DLLP Science 10 (June 25, 2018)

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Region XI Grade Level 10

Teacher KHEZELLE B. Learning SCIENCE
LOG PLAN Teaching JUNE 25, 1:00- 1st QUARTER
Dates and 2018 1:50PM Quarter
(MONDAY) 2:30-

Session 1
A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among the
Standards locations of volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and mountain ranges
B. Performance The learners shall be able to:
Standards 1. demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes,
tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions; and
2. suggest ways by which he/she can contribute to government efforts in
reducing damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions
C. Learning The Learners should be able to describe the distribution of active volcanoes,
Competencies / earthquake epicenters, and major mountain belts. (S9ES –Ia-j36.1)
Objectives Specific Objectives:
Write the LC code  Locate the epicenter of an earthquake using triangulation method;
for each and
 Determine the scientific basis for dividing the lithospheric plates.
II. CONTENT Plate Tectonics: Distribution of Volcanoes, earthquake epicenters and mountain
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Science Curriculum Guide p. 14; Teacher’s Guide pp. 2-11
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
Materials Science 10 Learner’s Module pp. 8-15
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials  Activity Sheets
from  Philippine Map; Map of earthquake distribution, active volcanoes and
Learning mountain ranges
Resource  Drawing compass and ruler
(LR) portal  2 plastic sheets used for book cover, same size of a book page
 Marking pens (NOTE: 2 different colors)

B. Other Learning

A. Reviewing ELICIT
previous lesson 1. Show several pictures like radio, television, newspaper, and siren signals to
or presenting the students.
the new lesson
2. Ask them to identify each one. Then raise this question:
“How do you think these objects help people?”
3. Allow them to brainstorm their ideas to activate their prior learning. It is
important that students reflect upon what they know and then articulate
this by allowing them to make connections with what they already know so
that the lesson becomes more relevant to their learning.
4. Then facilitate their answers through giving additional insights.

B. Establishing a ENGAGE
purpose for the Activity 1: Find the Center!
C. Presenting 1. The teacher should explain the purpose and importance of the activity.
examples/ 2. Through Cooperative Learning, the students will make use of the
instances of the triangulation method in locating the epicenter of a hypothetical
new lesson earthquake.
3. The students will work with their groups and perform the activity following
the procedures then answering the guide questions being given.
4. Data processing will be done by group presentation and class discussion on
the guide questions leading to the concept of triangulation method being
used in locating earthquake epicenters.
D. Discussing new EXPLORE
concepts and Activity 2: Let’s Mark the Boundaries!
practicing new In this activity, the students shall be able to describe the distribution of
skills #1 active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters and major mountain belts and discover
E. Discussing new the relationship among their locations as basis in dividing the lithospheric plates
concepts and into different boundaries.
practicing new
skills #2 A. You will need:
 Activity Sheets
 Philippine Map; Map of earthquake distribution, active volcanoes and
mountain ranges
 Marking pens (NOTE: 2 different colors)

B.What you will do:

1. Trace the locations of the earthquake epicenters on a plastic sheet using
a marking pen.
2. On another plastic sheet, trace the locations of volcanoes using the
other marking pen.
3. Place the earthquake plastic sheet on top of the volcano plastic sheet.
4. Place the two plastic sheets on top of the map of mountain ranges.
5. Study the map of plate boundaries.
C.Think and Analyze
1. How are earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain ranges distributed on
the map?
2. What do you think is the basis of scientists in dividing the Earth’s
lithosphere into several plates?
F. Developing EXPLAIN
mastery Data processing will be done by group presentation and class discussion on
(Leads to the guide questions to probe the relationship among the distribution and
Formative location of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters and major mountain belts.
1. The student shall have an Oral Presentation of their outputs.
2. Each group shall be given 5 minutes for their presentation.
3. Students are allowed to ask questions and add insights.
4. The teacher shall facilitate in the discussion and shall give additional
G. Finding practical ELABORATE
applications of By using some downloaded videos from YouTube about geological events
concepts and and their damages, the students will be able to answer the ff. questions:
skills in daily
H. Making 1. Why is it important to identify areas which are prone to earthquakes,
generalizations where there are more active volcanoes and presence of major mountain
and abstractions belts?
about the lesson 2. What ways can you suggest by which you can contribute to the
government efforts in reducing damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis,
and volcanic eruptions?
NOTE: Explain the need to have an emergency plan to avoid further damages
or loss of lives. The teacher shall facilitate in the discussion and shall provide
additional facts and inputs; students are encouraged to add insights or ask
I. Evaluating EVALUATE
learning Let the students make a short essay reflecting what they have learned from
the entire lesson including their personal insights or allow them to share their
firsthand experiences on certain geological events and how they affect their
way of living. Have them do this on a ½ crosswise sheet of paper.
Criteria in grading their reflective essay:
 Content – 50%
 Organization – 30%
 Neatness – 10%
 Overall impact – 10%
TOTAL – 100%
J. Additional EXTEND
activities for Using internet and library references, the students will work in the same
application or group and investigate either a past earthquake’s occurrence, a major tsunami or
remediation an explosive volcanic eruption. The report should describe the ff. events: where
and when it happened, what was the magnitude of the earthquake, and how did
it affect the people and the environment. The report should include answers to
the ff. questions:
1. How can the event be characterized using the concept of hazard and
risk? In this case, what was/were the risk/s?
2. What steps could have been taken to reduce the risks to where the
people were exposed?
NOTE: Based from your group’s findings, prepare a written report and make a
presentation to the class in the form of news casting or panel discussion.

A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by: Noted by:


Teacher I/ Science 10 OIC – Assistant School
Principal II

Approved by: NOEL B. CANALES

School Principal IV

Master Teacher I/ Science

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