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A Literature Review on Evaluating Tourism Destinations

Yuyan Luo1, Yao Chen1 and Weimin Zheng2

College of Management Science, Chengdu University of Technology, 1#, Dongsanlu, Erxianqiao, Chengdu 610059,
Sichuan, P.R.China
2 School of Management, Xiamen University, 422#, South Siming Road, Siming District, Xiamen 361005, Fujian, P.R.China

Keywords: Tourism destination evaluation, Literature review, Prospect.

Abstract: As people’s increasing demands for tourism, tourism industry is developing rapidly, and gradually becomes
one of the pilot industries of the country, so the researches on tourism have been paid deep attention by the
academia, enterprises and government. Since the 1960s, the research of the tourism destinations including
the scenic spots has gradually extended to the aspects of the tourism environmental carrying capacity,
tourist satisfaction, resource development and ecological protection etc, so the paper should be helpful to the
healthy and sustainable development of the tourism by understanding the environmental pressure, the
development potential of tourism scenic spots and would review the ideas from three aspects of tourist
environmental carrying capacity, tourist satisfaction, tourist resources exploitation and the sustainable
development, so as to comprehend the current research status and discuss the prospects of the evaluation of
tourism destinations.

1 INTRODUCTION and sustainable development, to understand the

research status and to have an outlook of its future
For the last few decades, tourism has become one of research direction.
the major forces for economic growth in many
developing and developed countries. Tourism
contributes to economic growth through various 2 RESEARCH OF EVALUATION
channels including foreign currency earnings, OF TOURISM DESTINATIONS
attracting international investment, increasing tax
revenues and creating additional employment 2.1 Tourism Environmental Carrying
opportunities (Alam, 2016). Thus, to develop
tourism is good for the development of economy,
and to advocate ecological civilization construction,
Tourism environmental carrying capacity is also
sustainable and green development is the basic
known as the tourism environmental bearing
contents. And it is also advocated in the industry of
capacity, and the theory of tourism environmental
tourism. Since the 1980s, the people of great vision
carrying capacity is developed from capacity and
has come out with the connotation and the features
environmental capacity. As we know, the foreign
of sustainable tourism (Tang, 2013), and it gradually
related research involved in this aspect at the earliest
developed and also became the focus of the
is that Malthus (1798) mentioned the first basic
researches. Meanwhile, tourism destination is as the
research framework of capacity in Principle of
spatial carrier of tourism, and also its evaluation and
Population (Seidl, 1999), and the terms of
development have become the research hot spots.
“environmental capacity” was first advanced by
Based on reviewing the related literature about
Hurst, the Belgian mathematician and biologist, in
the evaluation of tourism destinations, the paper
1838 (Yang, 1996), but tourism environment
would summarize the ideas of the scholars from the
carrying capacity was presented for the first time by
aspects of tourism environmental carrying capacity,
Lapage (1963) and aimed to describe the maximum
tourist satisfaction, tourism resources exploitation

Luo Y., Chen Y. and Zheng W.
A Literature Review on Evaluating Tourism Destinations.
DOI: 10.5220/0006449903290334
In ISME 2016 - Information Science and Management Engineering IV (ISME 2016), pages 329-334
ISBN: 978-989-758-208-0
Copyright c 2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ISME 2016 - Information Science and Management Engineering IV
ISME 2016 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering

