Wolfsbane Is Slowly Killing Us: Teachers Are Swimming There!

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At that time nobody

Her parents from their
thought that a
hard work at work and
beautiful blossom like
she from the school
Wolfsbane could harm
anyone. But it is for
But the girl wasn’t
sure that the Beacon
aware of the things
Hills is becoming
that were going to
more and more
happen. While they
strange, so we suggest
were checking in, she
you to be careful.
noticed something
strange. People
In case you come
seemed kind of
across another
familiar to her, like
example of this plant,
she had already seen
Lately, in Beacon Hills, California, a you should instantly
them somewhere.
strange plant, secretly brought to our report it to the Beacon
After they checked in
land, has been doing very weird stuff. Hills police. We still
they decided to go to
do not know the cause
the swimming pools,
Some of our community members feel of these happenings.
because it was really
strangely sick and scared, of this beautiful
hot that day.
but obviously dangerous flower. It all Teachers are When they came she
started with a son of our sheriff Stilinski,
good and a careful student, which was not swimming realised why those
people were familiar
very careful that night. He was walking
through the woods when he came across a
there! to her. They were all
teachers from her
weird structure in the ground. Has it ever happened former school. They
to you that you went were all swimming in
Next to it, there was a now named somewhere and out of one pool and hanging
Wolfsbane, with its beautiful and nowhere your teachers out. She told to her
seducing colours, “shining on the appeared? I am sure it parents that her former
moonlight” as he described. He reported has, but so did one girl teachers were
it to his biology teacher Harris and after from Porto Rico. swimming there and
teacher Harris figured that the flower
She and her family that they are going to
unknown and dangerous, he went to the
were going last avoid them the entire
summer to Florida on time because they
a vacation. They were came to relax and not
planning to have some to think about school
rest. and work.

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