Penetrating Gunshot Injury To The Chest With Unusual Intraluminal Passage of The Bullet

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Grand Rounds Vol 3 pages 23–26

Speciality: Trauma
Article Type: Case report
DOI: 10.1102/1470-5206.2003.0009
c 2003 e-MED Ltd

Penetrating gunshot injury to the chest with

unusual intraluminal passage of the bullet
C. J. Desai and R. R. Hutchins
Department of Hepatopancreaticobiliary, Upper Gastrointestinal and Trauma Surgery,
The Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel, London, UK

Corresponding address: R R Hutchins, Department of Hepatopancreaticobiliary,

Upper Gastrointestinal and Trauma Surgery, The Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel,
London, UK. Tel.: +44-207-377-7791; fax: +44-207-377-7439.
E-mail: [email protected]

Date accepted for publication 14 October 2003

The authors present an unusual case of penetrating chest trauma. This serves to remind clinicians
that all possibilities should be considered when managing trauma victims and that seemingly
serious injuries are increasingly treated in a conservative manner with a successful outcome.


Penetrating chest trauma; bullet wounds; oesophageal injury.


Gunshot injuries are increasing in frequency in the UK. Injuries to the mediastinum have a wide
spectrum of clinical sequelae ranging from no clinical significance to immediate death [1, 2] . A case
is reported of a 26-year-old man with a gunshot injury to the chest. The patient passed the bullet in
his stool 4 days later with no significant adverse clinical outcome. This case is interesting because
it is not clear when and how the bullet entered the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract.

Case report

A 26-year-old man was brought to the Accident & Emergency department of a local district general
hospital, having been shot from behind. On arrival he had an entry wound 1 cm in diameter on
the right side of the back of his chest between the spinous process of T7 and the angle of the
scapula. There was no obvious exit wound. There was no active bleeding or other evident injury. On
primary survey, he was conscious and co-operative. He was haemodynamically stable with a pulse
of 70 and blood pressure of 170/95 mmHg. Oxygen saturation (SaO2 ) was 100% on room air and the
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) was 15/15. On secondary survey, he had bilateral normal and equal air
entry, normal heart sounds and a soft, non-tender abdomen. He was admitted for further evaluation
and observation. On admission all blood tests were within normal limits (full blood count, urea and
electrolytes, liver function tests and coagulation screen). A plain abdominal X-ray showed the bullet
at the level of the L3 vertebrum (Fig. 1). A plain abdominal X-ray performed a few hours later showed
an opacity consistent with a bullet in the right iliac fossa suggesting passage of the projectile,
possibly via the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract (Fig. 2). A CT scan of the abdomen and chest
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24 C. J. Desai and R. R. Hutchins

Fig. 1. Plain abdominal X-ray demonstrating bullet at L3 level.

Fig. 2. Plain abdominal film showing migration of bullet to the right iliac fossa.

was performed to gain more information, which showed a linear gunshot tract running in the medial
aspect of the right lower lobe of the lung (Fig. 3). There was also a small pneumomediastinum and
haemopneumothorax on the right side. The bullet in this CT examination was seen in the right
iliac fossa seemingly within the lumen of the caecum (Fig. 4). All the intra-abdominal organs were
normal. During this period of observation he remained stable but reported one episode of minor
haemoptysis. He was transferred to a level 1 trauma centre with a possible diagnosis of perforation
of the oesophagus. A water soluble contrast study of the oesophagus and stomach was performed.
There was free flow of contrast into the small bowel and no evidence of an oesophageal leak. The CT
scan was reviewed and the results of the earlier study were confirmed. He remained well clinically
and tolerated an oral intake well. Four days later a bullet was recovered from his stool, confirming
its presence within the gastrointestinal tract, and was preserved for forensic examination. He was
discharged the following day. He has remained well since.


Gunshot wounds that traverse the mediastinum frequently cause serious injury to the cardiac,
vascular, pulmonary and digestive structures contained within. Most patients either die
immediately or present with unstable vital signs signifying the need for emergency operation [3] .
Occasionally patients will present with stable vital signs. These ‘stable’ patients can be uninjured,
may have sustained contained vascular injuries or may have injuries to the oesophagus or
tracheobronchial tree [1] . There is no difference in vital signs or blood gas examination to indicate
which patients presenting in a stable condition will go on to have serious injury [3] . Close clinical
Penetrating chest trauma with a mysterious projectile pathway 25

Fig. 3. CT chest with gunshot tract seen in right lung base.

