Spindash RPG

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Spindash is a One-Page RPG designed for telling stories similar To play Spindash, you'll need something to write your
to those told in media starring a Certain Blue Hedgehog. character info on, and a six-sided die (called a d6).
Stories of Derring Do and Saving the World (or at least your
friends) from Certain Destruction at the hands of Robots, Evil When you attempt to do something that is not guaranteed to
Scientists, and Ancient Monstrosities. Oh, and it's also about happen, the Game Master (the person running the game) will
the Friendship of Colorful, Anthropomorphic Animals with ask you to make a roll in a certain stat. Roll the d6, and if it is
Superpowers. less than your score in that stat, you succeed. If it is equal to
your score, you critically succeed, and the Game Master will
CHARACTER CREATION tell you how you you accomplish you go above and beyond
your intended goal.
Character Creation in Spindash is simple. There are only 3
Stats. If you a rolling to accomplish something related to your
Background, or if someone is lending a hand, you get to roll
Speed - Moving Fast, Being Tricky the d6 an additional time and take the better result. If you get
Fly - Flying High, Being Precise help AND it's related to your Background, you can roll 3 times.

Power - Hitting Hard, Standing Strong RUNNING THE GAME

Being the Game Master in a game of Spindash, isn't all that
Each stat starts at 1, and you have 3 points to distribute across different from any other RPG. You set up the story hooks and
them as you see fit. weave Player Actions into the narrative, prompting them to
action when necessary. If you don't know what stat a roll
You also need a 1-2 word Background for your character. should be, just follow your gut, or let your players try to
Examples include: Nerd, Jock, Treasure Hunter, Fishing Master, convince you. This is a short system designed for short-ish
Science Experiment, Time Traveler, etc. games, so don't take it to seriously!
Other than that, you just need to decide on a name, what kind If you need help coming up with a premise, roll a d6 a couple
of animal you are, and what you look like, and you'll be all set! of times and check out these handy tables!
Example Character: Fig is a Large Purple Cat with 1 in Speed, X is/has Y
1: A Food-Shaped 4: The Military of a 1: Turning Animals into 4: Resurrected a
2 in Fly, and 3 in Power, with the Background "Angler". Scientist Capitalist Empire Robots World Eater
2: A Group of Hover- 5:An Ancient King 2: Stole a Gem from a 5: Destroyed Time
boarding Treasure Hunters 6: A Formless Deity Flying Island 6: Challenged you to a
3: Metal Doppelgangers of Destruction 3: Pulled You into a Book Race

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