further keys and displays is
required for customized operator panels, an additional keyboard interface (machine control
panel without operating unit) can be used. For each keyboard interface, 64 pushbuttons,
switches, etc. and 64 display elements can be connected via ribbon cable.
The signals sent from the MCP are copied to the PLC's DPR (Dual-Port RAM) by the integrated
Ethernet CP-840D sl. The basic program of the PLC enters the incoming signals in the input
image configured at FB1. The NC-related signals are generally distributed by the basic
program to the NC/PLC interface. If required, the signals can be modified by the user.
The signals from the PLC to the MCP (displays) are transferred in the opposite direction.

70 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface structure
8.4 PLC/MCP/HHU interface



&3'VO 1&.



Figure 8-7 Connection of the machine control panel on 840D sl

Bus addresses
On Ethernet components, MAC and IP addresses or logic names are determining factors in
respect of communication. The control system's system programs convert logic names into
MAC or IP addresses. On the PLC, the numeric component of the logic name is used for
communication. This numeric part is specified by the user to the FB1 using parameter
The logical name of an MCP or HHU always begins with "DIP". This is followed by a number
corresponding to the switch position of the MCP component (e.g. DIP192, DIP17).

MCP interface in the PLC

The signals from the machine control panel are routed by default via the I/O interface to the PLC
area. A distinction must be made between NC and machine-specific signals. NC-specific key
signals are distributed to the relevant mode-group-, NC-, axis- and spindle-specific interface by
FC19 (or FC24, FC25, FC26, depending on the type of MCP) by default. The reverse applies
to the associated status signals which are routed to the MCP interface. For this purpose, FC19
or the other blocks mentioned above must be called in the user program.
Customized keys, which can be used to trigger a wide range of machine functions, must be
evaluated directly by the user program. The user program also routes the status signals to the
output area for the LEDs.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 71
Interface structure
8.4 PLC/MCP/HHU interface






Figure 8-8 Interface to and from machine control panel

72 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Structure and functions of the basic program 9
The PLC program has a modular structure. The organization blocks (OB) form the interface
between the operating system and the basic and user programs.
● Restart (warm restart) with start-up and synchronization (OB100)
● Cyclic operation (OB1)
● Process alarms (OB40)
● Asynchronous errors: Diagnostics alarm (OB82), module failure (OB86)
The calls of the function blocks of the basic and user programs must be programmed by the
user in the organization blocks (OB).

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 73
Structure and functions of the basic program

2% )%

2% )&

)& +7



2% )&


2% )&


Figure 9-1 Structure of the basic program (principle)

74 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.2 Cyclic operation (OB1)

9.1 Startup and synchronization of NCK PLC

Loading the basic program

The basic program must be loaded with the S7 tool when the PLC is in the Stop state. This
ensures that all blocks in the basic program will be initiated correctly the next time they are
called. Otherwise, undefined states can occur in the PLC (e.g. blinking of all PLC LEDs).

The synchronization of NC and PLC is performed during start-up. The system and user data
blocks are checked for integrity and the most important basic program parameters are verified
for plausibility. In cases of errors, the basic program produces an alarm (visible on HMI) and
switches the PLC to the Stop state.
A warm restart is not provided, i.e. following system initialization, the operating system runs
organization block OB100 and always commences cyclic execution at the start of OB1.

The PLC is synchronized with the HMI, NC and CP during power-up.

After a correct initial start and the first complete OB1 cycle (basic setting cycle) the PLC and NC
continuously exchange sign-of-life signals. If the sign of life from the NC fails to materialize, the
PLC/NC interface is initialized and the signal "NC CPU ready" in DB10 is set to FALSE.

9.2 Cyclic operation (OB1)

The NC/PLC interface is processed completely in cyclic mode. From a chronological viewpoint,
the basic program runs ahead of the user program. In order to minimize the execution time of
the basic program, only the control/status signals are transferred cyclically; transfer of the
auxiliary commands and G commands takes place only on request.
The following functions are performed in the cyclic part of the basic program:
● Transmission of the control/status signals
● Distribution of the auxiliary functions
● M decoding (M00 - M99),
● M, S, F distribution
● Transfer the MCP signals via NC
● Acquisition and conditioning of the user errors and operational messages.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 75
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.2 Cyclic operation (OB1)

Control/status signals
A shared feature of the control and status signals is that they are bit fields. The basic program
updates them at the start of OB1.
The signals can be subdivided into the following groups:
● General signals
● Mode-group-specific signals (such as modes)
● Channel-specific signals (such as program and feed modifications)
● Axis- and spindle-specific signals (such as feed disable)

Auxiliary and G commands

The auxiliary and G commands have the following characteristics:
● Transfer to the PLC is block-synchronous (referred to a part program block)
● Transfer is acknowledge-driven.
● The acknowledgment times have an immediate effect on the execution time of NC blocks
containing auxiliary functions requiring acknowledgment.
The value range is presented in the table below:

Function Structure Value range Data type

1st value 2nd value 1st value 2nd value 1st value 2nd value
G command G command 2551) Byte
M word M group M word 99 99.999.999 Word DWord
S word Spindle no. S word 6 Floating Word DWord
T word Magazine T word 99 65535 Word Word
D word - D word 99 255 Byte Byte
H word H group H word 99 Floating Word DWord
F word Axis no. F word 18 Floating Word DWord
relative number, transferred for each G group
corresponding STEP 7 format (24-bit mantissa, 8-bit exponent)
The M, S, T, H, D and F values sent by the NC are output together with the accompanying
change signals to the CHANNEL DB interface via the auxiliary/G command distributor (see List
Manual). The two values of the auxiliary function are transferred to the appropriate data word.
The accompanying change signal is activated to 1 for one PLC cycle. When the change signal
is reset, the acknowledgment is passed to the NC. The acknowledgment of high-speed
auxiliary functions is performed when the basic program detects the auxiliary function.
In addition to distribution of the auxiliary and G commands, selected signals are processed as
described below.

76 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.3 Time-interrupt processing (OB35)

M decoder
M functions can be used to transfer switching commands and fixed-point values. Decoded
dynamic signals are output to the CHANNEL DB interface for standard M functions (range M00
- M99) (signal duration = 1 cycle time).

G group decoders
In the case of G commands sent by the NC, the related groups are decoded and the current G
number is entered in the corresponding interface byte of the CHANNEL DB, i.e. all active G
commands are entered in the channel DBs. The entered G commands are retained even after
the NC program has terminated or aborted.

During system start-up, all G group bytes are initialized with the value "0".

M, S, F distributor
The M, S, F, distributor is used to enter spindle-specific M words M(1...6)=[3,4,5], S words and
F words for axial feeds in the appropriate spindle and axis data blocks. The criterion for
distribution is the extended address which is passed to the PLC for M words, S words and axial
F words.

MCP signal transmission

Depending on the bus connection, the MCP signals are either transferred directly to the PLC or
indirectly to the parameterized I/O areas via an internal procedure using the basic program.

User messages
The acquisition and processing of the user error messages and operational messages is
performed by an FC in the basic program.

9.3 Time-interrupt processing (OB35)

The user must program OB35 for time-interrupt processing. The default time base setting of OB
35 is 100 ms. A different time base can be selected using the STEP7 "HW Config" tools.
However, the OB35 time setting must be at least 3 ms in order to avoid a PLC CPU stop. The
stop is caused by reading of the HMI system state list during powerup of the HMI. This reading
process blocks priority class control for approx. 2 ms. The OB35 with a time base set to a rather
lower value is then no longer processed correctly.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 77
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.5 Diagnostic alarm, module failure processing (OB82, OB86)

9.4 Process-interrupt processing (OB 40)

A process interrupt OB40 (interrupt) can, for example, be triggered by appropriately configured
I/Os or by certain NC functions. Due to the different origin of the interrupt, the PLC user program
must first interpret the cause of the interrupt in OB40. The cause of the interrupt is contained in
the local data of OB40.
Further information
SIMATIC STEP 7 Description or Online Help of STEP 7

9.5 Diagnostic alarm, module failure processing (OB82, OB86)

In the event of a diagnostic alarm or failure of an I/O module, basic program block OB82 or
OB86 is called. The basic program block FC5 "Diagnostic alarm and module failure" is called
from these blocks.

Bus diagnostics
The status of the DP slave modules at PROFIBUS connections MPI/DP, DP1 - or the
PROFINET connection PN - is signaled to the user program by the basic program using the
"Slaves OK" group signal of the particular bus system:
● DB10.DBX92.0 == 1 (MPI/DP bus: Slaves OK)
● DB10.DBX92.1 == 1 (DP1 bus: Slaves OK)
● DB10.DBX92.2 == 1 (PN bus: Slaves OK)
The group signal is derived from the LED status of the respective bus system (system state list
SZL 0x174).

Alarm output
If an error or a failure of a slave is detected at the particular bus system, the following alarm is
● Alarm 400551 (MPI/DP bus)
● Alarm 400552 (DP1 bus)
● Alarm 400553 (PN bus)
The alarm is automatically deleted again when the error is removed.

Suppression of the alarm output 400551, 400552, 400553

By setting one of the following signals, the alarm is suppressed for the particular bus system:
● DB10.DBX92.4 = 1 (suppress alarm 400551)
● DB10.DBX92.5 = 1 (suppress alarm 400552)
● DB10.DBX92.6 = 1 (suppress alarm 400553)

78 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.6 Response to NCK failure

The alarm is immediately suppressed as soon as the signal is set. Before the fault occurs or
while a fault is already active.
When the signal is reset, in the case of a fault, the corresponding alarm is displayed.
The signals are reset when the control system powers up.

By setting the signal, the fault monitoring for the complete bus line is deactivated!

9.6 Response to NCK failure

During cyclic operation, the PLC continuously monitors NC availability by querying the sign-of-
life. If the NC is no longer reacting, the NC/PLC interface is initialized, and the NC-CPU ready
signal in the area of the signals from NC (DB 10.DBX 104.7) is reset. Furthermore, the signals
sent from the NC to the PLC and vice versa are set to an initial state.
The PLC itself remains active so that it can continue to control machine functions. However, it
remains the responsibility of the user program to set the machine to a safe state.

NC → PLC signals
The signals sent by the NC to the PLC are divided into the following groups:
● Status signals from the NC, channels, axes and spindles
● Modification signals of the auxiliary functions
● Values of the auxiliary functions
● Values of the G commands
Status signals:
The status signals from the NC, channels, axes, and spindles are reset.
Auxiliary function change signals:
Auxiliary function change signals are also reset.
Auxiliary function values:
Auxiliary function values are retained so that it is possible to trace the last functions triggered
by the NC.
G command values:
G command values are reset (i.e. each initialized with the value 0).

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 79
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.7 Functions of the basic program called from the user program

PLC → NC signals
The signals sent by the PLC to the NC are divided into control signals and tasks that are
transferred by FCs to the NC.
Control signals:
The control signals from the PLC to the NC are frozen; cyclic updating by the PLC basic
program is suspended.
Jobs from PLC to NC:
The FCs and FBs, which are used to pass jobs to the NC, must no longer be processed by the
PLC user program, as this could lead to incorrect checkback signals. During power-up of the
control, a job (e.g. read NC data) must not be activated in the user program until the NC-CPU
ready signal is set.

9.7 Functions of the basic program called from the user program

In addition to the modules of the basic program, which are called at the start of OB1, OB40 and
OB100, functions are also provided which have to be called and supplied with parameters at a
suitable point in the user program.
These functions can be used, for example, to pass the following jobs from the PLC to the NC:
● Traversing concurrent axes (FC18)
● Start asynchronous subprograms (ASUPs) (FC9),
● Select NC programs (FB4)

80 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.7 Functions of the basic program called from the user program

● Control spindle (FC18),

● Read and write variables (FB2, FB3)
Checking and diagnostics of a function call of the basic PLC program
To simplify the checking and diagnostics of a function call (FB or FC) of the basic PLC
program that is controlled via a trigger (e.g. via Req, Start parameters) and that provide an
execution acknowledgment as output parameter (e.g. via Done, NDR, Error parameters),
proceed as follows.
A variable compiled of other signals which produce the trigger for the function call should be
set. Start conditions may be reset only as a function of the states of parameters Done, NDR
and Error.
The appropriate control mechanism can be placed in front of or behind the function call. If
the mechanism is placed after the call, the output variables can be defined as local variables
(advantage: Reduction of global variables, markers, data variables and time-related
advantages over data variables).
The trigger parameter must be a global variable (e.g. marker, data variable).
Jobs that are still active must be reset from the user program in OB100 (Req, Start,
etc. from TRUE ⇒ FALSE). A POWER OFF/ON could result in a state in which jobs are still

Concurrent axes
The distinguishing features of concurrent axes are as follows:
● They must be defined as such via the NC machine data.
● They can be traversed either from the PLC or from the NC by means of the JOG keys.
● Starting from the PLC is possible in the NC operating modes MDI and AUTOMATIK via FC.
● The start is independent of NC block boundaries.
Function calls are available for positioning axes, indexing axes and spindles (FC18).


Figure 9-2 FC18 input/output parameters

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 81
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.7 Functions of the basic program called from the user program

Asynchronous subprograms (ASUPs)

The ASUP can be used to trigger any functions in the NC. Before an asynchronous subprogram
can be started from the PLC, it must be ensured that it is available and prepared by the NC
program or by FB4 PI services (ASUP).
Once prepared in this way, it can be started at any time from the PLC. The NC program running
in one of the parameterized channels of FC9 is interrupted by the asynchronous subprogram.
An ASUP is started by calling FC9 from the user program by setting the start parameter to 1.


If an asynchronous subprogram has not been prepared by an NC program or by FB4 (ASUP)
(e.g. if no interrupt no. has been assigned), a start error is output (StartErr = TRUE).

Read/Write NC variables
NC variables can be read with FB GET while values can be entered in NC variables with FB
PUT. The NC variables are addressed via identifiers at inputs Addr1 to Addr8. The identifiers
(symbols) point to address data which must be stored in a global DB. To allow generation of this
DB, a PC software (NC-Var-Selector) is supplied with the basic program with which the
required variables can be selected from a table, which is also supplied. The selected variables
are first collected in a second, project-related list. Command Generate DB creates a "*.AWL"
file which must be linked to the program file for the machine concerned and compiled together
with the machine program.
1 to 8 values can be read or written with a read or write job. If necessary, the values are
converted [e.g. NC floating-point values (64-bit) are converted to PLC format (32-bit with 24-bit
mantissa and 8-bit exponent) and vice versa]. A loss of accuracy results from the conversion
from 64-bit to 32-bit REAL. The maximum precision of 32-bit REAL numbers is approximately
10 to the power of 7.

82 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.8 Symbolic programming of user program with interface DB

)% )%
*(7 387
1XP9DU 1'5 1XP9DU 'RQH
5' 6'

AG_SEND/AG_RECV functions
The AG_SEND/AG_RECV functions correspond to the functions of the library
"SIMATIC_NET_CP" of the S7-300 CPU in STEP 7. Generally, the online help is valid for these
The AG_SEND/AG_RECV functions can be used for data exchange with another station via the
integrated "CP 840D sl". A description of the functions is provided in Section "Block
descriptions (Page 155)".

Other communication blocks (e.g. BSEND, USEND) which possess a CP343-1 are not
supported in SINUMERIK 840D sl.

9.8 Symbolic programming of user program with interface DB


The basic program library on the CD supplied with SINUMERIK 840D sl STEP 7 Toolbox V16
contains files NST_UDTB.AWL and TM_UDTB.AWL.

The compiled UDT blocks from these two files are stored in the CPU program of the basic
A UDT is a data type defined by the user that can, for example, be assigned to a data block
generated in the CPU.
Symbolic names of virtually all the interface signals are defined in these UDT blocks.
The UDT numbers 2, 10, 11, 19, 21, 31, 71, 72, 73, 77, 1002, 1071, 1072, 1073 are used.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 83
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.8 Symbolic programming of user program with interface DB

The assignments have been made as follows:

UDT assignments
UDT number Assignment to interface DB Meaning
UDT2 DB2 Alarms/messages
UDT10 DB10 NCK signals
UDT11 DB11 Mode group signals
UDT19 DB19 HMI signals
UDT21 DB21 to DB30 Channel signal
UDT31 DB31 to 61 Axis/spindle signals
UDT71 DB71 Tool management: Load/unload locations
UDT72 DB72 Tool management: Change in spindle
UDT73 DB73 Tool management: Change in revolver
UDT77 DB77 MCP and HHU signals with standard SDB 210
UDT1002 DB2 Extended alarms / messages (FB1 parameter "Ex‐
UDT 1071 DB 1071 Tool management: Loading/unloading points (mul‐
UDT 1072 DB 1072 Tool management: Change in spindle (multitool)
UDT 1073 DB 1073 Tool management: Change in turret (multitool)

To symbolically program the interface signals, the interface data blocks must first be
symbolically assigned using the symbol editor.
For example, symbol "AxisX" is assigned to operand DB31 with data type UDT31 in the symbol
After this input, the STEP 7 program can be programmed in symbols for this interface.

Programs generated with an earlier software version that utilize the interface DBs described
above can also be converted into symbol programs. A fully qualified command for data access
e.g. "U DB31.DBX60.0" (spindle / rotary axis) is necessary in the program previously created.
This command is converted upon activation of the symbolics in the editor "AxisX.E_SpKA".

Abbreviated symbolic names of the interface signals are defined in the two STL files
In order to create the reference to the names of the interface signals, the name is included in
the comment after each signal.
The names are based on the English language. The comments are in English.

84 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.9 M decoding acc. to list

The symbolic names, commands and absolute addresses can be viewed by means of a
STEP 7 editor command when the UDT block is opened.

Unused bits and bytes are listed, for example, with the designation "f56_3".
● "56": Byte address of the relevant data block
● "3": Bit number in this byte

9.9 M decoding acc. to list

Function description
Up to 256 M functions with extended address can be decoded from the basic program using the
"M decoding according to list" function. The function is activated using FB1 parameter
"ListMDecGrp" (number of M groups for decoding). The assignment of the M function with
extended address and a signal in the signal list is defined in the decoding list. The signals are
also grouped for this purpose.

Decoding list (DB75)

The source file for the decoding list (MDECLIST.AWL) is supplied with the basic program. Data
block DB75 is created when the STL source is compiled. Before the function is activated, the
decoding list (DB75) must be transferred to the PLC followed by a restart.
An M function is decoded if it is in the decoding list. When decoding the M function, the
corresponding signal is set in the signal list as a function of the specific group. When setting a
signal in the signal list, the interface signal "Read in inhibit" is set by the basic program in the
associated channel of the NC. The interface signal is reset again for the channel as soon as the
user resets all of the signals output from this channel in the signal list; i.e. after they have been

Signal list (DB76)

When activating the function in data block DB76, the basic program creates the signal list. From
then, for each M signal decoded according to the list, a signal is set in the signal list (DB76) in
the corresponding group. At the same time, the "Readin inhibit" interface signal is set in the
channel in which the M function has been output. The interface signal is reset again for the
channel as soon as the user resets all of the signals output from this channel in the signal list;
i.e. after they have been acknowledged.

Highspeed auxiliary functions

When an M function contained in the decoding list is output as "fast help function", no read-in
inhibit is set for the corresponding channel of the NC.
The figure below shows the structure of the M decoding according to list:

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 85
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.9 M decoding acc. to list

1& 3/&



'% )&<



Figure 9-3 M decoding acc. to list

M decoding is activated using FB1 parameter "ListMDecGrp"
The number of M groups to the evaluated and/or decoded is specified using the appropriate
parameter. The function is active for a parameter value = 1 ... 16.
● Basic program, OB100, FB1 parameter ListMDecGrp = <number of M groups> (also see
" FB1: RUN_UP - basic program, start section (Page 155) ").

Properties and structure of the decoding list (DB75)

Properties of the decoding list (DB75):
● There is only one decoding list independent of the channel.
● The decoding list can include a maximum of 16 groups.
● A group has a maximum of 16 signals

86 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.9 M decoding acc. to list

● There must be an entry in the decoding list for every group of M functions to be decoded.
● The assignment between the M function with extended address and the signal to be set in
the signal list is specified in the decoding list using the first and last M function of the
associated group.
– First M function: Parameter: "MFirstAdr" ≙ signal or bit 0
– Last M function: Parameter: "MLastAdr" ≙ dependent on the difference to the first M
function maximum signal or bit 15
Structure of the decoding list (DB75):
An entry in the decoding lists consists of 3 parameters, each of which is assigned to a group.

Group Extended M address First M address of the group Last M address of the group
1 MSigGrp[1].MExtAdr MSigGrp[1].MFirstAdr MSigGrp[1].MLastAdr
2 MSigGrp[2].MExtAdr MSigGrp[2].MFirstAdr MSigGrp[2].MLastAdr
... ... ... ...
16 MSigGrp[16].MExtAdr MSigGrp[16].MFirstAdr MSigGrp[16].MLastAdr

Type and value range of the signals:

Signal Type Value range Meaning

MExtAdr INT 0 ... 99 Extended M address
MFirstAdr DINT 0 to 99.999.999 First M address in group
MLastAdr DINT 0 to 99.999.999 Last M address in group

Properties of the signal list (DB76)

The signal list (DB76) has the following properties:
● There is only one signal list independent of the channel.
● The signal list can include a maximum of 16 signals for each M group.

3 groups of M functions are to be decoded:
● Group 1: M2 = 1 to M2 = 5
● Group 2: M3 = 12 to M3 = 23
● Group 3: M40 = 55

Structure of the decoding and signal list

Group Decoding list (DB75) Signal list (DB76)

Extended First M address Last M address of
M address of the group the group
1 2 1 5 DB76.DBX0.0 ... DBX0.4
2 3 12 23 DB76.DBX2.0 ... DBX3.3
3 40 55 55 DB76.DBX4.0

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 87
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.9 M decoding acc. to list

Program code
MSigGrp : ARRAY [1 .. 16 ] OF STRUCT
MExtAdr : INT;
MFirstAdr : DINT;
MLastAdr : DINT;
MSigGrp[1].MExtAdr := 2; extended M address of the 1st group
MSigGrp[1].MFirstAdr := L#1; first M address of the group
MSigGrp[1].MLastAdr := L#5; last M address of the group
MSigGrp[2].MExtAdr := 3; extended M address of the 2nd group
MSigGrp[2].MFirstAdr := L#12; first M address of the group
MSigGrp[2].MLastAdr := L#23; last M address of the group
MSigGrp[3].MExtAdr := 40; extended M address of the 3rd group
MSigGrp[3].MFirstAdr := L#55; first M address of the group
MSigGrp[3].MLastAdr := L#55; last M address of the group

Structure of FB1 in OB100

To activate the function, insert the parameter for the number of M groups to be decoded

Call FB 1, DB 7(
ListMDecGrp := 3; //M decoding of three groups

A restart must be performed after the entry has been made in OB100 and the decoding list
(DB75) has been transferred to the PLC. The basic program creates the signal list (DB76) when
it restarts.
An NC program is then started, for instance in the 1st channel. An extended M function is
included in this (M3=17). When decoding the M function (M3 ≙ group 2), the associated signal
(DBW1.5) is set in the signal list (DB76) and the interface signal "Read-inhibit" in the 1st
channel. The execution of the NC program is stopped. Further, the "Extended address M
function" and the "M function number" are displayed in the channel DB of the 1st channel.
The "Read-in inhibit" signal in the 1st channel is reset once the user has reset all of the signals
output from this channel in the signal list (DB76), and has therefore acknowledged them.

88 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.10 PLC machine data

9.10 PLC machine data

General information
The user has the option of storing PLC-specific machine data in the NC. These machine data
can then be processed during power-up of the PLC (OB100). This enables, for example, user
options, machine expansion levels, machine configurations, etc., to be implemented.
The interface to read this data is in DB20. However, DB20 is only created by the basic program
during power-up when user machine data is used, i.e. sum of GP parameters "UDInt", "UDHex"
and "UDReal" is greater than ZERO.

Size of the data areas

The sizes of the individual areas, and thus the total length of the DB20, is set by the following
PLC machine data:

User-relevant basic PLC program parameters

The machine data settings are provided to the user via the following basic PLC program
● "UDInt"
● "UDHex"
● "UDReal"

User machine data as ARRAY
The user machine data is always handled internally as an ARRAY. ARRAY variables occupy
the memory in the PLC up to the next word limit, i.e. at a BYTE with an even address.
A filler byte is therefore added internally when there is an odd number in MD14506
$MN_MAXNUM_USER_DATA_HEX. This filler byte is included in the FB1 output parameter
"UDHex" (number of hexadecimal machine data).
MD14506 $MN_MAXNUM_USER_DATA_HEX = 3 ⇒ UDHex = 4, although only three hex
values can be read.

Data storage
The data is seamlessly stored in the DB20 by the basic PLC program in the following sequence:
1. INT values
2. HEX values (bit arrays)
3. FLOAT values

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Structure and functions of the basic program
9.10 PLC machine data

INT and FLOAT values are saved in S7 format.

The hexadecimal values are stored in DB20 in the order in which they are input (use as bit




W\SH5($/ 8'5HDO

Figure 9-4 User data in DB20

If the number of PLC machine data used is increased later, then DB20 must be deleted
beforehand. To prevent such extensions in use having any effect on the existing user program,
the data in DB20 should be accessed in symbolic form wherever possible, e.g. by means of a
structure definition in the UDT.

For the project in the example, four INT values, two HEX values for bit information, and one
FLOAT value are needed.
Machine data:

MD14510 $MN_USER_DATA_INT[0] = 123

MD14510 $MN_USER_DATA_INT[1] = 456
MD14510 $MN_USER_DATA_INT[2] = 789
MD14510 $MN_USER_DATA_INT[3] = 1011
MD14512 $MN_USER_DATA_HEX[0] = 12
MD14514 $MN_USER_DA‐ 123.456

90 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.10 PLC machine data

Basic PLC program parameters (OB100):

MCPNum := 1,
MCP1In := P#E0.0,
MCP1Out := P#A0.0,
MCP1StatSend := P#A8.0,
MCP1StatRec := P#A12.0,
MCP1BusAdr := 6,
MCP1Timeout := S5T#700MS,
MCP1Cycl := S5T#200MS,
NCCyclTimeout := S5T#200MS,
NCRunupTimeout := S5T#50S;

Basic PLC program parameters (scan at

l gp_par.UDInt; //=4,
l gp_par.UDHex; //=2,
l gp_par.UDReal; //=1 )
During PLC power-up, DB20 was generated with a length of 28 bytes:

Address Data
0.0 123
2.0 456
4.0 789
6.0 1011
8.0 b#16#12
9.0 b#16#AC
10.0 1.234560e+02

The structure of the machine data used is specified in a UDT:

UDInt : ARRAY [0 .. 3] OF INT;
UDHex0 : ARRAY [0 .. 15]OF BOOL;
UDReal : ARRAY [0 .. 0] OF REAL; //Description as field, for
later expansions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 91
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.10 PLC machine data

ARRAY OF BOOL are always sent to even-numbered addresses. For this reason, an array
range of 0 to 15 must generally be selected in the UDT definition or all Boolean variables
specified individually.

Although only a REAL value is used initially in the example, a field (with one element) has been
created for the variable. This ensures that extensions can be made easily in the future without
the symbolic address being modified.

Symbolic accesses
An entry is made in the symbol table to allow data access in symbolic form:

Symbol Operand Data type

UData DB20 UDT20

Access operations in user program (list includes only symbolic read access):

L "UData".UDInt[0];
L "UData".UDInt[1];
L "UData".UDInt[2];
L "UData".UDInt[3];

U "UData".UDHex0[0];
U "UData".UDHex0[1];
U "UData".UDHex0[2];
U "UData".UDHex0[3];
U "UData".UDHex0[4];
U "UData".UDHex0[5];
U "UData".UDHex0[6];
U "UData".UDHex0[7];
U "UData".UDHex0[15];

L "UData".UDReal[0];

92 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.11 Configuration machine control panel, handheld unit, direct keys

9.11 Configuration machine control panel, handheld unit, direct keys

Up to two machine control panels and one handheld unit can be in operation at the same time.
There are various connection options (Ethernet/PROFINET, PROFIBUS) for the machine
control panel (MCP) and handheld unit (HHU). It is possible to connect two MCPs to different
bus systems (mixed operation is only possible on Ethernet and PROFIBUS). This can be
achieved using FB1 parameter "MCPBusType". In this parameter, the right-hand decade (units
position) is responsible for the first MCP and the left-hand decade (tens position) for the second
Parameterization of components is always performed by calling the basic program block FB1
in OB100. FB1 saves its parameters in the associated instance data block (DB7, symbolic
"gp_par"). Separate parameter sets are provided for each machine control panel and the
handheld unit. The input/output addresses of the user must be defined in these parameter sets.
These input and output addresses are also used in FC19, FC24, FC25, FC26 and FC13.
Further, the addresses for status information, PROFIBUS or Ethernet/PROFINET are also to
be defined. The default time settings for timeout and cyclic forced retriggering should not be
changed. Please refer to the Operator Components manual for further information on MCP and
HHU components.

Each component is activated either via the number of machine control panels ("MCPNum"
parameter) or, in the case of the handheld unit, via the "BHG" parameter. The MCP and HHU
connection settings are entered in FB1 parameters "MCPMPI", "MCPBusType" or "BHG",

Handheld unit (HT 2)

In the handheld unit the addressing is done via a parameter of the GD parameter set. This was
necessary for reasons of compatibility of the parameter names.

Essentially, there are various communication mechanisms for transferring data between the
MCP/HHU and PLC. These mechanisms are characterized by the bus connection of the MCP
and HHU. In one case (Ethernet), data is transported via the "CP 840D sl".
Parameterization is completely realized via the MCP/HHU parameters in FB1.
In the other case the transmission is via the PLC operating system through the PROFIBUS
The parameterization is performed via STEP 7 in HW-Config. To enable the basic program to
access this data and failure monitoring of MCP/HHU, the addresses set in the FB1 parameters
must be made known to the basic program.
An overview of the various coupling mechanisms is shown below. Mixed operation can also be

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Structure and functions of the basic program
9.11 Configuration machine control panel, handheld unit, direct keys

If an error is detected due to a timeout, an entry is made in the alarm buffer of the PLC CPU
(alarms 400260 to 400262). In this case, the input signals from the MCP or from the handheld
unit (MCP1In/MCP2In or BHGIn) are reset to 0. If it is possible to resynchronize the PLC and
MCP/HHU, communication is resumed automatically and the error message deleted by the GP.

The abbreviation "(n.r.)" in the tables below means "not relevant".

Ethernet connection (MCPBusType = 5)

Without further configuration settings being made, communication takes place directly from the
PLC GP via the CP 840D sl. The FB1 parameters listed below are used for parameterization.
The numeric part of the logical name of the component must be entered in "MCP1 BusAdr",
"MCP2 BusAdr" or "BHGRecGDNo" (corresponds to the bus address of the node). The logical
name is defined via switches on the MCP or terminal box.


&3 1&
'VO 0&3 0&3 %+*
3/& 3

Figure 9-5 Ethernet connection

Relevant parameters (FB1)

MCPNum=1 or 2 (number of MCPs) HHU = 5 (via CP 840D sl)
MCP1StatSend MCP2StatSend BHGStatSend
MCP1StatRec (n.r.) MCP2StatRec (n.r.) BHGStatRec
MCP1BusAdr MCP2BusAdr BHGInLen (n.r.)
MCP1Timeout (n.r.) MCP2Timeout (n.r.) BHGOutLen (n.r.)
MCP1Cycl (n.r.) MCP2Cycl (n.r.) BHGTimeout (n.r.)
MCP1NotSend MCP2NotSend BHGRecGBZNo (n.r.)
BHGRecObjNo (n.r.)
MCPBusType = b#16#55 (via CP 840D sl) BHGSendGDNo (n.r.)
BHGSendGBZNo (n.r.)

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Structure and functions of the basic program
9.11 Configuration machine control panel, handheld unit, direct keys

Relevant parameters (FB1)

MCPSDB210 = FALSE BHGSendObjNo (n.r.)
BHG NotSend

An error entry is also made in the PLC alarm buffer for timeouts. As a result, the following error
messages are output at the HMI:
● 400260: MCP 1 failure
● 400261: MSST 2 failed
● 400262: HHU failure
An MCP or HHU failure is detected immediately after a cold restart even if no data has yet been
exchanged between the MCP/HHU and PLC.
The monitoring function is activated as soon as all components have signaled "Ready" after

OP with direct keys

The direct keys of the OPs at the Ethernet bus should be transferred to the PLC. Previously, the
direct keys have been transferred to the PLC via the PROFIBUS or via a special cable
connection between OP and MCP.
For connecting the direct keys via the Ethernet, this concerns e.g. the "OP 08T", there is a
parameterization in the basic program for activating the data transport. The associated
parameters lie in the instance DB of the FB 1 (OpKeyNum to OpKeyBusType, see data table).
The parameters are provided by the user in the start OB100 by connecting the parameter at the
FB1 call. The bus address and Op1/2KeyStop can also be modified in the cyclic operation by
writing the FB1 instance DB DB 7.
The transport of the user data of the direct keys runs in the same way as in the case of Ethernet
MCP. The data transport can also be stopped and restarted by writing the DB7-parameter
"Op1/2KeyStop". During the Stop phase the address of the direct key module (TCU-index or
the MCP-address) can also be changed.
After resetting the Stop signal, a connection to the new address is established.
The status of the respective direct-key interfaces can be read in the interface signal:
DB10.DBX104.3 (OP1Key ready)
DB10.DBX104.4 (OP2Key ready)

Address direct keys

For the parameter Op1/2KeyBusAdr, the TCU index is normally to be used. This affects the
OPs, such as OP 08T, OP 12T, which for the direct keys do not have special cable connection
to an Ethernet MCP.
If OPs with direct keys have a special cable connection and these are connected to an Ethernet-
MCP, then for the parameter Op1/2KeyBusAdr the address of the MCP (DIP-switch setting of

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 95
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.11 Configuration machine control panel, handheld unit, direct keys

the MCP) is to be used. Only the data stream of the direct keys (2 bytes) is transferred via the
direct key interface.

Warning of connection termination

To ensure a quick response to an impending termination of the connection between PLC and
direct keys, signals are set shortly after the cyclic communicating between PLC and direct keys
has failed. If there is still no cyclic communication between PLC and direct keys, the connection
is terminated.
The signals for warning against termination of a connection are set in DB10.
● DB10.DBX94.3 (alarm direct keys 1 communication error)
● DB10.DBX94.4 (alarm direct keys 2 communication error)
The signals are reset after a connection is terminated or when there is a new connection.

Alarm direct keys

An error entry is also made in the PLC alarm buffer for timeouts. As a result, the following error
messages are output at the HMI:
● 400274: Direct key 1 failed
● 400275: Direct key 2 failed

Control unit switching for direct keys

The user connects Op1/2KeyBusAdr with 0xFF and stop = TRUE in startup block OB100. The
direct key address of the M-to-N interface is connected to parameter "Op1KeyBusAdr" via the
M-to-N block FB9.

Relevant parameters (FB1)

Direct keys e.g. direct keys OP 08T
OpKeyNum = 1 or 2 (number of OPs with direct keys)
Op1KeyIn Op2KeyIn
Op1KeyOut Op2KeyOut
OpKey1BusAdr Op2KeyBusAdr Address: TCU index
Op1KeyStop Op2KeyStop
Op1KeyNotSend Op2KeyNotSend

OpKeyBusType = b#16#55 (via CP 840D sl)

MCP identification
Via the identify interface in DB7 it is possible to query the type of the Ethernet component (MCP,
HT 2, HT 8 or direct keys) with the relevant parameters at the input/output in cyclic operation:
● Relevant parameters at the input:
"IdentMcpBusAdr", "IdentMcpProfilNo", "IdentMcpBusType", "IdentMcpStrobe"
● Relevant parameters at the output:
"IdentMcpType", "IdentMcpLengthIn", "IdentMcpLengthOut"

96 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.11 Configuration machine control panel, handheld unit, direct keys

Here the DIP device address or the TCU index at the parameter "IdentMcpBusAdr" is activated
by the user program together with setting of the Strobe signal.
The input parameter "IdentMcpProfilNo" is normally to be set to the value 0. This parameter is
to be set to the value 1 only in the identification of the direct keys. The parameter
"IdentMcpBusType" currently has no significance for a user program and is to be left in its
default value.
After resetting the Strobe signal by the basic program, valid output information becomes
available to the user. The resetting of the Strobe signals by the basic program can last for
several PLC cycles (up to two seconds).
The output parameters should show the user the size of the data areas for the addressed
device. Furthermore, it can be defined here whether an HT 2 or an HT 8 or no device is
connected to the terminal box. With this information, the MCP channel or the HHU channel can
be activated. In cyclic operation the parameters can be written symbolically by the user
program and read via the symbol names of the DB7 (gp_par).

Relevant parameters (FB1)

MCP device identification Input parameters, e.g. OP 08T
Input Output Values for direct keys

IdentMcpBusAdr IdentMcpType IdentMcpBusAdr = TCU index

IdentMcpBusProfilNo IdentMcpLengthIn IdentMcpBusProfilNo = Value 1
IdentMcpBusType IdentMcpLengthOut IdentMcpBusType = Default value

IdentMcpBusProfilNo Value
MCP, HHU, HT 8, HT 2 B#16#0
Direct keys such as e.g. OP 08T, OP 12T B#16#1

IdentMcpType (Mcp-Type)
No device connected 0
MCP 483C IE (Compact) B#16#80
MCP 483C IE B#16#81
MCP 310 B#16#82
MCP OEM B#16#83
MCP DMG B#16#84
HT 8 B#16#85
TCU_DT (direct keys) B#16#86
MCP_MPP B#16#87
HT 2 B#16#88
OP 08T (direct keys) B#16#89

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 97
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.11 Configuration machine control panel, handheld unit, direct keys

PROFIBUS connection on the DP port (MCPBusType = 3)

In case of PROFIBUS connection of the MCP, this component must be considered in the
hardware configuration setting of STEP 7. The MCP is connected to the standard DP bus of the
PLC (not to MPI/DP). The addresses must be stored in the input and output mapping area.
These start addresses must also be stored in the pointer parameters of the FB1. The FB1
parameters listed below are used for further parameterization.
There is no PROFIBUS variant of the HHU. For this reason, an Ethernet connection is shown
for the HHU in this figure. The PROFIBUS slave address must be stored in the parameters
"MCP1BusAdr" and "MCP2BusAdr". Enter the pointer to the configured diagnostic address
(e.g. P#A8190.0) in "MCPxStatRec".


&3 1&.
'VO 0&3 0&3 %+*
LQW3/& '



Figure 9-6 PROFIBUS connection

Relevant parameters (FB1)

MCPNum = 1 or 2 (number of MCPs) HHU = 5 (via CP 840D sl)
MCP1StatSend (n.r.) MCP2StatSend (n.r.) BHGStatSend
MCP1StatRec MCP2StatRec BHGStatRec
MCP1BusAdr MCP2BusAdr BHGInLen
MCP1Timeout MCP2Timeout BHGOutLen
MCP1Cycl (n.r.) MCP2Cycl (n.r.) BHGTimeout (n.r.)
MCPBusType = b#16#33 BHGRecGBZNo (n.r.)
BHGRecObjNo (n.r.)
MCPSDB210 = FALSE BHGSendGDNo (n.r.)
MCPCopyDB77 = FALSE BHGSendGBZNo (n.r.)
BHGSendObjNo (n.r.)

98 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.11 Configuration machine control panel, handheld unit, direct keys

Relevant parameters (FB1)


MCP failure normally switches the PLC to the STOP state. If this is undesirable, OB 82, OB 86
can be used to avoid a stop. The basic program has, as standard, the OB82 and OB86 call. FC5
is called in these OBs. This FC5 checks whether the failed slave is an MCP. If this is the case,
no PLC stop is triggered. Setting "MCPxStop" := TRUE causes the basic program to deactivate
the MCP as a slave via SFC12. If the PLC does not switch to the stop state following the failure
or fault of the MCP, an alarm message will be generated via the basic program. The interrupt
is deleted when the station recovers.

PROFIBUS connection on the MPI/DP port (MCPBusType = 4)

With the PROFIBUS connection of the MCP, this component must be considered in the STEP
7 hardware configuration. The MCP is connected on the MPI/DP bus of the PLC.
The addresses must be stored in the input and output mapping area. These start addresses
must also be stored in the pointer parameters of the FB1. The FB1 parameters listed below are
used for further parameterization. There is no PROFIBUS variant of the HHU. For this reason,
an Ethernet connection is shown for the HHU in this diagram. The PROFIBUS slave address
must be stored in the parameters MCP1BusAdr and MCP2BusAdr. Enter the pointer to the
configured diagnostic address (e.g. P#A8190.0) in MCPxStatRec.


&3 1&.
'VO 0&3 0&3 %+*
LQW3/& '


Figure 9-7 PROFIBUS connection on the MPI/DP port

Relevant parameters (FB1)

MCPNum = 1 or 2 (number of MCPs) HHU = 5 (via CP 840D sl)
MCP1StatSend (n.r.) MCP2StatSend (n.r.) BHGStatSend
MCP1StatRec MCP2StatRec BHGStatRec

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 99
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.11 Configuration machine control panel, handheld unit, direct keys

Relevant parameters (FB1)

MCP1BusAdr MCP2BusAdr BHGInLen
MCP1Timeout MCP2Timeout BHGOutLen
MCP1Cycl (n.r.) MCP2Cycl (n.r.) BHGTimeout (n.r.)
MCPBusType = b#16#44 BHGRecGBZNo (n.r.)
BHGRecObjNo (n.r.)
MCPSDB210 = FALSE BHGSendGDNo (n.r.)
MCPCopyDB77 = FALSE BHGSendGBZNo (n.r.)
BHGSendObjNo (n.r.)

MCP failure normally switches the PLC to the STOP state. If this is undesirable, then OB82 and
OB86 can be used to avoid a PLC stop. The basic program has, as standard, the OB82 and
OB86 call. FC5 is called in these OBs. This FC5 checks whether the failed slave is an MCP. If
this is the case, no PLC stop is triggered. Setting MCPxStop:= TRUE causes the basic program
to deactivate the MCP as a slave via SFC12. If the PLC does not switch to the stop state
following the failure or fault of the MCP, an alarm message will be generated via the basic
program. The alarm is deleted when the station returns.

PROFINET connection (MCPBusType = 6)

In case of PROFINET connection of the MCP, this component must be parameterized in the
hardware configuration setting of STEP 7. The MCP is coupled with the PROFINET module of
the CPU.
When parameterizing the MCP in HW Config, the addresses should be placed in the input and
output mapping area. These start addresses must also be stored in the pointer parameters
(MCPxIn and MCPxOut) of FB1. This is because signals are transferred between the MCP and
basic program via these parameters. The MCP is also monitored using parameter MCPxIn.
This is the reason why parameter MCPxBusAdr is not relevant for this MCP variant.
Enter the pointer to the configured diagnostic address (e.g. P#A8190.0) in MCPxStatRec.
The PROFINET MCP has its own type which should be applied for parameter MCPBusType.
The FB1 parameters listed below are used for further parameterization. There is no PROFIBUS
variant of the HHU. An Ethernet port for the HHU is shown in the diagram.

100 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.11 Configuration machine control panel, handheld unit, direct keys


&3 1&.
'VO 0&3 0&3 %+*
LQW3/& '


Figure 9-8 PROFINET connection

Relevant parameters (FB1)

MCPNum = 1 or 2 (number of MCPs) HHU = 5 (via CP 840D sl)
MCP1StatSend (n.r.) MCP2StatSend (n.r.) BHGStatSend
MCP1StatRec MCP2StatRec BHGStatRec
MCP1BusAdr (n.r.) MCP2BusAdr (n.r.) BHGInLen
MCP1Timeout MCP2Timeout BHGOutLen
MCP1Cycl MCP2Cycl BHGTimeout (n.r.)
MCPBusType = b#16#36 BHGRecGBZNo (n.r.)
(as in the figure as example)
(6 = PROFINET for MCP1)
(3 = PROFIBUS for MCP2)
BHGRecObjNo (n.r.)
MCPSDB210 = FALSE BHGSendGDNo (n.r.)
MCPCopyDB77 = FALSE BHGSendGBZNo (n.r.)
BHGSendObjNo (n.r.)

MCP failure normally switches the PLC to the STOP state. If this is undesirable, then OB82 and
OB86 can be used to avoid a PLC stop. The basic program has, as standard, the OB82 and
OB86 call. FC5 is called in these OBs. This FC5 checks whether the failed slave is an MCP. If
this is the case, no PLC stop is triggered. The input address at parameter MCPxIn is of
significance when monitoring for MCPxIn failure.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 101
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.12 Switchover of machine control panel, handheld unit

Setting MCPxStop := True causes the basic program to deactivate the MCP as a slave via
SFC12. If the PLC does not switch to the stop state following the failure or fault of the MCP, an
alarm message will be generated via the basic program. The alarm is deleted when the station

9.12 Switchover of machine control panel, handheld unit

Only Ethernet variants support switchover/deactivation of an operator component (MCP or
HHU) as standard.

PROFIBUS variant
With PROFIBUS variants, this functionality is only possible to a limited extent and with
additional user effort.
With the PROFIBUS variant of the MCP, the data area of the DB77 for specified MCP1, MCP2
or HHU can be used for the MCP pointer on FB1. The MCP slave bus address must be set
correctly under MCPxBusAdr as this is used as the basis for monitoring. A user program copy
routine must copy the signals of the active MCP from the I/O area configured in HW Config to
DB77. This enables a number of MCPs on the PROFIBUS to be switched via signals. Set the
MCPxStop parameter to TRUE for the switchover phase from one MCP to another.

Control signals
Parameters MCP1Stop, MCP2Stop and BHGStop can be used to stop communication with
individual components (parameter setting = 1). This stop or activation of communication can
be applied in the current cycle. However, the change in value must be implemented through the
symbolic notation of the parameters and not by means of another FB1 call.
Example: Stopping the transfer from the 1st machine control panel:

S gp_par.MCP1Stop;

Setting parameters MCP1Stop, MCP2Stop, BHGStop also results in a suppression or deletion

of alarms 400260 to 400262.

Switchover of the bus address

If an existing communication connection to an operator component (MCP or HHU) is to be
cancelled and a new communication connection established to a different component (MCP or
HHU) with a different communication address, proceed as follows:
1. Stop the communication of the operator component to be disconnected:
Parameter MCP1Stop, MCP2Stop or BHGStop = 1
2. The communication is stopped when the following applies: DB10, DBX104.0, .1 or .2 == 0

102 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.13 Flexible axis configuration

3. Change the bus address:

– MCP: FB1 parameter MCP1BusAdr or MCP2BusAdr = <bus address of the new
operator component>
– HHU (Ethernet variant): FB1 parameter BHGRecGDNo = <bus address of the new
operator component>
4. Enable the communication (possible in the same PLC cycle as point 3):
Parameter MCP1Stop, MCP2Stop or BHGStop = 0
5. The communication with the new component is active when the following applies: : DB10,
DBX104.0, .1 or .2 == 1

Switching off the LED flashing of an Ethernet MCP

After a Power On, MCPs generally indicate the completion of the power-up and waiting for a
connection to be established by flashing LEDs. The flashing of the LEDs can be switched off as
described in the following. Presently, this behavior cannot be retentively stored on the MCP.

MCP firmware as of V02.02.04

Setting for switching off the flashing

The Send status must be set in MCPxStop before the start of communication with the MCP.
Before the start of communication means either during power-up (OB100) or during cyclic
operation (OB1) before the setting of DB7 parameter MCPxStop = FALSE
Setting the Send status: FB1 parameter MCPxStatSend, bit 30 = 0 and bit 31 = 1
There is no feedback of the current status.

Extract from OB100: (based on the example for MCP1)

CALL "RUN_UP" , "gp_par"

MCP1StatSend := P#E 8.0
//deactivate MCP flashing
R A 11.6
S A 11.7

9.13 Flexible axis configuration

The assignment of axis selection keys to machine axes for the MCP variants FC19 (symbolic
name MCP_IFM) M variant, FC24 (symbolic name MCP_IFM2) narrow M variant, and FC26
(symbolic name HPU_MCP) can be configured flexibly.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 103
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.14 Selection of JOG axis via HMI

This flexibility is implemented with tables for axis numbers in DB10. The parameterization for
the 1st machine control panel (MCP) starts from byte 8 (symbolic name MCP1AxisTbl[1..22])
and for the 2nd machine control panel (MCP) from byte 32 (symbolic name
MCP2AxisTbl[1..22]). The required machine axis numbers must be entered byte by byte here.
The axis numbers are not checked for validity, meaning that incorrect entries can result in a
PLC Stop. It is permissible to enter a value of 0 in the axis table and does not result in axis
selection by the associated key. In this way, gaps in the assignment of axis selection keys can
be left.
The value entered for the 1st machine control panel in DB10.DBW30 (symbolic name
MCP1MaxAxis) or for the 2nd machine control panel in DB10.DBW54 (symbolic name
MCP2MaxAxis) defines the maximum possible number of axis selection keys. If the value 0
(default setting) is used, all axis selection keys assigned a machine axis can be used,
depending on the MCP variant used. The number of available axis selection keys is determined
by the design of the MCP variant.
The value in DB 10 can also be dynamically adjusted. After this, the axis must be selected again
on the MCP in question. Axis numbers may not be switched over while the axes are traversing
the relevant direction keys.
The following figure is intended to illustrate the principle using the example of a MCP483 (call
of FC19) with 9 axis selection keys.

$GGUHVV 6\PERO 5 5 5
'%'%% 1&0&3$[LV7EO>@ 
'%'%% 1&0&3$[LV7EO>@    
   5 5 5
'%'%% 1&0&3$[LV7EO>@ 
'%'%% 1&0&3$[LV7EO>@    
5 5 5

The 8th axis selection key (R8) selects the machine axis with machine axis number 12.

9.14 Selection of JOG axis via HMI

From software version 4.92, the user can select machine or geometry axes using operating
software (for example: HMI Operate). This permits implementation of operating concepts on
touch operator panels, such as the HT 10.

Activation of the function when using SINUMERIK Operate

This function is activated by setting the channel machine data
It is also necessary to define for each axis in machine data $MC_DISPLAY_AXIS (MD20098)
whether or not the axis will be displayed in the corresponding channel.

104 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.14 Selection of JOG axis via HMI

You will find further information in the descriptions "Commissioning Manual – SINUMERIK
Operate (IM9)".

Activation of the function by the PLC basic program

Activation is performed via the FB1 parameter "HMIAxisSel":
Basic program, OB100, FB1 parameter HMIAxisSel = True (see also FB1: RUN_UP - basic
program, start section (Page 155)).
FB1 saves this parameter in the associated instance data block (DB7, symbolic name gp_par).
To support the PLC basic program, depending on the MCP variant used, blocks FC19
(symbolic name MCP_IFM) M variant, FC24 (symbolic name MCP_IFM2) narrow M variant,
and FC26 (symbolic name HPU_MCP) handheld terminals HT 8 and HT 10 are required.
Configuration of the devices is described in Configuration machine control panel, handheld
unit, direct keys (Page 93).

General method of operation

In addition to the configurable axis selection keys of the MCPs ("flexible axis configuration"), an
axis can be selected by SINUMERIK HMI Operate or customer operating software. Axis
selection is then only taken over onto the MCP if the interface DB of the channel and the
configured channel on the corresponding MCP block of the basic program match.
The MCP block of the basic program has been configured in the PLC user program for
processing channel 1. A JOG axis must therefore be selected via the interface DB for channel
1 (DB21).
When a JOG axis is selected via HMI, the machine axis number is transferred directly into the
corresponding channel interface. In addition, a check is made in the DB10 axis table to see
which R key of the MCP is configured in order to set the corresponding LED.
This ensures that, when the HMI is selected, the same machine axis is selected as corresponds
to an axis selection key of the MCP. In this way, alternative operation via HMI is possible, that
is, parallel with axis selection via the keys of the MCP.
The following figure illustrates the function "Selection of JOG axis via HMI":

'% )&


If assignment of the selection by flexible axis assignment is not possible, all LEDs are
deactivated on the axis selection keys of the MCP. This means that it is possible to select axes

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 105
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.15 Mixed operation from the machine control panel and the handheld terminal

that cannot be selected via the keys of the MCP. This is supplementary operation in addition to
axis selection via the keys of the MCP.

9.15 Mixed operation from the machine control panel and the handheld

The PLC basic program supports simultaneous operation of up to two machine control panels
and one handheld terminal. Different PLC basic program blocks are available for the machine
control panel (MCP) and the handheld terminal (HT)
This permits implementation of many possible applications. The blocks of the MCP variants
FC19 (symbolic name "MCP_IFM") M variant, FC24 (symbolic name "MCP_IFM2") narrow M
variant, and FC26 (symbolic name "HPU_MCP") provide support with operation of multiple
channels, multiple mode groups (BAG), and different axis configurations.

Parameterization of components is always performed by calling the basic program block FB1
in OB100. FB1 saves its parameters in the associated instance data block, DB7 (symbolic
name gp_par).
These parameterizations are used by the individual blocks FC19, FC24, FC25, and FC26.
Each individual MCP or HT block itself has input and output parameters that are used for the
channel, mode group, and spindle interfaces to be provisioned.
The exception is block FC13 (symbolic name BHGDisp). This block does not support
provisioning of channel, mode group, or spindle signals. For this reason, it is not referred to in
the following application examples.

Typical application examples

In the following sections, only a few of the possible application examples for mixed operation
of MCP and HT are described. You will find detailed descriptions of the methods for blocks
FC19, FC24, FC25, and FC26 in the relevant block descriptions.

For example, multiple channels with an MCP (FC19) and HT (FC26) with the same mode group
In this example, the MCP is to provision channel 1 and the HT is to provision channel 2 of a
system. The two channels are assigned to the same mode group (BAG). This means that
channels 1 and 2 can be run separately. The MCP is exclusively responsible for provisioning
the mode group signals.
Call of FC19 for 1st MCP, mode group 1, channel 1, spindle: Axis 4

CALL FC19 // Signals to interface

BAGNo := B#16#1 // Mode group no. 1
ChanNo := B#16#1 // Channel no. 1

106 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.15 Mixed operation from the machine control panel and the handheld terminal

SpindleIFNo := B#16#4 // Spindle interface number = 4

FeedHold := m30.0 // Feed stop signal modal
SpindleHold := m30.1 // Spindle stop modal

Call of the FC26 for channel 2

CALL FC26 // Signals to interface

BAGNo := B#16#0 // No provision of the mode group
ChanNo := B#16#2 // Channel no. 2

Example of multiple channels with alternative operation by MCP or HT with the same mode group
In this example, the MCP is to provision channels 1 and 2 and the HT is to provision channels
1 and 2 of a system. The two channels are assigned to the same mode group (BAG).
The calls of blocks FC19 and FC26 are programmed to be mutually exclusive. Otherwise, the
blocks called last would overwrite the signal states of the previous blocks. Moreover, the
spindles, the feed stop and spindle stop signal are only provisioned when FC19 processing is
active. While the FC19 call is skipped, the signals remain in the state of the last FC19 run.

U M40.0 // HT processing active?

SPB fc26 // Jump label for HT block

CALL FC19 // Signals to interface

BAGNo := B#16#1 // Mode group no. 1
ChanNo := B#16#1 // Channel no. 1
SpindleIFNo B#16#4 // Spindle interface number = 4
FeedHold := m30.0 // Feed stop signal modal
SpindleHold m30.1 // Spindle stop modal
CALL FC19 // Signals to interface
BAGNo := B#16#1 // Mode group no. 1
ChanNo := B#16#2 // Channel no. 2
SpindleIFNo B#16#4 // Spindle interface number = 4
FeedHold := m30.0 // Feed stop signal modal
SpindleHold m30.1 // Spindle stop modal
fc26: UN M40.0 // HT processing active?
SPB ende // Jump label end of network
CALL FC26 // Signals to interface
BAGNo := B#16#1 // Mode group no. 1
ChanNo := B#16#1 // Channel no. 1
CALL FC26 // Signals to interface
BAGNo := B#16#1 // Mode group no. 1
ChanNo := B#16#2 // Channel no. 2
ende: Nop 0

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 107
Structure and functions of the basic program
9.15 Mixed operation from the machine control panel and the handheld terminal

108 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
SPL for Safety Integrated 10
Rather than being a function of the basic program, SPL is a user function. The basic program
makes a data block (DB18) available for Safety SPL signals and runs a data comparison to
ensure the consistency of SPL program data in the NC.
Further information
Function Manual Safety Integrated

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 109
SPL for Safety Integrated

110 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Assignment overview 11
11.1 Block address range for PLC user program
From the following block number assignment overview, you can find out whether a specific
block number (or block address) is assigned or reserved by the PLC basic program, or whether
it can be used for the PLC user program.

Table 11-1 Assignment overview of the DB numbers

DB number Availability Occupied by

1 Reserved Siemens
2…3 Occupied Siemens (PLC basic program)
4…7 Reserved Siemens
8 Occupied Siemens (PLC basic program)
9 Reserved Siemens
10 … 11 Occupied Siemens (PLC basic program)
12 Occupied Computer link and transport system
13 … 15 Reserved Siemens
16 Occupied Siemens (PLC basic program)
17 … 18 Reserved Siemens (PLC basic program)
19 Occupied Siemens (PLC basic program)
20 Reserved Siemens
21 … 30 Occupied¹ Siemens (PLC basic program: inter‐
face for NC channels)
31 … 61 Occupied¹ Siemens (PLC basic program: inter‐
face for axes/spindles)
62 … 70 Freely available (user program) -
71...73 Occupied¹ Siemens (PLC basic program: tool
74 Reserved Siemens
75 … 76 Occupied Siemens (M group decoding)
77 … 80 Reserved Siemens
81 … 999 Occupied or reserved Siemens (ShopMill, ManualTurn)
1000 … 1019 Reserved Siemens
1020 Occupied or reserved Siemens (PLC basic program)
1021 … 1099 Reserved Siemens
1100 … 24999 Freely available (user program) -
25000 … 29999 Reserved Siemens
30000 … 59999 Reserved² Standard number range for gener‐
ated F-system blocks
60000 … 60999 Occupied or reserved CPU DBs

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 111
Assignment overview
11.1 Block address range for PLC user program

¹Not recommended for use, but possible with limitations. Data blocks of channels, axes/
spindles and tool management functions that have not been activated can be used by the user,
but this can result in conflicts when upgrading or migrating the PLC basic program.
²If you use SINUMERIK Safety Integrated plus (F-PLC), this number range is used for
automatically generated F-blocks by default. You can adapt the number range used by the F-
system, but you must select a sufficiently large range of numbers.

Table 11-2 Assignment overview of the FB numbers

FB number Availability Occupied by

0 Reserved Siemens
1 Reserved Siemens (PLC basic program)
2…3 Occupied Siemens (PLC basic program)
4 Reserved Siemens
5 Occupied Siemens (PLC basic program)
6 Reserved Siemens
7 Occupied Siemens (PLC basic program)
8 Reserved Siemens
9 Occupied Siemens (PLC basic program)
10 … 29 Reserved Siemens
15 Reserved Siemens (PLC basic program)
16…28 Reserved Siemens
29 Reserved Siemens (PLC basic program)
30…999 Freely available (user program) -
1000 … 1009 Reserved Siemens
1010 … 1019 Reserved Exclusively available for F blocks of
Safety Integrated plus (F-PLC)
1020 Occupied Siemens (PLC basic program)
1021 … 1023 Reserved Siemens
1024 … 24999 Freely available (user program) -
25000 … 32766 Reserved Siemens (PLC basic program)
32767 … 65535 Reserved² Standard number range for gener‐
ated F-system blocks

²If you use SINUMERIK Safety Integrated plus (F-PLC), this number range is used for
automatically generated F-blocks by default. You can adapt the number range used by the F-
system, but you must select a sufficiently large range of numbers.

Table 11-3 Assignment overview of the FC numbers

FC number Availability Occupied by

0 Reserved Siemens
1…3 Occupied Siemens (PLC basic program)
4 Reserved Siemens

112 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Assignment overview
11.1 Block address range for PLC user program

FC number Availability Occupied by

5 Reserved Siemens (PLC basic program)
6 … 29 Reserved Siemens
30 … 999 Freely available (user program) -
1000 … 1023 Reserved Siemens
1024 … 24999 Freely available (user program) -
25000 Occupied Siemens (PLC basic program)
25001 … 32766 Reserved Siemens (PLC basic program)
32767 … 65535 Reserved² Standard number range for gener‐
ated F-system blocks

²If you use SINUMERIK Safety Integrated plus (F-PLC), this number range is used for
automatically generated F-blocks by default. You can adapt the number range used by the F-
system, but you must select a sufficiently large range of numbers.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 113
Assignment overview
11.1 Block address range for PLC user program

114 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
PLC functions for HMI (DB19) 12
12.1 Channel selection

The channel displayed on the HMI, e.g. in the machine start screen, can be selected from the
PLC user program via the HMI/PLC interface.

More than one channel is parameterized in the NC.

Job and acknowledgment interface

DB19 Meaning
DBX32.0 - .5 PLC → HMI Function number: 1 = channel selection
DBX32.6 PLC → HMI Function request
DBX32.7 HMI → PLC Status: 1 = "function being executed"
DBB33 PLC → HMI Channel number: 1, 2, 3, ... maximum number of channels
Next channel: FFH
DBB36 HMI → PLC Error identification:
● 0: No error
● 1: Invalid function number (DBX32.0 - .5)
● 2: Invalid parameter (DBB33 - DBB35)
● 3: Error when writing the HMI-internal variable
● 10: Channel not present (DBB33)

Functional sequence

The PLC user program must maintain the following execution sequence:
1. Check whether the interface is free for a new job:
– DB19.DBX32.6 == 0 (function request)
– DB19.DBX32.7 == 0 (status)
2. If the interface is free, the job data must be entered and the function request set:
– DB19.DBB33 = <channel number>
– DB19.DBX32.0 - .5 = 1 (function number)
– DB19.DBX32.6 = 1 (function request)

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PLC functions for HMI (DB19)
12.2 Program selection

The HMI makes the following responses for error-free parameterization:
1. Once the HMI has recognized the function request for channel selection, the status is set to
"function being performed" and the function request reset:
– DB19.DBX32.7 = 1 (status)
– DB19.DBX32.6 = 0 (function request)
2. Once the channel selection has been performed, the status is reset again and value 0 is set
as error identification:
– DB19.DBX32.7 = 0 (status)
– DB19.DBX36 = 0 (error identification)
The HMI makes the following responses for faulty parameterization:
● The function request is reset and the appropriate error identification is set:
– DB19.DBX32.6 = 0 (function request)
– DB19.DBX36 = <error identification>

12.2 Program selection

Preselected programs/workpieces can be selected for machining by the NC via the PLC/HMI
The preselection is implemented by entering programs/workpiece in files, these are known as
PLC program lists (*.ppl).

The following machine data must be set to allow the HMI to process tasks:
In order to activate a sector-specific PLC program list, you must set the appropriate machine
data and at least the protection level password:
● Area User
– Protective level password: 3 (users)
– Program list: /user/sinumerik/hmi/plc/programlist/plc_proglist_user.ppl
● Area Manufacturer (OEM)
– Protective level password: 1 (manufacturer)
– Program list: /oem/sinumerik/hmi/plc/programlist/plc_proglist_manufacturer.ppl

116 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
PLC functions for HMI (DB19)
12.2 Program selection

Structure of a program list

A program list is a text file. Each line contains the following information:
<program number> <program path><program name> [CH=<channel number>]
● Program number
The program numbers which may be used in a program list depend on the sector:
– user: 1 - 100
– Manufacturer (OEM): 201 - 255
● Program path
The program path must be completely specified in absolute terms.
For specifying the program path, see:
Further information
Programming Manual NC Programming, Section "File and program management" > "
Program memory" > "Addressing of program memory files"
● Channel number
Specifying the channel number "CH=<channel number>" is optional. It is only required if the
NC has more than one channel.
The following excerpt as example shows the structure of the user program list:

Program list: plc_proglist_user.ppl

1 //DEV2:/MPFDir/PROG_01.MPF CH=1
2 //DEV2:/MPFDir/PROG_01.MPF CH=2

Generating entries in a program list

The entries in a program list (*.ppl) can be directly edited in the file or entered in screen forms
in the user interface.
● Via the user interface for the user area
Operating area "Program Manager" > "ETC key (">")" > "Prog. list"
● Via the user interface for the Manufacturer area
Operating area "Commissioning" > "System data" > "ETC key (">")" > "Prog. list"

Program selection: Job interface

The PLC may only request a new job if the last job has been acknowledged by the HMI:
DB19.DBB26 == 0

Program list
DB19.DBB16 = <number of the program list>

Number Program list

129 /user/sinumerik/hmi/plc/programlist/plc_proglist_user.ppl
131 /oem/sinumerik/hmi/plc/programlist/plc_proglist_manufacturer.ppl

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 117
PLC functions for HMI (DB19)
12.2 Program selection

Program number
The program number refers to the programs contained in the selected program list.
DB19.DBB17 = <program number>
● user area: 1 - 100
● oem area: 201 - 255

Requesting program selection

DB19.DBX13.7 = 1

Program selection: Acknowledgment interface

Job acknowledgment
● DB19.DBX26.7 == 1 (selection identified)
● DB19.DBX26.3 == 1 (program is selected)
● DB19.DBX26.2 == 1 (error when selecting the program, see error ID DB19.DBB27)
● DB19.DBX26.1 == 1 (job completed)

Error code
DB19.DBB27 == <value>

<Value> Meaning
0 No error
1 Invalid program list number (DB19.DBB16)
3 User-specific program list plc_proglist_main.ppl not found (for DB19.DBB16 ≠ 129, 131 only)
4 Invalid program number (DB19.DBB17)
5 The job list in the selected workpiece could not be opened
6 Error in job list (Job list Interpreter returns error)
7 No instructions were found in the job list
8 HMI could not execute the selection (SELECT)
9 An error with no further details occurred upon selection
10 An error occurred during analysis of the job list
11 The instruction is not available
12 Invalid instruction (LOAD, UNLOAD, SELECT only)
13 Not all channels have the Reset status
14 The channel number is invalid

Program selection: Job processing

A job to select a program is executed as follows:
1. Checking the acknowledgment byte: DB19.DBB26 == 0
If the acknowledgment byte is not 0, then the last job has still not been completed.
2. Specifying the program list: DB19.DBB16

118 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
PLC functions for HMI (DB19)
12.5 Screen numbers

3. Specifying the program number: DB19.DBB17

4. Setting the request to select a program: DB19.DBX13.7 = 1
5. Evaluating the acknowledgment and error interface: DB19.DBB26 and DBB27
The order is still not completed on the HMI side as long as: DB19.DBX26.3 == 1 (active)
The order has been completed on the HMI side if one of the two signals has been set:
- DB19.DBX26.1 == 1 (OK)
- DB19.DBX26.2 == 1 (error)
6. To complete the order, the program selection request must be reset: DB19.DBX13.7 = 0
7. The HMI signals that it is ready to accept a new order by resetting the acknowledgment byte:
DB19.DBB26 == 0

12.3 Activating the key lock

The operator panel keyboard and a keyboard directly connected to the HMI can be locked using
the following interface signal
● 1. HMI: DB19.DBX0.2 = <value>
● 2. HMI: DB19.DBX50.2 = <value>

Value Meaning
0 Key lock inactive
1 Key lock active

12.4 Operating area numbers

The number of the active operating area is normally displayed in: DB19.DBB21
If the HMI monitor is active, the number of the active operating area is no longer displayed in
DB19.DBB21, but instead in the user-specific configured area of the HMI monitor (Page 129).

Operating area Number

Machine 201
Parameters 205
Programming 203
Program Manager 202
Diagnostics 204
Commissioning 206

12.5 Screen numbers

The current screen number is normally displayed in: DB19.DBW24

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 119
PLC functions for HMI (DB19)
12.5 Screen numbers

If the HMI monitor is active, the current screen number is no longer displayed in DB19.DBW24,
but instead in the user-specific configured area of the HMI monitor (Page 129).

Screen number ranges

The following screen number ranges are available:
● JOG, manual machine (Page 120)
● Reference point approach (Page 125)
● MDA (Page 125)
● AUTOMATIC (Page 126)
● Parameters operating area (Page 126)
● Program operating area (Page 128)
● Program manager operating area (Page 128)
● Diagnostics operating area (Page 128)

12.5.1 Screen numbers: JOG, manual machine

JOG mode

Screen Number
Turning technology
Cycle start screen for all screens that can be taken over 81
Milling technology
Cycle start screen for all screens that can be taken over 3
Start screen 1900
T,S,M 2
Set WO 21
Positioning 4
Face milling 18
Stock removal 80
Cycle start screen for all user screens 91
General settings 1
Multi-channel function settings 106
Collision avoidance settings 107
Measurement log settings 108
Swiveling 60
All G commands 100
Actual zoom value (MCS/WCS) 101
Thread synchronizing 102
Retract 103

120 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
PLC functions for HMI (DB19)
12.5 Screen numbers

Screen Number
Handwheel 104
Action synchronization 105
Turning technology: Workpiece zero
Workpiece zero (main menu) 30
User screen 31
User screen 34
User screen 35
User screen 36
User screen 37
User screen 38
User screen 40
Measure edge Z 5
Turning technology: Workpiece, measurement
Measure tool (main menu) 50
Manual X or user screen 51
Manual Y 71
Manual Z or user screen 52
Zoom or user screen 53
User screen 54
User screen 55
Probe calibration X or user screen 56
Probe calibration Z or user screen 57
Automatic length in Z 58
Automatic length in Y 73
Automatic length in X 59
Milling technology: Workpiece zero
Workpiece zero (main menu) 30
Measure edge X 5
Measure edge X 22
Measure edge Z 23
User screen 7
Align edge or user screen 31
Distance 2 edges or user screen 32
Right-angled corner 33
Any corner or user screen 8
Rectangular pocket 34
1 hole or user screen 9
2 holes 35
3 holes 36
4 holes 37
Rectangular spigot 38
1 circular spigot or user screen 10
2 circular spigots 39

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 121
PLC functions for HMI (DB19)
12.5 Screen numbers

Screen Number
3 circular spigots 40
4 circular spigots 41
Set up level 42
Probe length calibration or user screen 11
Probe radius calibration 12
Milling technology: Workpiece, measurement
Measure tool (main menu) 50
- Measure length, manual (with milling tool) or 16
- Measure length in X, manual (with turning tool) or
- User screen
Measure length in Y, manual (with turning tool) 74
Measure length in Z, manual (with turning tool) 24
Measure diameter, manual or user screen 17
- Measure length, automatic (with milling tool) or 13
- Measure length in X, automatic (with turning tool) or
- User screen
Measure length in Y, automatic (with turning tool) 75
Measure length in Z, automatic (with turning tool) 25
Measure diameter, automatic or user screen 14
User screen 51
Probe calibration or user screen 15
Fixed point calibration or user screen 52
RunMyScreens (only for set JobShopIntegration)
User screen for the 1st horizontal softkey 96
User screen for the 2nd horizontal softkey 98
User screen for the 3rd horizontal softkey 99
User screen for the 4th horizontal softkey 94
User screen for the 5th horizontal softkey 95
User screen for the 6th horizontal softkey 92
User screen for the 7th horizontal softkey 97
User screen for the 8th horizontal softkey 90
User screen for the 9th horizontal softkey 83
User screen for the 10th horizontal softkey 82
User screen for the 11th horizontal softkey 93
User screen for the 12th horizontal softkey 84
User screen for the 13th horizontal softkey 85
User screen for the 14th horizontal softkey 86
User screen for the 15th horizontal softkey 87
User screen for the 16th horizontal softkey 88

122 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
PLC functions for HMI (DB19)
12.5 Screen numbers

JOG mode, manual machine

Screen Screen number
Taper turning 61
Angle milling 62
Stop 63
Straight line 1300
Straight line all axes 1330
Straight line X alpha 1340
Straight line Z alpha 1350
Circle 1360
Drilling 1400
Center drilling 1410
Drilling, thread centered 1420
Drilling, centering 1433
Drilling, drilling 1434
Drilling, reaming 1435
Drilling, boring 1436
Drilling, deep hole drilling 1440
Drilling, deep hole drilling 2 1441
Drilling, tapping 1453
Drill thread milling 1455
Positions 1473
Position row 1474
Position grid 1477
Position frame 1478
Position circle 1475
Position pitch circle 1479
Obstacle 1476
Turning 1500
Turning, stock removal 1 1513
Turning, stock removal 2 1514
Turning, stock removal 3 1515
Turning, groove 1 1523
Turning, groove 2 1524
Turning, groove 3 1525
Turning, undercut form E 1533
Turning, undercut form F 1534
Turning, undercut thread DIN 1535
Turning, undercut thread 1536
Turning, thread, longitudinal 1543
Turning, thread, taper 1544

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PLC functions for HMI (DB19)
12.5 Screen numbers

Screen Screen number
Turning, thread, facing 1545
Turning, thread, chain 1546
Turning, cut-off 1550
Milling 1600
Milling, face milling 1610
Milling, rectangular pocket 1613
Milling, circular pocket 1614
Milling, rectangular spigot 1623
Milling, circular spigot 1624
Milling, longitudinal groove 1633
Milling, circumferential groove 1634
Milling, open groove 1635
Milling, multi-edge 1,640
Milling, thread milling 1454
Milling, engraving 1670
Contour turning 1,200
Contour turning, new contour / last contour 1210
Contour turning, stock removal along contour 1220
Contour turning, contour grooving 1230
Contour turning, contour plunge turning 1240
Contour milling 1100
Contour milling, new contour / last contour 1110
Contour milling, path milling 1120
Contour milling, centering 1130
Contour milling, rough drilling 1140
Contour milling, contour pocket 1150
Turning technology: Simulation
Side view 1740
Front view 1750
3D view 1760
2-window view 1770
Half section 1780
Turning technology: Simultaneous recording
Side view 1741
Front view 1751
3D view 1761
2-window view 1771
Machine space 1791
Half section 1781
Milling technology: Simulation
Top view 1742
3D view 1760

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PLC functions for HMI (DB19)
12.5 Screen numbers

Screen Screen number
From the front 1744
From the rear 1746
From the Left 1748
From the right 1752
Half section 1780
Turning view 1782
Milling technology: Simultaneous recording
Top view 1743
3D view 1761
From the front 1745
From the rear 1747
From the Left 1749
From the right 1753
Machine space 1791
Half section 1781
Turning view 1783

12.5.2 Screen numbers: Reference point approach

Screen Number
Actual zoom value MCS/WCS 101

12.5.3 Screen numbers: MDA

Screen Number
MDI 20
All G commands 100
Actual zoom value MCS/WCS 101
Handwheel 104
Action synchronization 105
Program control 210
Settings 250

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PLC functions for HMI (DB19)
12.5 Screen numbers

12.5.4 Screen numbers: AUTOMATIC

Screen Number
Automatic 200
Overstore 202
Program control 210
Block search 220
General settings 250
Multi-channel function settings 106
Collision avoidance settings 107
All G commands 100
Actual zoom value MCS/WCS 101
Handwheel 104
Action synchronization 105
Turning technology: Simultaneous recording
Side view 243
Front view 244
3D view 245
2-window view 246
Machine space 247
Half section 253
Milling technology: Simultaneous recording
Top view 242
3D view 244
From the front 248
From the rear 249
From the Left 251
From the right 252
Machine space 247
Half section 253
Turning view 254

12.5.5 Screen numbers: Parameters operating area

Screen Number
Tool list 600
Tool wear 610
User tool list 620
Magazine 630
Work offset
Work offset, active 642
Work offset, overview 643

126 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
PLC functions for HMI (DB19)
12.5 Screen numbers

Screen Number
Work offset, basic 644
Work offset, G54 - G509 645
Details of work offset, active, overview, basic or G54 - G509 647
User variable
R parameters 650
Global GUD 1 (SGUD) 660
Global GUD 2 (MGUD) 661
Global GUD 3 (UGUD) 662
Global GUD 4 663
Global GUD 5 664
Global GUD 6 665
Global GUD 7 666
Global GUD 8 667
Global GUD 9 668
Channel GUD 1 (SGUD) 690
Channel GUD 2 (MGUD) 691
Channel GUD 3 (UGUD) 692
Channel GUD 4 693
Channel GUD 5 694
Channel GUD 6 695
Channel GUD 7 696
Channel GUD 8 697
Channel GUD 9 698
Local LUD 681
Local LUD/PUD 684
Setting data
Working area limitation 671
Spindle data 670
Spindle chuck data 672
Ctrl-Energy, main menu 6170
Ctrl-Energy, analysis 6171
Ctrl-Energy, profiles 6172
Ctrl-Energy, analysis graphic 6176
Ctrl-Energy, analysis long-term measurement 6177
Ctrl-Energy, analysis details 6179
Ctrl-Energy, compare measurements 6178

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PLC functions for HMI (DB19)
12.5 Screen numbers

12.5.6 Screen numbers: Program operating area

Screen Number
Turning technology: Simulation
Side view 413
Front view 414
3D view 415
2-window view 416
Half section 423
Milling technology: Simulation
Top view 412
3D view 414
From the front 418
From the rear 419
From the Left 421
From the right 422
Half section 423
Turning view 424

12.5.7 Screen numbers: Program manager operating area

Screen Number
NC directory 300
Local drive 325
USB / configured drive1 330
Configured drive2 340
Configured drive3 350
Configured drive4 360
Configured drive5 383
Configured drive6 384
Configured drive7 385
Configured drive8 386

12.5.8 Screen numbers: Diagnostics operating area

Screen Number
Alarm list 500
Messages 501
Alarm log 502
NC/PLC variable 503

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PLC functions for HMI (DB19)
12.6 HMI monitor

12.6 HMI monitor

The HMI monitor is an 8-byte data area in a freely selectable data block, in which the HMI can
provide the following data for the PLC user program:
● Operating area numbers (Page 119)
● Screen numbers (Page 119)

The data area is configured using the following display machine data:
MD9032 $MM_HMI_MONITOR = "string"
with "string" = "DB<DB number>.DBB<byte address>"

Even byte address
The data area must start at an even byte address.

Structure of the data area

Byte Meaning
EB n + 0 Active SINUMERIK operating area
EB n + 1 Reserved
EB n + 2 Current screen number
EB n + 3
EB n + 4 Reserved
EB n + 7 Reserved

Supplementary conditions
When the HMI monitoring is active, the following PLC/HMI interface signals are no longer
● DB19.DBB10 (PLC hardkeys)
● DB19.DBB21 (active SINUMERIK operating area)
● DB19.DBW24 (current screen number)

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PLC functions for HMI (DB19)
12.6 HMI monitor


● Current operating area: "Machine", number: 201
● Actual screen: "AUTOMATIC" start screen, number: 200
● PLC data area: DB60.DBB10

● MD9032 $MM_HMI_MONITOR = "DB60.DBB10"

Values in the data area

● DB60.DBB10: 201
● DB60.DBW12: 200

130 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
PLC functions for drive components on the integrated
13.1 Overview
Using the function described below, input and output data from drive components on the
integrated PROFIBUS can be consistently, cyclically read and written from the PLC user
program of the hardware PLC. The following boundary conditions must be observed:
● For reading / writing input/output data, the system functions SFC14 / SFC15 must be used.
● The reading / writing of input/output data is always over the entire slot length.
● The function only supports cyclical, non-equidistant data transfer.
● An output slot may not already be occupied on the NC side; (e.g. output slots of drives).

13.2 Performing a start-up

Before the function is put into operation on the NC side, the following preconditions must be
● The drive components on the integrated PROFIBUS of the NCU must be fully configured
using SIMATIC STEP 7, HW Config.
● The configuration is loaded into the PLC.

NC machine data
The start addresses of the slots to be transferred cyclically are to be entered into the following
machine data:
● Input slots:
MD10520 $MN_PLCINTERN_LOGIC_ADDRESS_IN[<Index>] = <Slot address>
● Output slots:
MD10525 $MN_PLCINTERN_LOGIC_ADDRESS_OUT[<Index>] = <Slot address>
<Index>: 0, 1, 2, ... (Max no. of slots) – 1
<Slot address>: The slot address parameterized in HW Config

Maximum quantity of data
The sum of all data to be cyclically transferred in inward and outward directions may not
currently exceed 2,048 bytes.

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PLC functions for drive components on the integrated PROFIBUS
13.3 Example

13.3 Example

Determining slot addresses

After selecting the DP Slave "SINAMICS_Integrated" on the integrated PROFIBUS
"PROFIBUS Integrated: DP master system (3)" in the station window of HW Config, its
PROFIdrive message frame and associated slot addresses are displayed in the detailed view.
● Message frame 136: Drive
● Message frame 391: Control Unit
● Message frame 370: Infeed
The infeed slot addresses required for parameterization in the NC machines are:
● Input slot: Slot 31, address 6514
● Output slot: Slot 32, address 6514

Figure 13-1 Infeed PROFIBUS message frames

Setting NC machine data

● Input slots:
● Output slots:

Controlling the ALM using FB390 "ALM_Control"

The SINUMERIK hardware PLC is connected to the CU320 of SINAMICS S120 through the
internal PROFIBUS. The ALM is connected to the CU via DRIVE-CLiQ.
In SINAMICS S120, a control and status message frame can be defined for each module (the
CU, ALM, motor modules, etc.). If this is performed for an ALM, this can be switched on and off
from the PLC user program.

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PLC functions for drive components on the integrated PROFIBUS
13.3 Example

The SIMATIC S7 block FB390 "ALM_Control" checks the status of the ALM and enables the
user to switch it on or off.
A description of the block and an example project are available for download under the
following link to Industry Online Support:

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PLC functions for drive components on the integrated PROFIBUS
13.3 Example

134 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Memory requirements of the basic PLC program 14
The basic program consists of basic and optional functions. The basic functions include cyclic
signal exchange between the NC and PLC. The Options include e.g. the FCs, which can be
used, if needed.
The table below lists the memory requirements for the basic functions and the options. The data
quoted represent guide values, the actual values depend on the current software version.

Memory requirements of blocks for SINUMERIK 840D sl

Block Function Remark Block size (bytes)
Type, No.
Working memory

Basic functions in basic program

FB1, FB15 Must be loaded / 52182
on CompactFlash Card
FC2, 3, 5, 12 Must be loaded 470
DB4, 5, 7, 8 Must be loaded 1006
DB2, 3, 17 Are generated by the BP 632
OB1, 40, 100, 82, 86 Must be loaded 398
Total 55698

PLC/NC, PLC/HMI interface

DB10 PLC/NC signals Must be loaded 262
DB11 PLC / mode group signals Is generated by BP 56
DB19 PLC/HMI signals Is generated by BP 434
DB21 to 30 PLC/channel signals Are generated by BP as a function of NCMD: for 416
each DB
DB31 to 61 PLC / axis or spindle Are generated by BP as a function of NCMD: for 148
signals each DB

Basic program options

Machine control panel
FC19 Transfer of MCP signals, Must be loaded when M variant of MCP is instal‐ 92
M variant led
FC25 Transfer of MCP signals, Must be loaded when T variant of MCP is installed 92
T variant
FC24 Transfer of MCP signals, Must be loaded when slim variant of MCP is in‐ 100
slim variant stalled
FC26 Transfer of MCP signals, Must be loaded for HT8 68
HT8 variant

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Memory requirements of the basic PLC program

Basic program options

Handheld unit
FC13 Display control HHU Can be loaded for handheld units 144
Error/operating messages
FC10 Acquisition FM/BM Load when FM / BM is used 66
FC9 ASUP start Load when PLC ASUPs are used 128

Basic program options

Star/delta changeover
FC17 Star/delta switchover of Load for star/delta switchover 114
Spindle control
FC18 Spindle control Load for spindle control from PLC 132
PLC/NC communication
FB2 Read NC variable Load for Read NC variable 76
DBn Read NC variable One instance DB per FB2 call: 270
FB3 Write NC variable Load for Write NC variable 76
DBm Write NC variable One instance DB per FB3 call: 270
FB4 PI services Load for PI services 76
DBo PI services One instance DB per FB4 call: 130
DB16 PI services description Load for PI services 618
FB5 Read GUD variables Load for PI services 76
DBp Read GUD variables One instance DB per FB5 call: 166

DB15 General communication Global data block for communication 146

FB7 PI services 2 Load for PI services 76
DBo PI services 2 One instance DB per FB4 call: every 144
FC21 Transfer Load with dual-port RAM, ... 164
M to N
FB9 Switchover M to N Load with M to N 58
Safety Integrated
FB10 Safety relay Load with Safety option 74
FB11 Brake test Load with Safety option 76
DB18 Safety data DB for Safety 308
Tool management
FC7 Transfer function Load for tool management option 84
FC8 Transfer function Load for tool management option 132
FC22 Direction selection Load, when direction selection is needed 138
DB71 Loading locations Generated by BP as a function of NC MD 40+30*B
DB72 Spindles Generated by BP as a function of NC MD 40+48*Sp

136 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Memory requirements of the basic PLC program

Basic program options

DB73 Revolver Generated by BP as a function of NC MD 40+44*R
DB74 Basic function Generated by BP as a function of NC MD 100+(B+
Compile cycles
DB9 Interface Is generated by BP as a function of NC option 436
PLC compile cycles

Based on the memory requirements in the table above, the memory requirements have been
determined for two sample configurations (see table below).

Block Function Remark Block size (bytes)

Type, No.
Working memory

Minimum configuration (1 spindle, 2 axes and T MCP)

see above Basic program, base 54688
Interface DBs 1612
MCP 92
Total 56392

Block Function Remark Block size (bytes)

Type, No.
Working memory

Maximum configuration (2 channels, 4 spindles, 4 axes, T MCP)

see above Basic program, base 54688
see above Interface DBs 2768
see above MCP 92
see above Error/operating messages 66
see above ASUPs 1 ASUP initiation 128
see above Concurrent axis For 2 turrets 132
see above PLC/NC communication 1 x read variable and 1 x write variable 838
see above Tool management 2 turrets with one loading point each 674
see above Compile cycles 436
Total 59822

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Memory requirements of the basic PLC program

138 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
NC VAR selector 15
15.1 Overview

The PC application "NC VAR selector" retrieves the addresses of required NC variables and
prepares them for access in the PLC program (FB2/FB3). This enables the PLC programmer
to select NC and drive variables from the entire range of NC and drive variables, to store this
selection of variables, and to prepare them with a code generator for the STEP 7 compiler. The
data is then stored as ASCII file (*.awl) in the machine CPU program. The "NC VAR Selector"
graphic shows this process.






Figure 15-1 NC VAR selector

To store the files created by NC VAR selector, create via Windows Explorer an arbitrary folder
where the selected data of NC VAR selector can be stored (data.VAR and data.AWL files).
Then transfer and compile the data in a STEP 7 project with "Code - in STEP 7 project". As
alternative, insert the "data.awl" file into the STEP 7 machine project via SIMATIC Manager -

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 139
NC VAR selector
15.1 Overview

Program LAD/STL/FBD blocks with "Insert - External source". The file is stored in the project
structure. Once the file has been transferred, compile the AWL (STL) files with STEP 7.

The latest NC VAR selector can be used for each NC software release (even older versions).
For older NC software releases, the variables can also be selected from the latest complete list.
The data content in DB120 (default DB for variables) does not depend on the software version.
This means, variables selected in an older software release need not be reselected when the
software is upgraded.

After starting the "NC VAR selector" application, the variables of the current software version
are displayed.
Transfer the variables to the project list (another window). These selected variables can then
be stored in an ASCII file, prepared as a STEP 7 source file (.awl) and stored.
After creating a PLC data block by means of the STEP 7 compiler, the PLC programmer is able
to read or write NC variables via the basic program function blocks "PUT" and "GET" using the
created STEP 7 file.
The project list is also stored as an ASCII file (file extension .var).
The variable list supplied with the "NC VAR selector" tool is adapted to the current software
release. This list does not contain any variables (GUD variables) defined by the user. These
variables are processed by the function block FB5 in the basic program.

System features, supplementary conditions

The PC application "NC VAR selector" requires Windows XP or a later operating system.
The assignment of names to variables is described in:
Further information:
/List sl (Book1); Section: Variables
and also in the variables help file (integrated in NC VAR selector)

140 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
NC VAR selector
15.2 Using NC VAR selector

15.2 Using NC VAR selector

15.2.1 NC VAR selector user interface

Software user interface structure

The user interface is structured as follows:


① Menu bar
② Available buttons
③ Drop-down list with the available software versions
④ Tab for switching between NC variables and SINAMICS parameters
⑤ List of the NC variables (variable list)
⑥ List of the selected NC variables (project list)
Figure 15-2 Software user interface

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NC VAR selector
15.2 Using NC VAR selector


Creates a new project. The file selection for the NC variable list opens (applies only when the NC variable list is not
already open).
Opens an existing project (*.var). The project already contains a stored list of selected variables

Stores the list of selected variables as project in the *.var format.

Prints the project list.

Undoes the last edit step.

Opens the filter dialog to filter the available variables.

Generated STL code with the set properties.

Transfers the generated NCVar data blocks to a STEP 7 project.

Main menu
The main menu contains the following entries:

Menu entry Menu item Description

Project New Creates a new project and closes a previously opened project.
Open Opens an existing project.
Save Saves a project in *.var format.
Save as Saves a project with a new name, with the option of changing the path.
Open database Opens an NC variable list in "mdb" database format.
Print preview Shows the print preview of the selected NC variables.
Print Prints the selected NC variables as list.
Exit Exits NC VAR selector.
Edit Undo Undoes the last edit step.
Transfer NC varia‐ Transfers the selected NC variables to the project list.
Delete in project Deletes selected NC variables from the project.
Change alias name Opens a dialog for changing the alias name of the selected variable in the project list.
in the project
Change variable pa‐ Opens a dialog for changing the parameters of a variable in the project list.
Search for / filter NC Opens a dialog for searching for / filtering variables.
Code Settings Opens a dialog with which the code generation can be configured.
Generate Initiates the generation of STL code.
Help Online helps for vari‐ Contains a list of online help for various SINUMERIK data and drive data.
ta and drive data.

142 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
NC VAR selector
15.2 Using NC VAR selector

15.2.2 Description of functions

The figure below illustrates how NC VAR selector is used within the STEP 7 environment.

1&9$5VHOHFWRU 67(3




8( 9DU,'

Figure 15-3 Application of NC VAR selector in the STEP 7 environment

NC VAR selector generates a list of selected variables from a list of variables and then creates
an .awl file that can be compiled by the STEP 7 compiler.
● An *.awl file contains the names and alias names of the NC variables, as well as information
about their address parameters. A data block created from this file only contains the address
parameters (10 bytes per parameter).
● The created data blocks must always be stored in the machine-specific file storage
according to STEP 7 specifications.
● To ensure that the parameterization of the FB2 and FB3 blocks with regard to NC addresses
can be implemented with symbols, the freely assignable, symbolic name of the created data
block must be included in the STEP 7 symbol list.

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NC VAR selector
15.2 Using NC VAR selector

15.2.3 Editing projects

Create a project
The data relevant for a project is stored in *.var file format. When the NC VAR selector is
opened a project is created implicitly and an empty variable list is shown.
1. Perform "Project - New" to create a new project and to close any currently open project.
2. If a project with a variable list already exists, a query opens:
– Discard the settings of the opened project; all settings are deleted.
– Save the project settings. The "Save as" dialog opens.
Enter a name for the project
The open project closes. The newly created project does not have any name. To do this, save
the project with a new name with "Project - Save as".

Save project
After creating a project, only the "Save as" menu item is active.
1. Perform "Project - Save as" to save the project with a new name.
2. If the data of a project has been changed, perform "Project - Save" to save the changes.

Open project
Existing projects can be opened in NC VAR selector.
1. Perform "Project - Open". The "Open" dialog opens.
2. Navigate to the path of the project to be opened.
3. Select the project (*.var) and click "Open".
The project with the stored variable list opens, the open project closes.

Print project
The selected variables can be printed. The layout of the printed documents can be adapted with
the print preview.
1. Perform "Project - Print" to send the variable list to the selected printer.
2. Perform "Project - Print preview" to check the print-out before printing and to adapt the

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NC VAR selector
15.2 Using NC VAR selector

15.2.4 Filtering the variable list

Structure of the variable list

The variable list is created as table. The structure of the table is oriented on the structure of the
NC variables:
● Area; the scope of the NC variables is subdivided into areas similar to machines:
– [A]; axis-specific basic settings
– [B]; operating mode groups
– [C]; channels
– [M]; HMI data
– [N]; NC data
– [T]; tool data
– [V]; drive parameters
● Blocks; each area contains several blocks to which the NC variables are assigned.
● Variable name; shows the name of the NC variable.
● System variable / machine data item; shows the name of the corresponding system
variable / machine data item.
● Type; shows the data type of the variable.

Select software version

The available NC variables differ for each software version. The "Software version" drop-down
list lists all versions contained in NC VAR selector.
1. Select in the "Software version" drop-down list, the software version to be used for the
After the selection, a query opens to make the decision whether the currently selected
variables should be discarded.
2. Click "Yes" to discard the settings and to display the variables for the specified version.

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NC VAR selector
15.2 Using NC VAR selector

Filtering the variable list

To restrict the number of displayed variables, the variables can be filtered:

To display the subsets of NC variables, filter criteria can be defined in the "Select NC variables"

Filter area Filter criterion Description

Selection All Displays all variables/parameters
Filter Activates the filter criteria
MD / SE No. Activates the "Number" input field in order to enter the number of a variable /
system variable / machine data item. For drive data, this is the parameter number
Filter criteria Area Permits the selection of the area for NC variables and the display of all variables
of the area.
Block Permits the selection of the block and the display of all variables of the block. If
the area is already selected, but the selected block is not available there, no
result is returned.
Name Full text search for variables. Fragments of the variable name can also be en‐
tered. All hits with this fragment are displayed.
Machine / setting data Number Input field for the number of the variable / system variable / machine data item.
number Only the variable with this number is displayed.

To reset the filters, the new filter setting must be performed.

Example search criteria

Name search criterion: Found: CHAN_NAME


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NC VAR selector
15.2 Using NC VAR selector


15.2.5 Specifying the project list

Structure of the project list

The project list table has the following structure:
● Area; the scope of the NC variables is subdivided into areas similar to machines.
● Blocks; each area contains several blocks to which the NC variables are assigned.
● Variable name; shows the name of the NC variable.
● S7 alias name; the name that can be used in STEP 7 instead of the variable name.
● Type; shows the data type of the variable.

Transferring variables to the project list

All variables required for creating the data block must be added to the project list.
1. Search for the variables to be added to the project list.
2. Double-click the variable.
- OR -
3. Perform "Transfer NC variables" via the context menu.
The "Input Area No., Row, Column" dialog opens.

"Input Area No., Row, Column" dialog

The variable parameters are entered in the "Input Area No., Row, Column" dialog

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NC VAR selector
15.2 Using NC VAR selector

Figure 15-4 Rows, columns and area numbers

The dialog shows an excerpt from the variable description. Fields in which parameters can be
entered are active. The description how the various parameters can be entered correctly is
shown below the input fields.
● The value that can be entered in the "Area number" field to control the correct variable is
described in this field.
● The meaning of row and column is contained in the variable description. The "Column index"
and "Row index" fields there describe the associated inputs.

Parameterizing variables
The associated required parameters must be entered for the various variable types:
● Single-line variable; only the area number must be entered to access variables of this type.
If this is also fixed, the variable can be used without further parameterization.
● Multi-line variable: A variable of this type is a one-dimensional field. The "area number" and
a "line" must be entered for access.
● Multi-line and multi-column NC variables: A variable of this type is a two-dimensional field.
The "area number", a "line" and a "column number" must be entered for access.

Special case "pointer"

By entering a zero (0) as area number, row or column index, it is possible to use the variable
in the S7 context as a pointer to this data. When reading or writing this data via the functions
"PUT" and "GET", the optional parameters "UnitX", "ColumnX" and "LineX" must be filled with
the necessary information.

15.2.6 Deleting a variable from the project list

Delete variable
To delete a variable from the project list, proceed as follows:
1. Select the variable.
2. Perform "Delete in the project" via the context menu.
The variable is deleted from the list.
This action can also be undone with the "Edit" menu item.

Deleting of variables results in a change of the absolute addresses of the pointer structures to
the variables. When changing the variable selection, it is absolutely necessary to create one or
more text files of all user blocks prior to the change. This is the only way to ensure that the
assignment of the variables in FB "GET" or FB "PUT" remains correct, even after recompilation.

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NC VAR selector
15.2 Using NC VAR selector

15.2.7 Alias name

The variable names provided can be up to 32 characters in length. To make variables unique
in the data block to be generated, several ASCII characters are added to the selected name.
However, the STEP 7 compiler recognizes maximum 24 ASCII characters as a unique S7
variable. Since it cannot be precluded that variable names can only be differentiated by the last
8 character positions, ALIAS names are used for names that are too long. Consequently, the
length of the S7 name to be used is checked when a variable is selected. If the name is longer
than 24 characters, the user must enter an additional name, which is then used as the alias
In this case, the user must ensure that the alias name is unique.

Configuring alias input

1. Activate the adaptation of the alias name for the transfer of the variables to the project list:
– "Specify the alias name only when the name is longer than 24 characters"; adapt the
alias name only when necessary.
– "Always specify the alias name"; this allows the alias name always to be adapted.
2. An alias name can then be entered every time a variable is transferred.

Editing alias names

To edit the alias name subsequently, perform "Change alias name in the project" in the context
menu of the project list. This action can also be undone with the "Edit" menu item.

15.2.8 Generating code

Generating STL code

To use the block in STEP 7, the project list must be converted to STL. To do this, generate the
STL code with the following settings.

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NC VAR selector
15.2 Using NC VAR selector

Perform settings
Enter in the "Code - Settings" menu item, the DB number and the symbol for the DB number for
which the code is generated.
● Select in the "Measuring system" tab how the measuring system variables are processed in
the PLC.
● The creation for the associated target system is specified in the "Generate" tab.

Perform generation
Generate the STEP 7 file from the selected variable list with extension *.awl:
1. Save the project list as project (*.var).
2. Perform "Code - Generate". The "Save as" dialog opens.
3. Enter a name for the file and specify the path for the *.awl file to be created.
The *.awl file is stored with this name.

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NC VAR selector
15.2 Using NC VAR selector

15.2.9 Transfer to STEP 7

Transferring a project list to STEP 7

The generated AWL file is transferred to a selectable SIMATIC project (program path) and
compiled. Furthermore, the symbol can also be transferred. This function is available as of
STEP 7 Version 5.1. Before transferring a new AWL file, the file window of the AWL file must
be closed in the LAD/FBD/STL editor.
1. First save the project list.
2. Perform "Code - In STEP 7 project".
The "STEP 7 projects" dialog opens.

Figure 15-5 Transfer to STEP 7

3. Select the STEP 7 project that contains your program.

4. Activate the "Transfer only DB" checkbox when only the data block should be transferred.
5. Activate the "Transfer DB and Symbol" checkbox when not only the data block, but also
symbols should be transferred. Symbols allow the symbolic addressing of variables.
6. Click "OK" to start the operation.
SIMATIC Manager opens and the block is stored at "Sources".
The data block can be displayed in the "LAD/FBD/STL" program editor.
7. Double-click the data block at "Blocks" in SIMATIC Manager, e.g. DB120.
The program editor opens and displays the variables.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 151
NC VAR selector
15.2 Using NC VAR selector

Importing a generated AWL file into STEP 7

As alternative to the method described above, the stored STL source can be inserted in a
project in SIMATIC Manager.
1. Open the project in SIMATIC Manager and navigate to the "Sources" folder.
2. Perform "Insert - External source".
The "Insert external source" dialog opens.
3. Select the AWL file and click "Open".
The file is added to the sources of the project.
4. Compile the file so it can be used as block. The block is then displayed in the "Blocks" folder.

15.2.10 Using TIA Portal

STL source for TIA Portal

If TIA Portal is used rather than SIMATIC Manager, the "in STEP 7 project" function can be
The procedure for TIA Portal follows:
1. Specify the project list.
2. Save the list.
3. Generate an AWL file.
4. Import the AWL file into TIA Portal.
For more information on this topic, refer to the online help of TIA Portal.

15.2.11 Using SINAMICS parameters

SINAMICS parameters
In addition to the "NCData" tab and the variable list of the NC variables, a list of SINAMICS
parameters can also be shown.
The list contains the parameters of the "Servo" drive object:
● r parameters: display parameters with which values of the drive axis can be displayed.
● p parameters: read and write parameters with which values can be transferred to the drive
Similar to NC variables, SINAMICS parameters can also be added to the project list and
transferred to STEP 7.

152 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
NC VAR selector
15.2 Using NC VAR selector

Selecting parameters
To select drive parameters, proceed as follows:
1. Search for the variables to be added to the project list.
2. Double-click the variable.
- OR -
3. Perform "Transfer NC variables" via the context menu.
The "Input Area No., Row, Column" dialog opens.

Figure 15-6 Drive parameters

4. Enter the number of the drive module that corresponds to the deployed drive.
For drives, the area number is the number of the drive module. This corresponds to the
component number.
The component number can be found in the topology view (SINUMERIK Operate).

15.2.12 Importing variables and parameters

Importing variable and parameter database files

For older versions of NC VAR selector, the variable lists of an NC variant exist as ncv*.mdb
files. When the lists are opened, all available NC variables / SINAMICS parameters are
displayed in the variable list in separate tabs.
The following ncv*.mdb variable list is available:

Variables List
NC variables including machine and setting data: ncv_NcData.mdb
Parameters of the drive: ncv_SinamicsServo.mdb

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 153
NC VAR selector
15.2 Using NC VAR selector

1. Perform "Project - Open database".

The "Select NC Variable List" dialog opens.
2. Select the appropriate file (ncv*.mdb) and confirm with "Open".
3. The list opens in NC VAR selector.

15.2.13 Startup, installation

The "NC VAR selector" Windows application is installed by the supplied SETUP program.
The system prerequisites depend on the deployed SIMATIC Manager.

154 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions 16
16.1 FB1: RUN_UP - basic program, start section

The synchronization of NC and PLC is performed during start-up. The data blocks for the NC/
PLC user interface are created based on the NC configuration defined via machine data, and
the basic program parameters are verified for plausibility. In the event of an error, FB1 passes
an error identifier to the diagnostic buffer and switches the PLC to the stop state.

"Restart" startup mode

The integrated PLC only supports the startup mode "Restart". After the basic system
initialization, the organization block OB100 "Restart" is always run through first, followed by
OB1 "Cyclic mode".

Input parameters
Only the respectively relevant parameters of function block FB1 must be described with user-
specific values for parameterization of the basic program. The preset values in the instance
data block DB7 of the FB1 do not need to be assigned. The function block FB1 must only be
called in the organization block OB100.

Output parameters
The output parameters of function block FB1 can also be read from the cyclical part of the basic
program. Two options are available for this purpose:
1. Direct access to the instance data block DB7 of FB1 in symbolic form.
Example: "L gp_par.MaxChan", with "gp_par" as the symbolic name of DB7
2. A bit memory is assigned to an output parameter when FB1 is parameterized. The bit
memory is then read in the basic program in order to determine the value of the output
Example: "MaxChan":= MW 20

For assigning the FB1 parameters for MCP and HHU, see "Configuration machine control
panel, handheld unit, direct keys (Page 93) ".

Declaration of the function


Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 155
Block descriptions
16.1 FB1: RUN_UP - basic program, start section

MCPNum: INT:=1; // 0: No MCP

// 1: 1 MCP (default)
// 2: 2 MCPs
MCP1In: POINTER; // Start addr. MCP1 input signals
MCP1Out: POINTER; // Start addr. MCP1 output signals
MCP1StatSend: POINTER; // Status DW for sending MCP1
MCP1StatRec: POINTER; // Status DW for receiving MCP1
MCP1BusAdr: INT:=6; // default
MCP1Timeout: S5TIME:= S5T#700MS;
MCP1Cycl: S5TIME:= S5T#200MS;
MCP2In: POINTER; // Start addr. MCP2 input signals
MCP2Out: POINTER; // Start addr. MCP2 output signals
MCP2StatSend: POINTER; // Status DW for sending MCP2
MCP2StatRec: POINTER; // Status DW for receiving MCP2
MCP2BusAdr: INT;
MCP2Timeout: S5TIME:= S5T#700MS;
MCP2Cycl: S5TIME:= S5T#200MS;
MCPBusType: BYTE=B#16#0;
HHU: INT:=0; // Handheld unit interface
// 0: No HHU
// 1: HHU on MPI
// 2: HHU on OPI
BHGIn : POINTER; // Transmit data of the handheld
BHGOut : POINTER; // Receive data of the handheld
BHGStatSend : POINTER; // Status DW for sending HHU
BHGStatRec : POINTER; // Status DW for receiving HHU
BHGInLen : BYTE:= B#16#6; // Input 6 bytes
BHGOutLen : BYTE:= B#16#14; // Output 20 bytes
BHGTimeout : S5TIME:= S5T#700MS;
BHGCycl : S5TIME:= S5T#100MS;
BHGRecGDNo : INT:=2;
BHGRecObjNo : INT:=1;
BHGSendGDNo : INT:=2;
BHGSendGBZNo : INT:=1;
BHGSendObjNo : INT:=1;

156 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.1 FB1: RUN_UP - basic program, start section


NCCyclTimeout : S5TIME:= S5T#200MS;
NCRunupTimeout : S5TIME:= S5T#50S;
ListMDecGrp : INT:=0;
HWheelMMC: BOOL:=TRUE; // Handwheel selection via HMI
ExtendAlMsg : BOOL;
ExtendChanAxMsg: BOOL;
MsgUser: INT:=10; // Number of user areas in DB 2
UserIR: BOOL:= FALSE; // User programs in OB40,
// Observe local data expansion!
IRAuxfuT: BOOL:= FALSE; // Evaluate T function in OB40
IRAuxfuH: BOOL:= FALSE; // Evaluate H function in OB40
IRAuxfuE: BOOL:= FALSE; // Evaluate DL function in OB40
UserVersion: POINTER; // Pointer to string variable,
which is displayed in the version
display of the user interface
OpKeyNum : INT;
Op1KeyOut : POINTER;
Op1KeyBusAdr : INT;
Op2KeyOut : POINTER;
Op2KeyBusAdr : INT;
Op1KeyStop : BOOL;
Op2KeyStop : BOOL;
Op1KeyNotSend : BOOL;
Op2KeyNotSend : BOOL;
OpKeyBusType : BYTE ;
IdentMcpBusAdr : INT;
IdentMcpProfilNo BYTE ;
IdentMcpBusType : BYTE ;
IdentMcpStrobe : BOOL;

MaxChan: INT;
MaxAxis: INT;
ActivChan: ARRAY[1..10] OF

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 157
Block descriptions
16.1 FB1: RUN_UP - basic program, start section

ActivAxis: ARRAY[1..31] OF
UDInt : INT;
UDReal : INT;
IdentMcpType : BYTE ;
IdentMcpLengthIn BYTE ;
IdentMcpLengthOut BYTE ;

Description of formal parameters

Signal Typ Type Value range Meaning

MCPNum: I INT 0, 1, 2 Number of active MCPs
0: No MCPs available
MCP1In: I POINTER E0.0 ... E120.0 Start address for the input signals of the
MCP2In: or relevant machine control panel
M0.0 ... M248.0
DBn DBX0.0 ... DBXm.0
MCP1Out: I POINTER A0.0 ... A120.0 Start address for the output signals of the
MCP2Out: or relevant machine control panel
M0.0 ... M248.0
DBn DBX0.0 ... DBXm.0
MCP1StatSend: I POINTER A0.0 ... A124.0 Only for Ethernet MCP:
MCP2StatSend: or Switch off flashing (see Section "Switch‐
M0.0 ... M252.0 over of machine control panel, handheld
or unit (Page 102)")
DBn DBX0.0 ... DBXm.0
MCP1StatRec: I POINTER A0.0 ... A124.0 Currently no significance
MCP2StatRec: or
M0.0 ... M252.0
DBn DBX0.0 ... DBXm.0
MCP1BusAdr: I INT 1, 2, 3 ... 126 DP slave: PROFIBUS address
MCP2BusAdr: 192, 193, 194 .. 223 Ethernet MCP: DIP setting
MCP1Timeout: I S5time Recommendation: 700 ms Cyclic sign-of-life monitoring for machine
MCP2Timeout: control panel
MCP1Cycl: I S5time Recommendation: 200 ms Relevant only for PROFIBUS
MCPMPI: I BOOL FALSE Available owing to compatibility

158 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.1 FB1: RUN_UP - basic program, start section

Signal Typ Type Value range Meaning

MCP1Stop: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 0: Start transfer of the machine control
MCP2Stop: panel signals
1: Stop transfer of machine control panel
DP slave: Slave deactivated
MCP1NotSend : I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 0: Send and receive operation activated
MCP2NotSend: 1: Receive machine control panel signals
MCPSDB210: I BOOL false Available owing to compatibility
MCPCopyDB77: I BOOL false Available owing to compatibility
MCPBusType: I BYTE 3, 4, 5, 6 b#16#yx:
● Bus type MCP1: Lower nibble (x)
● Bus type MCP2: Upper nibble (y)
4: PROFIBUS on the MPI/DP port
5: Ethernet
Mixed mode is possible (see Section "Con‐
figuration machine control panel, handheld
unit, direct keys (Page 93)")
HHU: I INT 0, 5 Handheld unit interface:
0: No HHU
5: HHU on Ethernet
BHGIn: I POINTER E0.0 ... E124.0 Start address PLC receive data from hand‐
or held unit
M0.0 ... M252.0
DBn DBX0.0 ... DBXm.0
BHGOut: I POINTER A0.0 ... A124.0 Start address PLC transmit data to hand‐
or held unit
M0.0 ... M252.0
DBn DBX0.0 ... DBXm.0
BHGStatSend: I POINTER A0.0 ... A124.0 Available owing to compatibility
M0.0 ... M252.0
DBn DBX0.0 ... DBXm.0
BHGStatRec: I POINTER A0.0 ... A124.0 Available owing to compatibility
M0.0 ... M252.0
DBn DBX0.0 ... DBXm.0
BHGInLen: I BYTE HHU default: Available owing to compatibility
B#16#6 (6 Byte)
BHGOutLen: I BYTE HHU default: Available owing to compatibility
B#16#14 (20 byte)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 159
Block descriptions
16.1 FB1: RUN_UP - basic program, start section

Signal Typ Type Value range Meaning

BHGTimeout: I S5time Recommendation: 700 ms Available owing to compatibility
BHGCycl: I S5time Recommendation: 100 ms Available owing to compatibility
BHGRecGDNo: I INT HHU default: 2 Ethernet DIP switch
BHGRecGBZNo: I INT HHU default: 2 Available owing to compatibility
BHGRecObjNo: I INT HHU default: 1 Available owing to compatibility
BHGSendGDNo: I INT HHU default: 2 Available owing to compatibility
BHGSendGBZNo: I Int HHU default: 1 Available owing to compatibility
BHGSendObjNo: I INT HHU default: 1 Available owing to compatibility
BHGMPI: I BOOL 0 (FALSE) Available owing to compatibility
BHGStop: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 0: Start transmission of the handheld unit
1: Stop transmission of handheld unit sig‐
BHGNotSend: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 0: Send and receive operation activated
1: Receive handheld unit signals only
NCCyclTimeout: I S5time Recommendation: 200 ms Cyclic sign-of-life monitoring NC
NCRunupTimeout: I S5time Recommendation: 50 s Power-up monitoring NC
ListMDecGrp: I INT 0, 1, 2 ... 16 Activation of the expanded M group decod‐
0: Not active
1...16: Number of M groups
NCKomm: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) PLC NC communication services FB2, 3,
4, 5, 7
1: Active
MMCToIF: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Transmission of HMI signals to interface
(modes, program control, etc.)
1: Active
HWheelMMC: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 0: Handwheel selection via HMI
1: Handwheel selection via user program
ExtendAlMsg : I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Activation of extensions, error and opera‐
tional messages of the FC10 (see Section
"Extensions of the PLC alarms via block
FC10" in Section "Interface PLC/HMI
(Page 64)")
MCP_IF_TCS I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) FC19: Evaluation R11 key
0: No evaluation
1: R11 key acts as manual traversing in
tool orientation (see Section "Cartesian
manual travel" in Section "FC19:
MCP_IFM - transfer of MCP signals to in‐
terface (Page 274)")
ExtendChanAxMsg I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Activation of all areas for error- and opera‐
tional messages of the FC10 (see Section
"FC10: AL_MSG - error and operating mes‐
sages (Page 254)")

160 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.1 FB1: RUN_UP - basic program, start section

Signal Typ Type Value range Meaning

MsgUser: I INT 0, 1, 2 ... 64 Number of user areas (DB2) – depends on
parameter "ExtendAIMsg"
UserIR: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Local data extension OB40 required for
processing of signals from the user
IRAuxfuT: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Evaluate T function in OB40
IRAuxfuH: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Evaluate H function in OB40
IRAuxfuE: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Evaluate DL function in OB40
UserVersion: I POINTER P#DBn.DBXx.0 Pointer to string variable, which is dis‐
played in the version display of the user
The string variable has the following nota‐
tion (max. 41 characters):
"<Name> <version xx.xx.xx> <date yy/mm/
Example: "Test version 07.06.02 13/06/04"
OpKeyNum : I INT 0, 1, 2 Number of active direct key modules
0: No Ethernet direct control keys available
Op1KeyIn: I POINTER P#Ex.0 Start address for the input signals of the
Op2KeyIn: or affected direct control key modules
Op1KeyOut : I POINTER P#Ax.0 Start address for the output signals of the
Op2KeyOut: or affected direct control key modules
Op1KeyBusAdr : I INT 1, 2, 3 ... 191 Direct control keys via Ethernet: TCU index
Op1KeyStop : I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 0: Start transmission of the direct key sig‐
Op2KeyStop: nals
1: Stop transmission of the direct key sig‐
Op1KeyNotSend: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 0: Send and receive operation activated
Op2KeyNotSend: 1: Receive direct control key signals only
OpKeyBusType : I BYTE b#16#55 Ethernet
IdentMcpBusAdr : I INT 1, 2, 3 ... 254 Only IE devices
IdentMcpProfilNo : I BYTE 0, 1 Profile of a device
0: Complete device
1: Only direct keys
IdentMcpBusType: I BYTE b#16#5 Only IE devices
IdentMcpStrobe: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1: Activate query
MaxBAG: O INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 Number of mode groups
MaxChan: O INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 Number of channels
MaxAxis: O INT 1, 2, 3 ... 31 Number of axes

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 161
Block descriptions
16.1 FB1: RUN_UP - basic program, start section

Signal Typ Type Value range Meaning

ActivChan: O ARRAY[1...10] 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Bit string for active channels
ActivAxis: O ARRAY [1..31] 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Bit string for active axes
UDInt : O INT 0, Quantity of INTEGER machine data in
UDHex: O INT --- Quantity of hexadecimal machine data in
DB2, where applicable including the filler
UDReal : O INT --- Quantity of REAL machine data in DB20
IdentMcpType : O BYTE 0, B#16#80, B#16#81, MCP type
B#16#82 ... B#16#89
IdentMcpLengthIn: O BYTE --- Length of MCP input data (MCP → PLC)
IdentMcpLengthOut : O BYTE --- Length of MCP output data (PLC → MCP)

If an error occurs during communication with a machine control panel (MCP) or handheld unit
(HHU), the following alarm is displayed at the HMI and the input signals (MCP1In, MCP2In or
BHGIn) are set to the zero value:

Error case: MCP/HHU

● Alarm 400260: "MCP 1 failure"
● Alarm 400261: "MCP 2 failure"
● Alarm 400262: "HHU failure"
If a resynchronization is possible between PLC and MCP/HHU, communication is resumed, the
error message at the HMI is deleted by the basic program, and process values transferred into
the input signals (MCP1In, MCP2In or BHGIn) once again.

Example: FB1 call in the OB100


162 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.2 FB2: GET - read NC variable

CALL FB1, DB7( // FB1 call, instance DB: DB7

MCPNum := 1,
MCP1In := P#E0.0,
MCP1Out := P#A0.0,
MCP1StatSend := P#A8.0,
MCP1StatRec := P#A12.0,
MCP1BusAdr := 6,
MCP1Timeout := S5T#700MS,
MCP1Cycl := S5T#200MS,
NC-CyclTimeout := S5T#200MS,
NC-RunupTimeout := S5T#50S);

16.2 FB2: GET - read NC variable

The FB2 "GET" function block is used to read variables from the NC area.
In order to reference the NC variables, they are first selected with the "NC VAR selector" tool
and generated as STL source in a data block. A name must then be assigned to this data block
in the S7 symbol table. When calling FB2, the variable addresses are transferred in the
following form: Parameter "Addr1" to "Addr8" = "<DB name>.<S7 name>"

Request for reading NC variables

Call of FB2 with positive edge change, parameter "Req" = 0 → 1
S7 names of the NC variables: Parameter "Addr1" to "Addr8" = "NCVAR".<S7 name>"
Pointer for writing the variable values: Parameters "RD1" to "RD8" = "P#<Address>"

Completion of the read request

Read request successfully completed: Parameter "Done" == 1.
Read request terminated with error: Parameter "Error" == 1, error cause in parameter "State"

● Release of the NC/PLC communication by OB100, FB1 parameter "NCKomm" = 1
● For the data block DB120 (data interface), the S7 Symbol Editor must be used to assign a
symbol (default: NCVAR) in the S7 symbol table of the S7 project. Via this icon you then
specify the NC variable e.g. "ADDR1: = "NCVAR".<NC-Variable>" in the FB2 parameters

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 163
Block descriptions
16.2 FB2: GET - read NC variable

Boundary conditions
● FB2 has multi-instance capability.
● A separate instance or separate instance DB must be assigned from the user area to each
call of the FB2.
● When channel-specific variables are read, only variables from exactly one channel may be
addressed via "Addr1" to "Addr8" if FB2 is called.
● When drive-specific variables are read, only variables from exactly one SERVO drive object
may be addressed via "Addr1" to "Addr8" if FB2 is called. The SERVO drive object must be
assigned to a machine axis of the NC. The line index corresponds to the logical drive
● In a read job, only variables from the same area, channel, or drive object can be read.

Error case
When reading variables from different channels or drive objects, or simultaneously from a
channel and a drive object, an error message is output:
● "Error" == TRUE
● "State" == W#16#02

Variable addressing
For some NC variables, it is necessary to select "Area no." and/or "Line" or "Column" from the
NC VAR selector. It is possible to select a basic type, i.e. "Area no.", "Line" and "Column" are
preassigned "0". The values of the "Area no.", "Line" and "Column" specified by the NC VAR
selector are checked for a "0" in FB2. If an NC-VAR selector value == "0", the corresponding
value of the FB2 parameter is adopted. To do this, the FB2 parameters "Unit<x>", "Column<x>"
and "Line<x>", with <x> = 1 - 8, must be written before FB2 is called.

Table 16-1 Parameter match

FB2 parameter NC VAR selector

Unit Area no.
Column Column
Line Line

Variables within one group can be combined in a job:

Group Area
1 C[1] N B A T
2 C[2] N B A T
3 V[.] H[.] --- --- ---
The same rules apply for channels 3 to 10 as for group 1 and group 2 shown in the example.

164 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.2 FB2: GET - read NC variable

The number of usable variables can be less than eight when simultaneously reading several
variables of the "String" type.

Declaration of the function

Req : BOOL;
NumVar : INT;
Addr1 : ANY;
Unit1 : BYTE ;
Column1 : WORD;
Line1 : WORD;
Addr2 : ANY;
Unit2 : BYTE ;
Column2 : WORD;
Line2 : WORD;
Addr3 : ANY;
Unit3 : BYTE ;
Column3 : WORD;
Line3 : WORD;
Addr4 : ANY;
Unit4 : BYTE ;
Column4 : WORD;
Line4 : WORD;
Addr5 : ANY;
Unit5 : BYTE ;
Column5 : WORD;
Line5 : WORD;
Addr6 : ANY;
Unit6 : BYTE ;
Column6 : WORD;
Line6 : WORD;
Addr7 : ANY;
Unit7 : BYTE ;
Column7 : WORD;
Line7 : WORD;
Addr8 : ANY;
Unit8 : BYTE ;
Column8 : WORD;
Line8 : WORD;

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 165
Block descriptions
16.2 FB2: GET - read NC variable

Error : BOOL;
State : WORD;

RD1 : ANY;
RD2 : ANY;
RD3 : ANY;
RD4 : ANY;
RD5 : ANY;
RD6 : ANY;
RD7 : ANY;
RD8 : ANY;

Description of formal parameters

Parameter Cat‐ Type Value range Meaning

Req: I BOOL --- Job start with positive signal edge
NumVar: I INT 1 ... 8 Number of variables to be read:
"Addr1" - "Addr8"
Addr1 - Addr8: I ANY "DBName".<VarName> Variable identifiers from NC Var
Unit1 - Unit8: I BYTE --- Area address, optional for variable
Column1 - I WORD --- Column address, optional for vari‐
Column8: able addressing
Line1 - Line8: I WORD --- Line address, optional for variable
Error: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1: Negative acknowledgement of
job or execution of job impossible
NDR : O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1: Job successfully executed. Data
is available
State: O WORD --- See paragraph "Error identifiers"
RD1 - RD8: I/O ANY P#Mm.n BYTE x ... Target area for read data
P#DBnr.dbxm.n BYTE x

166 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.2 FB2: GET - read NC variable

Error identifiers

NC variables

State Meaning Note

High Low byte
byte 1)
1-8 1 Access error Variable cannot be accessed.
Possible causes:
● Variable does not exist in the NCK (ma‐
chine data may have to be set first)
● The "Line" parameter is incorrect (0 is only
allowed for certain variables; for word var‐
iables the parameter must be even)
0 2 Error in job Incorrect compilation of variables in a job
0 3 Negative acknowledgement, Internal error, possible remedy:
job not executable ● Check job data
● NC reset
1-8 4 Insufficient local user memo‐ Data type of the read variable is greater than
ry available specified in "RD1" - "RD8"
0 5 Format conversion error Error on conversion of var. type double: Vari‐
able is not within the S7 REAL area
0 6 FIFO full Job must be repeated since queue is full
0 7 Option not set FB1 parameter "NCKomm" is not set
1-8 8 Incorrect target area (RD) "RD1" - "RD8" must not be local data
0 9 Transmission occupied Job must be repeated
1-8 10 Error in variable addressing "Unit" or "Column"/"Line" contains value 0
0 11 Address of variable invalid Check "Addr" (or variable name), "Area", "Unit"
0 12 NumVar == 0 Check parameter "NumVar"
1-8 13 ANY data reference incorrect Requested "NcVar" data has not been para‐
1) High byte > 0 ⇒ Number of the variable in which the error occurred

Drive-specific variables
If an error occurs while reading/writing a drive-specific variable (DB1200.DBX3000.1 == 1), an
error number is displayed in the access result which is based on the error numbers defined in
the PROFIdrive profile.

