Chapter 12345

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Chapter I



Tourism is a complex set of industries including accommodation, accessibility,

activities, amenities and attraction. Accommodation is where the tourist have a place to
stay upon reaching the destination and a way to get a food, accessibility refers to the
ability for tourist to get to the destination, while activities are something that are done for
pleasure and that usually involves with a group of people and then, amenities is a type of
feature that provides comfort and convenience. And lastly, attractions are the points of
interest that make tourist want to visit destination whether it is natural or man-made
Baker (2000).

Meanwhile, Basford (2006), stated that environment is the surroundings in which

the organism lives. It is a reservoir of resources. Environment is very essential in every
aspect of life. It’s everything that makes up our surroundings and affects our ability to
live on Earth – the air we breathe, the water that covers most of the Earth’s surface, the
plants and animals around us and much more.

The development and up gradation of the tourist sector depends on a clean

environment, free from all hazards. Environmentally responsible is a new concept the
world over. There are two aspects of the relationship between tourism and environment.
Tourism depends heavily on an un spoilt natural environment. The world over, location
of scenic beauty and an un spoilt natural splendor have replaced heritage monuments in
tourism trends. Tourism and environment are intrinsically related with each other.

When the level of visitor use is greater than the environment’s ability to cope with
this use within the acceptable limits of change, it can produce negative impact to the
tourism. Uncontrolled conventional tourism poses potential threats to many natural areas
around the world. It can put enormous pressure on an area and lead to impacts such as
soil erosion, increased pollution and so on. This research aim to identify what are the

possible outcomes that may occur and what are the possible solutions or other ways to
improve the tourism without harming the environment.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify and describe the impacts of tourist attraction
development to the environment.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following:

1. How does tourist attraction development affect the environment and

2. How does tourism development affect the society?
3. What is the implication of this study to the environment?

Significance of the Study

This study can provide useful information concerning about the impacts of the
development of tourist attraction to the environment. This study may be beneficial to the
To the Tourists, this study will help them to know what their responsibilities as
tourists are and what things should not be done when visiting a tourist attraction to
protect our environment.
To the Tarlaqueños, this study will help them to be aware of what are their
limitations and conditions in improving a tourist attraction.
To the Government and Regulatory Bodies, this study will help them to be
aware of what actions they need to conduct to protect the environment.
To the Future Researchers, this study will serve as their guide for their future
research that is related to the study.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to evaluate the factors that affect the development of tourist
attractions to the environment. The focus of this paper will be focused on the
development of a natural attraction as it is to be defined in terms of the developmental
procedures of the location. However, this study will only specifically cover the
description of the natural environment to the options given above. Furthermore, this study
will limit itself to the impact of only the development of tourist attractions to a visitor’s
perceptive and not the environment or other factors such as demography and history etc.
so to not confuse the readers of this study.

This study will may include the negative and positive impacts about the
development of tourist attractions to the environment The type of questionnaire for the
survey that is to be conducted to the tourists that were made as respondents and will limit
itself to questions that are only answerable in “Yes” or “No”. In order to gain more
specifics, the questions for the survey tool are developed to fall under the following
general categories: View of the visitor towards the environment in terms of definitions,
qualities, and experiences, all to be measured statistically.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are conceptually and operationally defined in better

understanding of the study:

Accessibility. It refers to the ability for tourist to get to the destination.

Accommodation. It is where the tourists stay upon reaching the destination and a
way to get a food.

Activities. It is something that is done for pleasure and that usually involves with
a group of people.

Amenities. It is a feature that provides comfort and convenience.

Attraction. It is the points of interest that make tourist want to visit destination
whether it is natural or man-made.

Environment. It is the surroundings in which the organism lives.

Reservoir. It is a supply or source of something

Tourism. It is a complex set of industries including accommodation,

accessibility, activities, amenities and attraction.

Unspoilt. It is not marred by development

Upgradation. It is the act or process of improving the quality of something




This chapter includes the synthesis of the research, emphasizes the impacts of
development to the environment, importance of the environment to the tourism industry
and some related literature to justify and strengthen the research, conducted both foreign
and local.

