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National Vocational and Technical Training Commission


Competency Standard


Logistic and Supply Chain Assistant

Table of Contents
S. No Content Page No.

1 Structure of the competency standard table.............................. 3

2 Competency map.......................................................................... 4

3 Module A: Supplier Selection ….................................... 5

4 Module B: Procurement........................................ 6

5 Module C: Transportation .................................... 7

6 Module D: Raw Material Storage.................................................. 9

7 Module E: Manufacturing / Production...................................... 11

8 Module F: Warehousing.............................. 12

9 Module G: Delivery & Distribution…………...…….................. 14

10 Module H: After Sales Returns ………..…….................... 15

11 Module I: Occupational Health & Safety ……………………....................... 16



Competency Standards are performance specifications that identify the knowledge and competencies an individual needs to succeed in
the workplace. A competency standard has the following elements

Unit of Competency
A unit of competency is a statement which points to an outcome that employers will value and is observable and assessable during the
work. The competency unit is derived during the process of Occupational Analysis and is called ‘Task Statement’ in a DACUM Chart.


An overview is a description of the competency standard. It briefly describes the purpose and linkage of the competency units with a
job role
Performance Criteria

Performance criteria statements set the standard of performance of a task in a job role. It describes ‘how well’ a task or competency
unit is to be performed. It should be observable and written in a measurable term. It is one of the basic criterions for conducting
assessment of the performance of a tradesman.

Knowledge and Understanding

Supporting knowledge and understanding statements include the essential knowledge and understanding, covering facts, principles,
procedures, processes and methods. These statements cover the basic knowledge and understanding that is required to master a
competency unit in an occupation
Tools & Equipment
All the related tools, equipment and machinery that are required to perform a particular competency unit or task are listed under this

Competency Map

A. Supplier selection:
A1 Search potential supplier A2 Analyze supplier and their proposal A3 Negotiate with suppliers
B. Procurement:
Identify inventory Place Orders Arrange shipping
C. Transportation:
C1 Identify C2 Select mode C3 Select carrier C4Arrange C5Prepare C6 Track and C7
Incoterm of transport booking documents follow up Manage Clearance/Delivery
D. Raw material storage:
D1 Design Layout and D2 Receive consignment D3 Store at designated places D4 Identify raw material requirement
e material handling
E. manufacturing/ production
E1 Prepare production E2 Liaison between production
schedule and supply
F. warehousing:
F1 Receive F2 Store at allocated places F3 Identify finish goods F4 Coordinate distribution
consignments equipment
G. Delivery and Distribution:
G1 Receive orders G2 Process orders G3 Arrange delivery G4 Design Layout and e material handling
H. After sales Returns:
H1 Receive complains H2 Respond customer
I. Occupational health and Safety
I1 Identify potential Hazards I2 Follow Health and safety Manual

Competency Standard (Logistic and Supply Chain Assistant)

Module A: Supplier Selection

Overview: to find the suitable source or supplier for company
Unit of Performance Criteria Knowledge Tools & Equipment
A1. Search the You must be able to: You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
potential supplier P1. Liaison with the end user to K1. Good product knowledge and equipment
identify requirement K2. Good market knowledge 2. E-
P2. Search for potential vender or K3. Good communication skills communication
supplier equipment
P3. Float inquiry to potential suppliers

A2. Analyze You must be able to: You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
supplier and their P1. Compile supplier’s profile and K1. Good analytical skills and equipment
proposals proposal K2. Good organizational knowledge 2. E-
P2. Analyze supplier profile & their communication
proposal equipment

A3.Finalize You must be able to: You must know and understand:
supplier P1. Negotiate with the supplier K1. Good negotiation skill 1. Office stationary
P2. Recommend the supplier to K2. Good presentation skills and equipment
management for approval 2. E-

Module B: Procurement
Overview: To arrange inwards supply for consumption
Unit of Performance Criteria Knowledge Tools & Equipment
B1.identify You must be able to: You must know and understand:
requirement P1. Define inventory policies K1. Knowledge of inventory 1. Office stationary
P2. Analyze inventory as per inventory management and equipment
policy 2. E-

B2. Place orders You must be able to: You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
P1. Generate orders K1. Knowledge proper communication and equipment
P2. Communicate order K2. Knowledge of documentation 2. E-
P3. Follow up for receiving order K3. communication
acknowledgment equipment

B3.Process You must be able to: You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
Payment P1.Define payment terms K1. Knowledge of payment modes and equipment
P2. Identify mode of payment as per K2. Knowledge of banking channels 2. E-
payment policy (L/C, Advance, TT, K2. State bank foreign exchange rules communication
cash/credit) equipment

