Troubleshooting & Maintenance of Electronic Equipments: Central Board of Secondary Education
Troubleshooting & Maintenance of Electronic Equipments: Central Board of Secondary Education
Troubleshooting & Maintenance of Electronic Equipments: Central Board of Secondary Education
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As the Electronics Technology industry evolves to meet the technology demands of today's workplace,
different challenges are arising and professionals are striving to meet them. Electronics has created a
revolution in each and every field. CBSE has introduced Electronics Technology course in class-XI
(Level-3) and XII (Level-4).
This Student Handbook titled “Troubleshooting & Maintenance of Electronics Equipments” for class-
XII prepared by CBSE for the benefit of the students for easy understanding the concept of
Troubleshooting and Maintenance of the various digital devices and integrated circuits, which
becomes essential for successful participation in almost all professions.
A special care has been taken to align the subject with National Occupation Standards (NOS) which are
competency based standards identified by the Electronics and Telecom Sector Skill Councils to train
Sr. Secondary students in knowledge and skills that equip students to perform effectively with
This book is authored by competent educationists in the field of Electronic and Communication in
association of CBSE with focus on helping the students to learn without any difficulty and use this book
as a tool for easy learning.
I congratulate everyone who is associated in developing this book which is a very useful resource for
the benefit of the students.
Chairman, CBSE
Sh. Rajesh Kumar Chaturvedi, IAS, Chairman, CBSE
Sh. K.K. Choudhury, Controller of Examinations, CBSE
Unit – 2
Microphones and Loudspeakers 17-27
Unit – 3
Recorders 28-48
Unit – 4
TV System 49-73
Unit – 5
Modern Appliances 74-91
UNIT - 1
This unit deals with the precautions, safety and health issues of the working personnel in the
various kinds of industries. We can get the knowledge about the basic safety measures while
working for small scale, medium scale or large scale industries. Some standard guidelines are
provided in this book. Electrical, mechanical, electromagnetic radiations in the form of hazards are
discussed precisely and the proper safety precautions are elaborated. That will be the guiding light
for human being to minimize the accidents and possible health care.
Resource Materials
3. http://www.surgelabamerica/learning-center/shock-hazard
Total hours: 21 Hrs
Assessment Plan
l Question and answers
l Group discussion
l Mock tests.
Occupational health and safety is of key importance for working industry to safeguard interests of
working personnel. It is of prime importance for a personnel working in hazardous environment,
to make their life always secure and safe. It adapts working environment to workers for the
promotion and maintenance of their physical, mental and social well being for workers in all
occupations. The question of occupational health and safety is a global issue and is now taking
a new turn with most countries having safety department an essential part of their work culture.
This is largely due to the industrial and agricultural outgrowth and development in the developing
countries and the emergence of new products and product processes from these occupational
health and safety places. Many of these countries are shifting from manual labour to automated or
These underdeveloped and developing countries import heavy machinery and equipment to aid and
speed up the work process, not only in the industrial production sector, but also to services and
commerce. This has for technical advancement through a change in the structure of labour force
as a whole including a rise in employment of women. As would be expected, the health problems
would also differ. For example, more detailed study and the efficiency of people in the workplace
and occupational psychosocial factors would be required in the services industry. This obviously
raises a new challenge for occupational health and safety practice in most of the underdeveloped
or developing countries because the expertise is not yet advanced there as compared to the
already developed countries. The advantage of the health service in developing countries is locally
on a national level. The positive effect of occupational health service locally may be observed in
reducing work-related long-term health ill-effects and work-related injuries.
The advent of skilled labour and the skilled labour is globally 1os in demand in every department of
industry, especially in countries where there is shortage of skilled labour. Keeping this in mind, we
need to possibly think and secure lives of skilled labour in a health hazard-free working environment.
The interest of workers, employers, government and public lies in making working conditions
healthy, safe and hazard-free. Although, it seems simple and obvious, this idea has not yet gained
meaningful universal recognition. Still one can find working personnel risking their precious life
to get a task completed, which can account for work-related injuries and raise the percentage in
work-related deaths. Human life needs to be safe and secure in every possible way, especially
when they risk their life to lead a task to its perfect completion. This means inclusion of the idea
of healthy safety measures of utmost importance in risky conditions of work. Millions of people
in industrial world today work in conditions that can possibly be unsafe or would lead to work-
related injuries and diseases, resulting in severe illnesses later on in their lives e.g. respiratory and
cardiovascular diseases, hearing loss, musculoskeletal and reproductive disorders, mental and
neurological illnesses. An increasing number of workers in industrial countries complain about
psychological stress and overwork, which can lead to sleep disorders, depression, fatigue and
burn-out syndromes, as well as with elevated risks of cardiovascular diseases. A good number
of workers in developing countries and similar number of workers in industrial countries (with
a few exceptions) could possibly be exposed to occupational health hazards. Even in advanced
economies, a large proportion of work sites are not regularly inspected for occupational health
and safety.
Occupational Health
It is concerned with the identification and control of the danger arising due to physical, chemical
and other work places hazards to maintain a healthy working environment. The hazards may cause
due to chemical agent, heavy metals, physical agents, electricity, dangerous machinery etc. The
prime goal of existence of man power inside industry to get maximum output from their mental and
physical health. Therefore the health of work force must be considered on the top of management
agenda. To ensure their healthy life they must have a proper and concrete planning. Some of the
factors to be considered while planning for their health issues are listed below:
l Standard working hours
l Weekly / medical / casual leave
l Hygienic canteen facility for meal
l Pure drinking water
l Rest room
l Hygienic wash room
l Ambulance facility
Occupational Hygiene
It is the discipline of anticipating, recognizing, evaluating and controlling health hazards in the
working environments with the objective of protective worker health, well-being and safe guarding
the community at large.
Anticipation: The identification of hazards and its associated effects on the health is called
Recognition: It is the process to establish hazardous place or agent at the work place.
Evaluation: It is the measure of hazards which can be evaluated with the help of some tools or
Occupational Hazards
Occupational hazards are very closely related with the occupational health. It occurs commonly
because of negligence in safety. If the industrial organizations follow the standard safety measures
that definitely lead to decrease in such kind of danger due to various types of hazards. Occupational
hazards can be can be categorized as follows:
l Related to hygiene
l Related to tools and machine
l Related to flammables/explosives
l Related to the working at height
l Related to the noise
l Related to the electricity
l Related to the fire
Occupational Disease
Occupational disease in general caused by pathetic work or working condition. Sometimes the
diseases develop due to repetitive work, weight lifting, biological and chemical related work, stress
and other psychological disorder. Resulting different kind of occupational diseases developed are
categorized as:
l Tennis elbow
l Allergy
l Hearing loss
l Asthma
l Lungs disease
l Lead poisoning
l CO (carbon monoxide) poisoning
l Skin diseases
l Jaundice
All electrical cords must have sufficient insulation to prevent direct contact. It is of foremost
importance to check all cables and leads before use since corrosive chemicals or solvent Vapours
may erode the insulation. Damaged cables must be repaired or removed out of service immediately.