Simme (2006) stated that tourism can bring many economic and social benefits,
particularly in rural areas and developing countries. Tourism can only be sustainable if it
is carefully managed so that potential negative effects on the host community and the
environment are not permitted to outweigh the financial benefits. The improvements to
infrastructure and new leisure amenities that result from tourism also benefit the local
community. Tourism encourages the preservation of traditional customs, handicrafts and
festivals that might otherwise have been allowed to wane, and it creates civic pride.
Interchanges between hosts and guests create a better cultural understanding and can also
help raise global awareness of issues such as poverty and human rights abuses. Tourism
-- particularly nature and ecotourism -- helps promote conservation of wildlife and
natural resources such as rain forests, as these are now regarded as tourism assets. It also
helps generate funding for maintaining animal preserves and marine parks through
entrance charges and guide fees.

While Esty (2006) emphasized from his study about “The Information on Tourism
Development” in India, tourism is the largest service industry in India. Government
figures show tourism contributes 6.23 percent of GDP and accounts for 8.78 percent of

The World Travel & Tourism Council has predicted that tourism in India will
continue to sustain steady growth. The Ministry of Tourism is the primary driving force
behind tourism development in India. India's government established the India Tourism
Development Corporation (TDC) in 1966 to promote and manage tourism development
nationally. It is responsible for all of India's tourism marketing operations, including the
"Incredible India" campaign. The corporation has five divisions: Travels and Tours,
International Trade, Group of Hotels, Institute of Hospitality and Tourism Management
and Consultancy. Each state has its own government-funded TDC, which manages
tourism-related infrastructure and facilities on a commercial basis. Ventures include
accommodation, transport services, tourist service centers, hospitality venues and
attractions. They also organize fairs and events, operate package tours and finance
tourism training institutes.

According to Ayres (2000) which is “The Environmental Effects of Tourism in

Cancun, Mexico”, coastal tourism is an integral part of the Mexican economy and one
fourth of the total national tourism revenue is generated alone in Cancun, Mexico. Once
the area was an underdeveloped, snake-infested jungle in one of the poorest region of the
nation, however, by last couple of decades Cancun has undergone a major transformation
and each year over two million visitors visited, justifying Cancun as the world-class
tourism destination. Although coastal tourism in Cancun has been greatly successful in
generating foreign revenue, it has severely impacted a range of environmental aspects.
The environmental effects of tourism are discussed in details and preventive steps
towards sustainable eco-tourism have also been proposed. The fundamental causes of
environmental effects of tourism are described, including changes in land-usage, weak
regulatory enforcement, and an overall inefficiency of tourism and environmental
policies. Tourism has been used as a major tool for growth and development in Mexico
and it has been mostly concentrated in coastal areas (Rivera-Arriaga & Villalobos,2001).

The mentioned literature is comparable because from the study of Simme, it

focused on the negative effects to the tourist brought by the improvement of attraction.
While from the study of Esty and Ayres, it focused on the possible opportunities. These
foreign articles are related to the researchers study, because it tackles about the benefits
of development of tourist attraction to the environment.

Olivar (2000) found out in his study “The Negative Impact of Tourism to the
Environment”, traveling is one of the favorite activities of people around the world
especially the millennial, but sometimes it can have a harmful effect on the environment.
Tourism may positively impact one’s country or city in terms of economic advantages,
employment opportunities, foreign exchange earnings, and growth in the service sector.
However, it may also put pressure on the environment, especially when there are a huge
number of visitors in regions where the resources are already inadequate. The air
pollution coming from tourist transportation is one of the major negative effects of
tourism. Traveling by rail, air, and road results to air pollution that damages the
environment. Apparently, a large portion of air emissions is caused by 60% of air travel
from tourists going from one place to another. Additionally, transport emissions can
result to photochemical pollution, acid rain, and global warming.