Module C: Transportation
Overview: It is mode by which industry make things reach to the market.
Unit of Performance Criteria Knowledge Tools & Equipment
C1. Identify You must be able to: You must know and understand:
Incoterm P1. Select incoterm as per requirement K1. Knowledge of ICC incoterms 1. Office stationary
P2. Proceed as per selected incoterm and equipment
2. E-
C2.Select mode You must be able to: You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
of transport P1. Perform model comparison K1. Knowledge of Multi model transport and equipment
P2. Perform cost and operational K2.knowledge of sea port and airport 2. E-
handling analysis handling operations communication

C3.Select carrier You must be able to: You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
P1. Perform comparison of various K1. Knowledge of carrier routes and equipment
services and costs K2. Knowledge of various carriers and 2. E-
P2. Check for Carrier schedules and their services communication
transit time equipment

C4. Arrange You must be able to: You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
booking P1. Send booking request to carrier K1. Knowledge of booking procedure and equipment
P2. Receive booking confirmation and of the carriers 2. E-
loading instructions from the communication
carrier K2. Knowledge of carrier charges equipment
P3. Send/ submit booking detail to
supplier K3. Knowledge of export custom
P4. Arrange export custom clearance clearance procedures
P5. Follow up with carrier for loading
C5. Prepare and P1. Send /submit instructions to the You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
dispatch carrier K1. Knowledge of carrier and equipment
Documents P2. Check and approve the transport documentation( AWB, B/L) 2. E-

Unit of Performance Criteria Knowledge Tools & Equipment
document K2. Knowledge of commercial communication
P3. Settle payment with carrier documents (invoice, packing list etc.) equipment
P4. Arrange the final transport document K3.
from the carrier
P5. Send set of documents to receiver
C6. Trace and You must be able to:- You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
Track shipment P1. Follow up through carrier website or K1. Knowledge of tracking and tracing and equipment
carrier local agents procedures 2. E-
P2. Follow up arrival notice K2. Knowledge of internet usage communication

C7.Manage You must be able to:- You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
clearance/ P1. Collect delivery order from carrier K1. Knowledge of HS code and equipment
delivery office K2. Knowledge of Pakistan Custom 2. E-
P2. Proceed for custom clearance Tariff and procedures communication
P3. Assess and Arrange duties and equipment
taxes payment
P4. Arrange inland transport to deliver
goods at buyer designated point

Module D: Storage of Raw Material

Overview: It deals with storage, stacking and tagging.

Unit of Performance Criteria Knowledge Tools & Equipment
D1.Design layout You must be able to: You must know and understand:
and a material P1. Analysis of facility layout on the K1. Understanding of layout 1. Office stationary
handling basis of manufacturing and designing and equipment
equipment warehousing requirement K2. Knowledge of material 2. E-communication
P2. Selection of material handling handling equipment (MHE) equipment
equipment 3. Material handling

D2.Recieve You must be able to: You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
consignment P1. Check received documents K1. Understanding of goods and equipment
P2. Deconsolidate and segregate the receiving procedures 2. E-communication
cargo K2. Knowledge of tagging and equipment
P3. Arrange quality inspection storage of goods 3. Material handling
P4. Verify the quantity with the K3. Knowledge of WMS equipment
documents 4. Warehouse
P5. Tagging the received goods management
P6.Enter the data of received goods into system( WMS)/
the system Layout plan

D3. Store at You must be able to: You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
designated place P1. Follow the layout plan and K1.Understanding of layout design and equipment
commodity K2. Knowledge of material 2. E-communication
P2. Stack the goods at the designated handling equipment equipment
location K3. Knowledge of WMS 3. Material handling
4. Warehouse
system( WMS)/
Layout plan

Unit of Performance Criteria Knowledge Tools & Equipment
D4.Dispatch raw You must be able to: You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
material for P1. Identify the need of manufacturing/ K1. Understanding of material and equipment
production production dispatch procedures 2. E-communication
P2. Check the availability of stock K2. Knowledge of documentation equipment
P3. Pick and Arrange the stock for K3. Knowledge of WMS 3. Material handling
dispatch equipment
P4. Prepare document and dispatch 4. Warehouse
P5. Update the stock in system against management
documents system( WMS)/
Layout plan

