Hah1bvw s10 Public Datasheet

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Introduction Principle of HAH1BVW Family

The HAH1BVW family is for the electronic measurement of DC, The open loop transducers uses a Hall effect integrated circuit.
AC or pulsed currents in high power and low voltage automotive The magnetic flux density B, contributing to the rise of the Hall
applications with galvanic separation between the primary voltage, is generated by the primary current IP to be measured.
circuit (high power) and the secondary circuit (electronic circuit). The current to be measured IP is supplied by a current source
i.e. battery or generator (Figure 1).
The HAH1BVW family gives you the choice of having different Within the linear region of the hysteresis cycle, B is proportional
current measuring ranges in the same housing. to:
B (IP) = a × IP
Features The Hall voltage is thus expressed by:
VH = (cH / d) × IH × a × IP
●● Ratiometric transducer
●● Open Loop transducer using the Hall effect Except for IP, all terms of this equation are constant.
●● Low voltage application Therefore:
●● Unipolar +5 V DC power supply VH = b × IP
●● Primary current measuring range ±1000 A a constant
b constant
●● Maximum RMS primary admissible current: defined by
cH Hall coefficient
busbar to have T < +150 °C d thickness of the Hall plate
●● Operating temperature range: −40 °C < T < 125 °C IH current across the Hall plates
●● Output voltage: full ratio-metric (in sensitivity and offset). The measurement signal VH amplified to supply the user output
voltage or current.

●● Excellent accuracy
●● Very good linearity
●● Very low thermal offset drift
●● Very low thermal sensitivity drift
●● Galvanic separation
●● Non intrusive solution.

Automotive application

●● Battery Management. Fig. 1: Principle of the open loop transducer.

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Dimensions (in mm)

2D matrix bar code area


Mechanical characteristics Remark

●● Plastic case PBT GF30 ●● Vout > Vo when IP flows in the positive direction (see arrow
on drawing).
●● Magnetic core FeSi wound core
System architecture (example)
●● Mass 57 g ±5 %
LEM sensor Typical application
Schematic interface
●● Pins Brass tin plated +5 V
UC +5 V

●● IP level IPx2. C1

Current Vout
Mounting recommendation CL
●● Mating connector type TYCO connector P/N 1473672-1
●● Assembly torque 2.2 N⋅m ±5 %

Electronic schematic
LEM sensor. CL< 100 nF EMC protection (optional)
RC Low pass filter (optional)
+5V C
IP M C1 Components list

IC Hall sensor ASIC

On board diagnostic
C1 Decoupling capacitor 100 nF
Primary RL > 10 kΩ. Resistor for signal line diagnostic (optional)
current A C2 EMC protection capacitor 68 nF

C2 Pin out

A Vout Vout Diagnostic

Magnetic B GND Open circuit VIN ≤ 0.15 V
core B
C UC (5 V) Short GND VIN ≤ 0.15 V
D D not connected

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Absolute ratings (not operating)
Parameter Symbol Unit Conditions
Min Typical Max
Maximum supply voltage UC max V 14

Maximum reverse supply voltage UC max V −14

Maximum output voltage Vout max V −14 14 Vout Reverse / Forward voltage

Maximum output current Iout max mA −10 10

Ambient storage temperature TS °C −40 125

Electrostatic discharge voltage (HBM) UESD kV 8

Maximum admissible vibration (random RMS) γmax m⋅s -2

96.6 10 to 2000 Hz, −40 °C to 125 °C

RMS voltage for AC insulation test Ud kV 2.5 50 Hz, 1 min

Creepage distance dCp mm 4.85

Clearance dCI mm 4.85

Comparative traking index CTI PLC3

Operating characteristics in nominal range (IP N)

Parameter Symbol Unit Conditions
Min Typical Max
Electrical Data
Primary current, measuring range IP M A −1000 1000
Primary nominal RMS current IP N A −1000 1000
Supply voltage UC V 4.5 5 5.5
Ambient operating temperature TA °C −40 125
Output voltage Vout V Vout = (UC/5) × (Vo + G × IP )
Sensitivity G mV/A 2 @ TA = 25 °C
Offset voltage VO V 2.5
Output resolution mV 2.5
Output clamping high voltage VS Z 4.74 @ UC = 5 V
Output clamping low voltage VS Z 0.26 @ UC = 5 V
7 @ TA = 25 °C, @ UC = 5 V
Current consumption IC mA
Load resistance RL ΚΩ 10
1 @ TA = 25 °C
Output internal resistance Rout Ω
Performance Data
Ratiometricity error εr % ±0.2
Sensitivity error εG % ±1 @ TA = 25 °C, @ UC = 5 V
Electrical offset voltage VO E mV ±2.5 @ TA = 25 °C, @ UC = 5 V
Magnetic offset voltage VO M mV ±2 @ UC = 5 V, @ TA = 25 °C
Linearity error εL % −1 1 % of full scale
Average temperature coefficient of VO E TCVO E AV mV/°C ±0.06
Average temperature coefficient of G TCG AV %/°C ±0.02
Step response time @ 90 % tr ms 10
Frequency bandwidth BW Hz 70 @ −3 dB
Peak-to-peak noise voltage Vno pp mV 10 DC to 1 MHz
Output RMS noise voltage Vno mV 1.6
Start up time tstart ms 1
Setting time after overload ts ms 10

