(Revised in 2015)
Version: 1.1
Developed By
The DGT sincerely acknowledges contributions of the Industries, State Directorates, Trade
Experts, Domain Experts and all others who contributed in revising the curriculum. Special
acknowledgement is extended by DGT to the following expert members who had contributed
immensely in this curriculum.
During the one-year duration of “Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)” trade, a candidate
is trained on Professional Skill, Professional Knowledge, Engineering Drawing, Workshop
Science & Calculation and Employability Skill. In addition to this, a candidate is entrusted to
undertake project work, extracurricular activities and on-the-job training to build up
confidence. The broad components covered under Professional Skill subject are as below:-
In the one-year duration, the trainee learns about elementary first aid, firefighting,
environment regulation and housekeeping etc. The practical part starts with basic welding
work on stainless steel, cast iron, aluminium and brass viz. cutting of pipes, brazing, arc
gauging etc. Cutting of MS sheets & plates in different angles as per drawing, related to
structural and pressure parts. Joining of pipes of different diameter and angles by gas
welding, thread cutting on different types of pipes & fitting accessories and carry out drilling
machine operations to steel structures for fabrication of structures. On completion of each
welding job the trainees will also evaluate their jobs by visual inspection and identify the
defects for further correction/improvement. They learn to adapt precautionary measures
such as preheating; maintaining inter-pass temperature and post weld heat treatment for
Welding Alloy steel, Cast Iron etc. The Work Shop calculation taught will help them to plan
and cut the required jobs economically without wasting the material and also used in
estimating the Electrodes, filler metals etc. The Workshop Science taught will help them to
understand the materials and properties, effect of alloying elements etc. Engineering
Drawing taught will be applied while reading the job drawings and will be useful in
understanding the location, type and size of weld to be carried out.
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting) trade under CTS is one of the courses delivered
nationwide through network of ITIs. The course is of one year duration. It mainly consists of
Domain area and Core area. The Domain area (Trade Theory & Practical) imparts
professional - skills and knowledge, while Core area (Workshop Calculation science,
Engineering Drawing and Employability Skills) imparts requisite core skills, knowledge and
life skills. After passing out of the training program, the trainee is awarded National Trade
Certificate (NTC) by NCVT which is recognized worldwide.
Can join Crafts Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) in the trade for becoming instructor
in ITIs.
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
Notional Training
S No. Course Element
1 Professional Skill (Trade Practical) 1050
2 Professional Knowledge (Trade Theory) 252
3 Workshop Calculation & Science 84
4 Engineering Drawing 126
5 Employability Skills 110
6 Library & Extracurricular activities 58
7 Project work 160
8 Revision & Examination 240
Total 2080
The trainee will be tested for his skill, knowledge and attitude during the period of the
course and at the end of the training program as notified by the Government of India (GoI)
from time to time. The employability skills will be tested in the first year itself.
a) The Internal Assessment during the period of training will be done by Formative
Assessment Method by testing for assessment criteria listed against learning outcomes. The
training institute has to maintain an individual trainee portfolio as detailed in assessment
guideline. The marks of internal assessment will be as per the template (Annexure – II).
b) The final assessment will be in the form of summative assessment method. The All India
Trade Test for awarding NTC will be conducted by NCVT as per the guideline of Government
of India. The pattern and marking structure is being notified by Govt. of India from time to
time. The learning outcome and assessment criteria will be the basis for setting question
papers for final assessment. The examiner during final examination will also check the
individual trainee’s profile as detailed in assessment guideline before giving marks for
practical examination.
For the purposes of determining the overall result, weightage of 100% is applied for
six months and one year duration courses and 50% weightage is applied to each
examination for two years courses. The minimum pass percent for Practical is 60% &
minimum pass percent for Theory subjects is 33%.
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
(c) Weightage in the range of more than 90% to be allotted during assessment
For performance in this grade, the High skill levels in the use of hand tools,
candidate, with minimal or no support in machine tools and workshop
organization and execution and with due equipment.
regard for safety procedures and practices, Above 80% accuracy achieved while
has produced work which demonstrates undertaking different work with those
attainment of a high standard of demanded by the component/job.
craftsmanship. A high level of neatness and consistency
in the finish.