State Meaning
x <Error number of PROFIdrive profile> + 20H or 36D

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 167
Block descriptions
16.2 FB2: GET - read NC variable

Determining the significance of the access result:

1. Calculation of the error number of the PROFIdrive profile
<Error number of PROFIdrive profile> = result of access - 20H or 36D.
2. Determining the significance of the error number of the PROFIdrive profile
The error numbers of the PROFIdrive profile are described in:
Further information
Function Manual, SINAMICS S120 Drive Functions; Section "Communication" >
"Communication according to PROFIdrive" > "Acyclic communication" > "Structure of the
requests and responses" > Subsection "Error values in parameter responses"

Configuration steps
Proceed as follows to read NC variables:
● Select variables with the NC VAR selector
● Save selected variables in a *.VAR file
● Generate a STEP 7 *.STL source file
● Generate a DB with the associated address data
● Enter the symbol for the generated DB in the symbol table so that it is possible to access the
address parameters symbolically in the user program
● Parameterizing the FB2

Pulse diagram





① User: Set request, Req = 0 → 1

② FB2 successfully completed, NDR = 1
User: Reset request, IF NDR == 1 THEN Req = 0
③ User: IF NDR == 1 THEN reset request: 1 → 0
④ FB2 reset job confirmation, NDR = 0
⑤ User: IF NDR == 0 AND Error == 0 THEN reset request Req = 1 → 0 not permissible
⑥ FB2 completed with errors, Error = 1
User: Reset request, IF NDR == 1 OR Error == 1 THEN Req = 0, possible further error handling

168 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.2 FB2: GET - read NC variable

Call example
Reading three channel-specific machine data from channel 1, whose address specifications
are stored in DB120.

Specification of data
The data is selected with the NC VAR selector and saved in the DB120.VAR file. Then the
DB120.AWL file is created from this.
S7 (ALIAS) names are selected.
To adopt the channel designation into the variable name and to delete the characters "[" and "]",
which are not permitted in a STEP 7 symbol, new S7 names are selected:

Area Block Name Type No. Byte S7 Name

C[1] M MD20070 $MC_AXCONF_MA‐ CHAR 20070 1 C1AxConfMachAxUsed1
C[1] M MD20070 $MC_AXCONF_MA‐ CHAR 20070 1 C1AxConfMachAxUsed2
C[1] M MD20090 $MC_SPIND_DEF_MAS‐ INT 20090 1 C1SpindDefMasterSpind

S7 symbol table
"NCVAR" is entered in the S7 symbol table as a symbolic name for the data block DB120:

Symbol Operand Data type


File DB120.AWL must be compiled and transferred to the PLC.

Parameterization of FB2 with instance DB110:

DATA_BLOCK DB110 // Unassigned user DB, as instance for FB2

Function FC "VariablenCall" : VOID

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 169
Block descriptions
16.2 FB2: GET - read NC variable

U I 7.7; // Unassigned machine control panel key

S M 100.0; // Activate req.
U M 100.1; // NDR completed message
R M 100.0; // Terminate job
U I 7.6; // Manual error acknowledgment
U M 102.0; // Error pending
R M 100.0; // Terminate job
CALL FB2, DB110(
Req := M 100.0,
NumVar := 3, // Read three variables
Addr1 := "NCVAR".C1AxConfMachAxUsed1,
Addr2 := "NCVAR".C1AxConfMachAxUsed2,
Addr3 := "NCVAR".C1SpindDefMasterSpind,
Error := M102.0,
NDR := M100.1,
State := MW104,
RD1 := P#DB99.DBX0.0 BYTE 1,
RD2 := P#DB99.DBX1.0 BYTE 1,
RD3 := P#M110.0 INT 1);

Example: Variable addressing

Reading two R parameters from channel 1, whose address specifications are stored in DB120
as the basic type. The R parameter number is parameterized via parameter "Line<x>".

SYNTAX_ID : BYTE := B#16#82;
area_and_unit : BYTE := B#16#41;
column : WORD := W#16#1;
line : WORD := W#16#0;
block type : BYTE := B#16#15;
NO. OF LINES : BYTE := B#16#1;
type : BYTE := B#16#F;
length : BYTE := B#16#8;
CALL FB2, DB110(

170 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.3 FB3: PUT - write NC variables

Req := M 0.0,
NumVar := 2,
Addr1 := "NCVAR".C1_RP_rpa0_0,
Line1 := W#16#1,
Addr2 := "NCVAR".C1_RP_rpa0_0,
Line2 := W#16#2,
Error := M 1.0,
NDR := M 1.1,
State := MW 2,
RD1 := P#M 4.0 REAL 1,
RD2 := P#M 24.0 REAL 1);

Classification of data types

Table 16-2 Classification of data types

NC-internal or BTSS data type S7 data type


For example, to be able to read an NC variable of the type DOUBLE without adapting the
format, an ANY pointer with REAL2 type must be specified in the destination area "RDx" (e.g.:
P#M100.0 REAL2). If the basic PLC program identifies a variable of the type DOUBLE as
REAL2 target type when reading, the data is adopted as a 64 bit floating point number in the
PLC data area.

16.3 FB3: PUT - write NC variables

The FB3 "PUT" function block is used to write variables from the NC area.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 171
Block descriptions
16.3 FB3: PUT - write NC variables

In order to reference the NC variables, they are first selected with the "NC VAR selector" tool
and generated as STL source in a data block. A name must then be assigned to this data block
in the S7 symbol table. When calling FB3, the variable addresses are transferred in the
following form: Parameter "Addr1" to "Addr8" = "<DB name>".<S7 name>

Request for writing NC variables

Call of FB3 with positive edge change, parameter "Req" = 0 → 1
S7 names of the NC variables: Parameter "Addr1" to "Addr8" = "NCVAR".<S7 name>"
Pointer for writing the variable values: Parameters "RD1" to "RD8" = "P#<Address>"

Completion of the write request

Write request successfully completed: Parameter "Done" == 1.
Write request terminated with error: Parameter "Error" == 1, error cause in parameter "State"

● Release of the NC/PLC communication by OB100, FB1 parameter "NCKomm" = 1
● For the data block DB120 (data interface), the S7 Symbol Editor must be used to assign a
symbol (default: NCVAR) in the S7 symbol table of the S7 project. Via this symbol, the NC
variable is then specified in the FB3 parameters "Addr<x>", e.g. "ADDR1":= "NCVAR".<NC-

Boundary conditions
● FB3 has multi-instance capability.
● A separate instance or a separate instance DB must be assigned from the user area to each
call of the FB3.
● In order to define machine data and GUD without a password, the protection level of the data
you want to access must be redefined to the lowest level.
Further information
– SINUMERIK Operate Commissioning Manual; chapter: "Protection levels concept"
– Programming Manual NC Programming; Section: "Attribute: Access rights (APR, APW,
● When channel-specific variables are written, only variables from exactly one channel may
be addressed via "Addr1" to "Addr8" if FB2 is called.
● When drive-specific variables are written, only variables from exactly one SERVO drive
object may be addressed via "Addr1" to "Addr8" if FB2 is called. The SERVO drive object
must be assigned to a machine axis of the NC. The line index corresponds to the logical
drive number.
● In a write job, only variables from the same area, channel, or drive object can be written.

172 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.3 FB3: PUT - write NC variables

Error case
When writing variables from different channels or drive objects, or simultaneously from a
channel and a drive object, an error message is output:
● "Error" == TRUE
● "State" == W#16#02

Variable addressing
For some NC variables, it is necessary to select "Area no." and/or "Line" or "Column" from the
NC VAR selector. It is possible to select a basic type, i.e. "Area no.", "Line" and "Column" are
preassigned "0". The values of the "Area no.", "Line" and "Column" specified by the NC VAR
selector are checked for a "0" in FB2. If an NC-VAR selector value == "0", the corresponding
value of the FB3 parameter is adopted. To do this, the FB3 parameters "Unit<x>", "Column<x>"
and "Line<x>", with <x> = 1 - 8, must be written before FB3 is called.

FB3 parameter NC VAR selector

Unit<x> Area no.
Column<x> Column
Line<x> Line

NC variables within one group can be combined in a job:

Group Area
1 C[1] N B A T
2 C[2] N B A T
3 V[.] H[.] --- --- ---
The same rules apply for channels 3 to 10 as for group 1 and group 2 shown in the example.

The number of usable variables can be less than eight when simultaneously writing several
variables of the "String" type.

Declaration of the function


Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 173
Block descriptions
16.3 FB3: PUT - write NC variables

Req : BOOL;
NumVar : INT;
Addr1 : ANY;
Unit1 : BYTE ;
Column1 : WORD;
Line1 : WORD;
Addr2 : ANY;
Unit2 : BYTE ;
Column2 : WORD;
Line2 : WORD;
Addr3 : ANY;
Unit3 : BYTE ;
Column3 : WORD;
Line3 : WORD;
Addr4 : ANY;
Unit4 : BYTE ;
Column4 : WORD;
Line4 : WORD;
Addr5 : ANY;
Unit5 : BYTE ;
Column5 : WORD;
Line5 : WORD;
Addr6 : ANY;
Unit6 : BYTE ;
Column6 : WORD;
Line6 : WORD;
Addr7 : ANY;
Unit7 : BYTE ;
Column7 : WORD;
Line7 : WORD;
Addr8 : ANY;
Unit8 : BYTE ;
Column8 : WORD;
Line8 : WORD;
Error : BOOL;
Done : BOOL;
State : WORD;

174 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.3 FB3: PUT - write NC variables

SD1 : ANY;
SD2 : ANY;
SD3 : ANY;
SD4 : ANY;
SD5 : ANY;
SD6 : ANY;
SD7 : ANY;
SD8 : ANY;

Description of formal parameters

Signal Cat Type Value range Meaning

Req: I BOOL - Job start with positive signal edge
NumVar: I INT 1 ... 8 Number of variables to be written:
"Addr1" - "Addr8"
Addr1 - Addr8: I ANY "DBName".<VarName> Variable identifiers from NC Var
Unit1 - Unit8: I BYTE - Area address, optional for variable
Column1 - Column8: I WORD - Column address, optional for vari‐
able addressing
Line1 - Line8: I WORD - Line address, optional for variable
Error: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Negative acknowledgment of job
or execution of job impossible
Done: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Job successfully executed.
State: O WORD - See paragraph "Error identifiers"
SD1 - SD8: I/O ANY P#Mm.n BYTE x... Data to be written
P#DBnr.dbxm.n BYTE x

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 175
Block descriptions
16.3 FB3: PUT - write NC variables

Error identifiers

NC variables

State Meaning Note

High Low byte
byte 1)
1-8 1 Access error Variable cannot be accessed.
Possible causes:
● Variable does not exist in the NCK (ma‐
chine data may have to be set first)
● The "Line" parameter is incorrect (0 is only
allowed for certain variables; for word var‐
iables the parameter must be even)
● An attempt is being made to write an inva‐
lid value
0 2 Error in job Incorrect compilation of variables in a job
0 3 Negative acknowledgement, Internal error, try:
job not executable ● Check job
● NC reset
1-8 4 Data areas or data types do Check data in "SD1" - "SD8"
not match or string is empty
0 6 FIFO full Job must be repeated since queue is full
0 7 Option not set FB1 parameter "NCKomm" is not set
1-8 8 Incorrect target area (SD) "SD1" - "SD8" must not be local data
0 9 Transmission occupied Job must be repeated
1-8 10 Error in variable addressing "Unit" or "Column"/"Line" contains value 0
0 11 Variable address invalid or Check "Addr" (or variable name), "Area", "Unit"
variable is read-only
0 12 NumVar == 0 Check parameter "NumVar"
1-8 13 ANY data reference incorrect Requested "NcVar" data has not been para‐
1-8 15 User data too long Remedy: Write fewer variables per job or use
shorter string variables
1) High byte > 0 ⇒ Number of the variable in which the error occurred

Drive-specific variables
If an error occurs while reading/writing a drive-specific variable (DB1200.DBX3000.1 == 1), an
error number is displayed in the access result which is based on the error numbers defined in
the PROFIdrive profile.

State Meaning
x <Error number of PROFIdrive profile> + 20H or 36D

176 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.3 FB3: PUT - write NC variables

Determining the significance of the access result:

1. Calculation of the error number of the PROFIdrive profile
<Error number of PROFIdrive profile> = result of access - 20H or 36D.
2. Determining the significance of the error number of the PROFIdrive profile
The error numbers of the PROFIdrive profile are described in:
Further information
Function Manual, SINAMICS S120 Drive Functions; Section "Communication" >
"Communication according to PROFIdrive" > "Acyclic communication" > "Structure of the
requests and responses" > Subsection "Error values in parameter responses"

Configuration steps
To write NC variables, the same configuration steps are required as for reading NC variables.
It is useful to store the address data of all NC variables to be read or written in a DB.

Pulse diagram




① User: Set request, Req = 0 → 1

② FB3 successfully completed, Done = 1
User: Reset request, IF Done == 1 THEN Req = 0
③ User: IF Done == 1 THEN reset request: 1 → 0
④ FB3 reset job confirmation, Done = 0
⑤ User: IF Done == 0 AND Error == 0 THEN reset request Req = 1 → 0 not permissible
⑥ FB3 completed with errors, Error = 1
User: Reset request, IF Done == 1 OR Error == 1 THEN Req = 0, possible further error handling

Call example
Writing of three channel-specific machine data items of channel 1:

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 177
Block descriptions
16.3 FB3: PUT - write NC variables

Selection of the three data items with NC VAR selector and storage in file DB120.VAR
S7 (ALIAS) names are selected in order to adopt the block designation into the name and to
remove the characters [ ], which are not permitted in a STEP 7 symbol.

Area Block Name Type Byte S7 Name

C[1] RP rpa[5] DOUBLE 4 rpa_5C1RP
C[1] RP rpa[11] DOUBLE 4 rpa_11C1RP
C[1] RP rpa[14) DOUBLE 4 rpa_14C1RP

Entry NCVAR for DB120 with the S7 SYMBOL Editor

Symbol Operand Data type


File DB120.AWL must be compiled and transferred to the PLC.

Calling and parameterizing the FB3 with instance DB111

DATA_BLOCK DB111 // Unassigned user DB, as instance for FB3

Function FC "VariablenCall" : VOID
U I 7.7; // Unassigned machine control panel key
S M 100.0; // Activate req.
U M 100.1; // Done completed message
R M 100.0; // Terminate job
U I 7.6; // Manual error acknowledgment
U M 102.0; // Error pending
R M 100.0; // Terminate job
CALL FB3, DB111(
Req := M 100.0,
NumVar := 3, // Write three variables
Addr1 := "NCVAR".rpa_5C1RP,
Addr2 := "NCVAR".rpa_11C1RP,
Addr3 := "NCVAR".rpa_14C1RP,
Error := M102.0,
Done := M100.1,
State := MW104,
SD1 := P#DB99.DBX0.0 REAL 1,
SD2 := P#DB99.DBX4.0 REAL 1,
SD3 := P#M110.0 REAL 1);

178 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Example: Variable addressing

Writing two R parameters from channel 1, whose address specifications are stored in DB120
as the basic type. The R parameter number is parameterized via parameter LineX.

SYNTAX_ID : BYTE := B#16#82;
area_and_unit : BYTE := B#16#41;
column : WORD := W#16#1;
line : WORD := W#16#0;
block type : BYTE := B#16#15;
NO. OF LINES : BYTE := B#16#1;
type : BYTE := B#16#F;
length : BYTE := B#16#8;
CALL FB3, DB122(
Req := M 10.0,
NumVar := 2,
Addr1 := "NCVAR".C1_RP_rpa0_0,
Line1 := W#16#1,
Addr2 := "NCVAR".C1_RP_rpa0_0,
Line3 := W#16#2
Error := M 11.0,
Done := M 11.1,
State := MW 12,
SD1 := P#M 4.0 REAL 1,
SD2 := P#M 24.0 REAL 1);

Classification of data types

See table "Assignment of the data types" in Section FB2:
" GET - read NC variable (Page 163)".

16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

The function block FB4 "PI_SERV" is used to start PI services.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 179
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

The available PI services are described in the following chapters with their specific parameters.
An overview of the available PI services can be found in: List of available Pl services
(Page 184)

Due to the large number of "WVar" parameters, it is recommended that you use the function
block FB7 instead of FB4. See Section "FB7: PI_SERV2 - request PI service (Page 217)".

Start of a PI service
Request to start a PI service: Call of the FB4 with positive edge, parameter "Req" = 0 → 1

Completion of a PI service
PI service successfully completed: Parameter "Done" == 1.
PI service completed with error: Parameter "Error" == 1, error cause in parameter "State"

● Release of the NC/PLC communication by OB100, FB1 parameter "NCKomm" = 1
● For the data block DB16 (data interface of the PI services), the S7 Symbol Editor must be
used to assign a symbol (default: PI) in the S7 symbol table of the S7 project. The requested
PI service is then specified via this symbol in the FB4 parameter "PIService", e.g.
"PIService:= "PI".<PI service>"

Boundary conditions
● A separate instance or a separate instance DB must be assigned from the user area to each
call of the FB4.
● The start of a PI service (FB4 call with "Req" = 1) is only permitted in the cyclic part of the
PLC basic program (OB1).
If the PI service is not started (FB4 call with "Req" = 0), the parameters can also be written
in the start-up part of the PLC basic program (OB100). The PI service can then be started
using the already written parameters in the cyclic part of the PLC basic program (OB1) by
calling FB4 with "Req" = 1.
● The execution of a PI service generally extends over several PLC cycles.

Declaration of the function


180 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Req : BOOL;
PIService: ANY;
Unit: INT;
Addr1 : ANY;
Addr2 : ANY;
Addr3 : ANY;
Addr4 : ANY;
WVar1: WORD;
WVar2: WORD;
WVar3: WORD;
WVar4: WORD;
WVar5: WORD;
WVar6: WORD;
WVar7: WORD;
WVar8: WORD;
WVar9: WORD;
WVar10: WORD;
Error : BOOL;
Done : BOOL;
State : WORD;

Description of formal parameters

Signal Ty Type Value range Meaning

Req: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Job request
PIService: I ANY "<DBName>".<PI serv‐ Requested PI service
ice> ● <DBName>: symbol name for
DB16, default: "PI"
● <PI service>: List of available Pl
services (Page 184)
Unit: I INT 1, 2, 3, ... Area number
Addr1 to Addr4: I ANY "<DBName>".<Var‐ Reference to a string
Name> Significance depends on selected PI
WVar1 to WVar10: I WORD -32768 ... 32767 INTEGER or WORD variable
8000H ... 7FFFH Significance depends on selected PI
Error: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Error status
1: Negative acknowledgment of job or
job could not be executed (see the
"State" parameter for the cause of the

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 181
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Signal Ty Type Value range Meaning

Done: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Job status
1: Job successfully executed
State: O WORD 1)
Error code
Only relevant if "Error" == 1
1) State Meaning Note
3 Negative acknowledgement, job not ex‐ Internal error, possibly remedied by an
ecutable NC RESET
6 FIFO full Repeat the command
7 Option not set FB1 parameter "NCKomm" is not set
13 Addr1 ... Addr4: Reference invalid Specify missing string
14 PI service is unknown The PI service specified in the "PISer‐
vice" parameter is unknown. → check
the notation/spelling.
15 Addr1 ... Addr4: String too long Check the string lengths

Call example

Function: Program selection in channel 1 (main program and workpiece program)

Entry of PI service for DB16 and STR for DB124 using the S7 SYMBOL editor:

Symbol Operand Data type
PI DB16 DB16
STR DB124 DB124

DATA_BLOCK DB126 // Instance for FB4, unassigned user DB

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
PName: string[32]:= '_N_TEST_MPF // Main program
Path: string[32]:= '/ // Main program path
PName_WST: string[32]:= '_N_ABC_MPF'; // Workpiece program
Path_WST: string[32]:= '/_N_WCS_DIR/ // Workpiece program path

182 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Function FC "PICall": VOID
U I 7.7; // Unassigned machine control panel key
S M 0.0; // Activate req.
U M 1.1; // Done completed message
R M 0.0; // Terminate job
U I 7.6; // Manual error acknowledgment
U M 1.0; // Error pending
R M 0.0; // Terminate job

CALL FB4, DB126 (

Req:= M0.0,
PIService:= "PI".SELECT // PI service: SELECT
Unit:= 1, // Channel 1
Addr1:= "STR".Path, // Main program: Path
Addr2:= "STR".PName, // Main program: Program
// Addr1:= "STR".Path_WST, // Workpiece: Path
// Addr2:= "STR".PName_WST, // Workpiece: Program
Error:= M1.0,
Done:= M1.1,
State:= MW2

Flow diagram




① User: Set request, Req = 0 → 1

② FB4: PI service successfully completed, Done = 1
User: Reset request, IF Done == 1 THEN Req = 0
③ User: IF Done == 1 THEN reset request: 1 → 0
④ FB4: Reset job confirmation, Done = 0
⑤ User: IF Done == 0 AND Error == 0 THEN reset request Req = 1 → 0 not permissible
⑥ FB4: PI service completed with errors, Error = 1
User: Reset request, IF Done == 1 OR Error == 1 THEN Req = 0, possible further error handling

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 183
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

16.4.1 List of available Pl services

General PI services

PI service Function
ASUP (Page 185) Assign interrupt
CANCEL (Page 186) Execute cancel
CONFIG (Page 186) Reconfiguration of tagged machine data
DIGION (Page 186) Digitizing on
DIGIOF (Page 186) Digitizing off
FINDBL (Page 187) Activate block search
LOGIN (Page 187) Activate password
LOGOUT (Page 188) Reset password
NCRES (Page 188) Trigger NC-RESET
SELECT (Page 188) Select program for processing for one channel
SETUDT (Page 189) Sets the current user data to active
SETUFR (Page 189) Activate user frame
RETRAC (Page 190) Retraction of the tool in the tool direction

PI services of tool management

PI service Function
CRCEDN (Page 191) Create a tool cutting edge with specification of the T number
CREACE (Page 191) Create a tool cutting edge with the next higher/free D number
CREATO (Page 192) Create a tool with specification of a T number.
DELECE (Page 192) Delete a tool cutting edge
DELETO (Page 193) Delete tool
MMCSEM (Page 193) Semaphores for various PI services
TMCRAD (Page 194) Create an adapter
TMCRTO (Page 195) Create a tool with specification of a name, a duplo number
TMDLAD (Page 196) Delete an adapter
TMFDPL (Page 196) Empty location search for loading
TMFPBP (Page 197) Empty location search
TMGETT (Page 198) T number for the specified tool name with duplo number
TMMVTL (Page 199) Prepare magazine location for loading, unload tool
TMPOSM (Page 200) Position magazine location or tool
TMPCIT (Page 201) Set increment value for workpiece counter
TMRASS (Page 202) Reset active status
TRESMO (Page 202) Reset monitoring values
TSEARC (Page 203) Complex search using search screen forms
TMCRMT (Page 206) Create multitool
TMDLMT (Page 207) Delete multitool
POSMT (Page 207) Position multitool
FDPLMT (Page 208) Search/check an empty location within the multitool

184 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

16.4.2 PI service: ASUP

Function: Assign interrupt
An interrupt number is assigned in the specified channel to a part program that is present in the
control and is identified by path and program name.
The PI service ASUP (ASUB) the same effect as the program instruction SETINT (or CLRINT
if the PI service was called without specifying the path name).
Unlike SETINT (or CLRINT), the PI service ASUP remains active even after the end of the
program (M30 or channel reset). An assignment activated by the PI service ASUP is not cleared
until after a warm restart.
For detailed information about program management, path and file names, see:
Further information
Programming Manual NC Programming; Work preparation; Section: "File and Program
Management" > "Program memory"

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Value range Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".ASUP Assign interrupt
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 Channel number
Addr1: STRING Path name,
e.g. "/_N_MPF_DIR/"
Addr2 STRING Program name,
WVar1: WORD 1, 2, 3, ... 8 Interrupt number
WVar2: WORD 1, 2, 3, ... 8 Priority
WVar3: WORD 0, 1 LIFTFAST 1) Fast retraction from the con‐
WVar4: WORD 0, 1 BLSYNC 2) Processing of interrupt rou‐
tine is only to start with the next block
Additional information
Programming Manual NC Programming; Chapter: "Work preparation" > "Interrupt routine (ASUB)" >
"Fast retraction from the contour (SETINT, LIFTFAST, ALF)"
Additional information
Programming Manual NC Programming; Chapter: "Work preparation" > "Interrupt routine (ASUB)" >
"Assign and start interrupt routine (SETINT, PRIO, BLSYNC)"

The ASUP (ASUB) PI service must only ever be executed when the specified channel is in the
reset state. An ASUB prepared with FB7 can be subsequently initiated with FC9.
Additional information
Programming Manual NC Programming; Chapter: "Work preparation" > "Interrupt routine

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 185
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

16.4.3 PI service: CANCEL

Function: Execute cancel
Triggers the "Cancel" function equivalent to the corresponding "Cancel alarm" button on the
user interface (operator panel front).

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Value range Description

PIService: ANY "PI".CANCEL Cancel

16.4.4 PI service: CONFIG

Function: Reconfiguration
The reconfiguration command activates machine data which has been entered sequentially by
the operator or the PLC, almost in parallel.
The command can only be activated when the controller is in RESET state or the program is
interrupted (NC stop at block limit). An FB4 error checkback signal is output if this condition is
not fulfilled (state = 3).

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Value range Description

PIService: ANY "PI".CONFIG Reconfiguration
Unit: INT 1
WVar1: INT 1 Classification

16.4.5 PI service: DIGION

Function: Digitizing on
Selecting digitizing in the parameterized channel.

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Value range Description

PIService: ANY "PI".DIGION Digitizing on
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 Channel

16.4.6 PI service: DIGIOF

Function: Digitizing off
Deactivating digitizing in the parameterized channel.

186 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Value range Description

PIService: ANY "PI".DIGIOF Digitizing off
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 Channel

16.4.7 PI service: FINDBL

Function: Activate block search
A channel is switched to block search mode and the appropriate acknowledgment is then
transmitted. The block search is then executed immediately by the NC. The block search
pointer must already be in the NC at this point in time. The block search can be interrupted at
any time by an NC RESET. Once the block search is successfully completed, the normal
processing mode is reactivated automatically. NC start then takes effect from the located
search target.
It is the sole responsibility of the operator to ensure a collision-free approach path.

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".FINDBL Block search
Unit: INT 1 ... 10 Channel
WVar1: WORD 1, 2 Preprocessing mode
1: Without calculation
2: With calculation

16.4.8 PI service: LOGIN

Function: Create password
Transfers the parameterized password to the NC. The password consists of up to
32 characters. For shorter passwords, the string can be supplemented with empty spaces to
attain 8 characters

Visibility of the password in the PLC project
To use the PI service LOGIN, the password for the NCK access level must be stored in the PLC
user program. This ensures that the password for the NCK access level is visible to everyone
who has access to the PLC user program.

Password: String[32]:= 'SafePassword.123';

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 187
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Value range Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".LOGIN Create password
Unit: INT 1 NC
Addr1: STRING 8 ... 32 characters Password

16.4.9 PI service: LOGOUT

Function: Reset password
The password last transferred to the NC is reset.

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Value range Description

PIService: ANY "PI".LOGOUT Reset password
Unit: INT 1 NC

16.4.10 PI service: NCRES

Function: Trigger NC-RESET
Triggers an NC-RESET. Parameters "Unit" and "WVar1" must always be set to 0.

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Value range Description

PIService: ANY "PI".NCRES Trigger NC-RESET
Unit: INT 0 -
WVar1: WORD 0 -

16.4.11 PI service: SELECT

Function: Select processing for a channel
A program stored on the NC is selected for one channel for execution. The program must be
executable. The path and program name must be stated in full.
For detailed information, please refer to:

Further information
Programming Manual NC Programming; Job Preparation; Section: "File and Program
Management" > "Program Memory"

188 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Possible block types

Block types
Workpiece directory WPD
Main program MPF
Subprogram SPF
Cycles CYC
Asynchronous subprograms ASP
Binary files BIN

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Value range Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".SELECT Program selection
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 Channel
Addr1: STRING - Path name
Addr2: STRING - Program name

16.4.12 PI service: SETUDT

Function: Set current user data active
The current user data, such as tool offsets, basic frames and settable frames are set to active
in the next NC block (only in stop state).

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Value range Description

PIService: ANY "PI".SETUDT Activate user data
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 Channel
WVar1: WORD 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 User Data Type
1: Active tool offset
2: Active basic frame
3: Active settable frame
4: Active global basic frame
5: Active global settable frame
WVar2: WORD 0 Reserved
Wvar3: WORD 0 Reserved

16.4.13 PI service: SETUFR

Function: Activate user frames
User frames are loaded to the NC. All necessary frame values must be transferred to the NC
first with FB3 "Write variables".

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Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Value range Description

PIService: ANY "PI".SETUFR Activate user frames
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 Channel

16.4.14 PI service: RETRAC

Function: Select JOG retract
Selects the JOG retract mode. The retraction axis, i.e. the geometry axis, with which the
retraction is executed can be determined by the NC automatically or specified explicitly.
The mode remains active until it is ended with RESET.

The RETRAC PI service can only be activated in JOG mode in the "Reset" state.

Automatic determination
For automatic determination, the geometric axis is selected as a retraction axis, which is
perpendicular (orthogonal) to the currently selected working plane:
● G17: Retraction axis ⇒ 3rd geometry axis (Z)
● G18: Retraction axis ⇒ 2nd geometry axis (Y)
● G19: Retraction axis ⇒ 1st Geometry axis (X)

OPI variable retractState
The active retraction axis can be read via the OPI variable retractState.Bit 2/3.

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Value range Description

PIService: ANY "PI".RETRAC Select JOG retract mode
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 Channel

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Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Signal Type Value range Description

WVar1: WORD 0, 1, 2, 3 Retraction axis
0: Automatic determination of the retrac‐
tion axis by the NC.
1: Retraction axis is the 1st geometry ax‐
is of the WCS
2: Retraction axis is the 2nd geometry
axis of the WCS
3: Retraction axis is the 3rd geometry ax‐
is of the WCS
WVar2: WORD 0 Reserved. The value must be pre-as‐
signed with 0.

16.4.15 PI service: CRCEDN

Function: Creates new cutting edge
If the T number of an existing tool is entered in the "T number" parameter of the PI service, then
a tool cutting edge with the stated D number is created for this tool.
If a T number is specified as a parameter and the tool for the entered T number does not exist,
the PI service is aborted.

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".CRCEDN Create new cutting edge
Unit: INT 1 … 10 TOA
WVar1: INT T number of the tool for which the tool
cutting edge must be created.
WVar2: INT 0, 1, 2, 3, ... Edge number of tool cutting edge
0: D number is assigned by the NC

16.4.16 PI service: CREACE

Function: Create tool cutting edge
Creation of the cutting edge with the next higher / next unassigned D number for the tool with
the transferred T number in TO, TS (if present). The cutting edge for the OEM cutting edge data
is set up simultaneously in the TUE block (if one is present). If the tool for the stated T number
does not exist, the PI service is aborted.

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Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".CREACE Create tool cutting edge
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TOA
WVar1: INT T number

16.4.17 PI service: CREATO

Function: Create tool
Create a tool with specification of a T number. The tool is entered as existing in the tool directory
area (TV). The first cutting edge "D1" (with zero content) is created for tool offsets in the TO
block. The first "D1" (with zero content) is also created for the OEM cutting edge data in the TUE
block (if present). If a TU block exists, it will contain the data set for the tool. If a tool with the
stated T number already exists, the PI service is aborted.

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".CREATO Create tool
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TOA
WVar1: INT T number

16.4.18 PI service: DELECE

Function: Deleting a tool cutting edge
If the T number of an existing tool is entered in the "T number" parameter of the PI service, the
cutting edge with the specified D number is deleted from this tool. If a T number is entered as
a parameter and the tool for the specified T number does not exist, the PI service is aborted. If
the specified cutting edge does not exist, the PI service is aborted.

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".DELECE Delete cutting edge
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TOA
WVar1: INT T number of the tool from which the cut‐
ting edge is to be deleted.
WVar2: INT 0, 1, 2, 3, ... D number of the tool cutting edge that
must be deleted
0: The tool is deleted

192 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

16.4.19 PI service: DELETO

Function: Delete tool
Deletes the tool assigned to the transferred T number with all cutting edges (in TO, in some
cases TU, TUE and TG (type 4xx), TD and TS blocks). If the tool for the stated T number does
not exist, the PI service is aborted.

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".DELETO Delete tool
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TOA
WVar1: INT T number

16.4.20 PI service: MMCSEM

The PI service is used for testing, setting and resetting of channel-specific semaphores from
HMI through the PLC. 10 semaphores are available per channel for protecting critical data
Functions (PI services) are assigned to semaphores 1 to 6. The semaphores 7 to 10 can be
freely used.

FB4 return values

● "Done" == TRUE
The semaphore was set, the critical function can be called.
● "Error" == TRUE AND "State" == 3
The semaphore was already set, currently the critical function cannot be called.

Schematic sequence for free semaphore

Testing and setting the semaphore
IF semaphore == FREE
Writing/reading of critical data
Resetting the semaphore
ELSE // Semaphore is blocked

Resetting the semaphore
After blocking the critical data area by setting the semaphore and subsequent reading or
writing of the data, the critical data area must be enabled once again by resetting the
semaphore, otherwise subsequent blocking will not be possible.

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Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Schematic sequence for blocked semaphore

Testing and setting the semaphore
IF semaphore == FREE
ELSE // Semaphore is blocked
Set bit memory for "Function could not be executed, repeat

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Value range Description

PIService: ANY "PI".MMCSEM Edit semaphore
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 Channel
WVar1: INT 1)
PI service-specific number of the semaphore
WVar2: WORD 0, 1 Job type
0: Reset semaphore
1: Test and set semaphore
1) Number PI service
1 TMCRTO (create tool)
2 TMFDPL (search for empty location for loading)
3 TMMVTL (prepare magazine location for loading, unload tool)
4 TMFPBP (search for location)
5 TMGETT (search for tool number)
6 TSEARC (search for tool)
7 ... 10 Freely usable

16.4.21 PI service: TMCRAD

Function: Create adapter
Creates a tool adapter of the following types:
● 01: Adapter of type 1
● 02: Adapter of type 2 (angle head adapter)

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Value range Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".TMCRAD Create adapter
Unit INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TOA
AdapterNumber INT 0001 ... 32000 Number of the adapter created
AdaptType INT 01: Adapter type 1 Adapter type of the adapter created
02: Adapter type 2 (angle head)

194 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

16.4.22 PI service: TMCRTO

Function: Create tool
Creation of a tool by specifying a name, a duplo number, e.g. with $TC_TP1[y] = <Duplo
number> or $TC_TP2[y] = "<Tool name>". Or optionally by a T number, e.g. with y = <T
The tool is entered in the tool directory area as available.
The first cutting edge D1 (with zero content) is created in the TO block for offsets.
The first cutting edge D1 (with zero content) is created in the TS block for monitoring data.
In the TUE block, if it is available, the cutting edge D1 is created for the OEM cutting edge data.
The TD block contains identifiers, duplo numbers, and the number of cutting edges (=1) for the
T number that is optionally specified or assigned by the NC.
If a TU block exists, it will contain the data block for the tool.
After execution of the PI service, the T number of the tool created is available in the TV block
under TnumWZV.

Before and after this PI service, the PI service MMCSEM with parameter "WVar1" must be
called with function number 1 for TMCRTO. See Chapter "PI service: MMCSEM (Page 193)".

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".TMCRTO Create tool
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TOA
WVar1: INT >0 → the stated T number is T number
-1 → the NC assigns the T
WVar2: INT Duplo number
Addr1: STRING Max. 31 characters Tool name

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Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

16.4.23 PI service: TMDLAD

Function: Delete adapter
Deletes an adapter with a given number

Signal Type Value range Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".TMDLAD Create adapter
Unit INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TOA
AdapterNumber INT 0001 ... 32000 Number of the adapter created

16.4.24 PI service: TMFDPL

Search for empty location for loading according to the parameter assignment:
● LocationNumber_To = -1 AND MagazineNumber_To = -1
Searches all magazines in the specified area (= channel) for an empty location for the tool
specified by a T number. After execution of the PI service, the magazine and locations
numbers found during the search are listed in the configuration block of the channel
(component magCMCmdPar1 (magazine number) and magCMCmdPar2 (location
number)). LocationNumber_ID and MagazineNumber_ID can be set as search criteria or
not (= -1). The PI service is positively or negatively acknowledged according to the search
● LocationNumber_To = -1 AND MagazineNumber_To = magazine number
An empty location for the tool specified with a T number is searched for in the specified
magazine. Location number (reference) and MagazineNumber_Ref can be allocated as
search criteria or with -1. The PI service is positively or negatively acknowledged according
to the search result.
● LocationNumber_To = location number AND MagazineNumber_To = magazine number
The specified location is checked to ensure that it is free for loading the tool.
LocationNumber_ID and MagazineNumber_ID can be set as search criteria or -1. The PI
service is acknowledged positively or negatively according to the search result.

Before and after this PI service, the PI service MMCSEM with parameter "WVar1" must be
called with function number 2 for TMFDPL.
See Chapter "PI service: MMCSEM (Page 193)".

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".TMFDPL Empty location for loading
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TOA
WVar1: INT T number
WVar2: INT LocationNumber_To (target)

196 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

WVar3: INT MagazineNumber_To (target)
WVar4: INT Location_number_ID; Number of the reference lo‐
cation (opt.).1)
WVar5: INT Magazine_number_ID; Number of the reference
magazine (opt.).1)
: The reference location/reference magazine is a buffer location/buffer store, i.e. a tool location from the buffer magazine or
from the internal loading magazine, e.g. swapping station, gripper, loading station.

16.4.25 PI service: TMFPBP

Function: Empty location search
The PI service searches the specified magazine(s) for an empty location which meets the
specified criteria such as tool size and location type.
If the search is successful, the result can be read from the following OPI variables:
● magCMCmdPar1 (magazine number)
● magCMCmdPar2 (location number)
The PI service can only be requested using FB7. See Chapter "FB7: PI_SERV2 - request
PI service (Page 217)".

Before and after this PI service, the PI service MMCSEM with parameter "WVar1" must be
called with function number 4 for TMFPBP. See ChapterPI" service: MMCSEM (Page 193)".

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Value range Description

PIService: ANY "PI".TMFPBP Empty location search
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TOA
WVar1: INT Magazine number of the magazine from which the
search is to be performed
WVar2: INT Location number of the location in the magazine
from "WVar1"
WVar3: INT Magazine number of the magazine up to which the
search is to be performed
WVar4: INT Location number of the location in the magazine
from "WVar3"
WVar5: INT Location_number_des; Number of the reference lo‐
cation (opt.).1)
WVar6: INT Magazine_number_des; Number of the reference
magazine (opt.).1)
WVar7: INT 0, 1, 2 ... 7 Number of required half locations to left
WVar8: INT 0, 1, 2 ... 7 Number of required half locations to right

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Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Signal Type Value range Description

WVar9: INT 0, 1, 2 ... 7 Number of required half locations in upward direc‐
WVar10: INT 0, 1, 2 ... 7 Number of required half locations in downward di‐
WVar11: INT Number of required location type
WVar12: INT 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 Specifies the required search direction
0: Search strategy as set in $TC_MAMP2
1: Forward
2: Backward
3: Symmetrical
: The reference location/reference magazine is a buffer location/buffer store, i.e. a tool location from
the buffer magazine or from the internal loading magazine, e.g. swapping station, gripper, loading

Examples: Setting the search range

From Lo‐ To Lo‐ Description

cati‐ cati‐
on on
r1 r2 r3 r4
#M1 #P1 #M1 #P1 Only location #P1 in magazine #M1 is checked
#M1 #P1 #M2 #P2 Locations starting at magazine #M1, location #P1 up to magazine #M2,
location #P2 are searched
#M1 -1 #M1 -1 All locations in magazine #M1 - and no others - are searched
#M1 -1 -1 -1 All locations starting at magazine #M1 are searched
#M1 #P1 -1 -1 All locations starting at magazine #M1 and location #P1 are searched
#M1 #P1 #M1 -1 Locations in magazine #M1 starting at magazine #M1 and location #P1 in
this magazine are searched
#M1 #P1 #M2 -1 Locations starting at magazine #M1, location #P1 up to magazine #M2 are
#M1 -1 #M2 #P2 Locations starting at magazine #M1 up to magazine #M2, location #P2 are
#M1 -1 #M2 -1 Locations starting at magazine #M1 up to and including magazine #M2
are searched
-1 -1 -1 -1 All magazine locations are searched

16.4.26 PI service: TMGETT

Function: Determine T number for the specified tool name with duplo number
The PI service determines the T number of a tool via the tool name and duplo number.

198 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

The result is written in OPI variables in the TF block (parameterization, return parameters from
● resultNrOfTools
– resultNrOfTools == 0: The specified tool was not found
– resultNrOfTools == 1: The specified tool was found
● resultToolNr: T number of the specified tool with "resultNrOfTools" == 1

Before and after this PI service, the PI service MMCSEM with parameter "WVar1" must be
called with function number 5 for TMGETT. See Chapter "PI service: MMCSEM (Page 193)".

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".TMGETT Determining the T number
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TOA
Addr1: STRING Max. 31 characters Tool name
WVar1: INT Duplo number

16.4.27 PI service: TMMVTL

Function: Prepare magazine location for loading, unload tool
The PI service loads, unloads and relocates tools:
1. Loading and unloading: Loading point ↔ magazine
2. Loading and unloading: Loading point ↔ buffer storage, e.g. spindle
3. Relocation within a magazine
4. Relocation between different magazines
5. Relocation between magazine and buffer storage
6. Relocation within buffer storage
Cases 1, 3, 4 and 5: The following OPI variables of the TM block (magazine data: general data)
are written:
● magCmd (area no. = TO unit, line = magazine number)
● magCmdState ← "acknowledgment"
Cases 2 and 6: The following OPI variables of the TMC block (magazine data: configuration
data) are written:
● magCBCmd (area no. = TO unit)
● magCBCmdState ← "acknowledgment"

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 199
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

● "WVar2" LocationNumber_From, "WVar3" MagazineNumber_From
The tool location of the magazine is moved to the loading station/location for loading and the
tool is loaded.
● "WVar4" LocationNumber_To== -1
First, an empty location for the tool is searched for in the magazine. The empty location of
the magazine is then moved to the loading station/location for loading and the tool is loaded.

● "WVar4" LocationNumber_To, "WVar5" MagazineNumber_To
● The tool location of the magazine is moved to the loading station for loading and the tool is
In the OPI block TP (magazine data: location data), the magazine location of the removed tool
is designated as free.

Addressing the tool

The tool can be addressed either by T number or by the location and magazine numbers. The
value -1 is to be assigned to unused parameters.

Before and after this PI service, the PI service MMCSEM with parameter "WVar1" must be
called with function number 3 for TMMVTL. See Chapter "PI service: MMCSEM (Page 193)".

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".TMMVTL Make magazine location ready for load‐
ing, unload tool
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TOA
WVar1: INT T number
WVar2: INT LocationNumber_From (source)
WVar3: INT MagazineNumber_From (source)
WVar4: INT LocationNumber_To (target)
WVar5: INT MagazineNumber_To (target)

16.4.28 PI service: TMPOSM

Function: Position magazine location or tool according to the parameter assignment
This PI service can traverse a magazine to position a magazine location at a specified position
(e.g. at a loading position). The magazine location can be specified directly or via a tool at the

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Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

The destination, e.g. the loading location, is specified in the parameters:

● "WVar5" LocationNumber_Ref
● "WVar6" MagazineNumber_Ref
The magazine location to be positioned is specified in the following parameters according to the
respective specification:
● "WVar1" T number of the tool
The following parameters are irrelevant here:
– "Addr1" tool name = ""
– "WVar2" duplo number = -1
– "WVar3" LocationNumber_From = -1
– "WVar4" MagazineNumber_From = -1
● "Addr1" tool name, "WVar2" duplo number
The following parameters are irrelevant here:
– "WVar1" T number of the tool = -1
– "WVar3" LocationNumber_From = -1
– "WVar4" MagazineNumber_From = -1
● "WVar3" LocationNumber_From, "WVar4" MagazineNumber_From
The following parameters are irrelevant here:
– "Addr1" tool name = ""
– "WVar1" T number of the tool = -1
– "WVar2" duplo number = -1

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".TMPOSM Position magazine location or tool
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TOA
Addr1: STRING Max. 31 characters Tool name
WVar1: INT T number of the tool
WVar2: INT Duplo number
WVar3: INT LocationNumber_From (source)
WVar4: INT MagazineNumber_From (source)
WVar5: INT LocationNumber_Ref
WVar6: INT MagazineNumber_Ref

16.4.29 PI service: TMPCIT

Function: Set increment value for workpiece counter
Incrementing the workpiece counter of the spindle tool

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 201
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Value range Description

PIService: ANY "PI".TMPCIT Set increment value for workpiece coun‐
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TOA
WVar1: WORD 0, 1, 2, ... max. Spindle number; corresponds to the type
index in the location data with "Spindle"
location type of the buffer magazine in
0: Main spindle
WVar2: WORD 0 ... max. Increment value; indicates the number of
spindle revolutions after which the work‐
piece counter is incremented

16.4.30 PI service: TMRASS

Function: Resetting the tool status "active"
The PI service sets the status to "inactive" for all tools with a tool status "active" and "blocked".
The following events are sensible times to reset the tool status:
● A negative edge of the NC/PLC interface signal "tool disable ineffective"
● End of program
● Channel reset.
The PI service is intended for the PLC, as there it is known when the disabled tool is no longer
to be used.

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI". TMRASS Reset active status
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TO area

16.4.31 PI service: TRESMO

Function: Reset monitoring values
This PI service resets the monitoring values of the designated cutting edges of the designated
tools to their setpoints (initial values).
This is only performed for tools with active monitoring.
See also the RESETMON command.

202 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".TRESMO Reset monitoring values
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TO area
WVar1: WORD - max ... max Tool number
0: Process all tools
>0: Process specified tool
<0: Process all sister tools
WVar2: WORD 0, 1, 2, ... max. D number
>0: Reset the monitoring of the specified
cutting edge
0: Reset the monitoring of all cutting
WVar3: WORD Monitoring mode that is to be reset (all
combinations are possible):
Bit 0 = 1: Tool-life monitoring
Bit 1 = 1: Quantity monitoring
Bit 2 = 1: Wear monitoring
Bit 3 = 1: Sum-offset monitoring
0: Reset all active tool-monitoring func‐
tions ($TC_TP9).

16.4.32 PI service: TSEARC

Function: Complex search using search screen form, depending on the parameter assignment
The PI service is used to search for tools with specific properties within a search range in one
or more magazines, beginning with a specific location, up to a specific location.

Active tool management
The PI service is only available if tool management is activated.

Specification options
● Search direction
● Search for next tool with the specified property
● Search for all tools with the specified property

As a result, a list with the internal T-numbers of the tools that are found is created.

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Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Logic operations
For filtering properties, only one AND link is available as a linking option. An OR link must be
achieved by the user via several calls of the PI service and subsequent evaluation of the
individual results.

Parameterization of the tool properties

The properties of the searched for tools are set in the BTSS block TF (parameterization, return
parameters from TMGETT, TSEARC ) via the following variables:
● "parMask<X>" parameterization mask
● "parData<X>" comparison values
With <X> = TAD, TAO, TAS, TD

Result list
After completion of the PI service without errors, the search result is located in the BTSS block
TF (parameterization, return parameter from TMGETT, TSEARC) in the following variables:
● "resultCuttingEdgeNrUsed" D numbers of cutting edges used since last quantity count
● "resultNrOfCutEdgesUsed" Number of cutting edges since last quantity count
● "resultNrOfTools" Number of found tools
● "resultToolNr" T numbers of found tools
● "resultToolNrUsed" T numbers of cutting edges used since last quantity count
If no tool was found, the number of found tools is zero ("resultNrOfTools" == 0).

Search range specifications

From mag. From loca‐ To mag. To location Description

number tion number number number The following magazine locations are
WVar1 WVar2 WVar3 WVar4 searched:

#M<a> #L<b> #M<x> #L<y> From: Magazine #M<a>, location #L<b>

to: Magazine #M<x>, location #L<y>
#M<a> -1 #M<a> -1 From: Magazine #M<a>, first location
to: Magazine #M<a>, last location
#M<a> -1 -1 -1 From: Magazine #M<a>, first location
to: Last magazine, last location
#M<a> #L<b> -1 -1 From: Magazine #M<a>, location #L<b>
to: Last magazine, last location
#M<a> #L<b> #M<a> -1 From: Magazine #M<a>, location #L<b>
to: Magazine #M<a>, last location
#M<a> #L<b> #M<x> -1 From: Magazine #M<a>, location #L<b>
to: Magazine #M<b>, last location
#M<a> -1 #M<x> #L<y> From: Magazine #M<a>, first location
to: Magazine #M<b>, location #L<y>

204 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

From mag. From loca‐ To mag. To location Description

number tion number number number The following magazine locations are
WVar1 WVar2 WVar3 WVar4 searched:

#M<a> -1 #M<x> -1 From: Magazine #M<a>, first location

to: Magazine #M<b>, last location
-1 -1 -1 -1 From: First magazine, first location
to: Last magazine, last location

Symmetrical search
A symmetrical search, relative to a magazine location, can only be performed if the following
conditions have been met:
● The search range must encompass only one magazine: "WVar1" (from: Magazine number)
== "WVar3" (to: magazine number)
● Specification of a reference location, i.e. a magazine location for which a symmetrical
search is to be performed: "WVar5" (number of the reference magazine) and "WVar6"
(number of the reference location)
● For the reference location, a multiple assignment to the magazine to be searched must have
been configured in the TPM block.
● "WVar7" (search direction) = 3
The reference location is a buffer location, i.e. a tool location from the buffer magazine or from
the internal loading magazine, e.g. swapping station, gripper, loading station. The symmetrical
search is made in relation to the magazine location in front of the reference location.
If the magazine location is upstream of the reference location outside of the search range, the
PI service will respond as if no suitable location had been found.

Before and after this PI service, the MMCSEM PI service must be called up with the associated
parameter WVar1 for this PI service. See Chapter "PI service: MMCSEM (Page 193)".

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Value range Description

PIService: ANY "PI".TSEARC Complex search using search screen forms
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TOA
WVar1: INT -1, 1, … From: Magazine number
WVar2: INT -1, 1, … From: Location number
WVar3: INT -1, 1, … to: Magazine number
WVar4: INT -1, 1, … to: Location number
WVar5: INT -1, 1, … Number of the reference magazine
(only relevant for symmetrical search:
Search direction ==3)

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Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Signal Type Value range Description

WVar6: INT -1, 1, … Number of the reference location
(only relevant for symmetrical search:
Search direction ==3)
WVar7: INT 1, 2, 3 Search direction:
1: Forwards from the first location of the
search domain
2: Backwards from the last location of the
search domain
3: Symmetrical to the real magazine location,
which is located upstream of the location
specified under "WVar5" (number of the ref‐
erence magazine) and "WVar6" (number of
the reference location)
WVar8: INT 0, 1, 2, 3 Properties of the tools:
0: all tools, cutting edge-specific
1: first tool, cutting edge-specific
2: all tools, via all cutting edges
3: first tool, via all cutting edges

16.4.33 PI service: TMCRMT

Function: Create multitool
The PI service creates a new multitool with a defined identifier, an optionally specifiable
multitool number, the number of tool locations, and the type of distance coding.

Before and after this PI service, the PI service MMCSEM with parameter "WVar1" =1
(TMCRTO) must be called. See Chapter: "PI service: MMCSEM (Page 193)".

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".TMCRMT Create multitool
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TOA
Addr1: STRING Multitool identifier (max. 31 characters)
WVar1: INT 0 Reserved
WVar2: INT -1, 1, 2, ... 32000 Multitool number
-1: Automatic assignment of the multitool
number by NC
1, 2, 3 ... 32000: Multitool number,
note: The multitool number must be

206 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

WVar3: INT 2, 3, 4, ... MAX Number of tool locations
MAX = Parameterized number in
WVar4: INT 1, 2, 3 Type of distance coding

16.4.34 PI service: TMDLMT

Function: Delete multitool
The PI service deletes a multitool in all the data blocks in which it is saved. Tools loaded onto
the multitool are not subsequently equipped or loaded, however, continue to be defined if they
are not also to be deleted.

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".TMDLMT Delete multitool
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TOA
Addr1: STRING Multitool identifier (max. 31 characters)
WVar1: INT 0 Reserved, always 0
WVar2: INT -1, 1, 2, ... 32000 Multitool number
-1: Delete the multitool with the name
specified in "Addr1"
1, 2, 3 ... 32000: Delete the multitool with
the specified multitool number;
Note: Parameter "Addr1" is not evaluated
WVar3: INT 0, 1 Tools contained in the multitool:
0: Do not delete
1: Delete

16.4.35 PI service: POSMT

Function: Position multitool
The PI service positions a multitool at the programmed location or alternatively at the
programmed tool, which is located in one of the locations of the multitool. The tool itself can
either be specified by its T number or by its name and duplo number. A multitool can only be
positioned if it is on a tool carrier (e.g. spindle) and if no tool offset is active with regard to this
tool carrier.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 207
Block descriptions
16.4 FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service

Position specification
The position specification can be specified as one of three variants:

No Addr1 WVar1 WVar2 WVar3 WVar4

1 Empty string Number of the Tool number -1 -1
tool carrier
2 Tool name Number of the -1 Duplo number -1
tool carrier
3 Empty string Number of the -1 -1 Multitool location
tool carrier number

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".POSMT Position multitool
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TOA
Addr1: STRING Tool name of the tool to be positioned in
the multitool (max. 31 characters)
WVar1: INT 1, 2, 3, ... Number of the tool carrier
WVar2: INT -1, 1, 2, 3, ... 32000 Tool number (T number) of the tool to be
positioned in the multitool
1, 2, 3, ... 32000: Tool number
-1: "Addr1" (tool name) and "WVar3" (du‐
plo number) are used
WVar3: INT -1, 1, 2, 3, ... 32000 Duplo number of the tool to be positioned
in the multitool
1, 2, 3, ... 32000: Duplo number
-1: "WVar2" (T number) is used
WVar4: INT -1, 1, 2, 3, ... Multitool location number of the tool car‐
rier location at which the system should
be positioned
-1: "WVar2" or "Addr1" and "WVar3" are

16.4.36 PI service: FDPLMT

Function: Searching for or checking an empty location within the multitool
The PI service searches for a free tool location in a multitool to hold the specified tool or to check
whether the specified tool location in the multitool is free to hold the specified tool. The tool can
be specified by the T number or the identifier and the duplo number.

Before and after this PI service, the PI service MMCSEM with parameter "WVar1" = 2
(TMFDPL) must be called. See Chapter "PI service: MMCSEM (Page 193)".

208 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.5 FB5: GETGUD - read GUD variable

Position specification
The tool to be positioned in the multitool can be specified as one of the following variants:
● "Addr1" = <Tool name>, "WVar1" = -1 and "WVar2" = <Duplo number>
● "Addr1" = <Empty string>, "WVar1" = <Tool number> and "WVar2" = -1
The position specification can be assigned via:
● "WVar4" = <Multitool location number>

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Range of values Meaning

PIService: ANY "PI".FDPLMT Search/check an empty tool location
within a multitool
Unit: INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 TOA
Addr1: STRING Tool name of the tool to be positioned in
the multitool (max. 31 characters)
WVar1: INT -1, 1, 2, 3, ... 32000 Tool number (T number) of the tool to be
positioned in the multitool
-1: "Addr1" (tool name) and "WVar2" (du‐
plo number) are used.
1, 2, 3 ... 32000: Tool number
WVar2: INT -1, 1, 2, 3, ... 32000 Duplo number of the tool to be positioned
in the multitool
1, 2, 3, ... 32000: Duplo number
-1: "WVar1" (T number) is used
WVar3: INT -1, 1, 2, 3, ... 32000 Number of the multitool
1, 2, 3, ... 32000: Number of the multitool
-1: Search across all multitools for an
empty location or check across all multi‐
tools whether in one of them the speci‐
fied tool location is free to hold the tool.
WVar4: INT -1, 1, 2, 3, ... Multitool location number of the tool lo‐
cation at which the system should be
>0: Multitool location number
-1: Search for any empty tool location
within the multitool

16.5 FB5: GETGUD - read GUD variable

The function block FB5 "GETGUD" is used for reading global user data (GUD) in the NC or
channel area.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 209
Block descriptions
16.5 FB5: GETGUD - read GUD variable

Request for reading NC variables

Call of FB5 with positive edge change, parameter "Req" = 0 → 1
Parameter "Addr": The pointer to the name of the GUD variables, symbolically with "<Data
block>".<Variable name>
Parameters "Area", "Unit", "Index1", and "Index2": Additional information for addressing the
When the parameter "CnvtToken" is activated, the user receives a token (variable pointer) for
the GUD variable to be read. Using this, the GUD variables can then be read or written via FB2
and FB3 with parameter "Addr1" ... "Addr8" = "<Token>". Addressing by means of a token is
mandatory for writing GUD variables. If the token is used to address GUD variable arrays, the
parameter "Line1" ... "Line8" = "<array index>" of the FB2/FB3 must also be provided with
To read a GUD variable of the DOUBLE type without adapting the format, an ANY pointer of the
REAL2 type must be specified in the target area. E.g. P#M100.0 REAL 2. The value of the GUD
variables of the DOUBLE type is then adopted in the PLC data area as a 64-bit floating point

Completion of the read request

Read request successfully completed: Parameter "Done" == 1.
Read request completed with error:"Parameter "Error" == 1, error cause in parameter "State"

● Release of the NC/PLC communication by OB100, FB1 parameter "NCKomm" = 1
● For the data block that will contain the string with the name of the GUD variable, the S7
Symbol Editor must be used to assign a symbol in the S7 symbol table of the S7 project (cf.
call example 1 below: DB_GUDVAR). In the data block, a string of suitable length must be
created to contain the name of the GUD variable (cf. call example 1 below:
"DB_GUDVAR".GUDVar1). This symbol is then passed on to parameter "Addr" of FB5, e.g.
Addr := "DB_GUDVAR".GUDVar1. If the token for the GUD variable is required for the
following calls of the FB2/FB3, the 10-byte token structure must be created in a DB, e.g. the
same DB (cf. call example 1 below: "DB_GUDVAR".GUDVar1Token). This structure is
specified in parameter VarToken of the FB5, cf. call example 1 below: FB5, VarToken :=
"DB_GUDVAR".GUDVar1Token. This token is then specified in parameters "Addr1" …
"Addr8" when FB2/FB3 is called, cf. call example 1 below: FB3, Addr1 := "GUDVar1Token".

General conditions
● FB5 has multi-instance capability.
● Every call of FB5 must be assigned a separate instance DB from the user area.
● Reading of a GUD variable (FB5 call with Req = 1) is only permitted in the cyclic part of the
PLC basic program (OB1). If the job is not started (FB5 call with Req = 0), the parameters
can also be written in the start-up part of the PLC basic program (OB100). The job can then
be executed using the already written parameters in the cyclic part of the PLC basic program
(OB1) by calling FB5 with Req = 1.
● Only capital letters may be used for the names of GUD variables.
● Reading of a GUD variable generally extends over several PLC cycles.

210 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.5 FB5: GETGUD - read GUD variable

Error case
When variables from different channels are read, the following feedback message is output:
● "Error" == TRUE
● "State" == W#16#02

To read a variable of the DOUBLE type from NC without adapting the format, an ANY pointer
of the REAL2 type must be specified in the target area (e.g.: P#M100.0 REAL 2). If the basic
program recognizes REAL 2 as the target type when reading a variable of the DOUBLE type,
the data is applied to the PLC data area as a 64-bit floating-point number.

Declaration of the function

FUNCTION_BLOCK FB5 //Server name
Req : BOOL;
Addr: ANY; // Variable name
Area BYTE ; //Area: NCK = 0, channel = 2
Unit : BYTE ;
Index1: INT; // Array index 1
Index2: INT; // Array index 2
CnvtToken: BOOL; // Conversion into 10-byte token
VarToken ANY; // Struct with 10 bytes for the variable token

Error : BOOL;
Done : BOOL;
State : WORD;



Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 211
Block descriptions
16.5 FB5: GETGUD - read GUD variable

Description of formal parameters

Signal Typ Type Value range Description

Req: I BOOL Job start with positive signal edge
Addr: I ANY "<DBName>".<Var‐ Variable name in a variable of the type
Area: I BYTE 0, 2 Range:
0: NC
2: Channel
Unit: I BYTE 1, 2, 3 ... 10 Area == NC: Unit:=1
Area == Channel: Channel number
Index1: I INT 0, 1, 2, ... < max. Array in‐ Array index 1
dex> For variables without array index: In‐
dex1 = 0
Index2: I INT 0, 1, 2, ... < max. Array in‐ Array index 2
dex> For variables without 2nd array index:
Index2 = 0
CnvtToken: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Activate generation of a 10 byte varia‐
ble token
VarToken: I ANY "<DBName>".<Var‐ Address of a 10byte token (see exam‐
Name> ple)
Error: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Negative acknowledgement of job or
execution of job impossible
Done: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Job successfully executed
State: O WORD --- See paragraph "Error identifiers"
RD: I/O ANY P#Mm.n BYTE x ... Target area for read data
P#DBnr.dbxm.n BYTE x

Error identifiers

State Description Note

H 1)
0 1 Access error
0 2 Error in job Incorrect compilation of Var. in a job
0 3 Negative acknowledgement, Internal error, try:
job not executable NC RESET
0 4 Data areas or data types do Check data to be
not tally read in RD
1 4 Insufficient local user memo‐ read variable is longer than specified in RD
ry available
0 6 FIFO full Job must be repeated,
since queue is full
0 7 Option not set BP parameter "NCKomm" is not set
0 8 Incorrect target area (SD) RD may not be local data
0 9 Transmission occupied Job must be repeated

212 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.5 FB5: GETGUD - read GUD variable

State Description Note

H 1)
0 10 Error in addressing Unit contains value 0
0 11 Address of variable invalid Check addr (or variable name), area, unit
1-8 13 ANY data reference incorrect String/NcVar data required has not been par‐
0 15 String more than 32 charac‐ GUD variable name too long
1) High byte > 0 ⇒ Number of the variable in which the error occurred

Configuration steps
To be able to read a GUD variable, its name must be stored in a string variable. The data block
with this string variable must be defined in the symbol table so that the "Addr" parameter can
be assigned symbolically for FB GETGUD. A structure variable can be defined optionally in any
data area of the PLC to receive the variable pointer (see specification in following example).

Pulse diagram




① User: Set request, Req = 0 → 1

② FB5 successfully completed, Done = 1
User: Reset request, IF Done == 1 THEN Req = 0
③ User: IF Done == 1 THEN reset request: 1 → 0
④ FB5 reset job confirmation, Done = 0
⑤ User: IF Done == 0 AND Error == 0 THEN reset request Req = 1 → 0 not permissible
⑥ FB5 completed with errors, Error = 1
User: Reset request, IF Done == 1 OR Error == 1 THEN Req = 0, possible further error handling

Call example 1
Read a GUD variable from channel 1:
● Name "GUDVAR1"

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 213
Block descriptions
16.5 FB5: GETGUD - read GUD variable

Conversion to a 10 byte variable pointer. See table "Assignment of the data types" in Chapter
"FB2: GET - read NC variable (Page 163)"
Reading the GUD variables: FB5 with instance DB111

// Data block for GUD variable

DATA_BLOCK DB_GUDVAR // Assignment in symbol table

GUDVar1 : STRING[32] := 'GUDVAR1'; // Name is defined by
GUDVar1Token :
area_and_unit : BYTE ;
column : WORD;
line : WORD;
block type : BYTE ;
type : BYTE ;
length : BYTE ;


// Unassigned user DB, as instance for FB5



// Unassigned user DB, as instance for FB3



// Reading of a channel-specific GUD variable from channel 1, with

conversion to a variable pointer
Function FC "VariablenCall" : VOID
U I 7.7; // Unassigned machine control panel key
S M 100.0; // Activate req.
U M 100.1; // Done completed message

214 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.5 FB5: GETGUD - read GUD variable

R M 100.0; // Terminate job

U I 7.6; // Manual error acknowledgment
U M 102.0; // Error pending
R M 100.0; // Terminate job
CALL FB5, DB111(
Req := M 100.0, // Starting edge for reading
Addr := "DB_GUDVAR".GUDVar1, // Name of the GUD
Area := B#16#2, // Channel variable
Unit := B#16#1, // Channel 1
Index1 := 0, // No array index 1
Index2 := 0, // No array index 2
CnvtToken := TRUE, // Request: Conversion into
10-byte token
VarToken := "DB_GUDVAR".GUDVar1Token, // Address of the token
Error := M 102.0,
Done := M 100.1,
State := MW 104
RD := P#DB99.DBX0.0 DINT 1 // free memory area

Writing the GUD variables: FB3 with instance DB112

GUD variable token from FB5, parameter: "VarToken" for writing with FB3, parameter "Addr1"

CALL FB3, DB112(

Req := M 200.0,
NumVar := 1, // one GUD variable
Addr1 := // Token
Error := M 102.0,
Done := M 100.1,
State := MW 104
SD1 := P#DB99.DBX0.0 DINT 1

Call example 2
Read a GUD variable from channel 1:
● Type: STRING[32]
Conversion to a 10 byte variable pointer.
Reading the GUD variables: FB5 with instance DB111

// Data block for GUD variable

DATA_BLOCK DB_GUDVAR // Assignment in symbol table

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 215
Block descriptions
16.5 FB5: GETGUD - read GUD variable

GUDVarS : STRING[32] := 'GUD_STRING'; // Name defined by user
GUDVarSToken :
area_and_unit : BYTE ;
column : WORD;
line : WORD;
block type : BYTE ;
type : BYTE ;
length : BYTE ;

string_of_GUD : STRING[30]; // must at least be so long as

// the definition of 'GUD_STRING'!
new_name : STRING[30] := 'GUD_123';


// Unassigned user DB, as instance for FB5



// Unassigned user DB, as instance for FB3



// Reading of a channel-specific GUD variable from channel 1, with

conversion to a variable pointer
Function FC "VariablenCall" : VOID
U I 7.7; // Unassigned machine control panel key
S M 100.0; // Activate req.
U M 100.1; // Done completed message
R M 100.0; // Terminate job
U I 7.6; // Manual error acknowledgment
U M 102.0; // Error pending

216 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.6 FB7: PI_SERV2 - request PI service

R M 100.0; // Terminate job

CALL FB5, DB111(
Req := M 100.0, // Starting edge for reading
Addr := "DB_GUDVAR".GUDVarS,
Area := B#16#2, // Channel variable
Unit := B#16#1, // Channel 1
Index1 := 0, // No array index
Index2 := 0, // No array index
CnvtToken := TRUE, // Request: Conversion into 10-byte
VarToken := "DB_GUDVAR".GUDVarSToken, // Address of the token
Error := M 102.0,
Done := M 100.1,
State := MW 104
RD := "DB_GUDVAR".string_of_GUD

Writing the GUD variables: FB3 with instance DB112

GUD variable token from FB5, parameter: "VarToken" for writing with FB3, parameter "Addr1"

CALL FB3, DB112(

Req := M 200.0,
NumVar := 1, // one GUD variable
Addr1 := "DB_GUDVAR".GUDVarSToken, // Token
Error := M 102.0,
Done := M 100.1
State := MW 104
SD1 := "DB_GUDVAR".new_name

Classification of data types

See table "Assignment of the data types" in Chapter FB2:
" GET - read NC variable (Page 163)"

16.6 FB7: PI_SERV2 - request PI service

With the exception of a higher number of "WVar" parameters ("WVar11" - "WVar16"), function
block FB7 has the same functionality as function block FB4. It is recommended that function
block FB7 be used instead of function block FB4.
For a detailed description, refer to Chapter "FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service (Page 179)".

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 217
Block descriptions
16.7 FB9: MtoN - operator panel switchover

Declaration of the function

Req: BOOL;
PIService: ANY;
Unit: INT;
Addr1: ANY;
Addr2: ANY;
Addr3: ANY;
Addr4: ANY;
WVar1: WORD;
WVar2: WORD;
WVar3: WORD;
WVar4: WORD;
WVar5: WORD;
WVar6: WORD;
WVar7: WORD;
WVar8: WORD;
WVar9: WORD;
WVar10: WORD;
WVar11: WORD;
WVar12: WORD;
WVar13: WORD;
WVar14: WORD;
WVar15: WORD;
WVar16: WORD;
Error : BOOL;
Done : BOOL;
State : WORD;

16.7 FB9: MtoN - operator panel switchover

The function block FB9 "MzuN" is used for switching over operating components (MCP/OP),
which are connected via a bus system to one or more NCU control modules.
The interface between the individual operating units (operator panels) and the NCU (PLC) is
the M : N interface in data block DB19. FB9 uses the signals of these interfaces.

218 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.7 FB9: MtoN - operator panel switchover

Apart from initialization, sign-of-life monitoring and error routines, the following basic functions
are also performed by the block for control unit switchover:

Tabulated overview of functions:

Basic function Description
HMI queuing HMI wants to go online with an NCU
HMI coming HMI is connecting to an NCU
HMI going HMI is disconnecting from an NCU
Forced break HMI must break connection with an NCU
Operating focus changeover to serv‐ Change operating focus from one NCU to the other
er mode
Active/passive operating mode: Operator control and monitoring/monitoring only
MCP switchover As an option, MCP can be switched over with the HMI

The block must be called by the user program. The user must provide an instance DB with any
number for this purpose. The call is multi-instance-capable.

Brief description of a few important functions

Active/passive operating mode:
An online HMI can operate in two different modes:

Active mode: Operator can control and monitor

Passive mode: Operator can monitor (HMI header only)
After switchover to an NCU, this initially requests active operating mode in the PLC of the online
NCU. If two control units are linked online simultaneously to an NCU, one of the two is always
in active mode and the other in passive mode. The operator can request active mode on the
passive HMI at the press of a button.

MCP switchover
As an option, an MCP assigned to the HMI can be switched over at the same time. To achieve
this, the MCP address must be entered in the "mstt_adress" parameter of the NETNAMES.INI
configuration file on the HMI and "MCPEnable" must be set to TRUE. The MCP of the passive
HMI is deactivated so that there is only ever one active MCP on an NCU at one time.

Boot condition
In order to prevent, that for an NCU restart, the previously selected MCP is activated, when
calling FB1 in OB100, input parameter "MCP1BusAdr" must be set = 255 (address 1st MCP)
and "MCP1Stop" must be set = TRUE (switch off 1st MCP).

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 219
Block descriptions
16.7 FB9: MtoN - operator panel switchover

When one MCP is switched over to another, any active feed or axis enables will be retained.

Keys actuated at the moment of switchover remain operative until the new MCP is activated (by
the HMI, which is subsequently activated). The override settings for feedrate and spindle also
remain valid. To deactivate actuated keys, the input image of the machine control signals must
be switched to nonactuated signal level on a falling edge of DB10.DBX104.0 (MCP 1 ready).
The override settings should remain unchanged. Measures for deactivating keys must be
implemented in the PLC user program (see example "Override Changeover").
The call is permitted only in cyclic program OB1.

Declaration of the function

Ackn: BOOL; // Acknowledge interrupts
OPMixedMode: BOOL:= FALSE; // Mixed operation with non-M-to-N-
enabled OP // deactivated
ActivEnable: BOOL:=TRUE; // Not supported
MCPEnable: BOOL:=TRUE; // Activate MCP switchover
Alarm1: BOOL; // Interrupt: Error in HMI bus address,
bus type!
Alarm2: BOOL; // Interrupt: No confirmation HMI 1
Alarm3 : BOOL; // Interrupt: HMI 1 is not going
Alarm4 : BOOL; // Interrupt: No confirmation HMI 2
Alarm5 : BOOL; // Interrupt: HMI 2 is not going
Alarm6 : BOOL; // Interrupt: Queuing HMI is not going
Report : BOOL; // Message: Signoflife monitoring
ErrorMMC : BOOL; // Error detection HMI

220 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.7 FB9: MtoN - operator panel switchover

Description of formal parameters

Signal Typ Type Value range Description

Ackn: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Acknowledge interrupts
OPMixedMode: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Mixed operation deactivated for OP
without M:N capability
ActivEnable: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Function is not supported. Operator
panel switchover Interlocking using
MCPEnable: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Activate MCP switchover
1: MCP is switched over with operator
0: MCP is not switched over with oper‐
ator panel. This can be used to perma‐
nently link an MCP. See also
Alarm1: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Interrupt: Error in HMI bus address,
bus type!
Alarm2: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Interrupt: No confirmation HMI 1 off‐
Alarm3 : O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Interrupt: HMI 1 is not going offline!
Alarm4 : O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Interrupt: No confirmation HMI 2 off‐
Alarm5 : O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Interrupt: HMI 2 is not going offline!
Alarm6 : O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Interrupt: Queuing HMI is not going
Report : O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Message: Sign-of-life monitoring HMI
ErrorMMC : O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Error detection HMI

Example of calling FB9

CALL FB9, DB109(
Ackn := Error_ack, //e.g., MCP RESET
OPMixedMode := FALSE,
ActivEnable := TRUE,
MCPEnable := TRUE); // Enable for MCP switchover

Input parameter “MCPEnable” must be set to TRUE to enable the MCP switchover. The default
value of these parameters is set in this way and need not be specially assigned when the
function is called.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 221
Block descriptions
16.7 FB9: MtoN - operator panel switchover

Interrupts, errors
The output parameters "Alarm1" to "Alarm6" and "Report" exist as information in the PLC and
are output in the event of M:N errors visualized on the HMI by the appearance of alarms 410900
- 410906.
If execution of an HMI function has failed (and an appropriate error message cannot be
displayed), status parameter "ErrorMMC" is set to 'logical 1' (e.g., booting error, when no
connection is made).

Example of a call for FB (call in the OB100)

CALL "RUN_UP", "gp_par" (
MCPNum := 1,
MCP1In := P#I 0.0,
MCP1Out := P#Q 0.0,
MCP1StatSend := P#Q 8.0,
MCP1StatRec := P#Q 12.0,
MCP1BusAdr := 255, // address 1st MCP
MCP1Timeout := S5T#700MS,
MCP1Cycl := S5T#200MS,
MCP1Stop := TRUE, // MCP switched off
NCCyclTimeout := S5T#200MS,
NCRunupTimeout := S5T#50S);

Example: Override switchover

// Auxiliary flags used M100.0, M100.1, M100.2, M100.3
//Edge positive of MCP1Ready must check the override
//and measures for activation
// Initiate MCP block
//This example applies to the feedrate override;
//The interface and input bytes must be exchanged for spindle override.
U DB10.DBX104.0; //MCP1Ready
EN M 100.0; // Edge memory bit 1
JCN smth1;
S M 100.2; // Set auxiliary memory bit 1
R M 100.3; //Reset auxiliary flag 2

// Save override
L DB21.DBB4; //Feed override interface
T EB28; //Buffer storage (freely input
// or flag byte)

U M 100.2; //Switchover takes place

222 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.8 FB10: Safety relay (SI relay)

O DB10.DBX104.0; //MCP1Ready
JCN smth2;
U DB10.DBX104.0; //MCP1Ready
FP M 100.1; // Edge memory bit 2
JC smth2;
U M 100.2; //Switchover takes place
R M 100.2; //Reset auxiliary flag 1
JC smth2;
U M 100.3; //Comparison has taken place
SPB MCP; //Call MCP program
// Route the stored override to the interface of the switched MCP
// until the override values match
L EB28; //Buffer storage open
T DB21.DBB4; //Route override interface
L EB3; //Override input byte for feed
<>i; //Match?
JC smth2; //No, jump
S M 100.3; //Yes, set auxiliary flag 2
// When override values match, call the MCP program again
BAGNo := B#16#1,
ChanNo := B#16#1,
SpindleIFNo := B#16#0,
FeedHold := M 101.0,
SpindleHold := M 101.1);
wei2: NOP 0:

16.8 FB10: Safety relay (SI relay)

The SPL function block FB10 "Safety relay" for "Safety Integrated" is the PLC equivalent of the
NC function of the same name. The standard SPL "Safety relay" block is designed to support
the implementation of an emergency stop function with safe programmable logic. However, it
can also be used to implement other similar safety functions, e.g., control of a protective door.
The function contains 3 input parameters ("In1", "In2", "In3"). On switchover of one of these
parameters to the value 0, the output "Out0" is deactivated without delay and outputs "Out1",
"Out2", and "Out3" are deactivated via the parameterized timer values (parameters
"TimeValue1", "TimeValue2", "TimeValue3"). The outputs are activated again without delay if
inputs "In1" to "In3" take on value 1 and a positive edge change is detected at one of the
acknowledgment inputs "Ack1", "Ack2".

Call bit memory

To bring the outputs to their basic setting (values = 0) after booting, the parameter "FirstRun"
must be configured as follows. The parameter "FirstRun" must be switched to the value TRUE

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 223
Block descriptions
16.8 FB10: Safety relay (SI relay)

via a retentive data (memory bit, bit in data block) on the 1st run after control booting. This data
can be preset, e.g., in OB100. The parameter "FirstRun" is reset to FALSE when FB10 is
executed for the first time. Separate data must be used for parameter "FirstRun" for each call
with its own instance.

General conditions
● FB10 has multi-instance capability
● After the start of the SPL program, FB10 is called once per SI relay in the cyclic part of the
PLC basic program (OB1).
● Every call of FB10 must be assigned a separate instance DB from the user area.

Simplified block diagram in CSF

The figure below shows only one acknowledgment input "Ack1" and one delayed deactivation
output "Out1". The circuit for "Ack2" and the other delayed outputs are identical. The parameter
"FirstRun" is also missing in the function diagram. The mode of operation is described above.

Declaration of the function

In1 : BOOL;

224 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.9 FB11: Brake test

In2 : BOOL;
In3 : BOOL;
Ackn1 : BOOL;
Ackn2 : BOOL;
TimeValue1 : TIME;
TimeValue2 : TIME;
TimeValue3 : TIME;
Out0 : BOOL;
Out1 : BOOL;
Out2 : BOOL;
Out3 : BOOL;
FirstRun: BOOL;

Description of formal parameters

Parameter Typ Type Value range Description

In1: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Input 1
In2: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Input 2
In3: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Input 3
Ackn1 : I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Acknowledgment input 1
Ackn2 : I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Acknowledgment input 2
TimeValue1 : I S5TIME Time value 1 for OFF delay
TimeValue2 : I S5TIME Time value 2 for OFF delay
TimeValue3 : I S5TIME Time value 3 for OFF delay
Out0 : O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Output, instantaneous (no delay)
Out1 : O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Output, delayed by TimeValue1
Out2 : O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Output, delayed by TimeValue2
Out3 : O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Output, delayed by TimeValue3
FirstRun: I/O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Call bit memory

16.9 FB11: Brake test

The braking operation check should be used for all axes, which must be prevented from moving
in an uncontrolled manner by a holding brake. "Vertical axes" are the main application.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 225
Block descriptions
16.9 FB11: Brake test

The machine manufacturer can use the PLC user program to regularly close the brake at a
suitable instant (e.g. every 8 hours) and have the drive exert torque/force in addition to the
weight of the axis. In errorfree operation, the brake can produce the necessary braking torque/
braking force. The axis will hardly move during this.
When an error occurs, the actual position value exits the parameterizable monitoring window.
The position controller prevents sagging of the axis. The function test of the brake mechanical
system is negatively acknowledged.

Further information
A detailed description of the parameterization of the NC and drive within the framework of the
"Safety Integrated" function can be found in:
Function Manual for Safety Integrated

Starts the brake test

The brake test must always be started when the axis is at a standstill. For the entire duration of
the brake test, the enable signals of the parameterized axis must be set to enable (e.g.
controller inhibit, feed enable). Furthermore, the signal at the axis/spindle DB31, ... .DBX28.7
(PLC-controlled axis) is to be set to status 1 by the user program for the complete duration of
the test.
Before activating the NC/PLC interfaces DB31, ... .DBX28.7 (axis controlled from the PLC
program), the axis must be switched as "neutral axis". For example, DB31, ... .DBX8.0 - 8.3
(assign NC axis channel) can be set to channel 0 - and DB31, ... .DBX8.4 can be set (activation
signal when this byte changes).
The return message:
● about the current status can be queried in DB31, ... DBB68.
● the Nc via the signal DB31, ... .DBX63.1 (PLC controls axis) is to be awaited before the block
is started. The direction in which the drive must produce its torque/force is specified by the
PLC in the form of a "traversing motion" (e.g., via FC18).
The axis must be able to reach the destination of this movement without risk of collision if the
brake is unable to produce the necessary torque/force.

Note on FC18
If FC18 is called over the further course of the user program for the same axis, the calls must
be mutually interlocked. For example, this can be achieved via a common call of this function
with an interlocked common data interface for the FC18 parameters. A 2nd option is to call the
FC18 repeatedly, in which case the inactive FC18 will not be processed by the program. A
multiple-use interlock must be provided.

Structure of a brake test

Step Expected feedback Monitoring time value

1 Start brake test DBX71.0 = 1 TV_BTactiv
2 Close brake Bclosed = 1 TV_Bclose
3 Output traversing command DBX64.6 OR DBX64.7 TV_FeedCommand

226 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.9 FB11: Brake test

Step Expected feedback Monitoring time value

4 Issue test travel command DBX62.5 = 1 TV_FXSreached
5 Wait for the holding time DBX62.5 = 1 TV_FXShold
6 Deselect brake test / open brake DBX71.0 = 0 TV_BTactiv
7 Output test ok --- ---

Boundary conditions
● FB2 has multi-instance capability.
● Every call of FB11 must be assigned a separate instance DB from the user area.

Declaration of the function

Function_BLOCK FB11
Start BOOL;
Ackn : BOOL;
Bclosed : BOOL;
Axis : INT;
TimerNo : TIMER ;
TV_BTactiv : S5TIME ;
TV_Bclose : S5TIM;
TV_FeedCommand : S5TIME ;
TV_FXSreached : S5TIME ;
TV_FXShold : S5TIME ;
CloseBrake : BOOL;
MoveAxis : BOOL;
Done : BOOL;
Error : BOOL;
State : BYTE ;

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Type Meaning

Start I BOOL Starts the brake test
Ackn I BOOL Acknowledge fault
Bclosed I BOOL Checkback input whether Close Brake is activated
(singlechannel - PLC)
Axis I INT Axis number of axis to be tested
TimerNo I TIMER Timer from user program

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 227
Block descriptions
16.9 FB11: Brake test

Signal Type Type Meaning

TV_BTactiv I S5TIME Monitoring time value → brake test active, check of
axis signal DBX71.0
TV_Bclose I S5TIME Monitoring time value → close brake. Check of input
signal Bclosed after output CloseBrake has been set
TV_FeedCommand I S5TIME Monitoring time value → Travel command given
Check travel command after MoveAxis has been set
TV_FXSreched I S5TIME Monitoring time value → fixed stop reached
TV_FXShold I S5TIME Monitoring time value → test brake
CloseBrake O BOOL Request, close brake
MoveAxis O BOOL Request, initiate traversing motion
Done O BOOL Test successfully completed
Error O BOOL An error occurred
State O BYTE See paragraph "Error identifiers"

Fault IDs

State Meaning
0 No error
1 Start conditions not fulfilled, e.g. the axis is not in closed-loop control / brake closed / axis
2 No NC checkback in "Brake test active" signal on selection of brake test
3 No "Brake applied" checkback by input signal Bclosed
4 No travel command output (e.g., axis motion has not been started)
5 Fixed end stop will not be reached → axis RESET was initiated.
6 Traversing inhibit/Approach too slow → fixed stop cannot be reached. TV FXSreached mon‐
itoring timeout.
7 Brake is not holding at all (the end position is reached)/approach speed is too high
8 Brake opens during the holding time
9 Error when deselecting the brake test
10 Internal error
11 "PLC-controlled axis" signal not enabled in the user program

Example of calling FB11:

UN M 111.1; //Request to close brake, Z axis of FB
= O 85.0; //Brake control, Z axis
AUF Axis3"; //Brake test, Z axis
O I 73.0; //Brake test trigger, Z axis
O M 110.7; //Brake test running
FP M 110.0;
UN M 111.4; //Error has occurred
S M 110.7; //Brake test running
S M 110.6; //Next step

228 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.9 FB11: Brake test

JCN m001
L DBB 68;
AW W#16#F;
T MB 115; //flag channel state
L B#16#10
T DBB 8; //Request neutral axis

m001: U DBX 68.6; //Checkback signal, axis is neutral

U M 110.6;
FP M 110.1;
R M 110.6;
S M 110.5; //Next step
S DBX 28.7; //Request PLC-monitored axis

U DBX 63.1; //Checkback signal, axis monitored by PLC

U M 110.5;
FP M 110.2;
R M 110.5;
S M 111.0; //Start brake test for FB

CALL FB11, DB211 (//brake test block

Start :=M 111.0, //Start brake test
Ackn := I 3.7, //Acknowledge error with RESET
Bclosed := I 54.0, //Return message close brakes
Axis := 3, //Axis number of axis to be
//Z axis
TimerNo := T 110, //Timer number
TV_BTactiv := S5T#200MS, //Monitoring time value:
//Brake test active DBX71.0
TV_Bclose := S5T#1S, //Monitoring time value:
//Brake closed
TV_FeedCommand := S5T#1S, //Monitoring time value:
//Traversing command output
TV_FXSreache := S5T#1S, //Monitoring time value:
//Fixed stop reached
TV_FXShold := S5T#2S, //Monitoring time value:
//Brake test time
CloseBrake :=M 111.1, //Request to close brake
MoveAxis :=M 111.2, Initiate //Request traversing
motion //
Done :=M 111.3, //Test successfully completed
Error :=M 111.4, //Error has occurred
State := MB 112); //Error status

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 229
Block descriptions
16.9 FB11: Brake test

AUF "Axis3" //Brake test, Z axis


U M 111.2; //Moveaxis
FP M 111.5; //FC18 Start
S M 111.7; //Start FC18

O M 111.3; //Test successfully completed

O M 111.4; //Error has occurred
FP M 110.3;
R DBX 28.7; //Request, PLC-monitored axis

UN DBX 63.1; //Checkback signal, axis monitored by PLC

U M 111.0; //Start brake test for FB
U M 110.7; //Brake test running
FP M 110.4;
R M 111.0; //Start brake test for FB
R M 110.7; //Brake test running

//optional begin
JCN m002;
L MB 115; //old channel status
OW W#16#10
T DBB 8; //Request channel axis
m002: NOP 0;
//optional end

CALL "SpinCtrl" (//Traverse Z axis

Start :=M 111.2, //Start traversing motion
Stop := FALSE,
Funct := B#16#5, //Mode: Axis mode
Mode := B#16#1, //Procedure: Incremental
AxisNo := 3, //Axis number of axis to be
//axis Z-axis
Pos := -5.000000e+000, //Traversing distance: Minus 5 mm
FRate := 1.000000e+003, //Feedrate: 1000 mm/min
InPos :=M 113.0, //Position reached
Error :=M 113.1, //Error has occurred
State := MB 114); //Error status

AUF "Axis3" //Brake test, Z axis

U M 113.0; //Position reached

230 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.10 FB29: Signal recorder and data trigger diagnostics

O M 113.1; //Error has occurred

FP M 113.2;
R M 111.7; //Start FC18

16.10 FB29: Signal recorder and data trigger diagnostics


Signal recorder
FB29 "Diagnostics" allows various diagnostic routines to be performed on the PLC user
program. A diagnostic routine logs signal states and signal changes. In this diagnostic routine,
function number 1 is assigned to the "Func" parameter. Up to 8 signals of the parameters
"Signal_1" to "Signal_8" are recorded in a ring buffer each time one of the signals changes. The
current information of parameters "Var1" as BYTE value, and "Var2" and "Var3" as INTEGER
values are also stored in the ring buffer.
The number of past OB1 cycles is also stored in the buffer as additional information. This
information enables the graphical evaluation of signals and values in OB1 cycle grid.

Call rule
First call of FB29 in OB1 cycle: Parameter "NewCycle" = 1
All other calls of FB29 in the same OB1 cycle: Parameter "NewCycle" = 0

Ring buffer
The ring buffer, which must be defined by the user, must have an ARRAY structure specified
as in the source code. The array can have any number of elements. A size of 250 elements is
recommended. The "ClearBuf" parameter is used to clear the ring buffer and set the "BufAddr"
pointer to the start. The instance DB related to the FB29 is a DB from the user area and is to be
transferred to the FB Diagnostics with the parameter "BufDB".

Data trigger
The data trigger function is intended to allow triggering on specific values (or bits) at any
permissible memory cell. The cell to be triggered is "rounded" with a bit mask ("AndMask"
parameter) before the "TestVal" parameter is compared in the diagnostic block.

The source code for the function is available in the source container of the basic-program library
under the name "Diagnose.awl". The instance DB and the ring buffer DB are also defined in this
source block. The function call is also described in the function. The DB numbers and the call
must be modified.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 231
Block descriptions
16.10 FB29: Signal recorder and data trigger diagnostics

Declaration of the function

Func : INT;
Signal_1 : BOOL;
Signal_2 : BOOL;
Signal_3 : BOOL;
Signal_4 : BOOL;
Signal_5 : BOOL;
Signal_6 : BOOL;
Signal_7 : BOOL;
Signal_8 : BOOL;
NewCycle : BOOL;
Var1 : BYTE ;
Var2 : INT;
Var3 : INT;
BufDB : INT;
ClearBuf : BOOL;
DataAdr : POINTER;
TestVal : WORD;
AndMask : WORD;
TestIsTrue : BOOL;
BufAddr : INT;

Structure of the ring buffer

//Ring buffer DB for FB29

Field: ARRAY [0 .. 249 ] OF //can be any size of this struct

Cycle : INT; //Delta cycle to last storage in buffer

Signal_1 : BOOL; //Signal names same as FB29
Signal_2 : BOOL;
Signal_3 : BOOL;

232 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.10 FB29: Signal recorder and data trigger diagnostics

Signal_4 : BOOL;
Signal_5 : BOOL;
Signal_6 : BOOL;
Signal_7 : BOOL;
Signal_8 : BOOL;
Var1 : BYTE ;
Var2 : WORD;
Var3 : WORD;

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Type Value range Description

Func: I INT 0, 1, 2 Function
0: Switch off
1: Signal recorder
2: Data trigger
Parameters for function 1
Signal_1 ... I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 Bit signals checked for change
Signal_8: (TRUE)
NewCycle: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 See paragraph "Function" above
Var1 : I BYTE Additional value
Var2 : I INT Additional value
Var3 : I INT Additional value
BufDB: I INT Ring buffer DB no.
ClearBuf: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 Delete ring buffer DB and reset pointer Bu‐
(TRUE) fAddr
BufAddr: I/O INT Target area for read data
Parameters for function 2
DataAdr: I POINTER Pointer to word to be tested
TestVal: I WORD Comparison value
AndMask: I WORD See paragraph "Function" above
TestIsTrue: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 Result of comparison

Configuration steps
● Select function of diagnostics block.
● Define suitable data for the recording as signal recorder or data triggering.
● Find a suitable point or points in the user program for calling the diagnostics FB.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 233
Block descriptions
16.11 FC2 : GP_HP - basic program, cyclic section

● Create a data block for the ring buffer, see call example.
● Call the diagnostics FB with parameters in the user program.
In function 1, it is advisable to clear the ring buffer with the "ClearBuf" parameter. When the
recording phase with function 1 is completed, read out the ring buffer DB in STEP7 with the
function "opening the data block in the data view". The content of the ring buffer DB can now
be analyzed.

Call example


CALL FB29, DB80(

Func := 1,
Signal_1 :=M 100.0,
Signal_2 :=M 100.1,
Signal_3 :=M 100.2,
Signal_4 :=M 100.3,
Signal_5 :=M 10.4,
Signal_6 :=M 100.5,
Signal_7 :=M 100.6,
Signal_8 :=M 100.7,
NewCycle := TRUE,
Var1 := MB 100,
BufDB := 81,
ClearBuf :=M 50.0);

16.11 FC2 : GP_HP - basic program, cyclic section

The NC/PLC interface is processed by the basic program in cyclic mode (OB1). To keep the
runtime to a minimum, only the control and state signals are cyclically transferred. The transfer
of auxiliary and G commands is processed only on request from the NC.
Furthermore, the data for handwheel selection, modes, and other operating signals are
transferred from the operator panel (HMI) to the NC/PLC interface so that the modes support
the selection from the MCP or HMI as required.

234 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.11 FC2 : GP_HP - basic program, cyclic section

The transfer of HMI signals to the NC/PLC interface can be deactivated by setting the value of
the parameter "MMCToIF" to "FALSE" in FB1 (DB7).

Handwheel selection signals

Requirement: FB1, parameter "HWheelMMC == "TRUE"
The handwheel selection signals from the HMI are decoded and activated in the respective
machine or geometry axis of the respective handwheel.

// No parameters

Call example
As far as the time is concerned, the basic program must be executed before the user program.
It is, therefore, called first in OB1.
The following example contains the standard declarations for OB1 and the calls for the basic
program (FC2), the transfer of the MCP signals (FC19), and the acquisition of error and
operational messages (FC10).

CALL FC2; // Call basic program as 1st FC
CALL FC19( //MCP signals to interface
BAGNo := B#16#1, // Mode group no. 1
ChanNo := B#16#1, // Channel no. 1
SpindleIFNo := B#16#4, //Spindle interface number = 4
// (Number of the associated machine
FeedHold := m22.0, //Feed stop signal
SpindleHold := db2.dbx151.0); //Spindle stop modal

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 235
Block descriptions
16.12 FC3: GP_PRAL - basic program, interruptdriven section

//in message DB
CALL FC10( // Error and operational messages
ToUserIF := TRUE, //Signals transferred from DB2
//to interface
Ackn := I6.1); //Acknowledgment of error messages
//via I6.1

16.12 FC3: GP_PRAL - basic program, interruptdriven section

Block-synchronized transfers from the NC to the PLC (auxiliary and G commands) are
processed in the alarm-driven part of the basic program. Auxiliary functions are subdivided into
normal and highspeed auxiliary functions.
The highspeed functions of an NC block are buffered and the transfer acknowledged to the NC.
These are transferred to the application interface at the start of the next OB1 cycle.
Highspeed auxiliary functions programmed immediately one after the other, are not lost for the
user program. This is ensured by a mechanism in the basic program.
Normal auxiliary functions are acknowledged to the NC only after one completed cycle
duration. This allows the application to issue a read disable to the NC.
The G commands are evaluated immediately and passed to the application interface.

NC process alarms
If the interrupt is triggered by the NC (possible in each IPO cycle), a bit in the local data of OB40
("GP_IRFromNCK") is set by the basic program, only when the FB1 parameter "UserIR" is
TRUE. This data is not set on other events (process alarms through I/Os). This information
makes it possible to branch into the associated interrupt routine in the user program in order to
initiate the necessary action.
To be able to implement highspeed, jobdriven processing of the user program for the machine,
the following NC functions are available in the interrupt processing routine (OB40 program
section) for the PLC user program:
● Selected auxiliary functions
● Tool-change function for tool-management option
● Position reached for positioning axes, indexing axes and spindles with activation via PLC
The functions listed above can or must be evaluated by the user program in OB40 in order to
initiate reactions on the machine. As an example, the revolver switching mechanism can be
activated when a T command is programmed on a turning machine.
For further details on programming process alarms (time delay, interruptibility, etc.) refer to the
corresponding SIMATIC documentation.

236 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.12 FC3: GP_PRAL - basic program, interruptdriven section

Auxiliary functions
Generally, high-speed or acknowledging auxiliary functions are processed with or without
interrupt control independently of any assignment.
Basic-program parameters in FB1 can be set to define which auxiliary functions (T, H, DL) must
be processed solely on an interruptdriven basis by the user program.
Functions which are not assigned via interrupts are only made available by the cyclic basic
program as in earlier versions. The change signals of these functions are available in a PLC
Even if the selection for the auxiliary function groups (T, H, DL) is made using interrupt control,
only one interrupt can be processed by the user program for the selected functions.
A bit is set for a specific channel in the local data "GP_AuxFunction" for the user program (if
"GP_AuxFunction[1]" is set, an auxiliary function is available for the 1st channel).
In the related channel-DB the change signal and the function value are available for the user.
The request signal of this interrupt-driven function is reset to zero in the cyclic basic program
section after the execution of at least one full OB1 cycle (max. approx. two OB1 cycles).

Tool change
With the tool-management option, the tool-change command for revolver and the tool change
in the spindle is supported by an interrupt. The local data bit "GP_TM" in OB40 is set for this
purpose. The PLC user program can thus check the tool management DB (DB72 or DB73) for
the tool change function and initiate the tool change operation.

Position reached
In the bit structure, "GP_InPosition" of the local data of OB40 is specific to the machine axis
(each bit corresponds to an axis/spindle, e.g. GP_InPosition[5] corresponds to the 5th axis).
If a function has been activated via FC18 (spindle control, positioning axis, indexing axis) for an
axis or spindle, the associated "GP_InPosition" bit can be used to implement instantaneous
evaluation of the "InPos" signal of the FCs listed above. This feature can be used, for example,
to obtain immediate activation of clamps for an indexing axis.

// No parameters

Call example
As far as the time is concerned, the basic program must be executed before other alarm-driven
user programs. It is, therefore, called first in OB40.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 237
Block descriptions
16.13 FC5: GP_DIAG - basic program, diagnostic alarm and module failure

The following example contains the standard declarations for OB40 and the call for the basic


//Assigned to basic program

GP_IRFromNCK : BOOL; //Interrupt by NC for user
GP_TM : BOOL; //Tool management
GP_InPosition : ARRAY [1..3] OF BOOL; //Axis-oriented for positioning,
//Indexing axes, spindles
GP_AuxFunction : ARRAY [1..10] OF BOOL; //Channel-oriented for auxiliary
GP_FMBlock : ARRAY [1..10] OF BOOL; //Currently not used
//Further local user data may be defined from this point onwards

16.13 FC5: GP_DIAG - basic program, diagnostic alarm and module failure

The block FC5 "GP_DIAG" is used to record assembly disruptions and failures.
A PLC stop can be triggered via the parameter "PlcStop". The PLC stop is only triggered for
incoming events. The MCPs connected to the parameterized PROFIBUS (DP1) at FB1 are
excluded from this.


238 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.13 FC5: GP_DIAG - basic program, diagnostic alarm and module failure

PlcStop: BOOL:= TRUE;


Call example
The basic program should be run through after processing of the user programs. This is
recommended because a PLC stop can be triggered by the FC5.
The example contains the standard declaration for OB82 and OB86 and the call of the FC5.


Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 239
Block descriptions
16.14 FC6: TM_TRANS2 - transfer block for tool management and multitool

(PlcStop := FALSE) ;

(PlcStop := TRUE) ;

16.14 FC6: TM_TRANS2 - transfer block for tool management and multitool

The block FC6 "TM_TRANS2" is used for position changes of the tools, state changes, and
The FC6 block has the same functionality as the FC8 block, plus the multitool functionality.
The description of FC6 only contains the multitool functionality.
The functionality of FC8 is described in FC8:
" TM_TRANS - transfer block for tool management
(Page 245)".

Declaration of the function

Start: BOOL;
TaskIdent: BYTE ;
TaskIdentNo: BYTE ;
NewToolMag: INT;
NewToolLoc: INT;
OldToolMag: INT;

240 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.15 FC7: TM_REV - transfer block for tool change with revolver

OldToolLoc: INT;
Status: INT;
MtoolPlaceNum: INT;
Ready: BOOL;
Error: INT;

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Type Value range Description

Start: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 See block description FC8
TaskIdent: I BYTE See block description FC8
TaskIdentNo: I BYTE See block description FC8
NewToolMag: I INT See block description FC8
NewToolLoc: I INT See block description FC8
OldToolMag: I INT See block description FC8
OldToolLoc: I INT See block description FC8
Status: I INT See block description FC8
MtoolPlaceNum: I INT Multitool location No.
Ready: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 See block description FC8
Error: O INT See block description FC8

16.15 FC7: TM_REV - transfer block for tool change with revolver

After a revolver has been changed, the user calls block FC7 "TM_REV". The revolver number
corresponding to interface number in DB73 must be specified in parameter "ChgdRevNo" for
this purpose. As this block is called, the associated "Interface active" bit in data block
DB73.DBW0 of FC7 is reset after parameter "Ready" == TRUE is returned.

Job executed correctly

If the job was executed correctly, then "Ready" == 1. The user must then set the parameter
"Start" = 0 or no longer call FC7.

Job executed with errors

If the job was executed with errors, then parameter "Ready" == 0 and parameter "Error" == 1.
The job must be repeated in the next PLC cycle. Since the parameter "Start" does not need a

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 241
Block descriptions
16.15 FC7: TM_REV - transfer block for tool change with revolver

positive edge for a subsequent job, "Start" = 1 remains, because the job has not yet been
completed. See "Call example" and "Pulse diagram" below.

Boundary conditions
● Block FC7 may only be started with parameter "Start" = 1 if an activation signal for the
associated interface (DB73.DBW0) for this transfer has been supplied by the tool
management function.
● A cancellation of a transfer, e.g. by a channel reset, is not permitted.
● Parameter "Start" = 1, until parameter "Ready" == 1 or "Error" == 1

Further information
● For detailed information about tool management, refer to the Function Manual Tool
● PI services for tool management, see:
– FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service (Page 179)
– FC8: TM_TRANS - transfer block for tool management (Page 245)
– FC22: TM_DIR - direction selection for tool management (Page 292)

Manual revolver switching

If the revolver is rotated in manual operation, neither a tool change nor an offset selection is
associated with this operation. The first step is the removal of the tool from the toolholder back
to its location in the revolver. An asynchronous transfer must be performed with FC8
(alternative: FC6). The associated parameter settings are shown below:

TaskIdent = 4
TaskIdentNo = Channel no.
NewToolMag = Magazine no. of the revolver
NewToolLoc = Original location of the tool
OldToolMag = Magazine no. of the buffer storage (spindle) = 9998
OldToolLoc = Buffer storage no. of the spindle
Status = 1

If the revolver is now turned to an arbitrary position at which a tool is located, this tool must be
activated. This is done easiest by the new T programming in the part program. However, if this
should take place, for example, at the end of revolver switching from the PLC user program, an
ASUP must be started for this purpose. The current revolver position must be transferred to the
ASUP. In this way, the tool at this location is determined in the ASUP and is selected (see
Jobshop example in the toolbox).

Declaration of the function

Start : BOOL;

242 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.15 FC7: TM_REV - transfer block for tool change with revolver

ChgdRevNo : BYTE ;
Ready : BOOL;
Error : INT;

Description of formal parameters

Signal Typ Type Value range Meaning

Start: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 1 = start transfer
ChgdRevNo: I BYTE 1, 2, 3, ... Number of revolver interface
Ready: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 1 = Transfer complete
Error: O INT 0, 1 , 2, 3 Error checkback
0: No error has occurred
1: No revolver present
2: Illegal revolver number in parameter "ChgdRev‐
3: Illegal job ("interface active" signal for selected
revolver = "FALSE")

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 243
Block descriptions
16.15 FC7: TM_REV - transfer block for tool change with revolver

Pulse diagram




① User: Set request, Start = 0 → 1

② FB4: PI service successfully completed, Ready = 1
User: Reset request, IF Ready == 1 THEN Start = 0
③ User: IF Ready == 1 THEN reset request: 1 → 0
④ FB4: Reset job confirmation, Ready = 0
⑤ User: IF Ready == 0 AND Error == 0 THEN reset request Start = 1 → 0 not permissible
⑥ FB4: PI service completed with errors, Error = 1
User: Reset request, IF Ready == 1 OR Error == 1 THEN Start = 0, possible further error handling

Call example
CALL // Tool management: Transfer block for revolver
Start := m 20.5, // Start := "1 " => initiate the
ChgdRevNo := DB61.DBB1,
Ready := m 20.6,
Error := DB61.DBW12
u m 20.6; // Poll ready
r m 20.5; // Reset start
spb m001; // Jump, if everything OK
l db61.dbw 12; // Error information
ow w#16#0; // Evaluate error
spn error; // Jump to troubleshooting, if <> 0
m001: // Start of another program
error :
r m 20.5; // Start reset, if an error has

244 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.16 FC8: TM_TRANS - transfer block for tool management

16.16 FC8: TM_TRANS - transfer block for tool management

The user calls this block FC TM-TRANS when the position of the tool or the status of the transfer
operation changes. The parameter "TaskIdent" specifies the transfer job for the block FC8 at
the tool management interface:
● For loading/unloading positions
● For spindle change positions
● For revolver change positions as transfer identifier
● Asynchronous transfer
● Asynchronous transfer with location reservation
The interface number is indicated in parameter "TaskIdentNo".
Example for loading point 5:
Parameter "TaskIdent":= 1 and "TaskIdentNo":= 5.
Furthermore, the current tool positions and status data (list of "Status" parameter in the
following text) are also transferred for this transfer function.

FC8 informs the NC of the current positions of the old tool.
The NC knows where the old and the new tool were located until the position change.

In the case of a transfer without a socalled "old tool" (e.g. on loading), the value 0 is assigned
to parameters "OldToolMag", "OldToolLoc".
Block FC TM_TRANS may be started only with "Start" parameter = "TRUE" if an activation
signal for the appropriate interface (DB71, DB72, DB73 in word 0) for this transfer has been
supplied by the tool management function.
When this job is executed correctly, the output parameter "Ready" contains the value TRUE.
The user must then set the "Start" parameter to FALSE or not call the block again.
If the "Ready" parameter = FALSE, the error code in the "Error" parameter must be interpreted
(see Call example FC8 and pulse diagram).
If the error code = 0, then this job must be repeated in the next PLC cycle (e.g. "Start" remains
set to "TRUE"). This means that the transfer operation has not yet been completed.
If the user assigns a value of less than 100 to the "Status" parameter, then the associated
interface in data block DB71 or DB72 or DB73, word 0 is deactivated (process completed). The
appropriate bit for the interface is set to 0 by FC8.
The "Start" parameter does not need a signal edge for a subsequent job. This means that new
parameters can be assigned with "Start = TRUE" immediately when "Ready = TRUE" is

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 245
Block descriptions
16.16 FC8: TM_TRANS - transfer block for tool management

Asynchronous transfer
To ensure that changes in the position of a tool are automatically signaled from the PLC to the
tool management (e.g. power failure during an active command or independent changes in the
position by the PLC), FC8 is called with "TaskIdent" = 4 or 5. This call does not require interface
activation by the tool management.
If parameter "TaskIdent" = 5, the tool management reserves the location in addition to changing
the position. The location is only reserved if the tool has been transported from a real magazine
to a buffer storage.
A relevant NC channel must be parameterized in the "TaskIdentNo" parameter.
The previous location of the tool is specified in the parameters "OldToolMag" and "OldToolLoc".
The current location of the tool is specified in the parameters "NewToolMag", "NewToolLoc".
"Status" = 1 must be specified.
With "Status" = 5, the specified tool remains at location "OldToolMag", "OldToolLoc". This
location must be a buffer (e.g. spindle). The real magazine and location must be specified in the
parameters "NewToolMag", "NewToolLoc"; the location is at the position of the buffer. This
procedure must always be used if the tool management is to be informed of the position of a
specific magazine location. This procedure is used for alignment in search strategies.

Boundary conditions
● A cancellation of a transfer, e.g. by a channel reset, is not permitted.
● Parameter "Start" = 1, until parameter "Ready" == 1 or "Error" == 1

Further information
● For detailed information about tool management, refer to
the Function Manual Tool Management.
● PI services for tool management
– FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service (Page 179)
– FC7: TM_REV - transfer block for tool change with revolver (Page 241)
– FC22: TM_DIR - direction selection for tool management (Page 292)

Declaration of the function

Start : BOOL;
TaskIdent: BYTE ;
TaskIdentNo: BYTE ;
NewToolMag: INT;
NewToolLoc: INT;
OldToolMag: INT;
OldToolLoc: INT;
Status: INT;

246 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.16 FC8: TM_TRANS - transfer block for tool management

Ready : BOOL;
Error : INT;

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Type Value range Meaning

Start: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 1: Start transfer
TaskIdent: I BYTE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Interface or task identifier
1: Loading/unloading location
2: Spindle change position
3: Revolver change position
4: Asynchronous transfer
5: Asynchronous transfer with location reserva‐
TaskIdentNo: I BYTE 1, 2, 3 ... 10 Number of the associated interface or channel
NewToolMag: I INT -1, 0, 1, 2 ... Current magazine number of tool to be replaced
-1: Tool remains at its location.
NewToolLoc = any value
Only permissible if TaskIdent = 2.
NewToolLoc: I INT 0, 1, 2 … max. Current location number of new tool
location no.
OldToolMag: I INT -1, 0 ... Current magazine number of tool to be replaced
-1: The tool remains at its location. "OldToolLoc"
= <any value>. Only permissible if "TaskIdent" =
OldToolLoc: I INT Max. location Current location number of tool to be replaced
Status: I INT 1, 2, 3 ... 7, 103, Status information about transfer operation
104, 105
Ready: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 1: Transfer completed
Error: O INT 0 ... 65535 Error checkback
0: No error has occurred
1: Unknown "TaskIdent"
2: Unknown "TaskIdentNo"
3: Impermissible job, ("Interface active" signal for
selected revolver == 0)
Other value: The number corresponds to the er‐
ror message of the tool management function in
the NC caused by this transfer.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 247
Block descriptions
16.16 FC8: TM_TRANS - transfer block for tool management

Pulse diagram




① Activation of function by means of a positive edge

② Positive acknowledgment: Tool management has been transferred
③ Reset function activation after receipt of acknowledgment
④ Signal change using FC
⑤ This signal chart is not permissible. The job must generally be terminated since the new tool
positions must be conveyed to the tool management in the NC.
⑥ Negative acknowledgment: Error occurred, error code in the output parameter Error

248 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.16 FC8: TM_TRANS - transfer block for tool management


Status Description
1 The tool management job has been completed
The parameters "NewToolMag", "NewToolLoc", "OldToolMag", "OldToolLoc" of the FC8 block
should be parameterized to the actual positions of the tools involved. Except in the case of
preparing the change, they are normally the specified target positions of the tools of the asso‐
ciated tool management interface, see also "Explanations of the formal parameters".
1. In the case of loading/unloading/reloading, the tool has arrived at the required target ad‐
dress. If the bit in the interface in DB 71.DBX (n+0).3 "position at loading point" is enabled,
status 1 cannot be used for the function termination. Status 5 must be used for correct
2. In the case of "Prepare change", the new tool is now available. The tool may, for example,
be positioned in a buffer (gripper). In some cases, the target (magazine, location) of the old
tool has been moved to the toolchange position after placement of the new tool in a buffer.
However, the old tool still remains in the spindle. The preparations for a tool change are thus
complete. After this acknowledgment, the "Change" command can be received. The posi‐
tions in parameters "NewToolMag", "NewToolLoc", "OldToolMag" and "OldToolLoc" corre‐
spond to the current tool positions.
3. In the case of "Change" (spindle or revolver), the tools addressed in the interface have now
reached the required target addresses.
The tool change operation is thus completed.
2 The "new" tool cannot be made available
This status is only admissible in conjunction with the "Change tool" command. When this status
is applied, the PLC must be prevented from making a change with the proposed tool. The
proposed (new) tool is disabled by the tool management function in the NC. A new command
is then output by the tool management with a duplo tool. The positions in parameters "New‐
ToolMag", "NewToolLoc", "OldToolMag", and "OldToolLoc" correspond to the original tool po‐
3 An error has occurred
The tool positions must not have been changed. Any changes to the magazine positions of the
tool that have taken place in the meantime must be notified beforehand, for example, with status
= 105 via FC8 transfer block. Only then will the tool positions be taken into account by the tool
management function.
4 It would be better to position the "old" tool in the magazine position specified in parameters
"OldToolMag" and "OldToolLoc"
This status is permissible only in conjunction with preparation for tool change (change into
spindle). The magazine location specified for the "old" tool must be free. Once this status has
been passed to the tool management in the NC, a new preparation command is generated
(Status_4 = final acknowledgment) and output to the DB72, for which the requested magazine
position of the old tool is considered.
No new tool search is performed explicitly, the positions for "NewToolMag" and "NewToolLoc"
are taken from the original preparation command. But this is done only when this position is
free. Parameters "NewToolMag" and "NewToolLoc" are not taken into account.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 249
Block descriptions
16.16 FC8: TM_TRANS - transfer block for tool management

Status Description
5 The operation is complete
The "new" tool is in the position specified in parameters "NewToolMag", "NewToolLoc". In this
case, the specified tool is not really in this position, but is still in the same magazine location.
However, this magazine location has been moved to the position set in the parameters (e.g. tool
change position). This status may be used only for revolvers, chain-type magazines and disk
magazines. The status enables the tool management function to adjust the current position of
a magazine and to improve the search strategy for subsequent commands. This status is
permissible only in conjunction with loading, unloading, and reloading operations and with
preparations for a tool change. The "OldToolMag" and "OldToolLoc" parameters must be par‐
ameterized with the data of a buffer.
● Loading, reloading:
On loading or reloading, a location for the tool is already reserved in the NC. The machine
operator must then insert the tool at the target location. Notice: The location reservation is
canceled when the control system is switched on again.
● Tool-change preparation:
Tool motions still to be executed are not carried out until after the tool has been changed.
● Positioning to the loading point:
If the bit in the interface in DB 71.DBX (n+0).3 "position at loading point" is enabled, then
only status 5 be used for the function termination (not status 1).
6 The tool management job has been completed
This status has the same function as status 1, but, in addition, a reservation of the source
location is carried out. This status is only permitted when reloading. The command is ended and
the source location of the tool is reserved if the target location is in a buffer magazine.
7 Initiate repetition of the command "Prepare Tool"
This status is only admissible in conjunction with the "Change tool" command. This status is
intended for use when the "new" tool has changed its position (e.g. via an asynchronous com‐
mand of the "new" tool). After "Ready = 1" has been provided by FC8, the "Prepare Change"
command is repeated automatically with the same tool. For the automatic repetition, a new tool
search is carried out. The positions in parameters "NewToolMag", "NewToolLoc", "OldTool‐
Mag", and "OldToolLoc" correspond to the original tool positions.
103 The "new" tool can be inserted
This status is permitted only in the tool change preparation, when the PLC may reject the new
tool (e.g. in case of MD20310 $MC_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK, bit 4=1 for the possibility,
request changed parameter from PLC once again). The tool positions have remained un‐
changed. This status is therefore necessary, when the processing is to be continued in the NC
without an unnecessary stop.
104 The "new" tool is in the position specified in parameters "NewToolMag", "NewToolLoc"
This status is only permissible if the tool is still in the magazine in the same location. The "old"
tool is in the position (buffer) specified in parameters "OldToolMag", "OldToolLoc". In this case,
however, the new tool is not really in this position, but is still in the same magazine location.
However, this magazine location has been moved to the position set in the parameters (e.g. tool
change position). This status may be used only in conjunction with revolvers, chaintype mag‐
azines and disk magazines for the "Tool change preparation" phase. The status enables the
tool management to adjust the current position of a magazine and to improve the search strat‐
egy for subsequent commands.
105 The specified buffer location has been reached by all tools involved
Standard case if the operation has not yet been completed.
The tools are in the specified tool positions (parameters "NewToolMag", "NewToolLoc", "Old‐
ToolMag", "OldToolLoc").

250 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.17 FC9: ASUP - start of asynchronous subprograms

Status definition
A general rule for the acknowledgment status is that the status information 1 to 7 leads to the
termination of the command. If FC8 receives a status information, the "Interface active bit" of
the interface specified in FC8 is reset to "0" (see also interface lists DB 71 to DB 73). thus
completing the operation. The behavior is different in the case of status information 103 to 105.
When the FC8 receives a status information, the "Interface active bit" of this interface remains
at "1". Further processing is required by the user program in the PLC (e.g. continuation of
magazine positioning). This status information is generally used to transfer changes in position
of one or both tools while the operation is still in progress.

Call example
CALL FC8( //Tool management transfer block
Start := m 20.5, // Start := "1 " => initiate the transfer
TaskIdent := DB61.DBB0,
TaskIdentNo := DB61.DBB1,
NewToolMag := DB61.DBW2, // Current position of new tool
NewToolLoc := DB61.DBW4,
OldToolMag := DB61.DBW6, // Current position of old tool
OldToolLoc := DB61.DBW8,
Status := DB61.DBW10, // Status
Ready := m 20.6,
Error := DB61.DBW12);
u m 20.6; // Poll ready
r m 20.5; // Reset start
spb m001; // Jump if everything OK
l DB61.dbw12; // Error information
ow w#16#0; // Evaluate error
JC error; // Jump to troubleshooting

m001: // Normal branch

error : //Troubleshooting
r m 20.5: // Reset start

16.17 FC9: ASUP - start of asynchronous subprograms

The block FC9 "ASUP" can be used to trigger any functions in the NC. Before an ASUP can be
started from the PLC, it must have been selected and parameterized by an NC program or by
FB4 (PI service ASUP). In this case, the channel and the interrupt numbers must match the
parameters in FC9.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 251
Block descriptions
16.17 FC9: ASUP - start of asynchronous subprograms

Once prepared in this way, it can be started at any time from the PLC. The NC program running
on the channel in question is interrupted by the asynchronous subprogram.
Only one ASUP can be started in the same channel at a time. If several ASUPs are started in
one PLC cycle, the ASUPs are started in this order in the NC.
Parameter "Start" = 0 must be set by the user if the ASUP has been terminated ("Done" == 1)
or an error has occurred ("Error" == 1).
For processing jobs, each FC9 needs its own parameter "Ref" from the global user area. This
parameter is for internal use only and must not be changed by the user. The parameter "Ref"
is initialized with the value 0 in the first OB1 cycle and, for this reason, every FC9 must be called
absolutely. Alternatively, the user can initialize parameter "Ref" with a value of 0 during startup.
This option makes conditional calls possible. A conditional call requires parameter "Start" = 1
during activation of FC9 until a negative edge change has occurred at parameter "Done" (1 → 0).

General conditions
● The function block FB4 must be terminated before the block FC9 is started.
● The block FC9 cannot be started if DB10, DBX56.1 == 1 (emergency stop).
● Block FC9 must not be started if channel reset is active in the channel in which the ASUP
is to be started.

Declaration of the function

Start : BOOL;
ChanNo: INT;
IntNo: INT;
Active: BOOL;
Done : BOOL;
Error : BOOL;
StartErr: BOOL;
Ref: WORD;

252 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.17 FC9: ASUP - start of asynchronous subprograms

Description of formal parameters

The table below lists all formal parameters of the ASUP function.

Signal Typ Type Value range Description

Start: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 Job start with positive signal edge
ChanNo: I INT 1, 2, 3 ... 10 Channel number
IntNo: I INT 1, 2, 3 ... 8 Interrupt number
Active: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 1: active
Done: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 1: ASUP completed
Error: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 1: Interrupt switched off
StartErr: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 1: Interrupt number not assigned or de‐
(TRUE) leted
Ref: I/O WORD Global variable 1 word per FC9 (for internal use)
(MW, DBW,..)

Pulse diagram





(1) Activation of function

(2) ASUP is active
(3) Positive acknowledgment: ASUP completed
(4) Reset function activation after receipt of acknowledgment
(5) Signal change using FC
(6) Not permitted If function activation is reset prior to receipt of acknowledgement, the output signals
are not updated without the operational sequence of the activated function being affected.
(7) Negative acknowledgement: An error occurred

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 253
Block descriptions
16.18 FC10: AL_MSG - error and operating messages

Call example
CALL FC9( //Start an asynchronous subprogram
//in channel 1 interrupt number 1
Start := I 45.7,
ChanNo := 1,
IntNo := 1,
Active := M 204.0,
Done := M204.1,
Error := M 204.4,
StartErr := M 204.5,
Ref := MW 200);

16.18 FC10: AL_MSG - error and operating messages

With block FC10 "AL_MSG", the signals entered in DB2 are evaluated and displayed as
incoming or outgoing error messages and operational messages on the user interface.
The incoming signals (positive edge) are displayed immediately in the case of both error and
operational messages.
Outgoing signals (negative edge) are deleted immediately only for operational messages. In
the event of error messages, the messages that are no longer pending are only deleted with the
parameter "Quit", i.e. errors remain displayed on the user interface until they have been
acknowledged by the user even if the signals are no longer pending.
The "ToUserIF" parameter can be used to transfer the group signals for the feed, read and NC
start disabling signals and feed stop signal to the existing axis, spindle and channel interfaces.
The group signals are transferred to the user interface directly from the status information in
DB2 irrespective of an alarm acknowledgment.
1. If parameter "ToUserIF" = 0, there is no transfer of the signals to the user interface. In this
case, the user must take measures in his PLC program to ensure that these signals are
influenced in the interface. The FB1 parameter "ExtendChanAxMsg" is evaluated and so
avoids the limitation of the usable message ranges by configuring the NCK machine data.
2. If parameter "ToUserIF" = 1, all signals listed above are sent to the user interface as a group
signal in each case. The user PLC program can, therefore, influence these signals only via
DB2 in conjunction with a message or alarm output. The appropriate information is
overwritten in the user interface.
Alternatively to the response described in paragraph 2, the disable and hold signals can be
influenced without a message being output by influencing the interface signals with a disable
or stop signal state after FC10 is called.
The following program illustrates this method:

ToUserIF := TRUE,

254 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.18 FC10: AL_MSG - error and operating messages

Ackn := I 6.1);

u m 50.0; // Feed disable for channel 1

to DB 21;
s dbx 6.0; // Setting the blocking condition
// Resetting is done via FC AL_MSG
// if M 50.0 outputs the signal "0".

FB1 parameter "ExtendAlMsg"

With FB1 parameter "ExtendAlMsg" = TRUE, the new DB2 structure becomes effective (see
"Interface PLC/HMI (Page 64)"). For the activation, bit fields for the lock and stop signals are
available for 10 channels, 31 axes and maximum 64 user areas (the number of user areas is
entered in the FB1 parameter "MsgUser"). The associated functionality is obtained
automatically by simply setting/resetting signals in DB2.
The error and operational messages in data block DB2 must be provided in a user-specific way.

FB1 parameter "ExtendChanAxMsg"

With the activation of this parameter, a channel- or axis-number independent acquisition of
alarms and messages acts. All DB2 areas are available for users. Group signals cannot be
transferred to the user interface. The parameter is evaluated only when the FC10 parameter
"ToUserIF" is deactivated.

Display on HMI
In DB2, a "1" signal must be present for several OB1 cycles to ensure that a message can also
be displayed on the HMI.
There is an upper limit for the number of alarms and messages that can be pending at the same
time. This upper limit is dependent on the PLC CPU. On PLC 317-2DP, the upper limit for
messages pending simultaneously is 60.
Further information:
PLC alarms/messages (Page 325)

Declaration of the function

ToUserIF : BOOL;
Ackn : BOOL;

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 255
Block descriptions
16.19 FC12: AUXFU - call interface for user with auxiliary functions

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Type Value range Meaning

ToUserIF : I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 1: Transfer of the signals to the user inter‐
(TRUE) face in each cycle
Ackn: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 1: Acknowledgment of error messages

Call example
CALL FC10( // Error and operational messages
ToUserIF := TRUE, // Signals from DB2 are transferred to interface.
Ackn := E6.1 // Acknowledgment of error message via input I6.1

16.19 FC12: AUXFU - call interface for user with auxiliary functions

The block FC12 "AUXFU" is called on an eventdriven basis in the basic program if the channel
transferred in the input parameter contains new auxiliary functions. The PLC user can extend
FC AUXFU with program instructions for processing his auxiliary function to avoid cyclic polling
of the channel DBs. This mechanism permits auxiliary functions to be processed on a jobdriven
basis. FC AUXFU is supplied as a compiled empty block in the basic program. In this case, the
basic program supplies parameter "Chan" with the channel number. The PLC user knows
which channel has new auxiliary functions available. The new auxiliary functions can be
determined by the auxiliary-function change signals in the channel concerned.