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Overall accuracy XG

XG (mV) Overall accuracy XG @ UC = 5 V (-40 °C ≤ TA ≤ 125 °C) XG (A)

60 30

50 25

40 20

30 15

20 10

10 5

0 0
-1000 -800 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000
IP (A)

Overall accuracy XG specification

IP (A) TA = 25 °C, Uc = 5 V −40 °C ≤ TA ≤ 125 °C, Uc = 5 V
−1000 25 mV 12.50 A 1.25 % 55 mV 27.50 A 2.75 %
00 7 mV 3.50 A 0.35 % 10 mV 5.00 A 0.50 %
1000 25 mV 12.50 A 1.25 % 55 mV 27.50 A 2.75 %

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The time between the primary current signal (IP N) and the
Primary current definition: output signal reach at 90 % of its final value.
Vout I [A]
Primary current nominal (IP N) IT

Primary current, measuring range (IP M) 90 %

IP Vout



Definition of typical, minimum and maximum values:

Minimum and maximum values for specified limiting and safety
t [µs]
conditions have to be understood as such as values shown in
“typical” graphs. On the other hand, measured values are part
of a statistical distribution that can be specified by an interval Sensitivity:
with upper and lower limits and a probability for measured
The transducer’s sensitivity G is the slope of the straight line
values to lie within this interval. Unless otherwise stated
(e.g. “100 % tested”), the LEM definition for such intervals Vout = f (IP), it must establish the relation:
designated with “min” and “max” is that the probability for Vout (IP) = UC/5 (G × IP + VO)
values of samples to lie in this interval is 99.73 %. For a normal
(Gaussian) distribution, this corresponds to an interval between Offset with temperature:
−3 sigma and +3 sigma. If “typical” values are not obviously
mean or average values, those values are defined to delimit The error of the offset in the operating temperature is the
intervals with a probability of 68.27 %, corresponding to an variation of the offset in the temperature considered with the
interval between −sigma and +sigma for a normal distribution. initial offset at 25 °C.
Typical, minimum and maximum values are determined during The offset variation IO T is a maximum variation the offset in the
the initial characterization of a product. temperature range:
Output noise voltage: IO T = IO E max − IO E min
The output voltage noise is the result of the noise floor of the The offset drift TCIO is the IO value divided by the
Hall elements and the linear amplifier. temperature range.
Magnetic offset: Sensitivity with temperature:
The magnetic offset is the consequence of an any current on
The error of the sensitivity in the operating temperature is the
the primary side. It’s defined after a stated excursion of primary
relative variation of sensitivity with the temperature considered
with the initial offset at 25 °C.
Linearity: The sensitivity variation GT is the maximum variation (in
The maximum positive or negative discrepancy with a reference ppm or %) of the sensitivity in the temperature range:

straight line Vout = f (IP). GT = (Sensitivity max − Sensitivity min) / Sensitivity at 25 °C.
Unit: linearity (%) expressed with full scale of IP N. The sensitivity drift TCG AV is the GT value divided by the
temperature range. Deeper and detailed info available is our
Non linearity example LEM technical sales offices (www.lem.com).
Offset voltage @ IP = 0 A:
Reference The offset voltage is the output voltage when the primary current
straight line
is zero. The ideal value of VO is UC/2. So, the difference of
Max linearity error
IP VO − UC/2 is called the total offset voltage error. This offset error
can be attributed to the electrical offset (due to the resolution of
Linearity variation in IP N the ASIC quiescent voltage trimming), the magnetic offset, the
thermal drift and the thermal hysteresis. Deeper and detailed
info available is our LEM technical sales offices (www.lem.
Environmental test specifications:
Refer to LEM GROUP test plan laboratory CO.11.11.515.0 with
“Tracking_Test Plan_Auto” sheet.
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Environmental test specifications:

Refer to LEM GROUP test plan laboratory CO.11.11.515.0 with “Tracking_Test Plan_Auto” sheet.

Name Standard


Sensitivity / Accuracy / Overall accuracy LEM

Offset / Electrical Offset / Magnetic Offset LEM

Linearity error LEM

Current Consumption LEM


Sensitivity / Accuracy / Overall accuracy LEM

T °C variation of ... / Temperature Coefficient of G LEM

Offset / Electrical Offset / Magnetic Offset LEM

T °C variation of ... /Temperature Coefficient of Offset LEM

Linearity error LEM

Current Consumption LEM


Dielectric withstand Voltage test 2500 V AC / 1 min / 50 Hz

500 V DC, time = 60 s

Insulation resistance test
RINS ≥ 500 MΩ Minimum


Thermal shock IEC 60068-2-14 Na (01/2009)

Steady state T °C Humidity bias life test JESD 22-A101 (03/2009)


Vibration random in T °C IEC 60068-2-64 (02/2008)

Shocks IEC 60068-2-27 (02/2008)

IEC 60068-2-31
Free Fall (Device not packaged)
§5.2: method 1 (05/2008)


Characterization @ 25 °C

Characterization with temperature

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