Equipment with three-prong plugs should be used. The third prong provides a path to ground
(earth) that helps prevent the buildup of voltages that may result in an electrical shock. This does
not guarantee that no one will receive a shock or be injured. It will, however, substantially reduce
the possibility of such accidents.
Current (amperes) is the killing factor in electrical shock, not the voltage. The voltage only
determines how much current will flow through a given body resistance. In general, the
body’s resistance to electrical shock is minimal.
Hand-to-hand-or head-to-foot and ear-to-ear current paths are the most dangerous because
they may cause severe damage to the heart, lungs and brain. This is why it is important not
to wear metal jewelry, not to lean against or use both hands on electrical equipment, so as
not to become part of the circuit.
The longer the body is in the loop of circuit, the greater the damage caused. The body
temperature may increase possibly damaging tissues, bones and organs.
R-F Hazards
Radiation from antennas fed by powerful R-F transmitters can potentially injure personnel in the
vicinity of radiating antennas. Transmitters and microwave ovens found on ships, aircrafts and
shore stations are potential source of harmful radiation. The exposure may not be noticeable at
some frequencies. Touching of metal objects with induced high R-F voltage levels can cause R-F
burns. The ill-effects may vary from inflammation to painful burns.
There are various symbols used to indicate high radiation place/zone. Some of them are shown
in Fig.1. The workers are advised while working nearby such places takes proper precautions and
Laser Radiation
Laser stands for light amplification by stimulated emission
radiation. To simply put, it is a concentrated beam of optical
radiation. The advancement of technologies will give rise to
increased use of laser equipment’s for various purposes.
Lasers can cause corneal inflammation or burn, accelerated
ageing of skin and skin burn. For those involved in laser
related works, it is always advisable to make sure that they
follow the safety guidelines. Fig.2 Symbol for LASER Hazard
The symbol used to indicate high radiation place/zone is shown in Fig.2. The workers are advised
while working nearby such places takes proper precautions and guidelines.
Retina Protection
An electronics technician must protect his eyes for this, he needs to know:
l When to wear eye protection.
l Which eye protection to wear.
l Whenever you are doing something
that could potentially damage your
eyes, you must have eye protection
Fig.6 Safety goggles
Respiratory Protection
Whenever you work with materials that can possibly lead to respiratory issues, one must take
precautions and wearing safety masks is advisable. Some of the masks used in industry are shown
in Fig.8.
The work area should be well-aerated and good ventilation. Make certain to protect your airways
and pulmonary anatomy vital to have good air entry to lungs. If the victim is unconscious due
to blockage or obstruction to lungs, check to see if breathing and have a pulse. If the person is
unconscious, initiate and follow step rules as below;
l If the victim is not breathing, begin rescue breathing.
l If it is needed, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
l Do not attempt to move the victim as other injuries may have occurred that one is
unaware off.
It is important to ensure an employee is pre-trained and qualified for a job. Not understanding the
nature of the job can lead to minor to fatal accidents and injuries. Even well-qualified workers are
vulnerable to accidents. This is why it is important to make safety and ensure it as an integral part
of the planning process for every job.
Following and adherence to these basic safety tips and tools will help avoid serious injuries while
working with electrical equipment.
Quick and swift effective action may help to ease the situation and reduce the consequences.
However, in emergencies people are more likely to respond reliably if they:
l Well trained and competent.
l Participate in regular and mock practice.
l Clearly agreed, recorded and rehearsed plans, actions and responsibilities.
Review Questions
1. Describe the effect of electrical current on human body.
2. Describe in detail the basic occupational safety mechanism.
3. Explain the safe work practice requirement in brief.
4. What are the guidelines provided by WHO for occupational safety and precautions?
5. Explain different kind of hazards in the industry.
6. Discuss the different protective equipment used in industry.
7. Write notes over the following:
i) Electrical safety engineering
ii) Electrical shock
iii) Accident safety tips
iv) Electrical emergency procedure
v) RF hazards
8. Explain the procedure of rescue when a person is a victim of electrical shock.
9. Describe in detail the safety issues in manufacturing industries.
10. Write notes over provision and benefits of the safety.
11. Discuss electrical prevention methods in brief.
7 Hours
l Question and answers
l Group discussion
l Mock tests
Microphone is an electrical device required for transformation of sound energy into corresponing
electrical energy. They are widely used in the field of acoustical engineering. It is a kind of
transducer. So the acoustic pressure is changed into electrical pulses. The electrical pulse having
weak strength. Hence an high gain amplifier is used before further processing or transmission
of this electrical signal. A loudspeaker works just like in a reverse process of a microphone.
Whose function is to convert electrical pulses into acoustic pressure. There are various types and
confuguration of loudspeakers are available. As per the requirement different kind of loudspeakers
are used. For example, in a public address system when a person is speaking and a large audience
l It amplifies audio frequency signal.
l It provides low impedance usually 200 ohms.
l It provides almost uniform frequency response over the lower audible range.
l It is highly sensitive.
A noise (hissing sound) is appeared at the output due to variation in the density of carbon particles.
They are widely used in telephone and transmitters; however they have wide industrial application
l It also provides uniform frequency range.
l It can also work for powerful sound wave.
l It is widely used in laboratories to pick-up sound wave to be measured.
Frequency Response
As we know the frequency response
the microphone depends on various
factors. A typical curve is shown below
for the various test frequencies taken
on capacitor microphone. It is clear
from the graph that the frequency
response is uniform for wide range
of frequencies. Its reference is also
taken as 1mV produced a pressure of Fig.4 Frequency response of capacitor microphone
1 dyne per centimetre square. (courtsey
accordance with the input sound wave. Fig.5 Moving coil microphone
l It is highly sensitive microphone.
l It has uniform frequency range.
l Can be used at higher temperature.
l Does not require external source for its operation.
l Widely used in public meeting and broadcasting.
Frequency Response
The frequency response of moving coil microphone is depending upon various factors. We have
taken a typical plot for a specified moving coil microphone. The response is almost flat over the
audible range of frequencies. Some ripples are available for higher frequencies as depicted in
the graph. These ripples indicate the
variation in the output in accordance
with the frequency. So we get a
varying sound intensity with a slight
variation in audio frequency. Hence
it’s working at lower frequency is
quiet good as compare to higher
Fig.6 Frequency response of moving coil microphone
frequency range.
l It is usually used in public meeting, tape recorders etc.
