Arc Scene
Arc Scene
Arc Scene
Geologic Modeling
in ArcScene
by Mike Price, ESRI Mining and Earth Science Solutions Manager
ArcScene, available for ArcInfo, ArcEditor, and ArcView 8.1, lets GIS users load, visualize,
explore, and model two- and three-dimensional data. Draping vector, grid, image, or triangu-
lated irregular networks (TIN) data over a three-dimensional base terrain can create stunning
real-world renderings of natural areas. ArcScene is a three-dimensional data display and
modeling utility that is included with the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension. Verify that the 3D
Analyst extension is properly installed and licensed by starting ArcMap, choosing Tools >
Extension from the menu and making sure that 3D Analyst is listed and checked in the
Extensions dialog box. Because ArcScene runs in its own environment, it is accessed from the
operating system by choosing Start > ArcGIS > ArcScene.
About This Tutorial project will be built from scratch. Model data
This article describes the steps required to load for this exercise includes the southwest quarter
and display topographic, geologic, and cultural of the USGS Placitas 7.5-minute quadrangle,
data in ArcScene and presents several methods mapped by the New Mexico Bureau of Mines
for handling complicated datasets including and Geology. Overlay lines and points are from
shapefile and grid legends originally created the USGS 1:100,000-scale optional format dig-
in ArcView 3.x. The July–September issue ital line graph (DLG) dataset. Mineral occur-
of ArcUser magazine contained a tutorial rence points were collected by the now defunct
on importing a project originally built in United States Bureau of Mines as part of
ArcView 3.x into ArcMap. That tutorial used the Mineral Availability System (MAS). The
data describing a portion of New Mexico that model is registered in Universal Transverse
was derived from a portion of the United Mercator (UTM) North American Datum of
States Geological Survey (USGS) Placitas, 1927 (NAD27) Zone 13 in meters. Projection
New Mexico, 7.5-minute quadrangle map. data is assigned to all themes including grids.
This area includes the Sandia Mountains, a
large north-trending rotated block of igneous Acquiring and Loading Project Data
and metamorphic rocks, overlain by marine Although this tutorial uses much of the same
and stream sediments. The mountains are on data used for the tutorial in the July–Septem- PLACITA2\GRDFiles\UTM27Z13 subdirec-
the east side of the Rio Grande Rift, which is ber issue, to simplify and standardize proce- tory. This folder contains two grids and one
a region of major crustal thinning on the North dures, just download the two self-extracting layer file. Load plac10f2, a clipped 10-meter
American continent. This tutorial also works zipped files from the ArcUser Online Web
with the same dataset. site. Two files, SHPFiles.EXE (110 KB) and Figure 1
Once this new three-dimensional model GRDFiles.EXE (582 KB), contain all of the
showing geology for the Placitas area is files needed for this exercise. Download these
built, read the accompanying article, “Flying files, double-click on the zipped files, and
Through the Northern Sandia Mountains,” to extract them into a new directory called
take another virtual geologic tour through the PLACITA2. Use the directory structure shown
northern end of the Sandia Mountains. Explore in Figure 1.
the fascinating geology of this region by using
the flythrough tool that comes with ArcScene. Loading a Terrain Grid into ArcScene
Projects created in ArcView 3.x can be With the sample data downloaded and placed
imported into ArcMap using the Import from in the folder, start ArcScene by choosing Start
ArcView project feature. ArcScene does not > ArcGIS > ArcScene. Click on the Add Data
include an import utility for ArcView 3.x so this button on the toolbar and navigate to the
digital elevation model (DEM) dataset. The radio button to Obtain Heights for Layer default, color ramps are displayed graphi-
values for elevation for this layer range from from Surface but don’t click OK. cally as colors. To see color ramp names,
5,445 to 9,643. These measurements are in 2. Click the Raster Resolution button. In right-click on the drop-down arrow and
vertical feet, not the horizontal meters of the the Raster Surface Resolution dialog box, uncheck the Graphics choice. Choosing
base model, and must be changed. Fortunately change Cellsize X and Cellsize Y to 10. brown for lowlands and green for high-
this problem can be fixed in ArcScene. Click OK to close this dialog. lands will work well as this data describes
To display this flat, uninteresting layer in 3. Back in the Properties dialog box, fix New Mexico, and elevations there vary
three dimensions, right-click on the grid name, the vertical (z) units by clicking on the between 5,000 and 10,000 feet. After
plac10f2, and select Properties from the con- drop-down box next to Z Unit Conversion choosing a color ramp, click Apply.
text menu. The procedure outlined in the fol- and change the parameter from Custom 5. Select the Rendering tab. Under the Effects
lowing five steps will register this grid in to Feet to Meters. Click Apply but don’t section, check the box to Shade Areal
proper coordinate space and apply a color click OK. It is just that easy. The z values Features Relative to Scene’s Light Posi-
ramp. for all datasets in this exercise, grids and tion. Notice the slider bar under Optimize.