Minimal or no support in completing the
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
Welder, Gas fuses metal parts together using welding rod and oxygen acetylene flame. Examines
parts to be welded, cleans portion to be joined, holds them together by some suitable device
and if necessary makes narrow groove to direct flow of molten metal to strengthen joint. Selects
correct type and size of welding rod, nozzle etc. and tests welding, torch. Wears dark glasses and
other protective devices while welding. Releases and regulates valves of oxygen and acetylene
cylinders to control their flow into torch. Ignites torch and regulates flame gradually. Guides
flame along joint and heats it to melting point, simultaneously melting welding rod and
spreading molten metal along joint shape, size etc. and rectifies defects if any. May join part at
various spots to prevent distortion of shape, form dimension etc. May preheat materials like cast
iron prior to welding. May also weld by other gases such as argon coal etc.
Welder, Electric; Arc Welder fuses metals using arc-welding apparatus and electrodes (welding
material). Examines parts to be welded, cleans them and sets joints together with clamps or any
other suitable device. Starts generator or transformer (welding apparatus and regulates current
according to material and thickness of welding. Clamps one lead (insulated wire carrying current
from generator) to part to be welded, selects required type of electrode and clamps it to holder
connected with other lead). Generates sparks between electrode and joint, simultaneously
guiding and depositing melting electrode uniformly for welding. Takes precautionary measures
such as wearing rubber gloves, holding welding screen of dark glass etc. May join parts first at
various points for holding at specified angles, shape, form and dimension.
Welder, Machine; operates gas or electric welding machine to joint metal parts by fusion. Sets
machine for operation by igniting burners and adjusting flames or by switching on current.
Regulates flow of gas or current and adjusts machine according to material to be welded. Checks
cooling system and adjusts movement of conveyor, if any. Feeds material to be welded with
either one by one or in batch according to type of machine and welds them by pressing paddle,
or by automatic arrangements. May use fixtures or other suitable devices for mass production
work. Is designated as SPOT WELDER, FLASH WELDER, etc. according to machine and type of
work done.
Gas Cutter; Flame Cutter cuts metal to required shape and size by gas flame either manually or
by machine. Examines material to be cut and marks it according to instruction of specification.
Mounts template and sets machine to cut to specifications. Makes necessary connections and
fits required size of nozzle or burner in welding torch. Releases and regulates flow of gas in
nozzle or burner, ignites and adjusts flame. Guides flame by hand or machine along cutting line
at required speed and cuts metal to required size. May use oxyacetylene or any other
appropriate gas flame.
Brazer; fuses metal parts by heating using flux and fillings. Cleans and fastens parts to be joined
face to face by wire, by seaming or by any other suitable means and prepares paste of flux and
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
fillings. Applies it to joint and hearts in furnace or by torch to melt filling into joint. Allows it to
cool down. Examines joint and cleans them by filing, buffing etc.
Reference NCO-2015:
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
Essential Qualification:
Craft Instructor Certificate in relevant trade under NCVT.
1. Out of two Instructors required for the unit of 1+1, one
must have Degree/Diploma and other must have NTC/NAC
2. Instructor qualification for W/shop Calculation, Engg
Drawing & Employability Skill would be as per the training
2. Workshop Calculation Degree in Engineering with one year experience.
& Science OR
Diploma in Engineering with two years experience.
Essential Qualification:
Craft Instructor Certificate in RoD& a course under NCVT.
3. Engineering Drawing Degree in Engineering with one year experience.
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
Essential Qualification:
Craft Instructor Certificate in RoD& A course under NCVT.
4. Employability Skill MBA OR BBA with two years experience OR Graduate in Sociology/
Social Welfare/ Economics with Two years experience OR
Graduate/ Diploma with Two years experience and trained in
Employability Skills from DGT institutes.
Must have studied English/ Communication Skills and Basic
Computer at 12th / Diploma level and above.
Existing Social Studies Instructors duly trained in Employability
Skills from DGT institutes.
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
NSQF level for Welder (Fabrication & Fitting) trade under CTS: Level - 3
Each level of the NSQF is associated with a set of descriptors made up of five
outcome statements, which describe in general terms, the minimum knowledge, skills and
attributes that a learner needs to acquire in order to be certified for that level.
a. Process
b. professional knowledge
c. professional skill
d. Core skill and
e. Responsibility
The Broad Learning outcome of Welder (Fabrication & Fitting) trade under CTS mostly
matches with the Level descriptor at Level- 3.