Fig. 4. Bullet in caecal pole on CT abdomen.

observation and methodical investigation are advocated to avoid missing an injury with disastrous
Investigation of these patients includes chest X-ray, US scan, CT scan of the chest and abdomen
and organ specific investigations. The plain chest X-ray shows the location of the bullet, heart size,
pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax or haemothorax. The US scan helps detect cardiac tamponade
as well as abdominal solid organ injury associated with travel of the projectile. In haemodynamically
stable patients, the nature and order of investigations is a matter of debate. The most accepted
order is aortic imaging followed by investigation for oesophageal or tracheobronchial tree injury
(i.e. contrast study, endoscopy) [2] . Cornwell et al. [4] challenged this order of investigations in a
retrospective study and suggested that delay in intervention for oesophageal injury, due to delay in
investigation, is the principal cause of septic complications. Contrast enhanced helical CT scanning
is a safe, efficient and cost-effective diagnostic tool. Further organ specific evaluation can be
performed on the basis of the information provided by the CT scan [1, 2, 5, 6] . If there is no significant
finding on the CT scan, patients can be observed safely without further investigations.
Patients with massive bleeding from intercostal drains, or with cardiac tamponade who become
unstable during the period of observation or patients with obvious injury demonstrated during the
course of investigation go on to surgery. All other patients can be treated conservatively until full
recovery [2] .
In this particular case it is very difficult to be sure about the exact path of the bullet. There are
two possible mechanisms. First, a bullet entered the mediastinum, hit the right side of the lower
oesophagus, entered into the lumen, travelled the entire distance of the gastrointestinal tract and
came out in the stool. An opening in the lower oesophagus presumably spontaneously sealed off
immediately and hence the patient did not develop mediastinitis and remained well. Contusion of
26 C. J. Desai and R. R. Hutchins

the bronchus and/or lung could explain the episode of haemoptysis. Spontaneous sealing of an
opening in the oesophageal wall, of the size that can admit a bullet, is extremely unlikely and has
not been reported before. However, three cases of oesophageal injury followed by transluminal
migration of the bullet have been reported. All these three patients needed surgical treatment [7, 8] .
Patients with such injuries usually need early intervention to prevent sepsis and probable death [9] .
The second explanation is that the bullet hit the right bronchus, entered the lumen and was coughed
up into the nasopharynx from where it was swallowed. Spontaneous endobronchial erosion and
expectoration of a retained bullet has been reported before [10] . Choh and Adler [11] reported a case
where an intrabronchial bullet was removed with a rigid bronchoscope. This patient did not require
a thoracotomy.
In summary this patient had a penetrating wound to his thorax, resulting in the bullet traversing
his gastrointestinal tract without further injury or intervention. However, the method by which the
bullet entered his gut remains a mystery.

Learning point

Low energy transfer rounds can often take surprisingly devious courses through the body and the
trauma surgeon must be alert to all possibilities and make no assumptions about the intactness or
otherwise of any intrathoracic or intra-abdominal organ until satisfactory screening investigations
have been completed. In this respect a spiral CT is a good investigation. A gastroscopy in this case
was contraindicated—it would have been a shame if there had been a sealed perforation of the
oesophagus and this were disrupted by the instrumentation.


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3. Nagy KK, Roberts RR, Smith RF et al. Trans-mediastinal gunshot wounds: are “stable” patients
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4. Cornwell EE III, Kennedy F, Ayad IA et al. Transmediastinal gunshot wounds. A reconsideration
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5. Hanpeter DE, Demetriades D, Asensio JA et al. Helical computed tomographic scan in the
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6. Salzano A, De Rosa A, Carbone M et al. The role of computed tomography in gunshot lesions
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7. Hughes JJ. Bullet injury to the esophagus detected by intestinal migration. J Trauma 1987; 27:
8. Pass LJ, LeNarz LA, Schreiber JT, Estrera AS. Management of esophageal gunshot wounds. Ann
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9. Naude GP, van Zyl F, Bongard FS. Gunshot injuries of the lower oesophagus. Injury 1998; 29:
10. Saunders MS, Cropp AJ, Awad M. Spontaneous endobronchial erosion and expectoration of a
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11. Choh JH, Adler RH. Penetrating bullet wound of chest with bronchoscopic removal of bullet.
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