Mathematical Model For Cold Rolling and Temper Rolling Process of Thin Steel Strip
Mathematical Model For Cold Rolling and Temper Rolling Process of Thin Steel Strip
Mathematical Model For Cold Rolling and Temper Rolling Process of Thin Steel Strip
1296--1302, 2002
A mathematical model for cold rolling and temper rolling process of thin steel strip has been
developed using the influence function method. By solving the equations describing roll gap
phenomena in a unique procedure and considering more influence factors, the model offers
significant improvements in accuracy, robustness and generality of the solution for the thin strip
cold and temper rolling conditions. The relationship between the shape of the roll profile and
the roll force is also discussed, Calculation results show that any change increasing the roll force
may result in or enlarge the central flat region in the deformation zone. Applied to the temper
rolling process, the model can well predict not only the rolling load but also the large forward
slip. Therefore, the measured forward slip, together with the measured roll force, was used to
calibrate the model. The model was installed in the setup computer of a temper rolling mill to
make parallel setup calculations. The calculation results show good agreement with the
measured data and the validity and precision of the model are proven.
and in the plastic regions: The main flow chart of the calculation proce-
dure is shown in Fig. 2. The iterative calculation
ap_=- dv
-2ha--( u p - "vl tan~) + d~-- procedure is introduced to solve the equations
da (5)
describing the r o l l - d e f o r m a t i o n and the strip-
where v : Poisson's r a t i o ; stress distribution. No matter which regimes the
E : Young's modulus of elasticity.
h~ : unstrained gauge in a elastic region ;
/~ ~ angle between deformed roll and hori-
zontal ;
y : yield stress;
,u : friction coefficient between rolls and
the strip ;
In the central flat region, the discrete pressure of D~fferentZotms ]
profile can be obtained by solving the following , , '~ ,
: ~, t r
r Molly Rs
rolling conditions belong to, the same calculation from one peak(regime 1I) to two peaks(regime
procedure can be used. That is one of the most 111} , and the length of the flat region and the roll
important advantages in the present model. force also increases more than two times. It rev-
Before applying the present model to actual eals that the same calculation procedure can be
temper rolling process, the reliability and conver- used regardless of deformation regimes in the
gence of calculation result were checked with present model.
various roiling conditions. Here, some typical Figure 4 shows the effect of the friction co-
calculated results are introduced. efficient u p o n the gauge and pressure profile un-
Figure 3 is an example of foil, which is ultra der temper rolling conditions. It can be seen that
thin material, cold rolling process calculation. not only the pressure profile but also the gauge
Three reduction rates were used in the calculation profile is greatly influenced by the friction co-
Though very thin entry thickness was used, efficient. At low friction conditions, the contact
there was no convergence problem, in this model. arc between the roll and the strip is nearly circu-
It can be seen that as the reduction increases lar, but at high friction conditions, a flat region
from 5096o to 70% the pressure profile changes appears in the central part of the contact arc.
rl~ie~ pr~
U. l l l t l
t In
_ _
~,--"-~_ (c)
Iil,li 1Ill
-'~') :' J
l~l c i n l i l
O ' -
li 9 41 4 tJ 9 Illl I 11 1 iJ
Fig. 3 Thickness and pressure profile of foil cold rolling
R'---89 ram, friction coefficiem-=0.03, ay---230 Mpa, entry thickness=0.03 ram, E=230 Gpa.
(a) reduction----30% (b) reduction=50% (c) reduction=70%
Thict~m~e ~ P w ~r~lle
t\ ~. ca)..'-3,~ t / i;" c.) ,,>, \\
~ '~+ ~". ," 7c).,~:
Yh~la~m. ~
; i,~ / \,
.::,t ',,\'~:.
. . .
Them (aog)
Fig. 5 Thickness and pressure profile under different yield stress
R=205 ram, entry thickness=0.505 mm, reduction=0.469/~ width = 1073 ram, rolling spee,d=37 m/min,
entry tension-=2496 kg, exit tension=3616 kg, ,u=0.12
(a) o'y=210 MPa, (b) 03,--=240MPa (c) o3,=270 MPa, (d) 0"y---300Mpa
- - 4
CH40R ] 237.8 0.1200 8
CDCS 168.3 0.1235
0 2O0 4OO 600
CNCS ' 163.9 0.1251
I I- rne~um rol f~'co(ton)
CECS ~ 155,4 0.277
Fig. 7 Roll three measured and predicted by the
CVEI ] 178.5 0.1141
present model
Mn60 276.7 0.1251
CH35E i 160.9 0.1256 .el.- . 6 O O
CT37 255.5 0.1527 0
CC8H ~ 313.9 0.1214
- -
CH60C .[i 418.6 0.1157 ,2
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