Analysis of Strip Residual Curvatures
Analysis of Strip Residual Curvatures
Analysis of Strip Residual Curvatures
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1 1
1 (4)
In the present study the isotropic hardening assumptions 1 and 2 respectively. Therefore
is approximated by the exponential law as if strain increment is known at a given
the following [13]: time, the incremental stresses and
and strain increment can be calculated
σ 1 (13) thorough some computational efforts. The
method used for identification of elastic and
Where: – Yield stress at zero plastic plastic boundary and method of calculating
strain, – Material parameter indicating reverse direction stress in this study is
the maximum change in the size of yield similar to what has been proposed by Hira
surface, – Material parameter that defines et al. [7]. Generally the procedure involves
the rate at which size of the yield surface strain increment decomposition into elastic
changes as plastic straining develops, – and plastic parts. When through thickness
Accumulated equivalent plastic strain. distributions of stresses and are
Differentiating equation (13) gives: calculated as above, the bending moments
in longitudinal and transverse directions,
(14) and are calculated by integration.
After successive bending and unbending the
Finally doing some algebra, the following strip is released or is unloaded. Unloading
equation will be obtained as the relationship means that the integrated longitudinal stress
between stress increments and total strain through thickness and the longitudinal
increments during plastic deformation: and transverse bending moments, and
, are reduced to zero. and at
3 0 are first calculated by varying the
in the middle of the strip thickness so
as to set to zero. Subsequently,
calculations are made to reduce the bending
3 moments to zero. When the curvature of the
2 strip is zero under loading of bending
moments and , the residual
σ longitudinal and transverse curvatures after
unloading, and are given by the
following equations, respectively:
⁄ 1 (19)
⁄ (16)
⁄ Where: t – strip thickness. is a constant
being defined by the following equation:
⁄ (17)
12 1 (20)
In Eq. (15) the transverse strain increment Since the present constitute equations for
d and the stress increment in thickness strip behaviour are in terms of longitudinal
strain increment , here an equation is
direction dσ are set to zero according to
needed to calculate through thickness
bendingg strain. Whhen a strip with
is bent
b to a curvature with the In this sectionn the simulaation code has
h been
longituddinal strainn in middlee fibre , the used to sim mulate proocess of residual
longituddinal strainn at a diistance froom urvatures eliimination in a typicall tension
middle fibre in thiickness direection is givven levveller as shhown in Figgure 1. Calcculations
by: aree made forr a steel ssheet with material
paarameters as a shown in table 1 and
(221) thiickness of 1 mm.
alent plastic strain
s Curvature
e , 1/m
Figure 2.
2 Comparisson of Equivvalent plasttic Figgure 3. Efffect of curvvature variaation on
strain prrofile from F.E.M. andd analytical ressidual curvvatures undeer constantt tension
solutionns off 100 MPa
seccond bennding currvature off κ
0 tto 50 1/m . The fo following can be
Residual curvatures (1/m)
Crossbow (1/m)
Coil set (1/m)
Second be
ending curvatture (1/m)) Seco
ond bending curvature (1/m)
Second be
ending curvatture (1/m)) Seco
ond bending curvature (1/m)
mployed too verify accuracy of the
In this paper
p a theooretical anaalysis follow
wed an
nalytical soolution. Thhen the sim
by its numerical
n immplementattion throughh a proogram was used to exxamine elimmination
simulatiion prograam was developedd to off crossbow in a typical tension leveller.
simulatee strip behaaviour in tennsion levelliing Thhe calculaation resullts showeed how
process. Finite element sim mulations were
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The support of Mobarakeh Steel Company 22, 1999, pp. 93-100.
is gratefully acknowledged. The authors 11. Huh H., Lee H., Park S., Kim G., Nam
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