Moreover, Fernandez (2002) emphasized from his study “The Physical Impacts of
Tourism Development”, the development of tourism facilities such as accommodation,
water supplies, restaurants and recreation facilities can involve sand mining, beach and
sand dune erosion, soil erosion and extensive paving. In addition, road and airport
construction can lead to land degradation and loss of wildlife habitats and deterioration of
scenery. Development of marinas and breakwaters can cause changes in currents and
coastlines. Furthermore, extraction of building materials such as sand affects coral reefs,

mangroves, and hinterland forests, leading to erosion and destruction of habitats. In the
Philippines and the Maldives, dynamiting and mining of coral for resort building
materials has damaged fragile coral reefs and depleted the fisheries that sustain local
people and attract tourists.

From the study of Fernandez (2000) which is “The Depletion of Natural

Resources”, tourism development can put pressure on natural resources when it increases
consumption in areas where resources are already scarce. Water, and especially fresh
water, is one of the most critical natural resources. The tourism industry generally
overuses water resources for hotels, swimming pools, golf courses and personal use of
water by tourists. This can result in water shortages and degradation of water supplies, as
well as generating a greater volume of waste water. Construction of hotels, recreation and
other facilities often leads to increased sewage pollution. Wastewater has polluted seas
and lakes surrounding tourist attractions, damaging the flora and fauna. Sewage runoff
causes serious damage to coral reefs because it stimulates the growth of algae, which
cover the filter-feeding corals, hindering their ability to survive. Changes in salinity and
siltation can have wide-ranging impacts on coastal environments. And sewage pollution
can threaten the health of humans and animals.

The difference between the researchers study is, from the study of Olivar, it
focused on the negative treat of tourist to the new built tourist attraction. While from the
study of Luis Fernandez, it focused on the physical impacts of the development of tourist
attraction to the environment. And lastly, the contrast between the study of Doreen
Fernandez from the researchers study is it focused on the consumption of natural
resources to the tourist attraction development. These local articles are very much alike
and related to the researchers study because it tackles about the benefits of development
of tourist attraction to the environment.

Chapter III


The purpose of this chapter is to give an experienced investigator enough to

replicate the study. A research design is used to structure the research and to show how
all of the major parts of the research project, including the sample, measures, work
together to address the central research questions in the study.

Research Design

This study utilized the descriptive quantitative method of research. According to

Kowalczk (2017), descriptive quantitative method of research describes what exists and
may be able to help uncover new facts and meanings. Its main purpose is to observe,
describe and document the aspect of a situation as it naturally occurs. The method is
appropriate to this study since it aims to identify and describe the impacts of the
development of tourist attraction to the environment.

Locale of the Study

The study will be based on the STDP Capitol (Government Officials), Travel
Agencies (Travel Agents) and Tourism Teachers in the school of STI College Tarlac.
Tarlac is a landlocked province located in the Central Luzon region in the Philippines. It
is bounded on the north by the province of Pangasinan, Nueva Ecija on the east,
Zambales on the west and Pampanga in the south. Tarlac is subdivided into 17
municipalities and 1 city. These divisions are further subdivided into 510 barangays. The
province comprises three congressional districts.

Sample of the Study

The target population of this study is limited in twenty (20) Government Officials
of STDP Capitol, twenty (20) Travel Agents in Tourist Agencies and five (5) Tourism
Teachers in STI College Tarlac. Its main objective is to gather data and opinions about
the impacts of the development of tourist attractions to the environment. The researcher
will use expert sampling wherein members considered to be high quality are chosen for

Research Instrument

The researcher will use paper-pencil questionnaire to gather data. Paper-pencil

questionnaire is consisting of a series of questions for the purpose of gathering
information from respondents, interview that is a set of questions designed to be asked
exactly. The problem stated and the objectives of the study are used to as basis in
constructing the mentioned research instrument.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data for this research were collected using survey questionnaire to be
answered by the Tourist Agents in Travel Agencies, Tourism Teachers in STI College
Tarlac and to the Government Officials of STDP Capitol. The survey was created using
suitable questions modified from related research and individual questions formed by the
researcher. The survey was comprised of eight questions, which were related to the
participant’s perception regarding the impacts of the development of tourist attraction to
the environment.