capacity or carrying capacity (Wan, 2004). 2003). Tourism environmental carrying capacity was
American scholar Wagar (1964) pointed out that the stable and dynamic and appeared by seasonal
tourism environmental capacity was the tourism variations with different tourist seasons (Yang,
activity accounts that a tourism destination 2008), also the amounts of tourism activity
maintains the product quality in the long term depended on the minimum of resource space
(Wagar, 1964). Subsequent research pointed out that carrying capacity, ecological environmental carrying
the tourist environmental carrying capacity was capacity, tourism economic development carrying
divided into the categories of biological and physical capacity and social carrying capacity (Du, 2013).
capacity, social and cultural capacity, mental And the index system of tourism environmental
capacity and management capacity (Lime, 1964). carrying capacity could be establish through tourism
Judging from the relations between tourists, tourism resources environment, ecological environment,
resources and tourism destinations, they can be tourism social economic environment and
divided into material carrying capacity, ecological psychological environment factors (Wang, 2015).
carrying capacity and the psychological carrying Based on these ideas, the follow-up study mainly
capacity (Pearce, 1989). And the more influential focused on the quantitative research of tourism
event was that under the study of tourism environmental capacity (Li, 2016).
environmental carrying capacity in the 1980s, the Therefore the technology route that the scholars
professors of National Forestry Bureau put forward at home and abroad use for studying tourism
the life cycle assessment theory, and it was widely environmental carrying capacity was different, the
used in the environmental protection and foreign studies were mainly based on the
management of tourist destinations of the United management of eco-tourism experiences with an
States, Australia, Canada and so on (David, 1985). overview of getting command of environmental
Since the 1990s, many scholars have respectively impacts and the major ideas at home was to control
carried out the further study of the definition of the number of visitors (Lin, 2007), but the findings
tourism environmental carrying capacity, are lesser, especially on the carbon emissions
establishing condition, monitoring and so on capacity based on studying the process of tourism
(Mathieson, 1980; Mieczkowski,1995; Saveriades, environmental carrying capacity.
2000; R. Lawson, 2003; Weng, 2007).
Under the influence of foreign research on 2.2 Tourist Satisfaction
tourism environmental carrying capacity, Chinese
scholars began to explore it in the 1980s. The initial The study of tourist satisfaction originated in
research analysis was from the qualitative and product quality and service quality research in
quantitative perspective of tourism environmental manufacturing (Lian, 2004), since the late 1970s,
capacity. For example, environmental capacity foreign scholars have started the research about
varied from the space environment of scenic spot tourists satisfaction connotation, influence factors,
(environmental capacity) to the space environment measurement and so on. For instance, tourists
of scenic spot (Zhao, 1983), and tourism satisfaction showed the “positive” feeling or
environmental carrying capacity should contain the perception on the basis of the “positive” effects
natural environmental capacity in the physical and through comparing the expectation of tourists with
ecological sense and need to strengthen the studying actual perception to tourist destination (Bread,
of tourism environmental capacity theory and 1980), and it was not only in the experience of the
method from the aspects of regional tourism system tourist destination, but the reflection of perceiving
like tourism object subsystem, the tourist media whether to be satisfied with how people being
subsystem and tourism subject subsystem (Bao, treated in tourism destinations (Um, 2006), also,
1987; Guo, 1990). Tourism environment carrying there was other studies on using the SERVQUAL
capacity included the carrying capacity of ecological model to do the measurement of tourist satisfaction
environment, the resources space, psychological and and service quality analysis (AKama, 2003), the
economic aspects (Cui, 1995). Based on it, the effect analysis of satisfaction (Alegre, 2009) and
research was to build the theory of tourism intention of revisiting and the impact that
environment carrying capacity system and index satisfaction and dissatisfaction to revisit intentions
system (Liu, 2000), and made clear that tourism (Alegrea, 2010), using the structural equation
environmental capacity of “limit” did not simply modeling to analyze the impact of the relations
refer to the number of tourists limit, but referred to between destination image and the perceived value
the limit of the affected tourism environment (Yang, to the tourist satisfaction and tourist loyalty

A Literature Review on Evaluating Tourism Destinations
A Literature Review on Evaluating Tourism Destinations

(Ramseook-Munhurrun, 2015), analyzing and 1992, the world tourism organization took tourism
comparing the tourist satisfaction among the tourism as the center, and started the studies of tourism index
industry based on the tourist satisfaction index system around with tourism activities and conducted
model and expectation-assuming framework experiments in some developed countries,
(Agyeiwaah, 2016). meanwhile Eber (1992) put forward the guiding
In China, the tourist satisfaction research principles for the sustainable development of
started relatively late, and the researchers have tourism (Holden, 2003). After the year of 2001, The
mainly focused on the extension of tourist researchers in British, Canada, Hungary constructed
satisfaction connotation, the measurement, the the indexes suitable for their own tourism
influence factors, tourist service quality and sustainable development based on local features
shopping satisfaction in recent years. For example, it (Chen, 2008). Many scholars respectively carried
indicated that tourism scenic tourist satisfaction was out the researches on the aspects of sustainable
a kind of comprehensive psychological evaluation to development index selection criteria, methodology,
meet the demand degree of the tourism activities in evaluation framework and the evaluation index
the aspects of tourism landscape, infrastructure, system etc, such as using the Delphi method to have
entertainment and hospitality services and so on the survey results analysis on tourism sustainable
(Dong, 2005), discussing the influence factors and development indexes (Miller, 2001), adding cultural
evaluation system based on the gray system theory and ecological system to the evaluation framework
(Nan, 2008), establishing tourist satisfaction index of sustainable development of regional tourism so as
evaluation model from the six impact modules of to judge the sustainability of tourism destination
environmental perception, travel expectations, (Tae, 2005), trying to create an entire evaluation
sightseeing expectations, tourist satisfaction, loyalty way for sustainable development and construct the
for tourists and visitors complaints (Wang, 2006), sustainable development of performance indicators
using structural equation to construct tourist to enable the tourism of the protected area developed
satisfaction measurement model from the emotion sustainably (Castellani, 2010), and developing the
and cognition (Luo, 2011), building the appraisal space model of natural tourism plan based on the
model of tourist satisfaction from the six aspects of standard of the appeal and the accessibility of the
eating, accommodation, transportation, traveling, target and the regional could be divided into seven
shopping and entertainment with PC-FUZZY-IPA types regarding the degree of attraction and
method (Liao, 2012), drawing on the core ideas and accessibility (Rahayuningsiha, 2016).
the structure of the US Customer Satisfaction Index On the basis of existing research achievements
model and the European Customer Satisfaction abroad, the domestic scholars combined with the
Index model and using the SPSS to analyze the actual situation, and had positively explored and
influence factors of tourist satisfaction (Chen, 2014), studied the construction of the evaluation index
and taking ordered-probit model to examine and system from the aspects of sustainable development,
analyze the hypothesis relationship between visitor’ environmental quality and resource development,
s individual variables, scenic spot variables and evaluation methods and model of scenic areas, such
tourist satisfaction (Lin, 2016). as the preliminary establishment of index system for
So the domestic and foreign researches mainly evaluation of the sustainable development in
concentrated on the concept, connotation, influence regional tourism from the aspects of ecological
factors, assessment system model, and great environment, social culture and tourism supporting
achievement has been realized, but the studies on system and so on (Cui, 1999), and considering the
advocating low carbon economy ideas and exploring factors of tourism resources and environmental
the ways of low carbon development in scenic areas, protection, tourism economy, social benefits, the
especially on the satisfaction of tourists experiencing construction degree of soft and hard environment
low carbon scenic areas are not in abundance and and the development ability of tourism customer
need to be further studied. market and putting forward the model of multi-
objective linear weighting function of the evaluation
2.3 Tourism Resources Exploitation index system and comprehensive evaluation (Wang,
and Sustainable Development 2001), constructing the sustainable development
index system of tourism industry and the tourism
Since in the 1990s, the sustainable development of objective judgment model through status evaluation,
tourism destinations and its evaluation indexes and diagnosis evaluation, trend evaluation and object
methods have been the mainstream to be studied. In evaluation (Niu, 2002), to build the tourism