Declaration of the function

FUNCTION FC12: VOID // Event control of auxiliary functions
Chan: BYTE ;

Explanation of formal parameters

Signal Type Type Value range Description

Chan: I BYTE 0, 1, 2 ... 9 Index of the channel = channel number -1

256 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.20 FC13: BHGDisp - display control for handheld unit

FUNCTION FC12: VOID // Event control of auxiliary functions
Chan: BYTE ; // Parameter is supplied by basic program
ChanDB: INT;

L Chan; // Channel index
+ 21; // Channel DB offset
T ChanDB; // Save channel DB no.
TO DB[ChanDB]; // Channel DB is opened indirectly
// Auxiliary-function change signals are now scanned, etc.

16.20 FC13: BHGDisp - display control for handheld unit

Block FC13 "BHGDisp" handles the display control for the handheld unit (HHU or HT 2). The
information that is to appear on the display must be saved to a string variable. The pointer to the
string is specified in the parameter "ChrArray". To do this, a fixed text assignment of 32
characters (HHU) or 64 characters (HT 2) is needed when the data block for this string is
16 characters are sent to the HHU per job. The assignment of the characters in the "ChrArray"
for the respective line is unambiguous. For line 1, characters 1 to 16 and for line 2, characters
17 to 32 of the string data ChrArray are transferred. In addition, for HT 2 line 3 with characters
33 to 48 is displayed and line 4 with characters 49 to 64. A job takes several OB1 cycles.

Block FC13 checks whether the necessary minimum length of the "ChrArray" exists for
operating the handheld unit. If fewer characters exist in the string variables than should be
displayed, the line is filled with blank spaces. If several variables are to be entered in the string
in one or more PLC cycles without a display output, the display output can be suppressed by
parameter "Row" = 0. The transfer of the characters to the rows takes several OB1 cycles. If
several rows are to be updated "simultaneously" (parameter "Row" > 1), the rows are updated
successively with 16 characters per row.

Variable portions
Variable components within the string can be inserted using the optional number converter
functionality with the parameter "Convert" = 1. The variable to be displayed is referenced via the
parameter "Addr". The format of the variables is described in the parameter "DataType". The

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 257
Block descriptions
16.20 FC13: BHGDisp - display control for handheld unit

number of bytes of the variable is linked to the format description. The address justified to the
right within the string is specified by parameter "StringAddr". The number of written characters
is shown in the parameter table.

High display resolution

If, for example, the axis value is to be displayed with a higher resolution, the following must be
● The variables are read as before with FB2 or FB5. Instead of anypointer BYTE 8 as criterion
for output as 64-bit floating point number, REAL 2 is used (e.g.: P#M100.0 REAL 2).
● When specifying the 64-bit floating point number on the HHU/HT 2, you can select the
output format with up to 14 places, distributed freely before and after the decimal point,
instead of fixed, specified formats.

HHU output signals

Byte 1 is used by the HHU output signals and the character specifications are used by the block
FC13. These may not be written by the PLC user program.

Relevant FB1 parameters

Handheld unit HHU

In OB100, the FB1 parameters must be set for the input and output data of the handheld unit:
● Parameter "BHGIn" corresponds to the input data of the PLC from the handheld unit (data
received by PLC)
● Parameter "BHGOut" corresponds to the output data of the PLC to the handheld unit (data
transmitted by PLC).
The two pointers must be set to the starting point of the relevant data area, which is also
parameterized in SDB 210 with an MPI link.
The FB1 parameter "HHU" = 2 must be set for operating an HHU.

HT 2 handheld terminal
If HT 2 is used, FB1 parameter "HHU" = 5 must be set. The parameters of the input and output
data must be set, as described in the above paragraph "Handheld Unit HHU".
The value that was configured at S2 of the DIP-Fix switch (rotary coding switch) of the
connecting module of the HT 2 must be assigned to the parameters "BHGRecGDNo" and

Declaration of the function

DATA_BLOCK "strdat"
disp: STRING [32]:= 'character_line1 character_line2';

258 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.20 FC13: BHGDisp - display control for handheld unit


Row : BYTE ;
ChrArray : STRING ;
Convert : BOOL;
DataType : BYTE ;
StringAddr INT;
Digits : BYTE ;
Error : BOOL;

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Type Value range Description

Row : I BYTE 0, 1, 2, ... 8 Display line "binary" evaluation
B#16#F 0: no display output
1: Line 1
2: Line 2
3: Line 1 and line 2 to be changed
4: Line 3
5: Line 1 and line 3 to be changed
8: Line 4
B#16#F automatic change of all 4 lines
ChrArray : I STRING "DBName".<VarName> Display content as pointer to string
string[32]: not HT 2
string[64]: HT 2
Convert : I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Activation of numerical conversion
Addr: I Pointer Pointer to the variable to be converted

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 259
Block descriptions
16.20 FC13: BHGDisp - display control for handheld unit

Signal Type Type Value range Description

DataType: I BYTE 1, 2, 3 ... 8, Data type of the tag
B#16#13, 1: BOOL, 1 character
B#16#30 2: BYTE, 3 characters
3: CHAR, 1 character
4: WORD, 5 characters
5: INT, 6 characters
6: DWORD, 7 characters
7: DINT, 8 characters
8: REAL, 9 characters
(7 digits plus a sign and a decimal point;
for places after the decimal point, refer
to the Digits Parameter)
B#16#13: String, up to 32/64 charac‐
ters, "Addr" must be a pointer to a
B#16#30: REAL64,
(12 characters: 10 digits plus a sign and
a decimal point; for places after the dec‐
imal point, refer to the Digits Parameter)
StringAddr : I INT 1 ... 32 / 64 Right-justified address within variable
from "ChrArray"
Digits : I BYTE 1, 2, 3 ... 9 Number of places after the decimal
1 ... 4: DataType REAL
1 ... 9: DataType REAL64
Error: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Error
1: An error occurred

Ranges of values

Ranges of values of data types

Data type Representable numerical range
BOOL 0, 1
BYTE 0 ... 255
WORD 0 ... 65535
INT - 32768 ... 32767
DWORD 0 ... 9999999
DINT -9999999 ... 9999999
REAL (Digits := 1) -999999.9 ... 999999.9
REAL (Digits := 2) -99999.99 ... 99999.99
REAL (Digits := 3) -9999.999 ... 9999.999
... ...
REAL (Digits := 9) -0.9999999 ... 0.9999999

260 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.21 FC17: YDelta - star-delta switchover

Call example
// DB with name strdat in the simple table, data element disp is declared as String[32] (for HT 2:
// String[64]) and completely assigned with characters

Row := MB 26,
ChrArray := "strdat".disp
Convert := M 90.1,
Addr := P#M 20.0, // Number to be converted
DataType := MB 28, // Data type of the variables
StringAddr := MW 30,
Digits := B#16#3, // 3 decimal places
Error := M 90.2);

16.21 FC17: YDelta - star-delta switchover

Block FC17 is used for star-delta changeover for digital main spindle drives. The changeover
can be made in both directions (star > delta or delta > star).

The prerequisite is two isolated contactors. The contactors are controlled via the peripheral
output signals configured at the FC17 outputs: "Y" or "Delta".

Internal sequence
The internal sequence when changing over between star and delta after switching over the
FC17 control signal is described in the following: "YDelta" displayed.
1. DB31, ... .DBX21.5 = 0 (reset feedback signal "motor selected")
DB31, ... .DBX21.x = 1 (set request "2nd motor data set" corresponding to the interface
parameterization DB31, ... .DBX130.0 - 4)
2. DB31, ... .DBX93.7 == 0 (feedback signal "pulses enabled" was reset) ⇒
– Start FC17 timer
– FC17: "Y" = 0 (reset output for star contactor)
3. After the FC17 timer elapses (FC17: "TimeVal") ⇒
– FC17: "Y" = 1 (set output for delta contactor)
4. After the FC17 timer elapses again (FC17: "TimeVal") ⇒
– The pulses are again internally set
– DB31, ... .DBX93.7 == 1 (feedback signal "pulses enabled" was set)
– DB31, ... .DBX21.5 = 0 (feedback signal "motor selected" was set)

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Block descriptions
16.21 FC17: YDelta - star-delta switchover

Signal flow




① FC17 input: Signal for star-delta changeover

② - Changeover: Star > delta
③ - Changeover: Delta > star
④ FC17 input: Parameterizable changeover time ""TimeVal"
⑤ - Wait time until the control of the output signal: "Y" or "delta"
⑥ - Wait time until pulse enable
⑦ FC17 output: Signals for contactor control

Further information
For additional explanations of motor speed adjustments, see:
● Function Manual Axes and Spindles; spindles; configurable gear adaptations
● Function Manual Axes and Spindles; speeds, setpoint/target value syst., closed-loop control

Drive parameters
The following drive parameters must be considered for a star-delta changeover:
● p833 (dataset changeover configuration)
– Bit 0 = 1 (contactor switchover via application)
– Bit 1 = 0 (pulse cancellation by drive)
● p826 (motor changeover motor number)
● p827 (motor changeover status word bit number)

262 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.21 FC17: YDelta - star-delta switchover

Boundary conditions
● Block FC17 must be called absolutely and separately for each spindle.
● The drive pulses are deactivated during a star-delta changeover. The feedback signal to the
PLC is realized using:
– DB31, ....DBX93.7 == 0 (pulses enabled)
– DB31, ....DBX61.7 == 0 (current controller active)
– DB31, ....DBX61.6 == 0 (speed controller active)
● For a spindle which is located in an axis mode such as M70 or SPOS, a start-delta
changeover is not carried out.
● For a closed-loop position controlled spindle (DB31,
DBX61.5 == 1 (position control active) ), while the spindle is moving it is not permissible to
carry out a star-delta changeover. In the case of a fault, Alarm 25050 "Contour monitoring"
is displayed, and the star-delta changeover is not executed.
● Once the star-delta changeover has been initiated using FC17, it cannot be delayed by the
user, e.g. by waiting until the star-delta contactors change over during the course of
operation. A delay such as this must be implemented by the user in the PLC user program.

Declaration of the function

YDelta: BOOL;
SpindleIFNo: INT;
TimeVal: S5TIME ;
TimerNo : INT;
Delta: BOOL;
Ref: WORD;

Description of formal parameters

Signal Type Type Value range Meaning

YDelta: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 Input signal for star-delta changeover
(TRUE) The changeover is initiated by a signal
● 0 (FALSE): Star
● 1 (TRUE): Delta
SpindleIFNo: I INT 1 ... Number of the spindle interface (number of
the associated machine axis)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 263
Block descriptions
16.22 FC18: SpinCtrl - spindle control

Signal Type Type Value range Meaning

TimeVal: I S5time 0, 50 ms ... Switchover time
Configured Internally effective
0 100
< 50 50
TimerNo: I INT 10 ... Number of the timer being used
Y: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 Peripheral output for controlling the star
(TRUE) contactor
Delta: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 Peripheral output for controlling the delta
(TRUE) contactor
Ref: I/O WORD Instance for status information. Internal use

Call example
YDelta := I 45.7, // Accept star/delta changeover from
input 45.7
SpindleIFNo := 4, // Spindle interface number: 4
// (Number of the associated machine
TimeVal := S5T#150ms, // Changeover time: 150 ms
TimerNo := 10, // Timer: 10
Y := O 52.3, // Control of the star contactor:
Output 52.3
Delta := O 52.4, // Control of the delta contactor:
Output 52.4
Ref := MW 50 // Bit memory word 50

16.22 FC18: SpinCtrl - spindle control

Block FC18 "SpinCtrl" can be used to control spindles and axes from the PLC. The block
supports the following functions:
● Position spindle
● Rotate spindle
● Oscillate spindle
● Traverse indexing axis
● Traverse positioning axis
Each function is activated by the positive edge of the appropriate initiation signal (start, stop).
This signal must remain at a logical "1" until the function has been acknowledged positively or

264 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.22 FC18: SpinCtrl - spindle control

negatively by InPos="1" or Error = "1". The output parameters are deleted when the relevant
trigger signal is reset and the function has been completed.
To be able to control an axis or spindle via the PLC, it must be activated for the PLC. This can,
for example, be achieved by calling the block with activation of the "Start" or "Stop" parameter.
When you do this, the block requests control of the spindle/axis from the NC.
The NC signals the status of the spindle/axis in the associated axis-specific interface DB31, ...
DBX68.4 - 7. Once the axis/spindle is operating under PLC control, the travel command for the
active status can be evaluated via the relevant axis-specific interface.
Upon completion ("InPos" is True, "Start" changes to zero), the axis/spindle check function is
switched to a neutral status using block FC18.
Alternatively, the PLC user program can also request control for the PLC before calling FC18.
By calling this function several times in succession, a better response by the spindle/axis can
be obtained as the changeover process in the FC can be omitted.
Activation through the PLC user program is executed in the corresponding spindle interface in
byte 8.
After return of the check, the spindle can again be programmed by the NC program.

Further information
● Function Manual Axes and Spindles; spindles
● Function Manual Axes and Spindles; positioning axes
● Function Manual Axes and Spindles; indexing axes

Changed response behavior of the axis/spindle
If several block calls (FC18) have been programmed for the same axis/spindle in the PLC user
program, then the functions concerned must be interlocked by conditional calls in the user
program. The conditional call of a started block (parameter Start or Stop = TRUE) must be
called cyclically until the signal state of output parameter "Active" or "InPos" changes from 1
to 0.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 265
Block descriptions
16.22 FC18: SpinCtrl - spindle control

Note Call note

FC18 must be called cyclically until signal "InPos" or, in the case of an error "Error", produces
an edge transition of 1 to 0. An additional "Start" or "Stop" is only possible for this spindle/
axis when the "InPos"/"Error" signal has supplied a value of 0. (the system must wait for at
least one PLC cycle with the next "Start" or "Stop"). This also applies when the assignment
in data byte 8 on the axial interface has been changed.
The function cannot be aborted by means of parameter "Start" or "Stop", but only by means of
the axial interface signals (e.g. delete distance-to-go). The axial interface also returns status
signals of the axis that may need to be evaluated (e.g. exact stop, traverse command).
Several axes can be traversed simultaneously or subject to a delay by FC18 blocks. The upper
limit is only limited by the maximum number of axes of the NC.
Axis disable
For a set axis inhibit (DB31,
DBX1.4 == 1), the axis controlled via FC18 does not move. Only a simulated actual value is
generated. Same behavior as when traversing the axis for an axis inhibit by the NC.


Function 1: Position spindle

Parameter Meaning
Start : 0 → 1: Start the function
Funct : 1: Function number for "Position spindle"
Mode : Positioning modes 1, 2, 3, 4 (refer to the paragraph below, "Explanation of the
formal parameters"
AxisNo : Number of machine axis
Pos : Position
FRate : FRate ≠ 0: Positioning velocity
FRate = 0: Velocity corresponding to MD35300 $MA_SPIND_POSCTRL_VE‐
InPos : 1: Position reached with "Exact stop fine"
Error : 1: Positioning error
State : Error code

Function 2: Rotate spindle

Parameter Meaning
Start : 0 → 1: Start the function
Stop : 0 → 1: Stop the function
Funct : 2: Function number for "Rotate spindle"

266 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.22 FC18: SpinCtrl - spindle control

Parameter Meaning
Mode : Mode = 5: direction of rotation M4
Mode ≠ 5: direction of rotation M3
AxisNo : Number of machine axis
FRate : Spindle speed
InPos : 1: Setpoint speed is output, also see DB31, ... DBX83.5 (spindle in the set‐
point range)
Error : 1: Positioning error
State : Error code

Function 3: Oscillate spindle

Parameter Meaning
Start : 0 → 1: Start the function
Stop : 0 → 1: Stop the function
Funct : 3: Function number for "Oscillate spindle"
AxisNo : Number of machine axis
Pos : Set gear stage
InPos : 1: Setpoint speed is output, also see DB31, ... DBX83.5 (spindle in the set‐
point range)
Error : 1: Positioning error
State : Error code

Parameterized oscillation speed: MD35400 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_DES_VELO

The function of the parameter "Pos" depends on the setting in MD35010

<Value> Pos Function

0 0, 1, 2, ... 5 Oscillation
1 0 Oscillation with gear stage change M40
1 Oscillation with gear stage change M41
2 Oscillation with gear stage change M42
3 Oscillation with gear stage change M43
4 Oscillation with gear stage change M44
5 Oscillation with gear stage change M45

Function 4: Traverse indexing axes

The modulo conversion can be compared with approaching the indexing position via POS[AX]
= CIC (value) in the part program.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 267
Block descriptions
16.22 FC18: SpinCtrl - spindle control

Parameter Meaning
Start : 0 → 1: Start the function
Funct : 4: Function number for "Indexing axis"
Mode : Positioning mode 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
AxisNo : Number of machine axis
Pos : Indexing position
FRate : FRate ≠ 0: Positioning velocity
FRate = 0: Velocity corresponding to MD32060 $MA_POS_AX_VEL
InPos : 1: Position reached with "Exact stop fine"
Error : 1: Positioning error
State : Error code

Function 5, 6, 7, 8: Position axes

Parameter Meaning
Start : 0 → 1: Start the function
Funct : 5, 6, 7, 8: Function number for "Position axes"
Mode : Positioning mode 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
AxisNo : Number of machine axis
Pos : Position
FRate : FRate ≠ 0: Positioning velocity
FRate = 0: Velocity corresponding to MD32060 $MA_POS_AX_VELO
InPos : 1: Position reached with "Exact stop fine"
Error : 1: Positioning error
State : Error code

Function 9: Rotate spindle with automatic gear stage selection:

Parameter Meaning
Start : 0 → 1: Start the function
Stop : 0 → 1: Stop the function
Funct : 9: Function number for "Rotate spindle with gear stage selection"
Mode : Mode = 5: direction of rotation M4
Mode ≠ 5: direction of rotation M3
AxisNo : Number of machine axis
FRate : Spindle speed
InPos : 1: Setpoint speed is output
Error : 1: Positioning error
State : Error code

268 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.22 FC18: SpinCtrl - spindle control

Function 10, 11: Rotate spindle with constant cutting rate

The "Constant cutting rate" function (G96) must be active in the NC.

Parameter Meaning
Start : 0 → 1: Start the function
Stop : 0 → 1: Stop the function
Funct : 10: Function number for "Constant cutting rate (m/min)"
11: Function number for "Constant cutting rate (feet/min)"
Mode : Mode = 5: direction of rotation M4
Mode ≠ 5: direction of rotation M3
AxisNo : Number of machine axis
FRate : Cutting rate
InPos : 1: Setpoint speed is output
Error : 1: Positioning error
State : Error code

Declaration of the function

Start : BOOL;
Stop : BOOL;
Funct : BYTE ;
Mode : BYTE ;
AxisNo : INT;
Pos : REAL;
FRate : REAL;
InPos : BOOL;
Error : BOOL;
State : BYTE ;

Description of formal parameters

Signal Typ Type Value range Meaning

Start: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 0 → 1: Start the function
Stop: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 0 → 1: Stop the function

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 269
Block descriptions
16.22 FC18: SpinCtrl - spindle control

Signal Typ Type Value range Meaning

Funct: I BYTE 1, 2, 3, ... 11 1: Position spindle
2: Rotate spindle
3: Oscillate spindle
4: Indexing axis
5: Positioning axis metric
6: Positioning axis inch
7: PosAxis metric with handwheel override
8: PosAxis inch with handwheel override
9: Rotate spindle with automatic gear stage selec‐
10: Rotate spindle with constant cutting rate (m/
11: Rotate spindle with constant cutting rate (feet/
Mode: I BYTE 0, 1, 2, ... 5 0: Positioning to absolute position
1: Positioning incremental
2: Positioning along the shortest path
3: Positioning absolute, positive approach direc‐
4: Positioning absolute, negative approach direc‐
5: Direction of rotation as for M4
AxisNo: I INT 1, 2, 3, ... 31 Number of the axis/spindle to be traversed
Pos: I REAL ∓ 0.1469368 I -38 to Rotary axis: Degrees
∓ 0.1701412 I +39 Indexing axis: Indexing position
Linear axis: mm or inches
FRate: I REAL ∓ 0.1469368 I -38 to Rotary axis and spindle: [rev/min]
∓ 0.1701412 I +39 Linear axes: [m/min] or [ft/min]
InPos: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 1: Position reached or function executed
Error: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 1: Error
State: O BYTE 0, 1, 2, ... 255 Error code

Error identifiers
An error is active, if: Parameter "Error" == 1 (TRUE)
The cause of the error is displayed in: Parameter "State"

State Meaning
Cause of the error on the PLC side
1 Several functions of the axis/spindle were activated simultaneously
20 A function was started without the position being reached
30 The axis/spindle was transferred to the NC while still in motion

270 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.22 FC18: SpinCtrl - spindle control

State Meaning
40 The axis is programmed by the NC program, NC internal error
50 Permanently assigned PLC axis: Traverses (JOG) or references
60 Permanently assigned PLC axis: Channel status does not permit a start
Cause of the error on the NC side
100 Incorrect position programmed for axis/spindle (corresponds to alarm 16830)
101 Programmed speed is too high
102 Incorrect value range for constant cutting rate (corresponds to alarm 14840)
104 Following spindle: Illegal programming (corresponds to alarm 22030)
105 No measuring system available (corresponds to alarm 16770)
106 Axis positioning still active (corresponds to alarm 22052)
107 Reference mark not found (corresponds to alarm 22051)
108 No transition from speed control to position control (corresponds to alarm 22050)
109 Reference mark not found (corresponds to alarm 22051)
110 Velocity/speed is negative
111 Setpoint speed == zero
112 Invalid gear stage
115 Programmed position has not been reached
117 G96/G961 is not active in the NC
118 G96/G961 is still active in the NC
120 Axis is not an indexing axis (corresponds to alarm 20072)
121 Indexing position error (corresponds to alarm 17510)
125 DC (shortest distance) not possible (corresponds to alarm 16800)
126 Absolute value minus not possible (corresponds to alarm 16820)
127 Absolute value plus not possible (corresponds to alarm 16810)
128 No transverse axis available for diameter programming (corresponds to alarm 16510)
130 Software limit switch plus (corresponds to alarm 20070)
131 Software limit switch minus (corresponds to alarm 20070)
132 Working area limit plus (corresponds to alarm 20071)
133 Working area limit minus (corresponds to alarm 20071)
134 Frame not permitted for indexing axis
135 Indexing axis with "Hirth joint" is active (corresponds to alarm 17501)
136 Indexing axis with "Hirth joint" is active and axis not referenced (corresponds to alarm 17503)
137 Spindle operation not possible for transformed spindle/axis (corresponds to alarm 22290)
138 Axis: Coordinate system-specific working area plus violated (corresponds to alarm 20082)
139 Axis: Coordinate system-specific working area minus violated (corresponds to alarm 20082)
System error
200 corresponds to alarm 450007
Alarm numbers: Further information Diagnostics Manual

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 271
Block descriptions
16.22 FC18: SpinCtrl - spindle control

Signal sequence: Normal case





① PLC user program: Function start using a positive edge: 0 → 1

② NC: Positive acknowledgment, function executed / position reached
③ PLC user program: Reset after detecting the positive acknowledgment
④ FC18: Reset of the positive acknowledgment

Signal sequence: Error case




① PLC user program: Function start using a positive edge: 0 → 1

② NC: Negative acknowledgment, error occurred
③ PLC user program: Reset after detecting the negative acknowledgment
④ FC18: Reset of the negative acknowledgment

Call examples

Example 1: Position spindle:

//Positive acknowledgment resets Start:

U M112.0; //InPos

272 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.22 FC18: SpinCtrl - spindle control

R M 100.0; //Start
//Negative acknowledgment, after error evaluation (state: MB114) reset with T12 start
U M113.0; // Error
U E 6.4; //Key T12
R M 100.0; //Start
//Start with T13
U E 6.3; //Key T13
UN M 112.0; //Restart only when InPos or Error = 0
UN M 113.0;
S M 100.0;

Start := M100.0,
Stop := FALSE,
Funct := B#16#1, //Position spindle
Mode := B#16#2, //Shortest path
AxisNo := 5,
Pos := MD104,
FRate := MD108,
InPos := M112.0,
Error := M113.0,
State := MB114);

Example 2: Start spindle rotation:

Start := M100.0,
Stop := FALSE,
Funct := B#16#2, //Rotate spindle
Mode := B#16#5, //Direction of rotation as for M4
AxisNo := 5,
Pos := 0.0,
FRate := MD108,
InPos := M112.0,
Error := M113.0,
State := MB114);

Example 3: Start spindle oscillation

Start := M100.0,
Stop := FALSE,
Funct := B#16#3, //Oscillate spindle
Mode := B#16#0,
AxisNo := 5,
Pos := 0.0,

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 273
Block descriptions
16.23 FC19: MCP_IFM - transfer of MCP signals to interface

FRate := MD108,
InPos := M112.0,
Error := M113.0,
State := MB114);

Example 4: Traverse indexing axis

Start := M100.0,
Stop := FALSE, //Not used
Funct := B#16#4, //Traverse indexing axis
Mode := B#16#0, //Absolute positioning
AxisNo := 4,
Pos := MD104, //Default setting in REAL: 1.0;2.0;..
FRate := MD108,
InPos := M112.0,
Error := M113.0,
State := MB114);

Example 5: Position axes

Start := M100.0,
Stop := FALSE, //Not used
Funct := B#16#5, //Position axes
Mode := B#16#1, //Position incrementally
AxisNo := 6,
Pos := MD104,
FRate := MD108,
InPos := M112.0,
Error := M113.0,
State := MB114);

16.23 FC19: MCP_IFM - transfer of MCP signals to interface

Block FC19 "MCP_IFM" (M version e.g. MCP 483) is used to transfer data from the machine
control panel to the NC/PLC interface:
● Modes
● Axis selections
● WCS/MCS switchover
● Traversing keys
● Spindle and feedrate override

274 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.23 FC19: MCP_IFM - transfer of MCP signals to interface

● Program control
● Keyswitch
The following specifications apply to the feedrate override, axis travel keys and INC keys
depending on the active mode or on the coordinate system selected:
● Feedrate override
– The feedrate override is transferred to the interface of the selected channel (DB21,
… .DBB4) and to the interface of all axes (DB31, … .DBB0).
– The feedrate override signals are transferred to the NC channel in addition to the "Rapid
traverse override" (DBB5) interface byte if the "Feedrate override for rapid traverse
effective" HMI signal is set (exception: Switch setting "Zero"). "Rapid traverse override
effective" is also set with this HMI signal.
● Axis traversing keys
– When the MCS is selected, the signals are transferred to the interface of the selected
machine axis.
– When the WCS is selected, the signals are transferred to the geometry axis interface of
the parameterized channel.
– When the system is switched between MCS and WCS, the active axes are generally
The LEDs on the machine control panel derived from the selections in the feedback.
Feedrate and spindle Start/Stop are not transferred to the interface, but output modally as a
"FeedHold" or "SpindleHold" signal. The user can link these signals to other signals leading to
a feed or spindle stop (this can be implemented, e.g. using the appropriate input signals in
FC10: AL_MSG). The associated LEDs are activated at the same time.
If the machine control panel fails, the signals it outputs are preset to zero; this also applies to
"FeedHold" and "SpindleHold" output signals.
FC19 or also FC24, FC25, FC26 can be called a multiple number of times in a single PLC cycle.
In this case, the first call in the cycle drives the LED displays. Furthermore, all actions of the
parameterized block are carried out in the first call:
● Provisioning of the mode group interface in accordance with parameter "BAGNo" (mode
group number)
● Provisioning of the channel interface in accordance with parameter "ChanNo"
● Provisioning of the axis interface of all axes up to the maximum configured axis number
● Provisioning of the spindle interface in accordance with parameter "SpindleIFNo"
In the following calls, only a reduced level of processing of the channel and mode group
interface takes place. The geometry axes are supplied with directional data only in the first
block call in the cycle.
Single block processing can be selected/deselected only in the first call in the cycle.
The second machine control panel can be processed if parameter "ModeGroupNo" has been
increased by B#16#10. When parameterizing, the mode group number is contained in the
lower nibble.
"BAGNo" = 0 or B#16#10 ⇒ mode group signals are not processed.

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Block descriptions
16.23 FC19: MCP_IFM - transfer of MCP signals to interface

"ChanNo" = 0 ⇒ no processing of the channel signals.

The INC selections are transferred to the mode group interface. The activation for this
specification is done via the DB10.DBX57.0 (INC inputs in BAG area active) through this block
once after power up.
Furthermore, two machine control panels can still be handled in parallel by the FC19 block. The
first call of the block transfers the keyswitch position to the NC interface signals. Mutual locking
of the axis selections for equally assigned axes is not supported. The same applies to
provisioning the channel, mode group, and spindle interfaces.

Cartesian manual traversing

The R11 direction key on the machine control panel (at the left next to WCS/MCS) makes the
"Manual traversing in tool orientation" function available. This requires activation via the FB1
input parameter "MCP_IF_TCS" in DB7.
For "MCP_IF_TCS" = TRUE, the R11 key switches to "Manual traversing in tool orientation". In
this case, the Z key (R3) is permanently selected with FC19. The direction keys are effective for
the 3rd geometry axis of the respective channel.

Flexible axis configuration

Each axis selection key can be assigned to an arbitrary machine axis. FC19 can select up to 9
machine axes using the keys of the R key group. If machine axes with a number greater than
9 are to be selected using the axis selection keys, the assignment can be dynamically changed.
The new assignment only takes effect when the axis selection is changed.
The preset machine axes 1 to 9 correspond to the axis selection keys 1 to 9 (R1 to R9 in the R
key group). The number of usable axis selection keys can be limited by the value in
DB10.DBW30 (symbolic name MCP1MaxAxis or MCP2MaxAxis). If the value 0 (default
setting) is used, all 9 axis selection keys that are assigned a machine axis via an axis table can
be used.
The assignment or modification of axis selection keys to the machine axes is explained in
Flexible axis configuration (Page 103).

Machine axes 10 to 18 are to be selected on the axis selection keys R1 to R9 using a free key
of the MCP. We recommend that you proceed as follows:
● Reserve free key on MCP
● Evaluate this key as a flip-flop
● Evaluate the flip-flop output as positive and negative edge
● On a positive edge, enter axis numbers 10 to 18 (remember to enter hexadecimal values)
in the axis table DB10.DBB8 – 16 (symbolic name MCP1AxisTbl[1..9]) and activate the LED
via this key
● On a negative edge, enter the preset axis numbers 1 to 9 in the axis table DB10.DBB8 – 16
(symbolic name MCP1AxisTbl[1..9]) again and deactivate the LED via this key

276 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.23 FC19: MCP_IFM - transfer of MCP signals to interface

Axis selection from the HMI

In addition to the 9 axis selection keys of the MCP, the active axis can also be selected in the
HMI. The axis selection from the HMI is then only taken over for the MCP if the selected channel
in the HMI matches that at FC19. With axis selection from the HMI, an initial attempt is made,
as with axis selection using the axis selection keys of the MCP, to find an assignment between
the selected axis number and the actual machine axis in the axis table of the NC-DB, refer to
section "Flexible axis configuration".
This will ensure that the same machine axis is selected with axis selection from the HMI as
would have been if the corresponding axis selection key of the MCP had been selected. If an
assignment is not possible, the axis number selected from the HMI is directly used as machine
axis. This means that it is possible to select axes that cannot be selected via the MCP.

Single block mode

Pressing the single block key activates the single block mode and, if the key is pressed again,
single block mode is deactivated. If the mode is called several times for one MCP, the block
transfers single block mode state from the channel of the first call to the channels of the
subsequent calls.

Axis selections via the function "Selection of JOG axis via HMI"
FC19 supports the function "Selection of JOG axis via HMI" from software version 4.92. This
functionality can be used as an alternative to or as extended operation of the axis selection keys
of the MCP.
The precondition for supporting this function is explained in Selection of JOG axis via HMI
(Page 104).
FC19 then only takes over a machine axis selected via HMI if the channel view of the HMI
matches the input parameter (parameter "ChanNo" of FC19). Only this can ensure that axis
selection is performed.
If a selection is made via HMI, axis selection is performed and the associated LED on the MCP
axis selection keys is activated in accordance with the axis table in DB10 (symbolic name "NC")
(alternative operation). If assignment is not possible, the axis is selected with FC19 and all
LEDs of the axis selection keys (R1 to R9) are deactivated (supplementary operation). In this
case, feedback from the selected axis is performed only via the corresponding channel DB or
the view in the HMI.
The following figure shows SINUMERIK Operate with channel 1 by way of example. The setting
of parameter "ChanNo" of FC19 for this is "ChanNo := B#16#1".

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Block descriptions
16.23 FC19: MCP_IFM - transfer of MCP signals to interface

Selection of geometry axes

Geometry axes are only processed in the first block call in the cycle. Special attention must be
paid to this, in particular, when the block is called multiple times for a number of channels. For
example, if 2 channels are programmed in one cycle with multiple calls, it must be ensured that
the block call that will implement the selection of geometry axes is called first in the cycle.

Call examples

Single call
Call of the block for the 1st MCP, mode group 1, channel 1, spindle: Axis 4

CALL FC19( // Signals to interface

BAGNo := B#16#1, // Mode group no. 1
ChanNo := B#16#1, // Channel no. 1
SpindleIFNo := B#16#4, // Spindle interface number = 4
FeedHold := m30.0, // Feed stop signal modal
SpindleHold := m30.1); // Spindle stop modal

Multiple call
Call of the block for the 1st MCP, mode group 1, channel 1, spindle: Axis 4

CALL FC19( // Signals to interface

BAGNo := B#16#1, // Mode group no. 1
ChanNo := B#16#1, // Channel no. 1
SpindleIFNo := B#16#4, // Spindle interface number = 4
FeedHold := m30.0, // Feed stop signal modal
SpindleHold := m30.1); // Spindle stop modal

Call of the block for the 1st MCP, without mode group, channel 2, without spindle

CALL FC19( // Signals to interface

BAGNo := B#16#0, // No provision of the mode group
ChanNo := B#16#2, // Channel no. 2
SpindleIFNo := B#16#0, // No provision of spindle signals
FeedHold := m30.0, // Feed stop signal modal
SpindleHold := m30.1); // Spindle stop modal

Call for 2 MCPs (1st MCP responsible for channel 1, 2nd MCP responsible for channel 2)
Call of the block for the 1st MCP, mode group 1, channel 1, spindle: Axis 4

CALL FC19( // Signals to interface

BAGNo := B#16#1, // Mode group no. 1
ChanNo := B#16#1, // Channel no. 1
SpindleIFNo := B#16#4, // Spindle interface number = 4
FeedHold := m30.0, // Feed stop signal modal
SpindleHold := m30.1); // Spindle stop modal

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Block descriptions
16.23 FC19: MCP_IFM - transfer of MCP signals to interface

Call of the block for the 2nd MCP, Mode Group 1, Channel 2, without spindle

CALL FC19( // Signals to interface

BAGNo := B#16#11, // Mode group no. 1
ChanNo := B#16#2, // Channel no. 2
SpindleIFNo := B#16#0, // No provision of spindle signals
FeedHold := m40.0, // Feed stop signal modal
SpindleHold := m40.1); // Spindle stop modal

Declaration of the function

FUNCTION FC19: VOID //Symbolic name: MCP_IFM

ChanNo: BYTE ;
SpindleIFNo: BYTE ;

FeedHold : BOOL;
SpindleHold : BOOL;


Description of formal parameters

Signal Cat‐ Type Value range Meaning

BAGNo : I BYTE B#16#00 - 1st MCP: Number of mode group to which the mode
B#16#0A signals are transferred
B#16#10 - 2nd MCP: Number of mode group to which the
B#16#1A mode signals are transferred
ChanNo: I BYTE B#16#00 - Number of the channel to which the channel signals
B#16#0A are transferred
SpindleIFNo: I BYTE 0 - 31 Number of the axis/spindle to which the spindle da‐
(B#16#1F) ta is transferred (number of the associated machine
FeedHold: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), Feed stop from MCP, modal
1 (TRUE)
SpindleHold: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), Spindle stop from MCP, modal
1 (TRUE)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 279
Block descriptions
16.23 FC19: MCP_IFM - transfer of MCP signals to interface

MCP selection signals to the user interface

The signals are transmitted for the very first call, irrespective of whether it is for MCP1 or MCP2.

Source: Target:
MCP switches Interface DB
Position 0 DB10.DBX56.4
Position 1 DB10.DBX56.5
Position 2 DB10.DBX56.6
Position 3 DB10.DBX56.7

Operating modes and machine functions

Transmission is performed after each call. If multiple calls have the same BagNo (mode group
number) parameter, the last call wins. If multiple calls have different BagNo (mode group
number) parameters, the key values to all corresponding mode group ranges are entered in the

Source: Target:
MCP keys Interface DB (parameter BAGNo)
Display for BAG 1
INC 1 ... 10 000, INC Var. DB11.DBX2.0 - 2.5

Direction keys and rapid traverse override

The signals are transmitted only in the first call for each MCP called if WCS is active for the
geometry axis selected at the time. The interface signals are zeroed for the geometry axes that
are not selected.

Source: Target:
MCP keys Interface DB (parameter ChanNo)
Direction key + DB21, ....DBX12.7
Direction key - DB21, ....DBX12.6
Rapid traverse override DB21, ....DBX12.5
Direction key + DB21, ....DBX16.7
Direction key - DB21, ....DBX16.6
Rapid traverse override DB21, ....DBX16.5
Direction key + DB21, ....DBX20.7
Direction key - DB21, ....DBX20.6
Rapid traverse override DB21, ....DBX20.5

280 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.23 FC19: MCP_IFM - transfer of MCP signals to interface

The signals are transmitted only in the first call for each MCP called if MCS is active for the
machine axis selected at the time. The interface signals are zeroed for the deselected machine

Source: Target:
MCP keys Interface DB (all axis DBs)
Direction key + DB31, ....DBX4.7
Direction key - DB31, ....DBX4.6
Rapid traverse override DB31, ....DBX4.5

The signals are transmitted in each call for each called MCP to the channel DB in accordance
with the ChanNo parameter.

Source: Target:
MCP switches Interface DB (parameter ChanNo)
Feedrate override DB21, ....DBB4

Source: Target:
MCP switches Interface DB (all axis DBs)
Feedrate override DB31, ....DBB0
The signals are transmitted only in the first call for
each MCP called if MCS is active for the machine
axis selected at the time. For MCP1, the signals
are also transmitted to all other machine axes.
Spindle override DB31, ....DBB19 (parameter SpindleIFNo)
The signals are transmitted in each call for each
called MCP in accordance with the SpindleIFNo

Channel signals
The signals are transmitted in each call for each called MCP to the channel DB in accordance
with the ChanNo parameter.
Pressing the single block key activates single block mode and pressing the key again
deactivates single block mode. If the mode is called several times for one MCP, the block
transfers single block mode state from the channel of the first call to the channels of the
subsequent calls.

Source: Target:
MCP keys Interface DB (parameter ChanNo)
NC start DB21, ....DBX7.1
NC stop DB21, ....DBX7.3
RESET DB21, ....DBX7.7
Single block DB21, ....DBX0.4

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Block descriptions
16.23 FC19: MCP_IFM - transfer of MCP signals to interface

Feedrate, spindle signals

The signals are only transmitted in the first call for each MCP called.

Source: Target:
MCP keys FC output parameters
Feed stop Parameter: "FeedHold" linked with memory, LEDs
Feed enable are controlled
Spindle stop Parameter: "SpindleHold" linked with memory,
Spindle enable LEDs are controlled

Cartesian manual traversing

In TCS mode, the signals are always transmitted for each call to geometry axis 3 in accordance
with the ChanNo parameter.

Source: Target:
MCP keys Interface DB (parameter ChanNo)
R11 direction key DB21, ....DBB392
Direction key + DB21, ....DBX20.7
Direction key - DB21, ....DBX20.6

Checkback signals from user interface for controlling displays

Operating modes and machine functions

The signals are transmitted on each call for each called MCP from the interface DB in
accordance with the BagNo (mode group number) parameter. Depending on the MCP, the last
call wins to display its BagNo (mode group number) parameter on the LEDs.

Target: Source:
MCP LEDs Interface DB (parameter BAGNo)
Display for BAG 1

The signals are transmitted accordingly on the first call for each called MCP from the range of
the BagNo (mode group number) parameter.

Target: Source:
MCP LEDs Interface DB (parameter BAGNo)
Display for BAG 1
INC 1 ... 10 000, INC Var. DB11.DBX8.0 - 8.5

282 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.23 FC19: MCP_IFM - transfer of MCP signals to interface

Channel signals
The signals are transmitted on each call for each called MCP from the interface DB in
accordance with the ChanNo parameter. Depending on the MCP, the last call wins to display
its ChanNo parameter on the LEDs.

Target: Source:
MCP LEDs Interface DB (parameter ChanNo)
NC start DB21, ....DBX35.0
NC stop DB21, ....DBX35.2 or DB21, ... .DBX35.3
Single block DB21, ....DBX0.4

Direction key LEDs are controlled by operating the direction keys.
The axis selection LED is set after successful selection.
The WCS/MCS LED indicates the current mode: LED on --> WCS active, LED off --> MCS
The LEDs of rapid traverse and reset are not activated.

Call example
CALL FC19( //Machine control panel M variants signals to interface
BAGNo := B#16#1, // Mode group no. 1
ChanNo := B#16#1, // Channel no. 1
SpindleIFNo := B#16#4, // Spindle interface number = 4
FeedHold := m22.0, // Feed stop signal modal
SpindleHold := db2.dbx151.0); //Spindle stop modal in
//message DB

With these parameter settings, the signals are sent to the first mode group, the first channel and
all axes. In addition, the spindle override is transferred in the 4th axis/spindle interface. The
feed hold signal is passed to bit memory 22.0 and the spindle stop signal to data block DB2,
data bit 151.0.

Reconnecting the axis selections

To ensure a flexible assignment of the axis selection keys to the appropriate axis or spindle,
FC19 needs not be modified or reprogrammed. The axis number simply has to be entered in
axis table starting from DB10.DBB8 as required.

The spindle is defined as the 4th machine axis and is to be selected via axis key 9 (key R9 of
the R key group).

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Block descriptions
16.24 FC21: Transfer - data exchange NC/PLC

The value 4 must be entered in DB10 byte16 (symbolic name MCP1AxisTbl[9]) for the 4th axis.

CALL FC19( // Signals to interface

BAGNo := B#16#1, // Mode group no. 1
ChanNo := B#16#1, // Channel no. 1
SpindleIFNo := B#16#4, // Spindle interface number = 4
FeedHold := m30.0, // Feed stop signal modal
SpindleHold := m30.1); // Spindle stop modal

16.24 FC21: Transfer - data exchange NC/PLC

16.24.1 Function
Block FC21 is used to exchange data between the PLC and NC. The data are immediately
transferred when FC21 is called – not waiting until the next basic PLC program cycle starts.
The data transfer is activated by calling the block FC21 with parameter "Enable" =1

The block provides the following functions:
● Synchronized action signals: PLC → NC channel
● Synchronized action signals: NC channel → PLC
● Fast data exchange PLC-NC (read function in NC)
● Fast data exchange PLC-NC (write function in NC)
● Update signals to the NC channel
● Update signals to axes (data byte 2 of the user interface)
● Update signals to axes (data byte 4 of the user interface)

16.24.2 Declaration of the function

Declaration of the function

Enable : BOOL;
Funct : BYTE ;
S7Var : ANY ;
IVar1 : INT ;
IVar2 : INT ;

284 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.24 FC21: Transfer - data exchange NC/PLC

Error : BOOL;
ErrCode : INT ;

16.24.3 Explanation of formal parameters

Explanation of formal parameters

Signal Typ Type Value range Description

Enable: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1: Transferring data
Funct: I BYTE 1, 2, 3, ... 7 1: Synchronized actions at chan‐
2: Synchronized actions from
3: Read data
4: Write data
5: Control signals to channel
6: Control signals to axis
7: Control signals to axis
S7Var : I ANY S7 data storage area Depends on "Funct"
IVAR1: I INT --- Depends on "Funct"
IVAR2: I INT --- Depends on "Funct"
Error: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1: An error is active
ErrCode: O INT --- Depends on "Funct"

16.24.4 Function 1, 2: Signals synchronized actions to / from Channel

Synchronized actions can be disabled or enabled by the PLC.
The data area is stored on the user interface in DB21, ... .DBB300 ...307 (to channel) and
DB21, ... .DBB308 ...315 (from channel). The parameter "S7Var" is not evaluated for this
function, but must be assigned an actual parameter (see call example). The data are
transferred to/from the NC as soon as FC21 is processed.

Signal Type Type Value range Description

Enable: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1: Transferring data
Funct: I BYTE 1, 2 1: to channel
2: from channel
S7Var : I ANY S7 data storage area Not used
IVAR1: I INT 1, 2, ... max. channel number Channel number

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 285
Block descriptions
16.24 FC21: Transfer - data exchange NC/PLC

Signal Type Type Value range Description

Error: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1: An error is active
ErrCode: O INT 1, 10 1: "Funct" invalid
10: Channel number invalid

Call example:


myAny: ANY ;


//Deactivate synchronized actions with ID3, ID10 and ID31 in NC channel 1 :

S DBX300 //ID3
S DBX301 //ID10
S DBX303 //ID31
L B#16#1
T MB11;

//Synchronized actions from NCK channel 1:

SYVK: L B#16#2;
T MB11;
Enable := M 10.0, //if TRUE, FC 21 active
Funct := MB 11,
S7Var := #myAny, //Not used
IVAR1 := 1, //Channel no.
IVAR2 := 0,
Error := M 10.1,
ErrCode := MW 12);


286 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.24 FC21: Transfer - data exchange NC/PLC

16.24.5 Function 3, 4: Fast data exchange PLC-NC

A separate, internal data area is provided as interface to allow the fast exchange of data
between the NC and the PLC. The interface encompasses 4096 bytes. PLC access operations
(reading/writing) are realized via FC21. The internal structure of the interface is solely defined
by the user, and must have precisely the same definition on the NC and PLC sides.
This data can be accessed by the NC program with the commands $A_DBB[x], $A_DBW[x],
$A_DBD[x], $A_DBR[x] (further information: List Manual, System Variables).
The concrete address in the data array is specified by a byte offset (0 to 4095) in parameter
"IVAR1". In this case, the alignment must be selected according to the data format, i.e. a
DWORD starts at a 4byte limit and a WORD at a 2byte limit. Bytes can be located at any offset
within the data field. Individual bits cannot be accessed. FC21 converts them over to a byte
access. Data type information and quantity of data are taken from the ANY parameter,
transferred via S7Var.
Without additional programming-related measures, data consistency is only ensured for 1 and
2 byte access operations - both from the NCU and from the PLC. For 2-byte consistency this
is true only for the data type WORD or INT, but not for the data type BYTE.
In the case of longer data types or transfer of arrays which should be transferred consistently,
the semaphore byte must be used in parameter "IVAR2", which can be used by FC21 to
determine the validity or consistency of a block. This handling must be supported by the NC, i.e.
in the NC program, by writing or deleting the semaphore byte. The semaphore byte is stored in
the same data field as the user data.
The semaphore byte is identified by a value between 0 and 4095 in "IVAR2".
The PLC reads and writes to the semaphore byte via FC21 in the same call, in which the user
data should be transferred. The PLC programmer only has to define the semaphore variable in
the interface. For access from the NC via the NC program, the semaphore mechanism must be
programmed using individual instructions according to the flow chart shown below. The
sequence is different for reading and writing variables.
Only individual variables or arrays (fields) can be supported directly using the semaphore
technique. Transferring structures must be split up into individual jobs. Here, the user must
ensure data consistency of this structure by programming the appropriate semaphore
If "IVAR2" = -1 is set, data are transferred without a semaphore.

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Block descriptions
16.24 FC21: Transfer - data exchange NC/PLC

Data exchange with semaphore in PLC (schematic of FC21)



1R 1R





Basic structure in the NC:

LQWKH1&. 1&.

1R 1R




288 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.24 FC21: Transfer - data exchange NC/PLC

Variable value ranges

Signal Typ Type Value range Meaning

Enable: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1: Transferring data
Funct: I BYTE 3, 4 3: Read data
4: Write data
S7Var : I ANY S7 data area, except lo‐ Source/destination data storage area
cal data
IVAR1: I INT 0 ... 4095 Position offset
IVAR2: I INT -1 ... 4095 Semaphore byte
Transfer without semaphore: -1
Error: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1: An error is active
ErrCode: O INT 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 20: Alignment error
21: illegal position offset
22: Illegal semaphore byte
23: No new data to be read
24: Cannot write data
25: Local data parameterized for

Example 1: Reading a DWORD from position offset 4 using a semaphore in byte 0 - and saving in
memory double word 100
● Data type Dword (4 bytes)
● Position offset 4




Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 289
Block descriptions
16.24 FC21: Transfer - data exchange NC/PLC

PLC programming

Enable := M 10.0, // if TRUE, FC 21 is active
Funct := B#16#3, //Read data
S7Var := P#M 100.0 DWORD 1,
IVAR1 := 4,
IVAR2 := 0,
Error := M 10.1,
ErrCode := MW12);
UN M10.1; //Enable while 1, until value is read
R M10.0;

Programming the NC with synchronized actions

● Writing the data to the PLC - byte 0 serves as semaphore:
ID=1 WHENEVER $A_DBB[0] == 0 DO $A_DBR[4] = $AA_IM[X] $A_DBB[0] = 1
● Reading the data from the PLC - byte 1 serves as semaphore:
ID=2 WHENEVER $A_DBB[1] == 1 DO $R1 = $A_DBR[12] $A_DBB[1] = 0

Example 2: Reading a WORD from position offset 8 without semaphore, and saving in memory word 104
Enable :=M 10.0, // if TRUE, FC 21 is active
Funct :=B#16#3, //Read data
S7Var :=P#M 104.0 WORD 1,
IVAR1 :=8,
IVAR2 :=-1,
Error :=M 10.1,
ErrCode :=MW12);

16.24.6 Function 5: Update control signals to channel

The purpose of this function is to transmit important control signals at high speed in between
cyclic data transfers. Data bytes 6 and 7 of user interfaces DB21, ... are transferred to the NC.
The channel is specified in parameter "IVAR1". This enable, for example, the feed disable,
read-in disable to be transferred outside of the PLC cycle.

Signal Typ Type Value range Description

Enable: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1: Transferring data
Funct: I BYTE 5 5: Control signals to channel
S7Var : I ANY S7 data storage area Not used
IVAR1: I INT 1. Maxchannel Channel number
Error: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1: An error is active

290 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.24 FC21: Transfer - data exchange NC/PLC

Signal Typ Type Value range Description

ErrCode: O INT 1, 10 1: "Funct" invalid
10: Channel no. invalid

16.24.7 Function 6: Update control signals to axes

The purpose of function 6 is to transmit important control signals at high speed in between cyclic
data transfers. The data byte 2 of application interface DB31, ... is transferred to the NC. The
transfer is performed for all activated axes. This allows the controller enable to be transferred
outside the PLC cycle, for example.

Signal Typ Type Value range Description

Enable: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1: Transferring data
Funct: I BYTE 6 6: Control signals to axes
S7Var : I ANY S7 data storage area Not used
Error: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1: An error is active
ErrCode: O INT 1 1: "Funct" invalid

16.24.8 Function 7: Update control signals to axes

The purpose of function 7 is to transmit important control signals at high speed in between cyclic
data transfers. The data byte 4 of application interface DB31, ... is transferred to the NC. The
transfer is performed for all activated axes. This enables, for example, the feed stop to be
transferred outside the PLC cycle.

Signal Typ Type Value range Description

Enable: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE)
Funct: I BYTE 7 7: Control signals to axes
S7Var : I ANY S7 data storage area Not used
Error: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1: An error is active
ErrCode: O INT 1 1: "Funct" invalid

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 291
Block descriptions
16.25 FC22: TM_DIR - direction selection for tool management

16.25 FC22: TM_DIR - direction selection for tool management

Block FC22 "TM_DIR" may only be used in conjunction with the tool management.

Referred to the location numbers, e.g. a tool magazine or revolver (indexing axis) block FC22
"TM_DIR" supplies the shortest path and direction of motion for positioning, based on the target
and current position.

● Input FC22: "Start" = 1 ⇒ the outputs are cyclically updated.
● Input FC22: "Start" = 0 ⇒ the outputs are undefined.

Special positioning
For direction selection with special positioning (input FC22: "Offset" > 0) a new target position
is calculated from the target position, the offset for special positioning as well as the number of
magazines locations:
New_target position = ( target position - ( special position -1 ) ) neg. MODULO
number_of_magazine locations
The new target position corresponds to the location number at which the magazine must be
positioned so that the target position requested by the user corresponds to the location number
of the special position.
The directional optimization is active both with and without special positioning.

The block must be called once with the appropriate parameter settings for each magazine.

Further information
● Further PI services for tool management:
– FB4: PI_SERV - request PI service (Page 179)
– FC7: TM_REV - transfer block for tool change with revolver (Page 241)
– FC8: TM_TRANS - transfer block for tool management (Page 245)
● Function Manual, Tool Management

Declaration of the function


292 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.25 FC22: TM_DIR - direction selection for tool management

MagNo: INT;
ReqPos: INT;
ActPos: INT;
Offset: BYTE ;
Start : BOOL;

Ccw: BOOL;
InPos : BOOL;
Diff: INT;
Error : BOOL;

Description of formal parameters

Signal Typ Type Value range Meaning

MagNo: I INT 1, 2, 3, ... Magazine number
ReqPos: I INT 1, 2, 3, ... Target position (magazine location
ActPos: I INT 1, 2, 3, ... Actual position (magazine location
Offset: I BYTE 0, 1, 2, ... Offset for special positioning
Start: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1 = start of calculation
Cw: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1 = Move magazine clockwise
Ccw: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1 = Move magazine
InPos: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1 = In position
Diff: O INT 0, 1, 2, ... Absolute value of the differential
(shortest path)
Error: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 1 = error

Call example
CALL FC22( // Tool management direction selection
// Inputs
MagNo := 2, // Magazine number
ReqPos := mw 20, //Target position
ActPos := mw 22, // Current position
Offset := b#16#0, // Offset for special positioning

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 293
Block descriptions
16.26 FC24: MCP_IFM2 - transferring MCP signals to the interface

Start := m 30.4, // Start trigger

// Outputs
Cw := m 30.0, // Move magazine clockwise
Ccw := m 30.1, // Move magazine counterclockwise
InPos := m 30.2, // Magazine in position
Diff := mw 32, // Differential path
Error := m30.3 // Error has occurred

16.26 FC24: MCP_IFM2 - transferring MCP signals to the interface

Block FC24 "MCP_IFM2" (M variant, e.g. MCP 310) is used for transferring data from the
machine control panel to the NC/PLC interface:
● Modes
● Axis selections
● WCS/MCS switchover
● Traversing keys
● Overrides or override simulation signals
● Key-operated switch position
The following specifications apply to the feedrate override, axis travel keys and INC keys
depending on the active mode or on the coordinate system selected:
● Feedrate override:
– The feedrate override is transferred to the interface of the selected channel and to the
interface of the axes.
– The feedrate override signals are transferred to the NC channel in addition to the "Rapid
traverse override" (DBB 5) interface byte if the "Feedrate override for rapid traverse
effective" HMI signal is set (exception: Switch setting "Zero"). "Rapid traverse override
effective" is also set with this HMI signal.
● Machine functions for INC and axis travel keys:
– When the MCS is selected, the signals are transferred to the interface of the selected
machine axis.
– When the WCS is selected, the signals are transferred to the geometry axis interface of
the parameterized channel.
– When the system is switched between MCS and WCS, the active axes are generally
The associated LEDs on the machine control panel are derived from the acknowledgments
from the relevant selections.

294 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.26 FC24: MCP_IFM2 - transferring MCP signals to the interface

Feedrate and spindle Start/Stop are not transferred to the interface, but output modally as a
"FeedHold" or "SpindleHold" signal. The user can link these signals to other signals leading to
a feed or spindle stop (this can be implemented, e.g. using the appropriate input signals in
FC10: AL_MSG). The associated LEDs are activated at the same time.
The spindle direction (+, -) is not switched directly either, but made available as output
parameter "SpindleDir". permitting, for example, FC18 to be parameterized. A spindle enable
signal is also switched via parameter "SpindleHold". One possible method of moving a spindle
directly is to preselect it as an axis so that it can be traversed via (axis) direction keys.
If the machine control panel fails, the signals it outputs are preset to zero; this also applies to
"FeedHold" and "SpindleHold" output signals.
FC24 or also FC19, FC25, FC26 can be called a multiple number of times in a single PLC cycle.
In this case, the first call in the cycle drives the LED displays. Furthermore, all actions of the
parameterized block are carried out in the first call. In the following calls, only a reduced level
of processing of the channel and mode group interface takes place. The geometry axes are
supplied with directional data only in the first block call in the cycle.
Single block processing can be selected/deselected only in the first call in the cycle.
The second machine control panel can be processed if parameter "ModeGroupNo" has been
increased by B#16#10. When parameterizing, the HHU number is contained in the lower nibble
(lower 4 bits).
"BAGNo" = 0 or B#16#10 ⇒ mode group signals are not processed.
"ChanNo" = 0 ⇒ no processing of the channel signals.
The INC selections are transferred to the mode group interface. The activation for this
specification is done via the DB10.DBX57.0 (INC inputs in BAG area active) through this block
once after power up.
Furthermore, two machine control panels can be handled in parallel by this block. The block call
for the 2nd machine control panel in OB1 cycle must be set after the call of the 1st MCP.
Support for two MCPs is provided in the control panel blocks up to certain limits (support is not
provided as standard for mutual interlocking of axis selections with identical assignments on
two MCPs).

Key-operated switch position

As of software version 4.5 SP2, the key-operated switch signals in the FC24 are also
transferred to the user interface (DBX56.5 to 7). This transfer is made independent of whether
a keyswitch is mounted on the MCP.

For further information see "FC19: MCP_IFM - transfer of MCP signals to interface (Page 274)".

Flexible axis configuration

It is possible to be flexible in the assignment of axis selections or direction keys for machine axis
Better support is now provided by the MCP blocks for the use of two MCPs, which are to run in
parallel, in particular for an application using two channels and two mode groups. Note that the

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 295
Block descriptions
16.26 FC24: MCP_IFM2 - transferring MCP signals to the interface

axis-numbers are also specified in the parameterized mode group number of the MCP block in
the axis tables of the relevant MCP.
To provide this flexibility, tables for axis numbers are stored in DB10.
For the 1st machine control panel (MCP) the table starts at byte 8 (symbolic name:
MCP1AxisTbl[1..22]) and for the second machine control panel (MCP) starting at byte 32
(symbolic name: MCP2AxisTbl[1..22]). The machine axis numbers must be entered byte by
byte here. It is permissible to enter a value of 0 in the axis table. Checks are not made to find
illegal axis numbers, meaning that false entries can lead to a PLC Stop.
For FC24, the maximum possible number of axis selections can also be restricted.
This upper limit is set for the first machine control panel in DB10.DBW30 (symbolic name:
MCP1MaxAxis) or for the second machine control panel in DB10.DBW54 (symbolic name:
MCP2MaxAxis) for the respective MCP.
The default setting is 0, corresponding to the maximum number of configured axes. The axis
numbers and the limit can also be adapted dynamically. Afterwards, a new axis must be
selected for FC24. Axis numbers may not be switched over while the axes are traversing the
relevant direction keys. The compatibility mode is preset with axis numbers 1 to 6 for both
MCPs and restricted to the configured number of axes.

Axis selection from the HMI

In addition to the 6 axis selection keys of the MCP, the active axis can also be selected in the
If an axis is being selected from the HMI, then no axes can be traversed using the direction
keys. Axis selection from the HMI is then only adopted for the MCP if the selected channel in
the HMI correlates with that at FC25. With axis selection from the HMI, an initial attempt is made
as with axis selection using the axis selection keys of the MCP, to find an assignment between
the selected axis number and the actual machine axis in the axis table of the NC-DB, refer to
section "Flexible axis configuration".
This means that when an axis is selected from the HMI, the same machine axis is selected as
if the corresponding axis selection key of the MCP had been selected. If an assignment is not
possible, then the axis number selected from the HMI is directly used as machine axis. As a
consequence it is possible to select axes that cannot be selected via the MCP.

Single block mode

Pressing the single block key activates the single block mode, and if the key is pressed again,
the single block mode is deactivated. If the mode is called several times for one MCP, the block
transfers single block mode state from the channel of the first call to the channels of the
subsequent calls.

Declaration of the function



296 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.26 FC24: MCP_IFM2 - transferring MCP signals to the interface

ChanNo: BYTE ;
SpindleIFNo: BYTE ;

FeedHold : BOOL;
SpindleHold : BOOL;
SpindleDir: BOOL;


Description of formal parameters

Signal Typ Type Value range Meaning

BAGNo : I BYTE B#16#00 - B#16#0A 1st MCP: Number of mode group to which the
mode signals are transferred
B#16#10 - B#16#1A 2nd MCP: Number of mode group to which the
mode signals are transferred
ChanNo: I BYTE B#16#00 - B#16#0A Number of the channel to which the channel
signals are transferred
SpindleIFNo: I BYTE 0 - 31 Number of the axis/spindle to which the spin‐
(B#16#1F) dle data is transferred (number of the associ‐
ated machine axis)
FeedHold : O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Feed stop from MCP, modal
SpindleHold : O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Spindle stop from MCP, modal
SpindleDir: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Direction of spindle rotation
0: Direction of rotation + (left)
1: Direction of rotation - (right)

Call example
CALL FC24( // Slimline machine control panel M
// Signals to interface
BAGNo := B#16#1, // Mode group no. 1
ChanNo := B#16#1, // Channel no. 1
SpindleIFNo : B#16#4, // Spindle Interface Number = 4
FeedHold := m22.0, // Feed stop signal modal
SpindleHold : db2.dbx151.0, // Spindle stop modal in message data block
SpindleDir:= m22.1); // Spindle direction return

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 297
Block descriptions
16.27 FC25: MCP_IFT - transfer of MCP/OP signals to interface

With these parameter settings, the signals are sent to the first mode group, the first channel and
all axes. In addition, the spindle override is transferred in the 4th axis/spindle interface. The
feed hold signal is passed to bit memory 22.0 and the spindle stop signal to data block DB2,
data bit 151.0. The spindle direction feedback signal supplied via parameter "SpindleDir" can
be used as a direction input for an additional FC18 call.

16.27 FC25: MCP_IFT - transfer of MCP/OP signals to interface

Block FC25 "MCP_IFT" (T variant, e.g. MCP 483) is used for transferring data from the machine
control panel to the NC/PLC interface:
● Modes
● Direction keys of four axes
● WCS/MCS switchover
● Overrides
● Keyswitch
The following specifications apply to the feedrate override, axis travel keys and INC keys
depending on the active mode or on the coordinate system selected:
● Feedrate override:
– The feedrate override is transferred to the interface of the selected channel and to the
interface of the axes.
– The feedrate override signals are transferred to the NC channel in addition to the "Rapid
traverse override" (DBB 5) interface byte if the "Feedrate override for rapid traverse
effective" HMI signal is set (exception: Switch setting "Zero"). "Rapid traverse override
effective" is also set with this HMI signal.
● Machine functions for INC and axis travel keys:
– When the MCS is selected, the signals are transferred to the interface of the selected
machine axis.
– When the WCS is selected, the signals are transferred to the geometry axis interface of
the parameterized channel.
The associated LEDs on the machine control panel derived from the acknowledgments of the
relevant selections.
Feedrate and spindle Start/Stop are not transferred to the interface, but output modally as a
"FeedHold" or "SpindleHold" signal. The user can link these signals to other signals leading to
a feed or spindle stop (this can be implemented, e.g. using the appropriate input signals in
FC10: AL_MSG). The associated LEDs are activated at the same time.
If the machine control panel fails, the signals it outputs are preset to zero; this also applies to
"FeedHold" and "SpindleHold" output signals.
FC25 or also FC19, FC24, FC26 can be called a multiple number of times in a single PLC cycle.
In this case, the first call in the cycle drives the LED displays. Furthermore, all actions of the
parameterized block are carried out in the first call. In the following calls, only a reduced level

298 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.27 FC25: MCP_IFT - transfer of MCP/OP signals to interface

of processing of the channel and mode group interface takes place. The geometry axes are
supplied with directional data only in the first block call in the cycle.
Single block processing can be selected/deselected only in the first cycle.
The second machine control panel can be processed if parameter "ModeGroupNo" has been
increased by B#16#10. When parameterizing, the HHU number is contained in the lower nibble
(lower 4 bits).
"BAGNo" = 0 or B#16#10 ⇒ mode group signals are not processed.
"ChanNo" = 0 ⇒ no processing of the channel signals.

Flexible axis configuration

It is possible to be flexible in the assignment of axis selections or direction keys for machine axis
Support is now provided by the MCP blocks for the use of two MCPs, which are operated
simultaneously, in particular for an application using two channels and two mode groups. The
block call for the second machine control panel in OB1 cycle must be set after the call of the
1st MCP. Note that the axis numbers are also specified in the parameterized mode group
number of the MCP block in the axis tables of the relevant MCP.
To provide this flexibility, tables for axis numbers are stored in DB10.
For the 1st machine control panel (MCP), the table starts at byte 8 (symbolic name:
MCP1AxisTbl[1..22]) and for the 2nd machine control panel (MCP), from byte 32 (symbolic
name: MCP2AxisTbl[1..22]). The machine axis numbers are entered here byte-by-byte. It is
permissible to enter a value of 0 in the axis table. Checks are not made to find illegal axis
numbers, meaning that false entries can lead to a PLC Stop.
The restriction of the possible number of axes at FC25 is realized using the 0-values in the axis
table. The axis numbers can also be adapted dynamically. During the manual traversing of
axes using the direction keys, the axis numbers must not be switched over. The compatibility
mode is preset with axis numbers 1 to 4 for both MCPs and restricted to the configured number
of axes.

For further information see F
" C19: MCP_IFM - transfer of MCP signals to interface (Page 274) ".

Declaration of the function


ChanNo: BYTE ;
SpindleIFNo: BYTE ;

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 299
Block descriptions
16.27 FC25: MCP_IFT - transfer of MCP/OP signals to interface

FeedHold : BOOL;
SpindleHold : BOOL;


Description of formal parameters

Signal Typ Type Value range Meaning

BAGNo : I BYTE B#16#00 - B#16#0A 1st MCP: Number of mode group to which the
mode signals are transferred
B#16#10 - B#16#1A 2nd MCP: Number of mode group to which
the mode signals are transferred
ChanNo: I BYTE B#16#00 - B#16#0A Number of the channel to which the channel
signals are sent
SpindleIFNo: I BYTE B#16#00 - B#16#1F Number of the axis/spindle to which the spin‐
dle data is transferred (number of the associ‐
ated machine axis)
FeedHold : O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Feed stop from MCP, modal
SpindleHold : O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Spindle stop from MCP, modal

Call example
With this parameter assignment example, the signals are sent to the 1st mode group, the
1st channel and all axes. The spindle override is transferred to the 4th axis/spindle. Feed stop
is sent to bit memory 22.0 and spindle stop is sent to the data block DB2, DBX151.0.

CALL FC25( //Machine control panel T variants

// Signals to interface
BAGNo := B#16#1, // Mode group no. 1
ChanNo := B#16#1, // Channel no. 1
SpindleIFNo := B#16#4, // Spindle Interface Number = 4
FeedHold := m22.0, // Feed stop signal modal
SpindleHold := db2.dbx151.0) // Spindle stop modal in message data block

300 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.28 FC26: HPU_MCP - Transfer of the HT 8/HT 10 signals to the interface

16.28 FC26: HPU_MCP - Transfer of the HT 8/HT 10 signals to the interface

General description of functions

Function FC26 "HPU_MCP (machine control panel signals of the handheld terminal HT 8)"
transfers the HT-specific signals of the following functions between the HT input/output data
areas parameterized in function block FB1 (Parameter: MCPxIn and MCPxOut) and the NC/
● Operating modes and machine function INC
● Program control
● Coordinate system WCS or MCS
● Axis traversing signals
● Feedrate override
Mode switchover through HT and/or HMI
The function FC2 "GP_HP Basic program, cyclic part" transfers the signals of the mode
switchover in such a way that alternative selection from the MCP of the HT and of the HMI
is possible. The transfer of the HMI signals to the NC/PLC interface can also be deactivated
in the function block FB1 with the parameter "MMCToIF" = FALSE .
Active axes
Using HT 8 a maximum of 6 axes can be addressed at the same time. The selection of the
axes is to be realized by the user/machine manufacturer in the PLC user program.
Bit 6.7 in the input image is used to differentiate between the HT 8 and HT 10. This bit is set
for an HT 10 (see Manual).

Bit 6.7 in the input image is used to differentiate between the HT 8 and HT 10. This bit is set for
an HT 10.

Please note the following constraints:
● A check of the permissible machine axis numbers is not done. Invalid machine axis numbers
can lead to a PLC stop.
● The machine axis numbers can be changed dynamically. The table may not be written, if
currently a machine axis is being moved via a traversing key.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 301
Block descriptions
16.28 FC26: HPU_MCP - Transfer of the HT 8/HT 10 signals to the interface

Flexible axis configuration for the HT 8

The assignment of axis traversing keys to machine axes can be configured flexibly. Each pair
of axis traversing keys can be assigned any machine axis. If more than six machine axes are
to be used, the assignment can be changed dynamically. The assignment must not be changed
while axes are traversing. The assignment is made via the data block DB10. The number of the
machine axis that is to be selected by the ith axis traversing key pair of the first HT 8 is entered
in the assignment table starting from DBB8. The assignment for the key pairs of the second
HT 8 is entered in DB10 from DBB32. If an entry of the assignment tables is set to 0, this means
that no axis can be moved using the associated key pair. The number of usable axis traversing
key pairs can be limited by the value DB10.DBW30 or DB10.DBW54. If the value 0 (default
setting) is used, all axis traversing key pairs to which a machine axis has been assigned can be
used. Machine axes 1 to 6 are preselected for axis traversing key pairs 1 to 6 (see Flexible axis
configuration (Page 103)).

Flexible axis configuration for the HT 10

Contrary to the HT 8, the HT 10 only has one plus and one minus key for traversing. There is
also a key for rapid traversing. The active axis, to which these traversing signals refer, must be
selected at the HMI (Smart Operate).
If an axis is being selected from the HMI, then no axis can be traversed using the direction keys.
Axis selection from the HMI is then only adopted for the MCP if the selected channel in the HMI
correlates with that at FC26.
If FC26 is called for an HT 10 with ChanNo := 0, no axes can be traversed as the current axis
cannot be determined from the channel DB. (see Selection of JOG axis via HMI (Page 104))

Declaration of the function


ChanNo: BYTE ;


302 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.28 FC26: HPU_MCP - Transfer of the HT 8/HT 10 signals to the interface

Description of formal parameters

Signal Ca Type Value range Meaning

BAGNo : I BYTE B#16#00 - B#16#0A 1st MCP: Number of mode group to which the
mode signals are transferred
B#16#10 - B#16#1A 2nd MCP: Number of mode group to which the
mode signals are transferred
ChanNo: I BYTE B#16#00 - B#16#0A Number of the channel to which the channel sig‐
nals are transferred
0: No transfer of channel signals
(and thus no axis can be traversed in JOG mode
for HT 10)

Call examples
Calling FC26 for the first MCP, the first mode group and the first channel of the NC.

CALL FC26( //Machine control panel of HT

BAGNo := B#16#01, //1.MCP, 1.BAG
ChanNo := B#16#01); //Channel 1

Calling FC26 for the second MCP, the second mode group and the third channel of the NC.

CALL FC26( //Machine control panel of HT

BAGNo := B#16#12, //2.MCP, 2.BAG
ChanNo := B#16#03 ); //Channel 3

Transfer of the traversing key signals depending upon the active coordinate system
The traversing key signals for 6 axes lie in the HT 8 input data area below:
● IB n + 2, Bit 0 - Bit 5 (positive traversing direction)
● IB n + 3, Bit 0 - Bit 5 (negative traversing direction)
The switchover of the coordinate system is done via the input signal:
● IB n + 0, Bit 0 (MCS/WCS)
The input signal is evaluated in FC26 with the help of the edge trigger flag. The active
coordinate system is shown in the following output signal:
● QB n + 0, Bit 0 (MCS/WCKS) with 0 = MCS, 1 = WCS
In case of active MCS the traversing key signals of the axes 1 - 6 are transferred in the axis-
specific interfaces (DB31, ... .DBX4.6 and DBX4.7 (traversing key +/-)) of the axes specified in
the machine axis tables (DB10.DBB8 to DBB13 or DBB32 to DBB37).

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 303
Block descriptions
16.28 FC26: HPU_MCP - Transfer of the HT 8/HT 10 signals to the interface

For HT 8 with active WCS, it is assumed that the axes 1 - 3 of the machine axis table are
geometry axes. For the traverse key signals with HT 8, the following applies:
● The traverse key signals of axes 1 - 3 (EB n + 2 / 3, bit 0 - bit 2) are transferred into the
interface of the geometry axes in DB21, ... .DBB12 + (n * 4), with n = 0, 1, 2), bit 6 and bit
7 (traverse keys +/-) of the channel specified with parameter "ChanNo".
The assignment of the traversing key signals of axes 1, 2 and 3 to the geometric axes 1, 2
and 3 of the channel is permanent and may not be changed.
● The traverse key signals of axes 4 - 6 (EB n + 2 / 3, bit 3 - bit 5) are transferred into the axis-
specific interfaces (DB31, ... .DBX4.6 and DBX4.7 (traverse keys +/-)) of axes 4 - 6 entered
in the machine axis table (DB10.DBB11 to DBB13 or DBB35 to DBB37).
For HT 10, only one geometry axis which was selected from the HMI can be traversed
The axis traverse signals (+/- and rapid traverse) for HT 10 relate to a machine axis or a
geometry axis, depending on which axis was selected in the HMI and whether WCS or MCS is
active. See also "Flexible axis configuration for the HT 10".

No traversing of machine axes in WCS

In case of active WCS (AB n + 0, Bit 0 = 1) the traversing of the machine axes can be locked.
For this, the following output signals are to be set in the PLC user program:
● QB n + 3, Bit 7 = 1 (For WCS: no machine axes)
Requirement to the FC26, not to transfer any traversing key signals for the machine axes.
The traversing key signals for the axes 1 - 3 of the machine axis table are transferred to the
geometric axes 1 - 3 of the specified channel. The traversing key signals for the axes 4 - 6
of the machine axis table are not transferred.
● QB n + 2, Bit 6 (axes 7 - n selected)
Requirement to the FC26 not to transfer any traversing key signals, since the axes 1 - 6 of
the machine axis table are switched over. The axes 1 - 3 are thus not geometric axes but
machine axes.

Feedrate override
The value of the HT 8 override switch is transferred as feedrate override in the channel-specific
interface DB21, ... .DBB4 (feedrate override) of the programmed channel (parameter:
"ChanNo") and in the axis-specific interfaces DB31, ... .DBB0 (feedrate override) of the axes
programmed in the table DB10.DBB8 to DBB13 (machine axis number).

Rapid traverse override

If for the programmed channel (parameter: "ChanNo") the signal DB21, ... .DBX25.3 = 1
(feedrate override for rapid traverse) is set, the value of the HT 8 override switch is sent as a
rapid traverse override to its channel-specific interface in DB21, ... .DBB5 (rapid traverse
override) and the signal DB21, ... .DBX6.6 = 1 (rapid traverse override active) is also set.

304 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.28 FC26: HPU_MCP - Transfer of the HT 8/HT 10 signals to the interface

Machine function INC

The HT signals of the machine function INC are transferred differently depending upon the
active coordinate system MCS or WCS:
● Active coordinate system: MCS
The selected machine function INC is transferred for all 6 axes in the axis-specific interfaces
in DB31, ... .DBX5.0 to DBX5.5 (machine function) of the axes programmed in the table in
DB10.DBB8 to DBB13 (machine axis numbers) .
● Active coordinate system: WCS
For the axes 1 to 3 the signals of the machine function INC are transferred in the channel-
specific. Interface in DB21, ... .DBX13.0 to DBX13.5 (machine function) of the programmed
channel (Parameter: "ChanNo").
For the axes 4 to 6 the signals of the machine function INC are transferred in the channel-
specific. interfaces in DB31, ... .DBX5.0 to DBX5.5 (machine function) of the axes
programmed in the table in DB10.DBB11 to DBB13 (machine axis numbers).
The selection signals of the INC machine functions are transferred in the mode group-specific
interface DB11.DBB 2 + (n * 20), bit 0 to bit 5 (with n = 0, 1, 2, ...). The FC26 informs the NC
about the activation of the mode group interface for the INC machine functions once after
power-up with DB10.DBX57.0 (INC inputs active in the mode group area).

Handwheel selection
The hand-wheel selection signals are evaluated by HMI and transferred to the corresponding
NC/PLC interface signals of the machine or geometric axes:
● Geometry axes: DB21, ... DBB 12 + (n * 4), bit 0 to bit 2 (with n = 0, 1, 2)
● Machine axes: DB31, ... .DBX4.0 to DBX4.2
Requirement: FB1 parameters: "HWheelMMC" = TRUE

Multiple call in one PLC cycle

To transfer signals to multiple mode groups, channels or axes, the block can be called multiple
times with the corresponding parameters, "BAGNo" and "ChanNo".
In the first call of the block for an HT 8 or the HT 10, all signals are transferred to the data blocks
of the NC/PLC interface and the output signals are controlled. Only the signals to mode groups
and channels are now transferred for the following calls in the same PLC cycle.

Processing of two MCP

If the function FC26 is called twice for two MCP in the cyclic sequence of the PLC program
(organization block OB1), the call for the second MCP must be made after the call for the first

If an axis can be traversed from two MCP, then the implementation of a mutual interlocking is
the responsibility of the user (machine manufacturer).

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 305
Block descriptions
16.28 FC26: HPU_MCP - Transfer of the HT 8/HT 10 signals to the interface

Failure of the MCP of the HT

In case of failure of the MCP of the HT, all the input signals are set to the value 0. That means
that a current traversing movement is stopped and automatically continued when the HT is
connected again. It is the responsibility of the user (machine manufacturer) to comply with
safety regulations, e.g. by triggering a PLC stop when a failure of the MCP of the HT is detected.

16.28.1 Overview of the NC/PLC interface signals of HT

Operating modes and machine functions

Source: MCP Target: Programmed mode group (Parameter BAGNo)

Display for BAG 1
INC 1 ... 10 000, INC Var. DB11.DBX2.0 - DBX 2.5

Traversing keys and rapid traverse override on the HT 8

Source: MCP Target: Geometry axes of the prog. channel (parameter: ChanNo)
1st traversing key + DB21, ....DBX12.7
1st traversing key - DB21, ....DBX12.6
2nd traversing key + DB21, ....DBX16.7
2nd traversing key - DB21, ....DBX16.6
3rd traversing key + DB21, ....DBX20.7
3rd traversing key - DB21, ....DBX20.6

Source: MCP Target: Prog. axes according to the table in DB10,

DBB8 - 13 (1st MCP) or DBB32 - 37 (2nd MCP)
Traversing key + DB31, ....DBX4.7
Traversing key - DB31, ....DBX4.6

Traversing keys and rapid traverse override on the HT 10

Source: MCP Target: Depending on the geometry axis selected in the HMI (Smart
WCS is active
Traversing key + DB21, ....DBX12.7, .DBX16.7, .DBX20.7

306 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.28 FC26: HPU_MCP - Transfer of the HT 8/HT 10 signals to the interface

Source: MCP Target: Depending on the geometry axis selected in the HMI (Smart
Traversing key - DB21,
..........................DBX12.6, .DBX16.6,
DB21, ....DBX12.5,
.DBX20.6 .DBX16.5,
Rapid traverse .DBX20.5
override key
MCS is active
Traversing key + DB31, ....DBX4.7
Traversing key - DB31,
..........................DBX4.6 Rapid traverse


Source: MCP Target: Programmed channel (Parameter: ChanNo)

Feedrate override DB21, ....DBB4

Source: MCP Target: Prog. axes according to the table in DB10,

DBB8 - 13 (1st MCP) or DBB32 - 37 (2nd MCP)
Feedrate override DB31, ....DBB0

Channel signals

Source: MCP Target: Programmed channel (Parameter: ChanNo)

NC start DB21, ....DBX7.1
NC stop DB21, ....DBX7.3
RESET DB21, ....DBX7.7
Single block DB21, ....DBX0.4

16.28.2 Overview of the NC/PLC interface signals to HT

Operating modes and machine functions

Target: MCP Source: Interface-DB (parameter BAGNo)

Display for BAG 1
INC Var DB11.DBX8.5

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 307
Block descriptions
16.29 FC1005: AG_SEND - transfers data to Ethernet CP

Unlike other MCP models, the HT 8 does not indicate the feedback messages via output signals
with LEDs.
Output signals from the axis traversing key pairs are not switched.
Output signals from the WCS and single block are switched after the keys have been pressed
(toggle mode).
The output signal from Reset is not switched. (HT 8)
The LEDs of the traversing keys +/- and rapid traverse are directly controlled by pressing the
keys in question.

Program control

Target: MCP Source: Programmed channel (Parameter: ChanNo)

NC start DB21, ....DBX35.0
NC stop DB21, ....DBX35.3
RESET DB21, ....DBX35.7 (only for HT10)
Single block DB21, ....DBX0.4 (same signal as softkey)

16.29 FC1005: AG_SEND - transfers data to Ethernet CP

The AG_SEND function block transfers the data to be transferred via a configured connection
to the Ethernet CP. Together with the AG_RECV function block, data exchange can be
established with another station via the integrated "CP 840D sl." This station must be
configured in STEP 7, "NetPro."
In the basic program, this function is available as a function block FC1005. This is roughly
equivalent to function block FC5 in the "SIMATIC_NET_CP" library.
The TCP, UDP, and ISO-on-TCP protocols are supported.

Smaller volume of transmittable data with SINUMERIK CP and UDP or ISO-on-TCP protocol
For SINUMERIK CP, only 240 bytes can be transmitted when function block FC1005 and the
UDP or ISO-on-TCP protocol are used.

308 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Block descriptions
16.30 FC1006: AG_RECV - receives data from the Ethernet CP

Description of formal parameters

Signal Typ Type Value range Description

ACT: I BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) Job initiation 1)
ID: I INT 1, 2, 3 ...16 Connection ID
LADDR: I WORD - Module start address 2)
SEND: I ANY - Specifies the address and length.
The address of the data area alter‐
natively refers to:
● Bit memory address area
● Data block area
LEN: I INT TCP: 1, 2, ... 8192 Number of bytes that are transmitted
UDP: 1, 2, ... 240
ISO-on-TCP: 1, 2. ... 240
DONE: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 0: Job running
1: Job executed
ERROR: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 0: No error
1: An error is active
STATUS: O WORD - Status display
1) Parameter ACT must be TRUE long enough until the following applies: (DONE == 1) OR (ERROR ==
2) For SINUMERIK 840D sl: Parameter LADDR := W#16#8110

A detailed module description can be found in:
● SINUMERIK user interfaces: Online help
● SIMATIC Programming Manual: Program blocks for SIMATIC NET S7-CPs
Chapter: "Program blocks for Industrial Ethernet" > "Program blocks for open
communication services (SEND/RECEIVE interface)" > "AG_SEND / AG_LSEND /

16.30 FC1006: AG_RECV - receives data from the Ethernet CP

The function block AG_RECV receives data transferred via a configured connection from the
Ethernet CP. Together with the AG_SEND function block, data exchange can be established
with another station via the integrated "CP 840D sl." This station must be configured in STEP 7,
In the basic program, this function is available as a function block FC1006. This is roughly
equivalent to function block FC6 in the "SIMATIC_NET_CP" library.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 309
Block descriptions
16.30 FC1006: AG_RECV - receives data from the Ethernet CP

The TCP, UDP, and ISO-on-TCP protocols are supported.

Smaller volume of transmittable data with SINUMERIK CP and UDP or ISO-on-TCP protocol
For SINUMERIK CP, only 240 bytes can be transmitted when function block FC1006 and the
UDP or ISO-on-TCP protocol are used.

Formal parameters

Signal Typ Type Value range Description

ID: I INT 1, 2 ...16 Connection ID
LADDR: I WORD - Module start address 1)
RECV: I ANY - Specifies the address and length.
The address of the data area alter‐
natively refers to:
● Bit memory address area
● Data block area
NDR : O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 0: Job running
1: New data accepted
ERROR: O BOOL 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE) 0: No error
1: An error is active
STATUS: O WORD - Status display
LEN: O INT TCP: 1, 2, ... 8192 Number of bytes that are transmitted
UDP: 1, 2, ... 240
ISO-on-TCP: 1, 2. ... 240
1) For SINUMERIK 840D sl: Parameter LADDR := W#16#8110.

A detailed module description can be found in:
● SINUMERIK user interfaces: Online help
● SIMATIC Programming Manual: Program blocks for SIMATIC NET S7-CPs
Chapter: "Program blocks for Industrial Ethernet" > "Program blocks for open
communication services (SEND/RECEIVE interface)" > "AG_RECV / AG_LRECV /

310 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Data lists 17
17.1 Machine data

17.1.1 Display machine data

Number Identifier: $MM_ Description

9032 HMI_MONITOR Determining the PLC data for HMI monitor information

17.1.2 NC-specific machine data

Number Identifier: $MN_ Description

10100 PLC_CYCLIC_TIMEOUT Cyclic PLC monitoring time
14504 MAXNUM_USER_DATA_INT Number of user data (INT)
14506 MAXNUM_USER_DATA_HEX Number of user data (HEX)
14508 MAXNUM_USER_DATA_FLOAT Number of user data (FLOAT)
14510 USER_DATA_INT User data (INT)
14512 USER_DATA_HEX User data (HEX)
14514 USER_DATA_FLOAT[n] User data (FLOAT)

Machine data in integer/hex format is operated in the NC as DWORD. A machine data in
floating point format is managed in the NC as FLOAT (8-byte IEEE). They are stored only in the
NC/PLC interface and can be read by the PLC user program from DB20 even when the PLC

17.1.3 Channelspecific machine data

Number Identifier: $MC_ Description

28150 MM_NUM_VDIVAR_ELEMENTS Number of elements for writing PLC variables

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 311
Data lists
17.1 Machine data

312 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals 18
18.1 Interface signals - overview

18.1.1 Overview of the PLC blocks Organization blocks (OBs)

Table 18-1 Assignment of the organization blocks (OBs)

OB No. Designation Meaning Package

1 CYCLE Cyclic execution GP
40 ALARM Process alarms GP
82 DIAGNOSTIC ALARM Asynchronous error GP
86 RACK FAILURE Asynchronous error GP
100 RESTART Startup/restart GP Function blocks (FBs)

Table 18-2 Assignment of the function blocks (FBs)

Number Designation Meaning

0 - 29 --- Reserved for Siemens
1 RUN_UP Basic program start-up
2 GET Read NC variables
3 PUT Write NC variables
4 PI_SERV PI services
5 GETGUD Read GUD variable
7 PI_SERV2 General PI services
9 M2N M to N transition block
10 SI_relay Safety Integrated relay
11 SI_Braketest Safety Integrated brake test
29 Diagnostics Signal recorder and data trigger diagnostics
30 - 999* --- Free for user assignment

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 313
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

Number Designation Meaning

1000 - 1023 --- Reserved for Siemens
1024 - upper lim‐ --- Free for user assignment

* The actual upper limit of the block number depends on the PLC CPU contained in the selected NCU. Function blocks (FCs)

Table 18-3 Assignment of the function blocks (FCs)

Number Designation Meaning

0 - 29 --- Reserved for Siemens
2 GP_HP Basic program cyclic part
3 GP_PRAL Basic program alarm-controlled part
5 GP_DIAG Basic program diagnostic alarm and module failure
6 TM_TRANS2 Transfer block for tool management and multitool
7 TM_REV Transfer block for tool change with turret
8 TM_TRANS Transfer block for tool management
9 ASUB Asynchronous subprograms
10 AL_MSG Alarms/messages
12 AUXFU Call interface for user auxiliary functions
13 BHG_DISP Display control for the handheld unit
17 YDelta Star-delta changeover
18 SpinCtrl Spindle control for PLC
19 MCP_IFM Distribution of MCP and operating software signals at the
interface (milling machine)
21 Transfer PLC-NC data exchange
22 TM_DIR Direction selection for tool management
24 MCP_IFM2 Transferring MCP signals to the NC/PLC interface
25 MCP_IFT Transferring MCP/BT signals to the NC/PLC interface
26 HPU_MCP Transmission of the HT 8 signals to the interface
30 - 999* --- Free for user assignment
1005 AG_SEND Transferring data to the Ethernet CP
1006 AG_RECV Receiving data from the Ethernet CP
1000 - 1023 --- Reserved for Siemens
1024 - upper lim‐ --- Free for user assignment

* The actual upper limit of the block number depends on the PLC CPU contained in the selected NCU.

314 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview Data blocks (DBs)

The number of DBs to be set up depends on the parameterization made in the NC machine

Data blocks of channels, axes/spindles and tool management that have not been activated are
available for the user.

Table 18-4 Overview of the data blocks (DBs)

DB No. Designation Interface for

1 --- Reserved for Siemens
2-5 PLC-MELD PLC messages
6-8 --- Basic program
9 NC-COMPILE NC compile cycles
11 Mode group Mode group
12 --- Computer link and transport system
13 --- Reserved for Hymnos
14 --- Reserved for basic program
15 --- Basic program
16 --- PI Service definitions
17 --- Version identifier
18 --- Reserved for basic program (SPL interface (Safety
19 --- Operating software
20 --- PLC machine data
21 - 30 CHANNEL 1 ... CHANNEL 10 NC channels
31 - 61 AXIS 1 ... AXIS 31 Axes/spindle
62 - 70 --- Free for user assignment
71 - 74 --- User tool management
75 - 76 --- M group decoding
77 --- MCP, HHU signals (for SDB210)
78 - 80 --- Reserved for Siemens
81 - 127 --- Free for user assignment
1000 --- Ctrl-Energy
1001 --- SENTRON PAC
1002 … 1070 --- Reserved for Siemens
1071 --- Multitool: Loading/unloading magazine
1072 --- Multitool: Spindle

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 315
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB No. Designation Interface for

1073 --- Multitool: Revolver
1074 - 1099 --- Reserved for Siemens Timer block

Table 18-5 Assigned times

Timer No. Meaning

0 - 512* Free for user assignment

* The actual upper limit of the timer number (DB) depends on the PLC CPU contained in the selected NCU.

18.1.2 Signals from/to the machine control panel M version, signals from the MCP: Input image

Table 18-6 M version, signals from the MCP: Input image

Signals from the MCP (keys) (MCP → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
EB n + 0 Spindle override Operating mode
EB n + 1 Machine function
EB n + 2 Key-operat‐ Key-operat‐ Spindle *Spindle Feedrate *Feedrate NC start *NC stop
ed switch ed switch start stop start stop
position 0 position 2
EB n + 3 Key-operat‐ Feedrate override
ed switch
position 1
Reset Single block E D C B A
EB n + 4 Direction keys Key-operat‐ Axis selection
ed switch
position 3
+R15 -R13 Rapid tra‐ X R1 4th axis R4 7th axis R7 R10
verse R14
EB n + 5 Axis selection
Y R2 Z R3 5th axis R5 Travel com‐ R11 9th axis R9 8th axis R8 6th axis R6
EB n + 6 Freely assignable customer keys
T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15
EB n + 7 Freely assignable customer keys
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8

316 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview M version, signals to the MCP: Output image

Table 18-7 M version, signals to the MCP: Output image

Signals to the MCP (LED) (PLC → MCP)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
AB n + 0 Machine function Operating mode
AB n + 1 Feedrate *Feedrate NC start *NC stop Machine function
start stop
AB n + 2 Direction Axis selection Single block Spindle *Spindle
key X R1 4th axis R4 7th axis R7 R10 start stop
AB n + 3 Axis selection Direction
Z R3 5th axis R5 Travel com‐ R11 9th axis R9 8th axis R8 6th axis R6 key
mand +R15
AB n + 4 Freely assignable customer keys Y R2
T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15
AB n + 5 Freely assignable customer keys
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T version, signals from the MCP: Input image

Table 18-8 T version, signals from the MCP: Input image

Signals from the MCP (keys) (MCP → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
EB n + 0 Spindle override Operating mode
EB n + 1 Machine function
EB n + 2 Key-operat‐ Key-operat‐ Spindle *Spindle Feedrate *Feedrate NC start *NC stop
ed switch ed switch start stop start stop
position 0 position 2
EB n + 3 Key-operat‐ Feedrate override
ed switch
position 1
Reset Single block E D C B A
EB n + 4 Direction keys Key-operat‐ Direction keys
ed switch
position 3
R15 R13 R14 +Y R1 -Z R4 -C R7 R10

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 317
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

Signals from the MCP (keys) (MCP → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
EB n + 5 Direction keys
+X R2 +C R3 Rapid tra‐ Travel com‐ R11 -Y R9 -X R8 +Z R6
verse over‐ mand MCS/
ride R5 WCS R12
EB n + 6 Freely assignable customer keys
T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15
EB n + 7 Freely assignable customer keys
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T version, signals to the MCP: Output image

Table 18-9 T version, signals to the MCP: Output image

Signals to the MCP (LED) (PLC → MCP)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
AB n + 0 Machine function Operating mode
AB n + 1 Feedrate *Feedrate NC start *NC stop Machine function
start stop
AB n + 2 Direction keys Single block Spindle *Spindle
R13 +Y R1 -Z R4 -C R7 R10 start stop
AB n + 3 Direction keys
R3 R5 Travel com‐ R11 -Y R9 -X R8 +Z R6 R15
AB n + 4 Freely assignable customer keys Direction
T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 key +X R2
AB n + 5 Freely assignable customer keys
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 Slimline version, signals from the MCP: Input image

Table 18-10 Slimline version, signals from the MCP: Input image

Signals from the slimline MCP (switches and keys) (MCP → PLC)
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
EB n + 0 Spindle override Operating mode
EB n + 1 Spindle Key-operat‐ Machine function
ed switch
NC start SP right *SP stop SP left INT 3 REF REPOS TEACH IN

318 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

Signals from the slimline MCP (switches and keys) (MCP → PLC)
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
EB n + 2 Feedrate Key-operat‐ Machine functions
ed switch
Start *Stop INCvar INT 0 INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1
EB n + 3 Key-operated switch Feedrate override
Reset INT 2 INT 1 E D C B A
EB n + 4 Direction keys Optional customer keys
+R15 -R13 Rapid tra‐ KT4 KT3 KT2 KT1 KT0
verse R14
EB n + 5 Axis selection
T17 KT5 6 5 4 Z Y X
EB n + 6 Freely assignable customer keys MCS/WCS Freely assignable customer keys
T9 T10 T11 T12 T14 T15 T16
EB n + 7 Freely assignable customer keys
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 Slimline version, signals to the MCP: Output image

Table 18-11 Slimline version, signals to the MCP: Output image

Signals to the slimline MCP (LED) (PLC → MCP)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
EB n + 0 Spindle override Operating mode
EB n + 1 Spindle Machine function
NC start SP right SP stop SP left Not as‐ REF REPOS TEACH IN
EB n + 2 Feedrate Machine functions
Start Stop INCvar Not as‐ INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1
EB n + 3 Not assigned

EB n + 4 Direction keys Optional customer keys

+R15 -R13 Rapid tra‐ KT4 KT3 KT2 KT1 KT0
verse R14
EB n + 5 Axis selection
T17 KT5 6 5 4 Z Y X
EB n + 6 Freely assignable customer keys Freely assignable customer keys
T9 T10 T11 T12 MCS/WCS T14 T15 T16
EB n + 7 Freely assignable customer keys
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 319
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

18.1.3 Signals from/to the handheld unit HT 2 Signals from the handheld unit: Input image

Table 18-12 Signals from the handheld unit: Input image

Signals from the handheld unit (keys) (HHU / HT 2 → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
IB m + 0 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
IB m + 1 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
IB m + 2 Feedrate Free T2 key AUTO NC stop Spindle Feed stop Free T1 key JOG
start stop
IB m + 3 Free T3 key Handwheel 4th axis Z Y X NC start Spindle
IB m + 4 Direction Rapid tra‐ Direction Free T4 key
key verse over‐ key +
IB m + 5 Acknowl‐ Key-operat‐ Rapid traverse/feedrate override switch
edgement ed switch E D C B A
Digital dis‐
play Signals to the handheld unit: Output image

Table 18-13 Signals to the handheld unit: Output image

Signals to the handheld unit (LED) (PLC → HHU / HT 2)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
QB m + 0 Always 1 Free T4 key Free T3 key Free T2 key Free T1 key
QB m + 1 New data Selecting the line
for selected 3 and 4 1 and 2
QB m + 2 Feedrate Rapid tra‐ AUTO NC stop Spindle Feed stop Direction JOG
start verse over‐ stop key +
QB m + 3 Direction Handwheel 4th axis Z Y X NC start Spindle
key + start
Digital display of the handheld unit
QB m + 4 Default setting of 1st character (right) of selected line

QB m + 5 Default setting of 2nd character of selected line

QB m + 6 Default setting of 3rd character of selected line

QB m + 7 Default setting of 4th character of selected line

320 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

Signals to the handheld unit (LED) (PLC → HHU / HT 2)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
QB m + 8 Default setting of 5th character of selected line

QB m + 9 Default setting of 6th character of selected line

QB m + 10 Default setting of 7th character of selected line

QB m + 11 Default setting of 8th character of selected line

QB m + 12 Default setting of 9th character of selected line

QB m + 13 Default setting of 10th character of selected line

QB m + 14 Default setting of 11th character of selected line

QB m + 15 Default setting of 12th character of selected line

QB m + 16 Default setting of 13th character of selected line

QB m + 17 Default setting of 14th character of selected line

QB m + 18 Default setting of 15th character of selected line

QB m + 19 Default setting of 16th character (left) of selected line

The parameterization or configuration of the various MCP/HHU versions is described in:
Further information
● Manual, Operator Components and Networking

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 321
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

18.1.4 Signals from/to the handheld unit HT 8 Signals from the handheld unit HT 8: Input image

Table 18-14 Signals from the handheld unit HT 8: Input image

Signals from the MCP simulation (HT 8 → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
EB n + 0 Function key block
EB n + 1 Function key block
(U key)
EB n + 2 Change‐ Traversing keys (JOG) positive direction
over axes
(HMI Ad‐
vanced on‐
Ax7-Ax12 Ax6 Ax5 Ax4 Ax3 Ax2 Ax1
instead of
EB n + 3 Traversing keys (JOG) negative direction
Ax6 Ax5 Ax4 Ax3 Ax2 Ax1
EB n + 4
U9 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16
EB n + 5
U8 U7 U6 U5 SBL
EB n + 6 Start key block
Reserved HT 8 SF2 SF1 SF4 SF3 Start Stop
EB n + 7 Feedrate override
E D C B A Signals to handheld terminal HT 8: Output image

Table 18-15 Signals from the handheld unit HT 8: Output image

Signals to the MCP simulation (PLC → HT 8)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
AB n + 0 Function key block
AB n + 1 Function key block

322 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

Signals to the MCP simulation (PLC → HT 8)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
AB n + 2 Axes 7 - n Traversing keys (JOG) positive direction
Ax6 Ax5 Ax4 Ax3 Ax2 Ax1
AB n + 3 Traversing keys (JOG) negative direction
For WCS: Ax6 Ax5 Ax4 Ax3 Ax2 Ax1
no machine
AB n + 4
U9 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16
AB n + 5
U8 U7 U6 U5 SBL
AB n + 6 Start key block
Display tra‐ SF2 SF1 SF4 SF3 Start Stop
AB n + 7

18.1.5 Signals from/to the handheld unit HT 10 Signals from the handheld unit HT 10: Input image

Table 18-16 Signals from the handheld unit HT 10: Input image

Signals from the MCP simulation (HT 10 → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
EB n + 0 Function key block
EB n + 1 Function key block
(U key)
EB n + 2 Change‐ Traversing keys (JOG) HT 8, positive direction
over axes
(HMI Ad‐
vanced on‐
Ax7-Ax12 Ax6 Ax5 Ax4 Ax3 Ax2 Ax1
instead of
EB n + 3 JOG keys HT 10 Traversing keys (JOG) HT 8, negative direction
Plus Minus Ax6 Ax5 Ax4 Ax3 Ax2 Ax1

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 323
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

Signals from the MCP simulation (HT 10 → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
EB n + 4
U16 U15 U14 U13 U12 U11 U10 U9
EB n + 5
U8 U7 U6 U5 SBL Rapid tra‐
EB n + 6 Start key block
HT 10 HT 8 SF2 SF1 SF4 SF3 Start Stop
EB n + 7 Feedrate override
E D C B A Signals to handheld terminal HT 10: Output image

Table 18-17 Signals from the handheld unit HT 10: Output image

Signals to the MCP simulation (PLC → HT 10)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
AB n + 0 Function key block
AB n + 1 Function key block
AB n + 2 JOG + Axes 7 - n Traversing keys (JOG) HT 8, positive direction
(HT 10) selected
Ax6 Ax5 Ax4 Ax3 Ax2 Ax1
AB n + 3 Traversing keys (JOG) HT 8, negative direction
For WCS: JOG - Ax6 Ax5 Ax4 Ax3 Ax2 Ax1
no machine (HT 10)
AB n + 4
U9 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16
AB n + 5
U8 U7 U6 U5 SBL Rapid tra‐
AB n + 6 Start key block
Display tra‐ SF2 SF1 SF4 SF3 Start Stop
AB n + 7

324 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

18.1.6 PLC alarms/messages FC 10 alarms in the DB2 (FB1: "ExtendAIMsg" = FALSE)

Message type
● FM: A fault message with the associated event number as fault number is triggered by the
● OM: An operating message with the associated event number as message number is
triggered by the signal.

Further information
A detailed description regarding error and system status messages can be obtained in:
FC10: AL_MSG - error and operating messages (Page 254)

Table 18-18 DB2, channel range 1

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = FALSE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel 1
Feedrate disable (event no.: 510000-510015)
0 (FM) 510007 510006 510005 510004 510003 510002 510001 510000
1 (OM) 510015 510014 510013 510012 510011 510010 510009 510008
2 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 510100-510107)
3 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 510108-510115)
4 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 510116-510123)
5 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 510124-510131)
6 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 510200-510207)
7 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 510208-510215)
8 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 510216-510223)
9 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 510224-510231)
10 (FM) NC start disable, byte 1 (event no.: 510300-510307)
11 (OM) NC start disable, byte 2 (event no.: 510308-510315)
12 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 1 (event no.: 511100-511107)
13 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 2 (event no.: 511108-511115)
14 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 1 (event no.: 511200-511207)
15 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 2 (event no.: 511208-511215)
16 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 1 (event no.: 511300-511307)
17 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 2 (event no.: 511308-511315)

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Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

Table 18-19 DB2, channel range 2

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = FALSE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel 2
Feedrate disable (event no.: 520000-520015)
18 (FM) 520007 520006 520005 520004 520003 520002 520001 520000
19 (OM) 520015 520014 520013 520012 520011 520010 520009 520008
20 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 520100-520107)
21 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 520108-520115)
22 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 520116-520123)
23 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 520124-520131)
24 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 520200-520207)
25 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 520208-520215)
26 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 520216-520223)
27 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 520224-520231)
28 (FM) NC start disable, byte 1 (event no.: 520300-520307)
29 (OM) NC start disable, byte 2 (event no.: 520308-520315)
30 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 1 (event no.: 521100-521107)
31 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 2 (event no.: 521108-521115)
32 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 1 (event no.: 521200-521207)
33 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 2 (event no.: 521208-521215)
34 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 1 (event no.: 521300-521307)
35 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 2 (event no.: 521308-521315)

Table 18-20 DB2, channel range 3

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = FALSE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel 3
Feedrate disable (event no.: 530000-530015)
36 (FM) 530007 530006 530005 530004 530003 530002 530001 530000
37 (OM) 530015 530014 530013 530012 530011 530010 530009 530008
38 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 530100-530107)
39 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 530108-530115)
40 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 530116-530123)
41 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 530124-530131)
42 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 530200-530207)
43 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 530208-530215)

326 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = FALSE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
44 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 530216-530223)
45 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 530224-530231)
46 (FM) NC start disable, byte 1 (event no.: 530300-530307)
47 (OM) NC start disable, byte 2 (event no.: 530308-530315)
48 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 1 (event no.: 531100-531107)
49 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 2 (event no.: 531108-531115)
50 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 1 (event no.: 531200-531207)
51 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 2 (event no.: 531208-531215)
52 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 1 (event no.: 531300-531307)
53 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 2 (event no.: 531308-531315)

Table 18-21 DB2, channel range 4

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = FALSE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel 4
Feedrate disable (event no.: 540000-540015)
54 (FM) 540007 540006 540005 540004 540003 540002 540001 540000
55 (OM) 540015 540014 540013 540012 540011 540010 540009 540008
56 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 540100-540107)
57 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 540108-540115)
58 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 540116-540123)
59 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 540124-540131)
60 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 540200-540207)
61 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 540208-540215)
62 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 540216-540223)
63 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 540224-540231)
64 (FM) NC start disable, byte 1 (event no.: 540300-540307)
65 (FM) NC start disable, byte 2 (event no.: 540308-540315)
66 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 1 (event no.: 541100-541107)
67 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 2 (event no.: 541108-541115)
68 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 1 (event no.: 541200-541207)
69 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 2 (event no.: 541208-541215)
70 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 1 (event no.: 541300-541307)
71 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 2 (event no.: 541308-541315)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 327
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

Table 18-22 DB2, channel range 5

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = FALSE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel 5
Feedrate disable (event no.: 550000-550015)
72 (FM) 550007 550006 550005 550004 550003 550002 550001 550000
73 (OM) 550015 550014 550013 550012 550011 550010 550009 550008
74 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 550100-550107)
75 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 550108-550115)
76 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 550116-550123)
77 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 550124-550131)
78 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 550200-550207)
79 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 550208-550315)
80 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 550216-550223)
81 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 550224-550231)
82 (FM) NC start disable, byte 1 (event no.: 550300-550307)
83 (OM) NC start disable, byte 2 (event no.: 550308-550315)
84 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 1 (event no.: 551100-551107)
85 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 2 (event no.: 551108-551115)
86 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 1 (event no.: 551200-551207)
87 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 2 (event no.: 551208-551215)
88 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 1 (event no.: 551300-551307)
89 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 2 (event no.: 551308-551315)

Table 18-23 DB2, channel range 6

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = FALSE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel 6
Feedrate disable (event no.: 560000-560015)
90 (FM) 560007 560006 560005 560004 560003 560002 560001 560000
91 (OM) 560015 560014 560013 560012 560011 560010 560009 560008
92 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 560100-560107)
93 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 560108-560115)
94 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 560116-560123)
95 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 560124-560131)
96 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 560200-560207)
97 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 560208-560315)

328 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = FALSE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
98 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 560216-560223)
99 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 560224-560231)
100 (FM) NC start disable, byte 1 (event no.: 560300-560307)
101 (OM) NC start disable, byte 2 (event no.: 560308-560315)
102 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 1 (event no.: 561100-561107)
103 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 2 (event no.: 561108-561115)
104 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 1 (event no.: 561200-561207)
105 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 2 (event no.: 561208-561215)
106 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 1 (event no.: 561300-561307)
107 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 2 (event no.: 561308-561315)

Table 18-24 DB2, channel range 7

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = FALSE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel 7
Feedrate disable (event no.: 570000-570015)
108 (FM) 570007 570006 570005 570004 570003 570002 570001 570000
109 (OM) 570015 570014 570013 570012 570011 570010 570009 570008
110 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 570100-570107)
111 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 570108-570115)
112 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 570116-570123)
113 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 570124-570131)
114 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 570200-570207)
115 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 570208-570315)
116 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 570216-570223)
117 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 570224-570231)
118 (FM) NC start disable, byte 1 (event no.: 570300-570307)
119 (OM) NC start disable, byte 2 (event no.: 570308-570315)
120 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 1 (event no.: 571100-571107)
121 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 2 (event no.: 571108-571115)
122 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 1 (event no.: 571200-571207)
123 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 2 (event no.: 571208-571215)
124 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 1 (event no.: 571300-571307)
125 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 2 (event no.: 571308-571315)

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Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

Table 18-25 DB2, channel range 8

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = FALSE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel 8
Feedrate disable (event no.: 580000-580015)
126 (FM) 580007 580006 580005 580004 580003 580002 580001 580000
127 (OM) 580015 580014 580013 580012 580011 580010 580009 580008
128 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 580100-580107)
129 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 580108-580115)
130 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 580116-580123)
131 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 580124-580131)
132 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 580200-580207)
133 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 580208-580315)
134 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 580216-580223)
135 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 580224-580231)
136 (FM) NC start disable, byte 1 (event no.: 580300-580307)
137 (OM) NC start disable, byte 2 (event no.: 580308-580315)
138 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 1 (event no.: 581100-581107)
139 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 2 (event no.: 581108-581115)
140 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 1 (event no.: 581200-581207)
141 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 2 (event no.: 581208-581215)
142 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 1 (event no.: 581300-581307)
143 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 2 (event no.: 581308-581315)
Channels 9 and 10 not implemented

Table 18-26 DB2, axis ranges

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = FALSE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Feedrate stop / spindle stop for axis/spindle 1 (event no.: 600100-600115)
144 (FM) 600107 600106 600105 600104 600103 600102 600101 600100
145 (OM) 600115 600114 600113 600112 600111 600110 600109 600108
146 (FM) Feedrate stop / spindle stop for axis/spindle 2, byte 1 (event no.: 600200-600207)
147 (OM) Feedrate stop / spindle stop for axis/spindle 2, byte 2 (event no.: 600208-600215)
148 (FM) Feedrate stop / spindle stop for axis/spindle 3, byte 1 (event no.: 600300-600307)
149 (OM) Feedrate stop / spindle stop for axis/spindle 3, byte 2 (event no.: 600308-600315)
150 (FM) Feedrate stop / spindle stop for axis/spindle 4, byte 1 (event no.: 600400-600407)

330 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = FALSE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
151 (OM) Feedrate stop / spindle stop for axis/spindle 4, byte 2 (event no.: 600408-600415)
152 (FM) Feedrate stop / spindle stop for axis/spindle 5, byte 1 (event no.: 600500-600507)
153 (OM) Feedrate stop / spindle stop for axis/spindle 5, byte 2 (event no.: 600508-600515)
154 (FM) Feedrate stop / spindle stop for axis/spindle 6, byte 1 (event no.: 600600-600607)
155 (OM) Feedrate stop / spindle stop for axis/spindle 6, byte 2 (event no.: 600608-600615)
156 (FM) Feedrate stop / spindle stop for axis/spindle 7, byte 1 (event no.: 600700-600707)
157 (OM) Feedrate stop / spindle stop for axis/spindle 7, byte 2 (event no.: 600708-600715)
158 (FM) Feedrate stop / spindle stop for axis/spindle 8, byte 1 (event no.: 600800-600807)
159 (OM) Feedrate stop / spindle stop for axis/spindle 8, byte 2 (event no.: 600808-600815)
160 (FM) Feedrate stop / spindle stop for axis/spindle 9, byte 1 (event no.: 600900-600907)
161 (OM) Feedrate stop / spindle stop for axis/spindle 9, byte 2 (event no.: 600908-600915)
162 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 10 byte 1 (event no.: 601000-601007)
163 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 10 byte 2 (event no.: 601008-601015)
164 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 11 byte 1 (event no.: 601100-601107)
165 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 11 byte 2 (event no.: 601108-601115)
166 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 12 byte 1 (event no.: 601200-601207)
167 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 12 byte 2 (event no.: 601208-601215)
168 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 13 byte 1 (event no.: 601300-601307)
169 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 13 byte 2 (event no.: 601308-601315)
170 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 14 byte 1 (event no.: 601400-601407)
171 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 14 byte 2 (event no.: 601408-601415)
172 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 15 byte 1 (event no.: 601500-601507)
173 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 15 byte 2 (event no.: 601508-601515)
174 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 16 byte 1 (event no.: 601600-601607)
175 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 16 byte 2 (event no.: 601608-601615)
176 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 17 byte 1 (event no.: 601700-601707)
177 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 17 byte 2 (event no.: 601708-601715)
178 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 18 byte 1 (event no.: 601800-601807)
179 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 18 byte 2 (event no.: 601808-601815)
Axes 19 – 31 not realized

Table 18-27 DB2, user ranges

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = FALSE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
(message type)
User ranges
User range 0 (event no.: 700000-700015)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 331
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = FALSE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
(message type)
180 (FM) 700007 700006 700005 700004 700003 700002 700001 700000
181 (FM) 700015 700014 700013 700012 700011 700010 700009 700008
182 (FM) User range 0: Byte 3 (event no.: 700016-700023)
183 (FM) User range 0: Byte 4 (event no.: 700024-700031)
184 (OM) User range 0: Byte 5 (event no.: 700032-700039)
185 (OM) User range 0: Byte 6 (event no.: 700040-700047)
186 (OM) User range 0: Byte 7 (event no.: 700048-700055)
187 (OM) User range 0: Byte 8 (event no.: 700056-700063)
188 - 191 (FM) User range 1: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 700100-700131)
192 - 195 (OM) User range 1, bytes 5 - 8 (event no.: 700132-700163)
196 - 199 (FM) User range 2: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 700200-700231)
200 - 203 (OM) User range 2: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 700232-700263)
204 - 207 (FM) User range 3: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 700300-700331)
208 - 211 (OM) User range 3: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 700332-700363)
212 - 215 (FM) User range 4: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 700400-700431)
216 - 219 (OM) User range 4: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 700432-700463)
220 - 223 (FM) User range 5: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 700500-700531)
224 - 227 (OM) User range 5: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 700532-700563)
228 - 231 (FM) User range 6: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 700600-700631)
232 - 235 (OM) User range 6: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 700632-700663)
236 - 239 (FM) User range 7: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 700700-700731)
240 - 243 (OM) User range 7: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 700732-700763)
244 - 247 (FM) User range 8: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 700800-700831)
248 - 251 (OM) User range 8: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 700832-700863)
252 - 255 (FM) User range 9: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 700900-700931)
256 - 259 (OM) User range 9: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 700932-700963)
260 - 263 (FM) User range 10: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701000-701031)
264 - 267 (OM) User range 10: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701032-701063)
268 - 271 (FM) User range 11: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701100-701131)
272 - 275 (OM) User range 11: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701132-701163)
276 - 279 (FM) User range 12: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701200-701231)
280 - 283 (OM) User range 12: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701232-701263)
284 - 287 (FM) User range 13: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701300-701331)
288 - 291 (OM) User range 13: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701332-701363)
292 - 295 (FM) User range 14: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701400-701431)
296 - 299 (OM) User range 14: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701432-701463)
300 - 303 (FM) User range 15: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701500-701531)
304 - 307 (OM) User range 15: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701532-701563)
308 - 311 (FM) User range 16: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701600-701631)
312 - 315 (OM) User range 16: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701632-701663)

332 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = FALSE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
(message type)
316 - 319 (FM) User range 17: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701700-701731)
320 - 323 (OM) User range 17: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701732-701763)
324 - 327 (FM) User range 18: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701800-701831)
328 - 331 (OM) User range 18: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701832-701863)
332 - 335 (FM) User range 19: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701900-701931)
336 - 339 (OM) User range 19: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701932-701963)
340 - 343 (FM) User range 20: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702000-702031)
344 - 347 (OM) User range 20: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702032-702063)
348 - 351 (FM) User range 21: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702100-702131)
352 - 355 (OM) User range 21: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702132-702163)
356 - 359 (FM) User range 22: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702200-702231)
360 - 363 (OM) User range 22: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702232-702263)
364 - 367 (FM) User range 23: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702300-702331)
368 - 371 (OM) User range 23: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702332-702363)
372 - 375 (FM) User range 24: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702400-702431)
376 - 379 (OM) User range 24: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702432-702463)
380 - 383 (FM) User range 25: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702500-702531)
384 - 387 (OM) User range 25: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702532-702563)
388 - 391 (FM) User range 26: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702600-702631)
392 - 395 (OM) User range 26: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702632-702663)
396 - 399 (FM) User range 27: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702700-702731)
400 - 403 (OM) User range 27: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702732-702763)
404 - 407 (FM) User range 28: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702800-702831)
408 - 411 (OM) User range 28: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702832-702863)
412 - 415 (FM) User range 29: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702900-702931)
416 - 419 (OM) User range 29: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702932-702963)
420 - 423 (FM) User range 30: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 703000-703031)
424 - 427 (OM) User range 30: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 703032-703063)
428 - 431 (FM) User range 31: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 703100-703131)
432 - 435 (OM) User range 31: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 703132-703163)

Parameterizing user ranges
The number of user ranges (maximum of 32) can be parameterized using FB 1 "MsgUser".

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 333
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview FC 10 alarms in the DB2 (FB1: "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE)


Message type
● FM: A fault message with the associated event number as fault number is triggered by the
● OM: An operating message with the associated event number as message number is
triggered by the signal.