Statistical Treatment

The descriptive statistical techniques that were used in this study were Frequency
and Percentage as its statistical treatment.

Frequency and Percentage were used to describe the factors to consider in

developing tourists attraction, the tourism development affects the society and
implication of this study to the environment.

%= F
----- X 100

% - percentage
F – is the frequency
N – is the total number of cases



This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data obtained from the
respondents as reflected in the questionnaire. It also discusses the findings in relation to
the formulated problems in the study. The data gathered from the respondents were
statistically treated to come out with frequencies and percentage. These data were
analyzed by the researcher to gather information needed. The data were presented in table
forms followed by their textual interpretations.

Results of the Study

The results will be presented for each study and then summarized in relation to
the overall objective.

3.1 How does tourist attraction development affect the environment and community?
The question posed was: Factors to consider in tourist attraction
development; Environment (Trees, Habitats, Soil, Plants, Water, Air). It turns out
that the trees are affected once there is a development of tourist attraction. That
was realized early in this study. A summary from the results of the analysis can be
seen in the Figure 1.

30 24 23
21 19
25 18
Trees Habitats Soil Plants Water Air

Figure 1. Factors to consider in Tourist Attraction Development


As seen in Figure 1, showed that trees make the most affected in a tourist
attraction development, which have the highest result of 42 meanwhile, plants gained
24 responses. These characteristics can be summarized as affecting the conditions for
the development in a positive or negative way.
When you’re going to build a tourist attraction in a tree-lined area, you are
likely to cut off the trees because it will be a barrier in developing it and because of the
depletion trees, it can also cause flooding and landslides. Landslides cause property
damage, injury and death and adversely affect a variety of resources.
To gather up what aspects of each factor affect the tourist attraction development
more, a summary from the results of the analysis can be seen in Figures 2 below.


Small Scale Business Enterprise


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure 2. Factors to consider in Tourist Attraction Development

As seen in Figure 2 above, the population creates a huge factor on the

development of tourist attraction with a result of 36. Meanwhile, Small Scale
Business Enterprise gaining 19 responses far from the highest rank of the result, since
the population pay a lot of attention to the details and the offers provided, The
possible occurrence is that people will be homeless and they will evacuated.

2. How does tourism development affect the society?


The research question asked about the How the developments of tourist
can attraction affects the society. The results are summarized in Figure 3 below.

40 27
30 20 20 17 23
11 1414 13 14 14 15 14 15 16 11 13 15 13 15
20 9 10 9 10

Figure 3. Outcomes of developing tourist attraction

As shown in Figure 3, the result of the outcomes of developing tourist

attraction resulted to creating jobs for local people which have the highest result
of 40 answers. Meanwhile, entertainment and recreation gained 27 responses far
from the highest rank of the results. On the other hand create a better cultural
understanding got 23 responses. It is a great opportunity to those people who need
a job. They require workers who will build a tourist attraction and employees who
can manage. It can provide direct jobs to the community, such a tour guides or
hotel housekeeping. That is why creating jobs for local people gained the highest
score among them. Next is the entertainment and recreation is part of the leisure
and hospitality it includes a wide range of establishments that operate facilities or
provide services to meet varied cultural. Create a better cultural understanding got
the least score among them because most people have enough knowledge on the
culture of the tourist attraction.

3. What is the implication of this study to the environment?


Figure 4. Importance of the Environment Sustainability in Tourism

The objective of this study was to examine the importance of the environment
when developing a tourist attraction. Shown above on Figure 4 is the established
implication of the importance of the environment sustainability in tourism as answered by
the respondents. The result indicated that environment plays a vital role in the
community. Gaining a percentage of 100 the Environment helps the place to improve
and enhance the community, it can preserve for use by the future generation and it
reflects the surrounding of the community, this 3 are the most important in developing a
tourist attraction. Without too much of a difference, with a percentage 97.77 it also
considered that environmental issues are best handled with the participation of the
concerned citizen. Alongside that is the implication that gained 93.33 environment needs
of the present and the future generation, it must not be ruined by the people. As they will
be the one who will benefit, allowing them to think that they should take good care of the
environment as it is the important for the next generation.

