B Sczoology
B Sczoology
B Sczoology
The following syllabus has been prepared in accordance with the criteria announced by the
Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
PAPER-I (Biodiversity - I) (invertebrate)
1. Place of Zoology In Science:
A One-world view: Genetic Unity,-The Fundamental Unit of life, Evolutionary
Oneness and the Diversity of Life, Environment and World Resources; What is
zoology? The Scientific Method
2. Introduction:
Classification of Organisms; Evolutionary Relationships and Tree Diagrams, Patterns
of Organization.
3. Animal-like Protists: The Protozoa
Evolutionary Perspective; Life within a Single Plasma Membrane; Symbiotic Life styles.
Protozoan Taxonomy: (upto phyla, subphyla and superclasses, wherever applicable).
Pseudopodia and Amoeboid Locombtion; Cilia and Other Pellicular Structures;
Nutrition; Genetic Control and Reproduction; Symbiotic Ciletes;
Further Phylogenetic Considerations.
4. Multicellular and Tissue Levels of Organization:
Evolutionary Perspective: Origins of Multicellularity; Animal Origins. Phylum
Porifera: Cell Types, Body Wall, and Skeletons; Water Currents and Body Forms;
Maintenance Functions; Reproduction. Phylum Cnidaria (Coelenterata) The Body
Wall and Nematocysts; Alternation of Generations, Maintenance Functions;
Reproduction and Classification up to class. Phylum Ctenophora; Further
Phylogenetic Considerations.
5. The Triploblastic, Acoelomate Body Plan:
Evolutionary Perspective; Phylum Platyhelminthes: Classification up to classes, The
Free Living Flatworms and the Tapeworms; Phylum Nemertea; Phylum Gastrotricha
Further Phylogenetic Considerations.
6. The Pseudocoeiomaie Body Plan: Aschelminths
Evolutionary Perspective; General Characteristics; -Classification up tb phyla with
External Features; Feeding and the Digestive System; Other Organ Systems;
Reproduction and Development of phylum Rotifera and phylum Nematoda; Phylum
Kinorhyncha. Some Important Nematode Parasites of Humans; Further Phylogenetic
7. Molluscan Success:
Evolutionary Perspective: Relationships to other Animals; Origin of the Coelom;
Molluscan Characteristics; Classification up to class. The Characteristics of Shell and
Associated Structures, Feeding, Digestion, Gas exchange, Locomotion, Reproduction
and Maintenance Functions and Diversity in Gastropods, Bivalves and. Cephalopods,
Further Phylogenetic Considerations.
8. Annelida: The Metameric Body Form
Evolutionary Perspective: Relationship to other Animals, Metamerism and
Tagmatization; up to class. External Structure and Locomotion, Feeding and the
Digestive System, Gas Exchange and Circulation, Nervous and Sensory Function,
Excretion Regeneration, Reproduction and Development, in Polychaeta, Oligochaeta
and Hirudinea; Further Phylogenetic Considerations.
9. The Arthropods: Blueprint for Success
Evolutionary Perspective: Classification and Relationships to Other Animals;
Metamerism and Tagmatization; The Exoskeleton; Metamorphosis; Classification
up to class; Further Phylogenetic Considerations.
8. Molecular Genetics: Ultimate Cellular Control DNA: The Genetic Material; DNA Replication in
Eukaryotes; Genes in Action; Control of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes, Mutations; applications
of Genetic Technologies. Recombinant DNA.
9. Ecology II: Individuals and Populations
Animals and Their Abiotic Environment Populations; Interspecific Interactions
10. Ecology II: Communities and Ecosystem:
Community Structure and Diversity; Ecosystems; Ecosystems of the Earth; (Terrestrial and
Aquatic) Ecological Problems, Human Population Growth, Pollution, Resource Depletion and
11. Animal Behuviour
Four Approaches to Animal Behaviour; Proximate and Ultimate Causes; Anthropomorphism,
Development of Behavior; Learning, Control of Behavior;' Communication; Behavioral Ecology;
Social Behavior.
1. Study of representative of Hemichordate and invertebrate chordate.
2. Representative groups of class fishes.
3. Representative groups of class Amphibia.
(vii) Testes
(viii) Ovaries
2. Study of cardiac cycle in Frog.
3. Study of contractility in skeletal muscle of frog.
4. Study of effect of different harmones (adrenaline & acetycholine) on cardiac activity of frog
5. Study of Embryonic development in chick.
The minimum details of the titles in the content are from the principle reference book Zoology
by Miller and Harley 1999, 2002, which should be kept in view in teaching and assessments.
Essay type questions should be avoided. Question preferably be splitted into parts involving
different topics.