Frequency Response
The frequency response of piezoelectric
microphone is shown in following
figure. It shows the output sound wave
intensity with respect to test frequencies.
There is nonlinearity in graph at higher
frequencies and it is linear for the lower
range of audio frequencies.
Fig.8 Frequency response of piezo-electric microphone
Loudspeaker is invented during the development of the telephone system in the late 18th century.
Invention of electrical amplifiers makes it practical use of loudspeakers. Initially loudspeakers
were used in radio, motion picture theatre, public address system (PAS) etc. They are broadly
categorized into three groups.
i. Direct radiator: In these type of loudspeaker radiator is directly coupled with air.
ii. Horn loudspeaker: In these types of loudspeaker the diaphragm is coupled with air by means
of horn.
iii. Ionic loudspeaker: In these category of loudspeaker no diaphragm is used.
Frequency ranges of musical instruments:The typical range of some of the musical instruments is
listed in table with their frequency ranges.
Dynamic range can be defined as the ratio of largest signal in a circuit that is capable of dealing
highest amplitude frequency component. It represents the range of input signal level that can be
measured simultaneously. That is the ability to measure small signal in presence of large signal.
It is measured in decibel (dB). Some of the standard dynamic ranges are presented in the table:
Dynamic range often described as the ratio of amplitude of the highest sine wave to the rms noise
sound output
input audio
l They are used mostly to listen to the programme broadcasted at the receiving device.
l Used in public address system (PAS).
l Used in studio monitors.
The output power level is inversely proportional to the output impedance of the loudspeaker. We
know the power relation with impedance as follows:
2. Tweeter: It is used for reproduction of highest frequencies. Its design is difficult because of
the nature of high frequency audio wave. A tweeter is applied form of speaker that is specially
designed to respond in high frequency audio ranges (2kHz-20kHz). It has flat frequency
response at high audible frequency ranges. Three different kinds of tweeters are mostly used
in accordance with their application. They are named as soft-dome tweeter, horn loaded
compression tweeter and ribbon tweeter. Soft-dome tweeter is used in home stereo system
where as horn loaded compression tweeter is used in reproduction of professional sound.
In recent time ribbon tweeter are also used in place of horn loaded compression tweeter
because it can handle larger amount of output power.
Sound waves in the back side are 1800 out of phase with respect to sound wave in the front side
of individual speaker. Therefore sound wave from the back side are not presented and meet the
wave in the front, then the two waves are cancelled out each other causing drastically drop in
intensity. This phenomenon will more noticed at low frequencies. To save low frequencies from
attenuation, it is necessary to increase the path difference by using a physical barrier called baffle.
500Hz 5kHz
Review Questions
1. What is microphone? Explain the construction and working principle of the following
a) Carbon microphone
b) Capacitor microphone
c) Piezoelectric microphone
d) Moving coil microphone
2. In a tabular form enlist the frequency ranges of any five musical instruments.
4. Discuss briefly the frequency characteristics of practical loudspeaker such as woofer, tweeter
and squawker.
Resource Material
14 hours
Assessment Plan
l Question and answers
l Group discussion
l Mock tests.
On the vinyl disc the sound is recorded in the form of grooves on the disc. These grooves are made
with the help of stylus. The vibration of stylus is in accordance with the electrical signal. In the
magnetic tape recording, the sound is recorded on the magnetic tape in the form of magnetic flux.
These flux are stored on the tape with the help of tape recording head which carries the electrical
sound signal. Magnetic field can be produced through the flow of current in any conductor. The
magnetic field produced in this way is spread out in the space, the produced field is varies through
the distance from the current carrying conductor. The field depends upon the current and the
distance from the conductor as the distance from the conductor increases the strength of the
field decreases. The magnetic oxide is used for the magnetisation purpose, which retains the
magnetism even after the removal of the current. Hence, the analog signal can be stored in the
form of magnetic flux pattern in the magnetic oxide material.
required to convert this continuous electrical signal into digital pulses. The digital recorder system
is shown in the form of block diagram in Fig.3.
For the conversion of analog signal to digital signal we use analog to digital converter. In the
conversion process, we first sample the signal at the sampling frequency equal to the twice of the
input analog signal. After sampling of the continuous signal, it is in the form of discrete time signal.
In next stage, we quantise the amplitude level of the discrete time signal. It is called quantisation.
Each quantised value is encoded through the encoder to give digital signal. The digital signal
produced in this way carries the information of the audio signal i.e. we get the digital form of the
audio input signal. These digital signals can be easily stored in digital recording media. In our case
the media is either CD/DVD.
Disc Reproduction
As clear from above discussion the sound is stored on the disc in the form of lateral variation in
the grooves. The variation is first converted to an electrical signal by application of pickup unit.
The pickup unit has pickup needle mounted on it. This needle oscillates in accordance with the
variation in grooves. That will produce electrical signal corresponding to the recorded signal. This
electrical signal is further processed for excitation of diaphragm. There are many pickup methods
used such as moving coil, capacitor, crystal etc.
The disc rotation assembly is responsible for the uniform rotation of the disc on the disc table. The
information is recorded on the disc in the form of these marks. The disc contains spiral grooves
on it. The stylus moves from edge towards the centre of the disc through the grooves.
After that the power level of the signal is amplified by power amplifier unit. The power level of
the signal is increased because it can able to drive the diaphragm of the loudspeaker section. The
diaphragm of the loudspeaker oscillates in accordance with the input signal. Hence the electrical
signal is converted into the acoustical pressure. This is the desired sound output, which was
recorded on the disc. So the recorded sound on the disc is reproduced.
It is well known that the magnetic heads in a tape recorder or disk drive are the one of the important
components of recording in a given media and playback of the signal from the recorded media.
These heads have a magnetic core, which either guides a concentrated magnetic field for recording
(or erasing).The information senses the magnetic flux from recorded information in a media. For
efficient recording or sensing, the understanding of magnetic circuit, selection of magnetic core
materials for various types of heads, response of core materials to generate field, losses due to
eddy current in various materials are very much essential. Also, with increasing the areal density in
the media, the average size of the recorded bits decreases, and hence, one needs to use different
types of heads for recording and sensing.
The varying air pressure is converted into electrical signals and then to magnetic field strength in
the recording head. The field strength causes a proportional flux change in the tape. The playback
The tape recorder takes the input from the microphone for the recording on the magnetic tape.