The government or facilitators of the tourist attraction has to make sure to

improve the environment in terms of not destroying it, in order for them to go to the
tourist attraction more, since the tourists pay a lot of attention to the details and the offers
provided and also other tourist is a nature lover. When the attraction is better in the
picture than it is with the reality, the tourists will not be satisfied on what they expect
what the tourist attraction should be.



This chapter concludes the study. A summary or the research is presented, and

findings of the study are discussed and interpreted. Recommendations for further research

end the chapter.

Summary of Findings

This chapter offered information about the impacts of the development of tourist

attraction to the environment. As you review the chapter, consider the following

questions and remember the following points.

The salient findings of the study are the following:

1. How does tourist attraction development affect the environment and

Based on the data gathered, tourist attraction development may
positively impact one’s country or city in terms of economic advantages,
employment opportunities, foreign exchange earnings and growth in the
service sector. However, it may also put pressure on the environment,
especially when there’s a huge number of a tourist in a certain tourist
attraction. It can lead to a lot of major problems that could totally harm the
environment, such as natural habitat loss, increased population, soil erosion
and more.

The improvements to infrastructure and new leisure amenities that

result from tourism also benefit the local community. Tourism encourages the
preservation of traditional customs, handicrafts and festivals that might

otherwise have been allowed to wane, and it creates civic pride. Interchanges
between hosts and guests create a better cultural understanding.

2. How does tourism development affect the society?

Based on the result of the study, both the actions of investors and tourists
are having negative impacts to our society. Tourism brings together people
from different backgrounds, cultures and traditions and promotes peace. But at
the same time, due to globalization, many communities have lost their cultural

3. What is the implication of this study to the environment?

The result shows that people are entitled to a healthy and productive life in
harmony with nature. Development today must not undermine the
development and environment needs of present and future generations.
Nations shall use precautionary approach to protect the environment. Nations
shall warn one another of natural disasters that may have harmful impacts.
Peace, development and environmental protection are independent and


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:

The researchers concluded that people should maintain the cleanliness of

the environmental In order to do that, people should have the proper dumping of

their waste and they should not cut the trees in order to avoid flooding and

landslides. People should build environmental and cultural awareness, respect and

provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts.


The researchers concluded that people should maintain the natural beauty

of the environment because environment has its big impact when it comes to the

development of tourist attractions.

The researchers concluded that environment helps the place to improve

and enhances the community. Government shall develop laws and shall use

precautionary approach protecting the environment. The development and

environment needs of present and future must not be ruined by the people.

Environmental issues are best handled with the participation of all concerned



Based on the findings and conclusions presented, the following recommendations

are suggested:

The analysis suggests a variety of key points of leverage for the government to

maintain a good environment even if there is a development of tourist attraction.

First, people should be careful in building a tourist attraction. Find out whether

the erection you are making will have an adverse impact to our environment.

Second, improved environmental management and planning. By planning early

for tourism development, damaging and expensive mistakes can be prevented,

avoiding the gradual deterioration of environmental assets significant to tourism.


Third, nations shall develop international laws protecting our environment. Punish

those people who will violate the law.

The results of the analysis in this paper also suggest two broad avenues for future

work. First, the conduction of a descriptive analysis about the impacts of the

development of tourist attraction to the environment taken on a different setting:

municipality, as the researchers conducted in Tarlac City, the analyzation of its

difference will be defined.