Module E: Manufacturing/ Production
Overview: Items which industry produces and need to distribute in market and the end user.
Unit of Performance Criteria Knowledge Tools & Equipment
E1. Prepare You must be able to: You must know and understand: 1. Material
production P1. Analyze market/ customer demand K1. Knowledge of forecasting Resource
schedule P2. Check availability of stocks and K2. Knowledge of how to make planning tool
resourcing production schedule (MRP)
P3. Prepare production schedule 2. Office stationary
and equipment
3. E-
E2.Liason You must be able to: You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
between P1. Communicate information as per K1. Knowledge of reading production and equipment
production and production schedule schedule 2. E-
supply P2. Follow production schedule K2. Knowledge of best communication communication
skills equipment
3. Material
planning tool

Module F: Warehousing

Overview: Warehouse is expected to contribute to the overall client business objectives and contribute to cost reductions
with the expansion from a one-dimensional storage repository to a main element of customer supply chains
Unit of Performance Criteria Knowledge Tools & Equipment
F1.recieve finish You must be able to: You must know and understand:
goods from P1. Analysis of facility layout and K1. Knowledge of finish product 1. Office stationary
production capacity of warehouse on the basis of K2. Knowledge of Ware House and equipment
finish goods. Management System and Material 2. E-
P2. Selection of material handling Handling Equipment communication
equipment K3. Knowledge of documentation equipment
P3. Check received documents 3. Material
P4. Verify the quantity with the handling
documents equipment
P5. Tagging the received goods 4. Warehouse
P6.Enter the data of received goods into management
the system system( WMS)/
Layout plan
F2.Store at You must be able to: You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
allocated place P1. Follow the layout plan and K1. Understanding of layout designing and equipment
commodity K2. Knowledge of material handling 2. E-
P2. Stack the goods at the designated equipment (MHE) communication
location equipment
4. Material
5. Warehouse
system( WMS)/
Layout plan

Unit of Performance Criteria Knowledge Tools & Equipment

F3. Identify the You must be able to: You must know and understand: 1. Packaging
packaging and P1. Arrange the packaging material as K1. Knowledge of packaging material materials
handling per the demand K2.Understanding of marks and 2. Material
requirements P2. Identify the marking and numbering numbers handling
as per requirement K3. Knowledge of material handling equipment
P3. Arrange the handling equipment as equipment
per the stock
F4.Coordinate You must be able to: You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
distribution P1. Identify the market demand K1. Knowledge of distribution channels and equipment
P2. Arrange the goods for dispatch K2. Knowledge of best communication 2. E-
skills communication

Module G: Distribution
Overview: Methodology by which products is distributed in market.
Unit of Performance Criteria Knowledge Tools & Equipment
G1. Provide You must be able to: You must know and understand:
customer services P1. Receive order from customers K1. Knowledge of CSR 1. Office stationary
P2. Check contents of the order K2. Knowledge of communication skills and equipment
P3. Check inventory status from 2. E-
warehouse communication
P4. Acknowledge with expected date of equipment
G2.Arrange You must be able to: You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
orders P1. Send request to warehouse to K1. Knowledge of store system and and equipment
provide customer order accounting 2. E-
P2. Consolidate goods as per customer K2. Knowledge of material handling communication
order K3. Knowledge of calculation for equipment
P3. Generate delivery note and invoice shipment volume and volumetric 3. Packing material
weight 4. Weighing and
G3.Arrange You must be able to: You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
delivery P1. Arrangement mode of transportation K1. Knowledge of Multi model transport and equipment
P2. Check safety measures K2.knowledge of sea port and airport 2. Material
P3. Arrange loading of goods handling operations handling
P4. Prepare documentation K3. Knowledge of geography equipment
Note: For international delivery refer 3. Delivery vehicle
Section-C (Transportation)

Module H: After Sale Returns & Services
Overview: It deals with the feed-back received from the end user and to provide them services if needed.
Unit of Performance Criteria Knowledge Tools & Equipment
H1. Receive You must be able to: You must know and understand:
Complains P1. Perform root cause analysis K1. Knowledge of best communication 1. Office stationary
P2. Consult concerned department skill and e-
P3. Take precautionary measures for K2. Best product knowledge equipment
future K3. Knowledge of RCA (Root Cause
H2. Respond You must be able to: You must know and understand: 1. Office stationary
customers P1. Communicate the true cause of K1. Knowledge of best communication and e-
failure skills equipment
P2. Must be able to Establish mutual K2. Knowledge of company policies
P3. Come up with the solution ( regret,
repair or replace)

Module I: Occupational Health and Safety
Overview: It is for the safety of persons working in that environment.
Unit of Performance Criteria Knowledge Tools & Equipment
I1. Identify and You must be able to: You must know and understand:
implement safe P1. Study of facility layout design and K1. Knowledge of health and safety 1. Safety shoes
working practices operations precautions 2. Safety uniform
P2. Implement the health and safety 3. Health and
measures safety manual


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