Level Process Required Professional Skill Core Skill Responsibility
Level 3 Person may carry Basic facts, recall and Communication Under close
put a job which process and demonstrate written and oral, supervision
may require principle practical with minimum Some
limited range of applied in skill, routine required clarity, Responsibility
activities routine trade of and skill of basic for own
and predictable employment repetitive in arithmetic and work within
narrow algebraic defined limit.
range of principles,
application personal
banking, basic
understanding of
social and natural
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
1. Recognize & comply safe working practices, environment regulation and housekeeping.
2. Work in a team, understand and practice soft skills, technical English to communicate
with required clarity.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of concept and principles of basic arithmetic &algebraic and
apply knowledge of specific area to perform practical operations.
4. Understand basic science in the field of study including.
5. Read and understand engineering drawing for different application in the field of work
6. Understand the concept in productivity, quality tools, and labour welfare legislation.
7. Explain energy conservation, global warming and pollution.
8. Explain time management, entrepreneurship and manage/organize related task in day
to day work for personal & societal growth.
9. Understand and apply basic computer working, basic operating system and uses
internet services to get accustomed & take benefit of IT developments in the
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
21. Study the design drawing related to structural and pressure parts and identify of
metals, bars, plates, flats, channels, I section, T section, and box /hollow section etc for
the purpose of fabricating structure.
22. Mark and cut sheet metals to required size using guillotine shearing machine.
23. Perform bending, straightening and edge planning for fabrication of structures.
24. Make fit up and carry out tack welding to fabricate structures as per the standard tack
welding procedure.
25. Mark and prepare riveted joints.
26. Mark and prepare edges for different types of pipe joints viz T, Y & K joints and Tack
welding Pipes.
27. Make templates for simple objects and fixtures.
28. Perform Marking on Girder and Trusses and make a simple lattice structure.
29. Make pipeline Assembly, welded section and cylindrical Tanks by SMAW.
30. Rectify distorted welded structure by flame straightening.
31. Carry out dimensional inspection of fit ups, Perform Cleaning & Painting on fitted
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
3. Interpret & use company 3.1 Obtain sources of information and recognize
and technical information.
3.2 Use and draw up technical drawings and documents.
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
5. Understand and explain 5.1 Final examination to test basic skills on science in the
basic science in the field of field of study including basic electrical
study including basic 5.2 Their applications will also be assessed during execution
electrical. of assessable outcome and also tested during theory and
practical examination.
6. Read and apply engineering 6.1 Final examination to test basic skills on engineering
drawing for different drawing.
application in the field of 6.2 Their applications will also be assessed during execution
work. of assessable outcome and also tested during theory and
practical examination.
7. Understand and explain the 7.1 Final examination to test the concept in productivity,
concept in productivity, quality tools and labour welfare legislation.
quality tools, and labour 7.2 Their applications will also be assessed during execution
welfare legislation and apply of assessable outcome.
such in day to day work to
improve productivity &
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
10. Understand and apply basic 10.1 Final examination to test knowledge on basic computer
computer working, basic working, basic operating system and uses internet
operating system and uses services.
internet services to get 10.2 Their applications will also be assessed during
accustomed & take benefit execution of assessable outcome.
of IT developments in the
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
12. Join MS plates by SMAW 12.1 Plan and select the type & size of electrode, welding
in different positions. current, type of edge preparation etc. as per requirement.
12.2 Prepare, set and tack the pieces as per drawing.
12.3 Set up the tacked pieces in specific position.
12.4 Deposit the weld maintaining appropriate arc length,
electrode angle, welding speed, weaving technique and
safety aspects.
12.5 Clean the welded joint thoroughly.
12.6 Carry out visual inspection for appropriate weld joint.
12.7 Inspect the weld using DPT/MPT.
13. Perform straight, bevel & 13.1 Plan and mark on MS plate surface for
circular cutting on MS straight/bevel/circular cutting.
plate by Oxy-acetylene 13.2 Select the nozzle size and working pressure of gases as per
cutting process. requirement.
13.3 Set the marked plate properly on cutting table.
13.4 Perform the straight and bevel cutting operation
maintaining proper techniques and all safety aspects.
13.5 Perform the circular cutting operation by using profile
cutting machine maintaining proper techniques and all
safety aspects
13.6 Clean the cutting burrs and inspect the cut surface for
soundness of cutting.