Second, instead of focusing on the impacts of the development of tourist

attraction to the environment, the researchers of this study suggests that the impacts

of the development of tourist attraction to the environment could also be used as a

topic for a descriptive analysis. Moreover, the future researchers could also take into

account other factors such as the physical environment such as the visual stimuli,

external noise, behavior of the tourist, temperature and air quality, and the like. This

type of overview is essential in order to develop more informed assessments of the

implications of a student’s environment to their academic performance.



Unpublished Sources

Alburo, F. 1997. Effects of globalization on growth and equity in the

Philippines. In Globalization: Effects on growth and equity. Proceedings

of the Third Sustainable Tourism Forum. Manila

Amante, M. 2000. Diversity in contingent Development of tourist attraction in

the Philippines:

policy options. Study Group on Philippine Labor Law & Reform and

the Future of Work Relations. Quezon City: U.P.

Center for Integrative Studies

Online Sources

Esty (2006) “The Information on Tourism Development”

Fernandez (2000) which is “The Depletion of Natural Resources”

Olivar (2000) found out in his study “The Negative Impact of Tourism to the

Fernandez (2002) emphasized from his study “The Physical Impacts of Tourism

World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). 2002. The impact of travel and

tourism on jobs and the economy. United Kingdom: WTTC:

World Tourism Organization (WTO). 2001. Impacts of the financial crisis on

Asia’s tourism sector. Madrid, Spain: WTO.

Simme (2006) “The Positive and Negative Effects of Tourism”

According to Ayres (2000) which is “The Environmental Effects of Tourism in

Cancun, Mexico”



Appendix A

Republic of the Philippines

Ninoy Aquino Blvd., San Vicente Tarlac City
B.Y 2017-2018

September 27, 2017


The undersigned are currently conducting study entitled “A DESCRIPTIVE

ATTRACTION TO THE ENVIRONMENT”in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the subject; Practical Research 2.

Thus, researchers would like to ask permission from your good office to allow us to
conduct a study here and outside the school premises for the respondents of the said
study. (STDP Capitol, Tourist Agencies and Tourism Teachers)

Your approval to this research will truly be appreciated by the researchers.

Respectfully yours,
Mhelina Bagcal

Ricci Ira Duenas

Bon ArvidMilla

Angel Rebuyaco


Klariza Rigor Perez
Adviser, Practical Research 2

Approved by:
Sir Isagani F. Almeron
Principal, STI College Tarlac

Appendix B


Time SquareBldg, Aquino Blvd.

San Vicente, Tarlac City

Good day! May I ask for your time to answer this answer sheet that may contribute to our
research which is entitled “A Descriptive Research about the Impacts of the Development
of Tourist Attractions to the Environment.” We just want to ask for your opinion to
answer the specific problems that are happening in our environment because of the
tourism industry.

Name: ______________________________________ Age: _____

Address: ____________________________________ Contact #:


Signature: ____________

Instruction: Put a check to the following that matches your answer.




□ Trees
□ Habitats
□ Soil
□ Plants
□ Water
□ Air


□ Population
□ Small scale business enterprise
PART II. Outcomes of developing tourist attraction?

A. How can the development of tourist attraction affect the society?

□ It can create jobs for local people

□ Provides opportunities for small-scale business enterprise
□ It will bring entertainment and recreation to the people
□ The place will be recognize
□ The people will be force to leave the place
□ It can cause too much population
□ It can create a better cultural understanding
□ Encourages the preservation of traditional customs
□ Encourages the preservation of handicrafts
□ It can raise global awareness
□ Congestion
□ Helps promote conservation of wildlife
□ Helps promote natural resources
□ Reduces problems such as deforestation
□ Helps generate funding for maintaining tourist attraction through entrance
charges and guide fees
□ Sand Mining
□ Soil Erosion
□ Land Degradation
□ Lost of wildlife habitats
□ Increased pollution
□ Increased production & noise
□ Lose or run out of trees
□ Littering
□ The trees will be lessen and defoliated
□ It can cause air pollution due to the vehicles
□ It can cause water pollution due to the waste material

Others (please specify) : _______________________________



1. Environment helps the place to improve and enhances the community.

□ Yes
□ No

2. Environment can be preserved for use by future generation.

□ Yes
□ No

3. Environment reflects the surroundings of the community.

□ Yes
□ No

4. The development and environment needs of present and future generation must
not be ruined by the people.

□ Yes
□ No

5. Environmental issues are best handled with the participation of all concerned

□ Yes
□ No

Thank you for your time and effort to answer this survey questionnaire.