Further information
FC10: AL_MSG - error and operating messages (Page 254)

Table 18-28 DB2, channel range 1

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Signals WITHOUT the display of a fault/operating message (DBB0 - 309)
Channel 1
0 Feedrate disable
1 Feedrate disable
2 Read-in disable
3 Read-in disable
4 Start disable
5 Start disable
6 Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 1
7 Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 2
8 Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 1
9 Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 2
10 Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 1
11 Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 2
12 - 119 Channel 2 - channel 10, see above "Channel 1"
Axis/spindle 1
120 Feedrate stop / spindle stop, byte 1
121 Feedrate stop / spindle stop, byte 2
122 - 181 Axis / spindle 2 - 31, see above "Axis /spindle 1"
Additional values for user range 0
182 Additional value for event number 700000
184 Additional value for event number 700001
... ...
308 Additional value for event number 700063

334 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Signals WITH the display of a fault/operating message (from DBB 310)

Channel 1
Feedrate disable (event no.: 510000-510015)
310 (FM) 510007 510006 510005 510004 510003 510002 510001 510000
311 (OM) 510015 510014 510013 510012 510011 510010 510009 510008
312 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable: Byte 1 (event no.: 510100-510107)
313 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable: Byte 2 (event no.: 510108-510115)
314 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable: Byte 3 (event no.: 510116-510123)
315 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable: Byte 4 (event no.: 510124-510131)
316 (FM) Read-in disable: Byte 1 (event no.: 510200-510207)
317 (FM) Read-in disable: Byte 2 (event no.: 510208-510215)
318 (OM) Read-in disable: Byte 3 (event no.: 510216-510223)
319 (OM) Read-in disable: Byte 4 (event no.: 510224-510231)
320 (FM) NC start disable: Byte 1 (event no.: 510300-510307)
321 (OM) NC start disable: Byte 2 (event no.: 510308-510315)
322 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1: Byte 1 (event no.: 511100-511107)
323 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1: Byte 2 (event no.: 511108-511115)
324 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2: Byte 1 (event no.: 511200-511207)
325 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2: Byte 2 (event no.: 511208-511215)
326 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3: Byte 1 (event no.: 511300-511307)
327 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3: Byte 2 (event no.: 511308-511315)

Table 18-29 DB2, channel range 2

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel 2
Feedrate disable (event no.: 510000-520015)
328 (FM) 520007 520006 520005 520004 520003 520002 520001 520000
329 (OM) 520015 520014 520013 520012 520011 520010 520009 520008
330 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 520100-520107)
331 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 520108-520115)
332 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 520116-520123)
333 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 520124-520131)
334 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 520200-520207)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 335
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
335 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 520208-520215)
336 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 520216-520223)
337 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 520224-520231)
338 (FM) NC start disable, byte 1 (event no.: 520300-520307)
339 (OM) NC start disable, byte 2 (event no.: 520308-520315)
340 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 1 (event no.: 521100-521107)
341 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 2 (event no.: 521108-521115)
342 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 1 (event no.: 521200-521207)
343 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 2 (event no.: 521208-521215)
344 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 1 (event no.: 521300-521307)
345 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 2 (event no.: 521308-521315)

Table 18-30 DB2, channel range 3

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel 3
Feedrate disable (event no.: 530000-530015)
346 (FM) 530007 530006 530005 530004 530003 530002 530001 530000
347 (OM) 530015 530014 530013 530012 530011 530010 530009 530008
348 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 530100-530107)
349 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 530108-530115)
350 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 530108-530115)
351 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 530124-530131)
352 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 530200-530207)
353 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 530208-530215)
354 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 530216-530223)
355 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 530224-530231)
356 (FM) NC start disable, byte 1 (event no.: 530300-530307)
357 (OM) NC start disable, byte 2 (event no.: 530308-530315)
358 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 1 (event no.: 531100-531107)
359 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 2 (event no.: 531108-531115)
360 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 1 (event no.: 531200-531207)
361 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 2 (event no.: 531208-531215)
362 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 1 (event no.: 531300-531307)
363 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 2 (event no.: 531308-531315)

336 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

Table 18-31 DB2, channel range 4

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel 4
Feedrate disable (event no.: 540000-540015)
364 (FM) 540007 540006 540005 540004 540003 540002 540001 540000
365 (OM) 540015 540014 540013 540012 540011 540010 540009 540008
366 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 540100-540107)
367 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 540108-540115)
368 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 540116-540123)
369 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 540124-540131)
370 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 540200-540207)
371 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 540208-540215)
372 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 540216-540223)
373 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 540224-540231)
374 (FM) NC start disable, byte 1 (event no.: 540300-540307)
375 (OM) NC start disable, byte 2 (event no.: 540308-540315)
376 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 1 (event no.: 541100-541107)
377 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 2 (event no.: 541108-541115)
378 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 1 (event no.: 541200-541207)
379 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 2 (event no.: 541208-541215)
380 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 1 (event no.: 541300-541307)
381 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 2 (event no.: 541308-541315)

Table 18-32 DB2, channel range 5

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel 5
Feedrate disable (event no.: 550000-550015)
382 (FM) 550007 550006 550005 550004 550003 550002 550001 550000
383 (OM) 550015 550014 550013 550012 550011 550010 550009 550008
384 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 550100-550107)
385 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 550108-550115)
386 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 550116-550123)
387 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 550124-550131)
388 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 550200-550207)
389 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 550208-550215)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 337
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
390 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 550216-550223)
391 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 550224-550231)
392 (FM) NC start disable, byte 1 (event no.: 550300-550307)
393 (OM) NC start disable, byte 2 (event no.: 550308-550315)
394 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 1 (event no.: 551100-551107)
395 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 2 (event no.: 551108-551115)
396 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 1 (event no.: 551200-551207)
397 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 2 (event no.: 551208-551215)
398 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 1 (event no.: 551300-551307)
399 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 2 (event no.: 551308-551315)

Table 18-33 DB2, channel range 6

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel 6
Feedrate disable (event no.: 560000-560015)
400 (FM) 560007 560006 560005 560004 560003 560002 560001 560000
401 (OM) 560015 560014 560013 560012 560011 560010 560009 560008
402 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 560100-560107)
403 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 560108-560115)
404 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 560116-560123)
405 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 560124-560131)
406 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 560200-560207)
407 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 560208-560215)
408 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 560216-560223)
409 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 560224-560231)
410 (FM) NC start disable, byte 1 (event no.: 560300-560307)
411 (OM) NC start disable, byte 2 (event no.: 560308-560315)
412 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 1 (event no.: 561100-561107)
413 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 2 (event no.: 561108-561115)
414 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 1 (event no.: 561200-561207)
415 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 2 (event no.: 561208-561215)
416 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 1 (event no.: 561300-561307)
417 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 2 (event no.: 561308-561315)

338 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

Table 18-34 DB2, channel range 7

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel 7
Feedrate disable (event no.: 570000-570015)
418 (FM) 570007 570006 570005 570004 570003 570002 570001 570000
419 (OM) 570015 570014 570013 570012 570011 570010 570009 570008
420 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 570100-570107)
421 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 570108-570115)
422 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 570116-570123)
423 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 570124-570131)
424 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 570200-570207)
425 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 570208-570215)
426 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 570216-570223)
427 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 570224-570231)
428 (FM) NC start disable, byte 1 (event no.: 570300-570307)
429 (OM) NC start disable, byte 2 (event no.: 570308-570315)
430 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 1 (event no.: 571100-571107)
431 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 2 (event no.: 571108-571115)
432 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 1 (event no.: 571200-571207)
433 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 2 (event no.: 571208-571215)
434 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 1 (event no.: 571300-571307)
435 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 2 (event no.: 571308-571315)

Table 18-35 DB2, channel range 8

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel 8
Feedrate disable (event no.: 580000-580015)
436 (FM) 580007 580006 580005 580004 580003 580002 580001 580000
437 (OM) 580015 580014 580013 580012 580011 580010 580009 580008
438 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 580100-580107)
439 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 580108-580115)
440 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 580116-580123)
441 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 580124-580131)
442 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 580200-580207)
443 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 580208-580215)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 339
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
444 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 580216-580223)
445 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 580224-580231)
446 (FM) NC start disable, byte 1 (event no.: 580300-580307)
447 (OM) NC start disable, byte 2 (event no.: 580308-580315)
448 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 1 (event no.: 581100-581107)
449 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 2 (event no.: 581108-581115)
450 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 1 (event no.: 581200-581207)
451 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 2 (event no.: 581208-581215)
452 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 1 (event no.: 581300-581307)
453 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 2 (event no.: 581308-581315)

Table 18-36 DB2, channel range 9

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel 9
Feedrate disable (event no.: 590000-590015)
454 (FM) 590007 590006 590005 590004 590003 590002 590001 590000
455 (OM) 590015 590014 590013 590012 590011 590010 590009 590008
456 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 590100-590107)
457 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 590108-590115)
458 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 590116-590123)
459 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 590124-590131)
460 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 590200-590207)
461 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 590208-590215)
462 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 590216-590223)
463 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 590224-590231)
464 (FM) NC start disable, byte 1 (event no.: 590300-590307)
465 (OM) NC start disable, byte 2 (event no.: 590308-590315)
466 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 1 (event no.: 591100-591107)
467 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 2 (event no.: 591108-591115)
468 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 1 (event no.: 591200-591207)
469 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 2 (event no.: 591208-591215)
470 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 1 (event no.: 591300-591307)
471 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 2 (event no.: 591308-591315)

340 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

Table 18-37 DB2, channel range 10

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Channel 10
Feedrate disable (event no.: 500000-500015)
472 (FM) 500007 500006 500005 500004 500003 500002 500001 500000
473 (OM) 500015 500014 500013 500012 500011 500010 500009 500008
474 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 500100-500107)
475 (FM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 500108-500115)
476 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 500116-500123)
477 (OM) Feedrate and read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 500124-500131)
478 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 1 (event no.: 500200-500207)
479 (FM) Read-in disable, byte 2 (event no.: 500208-500215)
480 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 3 (event no.: 500216-500223)
481 (OM) Read-in disable, byte 4 (event no.: 500224-500231)
482 (FM) NC start disable, byte 1 (event no.: 500300-500307)
483 (OM) NC start disable, byte 2 (event no.: 500308-500315)
484 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 1 (event no.: 501100-501107)
485 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 1, byte 2 (event no.: 501108-501115)
486 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 1 (event no.: 501200-501207)
487 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 2, byte 2 (event no.: 501208-501215)
488 (FM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 1 (event no.: 501300-501307)
489 (OM) Feedrate stop, geo axis 3, byte 2 (event no.: 501308-501315)

Table 18-38 DB2, axis ranges

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Feedrate stop / spindle stop for axis/spindle 1 (event no.: 600100-600115)
490 (FM) 600107 600106 600105 600104 600103 600102 600101 600100
491 (OM) 600115 600114 600113 600112 600111 600110 600109 600108
492 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 2 (event no.: 600200-600207)
493 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 2 (event no.: 600208-600215)
494 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 3 (event no.: 600300-600307)
495 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 3 (event no.: 600308-600315)
496 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 4 (event no.: 600400-600407)
497 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 4 (event no.: 600408-600415)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 341
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
498 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 5 (event no.: 600500-600507)
499 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 5 (event no.: 600508-600515)
500 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 6 (event no.: 600600-600607)
501 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 6 (event no.: 600608-600615)
502 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 7 (event no.: 600700-600707)
503 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 7 (event no.: 600708-600715)
504 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 8 (event no.: 600800-600807)
505 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 8 (event no.: 600808-600815)
506 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 9 (event no.: 600900-600907)
507 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 9 (event no.: 600908-600915)
508 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 10 (event no.: 601000-601007)
509 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 10 (event no.: 601008-601015)
510 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 11 (event no.: 601100-601107)
511 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 11 (event no.: 601108-601115)
512 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 12 (event no.: 601200-601207)
513 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 12 (event no.: 601208-601215)
514 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 13 (event no.: 601300-601307)
515 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 13 (event no.: 601308-601315)
516 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 14 (event no.: 601400-601407)
517 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 14 (event no.: 601408-601415)
518 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 15 (event no.: 601500-601507)
519 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 15 (event no.: 601508-601515)
520 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 16 (event no.: 601600-601607)
521 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 16 (event no.: 601608-601615)
522 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 17 (event no.: 601700-601707)
523 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 17 (event no.: 601708-601715)
524 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 18 (event no.: 601800-601807)
525 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 18 (event no.: 601808-601815)
526 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 19 (event no.: 601900-601907)
527 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 19 (event no.: 601908-601915)
528 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 20 (event no.: 602000-602007)
529 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 20 (event no.: 602008-602015)
530 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 21 (event no.: 602100-602107)
531 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 21 (event no.: 602108-602115)
532 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 22 (event no.: 602200-602207)
533 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 22 (event no.: 602208-602215)
534 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 23 (event no.: 602300-602307)
535 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 23 (event no.: 602308-602315)
536 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 24 (event no.: 602400-602407)

342 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
537 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 24 (event no.: 602408-602415)
538 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 25 (event no.: 602500-602507)
539 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 25 (event no.: 602508-602515)
540 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 26 (event no.: 602600-602607)
541 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 26 (event no.: 602608-602615)
542 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 27 (event no.: 602700-602707)
543 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 27 (event no.: 602708-602715)
544 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 28 (event no.: 602800-602807)
545 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 28 (event no.: 602808-602815)
546 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 29 (event no.: 602900-602907)
547 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 29 (event no.: 602908-602915)
548 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 30 (event no.: 603000-603007)
549 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 30 (event no.: 603008-603015)
550 (FM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 31 (event no.: 603100-603107)
551 (OM) Feedrate stop/spindle stop for axis/spindle 31 (event no.: 603108-603115)

Table 18-39 DB2, user ranges

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
(message type)
User ranges
User range 0 (event no.: 700000-700015)
554 (FM) 700007 700006 700005 700004 700003 700002 700001 700000
555 (FM) 700015 700014 700013 700012 700011 700010 700009 700008
556 (FM) User range 0: Byte 3 (event no.: 700016-700023)
557 (FM) User range 0: Byte 4 (event no.: 700024-700031)
558 (OM) User range 0: Byte 5 (event no.: 700032-700039)
559 (OM) User range 0: Byte 6 (event no.: 700040-700047)
560 (OM) User range 0: Byte 7 (event no.: 700048-700055)
561 (OM) User range 0: Byte 8 (event no.: 700056-700063)
562 - 565 (FM) User range 1: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 700100-700131)
566 - 569 (OM) User range 1: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 700132-700163)
570 - 573 (FM) User range 2: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 700200-700231)
574 - 577 (OM) User range 2: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 700232-700263)
578 - 581 (FM) User range 3: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 700300-700331)
582 - 585 (OM) User range 3: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 700332-700363)
586 - 589 (FM) User range 4: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 700400-700431)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 343
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
(message type)
590 - 593 (OM) User range 4: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 700432-700463)
594 - 597 (FM) User range 5: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 700500-700531)
598 - 601 (OM) User range 5: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 700532-700563)
602 - 605 (FM) User range 6: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 700600-700631)
606 - 609 (OM) User range 6: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 700632-700663)
610 - 613 (FM) User range 7: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 700700-700731)
614 - 617 (OM) User range 7: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 700732-700763)
618 - 621 (FM) User range 8: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 700800-700831)
622 - 625 (OM) User range 8: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 700832-700863)
626 - 629 (FM) User range 9: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 700900-700931)
630 - 633 (OM) User range 9: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 700932-700963)
634 - 637 (FM) User range 10: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701000-701031)
638 - 641 (OM) User range 10: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701032-701063)
642 - 645 (FM) User range 11: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701100-701131)
646 - 649 (OM) User range 11: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701132-701163)
650 - 653 (FM) User range 12: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701200-701231)
654 - 657 (OM) User range 12: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701232-701263)
658 - 661 (FM) User range 13: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701300-701331)
662 - 665 (OM) User range 13: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701332-701363)
666 - 669 (FM) User range 14: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701400-701431)
670 - 673 (OM) User range 14: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701432-701463)
674 - 677 (FM) User range 15: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701500-701531)
678 - 681 (OM) User range 15: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701532-701563)
682 - 685 (FM) User range 16: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701600-701631)
686 - 689 (OM) User range 16: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701632-701663)
690 - 693 (FM) User range 17: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701700-701731)
694 - 697 (OM) User range 17: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701732-701763)
698 - 701 (FM) User range 18: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701800-701831)
702 - 705 (OM) User range 18: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701832-701863)
706 - 709 (FM) User range 19: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 701900-701931)
710 - 713 (OM) User range 19: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 701932-701963)
714 - 717 (FM) User range 20: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702000-702031)
718 - 721 (OM) User range 20: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702032-702063)
722 - 725 (FM) User range 21: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702100-702131)
726 - 729 (OM) User range 21: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702132-702163)
730 – 733 (FM) User range 22: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702200-702231)
734 - 737 (OM) User range 22: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702232-702263)
738 - 741 (FM) User range 23: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702300-702331)
742 - 745 (OM) User range 23: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702332-702363)
746 - 749 (FM) User range 24: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702400-702431)

344 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
(message type)
750 - 753 (OM) User range 24: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702432-702463)
754 - 757 (FM) User range 25: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702500-702531)
758 - 761 (OM) User range 25: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702532-702563)
762 - 765 (FM) User range 26: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702600-702631)
766 - 769 (OM) User range 26: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702632-702663)
770 - 773 (FM) User range 27: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702700-702731)
774 - 777 (OM) User range 27: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702732-702763)
778 - 781 (FM) User range 28: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702800-702831)
782 - 785 (OM) User range 28: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702832-702863)
786 - 789 (FM) User range 29: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 702900-702931)
790 - 793 (OM) User range 29: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 702932-702963)
794 - 797 (FM) User range 30: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 703000-703031)
798 - 801 (OM) User range 30: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 703032-703063)
802 - 805 (FM) User range 31: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 703100-703131)
806 - 809 (OM) User range 31: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 703132-703163)
810 - 813 (FM) User area 32: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 703200 - 703231)
814 - 817 (BM) User area 32: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 703232 - 703263)
818 - 821 (FM) User area 33: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 703300 - 703331)
822 - 825 (OM) User area 33: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 703332 - 703363)
826 - 829 (FM) User area 34: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 703400 - 703431)
830 - 833 (OM) User area 34: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 703432 - 703463)
834 - 837 (FM) User area 35: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 703500 - 703531)
838 - 841 (OM) User area 35: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 703532 - 703563)
842 - 845 (FM) User area 36: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 703600 - 703631)
846 - 789 (OM) User area 36: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 703632 - 703663)
850 - 853 (FM) User area 37: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 703700 - 703731)
854 - 857 (OM) User area 37: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 703732 - 703763)
858 - 861 (FM) User area 38: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 703800 -703831)
862 - 865 (OM) User area 38: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 703832 -703863)
866 - 869 (FM) User area 39: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 703900 -703931)
870 - 873 (OM) User area 39: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 703932 -703963)
874 - 877 (FM) User area 40: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 704000-704031)
878 - 881 (OM) User area 40: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 704032-704063)
882 - 885 (FM) User area 41: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 704100-704131)
886 - 889 (OM) User area 41: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 704132-704163)
890 - 893 (FM) User area 42: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 704200-704231)
894 - 897 (OM) User area 42: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 704232-704263)
898 - 901 (FM) User area 43: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 704300-704331)
902 - 905 (OM) User area 43: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 704332-704363)
906 - 909 (FM) User area 44: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 704400-704431)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 345
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB2 Signals for PLC events (PLC → HMI)

FB1 parameter "ExtendAIMsg" = TRUE
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
(message type)
910 - 913 (OM) User area 44: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 704432-704463)
914 - 917 (FM) User area 45: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 704500-704531)
918 - 921 (OM) User area 45: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 704532-704563)
922 - 925 (FM) User area 46: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 704600-704631)
926 - 929 (OM) User area 46: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 704632-704663)
930 - 933 (FM) User area 47: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 704700-704731)
934 - 937 (OM) User area 47: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 704732-704763)
938 - 941 (FM) User area 48: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 704800-704831)
942 - 945 (OM) User area 48: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 704832-704863)
946 - 989 (FM) User area 49: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 704900-704931)
950 - 953 (OM) User area 49: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 704932-704963)
954 - 957 (FM) User area 50: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 705000-705031)
958 - 961 (OM) User area 50: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 705032-705063)
962 -965 (FM) User area 51: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 705100-705131)
966 - 969 (OM) User area 51: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 705132-705163)
970 - 973 (FM) User area 52: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 705200-705231)
974 - 977 (OM) User area 52: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 705232-705263)
978 - 981 (FM) User area 53: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 705300-705331)
982 - 985 (OM) User area 53: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 705332-705363)
986 - 989 (FM) User area 54: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 705400-705431)
990 - 993 (OM) User area 54: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 705432-705463)
994 - 997 (FM) User area 55: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 705500-705531)
998 - 1001 (OM) User area 55: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 705532-705563)
1002 - 1005 (FM) User area 56: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 705600-705631)
1006 - 1009 (OM) User area 56: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 705632-705663)
1010 -1013 (FM) User area 57: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 705700-705731)
1014 - 1017 (OM) User area 57: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 705732-705763)
1018 - 1021 (FM) User area 58: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 705800-705831)
1022 - 1025 (OM) User area 58: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 705832-705863)
1026 - 1029 (FM) User area 59: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 705900-705931)
1030 - 1033 (OM) User area 59: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 705932-705963)
1034 - 1037 (FM) User area 60: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 706000-706031)
1038 - 941 (OM) User area 60: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 706032-706063)
1042 - 1045 (FM) User area 61: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 706100-706131)
1046 - 1089 (OM) User area 61: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 706132-706163)
1050 - 1053 (FM) User area 62: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 706200-706231)
1054 - 1057 (OM) User area 62: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 706232-706263)
1058 - 1061 (FM) User area 63: Byte 1 - 4 (event no.: 706300-706331)
1062 -1065 (BM) User area 63: Byte 5 - 8 (event no.: 706332-706363)

346 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

Parameterizing user ranges
The number of user ranges (maximum of 64) can be parameterized using FB 1 "MsgUser".

18.1.7 Signals from/to the NC, PLC and operating software DB10, onboard inputs and outputs of the NC

Table 18-40 DB10, onboard inputs and outputs of the NC

DB10 Signals to the NC (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB0 Disable of the digital NC inputs
see also (Page 442)
Input without hardware Input onboard
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB1 Setting of the digital NC inputs from the PLC
see also (Page 443)
Input without hardware Input onboard
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB2 - Not assigned

DBB4 Disable of the digital NC outputs

see also (Page 443)
Output without hardware Output onboard
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB5 Overwrite mask of the digital NC outputs
see also (Page 444)
Output without hardware Output onboard
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB6 Setting value of the digital NC outputs from the PLC
see also (Page 444)
Output without hardware Output onboard
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB7 Input mask of the digital NC outputs
see also (Page 445)
Output without hardware Output onboard
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 347
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB10 Signals to the NC (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB8 - Machine axis numbers table for FC 19, FC 24, FC 25, FC 26 (1st MCP)

DBW30 Upper limit of the machine axis numbers for FC 19, FC 24 (1st MCP)
With 0, the maximum number of machine axis numbers applies

DBB32 - Machine axis numbers table for FC 19, FB 24, FB 25, FB 26 (2nd MCP)

DBW54 Upper limit of the machine axis numbers for FC 19, FC 24 (2nd MCP)
With 0, the maximum number of machine axis numbers applies DB10, general signals to the NC

Table 18-41 DB10, general signals to the NC

DB10 Signals to the NC (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB56 Key-operated switch position Acknowl‐ Emergency
see also (Page 446) edge Emer‐ Stop
gency Stop see
Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
see also
also (Page 446)
(Page 446)
DBB57 Reserved INC inputs
in the mode
range ac‐
DBB58 Collision avoidance: Deactivate protection area group
see also (Page 447)
For operating mode: JOG For operating mode: AUTOMATIC
Workpieces Workholder Tools Machine Workpieces Workholder Tools Machine

348 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview DB10, onboard inputs and outputs from the NC/operating software

Table 18-42 DB10, onboard inputs and outputs from the NC/operating software

DB10 Signals from the NC (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB60 Actual value of the digital NC inputs Actual value of the digital onboard inputs of the NC
see also (Page 448)
Input 8 Input 7 Input 6 Input 5 Input 4 Input 3 Input 2 Input 1
DBB61 -
DBB64 Setpoint for the digital outputs of the NC without hard‐ Setpoint for the digital onboard outputs of the NC
ware see also (Page 449)
Output 8 Output 7 Output 6 Output 5 Output 4 Output 3 Output 2 Output 1
DBB65 -
DBB68 Handwheel 1 is operated
DBB69 Handwheel 2 is operated
DBB70 Handwheel 3 is operated
DBB71 Change counter, inch/metric system of units
DBB72 Status of the displayed actual value screen (1st MCP)
HT 8 → op‐ Traversing MCS / WCS Display val‐
erating soft‐ keys shown id
DBB73 Status of the displayed actual value screen (2nd MCP)
HT 8 → op‐ Traversing MCS / WCS Display val‐
erating soft‐ keys shown id
DBB74 - Machine axis numbers of the displayed axes (1st MCP)
HT 8 → op‐
erating soft‐
DBB80 - Machine axis numbers of the displayed axes (2nd MCP)
HT 8 → op‐
erating soft‐
DBW86 Reserved

DBB88 Reserved

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 349
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview DB10, selection and status signals from the operating software

Table 18-43 DB10, selection and status signals from the operating software

DB10 Signals from the NC (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
IK Inte‐
grate → PLC
DBB92 Suppress fault message in case of fail‐ Slave OK
GP → PLC ure
PN bus DP1 bus MPI/DP PN bus DP1 bus MPI/DP
bus bus
DBB93 Deactivate collision avoidance
Operating JOG mode AUTO mode
soft‐ Workpieces Workholder Tools Machine Workpieces Workholder Tools Machine
ware → PLC
DBB94 Alarm Alarm, di‐
Direct rect keys 1
keys 2 Communi‐
Communi‐ cation error
cation error

DBB96 Set language ID of the operating software

ware → PLC
DBB97 Channel number for handwheel 1
Operating see also (Page 450)
soft‐ D C B A
ware → PLC
DBB98 Channel number for handwheel 2
Operating see also (Page 451)
soft‐ D C B A
ware → PLC
DBB99 Channel number for handwheel 3
Operating see also (Page 451)
soft‐ D C B A
ware → PLC

350 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB10 Signals from the NC (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB100 Axis number for handwheel 1
Operating see also (Page 452)
soft‐ Machine Handwheel Define E D C B A
ware → PLC axis 1 selected handwheel
see see 1 as con‐
also also tour hand‐
(Page 454) (Page 453) wheel
(Page 452)
DBB101 Axis number for handwheel 2
Operating see also (Page 454)
soft‐ Machine Handwheel Define E D C B A
ware → PLC axis 2 selected handwheel
see see 2 as con‐
also also tour hand‐
(Page 455) (Page 454) wheel
(Page 454)
DBB102 Axis number for handwheel 3
Operating see also (Page 455)
soft‐ Machine Handwheel Define E D C B A
ware → PLC axis 3 selected handwheel
see see 3 as con‐
also also tour hand‐
(Page 455) (Page 455) wheel
(Page 455)
DBB103 Operating Operating AT box Operating Operating Remote di‐
Operating software software ready software software agnostics
soft‐ battery tempera‐ see fan monitor‐ monitor active
ware → PLC alarm ture limit also ing hard disk see
see see (Page 455) also
also also (Page 455)
(Page 456) (Page 456)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 351
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview DB10, general signals from the NC

Table 18-44 DB10, general signals to the PLC

DB10 Signals to the PLC

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB104 NC CPU: 1st OB1 cy‐ Op2Key Op1Key HHU ready MCP 2 MCP 1
GP → PLC Ready 1) cle ready ready ready ready
GP → PLC Command
DBB106 Emergency Collision
NC → PLC Stop: avoidance:
Active Protection
see area moni‐
also toring active
(Page 457)
DBB107 Inch sys‐ NCU link: Measuring input activated
NC → PLC tem of Active see also (Page 457)
units Pushbutton Pushbutton
also 2 1
(Page 457)
DBB108 NC ready Drive ready Drives in cy‐ Operating Operator Operator
NC → PLC see see clic opera‐ software panel at panel 2:
also also tion ready MPI: "ready"
(Page (Page 458) see see "ready"
458) also also
(Page 458) (Page 458)
DBB109 NC bat‐ Air temper‐ Heat sink PC operat‐ NC alarm is
NC → PLC tery alarm ature alarm tempera‐ ing system active
see see ture NCU error see
also also alarm also
(Page (Page 460) see (Page 459)
460) also
(Page 459)
DBB110 Software cam minus
NC → PLC see also (Page 460)
7 8 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB111 Software cam minus
NC → PLC see also (Page 460)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
DBB112 Software cam minus
NC → PLC see also (Page 460)
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

352 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB10 Signals to the PLC

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB113 Software cam minus
NC → PLC see also (Page 460)
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
DBB114 Software cam plus
NC → PLC see also (Page 461)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB115 Software cam plus
NC → PLC see also (Page 461)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
DBB116 Software cam plus
NC → PLC see also (Page 461)
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
DBB117 Software cam plus
NC → PLC see also (Page 461)
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
DBB118- SINUMERIK Integrate data
Integrate →
DB10 DBX104.7 (NC CPU: ready) The signal should be included in the machine safety circuit. DB10, external digital NC inputs

Table 18-45 DB10, external digital NC inputs

DB10 Signals to the NC (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB122 Disable of the external digital NC inputs
see also (Page 462)
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
DBB123 Values from the PLC for the external digital NC inputs
see also (Page 462)
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
DBB124 Disable of the external digital NC inputs
see also (Page 462)
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
DBB125 Values from the PLC for the external digital NC inputs
see also (Page 463)
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 353
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB10 Signals to the NC (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB126 Disable of the external digital NC inputs
see also (Page 463)
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
DBB127 Values from the PLC for the external digital NC inputs
see also (Page 464)
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
DBB128 Disable of the external digital NC inputs
see also (Page 464)
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33
DBB129 Values from the PLC for the external digital NC inputs
see also (Page 464)
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 DB10, external digital NC outputs

Table 18-46 DB10, external digital NC outputs

DB10 Signals to the NC (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB130 Disable of the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 465)
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
DBB131 Overwrite mask for the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 465)
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
DBB132 Value from the PLC for the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 466)
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
DBB133 Input mask for the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 467)
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
DBB134 Disable of the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 467)
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
DBB135 Overwrite mask for the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 468)
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
DBB136 Value from the PLC for the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 468)
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17

354 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB10 Signals to the NC (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB137 Input mask for the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 469)
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
DBB138 Disable of the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 469)
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
DBB139 Overwrite mask for the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 470)
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
DBB140 Value from the PLC for the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 470)
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
DBB141 Input mask for the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 471)
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
DBB142 Disable of the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 472)
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33
DBB143 Overwrite mask for the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 472)
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33
DBB144 Value from the PLC for the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 473)
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33
DBB145 Input mask for the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 473)
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 DB10, external analog NC inputs

Table 18-47 DB10, external analog NC inputs

DB10 Signals to the NC (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB146 Analog NC inputs disabled
see also (Page 474)
Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1
DBB147 Input analog value input for the NC from the PLC
see also (Page 474)
Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1
DBW148 Setpoint from the PLC for analog input 1 of the NC

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 355
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB10 Signals to the NC (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBW150 Setpoint from the PLC for analog input 2 of the NC
see also (Page 475)
DBW152 Setpoint from the PLC for analog input 3 of the NC
see also (Page 475)
DBW154 Setpoint from the PLC for analog input 4 of the NC
see also (Page 475)
DBW156 Setpoint from the PLC for analog input 5 of the NC
see also (Page 475)
DBW158 Setpoint from the PLC for analog input 6 of the NC
see also (Page 475)
DBW160 Setpoint from the PLC for analog input 7 of the NC
see also (Page 475)
DBW162 Setpoint from the PLC for analog input 8 of the NC
see also (Page 475)
DBW164 DB10, external analog NC outputs

Table 18-48 DB10, external analog NC outputs

DB10 Signals to the NC (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB166 Overwrite mask for the analog NC outputs
see also (Page 475)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB167 Input mask for the analog NC outputs
see also (Page 476)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB168 Analog NC outputs disabled
see also (Page 476)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB169 Reserved

DBW170 Setpoint from the PLC for analog output 1 of the NC

see also (Page 477)
DBW172 Setpoint from the PLC for analog output 2 of the NC
see also (Page 477)
DBW174 Setpoint from the PLC for analog output 3 of the NC
see also (Page 477)
DBW176 Setpoint from the PLC for analog output 4 of the NC
see also (Page 477)

356 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB10 Signals to the NC (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBW178 Setpoint from the PLC for analog output 5 of the NC
see also (Page 477)
DBW180 Setpoint from the PLC for analog output 6 of the NC
see also (Page 477)
DBW182 Setpoint from the PLC for analog output 7 of the NC
see also (Page 477)
DBW184 Setpoint from the PLC for analog output 8 of the NC
see also (Page 477) DB10, external digital NC inputs and outputs

Table 18-49 DB10, external digital NC inputs and outputs

DB10 Signals from the NC (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB186 Actual value of the external digital NC inputs
see also (Page 477)
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
DBB187 Actual value of the external digital NC inputs
see also (Page 478)
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
DBB188 Actual value of the external digital NC inputs
see also (Page 478)
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
DBB189 Actual value of the external digital NC inputs
see also (Page 479)
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33
DBB190 NC setpoint for the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 479)
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
DBB191 NC setpoint for the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 479)
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
DBB192 NC setpoint for the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 480)
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
DBB193 NC setpoint for the external digital NC outputs
see also (Page 480)
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 357
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview DB10, analog NC inputs and outputs

Table 18-50 DB10, analog NC inputs and outputs

DB10 Signals from the NC (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBW194 Actual value of analog input 1 of the NC
see also (Page 481)
DBW196 Actual value of analog input 2 of the NC
see also (Page 481)
DBW198 Actual value of analog input 3 of the NC
see also (Page 481)
DBW200 Actual value of analog input 4 of the NC
see also (Page 481)
DBW202 Actual value of analog input 5 of the NC
see also (Page 481)
DBW204 Actual value of analog input 6 of the NC
see also (Page 481)
DBW206 Actual value of analog input 7 of the NC
see also (Page 481)
DBW208 Actual value of analog input 8 of the NC
see also (Page 481)
DBW210 Setpoint of analog output 1 of the NC
see also (Page 481)
DBW212 Setpoint of analog output 2 of the NC
see also (Page 481)
DBW214 Setpoint of analog output 3 of the NC
see also (Page 481)
DBW216 Setpoint of analog output 4 of the NC
see also (Page 481)
DBW218 Setpoint of analog output 5 of the NC
see also (Page 481)
DBW220 Setpoint of analog output 6 of the NC
see also (Page 481)
DBW222 Setpoint of analog output 7 of the NC
see also (Page 481)
DBW224 Setpoint of analog output 8 of the NC
see also (Page 481)

358 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview DB10, collision avoidance: Protection area active

Table 18-51 DB10, collision avoidance: Protection zone active

DB10 Signals from the NC (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB226 Collision avoidance: Protection zone active (bit)
see also (Page 482)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB227 Collision avoidance: Protection zone active (bit)
see also (Page 482)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
DBB228 Collision avoidance: Protection zone active (bit)
see also (Page 482)
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
DBB229 Collision avoidance: Protection zone active (bit)
see also (Page 482)
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
DBB230 Collision avoidance: Protection zone active (bit)
see also (Page 482)
39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
DBB231 Collision avoidance: Protection zone active (bit)
see also (Page 482)
47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40
DBB232 Collision avoidance: Protection zone active (bit)
see also (Page 482)
55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48
DBB233 Collision avoidance: Protection zone active (bit)
see also (Page 482)
63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 DB10, collision avoidance: Activate protection area

Table 18-52 DB10, collision avoidance: Activate protection zone

DB10 Signals from the PLC (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB234 Collision avoidance: Activate protection zone (bit)
see also (Page 482)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB235 Collision avoidance: Activate protection zone (bit)
see also (Page 482)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 359
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB10 Signals from the PLC (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB236 Collision avoidance: Activate protection zone (bit)
see also (Page 482)
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
DBB237 Collision avoidance: Activate protection zone (bit)
see also (Page 482)
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
DBB238 Collision avoidance: Activate protection zone (bit)
see also (Page 482)
39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
DBB239 Collision avoidance: Activate protection zone (bit)
see also (Page 482)
47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40
DBB240 Collision avoidance: Activate protection zone (bit)
see also (Page 482)
55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48
DBB241 Collision avoidance: Activate protection zone (bit)
see also (Page 482)
63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 DB10, extension, handwheel signals from the NC

Table 18-53 DB10, extension, handwheel signals from the NC

DB10 Signals from the NC (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB242 Handwheel 4 is moved
DBB243 Handwheel 5 is moved
DBB244 Handwheel 6 is moved
DBB245 Ethernet handwheel is stationary
see also (Page 483)
Handwheel Handwheel Handwheel Handwheel Handwheel Handwheel
6 5 4 3 2 1

360 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview DB10, extension, handwheel signals from the HMI

Table 18-54 DB10, extension, handwheel signals from the NC

DB10 Signals from HMI (HMI → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB246 Handwheel active
see also (Page 484)
Handwheel Handwheel Handwheel Handwheel Handwheel Handwheel
6 5 4 3 2 1 DB10, interface robot status.

Table 18-55 DB10, signals from the robot

DB10 Signals from the PLC (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB248 Robot status byte 0
DBB249 Robot status byte 1
DBB250 Robot status byte 2
DBB251 Robot status byte 3
DBB252 Robot status byte 4
DBB253 Robot status byte 5
DBB254 Robot status byte 6
DBB255 Robot status byte 7 DB10, interface robot status

Table 18-56 DB10, signals to the robot

DB10 Signals from the NC (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB256 Robot control byte 0
DBB257 Robot control byte 1
DBB258 Robot control byte 2
DBB259 Robot control byte 3
DBB260 Robot control byte 4
DBB261 Robot control byte 5
DBB262 Robot control byte 6
DBB263 Robot control byte 7

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 361
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

18.1.8 Mode group-specific signals DB11, mode signals 1 to the NC

The start address of a mode group interface can be calculated as follows:
Start address = 20 * (n - 1), with n = mode group number = 1, 2, 3, ...

Table 18-57 DB11, mode signals mode group 1 to NC

DB11 Signals to mode group 1 (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB0 Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode: Requirement
group reset group stop group Stop change dis‐ JOG MDI AUTO
see axes plus see able
see see see
also spindles also see also also also
(Page 487) see (Page 485) also (Page 485) (Page 484) (Page 484)
also (Page 485)
(Page 486)
DBB1 Single block Machine function: Requirement
see see see see see
also also also also also
(Page 489) (Page 488) (Page 488) (Page 488) (Page 487)
DBB2 Machine function: Requirement
Note: The interface must be enabled explicitly: DB10 DBX57.0 (Page 348) = 1
Continuous INCvar INC10000 INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1
DBB3 DB11, mode signals 1 from the NC

Table 18-58 DB11, mode signals mode group 1 from NC

DB11 Signals from mode group 1 (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB4 Mode strobe
Operating JOG MDI AUTO
software → see see see
PLC also also also
(Page 490) (Page 490) (Page 490)
DBB5 Machine function strobe
software → see see see
PLC also also also
(Page 491) (Page 491) (Page 490)

362 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB11 Signals from mode group 1 (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB6 All chan‐ NC internal Mode Mode Active operating mode
nels in the JOG active group reset group ready JOG MDI AUTO
reset state /FB-K1/ performed see see see see
see /FB-K1/ also also also also
also (Page 492) (Page 492) (Page 491) (Page 491)
(Page 492)
DBB7 Active machine function
see see see
also also also
(Page 493) (Page 493) (Page 493)
DBB8 Machine functions: Selection
Note: The interface must be enabled explicitly: DB10 DBX57.0 (Page 348)= 1
Continuous INCvar INC10000 INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1

Table 18-59 DB11, mode signals mode group 1 from the HMI

DB11 Signals to mode group 1 (HMI → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB10 Machine functions
Operating Continuous INCvar INC10000 INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1
software → traversing
PLC active
DBB11 DB11, mode signals 2 to the NC

Table 18-60 DB11, mode signals mode group 2 to NC

DB11 Signals to mode group 2 (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB20 Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode: Requirement
group reset group Stop group Stop change dis‐ JOG MDI AUTO
axes plus able
DBB21 Single block Machine function: Requirement

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 363
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB11 Signals to mode group 2 (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB22 Machine function: Requirement
Note: The interface must be enabled explicitly: DB10 DBX57.0 = (Page 348) 1
Continuous INCvar INC10000 INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1
DBB23 DB11, mode signals 2 from NC

Table 18-61 DB11, mode signals mode group 2 from NC

DB11 Signals from mode group 2 (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB24 Mode strobe
Operating JOG MDI AUTO
software →
DBB25 Machine function strobe
software →
DBB26 All chan‐ JOG is ac‐ Mode Mode Active operating mode
nels in tive inter‐ group reset group ready JOG MDI AUTO
state: Reset nally in the performed
DBB27 Active machine function
DBB28 Active machine function
Note: The interface must be enabled explicitly: DB10 DBX57.0 (Page 352) = 1
Continuous INCvar INC10000 INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1

Table 18-62 DB11, mode signals mode group 2 from the HMI

DB11 Signals to mode group 2 (HMI → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB30 Machine functions
Operating Continuous INCvar INC10000 INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1
software → traversing

364 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

18.1.9 Safety Integrated (SPL) DB18, parameterization part

Table 18-63 DB18, parameterization part

DB18 SPL signals (PLC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB0 -
DBB36 Stop E SPL ready
see see
also also
(Page 494) (Page 494)
DBB37 DB18, data area / errors

Table 18-64 DB18, data area / errors

DB18 SPL signals (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Data area of the SPL inputs/outputs
DBB38 - SPL_DATA.INSEP [1..32]
DBB41 see also (Page 494)

DBB42 - SPL_DATA.INSEP [33..64]

DBB45 see also (Page 495)


DBB49 see also (Page 495)

DBB50 - SPL_DATA.OUTSEP [33..64]

Data area for user SPL
DBB54 - SPL_DATA.INSIP [1..32]
DBB58 - SPL_DATA.INSIP [33..64]
DBB66 - SPL_DATA.OUTSIP [33..64]

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 365
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB18 SPL signals (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Difference in signal level NC - PLC for diagnostics
DBB78 - -DBB81 SPL_DELTA.INSEP [1..32]
DBB82 - SPL_DELTA.INSEP [33..64]
DBB98 - SPL_DELTA.INSIP [33..64]
DBB106 - SPL_DELTA.OUTSIP [33..64]
DBB119 NC signals Systemer‐ Crosswise PROFIsafe
a stop to ror CDC data com‐ communi‐
the PLC parison er‐ cation error
ror, SPL
0 = no error
Crosswise data comparison error tripped
DBD124 CDC stack level display
(diagnostics capability: How many SPL signals currently have a different level)

366 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview DB18, additional data areas

Table 18-65 DB18, additional data areas

DB18 SPL signals (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Data area of the single-channel inputs/outputs
DBB128 PLC_SI_OUT [1..8]
DBB129 PLC_SI_OUT [9..16]
DBB130 PLC_SI_OUT [17..24]
DBB131 PLC_SI_OUT [25..32]
DBB132 PLC_SI_IN [1..8]
DBB133 PLC_SI_IN [9..16]
DBB134 PLC_SI_IN [17..24]
DBB135 PLC_SI_IN [25..32]
DBB136- SPL status
DBB138 PROFIsafe module(s) for input byte
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

DBB140 PROFIsafe module(s) for output byte

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

DBB142 -
DBB150 -
DBB158 -

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 367
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview DB18, F_SENDDP sender

Table 18-66 DB18, F_SENDDP sender

DB18 SPL signals (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
1st F_SENDDP interface: FSDP[1]
2nd F_SENDDP interface: FSDP[2]
3rd F_SENDDP interface: FSDP[3]
DBW218 RETVAL15 DB18, F_SENDDP receiver

Table 18-67 DB18, F_SENDDP receiver

DB18 SPL signals (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
1st F_RECVDP interface: FRDP[1]
DBB220 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB221 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8

368 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB18 SPL signals (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
2nd F_RECVDP interface: FRDP[2]
DBB232 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB233 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
3rd F_RECVDP interface: FRDP[3]
DBB244 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB245 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
DBW254 RETVAL15 DB18, SPL user data

Table 18-68 DB18, SPL user data

DB18 SPL signals (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 369
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview DB18, data area / errors: Extended data area

Table 18-69 DB18, data area / errors: Extended data area

DB18 Signals for the safety SPL (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Data area of the SPL inputs/outputs

DBD276 SPL_DATA_HF.INSEP [97..128]

DBD280 SPL_DATA_HF.INSEP [129..160]

DBD284 SPL_DATA_HF.INSEP [161..192]



DBD296 SPL_DATA_HF.OUTSEP [129..160]

DBD300 SPL_DATA_HF.OUTSEP [161..192]

Data area for user SPL


DBD308 SPL_DATA_HF.INSIP [97..128]

DBD312 SPL_DATA_HF.INSIP [129..160]

DBD316 SPL_DATA_HF.INSIP [161..192]



DBD328 SPL_DATA_HF.OUTSIP [129..160]

DBD332 SPL_DATA_HF.OUTSIP [161..192]


370 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB18 Signals for the safety SPL (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0



Difference in signal level NC - PLC for diagnostics



DBD360 SPL_DELTA_HF.INSEP [129..160]

DBD364 SPL_DELTA_HF.INSEP [161..192]







DBD392 SPL_DELTA_HF.INSIP [129..160]

DBD396 SPL_DATA_HF.INSIP [161..192]






Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 371
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB18 Signals for the safety SPL (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0


DBD428 SPL_DELTA_HF. MARKERSIP [161..192] DB18, additional data areas: Extended data area

Table 18-70 DB18, additional data areas: Extended data area

DB18 Signals for the safety SPL (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Data area of the single-channel inputs/outputs
DBB432 PLCSIOUT_HF [33..40]
von NC
DBB433 PLCSIOUT_HF [41..48]
von NC
DBB434 PLCSIOUT_HF [49..56]
von NC
DBB435 PLCSIOUT_HF [57..64]
von NC
DBB436 PLCSIOUT_HF [65..72]
von NC
DBB437 PLCSIOUT_HF [73..80]
von NC
DBB438 PLCSIOUT_HF [81..88]
von NC
DBB439 PLCSIOUT_HF [89..96]
von NC
DBB440 PLCSIIN_HF [33..40]
an NC
DBB441 PLCSIIN_HF [41..48]
an NC
DBB442 PLCSIIN_HF [49..56]
an NC
DBB443 PLCSIIN_HF [57..64]
an NC

372 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB18 Signals for the safety SPL (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB444 PLCSIIN_HF [65..72]
an NC
DBB445 PLCSIIN_HF [73..80]
an NC
DBB446 PLCSIIN_HF [81..88]
an NC
DBB447 PLCSIIN_HF [89..96]
an NC DB18, F_SENDDP sender

Table 18-71 DB18, F_SENDDP sender

DB18 Signals for the safety SPL (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
4th F_SENDDP interface: FSDP[4]
5th F_SENDDP interface: FSDP[5]
6th F_SENDDP interface: FSDP[6]
7th F_SENDDP interface: FSDP[7]

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 373
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB18 Signals for the safety SPL (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
8th F_SENDDP interface: FSDP[8]
9th F_SENDDP interface: FSDP[9]
10th F_SENDDP interface: FSDP[10]
11th F_SENDDP interface: FSDP[11]
12th F_SENDDP interface: FSDP[12]
13th F_SENDDP interface: FSDP[13]

374 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB18 Signals for the safety SPL (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
14th F_SENDDP interface: FSDP[14]
15th F_SENDDP interface: FSDP[15]
16th F_SENDDP interface: FSDP[16]
DBW576 RETVAL15 DB18, F_RECDP receiver

Table 18-72 DB18, F_SENDDP receiver

DB18 Signals for the safety SPL (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
4th F_RECVDP interface: FRDP_HF[4]
DBB578 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB579 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 375
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB18 Signals for the safety SPL (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
5th F_RECVDP interface: FRDP_HF[5]
DBB590 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB591 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
6th F_RECVDP interface: FRDP_HF[6]
DBB602 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB603 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7th F_RECVDP interface: FRDP_HF[7]
DBB614 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB615 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
8th F_RECVDP interface: FRDP_HF[8]
DBB626 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB627 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8

376 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB18 Signals for the safety SPL (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
9th F_RECVDP interface: FRDP_HF[9]
DBB638 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB639 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
10th F_RECVDP interface: FRDP_HF[10]
DBB650 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

DBB651 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
11th F_RECVDP interface: FRDP_HF[11]
DBB662 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

DBB663 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 377
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB18 Signals for the safety SPL (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
12th F_RECVDP interface: FRDP_HF[12]
DBB674 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

DBB675 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
13th F_RECVDP interface: FRDP_HF[13]
DBB686 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB687 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
14th F_RECVDP interface: FRDP_HF[14]
DBB698 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB699 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
15th F_RECVDP interface: FRDP_HF[15]
DBB710 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB711 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8

378 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB18 Signals for the safety SPL (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
16th F_RECVDP interface: FRDP_HF[16]
DBB722 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB723 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8

18.1.10 Control/status signals to/from operator panel (OP) DB19, signals to the operator panel (OP)

Table 18-73 DB19, signals to the operator panel (OP)

DB19 Signals from the operator panel (OP)

(PLC → operating software)
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB0 Interface of 1st Control (DBB0 - DBB49)
Actual val‐ Save to ac‐ HMI Ad‐ Delete re‐ Delete can‐ Key lock Darken Brighten
ue in the tion log vanced: call alarms cel alarms see screen screen
WCS, (1) / Shutdown see see also see see
MCS (0) also also (Page 496) also also
see (Page 497) (Page 497) (Page 496) (Page 496)
(Page 497)
DBB1 Rights for External
the external viewer
DBB6 Analog spindle 1: Utilization as a percentage
see also (Page 498)
DBB7 Analog spindle 2: Utilization as a percentage
see also (Page 498)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 379
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB19 Signals from the operator panel (OP)

(PLC → operating software)
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB8 Channel number of the machine control panel to the control
see also (Page 498)
DBB9 Reserved selection Autotool OEM2 OEM1
DBB10 Hardkeys
see also (Page 498)
DBB11 Reserved
DBB13 Part program Reserved Disable
Selection Load Unload teach in
see see see
also also also /IHsl-IM9/
(Page 499) (Page 499) (Page 499)
DBB14 Active (0) / V24 active file system: Index of the file to be transferred from the standard list.
passive (1) V24 passive file system: Number of the control file for user file names.
file system
see also (Page 499)
(Page 500)
DBB15 V24 active file system: Index which specifies the axis, channel or TO No.
V24 passive file system: Index of the file to be transferred from the user list.
see also (Page 500)
DBB16 Always 1 Program selection from the PLC: Index of the program list
see also (Page 500)
DBB17 Program selection from the PLC: Program index in the program list
see also (Page 501)
DBB19 Reserved (message counter)

380 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview DB19, signals from the operator panel (OP)

Table 18-74 DB19, signals from the operator panel (OP)

DB19 Signals from the operator panel (OP)

(Operating software → PLC)
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB20 Switch over Simulation Language Recall Cancel Cancel key Screen is
MCS/WCS active 2 switched alarm de‐ alarm de‐ actuated dark
see al‐ see over leted leted /FB-A2/ see
so also /IHsl-IM9/ see see also
(Page 502) (Page 502) also also (Page 501)
(Page 502) (Page 502)
DBB21 Current number of the active operating range
/FB-P3/; /FB-A2/
DBB22 Current channel number
see also (Page 503)
DBB23 Control 1
Screen Data trans‐ Keyboard
change ac‐ fer active has been
tive used
DBW24 Current screen number
see also (Page 503)
DBB26 Program selection from the PLC: Status signals
Selection Load Unload Active Error Job com‐ Reserved
see al‐ see see see see pleted
so also also also also see
(Page 505) (Page 505) (Page 504) (Page 504) (Page 504) also
(Page 503)
DBB27 Program selection from the PLC: Error code
see also (Page 506)
DBW28 Screen number for "Supplement user interface" /IHsl-BE2/
DBB30 Screen selection from the PLC: Control signals
PLC → OP Screen de‐ Screen se‐
selection lection
DBB31 Screen selection from the PLC: Status signals
Operating Inactive Error, Screen is Screen ac‐ Screen is Screen se‐
software → screen se‐ deselected tive selected lection ac‐
PLC lection not cepted
DBB32 Busy func‐ Strobe Function selection No. from the PLC
PLC → op‐ tion function see also (Page 507)
erating soft‐ see al‐ see
ware so also
(Page 507) (Page 507)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 381
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB19 Signals from the operator panel (OP)

(Operating software → PLC)
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB33 Parameter 1 for function selection No. (function selection from DBB32)
PLC → op‐ see also (Page 508)
erating soft‐
DBB34 Parameter 2 for function selection No. (function selection from DBB32)
PLC → op‐
erating soft‐
DBB35 Parameter 3 for function selection No. (function selection from DBB32)
PLC → op‐
erating soft‐
DBB36 Error code for function selection No. (function selection from DBB32)
Operating see also (Page 508)
software →
DBB37 Parameter 1 for function selection No. (function selection from DBB48)
software →
DBB38 Parameter 2 for function selection No. (function selection from DBB48)
software →
DBB39 Parameter 3 for function selection No. (function selection from DBB48)
software →
DBB40 - Reserved
DBB48 PLC busy Operating Function selection No. from the operating software
Operating Function software
software → strobe
PLC Function
DBB49 Error code for function selection No. (function selection from DBB48)
PLC → op‐
erating soft‐
DBB50 - Interface of 2nd Control (assignment the same as DBB0 - DBB49)
DBB100 Switchover interface to the operating software
Call waiting interface (operating software announces itself to the NC)
ONL_REQUEST (online request from operating software) /FB-B3/
Operating software writes its client identification as online request (bits 8-15: bus type, bits 0-7: bus address)

382 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB19 Signals from the operator panel (OP)

(Operating software → PLC)
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB102 ONL_CONFIRM (acknowledgment from PLC after online request) /FB-B3/
PLC writes as acknowledgment the operating software client identification (bus type, bus address; such as
Operating software writes its client identification (bus type, bus address; such as DBB100).
Type of operating software acc. to NETNAMES.INI: Main/secondary operator panel / server /...
Operating software writes address of the MCP to be activated; 255, if no MCP activation
PLC writes the online enable for the operating software
PLC writes additional info on the status
Sign-of-life from the PLC to the operating software using the M to N block
DBB112 Res. Bus type MCP
DBB113 ParOpKeyAdr
Direct key index call waiting interface
DBB114 ParTcuIndex
TCU index call waiting interface
DBB115 ParHt2Index
Ht2 index logon interface
DBB116 Direct key address of 1st Online interface
DBB117 Direct key address of 2nd Online interface
DBB118 TCU index of 1st Online interface
DBB119 TCU index of 2nd Online interface
DBB120 Online interface OP 1 (user)
PLC writes PAR_CLIENT_IDENT to MMCx_CLIENT_IDENT, if operating software goes online.
PLC writes PAR_MMC_TYP to MMCx_TYP, if operating software goes online.
PLC writes PAR_MCP_ADR to MMCx_MCP_ADR, if operating software goes online.
Connection state, operating software and PLC write alternating their requests/acknowledgments.
Additional information, connection state (pos./neg. acknowledgment, error messages, etc.)
DBB126 Reserved TCU1_ MMC1_ MMC1_ MMC1_ MMC1_ MMC1_ MMC1_
/FB-B3/ /FB2B3/ /FB-B3/ /FB-B3/ LOCK /FB-B3/

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 383
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB19 Signals from the operator panel (OP)

(Operating software → PLC)
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB127 Reserved bus type MCP

DBB128 - Reserved Transline (Transline DB number)

DBB130 Online interface OP 2 (user)
PLC writes PAR_CLIENT_IDENT to MMCx_CLIENT_IDENT, if operating software goes online.
PLC writes PAR_MMC_TYP to MMCx_TYP, if operating software goes online.
PLC writes PAR_MCP_ADR to MMCx_MCP_ADR, if operating software goes online.
Connection state, operating software and PLC write alternating their requests/acknowledgments.
Additional information, connection state (pos./neg. acknowledgment, error messages, etc.)
DBB136 Reserved TCU2_ MMC2_ MMC2_ MMC2_ MMC2_ MMC2_ MMC2_
/FB-B3/ /FB-B3/ /FB-B3/ /FB-B3/ LOCK /FB-B3/
DBB137 Reserved bus type MCP

DBB138 - Reserved Transline (Transline DB number)

DBB140 - Assignment of the PLC for transfer parameters
DBB197 These data blocks are reserved for the "Tool Ident Connection" option.
DBB198 - Assignment of the PLC for return values
DBB249 These data blocks are reserved for the "Tool Ident Connection" option.
DBB250 - Function call of the PLC interface
DBB255 These data blocks are reserved for the "Tool Ident Connection" option.
DBB256 - Commands for Paramtm.exe
DBB268 Traffic light status
DBD270 - Counter [1...32]
DBB398 Handwheel number for simulation override
DBW400 Simulation override
DBW402 Simulation state

384 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview DB19, sidescreen - interface for the MCP function

Table 18-75 DB19, sidescreen - interface for the MCP function

DB19 Signals to/from the operator panel

Signal from the operating software → PLC
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB404 Customer keys
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB405 Customer keys
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
DBB406 Customer keys
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
DBB407 Customer keys
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
DBB408 Customer keys
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33
DBB409 Customer keys
48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41
DBB410 Customer keys
56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49
DBB411 Customer keys
64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 DB19, sidescreen - interface for the MCP function

Table 18-76 DB19, sidescreen - interface for the MCP function signals to/from the operator panel

DB19 Signals to/from the operator panel [r/w]

Signal from PLC → operating software
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB412 Customer LED
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB413 Customer LED
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
DBB414 Customer LED
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
DBB415 Customer LED
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
DBB416 Customer LED
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33
DBB417 Customer LED
48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 385
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB19 Signals to/from the operator panel [r/w]

Signal from PLC → operating software
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB418 Customer LED
56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49
DBB419 Customer LED
64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57
DBB420 Customer key deactivated
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB421 Customer key deactivated
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
DBB422 Customer key deactivated
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
DBB423 Customer key deactivated
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
DBB424 Customer key deactivated
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33
DBB425 Customer key deactivated
48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41
DBB426 Customer key deactivated
56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49
DBB427 Customer key deactivated
64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57

18.1.11 Defining PLC alarms DB20, NC machine data

Table 18-77 DB20, NC machine data

DB20 NC machine data (PLC → user)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBW0 INT values


DBW INT values

DBB Bit arrays


386 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB20 NC machine data (PLC → user)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

DBB Bit arrays

DBD REAL values


DBD REAL values

The start and end addresses of the PLC machine data areas are dependent on the particular
length data of the partial areas. The range of INTEGER values always starts with data byte 0.
The upper limit is defined by the associated length data. The range of the bit arrays starts after
the range of the INTEGER values at the next even address. The range of REAL values starts
after the range of the bit arrays at the next even address.

18.1.12 Channel-specific signals DB21 - DB30, control signals to the channel (1)

DB21 - Signals to the channel (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB0 Activate dry Activate Activate Activate RESU: RESU:
run feedrate M01 single block DRF Start re‐ Backward/
see see see see trace sup‐ forward
also also also also port see
(Page 511) (Page 510) (Page 510) (Page 509) see also
also (Page 508)
(Page 509)
DBB1 Activate PLC action CLC correc‐ CLC stop Time moni‐ Disable all Enable pro‐ Activate ref‐
program completed tion see toring ac‐ synchron‐ tection erencing
test see see also tive (tool ized actions zones see
see also also (Page 512) manage‐ /FBSY/ /FB-A5/ also
also (Page 513) (Page 513) ment) (Page 511)
(Page 514) see
(Page 512)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 387
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB21 - Signals to the channel (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB2 Activate skip block
see also (Page 515)
/7 /6 /5 /4 /3 /2 /1 /0
DBB3 Nibbling and punching
Manual Stroke inop‐ Delayed Stroke sup‐ Manual Stroke ena‐
stroke initia‐ erative stroke pression stroke initia‐ ble
tion see see see tion see
see also also also see also
also (Page 517) (Page 516) (Page 516) also (Page 515)
(Page 517) (Page 516)
DBB4 Path feedrate override
see also (Page 517)
DBB5 Path rapid traverse override
see also (Page 519)
DBB6 Path fee‐ Path rapid Program Delete UP Delete dis‐ Read-in dis‐ Feedrate
drate over‐ traverse level abort number of tance-to-go able disable
ride active override ac‐ see passes see see see
see tive also also also also
also see (Page 523) (Page 522) (Page 522) (Page 521)
(Page 524) also
(Page 523)
DBB7 Reset Activate Deactivate NC Stop ax‐ NC stop NC Stop at NC start NC start
see configured start disable es plus see block limit see disable
also STOP spindle also see also see
(Page 527) see see (Page 526) also (Page 525) also
also also (Page 525) (Page 524)
(Page 527) (Page 526)
DBB8 Activate machine-related protection area
see also (Page 528)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB9 Activate machine-related protection area
see also (Page 528)
10 9
DBB10 Activate channel-specific protection area
see also (Page 528)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB11 Activate channel-specific protection area
see also (Page 528)
10 9

388 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

● Feedrate override active: Even if the feedrate override is not active (= 100%), the 0%
position is still effective.
● Feedrate override: Either 31 positions (Gray code) with 31 MD for % evaluation, or 0% to
200% corresponding to the dual value in the byte (201 to 255 = max. 200%)
● Rapid traverse override: Either 31 positions (Gray code) with 31 MD for % evaluation, or 0%
to 100% corresponding to the dual value in the byte (101 to 255 = max. 100%)
● Single block: Select the version using "Write variable"
● Delete distance-to-go: Is only active for path axes and not for positioning axes DB21 - DB30, control signals to the geometry axes

Table 18-78 DB21 - DB30, control signals to the geometry axes

DB21 - Signals to the channel (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Geometry axis 1
DBB12 Traversing keys Rapid tra‐ Traversing Feedrate Activate handwheel
see also (Page 531) verse over‐ key lock stop see also (Page 529)
ride see see
Plus Minus C B A
see also also
also (Page 530) (Page 530)
(Page 531)
DBB13 Requested machine function
see also (Page 533)
Continuous INCvar INC10000 INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1
DBB14 OEM signals

DBB15 Invert hand‐

wheel direc‐
tion of rota‐
(Page 534)

Geometry axis 2

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 389
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB21 - Signals to the channel (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB16 Traversing keys Rapid tra‐ Traversing Feedrate Activate handwheel
see also (Page 535) verse over‐ key lock stop see also (Page 534)
ride see see
see also also
Plus Minus C B A
also (Page 535) (Page 530)
(Page 535)

DBB17 Requested machine function

see also (Page 535)
Continuous INCvar INC10000 INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1
DBB18 OEM signals

DBB19 Invert hand‐

wheel direc‐
tion of rota‐
(Page 535)

Geometry axis 3
DBB20 Traversing keys Rapid tra‐ Traversing Feedrate Activate handwheel
see also (Page 536) verse over‐ key lock stop see also (Page 535)
ride see see
see also also
Plus Minus C B A
also (Page 535) (Page 530)
(Page 536)

DBB21 Requested machine function

see also (Page 536)
Continuous INCvar INC10000 INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1
DBB22 OEM signals

DBB23 Invert hand‐

wheel direc‐
tion of rota‐
(Page 536)

390 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

The NC only evaluates the machine function signals if the signal DB10 DBX57.0
(Page 348)"INC inputs in mode group area active" is not set. DB21 - DB30, HMI signals to channel / OEM signals from/to channel

Table 18-79 DB21 - DB30, control signals from the operating software to the PLC, PLC to the NC and status signal from
channel to the PLC

DB21 - Signals from the channel/PLC/operating software (operating software → PLC, PLC → NC, NC → PLC)
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB24 Dry run fee‐ M01 selec‐ M01 associ‐ DRF selec‐ Activate
Operating drate selec‐ ted ated with ted configured
software → ted see NC selec‐ see STOP
PLC see also ted also see
also (Page 538) see (Page 537) also
(Page 538) also (Page 536)
(Page 537)
DBB25 Program REPOS Feedrate REPOS mode /FB-K1/
Operating test selec‐ mode override se‐ C B A
software → ted change lected for
PLC /FB-K1/ /FB-K1/ rapid tra‐
(Page 539)
DBB26 Skip block requested, level/x
Operating /FB-K1/
software → /7 /6 /5 /4 /3 /2 /1 /0
DBB27 Skip block requested, lev‐
Operating el/x
software → /9 /8
DBB28 OEM signals: Requirement
DBB29 Tool Deactivate Deactivate Activate Activate fixed feedrate
PLC → NC do not lock wear moni‐ workpiece PTP traver‐ see also (Page 541)
toring counter sal
see 4 3 2 1
also see see see
(Page 543) also also also
(Page 542) (Page 542) (Page 542)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 391
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB21 - Signals from the channel/PLC/operating software (operating software → PLC, PLC → NC, NC → PLC)
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB30 No tool Jog circles Activate Contour Contour Activate contour handwheel
PLC → NC change see NC-associ‐ handwheel handwheel see also (Page 543)
commands also ated M0/1 simulation, simulation
(Page 545) see negative di‐ on
also rection see
(Page 545) see also
also (Page 544)
(Page 545)
DBB31 Activate skip block Invert con‐ REPOS REPOS mode
PLC → NC tour hand‐ mode see also (Page 546)
wheel direc‐ change
/9 /8 C B A
tion of rota‐ see
tion also
see (Page 547)
(Page 547)
DBB32 Last action M00/M01 Approach Action RESU: RESU: Execution
NC → PLC block active active block active block active Retrace Retrace from exter‐
see see see see support ac‐ mode active nal active
also also also also tive see
(Page 549) (Page 549) (Page 548) (Page 548) see also
also (Page 547)
(Page 548)
DBB33 Program Transfor‐ M02/M30 Block Handwheel Revolution‐ Orientable Referenc‐
NC → PLC test active mation ac‐ active search ac‐ override ac‐ al feedrate tool carrier ing active
see tive see tive tive active active see
also see also see see /FB-V1/ also
(Page 552) also (Page 551) also also (Page 550)
(Page 552) (Page 551) (Page 550)
DBB34 OEM signals: Feedback signal
DBB35 Channel state Program status
NC → PLC Reset Interrupted Active Canceled Interrupted Stopped Waiting Running
see see see see see see see see
also also also also also also also also
(Page 558) (Page 557) (Page 557) (Page 556) (Page 555) (Page 555) (Page 554) (Page 553)
DBB36 NC alarm Channel- Channel is Interrupt All axes sta‐ All axes
NC → PLC with ma‐ specific NC ready handling tionary that have to
chining alarm is ac‐ see active see be refer‐
stop is ac‐ tive also see also enced are
tive see (Page 559) also (Page 559) referenced
see also (Page 559) see
also (Page 560) also
(Page 560) (Page 558)

392 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB21 - Signals from the channel/PLC/operating software (operating software → PLC, PLC → NC, NC → PLC)
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB37 "Stop at the Read-in dis‐ CLC stop‐ CLC stop‐ CLC active Contour handwheel active
NC → PLC end of able is ig‐ ped ped see see also (Page 560)
block for nored Upper limit Lower limit also C B A
single block see (Page 561)
see see
(SBL)" is also also also
suppressed (Page 563)
(Page 562) (Page 562)
(Page 563)
DBB38 Nibbling and punching /FB-N4/
NC → PLC Manual Stroke ini‐
stroke initia‐ tiation ac‐
tion: Ac‐ tive
knowledg‐ see
ment also
see (Page 564)
(Page 564)
DBB39 Stop at end Configured Contour Stop at end NC alarm Protection
NC → PLC of block stop is acti‐ handwheel of block with pro‐ zone moni‐
due to con‐ vated direction of due to sin‐ gram stop toring not
figured stop see rotation in‐ gle block see guaranteed
see also verted ac‐ see also /FB-A5/
also (Page 566) tive also (Page 565)
(Page 566) see (Page 565)
(Page 565) DB21 - DB30, control signals from the geometry axes

Table 18-80 DB21 - DB30, control signals from the geometry axes

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Geometry axis 1
DBB40 Travel command Traversing requests Handwheel active
see also (Page 568) see also (Page 567) see also (Page 566)
Plus Minus Plus Minus C B A
DBB41 Active machine function
see also (Page 569)
Continuous INCvar INC10000 INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1
DBB42 OEM signals

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 393
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB43 Handwheel
direction of
rotation in‐
(Page 569)
ware → PLC
Geometry axis 2
DBB46 Travel command Traversing requests Handwheel active
see also (Page 570) see also (Page 570) see also (Page 570)
Plus Minus Plus Minus C B A
DBB47 Active machine function
see also (Page 570)
Continuous INCvar INC10000 INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1
DBB48 OEM signals

DBB49 Handwheel
direction of
rotation in‐
(Page 570)

ware → PLC
Geometry axis 3
DBB52 Travel command Traversing requests Handwheel active
see also (Page 571) see also (Page 571) see also (Page 571)
DBB53 Active machine function
see also (Page 571)
Continuous INCvar INC10000 INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1
DBB54 OEM signals

394 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB55 Handwheel
direction of
rotation in‐
(Page 571)
ware → PLC DB21 - DB30, change signals for auxiliary function transfer from the channel

Table 18-81 DB21 - DB30, change signals for auxiliary function transfer from the channel

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB58 change
see also (Page 571)
M fct. 5 M fct. 4 M fct. 3 M fct. 2 M fct. 1
DBB59 Not decoded
see also (Page 572)
M fct. 5 M fct. 4 M fct. 3 M fct. 2 M fct. 1
DBB60 Quick change
see also (Page 572) see also (Page 571)
S fct. 3 S fct. 2 S fct. 1 S fct. 3 S fct. 2 S fct. 1
DBB61 Quick change
see also (Page 572) see also (Page 571)
T fct. 3 T fct. 2 T fct. 1 T fct. 3 T fct. 2 T fct. 1
DBB62 Quick change
see also (Page 572) see also (Page 571)
D fct. 3 D fct. 2 D fct. 1 D fct. 3 D fct. 2 D fct. 1
DBB63 DL fct. DL
Quick fct.change
DBB64 Quick change
see also (Page 572) see also (Page 571)
H fct. 3 H fct. 2 H fct. 1 H fct. 3 H fct. 2 H fct. 1
DBB65 change
see also (Page 571)
F fct. 6 F fct. 5 F fct. 4 F fct. 3 F fct. 2 F fct. 1

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 395
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB66 Quick
see also (Page 572)
M fct. 5 M fct. 4 M fct. 3 M fct. 2 M fct. 1
DBB67 Quick
see also (Page 572)
F fct. 6 F fct. 5 F fct. 4 F fct. 3 F fct. 2 F fct. 1

● For 10-decade T numbers, only the signal DBB61, DBX0 "T fct.1 change" is available.
● For 5-decade D numbers, only the signal DBB62, DBX0 "D fct.1 change" is available. DB21 - DB30, transferred M and S functions:

Table 18-82 DB21 - DB30, transferred M and S functions:

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBW68 Extended address, M function 1 (16-bit INT)
see also (Page 572)
DBD70 M function 1 (DINT)
see also (Page 572)
DBW74 Extended address, M function 2 (16-bit INT)
see also (Page 572)
DBD76 M function 2 (DINT)
see also (Page 572)
DBW80 Extended address, M function 3 (16-bit INT)
see also (Page 572)
DBD82 M function 3 (DINT)
see also (Page 572)
DBW86 Extended address, M function 4 (16-bit INT)
see also (Page 572)
DBD88 M function 4 (DINT)
see also (Page 572)
DBW92 Extended address, M function 5 (16-bit INT)
see also (Page 572)
DBD94 M function 5 (DINT)
see also (Page 572)
DBW98 Extended address, S function 1 (16-bit INT)
see also (Page 573)

396 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBD100 S function 1 (REAL format)
see also (Page 573)
DBW104 Extended address, S function 2 (16-bit INT)
see also (Page 573)
DBD106 S function 2 (REAL format)
see also (Page 573)
DBW110 Extended address, S function 3 (16-bit INT)
see also (Page 573)
DBD112 S function 3 (REAL format)
see also (Page 573)

M functions are programmed in the part program in the INTEGER format (8 decades plus
leading sign). DB21 - DB30, transferred T/D/DL functions

Table 18-83 DB21 - DB30, transferred T/D/DL functions

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBW116 Extended address, T function 1 (16-bit INT)
DBW118 T function 1 (dual) /
DBD118 For 8-decade T No., DBD118 is used as T function 1 (32-bit INT) (see note below)
see also (Page 573)
DBW120 Extended address, T function 2 (16-bit INT)
DBW122 T function 2 (INT)
DBW124 Extended address, T function 3 (16-bit INT)
DBW126 T function 3 (INT)
DBB128 Extended address D function 1 (8-bit INT)
DBB129 D function 1 (binary)
see also (Page 574)
DBW130 For 5-decade D No., DBW130 is used as D function 1 (16-bit INT)
DBB130 Extended address D function 2 (8-bit INT)
DBB131 D function 2 (8-bit INT)
DBB132 Extended address D function 3 (8-bit INT)
DBB133 D function 3 (8-bit INT)
DBW134 Extended address DL function (16-bit INT)
DBD136 DL function (REAL)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 397
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

● Programmed T functions are not output to the PLC when tool management is active.
● 8 decade T numbers are only available under DBD118 "T function 1".
● Programmed D functions with names (e.g. D=CUTTING EDGE_1) cannot be output to the
PLC in ASCII format.
● 5-decade D numbers are only available as DBW130 "D function 1".
● The REAL format corresponds to the floating-point representation in STEP 7 (24-bit
mantissa and 8-bit exponent). This floating point format supplies a maximum of 7 valid
places. DB21 - DB30, transferred H/F functions

Table 18-84 DB21 - DB30, transferred H/F functions

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBW140 Extended address, H function 1 (16-bit INT)
see also (Page 574)
DBD142 H function 1 (REAL or DINT)
see also (Page 574)
DBW146 Extended address, H function 2 (16-bit INT)
see also (Page 574)
DBD148 H function 2 (REAL or DINT)
see also (Page 574)
DBW152 Extended address, H function 3 (16-bit INT)
see also (Page 574)
DBD154 H function 3 (REAL or DINT)
see also (Page 574)
DBW158 Extended address F function 1 (16-bit INT)
see also (Page 574)
DBD160 F function 1 (REAL format)
see also (Page 574)
DBW164 Extended address F function 2 (16-bit INT)
see also (Page 574)
DBD166 F function 2 (REAL format)
see also (Page 574)
DBW170 Extended address F function 3 (16-bit INT)
see also (Page 574)
DBD172 F function 3 (REAL format)
see also (Page 574)
DBW176 Extended address F function 4 (16-bit INT)
see also (Page 574)

398 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBD178 F function 4 (REAL format)
see also (Page 574)
DBW182 Extended address F function 5 (16-bit INT)
see also (Page 574)
DBD184 F function 5 (REAL format)
see also (Page 574)
DBW188 Extended address F function 6 (16-bit INT)
see also (Page 574)
DBD190 F function 6 (REAL format)
see also (Page 574)

● F functions are programmed in the part program in the REAL data format.
● The extended address of the F function contains an identifier with the following meaning:
– 0: Path feedrate
– 1 – 31: Machine axis number for feedrate for positioning axes
● The data type of the H function depends on machine data: MD22110
$MC_AUXFU_H_TYPE_INT DB21 - DB30, decoded M signals

Table 18-85 DB21 - DB30, decoded M signals

DB21 - Signals from the channel (M0 - M99) (NC → PLC)


Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Dynamic M functions
see also (Page 575)
M07 M06 M05 # M04 # M03 # M02 M01 M00
M15 M14 M13 M12 M11 M10 M09 M08
M23 M22 M21 M20 M19 M18 M17 M16
M31 M30 M29 M28 M27 M26 M25 M24
M39 M38 M37 M36 M35 M34 M33 M32

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 399
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB21 - Signals from the channel (M0 - M99) (NC → PLC)


Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

M47 M46 M45 M44 M43 M42 M41 M40
M55 M54 M53 M52 M51 M50 M49 M48
M63 M62 M61 M60 M59 M58 M57 M56
M71 M70 # M69 M68 M67 M66 M65 M64
M79 M78 M77 M76 M75 M74 M73 M72
M87 M86 M85 M84 M83 M82 M81 M80
M95 M94 M93 M92 M91 M90 M89 M88
M99 M98 M97 M96

● #: the M function is not displayed here, if a spindle is parameterized in the channel. In this
case, the M function is displayed as extended M function under DB21,... DBB68 ff. and axial
under DB31,... DBB86 ff. displayed.
● Dynamic M functions (M00 - M99) are decoded by the basic PLC program.
Static M functions must be generated in the PLC user program from dynamic M functions. DB21 - DB30, active G functions

Table 18-86 DB21 - DB30, active G functions

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB208 Number of the active G function of G function group 1 (8-bit INT)
see also (Page 575)
DBB209 Number of the active G function of G function group 2 (8-bit INT)
see also (Page 575)
DBB210 Number of the active G function of G function group 3 (8-bit INT)
see also (Page 575)

400 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB211 Number of the active G function of G function group 4 (8-bit INT)
see also (Page 575)
DBB212 Number of the active G function of G function group 5 (8-bit INT)
see also (Page 575)
DBB213 Number of the active G function of G function group 6 (8-bit INT)
see also (Page 575)
DBB214 Number of the active G function of G function group 7 (8-bit INT)
see also (Page 575)
DBB215 Number of the active G function of G function group 8 (8-bit INT)
see also (Page 575)
... ...
DBB270 Number of the active G function of G function group n-1 (8-bit INT)
see also (Page 575)
DBB271 Number of the active G function of G function group n (8-bit INT)
see also (Page 575)

● The active G functions of the group, for each programming of a G function or a mnemonic
identifier (e.g. SPLINE), are updated.
● G functions within a G group are output as binary value, starting with 1. A G function with the
value 0 means that for this G group, no G function is active. DB21 - DB30, protection areas from the channel

Table 18-87 DB21 - DB30, signals for the protection zones from the channel

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB272 Machine-related protection zone preactivated
see also (Page 576)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB273 Machine-related protection zone preactivated
see also (Page 576)
10 9
DBB274 Channel-specific protection zone preactivated
see also (Page 577)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB275 Channel-specific protection zone preactivated
see also (Page 577)
10 9

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 401
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB276 Machine-related protection zone violated
see also (Page 577)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB277 Machine-related protection zone violated
see also (Page 577)
10 9
DBB278 Channel-specific protection zone violated
see also (Page 578)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB279 Channel-specific protection zone violated
see also (Page 578)
10 9 DB21 - DB30, synchronous actions, signals from/to the channel

The request signals should be set in the PLC user program. After data transfer, they are reset
by the basic PLC program.

Table 18-88 DB21 - DB30, job-controlled signals from/to the channel

DB21 - Signals to the channel (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB280 Require‐ Reserved
PLC → NC ment
ized actions
DBB281 Acknowl‐
NC → PLC edgment
ized ac‐
tions disa‐
DBW282 - Reserved
DBB300 Lock synchronized action
PLC → NC 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

402 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB21 - Signals to the channel (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB301 Lock synchronized action
PLC → NC 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
DBB302 Lock synchronized action
PLC → NC 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
DBB303 Lock synchronized action
PLC → NC 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
DBB304 Lock synchronized action
PLC → NC 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33
DBB305 Lock synchronized action
PLC → NC 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41
DBB306 Lock synchronized action
PLC → NC 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49
DBB307 Lock synchronized action
PLC → NC 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57
DBB308 Synchronized action can be locked
NC → PLC 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB309 Synchronized action can be locked
NC → PLC 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
DBB310 Synchronized action can be locked
NC → PLC 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
DBB311 Synchronized action can be locked
NC → PLC 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
DBB312 Synchronized action can be locked
NC → PLC 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33
DBB313 Synchronized action can be locked
NC → PLC 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41
DBB314 Synchronized action can be locked
NC → PLC 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49
DBB315 Synchronized action can be locked
NC → PLC 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 DB21 - DB30, control signals from/to the channel

The request signals should be set in the PLC user program. After data transfer, they are reset
by the basic PLC program.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 403
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

Table 18-89 DB21 - DB30, job-controlled signals from/to the channel

DB21 - Signals from/to the channel (PLC ←→ NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB316 Active G functions
G00 geo.
DBB317 Tool miss‐ PTP tra‐ Drive test Target External
ing versing ac‐ travel re‐ number of language
see tive quest workpieces mode active
also see reached
(Page 580) also see
(Page 580) also
(Page 579)
DBB318 Overstore Dry run fee‐ M01 associ‐ Delayed TOFF mo‐ TOFF ac‐ Block ASUB stop‐
active drate active ated with stop tion active tive search via ped
/F1-A2/ /FB1-V1/ PLC active see see program see
see also also test, SERU‐ also
also (Page 581) (Page 581) PRO, is ac‐ (Page 580)
(Page 582) tive
(Page 581)
DBB319 No tool Feedrate REPOS de‐ Feedrate Active REPOS mode Acknowl‐
change stop lay stop see also (Page 583) edgment of
commands Delay see Delay the REPOS
active also mode
(Page 584) change
(Page 582) DB21 - DB30, signals to the orientation axes

Table 18-90 DB21 - DB30, signals to the orientation axes

DB21 - Signals to the channel (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Orientation axis 1
DBB320 Traversing keys Rapid tra‐ Traversing Feedrate Activate handwheel
see also (Page 586) verse over‐ key disable stop see also (Page 584)
ride see
Plus Minus C B A
see also
also (Page 585)
(Page 586)
DBB321 Requested machine function
see also (Page 588)
Continuous var. INC 10000 INC 1000 INC 100 INC 10 INC 1 INC

404 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB21 - Signals to the channel (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB322 OEM signals

DBB323 Handwheel
direction of
rotation in‐
(Page 589)
Orientation axis 2
DBB324 Traversing keys Rapid tra‐ Traversing Feedrate Activate handwheel
see also (Page 590) verse over‐ key disable stop see also (Page 589)
ride see
Plus Minus C B A
see also
also (Page 589)
(Page 590)
DBB325 Requested machine function
see also (Page 590)
Continuous var. INC 10000 INC 1000 INC 100 INC 10 INC 1 INC
DBB326 OEM signals

DBB327 Handwheel
direction of
rotation in‐
(Page 590)
Orientation axis 3
DBB328 Traversing keys Rapid tra‐ Traversing Feedrate Activate handwheel
see also (Page 591) verse over‐ key disable stop see also (Page 590)
ride see
Plus Minus C B A
see also
also (Page 590)
(Page 590)
DBB329 Requested machine function
see also (Page 591)
Continuous var. INC 10000 INC 1000 INC 100 INC 10 INC 1 INC

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 405
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB21 - Signals to the channel (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB330 OEM signals

DBB331 Handwheel
direction of
rotation in‐
(Page 591) DB21 - DB30, signals from the orientation axes

Table 18-91 DB21 - DB30, signals from the orientation axes

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Orientation axis 1
DBB332 Traversing command Travel request Handwheel active
see also (Page 593) see also (Page 592) see also (Page 591)
Plus Minus Plus Minus C B A
DBB333 Active machine function
see also (Page 594)
Continuous INCvar INC10000 INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1
DBB334 OEM signals

DBB335 Handwheel
direction of
rotation in‐
version ac‐
Orientation axis 2
DBB336 Traversing command Travel request Handwheel active
see also (Page 595) see also (Page 595) see also (Page 594)
Plus Minus Plus Minus C B A
DBB337 Active machine function
see also (Page 595)
Continuous INCvar INC10000 INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1
DBB338 OEM signals

406 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB339 Handwheel
direction of
rotation in‐
version ac‐
Orientation axis 3
DBB340 Traversing command Travel request Handwheel active
see also (Page 595) see also (Page 595) see also (Page 595)
Plus Minus Plus Minus C B A
DBB341 Active machine function
see also (Page 595)
Continuous INCvar INC10000 INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1
DBB342 OEM signals

DBB343 Handwheel
direction of
rotation in‐
version ac‐
tive DB21 - DB30, tool management functions from the channel

Table 18-92 DB21 - DB30, tool management functions from the channel

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Change signals, tool management functions
DBB344 Last re‐ Transition Tool limit Tool pre‐
placement to new re‐ value warning lim‐
tool of the placement reached it reached
tool group tool see see
see see also also
also also (Page 596) (Page 596)
(Page 597) (Page 596)
DBB345 -
Transferred tool management functions
DBD348 T number for tool prewarning limit (DINT)
DBD352 T number for tool limit value (DINT)
DBD356 T number of new replacement tool (DINT)
DBD360 T number of last replacement tool (DINT)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 407
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview DB21 - DB30, control signals from/to the channel (2)

Table 18-93 DB21 - DB30, signals from the channel

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
DBB376 Display of the triggering event in case of event-driven program call
see also (Page 597)

DBB377 Jog circle Retraction JOG retract Stop condi‐ Collision

active data availa‐ active tion avoidance:
see ble see Stop
also see also see
(Page 598) also (Page 598) also
(Page 598) (Page 598)

408 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB21 - Signals from the channel (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB378 "Silent" ASUB is ac‐
ASUB is ac‐ tive
tive see
see also
also (Page 599)
(Page 599)
DBB380 Reserved ASUB

DBB381 Reserved ASUB

DBB382 Reserved ASUB

DBB383 Reserved ASUB

Table 18-94 DB21 - DB30, signals to the channel

DB21 - Signals to the channel (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB384 Enable
(Page 599)
DBB385 Grinding: Input signals 1 ... 8
($AC_IN_KEY_G[1 ... 8])
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB386 Grinding: Disable input signals 1 ... 8
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB387 Grinding: Status of the grinding functions 1 ... 8
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 409
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

Table 18-95 DB21 - DB30, signals from/to channel

DB21 - Signals from/to the channel (NC ↔ PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBW388 Active transformation number
DBB390 Grinding: Enable status of input signals 1 ... 8
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB391 Grinding: Status of the grinding functions 1 ... 8
NC → PLC ($AC_IN_KEY_G_RUN_OUT[1...8])
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB392 Selection of the coordinate system for Cartesian manual traversing and handwheel override in the automatic
PLC → NC mode in the tool direction (DRF)
see also (Page 601)
DBB393 Reserved

DBB394 Reserved

DBB395 Reserved

DBB396 H function 1 (DInt), also in DBD142

DBB400 H function 2 (DInt), also in DBD146

DBB404 H function 3 (DInt), also in DBD150

Interface operating software -> PLC

DBB 408 Axis selection type: 0: Machine axis, 1: Geo axis
DBB 409 Axis number: Machine/geo axis
DBB 410 Key
HMI -> PLC Axis selec‐
DBB 411
Interface PLC -> HMI
DBB 412 Active axis selection (feedback message to the HMI)
PLC -> HMI 0: Machine axis, 1: Geo axis
DBB 413 Active axis number (feedback message to the HMI):
PLC -> HMI Machine/geo axis

410 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

18.1.13 Axis/spindle signals DB31 - DB61, signals to the axis/spindle

Table 18-96 DB31 - DB61, signals to the axis/spindle

DB31 - DB61 Signals to the axis/spindle (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB0 Feedrate override, axis-specific
see also (Page 602)
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB1 Override Position measuring sys‐ Follow-up Axis/spin‐ Sensor for Acknowl‐ Drive test
Axis and active tem 1 - 2 mode dle disable fixed stop edge fixed travel ena‐
spindle see see also (Page 610) see see see stop ble
also also also also reached see
Bit 2 Bit 1
(Page (Page 609) (Page 606) (Page 605) see also
612) also (Page 604)
(Page 605)

DBB2 Reference point value 1 - 4 Clamping Delete dis‐ Controller Cam activa‐
Axis and see also (Page 617) in progress tance-to- enable tion
spindle see go / spindle see see
Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1
also reset also also
(Page 617) see (Page 613) (Page 613)
(Page 615)
DBB3 Program Velocity / Activate fixed feedrate Travel to Accept off‐
Axis and test axis/ spindle see also (Page 619) fixed stop set external
spindle spindle speed limi‐ enabled WO
Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1
enable tation see see
see also also
also (Page 618) (Page 618)
(Page 619)

DBB4 Traversing keys Rapid tra‐ Traversing Feedrate Activate handwheel

Axis and see also verse over‐ key disable stop / spin‐ see also (Page 620)
spindle (Page 622) ride see dle stop
Plus Minus see al‐ also see Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1
so (Page 621) also
(Page 622) (Page 621)

DBB5 Machine function

Axis and see also (Page 623)
Continuous INCvar INC10000 INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1
DBB6 OEM signals
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 411
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB31 - DB61 Signals to the axis/spindle (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB7 OEM signals
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Invert hand‐
wheel direc‐
tion of rota‐
(Page 624)
DBB8 Request Channel NC axis / spindle channel assignment
PLC axis/ assign‐ see also (Page 625)
spindle ment
Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB9 Parameter Controller parameter set
set change see also (Page 626)
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
(Page 626)
(Page 626)
Start brake
DBB12 Delay ref‐ Modulo ro‐ 2nd software limit switch Hardware limit switch
Axis erence tary axes: Plus Minus Plus Minus
point ap‐ Activate
see see see see
proach traversing
also also also also
see range limits
(Page 628) (Page 628) (Page 627) (Page 627)
also see
(Page also
628) (Page 628)

DBB13 JOG to po‐ JOG fixed point approach

Axis sition see also (Page 629)
see Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
(Page 629)
DBB14 Program test
Axis Activate Suppress
see see
also also
(Page 631) (Page 630)

412 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB31 - DB61 Signals to the axis/spindle (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB16 Delete S No speed Resynchronize Gear is Actual gear stage
Spindle value monitoring spindle changed see also (Page 631)
see during gear over
Measuring Measuring Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
also change see
system 2 system 1
(Page also
see al‐ see
634) (Page 633)
so also
(Page 633) (Page 632)
DBB17 Invert Resynchronize spindle Feedrate
Spindle M3/M4 during positioning correction
see Measuring Measuring spindle val‐
also system 2 system 1 id
(Page 635) see al‐ see
so also
(Page 634) (Page 634)
DBB18 Oscillation direction of Oscillation Oscillation
Spindle rotation enable controlled
Links Right see al‐ by PLC
see see so see
also also (Page 636) also
(Page (Page 636) (Page 635)
DBB19 Speed override, spindle-specific
Spindle see also (Page 637)
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB20 Open motor Ramp-func‐
Drive holding tion genera‐
brake tor disable 1)
(Page 639)
DBB21 Pulse ena‐ Integrator Motor being Motor/drive data set: Selection
Drive ble disable, selected (interface definition: DB31, …DBX130.0 - 4 (Page 416))
see speed con‐ see al‐ see also (Page 640)
also troller so
Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
(Page see (Page 640)
641) also
(Page 641)
DBB22 SI: SG selection SI: Ac‐ SI: SI:
Safety Inte‐ see also (Page 642) knowledg‐ SBH dese‐ SBH/SG
grated ment, com‐ lection deselection
Bit 1 Bit 0
see see
also also
(Page 642) (Page 642)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 413
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB31 - DB61 Signals to the axis/spindle (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB23 SI: SINAMICS SI: SI: Gear ratio selection
Safety Inte‐ Test stop Close brake SE selec‐ see also (Page 643)
grated selection tion Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
(Page 643)
DBB24 Master/ Setpoint Master/ MCS cou‐ MCS cou‐ Control axis Stepping
slave: switchover slave: pling: pling: motor:
switch on Accept Activate Activate deactivate Rotation
see drive control torque collision or do not monitoring
also see al‐ equaliza‐ protection permit
(Page so tion control‐ see see
645) (Page 645) ler also also
see (Page 644) (Page 644)
(Page 645)
DBB25 Dynam. Ac‐
tivate back‐
lash com‐
DBB26 Override Compensa‐
Grinding Enable tory control‐
see ler on
(Page 646)
DBB27 Stop Resume
DBB28 PLC con‐ PLC-con‐ PLC-con‐ Alter rever‐ Set rever‐ PLC-con‐ PLC-con‐ Oscillation
Grinding: Os‐ trols axis trolled axis: trolled axis: sal point sal point trolled axis: trolled axis: reversal
cillation see Stop along Stop at next see see Continue Reset from exter‐
also braking reversal also also nal
see see
(Page ramp point (Page 649) (Page 648) also also see
650) see see al‐ (Page 647) (Page 647) also
also so (Page 646)
(Page 649) (Page 649)
DBB29 Disable au‐ Start gan‐
Couplings tomatic syn‐ try synchro‐
chronization nization
DBB30 Spindle- Select gear Spindle Spindle Spindle
Technology start posi‐ stage start, coun‐ start, clock‐ stop
tioning ter-clock‐ wise rota‐
wise rota‐ tion
DBB31 Delete Correct Disable syn‐ Re‐ REPOS for
Technology synchron‐ synchro‐ chronous synchron‐ transforma‐
ism cor‐ nous opera‐ operation ize tion with
rection tion see al‐ PTP
(Page 651)

414 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB31 - DB61 Signals to the axis/spindle (PLC → NC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB32 SI: Dese‐ SI: Dese‐ SI: Dese‐ SI: Dese‐
Safety Inte‐ lect exter‐ lect exter‐ lect exter‐ lect exter‐
grated nal STOP_E nal nal nal
DBB33 SI: SG override selection/override
Safety Inte‐ Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB34 Setpoint limitation
Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB40 -
DBB56 Spindle in‐ Spindle Separate
PLC → HMI ternal speed dis‐ feedrate
clamping play drive cou‐
pled as C
DBB58 Reserved
DBB189 Motor over‐ DYNEG‐
tempera‐ MA: Disa‐
ture: Disa‐ ble derating
ble current
Only when cyclic interface between NC and drive is operated in the "611U compatibility mode".

DBX8.4 is automatically reset after the assignment is executed

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 415
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview DB31 - DB61, signals from the axis/spindle

Table 18-97 DB31 - DB61, signals from the axis/spindle

DB31 - Signals from the axis/spindle (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB60 Position reached with ex‐ Referenced/synchronized Encoder limit frequency NCU link: Spindle / ro‐
Axis / spin‐ act stop Position measuring sys‐ exceeded, measuring Axis active tary axis
dle tem system see
fine coarse 2 1 2 1 also also
(Page 652) (Page 652)
see see see see see see
also also also also also also
(Page 655) (Page 655) (Page 654) (Page 654) (Page 653) (Page 653)

DBB61 Current Speed con‐ Position Axis/spin‐ Follow-up Axis ready Axis-specif‐ Drive test
Axis / spin‐ controller troller active controller dle station‐ mode active see ic alarm travel re‐
dle active see active ary (n < nmin) see also see quest
see also see see also (Page 657) also see
also (Page 659) also also (Page 657) (Page 656) also
(Page 659) (Page 658) (Page 658) (Page 656)
DBB62 Axis con‐ Travel to Travel to Travel to Measure‐ Revolution‐ Handwheel Software
tainer: fixed stop: fixed stop: fixed stop: ment active al feedrate override ac‐ cams active
Rotation ac‐ Force limit‐ Fixed stop Activating see active tive see
tive ing active reached the function also see see also
see see see (Page 661) also also (Page 660)
also also also (Page 661) (Page 660)
(Page 662) (Page 662) (Page 661)
DBB63 Stop Axis/spin‐ Axis stop PLC-con‐ Reset exe‐
HIAxMove Corr. active DEPBCS DEPMCS dle disable active trolled axis cuted
active active active active see see see
also also also
(Page 663) (Page 663) (Page 662)
DBB64 Traversing command Travel request Handwheel active
Axis / spin‐ see also (Page 665) see also (Page 665) see also (Page 664)
dle Plus Minus Plus Minus Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB65 Active machine function
Axis / spin‐ see also (Page 666)
dle Continuous INCvar INC10000 INC1000 INC100 INC10 INC1
DBB66 MCS cou‐
Axis / spin‐ pling:
dle Collision
(Page 666)

416 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB31 - Signals from the axis/spindle (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB67 Handwheel
direction of
rotation in‐
version ac‐
(Page 667)
DBB68 Status axis/spindle replacement
see also (Page 667)
PLC axis/ Neutral ax‐ Axis inter‐ New type NC axis / spindle channel assignment
spindle is/spindle change requested Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
possible from PLC
DBB69 NCU number in the NCU link group Controller parameter set servo
see also (Page 667)
Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB70 DRV Safety NC Safety REPOS de‐ REPOS off‐ REPOS off‐
Integrated Integrated lay ac‐ set valid set
active with active knowledg‐ see see
SIC/SCC ment also also
see (Page 668) (Page 668)
(Page 669)
DBB71 PLC axis Position restored Brake test
permanent‐ Encoder 2 Encoder 1 active
ly assigned
see see
also also
(Page 670) (Page 670)
HMI → PLC lay active
(Page 670)
DBB74 Modulo ro‐
Axis tary axes:
range limits
(Page 671)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 417
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB31 - Signals from the axis/spindle (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB75 JOG posi‐ JOG travel JOG approach fixed point reached JOG approach fixed point active
Axis tion to position see also (Page 672) see also (Page 671)
reached active
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
see see
also also
(Page 672) (Page 672)
DBB76 Rounding Indexing Positioning Path axis Lubrication
Axis axis in posi‐ axis in posi‐ axis see pulse
tion tion see also see
see also (Page 673) also
also (Page 674) (Page 673)
(Page 674)
DBB77 Collision
Axis avoidance:
Velocity re‐
(Page 675)
DBD78 F value (REAL) for positioning axis
Axis see also (Page 675)
DBB82 Change Setpoint gear stage
Spindle gear stage see also (Page 675)
see Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
(Page 676)
DBB83 Actual di‐ Speed Spindle in Support Geometry Speed setpoint Speed limit
Spindle rection of monitoring setpoint range limits monitoring Increased limited exceeded
rotation see range violated see see
see see
clockwise also see also also
also also
see (Page 679) also (Page 679) (Page 677) (Page 676) (Page 678)
also (Page 679)
(Page 680)
DBB84 Active spindle mode Tapping CLGON ac‐ GWPS ac‐ Const. cut‐
Spindle Control Oscillation Positioning Synchro‐ without tive tive ting velocity
mode mode mode nous opera‐ compensat‐ see active
tion ing chuck also
see see see
active (Page 680)
also also also see
(Page 682) (Page 682) (Page 681) also see
(Page 681) also
(Page 680)
DBB85 Spindle ac‐ Tool with
Spindle tually dynamic re‐
reached po‐ sponse limi‐
sition tation
see see
also also
(Page 683) (Page 682)

418 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB31 - Signals from the axis/spindle (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBW86 M function (INT) for spindle (M3, M4, M5, M19, M70 or defined via MD)
Spindle see also (Page 683)
DBD88 S function (REAL) for spindle
Spindle see also (Page 684)
DBB92 Enable Motor hold‐ Independ‐ Ramp-func‐
Drive drive opera‐ ing brake ent drive tion-gener‐
tion opened motion ac‐ ator disable
tive1) active
see see
also also
(Page 685) (Page 684)
DBB93 Pulse ena‐ Integrator Drive ready Motor/drive data set: Display
Drive ble disable, see (interface definition: DB31, …DBX130.0 - 4 (Page 652))
see speed con‐ also see also (Page 685)
also troller (Page 686)
Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
(Page 687) see
(Page 686)
DBB94 Variable nact = nset |nact| < nx |nact| < nmin Md < Mdx Run-up Temperature pre-alarm
Drive signaling see see see see completed Heat sink Motor
function2) also also also also see see see
see (Page 691) (Page 690) (Page 690) (Page 689) also also also
also (Page 688) (Page 688) (Page 687)
(Page 691)
DBB95 Alarm of ESR: Gen‐ ESR: Re‐ ESR: DC UDC link <
Drive alarm class erator oper‐ sponse trig‐ link under‐ warning
C is active ation mini‐ gered or voltage threshold
see mum speed generator (p1248)
also fallen be‐ operation see
(Page 692) low (p2161) active also
see (r0887.12) (Page 691)
also see
(Page 692) also
(Page 692)
DBB96 Master/ Setpoint Master-slave: Control ax‐ Stepping
slave: switchover: Compensa‐ Coarse Fine speed is active motor: Ro‐
Coupling drive con‐ tory control‐ speed dif‐ difference tation moni‐
active trol active ler active ference toring error
see see see see also
also also also also (Page 693)
(Page 694) (Page 694) (Page 693) (Page 693)
DBB97 MCS coupling:
Offset Mirroring Coupling Following
change active active axis
see see see see
also also also also
(Page 696) (Page 695) (Page 695) (Page 695)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 419
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB31 - Signals from the axis/spindle (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB98 ESR re‐ Accelera‐ Velocity Superim‐ Actual val‐ Synchronous operation
Synchro‐ sponse initi‐ tion warn‐ warning posed mo‐ ue coupling coarse fine
nous spin‐ ated ing thresh‐ threshold tion see see see
dle old reached reached see also also also
see see also (Page 697) (Page 697) (Page 696)
also also (Page 698)
(Page 699) (Page 698)
DBB99 Max. accel‐ Max. veloci‐ Synchroni‐ Axis accel‐ Synchron‐ Following Leading
Synchro‐ eration ty reached zation in erating ism correc‐ spindle ac‐ spindle ac‐
nous spin‐ reached progress see tion imple‐ tive tive
dle also mented see see
(Page 700) also also
(Page 700) (Page 699)
DBB100 Oscillation Oscillation Sparking- Fault dur‐ Oscillation Oscillation
Oscillation active motion ac‐ out active ing oscilla‐ cannot be reversal
grinding see tive see tion motion started from exter‐
also see also see work for nal active
(Page 702) also (Page 701) also now I get see
(Page 701) (Page 701) why you also
see (Page 700)
(Page 701)
DBB101 Gantry axis Gantry Gantry Gantry syn‐ Gantry Gantry
Gantry guide axis grouping is chroniza‐ alarm limit shutdown
synchro‐ tion ready exceeded limit excee‐
nous to start ded
DBB102 Position measuring sys‐ Clamping Dynam.
tem activated tolerance Backlash
2 1 exceeded compensa‐
tion active
see see
also also
(Page 702) (Page 702)
DBB103 Synchronous operation 2 Synchron‐
coarse fine ism correc‐
tion is tak‐
en into ac‐
DBB104 Active infeed axis
Grinding see also (Page 703)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBB105 Active infeed axis
Grinding 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
DBB106 Active infeed axis
Grinding 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
DBB107 Active infeed axis
Grinding 31 30 29 28 27 26 25

420 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB31 - Signals from the axis/spindle (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB108 SI: SI: SI: SI: SI: SI:
Safety Inte‐ Axis safely Communi‐ CRC error Status, pul‐ CRC or SBH/SG
grated referenced cation fail‐ ses are can‐ sign-of-life active
ure not ac‐ celed error
DBB109 SI: Output cam position
Safety Inte‐ SN 4- SN 4+ SN 3- SN 3+ SN 2- SN 2+ SN 1- SN 1+
DBB110 n < nx SI: Active SG SI:
Safety Inte‐ B A SBH active
DBB111 SI: Stop A - E
Safety Inte‐ Stop E Stop D Stop C Stop A/B
grated Active Active Active Active
DBB112 Output cam range for cam track 1
Safety Inte‐
DBB113 Output cam range for cam track 2
Safety Inte‐
DBB114 Output cam range for cam track 3
Safety Inte‐
DBB115 Output cam range for cam track 4
Safety Inte‐
DBB116 Reserved
Safety Inte‐
DBB117 Reserved Output cam track
Safety Inte‐ 4 3 2 1
DBB118 SI: Cam range bit for cam track 1
Safety Inte‐ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB119 SI: Cam range bit for cam track 1
Safety Inte‐ 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
DBB120 SI: Cam range bit for cam track 2
Safety Inte‐ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB121 SI: Cam range bit for cam track 2
Safety Inte‐ 14 13 12 11 10 9 8

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 421
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB31 - Signals from the axis/spindle (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB122 SI: Cam range bit for cam track 3
Safety Inte‐ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB123 SI: Cam range bit for cam track 3
Safety Inte‐ 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
DBB124 SI: Cam range bit for cam track 4
Safety Inte‐ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DBB125 SI: Cam range bit for cam track 4
Safety Inte‐ 14 13 12 11 10 9 8


DBB128 Program test

HMI → PLC Activate Suppress
see see
also also
(Page 703) (Page 703)
DBB130 Motor/drive Motor/drive data set: Formatting
data set: (interface definition: DB31, …DBX21.0 ... 4 (Page 411),
Formatting DB 31. ...DBX93.0 ... 4 (Page 685))
is valid see also (Page 704)
Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB132 Sensor configuration
Weiss spin‐ Sensor S6 Sensor S5 Sensor S4 Sensor S1 Sensors
dle available available available available available
(angular po‐ (piston end (clamped see
sition, mo‐ position) state) also
tor shaft) see see (Page 704)
see also also
also (Page 705) (Page 705)
(Page 705)

422 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB31 - Signals from the axis/spindle (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB133 Sensor configuration
Weiss spin‐ Status val‐
dle ue is gener‐
ated, speed
p5043 is ac‐
(Page 706)
DBW134 Clamping state (sensor S1) status value
Weiss spin‐ see also (Page 706)
DBW136 Clamping state (sensor S1) analog value
Weiss spin‐ see also (Page 707)
DBB138 Status digital sensors
Weiss spin‐ Sensor S5 Sensor S4,
dle angular po‐ piston end
sition, mo‐ position
tor shaft see
see also
also (Page 707)
(Page 707)
DBB139 Status digital sensors
Weiss spin‐
DBB190 Encoder
DBB191 OR opera‐ AND opera‐ Pole posi‐ Motor overtemperature DYNEG‐
tion: Condi‐ tion: Condi‐ tion identifi‐ Motor tem‐ Current re‐ MA: Torque
tion fulfilled tion fulfilled cation with perature duction ac‐ limit applied
encoder model tive
successful‐ warning
ly carried pending
With SINAMICS valid for NC 62.07 and higher when using a 611U telegram type
With SINAMICS valid for SW2.6 and higher

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 423
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

18.1.14 Safety Integrated DB31 - DB61, Safety Control Channel (SCC)

Table 18-98 DB31 - DB61, axis signals: Safety Control Channel (SCC)

DB31 - Signals to the axis/spindle

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
SCC (PLC → drive)
DBB140 Test stops
for exten‐
ded func‐
DBB143 External Test se‐ Direction of Test with Start brake Select safe
brake quence 1 or rotation brake 1 or 2 test brake test
closed 2 (SBT) (SBT) (SBT)
DBB144 ...
DBB163 DB31 - DB61, Safety Info Channel (SIC)

Table 18-99 DB31 - DB61, axis signals: Safety Info Channel (SIC)

DB31 - Signals from axis/spindle

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
SIC (drive → PLC)
DBB164 Safety error ESR re‐ Bit 1 limit Bit 0 limit Safely-limi‐
active quested value value ted acceler‐
Safely-limi‐ Safely-limi‐ ation
ted speed ted speed (SLA)
DBB165 Internal Safely-limi‐ Safe oper‐ Safely-limi‐ Safe oper‐ Safe stop 2 Safe stop 1 Safe torque
event ted speed ating stop ted speed ating stop (SS2) (SS1) off
selected selected active active (STO)
DBB166 Accept‐ Accept‐ Safe direc‐ Safe direc‐
ance test ance test tion nega‐ tion positive
stop re‐ stop active tive (SDI)
quested (SDI)

424 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB31 - Signals from axis/spindle

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB167 Safely-limi‐ Bit 0
ted position For area
is selected
(SLP) ted position
DBD168 Speed limit
DBB172 Accept‐ Accept‐ SS2E_AC‐
ance test: ance test: TIVE
Safely-limi‐ Safely-limi‐
ted position ted position
selected active
DBB173 Load tor‐ Close exter‐ Brake test
que nega‐ nal brake (SBT)
tive sign (SBC) completed OK Active with brake 2 Setpoint in‐ Safe Brake
put during Test (SBT)
SBT in the
DBB174 ...

18.1.15 Tool management DB71, interface for loading/unloading the magazine

Table 18-100 DB71, interface for loading/unloading the magazine

DB71 Loading/unloading positions (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB0 Interface (SS) active
see also (Page 708)
SS16 SS15 SS14 SS13 SS12 SS11 SS10 SS9
DBB2 Standard end acknowledgement
see also (Page 708)
SS16 SS15 SS14 SS13 SS12 SS11 SS10 SS9

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 425
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB71 Loading/unloading positions (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBBn + 0 Reserved Command:
Multitool NC progr. Positioning Relocating Unloading Loading
positioning positions to the load‐ see see see
see magazine ing point also also also
also see see (Page 709) (Page 709) (Page 708)
(Page 711) also also
(Page 710) (Page 710)
DBBn + 1 Command: Reserved Acknowl‐
Data in ex‐ edgement
tended status = 3
Area see
(DB1071 also
(Page 439)) (Page 711)
(Page 712)
DBBn + 2 Assigned channel (8-bit INT)
see also (Page 712)
DBBn + 3 Tool management no. (8-bit INT)
see also (Page 712)
DBBn + 4 Reserved (free parameter 1 (DWord))
DBBn + 8 Reserved (free parameter 2 (DWord))
DBDn + 12 Reserved (free parameter 3 (DWord))
DBWn + 16 Identifier for loading/unloading point (INT), (fixed value 9999)
see also (Page 713)
DBWn + 18 Location no. of load/unload point (INT)
see also (Page 713)
DBWn + 20 Magazine no. (Source) for unloading/relocating/positioning (INT)
see also (Page 713)
DBWn + 22 Location no. (Source) for unloading/relocating/positioning (INT)
see also (Page 714)
DBWn + 24 Magazine no. (Target) for loading/relocating/positioning (INT)
see also (Page 714)
DBWn + 26 Location no. (Target) for loading/relocating/positioning (INT)
see also (Page 714)
DBWn + 28 Reserved Loading/
(Page 715)
DBWn + 29 Reserved

426 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

Starting addresses of loading/unloading points:

Loading/unloading point 1: n = 4 Loading/unloading point 3: n = 64

Loading/unloading point 2: n = 34 Loading/unloading point 4: n = 94
Loading interface 1 is responsible for loading/unloading in (all) spindles/toolholders and for
relocating tools and for positioning at any locations (e.g. buffer location).
Loading and unloading manual tools is always realized via loading interface 1. DB72, interface for the spindle as change position

Table 18-101 DB72, interface for the spindle as change position

DB72 Signals from the spindle (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB0 Interface (SS) active
see also (Page 715)
SS16 SS15 SS14 SS13 SS12 SS11 SS10 SS9
DBB2 Standard end acknowledgment
see also (Page 716)
SS16 SS15 SS14 SS13 SS12 SS11 SS10 SS9
DBBn + 0 Command code:
Spindle tool Replace Insert man‐ Old T in buf‐ T0 Prepare Perform Obligatory
remains in manual tool ual tool fer see change change (ini‐ change
the spindle see see see also see tiate: M06) see
see also also also (Page 717) also see also
also (Page 719) (Page 718) (Page 718) (Page 717) also (Page 716)
(Page 719) (Page 716)
DBBn + 1 Data in ex‐ Reserved Acknowl‐
tended edgment
Area status = 3
(DB1072 see
(Page 440)) also
see (Page 720)
(Page 720)
DBBn + 2 Assigned channel (8-bit INT)
see also (Page 720)
DBBn + 3 Tool management No. (8-bit INT)
see also (Page 721)
DBDn + 4 User parameter 0 (DWord)
see also (Page 721)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 427
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB72 Signals from the spindle (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBDn + 8 User parameter 1 (DWord)
see also (Page 721)
DBDn + 12 User parameter 2 (DWord)
see also (Page 722)
DBWn + 16 Buffer identifier (INT), (fixed value 9998)
(corresponds to "Target position for new tool")
see also (Page 722)
DBWn + 18 Relative location (target) in buffer magazine (INT)
see also (Page 722)
DBWn + 20 Magazine No. (Source) for new tool (INT)
see also (Page 723)
DBWn + 22 Location No. (Source) for new tool (INT)
see also (Page 723)
DBWn + 24 Magazine No. (Target) for old tool (INT)
see also (Page 723)
DBWn + 26 Location No. (Target) for old tool (INT)
see also (Page 724)
DBWn + 28 Tool new: Location type (INT)
see also (Page 724)
DBWn + 30 Tool new: Size left (INT)
see also (Page 724)
DBWn + 32 Tool new: Size right (INT)
see also (Page 725)
DBWn + 34 Tool new: Size top (INT)
see also (Page 725)
DBWn + 36 Tool new: Size bottom (INT)
see also (Page 725)
DBBn + 38 Tool status for new tool
see also (Page 726)
Manual tool 1:1 ex‐ Reserved Master tool Tool to be Tool to be Disabled, Tool in the
change loaded unloaded but ignore buffer
DBBn + 39 Tool status for new tool
see also (Page 726)
Tool has Tool fixed- Tool being Prewarning Measure Tool disa‐ Enable tool Active tool
been in use location-co‐ changed limit tool bled
ded reached
DBWn + 40 Tool new: Internal T No. (INT)
see also (Page 726)
DBWn + 42 Buffer location of the old tool
see also (Page 727)
DBWn + 44 Original magazine of the new tool
see also (Page 727)

428 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB72 Signals from the spindle (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBWn + 46 Original location of the new tool
see also (Page 727)

Start addresses of the buffer

Spindle 1: n=4
Spindle 2: n = 52 DB73, interface for the turret

Table 18-102 DB73, interface for the turret

DB73 Signals for the turret (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB0 Interface (SS) active
see also (Page 728)
SS16 SS15 SS14 SS13 SS12 SS11 SS10 SS9
DBB2 Standard end acknowledgment
see also (Page 728)
SS16 SS15 SS14 SS13 SS12 SS11 SS10 SS9
DBBn Reserved Command code:
Unload Reserved T0 Reserved Perform Obligatory
manual tool see change change
also see see
(Page 729) also also
(Page 729) (Page 729)
DBBn + 1 Data in ex‐ Reserved Acknowl‐
tended edgment
Area status = 3
(DB1073 see
(Page 441)) also
see (Page 730)
(Page 730)
DBBn + 2 Assigned channel (8-bit INT)
see also (Page 730)
DBBn + 3 Tool management No. (8-bit INT)
see also (Page 731)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 429
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB73 Signals for the turret (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBDn + 4 User parameter 1 (DWord)
see also (Page 731)
DBDn + 8 User parameter 2 (DWord)
see also (Page 731)
DBDn + 12 User parameter 3 (DWord)
see also (Page 732)
DBWn + 16 Reserved
DBWn + 18 Reserved
DBWn + 20 Magazine No. of the turret (INT)
see also (Page 732)
DBWn + 22 Location No. of new tool (INT)
see also (Page 732)
DBWn + 24 Magazine No. of old tool
see also (Page 733)
DBWn + 26 Location No. of old tool (INT)
see also (Page 733)
DBWn + 28 Tool new: Location type (INT)
see also (Page 733)
DBWn + 30 Tool new: Size left (INT)
see also (Page 734)
DBWn + 32 Tool new: Size right (INT)
see also (Page 734)
DBWn + 34 Tool new: Size top (INT)
see also (Page 734)
DBWn + 36 Tool new: Size bottom (INT)
see also (Page 735)
DBBn + 38 Tool status for new tool
see also (Page 735)
Manual tool 1:1 ex‐ Reserved Master tool Tool to be Tool to be Disabled, Tool in the
change loaded unloaded but ignore buffer
DBBn + 39 Tool status for new tool
see also (Page 735)
Tool has Tool fixed- Tool being Prewarning Measure Tool disa‐ Enable tool Active tool
been in use location-co‐ changed limit tool bled
ded reached
DBWn + 40 Tool new: Internal T No. (INT)
see also (Page 736)
DBWn + 42 Original location of new tool in this circular magazine
see also (Page 736)

430 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

Start addresses of the turret:

Turret, 1: n=4
Turret, 2: n = 48

18.1.16 Signals from/to the machine control panel and the handheld unit DB77, signals from/to the MCP and the HHU

Table 18-103 DB77, signals from/to the MCP and the HHU

DB77 Signals from/to MCP and HHU (GD communication)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB0 - Input signals from MCP1 to the PLC, MPI bus
DBB8 - Output signals from MCP1 to the PLC, MPI bus
DBD16 Status, send MCP1, MPI bus

DBD20 Status, receive MCP1, MPI bus

DBB24 - Input signals from MCP2 to the PLC, MPI bus

DBB32 - Output signals from MCP2 to the PLC, MPI bus
DBD40 Status, send MCP2, MPI bus

DBD44 Status, receive MCP2, MPI bus

DBB48 - Input signals from the HHU to the PLC, MPI bus
DBB60 - Output signals from the HHU to the PLC, MPI bus
DBD80 Status, send HHU, MPI bus

DBD84 Status, receive HHU, MPI bus

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Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

18.1.17 Signals for Ctrl-Energy DB1000, energy-saving profiles

Table 18-104 DB1000, energy-saving profiles

DB1000 Ctrl-Energy (operating software → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBBn + 0 Control signals
Set time to Immediate‐
prewarning ly activate
limit energy-sav‐
ing profile
DBBn + 1 Control signals
Directly ac‐
tivate ener‐
DBBn + 2 Signals to check/test the energy-saving profile
PLC user Master
signal computer
DBBn + 3 Reserved

DBBn + 4 Status signal

Activation Energy-
time T1 has saving pro‐
expired file active
DBBn + 5 Reserved

DBWn + 6 Actual value: Actual value T1

DBWn + 8 Actual value: Actual value T2

DBBn + 10 Effectiveness, profile

Disable en‐ Energy-
ergy-sav‐ saving pro‐
ing profile file config‐
State conditions
DBBn + 11
Screen Data trans‐ Keyboard
change ac‐ fer active has been
tive used

432 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB1000 Ctrl-Energy (operating software → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBBn + 12
MP used
for opera‐
DBBn + 13 NC channel in reset
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DBBn + 14 NC channel in reset
10 9
DBBn + 15
PLC user Master
signal computer
DBWn + 16 Activation time T1

DBWn + 18 Pre-warning time T2

Additional profile instances

Energy profile 2: DB1000 DBB20…DBB39

Energy profile 3: DB1000 DBB40…DBB59
Energy profile 4: DB1000 DBB60…DBB79
Energy profile 5: DB1000 DBB80…DBB99
Energy profile 6: DB1000 DBB100…DBB119
Energy profile 7: DB1000 DBB120…DBB139
Energy profile 8: DB1000 DBB140…DBB159

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Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview


Table 18-105 DB1001, signals for SENTRON PAC


Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB0 Regenera‐ Regenera‐ Regenera‐ Energy fed SENTRON Display
PLC → op‐ tive energy: tive energy: tive energy in is read by PAC repre‐ manual val‐
erating soft‐ Integration Integration is read by SENTRON sents the ue
ware using FW using FW SENTRON PAC machine
DBB1 GP should
GP perform
Operating Measure‐
soft‐ ment in pro‐
ware → PLC gress
DBB3 Power dis‐
PLC → op‐ play on
erating soft‐
DBD4 Manual value (REAL) to operating software
PLC → op‐
erating soft‐
DBD8 Total active power (REAL) to operating software
PLC → op‐
erating soft‐
DBD12 Measured drawn active energy in kWh (REAL) to the operating software
PLC → op‐
erating soft‐
DBD16 Measured supplied active energy in kWh (REAL) to the operating software
PLC → op‐
erating soft‐
DBD20 Total active power in watts (REAL) from SENTRON
DBD24 Drawn active energy at tariff 1 (F) in Wh (REAL) from SENTRON
DBD28 Supplied active energy at tariff 1 (F) in Wh (REAL) from SENTRON

434 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview


Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBD32 Drawn active energy in kWh per day (REAL) to the operating software

DBD36 Supplied active energy in kWh day (REAL) to the operating software

DBD40 Drawn active energy in kWh previous day (REAL) to the operating software

DBD44 Supplied active energy in kWh previous day (REAL) to the operating software

DBD48 Drawn active energy in kWh month (REAL) to the operating software

DBD52 Supplied active energy in kWh month (REAL) to the operating software

DBD56 Drawn active energy in kWh previous month (REAL) to the operating software

DBD60 Supplied active energy in kWh previous month (REAL) to the operating software

DBD64 Drawn active energy in kWh year (REAL) to the operating software

DBD68 Supplied active energy in kWh year (REAL) to the operating software

DBD72 Drawn active energy in kWh previous year (REAL) to the operating software

DBD76 Supplied active energy in kWh previous year (REAL) to the operating software

DBB80 ... Reserved

DBB96 ProductionAct
DBB97 Values invalid in
DBB98 Values invalid in
GP DBD384 DBD344 DBD304 DBD264 DBD224 DBD184 DBD144 DBD104
DBB99 Values invalid in
GP DBD464 DBD424

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 435
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview DB1001, SENTRON PAC, auxiliary devices

Table 18-106 DB1001, signals for SENTRON PAC


Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBBn+100 Control/command bits
PLC → GP op‐ Reset Input Different Energy Read ener‐ Process de‐
erating soft‐ data mode: (en‐ values measure‐ gy actual vice
ware struc‐ ergy or when ment run‐ value up‐
ture power) measuring ning date
DBBn+101 Reserved

DBBn+102 Reserved

DBBn+104 Active power or active energy of the auxiliary unit [kW] or [kWh]
PLC → GP op‐
erating soft‐
DBDn+108 Drawn active energy of the auxiliary unit [kWh]
PLC → operat‐
ing software
DBDn+112 Active energy supplied by the auxiliary unit [kWh]
GP → operat‐
ing software
DBDn+116 Active energy drawn by the auxiliary unit at the measurement start [kWh]
GP → operat‐
ing software
DBDn+120 Active energy supplied by the auxiliary unit at the measurement start [kWh]
GP → operat‐
ing software
DBDn+124 Active energy drawn by the auxiliary unit at the measurement end [kWh]
GP → operat‐
ing software
DBDn+128 Active energy supplied by the auxiliary unit at the measurement end [kWh]
GP → operat‐
ing software
DBDn+132 Reserved

DBDn+136 Reserved

436 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

Auxiliary unit instances:

Auxiliary unit 1 (n=0): DB1001 DBB100…DBB139

Auxiliary unit 2 (n=40): DB1001 DBB140…DBB179
Auxiliary unit 3 (n=80): DB1001 DBB180…DBB219
Auxiliary unit 4 (n=120): DB1001 DBB220…DBB259
Auxiliary unit 5 (n=160): DB1001 DBB260…DBB299
Auxiliary unit 6 (n=200): DB1001 DBB300…DBB339
Auxiliary unit 7 (n=240): DB1001 DBB340…DBB379
Auxiliary unit 8 (n=280): DB1001 DBB380…DBB419
Auxiliary unit 9 (n=320): DB1001 DBB420…DBB459
Auxiliary unit 10 (n=360): DB1001 DBB460…DBB499

18.1.19 Spindle temperature sensor DB1002: spindle temperature sensors

Table 18-107 DB1002, signals for spindle temperature sensors


Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBWn + 0 Sensor n
Sensor installation location

DBWn + 2 Reserved

DBDn + 4 Sensor n
Temperature sensor actual value [°C]

DBDn + 8 Sensor n
Temperature sensor warning threshold value [°C]

DBWn + 12 Sensor n
Number of alarm limit value violations

DBBn + 14 Sensor n
Last alarm limit value violation: Year total active power (REAL) to the operating software

DBBn + 15 Sensor n
Last alarm limit value violation: Month

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 437
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview


Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBBn + 16 Sensor n
Last alarm limit value violation: Day

DBBn + 17 Sensor n
Last alarm limit value violation: Hour

DBBn + 18 Sensor n
Last alarm limit value violation: Minute

DBBn + 19 Sensor n
Last alarm limit value violation: Seconds

DBBn + 20 Sensor n
Duration of the warning limit value violations

DBBn + 24 Sensor n
Temperature sensor fault threshold value [°C]

DBBn + 28 Sensor n
Number of fault limit value violations

DBBn + 30 Sensor n
Last alarm limit value violation: Year

DBBn + 31 Sensor n
Last alarm limit value violation: Month

DBBn + 32 Sensor n
Last alarm limit value violation: Day

DBBn + 33 Sensor n
Last alarm limit value violation: Hour

DBBn + 34 Sensor n
Last alarm limit value violation: Minute

DBBn + 35 Sensor n
Last alarm limit value violation: Seconds

438 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview


Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBDn + 36 Sensor n
Duration of the fault limit value violation

Spindle/temperature sensor instances

Spindle_1, Temperature_sensor_1 (n=0): DB1002 DBB00…DBB39

Spindle_1, Temperature_sensor_2 (n=40): DB1002 DBB40…DBB79
Spindle_1, Temperature_sensor_3 (n=80): DB1002 DBB80…DBB119
Spindle_1, Temperature_sensor_4 (n=120): DB1002 DBB120…DBB159
Spindle_1, Temperature_sensor_5 (n=160): DB1002 DBB160…DBB199
Spindle_1, Temperature_sensor_6 (n=200): DB1002 DBB200…DBB239
Spindle_2, Temperature_sensor_1 (n=240): DB1002 DBB240…DBB279
Spindle_2, Temperature_sensor_2 (n=280): DB1002 DBB280…DBB319
Spindle_2, Temperature_sensor_3 (n=320): DB1002 DBB320…DBB359
Spindle_2, Temperature_sensor_4 (n=360): DB1002 DBB360…DBB399
Spindle_2, Temperature_sensor_5 (n=400): DB1002 DBB400…DBB439
Spindle_2, Temperature_sensor_6 (n=440): DB1002 DBB440…DBB479

18.1.20 Interface to the tool management, extended area DB1071, interface for loading/unloading the magazine Multitool

Table 18-108 DB1071, interface for loading/unloading the magazine Multitool

DB1071 Loading/unloading positions (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBWn + 0 Type of distance coding of the multitool (corresponds to $TC_MTP_KD)
see also (Page 736)
DBWn + 2 Multitool location number
Number of locations of the multitool
see also (Page 737)
DBWn + 4 Multitool location distance
see also (Page 737)
DBWn + 8 Multitool number
see also (Page 738)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 439
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB1071 Loading/unloading positions (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBWn + 10 Multitool location number
see also (Page 738)
DBWn + 12 Tool holder
see also (Page 738)
DBWn + 14 Reserved
DBWn + 16 Reserved
DBWn + 18 Reserved DB1072, interface for the spindle: Multitool

Table 18-109 DB1072, interface for the spindle: Multitool

DB1072 Spindle (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBWn + 0 Distance coding (corresponds to to $TC_MTP_KD)
see also (Page 739)
DBWn + 2 Multitool location number
see also (Page 739)
DBWn + 4 Multitool location distance
see also (Page 739)
DBWn + 8 Multitool number (new tool)
see also (Page 740)
DBWn + 10 Multitool location number (new tool)
see also (Page 740)
DBWn + 12 Multitool number (old tool)
see also (Page 740)
DBWn + 14 Multitool location number (old tool)
see also (Page 741)
DBWn + 16 New tool: Location type
see also (Page 741)
DBWn + 18 New tool: Size left
see also (Page 741)
DBWn + 20 New tool: Size right
see also (Page 742)
DBWn + 22 New tool: Size top
see also (Page 742)
DBWn + 24 New tool: Size bottom
see also (Page 742)
DBWn + 26 Tool status for new tool (corresponds to $TC_TP8[T_Nr])
see also (Page 743)

440 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.1 Interface signals - overview

DB1072 Spindle (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBWn + 28 New tool: Internal T number of the NC
see also (Page 743)
DBWn + 30 Tool holder
Spindle or toolholder number to which the change refers
see also (Page 744)
DBWn + 32 Original magazine of new tool (corresponds to NC variables $A_MYMN[T No])
If the new tool is located in the magazine, this value is identical with DB72 DBW(n + 20 (Page 427)).
see also (Page 744)
DBWn + 34 Original location of new tool (corresponds to NC variables $A_MYMLN[T No])
If the new tool is located in the magazine, this value is identical with DB72 DBW(n + 22).
see also (Page 744)
DBWn + 36 Reserved
DBWn + 48 DB1073, interface for the turret: Multitool

Table 18-110 DB1073, interface for the turret: Multitool

DB1073 Turret (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBWn + 0 Distance coding (corresponds to to $TC_MTP_KD)
see also (Page 745)
DBWn + 2 Multitool location number
see also (Page 745)
DBWn + 4 Multitool location distance
see also (Page 746)
DBWn + 8 Multitool number (new tool)
see also (Page 746)
DBWn + 10 Multitool location number (new tool)
see also (Page 746)
DBWn + 12 Multitool number (old tool)
see also (Page 747)
DBWn + 14 Multitool location number (old tool)
see also (Page 747)
DBWn + 16 Location type
see also (Page 747)
DBWn + 18 New tool: Size left
see also (Page 748)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 441
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB1073 Turret (NC → PLC)

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBWn + 20 New tool: Size right
see also (Page 748)
DBWn + 22 New tool: Size top
see also (Page 748)
DBWn + 24 New tool: Size bottom
see also (Page 749)
DBWn + 26 Tool status for new tool (corresponds to parameter $TC_TP8[T_No])
see also (Page 749)
DBWn + 28 New tool: Internal T number of the NC
see also (Page 750)
DBWn + 30 Tool holder
see also (Page 750)
DBWn + 32 Original magazine of new tool (corresponds to NC variables $A_MYMN[T No])
If the new tool is located in the magazine, this value is identical with DB73 DBW (Page 429)(n + 20).
see also (Page 750)
DBWn + 34 Original location of new tool (corresponds to NC variables $A_MYMN[T No])
If the new tool is located in the magazine, this value is identical with DB73 DBW (Page 429)(n + 22).
see also (Page 751)
DBWn + 36 Reserved
DBWn + 48

18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

18.2.1 DB10: NC, PLC and HMI DB10 DBX0.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock)

DB10 DBX0.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The digital NC input is locked.
Signal state 0 The digital NC input is enabled.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX0.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock

Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Input 8 2)
Input 7 2)
Input 6 2)
Input 5 2)
Input 4 1)
Input 3 1)
Input 2 1)
Input 1 1)
1) Onboard inputs of the NCU
2) Inputs without hardware
When read, a locked input supplies a value of 0.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX0, 122, 124, 126, 128 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock)
DB10 DBB1, 123, 125, 127, 129 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Set)
DB10 DBB60, 186, 187, 188, 189 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX1.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Set)

DB10 DBX1.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Set

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Set NC input value to a defined value of 1.
Signal state 0 Do not influence NC input value.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Input 8 2)
Input 7 2)
Input 6 2)
Input 5 2)
Input 4 1)
Input 3 1)
Input 2 1)
Input 1 1)
1) Onboard inputs of the NCU
2) Inputs without hardware
If the PLC user program sets the NC input to a value of 1, then the signal state at the onboard
input of the NCU - as well as the lock of the NC input - have no effect.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX0, 122, 124, 126, 128 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock)
DB10 DBB1, 123, 125, 127, 129 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Set)
DB10 DBB60, 186, 187, 188, 189 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX4.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Lock)

DB10 DBX4.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Lock

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The digital NC output is locked.
Signal state 0 The digital NC output is enabled.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX4.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Lock

Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 8 Output 7 Output 6 Output 5 Output 4 Output 3 Output 2 Output 1
If the digital NC output is locked, then 0 V (defined) is output at the hardware output.
If the digital NC output is not locked, then the value specified in the NC program or by the PLC
program is output at the hardware output.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite screen form)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
DB10 DBB7, 133, 137, 141, 145 (digital NC outputs: Target screen form)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX5.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)

DB10 DBX5.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 The associated "setting value" is activated.
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 8 Output 7 Output 6 Output 5 Output 4 Output 3 Output 2 Output 1
For a positive edge change 0 → 1, then for the corresponding output, instead of the value
written using system variables $A_OUT, the setting value specified from the PLC user pro‐
gram is used. The value written via system variables $A_OUT is then lost.
For a negative edge change 1 → 0, for the corresponding output, the actual value at the
hardware output is kept.
The NC/PLC interface DBB6, ... (Digital NC outputs: setting value) is jointly used by:
● DB10 DBB5, ... (overwrite) for edge change 0 → 1
● DB10 DBB7, ... (target) for signal state 1
Activating the two interfaces simultaneously should be avoided.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX6.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value)

DB10 DBX6.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Value of the setting value is 1.

