7 PDSS MH-60R Seahawk PDF
7 PDSS MH-60R Seahawk PDF
7 PDSS MH-60R Seahawk PDF
AIR 9000 Phase 8 is acquiring 24 MH-60R Seahawk naval combat helicopters, associated weapons and
support systems to replace the current 16 S-70B-2 Seahawk helicopters and the cancelled SH-2G(A)
Seasprite helicopters. The aircraft is equipped with a highly sophisticated avionics suite designed to employ
Hellfire air-to-surface missiles and Mark (Mk) 54 anti-submarine torpedoes. The aircraft will provide Navy
with a contemporary helicopter with anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and anti-surface warfare capability.
The acquisition of 24 helicopters will enable the Navy to deploy at least eight Seahawks embarked at sea
across the ANZAC class frigates and the new Hobart class Air Warfare Destroyers (AWD).
Cost Performance
In-year variance of $14.7m was mainly due to earlier than expected payments against the acquisition
FMS case for the MH-60R Seahawk helicopters. This has been offset by slow billing for non-FMS
procurements, and minor delays with ANZAC Ship Integration. The project also experienced a
foreign exchange loss of $16.6m for the 2014-15 Financial Year.
Project Financial Assurance Statement
As at 30 June 2015, project AIR 9000 Phase 8 has reviewed the approved scope and budget for those
elements required to be delivered by the project. Having reviewed the current financial and contractual MH-60R Seahawk
obligations of the project, current known risks and estimated future expenditure, Defence considers, as at the
reporting date, there is sufficient budget remaining for the project to complete against the agreed scope.
Contingency Statement
The project has not applied contingency in the financial year.
Project achieving the materiel capability performance requirements. The aircraft delivery schedule will result
in ADF MH-60Rs being delivered earlier than forecast at Second Pass.
The capability assessments and forecasts by the project are not subject to the ANAO’s assurance review.
The Defence White Paper 2009 stated that ‘As a matter of urgency, the Government will acquire a fleet of at
least 24 new naval combat helicopters to provide eight or more aircraft concurrently embarked on ships at
sea. These new aircraft will possess advanced ASW capabilities, including sonar systems able to be lowered
into the sea and air-launched torpedoes, as well as an ability to fire air-to-surface missiles.’
First Pass Approval for the acquisition of the Future Naval Aviation Combat System to satisfy this
requirement was provided by Government on 24 February 2010.
The selection of the MH-60R followed a competitive solicitation process between a US Government FMS
case offering the Sikorsky / Lockheed Martin MH-60R Seahawk and a direct commercial sale from Australian
Aerospace offering the NATO Helicopter Industries NH90 NATO Frigate Helicopter. Second Pass Approval
for acquisition of the MH-60R was provided by Government on 15 June 2011.
The Australian MH-60R helicopter is being acquired as a MOTS product, in the same baseline configuration
as the USN aircraft. A limited number of Australia unique design modifications will be incorporated after all
aircraft have been delivered. The USN will develop the modifications for incorporation in Australian
and USN MH-60R aircraft.
MH-60R Seahawk
The MH-60R is being acquired as a maritime combat capability. It will have limitations in utility roles such as
passenger or cargo transfer.
Major Risks and Issues
The Project Office (PO) is currently managing seven open risks with the highest level of pre-
mitigation risk being medium, whilst also managing seven open issues. However, there are currently
no major risks or issues in achieving the MH-60R operational capability milestones on schedule.
Other Current Sub-Projects
Project AIR 9000 Phase 7 Helicopter Aircrew Training System (HATS). HATS will be an important link in the
training continuum for inductees to the MH-60R training system.
Project Expenditure
Prior to Jul 14 Contract Expenditure – US Government (AT-P-SCF) (850.2) 5
MH-60R Seahawk
1 This amount represents the project Budget prior to achieving Second Pass Approval by Government.
2 Project Development Funds
3 Facilities Budget Transfer to Defence Support and Reform Group
4 Up until July 2010, indexation was applied to project budgets on a periodic basis. The cumulative
impact of this approach was $0.1m, applied only to the portion of the budget approved at First Pass.
From July 2010 all project budgets were approved by Government in out-turned dollars including
AIR 9000 Phase 8.
5 The scope of this contract is explained further in Section 2.3 – Details of Project Major
1 The ADF Unique Mission System Options have been split into two phases. Phase 1 SOW for ADF
Unique Mission System Options have been agreed by the PO, USN, Sikorsky and Lockheed Martin.
SOW for Phase 2 was released as part of USN request for tender 26 February 2014, and contract
signature with Lockheed Martin being achieved in October 2014.
MH-60R Seahawk
Schedule Plan at 30
June 2015
This Pie Chart does not necessarily represent capability achieved. The capability assessments and forecasts
by the project are not subject to the ANAO’s assurance review.
helicopter, and
• Final Training Management Package.
Achievement is scheduled for
December 2023.
may be affected by lack of an Australian training Australian unique requirements, i.e. double shift
system leading to an impact on trainee throughput, production, air freight the devices.
because the USN are unable to deliver Training The Project is seeking RAAF Air Lift Group support to
Devices to the contracted schedule, with the result return the synthetic training devices to Australia in a
that the training system will not be established by bid to reduce shipment duration significantly and
February 2015. reduce schedule risk. The MH-60R PO is also
investigating the use of commercial carriers in the
event that RAAF is unable to assist due to higher
priority tasking.
PO continues to conduct weekly teleconference
meetings with USN and CAE US and has participated
in individual device requirements and design reviews
Technical Difficulty
Operations and
Maturity Score
Project Stage Benchmark 10 8 8 8 9 8 9 60
Initial Materiel Project Status 9 9 8 8 9 8 9 60
Release • Schedule: The MH-60R production line is mature. The Project
has negotiated early delivery dates for ADF MH-60R.
• Cost: The overall Estimate at Completion is projected to be within
project guidance. The Project has benefitted from economies of
scale from the US Government multi-year buys of aircraft and key
70 70
65 66 67
60 60
55 57
50 50
40 42
30 30
20 21
Enter DCP
Contract Signature
MAA Closure
Project Completion
exacerbated by the relatively short notice that Defence personnel are obliged to
provide for internal transfers.
By procuring MOTS equipment, adhering to the project’s clearly defined scope as Off-The-Shelf
detailed by government at Second Pass, and effectively using the Program Equipment
Management Steering Group to prevent potential scope creep, the project has been
able to meet or exceed its financial and schedule obligations as detailed within the
project’s Materiel Acquisition Agreement.