14. Perform different type of 14.1 Plan and prepare the development for a specific type of pipe
MS pipe joints by Gas joint.
welding (OAW). 14.2 Mark and cut the MS pipe as per development.
14.3 Select the size of filler rod, size of nozzle, working pressure
14.4 Set and tack the pieces as per drawing.
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
15. Weld different types of 15.1 Plan and prepare the development for a specific type of pipe
MS pipe joints by SMAW. joint.
15.2 Mark and cut the MS pipe as per development.
15.3 Select the electrode size and welding current for welding.
15.4 Set and tack the pieces as per drawing.
15.5 Deposit the weld bead maintaining proper technique and
safety aspects.
15.6 Insect the welded joint visually for root penetration,
uniformity of bead and surface defects.
16. Weld Stainless steel, Cast 16.1 Plan and prepare the pieces for welding.
iron, Brass & Aluminum
16.2 Select the type and size of filler rod and flux, size of nozzle,
by OAW. gas pressure, preheating method and temperature as per
16.3 Set and tack plates as per drawing.
16.4 Deposit the weld maintaining appropriate technique and
safety aspects.
16.5 Cool the welded joint by observing appropriate cooling
method. Use post heating as per requirement.
16.6 Clean the joint and inspect the weld for its uniformity and
different types of surface defects.
17. Perform Arc gauging on 17.1 Plan and select the size of electrode for Arc gouging.
MS plate.
17.2 Select the polarity and current as per requirement.
17.3 Perform gouging adapting proper gouging technique.
17.4 Clean and check to ascertain the required stock removed.
18. Perform linear and 18.1 Measure inside & outside dimensions using Vrenier caliper.
angular measurement and 18.2 Check surface Level using sprit level.
check surface level using 18.3 Measure heights using Vernier height gauge.
specified gauges and carry 18.4 Measure angle using Bevel protractor.
out marking using 18.5 Mark dimensions using marking block.
marking block.
19. Perform drilling machine 19.1 Drill different diameter of through holes by drilling.
operations to steel 19.2 Drill Blind holes.
structures for fabrication 19.3 Perform Countersinking.
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
of structures.
20. Mark, cut and bevel the 20.1 Clean surface of plate by grinding and filing.
parts and prepare edges 20.2 Mark on plates for bevelling and chamfering.
by Oxy acetylene Gas 20.3 Prepare edge for Single "V" butt joint, Single bevel butt joint
cutting for fabrication of and Double V butt joint by Oxy acetylene Gas cutting.
structures. 20.4 Grind and file for maintaining root face.
21. Develop and make 21.1 Develop Prism to the given dimensions out of sheet
different geometrical metal.
shapes. 21.2 Develop Cylinder to the given dimensions out of
sheet metal.
21.3 Develop Cylinder to the given dimensions out of sheet metal.
21.4 Develop Cone to the given dimensions out of sheet metal.
22. Study the design drawing 22.1 Read fabrication drawings and identify the metal bars,
related to structural and plates, flats, channels, I section, T section, and box /hollow
pressure parts and section etc. Identify specification of metals.
identify of metals, bars, 22.2 Identify metal by colour code and measure dimension of
plates, flats, channels, I Bars, Plates, Flats, Channels, I section, T' section, L section
section, T section, and box and Box section.
/hollow section etc for the
purpose of fabricating
23. Mark and cut sheet 23.1 Identify the safety Precautions, and operate power Shearing
metals to required size machine.
using guillotine shearing 23.2 Mark on sheets to the require Size.
machine. 23.3 Shear different sizes of sheets by adapting safety
24. Perform bending, 24.1 Bend plates & pipe by using plate/pipe bending machine.
straightening and edge 24.2 Bend pipes to different angles and shapes by using Pipe
planning for fabrication of bending machine.
structures. 24.3 Straighten plates by hammering (cold straightening)
24.4 Straighten plates by heating and hammering (hot
25. Make fit up and carry out 25.1 Cut high pressure pipe to required size by Gas cutting.
tack welding to fabricate 25.2 Mark and bevel the pipes to required bevel angle and root
structures as per the face size by Gas cutting.
standard tack welding 25.3 Grind and file pipe edges pipes to required bevel angle and root
procedure. face and clean the pipe surface.