444 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX6.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value

Signal state 0 Value of the setting value is 0.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 8 Output 7 Output 6 Output 5 Output 4 Output 3 Output 2 Output 1
Using the setting value, the PLC user program can specify a defined output value. In order that
the setting value becomes active, it must be activated from the overwrite screen form or the
setting screen form.
The NC/PLC interface DBB6, ... (Digital NC outputs: setting value) is jointly used by:
● DB10 DBB5, ... (overwrite) for edge change 0 → 1
● DB10 DBB7, ... (target) for signal state 1
Activating the two interfaces simultaneously should be avoided.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX7.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Target)

DB10 DBX7.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Target

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The target is active.
Signal state 0 The target is not active.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 8 Output 7 Output 6 Output 5 Output 4 Output 3 Output 2 Output 1
If a bit is set, then for the corresponding output, instead of the NC output value, the setting
value specified by the PLC user program is used. The actual NC output value is kept.
If a bit is reset, then for the corresponding output, the last NC output value becomes active
The NC/PLC interface DBB6, ... (Digital NC outputs: setting value) is jointly used by:
● DB10 DBB5, ... (overwrite) for edge change 0 → 1
● DB10 DBB7, ... (target) for signal state 1
Activating the two interfaces simultaneously should be avoided.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 445
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBX56.1 (Emergency Stop)

DB10 DBX56.1 Emergency Stop

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Emergency Stop is requested.
Signal state 0 Emergency Stop is not requested.
Further information All machine axes are braked in the relevant axis-specific parameterized time:
Corresponds to DB10 DBX56.2 (acknowledge Emergency Stop)
DB10 DBX106.1 (Emergency Stop active)
MD36610 $MA_AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (time of braking ramp in event of errors)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX56.2 (acknowledge Emergency Stop)

DB10 DBX56.2 Acknowledge Emergency Stop

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Acknowledgment of the "Emergency Stop" state is requested.
Signal state 0 Acknowledgment of the "Emergency Stop" state is not requested.
Further information To acknowledge the "Emergency Stop" state of the NC, the following interface signals must
remain set until interface signal DB10 DBX106.1 (Emergency Stop active) has been reset:
● DB10 DBX56.2 = 1 (acknowledge Emergency Stop)
● DB11, ... DBX0.7 = 1 (mode group reset) for all mode groups of the NC
Corresponds to DB10 DBX56.1 (Emergency Stop)
DB10 DBX106.1 (Emergency Stop active)
DB11 DBX0.7 (mode group reset)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX56.4 - 7 (key-operated switch position 0 - 3)

DB10 DBX56.4 - 7 Key-operated switch position 0 - 3

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic

446 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX56.4 - 7 Key-operated switch position 0 - 3

Additional information Depending on the key-operated switch position, access to certain elements in the NC can be
enabled or disabled.
● Key-operated switch position 0 represents the lowest access rights
● Key-operated switch position 3 represents the highest access rights
The interface signals of key-operated switch positions 1 to 3 can either be directly specified
from the key-operated switch on the machine control panel or from the PLC user program.
It is only permissible to set one bit. If several bits are set simultaneously, the control internally
activates switch position 3.
Key-operated switch position Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4
0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
2 0 1 0 0
3 1 0 0 0
Corresponds with ... Machine data for access levels: MD11612, MD51044 - MD51064, MD51070 - MD51073,
MD51199 - MD51211, MD51215 - MD51225, MD51235
Disabling using a password DB10 DBX58.0 - 7 (collision avoidance: Deactivate protection area group)

DB10 DBX58.0 - 7 Collision avoidance: Deactivate protection area group

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The deactivation of all protection areas of the protection area type in the selected operating
mode is requested.
Signal state 0 The deactivation of all protection areas of the protection area type in the selected operating
mode is not requested.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 447
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX58.0 - 7 Collision avoidance: Deactivate protection area group

Further information Bit Operating mode Protection area type 1)
1 Tool
2 Workholder
3 Workpiece
4 JOG Machine
5 Tool
6 Workholder
7 Workpiece
Type of a protection area ($NP_PROT_TYPE)
The deactivation of a protection area group is selected from the SINUMERIK Operate user
interface in the operating area "AUTOMATIC", "JOG" or "MDI" > "ETC key (">")" > "Settings"
> "Collision avoidance" > "Switch collision avoidance on and off" by setting the HMI/PLC
interface signal DB10 DBX93.0 ... 7 of the protection area group.
The interface signal is transferred according to the value of the FB1 parameter MMCToIf by
the basic PLC program into the NC/PLC interface signal DB10 DBX58.0 ... 7:
● "TRUE": Transmission
● "FALSE": No transmission
The default value of the parameter is "TRUE".
If manual traversing has been enabled in AUTOMATIC mode (MD10735 with bit 0 == 1: allow
jogging in the automatic mode) the settings for the JOG mode also apply in AUTOMATIC
mode during manual traversing.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX93.0 - 7 (deactivate collision avoidance)
$NP_PROT_TYPE (type of protection area)
MD10735 $MN_JOG_MODE_MASK (settings for the JOG mode)
Further information ● Operating Manual Turning or Milling
● Function Manual Monitoring and Compensating
● Function Manual Monitoring and Compensating DB10 DBX60.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value)

DB10 DBX60.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The actual value is 1.
Signal state 0 The actual value is 0.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX60.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value

Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Input 8 Input 7 Input 6 Input 5 Input 4 Input 3 Input 2 Input 1
The actual NC output value can be read in the PLC user program via the actual value.
The value in the "Actual value" interface can, as a result of the various subsequent influencing
possibilities "Lock" and "Set", have a different value than that available at the NC output.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX0, 122, 124, 126, 128 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock)
DB10 DBB1, 123, 125, 127, 129 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Set)
DB10 DBB60, 186, 187, 188, 189 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX64.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Setpoint)

DB10 DBX64.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Setpoint

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The setpoint is 1.
Signal state 0 The setpoint is 0.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 8 Output 7 Output 6 Output 5 Output 4 Output 3 Output 2 Output 1
The actual NC output value can be read in the PLC user program via the setpoint.
The value in the "Setpoint" interface can, as a result of the various subsequent influencing
possibilities "Target" and "Lock", have a different value than that available at the NC output.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX93.0 ... 7 (collision avoidance: Deactivate protection area group)

DB10 DBX93.0 ... 7 Collision avoidance: Deactivate protection area group

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The deactivation of all protection areas of the protection area type in the selected operating
mode is requested.
Signal state 0 The deactivation of all protection areas of the protection area type in the selected operating
mode is not requested.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 449
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX93.0 ... 7 Collision avoidance: Deactivate protection area group

Further information Bit Operating mode Protection area type 1)
1 Tool
2 Workholder
3 Workpiece
4 JOG Machine
5 Tool
6 Workholder
7 Workpiece
Type of a protection area ($NP_PROT_TYPE)
The deactivation of a protection area group is selected from the SINUMERIK Operate user
interface in the operating area "AUTOMATIC", "JOG" or "MDI" > "ETC key (">")" > "Settings"
> "Collision avoidance" > "Switch collision avoidance on and off" by setting the HMI/PLC
interface signal DB10 DBX93.0 ... 7 of the protection area group.
The interface signal is transferred according to the value of the FB1 parameter MMCToIf by
the basic PLC program into the NC/PLC interface signal DB10 DBX58.0 ... 7:
● "TRUE": Transmission
● "FALSE": No transmission
The default value of the parameter is "TRUE".
If manual traversing has been enabled in AUTOMATIC mode (MD10735 with bit 0 == 1: allow
jogging in the automatic mode) the settings for the JOG mode also apply in AUTOMATIC
mode during manual traversing.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX58.0 ... 7 (collision avoidance: Deactivate protection area group)
$NP_PROT_TYPE (type of protection area)
MD10735 $MN_JOG_MODE_MASK (settings for the JOG mode)
Further information ● Operating Manual Turning or Milling
● Function Manual Monitoring and Compensating
● Function Manual Monitoring and Compensating DB10 DBX97.0 - 3 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 1)

DB10 DBX97.0 - 3 Channel number for geometry axis, handwheel 1

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic

450 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX97.0 - 3 Channel number for geometry axis, handwheel 1

Further information The operator can assign an axis to the handwheel (1, 2, 3) directly at the operator panel. If this
axis is a geometry axis (interface signal "Machine axis handwheel <n>" = 0), then the basic
PLC program provides the corresponding channel number at the HMI interface as binary-
coded value.
Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Channel number
0 0 1 0 2
For machine axes (interface signal "Machine axis handwheel <n>" = 1), interface signal
"Channel number geometry axis handwheel <n>" has no significance.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX98.0 - 3 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 2)
DB10 DBX99.0 - 3 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 3)
DB10 DBX100.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 1)
DB10 DBX101.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 2)
DB10 DBX102.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 3)
DB10 DBX100.6 (handwheel 1 selected)
DB10 DBX101.6 (handwheel 2 selected)
DB10 DBX102.6 (handwheel 3 selected)
DB10 DBX100.7 (machine axis handwheel 1)
DB10 DBX101.7 (machine axis handwheel 2)
DB10 DBX102.7 (machine axis handwheel 3)
DB21, ... DBX12.0 - 2 (geometry axis 1: activate handwheel)
DB21, ... DBX16.0 - 2 (geometry axis 2: activate handwheel)
DB21, ... DBX20.0 - 2 (geometry axis 3: activate handwheel)
DB31, ... DBX4.0 - 2 (activate handwheel)
Further information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB10 DBX98.0 - 3 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 2)

DB10 DBX98.0 - 3 Channel number for geometry axis, handwheel 2

Additional information See DB10 DBB97 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 1) (Page 450). DB10 DBX99.0 - 3 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 3)

DB10 DBX99.0 - 3 Channel number for geometry axis, handwheel 3

Additional information See DB10 DBB97 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 1) (Page 450).

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 451
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBX100.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 1)

DB10 DBX100.0 - 4 Axis number handwheel 1

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Further information The operator can assign an axis to the handwheel (1, 2, 3) directly at the operator panel. To
do this, it specifies the requested axis (e.g. X). The basic PLC program provides the axis
number, associated with the axis, at the HMI interface as binary-coded value.
Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Axis number
0 0 1 0 1 5
The following applies when assigning the axis identifier to the axis number:
● Machine axis (interface signal "Machine axis" = 1):
→ The assignment is realized using machine data MD10000.
● Geometry axis (interface signal "Machine axis" = 0):
→ The assignment is realized using machine data MD20060.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX101.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 2)
DB10 DBX102.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 3)
DB10 DBX97.0 - 3 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 1)
DB10 DBX98.0 - 3 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 2)
DB10 DBX99.0 - 3 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 3)
DB10 DBX100.6 (handwheel 1 selected)
DB10 DBX101.6 (handwheel 2 selected)
DB10 DBX102.6 (handwheel 3 selected)
DB10 DBX100.7 (machine axis handwheel 1)
DB10 DBX101.7 (machine axis handwheel 2)
DB10 DBX102.7 (machine axis handwheel 3)
DB21, ... DBX12.0 - 2 (geometry axis 1: activate handwheel)
DB21, ... DBX16.0 - 2 (geometry axis 2: activate handwheel)
DB21, ... DBX20.0 - 2 (geometry axis 3: activate handwheel)
DB31, ... DBX4.0 - 2 (activate handwheel)
MD10000 $MN_AXCONF_MACHAX_NAME_TAB [<n>] (machine axis name)
MD20060 $MC_AXCONF_GEOAX_NAME_TAB [<n>] (name of the geometry axis in the
Further information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB10 DBX100.5 (define handwheel 1 as contour handwheel)

DB10 DBX100.5 Define handwheel 1 as contour handwheel

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The handwheel is defined as contour handwheel via the operator interface.
Signal state 0 The handwheel is not defined as contour handwheel.

452 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX100.5 Define handwheel 1 as contour handwheel

Further information In order that the handwheel defined via the user interface is also active as contour handwheel,
signal "Define handwheel <n> as contour handwheel" must be linked to signal "Activate
handwheel <n> as contour handwheel".
Depending on the settings of parameter HWheelMMC in FB1 of the basic PLC program, these
signals are either supplied by the basic program or must be supplied by the PLC user program.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX101.5 (define handwheel 2 as contour handwheel)
DB10 DBX102.5 (define handwheel 3 as contour handwheel)
DB21 ... DBX30.0 - 2 (activate contour handwheel)
FB1 parameter "HWheelMMC"
Further information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB10 DBX100.6 (handwheel 1 selected)

DB10 DBX100.6 Handwheel 1 selected

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Enable handwheel for activation.
Signal state 0 Lock handwheel.
Further information The basic PLC program provides this interface signal at the HMI interface if, at the operator
panel, the operator selects or deselects handwheel 1 for the specified axis, i.e. enables or
locks for activation. The information is transferred from the basic PLC program to the PLC
(precondition: FB1 parameter "HWheelMMC" == "TRUE") and the interface signal "Activate
handwheel" appropriately set for the specified axis. Depending on the setting in the HMI
interface signal "machine axis", either the interface for the geometry axis or for the machine
axis is used.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX101.6 (handwheel 2 selected)
DB10 DBX102.6 (handwheel 3 selected)
DB10 DBX97.0 - 2 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 1)
DB10 DBX98.0 - 2 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 2)
DB10 DBX99.0 - 2 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 3)
DB10 DBX100.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 1)
DB10 DBX101.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 2)
DB10 DBX102.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 3)
DB10 DBX100.7 (machine axis handwheel 1)
DB10 DBX101.7 (machine axis handwheel 2)
DB10 DBX102.7 (machine axis handwheel 3)
DB21, ... DBX12.0 - 2 (geometry axis 1: activate handwheel)
DB21, ... DBX16.0 - 2 (geometry axis 2: activate handwheel)
DB21, ... DBX20.0 - 2 (geometry axis 3: activate handwheel)
DB31, ... DBX4.0 - 2 (activate handwheel)
FB1 parameter "HWheelMMC"
Further information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 453
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBX100.7 (machine axis handwheel 1)

DB10 DBX100.7 Machine axis handwheel 1

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Axis is a machine axis.
Signal state 0 Axis is a geometry axis.
Further information The basic PLC program provides this interface signal at the HMI interface if the operator has
assigned an axis to the handwheel (1, 2, 3) directly at the operator panel.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX101.7 (machine axis handwheel 2)
DB10 DBX102.7 (machine axis handwheel 3)
DB10 DBX97.0 - 2 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 1)
DB10 DBX98.0 - 2 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 2)
DB10 DBX99.0 - 2 (channel number geometry axis handwheel 3)
DB10 DBX100.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 1)
DB10 DBX101.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 2)
DB10 DBX102.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 3)
DB10 DBX100.6 (handwheel 1 selected)
DB10 DBX101.6 (handwheel 2 selected)
DB10 DBX102.6 (handwheel 3 selected)
Further information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB10 DBX101.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 2)

DB10 DBX101.0 - 4 Axis number handwheel 2

Additional information See DB10 DBX100.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 1) (Page 452). DB10 DBX101.5 (define handwheel 2 as contour handwheel)

DB10 DBX101.5 Define handwheel 2 as contour handwheel

Additional information See DB10 DBX100.5 (define handwheel 1 as contour handwheel) (Page 452). DB10 DBX101.6 (handwheel 2 selected)

DB10 DBX101.6 Handwheel 2 selected

Additional information See DB10 DBX100.6 (handwheel 1 selected) (Page 453).

454 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBX101.7 (machine axis handwheel 2)

DB10 DBX101.7 Machine axis handwheel 2

Additional information See DB10 DBX100.7 (machine axis handwheel 1) (Page 454). DB10 DBX102.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 3)

DB10 DBX102.0 - 4 Axis number handwheel 3

Additional information See DB10 DBX100.0 - 4 (axis number handwheel 1) (Page 452). DB10 DBX102.5 (define handwheel 3 as contour handwheel)

DB10 DBX102.5 Define handwheel 3 as contour handwheel

Additional information See DB10 DBX100.5 (define handwheel 1 as contour handwheel) (Page 452). DB10 DBX102.6 (handwheel 3 selected)

DB10 DBX102.6 Handwheel 3 selected

Additional information See DB10 DBX100.6 (handwheel 1 selected) (Page 453). DB10 DBX102.7 (machine axis handwheel 3)

DB10 DBX102.7 Machine axis handwheel 3

Additional information See DB10 DBX100.7 (machine axis handwheel 1) (Page 454). DB10 DBX103.0 (remote diagnosis active)

DB10 DBX103.0 Remote diagnosis active

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclically
Signal state 1 Remote diagnosis (optional) is active, i.e. the control is operated via an external PC.
Signal state 0 Remote diagnosis is not active. DB10 DBX103.5 (AT box ready)

DB10 DBX103.5 AT box ready

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclically

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 455
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX103.5 AT box ready

Signal state 1 The AT box for expansion modules is ready.
Signal state 0 The AT box is not ready. An expansion module conforming to the AT specification has either
no functionality or restricted functionality. DB10 DBX103.6 (HMI temperature limit)

DB10 DBX103.6 HMI temperature limit

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclically
Signal state 1 The temperature is within the permissible tolerance range from 5 to 55 °C.
Signal state 0 The temperature is outside the permissible tolerance range from 5 to 55 °C.
The temperature monitoring has responded and the PCU has been disabled. DB10 DBX103.7 (HMI battery alarm)

DB10 DBX103.7 HMI battery alarm

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The battery monitor has responded. Power failure can cause the loss of recently changed data
and a correct device configuration. An appropriate alarm is issued. The buffer battery should
be checked. An insufficient battery voltage also affects the current time on the user interface.
Signal state 0 No HMI battery alarm is present.
Further information Operator Components Manual (PCU) DB10 DBX104.7 (NC-CPU ready)

DB10 DBX104.7 NC CPU ready

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The NC CPU is ready and registers itself cyclically with the PLC.
After a correct initial start and the first complete OB1 cycle, the PLC and NC continuously
exchange sign-of-life signals.
Signal state 0 NC CPU is not ready for operation.
The following measures are started by the basic PLC program:
● The status signals of the NC to the PLC (user interface) are deleted
● The change signals of auxiliary functions are deleted
● Cyclic processing of the user interface PLC to NC is terminated.
Further information ● Diagnostics Manual

456 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBX106.1 (Emergency Stop active)

DB10 DBX106.1 Emergency Stop active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Emergency Stop is active.
Signal state 0 Emergency Stop is not active.
Further information To acknowledge the "Emergency Stop" state of the NC, the following interface signals must
remain set until interface signal DB10 DBX106.1 (Emergency Stop active) has been reset:
● DB10 DBX56.2 = 1 (acknowledge Emergency Stop)
● DB11, ... DBX0.7 = 1 (mode group reset) for all mode groups of the NC
Corresponds to DB10 DBX56.1 (Emergency Stop)
DB10 DBX56.2 (acknowledge Emergency Stop)
DB11 DBX0.7 (mode group reset)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX107.0 - 1 (probe actuated)

DB10 DBX107.0 - 1 Probe actuated

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Probe deflected.
Signal state 0 Probe not deflected.
Further information Bit 0 Probe 1
Bit 1 Probe 2
Further information Function Manual Technologies DB10 DBX107.6 (NCU link active)

DB10 DBX107.6 NCU link: Active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 NCU link communication is active.
Signal state 0 NCU link communication is not active.
Further information The signal is irrelevant for a system with an NCU.
Further information ● Function Manual Basic Functions
● NCU Equipment Manual

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 457
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBX108.3 (operating software ready)

DB10 DBX108.3 Operating software ready

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 SINUMERIK Operate is ready and registers itself cyclically with the NC.
Signal state 0 SINUMERIK Operate is not ready.
Further information Diagnostics Manual DB10 DBX108.5 (drives in cyclic operation)

DB10 DBX108.5 Drives in cyclic operation

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclically
Signal state 1 For all machine axes of the NC, the corresponding drives are in cyclic operation, i.e. they
cyclically exchange PROFIdrive telegrams with the NC.
Signal state 0 For at least one machine axis of the NC, the corresponding drive is not in cyclic operation, i.e.
it is not cyclically exchanging PROFIdrive telegrams with the NC. DB10 DBX108.6 (drive ready)

DB10 DBX108.6 Drive ready

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclically
Signal state 1 For all machine axes of the NC, the corresponding drives are ready:
DB31, ... DBX93.5 == 1 (DRIVE ready)
Signal state 0 For at least one machine axis of the NC, the corresponding drive is not ready:
DB31, ... DBX93.5 == 0 (DRIVE ready)
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX93.5 (DRIVE ready) DB10 DBX108.7 (NC ready)

DB10 DBX108.7 NC ready

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The control is ready.
The interface signal is an image of the relay contact "NC Ready".
The signal is set when:
● Relay contact "NC Ready": closed
● All internal control voltages have been established
● Control state: Cyclic operation

458 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX108.7 NC ready

Signal state 0 The control is not ready.
The signal is set when:
● Relay contact "NC Ready": open
Possible causes:
● The undervoltage or overvoltage monitoring function has responded
● Individual components are not ready (NC CPU ready)
● The NC CPU watchdog has responded
If still possible, the following internal control responses occur:
● NC: The controller enable signals are withdrawn ⇒ the drives stop
● PLC basic program:
– The status signals from the NC to the PLC (user interface) are deleted
– The change signals of the auxiliary functions are deleted
– Cyclic processing of the user interface PLC to NC is terminated
A warm restart must be initiated to exit the fault state.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX104.7(NC CPU ready)
Further information Diagnostics Manual DB10 DBX109.0 (NC alarm active)

DB10 DBX109.0 NC alarm is active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 At least one NC alarm is active.
Signal state 0 No NC alarm is active.
Further information The interface signal is a combination of interface signals of all of the existing channels:
DB21, ... DBX36.6 (channel-specific NC alarm active)
Corresponds to DB21, ... DBX36.6 (channel-specific NC alarm active)
DB21, ... DBX36.7 (NC alarm with machining stop active)
Further information Diagnostics Manual DB10 DBX109.5 (heat sink temperature alarm, NCU)

DB10 DBX109.5 NCU heat sink temperature alarm

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclically
Signal state 1 The heat sink temperature limit of the NCU has been exceeded. Continuous NCU operation
can no longer be guaranteed.
Signal state 0 The heat sink temperature limit of the NCU has not been exceeded.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 459
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBX109.6 (air temperature alarm)

DB10 DBX109.6 Air temperature alarm

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The monitoring of the ambient temperature and/or the fan monitoring has responded.
Possible causes:
● Ambient temperature too high
● The speed monitoring of the 24 VDC fan used to cool the module has responded.
Possible remedy: Replace the fan and/or ensure that additional ventilation/cooling is provided.
Signal state 0 The monitoring of the ambient temperature and the fan monitoring has not responded.
Corresponds to Relay contacts of the infeed/regenerative feedback unit: Terminal 5.1, 5.2 or 5.1, 5.3)
Further information Diagnostics Manual DB10 DBX109.7 (NC battery alarm)

DB10 DBX109.7 NC battery alarm

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The NC battery voltage monitoring function has responded.
This may be due to the following causes:
● The battery voltage is within the pre-warning limit range (approx. 2.7 to 2.9 V).
● The battery voltage is below the pre-warning limit range (≤ 2.6 V).
● When the controller powered-up, it was identified that the battery voltage was below the
pre-warning limit range (≤ 2.6 V).
Signal state 0 The battery voltage is higher than the lower limit value (normal situation).
Further information The NC battery should only be replaced while the NC is switched on to avoid data loss as there
is no memory backup.
Further information ● Diagnostics Manual
● NCU Equipment Manual DB10 DBX110.0 - 113.7 (software cams: minus cam signal 1 to 32)

DB10 DBX110.0 - 113.7 Software cams: minus cam signal 1 to 32

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Linear axis
The minus cam signal switches from 0 to 1 when the axis passes over the minus cam in the
negative direction.
Modulo rotary axis
The minus cam signal changes level in response to every positive edge of the plus cam signal.

460 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX110.0 - 113.7 Software cams: minus cam signal 1 to 32

Signal state 0 Linear axis
The minus cam signal switches from 1 to 0 when the axis passes over the minus cam in the
positive axis direction.
Modulo rotary axis
The minus cam signal changes level in response to every positive edge of the plus cam signal.
Additional information The switching edge of the minus cam signal 1 to 32 is generated depending on the traversing
direction of the (round) axis, and is transferred in the IPO clock cycle to the PLC interface.
Corresponds with DB10 DBX114.0 - 117.7 (software cams: plus cam signal 1 to 32)
DB31, ... DBX2.0 (software cams: activation)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB10 DBX114.0 - 117.7 (software cams: plus cam signal 1 to 32)

DB10 DBX114.0 - 117.7 Software cams: plus cam signal 1 to 32

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Linear axis
The plus cam signal switches from 0 to 1 when the axis traverses the plus cam in the positive
Modulo rotary axis
When passing over the minus cam in the positive axis direction, the plus cam signal switches
from 0 to 1.
Signal state 0 Linear axis
The plus cam signal switches from 1 to 0 when the axis traverses the plus cam in the negative
Modulo rotary axis
When passing over the plus cam in the positive axis direction, the plus cam signal switches
back from 1 to 0.
Further information The switching edge of the plus cam signal 1 to 32 is generated depending on the traversing
direction of the (round) axis, and is transferred in the IPO clock cycle to the PLC interface.
The described response of the plus cam for modulo rotary axes applies under the condition:
plus cam - minus cam < 180 degrees
If this condition is not fulfilled or if the minus cam is set to a greater value than the plus cam,
then the behavior of the plus cam signal is inverted. The response of the minus cam signal
remains unchanged.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX110.0 - 113.7 (software cams: minus cam signal 1 to 32)
DB31, ... DBX2.0 (software cams: activation)
Further information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 461
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBX122.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 9 - 16: Lock)

DB10 DBX122.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 9 - 16: Lock

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The digital NC input is locked.
Signal state 0 The digital NC input is enabled.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Input 16 Input 15 Input 14 Input 13 Input 12 Input 11 Input 10 Input 9
When read, a locked input supplies a value of 0.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB1, 123, 125, 127, 129 (digital NC inputs set from the PLC)
DB10 DBB60, 186, 187, 188, 189 (actual value of the digital NC inputs)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX123.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 9 - 16: Set)

DB10 DBX123.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 9 - 16: Set

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Set NC input value to a defined value of 1.
Signal state 0 Do not influence NC input value.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Input 16 Input 15 Input 14 Input 13 Input 12 Input 11 Input 10 Input 9
If the PLC user program sets the NC input to a value of 1, then the signal state at the onboard
input of the NCU - as well as the lock of the NC input - have no effect.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX0, 122, 124, 126, 128 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock)
DB10 DBB1, 123, 125, 127, 129 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Set)
DB10 DBB60, 186, 187, 188, 189 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX124.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 17 - 24: Lock)

DB10 DBX124.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 17 - 24: Lock

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The digital NC input is locked.
Signal state 0 The digital NC input is enabled.

462 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX124.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 17 - 24: Lock

Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Input 24 Input 23 Input 22 Input 21 Input 20 Input 19 Input 18 Input 17
When read, a locked input supplies a value of 0.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB1, 123, 125, 127, 129 (digital NC inputs set from the PLC)
DB10 DBB60, 186, 187, 188, 189 (actual value of the digital NC inputs)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX125.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 17 - 24: Set)

DB10 DBX125.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 17 - 24: Set

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Set NC input value to a defined value of 1.
Signal state 0 Do not influence NC input value.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Input 24 Input 23 Input 22 Input 21 Input 20 Input 19 Input 18 Input 17
If the PLC user program sets the NC input to a value of 1, then the signal state at the onboard
input of the NCU - as well as the lock of the NC input - have no effect.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX0, 122, 124, 126, 128 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock)
DB10 DBB1, 123, 125, 127, 129 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Set)
DB10 DBB60, 186, 187, 188, 189 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX126.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 25 - 32: Lock)

DB10 DBX126.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 25 - 32: Lock

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The digital NC input is locked.
Signal state 0 The digital NC input is enabled.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Input 32 Input 31 Input 30 Input 29 Input 28 Input 27 Input 26 Input 25
When read, a locked input supplies a value of 0.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB1, 123, 125, 127, 129 (digital NC inputs set from the PLC)
DB10 DBB60, 186, 187, 188, 189 (actual value of the digital NC inputs)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 463
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBX127.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 25 - 32: Set)

DB10 DBX127.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 25 - 32: Set

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Set NC input value to a defined value of 1.
Signal state 0 Do not influence NC input value.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Input 32 Input 31 Input 30 Input 29 Input 28 Input 27 Input 26 Input 25
If the PLC user program sets the NC input to a value of 1, then the signal state at the onboard
input of the NCU - as well as the lock of the NC input - have no effect.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX0, 122, 124, 126, 128 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock)
DB10 DBB1, 123, 125, 127, 129 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Set)
DB10 DBB60, 186, 187, 188, 189 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX128.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 33 - 40: Lock)

DB10 DBX128.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 33 - 40: Lock

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The digital NC input is locked.
Signal state 0 The digital NC input is enabled.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Input 40 Input 39 Input 38 Input 37 Input 36 Input 35 Input 34 Input 33
When read, a locked input supplies a value of 0.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB1, 123, 125, 127, 129 (digital NC inputs set from the PLC)
DB10 DBB60, 186, 187, 188, 189 (actual value of the digital NC inputs)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX129.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 33 - 40: Set)

DB10 DBX129.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 33 - 40: Set

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Set NC input value to a defined value of 1.
Signal state 0 Do not influence NC input value.

464 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX129.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 33 - 40: Set

Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Input 40 Input 39 Input 38 Input 37 Input 36 Input 35 Input 34 Input 33
If the PLC user program sets the NC input to a value of 1, then the signal state at the onboard
input of the NCU - as well as the lock of the NC input - have no effect.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX0, 122, 124, 126, 128 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock)
DB10 DBB1, 123, 125, 127, 129 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Set)
DB10 DBB60, 186, 187, 188, 189 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX130.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Lock)

DB10 DBX130.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Lock

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The digital NC output is locked.
Signal state 0 The digital NC output is enabled.
Additional information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 16 Output 15 Output 14 Output 13 Output 12 Output 11 Output 10 Output 9
If the digital NC output is locked, then 0 V (defined) is output at the hardware output.
If the digital NC output is not locked, then the value specified in the NC program or by the PLC
program is output at the hardware output.
Corresponds with DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite screen form)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
DB10 DBB7, 133, 137, 141, 145 (digital NC outputs: Target screen form)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX131.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Overwrite)

DB10 DBX131.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Overwrite

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 The associated "setting value" is activated.
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 465
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX131.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Overwrite

Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 16 Output 15 Output 14 Output 13 Output 12 Output 11 Output 10 Output 9
For a positive edge change 0 → 1, then for the corresponding output, instead of the value
written using system variables $A_OUT, the setting value specified from the PLC user pro‐
gram is used. The value written via system variables $A_OUT is then lost.
For a negative edge change 1 → 0, for the corresponding output, the actual value at the
hardware output is kept.
The NC/PLC interface DBB6, ... (Digital NC outputs: setting value) is jointly used by:
● DB10 DBB5, ... (overwrite) for edge change 0 → 1
● DB10 DBB7, ... (target) for signal state 1
Activating the two interfaces simultaneously should be avoided.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX132.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Setting value)

DB10 DBX132.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Setting value

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Value of the setting value is 1.
Signal state 0 Value of the setting value is 0.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 16 Output 15 Output 14 Output 13 Output 12 Output 11 Output 10 Output 9
Using the setting value, the PLC user program can specify a defined output value. In order that
the setting value becomes active, it must be activated from the overwrite screen form or the
setting screen form.
The NC/PLC interface DBB6, ... (Digital NC outputs: setting value) is jointly used by:
● DB10 DBB5, ... (overwrite) for edge change 0 → 1
● DB10 DBB7, ... (target) for signal state 1
Activating the two interfaces simultaneously should be avoided.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions

466 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBX133.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Target)

DB10 DBX133.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Target

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The target is active.
Signal state 0 The target is not active.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 16 Output 15 Output 14 Output 13 Output 12 Output 11 Output 10 Output 9
If a bit is set, then for the corresponding output, instead of the NC output value, the setting
value specified by the PLC user program is used. The actual NC output value is kept.
If a bit is reset, then for the corresponding output, the last NC output value becomes active
The NC/PLC interface DBB6, ... (Digital NC outputs: setting value) is jointly used by:
● DB10 DBB5, ... (overwrite) for edge change 0 → 1
● DB10 DBB7, ... (target) for signal state 1
Activating the two interfaces simultaneously should be avoided.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX134.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Lock)

DB10 DBX134.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Lock

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The digital NC output is locked.
Signal state 0 The digital NC output is enabled.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 24 Output 23 Output 22 Output 21 Output 20 Output 19 Output 18 Output 17
If the digital NC output is locked, then 0 V (defined) is output at the hardware output.
If the digital NC output is not locked, then the value specified in the NC program or by the PLC
program is output at the hardware output.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite screen form)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
DB10 DBB7, 133, 137, 141, 145 (digital NC outputs: Target screen form)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 467
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBX135.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Overwrite)

DB10 DBX135.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Overwrite

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 The associated "setting value" is activated.
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 24 Output 23 Output 22 Output 21 Output 20 Output 19 Output 18 Output 17
For a positive edge change 0 → 1, then for the corresponding output, instead of the value
written using system variables $A_OUT, the setting value specified from the PLC user pro‐
gram is used. The value written via system variables $A_OUT is then lost.
For a negative edge change 1 → 0, for the corresponding output, the actual value at the
hardware output is kept.
The NC/PLC interface DBB6, ... (Digital NC outputs: setting value) is jointly used by:
● DB10 DBB5, ... (overwrite) for edge change 0 → 1
● DB10 DBB7, ... (target) for signal state 1
Activating the two interfaces simultaneously should be avoided.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX136.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Setting value)

DB10 DBX136.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Setting value

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Value of the setting value is 1.
Signal state 0 Value of the setting value is 0.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 24 Output 23 Output 22 Output 21 Output 20 Output 19 Output 18 Output 17
Using the setting value, the PLC user program can specify a defined output value. In order that
the setting value becomes active, it must be activated from the overwrite screen form or the
setting screen form.
The NC/PLC interface DBB6, ... (Digital NC outputs: setting value) is jointly used by:
● DB10 DBB5, ... (overwrite) for edge change 0 → 1
● DB10 DBB7, ... (target) for signal state 1
Activating the two interfaces simultaneously should be avoided.

468 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX136.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Setting value

Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX137.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Target)

DB10 DBX137.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Target

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The target is active.
Signal state 0 The target is not active.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 24 Output 23 Output 22 Output 21 Output 20 Output 19 Output 18 Output 17
If a bit is set, then for the corresponding output, instead of the NC output value, the setting
value specified by the PLC user program is used. The actual NC output value is kept.
If a bit is reset, then for the corresponding output, the last NC output value becomes active
The NC/PLC interface DBB6, ... (Digital NC outputs: setting value) is jointly used by:
● DB10 DBB5, ... (overwrite) for edge change 0 → 1
● DB10 DBB7, ... (target) for signal state 1
Activating the two interfaces simultaneously should be avoided.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX138.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Lock)

DB10 DBX138.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Lock

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The digital NC output is locked.
Signal state 0 The digital NC output is enabled.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 32 Output 31 Output 30 Output 29 Output 28 Output 27 Output 26 Output 25
If the digital NC output is locked, then 0 V (defined) is output at the hardware output.
If the digital NC output is not locked, then the value specified in the NC program or by the PLC
program is output at the hardware output.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 469
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX138.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Lock

Corresponds to DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite screen form)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
DB10 DBB7, 133, 137, 141, 145 (digital NC outputs: Target screen form)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX139.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Overwrite)

DB10 DBX139.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Overwrite

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 The associated "setting value" is activated.
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 32 Output Output Output 29 Output 28 Output 27 Output 26 Output 25
31 30
For a positive edge change 0 → 1, then for the corresponding output, instead of the value
written using system variables $A_OUT, the setting value specified from the PLC user pro‐
gram is used. The value written via system variables $A_OUT is then lost.
For a negative edge change 1 → 0, for the corresponding output, the actual value at the
hardware output is kept.
The NC/PLC interface DBB6, ... (Digital NC outputs: setting value) is jointly used by:
● DB10 DBB5, ... (overwrite) for edge change 0 → 1
● DB10 DBB7, ... (target) for signal state 1
Activating the two interfaces simultaneously should be avoided.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX140.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Setting value)

DB10 DBX140.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Setting value

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Value of the setting value is 1.
Signal state 0 Value of the setting value is 0.

470 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX140.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Setting value

Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 32 Output 31 Output 30 Output 29 Output 28 Output 27 Output 26 Output 25
Using the setting value, the PLC user program can specify a defined output value. In order that
the setting value becomes active, it must be activated from the overwrite screen form or the
setting screen form.
The NC/PLC interface DBB6, ... (Digital NC outputs: setting value) is jointly used by:
● DB10 DBB5, ... (overwrite) for edge change 0 → 1
● DB10 DBB7, ... (target) for signal state 1
Activating the two interfaces simultaneously should be avoided.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX141.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Target)

DB10 DBX141.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Target

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The target is active.
Signal state 0 The target is not active.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 32 Output 31 Output 30 Output 29 Output 28 Output 27 Output 26 Output 25
If a bit is set, then for the corresponding output, instead of the NC output value, the setting
value specified by the PLC user program is used. The actual NC output value is kept.
If a bit is reset, then for the corresponding output, the last NC output value becomes active
The NC/PLC interface DBB6, ... (Digital NC outputs: setting value) is jointly used by:
● DB10 DBB5, ... (overwrite) for edge change 0 → 1
● DB10 DBB7, ... (target) for signal state 1
Activating the two interfaces simultaneously should be avoided.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 471
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBX142.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Lock)

DB10 DBX142.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Lock

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The digital NC output is locked.
Signal state 0 The digital NC output is enabled.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 40 Output 39 Output 38 Output 37 Output 36 Output 35 Output 34 Output 33
If the digital NC output is locked, then 0 V (defined) is output at the hardware output.
If the digital NC output is not locked, then the value specified in the NC program or by the PLC
program is output at the hardware output.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite screen form)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
DB10 DBB7, 133, 137, 141, 145 (digital NC outputs: Target screen form)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX143.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Overwrite)

DB10 DBX143.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Overwrite

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 The associated "setting value" is activated.
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 40 Output 39 Output 38 Output 37 Output 36 Output 35 Output 34 Output 33
For a positive edge change 0 → 1, then for the corresponding output, instead of the value
written using system variables $A_OUT, the setting value specified from the PLC user pro‐
gram is used. The value written via system variables $A_OUT is then lost.
For a negative edge change 1 → 0, for the corresponding output, the actual value at the
hardware output is kept.
The NC/PLC interface DBB6, ... (Digital NC outputs: setting value) is jointly used by:
● DB10 DBB5, ... (overwrite) for edge change 0 → 1
● DB10 DBB7, ... (target) for signal state 1
Activating the two interfaces simultaneously should be avoided.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions

472 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBX144.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Setting value)

DB10 DBX144.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Setting value

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Value of the setting value is 1.
Signal state 0 Value of the setting value is 0.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 40 Output 39 Output 38 Output 37 Output 36 Output 35 Output 34 Output 33
Using the setting value, the PLC user program can specify a defined output value. In order that
the setting value becomes active, it must be activated from the overwrite screen form or the
setting screen form.
The NC/PLC interface DBB6, ... (Digital NC outputs: setting value) is jointly used by:
● DB10 DBB5, ... (overwrite) for edge change 0 → 1
● DB10 DBB7, ... (target) for signal state 1
Activating the two interfaces simultaneously should be avoided.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX145.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Target)

DB10 DBX145.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Target

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The target is active.
Signal state 0 The target is not active.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 40 Output 39 Output 38 Output 37 Output 36 Output 35 Output 34 Output 33
If a bit is set, then for the corresponding output, instead of the NC output value, the setting
value specified by the PLC user program is used. The actual NC output value is kept.
If a bit is reset, then for the corresponding output, the last NC output value becomes active
The NC/PLC interface DBB6, ... (Digital NC outputs: setting value) is jointly used by:
● DB10 DBB5, ... (overwrite) for edge change 0 → 1
● DB10 DBB7, ... (target) for signal state 1
Activating the two interfaces simultaneously should be avoided.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 473
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX145.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Target

Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX146.0 - 7 (analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock)

DB10 DBX146.0 - 7 Analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The analog NC input is locked.
Signal state 0 The analog NC input is enabled.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Input 8 Input 7 Input 6 Input 5 Input 4 Input 3 Input 2 Input 1
When read, a locked input supplies a value of 0.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB147 (analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Target)
DB10 DBW148 - 162 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value)
DB10 DBB194 - 208 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Actual value)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX147.0 - 7 (analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Target)

DB10 DBX147.0 - 7 Analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Target

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The target of the setting value is activated.
Signal state 0 The target of the setting value is notactivated.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Input 8 Input 7 Input 6 Input 5 Input 4 Input 3 Input 2 Input 1
If the target of the setting value is activated, then the setting value is active as NC input value.
If the setting value target is de-activated, then as NC input value, the analog value available
at the NC input is active or for an active lock, the value of 0.
Corresponds to DBX146.0 - 7 (analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock)
DB10 DBB147 (analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Target)
DB10 DBW148 - 162 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value)
DB10 DBB194 - 208 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Actual value)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions

474 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBW148 - 162 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value)

DB10 DBW148 - 162 Analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Setting value

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Further information DBW162 DBW160 DBW158 DBW156 DBW154 DBW152 DBW150 DBW148
Input 8 Input 7 Input 6 Input 5 Input 4 Input 3 Input 2 Input 1
The setting value is transferred as NC input value if input "Target" (DB10 DBB147) was set
The setting value must be specified as a fixed point number (16 bit value including sign) in 2's
Corresponds to DBX146.0 - 7 (analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock)
DB10 DBB147 (analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Target)
DB10 DBW148 - 162 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value)
DB10 DBB194 - 209 (analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX166.0 - 7 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)

DB10 DBX166.0 - 7 Analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 The associated "setting value" is activated.
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 8 Output 7 Output 6 Output 5 Output 4 Output 3 Output 2 Output 1
For a positive edge change 0 → 1, then for the corresponding output, instead of the value
written using system variables $A_OUTA, the setting value specified from the PLC user pro‐
gram is used. The value written via system variables $A_OUTA is then lost.
For a negative edge change 1 → 0, for the corresponding output, the actual value at the
hardware output is kept.
The NC/PLC interface DBW170, ... (Analog NC output 1 - 8: setting value) is jointly used by:
● DB10 DBB166, ... (overwrite) for edge change 0 → 1
● DB10 DBB167, ... (target) for signal state 1
Activating the two interfaces simultaneously should be avoided.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX167.0 - 7 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Target)
DB10 DBX168.0 - 7 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Lock)
DB10 DBW170 - 184 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value)
DB10 DBW210 - 224 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setpoint)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 475
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBX167.0 - 7 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Target)

DB10 DBX167.0 - 7 Analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Target

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The target is active.
Signal state 0 The target is not active.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 8 Output 7 Output 6 Output 5 Output 4 Output 3 Output 2 Output 1
If a bit is set, then for the corresponding output, instead of the NC output value, the setting
value specified by the PLC user program is used. The actual NC output value is kept.
If a bit is reset, then for the corresponding output, the last NC output value becomes active
The NC/PLC interface DBW170, ... (Analog NC output 1 - 8: setting value) is jointly used by:
● DB10 DBB166, ... (overwrite) for edge change 0 → 1
● DB10 DBB167, ... (target) for signal state 1
Activating the two interfaces simultaneously should be avoided.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX166.0 - 7 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBX168.0 - 7 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Lock)
DB10 DBW170 - 184 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value)
DB10 DBW210 - 224 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setpoint)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX168.0 - 7 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Lock)

DB10 DBX168.0 - 7 Analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Target

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The target is active.
Signal state 0 The target is not active.
Additional information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 8 Output 7 Output 6 Output 5 Output 4 Output 3 Output 2 Output 1
If a bit is set, then for the corresponding output, instead of the NC output value, the setting
value specified by the PLC user program is used. The actual NC output value is kept.
If a bit is reset, then for the corresponding output, the last NC output value becomes active
Corresponds with DB10 DBX166.0 - 7 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBX167.0 - 7 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Target)
DB10 DBW170 - 184 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value)
DB10 DBW210 - 224 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setpoint)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

476 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBW170 - 184 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value)

DB10 DBW170 - 184 Analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Further information DBW184 DBW182 DBW180 DBW178 DBW176 DBW174 DBW172 DBW170
Output 8 Output 7 Output 6 Output 5 Output 4 Output 3 Output 2 Output 1
Using the setting value, the PLC user program can specify a defined output value. In order that
the setting value becomes active, it must be activated via the interface for "Override" or
The NC/PLC interface DBW170, ... (Analog NC output 1 - 8: setting value) is jointly used by:
● DB10 DBB166, ... (overwrite) for edge change 0 → 1
● DB10 DBB167, ... (target) for signal state 1
Activating the two interfaces simultaneously should be avoided.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX166.0 - 7 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBX167.0 - 7 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Target)
DB10 DBX168.0 - 7 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Lock)
DB10 DBW210 - 224 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setpoint)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX186.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 9 - 16: Actual value)

DB10 DBX186.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 9 - 16: Actual value

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The actual value is 1.
Signal state 0 The actual value is 0.
Additional information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Input 16 Input 15 Input 14 Input 13 Input 12 Input 11 Input 10 Input 9
The actual NC output value can be read in the PLC user program via the actual value.
The value in the "Actual value" interface can, as a result of the various subsequent influencing
possibilities "Lock" and "Set", have a different value than that available at the NC output.
Corresponds with DB10 DBX0, 122, 124, 126, 128 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock)
DB10 DBB1, 123, 125, 127, 129 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Set)
DB10 DBB60, 186, 187, 188, 189 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 477
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBX187.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 17 - 24: Actual value)

DB10 DBX187.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 17 - 24: Actual value

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The actual value is 1.
Signal state 0 The actual value is 0.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Input 24 Input 23 Input 22 Input 21 Input 20 Input 19 Input 18 Input 17
The actual NC output value can be read in the PLC user program via the actual value.
The value in the "Actual value" interface can, as a result of the various subsequent influencing
possibilities "Lock" and "Set", have a different value than that available at the NC output.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX0, 122, 124, 126, 128 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock)
DB10 DBB1, 123, 125, 127, 129 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Set)
DB10 DBB60, 186, 187, 188, 189 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX188.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 25 - 32: Actual value)

DB10 DBX188.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 25 - 32: Actual value

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The actual value is 1.
Signal state 0 The actual value is 0.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Input 32 Input 31 Input 30 Input 29 Input 28 Input 27 Input 26 Input 25
The actual NC output value can be read in the PLC user program via the actual value.
The value in the "Actual value" interface can, as a result of the various subsequent influencing
possibilities "Lock" and "Set", have a different value than that available at the NC output.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX0, 122, 124, 126, 128 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock)
DB10 DBB1, 123, 125, 127, 129 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Set)
DB10 DBB60, 186, 187, 188, 189 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions

478 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBX189.0 - 7 (digital NC inputs 33 - 40: Actual value)

DB10 DBX189.0 - 7 Digital NC inputs 33 - 40: Actual value

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The actual value is 1.
Signal state 0 The actual value is 0.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Input 40 Input 39 Input 38 Input 37 Input 36 Input 35 Input 34 Input 33
The actual NC output value can be read in the PLC user program via the actual value.
The value in the "Actual value" interface can, as a result of the various subsequent influencing
possibilities "Lock" and "Set", have a different value than that available at the NC output.
Corresponds to DB10 DBX0, 122, 124, 126, 128 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock)
DB10 DBB1, 123, 125, 127, 129 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Set)
DB10 DBB60, 186, 187, 188, 189 (digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value)
MD10350 $MN_FASTIO_DIG_NUM_INPUTS DB10 DBX190.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Setpoint)

DB10 DBX190.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Setpoint

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The setpoint is 1.
Signal state 0 The setpoint is 0.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 16 Output 15 Output 14 Output 13 Output 12 Output 11 Output 10 Output 9
The actual NC output value can be read in the PLC user program via the setpoint.
The value in the "Setpoint" interface can, as a result of the various subsequent influencing
possibilities "Target" and "Lock", have a different value than that available at the NC output.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX191.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Setpoint)

DB10 DBX191.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Setpoint

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 479
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX191.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Setpoint

Signal state 1 The setpoint is 1.
Signal state 0 The setpoint is 0.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 24 Output 23 Output 22 Output 21 Output 20 Output 19 Output 18 Output 17
The actual NC output value can be read in the PLC user program via the setpoint.
The value in the "Setpoint" interface can, as a result of the various subsequent influencing
possibilities "Target" and "Lock", have a different value than that available at the NC output.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX192.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Setpoint)

DB10 DBX192.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Setpoint

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The setpoint is 1.
Signal state 0 The setpoint is 0.
Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 32 Output 31 Output 30 Output 29 Output 28 Output 27 Output 26 Output 25
The actual NC output value can be read in the PLC user program via the setpoint.
The value in the "Setpoint" interface can, as a result of the various subsequent influencing
possibilities "Target" and "Lock", have a different value than that available at the NC output.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX193.0 - 7 (digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Setpoint)

DB10 DBX193.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Setpoint

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The setpoint is 1.
Signal state 0 The setpoint is 0.

480 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX193.0 - 7 Digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Setpoint

Further information Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Output 40 Output 39 Output 38 Output 37 Output 36 Output 35 Output 34 Output 33
The actual NC output value can be read in the PLC user program via the setpoint.
The value in the "Setpoint" interface can, as a result of the various subsequent influencing
possibilities "Target" and "Lock", have a different value than that available at the NC output.
Corresponds to DB10 DBB4, 130, 134, 138, 142 (digital NC outputs: Lock)
DB10 DBB5, 131, 135, 139, 143 (digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBB6, 132, 136, 140, 144 (digital NC outputs: Setting value from the PLC)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBW194 - 208 (analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value)

DB10 DBW194 - 208 Analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Further information DBW208 DBW206 DBW204 DBW202 DBW200 DBW198 DBW196 DBW194
Input 8 Input 7 Input 6 Input 5 Input 4 Input 3 Input 2 Input 1
The actual value must be specified as a fixed point number (16 bit value including sign) in a
2's complement.
Corresponds to DBX146.0 - 7 (analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock)
DB10 DBB147 (analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Target)
DB10 DBW148 - 162 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBW210 - 224 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setpoint)

DB10 DBW210 - 224 Analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setpoint

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Further information DBW224 DBW222 DBW220 DBW218 DBW216 DBW214 DBW212 DBW210
Output 8 Output 7 Output 6 Output 5 Output 4 Output 3 Output 2 Output 1
The actual NC output value can be read in the PLC user program via the setpoint.
The setpoint is represented as a fixed point number (16 bit value including sign) in a 2's
The value in the "Setpoint" interface can, as a result of the various subsequent influencing
possibilities, have a different value than that available at the NC output.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 481
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBW210 - 224 Analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setpoint

Corresponds to DB10 DBX166.0 - 7 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite)
DB10 DBX167.0 - 7 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Target)
DB10 DBX168.0 - 7 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Lock)
DB10 DBW170 - 184 (analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB10 DBX226.0 - 233.7 (collision avoidance: Protection area active)

DB10 DBX226.0 - 233.7 Collision avoidance: Protection area active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The protection area connected to the interface signal is active.
If several protection areas are connected to the interface signal: All protection areas are active.
Signal state 0 The protection area connected to the interface signal is not active.
If several protection areas are connected to the interface signal: At least one protection area
is not active.
Further information The assignment protection area ↔ interface signal (<byte>.<bit>) is realized by appropriately
parameterizing system variables $NP_BIT_NO:
$NP_BIT_NO[<protection area>] = <bit number>
Byte Bit
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit number
226 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
227 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
228 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
229 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
230 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
231 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40
232 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48
233 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56
Corresponds to DB10 DBX234.0 - 241.7 (collision avoidance: Activate protection area)
System variable $NP_BIT_NO (number of the interface bit for switchover activated)
Further information Function Manual Monitoring and Compensating DB10 DBX234.0 - 241.7 (collision avoidance: Activate protection area)

DB10 DBX234.0 - 241.7 Collision avoidance: Activate protection zone

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Request to activate the protection areas that are connected with the interface signal.

482 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB10 DBX234.0 - 241.7 Collision avoidance: Activate protection zone

Signal state 0 Request to deactivate the protection areas that are connected with the interface signal.
Further information The assignment protection area ↔ interface signal (<byte>.<bit>) is realized by appropriately
parameterizing system variables $NP_BIT_NO:
$NP_BIT_NO[<protection area>] = <bit number>
Byte Bit
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit number
234 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
235 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
236 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
237 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
238 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
239 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40
240 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48
241 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56
Corresponds to DB10 DBX226.0 - 233.7 (collision avoidance: Protection area active)
System variable $NP_BIT_NO (number of the interface bit for switchover activated)
Further information Function Manual Monitoring and Compensating DB10 DBX245.0 - 5 (Ethernet handwheel stationary)

DB10 DBX245.0 - 5 Ethernet handwheel is stationary

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Ethernet handwheel is stationary.
Signal state 0 Ethernet handwheel is moved.
Further information A stationary state is detected by the Ethernet modules to which the handwheel is connected.
If a handwheel does not transfer any handwheel pulses for a defined period of time, the
module detects this to be a stationary state and transfers it to the NC/PLC interface. A signal
is available for every handwheel for this purpose:
Bit 0 Handwheel 1
Bit 1 Handwheel 2
Bit 2 Handwheel 3
Bit 3 Handwheel 4
Bit 4 Handwheel 5
Bit 5 Handwheel 6
Further information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 483
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB10 DBX246.0 - 5 (handwheel active)

DB10 DBX246.0 - 5 Handwheel active

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The button for the handwheel in the HMI is operated on the HT10.
Signal state 0 The button for the handwheel in the HMI is not operated on the HT10.
Further information A signal is available for every handwheel for this purpose:
Bit 0 Handwheel 1
Bit 1 Handwheel 2
Bit 2 Handwheel 3
Bit 3 Handwheel 4
Bit 4 Handwheel 5
Bit 5 Handwheel 6
Further information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

18.2.2 DB11: Mode group DB11 DBX0.0 (AUTOMATIC mode)


Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is an active request to switch over into the AUTOMATIC mode.
Signal state 0 There is no active request to switch over into the AUTOMATIC mode.
Further information Irrelevant for: DB11 DBX0.4 (operating mode, changeover inhibit) == 1
Corresponds to DB11 DBX0.2 (JOG mode)
DB11 DBX0.1 (MDI mode)
DB11 DBX0.4 (mode change inhibit)
DB11 DBX6.0 AUTOMATIC mode active)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX0.1 (MDI mode)

DB11 DBX0.1 MDI mode

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is an active request to switch over into the MDI mode.
Signal state 0 There is no active request to switch over into the MDI mode.
Additional information Irrelevant for: DB11 DBX0.4 (operating mode, changeover inhibit) == 1

484 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB11 DBX0.1 MDI mode

Corresponds with DB11 DBX0.0 (AUTOMATIC mode)
DB11 DBX0.2 (JOG mode)
DB11 DBX0.4 (mode change inhibit)
DB11 DBX6.1 (active MDI mode)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX0.2 (JOG mode)

DB11 DBX0.2 JOG mode

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is an active request to switch over into the JOG mode.
Signal state 0 There is no active request to switch over into the JOG mode.
Further information Irrelevant for: DB11 DBX0.4 (operating mode, changeover inhibit) == 1
Corresponds to DB11 DBX0.0 (AUTOMATIC mode)
DB11 DBX0.1 (MDI mode)
DB11 DBX0.4 (mode change inhibit)
DB11 DBX6.2 (JOG mode active)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX0.4 (mode change inhibit)

DB11 DBX0.4 Mode change inhibit

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The active mode of the mode group cannot be changed.
The machine functions that can be selected within a mode group can be changed.
Signal state 0 The mode of the mode group can be changed.
Corresponds to DB11 DBX0.0 (AUTOMATIC mode)
DB11 DBX0.1 (MDI mode)
DB11 DBX0.2 (JOG mode)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX0.5 (mode group stop)

DB11 DBX0.5 Mode group stop

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 485
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB11 DBX0.5 Mode group stop

Signal state 1 There is an active request for "Mode group stop".
● An "NC Stop" is initiated for all the channels of the mode group.
● Channel state change as a result of the mode group stop:
– "Active" → "Interrupted"
– "Reset" → "Reset"
● Program state change as a result of the mode group stop
– "Running" → "Stopped"
● All traversing axes of the mode group are braked without contour violation to zero speed
along their acceleration curves
Programs that have been stopped can be restarted with "NC Start".
The spindles of the mode group are not influenced.
Signal state 0 There is no active request for "Mode group stop".
Corresponds to DB21, ... .DBX7.2 (NC start)
DB21, ... .DBX7.3 (NC stop)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX0.6 (mode group stop, axes plus spindles)

DB11 DBX0.6 Mode group stop axes plus spindles

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is an active request for "Mode group stop axes plus spindles".
● An "NC Stop" is initiated for all the channels of the mode group.
● Channel state change as a result of the mode group stop:
– "Active" → "Interrupted"
– "Reset" → "Reset"
● Program state change as a result of the mode group stop
– "Running" → "Stopped"
● All traversing axes and spindles of the mode group are braked without contour violation to
zero speed along their acceleration curves
Programs that have been stopped can be restarted with "NC Start".
Signal state 0 There is no active request for "Mode group stop axes plus spindles".
Corresponds to DB21, ... .DBX7.2 (NC start)
DB21, ... .DBX7.3 (NC stop)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions

486 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB11 DBX0.7 (mode group reset)

DB11 DBX0.7 Mode group reset

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 A request was initiated for a "Mode group reset".
● In all channels of the mode group, a "channel reset" is initiated in the control system
corresponding to DB21, ... DBX 7.7 = 1.
● All the channels are then in the channel state "reset" (DB21, ... DBX35.7 == 1)
● All active NC programs are then in the "canceled" program state (DB21, ... DBX35.4 == 1)
● All traversing axes and spindles are decelerated without contour violation to zero speed
according to their acceleration curves.
● The channel-specific reset positions become active.
● All alarms of the mode group are cleared - with the exception of power on alarms.
Edge change 1 → 0 Reset of the last request for a "Mode group reset".
Starting at this time, a new "Mode group reset" can be requested.
Further information Special case
If an alarm resets the interface signal DB11 DBX6.3 (mode group ready), all channels of the
mode group are no longer in the "reset" channel state. In order that the mode of the mode
group can be switched over, initially, a "Mode group reset" must be initiated using DB11
Before a new action can be requested in a channel of the mode group from the PLC user
program after a mode group reset (e.g. NC start or axis interchange), the system must first
wait for either the mode group state "All channels of the mode group in the reset state" (DB11
DBX6.7 == 1) - or the channel state "Reset" (DB21, ... DBX35.7 == 1) of the channel involved.
Corresponds to DB21, ... DBX7.7 (channel reset)
DB11 DBX6.7 (all channels in the reset state)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX1.0 (TEACH IN machine function)

DB11 DBX1.0 TEACH IN machine function

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is an active request to activate the TEACH IN machine function.
Signal state 0 There is no active request to activate the TEACH IN machine function.
Further information Note
Only active in the JOG mode.
Corresponds to DB11 DBX6.2 (JOG mode active)
DB11 DBX7.1 (TEACH IN machine function active)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 487
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB11 DBX1.1 (REPOS machine function)

DB11 DBX1.1 REPOS machine function

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is an active request to activate the REPOS machine function.
Signal state 0 There is no active request to activate the REPOS machine function.
Further information Note
Only active in the JOG mode.
Corresponds to DB11 DBX6.2 (JOG mode active)
DB11 DBX7.2 (REPOS machine function active)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX1.2 (REF machine function)

DB11 DBX1.2 REF machine function

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is an active request to activate the REF machine function.
Signal state 0 There is no active request to activate the REF machine function.
Further information Note
Only active in the JOG mode.
Corresponds to DB11 DBX6.2 (JOG mode active)
DB11 DBX7.3 (REF machine function active)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX1.6 (single block, type B)

DB11 DBX1.6 Single block, type B

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is an active request to activate the "Single block, type B".
Signal state 0 There is no active request to activate the "Single block, type B".

488 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB11 DBX1.6 Single block, type B

Further information Cross mode group response when activating "Single block, type B":
● All channels are stopped
● All channels receive a start command
● Channel KS stops at the end of the block
● The KA channels receive the STOPATEND instruction, comparable with DB21, ... DBX7.2
(NC Stop at the block limit)
● All channels are stopped at a block limit (at some point in time).
● DB11 DBX1.6 == 1 AND DBX1.7 == 0 ⇒ single block type B
● DB11 DBX1.6 == 0 AND DBX1.7 == 1 ⇒ single block type A
● DB11 DBX1.6 == 1 AND DBX1.7 == 1 OR
DB11 DBX1.6 == 0 AND DBX1.7 == 0 ⇒ No mode group-specific single block selected
Corresponds to DB11 DBX1.7 (single block, type A)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX1.7 (single block, type A)

DB11 DBX1.7 Single block, type A

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is an active request to activate the "Single block, type A".
Signal state 0 There is no active request to activate the "Single block, type A".
Further information Cross mode group response when activating "Single block, type A":
● All channels are stopped
● All channels receive a start command
● Channel KS stops at the end of the block
● The KA channels receive the STOPATEND instruction, comparable with DB21, ... DBX7.2
(NC Stop at the block limit)
● All channels are stopped at a block limit (at some point in time).
● DB11 DBX1.6 == 1 AND DBX1.7 == 0 ⇒ single block type B
● DB11 DBX1.6 == 0 AND DBX1.7 == 1 ⇒ single block type A
● DB11 DBX1.6 == 1 AND DBX1.7 == 1 OR
DB11 DBX1.6 == 0 AND DBX1.7 == 0 ⇒ No mode group-specific single block selected
Corresponds to DB11 DBX1.6 (single block, type B)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 489
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB11 DBX4.0 (AUTOMATIC mode selected)

DB11 DBX4.0 AUTOMATIC mode selected

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is an active HMI request to select the AUTOMATIC mode.
Signal state 0 There is no active HMI request to select the AUTOMATIC mode.
Corresponds to DB11 DBX0.0 (AUTOMATIC mode)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX4.1 (MDI mode selected)

DB11 DBX4.1 MDI mode selected

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is an active HMI request to select the MDI mode.
Signal state 0 There is no active HMI request to select the MDI mode.
Corresponds to DB11 DBX0.1 (MDI mode)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX4.2 (JOG mode selected)

DB11 DBX4.2 JOG mode selected

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is an active HMI request to select the JOG mode.
Signal state 0 There is no active HMI request to select the JOG mode.
Corresponds to DB11 DBX0.2 (JOG mode)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX5.0 (TEACH IN machine function selected)

DB11 DBX5.0 TEACH IN machine function selected

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is an active HMI request to select the TEACH IN machine function.
Signal state 0 There is no active HMI request to select the TEACH IN machine function.
Corresponds to DB11 DBX7.1 (active TEACH IN machine function)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions

490 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB11 DBX5.1 (REPOS machine function selected)

DB11 DBX5.1 REPOS machine function selected

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is an active HMI request to select the REPOS machine function.
Signal state 0 There is no active HMI request to select the REPOS machine function.
Corresponds to DB11 DBX7.2 (active REPOS machine function)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX5.2 (REF machine function selected)

DB11 DBX5.2 REF machine function selected

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is an active HMI request to select the REF machine function.
Signal state 0 There is no active HMI request to select the REF machine function.
Corresponds to DB11 DBX7.3 (active REF machine function)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX6.0 (AUTOMATIC mode active)

DB11 DBX6.0 AUTOMATIC mode active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The AUTOMATIC mode is active.
Signal state 0 The AUTOMATIC mode is not active.
Corresponds to DB11 DBX0.0 (AUTOMATIC mode)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX6.1 (active MDI mode)

DB11 DBX6.1 Active MDI mode

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The MDI mode is active.
Signal state 0 The MDI mode is not active.
Corresponds to DB11 DBX0.1 (MDI mode)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 491
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB11 DBX6.2 (JOG mode active)

DB11 DBX6.2 Active JOG mode

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The JOG mode is active.
Signal state 0 The JOG mode is not active.
Corresponds to DB11 DBX0.2 (JOG mode)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX6.3 (mode group ready)

DB11 DBX6.3 Mode group ready

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The mode group is ready.
Signal state 0 The mode group is ready.
Further information Response when the signal changes from 0 → 1:
● Traversing axes and spindles are braked down to standstill with setpoint 0 or maximum
braking current.
● The interface signals from the PLC to the NC are brought into an inactive state (reset
If an alarm occurs that clears "Mode group ready", before switching over the mode, a mode
group reset (DB11 DBX 0.7) must first be initiated.
Corresponds to DB11 DBX0.7 (mode group reset)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX6.7 (all channels in the "Reset" state)

DB11 DBX6.7 All channels in the "Reset" state

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 All mode group channels are in the "Reset" state.
Signal state 0 At least one channel of the mode group is not in the "Reset" state.
Corresponds to DB21, ... DBX7.7 (channel state, "Reset")
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions

492 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB11 DBX7.0 (TEACH IN machine function active)

DB11 DBX7.0 TEACH IN machine function active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The TEACH IN machine function is active.
Signal state 0 The TEACH IN machine function is not active.
Corresponds to DB11 DBX1.0 (TEACH IN machine function)
DB11 DBX5.0 (TEACH IN machine function selected)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX7.1 (REPOS machine function active)

DB11 DBX7.1 REPOS machine function active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Machine function REPOS is active.
Signal state 0 Machine function REPOS is not active.
Corresponds to DB11 DBX1.1 (REPOS machine function)
DB11 DBX5.1 (REPOS machine function selected)
Further information Function Manual Basic Functions DB11 DBX7.2 (REF machine function active)

DB11 DBX7.2 REF machine function active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Machine function REF is active.
Signal state 0 Machine function REF is not active.
Corresponds with DB11 DBX1.2 (REF machine function)
DB11 DBX5.2 (REF machine function selected)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 493
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

18.2.3 DB18: Safety Integrated, SPL DB18 DBB36.0 (SPL_READY)


Signal flow PLC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The SPL_READY = TRUE signal indicates that the commissioning phase has been comple‐
ted, i.e. if a CDC error has occurred, the basic program signals a "STOP D/E" to all the axes.
Signal state 0 SPL_READY = FALSE
Further information Function Manual, SINUMERIK Safety Integrated DB18 DBB36.1 (STOP_E)


Signal flow PLC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 STOP E is active.
The signal must be used for the forced checking procedure for external STOPs.
Signal state 0 STOP E is active.
Further information Function Manual, SINUMERIK Safety Integrated DB18 DBB38 - 41 (SPL inputs, SPL_DATA.INSEP[1...32])

DB18 DBB38.0 - 41.7 Data area of the SPL inputs

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 When cyclic F communication is established, the process values received from F_SENDDP
are output at the SPL inputs SPL_DATA.INSEP.
Signal state 0 The process values received from F_SENDDP are not output at the SPL inputs SPL_DA‐
Further information Byte Bit
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit number
38 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
39 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
40 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
41 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Corresponds to $A_INSE
Further information Function Manual, Safety Integrated

494 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB18 DBB42.0 - 45.7 (SPL inputs, SPL_DATA.INSEP[33...64])

DB18 DBB42.0 - 45.7 Data area of the SPL inputs

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 When cyclic F communication is established, the process values received from F_SENDDP
are output at the SPL inputs SPL_DATA.INSEP.
Signal state 0 The process values received from F_SENDDP are not output at the SPL inputs SPL_DA‐
Further information Byte Bit
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit number
42 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
43 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40
44 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48
45 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56
Corresponds to $A_INSE
Further information Function Manual, Safety Integrated DB18 DBB46.0 - 49.7 (SPL outputs, SPL_DATA.OUTSEP[1...32]

DB18 DBB46.0 - 49.7 Data area of the SPL outputs

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The received process values are output at the SPL outputs SPL_DATA.OUTSEP.
Signal state 0 The received process values are not output at the SPL outputs SPL_DATA.OUTSEP.
Further information Byte Bit
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit number
38 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
39 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
40 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
41 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Corresponds to $A_OUTSE
Further information Function Manual, Safety Integrated

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 495
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

18.2.4 DB19: Operator panel DB19 DBX0.0 (brighten screen)

DB19 DBX0.0 Brighten screen

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The screen content is displayed. Screen darkening is ignored.
Signal state 0 Screen darkening is active.
Corresponds with DB19 DBX0.1 (darken screen) DB19 DBX0.1 (darken screen)

DB19 DBX0.1 Darken screen

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The screen is darkened.
The automatic screen brightening/darkening is therefore inactive. The screen does not auto‐
matically become bright when a key on the keyboard is pressed.
If the interface signal is set, and the screen is darkened, then the keyboard of the operator
panel front still remains active. It is therefore recommended that the keyboard of the operator
panel front is also locked:
DB19 DBX0.2 = 1 (key lock)
Signal state 0 The screen is brightened.
In this state, the control automatically brightens/darkens the screen:
● The screen is darkened if no keystroke is made at the keyboard for a time that is defined
using the following machine data:
MD9006 $MM_DISPLAY_SWITCH_OFF_INTERVAL (time to darken the screen) The de‐
fault setting is 15 minutes.
● The screen is brightened the next time a key on the operator panel front is pressed.
Corresponds with DB19 DBX0.0 (brighten screen)
DB19 DBX0.2 (key lock)
MD9006 $MM_DISPLAY_SWITCH_OFF_INTERVAL (time to darken the screen) DB19 DBX0.2 (key lock)

DB19 DBX0.2 Key lock

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The keyboard is locked for the user.
Signal state 0 The keyboard is enabled for the user.

496 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB19 DBX0.2 Key lock

Additional information If the screen is darkened with the interface signal: DB19 DBX0.1 (darken screen), the key‐
board should be locked simultaneously with the interface signal: DB19 DBX0.2 (key lock) to
avoid an unintended operation.

If the screen is darkened with (DB19 DBX0.1 = 1), the operator panel front keyboard still
remains functional. It is therefore recommended that the keyboard of the operator panel front
is also locked:
DB19 DBX0.2 = 1 (key lock)
Corresponds with DB19 DBX0.0 (brighten screen)
DB19 DBX0.1 (darken screen) DB19 DBX0.3 (delete cancel alarms)

DB19 DBX0.3 Delete cancel alarms

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The delete error key on the operator panel is pressed ⇒
Request to acknowledge all cancel alarms of the NC and operator panel.
Signal state 0 The delete error key is not pressed on the operator panel.
Corresponds with DB19 DBX20.3 (cancel alarms deleted) DB19 DBX0.4 (delete recall alarms)

DB19 DBX0.4 Delete recall alarms

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The delete error key is pressed on the operator panel.
Request to acknowledge all recall alarms of the NC and operator panel.
Signal state 0 The delete error key is not pressed on the operator panel.
Corresponds with DB19 DBX20.4 (recall alarms deleted) DB19 DBX0.7 (actual values in the WCS)

DB19 DBX0.7 Actual values in the WCS

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 If the "machine" operating area is selected on the user interface, the axis-specific positions
and distance-to-go are displayed in the workpiece coordinate system (WCS).
Signal state 0 If the "machine" operating area is selected on the user interface, the axis-specific positions
and distance-to-go are displayed in the previous active coordinate system.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 497
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB19 DBX0.7 Actual values in the WCS

Additional information Within the "machine" operating area, the coordinate system can be displayed in which the
axis-specific positions and distances-to-go are switched via the "MCS actual values" and
"WCS actual values" softkeys:
Corresponds with DB19 DBX20.7 (switch MCS/WCS) DB19 DBB6 (analog spindle 1, utilization as a percentage)

DB19 DBB6 Analog spindle 1, utilization in percent

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Additional information Format: UINT (unsigned, 0 ... 255D or 0 ... FFH) DB19 DBB7 (analog spindle 2, utilization as a percentage)

DB19 DBB7 Analog spindle 2, utilization in percent

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Additional information Format: UINT (unsigned, 0 ... 255D or 0 ... FFH) DB19 DBB8 (channel number)

DB19 DBB8 Channel number

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Additional information Format: UINT (unsigned, 0 ... 255D or 0 ... FFH)
Valid channel numbers: 1 ... maximum number of NC channels DB19 DBB10 (PLC hardkeys)

DB19 DBB10 PLC hardkeys

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Signal state ≠ 0 1 ... 255: Selects the corresponding programming area
Signal state == 0 0: No selection
Additional information Format: UINT (unsigned, 0 ... 255D or 0 ... FFH)

498 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB19 DBX13.5 (NC program: unload)

DB19 DBX13.5 NC program: Unload

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Unload active
Signal state 0 Unload not active DB19DBX13.6 (NC program: load)

DB19 DBX13.6 NC program: Load

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Load active
Signal state 0 Load not active DB19 DBX13.7 (NC program: selection)

DB19 DBX13.7 NC program: Selection

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Selection active
Signal state 0 Selection not active DB19 DBX14.0 - 6 (PLC index)

DB19 DBX14.0 - 6 PLC index

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Additional information The V24 interface is controlled with bits 0 - 6. They specify the PLC index for the standard
control file, which specifies the axis, channel or TO number.
The file system is selected via:
● DB19 DBX14.7 == 1 ⇒ passive file system: PLC index for the user control file
● DB19 DBX14.7 == 0 ⇒ active file system: PLC index, which specifies the axis, channel or
TO number.
Format: UINT (unsigned, 0 ... 127D or 0 ... 7FH)
Corresponds with DB19 DBX14.7 (selects the file system)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 499
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB19 DBX14.7 (selects the file system)

DB19 DBX14.7 Selects the file system

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Passive file system
Signal state 0 Active file system
Corresponds with DB19 DBX14.0 - 6 (PLC index) DB19 DBB15 (PLC line offset)

DB19 DBB15 PLC line offset

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Additional information The byte to control the V24 interface defines the line of the standard or user control file in
which the control file to be transferred is specified.
The control file is selected using:
● DB19 DBX14.7 == 1 ⇒ passive file system: PLC line offset in a user control file
● DB19 DBX14.7 == 0 ⇒ active file system: PLC line offset in a standard control file
Format: UINT (unsigned, 0 ... 255D or 0 ... FFH)
Corresponds with DB19 DBX14.7 (selects the file system) DB19 DBB16 (program selection from the PLC: Index of the program list)

DB19 DBB16 Program selection from the PLC: Index of the program list
Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Further information Preselected programs/workpieces in the PLC program lists can be selected for machining by
the NC via the PLC/HMI interface.
To specify the program list, its number (index) is output in binary code via control byte DB19
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Always 1
DB19 DBB16 = <number of the program list>
Number Number Program list
(binary-coded) (decimal)
1000 0001 129 User program list (/user/sinumerik/hmi/plc/
1000 0011 131 Manufacturer program list (/oem/

500 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB19 DBB16 Program selection from the PLC: Index of the program list
Corresponds to DB19.DBX13.7 (NC program: Selection)
DB19.DBB17 (program selection from the PLC: program index in the program list)
DB19.DBB26 (program selection from the PLC: Status signals)
DB19.DBB27 (program selection from the PLC: Error detection)
MD51041 $MN_ENABLE_PROGLIST_USER (activation of PLC program list USER area)
MD51043 $MN_ENABLE_PROGLIST_MANUFACT (activation of PLC program list MANU‐
Further information Program selection (Page 116) DB19 DBB17 (program selection from the PLC: Program index in the program list)

DB19 DBB17 Program selection from the PLC: Program index in the program list
Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Further information Preselected programs/workpieces in the PLC program lists can be selected for machining by
the NC via the PLC/HMI interface.
To specify the program within the program list selected via DB19 DBB16, the program number
is output in binary code via control byte DB19 DBB17.
Area Program number
user 1 - 100
oem 201 - 255
Corresponds to DB19.DBX13.7 (NC program: Selection)
DB19.DBB16 (program selection from the PLC: index of the program list)
DB19.DBB26 (program selection from the PLC: Status signals)
DB19.DBB27 (program selection from the PLC: Error detection)
MD51041 $MN_ENABLE_PROGLIST_USER (activation of PLC program list USER area)
MD51043 $MN_ENABLE_PROGLIST_MANUFACT (activation of PLC program list MANU‐
Further information Program selection (Page 116) DB19 DBX20.1 (screen is dark)

DB19 DBX20.1 Screen is dark

Signal flow OP → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The screen is darkened.
Signal state 0 The screen is not darkened.
Corresponds with DB19 DBX0.1 (darken screen)
MD9006 $MM_DISPLAY_SWITCH_OFF_INTERVAL (time for the screen darkening)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 501
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB19 DBX20.3 (cancel alarms deleted)

DB19 DBX20.3 Cancel alarm deleted

Signal flow OP → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Feedback: Cancel alarms were deleted.
Signal state 0 Note
The interface signal must be reset in the PLC user program.
Corresponds with DB19 DBX0.3 (delete cancel alarms) DB19 DBX20.4 (recall alarms deleted)

DB19 DBX20.4 Recall alarms deleted

Signal flow OP → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Feedback: Recall alarms were deleted
Signal state 0 Note
The interface signal must be reset in the PLC user program.
Corresponds with DB19 DBX0.4 (delete recall alarms) DB19 DBX20.6 (simulation active)

DB19 DBX20.6 Simulation active

Signal flow OP → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 An NC program has been selected at the user interface and the "Simulation" function activa‐
ted for this program.
Signal state 0 The "Simulation" function is not active.
Further information ● SINUMERIK Operate Commissioning Manual
● Operating Manuals "Turning", "Milling" and "Universal" DB19 DBX20.7 (switch MCS/WCS)

DB19 DBX20.7 Switch over MCS/WCS

Signal flow OP → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Request to switch over the display of the axis-specific positions and residual distances to go
on the user interface of the workpiece coordinate system (WCS) into the machine coordinate
system (MCS) or from MCS to WCS.
The signal is active for one PLC cycle.

502 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB19 DBX20.7 Switch over MCS/WCS

Signal state 0 No effect
Corresponds with DB19, DBX0.7 (actual value in WCS) DB19 DBB22 (actual channel number)

DB19 DBB22 Actual channel number

Signal flow OP → PLC
Update Cyclic
Additional information Format: UINT (unsigned, 0 ... 255D or 0 ... FFH)
Valid channel numbers: 1 ... maximum number of NC channels DB19 DBW24 (current screen number)

DB19 DBW24 Actual screen number

Signal flow OP → PLC
Update Cyclic
Additional information Format: UINT (unsigned, 0 ... 255D or 0 ... FFH)
Valid channel numbers: 1 ... maximum number of NC channels DB19 DBX26.1 (program selection from the PLC: Job completed)

DB19 DBX26.1 Program selection from the PLC: Job completed

Signal flow OP → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Program selection from the PLC: Job completed
Signal state 0 Program selection from the PLC: Job not completed
Corresponds to DB19.DBX13.7 (NC program: Selection)
DB19.DBB16 (program selection from the PLC: index of the program list)
DB19.DBB17 (program selection from the PLC: program index in the program list)
DB19.DBB26 (program selection from the PLC: Status signals)
DB19.DBB27 (program selection from the PLC: Error detection)
MD51041 $MN_ENABLE_PROGLIST_USER (activation of PLC program list USER area)
MD51043 $MN_ENABLE_PROGLIST_MANUFACT (activation of PLC program list MANU‐
Further information Program selection (Page 116)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 503
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB19 DBX26.2 (program selection from the PLC: Error)

DB19 DBX26.2 Program selection from the PLC: Error

Signal flow OP → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Program selection from the PLC: Job completed with errors
Signal state 0 Program selection from the PLC: Job completed correctly
Corresponds to DB19.DBX13.7 (NC program: Selection)
DB19.DBB16 (program selection from the PLC: index of the program list)
DB19.DBB17 (program selection from the PLC: program index in the program list)
DB19.DBB26 (program selection from the PLC: Status signals)
DB19.DBB27 (program selection from the PLC: Error detection)
MD51041 $MN_ENABLE_PROGLIST_USER (activation of PLC program list USER area)
MD51043 $MN_ENABLE_PROGLIST_MANUFACT (activation of PLC program list MANU‐
Further information Program selection (Page 116) DB19 DBX26.3 (program selection from the PLC: Active)

DB19 DBX26.3 Program selection from the PLC: Active

Signal flow OP → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Program selection from the PLC: Job active
Signal state 0 Program selection from the PLC: No job active
Corresponds to DB19.DBX13.7 (NC program: Selection)
DB19.DBB16 (program selection from the PLC: index of the program list)
DB19.DBB17 (program selection from the PLC: program index in the program list)
DB19.DBB26 (program selection from the PLC: Status signals)
DB19.DBB27 (program selection from the PLC: Error detection)
MD51041 $MN_ENABLE_PROGLIST_USER (activation of PLC program list USER area)
MD51043 $MN_ENABLE_PROGLIST_MANUFACT (activation of PLC program list MANU‐
Further information Program selection (Page 116) DB19 DBX26.5 (program selection from the PLC: Unload)

DB19 DBX26.5 Program selection from the PLC: Unload

Signal flow OP → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Program selection from the PLC: Unload active

504 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB19 DBX26.5 Program selection from the PLC: Unload

Signal state 0 Program selection from the PLC: Unload inactive
Corresponds to DB19.DBX13.7 (NC program: Selection)
DB19.DBB16 (program selection from the PLC: index of the program list)
DB19.DBB17 (program selection from the PLC: program index in the program list)
DB19.DBB26 (program selection from the PLC: Status signals)
DB19.DBB27 (program selection from the PLC: Error detection)
MD51041 $MN_ENABLE_PROGLIST_USER (activation of PLC program list USER area)
MD51043 $MN_ENABLE_PROGLIST_MANUFACT (activation of PLC program list MANU‐
Further information Program selection (Page 116) DB19 DBX26.6 (program selection from the PLC: Load)

DB19 DBX26.6 Program selection from the PLC: Load

Signal flow OP → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Program selection from the PLC: Load active
Signal state 0 Program selection from the PLC: Load inactive
Corresponds to DB19.DBX13.7 (NC program: Selection)
DB19.DBB16 (program selection from the PLC: index of the program list)
DB19.DBB17 (program selection from the PLC: program index in the program list)
DB19.DBB26 (program selection from the PLC: Status signals)
DB19.DBB27 (program selection from the PLC: Error detection)
MD51041 $MN_ENABLE_PROGLIST_USER (activation of PLC program list USER area)
MD51043 $MN_ENABLE_PROGLIST_MANUFACT (activation of PLC program list MANU‐
Further information Program selection (Page 116) DB19 DBX26.7 (program selection from the PLC: Selection)

DB19 DBX26.7 Program selection from the PLC: Selection

Signal flow OP → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Program selection from the PLC: Selection active
Signal state 0 Program selection from the PLC: Selection inactive

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 505
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB19 DBX26.7 Program selection from the PLC: Selection

Corresponds to DB19.DBX13.7 (NC program: Selection)
DB19.DBB16 (program selection from the PLC: index of the program list)
DB19.DBB17 (program selection from the PLC: program index in the program list)
DB19.DBB26 (program selection from the PLC: Status signals)
DB19.DBB27 (program selection from the PLC: Error detection)
MD51041 $MN_ENABLE_PROGLIST_USER (activation of PLC program list USER area)
MD51043 $MN_ENABLE_PROGLIST_MANUFACT (activation of PLC program list MANU‐
Further information Program selection (Page 116) DB19 DBB27 (program selection from the PLC: Error detection)

DB19 DBB27 Program selection from the PLC: Error code

Signal flow OP → PLC
Update Cyclic
Further information Output byte for the error values of the data transfer.
Value Meaning
0 No error
1 Invalid program list number (DB19.DBB16)
3 User-specific program list plc_proglist_main.ppl not found (for DB19.DBB16 ≠
129, 131 only)
4 Invalid program number (DB19.DBB17)
5 The job list in the selected workpiece could not be opened
6 Error in job list (Job list Interpreter returns error)
7 No instructions were found in the job list
8 HMI could not execute the selection (SELECT)
9 An error with no further details occurred upon selection
10 An error occurred during analysis of the job list
11 The instruction is not available
12 Invalid instruction (LOAD, UNLOAD, SELECT only)
13 Not all channels have the Reset status
14 The channel number is invalid
Corresponds to DB19.DBX13.7 (NC program: Selection)
DB19.DBB16 (program selection from the PLC: index of the program list)
DB19.DBB17 (program selection from the PLC: program index in the program list)
DB19.DBB26 (program selection from the PLC: Status signals)
MD51041 $MN_ENABLE_PROGLIST_USER (activation of PLC program list USER area)
MD51043 $MN_ENABLE_PROGLIST_MANUFACT (activation of PLC program list MANU‐
Further information Program selection (Page 116)

506 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB19 DBX32.0 - 5 (function number)

DB19 DBX32.0 - 5 Function selection from the PLC: Function number

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Further information The function number is entered in DB19 DBX32.0 - 5, which after setting the requesting strobe
in DB19 DBX32.6, is executed:
Function number Function
0 No function
1 Channel selection
Corresponds to DB19 DBX32.6 (requesting strobe)
DB19 DBX32.7 (status)
DB19 DBB33 - 35 (parameter 1 - 3)
DB19 DBB36 (error detection)
Further information Channel selection (Page 115) DB19 DBX32.6 (function request)

DB19 DBX32.6 Function selection from the PLC: Request strobe

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Execution of the set function by the NC is requested
Signal state 0 The function was executed by the NC or no function execution is requested
Corresponds to DB19 DBX32.0 - 5 (function number)
DB19 DBX32.7 (status)
DB19 DBB33 - 35 (parameter 1 - 3)
DB19 DBB36 - 35 (error detection)
Further information Channel selection (Page 115) DB19 DBX32.7 (status)

DB19 DBX32.7 Function selection from the PLC: Status

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The requested function is currently being processed by the NC.
Signal state 0 The processing of the requested function has been completed.
Corresponds to DB19 DBX32.0 - 5 (function number)
DB19 DBX32.6 (requesting strobe)
DB19 DBB33 - 35 (parameter 1 - 3)
DB19 DBB36 - 35 (error detection)
Further information Channel selection (Page 115)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 507
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB19 DBB33 - 35 (parameter 1 - 3)

DB19 DBB33 - 35 Function selection from the PLC: Parameter 1 - 3

Signal flow PLC → OP
Update Cyclic
Further information Parameters can be specified for the function requested in DB19 DBB32:
● Parameter 1: DB19 DBB33
● Parameter 2: DB19 DBB34
● Parameter 3: DB19 DBB35
The number and value range of the parameters depends on the associated function.
Corresponds to DB19 DBX32.0 - 5 (function number)
DB19 DBX32.6 (requesting strobe)
DB19 DBX32.7 (status)
DB19 DBB36 (error detection)
Further information Channel selection (Page 115) DB19 DBB36 (error identification)

DB19 DBB36 Error code

Signal flow OP → PLC
Update Cyclic
Further information Error identification after completion of the function execution by the NC:
● 0: No error
● 1: Invalid function number (DBX32.0 - .5)
● 2: Invalid parameter (DBB33 - DBB35)
● 3: Error when writing the HMI-internal variable.
● 10: Channel not present (DBB33)
Corresponds to DB19 DBX32.0 - 5 (function number)
DB19 DBX32.6 (function request)
DB19 DBX32.7 (status)
DB19 DBB33 - 35 (parameter 1 - 3)
Further information Channel selection (Page 115)

18.2.5 DB21, ...: Channel DB21, ... DBX0.1 (RESU: backward/forward)

DB21, ... DBX0.1 RESU: Backward/forward

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic

508 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX0.1 RESU: Backward/forward

Signal state 1 Requirement: Reverse travel
Signal state 0 Requirement: Forward travel
Additional information Precise retracing of contours is possible on all programmed contours comprising straight and
circular elements. During retracing, other contour elements such as splines or automatically
inserted non-linear contour elements (circle, parable, etc. e.g. through tool radius compen‐
sation) are mapped as straight lines between the start and end points of the corresponding
contour element, thereby preventing precise retracing of contours.
The main RESU program (CC_RESU.MPF) is generated from the logged traversing blocks of
the RESU internal block buffer, so corresponding to the interface signal, the next time that the
NC starts, the contour can be traversed either backward or forward.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX0.1 (RESU: backward/forward)
DB21, ... DBX0.2 (RESU: start retrace support)
DB21, ... DBX32.1 (RESU: retrace mode active)
DB21, ... DBX32.2 (RESU: retrace support active)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB21, ... DBX0.2 (RESU: start retrace support)

DB21, ... DBX0.2 RESU: Start retrace support

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 "Start retrace support" is requested.
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect.
Additional information For retrace support, RESU automatically reselects the original machining program and
launches a block search with calculation as far as the program continuation point.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX0.1 (RESU: backward/forward)
DB21, ... DBX32.1 (RESU: retrace mode active)
DB21, ... DBX32.2 (RESU: retrace support active)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB21, ... DBX0.3 (activate handwheel offset (DRF))

DB21, ... DBX0.3 Activate handwheel offset (DRF)

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Activation of handwheel offset (DRF) is requested.
Signal state 0 Activation of handwheel offset (DRF) is not requested.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX0.3 Activate handwheel offset (DRF)

Additional information With the handwheel offset (DRF) an axis-specific offset can be performed in the AUTOMATIC
and MDI modes using a handwheel.
Handwheel offset (DRF) is selected from the SINUMERIK Operate user interface in the op‐
erating area "Automatic" > "Program control" by setting the HMI/PLC interface signal DB21, ...
The interface signal is transferred according to the value of the FB1 parameter MMCToIf by
the basic PLC program into the NC/PLC interface signal DB21, ... DBX0.3:
● "TRUE": Transmission
● "FALSE": No transmission
The default value of the parameter is "TRUE".
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX24.3 (handwheel offset (DRF) selected)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX0.4 (activate single block)

DB21, ... DBX0.4 Activate single block

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A request has been made to activate the "single block" function:
Signal state 0 A request has not been made to activate the "single block" function.
Additional information In AUTOMATIC and MDI modes, the operator must enable processing of each individual part
program block of the part program selected in the channel by reactivating NC Start.
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX0.5 (activate M01)

DB21, ... DBX0.5 Activate M01

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Activation of program control "Conditional stop" M01 is requested.
Signal state 0 Activation of program control "Conditional stop" M01 is not requested.
Additional information Program control "Conditional stop" M01 is selected from the SINUMERIK Operate user in‐
terface: Operating area "Automatic" > "Program control" by setting the HMI/PLC interface
signal DB21, ... DBX24.5.
The interface signal is then transferred according to the value of the FB1 parameter MMCToIf
by the basic PLC program into the NC/PLC interface signal DB21, ... DBX0.5:
● "TRUE": Transmission
● "FALSE": No transmission
The default value of the parameter is "TRUE".
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX24.5 (M01 selected)
DB21, ... DBX32.5 (M0/M01 active)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

510 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX0.6 (activate dry run feedrate)

DB21, ... DBX0.6 Activate dry run feedrate (DRY)

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 Activation of dry run feedrate (DRY) is requested.
Edge change 1 → 0 Activation of dry run feedrate (DRY) is not requested.
Additional information If the channel is in the "Reset" state, for active G function G01, G02, G03 the currently effective
feedrate is used with the next NC start:
● Edge change 0 → 1: Dry run feedrate
● Edge change 1 → 0: Programmed feedrate
If the programmed feed rate within a G33 block is requested, then the programmed fee‐
drate is not activated until the end of the block is reached. No NC stop is executed within
a G33 block.
Dry run feedrate (DRY) is selected from the SINUMERIK Operate user interface in the oper‐
ating area "Automatic" > "Program control" by setting the HMI/PLC interface signal DB21, ...
The interface signal is transferred according to the value of the FB1 parameter MMCToIf by
the basic PLC program into the NC/PLC interface signal DB21, ... DBX0.6:
● "TRUE": Transmission
● "FALSE": No transmission
The default value of the parameter is "TRUE".
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX24.6 (dry run feedrate (DRY) selected)
SD42100 $SC_DRY_RUN_FEED (dry run feedrate)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions
Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX1.0 (activate referencing)

DB21, ... DBX1.0 Activate referencing

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 The "referencing" function is requested.
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect
Additional information Acknowledgment signal: DB21, ... DBX33.0 (referencing active)
Using the axis-specific machine data, the sequence in which the machine axes are referenced
for channel-specific referencing can be defined:
For channel-specific referencing, when all axes entered in machine data MD34110
$MA_REFP_CYCLE_NR have reached their reference point, then interface signal DB21, ...
DBX36.3 (all axes stationary) is set.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX1.0 Activate referencing

Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX33.0 (referencing active)
DB21, ... DBX36.3 (all axes stationary)
MD34110 $MA_REFP_CYCLE_NR (Axis sequence for channel-specific referencing)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX2.1 (disable all synchronized actions)

DB21, ... DBX1.3 Disable all synchronized actions

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 All synchronized actions in the channel are locked. No synchronized action is therefore exe‐
Signal state 0 Synchronized actions are executed in the channel.
Additional information Function Manual Synchronized Actions DB21, ... DBX1.3 (time monitoring active)

DB21, ... DBX1.3 Time monitoring active

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Acquire tool life.
Signal state 0 Do not acquire tool life.
Additional information The tool life is always acquired as standard, if the geometry axes are not traversed with rapid
traverse (G0).
With the interface signal, acquiring the tool life is deactivated and then activated again.
Enable the functionality with MD20310 TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK, bit 17 = 1
Corresponds with $A_MONIFACT (factor for reading tool life monitoring)
$TC_MOP1 (prewarning limit for tool life)
MD18080 $MN_MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK (memory reserved for the tool manage‐
MD20124 $MC_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_TOOLHOLDER (tool holder number)
MD20310 TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK bit 17 (activation of the tool management functions)
MD20320 $MC_TOOL_TIME_MONITOR_MASK (time monitoring for tool in the tool holder)
Additional information Function Manual Tool Management DB21, ... DBX1.4 (clearance control (CLC): stop)

DB21, ... DBX1.4 Clearance control (CLC): Stop

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic

512 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX1.4 Clearance control (CLC): Stop

Signal state 1 Activating clearance control (CLC) is requested (analogous to the program
instruction CLC_GAIN=0.0).
Signal state 0 Activating clearance control (CLC) is not requested.
Corresponds with CLC_GAIN=0.0 ; deactivate control loop gain
DB21, ... DBX37.3 (clearance control (CLC) active)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB21, ... DBX1.5 (clearance control (CLC): Override)

DB21, ... DBX1.5 Clearance control (CLC): Override

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The channel-specific feedrate override (DB21, … DBB4) should be active for clearance con‐
trol (CLC).
Signal state 0 The channel-specific feedrate override (DB21, … DBB4) should not be active for clearance
control (CLC).
Additional information For signal state 1, the channel-specific feedrate override acts on the maximum velocity of the
clearance control motion (MD62516):
● Override settings < 100%
The velocity limit set in MD62516 for clearance control is appropriately reduced.
● Override settings > 100%
The limit value from MD62516 is active.
Signal state 0 is the maximum velocity of the clearance control motion, independent of the
override setting.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBB4 (feed rate override)
DB21, ... DBX6.7 (feed override active)
DB21, ... DBX37.3 (clearance control (CLC) active)
MD62516 $MC_CLC_SENSOR_VELO_LIMIT (velocity of clearance control motion)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB21, ... DBX1.6 (PLC action completed)

DB21, ... DBX1.6 PLC action completed

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 PLC action completed.
Signal state 0 PLC action is not yet completed.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX1.6 PLC action completed

Additional information Note
At the end of the block search, concluding action blocks are executed:
DB21, ... DBX32.3 (action block active) == 1 AND
DB21, ... DBX32.6 (last action block active) == 1
Alarm "10208 Channel <Channel Number> Issue NC Start to continue program" notifies that
a new NC Start is required to continue the NC program from the target block.
If other actions are to be executed by the PLC user program prior to the NC Start (e.g. tool
change), by parameterizing the search mode, the output of the alarm can be delayed until the
signal is set again:
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX7.1 (NC Start)
DB21, ... DBX32.3 (action block active)
DB21, ... DBX32.6 (last action block active)
DB21, ... DBX33.4 (block search active)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX1.7 (activate program test (PRT))

DB21, ... DBX1.7 Activate program test (PRT)

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Activation of program test (PRT) is requested.
Signal state 0 Activation of program test (PRT) is not requested.
Additional information If program test (PRT) is active, the machine axes do not move during the execution of a block
or NC program. However, the axis movements are displayed on the user interface with
changing setpoint position values.
While program test (PRT) is active, all traversing motions of the axes, but not the spindles,
take place under "Axis disable."
PRT (Program test) is selected from the SINUMERIK Operate user interface in the operating
area "Automatic" > "Program control" by setting the HMI/PLC interface signal DB21, ...
The interface signal is transferred according to the value of the FB1 parameter MMCToIf by
the basic PLC program into the NC/PLC interface signal DB21, ... DBX1.7:
● "TRUE": Transmission
● "FALSE": No transmission
The default value of the parameter is "TRUE".
Because of the axis disable, the assignment of a tool magazine is not changed while the
program is being tested. The user / machine manufacturer must utilize a suitable PLC user
program to ensure that the NC-internal tool management and the actual assignment of the tool
magazine remain consistent.

514 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX1.7 Activate program test (PRT)

Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX25.7 (program test (PRT) requested)
DB21, ... DBX33.7 (program test (PRT) active)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX2.0 ... 7 (activate "skip block" (SKP))

DB21, ... DBX2.0 ... 7 Activate "skip block" (SKP)

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Activation of "Skip block" (SKP) of the skip level is requested.
Signal state 0 Activation of "Skip block" (SKP) of the skip level is not requested.
Additional information Bit 0 ... bit 7 are assigned to the skip levels 0 ... 7.
We recommend that the interface signal is already set before the NC program starts.
For multiple consecutive skip blocks, the blocks are only skipped if the interface signal was
already present before the first skip block of the block sequence was decoded.
"Skip block" (SKP) is selected from the SINUMERIK Operate user interface in the operating
area "Automatic" > "Program control" by setting the HMI/PLC interface signal DB21, ...
DBX26.0 ...7.
The interface signal is transferred according to the value of the FB1 parameter MMCToIf by
the basic PLC program into the NC/PLC interface signal DB21, ... DBX2.0 ... 7:
● "TRUE": Transmission
● "FALSE": No transmission
The default value of the parameter is "TRUE".
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX26.0 - 7 ("Skip block" (SKP) selected)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX3.0 (stroke enable)

DB21, ... DBX3.0 Stroke enable

Signal flow PLC → NC
Signal state 1 Execution of punch strokes is enabled.
Signal state 0 Execution of punch strokes is locked.
Additional information This signal releases the punching strokes via the PLC. It is not permissible that the NC initiates
a punch stroke if the signal is not set. The NC waits until the enable signal is available before
continuing the part program.
Additional information Function Manual Technologies

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 515
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX3.1 (punch interface 1: Manual stroke initiation)

DB21, ... DBX3.1 Punch interface 1: Manual stroke initiation

Signal flow PLC → NC
Signal state 1 Execute a manual punch stroke at the 1st punch interface.
Signal state 0 There is no request to execute a manual punch stroke at the 1st punch interface.
Additional information This signal enables a single stroke to be initiated at the 1st punch interface in the manual
mode. In principle, this is possible in every operating mode, assuming that the axes do not
move. The signal is ignored if the axes are moved during the manual stroke initiation. During
the stroke, the axes are inhibited, i.e. they can only be moved again after the "Stroke initiation
active" signal has been withdrawn.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX3.0 (stroke enable)
DB21, ... DBX3.5 (punch interface 2: Manual stroke initiation)
DB21, ... DBX38.0 (stroke initiation active)
DB21, ... DBX38.1 (manual stroke initiation: Acknowledgment)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB21, ... DBX3.2 (stroke suppression)

DB21, ... DBX3.2 Stroke suppression

Signal flow PLC → NC
Signal state 1 Activate stroke suppression.
Signal state 0 There is no request to activate stroke suppression.
Additional information The interface signal suppresses the fast "Initiate stroke" signal. This allows the part program
to be processed without initiating a punching operation (dry run). With active path segmen‐
tation, the axes traverse in the "Stop and go" mode.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX3.0 (stroke enable)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB21, ... DBX3.3 (delayed stroke)

DB21, ... DBX3.3 Delayed stroke

Signal flow PLC → NC
Signal state 1 Activate "Delayed stroke" option.
Signal state 0 There is no request to activate option "Delayed stroke".
Additional information A "delayed stroke" can be activated using this signal. This functionally corresponds to pro‐
gramming PDELAYON.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX3.0 (stroke enable)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies

516 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX3.4 (stroke inoperative)

DB21, ... DBX3.4 Stroke inoperative

Signal flow PLC → NC
Signal state 1 Stroke inoperative
Signal state 0 Stroke operative.
Additional information The NC responds to this interface signal by immediately stopping motion. An alarm is output
if motion or another action is to be interrupted due to this signal.
In physical terms, the interface signal is identical to the fast signal "Stroke active" for the NC,
i.e. the system is wired in such a way that the two signals are taken to the same NC input via
an AND gate.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX3.0 (stroke enable)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB21, ... DBX3.5 (punch interface 2: Manual stroke initiation)

DB21, ... DBX3.5 Punch interface 2: Manual stroke initiation

Signal flow PLC → NC
Signal state 1 Perform manual punch stroke at the 2nd punch interface.
Signal state 0 There is no request to initiate a manual punch stroke at the 2nd punch interface.
Additional information This signal enables a single stroke to be initiated at the 2nd punch interface in manual mode.
In principle, this is possible in every operating mode, assuming that the axes do not move. The
signal is ignored if the axes are moved during the manual stroke initiation. During the stroke,
the axes are inhibited, i.e. they can only be moved again after the "Stroke initiation active"
signal has been withdrawn.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX3.0 (stroke enable)
DB21, ... DBX3.1 (punch interface 1: Manual stroke initiation)
DB21, ... DBX38.0 (stroke initiation active)
DB21, ... DBX38.1 (manual stroke initiation: Acknowledgment)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB21, ... DBB4 (path feedrate override)

DB21, ... DBB4 Path feedrate override

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 517
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBB4 Path feedrate override

Additional information Binary/Gray coding
The override factors can be specified in the binary or Gray-coded format. The control must be
informed of the used format via the following machine data:
MD12020 $MN_OVR_FEED_IS_GRAY_CODE = <Coding>
Binary coding
With binary coding, the value in the interface corresponds to the override factor.
Binary code Decimal Override factor
0000 0000 0 0.00
0000 0001 1 0.01
0000 0010 2 0.02
0000 0011 3 0.03
000 0100 4 0.04
... ... ...
0110 0100 100 1.00
... ... ...
1100 1000 200 2.00
Gray coding
The Gray-coded values of the interface are assigned the override factors via the following
machine data:
MD12030 $MN_OVR_FACTOR_FEEDRATE[ <Switch position> - 1 ] = <Override factor>
Switch position Gray code Override factor 1)
1 00001 0.00
2 00011 0.01
3 00010 0.02
4 00110 0.04
5 00111 0.06
6 00101 0.08
7 00100 0.10
8 01100 0.20
9 01101 0.30
10 01111 0.40
11 01110 0.50
12 01010 0.60
13 01011 0.70
14 01001 0.75
15 01000 0.80
16 11000 0.85
17 11001 0.90
18 11011 0.95
19 11010 1.00
20 11110 1.05
21 11111 1.10
22 11101 1.15

518 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBB4 Path feedrate override

23 11100 1.20
24 10100 1.20
25 10101 1.20
26 10111 1.20
27 10110 1.20
28 10010 1.20
29 10011 1.20
30 10001 1.20
31 10000 1.20
● The active override factor is limited internally in the control to 2.00 or 200%.
● The maximum possible override factor can be limited to a value less than 200% with the
following machine data:
Corresponds to DB21, ... DBX6.7 (path feedrate override active)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles
1) Default values DB21, ... DBB5 (path rapid traverse override)

DB21, ... DBB5 Path rapid traverse override

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 519
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBB5 Path rapid traverse override

Additional information Binary coding
With binary coding, the value in the interface corresponds to the override factor.
Binary-co‐ Decimal Override factor
0000 0000 0 0.00
0000 0001 1 0.01
0000 0010 2 0.02
0000 0011 3 0.03
000 0100 4 0.04
.......................... ...
0110 0100 100 1.00
.......................... ...
1100 1000 200 2.00
Gray coding
The Gray-coded values of the interface are assigned the override factors via the following
machine data:
MD12050 $MN_OVR_FACTOR_RAPID_TRA[ <Switch position> - 1 ] = <Override factor>
Switch posi‐ Gray code Override factor 1)
1 00001 0.00
2 00011 0.01
3 00010 0.02
4 00110 0.04
5 00111 0.06
6 00101 0.08
7 00100 0.10
8 01100 0.20
9 01101 0.30
10 01111 0.40
11 01110 0.50
12 01010 0.60
13 01011 0.70
14 01001 0.75
15 01000 0.80
16 11000 0.85
17 11001 0.90
18 11011 0.95
19 11010 1.00
20 11110 1.00
21 11111 1.00
22 11101 1.00
23 11100 1.00
24 10100 1.00

520 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBB5 Path rapid traverse override

25 10101 1.00
26 10111 1.00
27 10110 1.00
28 10010 1.00
29 10011 1.00
30 10001 1.00
31 10000 1.00
● The active override factor is limited internally in the control to 2.00 or 200%.
● The maximum possible override factor can be limited to a value less than 200% with the
following machine data:
The path rapid traverse override is not effective with the following functions when cutting
threads: G33, G331, G332, G63
Corresponds to DB21, ... DBX6.6 (path rapid traverse override active)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles
1) Default values DB21, ... DBX6.0 (feedrate disable)

DB21, ... DBX6.0 Feedrate disable

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Feedrate disable is active in the channel.
Signal state 0 Feedrate disable is not active in the channel.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 521
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX6.0 Feedrate disable

Additional information ● The interface signal is active for all of the geometry, synchronized and positioning axes
traversing in the channel.
● If the interface signal is set while traversing an axis, then the axis is braked down to
standstill along its braking characteristic. For geometry axes, the axes are braked so that
they follow the contour.
● After the interface signal has been reset, traversing motion that was stopped is continued.
● The position control is retained and the following error is eliminated.
● If the interface signal is set, and a request is issued to traverse an axis, then the axis is not
traversed. However, the traverse request is kept. When the interface signal is reset, the
traverse request is immediately executed, i.e. the axis is traversed.
● The interface signal is active in all modes.
Thread cutting
During various thread cutting operations, the interface signal is not effective:
Thread cutting Effectiveness
G33, G34, G35 Not effective
G331, G332 Effective
G63 Effective
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX6.1 (read-in disable)

DB21, ... DBX6.1 Read-in disable

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A request has been made to activate the "read-in disable" function.
Signal state 0 A request has not been made to activate the "read-in disable" function.
Additional information If the read-in disable is set, then the data transfer for the next block is enabled in the inter‐
Only active in the AUTOMATIC and MDI modes.
If the auxiliary functions must be completed (e.g. for the tool change) before the next NC block
can be processed, then the automatic block change must be prevented through the read-in
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX35.0 (program state running)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX6.2 (delete distance-to-go, channel-specific)

DB21, ... DBX6.2 Delete distance-to-go (channel-specific)

Signal flow PLC→ NC
Update Cyclic

522 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX6.2 Delete distance-to-go (channel-specific)

Edge change 0 → 1 Delete distance-to-go (channel-specific) is requested.
Geometry axes
For a rising edge of the signal, the geometry axes currently traversing in the block are brought
to a standstill along a braking ramp and then the distance-to-go is deleted. Any remaining
following error is still corrected. The next traversing block is then loaded.
Path axes
"Delete distance-to-go" for path axes acts only in the AUTOMATIC mode.
"Delete distance-to-go" causes the next traversing block to be prepared with the new posi‐
tions. After a "Delete distance-to-go", the geometry axes thus follow a different contour to the
one originally programmed in the NC program.
Traversal to absolute positions (G90) in the block after "Delete distance-to-go" causes at least
exact approach to the block end position. For incremental traversing (G91), the position
specified in the NC program is not approached in the following block.
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect
Additional information Signal irrelevant for
● Positioning axes
● Dwell time
Application example
Termination of the traversing motion on account of an external signal (e.g. probe)
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX2.2 (delete distance-to-go (axis-specific)) DB21, ... DBX6.4 (program level abort)

DB21, ... DBX6.4 Program level abort

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 0 → 1 Request to abort program processing of the actual program level (subprogram level, ASUB
level, data save routine).
Signal state 1 → 0 Reset of the last request.
Additional information After a program level abort, the calling program of the next higher program level is processed
further from the call location.
The main program level cannot be aborted with the program level abort, but only with a
channel reset.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX7.7 (reset)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX6.6 (path rapid traverse override active)

DB21, ... DBX6.6 Path rapid traverse override active

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The path rapid traverse override (DB21, ... DBB5) is active.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 523
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX6.6 Path rapid traverse override active

Signal state 0 The path rapid traverse override is not active.
Additional information If the path rapid traverse override is not active, then irrespective of the current switch position,
a value of 1.0 ≙ 100% is used as factor in the control. The first switch position is an exception.
Depending on the selected coding, the following factor is active for the first switch position:
● Binary coding: 0
● Gray coding: MD12050 $MN_OVR_FACTOR_RAPID_TRA[ 0 ]
Corresponds to DB21, ... DBB5 (path rapid traverse override)
MD12020 $MN_OVR_FEED_IS_GRAY_CODE (path feed override switch Gray-coded)
MD12030 $MN_OVR_FACTOR_FEEDRATE (evaluation of the path feedrate override switch)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX6.7 (path feedrate override active)

DB21, ... DBX6.7 Path feedrate override active

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The path feedrate override (DB21, ... DBB4) is active.
Signal state 0 The path feedrate override is not active.
Additional information If the path feedrate override is not active, then irrespective of the current switch position, a
value of 1.0 ≙ 100% is used as override factor in the control. The first switch position is an
exception. Depending on the selected coding, for the first switch position the following applies:
● Binary coding: Override factor = 0
● Gray coding: Override factor = MD12030 $MN_OVR_FACTOR_FEEDRATE[ 0 ]
Corresponds to DB21, ... DBB4 (path feedrate override)
MD12020 $MN_OVR_FEED_IS_GRAY_CODE (path feed override switch Gray-coded)
MD12030 $MN_OVR_FACTOR_FEEDRATE (evaluation of the path feedrate override switch)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX7.0 (NC start disable)

DB21, ... DBX7.0 NC start disable

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A request has been made to activate the "NC start disable" function.
Signal state 0 A request has not been made to activate the "NC start disable" function.
Additional information If the NC start disable is set, then the start (DB21, ... DBX7.1) of the NC program selected in
the channel is ignored.
The NC start inhibit is not active if the part program is started by the part program com‐
mand START in another channel of the mode group.
e.g. to suppress new program execution because there is no lubricant.

524 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX7.0 NC start disable

Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX7.1 (NC Start)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX7.1 (NC Start)

DB21, ... DBX7.1 NC start

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 0 → 1 Request to start the program selected in the channel.
Signal state 1 → 0 Reset of the last request.
Additional information AUTOMATIC mode: The selected NC program is started or continued, or the auxiliary func‐
tions that were saved during the program interruption are output.
If data is transferred from the PLC to the NC during program state "Program interrupted," then
this data is immediately cleared at NC Start.
MDI mode:
The blocks in the MDI block memory are executed.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX7.0 (NC Start disable)
DB21, ... DBX7.3 (NC Stop)
DB21, ... DBX7.7 (reset)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX7.2 (NC Stop at the block limit)

DB21, ... DBX7.2 NC Stop at block limit

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 NC stop at the end of the actual block is requested.
Signal state 0 NC stop at the end of the actual block is not requested.
Additional information The actual block is executed to the end of the block. Program execution is then stopped:
● Channel state: "Interrupted"
● Program state: "Stopped"
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX7.1 (NC Start)
DB21, ... DBX7.3 (NC Stop)
DB21, ... DBX7.4 (NC Stop axes plus spindles)
DB21, ... DBX35.2 (program state stopped)
DB21, ... DBX35.6 (interrupted channel state)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 525
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX7.3 (NC Stop)

DB21, ... DBX7.3 NC stop

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 NC Stop is requested.
Signal state 0 NC Stop is not requested.
Additional information AUTOMATIC or MDI mode
Execution of the active part program in the channel is stopped.
The traversing axes (not spindles) are braked down to standstill with the parameterized ac‐
celeration rates.
● Channel state: Interrupted
● Program state: Stopped
JOG mode
In the JOG mode, incompletely traversed incremental paths (INC...) are executed at the next
NC Start (DB21, ... DBX7.1).
If data is transferred to the NC after "NC Stop" (e.g. tool offset), the data is taken into account
with the next "NC start".
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX7.1 (NC Start)
DB21, ... DBX7.4 (NC Stop axes plus spindles)
DB21, ... DBX35.2 (program state stopped)
DB21, ... DBX35.6 (interrupted channel state)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX7.4 (NC Stop axes plus spindles)

DB21, ... DBX7.4 NC Stop axes plus spindles

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 NC Stop is requested.
Signal state 0 NC Stop is not requested.
Additional information AUTOMATIC or MDI mode
Execution of the active part program in the channel is stopped.
The traversing axes and spindles are braked down to standstill with the parameterized ac‐
celeration rates.
● Channel state: Interrupted
● Program state: Stopped
JOG mode
In the JOG mode, incompletely traversed incremental paths (INC...) are executed at the next
NC Start (DB21, ... DBX7.1).
If data is transferred to the NC after "NC Stop" (e.g. tool offset), the data is taken into account
with the next "NC start".

526 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX7.4 NC Stop axes plus spindles

Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX7.1 (NC Start)
DB21, ... DBX7.3 (NC Stop)
DB21, ... DBX35.2 (program state stopped)
DB21, ... DBX35.6 (interrupted channel state)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX7.6 (activate configured stop)

DB21, ... DBX7.6 Activate configured stop

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Activation of the configured stop is requested.
Signal state 0 Activation of the configured stop is not requested.
Additional information "Activate configured stop" (CST) can also be selected via the SINUMERIK Operate user
interface in the operating area "Automatic" > "Program control" by setting the HMI/PLC inter‐
face signal DB21, … DBX24.1.
Depending on the value of FB1 parameter MMCToIf, the interface signal is transferred from
the basic PLC program to the NC/PLC interface signal DB21, … DBX7.6:
● "TRUE": Transmission
● "FALSE": No transmission
The default value of the parameter is "TRUE".
Corresponds with DB21, … DBX24.1 (activate configured stop) DB21, ... DBX7.7 (reset)

DB21, ... DBX7.7 Reset

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Channel reset is requested.
Signal state 0 Channel reset is not requested.
Additional information Responses:
● All traversing axes and spindles are decelerated without contour violation to zero speed
according to their acceleration curves.
● All channel-specific reset positions become active.
● All alarms of the channel, other than Power On alarms, are deleted.
● Channel state: "Reset" (DB21, ... DBX35.7 == 1)
● Program state of an active NC program: "Aborted" (DB21, ... DBX35.4 == 1)
After a channel reset from the PLC user program, before a new action can be requested in the
channel (e.g. NC start or axis interchange), the system must wait for the channel state "reset"
to be indicated at the NC/PLC interface.
DB21, ... DBX35.7 == 1

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 527
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX7.7 Reset

Corresponds with DB11, ... DBX0.7 (mode group reset)
DB21, ... DBX7.1 (NC Start)
DB21, ... DBX7.3 (NC Stop)
DB21, ... DBX35.4 (program state "aborted")
DB21, ... DBX35.7 (channel state "reset")
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX8.0 - 9.1 (activate machine-related protection zone 1 - 10)

DB21, ... DBX8.0 - 9.1 Activate machine-related protection zone 1 - 10

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Request to activate the machine-related protection zone
The protection zone is immediately active.
Activating the protection zone is only effective if it was already preactivated via an NC pro‐
Signal state 0 Request to deactivate the active machine-related protection zone.
The protection zone is immediately inactive.
Deactivating the protection zone is only active if it was preactivated via an NC program and
was activated via the interface signal.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX1.1 (enable protection zones)
DB21, ... DBX8.0 - 9.1 (activate machine-related protection zone 1 - 10)
DB21, ... DBX10.0 - 11.1 (activate channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10)
DB21, ... DBX272.0 - 273.1 (machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 preactivated)
DB21, ... DBX274.0 – 275.1 (channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 preactivated)
DB21, ... DBX276.0 - 277.1 (machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 violated)
DB21, ... DBX278.0 – 279.1 (channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 violated)
Additional information Function Manual Monitoring and Compensating DB21, ... DBX10.0 - 11.1 (activate channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10)

DB21, ... DBX10.0 - 11.1 Activate machine-related protection zone 1 - 10

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Request to activate the machine-related protection zone.
The protection zone is immediately active.
Activating the protection zone is only effective if it was already preactivated via an NC pro‐

528 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX10.0 - 11.1 Activate machine-related protection zone 1 - 10

Signal state 0 Request to deactivate the machine-related protection zone.
The protection zone is immediately inactive.
Deactivating the protection zone is only active if it was preactivated via an NC program and
was activated via the interface signal.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX1.1 (enable protection zones)
DB21, ... DBX8.0 - 9.1 (activate machine-related protection zone 1 - 10)
DB21, ... DBX10.0 - 11.1 (activate channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10)
DB21, ... DBX272.0 - 273.1 (machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 preactivated)
DB21, ... DBX274.0 – 275.1 (channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 preactivated)
DB21, ... DBX276.0 - 277.1 (machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 violated)
DB21, ... DBX278.0 – 279.1 (channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 violated)
Additional information Function Manual Monitoring and Compensating DB21, ... DBX12.0 - 2 (geometry axis 1: activate handwheel)

DB21, ... DBX12.0 - 2 Geometry axis 1: Activate handwheel

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Additional information The interface can be interpreted either bit or binary-coded. The definition is realized using
machine data MD11324.
Bit coded: maximum 3 handwheels
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of the assigned handwheel
0 0 0 No handwheel assignment
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
1 0 0 3
Binary coded: maximum 6 handwheels
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of the assigned handwheel
0 0 0 No handwheel assignment
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
1 0 1 5
1 1 0 6
At any one time, an axis can only be assigned to one handwheel. If, for bit coding, several
interface signals are set simultaneously, then the following priority applies: "Handwheel 1"
before "Handwheel 2" before "Handwheel 3".

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 529
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX12.0 - 2 Geometry axis 1: Activate handwheel

Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX16.0 - 2 (geometry axis 2: activate handwheel)
DB21, ... DBX20.0 - 2 (geometry axis 3: activate handwheel)
DB21, ... DBX40.0 - 2 (geometry axis 1: handwheel active)
DB21, ... DBX46.0 - 2 (geometry axis 2: handwheel active)
DB21, ... DBX52.0 - 2 (geometry axis 3: handwheel active)
MD11324 $MN_HANDWH_VDI_REPRESENTATION (representation of the handwheel num‐
ber at the VDI interface)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX12.3, 16.3, 20.3 (feedrate stop, geometry axes 1 / 2 / 3)

DB21, ... DBX12.3 Feedrate stop, geometry axis 1, 2, 3

DB21, ... DBX16.3
DB21, ... DBX20.3
Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Feedrate disable for geometry axis is active.
Signal state 0 Feedrate disable for geometry axis is not active.
Additional information ● If the interface signal is set while traversing a geometry axis, then the geometry axis is
braked down to standstill along its braking characteristic.
● After the interface signal has been reset, traversing motion that was stopped is continued.
● The position control is retained and the following error is eliminated.
● If the interface signal is set, and a request is issued to traverse an axis, then the axis is not
traversed. However, the traverse request is kept. When the interface signal is reset, the
traverse request is immediately executed, i.e. the axis is traversed.
● The interface signal is only active in the JOG mode. DB21, ... DBX12.4 (geometry axis 1: traversing key lock)

DB21, ... DBX12.4 Geometry axis 1: Traversing key lock

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The traversing key lock for the geometry axis is active.
Signal state 0 The traversing key lock for the geometry axis is not active.
Additional information Note
When the traversing key disable is activated while traversing, then traversing is canceled.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX16.4 (geometry axis 2: traversing key lock)
DB21, ... DBX20.4 (geometry axis 3: traversing key lock)
DB21, ... DBX12.6 - 7 (geometry axis 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX16.6 - 7 (geometry axis 2: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX20.6 - 7 (geometry axis 3: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

530 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX12.5 (geometry axis 1: rapid traverse override)

DB21, ... DBX12.5 Geometry axis 1: Rapid traverse override

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 When manually traversing the geometry axis using the traversing keys, when the interface
signal is set, rapid traverse velocity becomes active (MD32010).
Signal state 0 When manually traversing the geometry axis using the traversing keys, the entered JOG
velocity becomes active (SD41110 or MD32020).
Additional information The signal is only active for continuous or incremental manual traversing in the JOG mode.
The signal is irrelevant:
● for reference point approach (JOG mode)
● in the AUTOMATIC and MDI modes
The rapid traverse velocity can be influenced using the rapid traverse override switch.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX16.5 (geometry axis 2: rapid traverse override)
DB21, ... DBX20.5 (geometry axis 3: rapid traverse override)
DB21, ... DBX12.6 - 7 (geometry axis 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX16.6 - 7 (geometry axis 2: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX20.6 - 7 (geometry axis 3: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
MD32010 $MA_JOG_VELO_RAPID (conventional rapid traverse)
MD32020 $MA_JOG_VELO (conventional axis velocity)
SD41110 $SN_JOG_SET_VELO (axis velocity for JOG)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX12.6 - 7 (geometry axis 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")

DB21, ... DBX12.6 - 7 Geometry axis 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus"

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A request has been made to traverse the geometry axis using the traversing key in
the positive/negative axis direction.
Signal state 0 A request has not been made to traverse the geometry axis using the traversing key
in the positive/negative axis direction.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 531
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX12.6 - 7 Geometry axis 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus"

Additional information There is a request signal for every traversing key and/or axis direction:
Bit 6 Traversing key "Minus" (for traversing in the negative axis direction)
Bit 7 Traversing key "Plus" (for traversing in the positive axis direction)
Depending on the active machine function, as well as the settings for jog and
continuous operation (SD41050 and MD11300), different responses are initiated
when the signal changes:
1. Continuous manual travel in the jog mode
The geometry axis traverses in the direction concerned to the active limit switch
as long as the interface signal is set to 1.
2. Continuous manual travel in continuous operation
At the first edge change 0 →1, the geometry axis starts to traverse in the relevant
direction. This traversing movement still continues when the edge changes
from 1 → 0. Any new signal edge change 0 → 1 (same traversing direction!)
stops the traversing movement.
3. Incremental manual travel in the jog mode
With signal 1 the geometry axis starts to traverse at the set increment. If the
signal changes to the 0 state before the increment is traversed, then traversing
is interrupted. When the signal state changes to 1 again, traversing is contin‐
ued. The geometry axis can be stopped and started several times as described
above until it has traversed the complete increment.
4. Incremental manual travel in continuous operation
At the first edge change 0 → 1 the geometry axis starts to traverse at the set
increment. If another edge change 0 → 1 is performed with the same traverse
signal before the geometry axis has traversed the increment, the traversing
movement will be cancelled. The increment is no longer traversed to the end.
● The interface signal is irrelevant in operating modes:
● If both traversing signals ("plus" and "minus") are set at the same time there is
no traversing or the current traversing is aborted.
● In contrast to machine axes, for geometry axes, only one geometry axis can be
traversed at any one time using the traversing keys.
● Using DB21, ... DBX12.4, 16.4, 20.4 (geometry axes 1, 2, 3: Traversing key
lock) traversing using traversing keys can be locked.
● In the following cases, the geometry axis cannot be traversed in the JOG op‐
erating mode:
– The geometry axis is already being traversed via the axis-specific interface
as machine axis.
– If another geometry axis is already being traversed with the traversing keys.