The electrical signal produced by the microphone is amplified by the amplifier unit. This signal is
transmitted to the recording head of the tape recorder. Through the head the recording is performed
on the magnetic tape. For the reproduction of recorded items on the tape is read by the playback
head and the produced electrical signal in proportion to the magnetised portion of the tape. This is
amplified by the power amplifier. This amplified signal is the excitation for the loudspeaker section
of the tape recorder. Loudspeaker converts this electrical signal into sound waves accordingly.
tape hub
magnetic tape
erase head
A practical magnetic recorder, however many refinements are necessary to ensure that the
reproducing signals is exactly like the one originally used to make recording.Sound entering in to
the microphone which is converted into an alternating electric signal. This current flows through the
coil of the record head and sets up on the tape alternately polarized, magnetized bits of information.
Further, this tape passes the gap in the reproduced head and causes an alternating current to be
generated in its coil and then this current is to be recorded.The tape speed is compromise between
the sound quality, time consumption, running time and reel size. There is a direct relationship
between tape speed and the shortest magnetic wavelength on the tape. Reduced tape speeds
require more sophisticated tape machine and else they lead to reduction in sound quality.
The magnetic field strength in the recording head will cause a certain magnetic flux density in
the core and in the tape at the gap. When a certain point of the tape moves away from the gap,
the residual flux will remain in the tape. A signal can be recorded on to the tape if the tape is
magnetically fully neutral. And this process is achieved by erasing. Erasing can also be understood
as recording a tape with zero-signal.
Signal can be erased by applying strong magnetic field to the tape, which drives all magnetic
particles with full and equal reminisce. As a result the tape will not contain any signal and it is
permanently magnetized but not magnetically neutral. Recording on such tape would result strong
DC noise.
A certain flux on the tape is first driven to saturation. Then the flux decays reaches at zero-reminisce
by running tape through hysteresis loop several times in some spiral way.
In the tape machine the erasing is done by the erase head, which is fed with the high frequency
of signal, which is also used for biasing. The erase signal is normally relatively strong, to ensure
the tape is driven in to saturation while it passes the erase head, the signal voltage is often several
tens of volt at the erase head. The variations of field strength in the tape while it passes the erase
head. It can be seen that while the tape approaches the erase head gap the final strength increases
and drive the tape flux into saturation. While tap is leaving the gap, the flux decays over several
periods and finally approaches zero.
The reverse process of recording is known as playback. For the playback the signal from magnetic
tape is read by the playback head. During the process of playback the playback head comes in
contact with the magnetic tape. The head is induced with the current due to the movement of the
magnetic tape. The level of induced current in the playback head is very low. So it requires to be
strengthen the signal received from the playback head, hence is amplified by the amplifier. To
produce flat frequency response at the output the signal is equalised. It is further amplified with
controlled gain amplifier. This stage provides low impedance for the output stage. The output can
be taken at a distance with the help of cable. The transmission losses are considered during the
transmission due to the presence of capacitance in the cable.
In DC biasing the working area is not clearly defined and even minor changes of the
biasing current or the tape parameters will result in an inadequate working point.DC
bias was only used in some early low-price cassette recorders and it is used only in
small cassette dictating recorders. It is never used in professional recorders.
HF biasing is carried audio signal and this can be distorted during the magnetization
of the tape, but its envelope the audio signal, will remain unaffected by the non-linear
remanence characteristic. This is because the strong of HF signal is always driving
the magnetization through the critical zero-remanence area. But the frequency of HF
biasing is much too high to be actually recorded. When the tapes move Away from
the recording head gap, the HF is erased only its mean value, the audio signal remains
on the tape.The methods for the bias alignment require separate record and play-back
heads and amplifiers and are therefore only applicable to professional tape machines.
PCM Stereo
PCM High
Enrichment Density Layer
l Lyerics l Graphics
l Video
DSD Multi-Channel
DSD Stereo
standard CD/DVD is having 12 cm (smaller diameter is also available now) in diameter and 1.2
mm in thickness.
The CD is made up of polycarbonate substrate masked by aluminium on the other hand the DVD
uses two substrates and masked by two metallic layers and they are tight together. The DVD can
be single sided or double sided and have one or two layers on each side. So far as the storage
capacity of data is concerned CD is of 0.65 GB and DVD can be of 4.5 GB, 9GB. It can be single
side single layer/single layer double side/double layer single side.
Fig.11 A polycarbonate layer of an actual DVD disc prior to application of the reflective aluminium surface
l Plastic hubs
Standard value
S.N. Parameter
1. Play time 74 min 480 min
2. Diameter 120 mm 120 mm
3. Thickness 1.2 mm 1.2 mm
4. Material Polycarbonate Polycarbonate
5. Storage capacity 690 MB 4.7GB
6. Disc structure Single substrate Two bounded substrate 0.6 mm each
7. LASER wave length 780 nm 650 nm
8. Numerical aperture 0.45 0.6
It consists of a disc loading tray and a motor. In disc loading tray we load the CD/DVD then
motor is used to rotate the CD/DVD in circular motion. The proper rotation of the CD/DVD is
carried out with the help of spindle, gears and belt that are attached internally in the system.
The optical system needs motor for the movement of lenses, mirror, laser beams, prism and
photo-detector. There operation is to provide input to the disc-drive. They are assembled in
a glass case.
Thus, the input to the laser unit is the single interleaved digital signal. Laser unit is exposed to
the photo resistive master disc. The material of this disc is highly sensitive to the laser beam.
Hence, according to the data to be recorded is then recorded on the CD and is used for the mass
production for commercial application of CDs.
The block diagram explains the operational function of the CD/DVD reproduction as shown in
Fig.16. The portion hit by pits and bumps of laser beam, resulting reflection is changed accordingly.
Laser beam hits a single spot. The position of this spot is gradually changed with the help of mirror
and the circular motion of the disc provides the coverage of entire CD/DVD by the laser beams.
The digital signal is then converted into analog signal with help of digital to analog converter
(DAC). This DAC is an electronic circuit mounted on the PCB to perform this task. The analog
signal is further amplified by amplifier, which is also mounted on PCB. Thus the amplified signal
is obtained at the output. This signal is fed to the audio/graphic unit. The audio/graphic unit gives
us audio or video output.
l It saves time when backup is taken by the system. The time is saved due to the backup
is taken once and can’t be changed continuously.
Therefore the troubleshooting may be defined as the process of finding and rectifying the problem
in the recorder/player. So that the optimum performance of the device can be achieved. If recorder/
player deviates in the performance, the first step is to establish the presence of fault. Then with
proper diagnosis pin point the fault location and accordingly rectifying the problem.