25.4 Tack weld the pipes together by SMAW.
26. Mark and prepare riveted 26.1 Prepare single riveted lap joint.
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
27. Mark and prepare edges 27.1 Develop templates for Gas cutting Pipes for „T' „Y' and „K'
for different types of pipe joint.
joints viz T, Y & K joints 27.2 Fit up the Pipes and tack weld the pipes as per the
and Tack welding Pipes. standard procedure for „T' „Y' and „K' joint.
27.3 Mark for assembly and tack welding of gusset plates using
height gauge.
27.4 Mark on joint section beam using height gauge.
27.5 Mark on joint column using height gauge.
27.6 Mark on curved and bend plates and sections using
measuring and marking tools.
27.7 Mark on build up sections using measuring and marking
27.8 Mark using pantograph.
28. Make templates for 28.1 Make templates for marking on Simple objects.
simple objects and
28.2 Make templates for Gussets and joint sections.
28.3 Make simple fixtures.
29. Perform Marking on 29.1 Making simple riveted plate assembly - Girder , trusses.
Girder and Trusses and
29.2 Make Girder and trusses.
make a simple lattice
structure. 29.3 Make a simple lattice structure.
30. Make pipeline Assembly, 30.1 Make pressure pipe line assembly by SMAW.
welded section and
30.2 Make welded section assembly by SMAW
cylindrical Tanks by
SMAW. 30.3 Make cylindrical tanks by SMAW
31. Rectify distorted welded 31.1 Rectify distorted welded structure by flame straightening
structure by flame with the use of oxy-acetylene flame heating, hammer and
straightening. pull rod.
32. Carry out dimensional 32.1 Check dimensions of welded structures using measuring
inspection of fit ups, tape, try square, Levelling instruments etc.
Perform Cleaning & 32.2 Clean the structures properly using chipping hammer, wire
Painting on fitted brush etc.
structures. 32.3 Perform Painting.
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
10 -do- 27. Fillet Lap joint on M.S. sheet 2 - Oxygen gas and its properties
mm thick in horizontal - Production of oxygen by Air
position. liquefaction.
28. Fillet Lap joint on M.S. plate 10 - Charging process of oxygen
mm thick in horizontal and acetylene gases
position. - Oxygen and Dissolved
Acetylene gas cylinders and
Color coding for different gas
- Gas regulators, types and
11 -do- 29. Fusion run with filler rod in - Oxy acetylene gas welding
vertical position on 2mm thick Systems (Low pressure and
M.S. sheet High pressure). Difference
30. Square Butt joint on M.S. between gas welding blow
sheet. 2 mm thick in vertical pipe(LP & HP) and gas cutting
position. blow pipe
31. Single Vee Butt joint on M.S. - Gas welding techniques.
plate 12 mm thick in horizontal Rightward and Leftward
position (2G). techniques.
12 -do- 32. Weaved bead on M.S Plate - Arc blow - causes and
10mm in vertical position. methods of controlling.
33. Fillet "T" j oint on M.S sheet 2 - Distortion in arc & gas
mm thick in vertical position. welding and methods
34. F "T" 10 mm thick in vertical employed to minimize
position. distortion
- Arc Welding defects, causes
and Remedies.
13 Perform different 35. Structural pipe welding butt - Specification of pipes, various
type of MS pipe joint on MS pipe 0 50 and types of pipe joints, pipe
3mm WT in 1G position. welding positions, and
joints by Gas
36. Fillet Lap joint on M.S. Plate 10 procedure.
welding (OAW).
mm in vertical position. - Difference between pipe
welding and plate welding.
14 -do- 37. Open Corner joint on MS plate - Pipe development for Elbow
10 mm thick in vertical joint, "T" joint, Y joint and
position. branch joint
38. Pipe welding - Elbow joint on - Manifold system
MS pipe 0 -50 and 3mm WT.
15 -do- 39. Pip e we l ding "T" joint on MS - Gas welding filler rods,
pipe 0 5 0 and 3mm WT. specifications and sizes.
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
53. Single "V" butt joint C.I. plate - Arc cutting & gouging,
6mm thick in flat position.
54. Arc gouging on MS plate 10
mm thick.