1. In the Properties dialog box, click on the vector, must also be corrected. If you have a fast computer with lots of
Base Heights tab and study the options. 4. Click the Symbology tab, click on the RAM and feel adventurous, push the bar
The grid appears flat because no height drop-down box next to Color Ramp, toward High to enhance image resolution.
source was specified for it. Click on the and pick an appropriate color ramp. By Continued on page 48
Click OK to apply these changes. Wait erties. Click on the Source tab in the Proper-
while your computer renders the DEM in ties dialog box. Click on the Set Data Source
true UTM space. button. Navigate to placgeo1, the reference
data for this layer, and select it. Click Add,
Once the layer is rendered, briefly explore then Apply, but not OK. With placgeo1.lyr
the terrain and check out its detail. This is pretty linked to its source data, the z units and other
rugged country. The geology data will be parameters can be corrected.
loaded next, and many of the same steps
performed for the topography data will be 1. While still in the Properties dialog box,
repeated. Before adding more data, save the select the Base Heights tab and enable the
project. Choose File > Save and save the radio button to Obtain heights for layer
project as PLACITA2 (or some other name) from surface and navigate to plac10f2 (the
and store it in the PLACITA2 directory. DEM that will be used as the base eleva-
The grid appears flat because no height ArcScene adds an SXD extension to the file tion grid), select it, and click Add, then
source was specified for it. Open the Proper- name. Apply.
ties dialog box, click on the Base Heights 2. Click on the Raster Resolution button. In
tab, and click on the radio button to Obtain Adding a Geology Grid the Raster Surface Resolution dialog box
heights for layer from surface. Click on the Add Data button and go to the Cellsize X and Cellsize Y are already
PLACITA2/GRDFiles/UTM27Z13 and select set to 10 meters. Click Cancel.
and add placgeo1.lyr to the map. This layer 3. In the Z Unit Conversion section, click
file stores enhancements such as color ramp- the drop-down box and change Custom
to Feet to Meters. Changing the z units is
very important.
4. Click the Symbology tab. The prebuilt
geologic color legend for this layer con-
forms closely to the symbology used by
the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and
Geology for this area.
5. Click on the Rendering tab and verify that
In the Properties the box next to Shade Areal Features Rel-
dialog box, click the ative to Scene’s Light Position is checked.
Symbology tab, click Under the Optimize section use the High
on the drop-down setting if your system is robust.
box next to Color 6. Click the General tab and click OK to
Ramp, and pick an apply these changes. Wait momentarily
appropriate color while the geology renders and displays.
ramp. Choose brown Turn off the plac10f2 and save the project
for lowlands and now.
green for highlands.
Adding Faults and Mineral Occurrences
With a bedrock geology base, two dimensional
ing and symbology in the placgeo1 grid. After vector data can be added to the model. The three-
adding placgeo1.lyr to the map, a red exclama- dimensional data can be used to position the
tion point will probably appear in the table of vector data in space. Several other shapefiles,
contents. The layer must reference the original shown in Table 1, are included with the sample
data source. The red exclamation point indi- dataset, but this exercise will use only the fault
cates the link to the data source needs updat- lines and mineral information shapefiles.
ing. Right-click on the layer and choose Prop- Click the Add Data button and navigate to
Table 1
Desription Source
placflt1.shp Fault Lines NM Bureau of Mines and Geology
placgnis.shp Geographic Names Points USGS GNIS
plachyfl.shp 1:100,000 Hydrography Lines USGS EROS Data Site
placmils.shp Mineral Information Location System Points U.S. Bureau of Mines/USGS
placplfl.shp 1:100,000 Public Land Survey System Lines USGS EROS Data Site
placpnt1.shp Structural Geology Points NM Bureau of Mines and Geology
placrdfl.shp 1:100,000 Transportation Lines USGS EROS Data Site