Inspect visually for physical damage
Look recorder/player for burning smell
Look the manual for test point provided by manufacturer
As per instruction of manual find out the sub-section in which fault occur
Check proper dc voltage/current in that sub-section
Test for performance for satisfactory result
If fault persist repeat the process
l Improper packaging.
l Ageing of equipment.
The general kind of problems associated with the recorder/player are summarised as follows:
Whenever such kind of problems occurs in the system, look into the concerned functional area
for the remedy. Test the components in the concerned area for burnt, dry solder, short circuited,
open circuited etc. take proper precautions during the component level rectifications. Try to test
the circuitry in the proper light and away from the children. Use standard and calibrated tools for
testing. Special care should be taken while using ammeters.
4.22 LED TV
Resource Material
1. Television engineering and video system by R.G.Gupta, TMH publication.
2. Television engineering and video system by A.M.Dhake, TMH publication.
3. Composite satellite and cable television by R.R.Gulati, New Age publication.
14 Hours
Assessment Plan
l Question and answers
l Group discussion
l Mock tests
The sound signal is converted into the electrical audio signal with the help of microphone. It is
amplified by the audio amplifier. FM modulator then modulates the amplified audio signal. The
audio signal modulates in accordance with the carrier signal which is generated by the carrier
oscillator. Power amplifier amplifies the power level of FM modulated signal. The power of the
signal is boosted up sufficiently higher for the long distance transmission of the signal. The outputs
of video and audio section are combined with the help of duplexer. This signal is transmitted
through the transmitting antenna. In this way transmission of information is carried out with the
use of transmitter.
RF amplifier is used to amplify the radio signal received by the antenna. The signal received by
the antenna is very weak in nature, so amplification for the further processing of the received
signal is needed. This amplification is done by the RF amplifier. The signal received by the antenna
is contaminated with noise. This stage also reduces the noise of the received radio signal by the
antenna. The gain of RF amplifier is maximum in radio frequency range. It has a frequency tuned
amplifier whose function is to select a particular band of frequencies and reject rest of other
frequencies. The processed signal is fed to the mixer stage.
The mixer is a three port device. Input port of mixer is connected with the RF amplifier and local
oscillator. The output port is connected with the IF amplifier. It produces a signal to the IF stage
whose frequency is FRF+FLO. Where FRF is the frequency of the RF amplifier output and fLO is the
frequency of the signal generated by the local oscillator. These two frequencies are mixed in
the mixer. An electronic oscillator is used to generate local frequency. This device is called local
oscillator. It is used with the mixer to convert the input frequency and output of mixer is input for
the IF amplifier stage.
IF stands for intermediate frequency amplifier and used as tuned amplifier in television. Their
purpose is to provide voltage amplification of the radio signal. IF stage comes before the separation
of audio and video signal whose operating frequency is always less than the received frequency
and more than audio and video signal frequency.
The output of IF stage is connected with video detector and a separate sound IF stage. The
sound IF modulate the carrier frequency and amplifies them. The amplified signal is applied to
the FM detector block. This block is composed of phase shift discriminator and a limiter circuit
that changes the phase only when the input frequency is changed in proportion to the resonant
frequency. The discriminator can detect the signal of amplitude modulation. Further, these signals
are processed and amplified and undergoes de-emphasis process to maintain high signal to noise
ratio. Finally, the audio amplifier boosts sufficient power to drive the speaker. The loudspeaker is a
kind of transducer that converts electrical signal to vibrating sound waves.
The composite signal comes from IF stage that is the input to the video section. The diode detector
separates video signal from the composite signal. The video signal is amplified by video amplifier.
The amplified signal is high enough to glow phosphor element of the picture tube. The picture tube
is designed in such a way that the video signal is converted into pictures. The amplified signal from
video amplifier is applied to the neck of the picture tube comprises of grids. The electron beam is
strong enough in proportion to the video signal and concentrated at the centre of picture tube. It
is the sync separator that separates sync pulses in horizontal and vertical syncs. The deflection
Tuner is device used widely in VHF/UHF ranges to select specific range of frequency called
channel as shown in the simplified circuit below. The tuner stage comprises of RF amplifier, local
oscillator and mixer. The advance receiver uses varactor diode when reverse bias across this diode
capacitance is formed. The amount of capacitance can be varied according to the reverse potential.
The resonant circuit is connected parallel with varactor diode, so any change in the capacitance of
varactor diode causes the change in resonance frequency. The desired channel frequency can be
achieved with the variation of varactor diode capacitance. Therefore, the required channel can be
The tuner must have its input impedance equal to the characteristics impedance of the feeder wire.
The impedance matching transformer called balun matches input impedance of RF amplifier. The
unwanted signals are wiped out by the high pass filter. The output is feed to the RF section that
provides better gain to this signal. Therefore in a nut shell tuning is a process of picking desired
information and rejecting all unwanted information.
sweep response
satge, Q2
Q1 Q3
sweep generator
The simplified circuit of audio transistor amplifier is shown in Fig.5. It takes input from FM detector.
It is a power amplifier that enhances the power level of audio signals. It is providing volume
control with the use of variable resistance as shown below. Coupling capacitor (Cc) blocks the
Dc component and couple the signal from previous stage to next stage. R1, R2, Rc, Re are the
biasing resistors. Ce is the bypass capacitor which is used for biasing stability. The detected audio
signal undergoes de-emphasis with the help of RC circuit to control volume. Therefore with the
application of transistors, resistors and capacitors the original sound wave is reproduced in the
television system.
C R17
From detector
R2 Re Ce
volume control
C1 R4 R5 Horizontal sync
Composite signal C2 Q
Vertical sync
phosphor coating
electron beam
filament coating
bias pot. coil
high potential
Fig.7 Simplified section of cathode ray tube
The inner coating of CRT is made of phosphor. The material glows when beam strikes over them.
The neck assembly comprises of horizontal and vertical current, saw tooth and sync pulses that
together generate magnetic field. These magnetic fields are horizontally and vertically deflected by
horizontal and vertical coil mounted on the neck. Thus, the beam is swept on the front side of the
CRT. There intensity of glow can be varied by varying the grid voltage.
VR1 R4 C3
Linearity control
hold control
The sweep signal going to base of transistor Q2 provides ramp voltage. This signal drives the
transistor Q2 accordingly. A vertical sweep signal is produced at the primary of transformer Tx2.
The secondary coil of the transformer provides the vertical deflection to the circuit shown in figure.