22 -do- 55. Square Butt joint on - Cast iron and its properties
Aluminium sheet. 3 mm thick types.
in flat position. - Welding methods of cast
56. Bronze welding of cast iron iron.
(Single "V" butt joint) 6mm
thick plate
23-24 Industrial Training / Project Work
25-26 Revision
27 Perform linear and 57. Familiarisation with the - Outline of the subjects to be
angular machinery Hand tools used in covered.
the trade. - Role of fabrication in industry
measurement and
58. Introduction to safety - Basic Trigonometric
check surface level
equipment and their use. calculations.
using specified
59. Handling of measuring - Marking of Angles, Triangles,
gauges and carry out instruments - Steel tape, Square, Rectangle,
marking using Vernier caliper, Spirit level, Parallelogram, Hexagon,
marking block. Micrometer, Try square, Octagon and Circles.
Height gauge, Marking blocks,
Bevel protractor etc.
28 -do- 60. Development practice of - Calculation of volume and
surface of prism, cylinder, surface area of rectangular
pyramids, cones, etc. prism, cubes and cylinders.
- Development of right solids,
prisms, cylinders, pyramids,
cones, frustum of pyramid,
cone etc.
29 Perform drilling 61. Marking on plates for drilling - Workshop practice - Hack
machine operations practice. sawing, Filing, Chipping, Hand
62. Drilling required diameter grinding, Marking, Punching,
to steel structures
hole. Drilling, Tapping, Die-passing,
for fabrication of
- Drilling machine -
construction and operation
30 Mark, cut and bevel 63. Marking on plates for beveling - Machine shop practice -
the parts and and chamfering. Milling machine construction
64. Beveling and chamfering to and operation - Milling cutter
prepare edges by
required Angle. -Types of Milling etc.
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
31 Develop and make 65. Straight line beads on M S - Principles of Shielded metal
different plate by SMAW Arc welding (SMAW)
66. Tack welding on M S plate & - Basic Electricity of welding
Geometrical shapes.
channels by SMAW in different power source
position. - AC / DC power source
67. Square butt joint weld on M S advantages and
plate in down hand position by disadvantages.
SMAW. - Polarity types & Arc length.
32 Study the design 68. Fillet, Tee and Lap joint weld in - Electrode - Types, description
drawing related to down hand position by SMAW. & Specification - BIS, AWS,
structural and 69. Fillet weld open corner joint etc..
pressure parts and on MS plate in down hand - Functions of flux &
identify of metals, position by SMAW. Characteristics of flux & arc
bars, plates, flats, 70. Single V butt joint on MS flat in - Selection of electrodes and
channels, I section, T down hand position by SMAW. coating factors
section, and box - Tack welding procedure on
/hollow section etc plate , channels & pipe:
for the purpose of Length & pitch
fabricating structure.
33 -do- 71. Identification of metals, bars, - Metals used in fabrication
plates, flats, channels, I - Types of fabrication joints
section, T section, and box - Types and classification of
section etc. steel and application
- Framed structures - shell
structure - Rolled sections, I
section, channel section,
angle section, T-section
34 -do- 72. Study of design drawing - Welding symbols
related to structural and - Structural/ Pressure vessel
pressure parts and preparation design drawing reading and
of fitting square. understanding the concepts
35 Mark and cut sheet 73. Using guillotine shearing - Description and operation of
metals to required machine, marking and cutting croppers, shearing machine,
of sheet metals to required Guillotine shears, punching
size using guillotine
size. machines, Edge planning
shearing machine.
machine and nibbling
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
machine etc.
- Description and operation of
straightening machines.
36 Perform bending, 74. Practice on bending of plates - Methods of bending plates,
straightening and and pipes to required shape. angle iron etc.
edge planning for 75. Straightening plates and - Cold bending and hot
fabrication of section. bending etc.
structures. 76. Edge planning as per - Bending of angles and
requirement. channels.
- Press work.
- Flame straightening
37 -do- 77. Preparation of pipe joint for - Pipes and pipe fitting - Pipe
high pressure pipe welding. schedule - types - methods of
78. Pipe Welding - preparation of bending - use of bending
edges – cleaning the joint fixture - pipe bending
surface - Fit up the pipes machine - use of pipe cutter,
pipe wrenches - pipe vices -
pipe threads - pipe dies
and taps etc.
38 Make fit up and 79. Tack weld two pipes together - Edge preparation for
carry out tack 80. Pipe work - cutting - bending - pressure line pipes
threading -joining and - Fit up procedure
welding to fabricate
structures as per the
standard tack
welding procedure.
