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Evolución Del Lobo (Canis)

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Canis Lepophagus 3

Canis Priscolatrans 4

Canis Armbrusteri 5

Canis Dirus 6

Canis Mosbachensis 7

Canis Chiliensis 8

Canis Variabilis 9

Canis Lupus 10

Canis Familiaris 11

Fuentes Bibliográficas 12


Vivió en Norteamérica (Plioceno). Según Johnston, C. La

Memostenía un
are documents cráneo y un
for communicating esqueleto
with people withinmás esbeltos
They often contain short messages and announcements, formatted according to a
and offices. que

los coyotes modernos.

certain style that the company has
remember the purpose of your memo.
If you’re writing que esas
your own, it’s best to

primeras poblaciones poseían cráneos delicados y

Like letters, there are plenty of reasons behind writing a memo. They can be used to

pequeños. Se estudia
deliver information, que
make a request, vivió
respond todurante el
questions, propose periodo
solutions to Mioceno
problems, or present brief reports. Memos often begin with a set number of text fields

al Pleistoceno Inferior
to identify the recipient’s hace
and sender’s aproximadamente
names, the date, and the subject. Asde
letters, their contents follow a simple three-part format: introduction, body, and
most a 1.8

millones de
conclusion. años.
You can start by telling your recipient why you’re writing them a memo,
then continue filling the next few paragraphs with your main thoughts. Summarize
them, if needed, by the end of your message.

As for the memo’s look, make sure the text is clear and easy-to-read. However, you can
include your logo, company name, and a few relevant photos. Another idea is to use
your brand colors to create a memo that aligns with your overall mission. Lastly,
finalize your template so that it’s ready to use anytime.

123 Anywhere St., Any City ST 12345

Website: www.reallygreatsite.com
Email: [email protected]


Es una especie extinta de mamífero carnívoro que vivió

Memos are documents for communicating with people within businesses and offices.
durante finales
They often delmessages
contain short periodo del Plioceno.
and announcements, Este
formatted canis
according to a habitó
certain style that the company has determined. If you’re writing your own, it’s best to
en Norteamérica
remember the purpose a finales
of your memo. del periodo Plioceno y

Like letters,del
there Pleistoceno.
are plenty of reasons Se desconoce
behind si este
writing a memo. They can be lobo
used to era
deliver information, make a request, respond to questions, propose solutions to
procedente del lobo
problems, or present (Canis
brief reports. Lepophagus),
Memos often begin with a setpero
number era
of text el
to identify the recipient’s and sender’s names, the date, and the subject. As with most
ancestro delcontents
letters, their coyote.follow a simple three-part format: introduction, body, and
conclusion. You can start by telling your recipient why you’re writing them a memo,
then continue filling the next few paragraphs with your main thoughts. Summarize
them, if needed, by the end of your message.

As for the memo’s look, make sure the text is clear and easy-to-read. However, you can
include your logo, company name, and a few relevant photos. Another idea is to use
your brand colors to create a memo that aligns with your overall mission. Lastly,
finalize your template so that it’s ready to use anytime.

123 Anywhere St., Any City ST 12345

Website: www.reallygreatsite.com
Email: [email protected]


Es una especie extinta que habitó en Norteamérica y vivió

Memos are documents for communicating with people within businesses and offices.
durante el contain
They often periodo en el and
short messages Pleistoceno
announcements,haceformatted 1.8according
to a de
certain style that the company has determined. If you’re writing your own, it’s best to
the purpose of your memo. hasta 300,000 años. Siendo el
antepasado directo
Like letters, there are plentydel lobobehind
of reasons su writing
a memo. Theyy características
can be used to
deliver information, make a request, respond to questions, propose solutions to
son problems,
or present briefEs muy
reports. similar
Memos alwith
often begin lobo calamitoso
a set number of text fields
to identify the recipient’s and sender’s names, the date, and the subject. As with most
excepto porcontents
letters, their el cráneo siendo
follow a simple más
three-part estrecho
format: introduction, y una
body, and fuerza
conclusion. You can start by telling your recipient why you’re writing them a memo,
de mordida
then continuemenor.
filling the next few paragraphs with your main thoughts. Summarize
them, if needed, by the end of your message.