532 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX12.6 - 7 Geometry axis 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus"

Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX16.6 - 7 (geometry axis 2: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX20.6 - 7 (geometry axis 3: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX12.4 (geometry axis 1: traversing key lock)
DB21, ... DBX16.4 (geometry axis 2: traversing key lock)
DB21, ... DBX20.4 (geometry axis 3: traversing key lock)
DB31, ... DBX4.6 - 7 (traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
SD41050 $SN_JOG_CONT_MODE_LEVELTRIGGRD (jog/continuous operation
for JOG, continuous)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX13.0 - 6 (geometry axis 1: machine function request)

DB21, ... DBX13.0 - 6 Geometry axis 1: machine function request

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The machine function to manually traverse the geometry axis has been requested.
Signal state 0 The machine function to manually traverse the geometry axis has not been requested.
Additional information There is a request signal for every machine function to manually traverse the geometry axis
in the JOG mode.
Bit 0 INC1
Bit 1 INC10
Bit 2 INC100
Bit 3 INC1000
Bit 4 INC10000
Bit 5 INCvar
Bit 6 Continuous manual travel
Incremental manual travel
In addition to five fixed increment sizes (default setting in MD11330: INC1, INC10, INC100,
INC1000 and INC10000), a variable increment size (INCvar) that can be set via the setting
data SD41010 is also available. The distance evaluation of one increment for fixed and vari‐
able increment sizes is performed via the axis-specific machine data MD31090.
When pressing the "Plus" or "Minus" traversing key, or by rotating the electronic handwheel,
the geometry axis starts to traverse in the appropriate direction, corresponding to the number
of increments of the active machine function.
Continuous manual travel
For continuous manual travel, the plus and minus traversing keys are selected to move the
geometry axis continuously and the appropriate direction.

● If several requests are set simultaneously, no machine function becomes active.
● If a geometry axis is currently being traversed via a machine function, the movement is
aborted through deselection or change of the machine function.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 533
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX13.0 - 6 Geometry axis 1: machine function request

Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX17.0 - 6 (geometry axis 2: machine function request)
DB21, ... DBX21.0 - 6 (geometry axis 3: machine function request)
DB21, ... DBX41.0 - 6 (geometry axis 1: active machine function)
DB21, ... DBX47.0 - 6 (geometry axis 2: active machine function)
DB21, ... DBX53.0 - 6 (geometry axis 3: active machine function)
MD11320 $MN_HANDWH_IMP_PER_LATCH (handwheel pulses per detent position)
MD11330 $MN_JOG_INCR_SIZE_TAB (increment size for INC/handwheel)
MD31090 $MA_JOG_INCR_WEIGHT (evaluation of an increment for INC/handwheel)
SD41010 $SN_JOG_VAR_INCR_SIZE (size of the variable increment for JOG)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX15.0 (geometry axis 1: invert handwheel direction of rotation)

DB21, ... DBX15.0 Geometry axis 1: invert handwheel direction of rotation

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A request has been made to invert the direction of rotation of the handwheel assigned to the
geometry axis.
Signal state 0 A request has not been made to invert the direction of rotation of the handwheel assigned to
the geometry axis.
Additional information Note
It is only permissible to change the interface signal when the geometry axis is at a standstill.
Application examples
● The direction of movement of the handwheel does not match the expected direction of the
● A handwheel is assigned to several axes with different orientations.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX19.0 (geometry axis 2: invert handwheel direction of rotation)
DB21, ... DBX23.0 (geometry axis 3: invert handwheel direction of rotation)
DB21, ... DBX43.0 (geometry axis 1: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active)
DB21, ... DBX49.0 (geometry axis 2: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active)
DB21, ... DBX55.0 (geometry axis 3: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

See also
DB21 - DB30, decoded M signals (Page 399) DB21, ... DBX16.0 - 2 (geometry axis 2: activate handwheel)

DB21, ... DBX16.0 - 2 Geometry axis 2: Activate handwheel

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX12.0 - 2 (geometry axis 1: activate handwheel) (Page 529).

534 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX16.4 (geometry axis 2: traversing key lock)

DB21, ... DBX16.4 Geometry axis 2: Traversing key lock

Additional information See DB21, ... DB21, ... DBX12.4 (geometry axis 1: traversing key lock) (Page 530). DB21, ... DBX16.5 (geometry axis 2: rapid traverse override)

DB21, ... DBX16.5 Geometry axis 2: Rapid traverse override

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX12.5 (geometry axis 1: rapid traverse override) (Page 531). DB21, ... DBX16.6 - 7 (geometry axis 2: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")

DB21, ... DBX16.6 - 7 Geometry axis 2: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus"

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX12.6 - 7 (geometry axis 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
(Page 531). DB21, ... DBX17.0 - 6 (geometry axis 2: machine function request)

DB21, ... DBX17.0 - 6 Geometry axis 2: machine function request

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX13.0 - 6 (geometry axis 1: machine function request) (Page 533). DB21, ... DBX19.0 (geometry axis 2: invert handwheel direction of rotation)

DB21, ... DBX19.0 Geometry axis 2: invert handwheel direction of rotation

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX15.0 (geometry axis 1: invert handwheel direction of rotation) (Page 534). DB21, ... DBX20.0 - 2 (geometry axis 3: activate handwheel)

DB21, ... DBX20.0 - 2: Geometry axis 3: Activate handwheel

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX12.0 - 2 (geometry axis 1: activate handwheel) (Page 529). DB21, ... DBX20.4 (geometry axis 3: traversing key lock)

DB21, ... DBX20.4: Geometry axis 3: Traversing key lock

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX12.4 (geometry axis 1: traversing key lock) (Page 530).

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 535
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX20.5 (geometry axis 3: rapid traverse override)

DB21, ... DBX20.5 Geometry axis 3: Rapid traverse override

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX12.5 (geometry axis 1: rapid traverse override) (Page 531). DB21, ... DBX20.6 - 7 (geometry axis 3: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")

DB21, ... DBX20.6 - 7: Geometry axis 3: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus"

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX12.6 - 7 (geometry axis 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
(Page 531). DB21, ... DBX21.0 - 6 (geometry axis 3: machine function request)

DB21, ... DBX21.0 - 6 Geometry axis 3: machine function request

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX13.0 - 6 (geometry axis 1: machine function request) (Page 533). DB21, ... DBX23.0 (geometry axis 3: invert handwheel direction of rotation)

DB21, ... DBX23.0 Geometry axis 3: invert handwheel direction of rotation

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX15.0 (geometry axis 1: invert handwheel direction of rotation) (Page 534). DB21, ... DBX24.1 (activate configured stop (CST) using the operating software)

DB21, ... DBX24.1 Activate configured stop (CST) using the operating software
Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Activation of the configured stop is requested.
Signal state 0 Activation of the configured stop is not requested.
Additional information "Activate configured stop" (CST) is selected via the SINUMERIK Operate user interface in the
operating area "Automatic" > "Program control" by setting the HMI/PLC interface signal
DB21, … DBX24.1.
Depending on the value of FB1 parameter MMCToIf, the interface signal is transferred from
the basic PLC program to the NC/PLC interface signal DB21, … DBX7.6:
● "TRUE": Transmission"
● "FALSE": No transmission
The default value of the parameter is "TRUE".
Corresponds with DB21, … DBX7.6 (activate configured stop)

536 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX24.3 (handwheel offset (DRF) requested)

DB21, ... DBX24.3 Handwheel offset (DRF) selected

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Handwheel offset (DRF) is selected
Signal state 0 Handwheel offset (DRF) is not selected.
Additional information As soon as handwheel offset (DRF) is active, the handwheel offset can be changed in AU‐
TOMATIC or MDI mode using the handwheel assigned to the axis.
Handwheel offset (DRF) is selected from the SINUMERIK Operate user interface in the op‐
erating area "Automatic" > "Program control" by setting the HMI/PLC interface signal DB21, ...
The interface signal is transferred according to the value of the FB1 parameter MMCToIf by
the basic PLC program into the NC/PLC interface signal DB21, ... DBX0.3:
● "TRUE": Transmission
● "FALSE": No transmission
The default value of the parameter is "TRUE".
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX0.3 (activate handwheel offset (DRF))
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX24.4 (select NC-associated M01)

DB21, ... DBX24.4 Associated auxiliary function selected

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Associated auxiliary function is selected.
Signal state 0 Associated auxiliary function is not selected.
Additional information "Associated auxiliary function" (M-1) is selected from the SINUMERIK Operate user interface
in the operating area "Automatic" > "Program control" by setting the HMI/PLC interface signal
DB21, ... DBX24.4.
The interface signal is transferred according to the value of the FB1 parameter MMCToIf by
the basic PLC program into the NC/PLC interface signal DB21, ... DBX30.5:
● "TRUE": Transmission
● "FALSE": No transmission
The default value of the parameter is "TRUE".
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX30.5 (activate associated auxiliary function)
DB21, ... DBX318.5 (associated auxiliary function active)
MD22254 $MC_AUXFU_ASSOC_M0_VALUE (additional M function for program stop)
MD22256 $MC_AUXFU_ASSOC_M1_VALUE (additional M function for conditional stop)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 537
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX24.5 (M01 requested)

DB21, ... DBX24.5 M01 selected

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Program control "Conditional stop"M01 is selected.
Signal state 0 Program control "Conditional stop"M01 is not selected.
Additional information Program control "Conditional stop" M01 is selected from the SINUMERIK Operate user in‐
terface: Operating area "Automatic" > "Program control" by setting the HMI/PLC interface
signal DB21, ... DBX24.5.
The interface signal is then transferred according to the value of the FB1 parameter MMCToIf
by the basic PLC program into the NC/PLC interface signal DB21, ... DBX0.5:
● "TRUE": Transmission
● "FALSE": No transmission
The default value of the parameter is "TRUE".
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX0.5 (activate M01)
DB21, ... DBX32.5 (M00/M01 active)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX24.6 (dry run feedrate selected)

DB21, ... DBX24.6 Dry run feedrate (DRY) selected

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Dry run feedrate (DRY) is selected.
Signal state 0 Dry run feedrate (DRY) is not selected.
Additional information Note
Dry run feedrate (DRY) is selected from the SINUMERIK Operate user interface in the oper‐
ating area "Automatic" > "Program control" by setting the HMI/PLC interface signal DB21, ...
The interface signal is transferred according to the value of the FB1 parameter MMCToIf by
the basic PLC program into the NC/PLC interface signal DB21, ... DBX0.6:
● "TRUE": Transmission
● "FALSE": No transmission
The default value of the parameter is "TRUE".
The value for the dry run feedrate is set using:
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX0.6 (activate dry run (DRY) feedrate)
SD42100 $SC_DRY_RUN_FEED (dry run feedrate)
SD42101 $SC_DRY_RUN_FEED_MODE (mode for dry run velocity)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions
Operating Manual, Turning or Milling or Grinding

538 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX25.3 (feedrate override selected for rapid traverse)

DB21, ... DBX25.3 Feedrate override selected for rapid traverse

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Feedrate override is selected for rapid traverse
Signal state 0 Feedrate override is not selected for rapid traverse
Additional information If there is no dedicated rapid traverse override switch on the machine control panel, you can
then toggle between feedrate override and rapid traverse override. Rapid traverse override
can be selected by selecting feedrate override for rapid traverse at the user interface. The
interface signal is set:
DB21, ... DBX25.3 = 1
The following interface signals are set by the PLC basic program:
● Rapid traverse override active = feedrate override for rapid traverse selected
DB21, ... DBX6.6 = DB21, ... DBX25.3
● Rapid traverse override = feedrate override
DB21, ... DBB5 = DB21, ... DBB4
Override factors> 100% are limited to 100%.
The PLC user program can also initiate the switchover between rapid traverse and feedrate
override. To do this, the following interface signals must be set:
● Rapid traverse override active
DB21, ... DBX6.6 = 1
● Rapid traverse override = feedrate override
DB21, ... DBB5 = DB21, ... DBB4
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBB4 (feedrate override)
DB21, ... DBB5 (rapid traverse override)
DB21, ... DBX6.6 (rapid traverse override active)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX25.7 (program test (PRT) requested)

DB21, ... DBX25.7 Program test (PRT) selected

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Program test (PRT) is selected
Signal state 0 Program test (PRT) is not selected.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX25.7 Program test (PRT) selected

Additional information If program test (PRT) is active, the machine axes do not move during the execution of a block
or NC program. However, the axis movements are displayed on the user interface with
changing setpoint position values.
While program test (PRT) is active, all traversing motions take place in the channel depending
on the current mode of the axis:
● Axes: "Axis disable" is active ⇒ no real traversing motions
● Spindles: "Axis disable" is not active ⇒ real traversing motions
Program test (PRT) is selected from the SINUMERIK Operate user interface in the operating
area "Automatic" > "Program control" by setting the HMI/PLC interface signal DB21, ...
The interface signal is transferred according to the value of the FB1 parameter MMCToIf by
the basic PLC program into the NC/PLC interface signal DB21, ... DBX1.7:
● "TRUE": Transmission
● "FALSE": No transmission
The default value of the parameter is "TRUE".
Because of the axis disable, the assignment of a tool magazine is not changed while the
program is being tested. The user / machine manufacturer must utilize a suitable PLC user
program to ensure that the NC-internal tool management and the actual assignment of the tool
magazine remain consistent.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX1.7 (activate program test (PRT))
DB21, ... DBX33.7 (program test (PRT) active)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX26.0 ... 7 ("Skip block" (SKP) selected)

DB21, ... DBX26.0 ... 7 "Skip block" (SKP) selected

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 "Skip block" (SKP) of the skip level is selected.
Signal state 0 "Skip block" (SKP) of the skip level is not selected.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX26.0 ... 7 "Skip block" (SKP) selected

Additional information Bit 0 ... bit 7 are assigned to the skip levels 0 ... 7.
We recommend that the interface signal is already set before the NC program starts.
For multiple consecutive skip blocks, the blocks are only skipped if the interface signal was
already present before the first skip block of the block sequence was decoded.
"Skip block" (SKP) is selected from the SINUMERIK Operate user interface in the operating
area "Automatic" > "Program control" by setting the HMI/PLC interface signal DB21, ...
DBX26.0 ...7.
The interface signal is transferred according to the value of the FB1 parameter MMCToIf by
the basic PLC program into the NC/PLC interface signal DB21, ... DBX2.0 ... 7:
● "TRUE": Transmission
● "FALSE": No transmission
The default value of the parameter is "TRUE".
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX2.0 ... 7 (activate "skip block")
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX29.0 - 3 (activate fixed feedrate 1 - 4, path/geometry axes)

DB 21, ... DBX29.0 - 3 Activate fixed feedrate 1 - 4, path/geometry axes

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Additional information With the interface signals, in the AUTOMATIC mode, instead of the programmed feedrate or
the configured JOG velocities, the fixed feedrate - parameterized using machine data - is
Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Meaning
0 0 0 0 Fixed feedrate not selected
0 0 0 1 Fixed feedrate 1
0 0 1 0 Fixed feedrate 2
0 1 0 0 Fixed feedrate 3
1 0 0 0 Fixed feedrate 4
The fixed feedrates are parameterized using the following machine data:
● Linear axes: MD12202 $MN_PERMANENT_FEED
● Rotary axes: MD12204 $MN_PERMANENT_ROT_AX_FEED
● The fixed feedrate is not used for:
– Spindles
– Positioning axes
– Tapping
● The fixed feedrate is always interpreted as linear feedrate. Switchover to linear feedrate
is performed internally in the control system also when revolutional feedrate is active.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB 21, ... DBX29.0 - 3 Activate fixed feedrate 1 - 4, path/geometry axes

Corresponds with MD12200 $MN_RUN_OVERRIDE_0 (traversing behavior with override 0)
MD12202 $MN_PERMANENT_FEED (fixed feedrates for linear axes)
MD12204 $MN_PERMANENT_ROT_AX_FEED (fixed feedrates for rotary axes)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX29.4 (activate PTP travel)

DB21, ... DBX29.4 Activate PTP travel

Signal flow PLC → NC
Edge change 0 → 1 Activate PTP (Point-To-Point) travel
Edge change 1 → 0 Activate CP (Continuous-Path) travel
Additional information Using this signal, in the the jog mode, you can switch between Cartesian path movement (CP)
and the Cartesian PTP travel.
DB21, ... DBX29.4 is only relevant in the JOG mode when the transformation is active.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX317.6 (PTP travel active)
Additional information Function Manual Transformations DB21, ... DBX29.5 (tool manager: Deactivate workpiece counter)

DB21, ... DBX29.5 TOOLMAN: Deactivate workpiece counter

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Deactivate workpiece counter monitoring is requested.
Signal state 0 Deactivate workpiece counter monitoring is not requested.
Additional information The workpiece counter monitoring allows workpieces to be counted that depend on the proc‐
ess, the workpiece material or other factors. Workpiece counter monitoring can be deactiva‐
ted using the interface signal
Corresponds with SETPIECE (function)
TMPCIT (PI service)
$TC_MOP4 (remaining unit quantity)
$TC_TP9 (type of tool monitoring)
Additional information Function Manual Tool Management DB21, ... DBX29.6 (tool manager: Deactivating wear monitoring)

DB21, ... DBX29.6 TOOLMAN: Deactivate wear monitoring

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Deactivate wear monitoring is requested.
Signal state 0 Deactivate wear monitoring is not requested.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX29.6 TOOLMAN: Deactivate wear monitoring

Corresponds with $TC_MOP15 (wear setpoint or additive offset value)
$TC_MOP5 (wear pre-warning limit or additive offset pre-warning limit)
$TC_MOP6 (wear value or additive offset setpoint)
$TC_TP9 (type of tool monitoring)
MD18080 $MN_MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK (memory reserved for the tool manage‐
MD20310 TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK bit 17 (activation of the tool management functions)
Additional information Function Manual Tool Management DB21, ... DBX29.7 (tool manager: Tool lock not active)

DB21, ... DBX29.7 TOOLMAN: Tool lock not active

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Tool lock notactive.
Signal state 0 Tool lock is active
Additional information A tool assumes the "locked" state if the actual value of the active monitoring function (work‐
piece count, tool life or wear) has reached a value of zero. If the tool is still being used, then
it remains in use (for machining) until the next tool change. After that the tool can no longer be
Using the interface signal, it can be set that the NC does not take the "locked" state into
account when searching for a tool that can be used.
The interface signal is not active if the tool selection is realized using in it blocks (reset and
start mode mask).
Corresponds with MD22562 $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_ERROR_MODE (response for tool change errors)
Additional information Function Manual Tool Management DB21 ... DBX30.0 - 2 (activate contour handwheel)

DB21, ... DBX30.0 - 2: Activate contour handwheel

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX30.0 - 2: Activate contour handwheel

Additional information The interface can be interpreted either bit or binary-coded. The definition is realized using
machine data MD11324.
Bit coded: maximum 3 handwheels
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of the assigned handwheel
0 0 0 No handwheel assignment
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
1 0 0 3
Binary coded: maximum 6 handwheels
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of the assigned handwheel
0 0 0 No handwheel assignment
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
1 0 1 5
1 1 0 6
At any one time, an axis can only be assigned to one handwheel. If, for bit coding, several
interface signals are set simultaneously, then the following priority applies: "Handwheel 1"
before "Handwheel 2" before "Handwheel 3".
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX37.0 - 2 (contour handwheel active)
MD11324 $MN_HANDWH_VDI_REPRESENTATION (representation of the handwheel num‐
ber at the VDI interface)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX30.3 (simulation contour handwheel: Activate)

DB21, ... DBX30.3 Simulation contour handwheel: Activation

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Activate contour handwheel simulation
Signal state 0 Deactivate contour handwheel simulation
Additional information During simulation, the feedrate is no longer defined by the contour handwheel, but traversing
occurs with the programmed feedrate on the contour. When deactivated, the actual traversing
motion is braked along the braking ramp.
Simulation is only effective in AUTOMATIC mode and can only be activated when the contour
handwheel is activated.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX30.4 (simulation contour handwheel: Negative direction)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

544 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX30.4 (simulation contour handwheel: Negative direction)

DB21, ... DBX30.4 Simulation contour handwheel: Negative direction

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 When simulating the contour handwheel, it is traversing on the contour in the opposite direc‐
tion to the programmed direction.
Signal state 0 When simulating the contour handwheel, it is traversing on the contour in the direction to the
programmed direction.
Additional information When switching over the traversing direction, the actual traversing motion is braked along the
braking ramp and then traversed in the opposite direction.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX30.3 (simulation contour handwheel: Activate)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX30.5 (activate M0 / M1 associated with NC)

DB21, ... DBX30.5 Activate associated auxiliary function

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Activation of "Associated auxiliary function" is requested.
Signal state 0 Activation of "Associated auxiliary function" is not requested.
Additional information "Associated auxiliary function" (M-1) is selected from the SINUMERIK Operate user interface
in the operating area "Automatic" > "Program control" by setting the HMI/PLC interface signal
DB21, ... DBX24.4.
The interface signal is transferred according to the value of the FB1 parameter MMCToIf by
the basic PLC program into the NC/PLC interface signal DB21, ... DBX30.5:
● "TRUE": Transmission
● "FALSE": No transmission
The default value of the parameter is "TRUE".
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX24.4 (associated auxiliary function selected)
DB21, ... DBX318.5 (associated auxiliary function active)
MD22254 $MC_AUXFU_ASSOC_M0_VALUE (additional M function for program stop)
MD22256 $MC_AUXFU_ASSOC_M1_VALUE (additional M function for conditional stop)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX30.6 (JOG circular travel)

DB21, ... DBX30.6 JOG circular travel

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The "Circular travel in JOG" function is requested.
Signal state 0 The "Circular travel in JOG" function is not requested.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX30.6 JOG circular travel

Additional information As soon as the function is active (see DB21, ... DBX377.6), the machine operator can simul‐
taneously traverse the two geometry axes of the active plane along an arc using the traverse
keys or handwheel.
This function is used for machine tools that are exclusively operated manually.
The following preconditions applying for the "Circular travel in JOG" function:
● The "Circular travel in JOG" function can be activated only in the JOG mode.
The function cannot be activated if the machine functions JOG-REPOS and JOG-REF are
● The axes that participate in traversing must be referenced.
● It is not permissible that the active plane is inclined in space.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX377.6 (JOG circular travel active)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX31.0 - 2 (REPOS mode)

DB21, ... DBX31.0 - 2 REPOS mode

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Additional information Selecting the REPOS mode:
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 REPOS mode
0 0 0 No REPOS mode active
0 0 1 RMB: Repositioning to start of block
0 1 0 RMI: Repositioning to interrupt point
0 1 1 RME: Repositioning to end of block
1 0 0 RMN: Repositioning to the nearest point on the path
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX25.4 (REPOS mode activation)
DB21, ... DBX31.4 (REPOS mode change)
DB31, ... DBX10.0 (REPOS delay)
DB31, ... DBX72.0 (REPOS delay)
DB21, ... DBX319.0 (REPOS mode change acknowledgment)
DB21, ... DBX319.1 - 3 (active REPOS mode)
DB21, ... DBX319.5 (REPOS acknowledgment delay)
DB31, ... DBX70.0 (REPOS offset)
DB31, ... DBX70.1 (REPOS offset valid)
DB31, ... DBX70.2 (REPOS delay acknowledgment)
MD11470 $MN_REPOS_MODE_MASK (repositioning properties)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

546 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX31.4 (REPOS activation)

DB21, ... DBX31.4 REPOS activation

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 0 → 1 Request to activate the "REPOS" function for the actual main run block.
The following become active:
● DB21, ... DBX31.0 - 2 (REPOS mode)
● DB31, ... DBX10.0 (REPOS delay)
Signal state 1 → 0 Reset of the last request.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX25.4 (REPOS mode activation)
DB21, ... DBX31.0 - 2 (REPOS mode)
DB31, ... DBX10.0 (REPOS delay)
DB31, ... DBX72.0 (REPOS delay)
DB21, ... DBX319.0 (REPOS mode change acknowledgment)
DB21, ... DBX319.1 - 3 (active REPOS mode)
DB21, ... DBX319.5 (REPOS acknowledgment delay)
DB31, ... DBX70.0 (REPOS offset)
DB31, ... DBX70.1 (REPOS offset valid)
DB31, ... DBX70.2 (REPOS delay acknowledgment)
MD11470 $MN_REPOS_MODE_MASK (repositioning properties)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX31.5 (contour handwheel: invert handwheel direction of rotation)

DB21, ... DBX31.5 Contour handwheel: invert handwheel direction of rotation

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A request has been made to invert the direction of rotation of the contour handwheel.
Signal state 0 A request has not been made to invert the direction of rotation of the contour handwheel.
Additional information Note
It is only permissible to change the interface signal when the axis is at a standstill.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX39.5 (Contour handwheel: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX32.1 (RESU: retrace mode active)

DB21, ... DBX32.1 RESU: Retrace mode active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The retrace mode is active.
Signal state 0 The retrace mode is not active.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX32.1 RESU: Retrace mode active

Additional information The interface signal is set, if DB21, ... DBX0.1 == 1
The interface signal is reset, if DB21, ... DBX0.2 == 1
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX0.1 (RESU: backward/forward)
DB21, ... DBX0.2 (RESU: start retrace support)
DB21, ... DBX32.1 (RESU: retrace mode active)
DB21, ... DBX32.2 (RESU: retrace support active)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB21, ... DBX32.2 (retrace support active)

DB21, ... DBX32.2 RESU: Retrace support active

Edge evaluation: No
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Retrace support active
Signal state 0 Retrace support is not active.
Additional information The interface signal is set, if DB21, ... DBX0.2 == 1 is identified.
The interface signal is reset if the last action block has been completed.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX0.1 (RESU: backward/forward)
DB21, ... DBX0.2 (RESU: start retrace support)
DB21, ... DBX32.1 (RESU: retrace mode active)
DB21, ... DBX32.2 (RESU: retrace support active)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB21, ... DBX32.3 (action block active)

DB21, ... DBX32.3 Action block active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 An action block is active / is being executed.
Signal state 0 No action block is active.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX33.4 (block search active)
DB21, ... DBX32.6 (last action block active)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX32.4 (approach block active)

DB21, ... DBX32.4 Approach block active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic

548 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX32.4 Approach block active

Signal state 1 The approach block to continue the NC program for block search, type 2 "Block search with
calculation at the contour" is active.
Signal state 0 No approach block is active.
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX32.5 (M00/M01 active)

DB21, ... DBX32.5 M00/M01 active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Auxiliary function M00 or M01 is active.
The block in which the auxiliary function is programmed, is executed and the help functions
Program state "stopped"
Signal state 0 Auxiliary function M00 or M01 is not active.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX0.5 (activate M01)
DB21, ... DBX24.5 (M01 selected)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX32.6 (last action block active)

DB21, ... DBX32.6 Last action block active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The last action block is active / is being executed.
Signal state 0 The last action block is not active.
Additional information If the last action block is active, this means that all the action blocks on the NC side have been
processed and the actions on the PLC side (ASUB, FC) or the operator such as overstore,
mode change according to JOG/REPOS are possible. In this way the PLC, for example, can
still perform a tool change before the start of movement.
Action blocks contain the actions collected during "Block search with computation" such as
● Help function outputs H, M00, M01, M..
● Tool programming T, D, DL
● Spindle programming S value, M3/M4/M5/M19, SPOS
● Feed programming, F
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX33.4 (block search active)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 549
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX33.0 (referencing active)

DB21, ... DBX33.0 Referencing active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 Referencing is active
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect
Additional information Feedback signal for the request to activate referencing:
1. DB21, ... DBX1.0: 0 → 1 (request)
2. DB21, ... DBX33.0: 0 → 1 (feedback signal)
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX1.0 (activate referencing)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX33.2 (revolutional feedrate active)

DB31, ... DBX33.2 Revolutional feedrate active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Revolutional feedrate (G95) is active.
Signal state 0 Revolutional feedrate (G95) is not active.
Further information The interface signal indicates that, in AUTOMATIC mode, path or synchronized axes move at
revolutional feedrate.
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX33.3 (handwheel override active)

DB21, ... DBX33.3 Handwheel override active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The "Handwheel override in automatic mode" function is active for the programmed path axes.
Signal state 0 The function "Handwheel override in automatic mode" is not active for the programmed path
Additional information The handwheel pulses of the 1st geometry axis function as a velocity override on the pro‐
grammed path velocity.
In the following cases, the override is inactive:
● The path axes have reached the programmed target position.
● The distance-to-go has been deleted.
● Reset was initiated.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX6.2 (delete distance-to-go)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

550 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX33.4 (block search active)

DB21, ...DBX33.4 Block search active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The "block search" function is active.
It was selected from the user interface and started using the interface signal:
DB21, ... DBX7.1 (NC Start)
Signal state 0 The "block search" function is not active - or the search target was found.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX7.1 (NC Start)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX33.5 (M02 / M30 active)

DB21, ... DBX33.5 M02 / M30 active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 End of program M02 / M30 is active.
The interface signal is set after:
● A program reset has been completed (M02, M30 or M17)
Note: If traversing motion is programmed in the block of M02, M30 or M17, then the signal
is only set after all of the axes have reached their target positions.
● Executed the PROG_EVENT program (PROG_EVENT.SPF) after:
– end of program reset (M02 / M30)
– Channel reset
– Warm restart (power on)
– Output of the last action block after a block search
Signal state 0 End of program M02 / M30 is not active
The interface signal is reset or remains reset:
● after the start and while executing an NC program, asynchronous subprogram (ASUB) or
PROG_EVENT program.
Note: The last signal state is kept after the start of a block search with calculation in the
"Program test" mode (SERUPRO).
● After a program cancellation as the result of an alarm.
● During and after executing a channel reset without executing a PROG_EVENT program.
● During and after the control system powers up without executing a PROG_EVENT pro‐

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX33.5 M02 / M30 active

Additional information ● In the last part program block of an NC program, it is not permissible to program the
following functions:
– Auxiliary functions, which initiate a read-in stop
– Programmed spindle speed (S value), that should be effective beyond the end of
program (M02 / M30)
● After a program reset has been completed (M02 / M30), then the signal is set to a value of
1 While processing a subsequent PROG_EVENT program, the signal is set to 0, and after
completion of the PROG_EVENT program, is again set to 1.
The signal is not suitable to automatically initiate follow-on functions such as tool counting, bar
feed etc. In order to identify the completion of the previous processing (NC program, ASUB,
PROG_EVENT, etc.) the end of program command (M02 / M30) must be written to its own
dedicated part program block. Command (M02 / M30) or the decoded signal of the M function
can be used as trigger.
Additional information ● Function Manual Basic Functions
● DB21 - DB30, transferred M and S functions: (Page 396) or "DB21 - DB30, decoded M
signals (Page 399)" DB21, … DBX33.6 (transformation active)

DB21, ... DBX33.6 Transformation active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A transformation is not active.
Signal state 0 A transformation is not active.
Additional information In the channel - in the active NC program - one of the following commands TRANSMIT,
TRACYL, TRAANG or TRAORI has been programmed. The corresponding block has been
processed and the corresponding transformation is active.
Additional information ● Function Manual Basic Functions
● Function Manual Transformations DB21, ... DBX33.7 (program test active)

DB21, ... DBX33.7 Program test (PRT) active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Program test (PRT) is active.
Signal state 0 Program test (PRT) is not active.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX33.7 Program test (PRT) active

Additional information If program test (PRT) is active, the machine axes do not move during the execution of a block
or NC program. However, the axis movements are displayed on the user interface with
changing setpoint position values.
While program test (PRT) is active, all traversing motions of the axes, but not the spindles,
take place under "Axis disable."
Program test (PRT) is selected from the SINUMERIK Operate user interface in the operating
area "Automatic" > "Program control" by setting the HMI/PLC interface signal DB21, ...
The interface signal is transferred according to the value of the FB1 parameter MMCToIf by
the basic PLC program into the NC/PLC interface signal DB21, ... DBX1.7:
● "TRUE": Transmission
● "FALSE": No transmission
The default value of the parameter is "TRUE".
Because of the axis disable, the assignment of a tool magazine is not changed while the
program is being tested. The user / machine manufacturer must utilize a suitable PLC user
program to ensure that the NC-internal tool management and the actual assignment of the tool
magazine remain consistent.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX1.7 (activate program test (PRT))
DB21, ... DBX25.7 (program test (PRT) requested)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX35.0 (program state "running")

DB21, ... DBX35.0 Program state "running"

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Program state == "running"
Signal state 0 Program state ≠ "running"

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 553
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX35.0 Program state "running"

Additional information The signal is set after starting the NC program using DB21, ... DBX7.1 = 1.
The signal remains set if NC program execution is stopped using DB21, ... DBX6.1 = 1.
The signal is not reset if NC program execution is stopped as a result of the following events:
● A feedrate disable or spindle disable is active
● DB21, ... DBX6.1 (read-in disable)
● Feedrate override: 0 %
● A spindle and axis monitoring function responds
● Position setpoints are entered in the NC program for axes in the "follow-up mode," for axes
without "controller enable," or for "parking axes"
Program states:
● DB21, ... DBX35.4 (program state "aborted")
● DB21, ... DBX35.3 (program state "interrupted")
● DB21, ... DBX35.2 (program state "stopped")
● DB21, ... DBX35.1 (program state "wait")
● DB21, ... DBX35.0 (program state "running")
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX6.1 = 1 (read-in disable)
DB21, ... DBX7.1 = 1 (NC Start)
DB21, ... DBX35.4 (program state "aborted")
DB21, ... DBX35.3 (program state "interrupted")
DB21, ... DBX35.2 (program state "stopped")
DB21, ... DBX35.1 (program state "wait")
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX35.1 (program state "wait")

DB21, ... DBX35.1 Program state "Wait"

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Program state == "wait"
Signal state 0 Program state ≠ "wait"
Additional information The "Wait" program state is assumed if, in the NC program, with WAIT_M or WAIT_E the
system waits for synchronization with an NC program or another channel.
Program states:
● DB21, ... DBX35.4 (program state "aborted")
● DB21, ... DBX35.3 (program state "interrupted")
● DB21, ... DBX35.2 (program state "stopped")
● DB21, ... DBX35.1 (program state "wait")
● DB21, ... DBX35.0 (program state "running")

554 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX35.1 Program state "Wait"

Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX35.4 (program state "aborted")
DB21, ... DBX35.3 (program state "interrupted")
DB21, ... DBX35.2 (program state "stopped")
DB21, ... DBX35.0 (program state "running")
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX35.2 (program state "stopped")

DB21, ... DBX35.2 Program state"stopped"

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Program state == "stopped"
Signal state 0 Program state ≠ "stopped"
Additional information Events, which lead to the NC program being stopped:
● DB21, ... DBX7.3 (NC Stop)
● DB21, ... DBX7.4 (NC Stop axes plus spindles)
● DB21, ... DBX7.2 (NC Stop at the block limit)
● Programmed command M00 or M01
● Single-block mode
Program states:
● DB21, ... DBX35.4 (program state "aborted")
● DB21, ... DBX35.3 (program state "interrupted")
● DB21, ... DBX35.2 (program state "stopped")
● DB21, ... DBX35.1 (program state "wait")
● DB21, ... DBX35.0 (program state "running")
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX7.3 (NC Stop)
DB21, ... DBX7.4 (NC Stop axes plus spindles)
DB21, ... DBX7.2 (NC Stop at the block limit)
DB21, ... DBX35.4 (program state "aborted")
DB21, ... DBX35.3 (program state "interrupted")
DB21, ... DBX35.1 (program state "wait")
DB21, ... DBX35.0 (program state "running")
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX35.3 (program state "interrupted")

DB21, ... DBX35.3 Program state "interrupted"

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Program state == "interrupted"
Signal state 0 Program state ≠ "interrupted"

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 555
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX35.3 Program state "interrupted"

Additional information The signal indicates that the interrupted NC program can be continued with NC start (DB21, ...
DBX7.1 = 1).
For example, the "interrupted" state is assumed if, in the "stopped" state (DB21, ... DBX35.2
== 1), the system changes from the AUTOMATIC or MDI mode into the JOG mode. After a
subsequent operating mode change from JOG to AUTOMATIC or MDI, the NC program can
be executed again from the interruption point using an NC start (DB21, ... DBX7.1 = 1).
Program states:
● DB21, ... DBX35.4 (program state "aborted")
● DB21, ... DBX35.3 (program state "interrupted")
● DB21, ... DBX35.2 (program state "stopped")
● DB21, ... DBX35.1 (program state "wait")
● DB21, ... DBX35.0 (program state "running")
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX35.4 (program state "aborted")
DB21, ... DBX35.2 (program state "stopped")
DB21, ... DBX35.1 (program state "wait")
DB21, ... DBX35.0 (program state "running")
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX35.4 (program state "aborted")

DB21, ... DBX35.4 Program state "aborted"

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Program state == "aborted"
Signal state 0 Program state ≠ "aborted"
Additional information The signal is set in the following cases:
● The actual NC program was selected in the channel, however it was not started.
● The actual NC program was executed in the channel, and aborted using DB21, ... DBX7.7
= 1 (channel reset).
Program states:
● DB21, ... DBX35.4 (program state "aborted")
● DB21, ... DBX35.3 (program state "interrupted")
● DB21, ... DBX35.2 (program state "stopped")
● DB21, ... DBX35.1 (program state "wait")
● DB21, ... DBX35.0 (program state "running")
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX7.7 (reset)
DB21, ... DBX35.3 (program state "interrupted")
DB21, ... DBX35.2 (program state "stopped")
DB21, ... DBX35.1 (program state "wait")
DB21, ... DBX35.0 (program state "running")
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

556 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX35.5 (channel state "active")

DB21, ... DBX35.5 Channel state "active"

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Channel state == "active"
Signal state 0 Channel state ≠ "active"
Additional information The signal is set in the following cases:
● An NC program is being executed in the Automatic or MDI mode
● At least one axis is being traversed in the JOG mode.
Channel states:
● DB21, ... DBX35.5 (channel state "active")
● DB21, ... DBX35.6 (channel state "interrupted")
● DB21, ... DBX35.7 (channel state "reset")
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX35.6 (channel state "interrupted")
DB21, ... DBX35.7 (channel state "reset")
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX35.6 (channel state "interrupted")

DB21, ... DBX35.6 Channel state "interrupted"

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Channel state == "interrupted"
Signal state 0 Channel state ≠ "interrupted"
Additional information An interruption can be initiated when executing an NC program in the AUTOMATIC or MDA
mode - or in the JOG mode while an axis is traversing as a result of the following events:
● DB21, ... DBX7.3 (NC Stop)
● DB21, ... DBX7.4 (NC Stop axes plus spindles)
● DB21, ... DBX7.2 (NC Stop at the block limit)
● Programmed stop M00 or M01
● Single-block mode
Channel states:
● DB21, ... DBX35.5 (channel state "active")
● DB21, ... DBX35.6 (channel state "interrupted")
● DB21, ... DBX35.7 (channel state "reset")
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX7.3 (NC Stop)
DB21, ... DBX7.4 (NC Stop axes plus spindles)
DB21, ... DBX7.2 (NC Stop at the block limit)
DB21, ... DBX35.5 (channel state "active")
DB21, ... DBX35.7 (channel state "reset")
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 557
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX35.7 (channel state "reset")

DB21, ... DBX35.7 Channel state "reset"

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Channel state == "reset"
Signal state 0 Channel state ≠ "reset"
Additional information The signal is set in the following cases:
● end of program reset (M02 / M30)
● Channel reset
● Warm restart (power on)
Channel states:
● DB21, ... DBX35.5 (channel state "active")
● DB21, ... DBX35.6 (channel state "interrupted")
● DB21, ... DBX35.7 (channel state "reset")
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX35.5 (channel state "active")
DB21, ... DBX35.6 (channel state "interrupted")
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX36.2 (all axes that have to be referenced have been referenced)

DB21, ... DBX36.2 All axes that have to be referenced are referenced
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 All axes that must be referenced (linear axes and rotary axes) of the channel are referenced.
The machine data:
MD20700 $MC_REFP_NC_START_LOCK (NC start inhibit without reference point)
is zero.
If two position measuring systems are connected to an axis, that would prevent an NC start,
then the active one must be referenced so that the axis is considered to have been referenced.
An NC Start command for the part program processing is only accepted when this signal is
Axes that have to be referenced are axes, if:
MD34110 $MA_REFP_CYCLE_NR _ = -1
and the axis is not in the parked position (position measuring system inactive and the con‐
troller enable withdrawn).
Signal state 0 One or more axes of the channel that have to be referenced are not referenced.
Additional information The spindles of the channel have no effect on this interface signal.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX60.4 (referenced / synchronized 1)
DB31, ... DBX60.5 (referenced / synchronized 2)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

558 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX36.3 (all axes stationary)

DB21, ... DBX36.3 All axes stationary

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 All channel axes are stationary - and no other traversing motion is active.
Signal state 0 Not all channel axes are stationary - or other traversing motion is presently active.
Additional information Criterion for "axis stationary": Interpolator end
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX36.4 (interrupt handling active)

DB21, ... DBX36.4 Interrupt handling active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Interrupt handling is active.
One or more channels in the mode group are not in the desired operating mode as the result
of an active interrupt routine.
Signal state 0 Interrupt handling is not active.
All channels are operating in the requested mode.
Additional information Note
The interface signal is notset, if an interrupt is handled in a program mode (AUTOMATIC or
Corresponds with MD11600 $MN_BAG_MASK (definition of the mode group response)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX36.5 (channel ready)

DB21, ... DBX36.5 Channel is ready

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The channel is ready
Signal state 0 The channel is not ready.
Additional information The channel is ready to execute an NC program and to traverse axes and spindle that are
assigned to the channel.
Corresponds with MD11600 $MN_BAG_MASK (definition of the mode group response)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 559
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX36.6 (channel-specific NC alarm active)

DB21, ... DBX36.6 Channel-specific NC alarm active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 At least one NC alarm is active in the channel.
Signal state 0 No NC alarm is active in the channel.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX36.7 (NC alarm with machining stop active)
DB10 DBX109.0 (NC alarm active)
Additional information Diagnostics guide DB21, ... DBX36.7 (NC alarm with machining stop active)

DB21, ... DBX36.7 NC alarm with machining stop is active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 At least one NC alarm with machining stop is active in the channel.
Signal state 0 No NC alarm with machining stop is active in the channel.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX36.6 (channel-specific NC alarm active)
DB10 DBX109.0 (NC alarm active)
Additional information Diagnostics guide DB21, ... DBX37.0 - 2 (contour handwheel active)

DB21, ... DBX37.0 - 2 Contour handwheel active

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic

560 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX37.0 - 2 Contour handwheel active

Additional information The interface can be interpreted either bit or binary-coded. The definition is realized using
machine data MD11324.
Bit coded: maximum 3 handwheels
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of the assigned handwheel
0 0 0 No handwheel assignment
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
1 0 0 3
Binary coded: maximum 6 handwheels
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of the assigned handwheel
0 0 0 No handwheel assignment
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
1 0 1 5
1 1 0 6
At any one time, an axis can only be assigned to one handwheel. If, for bit coding, several
interface signals are set simultaneously, then the following priority applies: "Handwheel 1"
before "Handwheel 2" before "Handwheel 3".
Corresponds with DB21 ... DBX30.0 - 2 (activate contour handwheel)
MD11324 $MN_HANDWH_VDI_REPRESENTATION (representation of the handwheel num‐
ber at the VDI interface)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX37.3 (clearance control (CLC): Active)

DB21, ... DBX37.3 Clearance control (CLC):

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Clearance control (CLC) is active.
Signal state 0 Clearance control (CLC) is not active.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX1.4 (clearance control (CLC): stop)
DB21, ... DBX1.5 (clearance control (CLC): Override)
DB21, ... DBX37.4 (clearance control (CLC): Stop at the lower motion limit)
DB21, ... DBX37.5 (clearance control (CLC): Stop at the upper motion limit)
DB21, ... DBX37.4 - 5 (clearance control (CLC): Motion has stopped)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 561
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX37.4 (clearance control (CLC): Stop at the lower motion limit)

DB21, ... DBX37.4 Clearance control (CLC): Stop at the lower motion limit
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The traversing motion of the clearance-controlled axis, generated by the clearance control,
has reached the lower motion limit and was stopped.
Signal state 0 The traversing motion of the clearance-controlled axis, generated by the clearance control,
has not reached the lower motion limit.
Additional information The lower motion limit of the clearance control is set in machine data:
The parameterized limit value can be adapted on a block-specific basis by
programming CLC_LIM(...) in the part program.
If, in addition to DB21, ... DBX37.4, DB21, ... DBX37.5 are also simultaneously set, then signal
"DB21, ... DBX37.3 (clearance control (CLC): Active) (Page 561)"is active.
Corresponds with CLC_LIM(...) ; the control range is limited
DB21, ... DBX37.5 (clearance control (CLC): Stop at the upper motion limit)
DB21, ... DBX37.4 - 5 (clearance control (CLC): Motion has stopped)
MD62505 $MC_CLC_SENSOR_LOWER_LIMIT (lower clearance control motion limit)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB21, ... DBX37.5 (clearance control (CLC): Stop at the upper motion limit)

DB21, ... DBX37.5 Clearance control (CLC): Stop at the upper motion limit
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The traversing motion of the clearance-controlled axis, generated by the clearance control,
has reached the upper motion limit and was stopped.
Signal state 0 The traversing motion of the clearance-controlled axis, generated by the clearance control,
has not reached the upper motion limit.
Additional information The upper motion limit of the clearance control is set in machine data:
The parameterized limit value can be adapted on a block-specific basis by
programming CLC_LIM(...) in the part program.
If, in addition to DB21, ... DBX37.5, DB21, ... DBX37.4 are also simultaneously set, then signal
"DB21, ... DBX37.3 (clearance control (CLC): Active) (Page 561)"is active.
Corresponds with CLC_LIM(...) ; the control range is limited
DB21, ... DBX37.4 (clearance control (CLC): Stop at the lower motion limit)
DB21, ... DBX37.4 - 5 (clearance control (CLC): Motion has stopped)
MD62506 $MC_CLC_SENSOR_UPPER_LIMIT (upper clearance control motion limit)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies

562 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX37.6 (read-in disable is ignored)

DB21, ... DBX37.6 Read-in disable is ignored

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Read-in disable (DB21, ... DBX6.1) is ignored.
Signal state 0 Read-in disable (DB21, ... DBX6.1) is not ignored.
Additional information Read-in disable (DB21, ... DBX6.1) is ignored, if the following applies:
DB21, ... DBX6.1 == 1 (read-in disable) AND actual block has the status "read-in
disable inactive"
Read-in disable (DB21, ... DBX6.1) is not ignored, if the following applies:
DB21, ... DBX6.1 == 0 (read-in disable) OR
( DB21, ... DBX6.1 == 1 (read-in disable) AND actual block has the status "read-in
disable active" )
Blocks for which read-in disable is ignored have the status "read-in disable inactive".
The following machine data is used to specify that the read-in disable (DB21, ... DBX6.1) is to
be ignored:
● MD11602 $MN_ASUP_START_MASK, bit 2
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX37.7 (stop at block end is ignored during single block (SBL))
MD11602 $MN_ASUP_START_MASK, bit 2 (start also permitted if read-in disable is active)
MD20116 $MC_IGNORE_INHIBIT_ASUP (execute interrupt program in spite of read-in dis‐
MD20107 $MC_ PROG_EVENT_IGN_INHIBIT (prog events ignore read-in disable)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX37.7 (stop at block end is ignored during single block (SBL))

DB21, ... DBX37.7 Stop at block end is ignored during single block (SBL)
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Stop at block end is ignored during single block (SBL).
Signal state 0 Stop at block end is not ignored during single block (SBL).

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX37.7 Stop at block end is ignored during single block (SBL)
Additional information Stop at block end is ignored during single block (SBL), if the following applies:
DB21, ... DBX0.4 == 1 (single block) AND actual block has the status "single block inactive"
Stop at block end is not ignored during single block (SBL), if the following applies:
DB21, ... DBB0.4 == 0 (single block) OR
(DB21, ... DBB0.4 == 1 (single block) AND actual block has the status "single block active")
The following machine data and commands are used to specify that the stop at block end
during single block (DB21, ... DBX0.4) is to be ignored:
● MD10702 $MN_IGNORE_SINGLEBLOCK_MASK (prevent single-block stop)
● MD20117 $MC_IGNORE_SINGLEBLOCK_ASUP (execute interrupt program completely
in spite of single block)
● MD20106 $MC_PROG_EVENT_IGN_SINGLEBLOCK (prog events ignore single block)
● SBLOF (suppress single block), SBLON (neutral single block suppression)
Blocks for which stop at block end during single block is ignored are designated as "single
block inactive".
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX0.4 (single block)
DB21, ... DBX37.6 (read-in disable is ignored)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX38.0 (stroke initiation active)

DB21, ... DBX38.0 Stroke initiation active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Signal state 1 Stroke initiation is active.
Signal state 0 Stroke initiation is not active.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX3.0 (stroke enable)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB21, ... DBX38.1 (manual stroke initiation: Acknowledgment)

DB21, ... DBX38.1 Manual stroke initiation: Acknowledgment

Signal flow NC → PLC
Signal state 1 Manual stroke has been initiated.
Signal state 0 Manual stroke was not initiated.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX3.0 (stroke enable)
DB21, ... DBX3.1 (manual stroke initiation)
DB21, ... DBX3.5 (manual stroke initiation 2)
DB21, ... DBX38.0 (stroke initiation active)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies

564 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX39.1 (NC alarm with program stop)

DB21, ... DBX39.1 NC alarm with program stop

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The interface signal indicates when the program progress is blocked by the presence of an
This relates to all alarms generated by stop response:
● Stop on the path with deletion of the ready signal
● Axes are braked
● Immediate stop on the path
● Interpreter is stopped, IPO buffer is still being executed.
● No stop at end of block
Alarms with the following alarm response are also taken into account:
● NC start disable in this channel
● NC start disable in this channel, ASUB starts, where relevant, are permitted
For alarms with this response the interface signal is not set until an NC start has been trig‐
gered and only if the alarm has not yet been acknowledged. In this case, the interface signal
is not set until NC start.
The interface signals are set if the start of an ASUB is refused because of an NC start disable
in this channel.
The interface signal is deleted as soon as alarm responses that activated the signal are no
longer active. This depends on the delete conditions of the alarms.
Signal state 0 No NC alarm with program stop is present in the channel.
Corresponds with DB10 DBX109.0 (NC alarm present)
DB21, ... DBX36.6 (channel-specific NC alarm present)
DB21, ... DBX36.7 (NC alarm with machining stop present)
Additional information Diagnostics Manual DB21, ... DBX39.4 (stop at block end due to single block)

DB21, ... DBX39.4 Stop at end of block due to single block

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Stop at end of block due to single block is active.
Signal state 0 Stop at end of block due to single block is not active. DB21, ... DBX39.5 (Contour handwheel: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active)

DB21, ... DBX39.5 Contour handwheel: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Inversion of the direction of rotation of the contour handwheel is active.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 565
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX39.5 Contour handwheel: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active
Signal state 0 Inversion of the direction of rotation of the contour handwheel is not active.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX31.5 (contour handwheel: invert handwheel direction of rotation)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX39.6 (configured stop is activated)

DB21, ... DBX39.6 Configured stop is activated

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The "Configured stop" function was activated internally.
Signal state 0 The "Configured stop" function was not activated internally.
Corresponds with DB21, … DBX7.6 (activate configured stop) DB21, ... DBX39.7 (stop at block end due to configured stop)

DB21, ... DBX39.7 Stop at end of block due to configured stop

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Stop at end of block due to configured stop
Signal state 0 Stop at end of block due to configured stop
Corresponds with DB21, … DBX7.6 (activate configured stop)
DB21, ... DBX39.6 (configured stop is activated) DB21, ... DBX40.0 - 2 (geometry axis 1: handwheel active)

DB21, ... DBX40.0 - 2 Geometry axis 1: handwheel active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic

566 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX40.0 - 2 Geometry axis 1: handwheel active

Additional information The interface can be interpreted either bit or binary-coded. The definition is realized using
machine data MD11324.
Bit coded: maximum 3 handwheels
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of the assigned handwheel
0 0 0 No handwheel assignment
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
1 0 0 3
Binary coded: maximum 6 handwheels
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of the assigned handwheel
0 0 0 No handwheel assignment
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
1 0 1 5
1 1 0 6
At any one time, an axis can only be assigned to one handwheel. If, for bit coding, several
interface signals are set simultaneously, then the following priority applies: "Handwheel 1"
before "Handwheel 2" before "Handwheel 3".
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX46.0 - 2 (geometry axis 2: handwheel active)
DB21, ... DBX52.0 - 2 (geometry axis 3: handwheel active)
DB21, ... DBX12.0 - 2 (geometry axis 1: activate handwheel)
DB21, ... DBX16.0 - 2 (geometry axis 2: activate handwheel)
DB21, ... DBX20.0 - 2 (geometry axis 3: activate handwheel)
MD11324 $MN_HANDWH_VDI_REPRESENTATION (representation of the handwheel num‐
ber at the VDI interface)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX40.4 - 5 (geometry axis 1: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")

DB21, ... DBX40.4 - 5 Geometry axis 1: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus"

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is a traversing request available for the geometry axis.
Signal state 0 There is no traversing request available for the geometry axis.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 567
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX40.4 - 5 Geometry axis 1: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus"

Additional information Depending on the mode selected, the traversing request is initiated in different ways:
● JOG mode
"Plus" or "Minus" traversing key
● REF mode
Traversing key that initiates traversing motion in the direction of the reference point.
A program block with a traversing operation is executed for a geometry axis.
There is a signal for each axis direction:
Bit 4 Traversing request "Minus" (for traversing in the negative axis direction)
Bit 5 Traversing key "Plus" (for traversing in the positive axis direction)
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX46.4 - 5 (geometry axis 2: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX52.4 - 5 (geometry axis 3: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX12.6 - 7 (geometry axis 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX16.6 - 7 (geometry axis 2: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX20.6 - 7 (geometry axis 3: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX40.6 - 7 (geometry axis 1: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX46.6 - 7 (geometry axis 2: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX52.6 - 7 (geometry axis 3: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus")
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX40.6 - 7 (geometry axis 1: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus")

DB21, ... DBX40.6 - 7 Geometry axis 1: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus"

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is a traversing request for the geometry axis or the geometry axis is traversing.
Signal state 0 There is not a traversing request for the geometry axis or the geometry axis is not traversing.
Additional information Depending on the setting of MD17900, bit 0, the traversing command is already output if a
"Traversing request" is active (bit 0 = 0) or only if the axis is actually traversing (bit 0 = 1).
There is a signal for each axis direction:
Bit 6 Traversing command "Minus" (for traversing in the negative axis direction)
Bit 7 Traversing command "Plus" (for traversing in the positive axis direction)
Application example
Releasing the axis clamp when the traversing command is identified.
For axes where clamping is not released until a drive command is detected, the continuous-
path mode (G64) is not possible.

568 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX40.6 - 7 Geometry axis 1: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus"

Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX46.6 - 7 (geometry axis 2: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX52.6 - 7 (geometry axis 3: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX12.6 - 7 (geometry axis 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX16.6 - 7 (geometry axis 2: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX20.6 - 7 (geometry axis 3: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX40.4 - 5 (geometry axis 1: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX46.4 - 5 (geometry axis 2: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX52.4 - 5 (geometry axis 3: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")
MD17900 $MN_VDI_FUNCTION_MASK (setting for VDI signals)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX41.0 - 6 (geometry axis 1: active machine function)

DB21, ... DBX41.0 - 6 Geometry axis 1: active machine function

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The machine function to manually traverse the geometry axis is active.
Signal state 0 The machine function to manually traverse the geometry axis is notactive.
Additional information There is a signal for every machine function to manually traverse the geometry axis in the JOG
Bit 0 INC1
Bit 1 INC10
Bit 2 INC100
Bit 3 INC1000
Bit 4 INC10000
Bit 5 INCvar
Bit 6 Continuous manual travel
Depending on the machine function, the response when actuating the traversing key or the
handwheel differs.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX47.0 - 6 (geometry axis 2: active machine function)
DB21, ... DBX53.0 - 6 (geometry axis 3: active machine function)
DB21, ... DBX13.0 - 6 (geometry axis 2: machine function request)
DB21, ... DBX17.0 - 6 (geometry axis 2: machine function request)
DB21, ... DBX21.0 - 6 (geometry axis 3: machine function request)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX43.0 (geometry axis 1: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active)

DB21, ... DBX43.0 Geometry axis 1: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 569
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX43.0 Geometry axis 1: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active
Signal state 1 Inversion of the direction of rotation of the handwheel assigned to the geometry axis is active.
Signal state 0 Inversion of the direction of rotation of the handwheel assigned to the geometry axis is not
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX49.0 (geometry axis 2: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active)
DB21, ... DBX55.0 (geometry axis 3: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active)
DB21, ... DBX15.0 (geometry axis 1: invert handwheel direction of rotation)
DB21, ... DBX19.0 (geometry axis 2: invert handwheel direction of rotation)
DB21, ... DBX23.0 (geometry axis 3: invert handwheel direction of rotation)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX46.0 - 2 (geometry axis 2: handwheel active)

DB21, ... DBX46.0 - 2 Geometry axis 2: handwheel active

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX40.0 - 2 (geometry axis 1: handwheel active) (Page 566). DB21, ... DBX46.4 - 5 (geometry axis 2: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")

DB21, ... DBX46.4 - 5 Geometry axis 2: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus"

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX40.4 - 5 (geometry axis 1: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus") (Page 567). DB21, ... DBX46.6 - 7 (geometry axis 2: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus")

DB21, ... DBX46.6 - 7: Geometry axis 2: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus"

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX40.6 - 7 (geometry axis 1: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus")
(Page 568). DB21, ... DBX47.0 - 6 (geometry axis 2: active machine function)

DB21, ... DBX47.0 - 6 Geometry axis 2: active machine function

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX41.0 - 6 (geometry axis 1: active machine function) (Page 569). DB21, ... DBX49.0 (geometry axis 2: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active)

DB21, ... DBX49.0 Geometry axis 2: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active
Additional information See DB21, ... DBX43.0 (geometry axis 1: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active)
(Page 569).

570 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX52.0 - 2 (geometry axis 3: handwheel active)

DB21, ... DBX52.0 - 2 Geometry axis 3: handwheel active

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX40.0 - 2 (geometry axis 1: handwheel active) (Page 566). DB21, ... DBX52.4 - 5 (geometry axis 3: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")

DB21, ... DBX52.4 - 5 Geometry axis 3: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus"

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX40.4 - 5 (geometry axis 1: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus") (Page 567). DB21, ... DBX52.6 - 7 (geometry axis 3: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus")

DB21, ... DBX52.6 - 7 Geometry axis 3: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus"

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX40.6 - 7 (geometry axis 1: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus")
(Page 568). DB21, ... DBX53.0 - 6 (geometry axis 3: active machine function)

DB21, ... DBX53.0 - 6 Geometry axis 3: active machine function

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX41.0 - 6 (geometry axis 1: active machine function) (Page 569). DB21, ... DBX55.0 (geometry axis 3: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active)

DB21, ... DBX55.0 Geometry axis 3: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active
Additional information See DB21, ... DBX43.0 (geometry axis 1: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active)
(Page 569). DB21, ... DBB58, DBB60 - 65 (M-, S-, T-, D-, H-, F fct. change)

DB21, ... DBB58, M, S, T, D, H, F fct. change

DB21, ... DBB60 - 65
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 M, S, T, or F information was output to the interface with a new value together with the
associated change signal at the beginning of an OB1 cycle. In this case, the change signal
indicates that the appropriate value is valid.
Signal state 0 The change signals are reset by the PLC basic program at the start of the next OB1 cycle. The
value of the respective data is not valid.
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 571
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX59.0 - 4 (M fct. 1-5 not decoded)

DB21, ... DBX59.0 - 4 M fct. 1-5 not decoded

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 M function is greater than 99 (for extended address = 0) or for extended address > 0, not
included in the decoding list.
This signal is available - together with the associated M change signal - for one OB1 cycle.
● Incorrect M function programmed
● M function not configured in the decoding list of the PLC
Remedy e.g.:
● PLC sets read-in inhibit
● Output of a PLC alarm
Signal state 0 M function less than 99 (for extended address = 0) or for extended address > 0 included in the
decoding list. DB21, ... DBB60 - 64, ... DBB66 - 67 (M-, S-, T-, D-, H-, F fct. Additional quick information
(quick acknowledgment)

DB21, ... DBB60 - 64, M, S, T, D, H, F fct. Additional quick information (fast acknowledgment)
DB21, ... DBB66 - 67
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 M, S, T, D, H or F information has been output to the interface with a new value together with
the associated change signal at the beginning of an OB1 cycle.
In this case, the additional info "Quick" indicates the quick help function.
Signal state 0 The change signals are reset by the PLC basic program at the start of the next OB1 cycle.
The value of the respective data is not valid. DB21, ... DBB68 - 97 (M function 1 - 5 and extended address M function 1 - 5 )

DB21, ... DBB68 - 97 M function 1 - 5 and extended address M function 1 - 5

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Additional information If an M function change signal (DB21, ... DBB58) is present, then the up to five M functions -
that can be programmed in an NC block - together with the number of the M function and the
extended address are available here.
The M function values remain until they are overwritten by new M functions.
The M function values are deleted by the following events:
● The PLC powers up (boots).
● A new M function is entered.

572 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBB68 - 97 M function 1 - 5 and extended address M function 1 - 5

Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX58.0 - 4 (changes signals: M function)
$C_M (system variable)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBB98 - 115 (S function 1 - 3 and extended address S function 1 - 3 )

DB21, ... DBB98 - 115 S function 1 - 3 and extended address S function 1 - 3

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Additional information If an S function change signal (DB21, ... DBB60) is present, then the up to three S functions
- that can be programmed in an NC block - together with the number of the S function and the
extended address are available here.
The S function values remain until they are overwritten by new S functions.
The S function values are deleted by the following events:
● The PLC powers up (boots).
● A new S function is entered.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX60.0 - 2 (change signals: S function)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBB118 (T function 1)

DB21, ... DBW118 or T function 1

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Additional information If a T function change signal (DB21, ... DBB61) is present, then number of the T functions,
programmed in the NC block, is made available here.
The T function values remain until they are overwritten by new T functions.
The T function values are deleted by the following events:
● The PLC powers up (boots).
● A new T function is entered.
Corresponds with MD10717 $MN_T_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME (name of the tool change cycle for T function
MD10719 $MN_T_NO_FCT_CYCLE_MODE (parameterization of the T function replace‐
MD22220 $MC_AUXFU_T_SYNC_TYPE (output time of the T functions)
MD22550 $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE (new tool compensation for M function)
$C_T... (system variable)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 573
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBB129 (D function 1)

DB21, ... DBB129 D function 1

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Additional information If a D function change signal (DB21, ... DBB62) is present, then the number of the D functions,
programmed in the NC block, is made available.
The D function values remain until they are overwritten by new D functions.
The D function values are deleted by the following events:
● The PLC powers up (boots).
● A new D function is entered.
Corresponds with MD22250 $MC_AUXFU_D_SYNC_TYPE (output time D functions)
MD22252 $MC_AUXFU_DL_SYNC_TYPE (output time DL functions)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBB140 - 157 (H function 1 - 3 and extended address H function 1 - 3 )

DB21, ... DBB140 - 157 H function 1 - 3 and extended address H function 1-3
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Additional information If an H function change signal (DB21, ... DBB64) is present, then the up to three H functions
- that can be programmed in an NC block - together with the number of the H function and the
extended address are available here.
The H function values remain until they are overwritten by new H functions.
The H function values are deleted by the following events:
● The PLC powers up (boots).
● A new H function is entered.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX64.0 - 2 (change signals: H function)
MD22110 $MC_AUXFU_H_TYPE_INT (type of H-auxiliary function is an integer)
MD22230 $MC_AUXFU_H_SYNC_TYPE (output time of the H functions)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBB158 - 193 (F function 1 - 6 and extended address F function 1 - 6 )

DB21, ... DBB158 - 193 F function 1 - 6 and extended address F function 1 - 6

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled

574 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBB158 - 193 F function 1 - 6 and extended address F function 1 - 6

Additional information If an F function change signal (DB21, ... DBB65) is present, then the up to six F functions - that
can be programmed in an NC block - together with the number of the F function and the
extended address are available here.
The extended address of the F function is generated from the feedrate type (path feed or axis-
specific feed) and the axis names.
● Path feedrate 0
● Axis-specific feedrate: Machine axis number of positioning axis 1, 2, 3, ... maximum num‐
ber of machine axes
The F function values remain until they are overwritten by new F functions.
The F function values are deleted by the following events:
● The PLC powers up (boots).
● A new F function is entered.
Corresponds with MD22240 $MC_AUXFU_F_SYNC_TYPE (output time of F functions)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBB194 - 206 (dynamic M functions: M0 - M99)

DB21, ... DBX194.0 - 7 - Dynamic M functions M0 - M99

DBX206.0 - 3
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The associated M function was has been decoded.
Signal state 0 The associated M function has not been decoded or the interface signal has been reset from
the PLC basic program as acknowledgment.
For a general auxiliary function output, the interface signal is reset by the PLC basic program
after OB1 has been completely executed.
For a fast auxiliary function output, the interface signal is reset by the PLC basic program in
the same OB40 cycle.
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBB208 - 271 (active G command of group 1 to 60)

DB21, ... DBB208 - 271 Active G command of group 1 to 60

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 575
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBB208 - 271 Active G command of group 1 to 60

Additional information The G command displayed in the BCD format or its mnemonic identifier is active in the speci‐
fied G group.
DBB Meaning
208 G group 1: Internal number of the active G command
209 G group 2: Internal number of the active G command
271 G group 64: Internal number of the active G command
Application example
G group 14 ≙ DBB208 + 14 - 1 = DBB221,
Active G commands: DBB221 == 1 ≙ internal number for G commandG90
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Value 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
DBB221 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Special case
For a value of 0, no G command or mnemonic identifier of the G group is active.
In contrast to auxiliary functions, G commands are not output to the PLC subject to acknowl‐
edgment, i.e. processing of the part program is continued immediately after the G command
Additional information ● Function Manual Basic Functions
● A complete list of the G groups, G commands and their internal numbers can be found in:
Programming Manual NC Programming DB21, ... DBX272.0 - 273.1 (machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 preactivated)

DB21, ... DBX272.0 - 273.1 Machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 preactivated

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The machine-related protection zone 1 (...10) is preactivated.
Preactivation is realized in the NC program using command NPROT.
Signal state 0 The machine-related protection zone 1 (...10) is not preactivated.
Additional information Note
Only a preactivated machine-related protection zone can be activated or deactivated using
the corresponding interface signal:
DB21, ... DBX8.0 - 9.1 (activate machine-related protection zone 1 - 10)
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX1.1 (enable protection zones)
DB21, ... DBX8.0 - 9.1 (activate machine-related protection zone 1 - 10)
DB21, ... DBX10.0 - 11.1 (activate channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10)
DB21, ... DBX274.0 – 275.1 (channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 preactivated)
DB21, ... DBX276.0 - 277.1 (machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 violated)
DB21, ... DBX278.0 – 279.1 (channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 violated)
Additional information Function Manual Monitoring and Compensating

576 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX274.0 – 275.1 (channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 preactivated)

DB21, ... DBX274.0 - 275.1 Channel-related protection zone 1 - 10 preactivated

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The channel-specific protection zone 1 (...10) is preactivated.
Preactivation is realized in the NC program using command NPROT.
Signal state 0 The channel-specific protection zone 1 (...10) is not preactivated.
Additional information Note
Only a preactivated channel-specific protection zone can be activated or deactivated using
the corresponding interface signal:
DB21, ... DBX10.0 - 11.1 (activate channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10)
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX1.1 (enable protection zones)
DB21, ... DBX8.0 - 9.1 (activate machine-related protection zone 1 - 10)
DB21, ... DBX10.0 - 11.1 (activate channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10)
DB21, ... DBX272.0 - 273.1 (machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 preactivated)
DB21, ... DBX276.0 - 277.1 (machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 violated)
DB21, ... DBX278.0 – 279.1 (channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 violated)
Additional information Function Manual Monitoring and Compensating DB21, ... DBX276.0 - 277.1 (machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 violated)

DB21, ... DBX276.0 - 277.1 Machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 violated

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The activated, machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 wasviolated in the current block or in the
current JOG traversing motion.
The preactivated, machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 would be violated in the current
block if it would be active.
Signal state 0 The activated, machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 was not violated in the current block or
in the current JOG traversing motion.
The preactivated, machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 would not be violated in the current
block if it would be active.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX1.1 (enable protection zones)
DB21, ... DBX8.0 - 9.1 (activate machine-related protection zone 1 - 10)
DB21, ... DBX10.0 - 11.1 (activate channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10)
DB21, ... DBX272.0 - 273.1 (machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 preactivated)
DB21, ... DBX274.0 – 275.1 (channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 preactivated)
DB21, ... DBX278.0 – 279.1 (channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 violated)
Additional information Function Manual Monitoring and Compensating

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 577
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX278.0 – 279.1 (channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 violated)

DB21, ... DBX278.0 - 279.1 Channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 violated

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The activated, channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 wasviolated in the current block or in the
current JOG traversing motion.
The preactivated, channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 would be violated in the current
block if it would be active.
Signal state 0 The activated, channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 was not violated in the current block or
in the current JOG traversing motion.
The preactivated, channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 would not be violated in the current
block if it would be active.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX1.1 (enable protection zones)
DB21, ... DBX8.0 - 9.1 (activate machine-related protection zone 1 - 10)
DB21, ... DBX10.0 - 11.1 (activate channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10)
DB21, ... DBX272.0 - 273.1 (machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 preactivated)
DB21, ... DBX274.0 – 275.1 (channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10 preactivated)
DB21, ... DBX276.0 - 277.1 (machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 violated)
Additional information Function Manual Monitoring and Compensating DB21, ... DBX280.1 (request disabling of synchronized actions)

DB21, ... DBX280.1 Request disabling of synchronized actions

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Acceptance of the inhibit signals from the interface in the channel of the NC has been re‐
quested by the PLC user program.
Signal state 0 After the request to accept the inhibit signals from the interface in the channel, the NC ac‐
knowledged the acceptance by resetting the request.
Further information The signal is irrelevant for DB21, … DBX1.2 == 1 (disable all synchronized actions)
Corresponds to Inhibit signals: DB21, … DBX300.0 - 307.7 (inhibit synchronized action ID/IDS)
DB21, … DBX281.1 (acknowledge synchronized action disabled)
Additional information Function Manual Synchronized Actions DB21, ... DBX281.1 (acknowledgement of synchronized actions disabled)

DB21, ... DBX281.1 Acknowledgement of synchronized actions disabled

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Acceptance of the inhibit signals from the interface in the channel of the NC has been re‐
quested by the PLC user program.
Signal state 0 After the request to accept the inhibit signals from the interface in the channel, the NC ac‐
knowledged the acceptance by resetting the request.

578 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX281.1 Acknowledgement of synchronized actions disabled

Corresponds to DB21, … DBX280.1 (disable request for synchronized actions)
Additional information Function Manual Synchronized Actions DB21, … DBX300.0 - 307.7 (disable synchronized action ID/IDS)

DB21, ... DBX300.0 ... 307.7 Disable synchronized actions ID/IDS

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The synchronized action ID/IDS is inhibited.
Signal state 0 The synchronized action ID/IDS is enabled.
Further information The signal is irrelevant for DB21, … DBX1.2 == 1 (disable all synchronized actions)
Corresponds to DB21, … DBX280.1 (disable request for synchronized actions)
Additional information Function Manual Synchronized Actions DB21, ... DBX308.0 - 315.7 (synchronized actions ID/IDS can be disabled)

DB21, ...
DBX308.0 - 315.7 Synchronized action ID/IDS can be inhibited
Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The synchronized action ID/IDS associated with the inhibit signal can be inhibited.
Signal state 0 The synchronized action ID/IDS associated with the inhibit signal cannot be inhibited.
Corresponds to DB21, … DBX280.1 (disable request for synchronized actions)
Additional information Function Manual Synchronized Actions DB21, ... DBB317.1 (workpiece setpoint reached)

DB21, ... DBX317.1 Target number of workpieces reached

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The number of machined workpieces (actual workpiece total) is equal to the number of work‐
pieces to be machined (target [required] number of workpieces):
Signal state 0 The number of machined workpieces (actual workpiece total) is not equal to the number of
workpieces to be machined (target [required] number of workpieces):
Corresponds with MD27880 $MC_PART_COUNTER (activation of workpiece counters)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 579
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX317.6 (PTP traversing active)

DB21, ... DBX317.6 PTP traversing active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Edge change 0 → 1 PTP (Point-To-Point) traversing is active.
Edge change 1 → 0 CP (Continuous Path) traversing is active.
Additional information Note
DB21, ... DBX317.6 is only relevant in the JOG mode when the transformation is active.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX29.4 (activate PTP travel)
Additional information Function Manual Transformations DB21, ... DBX317.7 (TOOLMAN: Tool missing)

DB21, ... DBX317.7 TOOLMAN: Tool missing

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The programmed tool is missing.
Signal state 0 Irrelevant.
Additional information A tool is either missing or cannot be used. DB21, ... DBX318.0 (ASUB is stopped)

DB21, ... DBX318.0 ASUB is stopped

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The ASUB is in the "stopped" state.
The ASUB was stopped by the control system before it was completely executed.
Signal state 0 The ASUB is not in the "stopped" state.
For the following events, the signal is always set to 0:
● NC start
● Channel reset
Additional information The interface signal is only processed in the following states:
● AUTOMATIC or MDI mode:
● Channel state "interrupted"
● Program state"stopped"
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

580 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX318.1 (block search via program test is active (SERUPRO))

DB21, ... DBX318.1 Block search via program test is active (SERUPRO)
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Block search via program test is active
During processing of the blocks as part of the block search (internal channel state: "Program
test"), the interface signal is set up until the target block is changed to in the main run (program
state: "stopped") .
Signal state 0 Block search via program test is not active
When the target block is changed to in the main run (internal channel state "Program test" is
deselected; stop condition: "Search target found" is displayed), the interface signal is reset.
Additional information The block search (SERUPRO) can only be activated in AUTOMATIC mode in program state
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX318.2 (online tool length compensation (TOFF) active)

DB21, ... DBX318.2 Online tool length compensation (TOFF) active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Online tool length compensation (TOFF) is active.
Signal state 0 Online tool length compensation (TOFF) is not active.
Additional information Using the online tool length correction, effective tool lengths can be changed in real time so
that the length changes are also considered for changes in orientation of the tool.
Application areas:
● Orientation transformations (TRAORI)
● Orientable toolholder (TCARR)
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX318.3 (online tool length compensation (TOFF): Compensation motion active)
Additional information Function Manual Transformations DB21, ... DBX318.3 (online tool length compensation (TOFF): Compensation motion

DB21, ... DBX318.3 Online tool length compensation (TOFF): Compensation motion active
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Compensation motion active.
Signal state 0 Compensation motion is not active.
Additional information If, for active online tool length compensation (DB21, ... DBX318.2 == 1), compensation motion
is active, then the interface signal is set to "1":
DB21, ... DBX318.3 == 1

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 581
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX318.3 Online tool length compensation (TOFF): Compensation motion active
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX318.2 (online tool length compensation (TOFF) active)
Additional information Function Manual Transformations DB21, ... DBX318.5 (associated M0 / M1 active)

DB21, ... DBX318.5 Associated auxiliary function is active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 "Associated auxiliary function" is active.
Signal state 0 Associated auxiliary function is not active.
Additional information "Associated auxiliary function" (M-1) is selected from the SINUMERIK Operate user interface
in the operating area "Automatic" > "Program control" by setting the HMI/PLC interface signal
DB21, ... DBX24.4.
The interface signal is transferred according to the value of the FB1 parameter MMCToIf by
the basic PLC program into the NC/PLC interface signal DB21, ... DBX30.5:
● "TRUE": Transmission
● "FALSE": No transmission
The default value of the parameter is "TRUE".
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX24.4 (associated auxiliary function selected)
DB21, ... DBX30.5 (activate associated auxiliary function)
MD22254 $MC_AUXFU_ASSOC_M0_VALUE (additional M function for program stop)
MD22256 $MC_AUXFU_ASSOC_M1_VALUE (additional M function for conditional stop)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX319.0 (REPOS mode change acknowledgment)

DB21, ... DBX319.0 REPOS mode change acknowledgment

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The acknowledgment of the REPOS mode change is available.
The interface signal DB21, ... DBX31.4 (REPOS mode change) identified by the NC is ac‐
knowledged if the requested REPOS mode DB21, ... DBX31.0-2 and delay signal DB31, ...
DBX10.0 were accepted in the NC.
The signal states refer to the actual main run block
Signal state 0 The acknowledgment of the REPOS mode change is not available.
The SERUPRO-ASUB stops automatically before REPOS and DB21, ... DBX31.4 (REPOS
mode change) does not affect the SERUPRO approach.

582 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX319.0 REPOS mode change acknowledgment

Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX25.4 (REPOS mode activation)
DB21, ... DBX31.0 - 2 (REPOS mode)
DB21, ... DBX31.4 (REPOS mode change)
DB31, ... DBX10.0 (REPOS delay)
DB31, ... DBX72.0 (REPOS delay)
DB21, ... DBX319.1 - 3 (active REPOS mode)
DB21, ... DBX319.5 (REPOS acknowledgment delay)
DB31, ... DBX70.0 (REPOS offset)
DB31, ... DBX70.1 (REPOS offset valid)
DB31, ... DBX70.2 (REPOS delay acknowledgment)
MD11470 $MN_REPOS_MODE_MASK (repositioning properties)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX319.1 - 3 (active REPOS mode)

DB21, ... DBX319.1 - 3 Active REPOS mode

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Additional information Active REPOS mode:
Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Active REPOS approach mode
0 0 0 No REPOS approach mode active
0 0 1 Reposition to start of block RMBBL
0 1 0 Reposition to interrupt point RMIBL
0 1 1 Reposition to end of block RMEBL
1 0 0 Reposition to nearest path point RMNBL
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX25.4 (REPOS mode activation)
DB21, ... DBX31.0 - 2 (REPOS mode)
DB21, ... DBX31.4 (REPOS mode change)
DB31, ... DBX10.0 (REPOS delay)
DB31, ... DBX72.0 (REPOS delay)
DB21, ... DBX319.0 (REPOS mode change acknowledgment)
DB21, ... DBX319.5 (REPOS acknowledgment delay)
DB31, ... DBX70.0 (REPOS offset)
DB31, ... DBX70.1 (REPOS offset valid)
DB31, ... DBX70.2 (REPOS delay acknowledgment)
MD11470 $MN_REPOS_MODE_MASK (repositioning properties)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 583
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX319.5 (REPOS delay)

DB21, ...DBX319.5 REPOS delay

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A REPOS delay is active.
Signal state 0 A REPOS delay is not active.
Additional information All axes currently controlled by this channel have either no REPOS offset or their REPOS
offsets are not traversed through.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX25.4 (REPOS mode activation)
DB21, ... DBX31.0 - 2 (REPOS mode)
DB21, ... DBX31.4 (REPOS mode change)
DB31, ... DBX10.0 (REPOS delay)
DB31, ... DBX72.0 (REPOS delay)
DB21, ... DBX319.0 (REPOS mode change acknowledgment)
DB21, ... DBX319.1 - 3 (active REPOS mode)
DB31, ... DBX70.0 (REPOS offset)
DB31, ... DBX70.1 (REPOS offset valid)
DB31, ... DBX70.2 (REPOS delay acknowledgment)
MD11470 $MN_REPOS_MODE_MASK (repositioning properties)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX320.0 - 2 (orientation axis 1: activate handwheel)

DB21, ... DBX320.0 - 2 Orientation axis 1: Activate handwheel

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic

584 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX320.0 - 2 Orientation axis 1: Activate handwheel

Additional information The interface can be interpreted either bit or binary-coded. The definition is realized using
machine data MD11324.
Bit coded: maximum 3 handwheels
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of the assigned handwheel
0 0 0 No handwheel assignment
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
1 0 0 3
Binary coded: maximum 6 handwheels
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of the assigned handwheel
0 0 0 No handwheel assignment
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
1 0 1 5
1 1 0 6
At any one time, an axis can only be assigned to one handwheel. If, for bit coding, several
interface signals are set simultaneously, then the following priority applies: "Handwheel 1"
before "Handwheel 2" before "Handwheel 3".
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX324.0 - 2 (orientation axis 2: activate handwheel)
DB21, ... DBX328.0 - 2 (orientation axis 3: activate handwheel)
DB21, ... DBX332.0 - 2 (orientation axis 1: handwheel active)
DB21, ... DBX336.0 - 2 (orientation axis 2: handwheel active)
DB21, ... DBX340.0 - 2 (orientation axis 3: handwheel active)
MD11324 $MN_HANDWH_VDI_REPRESENTATION (representation of the handwheel num‐
ber at the VDI interface)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX320.4 (orientation axis 1: traversing key lock)

DB21, ... DBX320.4 Orientation axis 1: Traversing key lock

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The traversing key lock for the orientation axis is active.
Signal state 0 The traversing key lock for the orientation axis is not active.
Additional information Note
When the traversing key disable is activated while traversing, then traversing is canceled.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 585
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX320.4 Orientation axis 1: Traversing key lock

Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX324.4 (orientation axis 2: traversing key lock)
DB21, ... DBX328.4 (orientation axis 3: traversing key lock)
DB21, ... DBX320.6 - 7 (orientation axis 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX324.6 - 7 (orientation axis 2: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX328.6 - 7 (orientation axis 3: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX320.5 (orientation axis 1: rapid traverse override)

DB21, ... DBX320.5 Orientation axis 1: Rapid traverse override

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 When manually traversing the orientation axis using the traversing keys, when the interface
signal is set, rapid traverse velocity becomes active (MD32010).
Signal state 0 When manually traversing the orientation axis using the traversing keys, the entered JOG
velocity becomes active (SD41110 or MD32020).
Additional information The signal is only active for continuous or incremental manual traversing in the JOG mode.
The rapid traverse velocity can be influenced using the rapid traverse override switch.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX324.5 (orientation axis 2: rapid traverse override)
DB21, ... DBX328.5 (orientation axis 3: rapid traverse override)
DB21, ... DBX320.6 - 7 (orientation axis 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX324.6 - 7 (orientation axis 2: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX328.6 - 7 (orientation axis 3: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
MD32010 $MA_JOG_VELO_RAPID (conventional rapid traverse)
MD32020 $MA_JOG_VELO (conventional axis velocity)
SD41110 $SN_JOG_SET_VELO (axis velocity for JOG)
Additional information ● Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX320.6 - 7 (Orientierungsachse 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")

DB21, ... DBX320.6 - 7 Orientation axis 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus"

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A request has been made to traverse the orientation axis using the traversing key in the
positive/negative axis direction.
Signal state 0 A request has not been made to traverse the orientation axis using the traversing key in the
positive/negative axis direction.

586 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX320.6 - 7 Orientation axis 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus"

Additional information There is a request signal for every traversing key and/or axis direction:
Bit 6 Traversing key "Minus" (for traversing in the negative axis direction)
Bit 7 Traversing key "Plus" (for traversing in the positive axis direction)
Depending on the active machine function, as well as the settings for jog and continuous
operation (SD41050 and MD11300), different responses are initiated when the signal
1. Continuous manual travel in the jog mode
The orientation axis traverses in the direction concerned to the active limit switch as long
as the interface signal is set to 1.
2. Continuous manual travel in continuous operation
At the first edge change 0 →1, the orientation axis starts to traverse in the appropriate
direction. This traversing movement still continues when the edge changes from 1 → 0.
Any new signal edge change 0 → 1 (same traversing direction!) stops the traversing
3. Incremental manual travel in the jog mode
With signal 1 the orientation axis starts to traverse the set increment. If the signal changes
to the 0 state before the increment is traversed, then traversing is interrupted. When the
signal state changes to 1 again, traversing is continued. The orientation axis can be stop‐
ped and started several times as described above until it has traversed the complete
4. Incremental manual travel in continuous operation
At the first edge change 0 → 1 the orientation axis starts to traverse the set increment. If
another edge change 0 → 1 is performed with the same traverse signal before the orien‐
tation axis has traversed the increment, the traversing movement will be cancelled. The
increment is no longer traversed to the end.
● The interface signal is irrelevant in operating modes:
● If both traversing signals ("plus" and "minus") are set at the same time there is no tra‐
versing or the current traversing is aborted.
● In contrast to machine axes, for orientation axes, only one orientation axis can be trav‐
ersed at any one time using the traversing keys.
● Using DB21, ... DBX320.4, 324.4, 328.4 (orientation axis 1, 2, 3: Traversing key lock)
traversing using traversing keys can be locked.
● In the following cases, the orientation axis cannot be traversed in the JOG operating mode:
– The orientation axis is already being traversed via the axis-specific interface as ma‐
chine axis.
– If another orientation axis is already being traversed with the traversing keys.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 587
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX320.6 - 7 Orientation axis 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus"

Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX324.6 - 7 (orientation axis 2: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX328.6 - 7 (orientation axis 3: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX320.4 (orientation axis 1: traversing key lock)
DB21, ... DBX324.4 (orientation axis 2: traversing key lock)
DB21, ... DBX328.4 (orientation axis 3: traversing key lock)
DB31, ... DBX4.6 - 7 (traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
SD41050 $SN_JOG_CONT_MODE_LEVELTRIGGRD (jog/continuous operation for JOG,
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX321.0 - 6 (orientation axis 1: machine function request)

DB21, ... DBX321.0 - 6 Orientation axis 1: machine function request

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A request has been made to manually traverse the orientation axis.
Signal state 0 A request has not been made to manually traverse the orientation axis.
Additional information There is a request signal for every machine function to manually traverse the orientation axis
in the JOG mode.
Bit 0 INC1
Bit 1 INC10
Bit 2 INC100
Bit 3 INC1000
Bit 4 INC10000
Bit 5 INCvar
Bit 6 Continuous manual travel
Incremental manual travel
In addition to five fixed increment sizes (default setting in MD11330: INC1, INC10, INC100,
INC1000 and INC10000), a variable increment size (INCvar) that can be set via the setting
data SD41010 is also available. The distance evaluation of one increment for fixed and vari‐
able increment sizes is performed via the axis-specific machine data MD31090.
When pressing the "Plus" or "Minus" traversing key, or by rotating the electronic handwheel,
the orientation axis starts to traverse in the appropriate direction, corresponding to the number
of increments of the active machine function.
Continuous manual travel
For continuous manual travel, the plus and minus traversing keys are selected to move the
orientation axis continuously and the appropriate direction.

● If several requests are set simultaneously, no machine function becomes active.
● If an orientation axis is currently being traversed via a machine function, the movement is
aborted through deselection or change of the machine function.

588 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX321.0 - 6 Orientation axis 1: machine function request

Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX325.0 - 6 (orientation axis 2: machine function request)
DB21, ... DBX329.0 - 6 (orientation axis 3: machine function request)
DB21, ... DBX333.0 - 6 (orientation axis 1: active machine function)
DB21, ... DBX337.0 - 6 (orientation axis 2: active machine function)
DB21, ... DBX341.0 - 6 (orientation axis 3: active machine function)
MD11320 $MN_HANDWH_IMP_PER_LATCH (handwheel pulses per detent position)
MD11330 $MN_JOG_INCR_SIZE_TAB (increment size for INC/handwheel)
MD31090 $MA_JOG_INCR_WEIGHT (evaluation of an increment for INC/handwheel)
SD41010 $SN_JOG_VAR_INCR_SIZE (size of the variable increment for JOG)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, … DBX323.0 (orientation axis 1: invert handwheel direction of rotation)

DB21, ... DBX323.0 Orientation axis 1: invert handwheel direction of rotation

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A request has been made to invert the direction of rotation of the assigned handwheel.
Signal state 0 A request has not been made to invert the direction of rotation of the assigned handwheel.
Additional information Note
It is only permissible to change the interface signal when the orientation axis is at a standstill.
Application examples
● The handwheel direction of rotation should match the axis direction of motion.
● A handwheel is assigned to several axes with different orientations.
Corresponds with DB21, … DBX327.0 (orientation axis 2: invert handwheel direction of rotation)
DB21, … DBX331.0 (orientation axis 3: invert handwheel direction of rotation)
DB21, ... DBX335.0 (orientation axis 1: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active)
DB21, ... DBX339.0 (orientation axis 2: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active)
DB21, ... DBX343.0 (orientation axis 3: handwheel direction of rotation inversion active)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX324.0 - 2 (orientation axis 2: activate handwheel)

DB21, ... DBX324.0 - 2 Orientation axis 2: Activate handwheel

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX320.0 - 2 (orientation axis 1: activate handwheel) (Page 584). DB21, ... DBX324.4 (orientation axis 2: traversing key lock)

DB21, ... DBX324.4 Orientation axis 2: Traversing key lock

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX320.4 (orientation axis 1: traversing key lock) (Page 585).

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 589
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX324.5 (orientation axis 2: rapid traverse override)

DB21, ... DBX324.5 Orientation axis 2: Rapid traverse override

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX320.5 (orientation axis 1: rapid traverse override) (Page 586). DB21, ... DBX324.6 - 7 (orientation axis 2: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")

DB21, ... DBX324.6 - 7 Orientation axis 2: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus"

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX320.6 - 7 (Orientierungsachse 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Mi‐
nus") (Page 586). DB21, ... DBX325.0 - 6 (orientation axis 2: machine function request)

DB21, ... DBX325.0 - 6 Orientation axis 2: machine function request

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX321.0 - 6 (orientation axis 1: machine function request) (Page 588). DB21, … DBX327.0 (orientation axis 2: invert handwheel direction of rotation)

DB21, ... DBX327.0 Orientation axis 2: invert handwheel direction of rotation

Additional information See DB21, … DBX323.0 (orientation axis 1: invert handwheel direction of rotation)
(Page 589). DB21, ... DBX328.0 - 2 (orientation axis 3: activate handwheel)

DB21, ... DBX328.0 - 2 Orientation axis 3: Activate handwheel

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX320.0 - 2 (orientation axis 1: activate handwheel) (Page 584). DB21, ... DBX328.4 (orientation axis 3: traversing key lock)

DB21, ... DBX328.4 Orientation axis 3: Traversing key lock

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX320.4 (orientation axis 1: traversing key lock) (Page 585). DB21, ... DBX328.5 (orientation axis 3: rapid traverse override)

DB21, ... DBX328.5 Orientation axis 3: Rapid traverse override

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX320.5 (orientation axis 1: rapid traverse override) (Page 586).

590 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX328.6 - 7 (orientation axis 3: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")

DB21, ... DBX328.6 - 7 Orientation axis 3: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus"

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX320.6 - 7 (Orientierungsachse 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
(Page 586). DB21, ... DBX329.0 - 6 (orientation axis 3: machine function request)

DB21, ... DBX329.0 - 6 Orientation axis 3: machine function request

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX321.0 - 6 (orientation axis 1: machine function request) (Page 588). DB21, … DBX331.0 (orientation axis 3: invert handwheel direction of rotation)

DB21, ... DBX331.0 Orientation axis 3: invert handwheel direction of rotation

Additional information See DB21, … DBX323.0 (orientation axis 1: invert handwheel direction of rotation)
(Page 589). DB21, ... DBX332.0 - 2 (orientation axis 1: handwheel active)

DB21, ... DBX332.0 - 2 Orientation axis 1: handwheel active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 591
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX332.0 - 2 Orientation axis 1: handwheel active

Additional information The interface can be interpreted either bit or binary-coded. The definition is realized using
machine data MD11324.
Bit coded: maximum 3 handwheels
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of the assigned handwheel
0 0 0 No handwheel assignment
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
1 0 0 3
Binary coded: maximum 6 handwheels
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of the assigned handwheel
0 0 0 No handwheel assignment
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
1 0 1 5
1 1 0 6
At any one time, an axis can only be assigned to one handwheel. If, for bit coding, several
interface signals are set simultaneously, then the following priority applies: "Handwheel 1"
before "Handwheel 2" before "Handwheel 3".
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX336.0 - 2 (orientation axis 2: handwheel active)
DB21, ... DBX340.0 - 2 (orientation axis 3: handwheel active)
DB21, ... DBX320.0 - 2 (orientation axis 2: activate handwheel)
DB21, ... DBX324.0 - 2 (orientation axis 2: activate handwheel)
DB21, ... DBX328.0 - 2 (orientation axis 3: activate handwheel)
MD11324 $MN_HANDWH_VDI_REPRESENTATION (representation of the handwheel num‐
ber at the VDI interface)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX332.4 - 5 (orientation axis 1: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")

DB21, ... DBX332.4 - 5 Orientation axis 1: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus"

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is a traversing request available for the orientation axis.
Signal state 0 There is no traversing request available for the orientation axis.

592 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX332.4 - 5 Orientation axis 1: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus"

Additional information The traversing request is initiated in different ways depending on the operating mode:
● JOG mode
"Plus" or "Minus" traversing key
● REF mode
Traversing key that initiates traversing motion in the direction of the reference point.
A program block with a traversing operation is executed for an orientation axis.
There is a signal for each axis direction:
Bit 4 Traversing request "Minus" (for traversing in the negative axis direction)
Bit 5 Traversing key "Plus" (for traversing in the positive axis direction)
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX336.4 - 5 (orientation axis 2: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX340.4 - 5 (orientation axis 3: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX320.6 - 7 (orientation axis 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX324.6 - 7 (orientation axis 2: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX328.6 - 7 (orientation axis 3: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX332.6 - 7 (orientation axis 1: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX336.6 - 7 (orientation axis 2: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX340.6 - 7 (orientation axis 3: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus")
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX332.6 - 7 (orientation axis 1: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus"

DB21, ... DBX332.6 - 7 Orientation axis 1: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus"

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is a traversing request for the orientation axis or the orientation axis is traversing.
Signal state 0 There is no traversing request for the orientation axis or the orientation axis is not traversing.
Additional information Depending on the setting of MD17900, bit 0, the traversing command is already output if a
"Traversing request" is active (bit 0 = 0) or only if the axis is actually traversing (bit 0 = 1).
There is a signal for each axis direction:
Bit 6 Traversing command "Minus" (for traversing in the negative axis direction)
Bit 7 Traversing command "Plus" (for traversing in the positive axis direction)
Application example
Releasing the axis clamp when the traversing command is identified.
For axes where clamping is not released until a drive command is detected, the continuous-
path mode (G64) is not possible.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 593
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX332.6 - 7 Orientation axis 1: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus"

Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX336.6 - 7 (orientation axis 2: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX340.6 - 7 (orientation axis 3: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX320.6 - 7 (orientation axis 1: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX324.6 - 7 (orientation axis 2: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX328.6 - 7 (orientation axis 3: traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX332.4 - 5 (orientation axis 1: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX336.4 - 5 (orientation axis 2: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")
DB21, ... DBX340.4 - 5 (orientation axis 3: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")
MD17900 $MN_VDI_FUNCTION_MASK (setting for VDI signals)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX333.0 - 6 (orientation axis 1: active machine function)

DB21, ... DBX333.0 - 6 Orientation axis 1: active machine function

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The machine function to manually traverse the orientation axis is active.
Signal state 0 The machine function to manually traverse the orientation axis is not active.
Additional information There is a signal for every machine function to manually traverse the orientation axis in the
JOG mode.
Bit 0 INC1
Bit 1 INC10
Bit 2 INC100
Bit 3 INC1000
Bit 4 INC10000
Bit 5 INCvar
Bit 6 Continuous manual travel
Depending on the machine function, the response when actuating the traversing key or the
handwheel differs.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX337.0 - 6 (orientation axis 2: active machine function)
DB21, ... DBX341.0 - 6 (orientation axis 3: active machine function)
DB21, ... DBX321.0 - 6 (orientation axis 2: machine function request)
DB21, ... DBX325.0 - 6 (orientation axis 2: machine function request)
DB21, ... DBX329.0 - 6 (orientation axis 3: machine function request)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX336.0 - 2 (orientation axis 2: handwheel active)

DB21, ... DBX336.0 - 2 Orientation axis 2: handwheel active

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX332.0 - 2 (orientation axis 1: handwheel active) (Page 591).

594 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX336.4 - 5 (orientation axis 2: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")

DB21, ... DBX336.4 - 5 Orientation axis 2: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus"

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX332.4 - 5 (orientation axis 1: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")
(Page 592). DB21, ... DBX336.6 - 7 (orientation axis 2: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus"

DB21, ... DBX336.6 - 7 Orientation axis 2: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus"

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX332.6 - 7 (orientation axis 1: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus"
(Page 593). DB21, ... DBX337.0 - 6 (orientation axis 2: active machine function)

DB21, ... DBX337.0 - 6 Orientation axis 2: active machine function

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX333.0 - 6 (orientation axis 1: active machine function) (Page 594). DB21, ... DBX340.0 - 2 (orientation axis 3: handwheel active)

DB21, ... DBX340.0 - 2: Orientation axis 3: handwheel active

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX332.0 - 2 (orientation axis 1: handwheel active) (Page 591). DB21, ... DBX340.4 - 5 (orientation axis 3: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")

DB21, ... DBX340.4 - 5: Orientation axis 3: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus"

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX332.4 - 5 (orientation axis 1: traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")
(Page 592). DB21, ... DBX340.6 - 7 (orientation axis 3: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus"

DB21, ... DBX340.6 - 7 Orientation axis 3: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus"

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX332.6 - 7 (orientation axis 1: traversing command "Plus" / "Minus"
(Page 593). DB21, ... DBX341.0 - 6 (orientation axis 3: active machine function)

DB21, ... DBX341.0 - 6 Orientation axis 3: active machine function

Additional information See DB21, ... DBX333.0 - 6 (orientation axis 1: active machine function) (Page 594).

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 595
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX344.0 (TM: tool prewarning limit reached)

DB21, ... DBX344.0 TOOLMAN: Tool prewarning limit reached

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The tool prewarning limit has been reached.
Signal state 0 Irrelevant.
Additional information The T number of the tool, whose prewarning value has been reached, is located in: DBD348
The change signal is active for one OB 1 cycle.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX344.1 tool management change signal: T number for tool limit value
DB21, ... DBX344.2 tool management change signal: T number for the new replacement tool
DB21, ... DBX344.3 tool management change signal: T number of the last replacement tool
DBD348 (T number for tool prewarning limit)
Additional information Function Manual, Tool Management DB21, ... DBX344.1 (TM: Tool limit value reached)

DB21, ... DBX344.1 TOOLMAN: Tool limit value reached

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The tool limit value has been reached
Signal state 0 Irrelevant.
Additional information The T number of the tool, whose limit value has been reached, is located in: DBD352
The change signal is active for one OB 1 cycle.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX344.0 tool management change signal: T number for tool pre-alarm limit
DB21, ... DBX344.2 tool management change signal: T number for the new replacement tool
DB21, ... DBX344.3 tool management change signal: T number of the last replacement tool
DBD352 (T number for tool limit value)
Additional information Function Manual, Tool Management DB21, ... DBX344.2 (TM: Transition to new replacement tool)

DB21, ... DBX344.2 TOOLMAN: Transition to new replacement tool

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 A transition is made to a new replacement tool.
Signal state 0 Irrelevant.
Additional information The T number for the new replacement tool is located in: DBD356
The change signal is active for one OB 1 cycle.

596 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBX344.2 TOOLMAN: Transition to new replacement tool

Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX344.0 tool management change signal: T number for tool pre-alarm limit
DB21, ... DBX344.1 tool management change signal: T number for tool limit value
DB21, ... DBX344.3 tool management change signal: T number of the last replacement tool
DBD356 (T number of the replacement tool)
Additional information Function Manual, Tool Management DB21, ... DBX344.3 (TM: Last replacement tool of the tool group)

DB21, ... DBX344.3 TOOLMAN: Last replacement tool of the tool group
Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The last replacement tool of the tool group has been reached
Signal state 0 Irrelevant.
Additional information The T number of the last replacement tool of the tool group is located in: DBD360
The change signal is active for one OB 1 cycle.
The monitoring for the last replacement tool must be activated in MD20310
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX344.0 tool management change signal: T number for tool pre-alarm limit
DB21, ... DBX344.1 tool management change signal: T number for tool limit value
DB21, ... DBX344.2 tool management change signal: T number for the new replacement tool
DB21, ... DBD360 (T-number of the last replacement tool)
Additional information Function Manual, Tool Management DB21, ... DBB376 (PROG_EVENT trigger event)

DB21, ...DBB376 PROG_EVENT trigger event

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Additional information The event that initiated the PROG_EVENT is displayed bit-coded.
Bit Value Event
0 1 NC start from channel state "reset"
1 1 End of program reset (e.g. M30)
2 1 Channel reset
3 1 Warm restart (power on)
4 1 1. NC start after search
5 1 Safety
6-7 --- Reserved, currently always 0
As a minimum, the interface signal must remain for a complete PLC cycle.
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 597
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX377.0 (collision avoidance: stop)

DB21, ... DBX377.0 Collision avoidance: Stop

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The collision avoidance has triggered a stop of the traversing motion in the channel.
Signal state 0 The collision avoidance has not triggered a stop of the traversing motions in the channel.
Additional information Function Manual Monitoring and Compensating DB21, ... DBX377.4 (JOG retract active)

DB21, ... DBX377.4 JOG retract active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 JOG retract has been selected and is active.
Signal state 0 JOG retract has not been selected.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX377.5 (JOG retract retraction data available)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX377.5 (JOG retract retraction data available)

DB21, ... DBX377.5 JOG retract retraction data available

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Retraction data is available for traversing in the tool direction.
Signal state 0 Retraction data is not available for traversing in the tool direction. JOG retract cannot be
Additional information If the signal state is active, then the JOG retract can be selected (user interface or PI service
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX377.4 (JOG retract active)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB21, ... DBX377.6 (JOG circular travel active)

DB21, ... DBX377.6 JOG circular travel active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The "Circular travel in JOG" function is active.
Signal state 0 The "Circular travel in JOG" function isnot active.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX30.6 (JOG circular travel)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

598 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, … DBX378.0 (ASUB active)

DB21, ... DBX378.0 ASUB is active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 An ASUB is active.
Signal state 0 No ASUB is active.
Additional information Note
Also outside block FC9, feedback about a running ASUB is realized using the interface signal.
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, … DBX378.1 (stopped ASUB active)

DB21, ... DBX378.1 "Silent" ASUB is active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A "silent" ASUB is active.
Signal state 0 No "silent" ASUB is active.
Additional information A "silent" ASUB is an ASUB where blocks are not displayed on the screen as this has been
suppressed with DISPLOF.
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB21, ... DBX384.0 (enable GOTOS)

DB21, ... DBX384.0 Enable GOTOS

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A request has been made to enable GOTOS (return jump to the program start) in the channel.
Signal state 0 A request has not been made to enable GOTOS (return jump to the program start) in the
NC program execution is continued with the next command following GOTOS.
Corresponds with MD27850 $MC_PROG_NET_TIMER_MODE (impact of the program runtime net counter)
MD27860 $MC_PROCESSTIMER_MODE (activation of the program runtime measurement)
MD27880 $MC_PART_COUNTER (activation of the workpiece counters)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 599
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX385.0 - 7 (input signal 1 - 8)

DB21, ...
DBX385.0 - 7 Input signal 1 - 8

Signal flow PLC → NC

Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The value of the input signal is 1 (TRUE).
Signal state 0 The value of the input signal is 0 (FALSE).
Further information Application: Grinding
Corresponds to $AC_IN_KEY_G_ENABLE[1 ... 8] (input signal 1 - 8 enable on the NC side)
Additional information Function Manual Synchronized Actions DB21, ... DBX386.0 - 7 (disabling of input signal 1 - 8)

DB21, ...
DBX386.0 - 7 Disabling of input signal 1 - 8

Signal flow PLC → NC

Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The input signal is inhibited.
Signal state 0 The input signal is enabled.
Further information Application: Grinding
Corresponds to DB21, … DBX385.0 - 7 (input signals 1 - 8)
DB21, … DBX387.0 ... 7 (action is enabled)
$AC_IN_KEY_G_ENABLE[1 ... 8] (input signal 1 - 8 enable on the NC side)
Additional information Function Manual Synchronized Actions DB21, ... DBX387.0 - 7 (status of action 1 - 8)

DB21, ...
DBX387.0 - 7 Status of action 1 - 8

Signal flow PLC → NC

Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The action is enabled.
Signal state 0 The action is inhibited.
Further information Application: Grinding
Corresponds to DB21, … DBX391.0 - 7 (enable request for the action on the NC side)
$AC_IN_KEY_G_RUN_OUT[1 ... 8] (enable request of the action 1 - 8 on the NC side)
$AC_IN_KEY_G_RUN_IN[ 1 ... 8 ] (enable of the action 1 - 8 on the PLC side)
Additional information Function Manual Synchronized Actions

600 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB21, ... DBX390.0 - 7 (enable status of input signal 1 - 8)

DB21, ...
DBX390.0 - 7 Enable status of input signal 1 - 8

Signal flow PLC → NC

Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The input signal is enabled.
The enable signal is formed by the NC-side ANDlogic operation of the NC enable signal
$AC_IN_KEY_G_ENABLE[1 ... 8] and the PLC enable signal NOT (DBX386.0 - 7).
Signal state 0 The input signal is not enabled.
Further information Application: Grinding
Corresponds to DB21, … DBX386.0 - 7 (disabling of input signal 1 - 8)
$AC_IN_KEY_G_ENABLE[1 ... 8] (input signal 1 - 8 enable on the NC side)
$AC_IN_KEY_G_ISENABLE[1 ... 8] (release status of the input signal 1 - 8)
Additional information Function Manual Synchronized Actions DB21, ... DBX391.0 - 7 (enable request for action 1 - 8)

DB21, ...
DBX391.0 - 7 Enable request for action 1 - 8

Signal flow NC → PLC

Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 It has been requested that the action is enabled.
Signal state 0 It has not been requested that the action is enabled.
Further information Application: Grinding
Corresponds to DB21, … DBX387.0 - 7 (status of the action 1 - 8)
$AC_IN_KEY_G_RUN_OUT[1 ... 8] (enable request of the action 1 - 8 on the NC side)
$AC_IN_KEY_G_RUN_IN[1 ... 8] (enable of the action 1 - 8 on the PLC side)
Additional information Function Manual Synchronized Actions DB21, ... DBB392 (selection: Coordinate system for Cartesian manual traversing and
handwheel override in automatic mode in the tool direction (DRF))

DB21, ... DBB392 Selection: Coordinate system for Cartesian manual traversing and handwheel override in
automatic mode in the tool direction (DRF)
Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 601
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB21, ... DBB392 Selection: Coordinate system for Cartesian manual traversing and handwheel override in
automatic mode in the tool direction (DRF)
Additional information Selection of the coordinate system for:
● Cartesian manual traversing of the geometry axes in the tool direction (TCS)
● Handwheel override of the geometry axes in the AUTOMATIC mode in the tool direction
Value Description
0 The function is not selected
1 Manual traversing of the geometry axes in the basic coordinate system (BCS)
2 Manual traversing of the geometry axes in the workpiece coordinate system
3 Manual traversing or handwheel override (DRF) of the geometry axes in the
workpiece coordinate system (WCS)
Additional information ● Function Manual Basic Functions
● FC19: MCP_IFM - transfer of MCP signals to interface (Page 274)
● Function Manual Transformations
● Function Manual Axes and Spindles

18.2.6 DB31, ...: Axis/spindle DB31, ... DBB0 (feedrate override, axis-specific)

DB31, ... DBB0 Feedrate override, axis-specific

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic

602 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBB0 Feedrate override, axis-specific

Additional information Binary/Gray coding
The override factors can be specified in the binary or Gray-coded format. The control must be
informed of the used format via the following machine data:
MD12000 $MN_OVR_AX_IS_GRAY_CODE = <Coding>
Binary coding
With binary coding, the value in the interface corresponds to the override factor.
Binary code Decimal Override factor
0000 0000 0 0.00
0000 0001 1 0.01
0000 0010 2 0.02
0000 0011 3 0.03
000 0100 4 0.04
... ... ...
0110 0100 100 1.00
... ... ...
1100 1000 200 2.00
Gray coding
The Gray-coded values of the interface are assigned the override factors via the following
machine data:
MD12010 $MN_OVR_FACTOR_AX_SPEED[ <Switch position> - 1 ] = <Override factor>
Switch position Gray code Override factor 1)
1 00001 0.00
2 00011 0.01
3 00010 0.02
4 00110 0.04
5 00111 0.06
6 00101 0.08
7 00100 0.10
8 01100 0.20
9 01101 0.30
10 01111 0.40
11 01110 0.50
12 01010 0.60
13 01011 0.70
14 01001 0.75
15 01000 0.80
16 11000 0.85
17 11001 0.90
18 11011 0.95
19 11010 1.00
20 11110 1.05
21 11111 1.10
22 11101 1.15

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 603
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBB0 Feedrate override, axis-specific

23 11100 1.20
24 10100 1.20
25 10101 1.20
26 10111 1.20
27 10110 1.20
28 10010 1.20
29 10011 1.20
30 10001 1.20
31 10000 1.20
● The active override factor is limited internally in the control to 2.00 or 200%.
● The maximum possible override factor can be limited to a value less than 200% with the
following machine data:
The axis-specific feedrate override is not effective with the following functions when cutting
threads: G33, G331, G332, G63
Corresponds to DB21, ... DBB4 (path feedrate override)
DB31, ... DBB19 (speed override, spindle-specific)
DB31, ... DBX1.7 (override active)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles
1) Default values DB31, ... DBX1.0 (drive test travel enable)

DB31, ... DBX1.0 Drive test travel enable

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The travel enable for the drive test is set, i.e. axis motion for the drive test is enabled.
Signal state 0 The travel enable for the drive test is not set, i.e. axis motion for the drive test is inhibited.
Further information The signal is the feedback signal for the request:
DB31, ... DBX61.0 == 1 (drive test travel request)
Only the PLC can enable an axis so that it can be traversed.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX61.0 (drive test travel request)
Additional information SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, Drive

604 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX1.1 (acknowledge fixed stop reached).

DB31, ... DBX1.1 Acknowledge fixed stop reached

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Significance when the fixed stop is reached: DB31, ... DBX62.5 (fixed stop reached) == 1
● The axis presses against the fixed stop with the clamping torque.
● The fixed stop monitoring window is activated.
● A block change is executed.
Signal state 0 Significance when the fixed stop is reached: DB31, ... DBX62.5 (fixed stop reached) == 1
● The axis presses against the fixed stop with the clamping torque.
● The fixed stop monitoring window is activate
● A block change is not executed, and the channel message "Wait: HiFu acknowledgment
missing" is displayed
● The function is canceled, alarm "20094 axis %1 Function aborted" is output.
Significance after deselecting the function FXS=0 via the part program:
● The torque limiting and the monitoring of the fixed stop monitoring window are canceled.
Additional information Irrelevant for MD37060 $MA_FIXED_STOP_ACKN_MASK == 0 or 2
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX1.2 (fixed stop sensor)
DB31, ... DBX3.1 (enable travel to fixed stop)
DB31, ... DBX62.4 (activate travel to fixed stop)
DB31, ... DBX62.5 (fixed stop reached)
MD37060 $MA_FIXED_STOP_ACKN_MASK (monitoring PLC acknowledgements for travel
to fixed stop)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB31, ... DBX1.2 (fixed stop sensor)

DB31, ... DBX1.2 Sensor for fixed stop

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Fixed stop has been reached.
Signal state 0 Fixed stop has not been reached.
Additional information The signal is only active if: MD37040 $MA_FIXED_STOP_BY_SENSOR == 1
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX1.1 (acknowledge fixed stop reached).
DB31, ... DBX3.1 (enable travel to fixed stop)
DB31, ... DBX62.4 (activate travel to fixed stop)
DB31, ... DBX62.5 (fixed stop reached)
MD37040 $MA_FIXED_STOP_BY_SENSOR = (fixed stop detection via sensor)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 605
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX1.3 (axis/spindle disable)

DB31, ... DBX1.3 Axis/spindle disable

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic

606 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX1.3 Axis/spindle disable

Signal state 1 Axis/spindle disable is requested.
● Effects with stationary axis:
– No setpoints are output to the position controller, i.e. the axis traversing movement is
disabled. The axis is in closed-loop position control and any remaining following error
is compensated.
– If the axis is traversed via an NC program or manually, the set position and set velocity
are displayed as the actual position and actual velocity on the user interface. With
channel reset or end of program (M30/M2), the display of the actual value is set to the
actual value of the machine axis.
– The travel commands are output to the NC/PLC interface.
● Effects with traversing axis:
– The axis is stopped in compliance with the currently active braking characteristic and
an alarm is displayed. Subsequently, the travel movements of the axis are disabled.
Position control remains active and holds the axis in the current position.
● Effects with open-loop control mode and stationary spindle:
– No setpoints are output to the speed controller, i.e. the spindle traversing movement
is disabled.
– If the spindle is traversed via an NC program or manually, the speed setpoint is dis‐
played on the user interface as the speed actual value.
● Effects with open-loop control mode and rotating spindle:
– Speed setpoint zero is immediately output to the speed controller.
– The spindle is stopped in compliance with the currently active braking characteristic
and an alarm is displayed. Subsequently, the travel movements of the spindle are
disabled. Position control remains active and holds the axis in the current position.
● Effects with positioning mode: See Stationary axis / Traversing axis
Structure graphic




Axis/spindle disable
● If one of the following interface signals is set for a traversing axis/spindle for which the
signal "Axis/spindle disable" is present, the axis/spindle is not stopped:
– DB21, ... DBX12.3, 16.3 or 20.3 (feedrate stop for geometry axes 1, 2 and 3)
– DB21, ... DBX320.3, 324.3 or 328.3 (feedrate stop for orientation axes 1, 2 and 3)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 607
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX1.3 Axis/spindle disable

– DB31, ... DBX4.3 (feedrate stop / spindle stop)
● The axis/spindle can still be switched to the "hold" or "follow up" state with DB31, ...
DBX1.4 (follow-up mode).
● An axis cannot be referenced either channel-specifically via DB21, ... DBX1.0 from the NC
program (G74) or axis-specifically (REF machine function).
●If the signal "Axis/spindle disable" is set only briefly for a traversing axis, the axis is stop‐
ped without an alarm. With the next travel request, the axis is traversed to the new
position. Example:
N10 G0 X0 Y0
N20 G1 F1000 X100
N30 Y100
N40 X200
Regarding N20: At position 20 mm, "Axis/spindle lock" is set briefly for axis X ⇒ axis X is
Regarding N40: Axis X traverses from the last position (approx. 20 mm + braking distance)
to position 200 mm.
● Effects of "Axis/spindle disable" for spindle or axis couplings: DB31,
DB31, ... Coupl. 3) Effect
DBX99.0 DBX99.1
1) 2)

0 0 Off Setpoints are output

0 1 Off No setpoint output for following spindle/axis
1 0 Off No setpoint output for leading spindle/axis
1 1 Off No setpoint output for leading and following spindle/axis
0 0 On Setpoints are output
0 1 On Axis/spindle disable has no effect on the FS / FA
1 0 On Axis/spindle disable also has an effect on the FS / FA
1 1 On No setpoint output
1) Leading spindle/axis active
2) Following spindle/axis active
3) Status of the coupling between leading and following spindle/axis
Signal state 0 There is no request for "axis / spindle disable".
The reset of the signal does not take effect until the axis/spindle is stationary.
● Axis
Setpoints are output to the position controller again immediately after the signal has been
reset. If a travel request is pending, it is executed immediately.
● Spindle
After the reset of the signal, the spindle disable which is still effective internally must be
canceled by an axis-specific reset, channel reset or end of program (M30 / M2). Only then
are setpoints output to the speed controller again.

608 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX1.3 Axis/spindle disable

Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX14.1 (activate program test)
DB31, ... DBX63.3 (axis/spindle lock active)
DB21, ... DBX1.7 (activate program test)
DB21, ... DBX33.7 (program test active)
Additional information Response for synchronous operation:
Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX1.4 (follow-up mode)

DB31, ... DBX1.4 Follow-up mode

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Follow-up mode is active:
● The position setpoint is continuously tracked: position setpoint = actual position value
● Feedback signal: DB31, ... DBX61.3 = 1 (follow-up active)
● Standstill and clamping monitoring are not active.
● If an NC program is active when the closed-loop control system is switched on again, a
control-internal repositioning operation is performed (REPOSA: Linear approach with all
axes) to the last programmed position.
Follow-up mode is only useful with a simultaneous reset of the controller enable: DB31, ...
DBX2.1 = 0
Signal state 0 Follow-up mode is not active:
● The position setpoint is not tracked: Position setpoint = programmed set position
● Feedback signal: DB31, ... DBX61.3 = 0 (follow-up not active)
● Standstill and clamping monitoring are active.
If the controller enable is reset (DB31, ... DBX2.1 == 0), the axis is in the "hold" state. Whereby
the set position of the axis is not corrected to the actual position. If the axis is moved in this
state, e.g. manually, the difference between the set position and the actual position increases
constantly (following error). The following error is suddenly corrected to zero when the "Con‐
troller enable" is set (speed setpoint jump).
Additional information If the controller enable is cancelled in the control because of faults, the "hold" state should be
activated for the axis before the NC start after the queued alarms have been successfully
deleted, and the accompanying controller enable set: DB31, ... DBX1.4 = 0 (follow-up mode).
Otherwise, for an NC Start and active follow-up mode, the traversing distance of the previous
NC block would not be executed due to the internal delete distance-to-go.
During the transition from the "follow-up" state to the "hold" state or when the controller enable
is set in position control, delete distance-to-go is activated in the control. As a consequence,
a traversing block in which only this axis is traversed, is terminated directly.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX2.1 (controller enable)
DB31, ... DBX2.3 (clamping in progress)
DB31, ... DBX61.3 (follow-up active)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 609
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX1.5 - 6 (position measuring system 1 (PMS1) / position measuring system
2 (PMS2))

DB31, ... DBX1.5 - 6 Position measuring system 1 (PMS1) / position measuring system 2 (PMS2)
Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The position measuring system is active.
Signal state 0 The position measuring system is inactive.