39 Mark and prepare 81. Preparation of single riveted - Hand riveting, cold and hot -
riveted joints. lap joint. methods of riveting - use of
82. Double riveted lap joint. pneumatic riveting, hydraulic
riveting - checking rivets -
removing of bad rivets
40 -do- 83. Single cover plate riveted butt - Types of bolts - black bolt,
joint. turned bolt, high strength
84. Double cover plate riveted bolt etc. and their
butt joint. application.
85. Bolted joints. - Development of pipe
templates for T,Y,K joints.
41 Mark and prepare 86. Preparation of pipes for T, Y, K - Kind of structures - Column
edges for different joints. base, plate girders, Gantry
types of pipe joints 87. Marking gusset plates. girders, Root trusses -
viz T,Y&K joints and 88. Marking joint section beam. description, types and use -
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
Tack welding Pipes. 89. Marking joint column using Beam connection, beam to
height gauge. column connection - framed
connection and seated
42 -do- 90. Marking on curved and bend - Type of pressure vessels -
plates and section. Boilers, Heat exchangers,
91. Marking on built up section. High pressure pipe lines etc. -
92. Usage of pantograph for Marking for cutting to size,
marking. marking for beveling and
chamfering and marking for
pipes and intersection
43 Make templates for 93. Making templates for cutting - Jigs and Template making -
simple objects and to size and simple objects. Design and description of
fixtures. templates for cutting -
templates of gussets -
templates for marking angle
44 -do- 94. Making templates for Gussets - Template for marking joint
and joint sections. section
95. Making simple fixtures. - Design and development of
jigs for drilling and angles
- Design of simple fixture and
clamping devices
45 Perform Marking on 96. Making simple riveted plate - Assembly: Procedure and
Girder and Trusses assembly - Girder , trusses. technique for assembly
97. Making a simple lattice - Assembling of riveted plates,
and make a simple
structure. girders and trusses
lattice structure.
46 Make pipeline 98. Making pressure pipe line - Assembly of welded section
Assembly, welded assembly. - Assembly of cylindrical tanks
99. Making welded section including fitting and lining of
section and
assembly. vessels
cylindrical Tanks by
100. Making cylindrical tanks.
47 Rectify distorted 101. Rectification of distorted - Distortion & methods of
welded structure by welded structure by flame control
flame straightening. straightening. - Preventing and allowing for
weld distortion
- Common welding defects
- Inspection and testing
- Non destructive method of
flaw detection -PT, MPT,
Ultrasonic & Radiographic
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
48 Carry out 102. Dimensional inspection of fit - Chipping & Grinding : Chisels
dimensional ups Cleaning & Painting. & pneumatic chisels used for
chipping- Method of chipping
inspection of fit ups,
and cutting - Types of
perform Cleaning &
grinding machines -Grinding
Painting on fitted
wheels - Method of removing
structures. welds and rivets by chipping
and grinding.
- Finishing & Painting:
Common types of painting.
Stenciling, marking and
colour marking
49-50 Industrial training / Project work
51 Revision
52 Examination
Note: -
1. The instructor may design their own project and also inputs from local industry may
be taken in designing such new project.
2. The project should broadly cover maximum skills in the particular trade and must
involve some problem solving skill. Emphasis should be on Teamwork: Knowing the
power of synergy/ collaboration, work to be assigned to a group (Group of at least 4
trainees). The group should demonstrate Planning, Execution, Contribution and
Application of Learning. They need to submit a project report.
3. If the instructor feels that for execution of specific project more time is required then
he may plan accordingly in appropriate time during the execution of normal trade
4. Abbreviations:
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
Reading Reading and understanding simple sentences about self, work and
Duration: 20 Hrs.
2. I.T. Literacy
Marks : 09
Basics of Computer Introduction, Computer and its applications, Hardware and peripherals,
Switching on-Starting and shutting down of computer.
Computer Operating Basics of Operating System, WINDOWS, The user interface of Windows OS,
System Create, Copy, Move and delete Files and Folders, Use of External memory
like pen drive, CD, DVD etc, Use of Common applications.
Word processing and Basic operating of Word Processing, Creating, opening and closing
Worksheet Documents, use of shortcuts, Creating and Editing of Text, Formatting the
Text, Insertion & creation of Tables. Printing document.