As for the memo’s look, make sure the text is clear and easy-to-read. However, you can
include your logo, company name, and a few relevant photos. Another idea is to use
your brand colors to create a memo that aligns with your overall mission. Lastly,
finalize your template so that it’s ready to use anytime.

123 Anywhere St., Any City ST 12345

Website: www.reallygreatsite.com
Email: [email protected]


Era un lobo gigante más grande que ha existido nunca

Memos are documents for communicating with people within businesses and offices.
They often30 cms,
contain siendoandelannouncements,
short messages mejor predador. Vivióto durante
formatted according a
certain style that the company has determined. If you’re writing your own, it’s best to
rememberythe 10.000
purpose of años
your memo.durante el periodo Pleistoceno y
se extinguió a arecausa
Like letters, there plenty ofde losbehind
reasons cambios climáticos.
writing a memo. They can be used to
deliver information, make a request, respond to questions, propose solutions to
problems, or present brief reports. Memos often begin with a set number of text fields
to identify the recipient’s and sender’s names, the date, and the subject. As with most
letters, their contents follow a simple three-part format: introduction, body, and
conclusion. You can start by telling your recipient why you’re writing them a memo,
then continue filling the next few paragraphs with your main thoughts. Summarize
them, if needed, by the end of your message.

As for the memo’s look, make sure the text is clear and easy-to-read. However, you can
include your logo, company name, and a few relevant photos. Another idea is to use
your brand colors to create a memo that aligns with your overall mission. Lastly,
finalize your template so that it’s ready to use anytime.

123 Anywhere St., Any City ST 12345

Website: www.reallygreatsite.com
Email: [email protected]


Vivió durante el periodo Pleistoceno. Según un estudio el

Memos are documents for communicating with people within businesses and offices.
canisTheydisminuyó durante
often contain short messages and elannouncements,
periodo Pleistoceno
formatted according siendo
to a que
certain style that the company has determined. If you’re writing your own, it’s best to
los únicos
remember the representantes
purpose of your memo. en Eurasia eran lobos de otros

grupos. Estétherecanis
Like letters, era
are plenty másbehind
of reasons pequeño que They
writing a memo. loscandemás
be used to
deliver information, make a request, respond to questions, propose solutions to
aunque a largo
problems, or presentde
brieflos años
reports. Memoslogró aumentar
often begin su oftamaño.
with a set number text fields
to identify the recipient’s and sender’s names, the date, and the subject. As with most
letters, their contents follow a simple three-part format: introduction, body, and
conclusion. You can start by telling your recipient why you’re writing them a memo,
then continue filling the next few paragraphs with your main thoughts. Summarize
them, if needed, by the end of your message.

As for the memo’s look, make sure the text is clear and easy-to-read. However, you can
include your logo, company name, and a few relevant photos. Another idea is to use
your brand colors to create a memo that aligns with your overall mission. Lastly,
finalize your template so that it’s ready to use anytime.

123 Anywhere St., Any City ST 12345

Website: www.reallygreatsite.com
Email: [email protected]


Sus primeros fósiles aparecieron en el periodo del

Memos are documents for communicating with people within businesses and offices.
They oftenhace
contain 6 millones
short messages andde años localizados
announcements, en toela
formatted according
certain style that the company has determined. If you’re writing your own, it’s best to
remember detheMéxico y Estados
purpose of your memo. Unidos. Se han realizado
estudios donde
Like letters, there areindican quebehind
plenty of reasons erawriting
el lobo
a memo.más pequeño
They can be used to y
deliver information, make a request, respond to questions, propose solutions to
problems, or present brief reports. Memos often begin with a set number of text fields
to identify the recipient’s and sender’s names, the date, and the subject. As with most
letters, their contents follow a simple three-part format: introduction, body, and
conclusion. You can start by telling your recipient why you’re writing them a memo,
then continue filling the next few paragraphs with your main thoughts. Summarize
them, if needed, by the end of your message.

As for the memo’s look, make sure the text is clear and easy-to-read. However, you can
include your logo, company name, and a few relevant photos. Another idea is to use
your brand colors to create a memo that aligns with your overall mission. Lastly,
finalize your template so that it’s ready to use anytime.