610 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX1.5 - 6 Position measuring system 1 (PMS1) / position measuring system 2 (PMS2)
Additional information Bit 6 Bit 5 Effect
(PMS 2) (PMS 1)
0 1 Position measuring system 1 is active:
● Position control of the machine axis via position measuring system 1.
● Monitoring functions (measuring system, standstill, clamping moni‐
toring, contour deviation, etc.) of the machine axis via position meas‐
uring system 1.
● If position measuring system 2 exists (MD30200 $MA_NUM_ENCS
== 2), its actual position value is acquired, but not monitored by any
of these functions.
1 0 Position measuring system 2 is active:
● Position control of the machine axis via position measuring system 2.
● Monitoring functions (measuring system, standstill, clamping moni‐
toring, contour deviation, etc.) of the machine axis via position meas‐
uring system 2.
● If position measuring system 1 exists (MD30200 $MA_NUM_ENCS
== 2), its actual position value is acquired, but not monitored by any
of these functions.
1 1 ● Position control of the machine axis via position measuring system 1.
● If position measuring system 2 is available (MD30200
$MA_NUM_ENCS == 2), its actual position value is also acquired.
0 0 Position measuring systems 1 and 2 are inactive ("parking" of the ma‐
chine axis):
● There is no actual value acquisition.
● The monitoring of the position measuring system has been deactiva‐
● The following interface signals are reset:
– DB31, ... DBX60.4 / 5 == 0 (referenced/synchronized, encoder
– DB31, ... DBX61.5 (position controller active)
– DB31, ... DBX61.6 (speed controller active)
– DB31, ... DBX61.7 (current controller active)
● If the interface signal of the active position measuring system is reset for a traversing axis,
the axis is stopped with a ramp stop without the controller enable being cancelled inter‐
● If a speed-controlled spindle does not have a position measuring system, the "Controller
enable" interface signal must be set:
DB31, ... DBX2.1 == 1 (controller enable)
● After deactivation of the "parking" state, incremental position measuring systems have to
be referenced to achieve the "referenced" encoder status.
● If the "parking" state is active, the following interface signal is ignored at NC start for this
DB31, ... DBX60.4 / 5 (referenced/synchronized 1/ 2).
Application examples

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX1.5 - 6 Position measuring system 1 (PMS1) / position measuring system 2 (PMS2)
1. Switching over from position measuring system 1 to positioning measuring system 2 (and
vice versa).
If the axis was referenced in both position measuring systems and the limit frequency of
the used measured value encoder has not been exceeded in the meantime, i.e.
DB31, ... DBX60.4 and 60.5 == 1 (referenced/synchronized 1/2), a new reference point
approach is not required after the switchover.
On switchover, the current difference between position measuring system 1 and 2 is
traversed immediately.
A tolerance band in which the deviation between the two actual values may lie at the
switchover can be specified in the following machine data:
MD36500 $MA_ENC_CHANGE_TOL (maximum tolerance for actual position value
If the actual value difference is greater than the tolerance, switchover is not performed and
alarm 25100 "Measuring system switchover not possible" is displayed.
2. Machine axis is parked:
The position measuring system monitoring is switched off when the measured value en‐
coder is removed.
3. Switch off position measuring system:
When the position measuring system 1 or 2 is switched off, the associated interface signal
is reset:
DB31, ... DBX60.4/5 (referenced/synchronized 1/2)
4. Reference point approach:
Reference point approach of the axis is executed with the selected position measuring
system. Every position measuring system must be referenced separately.
Corresponds to DB31, ... DBX60.4 / .5 (referenced/synchronized 1/2)
DB31, ... DBX61.6 (speed controller active)
DB31, ... DBX2.1 (controller enable)
MD36500 $MA_ENC_CHANGE_TOL (max. tolerance on actual position value switchover)
MD30200 $MA_NUM_ENCS (number of encoders)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX1.7 (override active)

DB31, ... DBX1.7 Override active

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Feedrate/spindle override is active.
Signal state 0 Feedrate/spindle override is not active.
Additional information The feedrate override factor (DB31, ... DBB0) specified by the NC/PLC interface is activated
with the interface signal.
If the feedrate/spindle override is not active, then independent of the actual switch position, a
value of 1.0 ≙ 100 % is used as override factor in the control. The first switch position is an
exception. Depending on the selected coding, for the first switch position the following factor
● Binary coding: Override factor = 0
● Gray coding: Override factor = MD12030 $MN_OVR_FACTOR_FEEDRATE[ 0 ]

612 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX1.7 Override active

Corresponds to MD12000 $MN_OVR_AX_IS_GRAY_CODE (axis-specific feedrate override switch Gray-co‐
MD12030 $MN_OVR_FACTOR_FEEDRATE (evaluation of the path feedrate override switch)
MD12100 $MN_OVR_FACTOR_LIMIT_BIN (limit for binary coded override switch)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB31, ... DBX2.0 (software cams: activation)

DB31, ... DBX2.0 Software cams: Activation

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A request has been made to activate the output of the minus and plus cam signals of an axis
to the PLC interface.
Signal state 0 A request has not been made to activate the output of the minus and plus cam signals of an
axis to the PLC interface.
Corresponds with DB10 DBX110.0 - 113.7 (software cams: minus cam signal 1 to 32)
DB10 DBX114.0 - 117.7 (software cams: plus cam signal 1 to 32)
DB31, ... DBX62.0 (software cams active)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX2.1 (controller enable)

DB31, ... DBX2.1 Controller enable

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Controller is enabled.
The position control loop is closed and the axis/spindle is in closed-loop control.
DB31, ... DBX61.5 = 1 (position controller active)
If the axis/spindle was referenced before resetting the interface signal, the axis/spindle does
not have to be re-referenced after the interface signal is set again. Supplementary condition:
The limit frequency of the active measuring system must not be exceeded in the meantime.
If the axis/spindle was moved from its position during the time in which the controller enable
was not set, the behavior when the controller enable is set depends on the interface signal
"follow-up mode":
● DB31, ... DBX1.4 == 1 (follow-up mode)
Position control is performed at the current position
● DB31, ... DBX1.4 == 0 (follow-up mode)
Position control is performed at the last position before the controller enable is reset

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 613
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX2.1 Controller enable

Signal state 0 Controller is not enabled.
The behavior when the "controller enable" is removed depends on whether the axis/spindle is
stationary or traversing at this time:
● Axis/spindle stationary:
– The position control loop of the axis is opened.
– For DB31, ... DBX1.4 == 1 (follow-up mode) ⇒ position setpoint = actual position value
– The controller enable on the drive is reset
– The following interface signals are reset:
DB31, ... DBX61.5 = 0 (position controller active)
DB31, ... DBX61.6 = 0 (speed controller active)
DB31, ... DBX61.7 = 0 (current controller active)
● Axis/spindle traverses
– The axis is stopped with rapid stop.
– Alarm 21612 "Controller enable VDI signal reset during motion".
– The position control loop of the axis/spindle is opened.
– Independent of the interface signal DB31, ... DBX1.4 (follow-up mode), the position
setpoint is corrected at the end of the braking operation (position setpoint = actual
position value) and the feedback signal DB31, ... DBX61.3 = 1 (follow-up mode) is set.
– The following interface signals are reset:
DB31, ... DBX61.5 (position controller active)
DB31, ... DBX61.6 (speed controller active)
DB31, ... DBX61.7 (current controller active)
The current set position is retained in the control when "Controller enable" is reset and "Follow-
up mode" (DB31, ... DBX1.4 == 0) is not set. If the axis is moved in this state, e.g. manually,
the difference between the set position and the actual position increases constantly (following
error). The following error is suddenly corrected to zero when the "Controller enable" is set
(speed setpoint jump).

614 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX2.1 Controller enable

Additional information Mechanical clamping of an axis
If the axis is positioned at the clamping position, the clamping mechanism is closed. The
controller enable is then reset. Otherwise, the position controller would constantly work
against the clamping, if the axis was moved mechanically from its specified position during the
clamping operation.
When the clamping is removed, the controller enable is set first and then the mechanical
clamping is released.
● Travel request for an axis/spindle without controller enable:
– The axis/spindle is not traversed
– The travel command is output to the interface
– As long as the travel request is present, the axis/spindle is traversed immediately when
the controller enable is set.
● When the controller enable is reset for a traversing geometry axis, this always results in a
contour violation.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX61.3 (follow-up active)
DB31, ... DBX1.4 (follow-up mode)
DB31, ... DBX61.5 (position controller active)
DB31, ... DBX61.6 (speed controller active)
DB31, ... DBX61.7 (current controller active)
MD36620 $MA_SERVO_DISABLE_DELAY_TIME (OFF delay of the controller enable)
MD36610 $MA_AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (braking ramp time when errors occur) DB31, ... DBX2.2 (spindle reset/delete distance to go)

DB31, ... DBX2.2 Delete distance-to-go/spindle reset

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 Axis: "Delete-distance-to-go" is requested.
Spindle: Reset is requested
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 615
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX2.2 Delete distance-to-go/spindle reset

Additional information Axis: Delete distance-to-go
● AUTOMATIC and MDI modes
The interface signal is only active if the axis is traversed as positioning axis. A positioning
axis is decelerated to standstill along its brake characteristic. The distance-to-go of the
axis is deleted.
● JOG mode
The axis is braked down to standstill alone its deceleration characteristic and then a
possible delete distance to go is a deleted.
After the delete distance to go, in an NC program, the following block is prepared again with
the actual axis position. As a consequence, a different contour is traversed along than pro‐
grammed in the NC program. Traversing to absolute position G90 in the block after "Delete
distance-to-go" at least allows the programmed position is approached. When traversing
using incremental dimension G91, then the programmed position would not be approached.
Spindle: reset
● Control mode:
– The spindle is stopped
– The NC program is again executed
– The spindle continues to rotate with the next M and S value programmed in the NC
● Oscillation mode:
– Oscillation is interrupted
– The axes continue to traverse
– The NC program continues with the actual gear stage
– The spindle continues to rotate with the next M and S value programmed in the NC
program. The speed obtained from these values (actual S value and the last active
gear stage) could be too high. In this case, the interface signal is set.
DB31, ... DBX83.1
● Positioning mode: The spindle is stopped
● Axis mode: The spindle is stopped
The response for a spindle reset is independent of the setting in machine data:
Dwell time (G4): Delete distance-to-go
During a block with dwell time (G4), the interface signal has no influence on the time that
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX6.2 (delete distance-to-go)
DB31, ... DBX83.1 (programmed speed too high)
MD35040 $MA_SPIND_ACTIVE_AFTER_RESET (own spindle reset)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

616 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX2.3 (clamping in progress)

DB31, ... DBX2.3 Clamping in progress

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Clamping in progress.
The clamping monitoring is active.
Signal state 0 Clamping completed.
Standstill monitoring is active.
Corresponds with MD36050 $MA_CLAMP_POS_TOL (clamping tolerance) DB31, ... DBX2.4 - 7 (reference point value 1 - 4)

DB31, ... DBX2.4 - 7 Reference point value 1-4

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Additional information When the reference cam is reached, the NC is signaled by the interface which coded refer‐
ence cam has been approached.
Actual value = MD34100 $MA_REFP_SET_POS [ <reference point value x> ]
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Meaning
0 0 0 0 Reference point value 1
0 0 0 1 Reference point value 1
0 0 1 0 Reference point value 2
0 1 0 0 Reference point value 3
1 0 0 0 Reference point value 4
● The interface signal must remain set until the reference point is reached or until a new
coded reference cam is approached.
● If the machine axis has reached the reference point, and noreference point value has been
selected, then reference point value 1 is used.
● For length measuring systems with distance-coded reference marks, the interface signal
is irrelevant.
Application example
On a machine tool with large traversing paths, up to four coded reference cams can be
distributed over the distance traveled by the axis; up to four different reference points ap‐
proached. This allows the traversing time when referencing to be shortened.
Corresponds with MD34100 $MA_REFP_SET_POS (reference point value)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 617
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX3.0 (accept external work offset)

DB31, ... DBX3.0 Accept external work offset

Signal flow PLC→ NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 0 → 1 Accepting the values for the external work offset is requested.
Signal state 1 → 0 Accepting the values for the external work offset is not requested.
Additional information With the interface signal, the value in system variable $AA_ETRANS is transferred into the
frame of the external work offset as external work offset ($P_EXTFRAME, $P_EXTFR):
DB31, ... DBX3.0: 0 → 1 ⇒ $P_EXTFRAME[<axis>] = $P_EXTFR[<axis>] =
Corresponds with ... $AA_ETRANS[<axis>] (external work offset)
$P_EXTFRAME[<axis>] (active system frame, external frame)
$P_EXTFR[<axis>] (data management frame for external frame)
MD28082 $MC_MM_SYSTEM_FRAME_MASK,bit1 (system frame)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX3.1 (enable travel to fixed stop)

DB31, ... DBX3.1 Enable travel to fixed stop

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Positive feedback to the request to enable travel to the fixed stop with DB31, ... DBX62.4 = 1.
Signal state 0 Negative feedback to the request to enable travel to the fixed stop with DB31, ... DBX62.4 =
Meaning after activating the function "travel to fixed stop" in the NC program (FXS):
● Travel to fixed stop is inhibited.
● The axis is stationary at the start position with reduced torque.
● The channel message "Wait: HiFu acknowledgment missing" is displayed.
Meaning before reaching the fixed stop DB31,
................................DBX62.5 == 0 (fixed stop reached): ● Travel to fixed stop interrupted.
● Alarm "20094: Axis%1 function was canceled" is displayed.
Meaning after reaching the fixed stop DB31, .................DBX62.5 == 1 (fixed stop reached):
● The torque limiting and monitoring of the fixed stop monitoring window are canceled.
Additional information Irrelevant for MD37060 $MA_FIXED_STOP_ACKN_MASK == 0 or 2
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX1.1 (acknowledge fixed stop reached).
DB31, ... DBX1.2 (fixed stop sensor)
DB31, ... DBX62.4 (activate travel to fixed stop)
DB31, ... DBX62.5 (fixed stop reached)
MD37060 $MA_FIXED_STOP_ACKN_MASK (monitoring PLC acknowledgements for travel
to fixed stop)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

618 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX3.2 - 5 (activate fixed feedrate 1 - 4, machine axes)

DB 31, ... DBX3.2 - 5 Activate fixed feedrate 1 - 4, machine axes

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Additional information With the interface signals, in the JOG mode, the fixed feedrate - parameterized using machine
data - is activated.
Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Meaning
0 0 0 0 Fixed feedrate not selected
0 0 0 1 Fixed feedrate 1
0 0 1 0 Fixed feedrate 2
0 1 0 0 Fixed feedrate 3
1 0 0 0 Fixed feedrate 4
Instead of the parameterized JOG velocity/ JOG rapid traverse velocity (MD ......JOG_VE‐
LO_...), the axis is traversed with the selected fixed feedrate. The traversing direction is
specified via the interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX6 / 7 (traversing keys, minus/plus)
The fixed feedrates are parameterized using the following machine data:
● Linear axes: MD12202 $MN_PERMANENT_FEED
● Rotary axes: MD12204 $MN_PERMANENT_ROT_AX_FEED
● The fixed feedrate is not used for:
– Spindles
– Positioning axes
– Tapping
● The fixed feedrate is always interpreted as linear feedrate. Switchover to linear feedrate
is performed internally in the control system also when revolutional feedrate is active.
Corresponds with MD12200 $MN_RUN_OVERRIDE_0 (traversing behavior with override 0)
MD12202 $MN_PERMANENT_FEED (fixed feedrates for linear axes)
MD12204 $MN_PERMANENT_ROT_AX_FEED (fixed feedrates for rotary axes)
MD21150 $MC_JOG_VELO_RAPID_ORI (conventional rapid traverse for orientation axes)
MD21155 $MC_JOG_VELO_ORI (conventional velocity for orientation axes)
MD21160 $MC_JOG_VELO_RAPID_GEO (conventional rapid traverse for geometry axes)
MD21165 $MC_JOG_VELO_GEO (conventional velocity for geometry axes)
MD32010 $MA_JOG_VELO_RAPID (conventional rapid traverse)
MD32020 $MA_JOG_VELO (conventional axis velocity)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX3.6 (velocity/spindle speed limiting)

DB31, ... DBX3.6 Velocity/spindle speed limitation

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX3.6 Velocity/spindle speed limitation

Signal state 1 The velocity/spindle speed limiting is active.
Signal state 0 The velocity/spindle speed limiting is not active.
Additional information The control limits the velocity/spindle speed to the parameterized limit value:
Corresponds with MD35100 $MA_SPIND_VELO_LIMIT (maximum spindle speed)
MD35160 $MA_SPIND_EXTERN_VELO_LIMIT (spindle speed limiting from the PLC)
SD43220 $SA_SPIND_MAX_VELO_G26 (programmable upper spindle speed limitation for
SD43230 $SA_SPIND_MAX_VELO_LIMS (spindle speed limitation for G96/G961/G97) DB31, ... DBX4.0 - 2 (activate handwheel)

DB31, ... DBX4.0 - 2 Activate handwheel

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Additional information The interface can be interpreted either bit or binary-coded. The definition is realized using
machine data MD11324.
Bit coded: maximum 3 handwheels
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of the assigned handwheel
0 0 0 No handwheel assignment
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
1 0 0 3
Binary coded: maximum 6 handwheels
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of the assigned handwheel
0 0 0 No handwheel assignment
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
1 0 1 5
1 1 0 6
At any one time, the machine axis can only be assigned to one handwheel. If, for bit coding,
several interface signals are set simultaneously, then the following priority applies: "Hand‐
wheel 1" before "Handwheel 2" before "Handwheel 3".
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX64.0 - 2 (handwheel active)
MD11324 $MN_HANDWH_VDI_REPRESENTATION (representation of the handwheel num‐
ber at the VDI interface)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

620 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX4.3 (feedrate/spindle stop, axis-specific)

DB31, ... DBX4.3 Feedrate/spindle stop, axis-specific

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Feedrate/spindle stop is active.
Signal state 0 Feedrate/spindle stop is not active.
Further information Axis
● If the interface signal is set while traversing the axis, then the axis is braked down to
standstill along its braking characteristic. If the axis is in an interpolatory relationship with
other axes, these are also braked.
● After the interface signal has been reset, traversing motion that was stopped is continued.
● The position control is retained and the following error is eliminated.
● If the interface signal is set, and a request is issued to traverse, then the axis is not
traversed. However, the traverse request is kept. When the interface signal is reset, the
traverse request is immediately executed, i.e. the axis is traversed.
● The interface signal is active in all modes.
Thread cutting Effectiveness
G33, G34, G35 Effective (contour deviations occur)
G331, G332 Effective
G63 Effective
● If the interface signal is set while traversing the spindle, then the spindle is braked down
to standstill along its braking characteristic. If the spindle is in an interpolatory relationship
with other spindles, these are also braked.
● After the interface signal has been reset, traversing motion that was stopped is continued.
● During positioning, the position control is retained and the following error is eliminated.
● If the interface signal is set, and a request is issued to move during positioning operation,
then the spindle is not moved. However, the traverse request is kept. When the interface
signal is reset, the traverse request is immediately executed, i.e. the spindle is moved.
● The interface signal is active in all modes.
The interface signal is not active when "Axis/spindle inhibit" (DB31, ... DBX1.3 == 1) is active.
Corresponds to DB31, ... DBX1.3 (axis/spindle disable)
Further information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX4.4 (traversing key disable)

DB31, ... DBX4.4 Traversing key lock

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The "Plus" and "Minus" traversing keys are locked.
Signal state 0 The "Plus" and "Minus" traversing keys are enabled.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 621
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX4.4 Traversing key lock

Additional information Note
If the traversing key disable is activated while traversing, the axis is stopped.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX4.6 - 7 (traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX4.5 (rapid traverse override)

DB31, ... DBX4.5 Rapid traverse override

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 When manually traversing the machine axis using the traversing keys, when the interface
signal is set, rapid traverse velocity becomes active (MD32010).
Signal state 0 When manually traversing the machine axis using the traversing keys, the entered JOG
velocity becomes active (SD41110 or MD32020).
Additional information The signal is only active for continuous or incremental manual traversing in the JOG mode.
The signal is irrelevant:
● for reference point approach (JOG mode)
● in the AUTOMATIC and MDI modes
The rapid traverse velocity can be influenced using the rapid traverse override switch.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX4.6 - 7 (traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
SD41110 $SN_JOG_SET_VELO (axis velocity for JOG)
MD32010 $MA_JOG_VELO_RAPID (conventional rapid traverse)
MD32020 $MA_JOG_VELO (conventional axis velocity)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX4.6 - 7 ("Plus" / "Minus" traversing keys)

DB31, ... DBX4.6 - 7 Traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus"

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A request has been made to traverse the machine axis using the traversing key in the positive/
negative axis direction.
Signal state 0 A request has not been made to traverse the machine axis using the traversing key in the
positive/negative axis direction.

622 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX4.6 - 7 Traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus"

Additional information There is a request signal for every traversing key and/or axis direction:
Bit 6 Traversing key "Minus" (for traversing in the negative axis direction)
Bit 7 Traversing key "Plus" (for traversing in the positive axis direction)
Depending on the active machine function, as well as the settings for jog and continuous
operation (SD41050 and MD11300), different responses are initiated when the signal
1. Continuous manual travel in the jog mode
The machine axis traverses in the direction concerned to the active limit switch as long as
the interface signal is set to 1.
2. Continuous manual travel in continuous operation
On the first edge change 0 →1 the machine axis starts to traverse in the relevant direction.
This traversing movement still continues when the edge changes from 1 → 0. Any new
signal edge change 0 → 1 (same traversing direction!) stops the traversing movement.
3. Incremental manual travel in the jog mode
With signal 1 the machine axis starts to traverse at the set increment. If the signal changes
to the 0 state before the increment is traversed, then traversing is interrupted. When the
signal state changes to 1 again, traversing is continued. The axis can be stopped and
started several times as described above until it has traversed the complete increment.
4. Incremental manual travel in continuous operation
At the first edge change 0 → 1, the machine axis starts to traverse at the set increment. If
another edge change 0 → 1 is performed with the same traverse signal before the geom‐
etry axis has traversed the increment, the traversing movement will be cancelled. The
increment is no longer traversed to the end.
● The interface signal is irrelevant in operating modes:
● If both traversing signals ("plus" and "minus") are set at the same time there is no tra‐
versing or the current traversing is aborted.
● Traversing by means of the traversing keys can be locked via DB31, ... DBX4.4 (traversing
key disable).
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX4.4 (traversing key disable)
DB31, ... DBX64.6 - 7 ("Plus" and "Minus" traversing command)
SD41050 $SN_JOG_CONT_MODE_LEVELTRIGGRD (jog/continuous operation for JOG,
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX5.0 - 6 (machine function request)

DB31, ... DBX5.0 - 6 Machine function request

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The machine function to manually traverse the machine axis has been requested.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 623
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX5.0 - 6 Machine function request

Signal state 0 The machine function to manually traverse the machine axis has not been requested.
Additional information There is a request signal for every machine function to manually traverse the machine axis in
the JOG mode.
Bit 0 INC1
Bit 1 INC10
Bit 2 INC100
Bit 3 INC1000
Bit 4 INC10000
Bit 5 INCvar
Bit 6 Continuous manual travel
Incremental manual travel
In addition to five fixed increment sizes (default setting in MD11330: INC1, INC10, INC100,
INC1000 and INC10000), a variable increment size (INCvar) that can be set via the setting
data SD41010 is also available. The distance evaluation of one increment for fixed and vari‐
able increment sizes is performed via the axis-specific machine data MD31090.
When pressing the "Plus" or "Minus" traversing key, or by rotating the electronic handwheel,
the axis starts to traverse in the appropriate direction, corresponding to the number of incre‐
ments of the active machine function.
Continuous manual travel
For continuous manual travel, the plus and minus traversing keys are selected to move the
axis continuously and the appropriate direction.

● If several requests are set simultaneously, no machine function becomes active.
● If an axis is currently being traversed via a machine function, the movement is aborted
through deselection or change of the machine function.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX65.0 - 65.6 (active machine function)
MD11320 $MN_HANDWH_IMP_PER_LATCH (handwheel pulses per detent position)
MD11330 $MN_JOG_INCR_SIZE_TAB (increment size for INC/handwheel)
MD31090 $MA_JOG_INCR_WEIGHT (evaluation of an increment for INC/handwheel)
SD41010 $SN_JOG_VAR_INCR_SIZE (size of the variable increment for JOG)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX7.0 (invert handwheel direction of rotation)

DB31, ... DBX7.0 Invert handwheel direction of rotation

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A request has been made to invert the direction of rotation of the handwheel assigned to the
machine axis.
Signal state 0 A request has not been made to invert the direction of rotation of the handwheel assigned to
the machine axis.

624 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX7.0 Invert handwheel direction of rotation

Additional information Note
It is only permissible to change the interface signal when the machine axis is at a standstill.
Application examples
● The direction of movement of the handwheel does not match the expected direction of the
● A handwheel is assigned to several axes with different orientations.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX67.0 (handwheel direction of rotation inversion active)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBB8 (request axis/spindle replacement)

DB31, ... DBB8 Axis/spindle exchange request

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 Request from PLC, switchover axis
Edge change 1 → 0 Acknowledged by the NC
Additional information From the PLC user program, via DBB8 an axis/spindle exchange can be requested:
● From an NC channel to the PLC
● From the PLC to an NC channel
● From an NC channel to another NC channel
Bit Meaning
0 ... 3 Name of the channel to which the axis/spindle is to be assigned (binary code).
The axis should be assigned to channel 2.
Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Channel num‐
0 0 1 0 2
4 Request axis/spindle exchange
0→1 Request from PLC
1→0 Acknowledged by the NC
5 -
6 -
7 Request "PLC axis"
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBB68 (Axis/spindle replacement)
MD20070 $MC_AXCONF_MACHAX_USED (machine axis number valid in channel)
MD30550 $MA_AXCONF_ASSIGN_MASTER_CHAN (initial setting of channel for axis re‐
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 625
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX9.0 - (2 select: position controller parameter set)

DB31, ... DBX9.0 - 2 Selection: Position controller parameter set

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Additional information Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Parameter set
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 2
0 1 0 3
0 1 1 4
1 0 0 5
1 0 1 6
1 1 0 6
1 1 1 6
Selecting a position controller parameter set is ignored, for:
Corresponds with DB31, ...DBX69.0, .1, ..2 (feedback signal: active position controller parameter set)
Additional information SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, drive, "Com‐
missioning NC" DB31, ... DBX9.3 (parameter set definitions disabled by NC)

DB31, ... DBX9.3 Parameter set definitions disabled by NC

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The parameter set switchover is disabled.
Signal state 0 The parameter set switchover is enabled.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX9.0, .1, .2 DB31, ... DBX10.0 (REPOS delay)

DB31, ... DBX10.0 REPOS delay

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A REPOS delay is requested.
After a block search, a REPOS offset is applied for this axis. However it is not applied using
the approach block, but rather using the next traversing block in which the axis is program‐
Signal state 0 A REPOS delay is not requested.
After a block search, a REPOS offset is applied for this axis using the approach block.

626 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX10.0 REPOS delay

Additional information Note
If the machine axes are involved on a path (DB31, ... DBX76.4 == 1 (path axis)), then the
interface signal is not active.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX25.4 (REPOS mode activation)
DB21, ... DBX31.0 - 2 (REPOS mode)
DB21, ... DBX31.4 (REPOS mode change)
DB31, ... DBX72.0 (REPOS delay)
DB21, ... DBX319.0 (REPOS mode change acknowledgment)
DB21, ... DBX319.1 - 3 (active REPOS mode)
DB21, ... DBX319.5 (REPOS acknowledgment delay)
DB31, ... DBX70.0 (REPOS offset)
DB31, ... DBX70.1 (REPOS offset valid)
DB31, ... DBX70.2 (REPOS delay acknowledgment)
DB31, ... DBX76.4 (path axis)
MD11470 $MN_REPOS_MODE_MASK (repositioning properties)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB31, ... DBX12.0 (hardware limit switch minus)

DB31, ... DBX12.0 Hardware limit switch minus:

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The hardware limit switch minus was activated.
Signal state 0 The hardware limit switch minus was not activated.
Additional information Alarm 21614 "Hardware limit switch -" is displayed, and the axis is stopped.
Corresponds with MD36600 $MA_BRAKE_MODE_CHOICE (deceleration behavior when the hardware limit
switch responds) DB31, ... DBX12.1 (hardware limit switch plus)

DB31, ... DBX12.1 Hardware limit switch plus

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Hardware limit switch plus was triggered.
Signal state 0 Hardware limit switch plus was not triggered.
Additional information Alarm 21614 "Hardware limit switch +" is displayed, and the axis is stopped.
Corresponds with MD36600 $MA_BRAKE_MODE_CHOICE (deceleration behavior when the hardware limit
switch responds)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 627
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31,... DBX12.2 (second software limit switch minus)

DB31, ... DBX12.2 Second software limit switch minus

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Second software limit switch minus
Signal state 0 The second software limit switch minus was not triggered.
Corresponds with MD36100 $MA_POS_LIMIT_MINUS (1st software limit switch minus)
MD36120 $MA_POS_LIMIT_MINUS2 (2nd software limit switch minus) DB31, ... DBX12.3 (second software limit switch plus)

DB31, ... DBX12.3 Second software limit switch plus

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The second software limit switch plus was triggered.
Signal state 0 The second software limit switch plus was not triggered.
Corresponds with MD36110 $MA_POS_LIMIT_PLUS (1st software limit switch plus)
MD36130 $MA_POS_LIMIT_PLUS2 (2nd software limit switch plus) DB31, ... DBX12.4 (modulo rotary axis: activate traversing range limits)

DB31, ... DBX12.4 Modulo rotary axis: activate traversing range limits
Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Activate traversing range limits (software limit switch, working area limits) for modulo rotary
Signal state 0 Deactivate traversing range limits for modulo rotary axes.
Additional information Note
The signal is irrelevant if linear axes/rotary axes do not have modulo functionality.
Application example
Mounted rotary axis with monitoring
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX74.4 (modulo rotary axis: traversing range limits active)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX12.7 (reference point approach deceleration)

DB31, ... DBX12.7 Deceleration of reference point approach

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The machine axis is positioned at the reference cam.

628 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX12.7 Deceleration of reference point approach

Signal state 0 The machine axis is positioned in front of the reference cam.
Additional information Note
Using a suitable reference cam, which extends from the reference point to the end of the
traversing range, it is recommended to ensure that before the reference point approach, the
machine axis can be located in the range behind the reference cam.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX2.4 - 7 (reference point value 1 to 4)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX13.0 - 2 (JOG approach fixed point)

DB31, ... DBX13.0 - 2 JOG fixed point approach

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Additional information After selecting the "Approach fixed point in JOG" function, the PLC outputs the number of the
fixed point to be approached binary coded to the NC using DB31, ... DBX.0 - 2:
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of fixed point to be approached
0 0 0 -
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
As soon as the function is active (see DB31, ... DBX75.0 - 2), then the selected machine axis
can be traversed to the corresponding fixed point using either the traversing keys or the
handwheel. The fixed points are defined using machine data MD30600.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX75.0 - 2 (JOG approach fixed point active)
DB31, ... DBX75.3 - 5 (JOG approach fixed point reached)
MD30600 $MA_FIX_POINT_POS[<n>] (fixed value positions of the axis)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX13.3 (JOG travel to position)

DB31, ... DBX13.3 JOG travel to position

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The function "Position travel in JOG" is requested:
Signal state 0 The function "Position travel in JOG" is not requested:

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 629
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX13.3 JOG travel to position

Additional information As soon as the function is active (see DB31, ... DBX75.6), then using the traversing keys or
the handwheel, the selected machine axis can be traversed to the position specified with
setting data SD43320.
The function is used for machine tools that are exclusively operated manually, e.g. to ap‐
proach drill-holes in precise increments.
The following preconditions applying for the "Position travel in JOG" function:
● The function can only be activated in the JOG mode.
The function cannot be activated if the machine function JOG-REPOS or JOG-REF is
active and in JOG in AUTOMATIC.
● The axis to be traversed must be referenced.
● A kinematic transformation may not be active.
● The axis to be traversed may not be a following axis of an active coupling.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX75.6 (JOG travel to position active)
DB31, ... DBX75.7 (JOG position reached)
SD43320 $SA_JOG_POSITION (JOG position)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX14.0 (suppress program test)

DB31, ... DBX14.0 Suppress program test

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Suppression of the program test (setpoint output locked) is requested.
Signal state 0 Suppression of the program test (setpoint output locked) is not requested.
Additional information If function "Program test" (PRT) is active in the channel to which the axis currently belongs,
the axis is traversed with internal axis disable. Setpoints are generated but they not output to
the machine axes. Actual value = Setpoint.
If the program test is suppressed for the axis, setpoints are output to the machine axis despite
the function "program test" being active in the channel to which the axis currently belongs.
Automatic transfer of the interface signals
The HMI request signals DB21, ... DBX128.0 / .1 are only transferred from the basic PLC
program to the PLC request signals DB21, ... DBX14.0 / .1 if FB1 parameter MMCToIF is set
to TRUE. If the parameter is not set, the PLC request signals must be set by the PLC user
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX14.1 (activate program test)
DB31, ... DBX128.0 (suppress program test)
DB31, ... DBX128.1 (activate program test)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

630 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX14.1 (activate program test)

DB31, ... DBX14.1 Activate program test

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Activation of the function "program test" (setpoint output locked) is requested.
Signal state 0 Activation of the function "program test" (setpoint output locked) is not requested.
Additional information If the function "program test" is active, the axis is traversed with internal axis disable. Setpoints
are generated but they not output to the machine axes. Actual value = Setpoint.
Automatic transfer of the interface signals
The HMI request signals DB21, ... DBX128.0 / .1 are only transferred from the basic PLC
program to the PLC request signals DB21, ... DBX14.0 / .1 if FB1 parameter MMCToIF is set
to TRUE. If the parameter is not set, the PLC request signals must be set by the PLC user
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX14.0 (suppress program test)
DB31, ... DBX128.0 (suppress program test)
DB31, ... DBX128.1 (activate program test)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB31, ... DBX16.0 - 2 (actual gear stage)

DB31, ... DBX16.0 - 2 Actual gear stage

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 631
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX16.0 - 2 Actual gear stage

Additional information If the new gear stage is selected at the machine, the PLC user program sets the following
interface signals as feedback signal to the NC:
● DB31, ... DBX16.0 - 2 (actual gear stage)
● DB31, ... DBX16.3 (gear stage has been changed)
This signals the NC that the correct stage has been successfully selected. The associated
parameter set becomes active in the NC.
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Parameter set Meaning: Parameter set for
--- --- --- 0 Axis mode
0 0 0 1 Gear stage 1
0 0 1 Gear stage 1
0 1 0 2 Gear stage 2
0 1 1 3 Gear stage 3
1 0 0 4 Gear stage 4
1 0 1 5 Gear stage 5
1 1 0 Gear stage 5
1 1 1 Gear stage 5
If the PLC user program signals back to the NC with a different actual gear stage than issued
by the NC as the set gear stage requested by the PLC, the gear change is still considered to
have been successfully completed and the actual gear stage that is signaled back is activated
in the NC.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX16.3 (gear stage has been changed)
DB31, ... DBX18.5 (oscillation speed)
DB31, ... DBX82.0 - 2 (set gear stage)
DB31, ... DBX82.3 (change over gear stage)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX16.3 (gear stage has been changed)

DB31, ... DBX16.3 Gear is changed over

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 Gear is changed over
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect.

632 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX16.3 Gear is changed over

Additional information If the new gear stage is selected at the machine, the PLC user program sets the following
interface signals as feedback signal to the NC:
● DB31, ... DBX16.0 - 2 (actual gear stage)
● DB31, ... DBX16.3 = 0 → 1 (gear stage has been changed)
Feedback signal from the NC to the PLC: DB31, ... DBX82.3 = 0 (changeover gear stage)
Feedback signal from the PLC to the NC: DB31, ... DBX16.3 = 0 (gear stage has been
This completes the gear stage change in the control system.
● The interface signal is irrelevant for all spindle modes with the exception of the oscillation
● If the PLC user program signals back to the NC with a different actual gear stage than
issued by the NC as the set gear stage requested by the PLC, the gear change is still
considered to have been successfully completed and the actual gear stage that is signaled
back is activated in the NC.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX16.0 - 2 (actual gear stage)
DB31, ... DBX82.0 - 2 (set gear stage)
DB31, ... DBX82.3 (change over gear stage)
DB31, ... DBX18.5 (oscillation speed)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX16.4 (resynchronize spindle, measuring system 1)

DB31, ... DBX16.4 Resynchronize spindle, measuring system 1

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 There is an active request to synchronize measuring system 1 of the spindle.
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect.
Additional information Note
The interface signal is irrelevant for all spindle modes with the exception of the control mode.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX60.4 (referenced / synchronized 1)
DB31, ... DBX60.5 (referenced / synchronized 2)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX16.5 (resynchronize spindle, measuring system 2)

DB31, ... DBX16.5 Resynchronize spindle, measuring system 2

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 There is an active request to synchronize measuring system 2 of the spindle.
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 633
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX16.5 Resynchronize spindle, measuring system 2

Additional information Note
The interface signal is irrelevant for all spindle modes with the exception of the control mode.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX60.4 (referenced / synchronized 1)
DB31, ... DBX60.5 (referenced / synchronized 2)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX16.7 (delete S value)

DB31, ... DBX16.7 Delete S value

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 There is an active request to delete the S value.
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect.
Additional information Control mode:
● The spindle is braked via its parameterized braking ramp down to standstill.
Oscillation mode, axis mode, positioning mode:
● Deleting the actual S value has no effect on the actual function. However, if the control
mode is selected again, a new S value must be programmed.
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX17.4 (resynchronizing the spindle before positioning, measuring system 1)

DB31, ... DBX17.4 Resynchronizing the spindle before positioning, measuring system 1
Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 There is an active request to resynchronize measuring system 1 before positioning the spin‐
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect.
Additional information Note
The interface signal is irrelevant for all spindle modes with the exception of the positioning
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX60.4 (referenced/synchronized 1)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX17.5 (resynchronizing the spindle before positioning, measuring system 2)

DB31, ... DBX17.5 Resynchronizing the spindle before positioning, measuring system 2
Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 There is an active request to resynchronize measuring system 2 before positioning the spin‐

634 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX17.5 Resynchronizing the spindle before positioning, measuring system 2
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect.
Additional information Note
The interface signal is irrelevant for all spindle modes with the exception of the positioning
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX60.2 (referenced/synchronized 2)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX17.6 (invert M3 / M4)

DB31, ... DBX17.6 Invert M3/M4

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 There is an active request to invert the direction of rotation programmed with M3 / M4.
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect.
Additional information The direction of rotation of the spindle motor changes for the following functions:
● M3
● M4
● M5
● SPOS/M19/SPOSA from the motion; not effective for SPOS/M19/SPOSA from zero speed
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB31, ... DBX18.4 (oscillation controlled by the PLC)

DB31, ... DBX18.4 Oscillation controlled by the PLC

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 The "Oscillation of the machine axis controlled by the PLC user program" function is reques‐
Edge change 1 → 0 The "Oscillation of the machine axis controlled by the PLC user program" function is not
Additional information For the "Oscillation of the machine axis controlled by the PLC user program" function the
following system data must be set or parameterized.
● DB31, ... DBX18.4 = 1 (oscillation controlled by the PLC)
● DB31, ... DBX18.5 = 1 (oscillation speed)
● MD35400 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_DES_VELO = <oscillation speed>
● MD35410 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_ACCEL = <oscillation acceleration>
● DB31, ... DBX18.6 = ... → 0 → 1 → 0 ... (set direction of rotation clockwise)
● DB31, ... DBX18.7 = ... → 1 → 0 → 1 ... (set direction of rotation counterclockwise)
The direction of rotation when starting and the traversing duration for each direction of rotation
must be specified by the PLC user program.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 635
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX18.4 Oscillation controlled by the PLC

Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX18.5 (oscillation speed)
DB31, ... DBX18.6 (setpoint direction of rotation, clockwise)
DB31, ... DBX18.7 (setpoint direction of rotation, counterclockwise)
MD35400 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_DES_VELO (oscillation speed)
MD35410 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_ACCEL (acceleration when oscillating)
Additional information ● Function Manual Axes and Spindles
● Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX18.5 (oscillation enable)

DB31, ... DBX18.5 Oscillation enable

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Traversing the spindle in the oscillation mode (oscillation) has been enabled by the NC.
Signal state 0 Traversing the spindle in the oscillation mode (oscillation) has not been enabled by the NC.
Additional information Note
The interface signal is irrelevant for all spindle modes with the exception of the oscillation
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX16.0 - 2 (actual gear stage)
DB31, ... DBX16.3 (gear stage has been changed)
DB31, ... DBX18.4 (oscillation controlled by the PLC)
DB31, ... DBX18.5 (oscillation enable)
DB31, ... DBX18.6 (setpoint direction of rotation, clockwise)
DB31, ... DBX18.7 (setpoint direction of rotation, counterclockwise)
DB31, ... DBX61.4 (spindle stationary)
DB31, ... DBX82.0 - 2 (set gear stage)
DB31, ... DBX82.3 (change over gear stage)
DB31, ... DBX83.5 (spindle in setpoint range)
DB31, ... DBX84.6 (active spindle mode: oscillating mode)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX18.6 (oscillation: Clockwise direction of rotation)

DB31, ... DBX18.6 Oscillation: Clockwise direction of rotation

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Clockwise oscillation direction of rotation is requested.
Signal state 0 Clockwise oscillation direction of rotation is not requested.
Additional information Note
The interface signal is irrelevant for all spindle modes with the exception of the oscillation

636 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX18.6 Oscillation: Clockwise direction of rotation

Corresponds to DB31, ... DBX16.0 - 2 (actual gear stage)
DB31, ... DBX16.3 (gear stage has been changed)
DB31, ... DBX18.4 (oscillation controlled by the PLC)
DB31, ... DBX18.5 (oscillation enable)
DB31, ... DBX18.7 (setpoint direction of rotation, counterclockwise)
DB31, ... DBX61.4 (spindle stationary)
DB31, ... DBX82.0 - 2 (set gear stage)
DB31, ... DBX82.3 (change over gear stage)
DB31, ... DBX83.5 (spindle in setpoint range)
DB31, ... DBX84.6 (active spindle mode: Oscillation mode)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX18.7 (oscillation: Counterclockwise direction of rotation)

DB31, ... DBX18.7 Oscillation: Counterclockwise direction of rotation

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Counterclockwise oscillation direction of rotation is requested.
Signal state 0 Counterclockwise oscillation direction of rotation is not requested.
Additional information Note
The interface signal is irrelevant for all spindle modes with the exception of the oscillation
Corresponds to DB31, ... DBX16.0 - 2 (actual gear stage)
DB31, ... DBX16.3 (gear stage has been changed)
DB31, ... DBX18.4 (oscillation controlled by the PLC)
DB31, ... DBX18.5 (oscillation enable)
DB31, ... DBX18.6 (setpoint direction of rotation, clockwise)
DB31, ... DBX61.4 (spindle stationary)
DB31, ... DBX82.0 - 2 (set gear stage)
DB31, ... DBX82.3 (change over gear stage)
DB31, ... DBX83.5 (spindle in setpoint range)
DB31, ... DBX84.6 (active spindle mode: Oscillation mode)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBB19 (speed override, spindle-specific)

DB31, ... DBB19 Speed override, spindle-specific

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 637
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBB19 Speed override, spindle-specific

Additional information Binary/Gray coding
The override factors can be specified in the binary or Gray-coded format. The control must be
informed of the used format via the following machine data:
MD12060 $MN_OVR_SPIN_IS_GRAY_CODE = <Coding>
Binary coding
With binary coding, the value in the interface corresponds to the override factor.
Binary code Decimal Override factor
0000 0000 0 0.00
0000 0001 1 0.01
0000 0010 2 0.02
0000 0011 3 0.03
000 0100 4 0.04
... ... ...
0110 0100 100 1.00
... ... ...
1100 1000 200 2.00
Gray coding
The Gray-coded values of the interface are assigned the override factors via the following
machine data:
MD12070 $MN_OVR_FACTOR_SPIND_SPEED[ <Switch position> - 1 ] = <Override factor>
Switch position Gray code Override factor 1)
1 00001 0.50
2 00011 0.55
3 00010 0.60
4 00110 0.65
5 00111 0.70
6 00101 0.75
7 00100 0.80
8 01100 0.85
9 01101 0.90
10 01111 0.95
11 01110 1.00
12 01010 1.05
13 01011 1.10
14 01001 1.15
15 01000 1.20
16 11000 1.20
17 11001 1.20
18 11011 1.20
19 11010 1.20
20 11110 1.20
21 11111 1.20
22 11101 1.20

638 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBB19 Speed override, spindle-specific

23 11100 1.20
24 10100 1.20
25 10101 1.20
26 10111 1.20
27 10110 1.20
28 10010 1.20
29 10011 1.20
30 10001 1.20
31 10000 1.20
● The active override factor is limited internally in the control to 2.00 or 200%.
● The effective override factor is limited to 100% in the "oscillation mode" spindle mode.
● The maximum possible override factor can be limited to a value less than 200% with the
following machine data:
● The spindle-specific speed override is not effective with the following function when cutting
threads: G63
● The spindle-specific speed override acts on the programmed values before other limits
(e.g. G26, LIMS...) take effect.
Corresponds to MD12080 $MN_OVR_REFERENCE_IS_PROG_FEED (override reference velocity)
DB31, ... DBB0 (feedrate override, axis-specific)
DB31, ... DBX1.7 (feedrate/speed override active)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles
1) Default values DB31, ... DBX20.1 (ramp-function generator disable)

DB31, ... DBX20.1 Ramp-function generator disable

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A rapid stop with speed setpoint 0 is requested for the drive. The drive is stopped without a
ramp function (regenerative braking).
Feedback for the triggering of the rapid stop in the drive is via:
DB31, ... DBX92.1 == 1 (ramp-function generator disable active)
Signal state 0 No rapid stop with speed setpoint 0 is requested for the drive.
Additional information Using drive parameters p0922 and p2038, a PROFIdrive telegram compatible with the "SI‐
MODRIVE 611 universal" interface mode must be set in the drive.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX92.1 (ramp-function generator disable active)
Driver parameter p0922 (IF1 PROFIdrive PZD telegram selection)
Drive parameter p2038 (IF1 PROFIdrive STW/ZSW interface mode)
Additional information NC: SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, Drive
Drive: SINAMICS S120/S150 List Manual

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 639
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX21.0 - 4 (motor/drive data set: selection)

DB31, ... DBX21.0 - 4 Motor/drive data set: Selection

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Additional information The switchover to a new motor (MDS) and/or to drive data sets (DDS) is requested via the
Formatting the request interface, i.e. which bits are used to address the motor data sets
(MDS) – and which are used to address the drive data sets (DDS) is set via the formatting
interface (DB31, …DBX130.0 - 4).
Main spindle drive
For main spindle drives, the following classification applies:
● MDS[ 0 ] → star operation
● MDS[ 1 ] → delta operation
Switchover time
In principle it is possible to switch over drive parameter sets at any time. However, as torque
jumps can occur when switching over speed controller parameters and motor speed normal‐
ization, parameters should only be switched over in stationary states, especially axis standstill.
As soon as the request to switch over to another motor data set is identified, the pulses enable
is reset.
Application examples
● Main spindle drive
For example, it is possible to switch between operating mode 1 (star operation) and op‐
erating mode 2 (delta operation) for a main spindle drive (MSD) by switching over the
motor data set.
● Drive parameter set
It may be necessary to switch over the drive parameter set, for:
– Gear stage change
– Changing the measuring circuit
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX93.0 - 4 (motor/drive data set: display)
DB31, …DBX130.0 - 4 (motor/drive data set: formatting)
DB31, ... DBX21.5 (motor has been selected)
Additional information ● Function Manual Basic Functions
● SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, Drive DB31, ... DBX21.5 (motor has been selected)

DB31, ... DBX21.5 Motor being selected

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX21.5 Motor being selected

Signal state 1 The necessary electrical and/or mechanical switchover operations (e.g. contactor switchover
for star-delta switchover) have been completed.
● It is permissible that the axis traverses again.
● The drive enables the pulses.
Signal state 0 The necessary electrical (e.g. contactor switchover for star-delta switchover) and/or mechan‐
ical switchovers have not been completed:
● It is not permissible that the axis traverses.
● The drive does not enable the pulses.
Additional information The signal must be reset before a request to switch over to a new motor data set (MDS) and/
or drive data set (DDS) (DB31, ... DBX21.0 - 4).
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX21.0 - 4 (motor/drive data set: request interface)
DB31, ... DBX93.0 - 4 (motor/drive data set: display interface)
DB31, …DBX130.0 - 4 (motor/drive data set: formatting interface)
Additional information ● Function Manual
● SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, Drive DB31, ... DBX21.6 (integrator disable, speed controller)

DB31, ... DBX21.6 Integrator disable, speed controller

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The integrator (I component) of the speed controller is disabled or is to be disabled (P instead
of PI behavior).
If the speed controller integrator disable is activated, compensatory action may be taken in
certain applications (e.g. if the integrator was already holding a load while stationary).
The drive acknowledges the integrator disable
to the PLC with the interface signal: DB31, ... DBX93.6 (speed controller integrator disa‐
Signal state 0 The integrator (I component) of the speed controller is enabled (PI behavior).
Additional information If the speed controller integrator disable is activated, compensatory action may be taken, e.g.
if the integrator was already holding a load while stationary.
The feedback signal regarding the speed controller disable is realized from the drive using:
DB31, ... DBX93.6 (integrator disable, speed controller)
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX93.6 (integrator disable, speed controller)
Additional information SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, Drive DB31, ... DBX21.7 (pulse enable)

DB31, ... DBX21.7 Pulse enable

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The pulses are enabled for the drive.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX21.7 Pulse enable

Signal state 0 The pulses are disabled for the drive.
Additional information The pulses are only enabled in the drive when the drive signals that it is ready:
DB31, ... DBX93.5 == 1 (feedback signal: drive ready)
If the pulse enable is removed during motion (e.g. emergency stop), the axis/spindle is no
longer braked under control. The axis coasts to standstill.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX93.5 (feedback signal: drive ready)
DB31, ... DBX93.7 (feedback signal: Pulses are enabled)
Additional information SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, Drive DB31, ... DBB22.0 (SI: SBH/SG deselection)

DB31, ... DBX22.0 SBH / SG deselection

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 SBH and SG are deselected
Signal state 0 SBH and SG are deselected
Additional information Function Manual, SINUMERIK Safety Integrated DB31, ... DBB22.1 (SI: SBH deselection)

DB31, ... DBX22.1 SBH deselection

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 SBH is deselected
Signal state 0 SBH is selected
Additional information Function Manual, SINUMERIK Safety Integrated DB31, ... DBB22.3 - 4 (SI: SG selection)

DB31, ... DBX22.3 - 4 SG selection

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Additional information When the SG function is active, the speed limit value is selected using the interface signals.
Bit 1 Bit 0 Meaning
0 0 Speed limit value for SG1 is selected
0 1 Speed limit value for SG2 is selected
1 0 Speed limit value for SG3 is selected
1 1 Speed limit value for SG4 is selected
Additional information Function Manual, SINUMERIK Safety Integrated

642 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBB23.0 - 2 (gear ratio selection)

DB31, ... DBX23.0 - 2 Gear ratio selection

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Additional information Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Meaning
0 0 0 Gearbox stage 1 is selected
0 0 1 Gearbox stage 2 is selected
0 1 0 Gearbox stage 3 is selected
0 1 1 Gearbox stage 4 is selected
1 0 0 Gearbox stage 5 is selected
1 0 1 Gearbox stage 6 is selected
1 1 0 Gearbox stage 7 is selected
1 1 1 Gearbox stage 8 is selected
Additional information Function Manual, SINUMERIK Safety Integrated DB31, ... DBB23.4 (SI: SE selection)

DB31, ... DBX23.4 SE selection

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Additional information Selection of the safe software limit switch 1 or 2:
Bit 4 Meaning
0 SE2 is selected
1 SE1 is selected
Additional information Function Manual, SINUMERIK Safety Integrated DB31, ... DBB24.1 (control axis)

DB31, ... DBX24.1 Control axis

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The axis-specific "Control axis" function is set using machine data MD30460_
Bit 0 = 1: The axis traverses in speed mode
Signal state 0 Bit 0 = 0: Axis control is not allowed
Additional information SINUMERIK 840D sl List Manual, machine data

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, …DBX24.2 (MCS coupling: deactivate or do not permit)

DB31, …DBX24.2 MCS coupling: Deactivate or do not permit

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Deactivate MCS coupling - or do not permit is requested
Signal state 0 Deactivate MCS coupling - or do not permit is not requested.
Additional information Notes
● The interface signal is only active if the axis is a slave axis of an MCS coupling
● An active coupling is not deactivated until the relevant axes are stationary.
● If, with the interface signal set, CC_COPON (activate coupling) is programmed, then the
MCS coupling is not activated. No alarm is displayed.
Corresponds with DB31, …DBX24.2 (MCS coupling: deactivate or do not permit)
DB31, ... DBX24.3 (MCS coupling: activate collision protection)
DB31, ... DBX66.0 (MCS coupling: collision protection active)
DB31, ... DBX97.0 (MCS coupling: slave axis)
DB31, … DBX97.1 (MCS coupling: coupling active)
DB31, ... DBX97.2 (MCS coupling: mirroring active)
DB31, ... DBX97.3 (MCS coupling: offset change)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX24.3 (MCS coupling: activate collision protection)

DB31, ... DBX24.3 MCS coupling: Activate collision protection

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Activating the protection function for the axis pair is requested.
Signal state 0 Activating the protection function for the axis pair is not requested.
Additional information Activation
The protection function is activated if the interface signal for one of the two machine axes of
the axis pair is set.
The protection function is deactivated if the interface signal for both machine axes of the axis
pair is reset.
Corresponds with DB31, …DBX24.2 (MCS coupling: deactivate or do not permit)
DB31, ... DBX24.3 (MCS coupling: activate collision protection)
DB31, ... DBX66.0 (MCS coupling: collision protection active)
DB31, ... DBX97.0 (MCS coupling: slave axis)
DB31, … DBX97.1 (MCS coupling: coupling active)
DB31, ... DBX97.2 (MCS coupling: mirroring active)
DB31, ... DBX97.3 (MCS coupling: offset change)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies

644 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX24.4 (master-slave: activate torque compensatory controller)

DB31, ... DBX24.4 Master-slave: activate torque compensatory controller

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 Activation of the torque compensatory controller is requested.
Edge change 1 → 0 Deactivation of the torque compensatory controller is requested.
Additional information The torque compensatory controller can be activated for specific axes via the PLC interface
signal DB31, ... DBX24.4.
Preconditions for activation:
● Input of the supplementary speed setpoint is enabled:
MD37254 $MA_MS_TORQUE_CTRL_MODE[<slave axis>] = 1
● The "fine" differential speed is reached:
DB31, ... DBX96.2 == 1
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX96.2 (master-slave: fine differential speed)
DB31, ... DBX96.4 (master-slave: compensatory controller active)
MD37254 $MA_MS_TORQUE_CTRL_MODE (interconnection torque compensatory control‐
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX24.5 (setpoint switchover: request drive control)

DB31, ... DBX24.5 Setpoint switchover: request drive control

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Accepting the drive control is requested.
Signal state 0 Accepting the drive control is not requested.
Additional information Notes
● If the request to accept the drive control is pending simultaneously in multiple axes,
switchover does not occur. The drive control then remains with the axis in which it is
currently active.
● If no transfer requests are pending when the control powers up, drive control is assigned
by the control to the first of the axes found in the machine data (MD30110
$MA_CTRLOUT_MODULE_NR[<Achse>]) with the same logical drive number.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX96.5 (setpoint switchover: drive control active)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX24.7 (master-slave: activate coupling)

DB31, ... DBX24.7 Master-slave: activate coupling

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 Activation of the master-slave coupling is requested.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX24.7 Master-slave: activate coupling

Edge change 1 → 0 Deactivation of the master-slave coupling is requested.
Additional information A master-slave coupling can be activated/deactivated for specific axes via interface signal
DB31, ... DBX24.7.
The following conditions must be satisfied for activating/deactivating a master-slave coupling:
● MD37262 = 0: The master-slave coupling is not continuously active.
● DB31, ... DBX61.5 == 1: Master and slave axis must be in position control.
● DB31, ... DBX61.4 == 1 Master and slave axis must be stationary.
● DB21, ... DBX35.7 == 1: the channels of the master and slave axes must be in the "Reset"
If a condition is not fulfilled, the coupling will not be activated or deactivated. An alarm is not
output and the state of the coupling remains the same. If, at a later point, all conditions are
fulfilled, the coupling will be activated or deactivated depending on the state of the signal.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX35.7 (reset channel status)
DB31, ... DBX61.4 (axis/spindle stationary (n < nmin))
DB31, ... DBX61.5 (position controller active)
DB31, ... DBX96.7 (master-slave: coupling active)
MD37262 $MA_MS_COUPLING_ALWAYS_ACTIVE (permanent master-slave coupling)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX26.4 (enable following axis override)

DB31, ... DBX26.4 Enable following axis override

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Additional traversing motion can be overlaid on the following axis.
Signal state 0 The following axis cannot be overlaid and traversed.
Additional information This signal is required for the flying synchronization of master and slave axes.
As long as the "Enable following axis overlay" signal stays set to "1", the following axis se‐
lected with EGONSYN will traverse to synchronization in the EG coupling group. If the EG axis
grouping includes modulo axes, their position values are reduced in the modulo, thereby
ensuring that they approach the next possible synchronization.
If, for the following axis "Enable following axis overlay" has notbeen set, then the axis it does
not traverse to synchronization. Instead, the program is stopped at the EGONSYN block and the
self-clearing alarm 16771 is issued.
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX28.0 (oscillation reversal from external)

DB31, ... DBX28.0 Oscillation reversal from external

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 Brake oscillation motion and move oscillation axis in the opposite direction with the oscillation

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX28.0 Oscillation reversal from external

Edge change 1 → 0 Continue oscillation without interruption
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX28.1 (PLC-controlled axis: Reset)

DB31, ... DBX28.1 PLC-controlled axis: Reset

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 PLC-controlled axis: Reset is requested
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect.
Additional information NC responses:
● The axis is transitioned into the "Single axis in Reset" status:
● Stopped sequences are canceled.
● Internal axis states are reset.
● Axis specific, machine data active at reset become active.
● Execution is confirmed:
– DB31, ... DBX63.0 (reset executed) == 1
– DB31, ... DBX63.2 (axis stop active) == 0
● Result: The axis is in the reset state.
In conjunction with a channel reset, no axial machine data is active for axes controlled from
the PLC.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX28.7 (PLC-controlled axis)
DB31, ... DBX63.1 (reset executed)
DB31, ... DBX63.2 (axis stop active)
System variable: $AA_SNGLAX_STAT (status of the single axis)
OPI variable: aaSnglAxStat
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX28.2 (PLC-controlled axis: Resume)

DB31, ... DBX28.2 PLC-controlled axis: Resume

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 PLC-controlled axis: Resume uninterrupted traversing motion is requested
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX28.2 PLC-controlled axis: Resume

Additional information Using the signal, the traversing motion of an axis - controlled from the PLC - which is in the
"Single axis is interrupted" status ($AA_SNGLAX_STAT = 3), is resumed.
NC responses:
● Checks whether, for the axis, an axis-specific alarm with delete criterion "CANCEL‐
CLEAR" or "NCSTARTCLEAR" is present? If yes, then this is deleted.
● Checks whether axis motion can be resumed? If yes, then the axis makes the transition
into the "Single axis is active" state.
● Execution is confirmed:
– DB31,... DBX60.6 (position reached with exact stop coarse) == 0
– DB31, ... DBX60.7 (position reached with exact stop fine) == 0
– DB31, ... DBX63.2 (axis stop active) == 0
– DB31, ... DBX64.6 / 7 (traversing command minus/plus) == 1
● Result: Traversing motion of the axis is resumed.
The signal is ignored in the following cases:
● The axis is not controlled by the PLC.
● The axis is not in the "Single axis is interrupted" status.
● It is not permissible that axis traversing motion resumes due to an active alarm.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX28.6 (PLC-controlled axis: Stop along braking ramp)
DB31, ... DBX28.7 (PLC-controlled axis)
DB31, ... DBX60.6 (position reached with exact stop coarse)
DB31, ... DBX60.7 (position reached with exact stop fine)
DB31, ... DBX63.2 (axis stop active)
DB31, ... DBX64.6 (traversing command "minus")
DB31, ... DBX64.7 (traversing command "plus")
System variable: $AA_SNGLAX_STAT (status of the single axis)
OPI variable: aaSnglAxStat
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX28.3 (set reversal point)

DB31, ... DBX28.3 Set reversal point

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Reversal point 2
Signal state 0 Reversal point 1
Additional information Function Manual Technologies

648 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX28.4 (change reversal point)

DB31, …DBX28.4 Change reversal point

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The reversal point position can be changed by manually traversing the axis.
In conjunction with DB31, ...DBX28.0 (oscillation reversal from external):
The position at which the axis is braked after "oscillation reversal from external", should be the
new reversal point.
Signal state 0 The reversal point position cannot be changed by manually traversing the axis.
In conjunction with DB31, ...DBX28.0 (oscillation reversal from external):
No change of the reversal point position.
Additional information The braking position of the axis can be accepted as the new reversal position by means of the
signal DB31, ... DBX28.4 (change reversal position). The signal DB31, ... DBX28.3 (set re‐
versal point) is ignored, but rather the change affects the last initiated "Oscillation reversal
from external" command.
For the axis, it is not permissible that changing the reversal points via traversing keys or
handwheel is active. In this case, display alarm 20081 "Braking position cannot be used as
reversal point - handwheel active "is signaled.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX28.0 (oscillation reversal from external)
DB31, ... DBX28.3 (set reversal point)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX28.5 (PLC-controlled axis: Stop at the next reversal point)

DB31, ... DBX28.5 PLC-controlled axis: Stop at the next reversal point
Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Interrupt oscillation motion of the PLC-controlled axis at the next reversal point.
Signal state 0 There is no request to interrupt the oscillation motion of the PLC-controlled axis at the next
reversal point.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX28.6 (PLC-controlled axis: Stop along braking ramp)
DB31, ... DBX28.7 (PLC-controlled axis)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX28.6 (PLC-controlled axis: Stop along braking ramp)

DB31, ... DBX28.6 PLC-controlled axis: Stop along braking ramp

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 PLC-controlled axis: Braking the axis along a braking ramp is requested.
Signal state 0 PLC-controlled axis: Braking the axis along a braking ramp is not requested.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX28.6 PLC-controlled axis: Stop along braking ramp

Additional information Using the signal, the traversing motion of an axis - controlled from the PLC - can be stopped.
NC responses:
● The axis is braked down to standstill along its deceleration characteristic.
● The axis is transitioned into the "Single axis is interrupted" status:
● Execution is confirmed:
– DB31,... DBX60.6 (position reached with exact stop coarse) == 1
– DB31, ... DBX60.7 (position reached with exact stop fine) == 1
– DB31, ... DBX63.2 (axis stop active) == 0
– DB31, ... DBX64.6 / 7 ("Plus" / "Minus" traversing command) == 0
● Result: Axis is stopped.
Following axis movements can only be suppressed when the leading axis stops.
Retraction motion triggered by the "Extended stop and retract" function cannot be stopped.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX28.5 (PLC-controlled axis: Stop at the next reversal point)
DB31, ... DBX28.7 (PLC-controlled axis)
DB31, ... DBX60.6 (position reached with exact stop coarse)
DB31, ... DBX60.7 (position reached with exact stop fine)
DB31, ... DBX63.2 (axis stop active)
DB31, ... DBX64.6 (traversing command "minus")
DB31, ... DBX64.7 (traversing command "plus")
System variable: $AA_SNGLAX_STAT (status of the single axis)
OPI variable: aaSnglAxStat
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX28.7 (request, PLC-controlled axis)

DB31, ... DBX28.7 Request PLC-controlled axis

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Axis control should be relinquished to the PLC.
Signal state 0 There is no request that axis control is transferred to the PLC.
Additional information NC responses:
● Checks whether the axis is a main run axis or a neutral axis.
● Checks whether an additional axis may be controlled from the PLC.
● Transfer is confirmed:
– DB31, ... DBX63.1 (PLC controls axis) == 1
● Result: PLC controls axis.

650 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX28.7 Request PLC-controlled axis

Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX63.1 (PLC-controlled axis)
System variable: $AA_SNGLAX_STAT (status of the single axis)
OPI variable: aaSnglAxStat
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX31.5 (disable synchronization)

DB31, ... DBX31.5 Disable synchronization

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Synchronous spindle coupling: The PLC blocks synchronization motion for the following spin‐
dle specified by offset programming.
Signal state 0 Synchronous spindle coupling: The PLC does not block synchronization motion for the fol‐
lowing spindle specified by offset programming.
Additional information When the main run advances to a block with the part program
statement COUPON(<FS>,<LS>,<offset>), then interface signal DB31, ... DBX31.5
(block synchronization) is evaluated for the following spindle:
● For DB31, ... DBX31.5 == 1, only continuous velocity synchronous operation is establish‐
ed. The following spindle does not execute any additional movement. The coupling then
responds analogously to a programmed COUPON(<FS>,<LS>).
● For DB31, ... DBX31.5 == 0, the axis only moves through the position offset.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX84.4 (active spindle operating mode: Synchronous operation)
DB31, ... DBX98.1 (coarse synchronous operation)
DB31, ... DBX98.0 (fine synchronous operation)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX34.0 - 1 (setpoint limitation)

DB31, ... DBX34.0 - 1 Setpoint limitation

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Further information With the interface signals, one of the four setpoint speed limits parameterized in MD36933
$MA_SAFE_DES_VELO_LIMIT[0 ... 3] can be activated, irrespective of the active SG stage.
Bit 1 Bit 0 Meaning: Activation of
0 0 MD36933 $MA_SAFE_DES_VELO_LIMIT[ 0 ]
0 1 MD36933 $MA_SAFE_DES_VELO_LIMIT[ 1 ]
1 0 MD36933 $MA_SAFE_DES_VELO_LIMIT[ 2 ]
1 1 MD36933 $MA_SAFE_DES_VELO_LIMIT[ 3 ]
Corresponds with MD36933 $MA_SAFE_DES_VELO_LIMIT[0 ... 3]
Additional information Function Manual, Safety Integrated

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 651
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX60.0 (spindle / rotary axis)

DB31, ... DBX60.0 Spindle

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The machine axis is operated as a spindle in the following modes:
● Control mode
● Oscillation mode
● Positioning mode
● Tapping with compensating chuck
● Synchronous mode
The interface signals to the axis (DB31, ... DBB12 - DBB15) and from the axis (DB31, ...
DBB74 - DBB81) are invalid.
The interface signals to the spindle (DB31, ... DBB16 - DBB19) and from the spindle (DB31, ...
DBB82 - DBB91) are valid.
Signal state 0 The machine axis is operated as rotary axis.
The interface signals to the axis (DB31, ... DBB12 - DBB15) and from the axis (DB31, ...
DBB74 - DBB81) are valid.
The interface signals to the spindle (DB31, ... DBB16 - DBB19) and from the spindle (DB31, ...
DBB82 - DBB91) are invalid.
Additional information If a machine axis is operated alternating as spindle or rotary axis, using the signal it is possible
to identify which mode is currently active.
● Turning machine: Spindle ↔ C axis
● Milling machine: Spindle ↔ rotary axis for rigid tapping
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBB82 - DBB91
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX60.1 (NCU link axis active)

DB31, ... DBX60.1 NCU link: Axis active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The axis is active as NCU link axis.
Signal state 0 The axis is not active as NCU link axis.
Additional information The signal is irrelevant for a system with an NCU.
Additional information ● Function Manual Basic Functions
● NCU Equipment Manual

652 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX60.2 (encoder limit frequency exceeded 1)

DB31, ... DBX60.2 Encoder limit frequency exceeded, measuring system 1

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The encoder frequency limit of measuring system 2 has been exceeded ⇒
● DB31, .....DBX60.4 = 0 (referenced/synchronized position measuring system 1)
● DB31, .....DBX61.5 = 0 (position controller active)
● DB31, .....DBX61.5 = 1 (speed controller active) only for a spindle
● Axis is stopped (fast stop)
Signal state 0 The encoder frequency limit of measuring system 2 has not been exceeded, or after it was
exceeded, the encoder frequency limit for encoder resynchronization was fallen below again:
Additional information The encoder frequency limit to be monitored is set using the following machine data:
The monitoring of the encoder frequency limit always refers to the active measuring system
selected in the NC/PLC interface:
DB31, ... DBX1.5 / 6 (position measuring system 1 / 2)
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX1.5 (position measuring system 1)
DB31, ... DBX1.6 (position measuring system 2)
MD36300 $MA_ENC_FREQ_LIMIT (encoder frequency limit)
MD36302 $MA_ENC_FREQ_LIMIT_LOW (encoder frequency limit for encoder resynchroni‐
Additional information Function Manual Monitoring and Compensating DB31, ... DBX60.3 (encoder frequency limit exceeded, measuring system 2)

DB31, ... DBX60.3 Encoder frequency limit exceeded, measuring system 2

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The encoder frequency limit of measuring system 2 has been exceeded ⇒
● DB31, .....DBX60.5 = 0 (referenced/synchronized position measuring system 2)
● DB31, .....DBX61.5 = 0 (position controller active)
● DB31, .....DBX61.5 = 1 (speed controller active) only for a spindle
● Axis is stopped (fast stop)
Signal state 0 The encoder frequency limit of measuring system 2 has not been exceeded, or after it was
exceeded, the encoder frequency limit for encoder resynchronization was fallen below again:
Additional information The encoder frequency limit to be monitored is set using the following machine data:
The monitoring of the encoder frequency limit always refers to the active measuring system
selected in the NC/PLC interface:
DB31, ... DBX1.5 / 6 (position measuring system 1 / 2)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 653
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX60.3 Encoder frequency limit exceeded, measuring system 2

Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX1.5 (position measuring system 1)
DB31, ... DBX1.6 (position measuring system 2)
MD36300 $MA_ENC_FREQ_LIMIT (encoder frequency limit)
MD36302 $MA_ENC_FREQ_LIMIT_LOW (encoder frequency limit for encoder resynchroni‐
Additional information Function Manual Monitoring and Compensating DB31, ... DBX60.4 (referenced/synchronized 1)

DB31, ... DBX60.4 Referenced / synchronized 1

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Position measuring system 1 of the machine axis is referenced/synchronized.
Signal state 0 Position measuring system 1 of the machine axis is not referenced/synchronized.
Additional information Axis
After successful referencing or synchronizing, the interface signal is set
The interface signal is set at the latest after one spindle revolution (360 degrees), if the zero
mark was passed or the contactless proximity switch has responded.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX1.6 (position measuring system 2)
DB31, ... DBX2.4 - 7 (reference point value 1 to 4)
DB31, ... DBX12.7 (reference point approach deceleration)
DB31, ... DBX71.4 (position restored encoder 1)
DB31, ... DBX71.5 (position restored encoder 2)
MD34102 $MA_REFP_SYNC_ENCS (measuring system calibration)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX60.5 (referenced/synchronized 2)

DB31, ... DBX60.5 Referenced/synchronized 2

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Position measuring system 2 of the machine axis is referenced/synchronized.
Signal state 0 Position measuring system 2 of the machine axis is not referenced/synchronized.
Additional information Axis
After successful referencing or synchronizing, the interface signal is set
The interface signal is set at the latest after one spindle revolution (360 degrees), if the zero
mark was passed or the contactless proximity switch has responded.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX60.5 Referenced/synchronized 2

Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX1.6 (position measuring system 2)
DB31, ... DBX2.4 - 7 (reference point value 1 to 4)
DB31, ... DBX12.7 (reference point approach deceleration)
DB31, ... DBX71.4 (position restored encoder 1)
DB31, ... DBX71.5 (position restored encoder 2)
MD34102 $MA_REFP_SYNC_ENCS (measuring system calibration)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31,... DBX60.6 (position reached with exact stop coarse)

DB31, ... DBX60.6 Position reached with exact stop coarse

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 At least one of the following states applies:
● The axis is not traversing, and the actual axis position is within the parameterized exact
stop limit MD36000 $MA_STOP_LIMIT_COARSE
● The control system is in the "Reset" state
● The axis was last programmed as positioning axis or positioning spindle.
● Path motion was terminated with an NC stop.
● The spindle is in closed-loop position control (SPCON/SPOS) and is stationary
● The axis was switched over from closed-loop speed to closed-loop position control
Signal state 0 At least one of the following states applies:
● The axis is traversing
● Traversing motion is pending for the axis
● The actual axis position lies outside the parameterized exact stop limit MD36000
● The spindle is in closed-loop speed control (SPCOF/SPOSA)
● The axis is in the "Follow-up mode" state
● The axis is in the "Park" state
● The axis was switched over from closed-loop position to closed-loop speed control
Corresponds with MD36000 $MA_STOP_LIMIT_COARSE (exact stop coarse) DB31, ... DBX60.7 (position reached with exact stop fine)

DB31, ... DBX60.7 Position reached with exact stop fine

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX60.7 Position reached with exact stop fine

Signal state 1 At least one of the following states applies:
● The axis is not traversing, and the actual axis position is within the parameterized exact
stop limit MD36010 $MA_STOP_LIMIT_FINE
● The control system is in the "Reset" state
● The axis was last programmed as positioning axis or positioning spindle.
● Path motion was terminated with an NC stop.
● The spindle is in closed-loop position control (SPCON/SPOS) and is stationary
● The axis was switched over from closed-loop speed to closed-loop position control
Signal state 0 At least one of the following states applies:
● The axis is traversing
● Traversing motion is pending for the axis
● The actual axis position lies outside the parameterized exact stop limit MD36010
● The spindle is in closed-loop speed control (SPCOF/SPOSA)
● The axis is in the "Follow-up mode" state
● The axis is in the "Park" state
● The axis was switched over from closed-loop position to closed-loop speed control
Corresponds with MD36010 $MA_STOP_LIMIT_FINE (exact stop fine) DB31, ... DBX61.0 (drive test travel request)

DB31, ... DBX61.0 Drive test travel request

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The travel enable for the drive test is requested, as the travel conditions for the axis are
● The mechanical brake of the axis involved was previously released.
● Axis disable is not active DB31, ... DBX1.3 == 0
The feedback signal is realized using: DB31, ... DBX1.0 == 1
Signal state 0 The travel enable for the drive test is not requested
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX1.0 (drive test travel enable)
Additional information SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, Drive DB31, ... DBX61.1 (axis-specific alarm)

DB31, ... DBX61.1 Axis-specific alarm

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 An axis-specific alarm is output.
Signal state 0 No alarm

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX61.1 Axis-specific alarm

Additional information Responses:
● The axis is braked down to standstill along its deceleration characteristic.
● Status of the axis is transitioned into "Single axis alarm is active":
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX28.7 (request, PLC-controlled axis)
System variable: $AA_SNGLAX_STAT (status of the single axis)
OPI variable: aaSnglAxStat
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX61.2 (axis ready)

DB31, ... DBX61.2 NCU link: Axis ready

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The axis is ready.
Signal state 0 The axis is not ready.
Additional information The signal is processed on the NCU to which the drive of the axis connected. The axis is not
ready, if, on this NCU an alarm with system response "NC ..." or "Mode group..." or "Channel
not ready" is displayed, which involves this specific axis.
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB31, ... DBX61.3 (follow-up active)

DB31, ... DBX61.3 Follow-up active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The follow-up mode for the axis/spindle is active.
Possible causes:
● The controller enable for the drive has been withdrawn.
– DB31, ..............................................................DBX2.1 == 0 (controller enable)
– in the control for faults; see under "Additional information"
● Follow-up mode was selected:
– DB31, ... DBX1.4 == 1 (follow-up mode).
– in the control, e.g. when withdrawing the controller enable for a traversing axis
During the follow-up mode: position setpoint = actual position value
The standstill and clamping monitoring are not active.
Signal state 0 The follow-up mode for the axis/spindle is not active.
The standstill and clamping monitoring are active.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX61.3 Follow-up active

Additional information Note
In the "Hold" state, the "Follow-up mode active" signal is not set.
Delete distance-to-go is executed in the control for the following state transitions:
● From the state "Follow-up" into the state "Hold" (DB31, ... DBX1.4 = 1 → 0 (follow-up
● From the state "Follow-up" into the state "Position control" (DB31,
......................................................................................DBX2.1 = 1 (con‐ troller enable))
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX2.1 (controller enable)
DB31, ... DBX1.4 (follow-up mode)
Additional information Diagnostics Manual DB31, ... DBX61.4 (axis/spindle stationary (n < nmin))

DB31, ... DBX61.4 Axis/spindle stationary (n < nmin) (status)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The axis/spindle is stationary This means that the actual velocity of the axis or the actual
speed of the spindle is less than or equal to the parameterized limit value:
Signal state 0 The axis/spindle is not stationary This means that the actual velocity of the axis or the actual
speed of the spindle is greater than the parameterized limit value:

If a travel command is present, e.g. for a spindle, then the signal is always = 0 - even if the
actual speed lies below that specified in MD36060.
If the interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX61.4 (axis/spindle stationary)
is signaled and there is no closed-loop position control active for the spindle, then at the user
interface, an actual speed of zero is displayed and with the system variable $AA_S[n] zero is
Additional information The signal is always 0 if, for the axis/spindle, a travel command is present (DB31,
DBX64.6 or .7) - or if the actual velocity of the axis or actual speed of the spindle is less
than or equal to the parameterized limit value.
Corresponds with MD36060 $MA_STANDSTILL_VELO_TOL (maximum velocity/speed for signal "Axis/spindle
stationary") DB31, ... DBX61.5 (position controller active)

DB31, ... DBX61.5 Position controller active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The position controller is active, i.e. the position control loop of the axis/spindle is closed.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX61.5 Position controller active

Signal state 0 The position controller is not active, i.e. the position control loop of the axis/spindle is not
The signal is reset if the controller enable (DB31, ... DBX2.1 == 0) is reset by the PLC user
program, or as a result of an internal fault.
Additional information Spindle without position control
For a spindle without position control, the signal is always 0.
Spindle with position control
For spindles with the option of position control, after activating the position control, e.g.us‐
ing SPCON or M70, then the signal is handled the same as for a position-controlled axis.
Vertical axis
For a vertical axis, the holding brake should be activated as soon as the position control is no
longer active (DB31, ... DBX61.5 == 0).
Simulation axis
The output of the signal can also be parameterized for a simulation axis:
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX2.1 (controller enable)
DB31, ... DBX1.4 (follow-up mode)
DB31, ... DBX1.5 and .6 (position measuring systems 1 and 2)
Additional information Diagnostics Manual DB31, ... DBX61.6 (speed controller active)

DB31, ... DBX61.6 Speed controller active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The speed controller is active, i.e. the speed control loop of the axis/spindle is closed.
Signal state 0 The speed controller is not active, i.e. the speed control loop of the axis is not closed.
The speed controller output is cleared.
Additional information Spindle without position control
If the spindle is not under position control, the signal can be used as a feedback signal for
signal DB31, ... DBX2.1 (controller enable).
Simulation axis
The output of the signal can also be parameterized for a simulation axis:
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX61.5 (position controller active) DB31, ... DBX61.7 (current controller active)

DB31, ... DBX61.7 Current controller active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The current controller is active, i.e. the current control loop of the axis/spindle is closed.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX61.7 Current controller active

Signal state 0 The current controller is not active, i.e. the current control loop of the axis is not closed.
The current controller output, including the injection variables on the control voltage, is
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX61.5 (position controller active)
DB31, ... DBX61.6 (speed controller active) DB31, ... DBX62.0 (software cams active)

DB31, ... DBX62.0 Software cams active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The output of the minus and plus cam signals of an axis to the PLC interface is active.
Signal state 0 The output of the minus and plus cam signals of an axis to the PLC interface is not active.
Corresponds with DB10 DBX110.0 - 113.7 (software cams: minus cam signal 1 to 32)
DB10 DBX114.0 - 117.7 (software cams: plus cam signal 1 to 32)
DB31, ... DBX2.0 (software cams: activation)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX62.1 (handwheel override active)

DB31, ... DBX62.1 Handwheel override active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The "Handwheel override in AUTOMATIC mode" function is active for the programmed po‐
sitioning axis (FDA[<axis>]).
Signal state 0 The "Handwheel override in automatic mode" function is not active for the programmed po‐
sitioning axis.
Additional information For the positioning axis, the handwheel pulses either act as path definition
(for FDA[<axis>]=0) - or as velocity override (for FDA[<axis>]>0) on the programmed
axis feed.
In the following cases, the override is inactive:
● The positioning axis has reached the programmed target position.
● The distance-to-go has been deleted.
● Reset was initiated.
SINUMERIK 840D sl: The interface signal will also be set if "Handwheel override in automatic
mode" is active with a concurrent positioning axis with FC18.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX2.2 (delete distance-to-go)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

660 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX62.2 (revolutional feedrate active)

DB31, ... DBX62.2 Revolutional feedrate active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Revolutional feedrate (G95) is active.
Signal state 0 Revolutional feedrate (G95) is not active.
Further information The interface signal indicates that in JOG mode or AUTOMATIC mode, the axes traverse as
a positioning axis with revolutional feedrate.
Corresponds with SD41100 $SN_JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE (JOG: Revolutional/linear feedrate)
SD41120 $SN_JOG_REV_SET_VELO (revolutional feedrate of the axes JOG)
SD42600 $SC_JOG_FEED_PER_REV_SOURCE (control of the revolutional feedrate in
SD43300 $SA_ASSIGN_FEED_PER_REV_SOURCE (revolutional feedrate for positioning
MD32040 $MA_JOG_REV_VELO_RAPID (revolutional feed rate for JOG with rapid traverse
MD32050 $MA_JOG_REV_VELO (revolutional feed rate for JOG mode)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX62.3 (measurement active)

DB31, ... DBX62.3 Measurement active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A measuring function is active.
Signal state 0 A measuring function is not active.
Additional information Interface signal DBX31, ... DBX62.3 shows the instantaneous measurement status of the
axis, and can be evaluated for all measuring functions.
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX62.4 (activate travel to fixed stop)

DB31, ...DBX62.4 Activate travel to fixed stop

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Request to enable travel to fixed stop.
Signal state 0 No request
Additional information The feedback signal is realized via DB31, ... DBX3.1 (enable travel to fixed stop)
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX3.1 (enable travel to fixed stop)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX62.5 (fixed stop reached)

DB31, ... DBX62.5 Fixed stop reached

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Fixed stop has been reached.
Signal state 0 Fixed stop has not been reached.
Additional information Application example
In order that a programmable clamping torque can be specified, for analog drives, the signal
is used to switch the actuator drive from closed-speed into closed-loop current or torque
controlled operation.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX1.1 (acknowledge fixed stop reached).
DB31, ... DBX1.2 (fixed stop sensor)
DB31, ... DBX3.1 (enable travel to fixed stop)
DB31, ... DBX62.4 (activate travel to fixed stop)
DB31, ... DBX62.5 (fixed stop reached)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX62.7 (axis container rotation active)

DB31, ... DBX62.7 Axis container: Rotation active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 An axis container rotation is active for the axis.
Signal state 0 An axis container rotation is not active for the axis.
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB31, ... DBX63.0 (reset executed)

DB31, ... DBX63.0 Reset executed

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The PLC-controlled axis is in the reset state.
Signal state 0 The PLC-controlled axis is not in the reset state.
Additional information Reset status:
● The machine data of the axis is reloaded.
● The axis status is at "Single axis in reset":
● DB31, ... DBX63.2 (axis stop active) == 0

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX63.0 Reset executed

Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX28.1 (PLC-controlled axis: Reset)
DB31, ... DBX63.2 (axis stop active)
System variable: $AA_SNGLAX_STAT (status of the single axis)
OPI variable: aaSnglAxStat
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX63.1 (PLC-controlled axis)

DB31, ... DBX63.1 PLC-controlled axis

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Axis control is transferred to the PLC.
Signal state 0 The axis is controlled by the NC.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX28.7 (request, PLC-controlled axis)
System variable: $AA_SNGLAX_STAT (status of the single axis)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX63.2 (axis stop active)

DB31, …DBX63.2 Axis stop active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The PLC-controlled axis is stopped as a result of DB31, ... DBX28.6 = 1.
Signal state 0 The PLC-controlled axis is stopped.
Additional information After stopping, the axis is in the "Single axis is interrupted" status.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX28.6 (PLC-controlled axis: Stop along braking ramp)
DB31, ... DBX28.7 (PLC-controlled axis)
DB31, ... DBX60.6 (position reached with exact stop coarse)
DB31, ... DBX60.7 (position reached with exact stop fine)
System variable: $AA_SNGLAX_STAT (status of the single axis)
OPI variable: aaSnglAxStat
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX63.3 (axis/spindle disable active)

DB31, ... DBX63.3 Axis/spindle disable active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Axis/spindle disable is active.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX63.3 Axis/spindle disable active

Signal state 0 The axis/spindle disable is not active.
Additional information An axis / spindle disable is requested via DB31, ... DBX1.3 = 1
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX1.3 (axis/spindle disable)
DB31, ... DBX14.1 (activate program test)
DB21, ... DBX1.7 (activate program test)
DB21, ... DBX33.7 (program test active)
Additional information Response for synchronous operation:
Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX64.0 - 2 (handwheel active)

DB31, ... DBX64.0 - 2 Handwheel active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Additional information The interface can be interpreted either bit or binary-coded. The definition is realized using
machine data MD11324.
Bit coded: maximum 3 handwheels
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of the assigned handwheel
0 0 0 No handwheel assignment
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
1 0 0 3
Binary coded: maximum 6 handwheels
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of the assigned handwheel
0 0 0 No handwheel assignment
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
1 0 1 5
1 1 0 6
If the assignment is active, the machine axis can be traversed with the handwheel in JOG
mode or a DRF offset can be generated in AUTOMATIC or MDI mode.
At any one time, the machine axis can only be assigned to one handwheel. If, for bit coding,
several interface signals are set simultaneously, then the following priority applies: "Hand‐
wheel 1" before "Handwheel 2" before "Handwheel 3".
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX4.0 - 2 (activate handwheel)
MD11324 $MN_HANDWH_VDI_REPRESENTATION (representation of the handwheel num‐
ber at the VDI interface)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

664 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX64.4 - 5 ("Plus" / "Minus" traversing request)

DB31, ... DBX64.4 - 5 Traversing request "Plus" / "Minus"

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 There is a traversing request for the machine axis.
Signal state 0 There is no traversing request for the machine axis.
Additional information Depending on the mode selected, the traversing request is initiated in different ways:
● JOG mode
"Plus" or "Minus" traversing key
● REF mode
Traversing key that initiates traversing motion in the direction of the reference point.
A program block with a traversing operation is executed for a geometry axis.
Bit 4 Traversing command "Minus", travel request in the negative axis direction
Bit 5 Traversing command "Plus" travel request in the positive axis direction
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX4.6 - 7 (traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB31, ... DBX64.6 - 7 ("Plus" / "Minus" traversing command)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX64.6 - 7 ("Plus" / "Minus" traversing command)

DB31, ... DBX64.6 - 7 Traversing command "Plus" / "Minus"

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A travel command is pending for the machine axis
Signal state 0 No travel command is pending for the machine axis
Additional information The travel command is output depending on MD17900 $MN_VDI_FUNCTION_MASK, bit 0.
Bit 6 Travel command "Minus", for traversing in the negative axis direction
Bit 7 Travel command "Plus", for traversing in the positive axis direction
Application example
Releasing the axis clamp when the traversing command is identified.
For axes where clamping is not released until a drive command is detected, the continuous-
path mode (G64) is not possible.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX4.6 - 7 (traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus")
DB31, ... DBX64.4 - 5 (traversing request "Plus" / "Minus")
MD17900 $MN_VDI_FUNCTION_MASK (setting for VDI signals)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 665
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX65.0 - 6 (active machine function)

DB31, ... DBX65.0 - 6 Active machine function

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The machine function to manually traverse the machine axis is active.
Signal state 0 The machine function to manually traverse the machine axis is not active .
Additional information There is a signal for every machine function to manually traverse the machine axis in the JOG
Bit 0 INC1
Bit 1 INC10
Bit 2 INC100
Bit 3 INC1000
Bit 4 INC10000
Bit 5 INCvar
Bit 6 Continuous manual travel
Depending on the machine function, the response when actuating the traversing key or the
handwheel differs.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX5.0 - 6 (machine function request)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX66.0 (MCS coupling: collision protection active)

DB31, …DBX66.0 MCS coupling: Collision protection active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Collision protection is active.
Signal state 0 Collision protection is not active.
Additional information Note:
The interface signal must be activated with:
MD63543 $MD_CC_PROTECT_OPTIONS, bit 7 = 1
Corresponds with DB31, …DBX24.2 (MCS coupling: deactivate or do not permit)
DB31, ... DBX24.3 (MCS coupling: activate collision protection)
DB31, ... DBX66.0 (MCS coupling: collision protection active)
DB31, ... DBX97.0 (MCS coupling: slave axis)
DB31, … DBX97.1 (MCS coupling: coupling active)
DB31, ... DBX97.2 (MCS coupling: mirroring active)
DB31, ... DBX97.3 (MCS coupling: offset change)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies

666 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX67.0 (handwheel direction of rotation inversion active)

DB31, ...DBX67.0 Handwheel direction of rotation inversion active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The inversion of the direction of rotation of the handwheel assigned to the machine axis is
Signal state 0 The inversion of the direction of rotation of the handwheel assigned to the machine axis is not
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX7.0 (invert handwheel direction of rotation)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBB68 (status axis/spindle replacement)

DB31, ... DBB68 Status axis/spindle replacement

Signal flow PLC → NC
Update Cyclic
Additional information The current status of an axis with regard to axis/spindle replacement can be read by the PLC
user program via DBB68.
Bit Meaning
0 ... 3 Name of the channel to which the axis/spindle is assigned (binary code).
The axis is assigned to channel 2:
Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Channel num‐
0 0 1 0 2
4 New axis type is requested from the PLC.
5 Axis replacement is possible
6 Axis is "neutral axis/spindle".
7 Axis is "PLC axis/spindle".
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBB8 (request axis/spindle replacement)
MD20070 $MC_AXCONF_MACHAX_USED (machine axis number valid in channel)
MD30550 $MA_AXCONF_ASSIGN_MASTER_CHAN (initial setting of channel for axis re‐
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB31, ... DBX69.0 - 2 (active position controller parameter set)

DB31, ... DBX69.0 - 2 Active position controller parameter set

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX69.0 - 2 Active position controller parameter set

Additional information Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Parameter set
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 2
0 1 0 3
0 1 1 4
1 0 0 5
1 0 1 6
1 1 0 6
1 1 1 6
The interface is irrelevant when the switchover is deactivated
In this case, the 1st parameter set is always active.
Corresponds with DB31, ...DBX9.0 - DBX9.2 (selection: position controller parameter set) DB31, ... DBX70.0 (REPOS offset)

DB31, ... DBX70.0 REPOS offset

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 A REPOS offset must be applied for the axis.
Signal state 0 No REPOS offset needs to be applied for the axis.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX25.4 (REPOS mode activation)
DB21, ... DBX31.0 - 2 (REPOS mode)
DB21, ... DBX31.4 (REPOS mode change)
DB21, ... DBX319.0 (REPOS mode change acknowledgment)
DB21, ... DBX319.1 - 3 (active REPOS mode)
DB21, ... DBX319.5 (REPOS acknowledgment delay)
DB31, ... DBX10.0 (REPOS delay)
DB31, ... DBX70.1 (REPOS offset valid)
DB31, ... DBX70.2 (REPOS delay acknowledgment)
DB31, ... DBX72.0 (REPOS delay)
DB31, ... DBX76.4 (path axis)
MD11470 $MN_REPOS_MODE_MASK (repositioning properties)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB31, ... DBX70.1 (REPOS offset valid)

DB31, ... DBX70.1 REPOS offset valid

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX70.1 REPOS offset valid

Signal state 1 The REPOS offset has been calculated as valid
Signal state 0 The REPOS offset has been calculated as invalid.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX25.4 (REPOS mode activation)
DB21, ... DBX31.0 - 2 (REPOS mode)
DB21, ... DBX31.4 (REPOS mode change)
DB21, ... DBX319.0 (REPOS mode change acknowledgment)
DB21, ... DBX319.1 - 3 (active REPOS mode)
DB21, ... DBX319.5 (REPOS acknowledgment delay)
DB31, ... DBX10.0 (REPOS delay)
DB31, ... DBX70.0 (REPOS offset)
DB31, ... DBX70.2 (REPOS delay acknowledgment)
DB31, ... DBX72.0 (REPOS delay)
DB31, ... DBX76.4 (path axis)
MD11470 $MN_REPOS_MODE_MASK (repositioning properties)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB31, ... DBX70.2 (REPOS delay acknowledgment)

DB31, ... DBX70.2 REPOS delay acknowledgment

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The REPOS delay is acknowledged.
A REPOS offset was pending for the axis and "REPOS delay" was active:
DB31, ... DBX10.0 == 1 (REPOS delay)
The axis was programmed within a traversing block, and the REPOS offset was applied.
The interface signal behaves just like:
DB21, ... DBX319.1 - 3 (REPOS approach mode acknowledgment)
Signal state 0 The REPOS delay is still not acknowledged - or there is no REPOS offset available.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX25.4 (REPOS mode activation)
DB21, ... DBX31.0 - 2 (REPOS mode)
DB21, ... DBX31.4 (REPOS mode change)
DB21, ... DBX319.0 (REPOS mode change acknowledgment)
DB21, ... DBX319.1 - 3 (active REPOS mode)
DB21, ... DBX319.5 (REPOS acknowledgment delay)
DB31, ... DBX10.0 (REPOS delay)
DB31, ... DBX70.0 (REPOS offset)
DB31, ... DBX70.1 (REPOS offset valid)
DB31, ... DBX72.0 (REPOS delay)
DB31, ... DBX76.4 (path axis)
MD11470 $MN_REPOS_MODE_MASK (repositioning properties)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX71.4 (position restored measuring system 1)

DB31, ... DBX71.4 Position restored, measuring system 1

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The position of measuring system 1 of the machine axis is restored.
Signal state 0 The position of measuring system 1 of the machine axis is not restored.
Additional information MD34210 $MA_ENC_REFP_STATE == 3
After the control system has powered up, for distance-coded, incremental measuring systems
the last axis position buffered before switch off is restored. Referencing does not take place
automatically. The position measuring system is in the "position restored" state.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX71.5 (position restored, measuring system 2)
MD34102 $MA_REFP_SYNC_ENCS (measuring system calibration)
MD34210 $MA_ENC_REFP_STATE (adjustment status absolute encoder)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX71.5 (position restored, measuring system 2)

DB31, ... DBX71.5 Position restored, measuring system 2

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The position of measuring system 2 of the machine axis is restored.
Signal state 0 The position of measuring system 2 of the machine axis is not restored.
Additional information MD34210 $MA_ENC_REFP_STATE == 3
After the control system has powered up, for distance-coded, incremental measuring systems
the last axis position buffered before switch off is restored. Referencing does not take place
automatically. The position measuring system is in the "position restored" state.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX71.4 (position restored measuring system 1)
MD34102 $MA_REFP_SYNC_ENCS (measuring system calibration)
MD34210 $MA_ENC_REFP_STATE (adjustment status absolute encoder)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX72.0 (REPOS delay)

DB31, ... DBX72.0 REPOS delay active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The REPOS delay is active.
After a block search, a REPOS offset is applied for this axis. However it is not applied using
the approach block, but rather using the next traversing block in which the axis is program‐
Signal state 0 A REPOS delay is not active.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX72.0 REPOS delay active

Additional information Note
If the machine axes are involved on a path (DB31, ... DBX76.4 == 1 (path axis)), then the
interface signal is not active.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX72.0 (REPOS delay)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB31, ... DBX74.4 (modulo rotary axis: traversing range limits active)

DB31, ... DBX74.4 Modulo rotary axis: traversing range limits active
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Traversing range limits (software limit switch, working area limits) active for modulo rotary
Signal state 0 Traversing range limitation for modulo rotary axes not active.
Additional information Note
The signal is irrelevant if linear axes/rotary axes do not have modulo functionality.
Application example
Mounted rotary axis with monitoring
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX12.4 (modulo rotary axis: activate traversing range limits)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX75.0 - 2 (JOG approach fixed point active)

DB31, ... DBX75.0 - 2 JOG approach fixed point active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Additional information As soon as the "Approach fixed point in JOG" function is active, the number of the fixed point
to be approached is signaled back to the PLC binary-coded using DB31, ... DBX75.0 - 2:
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of fixed point to be approached
0 0 0 -
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
The selected machine axis can be traversed to the corresponding fixed point with the tra‐
versing keys or the handwheel. The fixed points are defined using machine data MD30600.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX13.0 - 2 (JOG approach fixed point)
DB31, ... DBX75.3 - 5 (JOG approach fixed point reached)
MD30600 $MA_FIX_POINT_POS[<n>] (fixed value positions of the axis)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX75.3 - 5 (JOG approach fixed point reached)

DB31, ... DBX75.3 - 5 JOG approach fixed point reached

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Additional information Once the axis for "Approach fixed point in JOG" has reached the fixed point position with
"Exact stop fine", using DB31, ... DBX75.3 - 5 the number of the approached fixed point is
signaled back to the PLC in binary-coded form:
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Number of the approached fixed point
0 0 0 -
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
This feedback signal is also issued if the axis reaches the fixed point position in the machine
coordinates system via other methods e.g. NC program, FC18 (for 840D sl) or synchronized
action on the setpoint side and comes to a standstill on the actual value side within the "Exact
stop fine" tolerance window.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX13.0 - 2 (JOG approach fixed point)
DB31, ... DBX75.0 - 2 (JOG approach fixed point active)
MD30600 $MA_FIX_POINT_POS[<n>] (fixed value positions of the axis)
MD36010 $MA_STOP_LIMIT_FINE (exact stop fine)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX75.6 (JOG travel to position active)

DB31, ... DBX75.6 JOG travel to position active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The function "Position travel in JOG" is active.
Signal state 0 The function "Position travel in JOG" is not active
Additional information The selected machine axis can be traversed to the position specified with setting data
SD43320 using the traversing keys or the handwheel.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX13.3 (JOG travel to position)
DB31, ... DBX75.7 (JOG position reached)
SD43320 $SA_JOG_POSITION (JOG position)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX75.7 (JOG position reached)

DB31, ... DBX75.7 JOG position reached

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX75.7 JOG position reached

Signal state 1 For "Position travel in JOG", the axis has reached the position specified with SD43320 with
"Exact stop fine".
Signal state 0 For "Position travel in JOG", the axis has still not reached the position specified with SD43320.
Additional information Approaching the position is started with the traversing keys or the handwheel. The axis tra‐
verses until it comes to an automatic standstill at the position to be approached.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX13.3 (JOG travel to position)
DB31, ... DBX75.6 (JOG travel to position active)
SD43320 $SA_JOG_POSITION (JOG position)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX76.0 (lubrication pulse)

DB31, ... DBX76.0 Lubrication pulse

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 The traversing path parameterized in machine data (MD33050 $MA_LUBRICATION_DIST)
was traversed.
Edge change 1 → 0 The traversing path parameterized in machine data (MD33050 $MA_LUBRICATION_DIST)
was traversed.
Additional information As soon as the axis/spindle has moved through the traversing distance set in machine data,
then the interface signal is inverted.
The distance measurement is always restarted after the control powers up.
Corresponds with MD33050 $MA_LUBRICATION_DIST (lubrication pulse distance) DB31, ... DBX76.4 (path axis)

DB31, ... DBX76.4 Path axis

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The axis is not a path axis: This means that it is traversed with other axes along a path (path
Signal state 0 The axis is not a path axis.
Additional information Note
In conjunction with block search type 5 (SERUPRO) in the state: "Target block found" - the
interface signal refers to the property of the axis in the target block.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX72.0 (REPOS delay)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX76.5 (positioning axis)

DB31, ... DBX76.5 Positioning axis

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The axis is a positioning axis.
Signal state 0 The axis is not a positioning axis.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBD78 (feedrate, positioning axis)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX76.6 (indexing axis in position)

DB31, ... DBX76.6 Indexing axis in position

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The signal is set to "1" in the following cases:
● The indexing axis has reached the indexing position with "Exact stop fine".
● The indexing axis is located at the indexing position, which was approached in the AU‐
Signal state 0 The signal is "0" in the following cases:
● The axis is not defined as an indexing axis.
● A traversing command is active, and the indexing axis is traversed.
● The indexing axis is located at a position which is not an indexing position.
● In the AUTOMATIC mode, the indexing axis was not positioned using CAC, CACP, CACN,
CDC or CIC but instead is traversed to any position, for example with AC or DC.
● The "Controller enable" of the indexing axis is withdrawn.
Additional information Signal is irrelevant for axes that have not been defined as indexing axes.
Application example
Tool magazine: Activation of the gripper to remove the tool from the magazine is initiated as
soon as the indexing axis is in position. The PLC user program must ensure this happens.
Special cases or errors
The axis positions entered in the indexing position table for the individual divisions can be
changed using work offsets (including DRF).
The interface signal "Indexing axis in position" is set if the actual position of the indexing axis
assumes the position value entered into the indexing table plus the offset.
If a DRF offset is applied to an indexing axis in AUTOMATIC mode, then the "Indexing axis in
position" interface signal remains active even though the axis is no longer at an indexing
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX64.6/64.7 (traversing command -/+)
DB31, ... DBX2.1 (controller enable)
MD30500 $MA_INDEX_AX_ASSIGN_POS_TAB (axis is an indexing axis)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX77.0 (collision avoidance: Velocity reduction)

DB31, ... DBX77.0 Collision avoidance: Velocity reduction

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The traversing velocity of the axis is reduced by the collision avoidance.
Signal state 0 The traversing velocity of the axis is not reduced by the collision avoidance.
Additional information Function Manual Monitoring and Compensating DB31, ... DBD78 (feedrate, positioning axis)

DB31, ... DBD78 Feedrate, positioning axis

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Additional information The feedrate value of the axis can be read via the interface if this axis is traversed as posi‐
tioning axis.
Type: REAL
The output time is specified using machine data:
● As default setting, the output is suppressed, because if the feedrate is output (auxiliary
function output) in the continuous-path mode, then the velocity can drop.
● The last feedrate value is kept until it is overwritten by a new value.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX76.5 (positioning axis)
MD22240 $MC_AUXFU_F_SYNC_TYPE (output time of F functions)
MD32060 $MA_POS_AX_VELO (initial setting for positioning axis velocity)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX82.0 - 2 (set gear stage)

DB31, ... DBX82.0 - 2 Set gear stage

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX82.0 - 2 Set gear stage

Additional information Gear stage requested from the NC, which must be selected at the machine.
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Meaning:
--- --- --- Axis mode
0 0 0 Gear stage 1
0 0 1 Gear stage 1
0 1 0 Gear stage 2
0 1 1 Gear stage 3
1 0 0 Gear stage 4
1 0 1 Gear stage 5
1 1 0 Gear stage 5
1 1 1 Gear stage 5
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX16.0 - 2 (actual gear stage)
DB31, ... DBX16.3 (gear stage has been changed)
DB31, ... DBX18.5 (oscillation speed)
DB31, ... DBX82.3 (change over gear stage)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX82.3 (change over gear stage)

DB31, ... DBX82.3

Change gear stage
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Edge change 0 → 1 There is an active requested to changeover the gear to the set gear stage.
Edge change 1 → 0 No effect.
Additional information Note
The gear is only changed over to the new set gear stage if the following applies: Set gear stage
<> actual gear stage
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX16.0 - 2 (actual gear stage)
DB31, ... DBX82.0 - 2 (set gear stage)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX83.0 (speed limit exceeded)

DB31, ... DBX83.0 Speed limit exceeded

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The speed limit is exceeded.
Signal state 0 The speed limit is not exceeded.
Additional information The speed limit is exceeded if the following applies.
Actual speed > (MD35100 $MA_SPIND_VELO_ LIMIT + MD35150 $MA_SPIND_DES_VE‐

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX83.0 Speed limit exceeded

Corresponds with MD35150 $MA_SPIND_DES_VELO_TOL (spindle speed tolerance)
MD35100 $MA_SPIND_VELO_LIMIT (maximum spindle speed)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX83.1 (speed setpoint limited)

DB31, ... DBX83.1 Setpoint speed limited

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The setpoint speed is limited.
Signal state 0 The setpoint speed is not limited.
Additional information The NC has automatically limited the setpoint speed, as it exceeds the active maximum limit
● DB31, ... DBX3.6
● G26
● Safety Integrated
MD36931 $MA_SAFE_VELO_LIMIT (limit for safely reduced speed)
● A possible response in the PLC user program would be to inhibit/lock the path feedrate:
DB21, ... DBX6.0 = 1 (feedrate inhibit)
● The interface signal DB31, ... DBX83.5 (spindle in the setpoint range) is updated.
Safety Integrated
In addition to the limit value MD36931 $MA_SAFE_VELO_LIMIT, depending on the active
safety speed level SG1 ... SGn, the following machine data should be taken into account:
All standard limit values are greater than 1500 rpm.
● SG1 is active
● MD36932 $MA_ SAFE_VELO_OVR_FACTOR[<SG1>] = 1111.11111 [rpm]
● MD36933 $MA_SAFE_DES_VELO_LIMIT[<SG1>] = 90%
Programming: M3 S1500
The speed setpoint is limited to 1000 rpm (MD36932 * MD36933) ⇒ DB31, ... DBX83.1 = 1

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX83.1 Setpoint speed limited

Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX6.0 (feedrate disable)
DB31, ... DBX4.3 (feedrate/spindle stop)
DB31, ... DBX83.2 (speed setpoint increased)
DB31, ... DBX83.5 (spindle in setpoint range)
DB31, ... DBX3.6 (spindle speed limitation to MD35160 $MA_SPIND_EXTERN_VELO_LIM‐
MD35100 $MA_SPIND_VELO_LIMIT (maximum spindle speed)
MD35130 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (maximum speed of gear stage)
MD36931 $MA_SAFE_VELO_LIMIT (limit for safely reduced speed)
MD36932 $MA_ SAFE_VELO_OVR_FACTOR (SG correction values)
MD36933 $MA_SAFE_DES_VELO_LIMIT (SG setpoint speed limit)
G26 (upper spindle speed limit)
LIMS (speed limit for the master spindle when G96/G961/G97 is active)
VELOLIM: programmed spindle speed limit in the open-loop speed controlled mode
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX83.2 (speed setpoint increased)

DB31, ... DBX83.2 Setpoint speed increased

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The setpoint speed was increased.
Signal state 0 The setpoint speed was not increased.
Additional information The NC has automatically increased the setpoint speed, as it had fallen below the
active minimum limit value:
● G25
● A possible response in the PLC user program would be to inhibit/lock the path feedrate:
DB21, ... DBX6.0 = 1 (feedrate inhibit)
● The interface signal DB31, ... DBX83.5 (spindle in the setpoint range) is updated.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX6.0 (feedrate disable)
DB31, ... DBX4.3 (feedrate/spindle stop)
DB31, ... DBX83.1 (speed setpoint limited)
DB31, ... DBX83.5 (spindle in setpoint range)
MD35120 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO (minimum speed for automatic gear stage selec‐
tion M40)
MD35140 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO_LIMIT (minimum speed of the gear stage)
G25 (lower spindle speed limitation)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

678 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX83.3 (geometry monitoring)

DB31, ... DBX83.3 Geometry monitoring

Signal flow NC → PLC
Signal state 1 Error in the grinding wheel geometry
The actual wheel radius falls below the value specified in parameter $TC_TPG3 or the actual
wheel width ($TC_TPG5) falls below the value defined in parameter $TC_TPG4.
There is no controller-internal error response. Required responses must be programmed by
the PLC user.
Signal state 0 No error in the grinding wheel geometry
Additional information The geometry monitoring is a subfunction of the grinding-specific tool monitoring. The actual
wheel radius and the actual wheel width are monitored.
Additional information Function Manual Tools DB31, ... DBX83.5 (spindle in setpoint range)

DB31, ... DBX83.5 Spindle in setpoint range

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The spindle speed is in the setpoint range.
Signal state 0 The spindle speed is not in the setpoint range.
Additional information The spindle speed is in the setpoint range if the following applies.
| Actual speed - setpoint speed | < MD35150 $MA_SPIND_DES_VELO_TOL
It is normal if the spindle speed is not in the setpoint range while accelerating or braking.
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX6.0 (feedrate disable)
DB31, ... DBX4.3 (feedrate/spindle stop)
DB31, ... DBX83.1 (speed setpoint limited)
DB31, ... DBX83.2 (speed setpoint increased)
Additional information DB31, ... DBX83.6 (speed monitoring)

DB31, ... DBX83.6 Speed monitoring

Signal flow NC → PLC
Signal state 1 Error in grinding wheel speed
The speed limit value is reached, the speed is limited to the limit value.
There is no controller-internal error response. Required responses must be programmed by
the PLC user.
Signal state 0 No error in grinding wheel speed

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX83.6 Speed monitoring

Additional information The speed monitoring is a subfunction of the grinding-specific tool monitoring. The speed
monitor checks the grinding wheel peripheral speed in m/s (parameter $TC_TPG7) as well as
the maximum spindle speed in rpm (parameter $TC_TPG6). The speed setpoint is monitored
against the speed limitation cyclically with allowance for the spindle override.
Additional information Function Manual Tools DB31, ... DBX83.7 (clockwise actual direction of rotation)

DB31, ... DBX83.7 Actual direction of rotation clockwise

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Actual direction of rotation: Clockwise
Signal state 0 Actual direction of rotation: Counterclockwise
Additional information The actual direction of rotation is derived from the spindle position measuring encoder.
The interface signal is irrelevant for:
● DB31, ... DBX61.4 == 1 (axis/spindle stationary)
● Spindles without position encoder
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX61.4 (axis/spindle stationary)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX84.1 (grinding wheel peripheral speed active)

DB31, ... DBX84.1 Grinding wheel peripheral speed active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Signal state 1 The function "constant grinding wheel peripheral speed (GWPS)" is active.
Signal state 0 The function "Constant grinding wheel peripheral speed (GWPS)" is not active.
Additional information If the function is active, then all S value inputs from the PLC are interpreted as the grinding
wheel peripheral speed.
Additional information Function Manual Tools DB31, ... DBX84.3 (tapping without compensating check active)

DB31, ... DBX84.3 Tapping without compensating chuck active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Rigid tapping (without compensating chuck) active
Signal state 0 Rigid tapping (without compensating chuck) not active

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX84.3 Tapping without compensating chuck active

Additional information If "Rigid tapping without compensating chuck" (G331/G332) is active, then internally the spin‐
dle is switched over into closed-loop position controlled axis mode.
Setting the following interface signals while tapping without compensating chuck (rigid tap‐
ping) will destroy the thread:
● DB11, … DBX0.7 (mode group reset) = 1
● DB21, ... DBX7.7 (channel reset) = 1
● DB31, ... DBX2.1 (controller enable) = 0
● DB31, ... DBX4.3 (feedrate stop) = 1
Corresponds with DB11, … DBX0.7 (mode group reset)
DB21, ... DBX7.7 (channel reset)
DB31, ... DBX2.1 (controller enable)
DB31, ... DBX4.3 (feedrate stop)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX84.4 (active spindle operating mode: Synchronous operation)

DB31, ... DBX84.4 Active spindle mode: Synchronous mode

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The spindle is in the "synchronous mode".
The signal is only set for the machine axis which is active as following spindle:
DB31, ... DBX99.1 (following spindle active) == 1
Signal state 0 The spindle is not operated as a following spindle in the "synchronous mode".
Additional information In the synchronous mode, the following spindle tracks the motion of the leading spindle cor‐
responding to the ratio and the monitoring functions are active for coarse and fine synchron‐
When deactivating the coupling (deselection of synchronous mode), the following spindle is
switched to the "control mode".
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX98.0 (fine synchronous operation)
DB31, ... DBX98.1 (coarse synchronous operation)
DB31, ... DBX99.1 (following spindle active)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX84.5 (active spindle mode: positioning mode)

DB31, ... DBX84.5 Active spindle mode: Positioning mode

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Positioning mode (SPOS or SPOSA) is active.
Signal state 0 Positioning mode (SPOS or SPOSA) is not active.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX84.5 Active spindle mode: Positioning mode

Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX84.6 (spindle mode, oscillation mode)
DB31, ... DBX84.7 (spindle mode, control mode)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX84.6 (active spindle mode: oscillating mode)

DB31, ... DBX84.6 Active spindle mode: Oscillation mode

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Oscillation mode is active.
Signal state 0 Oscillation mode is not active.
Additional information Note
When the gear stage is changed over, the spindle automatically goes into the oscillation mode.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX82.3 (change over gear stage)
DB31, ... DBX84.5 (spindle mode, positioning mode)
DB31, ... DBX84.7 (spindle mode, control mode)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX84.7 (active spindle mode: control mode)

DB31, ... DBX84.7 Active spindle mode: Control mode

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Control mode is active
Signal state 0 Control mode is notactive.
Additional information The spindle is in control mode for the following functions:
● Spindle direction of rotation specified by M3/M4 or spindle stop M5
● M41...M45, or automatic gear stage change M40
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX84.5 (spindle mode, positioning mode)
DB31, ... DBX84.6 (spindle mode, oscillation mode)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX85.0 (tool with dynamic response limitation)

DB31, ... DBX85.0 Tool with dynamic response limitation

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX85.0 Tool with dynamic response limitation

Signal state 1 After a tool change on the spindle, it is shown that a tool with dynamic response limitation is
in the spindle. To do this, the PLC acknowledgments are evaluated.
The assignment state of the spindles is checked, especially if all tools have a maximum tool
speed, which may be very high so that there is no effective limiting.
Signal state 0 The tool does not contain a parameterized dynamic response limitation.
Corresponds with Option "Tool monitoring for maximum speed"
Tool data TC_TP_MAX_VELO >0 or TC_TP_MAX_ACC >0
Additional information Function Manual, Tool Management DB31, ... DBX85.5 (spindle in position)

DB31, ... DBX85.5 Spindle in position

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The spindle is in position.
Signal state 0 The spindle is not in position.
Additional information Precondition for the output of the interface signal:
● DB31, ... DBX60.7 == 1 (exact stop fine) AND
● Programmed setpoint position is reached
● The interface signal is only processed in the positioning mode (DB31, ... DBX84.5 == 1),
– NC program: SPOS, SPOSA and M19:
– Synchronized action: SPOS and M19
– PLC user program: Positioning with FC18 or DB31, ... DBX30.4
● The interface signal remains set if the spindle is already at the programmed setpoint
Corresponds with DB31, … DBX30.4 (spindle positioning start)
DB31, ... DBX60.7 (exact stop fine)
DB31, ... DBX84.5 (spindle mode, positioning mode)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBW86 (M function for spindle)

DB31, ... DBW86 M function for spindle

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBW86 M function for spindle

Additional information The M function programmed for the spindle in the NC program is output.
Value M function
3 M3 (clockwise spindle rotation)
4 M4 (counterclockwise spindle rotation)
5 M5 (spindle stop)
19 M19 (spindle positioning to the position entered in SD43240)
70 M70 (switchover in axis operation)
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX58.0 - 4 (M function: change)
DB21, ... DBX59.0 - 4 (M function: not decoded)
DB21, ... DBB68 - 97 (M functions for spindles) DB31, ... DBD88 (S function for spindle)

DB31, ... DBD88 S function for spindle

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Additional information The spindle-specific S function programmed in the NC program is output.
The following S functions are checked:
● S.... as spindle speed in rpm (programmed value)
● S ...................................................... as constant cutting rate in m/min or ft/min
The following S functions are not output:
● S.... as the programmed spindle speed limiting G25
● S.... as the programmed spindle speed limiting G26
● S .... as spindle speed in rpm if a spindle was not defined in the control system
● S.... as the dwell time in spindle revolutions
Corresponds with DB21, ... DBX60.0 - 2 (S function: change)
DB21, ... DBX60.4 - 6 (S function: Quick)
DB21, ... DBB98 - 115 (S functions for spindles), channel-specific DB31, ... DBX92.1 (ramp-function generator disable active)

DB31, ... DBX92.1 Ramp-function generator disable

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Ramp function generator fast stop is active for the axis drive.
Signal state 0 Ramp function generator fast stop is not active for the axis drive.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX20.1 (ramp-function generator fast stop)
Additional information SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, Drive

684 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX92.4 (drive-autonomous motion active)

DB31, ... DBX92.4 Drive-autonomous motion active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Drive-autonomous motion is active.
The axis traverses due to setpoints generated by drive-internal functions. The drive still re‐
sponds to control signals of the NC, e.g. controller enable. Setpoints from the NC are ignored.
Signal state 0 Drive-autonomous motion is not active.
Additional information DBX92.4 = 1 IF MELDW.11 == 1 (controller enable) AND ZSW1.2 == 0 (operation enabled)
● SINAMICS S120: Message word (MELDW)
The message word (MELDW) is only contained in PROFIdrive telegrams compatible with
SIMODRIVE 611U, for example, telegrams 102, 103, 105, 106, 110, 111, 116, 118, 125,
126, 136, 138, 139
Additional information is available in the following reference: SINAMICS List Manual,
Function Diagrams 2419 and 2420
● SINAMICS S120: Status word 1 / 2 (ZSW1/2)
The status words ZSW1 or ZSW2 only refer to SIMODRIVE 611U-compatible PROFIdrive
telegrams in the following (SIMODRIVE 611U interface mode, p2038 = 1)
Application examples
Internal drive functions:
● Rotor or pole position identification
● Function generator
Additional information SINAMICS S120 Function Manual DB31, ... DBX93.0 - 4 (motor/drive data set: display)

DB31, ... DBX93.0 - 4 Motor/drive data set: Display

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Additional information Display interface for the currently active motor (MDS) / drive data set (DDS).
Formatting the display interface, i.e. which bits are used to address the motor data sets (MDS)
– and which are used to address the drive data sets (DDS) is set via the formatting interface
(DB31, …DBX130.0 - 4).
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX21.0 - 4 (motor/drive data set: selection)
DB31, ... DBX21.5 (motor has been selected)
DB31, …DBX130.0 ... 4 (motor/drive data set: formatting)
Additional information ● Function Manual Basic Functions
● SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, Drive

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 685
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX93.5 (drive ready)

DB31, ... DBX93.5 Drive ready

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The drive is ready.
Signal state 0 The drive is not ready.
If the signal is reset while operational, the drive is stopped (pulse inhibit or fast stop). When
powering-up, the pulses are still inhibited (canceled). In addition, the following interface sig‐
nals are reset:
● DB10, DBX108.6 = 0 (drive ready)
● DB31, ... DBX61.7 = 0 (current controller active)
● DB31, ... DBX61.6 = 0 (speed controller active)
Additional information Interface signal: DB31, ... DBX93.5 = drive: MELDW.12
● SINAMICS S120: Message word (MELDW)
The message word (MELDW) is only contained in PROFIdrive telegrams compatible with
SIMODRIVE 611U, for example, telegrams 102, 103, 105, 106, 110, 111, 116, 118, 125,
126, 136, 138, 139
Additional information is available in the following reference: SINAMICS List Manual,
Function Diagrams 2419 and 2420
● SINAMICS S120: Status word 1 / 2 (ZSW1/2)
The status words ZSW1 or ZSW2 only refer to SIMODRIVE 611U-compatible PROFIdrive
telegrams in the following (SIMODRIVE 611U interface mode, p2038 = 1)
Corresponds with DB10, DBX108.6 (Drives ready)
DB31, ... DBX61.7 (current controller active)
DB31, ... DBX61.6 (speed controller active)
Additional information ● Function Manual Basic Functions
● SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, Drive
● SINAMICS S120/S150 List Manual DB31, ... DBX93.6 (integrator disable, speed controller)

DB31, ... DBX93.6 Integrator disable, speed controller

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The integrator of the speed controller in the drive is inhibited.
The speed controller functions as a P controller.
Signal state 0 The integrator of the speed controller in the drive is not disabled.
The speed controller functions as a PI controller.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX21.6 (integrator disable, speed controller)
Additional information SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, Drive

686 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX93.7 (pulses enabled)

DB31, ... DBX93.7 Pulses enabled

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The drive pulses are enabled.
Signal state 0 The drive pulses are not enabled.
● DB31, ... DBX61.7 = 0 (current controller active)
● DB31, ... DBX61.6 = 0 (speed controller active)
● DB31, ... DBX61.5 = 0 (position controller active)
Additional information DB31, ... DBX93.7 = MELDW.13
● SINAMICS S120: Message word (MELDW)
The message word (MELDW) is only contained in PROFIdrive telegrams compatible with
SIMODRIVE 611U, for example, telegrams 102, 103, 105, 106, 110, 111, 116, 118, 125,
126, 136, 138, 139
Additional information is available in the following reference: SINAMICS List Manual,
Function Diagrams 2419 and 2420
● SINAMICS S120: Status word 1 / 2 (ZSW1/2)
The status words ZSW1 or ZSW2 only refer to SIMODRIVE 611U-compatible PROFIdrive
telegrams in the following (SIMODRIVE 611U interface mode, p2038 = 1)
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX21.7 (pulse enable)
Additional information SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, Drive DB31, ... DBX94.0 (motor temperature prewarning)

DB31, ... DBX94.0 Motor temperature prewarning

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The motor temperature has exceeded the warning threshold (p0604) configured in the drive.
If the motor temperature remains too high for longer than the parameterized time (p0606), a
fault is output, the drive is stopped and the pulse enable removed.
If the motor temperature falls below the warning threshold (p0604) again before the time has
expired (p0606), the interface signal is reset.
Signal state 0 The motor temperature is below the warning threshold (p0604).
Additional information The actual motor temperature is displayed on the user interface at:
Operating area "Diagnostics" > "Service display: Axis/spindle"
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX94.1 (heat sink temperature prewarning)

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX94.1 (heat sink temperature prewarning)

DB31, ... DBX94.1 Heat sink temperature prewarning

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The heat sink temperature of the power semiconductors has exceeded the parameterized
warning threshold (p0294).
The parameterized reaction (p0290) is performed in the drive. If the temperature violation
remains, a fault is output after approx. 20 s, the drive is stopped and the pulse enable removed.
Signal state 0 The heat sink temperature is below the warning threshold.
Additional information The interface signals DB31, ... DBX94.0 and .1 are derived from the following signals of the
cyclic drive telegram:
● Case 1: Temperature alarm in the message word
– DB31, ... DBX94.0 ≙ MELDW, bit 6 (no motor overtemperature warning)
– DB31, ... DBX94.1 ≙ MELDW, bit 7 (no thermal overload in power unit warning)
● Case 2: Alarm of alarm class B (interface mode "SIMODRIVE 611U", p2038 = 1)
DB31, ... DBX94.0 == 1 and DBX94.1 == 1, if the following applies:
cyclic drive telegram, ZSW1: bit 11 == 0 and 12 == 1 (alarm class B)
The interface signals are derived from the alarm of alarm class B if there is no specific infor‐
mation from the message word.
An alarm is displayed. Alarm number = 200.000 + alarm value (r2124)
● SINAMICS S120: Message word (MELDW)
The message word (MELDW) is only contained in PROFIdrive telegrams compatible with
SIMODRIVE 611U, for example, telegrams 102, 103, 105, 106, 110, 111, 116, 118, 125,
126, 136, 138, 139
Additional information is available in the following reference: SINAMICS List Manual,
Function Diagrams 2419 and 2420
● SINAMICS S120: Status word 1 / 2 (ZSW1/2)
The status words ZSW1 or ZSW2 only refer to SIMODRIVE 611U-compatible PROFIdrive
telegrams in the following (SIMODRIVE 611U interface mode, p2038 = 1)
Additional information ● S120 Commissioning Manual
● S120 Function Manual
● S120 List Manual
– MELDW, bit 6 ≙ BO: r2135.14 → function diagram: 2548, 8016
– MELDW, bit 7 ≙ BO: r2135.15 → function diagram: 2548, 2452, 2456, 8016
● SINUMERIK Diagnostics Manual DB31, ... DBX94.2 (run-up completed)

DB31, ... DBX94.2 Power up completed

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic

688 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX94.2 Power up completed

Signal state 1 After a new speed setpoint, the speed actual value has reached the speed tolerance band
defined using drive parameter p2164, and has not left it for the time specified in p2166.
Any subsequent speed fluctuations, also outside the tolerance band, e.g. due to load
changes, will not affect the interface signal.
Signal state 0 The power up operation is still active after the speed setpoint has been changed.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX94.6 ("nact = nset")
DB31, ... DBX94.3 ("|MD| = Mdx")
Additional information ● SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, Drive
● SINAMICS S120 List Manual DB31, ... DBX94.3 (|Md| < Mdx)

DB31, ... DBX94.3 |Md| < Mdx

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The current torque utilization is below the torque utilization threshold (torque threshold 2,
The power up operation has been completed, the drive is in the steady state and the torque
setpoint |Md| drive does not exceed the threshold torque Mdx.
The torque threshold characteristic is speed-dependent.
During the power up operation, DB31, ... DBX94.3 (|Md|< Mdx) == 1. The interface signal is not
updated until the power has been completed (DB31, ... DBX94.2 == 1) and the signal inter‐
locking time for the threshold torque has expired.
Signal state 0 The torque setpoint |Md| is higher than the threshold torque Mdx.
A motor overload can be determined via the interface signal. An appropriate response can
then be initiated in the PLC user program.
Additional information DB31, ... DBX94.3 = MELDW.1
● SINAMICS S120: Message word (MELDW)
The message word (MELDW) is only contained in PROFIdrive telegrams compatible with
SIMODRIVE 611U, for example, telegrams 102, 103, 105, 106, 110, 111, 116, 118, 125,
126, 136, 138, 139
Additional information is available in the following reference: SINAMICS List Manual,
Function Diagrams 2419 and 2420
● SINAMICS S120: Status word 1 / 2 (ZSW1/2)
The status words ZSW1 or ZSW2 only refer to SIMODRIVE 611U-compatible PROFIdrive
telegrams in the following (SIMODRIVE 611U interface mode, p2038 = 1)
Additional information ● SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, Drive
● SIMATIC S120 List Manual

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 689
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX94.4 (|nact| < nmin)

DB31, ... DBX94.4 |nact| < nmin

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The actual speed value nact is less than nmin (speed threshold value 3, p2161).
Signal state 0 The actual speed value is greater than the minimum threshold speed nmin.
Additional information DB31, ... DBX94.4 = MELDW.2
● SINAMICS S120: Message word (MELDW)
The message word (MELDW) is only contained in PROFIdrive telegrams compatible with
SIMODRIVE 611U, for example, telegrams 102, 103, 105, 106, 110, 111, 116, 118, 125,
126, 136, 138, 139
Additional information is available in the following reference: SINAMICS List Manual,
Function Diagrams 2419 and 2420
● SINAMICS S120: Status word 1 / 2 (ZSW1/2)
The status words ZSW1 or ZSW2 only refer to SIMODRIVE 611U-compatible PROFIdrive
telegrams in the following (SIMODRIVE 611U interface mode, p2038 = 1)
Additional information SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, Drive DB31, ... DBX94.5 (|nact| < nx)

DB31, ... DBX94.5 |nact| < nx

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The actual speed value nact is less than nx (speed threshold value 2, p2155).
Signal state 0 The actual speed value nact is greater than the threshold speed nx.
Additional information DB31, ... DBX94.5 = MELDW.3
● SINAMICS S120: Message word (MELDW)
The message word (MELDW) is only contained in PROFIdrive telegrams compatible with
SIMODRIVE 611U, for example, telegrams 102, 103, 105, 106, 110, 111, 116, 118, 125,
126, 136, 138, 139
Additional information is available in the following reference: SINAMICS List Manual,
Function Diagrams 2419 and 2420
● SINAMICS S120: Status word 1 / 2 (ZSW1/2)
The status words ZSW1 or ZSW2 only refer to SIMODRIVE 611U-compatible PROFIdrive
telegrams in the following (SIMODRIVE 611U interface mode, p2038 = 1)
Additional information SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, Drive

690 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX94.6 (nact = nset)

DB31, ... DBX94.6 nact = nset

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The actual speed value is at least the parameterized time (switch-on delay n_act = n_set,
p2167) within the tolerance band around the speed setpoint (speed threshold value 4, p2163).
Signal state 0 The actual speed value is outside the tolerance band around the speed setpoint (speed
threshold value 4, p2163).
Additional information SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, Drive DB31, ... DBX94.7 (variable signaling function)

DB31, ... DBX94.7 Variable signaling function

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The parameterized drive variable has exceeded the specified threshold value, including hys‐
Signal state 0 The parameterized drive variable has fallen below the specified threshold value, including
Additional information Using the "Variable signaling" function, BICO interconnections and parameters which have
the attribute traceable can be monitored in the drive.
DB31, ... DBX94.7 = MELDW.5
● SINAMICS S120: Message word (MELDW)
The message word (MELDW) is only contained in PROFIdrive telegrams compatible with
SIMODRIVE 611U, for example, telegrams 102, 103, 105, 106, 110, 111, 116, 118, 125,
126, 136, 138, 139
Additional information is available in the following reference: SINAMICS List Manual,
Function Diagrams 2419 and 2420
● SINAMICS S120: Status word 1 / 2 (ZSW1/2)
The status words ZSW1 or ZSW2 only refer to SIMODRIVE 611U-compatible PROFIdrive
telegrams in the following (SIMODRIVE 611U interface mode, p2038 = 1)
Additional information SINAMICS S120 Function Manual DB31, ... DBX95.1 (ESR: DC link undervoltage)

DB31, ... DBX95.1 ESR: DC link undervoltage

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The drive signals that the DC link voltage UDC link is less than the lower DC link voltage thresh‐
old set with parameter p1248.
Signal state 0 The drive signals that the DC link voltage UDC link is greater than they lower DC link voltage
threshold set with parameter p1248.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 691
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX95.1 ESR: DC link undervoltage

Additional information Note
The PLC user program can initiate measures in order to safely end machining and/or to buffer
the DC link voltage, e.g. initiate a drive-based and/or control-managed extended stop and
retract (ESR).
Corresponds with Drive parameter p1248 (lower DC link voltage threshold)
Drive telegram MELDW.Bit 4
Additional information SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, drive DB31, ... DBX95.2 (ESR: Response initiated or generator operation active)

DB31, ... DBX95.2 ESR: Response initiated or generator operation active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The drive signals that the configured ESR response has been initiated or generator operation
is active.
Signal state 0 The drive signals that neither the configured ESR response has been initiated nor that gen‐
erator operation is active.
Corresponds with Drive telegram MELDW.Bit 9
Additional information SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, drive DB31, … DBX95.3 (generator operation minimum speed fallen below)

DB31, ... DBX95.3 ESR: Generator operation - minimum speed fallen below
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The axis is parameterized as generator axis. The drive signals that the actual speed is less
than the minimum speed set using parameter p2161 (speed threshold value 3).
Signal state 0 The axis is parameterized as generator axis. The drive signals that the actual speed is greater
than the minimum speed set using parameter p2161 (speed threshold value 3).
Additional information The PLC user program can initiate measures in order to safely end machining and/or to buffer
the DC link voltage, e.g. initiate a drive-based and/or control-managed extended stop and
retract (ESR).
Corresponds with Drive parameter p2161 (speed threshold value 3)
Drive telegram MELDW.Bit2
Additional information SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, drive DB31, ... DBX95.7 (alarm of alarm class C is active)

DB31, ... DBX95.7 Alarm of alarm class C is active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The drive signals that an alarm of alarm class C is active.

