Aer, Aqua Et Natura The Tourism-Environment Nexus: Mapping Impacts
Aer, Aqua Et Natura The Tourism-Environment Nexus: Mapping Impacts
Aer, Aqua Et Natura The Tourism-Environment Nexus: Mapping Impacts
The pulsating practises tangled in tourism, have sequelled a sheer paradigm shift in this
current contemporary world. Tourism has been escalated from the sense of ‘experience’ to
the platform of ‘industry’. The tourists are seen to be ‘consumers’ more often than being
‘normative’. Travel and tourism has become a vital need for people from different walks of
life. This growing demand inundates the need for various tourism infrastructure and facili-
ties, amounting to voluminous usage by the tourists. Eventually, the destination’s environ-
ment is intervened and it suffers certain losses which cannot be compensated. Hence,
environmental impact assessment is essential to understand the impact of a project. To
discuss this theme, select environments from Puducherry - A popular tourist destination, at
the shores of Bay of Bengal, southern part of India is taken for the study. The possible
impacts of tourism projects on the chosen natural and built environment are studied. Based
on the inferences, suggestions are drawn. This paper is carefully constructed using fre-
quent field visits, observation techniques, interaction with the concerned authorities, ar-
chives, reports and reviews.
waters as given in figure 3. Figure 4 shows pacity of the destination and the tourists’
that several trees have been cut down to spots before exhibiting it for entertainment
create residences at the banks. Commercial- or for executing the projects. An imbalanced
ization will lead to enormous houses and carrying capacity of the place would lead to
will sequel sewage disposal, solid wastes displacement of the existing environment
and related issues. Government’s immedi- and its habitat and would gradually disap-
ate intervention in this regard will help sus- pear from its natural setting. Based on vari-
tain the lake’s ecosystem. Due to excess ous observations and studies, the inferences
tourism projects at the bank, like construc- are tabulated in table 4 to throw light on
tion of resorts and landscape, certain ma- the impact of the tourism project on the
rine habitat, as given in figure 5, is slowly lake. Table 4 suggests 2 serious impact of
disappearing as it cannot withstand the ex- hav i ng a la k e s i de r es ort nea r the
ternal disturbances. Chunnambar lake, namely solid waste dis-
posal issues and harm to specific important
It is imperative to analyse the carrying ca- features, like trees. A similar assessment is
recommended for the other projects too. people are an integral part.The benefits that
Though several researchers argue that tour- we derive from nature and rely on every day,
ism-environment impact does not have a from timbre and food to water and climate
methodical assessment model, the Govern- regulation, are all ecosystem services…
ment should ensure that appropriate and (UNEP, 2010)’.
possible models of assessment are devel-
Globally, the pull and push factors in sus-
taining the ecosystem and environment is
SUGGESTION witnessed at large. Though complete con-
servation comes as a challenge in the prag-
‘Human well-being depends on the health matic platform, in this context, responsible
of ecosystems. An ecosystem is a dynamic tourism or responsible inclusion of tourism
complex of plants, animals, microorganisms projects would milder the severity of the
and their nonliving environment, of which impact on the existing settings. Responsible
tourism pays attention to the environmen- vulnerabilities that causes damage to the
tal, socio-cultural and economic issues gen- environment (Dhariwal, 2013). Sufficient
erated by tourism (Manente et al., 2014). It emphasis to research in the area of eco-tour-
aims at minimising the negative impacts of ism, responsible tourism and environment
tourism on the environment. i s not m ade by the G ov er nme nt of
Puducherry. If the Government could initiate
As suggested by Needhidhasan and Nalla- the research activity in this sphere by in-
nathel (2014), composites should be used volving various research organisations, the
as construction materials while carrying out environment sustainability will be a prom-
hotel, resort and similar projects. These have ising asset for the future (Mia, et al., 2012).
less impact on the environment and aid the ‘Greening’ the destination, which involves
sustainability of the environment. An envi- planting tree sapling especially at the vicin-
ronmental audit (EI) should be conducted ity of the tourist sites will help counteract
at regular gaps, which helps in assessing the various forms of pollution caused by