123 Anywhere St., Any City ST 12345

Website: www.reallygreatsite.com
Email: [email protected]


Son lobos con la misma morfología del C. lupus en las

Memos are documents for communicating with people within businesses and offices.
They often containdelshortcráneo
messages andy de los dientes.
announcements, Esaccording
formatted un lobo to a
certain style that the company has determined. If you’re writing your own, it’s best to
considerado extraño
remember the purpose of yourpor
memo.esas mismas dimensiones. Se
desconoce mucho
Like letters, there deofeste
are plenty reasons especimen.
behind writing a memo. They can be used to
deliver information, make a request, respond to questions, propose solutions to
problems, or present brief reports. Memos often begin with a set number of text fields
to identify the recipient’s and sender’s names, the date, and the subject. As with most
letters, their contents follow a simple three-part format: introduction, body, and
conclusion. You can start by telling your recipient why you’re writing them a memo,
then continue filling the next few paragraphs with your main thoughts. Summarize
them, if needed, by the end of your message.

As for the memo’s look, make sure the text is clear and easy-to-read. However, you can
include your logo, company name, and a few relevant photos. Another idea is to use
your brand colors to create a memo that aligns with your overall mission. Lastly,
finalize your template so that it’s ready to use anytime.

123 Anywhere St., Any City ST 12345

Website: www.reallygreatsite.com
Email: [email protected]


Es una especie de mamífero, su primer registro fósil

Memos are documents for communicating with people within businesses and offices.
They oftenquecontainesshortdesde
messageshace 800.000formatted
and announcements, años.according
Se distribuían
to a
certain style that the company has determined. If you’re writing your own, it’s best to
en Norteamérica,
remember the purpose of Oriente
your memo.Medio y Eurasia. Son

Like letters, there los mejores
are plenty of reasonscazadores en muchas
behind writing a memo. partes
They can be used to
deliver information, make a request, respond to questions, propose solutions to
por problems,
su instinto or present debriefsupervivencia.
reports. Memos often begin with a set number of text fields
to identify the recipient’s and sender’s names, the date, and the subject. As with most
letters, their contents follow a simple three-part format: introduction, body, and
conclusion. You can start by telling your recipient why you’re writing them a memo,
then continue filling the next few paragraphs with your main thoughts. Summarize
them, if needed, by the end of your message.

As for the memo’s look, make sure the text is clear and easy-to-read. However, you can
include your logo, company name, and a few relevant photos. Another idea is to use
your brand colors to create a memo that aligns with your overall mission. Lastly,
finalize your template so that it’s ready to use anytime.

123 Anywhere St., Any City ST 12345

Website: www.reallygreatsite.com
Email: [email protected]


Es un mamífero de la familia de los cánidos, siendo una

subespecie del lobo.
Memos are documents En el siglo
for communicating XXI within
with people el perro logró
businesses and offices.
They often contain short messages and announcements, formatted according to a
certain styleespontáneamente al vivir
that the company has determined. If you’re junto a own,
writing your unait’spersona.
best to
remember the purpose of your memo.
En comparación a los lobos ellos poseen un cráneo de
Like letters, there are plenty of reasons behind writing a memo. They can be used to
pequeño make a yrequest,
un cerebro 10% pequeño.
respond to questions, Estouno de
propose solutions
problems, or present brief reports. Memos often begin with a set number of text fields
los animales más sobresalientes
to identify the recipient’s hoyanden
and sender’s names, the date, día. As with most
the subject.
letters, their contents follow a simple three-part format: introduction, body, and
conclusion. You can start by telling your recipient why you’re writing them a memo,
then continue filling the next few paragraphs with your main thoughts. Summarize
them, if needed, by the end of your message.

As for the memo’s look, make sure the text is clear and easy-to-read. However, you can
include your logo, company name, and a few relevant photos. Another idea is to use
your brand colors to create a memo that aligns with your overall mission. Lastly,
finalize your template so that it’s ready to use anytime.

123 Anywhere St., Any City ST 12345

Website: www.reallygreatsite.com
Email: [email protected]







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