ISME 2016 - Information Science and Management Engineering IV
ISME 2016 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering

ecological footprint model constituted by food, studies, however, it still has some demerits. Firstly,
accommodation, transportation, sightseeing and the studies on the effect evaluation of low-carbon
shopping to evaluate the development of tourist tourist environmental implementation under the
sustainable (Jiang, 2006), in line with indexes of background of low-carbon economy is of lack and
tourism resources, ecology and environment, social it’s difficult to reveal the degree of order, trend and
economy and culture, risk and disasters and social low-carbon management effectiveness of its
sustainability to have an assessment on inner system on the low-carbon construction of the
environmental impact of tourism master plan tourist destinations. Secondly, the application of
(Huang, 2010). Putting forward the main problems tourism destination evaluation method and model,
of the market allocation in seaside tourism and the has mostly confined to the traditional static and
countermeasures for the sustainable development to linear evaluation method, and the aspects of tourist
improve the value system of seaside tourism (Zhao, economy and society are not mentioned enough.
2014). With regard to the sustainable development Thirdly, the evaluation system of tourism destination
of rural tourism resources, the overall balance of has focused only on the study of tourism destination
“ecological civilization” and “tourism development” itself and been lack of multi-view and multi-angle
should be assured (Zhao, 2015), and from the view analysis, and the studies on the destination itself and
of economy to consider the development of tourism its stakeholders, such as tourism destination
resource, sustainable development should insist on managers, and tourists, local residents in this
the principles of the ethics of location, characteristic, community, was not comprehensively integrated.
the market, diversity as well as protection (Wang, Aiming at solving the problems and
2016). shortcomings in the current evaluation of
From the reviews above, the foreign and environmental quality, resource development and
domestic researches on the development of tourism sustainable development of tourism destinations, the
resources and sustainable development are closely further research will probably be based on low
combined with each period and local characteristics carbon economy, regarding the scenic area system as
and the stage progress has been made. Based on eco- the main research object and views, and taking the
tourism and low carbon, new requirements on scenic stakeholders of scenic spot as auxiliary study object,
area about the sustainable development pattern of by means of quantitative and qualitative analysis and
low carbon economy are raised, thus to achieve with the method of system analysis, and showing the
long-term sustainable development, low carbon state of the low-carbon management of the scenic
development of scenic areas has gradually become spots from the macro and micro level and predicting
the inherent requirements of both economic its future trend to reflect the current and future
development and environmental protection, and the development of the scenic spot comprehensively.
contents of evaluation for low carbon development
still need further research.
3 PROSPECTS OF EVALUATION Through the summary and review of related
OF TOURISM DESTINATIONS literature about tourism environmental carrying
capacity, tourist satisfaction and tourism destination
To sum up, the researches at home and abroad for resources exploitation and sustainable development,
evaluating tourism destination mainly involve the the current research progress of tourism destination
analysis of tourist environment carrying capacity, evaluation is reviewed, and it sets a theory basis of
the evaluation regarding tourist horizon of tourism the subsequent studying and contributes to the
destination, tourism resources development and the tourism destinations adjusting to the size of the
overall planning related to impact on ecological layout, formulating development plans, and it is also
environmental impact, environmental quality and helpful to the sustainable development of the tourist
sustainable development system of the tourism industry. In the era of advocating peace and
destination. development, the rapid development of tourism
Through the process of reviewing the related promotes the economic and cultural exchanges
literature, the discussion indicates that the research between countries, and has a great role in country’s
of tourism destinations has obtained many regional poverty alleviation, cultural construction,
achievements and laid a certain foundation for later economic development with environment friendly,

A Literature Review on Evaluating Tourism Destinations
A Literature Review on Evaluating Tourism Destinations

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