B.SC. (Hons.) Mathematics Analysis - IV (5.2) SEM-V (6618) PDF

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Sr. No. of Question Paper 6618 D Your Roll No ............... .

Unique Paper Code 235503

N arne of the Course B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics

Name of the Paper Analysis- IV (5.2)

Semester v
Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75

Instructions for Candidates

1. Write your Rolf No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.

2. All questions are compulsory.

3. Attempt any two parts from each question.

1. (a) Show that d : R 2 x R2 ~ R defined as follows is a metric on R 2

d(a,a) = 0

For a::t:-b,

(b) Define an isometry. Prove that

(i) every isometry is injective

(ii) inverse of a surjective isometry is also an isometry

6618 2

(c) Suppose (X, d) is a metric space, a, b E X and S is a nonempty subset of

X. Prove that

ldist(a, S)- dist(b, S)l ~ d(a,b) ~ dist(a, S) + diam S + dist(b, S) (6+6)

2. (a) Suppose X is a metric space and A and B are subsets of X with A c B.

Prove that

(i) An iso(B) c iso(A)

(ii) acc(A) c acc(B)

(b) Suppose A is a subset of a metric space X. Prove that diam(.A) - diam(A).

Give an example to show that diam(A 0 ) * diam(A).

(c) Suppose X is a metric space, S is a subset of X and a is an isolated point
of S. Show that a is a boundary point of S if and only if a ~ iso(X). Also
show that

as= s n sc (6+6)

3. (a) Suppose X is a metric space and S ~ X. Prove that S is the smallest closed
superset of S.

(b) (i) Suppose X is a metric space and S ~ X. Prove that S has empty
interior, if, and only if, S has dense complement.

(ii) Define an open cover for a metric space. Give an open cover for R
endowed with the usual metric.

(c) Prove that the square {a= (a 1, a 2) E R2 : a 1, a2 E (-1,1)} is an open subset

of R2 with Euclidean metric. (6+6)
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4. (a) Suppose (X, d) is a metric space, a E X and r E R+. Prove that

8(b[a,r)) c {X EX: d( a,x} = r}

Deduce that b[a, r) is an open set.

(b) Suppose X is a metric space, z E X and {x 0 } is a sequence in X which

converges to z in X. Prove that n {{ xn: n E S}, S ~ N, S infinite} = { z}.

(c) Suppose X is a metric space, z E X and S is a nonempty subset of X.

Prove t~at z E S if and only if there is a sequence in S that converges to

z in X. (6Yz+6Yz)

5. (a) Prove that every Cauchy sequence in a metric space is bounded. Is every
convergent sequence also bounded ?

(b) Suppose X is a nonempty set, (Y, e) is a nonempty metric space and

B(X, Y), the collection of all bounded functions from X to Y endowed with
its usual supremum metric. Suppose {fn} is a bounded sequence in B(X, Y)
such that for each x E X the sequence {fn (x)} converges in Y. Prove that
the function g : X ~ Y given by

g(x) = limf0 (x)

for all x E X, is bounded.

(c) Prove that a subset of a complete metric space is closed if and only if it is
complete. (6Yz+6Yz)

6. (a) Suppose X andY are metric spaces and f: X~ Y is continuous at every

point of X. Prove that for every open set V ofY, the set f- 1 (V) is open in

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(b) Suppose (X, d) and (Y, e) are metric spaces and {fn} is a sequence of
continuous functions from X toY that converges uniformly to a function
g:X ~ Y. Prove that g is continuous.

(c) Suppose X is a metric space, S is a connected subset of X and A a subset

of X such that S c A c S. Prove that A is connected. Deduce that the
closure of a connected set is connected. (6\12+6\12)


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