692 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX95.7 Alarm of alarm class C is active

Signal state 0 The drive signals that no alarm of alarm class C is active.
Additional information In the drive, an alarm is the response to a detected potential or expected fault condition that
does not cause the drive to switch off and does not have to be acknowledged.
Additional information SINAMICS S120 List Manual, "Faults and Alarms" DB31, ... DBX96.2 (master-slave: fine differential speed)

DB31, ... DBX96.2 Master-slave: Fine speed difference

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The speed difference between the master and slave axis lies within the tolerance specified
with MD37272.
Signal state 0 The speed difference between the master and slave axis lies outside the tolerance specified
with MD37272.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX24.4 (master-slave: activate torque compensatory controller)
DB31, ... DBX24.7 (master-slave: activate coupling)
DB31, ... DBX96.3 (master-slave: coarse speed difference)
DB31, ... DBX96.7 (master-slave: coupling active)
MD37272 $MA_MS_VELO_TOL_FINE (master-slave: velocity tolerance fine)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX96.3 (master-slave: coarse speed difference)

DB31, ... DBX96.3 Master-slave: Coarse speed difference

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The speed difference between the master and slave axis lies within the tolerance specified
with MD37270.
Signal state 0 The speed difference between the master and slave axis lies outside the tolerance specified
with MD37270.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX24.7 (master-slave: activate coupling)
DB31, ... DBX96.2 (master-slave: fine differential speed)
DB31, ... DBX96.7 (master-slave: coupling active)
MD37270 $MA_MS_VELO_TOL_COARSE (master-slave: Speed tolerance coarse)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX96.4 (master-slave: compensatory controller active)

DB31, ... DBX96.4 Master-slave: Compensatory controller active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 693
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX96.4 Master-slave: Compensatory controller active

Signal state 1 Torque compensatory control is active.
Signal state 0 Torque compensatory control is not active.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX24.4 (master-slave: activate torque compensatory controller)
MD37254 $MA_MS_TORQUE_CTRL_MODE (interconnection torque compensatory control‐
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX96.5 (setpoint switchover: drive control active)

DB31, ... DBX96.5 Setpoint switchover: drive control active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The axis has taken over control of the drive.
Signal state 0 The axis has not taken over control of the drive.
Additional information The controller can only be enabled (DB31, ... DBX2.1) if the axis has control of the drive:
DB31, ... DBX96.5 == 1
All axes included in setpoint switchover that currently do not have drive control, are switched
to follow-up mode by the control. I.e. they are not in position control. As a consequence, we
recommend that suspended axes are assigned a brake control.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX2.1 (controller enable)
DB31, ... DBX24.5 (setpoint switchover: accept drive control)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX96.7 (master-slave: coupling active)

DB31, ... DBX96.7 Master/slave: Active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The coupling is active.
Signal state 0 The coupling is not active.
Additional information Note
For a master/slave coupling, for the brake control logic of the slave axes, it is no longer
permissible that the interface signal DB31, ... DBX61.5 (position controller active) is evalu‐
ated, as it is no longer set for an active master/slave coupling. Instead, this interface signal
must be used.
Additional information Function Manual Technologies

694 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX97.0 (MCS coupling: slave axis)

DB31, …DBX97.0 MCS coupling: Following axis

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The axis is a following axis:
Signal state 0 The axis is not a following axis:
Corresponds with DB31, …DBX24.2 (MCS coupling: deactivate or do not permit)
DB31, ... DBX24.3 (MCS coupling: activate collision protection)
DB31, ... DBX66.0 (MCS coupling: collision protection active)
DB31, ... DBX97.0 (MCS coupling: slave axis)
DB31, … DBX97.1 (MCS coupling: coupling active)
DB31, ... DBX97.2 (MCS coupling: mirroring active)
DB31, ... DBX97.3 (MCS coupling: offset change)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, … DBX97.1 (MCS coupling: coupling active)

DB31, …DBX97.1 MCS coupling: Coupling active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The coupling is active.
Signal state 0 The coupling is not active.
Corresponds with DB31, …DBX24.2 (MCS coupling: deactivate or do not permit)
DB31, ... DBX24.3 (MCS coupling: activate collision protection)
DB31, ... DBX66.0 (MCS coupling: collision protection active)
DB31, ... DBX97.0 (MCS coupling: slave axis)
DB31, … DBX97.1 (MCS coupling: coupling active)
DB31, ... DBX97.2 (MCS coupling: mirroring active)
DB31, ... DBX97.3 (MCS coupling: offset change)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX97.2 (MCS coupling: mirroring active)

DB31, …DBX97.2 MCS coupling: Mirroring active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The "mirroring" function is active.
Signal state 0 The "mirroring" function is not active.
Additional information Displayed only for the CC_slave axis.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 695
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, …DBX97.2 MCS coupling: Mirroring active

Corresponds with DB31, …DBX24.2 (MCS coupling: deactivate or do not permit)
DB31, ... DBX24.3 (MCS coupling: activate collision protection)
DB31, ... DBX66.0 (MCS coupling: collision protection active)
DB31, ... DBX97.0 (MCS coupling: slave axis)
DB31, … DBX97.1 (MCS coupling: coupling active)
DB31, ... DBX97.2 (MCS coupling: mirroring active)
DB31, ... DBX97.3 (MCS coupling: offset change)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX97.3 (MCS coupling: offset change)

DB31, …DBX97.3 MCS coupling: Offset change

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The offset has changed since activation instant.
Signal state 0 The offset has not changed since the activation instant.
Additional information The interface signal is set, if, for an active 1:1 coupling, the offset saved at the activation
instant has changed.
In the reset phase, the interface signal is not set.
Corresponds with DB31, …DBX24.2 (MCS coupling: deactivate or do not permit)
DB31, ... DBX24.3 (MCS coupling: activate collision protection)
DB31, ... DBX66.0 (MCS coupling: collision protection active)
DB31, ... DBX97.0 (MCS coupling: slave axis)
DB31, … DBX97.1 (MCS coupling: coupling active)
DB31, ... DBX97.2 (MCS coupling: mirroring active)
DB31, ... DBX97.3 (MCS coupling: offset change)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX98.0 (fine synchronous operation)

DB31, ... DBX98.0 Synchronous operation fine

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Synchronous spindle coupling: The position deviation or velocity difference between the fol‐
lowing spindle and its leading spindle is within the "Fine synchronous operation" tolerance
Signal state 0 Synchronous spindle coupling: The position deviation or velocity difference between the fol‐
lowing spindle and its leading spindle is not within the "Fine synchronous operation" tolerance

696 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX98.0 Synchronous operation fine

Additional information Note
The signal is relevant only for the following spindle in synchronous operation.
Application example
Clamping of the workpiece in the following spindle at the transfer from the leading spindle: The
clamping of the workpiece is only initiated by the PLC user program when the spindles are
operating in adequate synchronism.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX84.4 (active spindle operating mode: Synchronous operation)
MD37210 $MA_COUPLE_POS_TOL_FINE (threshold value for "fine synchronism")
MD37230 $MA_COUPLE_VELO_TOL_FINE ("fine" speed tolerance)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX98.1 (coarse synchronous operation)

DB31, ... DBX98.1 Synchronous operation, coarse

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Synchronous spindle coupling: The position deviation or velocity difference between the fol‐
lowing spindle and its leading spindle is within the "Coarse synchronous operation" tolerance
Signal state 0 Synchronous spindle coupling: The position deviation or velocity difference between the fol‐
lowing spindle and its leading spindle is not within the "Coarse synchronous operation" tol‐
erance band.
Additional information Note
The signal is relevant only for the following spindle in synchronous operation.
Application example
Clamping of the workpiece in the following spindle at the transfer from the leading spindle: The
clamping of the workpiece is only initiated by the PLC user program when the spindles are
operating in adequate synchronism.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX84.4 (active spindle operating mode: Synchronous operation)
MD37200 $MA_COUPLE_POS_TOL_COARSE (threshold value for "coarse synchronism")
MD37220 $MA_COUPLE_VELO_TOL_COARSE ("coarse" speed tolerance)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX98.2 (actual value coupling)

DB31, ... DBX98.2 Actual value coupling

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Synchronous spindle coupling: Actual value coupling active
Signal state 0 Synchronous spindle coupling: Setpoint coupling active

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX98.2 Actual value coupling

Additional information Note
The signal is relevant only for the active following spindle in synchronous operation.
Special cases or errors
If faults occur on the following spindle that cause a withdrawal of the "Controller enable" for the
following spindle, under certain circumstances, the control may exchange the coupling rela‐
tionship of the following spindle and leading spindle and switch to actual value coupling.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX84.4 (active spindle operating mode: Synchronous operation)
MD21310 $MC_COUPLING_MODE_1 (coupling type in synchr. spindle oper.)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX98.4 (overlaid movement)

DB31, ... DBX98.4 Overlaid motion

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Synchronous spindle coupling: The following spindle executes an additional motion compo‐
nent that is superimposed on the motion from the coupling with the leading spindle.
Signal state 0 Synchronous spindle coupling: The following spindle does not traverse through any additional
motion component - or this has been completed.
Additional information Note
The signal is relevant only for the following spindle in synchronous operation.
Application examples
Example for superimposed motion of the following spindle:
● Activating the synchronous mode with a defined angular offset between the following
spindle and leading spindle.
● Activating the synchronous mode for rotating leading spindle.
● Changing the ratio while the synchronous mode is active.
● Entering a new defined angular offset when the synchronous mode is active.
● Traversing the following spindle in the JOG mode with the traversing keys "Plus" / "Minus"
or the handwheel with synchronous operation active
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX84.4 (active spindle operating mode: Synchronous operation)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX98.5 (speed alarm threshold reached)

DB31, ... DBX98.5 Velocity alarm threshold reached

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Electronic gearbox (EG): The velocity of the following axis has reached or exceeded the
parameterized velocity alarm threshold.
Signal state 0 Electronic gearbox (EG): The velocity of the following axis is below the parameterized velocity
alarm threshold.

698 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX98.5 Velocity alarm threshold reached

Additional information The signal is only relevant when the "Electronic gearbox (EG)" coupling function is active. It
is set if the velocity of the following axis, reaches or exceeds the velocity alarm threshold,
defined with MD37550 and MD32000 (= percentage of the maximum axis velocity).
Corresponds with MD37550 $MA_EG_VEL_WARNING (threshold value velocity alarm threshold)
MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO (maximum axis velocity)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX98.6 (acceleration alarm threshold reached)

DB31, ... DBX98.6 Acceleration alarm threshold reached

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Electronic gearbox (EG): The acceleration of the following axis has reached or exceeded the
parameterized acceleration alarm threshold.
Signal state 0 Electronic gearbox (EG): The acceleration of the following axis is below the parameterized
acceleration alarm threshold.
Additional information The signal is only relevant when the "Electronic gearbox (EG)" coupling function is active. It
is set if the acceleration of the following axis, reaches or exceeds the acceleration alarm
threshold, defined with MD37550 and MD32300 (= percentage of the maximum axis accel‐
Corresponds with MD37550 $MA_EG_VEL_WARNING (threshold value velocity alarm threshold)
MD32300 $MA_MAX_AX_ACCEL (maximum axis acceleration)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX99.0 (leading spindle active)

DB31, ... DBX99.0 Leading spindle active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Synchronous spindle coupling: The machine axis is presently active as leading spindle.
Signal state 0 Synchronous spindle coupling: The machine axis is presently not active as leading spindle.
Additional information Note
The signal is relevant only in synchronous operation.
Special cases or errors
If faults occur on the following spindle that cause a withdrawal of the "Controller enable" for the
following spindle, under certain circumstances, the control may exchange the coupling rela‐
tionship of the following spindle and leading spindle and switch to actual value coupling. In this
case, the previous leading spindle becomes the new active following spindle (IS "Following
spindle active ").
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX84.4 (active spindle operating mode: Synchronous operation)
DB31, ... DBX99.1 (following spindle active)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX99.1 (following spindle active)

DB31, ... DBX99.1 Following spindle active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Synchronous spindle coupling: The machine axis is currently being operated as a following
Signal state 0 Synchronous spindle coupling: The machine axis is currently not being operated as a follow‐
ing spindle.
Additional information For DB31, ... DBX99.1 == 1, the following spindle follows the motion of the leading spindle
corresponding to the ratio.
The signal is relevant only in synchronous operation.
Special cases or errors
If faults occur on the following spindle that cause a withdrawal of the "Controller enable" for the
following spindle, under certain circumstances, the control may exchange the coupling rela‐
tionship of the following spindle and leading spindle and switch to actual value coupling.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX84.4 (active spindle operating mode: Synchronous operation)
DB31, ... DBX99.0 (leading spindle active)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX99.3 (axis accelerates)

DB31, ... DBX99.3 Axis accelerates

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Electronic gearbox (EG): The acceleration of the following axis has reached or exceeded the
parameterized acceleration level, at which the acceleration of the axis is displayed.
Signal state 0 Electronic gearbox (EG): The acceleration of the following axis lies below the parameterized
acceleration level, at which the acceleration of the axis is displayed.
Additional information The signal is only relevant when the "Electronic gearbox (EG)" coupling function is active. It
is set if the acceleration of the following axis, reaches or exceeds the acceleration alarm value,
defined with MD37560 and MD32300.
Corresponds with MD37560 $MA_EG_ACC_TOL (threshold value for "Axis accelerates")
MD32300 $MA_MAX_AX_ACCEL (maximum axis acceleration)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX100.2 (oscillation reversal from external active)

DB31, ... DBX100.2 External oscillation reversal active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The braking phase after "oscillation reversal from external" is active.
Signal state 0 The braking phase after "oscillation reversal from external" is not active.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX100.2 External oscillation reversal active

Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX28.0 (oscillation reversal from external)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX100.3 (oscillation cannot be started)

DB31, ... DBX100.3 Oscillation cannot be started

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The oscillation axis cannot be started.
Signal state 0 Oscillation motion cannot be started.
Additional information This signal is set if there is a programming error, for example.
This state can also occur if axis was already traversed.
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX100.4 (error during oscillation)

DB31, ... DBX100.4 Error during oscillation

Signal flow NC → PLC
Signal state 1 Oscillation motion was canceled as an error occurred while oscillating.
Signal state 0 Oscillation is error free.
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, …DBX100.5 (sparking-out active)

DB31, ... DBX100.5 Sparking-out active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The axis executes sparking-out strokes.
Signal state 0 The axis is presently not executing any sparking-out strokes.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX100.7 (oscillation active)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX100.6 (oscillation active)

DB31, ... DBX100.6 Oscillation active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The axis performs an oscillation movement between two reversal points.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX100.6 Oscillation active

Signal state 0 The axis is not currently oscillating.
Additional information The signal is irrelevant:
DB31, ... DBX100.7 == 0
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX100.7 (oscillation active)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX100.7 (oscillation active)

DB31, ... DBX100.7 Oscillation active

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The axis is presently being traversed as oscillating axis.
Signal state 0 The axis is a positioning axis.
Corresponds with DB31, …DBX100.5 (sparking-out active)
DB31, ... DBX100.6 (oscillation active)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX102.5 (position measuring system 1 activated)

DB31, ... DBX102.5 Position measuring system 1 activated

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Position measuring system 1 is in the "active" or "passive" state. Monitoring and updating the
position measuring system is activated.
Signal state 0 Position measuring system 1 is in "Park" state. Monitoring and updating the position meas‐
uring system is deactivated.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX1.6 (position measuring system 2)
Additional information Function Manual Monitoring and Compensating DB31, ... DBX102.6 (position measuring system 2 activated)

DB31, ... DBX102.6 Position measuring system 2 activated

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Position measuring system 2 is in the "active" or "passive" state. Monitoring and updating the
position measuring system is activated.
Signal state 0 Position measuring system 21 is in the "Park" state. Monitoring and updating the position
measuring system is deactivated.
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX1.5 (position measuring system 1)
Additional information Function Manual Monitoring and Compensating

702 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX104.0 - 107.6 (active infeed axes)

DB31, ... DBX104.0 - 107.6: Active infeed axes

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 For the actual axis (oscillating axis), the corresponding axis is an infeed axis.
Signal state 0 For the actual axis (oscillating axis), the corresponding axis is not an infeed axis.
Additional information DBB Bit 7 Bit 6 ... Bit 1 Bit 0
104 Axis 8 Axis 7 ... Axis 2 Axis 1
105 Axis 16 Axis 15 ... Axis 10 Axis 9
106 Axis 24 Axis 23 ... Axis 18 Axis 17
107 --- Axis 31 ... Axis 26 Axis 25
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX100.7 (oscillation active)
Additional information Function Manual Technologies DB31, ... DBX128.0 (suppress program test)

DB31, ... DBX128.0 Suppress program test

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Suppression of the program test (setpoint output locked) is requested by the HMI.
Signal state 0 Suppression of the program test (setpoint output locked) is not requested by the HMI.
Additional information If function "Program test" (PRT) is active in the channel to which the axis currently belongs,
the axis is traversed with internal axis disable. Setpoints are generated but they not output to
the machine axes. Actual value = Setpoint.
If the program test is suppressed for the axis, setpoints are output to the machine axis despite
the function "program test" being active in the channel to which the axis currently belongs.
Automatic transfer of the interface signals
The HMI request signals DB21, ... DBX128.0 / .1 are only transferred from the basic PLC
program to the PLC request signals DB21, ... DBX14.0 / .1 if FB1 parameter MMCToIF is set
to TRUE. If the parameter is not set, the PLC request signals must be set by the PLC user
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX14.0 (suppress program test)
DB31, ... DBX14.1 (activate program test)
DB31, ... DBX128.1 (activate program test)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB31, ... DBX128.1 (activate program test)

DB31, ... DBX128.1 Activate program test

Signal flow HMI → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Activation of the function "program test" (setpoint output locked) is requested by the HMI.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX128.1 Activate program test

Signal state 0 Activation of the function "program test" (setpoint output locked) is not requested by the HMI.
Additional information If the function "program test" is active, the axis is traversed with internal axis disable. Setpoints
are generated but they not output to the machine axes. Actual value = Setpoint.
Automatic transfer of the interface signals
The HMI request signals DB21, ... DBX128.0 / .1 are only transferred from the basic PLC
program to the PLC request signals DB21, ... DBX14.0 / .1 if FB1 parameter MMCToIF is set
to TRUE. If the parameter is not set, the PLC request signals must be set by the PLC user
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX14.0 (suppress program test)
DB31, ... DBX14.1 (activate program test)
DB31, ... DBX128.0 (suppress program test)
Additional information Function Manual Basic Functions DB31, ... DBX130.0 - 4 (motor/drive data set: formatting)

DB31, ... DBX130.0 - 4 Motor/drive data set: Formatting

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Additional information Formatting interface for the currently active motor (MDS) / drive data set (DDS).
Corresponds with DB31, ... DBX21.0 - 4 (motor/drive data set: selection)
DB31, ... DBX21.5 (motor has been selected)
DB31, ... DBX93.0 - 4 (motor/drive data set: display)
Additional information ● Function Manual Basic Functions
● SINUMERIK 840D sl Commissioning Manual, CNC Commissioning: NC, PLC, Drive DB31, ... DBX132.0 (sensors available)

DB31, ... DBX132.0 Sensors available

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The sensor required for spindles with SMI 24 is available.
Signal state 0 The sensor required for spindles with SMI 24 is not available.
Additional information Note
Only relevant for spindles with SMI 24 (Weiss spindle)
Corresponds with DB31, … DBX132.1: Sensor S1 (clamped state) is available
DB31, … DBX132.4: Sensor S4 is available
DB31, … DBX132.5: Sensor S5 is available
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

704 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX132.1 (sensor S1 available (clamped state))

DB31, ... DBX132.1 Sensor S1 available (clamped state)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Sensor S1 is available.
Signal state 0 Sensor S1 is not available.
Additional information Note
Only relevant for spindles with SMI 24 (Weiss spindle)
Corresponds with DB31, … DBW134 (state of the clamping system)
DB31, … DBW136 (analog value: clamped state)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, … DBX132.4 (sensor S4 available (piston end position))

DB31, ... DBX132.4 Sensor S4 available (piston end position)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Sensor S4 is available.
Signal state 0 Sensor S4 is not available.
Additional information Note
Only relevant for spindles with SMI 24 (Weiss spindle)
Corresponds with DB31, … DBX138.4 (sensor S4: piston end position)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX132.5 (sensor S5 available (angular position of the motor shaft))

DB31, ... DBX132.5 Sensor S5 available (angular position of the motor shaft)
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 Sensor S5 is available.
Signal state 0 Sensor S5 is not available.
Additional information Note
Only relevant for spindles with SMI 24 (Weiss spindle)
Corresponds with DB31, … DBX138.5 (sensor S5: angular position of the motor shaft)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 705
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB31, ... DBX133.2 (state value is generated, speed limitation p5043 is active)

DB31, ... DBX133.2 State value is generated, speed limitation p5043 is active
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The status value is generated and the speed limits from drive parameter p5043 are active.
Signal state 0 The status value is not generated and the speed limits from drive parameter p5043 are not
Additional information Note
● Only relevant for spindles with SMI 24 (Weiss spindle)
● When generating the status value, the analog voltage values of sensor S1 are transformed
into discrete status values of drive parameter r5001.
Corresponds with DB31, … DBX134 (clamped state)
Drive parameters: r5001
System variable: $VA_MOT_CLAMPING_STATE[<axis>]
OPI variable: vaMotClampingState
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, … DBW134 (state of the clamping system (sensor S1))

DB31, ... DBW134 State of the clamping system (sensor S1)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Additional information Note
Only relevant for spindles with SMI 24 (Weiss spindle)
Depending on the position of the clamping device, sensor S1 supplies an analog voltage
value. To simplify the evaluation of the clamped state, the analog voltage of sensor module
SMI 24 is converted into a state value.
The state values correspond to certain voltage ranges. The voltage ranges can be set via:
Drive parameter p5041[0...5].
State value Clamped state
0 Sensor S1 not available or state values inactive
1 State initialization running
2 Released with signal (error state)
3 Released
4 Clamping with tool
5 Releasing with tool
6 Releasing without tool
7 Clamped with tool AND S4 == 0
8 Clamped with tool AND S4 == 1
9 Clamping without tool
10 Clamped without tool
11 Clamped with signal (error state)

706 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBW134 State of the clamping system (sensor S1)

Corresponds with DB31, … DBW136 (analog value: clamped state)
Drive parameters: p5041[0...5], p5043[0...6]
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBW136 (analog measured value: of the clamping system)

DB31, ... DBW136 Analog measured value: of the clamping system

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Additional information Note
Only relevant for spindles with SMI 24 (Weiss spindle)
Sensor S1 supplies an analog voltage value: 0 - 10 V. The analog value of the clamped state
is mapped to: 0 - 10000 increments, resolution 1 mV
SIMATIC S7 input module: 0 - 27648 increments, resolution 0.36 mV
Adaptation factor if you change to a spindle with SMI 24: 2.7648
Corresponds with DB31, … DBW134 (clamped state)
Drive parameters: p5041[0...5], p5043[0...6]
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, … DBX138.4 (sensor S4, piston end position)

DB31, ... DBX138.4 Sensor S4, piston end position

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The piston is in position, i.e. the piston is free to move
Signal state 0 The piston is not in position
Additional information Note
Only relevant for spindles with SMI 24 (Weiss spindle)
Corresponds with DB31, … DBX132.4 (sensor S4 available)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles DB31, ... DBX138.5 (sensor S5 angular position of the motor shaft)

DB31, ... DBX138.5 Sensor S5, angular position of the motor shaft
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Cyclic
Signal state 1 The motor shaft is in position (requirement: the spindle is stationary)
Signal state 0 The motor shaft is not aligned

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB31, ... DBX138.5 Sensor S5, angular position of the motor shaft
Additional information Note
Only relevant for spindles with SMI 24 (Weiss spindle)
Corresponds with DB31, … DBX132.5 (sensor S5 available)
Additional information Function Manual Axes and Spindles

18.2.7 DB71. Tool management, loading/unloading points DB71 DBX0.0 - 1.7 (active status of interfaces 1 - 16)

DB71 DBX0.0 - 1.7 Active status of interfaces 1- 16

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The interface is active.
Signal state 0 The interface is not active.
Additional information If an interface is active, then a valid data set exists for this interface.
Assignment of the interfaces:
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB1 INT 16 INT 15 INT 14 INT 13 INT 12 INT 11 INT 10 INT 9 DB71 DBX2.0 - 3.7 ("auto" acknowledgment of interfaces 1 - 16)

DB71 DBX2.0 - 3.7 "auto" acknowledgment of interfaces 1 - 16

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 0 → 1 When setting (edge) the bit, the active command is acknowledged with status_1. Unless it is
a relocation operation from a real magazine to a buffer. Then acknowledgment is made with
status_6. This reserves the source location.
e. g.
U DB71 DBX0.0
U DB71 DBX4.1 (unload)
S DB71 DBX2.0
Signal state 1 → 0 Operation for this interface has ended. Is reset by the basic program. DB71 DBX(n+0).0 (command: Loading)

DB71 DBX(n+0).0 Command: Loading

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled

708 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB71 DBX(n+0).0 Command: Loading

Signal state 1 Loading operation for a tool is initiated. The magazine location into which the tool is to be
loaded is defined in DBW(n+26). The loading point in question is the location number of the
loading point. It is also located in DBW(n+18)
Additional information The bits in DBB(n+0) (loading, unloading,....) are not updated by the basic program until a new
task exists for this interface. They are only current (up-to-date) if the corresponding interface
bit in DBB0 is set to "1''. If required, the user can reset bits DBB(n+0).
Additional information Start addresses
The start addresses n of the loading/unloading points are 1 - 4:
● Loading/unloading point 1: n = 4
● Loading/unloading point 2: n = 34
● Loading/unloading point 3: n = 64
● Loading/unloading point 4: n = 94
Corresponds with DB71 DBX(n+16) and (n+18) and (n+26) DB71 DBX(n+0).1 (command: Unload)

DB71 DBX(n+0).1 Command: Unload

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Unloading operation is initiated for a tool; the magazine location from which it is to be unloaded
is in DBW (n+20) and DBW (n+22). The number of the unloading point is in DBW(n+18).
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional
Additional information The bits in DBB(n+0) (loading, unloading,....) are not updated by the basic program until a new
task exists for this interface. They are only current (up-to-date) if the corresponding interface
bit in DBB0 is set to "1''. If required, the user can reset bits DBB(n+0).
Additional information Starting addresses of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 4
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 34
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 64
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 94
Corresponds with DB71 DBX(n+16) and (n+18) or (n+20) and (n+22) DB71 DBX(n+0).2 (command: Relocate)

DB71 DBX(n+0).2 Command: Relocate

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Relocation operation for a tool is initiated. From magazine/location (n+20, n+22=source) to
magazine/location (n+24, n+26=target)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 709
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB71 DBX(n+0).2 Command: Relocate

Signal state 0 Relocation operation for a tool is not initiated.
Additional information Starting addresses of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 4
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 34
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 64
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 94
The bits in DBB(n+0) (loading, unloading,....) are not updated by the basic program until a new
task exists for this interface. They are only current (up-to-date) if the corresponding interface
bit in DBB0 is set to "1''. If required, the user can reset bits DBB(n+0). DB71 DBX(n+0).3 (command: Position to load point)

DB71 DBX(n+0).3 Command: Position to the loading point

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 A magazine location is to be positioned at the loading point (magazine No. 9999). The mag‐
azine location that is to be moved to the loading point is in DB71.DBW(n+20) and (n+22). The
loading location is in DB71.DBWn+18.
Signal state 0 A magazine location is not to be positioned at the loading point (magazine No. 9999).
Additional information Starting addresses of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 4
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 34
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 64
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 94
The bits in DBB(n+0) (loading, unloading,....) are not updated by the basic program until a new
task exists for this interface. They are only current (up-to-date) if the corresponding interface
bit in DBB0 is set to "1''. If required, the user can reset bits DBB(n+0). DB71 DBX(n+0).4 (command: Job/task comes from the NC program)

DB71 DBX(n+0).4 Command: Task comes from the NC program

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The signal is set if the task is received from the part program or via a cycle.
1. Positioning task with the language command POSM
2. A relocation task or tool transport uses the language command MVTOOL
3. Positioning a multitool using the language command POSMT

710 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB71 DBX(n+0).4 Command: Task comes from the NC program

Signal state 0 The signal is not set.
Additional information Starting addresses of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 4
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 34
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 64
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 94
The bits in DBB(n+0) (loading, unloading,....) are not updated by the basic program until a new
task exists for this interface. They are only current (up-to-date) if the corresponding interface
bit in DBB0 is set to "1''. If required, the user can reset bits DBB(n+0). DB71 DBX(n+0).5 (command: Position a multitool)

DB71 DBX(n+0).5 Command: Position a multitool

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Positioning a multitool has been initiated. This can be realized using a language command, PI
service or the HMI user interface.
Signal state 0 The signal is not set.
Additional information Starting addresses of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 4
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 34
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 64
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 94
The bits in DBB(n+0) (loading, unloading,....) are not updated by the basic program until a new
task exists for this interface. They are only current (up-to-date) if the corresponding interface
bit in DBB0 is set to "1''. If required, the user can reset bits DBB(n+0). DB71 DBX(n+1).0 ("auto" acknowledgment negative)

DB71 DBX(n+1).0 "auto" acknowledgment negative

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The bit is only evaluated in conjunction with "auto" ackn. If it is set, then the auto acknowledge
is negative, i.e. with status_3.
Signal state 0 The bit is not set.
Additional information Starting addresses of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 4
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 34
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 64
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 94

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB71 DBX(n+1).7 (command: data in the extended range)

DB71 DBX(n+1).7 Command: Data in the extended range

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The signal is set if a multitool is loaded, unloaded or positioned. The multitool data are then
available in DB1071.
Signal state 0 The signal is not set.
Additional information Starting addresses of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 4
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 34
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 64
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 94 DB71 DBB(n+2) (assigned channel)

DB71 DBB(n+2) Assigned channel

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Number of the channel for which the active interface is valid.
Signal state 0 No channel number
Additional information Starting addresses of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 4
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 34
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 64
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 94 DB71 DBB(n+3) (tool management No.)

DB71 DBB(n+3) Tool management No.

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Associated tool management number; corresponds to the number of the TO unit within a TO
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional
Additional information Starting addresses of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 4
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 34
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 64
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 94

712 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB71 DBW(n+16) (identifier for loading/unloading point (fixed value 9999))

DB71 DBW(n+16) Identifier for loading/unloading point (fixed value 9999)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The identifier for the loading/unloading point is fixed to the value 9999.
Signal state 0 The identifier is not defined.
Additional information Starting addresses of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 4
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 34
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 64
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 94 DB71 DBW(n+18) (location number of the loading/unloading point)

DB71 DBW(n+18) Location No. of the loading/unloading point

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The location No. of the loading/unloading point is displayed.
Signal state 0 The location No. of the loading/unloading point is not displayed.
Additional information Starting addresses of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 4
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 34
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 64
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 94 DB71 DBW(n+20) (Magazine No. (Source) for unloading/relocating/positioning)

DB71 DBW(n+20) Magazine No. (Source) for unloading/relocating/positioning

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Unloading: Magazine from which the tool is to be unloaded
Relocating: Magazine from which the tool is received
Positioning: Magazine that is to be positioned
Signal state 0 No magazine is unloaded, relocated or positioned.
Additional information Starting addresses of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 4
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 34
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 64
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 94
Corresponds with DBW(n+22)

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 713
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB71 DBW(n+22) (Location No. (Source) for unloading/relocating/positioning)

DB71 DBW(n+22) Location No. (Source) for unloading/relocating/positioning

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Unloading: Location from which the tool is to be unloaded
Relocating: Location from where the tool is received
Positioning: Location that should be positioned
Signal state 0 No tool is unloaded, relocated, positioned from any location.
Additional information Starting addresses of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 4
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 34
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 64
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 94
Corresponds with DBW(n+20) DB71 DBW(n+24) (Magazine No. (Target) for unloading/relocating/positioning)

DB71 DBW(n+24) Magazine No. (Target) for unloading/relocating/positioning

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Loading: Magazine into which the tool is to be loaded
Relocating: Magazine into which the tool is loaded:
Positioning: Magazine to be positioned to - tool remains in the original magazine
Only meaningful for interface 1. If values other than 0 are entered here, the data define the
magazine or location for positioning (language command POSM).
Signal state 0 No magazine number specified.
Additional information Starting addresses of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 4
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 34
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 64
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 94
Corresponds with DBW(n+26) DB71 DBW(n+26) (location No. (Target) for unloading/relocating/positioning)

DB71 DBW(n+26) Location No. (Target) for unloading/relocating/positioning

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled

714 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB71 DBW(n+26) Location No. (Target) for unloading/relocating/positioning

Signal state 1 Loading: Location into which the tool is to be loaded
Relocating: Location into which the tool comes
Positioning: Location at which the tool must be positioned. Tool remains at original location
Only meaningful for interface 1. If values other than 0 are entered here, the data define the
magazine or location for positioning (language command POSM).
Signal state 0 No location number specified for loading, relocating, positioning.
Additional information Starting addresses of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 4
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 34
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 64
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 94
Corresponds with DBW(n+24) DB71 DBX(n+28).0 (loading/unloading without any magazine movement)

DB71 DBX(n+28).0 Loading/unloading without magazine movement

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 HMI / Jobshop sets this signal when requested by the operator.
If the bit is active, there must be no traversing motion of the magazine, only a mechanical
unlocking/locking of the location. The load/unload command must be acknowledged after the
action. For a positioning and relocating request, this signal is not valid for a traversing motion.
Signal state 0 HMI / Jobshop delete this signal when requested by the operator.
Additional information Starting addresses of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 4
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 34
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 64
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 94

18.2.8 DB72: Tool management, change in the spindle DB72 DBX0.0-1.7 (active status of interfaces 1-16)

DB72 DBX0.0-1.7 Active status of interfaces 1-16

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Associated interface has a valid data set, a tool change request or tool preparation has been

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB72 DBX0.0-1.7 Active status of interfaces 1-16

Signal state 0 Operation for this interface has ended. Is reset by FC8/FC6.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBX2.0-3.7 ("auto" acknowledgment of interfaces 1-16)

DB72 DBX2.0-3.7 "auto" acknowledgment of interfaces 1-16

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 When setting (edge) the bit, the active command is acknowledged with status_1.
Signal state 0 Operation for this interface has ended. Is reset by the basic program.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBX(n+0).0 (command code: Obligatory change)

DB72 DBX(n+0).0 Command code: Obligatory change

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The new tool is fixed-location-coded.
Signal state 1 The new tool is fixed-location-coded.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100
The bit in DBB (n+0).2 (prepare change) is not reset by the system with a change command.
The bits in DBB(n+0) ... are current only if the corresponding interface bit in DBB0 is set to "1''.
However, the bits can be reset by the user if necessary.
If DBX(n+0).1 and DBX(n+0).2 are present at the same time, it means that T and M06 were
programmed in one block. DB72 DBX(n+0).1 (command code: Perform change with M06)

DB72 DBX(n+0).1 Command code: Perform change with M06

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 M06 command was programmed for tool change, the tool change can now take place

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB72 DBX(n+0).1 Command code: Perform change with M06

Signal state 0 M06 command for tool change was not programmed.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100
The bit in DBB(n+0).2 (prepare change) is not reset by the system with a change command.
The bits in DBB(n+0) are up to date only if the corresponding interface bit in DBB0 is set to "1''.
However, the bits can be reset by the user if necessary.
If DBX(n+0).1 and DBX(n+0).2 are present at the same time, it means that T and M06 were
programmed in one block. DB72 DBX(n+0).2 (command code: Prepare change)

DB72 DBX(n+0).2 Command code: Prepare change

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Prepare new tool for change. If necessary, move location for old tool to spindle.
Signal state 0 No new tool is ready.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100
The bit in DBB (n+0).2 (prepare change) is not reset by the system with a change command.
The bits in DBB(n+0) ... are current only if the corresponding interface bit in DBB0 is set to "1''.
However, the bits can be reset by the user if necessary.
If DBX(n+0).1 and DBX(n+0).2 are present at the same time, it means that T and M06 were
programmed in one block. DB72 DBX(n+0).3 (command code: T0)

DB72 DBX(n+0).3 Command code: T0

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Indicates that T0 has been programmed (no-load spindle traversing).

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB72 DBX(n+0).3 Command code: T0

Signal state 0 Does not indicate that T0 has been programmed.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100
The bit in DBB (n+0).2 (prepare change) is not reset by the system with a change command.
The bits in DBB(n+0) ... are current only if the corresponding interface bit in DBB0 is set to "1''.
However, the bits can be reset by the user if necessary.
If DBX(n+0).1 and DBX(n+0).2 are present at the same time, it means that T and M06 were
programmed in one block. DB72 DBX(n+0).4 (command code: Old tool in buffer)

DB72 DBX(n+0).4 Command code: Old tool in buffer

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The buffer number of the tool to be changed is in DB72.DBW (n+42)
Signal state 0 The buffer number of the tool to be changed is not in DB72.DBW (n+42)
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100
The bit in DBB(n+0).2 (prepare change) is not reset by the system with a change command.
The bits in DBB(n+0) ... are current only if the corresponding interface bit in DBB0 is set to "1''.
However, the bits can be reset by the user if necessary.
If DBX(n+0).1 and DBX(n+0).2 are present at the same time, it means that T and M06 were
programmed in one block. DB72 DBX(n+0).5 (command code: Load manual tool)

DB72 DBX(n+0).5 Command code: Load manual tool

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 A manual tool is to be loaded. The HMI displays the tool which is to be loaded.
Signal state 0 No new manual tool is loaded.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB72 DBX(n+0).5 Command code: Load manual tool

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100
The bit in DBB(n+0).2 (prepare change) is not reset by the system with a change command.
The bits in DBB(n+0) ... are current only if the corresponding interface bit in DBB0 is set to "1''.
However, the bits can be reset by the user if necessary.
If DBX(n+0).1 and DBX(n+0).2 are present at the same time, it means that T and M06 were
programmed in one block. DB72 DBX(n+0).6 (command code: Unload manual tool)

DB72 DBX(n+0).6: Command code: Unload manual tool

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The tool is to be changed via manual operation.
Signal state 0 The tool is not to be changed via manual operation.
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100
The bit in DBB(n+0).2 (prepare change) is not reset by the system with a change command.
The bits in DBB(n+0) ... are current only if the corresponding interface bit in DBB0 is set to "1''.
However, the bits can be reset by the user if necessary.
If DBX(n+0).1 and DBX(n+0).2 are present at the same time, it means that T and M06 were
programmed in one block. DB72 DBX(n+0).7 (command code: Tool remains in spindle)

DB72 DBX(n+0).7 Command code: Tool remains in spindle

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The bit is set at change from spindle to spindle. Initiated, e.g. by reset and start mode or block
Signal state 0 The bit is not set at change from spindle to spindle.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB72 DBX(n+0).7 Command code: Tool remains in spindle

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100
The bit in DBB(n+0).2 (prepare change) is not reset by the system with a change command.
The bits in DBB(n+0) ... are current only if the corresponding interface bit in DBB0 is set to "1''.
However, the bits can be reset by the user if necessary.
If DBX(n+0).1 and DBX(n+0).2 are present at the same time, it means that T and M06 were
programmed in one block. DB72 DBX(n+1).0 ("auto" acknowledgment negative)

DB72 DBX(n+1).0 "auto" acknowledgment negative

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The bit is only evaluated in conjunction with "auto" ackn. If it is set, the auto acknowledge is
negative, i.e. with status_3.
Signal state 0 Bit is not evaluated.
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBX(n+1).7 (command: data in the extended range)

DB72 DBX(n+1).7 Command: Data in the extended range

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The signal is set if a tool is prepared in a multitool or is loaded into a multitool. DB72 contains
the data of the multitool, the data of the selected tool is available in DB1072.
For T0 the signal is not set.
Signal state 0 The signal is not set. DB72 DBB(n+2) (assigned channel)

DB72 DBB(n+2) Assigned channel

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Number of the channel for which the active interface applies.

720 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB72 DBB(n+2) Assigned channel

Signal state 0 There is no assignment.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBB(n+3) (tool management No.)

DB72 DBB(n+3) Tool management No.

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Associated tool management No. (TO area).
Signal state 0 No associated tool management No.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBD(n+4) (user-definable parameter 0 (DInt))

DB72 DBD(n+4) User-definable parameter 0 (DInt)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 If a value has to be sent to the PLC via the part program, the transfer can be programmed with
$P_VDITCP[0]. Values are transferred with a T call.
Signal state 0 No value is transferred to the PLC via the part program.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBD(n+8) (user-definable parameter 1 (DInt))

DB72 DBD(n+8) User-definable parameter 1 (DInt)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 If you need to send a value to the PLC via the part program, the transfer can be programmed
with $P_VDITCP[1].

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB72 DBD(n+8) User-definable parameter 1 (DInt)

Signal state 0 No value is transferred to the PLC via the part program
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBD(n+12) (user-definable parameter 2 (DInt))

DB72 DBD(n+12) User-definable parameter 2 (DInt)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 If you need to send a value to the PLC via the part program, the transfer can be programmed
with $P_VDITCP[2]
Signal state 0 No value is transferred to the PLC via the part program
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBW(n+16) (buffer magazine number (fixed value 9998))

DB72 DBW(n+16) Buffer magazine no. (fixed value 9998); target position for new tool

Signal flow NC → PLC

Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Magazine no. 9998 (buffer magazine); target magazine for new tool.
Signal state 0 There is no buffer magazine.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBW(n+18) (location in the buffer magazine (spindle))

DB72 DBW(n+18) Location in buffer magazine (spindle)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Location no. of buffer magazine to which the new tool must be loaded. This is normally the
spindle. The location number defined for this particular buffer during commissioning is output.

722 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB72 DBW(n+18) Location in buffer magazine (spindle)

Signal state 0 No location No. is output.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBW(n+20) (magazine No. (source) for new tool to be loaded)

DB72 DBW(n+20) Magazine No. (source) for new tool to be loaded

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 No. of magazine from which the new spindle tool comes.
Signal state 0 No magazine No. is output.
Corresponds with DBW(n+22)
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBW(n+22) (location No. (source) for new tool)

DB72 DBW(n+22) Location No. (source) for new tool

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Location no. of the magazine from which the new spindle tool comes.
Signal state 0 No location No. is output.
Corresponds with DBW(n+20)
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBW(n+24) (magazine No. (target) for old tool to be removed)

DB72 DBW(n+24) Magazine No. (target) for old tool to be removed

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Number of magazine in which the tool to be removed at change will be placed.
Signal state 0 No magazine No. is output.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB72 DBW(n+24) Magazine No. (target) for old tool to be removed

Corresponds with DBW(n+26)
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBW(n+26) (location No. (target) for old tool)

DB72 DBW(n+26) Location No. (target) for old tool

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Magazine location for tool that is unloaded at change.
Signal state 1 No magazine location for tool that is unloaded at change.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBW(n+28) (new tool: Location type)

DB72 DBW(n+28): New tool: Location type

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The location type of the new spindle tool is entered here.
Signal state 0 No location type entered.
Corresponds with Tool size: Left, right, top, bottom.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBW(n+30) (new tool: Size left)

DB72 DBW(n+30) New tool: Size left

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Specification of the tool size left in half locations for the new spindle tool.

724 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB72 DBW(n+30) New tool: Size left

Signal state 0 No tool size is specified.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBW(n+32) (new tool: Size right)

DB72 DBW(n+32): New tool: Size right

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Specification of the tool size right in half locations for the new spindle tool.
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBW(n+34) (new tool: Size top)

DB72 DBW(n+34) New tool: Size top

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Specification of the tool size top in half locations for the new spindle tool.
Signal state 0 No tool size is specified.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBW(n+36) (new tool: Size bottom)

DB72 DBW(n+36) New tool: Size bottom

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Specification of the tool size bottom in half locations for the new spindle tool.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB72 DBW(n+36) New tool: Size bottom

Signal state 0 No tool size is specified.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBW(n+38) (tool status for new tool)

DB72 DBW(n+38) Tool status for new tool

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Bit 0: Tool in the buffer
Bit 1: disabled, but ignore
Bit 2: Tool to be unloaded
Bit 3: Tool to be loaded
Bit 4: Master tool
Bit 5: Reserved
Bit 6: 1:1 exchange
Bit 7: Manual tool
Bit 8: Active tool
Bit 9: Enable tool
Bit 10: Tool disabled
Bit 11: Measure tool
Bit 12: Prewarning limit reached
Bit 13: Tool is being changed
Bit 14: Tool is fixed-location-coded
Bit 15: Tool was in use
Signal state 0 No tool status specified.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBW(n+40) (new tool: internal T number of NC)

DB72 DBW(n+40) New tool: Internal T number of the NC

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Display of internal T number of NC for the new spindle tool.

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Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB72 DBW(n+40) New tool: Internal T number of the NC

Signal state 0 No internal T number displayed.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBW(n+42) (buffer location of the old tool)

DB72 DBW(n+42) Buffer location of old tool

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 If DB72 (n+0.4) = 1, the buffer location of the old tool must be entered here. This can be any
buffer magazine (also a gripper).
Signal state 0 No buffer magazine location specified.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBW(n+44) (original magazine of the new tool)

DB72 DBW(n+44) Original magazine of new tool

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Owner magazine of the new tool
Corresponds to NC variables $A_MYMN[T no.]
If the new tool is located in the magazine, then this value is identical with DB72 DBW(n+20).
If the new tool is in the buffer magazine (e.g. gripper) then the magazine no. is entered here
from where the tool originally came.
Signal state 0 No original magazine specified.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB72 DBW(n+46) (original location of the new tool)

DB72 DBW(n+46) Original location of new tool

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 727
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB72 DBW(n+46) Original location of new tool

Signal state 1 Owner location of the new tool
Corresponds to NC variables $A_MYMLN[T no.]
Signal state 0 No original location specified.
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100

18.2.9 DB73: Tool management, change in turret DB73 DBX0.0 - 1.7 (active status of interfaces 1 - 16)

DB73 DBX0.0 - 1.7 Active status of interfaces 1-16

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Associated interface has a valid data set.
Signal state 0 Operation for this interface has ended. Is reset by FC7.
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92 DB73 DBX2.0 - 3.7 ("auto" acknowledgment of interfaces 1 - 16)

DB73 DBX2.0 - 3.7 "auto" acknowledgment of interfaces 1-16

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 When setting (edge) the bit, the active command is acknowledged with status_1.
Signal state 0 Operation for this interface has ended. Is reset by the basic program.
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92

728 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB73 DBX(n+0).0 (command code: Obligatory change)

DB73 DBX(n+0).0 Command: Obligatory change

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The new tool is fixed-location-coded.
Signal state 0 The new tool is not fixed-location-coded.
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92
The bits in DBB(n+0) (obligatory change, execute change, ...) are not reset by the system.
They are only current (up-to-date) if the corresponding interface bit in DBB0 is set to "1''.
However, the bits can be reset by the user if necessary.
Corresponds with Position of participating tools DB73 DBX(n+0).1 (command code: Execute change)

DB73 DBX(n+0).1 Command: Perform change

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Execute tool change.
Signal state 0 Do not change tool.
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92
The bits in DBB(n+0) (obligatory change, execute change, ...) are not reset by the system.
They are only current (up-to-date) if the corresponding interface bit in DBB0 is set to "1''.
However, the bits can be reset by the user if necessary. DB73 DBX(n+0).3 (T0))

DB73 DBX(n+0).3 T0
Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Indicates that T0 has been programmed.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 729
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB73 DBX(n+0).3 T0
Signal state 0 Does not indicate that T0 has been programmed.
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92
The bits in DBB(n+0) (obligatory change, execute change, ...) are not reset by the system.
They are only current (up-to-date) if the corresponding interface bit in DBB0 is set to "1''.
However, the bits can be reset by the user if necessary. DB73 DBX(n+1).0 ("auto" acknowledgment negative)

DB73 DBX(n+1).0 "auto" acknowledgment negative

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The bit is only evaluated in conjunction with "auto" ackn. If it is set, then the auto acknowledge
is negative, i.e. with status_3.
Signal state 0 The bit is not set.
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92 DB73 DBX(n+1).7 (command: data in the extended range)

DB73 DBX(n+1).7 Command: Data in the extended range

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The signal is set if a tool is loaded into a multitool. DB73 contains the data of the multitool, the
data of the selected tool is available in DB1073.
For T0 the signal is not set.
Signal state 0 The signal is not set if no tool is loaded into a multitool.
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92 DB73 DBB(n+2) (assigned channel)

DB73 DBB(n+2) Assigned channel

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled

730 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB73 DBB(n+2) Assigned channel

Signal state 1 Number of channel from which the T word was programmed.
Signal state 0 Number of the channel is not assigned.
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92 DB73 DBB(n+3) (tool management No.)

DB73 DBB(n+3) Tool management number

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Associated tool management number (TO area) of channel.
Signal state 0 Tool management is not assigned.
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92 DB73 DBD(n+4) (user-definable parameter 0 (DInt))

DB73 DBD(n+4) User-definable parameter 0 (DInt)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 If you need to send a value to the PLC via the part program, the transfer can be programmed
with $P_VDITCP[0] = value. Parameters 0-2 are transferred with the T command.
Signal state 0 No value is transferred to the PLC.
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92 DB73 DBD(n+8) (user-definable parameter 1 (DInt))

DB73 DBD(n+8) User-definable parameter 1 (DInt)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 If you need to send a value to the PLC via the part program, the transfer can be programmed
with $P_VDITCP[1] = value.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 731
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB73 DBD(n+8) User-definable parameter 1 (DInt)

Signal state 0 No value is transferred to the PLC
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92 DB73 DBD(n+12) (user-definable parameter 2 (DInt))

DB73 DBD(n+12): User-definable parameter 2 (DInt)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 If you need to send a value to the PLC via the part program, the transfer can be programmed
with $P_VDITCP[2] = value.
Signal state 0 No value is transferred to the PLC
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92 DB73 DBW(n+20) (magazine number of the new tool)

DB73 DBD(n+20) Magazine no. of new tool

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Magazine no. of the new tool, which should be processed.
Signal state 0 There is no magazine number of the new tool.
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92
Corresponds with DBW(n+22) DB73 DBW(n+22) (location number of the new tool to be loaded)

DB73 DBD(n+22) Location no. of new tool to be loaded at change

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Location no. of the new tool, which should be processed.
Signal state 0 There is no location number of the new tool.

732 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB73 DBD(n+22) Location no. of new tool to be loaded at change

Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92
Corresponds with DBW(n+20) DB73 DBW(n+24) (magazine No. (target) for old tool to be removed)

DB73 DBW(n+24) Magazine No. (target) for old tool to be removed

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Number of magazine in which the tool to be removed at change will be placed.
Signal state 0 No magazine No. is output.
Corresponds with DBW(n+26)
Additional information Start address of the spindle:
Spindle 1: n = 4
Spindle 2: n = 52
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB73 DBW(n+26) (location number of the old tool to be removed)

DB73 DBD(n+26) Location no. of old tool to be unloaded

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Location no. of the old tool (used up to now for machining).
Signal state 0 No location number specified.
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92 DB73 DBW(n+28) (new tool: Location type)

DB73 DBD(n+28) New tool: Location type

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 The location type of the new tool is entered here.
Signal state 0 No location type of the new entry entered.

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 733
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB73 DBD(n+28) New tool: Location type

Corresponds with Tool size: Left, right, top, bottom
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92 DB73 DBW(n+30) (new tool: Size left)

DB73 DBD(n+30) New tool: Size left

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Specification of the tool size left in half locations for the new tool.
Signal state 0 No tool size is specified.
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92 DB73 DBW(n+32) (new tool: Size right)

DB73 DBD(n+32) New tool: Size right

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Specification of the tool size right in half locations for the new tool
Signal state 1 No tool size is specified.
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92 DB73 DBW(n+34) (new tool: Size top)

DB73 DBD(n+34) New tool: Size top

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Specification of the tool size top in half locations for the new tool

734 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB73 DBD(n+34) New tool: Size top

Signal state 0 No tool size is specified.
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92 DB73 DBW(n+36) (new tool: Size bottom)

DB73 DBD(n+36) New tool: Size bottom

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Specification of the tool size bottom in half locations for the new tool
Signal state 0 No tool size is specified.
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92 DB73 DBW(n+38) (tool status for new tool)

DB73 DBD(n+38) Tool status for new tool

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Bit 0: Tool in the buffer
Bit 1: Locked, but ignore
Bit 2: Tool to be unloaded
Bit 3: Tool to be loaded
Bit 4: Master tool
Bit 5: Reserved
Bit 6: 1:1 exchange
Bit 7: Manual tool
Bit 8: Active tool
Bit 9: Enable tool
Bit 10: Tool disabled
Bit 11: Measure tool
Bit 12: Prewarning limit reached
Bit 13: Tool is being changed
Bit 14: Tool is fixed-location-coded
Bit 15: Tool was in use

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 735
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB73 DBD(n+38) Tool status for new tool

Signal state 0 No tool status displayed.
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92 DB73 DBW(n+40) (new tool: Internal T no. of the NC)

DB73 DBD(n+40) New tool: Internal T no. of the NC

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Display internal T no. of the NC for the new tool. Tool management variables can be read/
written via FB2/FB3 using this T no.
Signal state 0 No internal T number displayed.
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92 DB73 DBW(n+42) (original location of the new tool in this turret magazine)

DB73 DBD(n+42) Original location of new tool in this turret magazine

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1
Signal state 0
Additional information Start address of the turret:
Turret, 1: n = 4
Turret 2: n = 48
Turret 3: n = 92

18.2.10 DB1071: Tool management, load/unload magazine (multitool) DB1071 DBW(n+0) (distance coding)

DB1071 DBW(n+0) Distance coding

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled

736 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB1071 DBW(n+0) Distance coding

Signal state 1 Type of distance coding of the multitool (corresponds to $TC_MTP_KD
1 = location number
2 = distance
3 = angle
Signal state 0 No distance coding
Additional information Starting address of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 0
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 20
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 40
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 60 DB1071 DBW(n+2) (multitool location number)

DB1071 DBW(n+2) Multitool location number

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Number of locations of the multitool
Signal state 0 No locations specified.
Additional information Starting address of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 0
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 20
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 40
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 60 DB1071 DBD(n+4) (multitool location distance)

DB1071 DBW(n+4) Multitool location distance

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Distance of the MT location to be positioned from the reference location (real value), corre‐
sponding to the distance coding
Signal state 1 No distance specified.
Additional information Starting address of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 0
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 20
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 40
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 60

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 737
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB1071 DBW(n+8) (multitool number)

DB1071 DBW(n+8) Multitool number

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Internal T number of the multitool.
Signal state 1 No internal T number specified.
Additional information Starting address of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 0
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 20
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 40
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 60 DB1071 DBW(n+10) (multitool location number)

DB1071 DBW(n+10) Multitool location number

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Location number within the multitool (which the system positions to)
Signal state 0 No location number specified.
Additional information Starting address of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 0
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 20
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 40
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 60 DB1071 DBW(n+12) (toolholder)

DB1071 DBW(n+12) Tool holder

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Spindle or tool holder number
Signal state 0 No spindle or toolholder number specified.
Additional information Starting address of loading/unloading points:
Loading/unloading point 1: n = 0
Loading/unloading point 2: n = 20
Loading/unloading point 3: n = 40
Loading/unloading point 4: n = 60

738 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

18.2.11 DB1072: Tool management, spindle (multitool) DB1072 DBW(n+0) (distance coding)

DB1072 DBW(n+0) Distance coding

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Type of distance coding of the multitool (corresponds to $TC_MTP_KD)
1 = location number
2 = distance
3 = angle
Signal state 0 No distance coding specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the spindles:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1072 DBW(n+2) (multitool location number)

DB1072 DBW(n+2) Multitool location number

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Number of locations of the multitool
Signal state 0 No data regarding the number of locations.
Additional information Start addresses of the spindles:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1072 DBW(n+4) (multitool location distance)

DB1072 DBW(n+4) Multitool location distance

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Distance of the MT location to be positioned from the reference location (real value), corre‐
sponding to the distance coding
Signal state 1 No data regarding the distance of the MT location to be positioned.
Additional information Start addresses of the spindles:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 739
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB1072 DBW(n+8) (multitool number (new tool))

DB1072 DBW(n+8) Multitool number (new tool)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Internal T number of the (new) multitool.
Signal state 0 No internal T number specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the spindles:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1072 DBW(n+10) (multitool location number (new tool))

DB1072 DBW(n+10) Multitool location number (new tool)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Location number within the multitool (where the new tool is located).
Signal state 0 No location number specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the spindles:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1072 DBW(n+12) (multitool number (old tool))

DB1072 DBW(n+12) Multitool number (old tool)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Internal T number of the (old) multitool.
The T number is entered here if the preparation or the change to a tool is realized within the
same multitool (which, due to a previous change, is located on the tool holder). It is identical
with DB1072 DBW(n + 8)
Signal state 0 No internal T number of the multitool specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the spindles:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100

740 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB1072 DBW(n+14) (multitool location number (old tool))

DB1072 DBW(n+14) Multitool location number (old tool)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Location number within the multitool (where the old tool is located).
The location number - where the old tool is located - is entered here if the preparation or the
change to a tool is realized within the same multitool (which, due to a previous change, is
located on the tool holder).
Signal state 0 No multitool location number specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the spindles:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1072 DBW(n+16) (new tool: Location type)

DB1072 DBW(n+16) New tool: Location type

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Location type of the new tool (of the programmed tool in the multitool).
Signal state 0 No location type specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the spindles:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100
Corresponds with Tool size: Left, right, top, bottom DB1072 DBW(n+18) (new tool: Size left)

DB1072 DBW(n+18) New tool: Size left

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Specification of the tool size to the left in half locations of the new tool (of the programmed tool
in the multitool)
Signal state 0 No tool size is specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the spindles:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 741
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB1072 DBW(n+20) (new tool: Size right)

DB1072 DBW(n+20) New tool: Size right

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Specification of the tool size to the right in half locations of the new tool (of the programmed
tool in the multitool)
Signal state 0 No tool size is specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the spindles:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1072 DBW(n+22) (new tool: Size top)

DB1072 DBW(n+22) New tool: Size top

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Specification of the tool size to the top in half locations of the new tool (of the programmed tool
in the multitool)
Signal state 0 No tool size is specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the spindles:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1072 DBW(n+24) (new tool: Size bottom)

DB1072 DBW(n+24) New tool: Size bottom

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Specification of the tool size to the bottom in half locations of the new tool (of the programmed
tool in the multitool)
Signal state 0 No tool size is specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the spindles:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100

742 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB1072 DBW(n+26) (new tool status)

DB1072 DBW(n+26) Tool status for new tool:

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Tool status of the programmed tool in the multitool.
Corresponds to parameter $TC_TP8[T_No]
Bit 0: Active tool
Bit 1: Enable tool
Bit 2: Tool disabled
Bit 3: Measure tool
Bit 4: Prewarning limit reached
Bit 5: Tool is being changed
Bit 6: Tool is fixed-location-coded
Bit 7: Tool was in use
Bit 8: Tool in the buffer
Bit 9: Disabled, but ignore
Bit 10: Tool to be unloaded
Bit 11: Tool to be loaded
Bit 12: Master tool
Bit 13: Reserved
Bit 14: 1:1 exchange
Bit 15: Manual tool
Signal state 0 No tool status displayed.
Additional information Start addresses of the spindles:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1072 DBW(n+28) (new tool: internal T number of the NC)

DB1072 DBW(n+28) New tool: Internal T number of the NC

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Display the internal T number of the NC for the new spindle tool (of the programmed tool in the
Signal state 0 No internal T number displayed.
Additional information Start addresses of the spindles:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 743
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB1072 DBW(n+30) (tool holder)

DB1072 DBW(n+30) Tool holder

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Spindle or toolholder number to which the change refers (the multitool that is to be changed).
Signal state 0 No spindle or toolholder number specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the spindles:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1072 DBW(n+32) (original magazine of the new tool)

DB1072 DBW(n+32) Original magazine of new tool

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Magazine that owns the new tool.
Corresponds to NC variables $A_MYMN[T no.]
If the new tool is located in the magazine, then this value is identical with DB72 DBW(n+20).
If the new tool is in the buffer magazine (e.g. gripper) then the magazine No. is entered here
from where the tool originally came.
The new tool has the same owner location as the multitool onto which it is loaded.
Signal state 0 No original magazine specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the spindles:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1072 DBW(n+34) (original location of the new tool)

DB1072 DBW(n+34) Original location of new tool

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Location that owns the new tool.
Corresponds to NC variables $A_MYMLNT[T no.]
If the new tool is located in the magazine, then this value is identical with DB72 DBW(n+20).
If the new tool is in the buffer magazine (e.g. gripper) then the magazine No. is entered here
from where the tool originally came.
The new tool has the same owner location as the multitool onto which it is loaded.

744 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

DB1072 DBW(n+34) Original location of new tool

Signal state 0 No original location specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the spindles:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100

18.2.12 DB1073: Tool management, turret (multitool) DB1073 DBW(n+0) (distance coding)

DB1073 DBW(n+0) Distance coding

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Type of distance coding of the multitool (corresponds to $TC_MTP_KD)
1 = location number
2 = distance
3 = angle
Signal state 0 No distance coding specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the turrets:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1073 DBW(n+2) (multitool location number)

DB1073 DBW(n+2) Multitool location number

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Number of locations of the multitool
Signal state 0 Number of locations of the multitool not displayed.
Additional information Start addresses of the turrets:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 745
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB1073 DBW(n+4) (multitool location distance)

DB1073 DBW(n+4) Multitool location distance

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Distance of the MT location to be positioned from the reference location (real value). In ac‐
cordance with the distance coding.
Signal state 0 No distance specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the turrets:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1073 DBW(n+8) (multitool number (new tool))

DB1073 DBW(n+8) Multitool number (new tool)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Internal T number of the (new) multitool.
Signal state 0 No internal T number of the multitool is specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the turrets:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1073 DBW(n+10) (multitool location number (new tool))

DB1073 DBW(n+10) Multitool location number (new tool)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Location number within the multitool (where the new tool is located).
Signal state 1 No multitool location number specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the turrets:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100

746 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB1073 DBW(n+12) (multitool number (old tool))

DB1073 DBW(n+12) Multitool number (old tool)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Internal T number of the (old) multitool.
The T number is entered here if the preparation or the change to a tool is realized within the
same multitool (which, due to a previous change, is located on the tool holder). It is identical
with DB1072 DBW(n + 8)
Signal state 0 No internal T number of the multitool specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the turrets:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1073 DBW(n+14) (multitool location number (old tool))

DB1073 DBW(n+14) Multitool location number (old tool)

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Location number within the multitool (where the old tool is located).
The location number - where the old tool is located - is entered here if the preparation or the
change to a tool is realized within the same multitool (which, due to a previous change, is
located on the tool holder).
Signal state 0 No location number specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the turrets:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1073 DBW(n+16) (new tool: Location type)

DB1073 DBW(n+16) New tool: Location type

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Location type of the new tool (of the programmed tool in the multitool).
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional
Additional information Start addresses of the turrets:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100
Corresponds with Tool size: Left, right, top, bottom

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 747
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB1073 DBW(n+18) (new tool: Size left)

DB1073 DBW(n+18) New tool: Size left

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Specification of the tool size to the left in half locations of the new tool (of the programmed tool
in the multitool)
Signal state 1 No tool size is specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the turrets:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1073 DBW(n+20) (new tool: Size right)

DB1073 DBW(n+20) New tool: Size right

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Specification of the tool size to the right in half locations of the new tool (of the programmed
tool in the multitool)
Signal state 0 No tool size is specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the turrets:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1073 DBW(n+22) (new tool: Size top)

DB1073 DBW(n+22) New tool: Size top

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Specification of the tool size to the top in half locations of the new tool (of the programmed tool
in the multitool)
Signal state 0 No tool size is specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the turrets:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100

748 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB1073 DBW(n+24) (new tool: Size bottom)

DB1073 DBW(n+24) New tool: Size bottom

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Specification of the tool size to the bottom in half locations of the new tool (of the programmed
tool in the multitool)
Signal state 0 No tool size is specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the turrets:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1073 DBW(n+26) (new tool status)

DB1073 DBW(n+26) Tool status for new tool:

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Tool status of the programmed tool in the multitool
Corresponds to parameter $TC_TP8[T_No]
Bit 0: Active tool
Bit 1: Enable tool
Bit 2: Tool disabled
Bit 3: Measure tool
Bit 4: Prewarning limit reached
Bit 5: Tool is being changed
Bit 6: Tool is fixed-location-coded
Bit 7: Tool was in use
Bit 8: Tool in the buffer
Bit 9: Disabled, but ignore
Bit 10: Tool to be unloaded
Bit 11: Tool to be loaded
Bit 12: Master tool
Bit 13: Reserved
Bit 14: 1:1 exchange
Bit 15: Manual tool
Signal state 0 No tool status specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the turrets:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 749
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB1073 DBW(n+28) (new tool: internal T number of the NC)

DB1073 DBW(n+28) New tool: Internal T number of the NC

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Display the internal T number of the NC for the new spindle tool (of the programmed tool in the
Signal state 0 No internal T number displayed.
Additional information Start addresses of the turrets:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1073 DBW(n+30) (tool holder)

DB1073 DBW(n+30) Tool holder

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Spindle or tool holder number to which the change refers (the multitool that is to be changed)
Signal state 0 No spindle or toolholder number specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the turrets:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100 DB1073 DBW(n+32) (original magazine of the new tool)

DB1073 DBW(n+32) Original magazine of new tool

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Magazine that owns the new tool.
Corresponds to NC variables $A_MYMN[T no.]
If the new tool is located in the magazine, then this value is identical with DB72 DBW(n+20).
If the new tool is in the buffer (e.g. gripper), then the magazine No. is entered here from where
the tool originally came.
The new tool has the same owner location as the multitool onto which it is loaded.
Signal state 0 Magazine that owns the new tool not specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the turrets:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100

750 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description DB1073 DBW(n+34) (original location of the new tool)

DB1073 DBW(n+34) Original location of new tool

Signal flow NC → PLC
Update Job-controlled
Signal state 1 Location that owns the new tool.
Corresponds to NC variables $A_MYMLNT[T no.]
If the new tool is located in the magazine, then this value is identical with DB72 DBW(n+20).
If the new tool is in the buffer magazine (e.g. gripper), the number of the magazine from which
the tool originally came is entered here.
The new tool has the same owner location as the multitool onto which it is loaded.
Signal state 0 Location that owns the new tool not specified.
Additional information Start addresses of the turrets:
Spindle 1: n = 0
Spindle 2: n = 50
Spindle 3: n = 100

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 751
Interface signals
18.2 Interface signals - detailed description

752 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
Appendix A
A.1 Overview
You will find extensive documentation on the functions of SINUMERIK 840D sl from version 4.8
SP4 at 840D sl documentation overview (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/

You can display the documents or download them in PDF or HTML5 format.
The documentation is divided into the following categories:
● User: Operating
● User: Programming
● Manufacturer/Service: Configure
● Manufacturer/Service: Commissioning
● Manufacturer/Service: Functions
● Safety Integrated
● SINUMERIK Integrate / MindApp
● Information and training

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 753
A.1 Overview

754 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0
DBX103.6, 456
DBX103.7, 456
A DBX104.3, 95
DBX104.4, 95
DBX104.7, 79, 456
from machine control panel, hand-held unit, 93
DBX106.1, 457
DBX107.0 - 1, 457
DBX107.6, 457
DBX108.3, 458
B DBX108.5, 458
Basic PLC program DBX108.6, 458
Assignment overview, 111 DBX108.7, 458, 459
DBX109.0, 459
DBX109.5, 459
C DBX109.6, 460
DBX109.7, 460
Concurrent axes, 81
DBX110.0 - 113.7, 460, 461
Cyclic operation, 75
DBX114.0 - 117.7, 461
DBX122.0 - 7, 462
DBX123.0 - 7, 462
D DBX124.0 - 7, 462, 463
Data block DB, 315 DBX125.0 - 7, 463
Data exchange DBX126.0 - 7, 463
with operator panel, 53 DBX127.0 - 7, 464
Data interface, 57 DBX128.0 - 7, 464
DB10 DBX129.0 - 7, 464, 465
Analog NC inputs and outputs, 358 DBX130.0 - 7, 465
Collision avoidance: Activate protection area, 359 DBX131.0 - 7, 465, 466
Collision avoidance:protection area active, 359 DBX132.0 - 7, 466
DBB194 - 208, 481 DBX133.0 - 7, 467
DBW148 - 162, 475 DBX134.0 - 7, 467
DBW170 - 184, 477 DBX135.0 - 7, 468
DBW210 - 224, 481, 482 DBX136.0 - 7, 468, 469
DBX0.0 - 7, 442, 443 DBX137.0 - 7, 469
DBX1.0 - 7, 443 DBX138.0 - 7, 469, 470
DBX100.0 - 4, 452 DBX139.0 - 7, 470
DBX100.5, 452, 453 DBX140.0 - 7, 470, 471
DBX100.6, 453 DBX141.0 - 7, 471
DBX100.7, 454 DBX142.0 - 7, 472
DBX101.0 - 4, 454 DBX143.0 - 7, 472
DBX101.5, 454 DBX144.0 - 7, 473
DBX101.6, 454 DBX145.0 - 7, 473, 474
DBX101.7, 455 DBX146.0 - 7, 474
DBX102.0 - 4, 455 DBX147.0 - 7, 474
DBX102.5, 455 DBX166.0 - 7, 475
DBX102.6, 455 DBX167.0 - 7, 476
DBX102.7, 455 DBX168.0 - 7, 476
DBX103.0, 455 DBX186.0 - 7, 477
DBX103.5, 455, 456 DBX187.0 - 7, 478

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DBX188.0 - 7, 478 DB1071

DBX189.0 - 7, 479 DBW(n+0), 736, 737
DBX190.0 - 7, 479 DBW(n+10), 738
DBX191.0 - 7, 479, 480 DBW(n+12), 738
DBX192.0 - 7, 480 DBW(n+2), 737
DBX193.0 - 7, 480, 481 DBW(n+4), 737
DBX226.0 - 233.7, 482 DBW(n+8), 738
DBX234.0 - 241.7, 482, 483 Multitool magazine interface, 439
DBX245.0 - 5, 483 DB1072
DBX246.0 - 5, 484 DBW(n+0), 739
DBX4.0 - 7, 443, 444 DBW(n+10), 740
DBX5.0 - 7, 444 DBW(n+12), 740
DBX56.1, 446 DBW(n+14), 741
DBX56.2, 446 DBW(n+16), 741
DBX56.4 - 7, 446, 447 DBW(n+18), 741
DBX58.0 - 7, 447, 448 DBW(n+2), 739
DBX6.0 - 7, 444, 445 DBW(n+20), 742
DBX60.0 - 7, 448, 449 DBW(n+22), 742
DBX64.0 - 7, 449 DBW(n+24), 742
DBX7.0 - 7, 445 DBW(n+26), 743
DBX92.0, 78 DBW(n+28), 743
DBX92.1, 78 DBW(n+30), 744
DBX92.2, 78 DBW(n+32), 744
DBX92.4, 78 DBW(n+34), 744, 745
DBX92.5, 78 DBW(n+4), 739
DBX92.6, 78 DBW(n+8), 740
DBX93.0 ... 7, 449, 450 Multitool spindle interface, 440
DBX97.0 - 3, 450, 451 DB1073
DBX98.0 - 3, 451 DBW(n+0), 745
DBX99.0 - 3, 451 DBW(n+10), 746
External analog NC inputs, 355 DBW(n+12), 747
External analog NC outputs, 356 DBW(n+14), 747
External digital NC inputs, 353 DBW(n+16), 747
External digital NC inputs and outputs, 357 DBW(n+18), 748
External digital NC outputs, 354 DBW(n+2), 745
General signals from the NC, 352 DBW(n+20), 748
General signals to the NC, 348 DBW(n+22), 748
Handwheel signals from HMI, 361 DBW(n+24), 749
Handwheel signals from the NC, 360 DBW(n+26), 749
Onboard inputs and outputs from the NC, 349 DBW(n+28), 750
Onboard NC inputs/outputs, 347 DBW(n+30), 750
Signals from the operating software, 350 DBW(n+32), 750
Signals from the robot, 361 DBW(n+34), 751
Signals to the robot, 361 DBW(n+4), 746
DB1000 DBW(n+8), 746
Energy-saving profiles, 432 Multitool turret interface, 441
DB1001 DB11
SENTRON PAC, 434 DBX0.0, 484
SENTRON PAC auxiliary devices, 436 DBX0.1, 484, 485
DB1002 DBX0.2, 485
Spindle temperature sensors, 437 DBX0.4, 485
DBX0.5, 485, 486

756 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0

DBX0.6, 486 DBB7, 498

DBX0.7, 487 DBB8, 498
DBX1.0, 487 DBW24, 503
DBX1.1, 488 DBX0.0, 496
DBX1.2, 488 DBX0.1, 496
DBX1.6, 488, 489 DBX0.2, 496, 497
DBX1.7, 489 DBX0.3, 497
DBX4.0, 490 DBX0.4, 497
DBX4.1, 490 DBX0.7, 497, 498
DBX4.2, 490 DBX13.5, 499
DBX5.0, 490 DBX13.6, 499
DBX5.1, 491 DBX13.7, 499
DBX5.2, 491 DBX14.0 - 6, 499
DBX6.0, 491 DBX14.7, 500
DBX6.1, 491 DBX20.1, 501
DBX6.2, 492 DBX20.3, 502
DBX6.3, 492 DBX20.4, 502
DBX6.7, 492 DBX20.6, 502
DBX7.0, 493 DBX20.7, 502, 503
DBX7.1, 493 DBX26, 504
DBX7.2, 493 DBX26.1, 503
Mode signals 1 from HMI, 363 DBX26.2, 504
Mode signals 1 from the NC, 362 DBX26.5, 504, 505
Mode signals 2 from HMI, 364 DBX26.6, 505
Mode signals 2 from the NC, 364 DBX26.7, 505, 506
Mode signals 2 to the NC, 363 DBX32.0 - .5, 115, 507
Mode signals to the NC, 362 DBX32.6, 115, 507
DB18 DBX32.7, 115, 507
Additional data areas, 367 Signals from the operator panel, 381
Data area/errors, 365 Signals to the operator panel, 379
DBB36.0, 494 Signals to/from operator panel, sidescreen, 385
DBB36.1, 494 DB19, signals from the operator panel, 385
DBB38.0 - 41.7, 494 DB2
DBB42.0 - 45.7, 495 Axis ranges, 330, 341
DBB46.0 - 49.7, 495 Channel range 1, 325, 334
Extended additional data areas, 372 Channel range 10, 341
Extended data area / errors, 370 Channel range 2, 326, 335
F_SENDDP receiver, 368, 375 Channel range 3, 326, 336
F_SENDDP sender, 368, 373 Channel range 4, 327, 337
Parameterization part, 365 Channel range 5, 328, 337
SPL user data, 369 Channel range 6, 328, 338
DB19 Channel range 7, 329, 339
DBB10, 498 Channel range 8, 330, 339
DBB15, 500 Channel range 9, 340
DBB16, 500, 501 User ranges, 331, 343
DBB17, 501 DB20
DBB22, 503 NC machine data, 386
DBB27, 506 DB21
DBB33, 115 DBB129, 574
DBB33 - 35, 508 DBB140, 574
DBB36, 115, 508 DB21 - DB30
DBB6, 498 Change signals from the channel, 395

Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0 757

Control signals from the geometry axes, 393 DBX12.4, 530

Control signals from the operating software, 391 DBX12.5, 531
Control signals from the PLC, 391 DBX12.6 - 7, 531, 532, 533
Control signals to the geometry axes, 389 DBX13.0 - 6, 533, 534
D function signals, 397 DBX15.0, 534
DL function signals, 397 DBX16.0 - 2, 534
F function signals, 398 DBX16.3, 530
G function signals, 400 DBX16.4, 535
H function signals, 398 DBX16.5, 535
Job-controlled signals, 402, 404 DBX16.6 - 7, 535
M function signals, 396 DBX17.0 - 6, 535
M function signals, dynamic, 399 DBX19.0, 535
Protection zone signals from the channel, 401 DBX194.0 - 7 - DBX206.0 - 3, 575
S function signals, 396 DBX2.0 - 7, 515
Signals for the tool management functions, 407 DBX20.0 - 2, 535
Signals from channel, 408 DBX20.3, 530
Signals from the orientation axes, 406 DBX20.4, 535
Signals from/to channel, 410 DBX20.5, 536
Signals to channel, 409 DBX20.6 - 7, 536
Signals to the orientation axes, 404 DBX21.0 - 6, 536
Status signal from the channel, 391 DBX23.0, 536
T function signals, 397 DBX24.1, 536
DB21, ... DBX24.3, 537
DBB158 - 193, 574, 575 DBX24.4, 537
DBB208 - 271, 575, 576 DBX24.5, 538
DBB376, 597 DBX24.6, 538
DBB392, 601, 602 DBX25.3, 539
DBB4, 517, 518, 519 DBX25.7, 539, 540
DBB5, 519, 520, 521 DBX26.0 ... 7, 540, 541
DBB58, 571 DBX272.0 - 273.1, 576
DBB60 - 64, 572 DBX274.0 - 275.1, 577
DBB60 - 65, 571 DBX276.0 - 277.1, 577
DBB66 - 67, 572 DBX278.0 - 279.1, 578
DBB68 - 97, 572, 573 DBX280.1, 578
DBB98 - DBB115, 573 DBX281.1, 578, 579
DBW118 or DBD118, 573 DBX29.0 - 3, 541, 542
DBX0.1, 508, 509 DBX29.4, 542
DBX0.2, 509 DBX29.5, 542
DBX0.3, 509, 510 DBX29.6, 542, 543
DBX0.4, 510 DBX29.7, 543
DBX0.5, 510 DBX3.0, 515
DBX0.6, 511 DBX3.1, 516
DBX1.0, 511, 512 DBX3.2, 516
DBX1.2, 512 DBX3.3, 516
DBX1.3, 512 DBX3.4, 517
DBX1.4, 512, 513 DBX3.5, 517
DBX1.5, 513 DBX30.0 - 2, 543, 544
DBX1.6, 513, 514 DBX30.3, 544
DBX1.7, 514, 515 DBX30.4, 545
DBX10.0 - 11.1, 528, 529 DBX30.5, 545
DBX12.0 - 2, 529, 530 DBX30.6, 545, 546
DBX12.3, 530 DBX300.0 - 307.7, 579

758 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0

DBX308.0 - 315.7, 579 DBX337.0 - 6, 595

DBX31.0 - 2, 546 DBX340.0 - 2, 595
DBX31.4, 547 DBX340.4 - 5, 595
DBX31.5, 547 DBX340.6 - 7, 595
DBX317.1, 579 DBX341.0 - 6, 595
DBX317.6, 580 DBX344.0, 596
DBX317.7, 580 DBX344.1, 596
DBX318.0, 580 DBX344.2, 596, 597
DBX318.1, 581 DBX344.3, 597
DBX318.2, 581 DBX35.0, 553, 554
DBX318.3, 581, 582 DBX35.1, 554, 555
DBX318.5, 582 DBX35.2, 555
DBX319.0, 582, 583 DBX35.3, 555, 556
DBX319.1 - 3, 583 DBX35.4, 556
DBX319.5, 584 DBX35.5, 557
DBX32.1, 547, 548 DBX35.6, 557
DBX32.2, 548 DBX35.7, 558
DBX32.3, 548 DBX36.2, 558
DBX32.4, 548, 549 DBX36.3, 559
DBX32.5, 549 DBX36.4, 559
DBX32.6, 549 DBX36.5, 559
DBX320.0 - 2, 584, 585 DBX36.6, 560
DBX320.4, 585, 586 DBX36.7, 560
DBX320.5, 586 DBX37.0 - 2, 560, 561
DBX320.6 - 7, 586, 587, 588 DBX37.3, 561
DBX321.0 - 6, 588, 589 DBX37.4, 562
DBX323.0, 589 DBX37.5, 562
DBX324.0 - 2, 589 DBX37.6, 563
DBX324.4, 589 DBX37.7, 563, 564
DBX324.5, 590 DBX377.0, 598
DBX324.6 - 7, 590 DBX377.4, 598
DBX325.0 - 6, 590 DBX377.5, 598
DBX327.0, 590 DBX377.6, 598
DBX328.0 - 2, 590 DBX378.0, 599
DBX328.4, 590 DBX378.1, 599
DBX328.5, 590 DBX38.0, 564
DBX328.6 - 7, 591 DBX38.1, 564
DBX329.0 - 6, 591 DBX384.0, 599
DBX33.0, 550 DBX385.0 - 7, 600
DBX33.3, 550 DBX386.0 - 7, 600
DBX33.4, 551 DBX387.0 - 7, 600
DBX33.5, 551, 552 DBX39.1, 565
DBX33.6, 552 DBX39.4, 565
DBX33.7, 552, 553 DBX39.5, 565, 566
DBX331.0, 591 DBX39.6, 566
DBX332.0 - 2, 591, 592 DBX39.7, 566
DBX332.4 - 5, 592, 593 DBX390.0 - 7, 601
DBX332.6 - 7, 593, 594 DBX391.0 - 7, 601
DBX333.0 - 6, 594 DBX40.0 - 2, 566, 567
DBX336.0 - 2, 594 DBX40.4 - 5, 567, 568
DBX336.4 - 5, 595 DBX40.6 - 7, 568, 569
DBX336.6 - 7, 595 DBX41.0 - 6, 569

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DBX43.0, 569, 570 DBX100.3, 701

DBX46.0 - 2, 570 DBX100.4, 701
DBX46.4 - 5, 570 DBX100.5, 701
DBX46.6 - 7, 570 DBX100.6, 701, 702
DBX47.0 -.6, 570 DBX100.7, 702
DBX49.0, 570 DBX102.5, 702
DBX52.0 - 2, 571 DBX102.6, 702
DBX52.4 - 5, 571 DBX104.0 / 107.6, 703
DBX52.6 - 7, 571 DBX12.0, 627
DBX53.0 - 6, 571 DBX12.1, 627
DBX55.0, 571 DBX12.2, 628
DBX59.0 - 4, 572 DBX12.3, 628
DBX6.0, 521, 522 DBX12.4, 628
DBX6.1, 522 DBX12.7, 628, 629
DBX6.2, 522, 523 DBX128.0, 703
DBX6.4, 523 DBX128.1, 703, 704
DBX6.6, 523, 524 DBX13.0 - 2, 629
DBX6.7, 524 DBX13.3, 629, 630
DBX7.0, 524, 525 DBX130.0 - 4, 704
DBX7.1, 525 DBX132.0, 704
DBX7.2, 525 DBX132.1, 705
DBX7.3, 526 DBX132.4, 705
DBX7.4, 526, 527 DBX132.5, 705, 706
DBX7.6, 527 DBX138.4, 707
DBX7.7, 527, 528 DBX138.5, 707, 708
DBX8.0 - 9.1, 528 DBX14.0, 630
DB31 DBX14.1, 631
DBX34.0 - 1, 651 DBX16.0 - DBX16.2, 631, 632
DB31 - DB61 DBX16.3, 632, 633
Axis signals: Safety Control Channel (SCC), 424 DBX16.4, 633
Safety Info Channel (SIC), 424 DBX16.5, 633, 634
Signals from axis/spindle, 416 DBX16.7, 634
Signals to the axis/spindle, 411 DBX17.4, 634
DB31, ... DBX17.5, 634, 635
DBB0, 602, 603, 604 DBX17.6, 635
DBB19, 637, 638, 639 DBX18.4, 635, 636
DBB68, 667 DBX18.5, 636
DBB8, 625 DBX18.6, 636, 637
DBD78, 675 DBX18.7, 637
DBD88, 684 DBX2.0, 613
DBW134, 706, 707 DBX2.1, 613, 614, 615
DBW136, 707 DBX2.2, 615, 616
DBW86, 683, 684 DBX2.3, 617
DBX1.0, 604 DBX2.4 - 7, 617
DBX1.1, 605 DBX20.1, 639
DBX1.2, 605 DBX21.0 - 4, 640
DBX1.3, 606, 607, 608, 609 DBX21.5, 640, 641
DBX1.4, 609 DBX21.6, 641
DBX1.5 - DBX1.6, 610, 611, 612 DBX21.7, 641, 642
DBX1.7, 612, 613 DBX22.0, 642
DBX10.0, 626, 627 DBX22.1, 642
DBX100.2, 700, 701 DBX22.3 - 4, 642

760 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0

DBX23.0 - 2, 643 DBX63.0, 662, 663

DBX23.4, 643 DBX63.1, 663
DBX24.1, 643 DBX63.2, 663
DBX24.2, 644 DBX63.3, 663, 664
DBX24.3, 644 DBX64.0 - 2, 664
DBX24.4, 645 DBX64.4 - 5, 665
DBX24.5, 645 DBX64.6 - 7, 665
DBX24.7, 645, 646 DBX65.0 - 6, 666
DBX26.4, 646 DBX66.0, 666
DBX28.0, 646, 647 DBX67.0, 667
DBX28.1, 647 DBX69.0 - 2, 667, 668
DBX28.2, 647, 648 DBX7.0, 624, 625
DBX28.3, 648 DBX70.0, 668
DBX28.4, 649 DBX70.1, 668, 669
DBX28.5, 649 DBX70.2, 669
DBX28.6, 649, 650 DBX71.4, 670
DBX28.7, 650, 651 DBX71.5, 670
DBX3.0, 618 DBX72.0, 670, 671
DBX3.1, 618 DBX74.4, 671
DBX3.2 - 5, 619 DBX75.0 - 2, 671
DBX3.6, 619, 620 DBX75.3 - 5, 672
DBX31.5, 651 DBX75.6, 672
DBX33.2, 550 DBX75.7, 672, 673
DBX4.0 - 2, 620 DBX76.0, 673
DBX4.3, 621 DBX76.4, 673
DBX4.4, 621, 622 DBX76.5, 674
DBX4.5, 622 DBX76.6, 674
DBX4.6 - 7, 622, 623 DBX77.0, 675
DBX5.0 - 6, 623, 624 DBX82.0 - 2, 675, 676
DBX60.0, 652 DBX82.3, 676
DBX60.1, 652 DBX83.0, 676, 677
DBX60.2, 653 DBX83.1, 677, 678
DBX60.3, 653, 654 DBX83.2, 678
DBX60.4, 654 DBX83.3, 679
DBX60.5, 654, 655 DBX83.5, 679
DBX60.6, 655 DBX83.6, 679, 680
DBX60.7, 655, 656 DBX83.7, 680
DBX61.0, 656 DBX84.1, 680
DBX61.1, 656, 657 DBX84.3, 680, 681
DBX61.2, 657 DBX84.4, 681
DBX61.3, 657, 658 DBX84.5, 681, 682
DBX61.4, 658 DBX84.6, 682
DBX61.5, 658, 659 DBX84.7, 682
DBX61.6, 659 DBX85.0, 682, 683
DBX61.7, 659, 660 DBX85.5, 683
DBX62.0, 660 DBX9.0 - 2, 626
DBX62.1, 660 DBX9.3, 626
DBX62.2, 661 DBX92.1, 684, 685
DBX62.3, 661 DBX93.0 - 4, 685
DBX62.4, 661 DBX93.5, 686
DBX62.5, 662 DBX93.6, 686
DBX62.7, 662 DBX93.7, 687

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DBX94.0, 687 DBB(n+3), 721

DBX94.1, 688 DBD(n+12), 722
DBX94.2, 688, 689 DBD(n+4), 721
DBX94.3, 689 DBD(n+8), 721, 722
DBX94.4, 690 DBW(n+16), 722
DBX94.5, 690, 692, 693 DBW(n+18), 722, 723
DBX94.6, 691 DBW(n+20), 723
DBX94.7, 691 DBW(n+22), 723
DBX95.1, 691, 692 DBW(n+24), 723, 724
DBX95.2, 692 DBW(n+26), 724
DBX95.3, 692 DBW(n+28), 724
DBX96.2, 693 DBW(n+30), 724, 725
DBX96.3, 693 DBW(n+32), 725
DBX96.4, 693, 694 DBW(n+34), 725
DBX96.5, 694 DBW(n+36), 725, 726
DBX96.7, 694 DBW(n+38), 726
DBX97.0, 695 DBW(n+40), 726, 727
DBX97.1, 695 DBW(n+42), 727
DBX97.2, 695, 696 DBW(n+44), 727
DBX97.3, 696 DBW(n+46), 727, 728
DBX98.0, 696, 697 DBX(n+0).0, 716
DBX98.1, 697 DBX(n+0).1, 716, 717
DBX98.2, 697, 698 DBX(n+0).2, 717
DBX98.4, 698 DBX(n+0).3, 717, 718
DBX98.5, 698, 699 DBX(n+0).4, 718
DBX98.6, 699 DBX(n+0).5, 718, 719
DBX99.0, 699 DBX(n+0).6, 719
DBX99.1, 700 DBX(n+0).7, 719, 720
DBX99.3, 700 DBX(n+1).0, 720
DB71 DBX(n+1).7, 720
DBB(n+2), 712 DBX0.0-1.7, 715, 716
DBB(n+3), 712 DBX2.0-3.7, 716
DBW(n+16), 713 Spindle interface, 427
DBW(n+18), 713 DB73
DBW(n+20), 713 DBB(n+2), 730, 731
DBW(n+22), 714 DBB(n+3), 731
DBW(n+24), 714 DBD(n+12), 732
DBW(n+26), 714, 715 DBD(n+20), 732
DBX(n+0).0, 708, 709 DBD(n+22), 732, 733
DBX(n+0).1, 709 DBD(n+26), 733
DBX(n+0).2, 709, 710 DBD(n+28), 733, 734
DBX(n+0).3, 710 DBD(n+30), 734
DBX(n+0).4, 710, 711 DBD(n+32), 734
DBX(n+0).5, 711 DBD(n+34), 734, 735
DBX(n+1).0, 711 DBD(n+36), 735
DBX(n+1).7, 712 DBD(n+38), 735, 736
DBX(n+28).0, 715 DBD(n+4), 731
DBX0.0 - 1.7, 708 DBD(n+40), 736
DBX2.0 - 3.7, 708 DBD(n+42), 736
Magazine interface, 425 DBD(n+8), 731, 732
DB72 DBW(n+24), 733
DBB(n+2), 720, 721 DBX(n+0).0, 729

762 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0

DBX(n+0).1, 729 FC7 TM_REV, 241

DBX(n+0).3, 729, 730 FC8 TM_TRANS, 245
DBX(n+1).0, 730 FC9 ASUP, 251
DBX(n+1).7, 730 Function block FB, 313
DBX0.0 - 1.7, 728 Function block FC, 314
DBX2.0 - 3.7, 728 Function interface, 58
Turret interface, 429
MCP and HHU, 431 H
Direct keys
Handheld unit
Address, 95
HHU / HT 2, 320
Alarms, 96
HT 10, 323, 324
OPs at Ethernet bus, 95
HT 8, 322
Hardware interrupt, 78
HMI monitor, 129
connection, 94 I
F PLC/HMI, 55, 64
FB1 RUN_UP (basic program, startup section), 155 PLC/HMI messages, 64
FB10 Safety relay, 223 PLC/MCP, 70
FB11 Brake test, 225 PLC/NC, 57
FB2 GET (Read NC Variable), 163 Interface signals
FB29 Signal recorder and data trigger "auto" acknowledgment negative, 711, 720, 730
diagnostics, 231 "auto" acknowledgment of interfaces 1 - 16, 708,
FB3 PUT (write NC variables), 171 728
FB4 PI_SERV (PI services), 179 "auto" acknowledgment of interfaces 1-16, 716
Available PI services, 184 "Silent" ASUB is active, 599
FB5 GETGUD (read GUD variable), 209 Acceleration alarm threshold reached, 699
FB7 PI_SERV2 (PI services), 217 Accept external work offset, 618
FB9 MzuN (operator panel switchover), 218 Acknowledge Emergency Stop, 446
FC10 AL_MSG, 254 Acknowledge fixed stop reached, 605
FC1005 AG_SEND, 308 Acknowledgement of synchronized actions
FC1006 AG_RECV, 309 disabled, 578, 579
FC12 AUXFU, 256 Action block active, 548
FC13 BHGDisp, 257 Activate associated auxiliary function, 545
FC17 YDelta, 261 Activate configured stop, 527
FC18 SpinCtrl, 264 Activate configured stop (CST) using the
FC19 MCP_IFM, 274 operating software, 536
FC2 GP_HP (basic program, cyclic section), 234 Activate contour handwheel, 543, 544
FC21 Transfer, 284 Activate dry run feedrate (DRY), 511
FC22 TM_DIR, 292 Activate fixed feedrate 1 - 4, machine axes, 619
FC24 MCP_IFM2, 294 Activate fixed feedrate 1 - 4, path/geometry
FC25 MCP_IFT, 298 axes, 541, 542
FC26 HPU_MCP, 302 Activate handwheel, 620
FC3 GP_PRAL (basic program, alarmdriven Activate handwheel offset (DRF), 509, 510
section), 236 Activate M01, 510
FC5 GP_DIAG (basic program, diagnostics), 238 Activate machine-related protection zone 1 -
FC6 TM_TRANS2, 240 10, 528, 529

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Activate program test, 631, 703, 704 AUTOMATIC mode selected, 490
Activate program test (PRT), 514, 515 Axis accelerates, 700
Activate PTP travel, 542 Axis container: Rotation active, 662
Activate referencing, 511, 512 Axis number handwheel 1, 452
Activate single block, 510 Axis number handwheel 2, 454
Activate skip block, 515 Axis number handwheel 3, 455
Activate travel to fixed stop, 661 Axis stop active, 663
Active G command of group 1 to 60, 575, 576 Axis/spindle disable, 606, 607, 608, 609
Active infeed axes, 703 Axis/spindle disable active, 663, 664
Active JOG mode, 492 Axis/spindle exchange request, 625
Active machine function, 666 Axis/spindle stationary, 658
Active MDI mode, 491 Axis-specific alarm, 656, 657
Active position controller parameter set, 667, 668 Block search active, 551
Active REPOS mode, 583 Block search via program test is active, 581
Active spindle mode, control mode, 682 Brighten screen, 496
Active spindle mode, oscillation mode, 682 Buffer location of old tool, 727
Active spindle mode, positioning mode, 681, 682 Buffer magazine no. (fixed value 9998); target
Active spindle mode: Synchronous mode, 681 position for new tool, 722
Active status of interface 1- 16, 728 Cancel alarm deleted, 502
Active status of interfaces 1- 16, 708 Change gear stage, 676
Active status of interfaces 1-16, 715, 716 Change reversal point, 649
Actual direction of rotation clockwise, 680 Channel is ready, 559
Actual gear stage A to C, 631, 632 Channel number, 498
Actual screen number, 503 Channel number for geometry axis, handwheel
Actual value coupling, 697, 698 1, 450, 451
Actual values in the WCS, 497, 498 Channel number for geometry axis, handwheel
Air temperature alarm, 460 2, 451
All axes stationary, 559 Channel number for geometry axis, handwheel
All axes that have to be referenced are 3, 451
referenced, 558 Channel state active, 557
All channels in the "Reset" state, 492 Channel state interrupted, 557
Analog measured value of the clamping Channel state reset, 558
system, 707 Channel-specific NC alarm active, 560
Analog NC input 1: Setting value, 475 Channel-specific protection zone 1 - 10
Analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value, 481 violated, 578
Analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock, 474 Clamping in progress, 617
Analog NC inputs 1 - 8: Target, 474 Clearance control (CLC):, 561
Analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite, 475 Clearance control (CLC): Override, 513
Analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setpoint, 449, 481, 482 Clearance control (CLC): Stop, 512, 513
Analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value, 477 Clearance control (CLC): Stop at the lower motion
Analog NC outputs 1 - 8: Target, 476 limit, 562
Analog spindle 1, utilization in percent, 498 Clearance control (CLC): Stop at the upper motion
Analog spindle 2, utilization in percent, 498 limit, 562
Approach block active, 548, 549 Collision avoidance: Activate protection
Assigned channel, 712, 720, 721, 730, 731 zone, 482, 483
Associated auxiliary function is active, 582 Collision avoidance: Deactivate protection area
Associated auxiliary function selected, 537 group, 447, 448, 449, 450
ASUB is active, 599 Collision avoidance: Protection area active, 482
ASUB is stopped, 580 Collision avoidance: Stop, 598
AT box ready, 455, 456 Collision avoidance: Velocity reduction, 675
AUTOMATIC mode, 484 Command code: Load manual tool, 718, 719
AUTOMATIC mode active, 491 Command code: Obligatory change, 716

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Command code: Old tool in buffer, 718 Digital NC inputs 25 - 32: Actual value, 478
Command code: Perform change with M06, 716, Digital NC inputs 25 - 32: Lock, 463
717 Digital NC inputs 25 - 32: Set, 464
Command code: Prepare change, 717 Digital NC inputs 33 - 40: Actual value, 479
Command code: T0, 717, 718 Digital NC inputs 33 - 40: Lock, 464
Command code: Tool remains in spindle, 719, Digital NC inputs 33 - 40: Set, 464, 465
720 Digital NC inputs 9 - 16: Actual value, 477
Command code: Unload manual tool, 719 Digital NC inputs 9 - 16: Lock, 462
Command: Data in the extended range, 712, 720, Digital NC inputs 9 - 16: Set, 462
730 Digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Lock, 443, 444
Command: Loading, 708, 709 Digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Overwrite, 444
Command: Obligatory change, 729 Digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Setting value, 444, 445
Command: Perform change, 729 Digital NC outputs 1 - 8: Target, 445
Command: Position a multitool, 711 Digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Lock, 467
Command: Position to the loading point, 710 Digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Overwrite, 468
Command: Relocate, 709, 710 Digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Setpoint, 479, 480
Command: Task comes from the NC Digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Setting value, 468,
program, 710, 711 469
Command: Unload, 709 Digital NC outputs 17 - 24: Target, 469
Configured stop is activated, 566 Digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Lock, 469, 470
Contour handwheel active, 560, 561 Digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Overwrite, 470
Contour handwheel: handwheel direction of Digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Setpoint, 480
rotation inversion active, 565, 566 Digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Setting value, 470,
Contour handwheel: invert handwheel direction of 471
rotation, 547 Digital NC outputs 25 - 32: Target, 471
Control axis, 643 Digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Lock, 472
Controller enable, 613, 614, 615 Digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Overwrite, 472
Current channel number, 503 Digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Setpoint, 480, 481
Current controller active, 659, 660 Digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Setting value, 473
D function 1, 574 Digital NC outputs 33 - 40: Target, 473, 474
Darken screen, 496 Digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Lock, 465
Data area of the SPL inputs, 494, 495 Digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Overwrite, 465, 466
Data area of the SPL outputs, 495 Digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Setpoint, 479
Deceleration of reference point approach, 628, Digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Setting value, 466
629 Digital NC outputs 9 - 16: Target, 467
Define handwheel 1 as contour handwheel, 452, Disable all synchronized actions, 512
453 Disable synchronization, 651
Define handwheel 2 as contour handwheel, 454 Disable synchronized actions ID/IDS, 579
Define handwheel 3 as contour handwheel, 455 Disabling of input signal 1 - 8, 600
Delayed stroke, 516 Distance coding, 736, 737, 739, 745
Delete cancel alarms, 497 Drive ready, 458, 686
Delete distance-to-go (channel-specific), 522, Drive test travel enable, 604
523 Drive test travel request, 656
Delete distance-to-go/spindle reset, 615, 616 Drive-autonomous motion active, 685
Delete recall alarms, 497 Drives in cyclic operation, 458
Delete S value, 634 Dry run feedrate (DRY) requested, 538
Digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Actual value, 448, 449 Dynamic M functions M0 - M99, 575
Digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Lock, 442, 443 Emergency Stop, 446
Digital NC inputs 1 - 8: Set, 443 Emergency Stop active, 457
Digital NC inputs 17 - 24: Actual value, 478 Enable following axis override, 646
Digital NC inputs 17 - 24: Lock, 462, 463 Enable GOTOS, 599
Digital NC inputs 17 - 24: Set, 463 Enable request for action 1 - 8, 601

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Enable status of input signal 1 - 8, 601 Geometry axis 1: traversing request Plus /
Enable travel to fixed stop, 618 Minus, 567, 568
Encoder frequency limit exceeded, measuring Geometry axis 2: Activate handwheel, 534
system 2, 653, 654 Geometry axis 2: active machine function, 570
Encoder limit frequency exceeded, measuring Geometry axis 2: handwheel active, 570
system 1, 653 Geometry axis 2: handwheel direction of rotation
Error code, 508 inversion active, 570
Error during oscillation, 701 Geometry axis 2: invert handwheel direction of
ESR DC link undervoltage, 691, 692 rotation, 535
ESR: Generator operation - minimum speed fallen Geometry axis 2: machine function request, 535
below, 692 Geometry axis 2: Rapid traverse override, 535
ESR: Response initiated or generator operation Geometry axis 2: traversing command Plus /
active, 692 Minus, 570
Ethernet handwheel is stationary, 483 Geometry axis 2: traversing keys plus /
Extended address, F function 1 - 6, 574, 575 minus, 535
Extended address, M function 1 - 5, 572, 573 Geometry axis 2: traversing request Plus /
Extended address, S function 1 - 3, 573 Minus, 570
External oscillation reversal active, 700, 701 Geometry axis 3: Activate handwheel, 535
Feedrate disable, 521, 522 Geometry axis 3: active machine function, 571
Feedrate override selected for rapid traverse, 539 Geometry axis 3: handwheel active, 571
Feedrate override, axis-specific, 602, 603, 604 Geometry axis 3: handwheel direction of rotation
Feedrate stop, geometry axis 1, 2, 3), 530 inversion active, 571
Feedrate, positioning axis, 675 Geometry axis 3: invert handwheel direction of
Feedrate/spindle stop, axis-specific, 621 rotation, 536
Fixed stop reached, 662 Geometry axis 3: machine function request, 536
Following spindle active, 700 Geometry axis 3: Rapid traverse override, 536
Follow-up active, 657, 658 Geometry axis 3: traversing command Plus /
Follow-up mode, 609 Minus, 571
Function selection from the PLC: Function Geometry axis 3: Traversing key lock, 535
number, 507 Geometry axis 3: traversing keys plus /
Function selection from the PLC: Parameter 1 - minus, 536
3, 508 Geometry axis 3: traversing request Plus /
Function selection from the PLC: Request Minus, 571
strobe, 507 Geometry monitoring, 679
Function selection from the PLC: Status, 507 Grinding wheel peripheral speed active, 680
Gear is changed over, 632, 633 H function 1 - 3 and extended address H function
Gear ratio selection, 643 1-3, 574
Geometry axis 1: Activate handwheel, 529, 530 Handwheel 1 selected, 453
Geometry axis 1: active machine function, 569 Handwheel 2 selected, 454
Geometry axis 1: handwheel active, 566, 567 Handwheel 3 selected, 455
Geometry axis 1: handwheel direction of rotation Handwheel active, 484, 664
inversion active, 569, 570 Handwheel direction of rotation inversion
Geometry axis 1: invert handwheel direction of active, 667
rotation, 534 Handwheel offset (DRF) selected, 537
Geometry axis 1: machine function request, 533, Handwheel override active, 550, 660
534 Hardware limit switch minus:, 627
Geometry axis 1: Rapid traverse override, 531 Hardware limit switch plus, 627
Geometry axis 1: traversing command Plus / Heat sink temperature prewarning, 688
Minus, 568, 569 HMI battery alarm, 456
Geometry axis 1: Traversing key lock, 530 HMI temperature limit, 456
Geometry axis 1: traversing keys plus / Indexing axis in position, 674
minus, 531, 532, 533 Input signals 1 - 8, 600

766 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0

Integrator disable, speed controller, 686 Magazine No. (source) for new tool to be
Interrupt handling active, 559 loaded, 723
Invert handwheel direction of rotation, 624, 625 Magazine No. (Source) for unloading/relocating/
Invert M3/M4, 635 positioning, 713
JOG approach fixed point active, 671 Magazine No. (target) for old tool to be
JOG approach fixed point reached, 672 removed, 723, 724, 733
JOG circular travel, 545, 546 Magazine No. (Target) for unloading/relocating/
JOG circular travel active, 598 positioning, 714
JOG fixed point approach, 629 Magazine no. of new tool, 732
JOG mode, 485 Manual stroke initiation: Acknowledgment, 564
JOG mode selected, 490 Master/slave: Active, 694
JOG position reached, 672, 673 Master-slave: activate coupling, 645, 646
JOG retract active, 598 Master-slave: activate torque compensatory
JOG retract retraction data available, 598 controller, 645
JOG travel to position, 629, 630 Master-slave: Coarse speed difference, 693
JOG travel to position active, 672 Master-slave: Compensatory controller
Key lock, 496, 497 active, 693, 694
Key-operated switch position, 446, 447 Master-slave: Fine speed difference, 693
Last action block active, 549 MCS coupling: Activate collision protection, 644
Leading spindle active, 699 MCS coupling: Collision protection active, 666
Loading/unloading without magazine MCS coupling: Coupling active, 695
movement, 715 MCS coupling: Deactivate or do not permit, 644
Location in buffer magazine (spindle), 722, 723 MCS coupling: Following axis, 695
Location No. (source) for new tool, 723 MCS coupling: offset change, 696
Location No. (Source) for unloading/relocating/ MDI mode, 484, 485
positioning, 714 MDI mode selected, 490
Location No. (target) for old tool, 724 Measurement active, 661
Location No. (Target) for unloading/relocating/ Mirroring active, 695, 696
positioning, 714, 715 Mode change acknowledgment, 582, 583
Location no. of new tool to be loaded at Mode change inhibit, 485
change, 732, 733 Mode group ready, 492
Location no. of old tool to be unloaded, 733 Mode group reset, 487
Location No. of the loading/unloading point, 713 Mode group stop, 485, 486
Lubrication pulse, 673 Mode group stop axes plus spindles, 486
M fct. 1-5 not decoded, 572 Modulo rotary axis: activate traversing range
M function for spindle, 683, 684 limits, 628
M(d) less than M(dx), 689 Modulo rotary axis: traversing range limits
M, S, T, D, H, F fct. Additional quick information active, 671
(fast acknowledgment), 572 Motor being selected, 640, 641
M, S, T, D, H, F fct. change, 571 Motor temperature prewarning, 687
M00/M01 active, 549 Motor/drive data set: Display, 685
M01 selected, 538 Motor/drive data set: Formatting, 704
M02/M30 active, 551, 552 Motor/drive data set: Selection, 640
Machine axis handwheel 1, 454 Multitool location distance, 737, 739, 746
Machine axis handwheel 2, 455 Multitool location number, 737, 738, 739, 745
Machine axis handwheel 3, 455 Multitool location number (new tool), 740, 746
Machine function request, 623, 624 Multitool location number (old tool), 741, 747
Machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 Multitool number, 738
preactivated, 576, 577 Multitool number (new tool), 740, 746
Machine-related protection zone 1 - 10 Multitool number (old tool), 740, 747
violated, 577 n(act) equals n(set), 691
n(act) less than n(min), 690

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n(act) less than n(x), 690, 692, 693 Orientation axis 2: active machine function, 595
NC alarm is active, 459 Orientation axis 2: handwheel active, 594
NC alarm with machining stop is active, 560 Orientation axis 2: invert handwheel direction of
NC alarm with program stop, 565 rotation, 590
NC battery alarm, 460 Orientation axis 2: machine function request, 590
NC CPU ready, 456 Orientation axis 2: Rapid traverse override, 590
NC program: Load, 499 Orientation axis 2: traversing command Plus /
NC program: Selection, 499 Minus, 595
NC program: Unload, 499 Orientation axis 2: Traversing key lock, 589
NC ready, 458, 459 Orientation axis 2: traversing keys plus /
NC start, 525 minus, 590
NC start disable, 524, 525 Orientation axis 2: traversing request Plus /
NC stop, 526 Minus, 595
NC Stop at block limit, 525 Orientation axis 3: Activate handwheel, 590
NC Stop axes plus spindles, 526, 527 Orientation axis 3: active machine function, 595
NCU heat sink temperature alarm, 459 Orientation axis 3: handwheel active, 595
NCU link: Active, 457 Orientation axis 3: invert handwheel direction of
NCU link: Axis active, 652 rotation, 591
NCU link: Axis ready, 657 Orientation axis 3: machine function request, 591
New tool: Internal T no. of the NC, 736 Orientation axis 3: Rapid traverse override, 590
New tool: Internal T number of the NC, 726, 727, Orientation axis 3: traversing command Plus /
743, 750 Minus, 595
New tool: Location type, 724, 733, 734, 741 Orientation axis 3: Traversing key lock, 590
New tool: Location type), 747 Orientation axis 3: traversing keys plus /
New tool: Size bottom, 725, 726, 735, 742 minus, 591
New tool: Size left, 724, 725, 734, 741 Orientation axis 3: traversing request Plus /
New tool: Size left), 748 Minus, 595
New tool: Size right, 725, 734, 742 Original location of new tool, 727, 728, 744, 745,
New tool: Size right), 748 751
New tool: Size top, 725, 734, 735, 742 Original location of new tool in this turret
New tool: Size top), 748, 749 magazine, 736
Online tool length compensation (TOFF) Original magazine of new tool, 727, 744, 750
active, 581 Oscillation active, 701, 702
Online tool length compensation (TOFF): Oscillation cannot be started, 701
Compensation motion active, 581, 582 Oscillation controlled by the PLC, 635, 636
Operating software ready, 458 Oscillation enable, 636
Orientation axis 1: Activate handwheel, 584, 585 Oscillation reversal from external, 646, 647
Orientation axis 1: active machine function, 594 Oscillation: Clockwise direction of rotation, 636,
Orientation axis 1: handwheel active, 591, 592 637
Orientation axis 1: invert handwheel direction of Oscillation: Counterclockwise direction of
rotation, 589 rotation, 637
Orientation axis 1: machine function request, 588, Overlaid motion, 698
589 Override active, 612, 613
Orientation axis 1: Rapid traverse override, 586 Parameter set definitions disabled by NC, 626
Orientation axis 1: traversing command Plus / Path axis, 673
Minus, 593, 594 Path feedrate override, 517, 518, 519
Orientation axis 1: Traversing key lock, 585, 586 Path feedrate override active, 524
Orientation axis 1: traversing keys plus / Path rapid traverse override, 519, 520, 521
minus, 586, 587, 588 Path rapid traverse override active, 523, 524
Orientation axis 1: traversing request Plus / PLC action completed, 513, 514
Minus, 592, 593 PLC hardkeys, 498
Orientation axis 2: Activate handwheel, 589 PLC index, 499

768 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0

PLC line offset, 500 REF machine function, 488

PLC-controlled axis, 650, 651, 663 REF machine function active, 493
PLC-controlled axis: Reset, 647 REF machine function selected, 491
PLC-controlled axis: Resume, 647, 648 Reference point value 1-4, 617
PLC-controlled axis: Stop along braking Referenced / synchronized 1, 654
ramp, 649, 650 Referenced/synchronized 2, 654, 655
PLC-controlled axis: Stop at the next reversal Referencing active, 550
point, 649 Remote diagnosis active, 455
Position controller active, 658, 659 REPOS delay, 584, 626, 627
Position measuring system 1 activated, 702 REPOS delay acknowledgment, 669
Position measuring system 1/2, 610, 611, 612 REPOS delay active, 670, 671
Position measuring system 2 activated, 702 REPOS machine function, 488
Position reached with exact stop coarse, 655 REPOS machine function active, 493
Position reached with exact stop fine, 655, 656 REPOS mode selected, 491
Position restored, measuring system 1, 670 REPOS offset, 668
Position restored, measuring system 2, 670 REPOS offset valid, 668, 669
Positioning axis, 674 Request disabling of synchronized actions, 578
Power up completed, 688, 689 Reset, 527, 528
Probe actuated, 457 Reset executed, 662, 663
PROG_EVENT trigger event, 597 RESU: Backward/forward, 508, 509
Program level abort, 523 RESU: Retrace mode active, 547, 548
Program selection from the PLC: Active, 504 RESU: Retrace support active, 548
Program selection from the PLC: Error, 504 RESU: Start retrace support, 509
Program selection from the PLC: Error code, 506 Resynchronize spindle, measuring system 1, 633
Program selection from the PLC: Index of the Resynchronize spindle, measuring system 2, 633,
program list, 500, 501 634
Program selection from the PLC: Job Resynchronizing the spindle during positioning,
completed, 503 measuring system 1, 634
Program selection from the PLC: Load, 505 Resynchronizing the spindle during positioning,
Program selection from the PLC: Program index in measuring system 2, 634, 635
the program list, 501 Revolutional feedrate active, 550, 661
Program selection from the PLC: Selection, 505, S function for spindle, 684
506 SBH / SG deselection, 642
Program selection from the PLC: Unload, 504, SBH deselection, 642
505 Screen is dark, 501
Program state aborted, 556 SE selection, 643
Program state interrupted, 555, 556 Second software limit switch minus, 628
Program state running, 553, 554 Second software limit switch plus, 628
Program state stopped, 555 Selection: Coordinate system for Cartesian
Program state wait, 554, 555 manual traversing and handwheel override in
Program test (PRT) active, 552, 553 automatic mode in the tool direction (DRF), 601,
Program test (PRT) selected, 539, 540 602
PTP traversing active, 580 Selection: Position controller parameter set, 626
Pulse enable, 641, 642 Selects the file system, 500
Pulses enabled, 687 Sensor for fixed stop, 605
Punch interface 1: Manual stroke initiation, 516 Sensor S1 available (clamped state), 705
Punch interface 2: Manual stroke initiation, 517 Sensor S4 available (piston position), 705
Ramp-function generator disable, 639, 684 Sensor S4, piston end position, 707
Rapid traverse override, 622 Sensor S5 available (angular position of the motor
Read-in disable, 522 shaft), 705
Read-in disable is ignored, 563 Sensor S5, angular position of the motor
Recall alarms deleted, 502 shaft, 707, 708

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Sensors available, 704 T0, 729, 730

Set gear stage, 675, 676 Tapping without compensating chuck active, 680,
Set reversal point, 648 681
Setpoint limitation, 651 Target number of workpieces reached, 579
Setpoint speed increased, 678 TEACH IN machine function, 487
Setpoint speed limited, 677, 678 TEACH IN machine function active, 493
Setpoint switchover: drive control active, 694 TEACH IN machine function selected, 490
Setpoint switchover: request drive control, 645 Time monitoring active, 512
SG selection, 642 Tool holder, 738, 744, 750
Signal identifier for loading/unloading point, 713 Tool management No., 712, 721
Simulation active, 502 Tool management number, 731
Simulation contour handwheel: Activation, 544 Tool status for new tool, 726, 735, 736
Simulation contour handwheel: Negative Tool status for new tool:, 743, 749
direction, 545 Tool with dynamic response limitation, 682, 683
Single block, type A, 489 TOOLMAN: Deactivate wear monitoring, 542,
Single block, type B, 488, 489 543
Skip block selected (SKP), 540, 541 TOOLMAN: Deactivate workpiece counter, 542
Software cams active, 660 TOOLMAN: Last replacement tool of the tool
Software cams: Activation, 613 group, 597
Software cams: minus cam signal 1 to 32, 460, TOOLMAN: Tool limit value reached, 596
461 TOOLMAN: Tool lock not active, 543
Software cams: plus cam signal 1 to 32, 461 TOOLMAN: Tool missing, 580
Sparking-out active, 701 TOOLMAN: Tool prewarning limit reached, 596
Speed controller active, 659 TOOLMAN: Transition to new replacement
Speed controller integrator disable, 641 tool, 596, 597
Speed limit exceeded, 676, 677 Transformation active, 552
Speed monitoring, 679, 680 Traversing command Plus / Minus, 665
Speed override, spindle-specific, 637, 638, 639 Traversing key lock, 621, 622
Spindle, 652 Traversing key lock, geometry axis 2, 535
Spindle in position, 683 Traversing keys plus / minus, 622, 623
Spindle in setpoint range, 679 Traversing request Plus / Minus, 665
SPL_READY, 494 User-definable parameter 0 (DInt), 721, 731
State of the clamping system, 706, 707 User-definable parameter 1 (DInt), 721, 722, 731,
Status axis/spindle replacement, 667 732
Status of action 1 - 8, 600 User-definable parameter 2 (DInt), 722, 732
Status value is generated, speed limit p5043 is Variable signaling function, 691
active, 706 Velocity alarm threshold reached, 698, 699
Stop at block end is ignored during single block Velocity/spindle speed limitation, 619, 620
(SBL), 563, 564
Stop at end of block due to configured stop, 566
Stop at end of block due to single block, 565 K
STOP_E, 494
Key disable, 119
Stroke enable, 515
Stroke initiation active, 564
Stroke inoperative, 517
Stroke suppression, 516
Suppress program test, 630, 703 M decoding acc. to list, 85
Switch over MCS/WCS, 502, 503 Machine control panel
Synchronized action ID/IDS can be inhibited, 579 M version, 316, 317
Synchronous operation fine, 696, 697 Slimline version, 318, 319
Synchronous operation, coarse, 697 T version, 317, 318
T function 1, 573 MCP identification, 96

770 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0

MD14504, 89
MD14506, 89
MD14508, 89 R
MD35400, 267
REPOS activation, 547
MD51041, 116
REPOS mode, 546
MD51043, 116
MD9106, 116
Memory requirements
of basic PLC program, 135
Mode group, 76 Signal exchange
Multitool, 206 Cyclic, 31
Event-controlled, 31
N Compile cycles, 59
PLC / mode group, 60, 61
failure, 79
PLC/axes, spindles, 63
-Read/write variables, 82
PLC/NC, 59
NC VAR selector, 139
PLC/NCK channels, 61
Alias name, 149
Star-delta changeover, 261
Commissioning, installation, 154
Startup and synchronization of NCK PLC, 75
Compiling, 149
Symbolic programming, 83
Create a project, 144
Create project list, 147
Filtering the variable list, 145
Open project, 144
Save project, 144 Timer No., 316
Software version, 145
Transfer to STEP 7, 151
Number range U
for user program, 111
UDT assignments, 84
UTD-blocks, 83
Organization block OB, 313

Basic program functions, 33
HMI monitor, 129
Key disable, 119
Program list, 115, 116
-Versions, 33
connection, 98
PROFIBUS connection, 98
PROFIBUS diagnostics, 78
connection, 100
Select via PLC, 116

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772 Function Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5397-0HP40-0BA0

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