The variable resistance VR3 is varied to adjust the Dc biasing of the transistor Q2. It prevents
the transistor going into the nonlinear region. Thermistor at the primary is used for the stability
against heating of the transistor. At the output of the transformer, resistances R5 and R6 are used
to prevent the ringing oscillation at the output. Thus, we get the vertical deflection in the form of
saw tooth wave through the output coil.
From AFC Q1
VR1 C1
Hold control R3 Driver amplifier
Horizontal oscillator
Note: For proper operation of remote control device change the battery at regular interval.
The bandwidth shows there are two carriers, one is for picture carrier and another one is for
sound carrier. The picture signal is amplitude modulated and a special class of AM called vestigial
sideband modulation is used that utilises full upper sideband with some lower sideband by
suppressing major portion of lower sideband. However, sound signal is located in upper portion
of the spectrum and the modulation scheme required for sound signal transmission is FM. Note,
that the bandwidth required for TV system sound broadcast is comparatively less than standard
.5 MHz .5 MHz
black level
12.5 white level
blanking level
Fig.12 Blanking and Synchronizing Pulse
The nature of sync pulses are shown in the Fig.12. The horizontal sync pulses are narrower;
however, vertical sync pulses are broad. Because of this feature, they are easily separated at the
receiver. Low pass filter can be employed to separate vertical sync pulses and for separation of
horizontal sync pulses, high pass filter is used. The plot of sync signal in time and amplitude
indicates 12.5% as white level and 72% as black level. The picture information resides during the
blanking period.
Therefore, the picture information needs to be modulated either analog modulation scheme or
digital modulation scheme is used. For picture transmission, amplitude modulation is used and for
sound transmission, frequency modulation is used. The AM is having frequency range in kilohertz
and FM is having frequency range in megahertz. So far as efficiencies are concerned, AM is having
poor efficiency than FM; although, they are used in different kind of modulation scheme with
different kind of information signal.
l The BRIGHTNESS represents overall intensity of illusion and can be varied to get optimum
results by varying the brightness control knob.
l CONTRAST represents the difference in light intensity for white and black part of the picture.
It can also be adjusted by varying the contrast control knob.
The following are the three colour system used all over the world:
1. PAL (Phase Alternate by Line) : PAL system is introduced in early 1960’s. It utilises larger
channel bandwidth than NTSC, which results in better picture quality. The video bandwidth
in this system is 5 MHz. and sound carrier frequency is of 5.5 MHz. It runs on 625 lines per
frame standard.
3. SECAM (Sequential Colour and Memory): It was first implemented in France. It was introduced
in early 1960’s. It uses same bandwidth as of PAL system but transmit the colour information
sequentially. Its video bandwidth is 5 MHz and sound carrier is of 5.5 MHz.
The distribution of signal is carried out with either coaxial cables or fiber optics cable. The operator
sends all the received signals over these cable lines. The working of cable distribution system can
be understood with the following block diagram.
Main station receives TV signal from various satellite then combining network combines these
signals over a single line by multiplexer. Signal reaches from multiplexer to distribution amplifier
through various amplifiers. The connecting lines of multiplexer and distribution station can either
be coaxial cable or fibre optics. dish antenna
user called subscriber. Fig.14 Simplified block diagram of cable TV distribution system
It is the process in which the reception is restricted. Since in cable TV or in satellite broad casting
system a fee based access is granted, so need is to scramble the unauthorised user. This can
be achieved by using conditional based reception. A condition access is comprises of two main
subsystem- one is scrambler and another is descrambler.
Scrambling and descrambling can be understood with the help of above block diagram. The
scrambler restricts the access with an encryption key. This key is used at the receiver end by the
descrambler to get the access of audio and video signal received by the receiver. So, the purpose
is fulfilled in this way. That is the only way authorised user can received the signal. The following
measures are kept in mind while designing the scrambler.
l The code should be complicated, so that it cannot be accessed by unauthorised user.
S.N. Subsection Possible associated problems
1. Dish Antenna l Weak signal causing poor resolution and poor
audio quality.
l No sound but picture is received.
l No picture but sound is received.
l Noisy signal received.
l Poor colour resolution.
2. Head end subsection l Improper distribution.
l No picture.
l No sound.
l Picture rolling.
l Remote controlling device is not working.
5. Trunking line l No signal to any particular user.
A liquid crystal cell is placed between two glass sheets. These glass sheets contain electrodes. We
can form two different kinds of LCDs on the basis of the selection of glass sheets. When one of
the glasses is transparent and other is reflective then it is called reflective type. If both the glasses
are transparent then it is called transitive type. The LCD does not produce luminance of itself. It
entirely depends upon the illumination falling on it for its visual effects.
4.22 LED TV
LED TVs (light-emitting diode televisions) are advanced version of LCD (liquid crystal display)
televisions because of their high quality of picture and least power consumption. So far as
technologies are concerned both (LED
and LCD) are having similar kind of
architecture. The only difference is that
LED televisions contain light emitting
diodes (LED) behind their screen.
These LEDs provides sharper graphics
and more illuminating effect upon
the provision of current. CCFL (Cold
cathode fluorescent lamp) used in LCD
for the display which contains inert gas
inside tube is producing desired light
for the visual that is replaced by the LED Fig.17 LED TV (courtesy Sony Inc.)
in the LED television.
l Fine display of image.
l Having better resolution and contrast.
l Low power consumption.
l Environmental friendly.
l It is free from the defects of angle viewing which occurs in LCD.
The standard NTSC and PAL system of broadcast have 525 and 625 horizontal lines. In this system,
the real lines used to represent picture are said to be active lines. Both the systems have the
feature of interlacing that means each frame is broken into two fields of odd and even lines which
are displayed alternatively. The viewer puts them together to create complete image of each frame.
HDTV Format
It has two formats of broadcast, 720p and 1080i. The numeric number shows the resolution of
vertical line in each format. The alphabet ‘p’ and ‘i’ stands for progressive and interlaced scan that
means they are unisum, not been split into fields. In 720p, the image made of horizontal 1280 lines
and 720 vertical lines. Therefore, the full image is represented in a single frame.
In 1080i the images are made of 1980x1080 lines and represent as two fields both are interlaced.
The quality of these interlaced images is not very smooth in contrast to the progressive one as
per the studies carried out. The video bandwidth required five to six times more than that of
conventional TV system. E.g. video bandwidth is 5 MHz for 625 lines system and hence relative
HDTV bandwidth required will be 30 MHz. Such a large bandwidth decreases number of channels
to be transmitted. To overcome this problem band compression technique is used to decrease the
bandwidth. The important consideration of HDTV in comparison with television systems are as
l HDTV is having more scanning lines than conventional TV system.
l HDTV aspect ratio is more than conventional TV system.
l HDTV requires more bandwidth than conventional TV system.
l HDTV propose progressive scanning while conventional TV system uses interlaced scanning.