God bless and have a nice day!


Appendix C


Table 1. Factors to consider in Tourist Attraction Development


Factors People
Trees 42
Habitats 21
Soil 18
Plants 24
Water 23
Air 19

Table 2. Factors to consider in Tourist Attraction Development


Factors People
Population 36
Small scale business enterprise 19

Table 3. Outcomes of developing a Tourist Attraction

It can creates job for local people 40
Provides opportunities for small scale business 20
It will bring entertainment and recreation to the 27
The place will be recognize 20
The people will be force to leave the place 17
It can cause too much population 11
It can create a better cultural understanding 23
Encourages the preservation of traditional 14

Encourages the preservation of handicrafts 14

It can raise global awareness 13
Congestion 9
Helps promote conservation of wildlife 14
Helps promote natural resources 10
Reduces problems such as deforestation 9
Helps generate funding for maintaining tourist 10
attraction through entrance charges and guide
Sand Mining 14
Soil Erosion 15
Land Degradation 14
Lost of wildlife habitats 15
Increased pollution 16
Increased production and noise 11
Lose run out of trees 13
Littering 19
The trees will be lessen and defoliated 15
It can cause air pollution due to the vehicles 13
It can cause water pollution due to the waste 15

Table 4. Importance of developing of tourist attraction

Importance Yes % No %
Environment helps the
place to improve and 45 100 0 0
enhances the community.
Environment can be
preserved for use by future 45 100 0 0
Environment reflects the
surroundings of the 45 100 0 0
The development and
environment needs of 42 93.33333 3 6.666667
present and future
generation must not be
ruined by people.
Environmental issues are
best handled with the 44 97.77778 1 2.222222
participation of all concern


[email protected]


Date of Birth: December 24, 1999

Place of Birth: Tarlac
Civil Status: Single
Age: 17
Father’s Name: Mariano C. Rebuyaco Jr.
Mother’s Name: Nancy M. Rebuyaco


Maungib Elementary School
Maungib, Pura, Tarlac

Junior High School:

Gerona Institute
Poblacion 3. Gerona, Tarlac

Senior High School:

STI College Tarlac
Time Square Bldg, Aquino Blvd. San Vicente,Tarlac City


[email protected]


Date of Birth: March 01, 2000

Place of Birth: Tarlac
Civil Status: Single
Age: 17
Father’s Name: Raphael D. Duenas
Mother’s Name: Joies S. Duenas


Tarlac West Central Elementary School
San Roque ,Tarlac

Junior High School:

Tarlac National High School
San Roque, Tarlac

Senior High School:

STI College Tarlac
Time Square Bldg, Aquino Blvd. San Vicente,Tarlac City


[email protected]


Date of Birth: September 13, 1999

Place of Birth: Tarlac
Civil Status: Single
Age: 18
Father’s Name: ConradoMilla
Mother’s Name: Anita Milla


Rodrigo Agustin Fernando Memorial Adventist School
Gerona, Tarlac

Junior High School: Sta. Ignacia Academy

Santa. Ignacia, Tarlac

Senior High School: STI College Tarlac

Time Square Bldg, Aquino Blvd. San Vicente,Tarlac City

[email protected]


Date of Birth: May 22, 1998

Place of Birth: Tarlac
Civil Status: Single
Age: 18
Father’s Name: Jerrry Santos
Mother’s Name: RhodoraBagcal


Camiling Catholic School
Camiling, Zamora Street

Junior High School:

Camiling Catholic School
Camiling, Zamora Street

Senior High School:

STI College Tarlac
Time Square Bldg, Aquino Blvd. San Vicente,Tarlac City

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