Basics of Excel worksheet, understanding basic commands, creating simple
worksheets, understanding sample worksheets, use of simple formulas and
functions, Printing of simple excel sheets.
Computer Networking Basic of computer Networks (using real life examples), Definitions of Local
and Internet Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Internet, Concept of
Internet (Network of Networks),
Meaning of World Wide Web (WWW), Web Browser, Web Site, Web page
and Search Engines. Accessing the Internet using Web Browser,
Downloading and Printing Web Pages, Opening an email account and use of
email. Social media sites and its implication.
Information Security and antivirus tools, Do's and Don'ts in Information
Security, Awareness of IT - ACT, types of cyber crimes.
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
Duration: 15 Hrs.
3. Communication Skills
Marks : 07
Introduction to Communication and its importance
Communication Skills Principles of Effective communication
Types of communication - verbal, non verbal, written, email, talking on
Non verbal communication -characteristics, components-Para-language
Body language
Barriers to communication and dealing with barriers.
Handling nervousness/ discomfort.
Duration: 15 Hrs.
4. Entrepreneurship Skills
Marks : 06
Concept of Entrepreneur - Entrepreneurship - Enterprises:-Conceptual issue
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship vs. management, Entrepreneurial motivation.
Performance & Record, Role & Function of entrepreneurs in relation to the
enterprise & relation to the economy, Source of business ideas,
Entrepreneurial opportunities, The process of setting up a business.
Project Preparation & Qualities of a good Entrepreneur, SWOT and Risk Analysis. Concept &
Marketing analysis application of PLC, Sales & distribution Management. Different Between
Small Scale & Large Scale Business, Market Survey, Method of marketing,
Publicity and advertisement, Marketing Mix.
Institutions Support Preparation of Project. Role of Various Schemes and Institutes for self-
employment i.e. DIC, SIDA, SISI, NSIC, SIDO, Idea for financing/ non
financing support agencies to familiarizes with the Policies /Programmes &
procedure & the available scheme.
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
Investment Procurement Project formation, Feasibility, Legal formalities i.e., Shop Act, Estimation &
Costing, Investment procedure - Loan procurement - Banking Processes.
Duration: 10 Hrs.
5. Productivity
Marks : 05
Benefits Personal / Workman - Incentive, Production linked Bonus,
Improvement in living standard.
Personal Finance Banking processes, Handling ATM, KYC registration, safe cash handling,
Management Personal risk and Insurance.
Duration: 15 Hrs.
6. Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Education
Marks : 06
Safety & Health Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health importance of safety and
health at workplace.
First Aid Care of injured & Sick at the workplaces, First-Aid & Transportation of sick
Pollution Pollution and pollutants including liquid, gaseous, solid and hazardous
Global warming Global warming, climate change and Ozone layer depletion.
Ground Water Hydrological cycle, ground and surface water, Conservation and Harvesting
of water.
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
Duration: 05 Hrs.
7. Labour Welfare Legislation
Marks : 03
Welfare Acts Benefits guaranteed under various acts- Factories Act, Apprenticeship Act,
Employees State Insurance Act (ESI), Payment Wages Act, Employees
Provident Fund Act, The Workmen's compensation Act.
Duration: 10 Hrs.
8. Quality Tools
Marks : 05
Quality Consciousness Meaning of quality, Quality characteristic.
Quality Circles Definition, Advantage of small group activity, objectives of quality Circle,
Roles and function of Quality Circles in Organization, Operation of Quality
circle. Approaches to starting Quality Circles, Steps for continuation Quality
Quality Management Idea of ISO 9000 and BIS systems and its importance in maintaining
System qualities.
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
1. Quantity marked with * has been increased as per the batch size.
2. Internet facility is desired to be provided in the class room.
3. # Optionally Gas cylinders can also be hired as and when required.
4. No additional items are required to be provided for unit or batch working in the Second shift
except the items under trainee's tool kit and steel lockers.
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
Note: - Above Tools &Equipments not required, if Computer LAB is available in the institute.
Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)
Learning Outcome:
Assessment Marks
Equipment/ Instruments/
Attendance/ Punctuality
Total Internal
Result (Y/N)
Economical use of
Economical use of
Working Strategy
Manuals/ Written
Ability to follow
Application of
S No.
Quality in
Candidate Name
er’s Name