HDTV Receiver
To receive image of broadcast, we need TV set with built-in HDTV receiver, which is capable of
receiving HDTV channels. HDTV receiver receives composite video signal. Then it decodes and
demodulates to get the transmitted audio and video signals. the composite signal is demultiplexed
into audio and video bit streams and then decompressed. Then thereafter these bit streams are
Inspect visually for physical damage
Look receiver for smell/noise
Look the manual for test point provided by manufacturer
As per instruction find out the sub-section in which fault occur
Check proper dc voltage, current in that sub-section
If found improper replace faulty parts
Test for performance for satisfactory result
If not repeat the procedure
Repairing of TV Receiver
For deep troubleshooting and diagnosis of the problem of the TV receiver we have to understand
the complex circuit named as motherboard mounted on the backside of the picture tube and
l No picture.
l Normal picture but no sound.
l Distorted picture but normal sound.
l Noisy sound but normal picture.
2. Power supply subsection l Receiver is dead.
l No sound no raster.
l No sound.
l No raster.
3. Horizontal subsection l No raster.
l No vertical deflection.
l Picture rolling.
l Bright horizontal line.
l Vertical height is distorted.
5. Video subsection l No picture.
l Negative picture.
l Distorted picture.
If the problem mentioned above is diagnosed then look into the concerned subsection for the fault
removal or the removal of faulty component. The component should be checked properly for the
problems like burnt component, dry soldering and open circuited, short circuiting. Sometimes
problem is due to single faulty subsection and it may be due to fault in multiple subsections.
Review Questions
1. Explain the working principle with the help block diagram of TV transmitter.
2. Draw the neat block diagram of TV receiver. Explain each block in brief.
4. Draw the picture tube circuitry and explain how the picture is formed on the screen.
6. While servicing the following symptoms were observed indicate the faulty section and
possible faults.
a) No picture no sound
b) Distorted sound at the output
c) Horizontal bars on the screen
d) Ghost image
e) Vertical rolling of picture
l Fax machine
l Printers
l Scanners
Resource Material
20. Modern Electronic equipment by R.S.Khandpur, TMH publication.
21. Consumer electronics by J.S.Chitode, Technical publication.
Assessment Plan
l Question and answers
l Group discussion
l Mock tests
A magnetron is a diode, usually cylindrical, with a magnetic field parallel to its axis. In modern
usage, however, the magnetron implies a diode that, with the aid of a magnetic field, produces
short electromagnetic waves. Those magnetrons which produce radiation within the wavelength
range of 1 to 30 cm are herein defined as microwave magnetrons. This is one class of tubes
sometimes referred to as cavity magnetrons from the fact that, in the usual design, the resonant
circuit is a number of closely coupled cavities contained within the evacuated portion of the tube.
It is thereby used to generate high power of microwave energy. Microwave power is generated by
using Klystrons, Magnetrons, Gyrotrons and Travelling Wave Tubes (TWT). Klystron has precise
control in amplitude, frequency and phase. Magnetrons are widely popular in microwave heating
due to their easy availability and low cost. Gyrotron provides much higher power output and beam
focussing. TWTs provide microwave energy with variable and controlled frequency.
A microwave circulator is multiport wave guide. For the simplicity, we have considered four-
port microwave circulator which is a combination of two 3dB side-hole directional coupler. A
rectangular wave guide with two non-reciprocal phase shifter is as shown in figure below. The
operating principle can be analysed with the figure. Each of these two 3dB couplers introduces a
phase shift of 90 degree. When a wave is introduced to port-1, consequently the coupler-1 splits
into two components. Now, the incident wave arrives at port-2 with a phase change of 180 degree.
The second wave propagates through the two couplers are arrived at port-2 with 180 degree phase
shift that means these two waves reaching port-2 in same phase.
The wave propagates through the primary guide, phase shifter, coupler-2 are reached at port-4
with the phase shift of 270 degree. The wave passes through coupler-1 and secondary guide and
finally it reaches at port-4 with the phase shift of 90 degree. Therefore, these two waves meet
port-4 are 180 degree out of phase and hence power transmission from port-1 to port-4 is zero.
Port 4
Main Chamber
It is a cavity like place as shown in figure below. This space is solely used to place and process
food items. Through the cavity structure microwave power
is coupled inside the wall of the chamber. The inner walls
are made of metallic reflector that reflects the microwave
energy and form standing waves. The rotating base over
which food items are placed gets uniform power because
of their synchronous rotation.
Fig.4 Microwave oven chamber
The Graham Bell invented the telephone system in March 1876. He realised the communication
between two people at distant places can be established by electrical means of transmission. The
telephones are categorised as follows,
Simple phone: It is a simplest type of telephone set that primarily consist of hand set, hook switch
and a ringer. It is now obsolete.
Dialling type telephone: It consists of handset, mechanical dialling system, hook switch and ringer.
Electronic/Digital phone: It is widely used telephone set in India. It consists of push button key
pad. These buttons are in connection with the electronic circuit as and when the buttons are
pressed, the circuit transmit pulse or tone to the electronic exchange through the telephone line.
Cordless phone: It is a combination of two units-portable unit and base unit. The base unit is
connected with the telephone line. Portable unit is a combination of transmitter and receiver with
small antenna. The base unit is also having radio transmitter and radio receiver with a small aerial.
The range of communication is the drawback of cordless phone which is very small around 20-30
Mobile phones: Mobile phone does not require any physical connection between transmitter
and receiver. Because of its easy and flexible size and service it covers a very large number of
populations throughout the world. The mobile unit consist of transmitter, receiver, dialling pad,
antenna, microprocessor chip, display unit, battery etc.
The telephone is a modern electronic device used for voice communication between two people
separated at distance. When the communication is established between the two, the exchange
sends steady current to both speakers and listeners. The steady nature of currents fluctuates in
proportion with the sound pressure of microphone. The resulting air pressure fluctuation causes
sound of human voice to be communicated. Block diagram of digital telephone set is shown below.
Interface Speech
unit unit
It stands for dual tone multiple frequency and widely used in telephone industry. DTMF audible
tone is generated when any key on telephone is pressed. If we press any key namely “1”, “2”,
“3”, “*” etc., a particular code is transmitted. This code consists of two frequencies amongst
which one is higher frequency and other one is lower frequency. The circuit diagram for the DTMF
generation is shown below in figure. The DTMF circuit uses a single contact of key on keyboard at
one time and provides rest of the switching function electronically. The circuit operates over the
supply voltage range from 3 volts to 15 volts.
