Shriram Shikshan Sanstha's Shriram Institute of Engineering & Technology (Polytechnic), Paniv Institute Code: 0994
Shriram Shikshan Sanstha's Shriram Institute of Engineering & Technology (Polytechnic), Paniv Institute Code: 0994
Shriram Shikshan Sanstha's Shriram Institute of Engineering & Technology (Polytechnic), Paniv Institute Code: 0994
A Project
Report On
This is to certify that,
In today’s world, the entire requirements are being fulfilled through automatic system. The
demand for reducing the wastage of sugarcane .So the search of automatic system is completed by our
project. One alternative to reduce the mass and improve the quality of seed cane would be to
plant excised axillary buds of cane stalk, popularly known as bud chips. These bud chips are less bulky,
easily transportable and more economical seed material. The bud chip technology holds great promise in
rapid multiplication of new cane varieties. The problem of establishment and initial growth could
be addressed by application of appropriate plant growth regulators and essential nutrients.
Sugarcane is a major crop in the field of agriculture in India. As per survey, sugar
output dropped to about 2.2 million tons in fiscal year 2016. As per the ministry of agriculture the
production rate from 2014-2015 to fiscal year 2016 has decreased tremendously. Percentage wise it varies
10-15% of overall production in India. India produces 11 to 12 % of sugarcane in the world. Sugar,
jiggery etc. are the by products made from sugarcane. A part of sugarcane production is used for the
plantation of sugarcane and rest of sugarcane is used for the various purposes. The part of
sugarcane used for plantation of sugarcane is known as ‘bud’ or ‘eye of sugarcane’.
1 Abstract
2 Introduction
3 Literarure Survey
6 Performance Analysis
8 Advantages
9 Disadvantages
10 Conclusions
11 Referanc