1 16
2 15
3 14 R6
4 13
5 720612
R4 R5
1K 3.3K
6 11
7 10
4 X 3 Matrix 8 9
one contact
per key) R2 R3
2.3K 680
1 8
figure below. This is a complete RG RC
4.7 k 1.0 µF
telephone ringer circuit having Tip 2
7 5.0 µF
1.0 µF 25 V
minimum components with Diode VI 10 V
3 6
Bridge and transient protection Ring
1.8 k
on the IC chip. 4
Piezo Sound
Fig.7 Tone ringer circuit (courtesy
Speech Network
Speech networks carry the basic functions required for handset communications. It amplifies
signals from a transmitter and sends them to a telephone line. They also amplify received signals
from a telephone line and drive the receiver.
may not handle the AC signal. We can use a diode INPUT OUTPUT
as shown in figure between phone line and the input PHONE LINE USB LINE
pin of the regulator. This will protect the circuit from GROUND
l Computers
l Alarm systems
l Control unit
l Telephone answering machines
A telephone plug is a type of connector used to connect a telephone set to the telephone wiring
inside a building, establishing a connection to a telephone network. It is inserted into telephone
jack, commonly affixed to a wall or baseboard. The standard for telephone plugs varies greatly,
though the RJ11 modular connector has become the most common. Detailed pin configuration of
RJ11 is shown in figure below.
l Polarized capacitors
l Diodes
All of the above constitute safety hazard and should be avoided because of the chances of explosion.
A printer is a peripheral which make a persistent human readable representation of graphics or
text on paper or similar physical media. In simple printer is most simple output device which is
used to print information on paper. Printers are essential to getting output of any computer based
application. They are broadly classified in two categories-impact printer and non impact printer.
Formatter Section
The formatter PCA is responsible for the control of the following:
Controller System
The below mentioned systems and functions are controlled by the DC controller PCA:
l DC power distribution
l Laser and scanner unit.
l Paper movement.
l Clutches (registration, tray pickup, and tray feed)
l Motors (main drive, scanner, and fans)
On the basis of information received from formatter, the controller sends signals to the laser/
scanner section to modulate the laser diode ON and OFF and to drive the laser/scanner motor.
Toner Cartridge
The toner cartridge is referred to be the “heart” of the Image Formation System. It incorporates the
cleaning and developing process. The toner unit is composed of the photosensitive drum, primary
charging roller, developing station, toner cavity and cleaning station.
Image Developing
The developing process transforms positively charged proton to a visible image by depositing
negatively charged toner particles on the charged areas of the drum and the drum rotation around
fixed magnetic core. The toner is made up of very fine black plastic powdery substance bound
to iron particles. These particles get attracted by the magnetic core of the developing cylinder. A
rubber blade “brushes” the toner on the developing cylinder to a uniform thickness.
Due to the rubbing of toner particles and developing cylinder, a static negative charge is developed.
The negatively charged toner is attracted to the discharged (exposed, more positive) areas of the
drum and repelled from the negatively charged (non-exposed) areas.
Image Fusing
The fusing unit fixed the toner particles into the media with a hot roller and a soft rubber roller.
Both are assembled one above other such that there is no gap in between. The rotation is in such a
way that paper rolls out smoothly. The hot roller contains halogen lamps inside that generate heat
for the fusing process.
Troubleshooting of Printer
l The reflected light off the page falls over the charged coupled device.
l The job of charged coupled device is to transform the analog pattern of black and white
areas of the pages into digital pattern and passes the information to the corresponding
electronic circuits.
l Now the circuit sends the digital information to the telephone line to the fax machine at the
receiving end.
l When we receive a fax, the same circuit takes incoming digital information from the phone
line and direct it to a built-in printer.
l In fax machine, paper is pulled from a larger roller inside the machine.
l In the thermal (heat-based) printer, operated by the circuit, reproduces the incoming fax on
the paper as it moves past.
In the internal structure, we can see that there are two separate machines working together in a fax
sending fax and receiving fax. When we use fax machines to photocopies of documents, these two
sending and receiving modes are linked together to make photocopies of the original document.
Scanners are the input peripheral device which is used
to transfer images into digital form. These images can
be documents, pictures, graphics, photograph etc. The
selection of scanner depends on the volume and type
of material to be scanned and can be selected as drum
scanner, flatbed scanner, sheeted scanner, small hand
Fig.16 Scanner (courtesy
held scanners etc. The small hand held scanners are AVRent_IT_Data_Equipment_Scanners-(83).aspx)
Resolution: There is a direct correlation between the bit resolution and the AFE (analog front end).
Higher bit resolutions (more digitized bits per pixel) give smoother greys, more natural colour and
more “photorealistic” images. The higher bit resolutions also help to give more dynamic range,
the difference between the black level and the white level. Dynamic range is particularly important
for seeing details in dark or shadowed regions or when an image includes both shadow and sunlit
Scan Speed: There is a direct tradeoff between scan speed and resolution and signal to noise ratio.
Slower scanners will tend to be higher resolution and have a higher signal to noise ratio, but these
specifications can be improved at higher scan speeds with a faster AFE and processor. Thus the
more precise scanner motor should be desired.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio: The signal-to-noise ratio or SNR is dependent upon the entire signal chain,
from the image sensors to the AFE. This is important for document scanners if OCR (Optical
Character Recognition) or other image processing will be performed. It is important in photo
quality scanners to eliminate graininess in images. A higher resolution necessitates a better SNR
to maintain quality.
Depending on the volume and type of the material to be scanned we can use drum scanner, flat
bed scanner, sheeted scanner or even small hand held scanner. The small hand held scanners are
frequently used with microcomputer. Most of the manufacturer responded to user reluctance to
use scanners smaller in size and paper to be scanned at cheaper price. Most of these new devices
sit between keyboard and monitor and can be interfaced with fax machine. There purpose is to
convert scanned image into numeric digits before storing it into the computer.
Review Questions
1. Explain the working principle of microwave oven and show how food grains are get heated.
2. Write down the basic principle of telephony with the help of block diagram.
3. How fax machine converts images into electrical signals for transmission of messages?
4. Write down the need of printer. Discuss image transfer unit?
5. What is scanning process? Briefly explain with block diagram?
6. Write down the safety procedure for the following:
i) Microwave oven
ii) Telephone
iii) Fax Machine
iv) Printer
v) Scanner
7. Write down the various possible faults and their solution for a printer.
8. Write down the various possible faults and their solution for a fax machine.
9. Write down the various possible faults and their solution for a scanner.