Instrs DamAssess HECRAS 5.0 2016-10-03x
Instrs DamAssess HECRAS 5.0 2016-10-03x
Instrs DamAssess HECRAS 5.0 2016-10-03x
Flood Breach Analysis
Using ArcMap &
Jacob Dieguez, Ralph Smith, NRCS
Step‐by‐step instructions to perform a flood analysis using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0
October 2016
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By: Jacob Dieguez, Ralph Smith
Nashville, TN
Email: [email protected]
Edits by: Ralph Smith, TN NRCS
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 2
This document provides guidance on preparing and running a dam breach model. The outlined procedures
also provide users with a step‐by‐step process for creating inundation maps based on these models. While
the example is unique, the guidance and explanations found in the following pages are based on
information provided by the US Army Corps of Engineers in their user’s manuals: “HEC‐RAS ‐ River Analysis
System: 2D Modeling User’s Manual” (April 2015), “Combined 1D and 2D Modeling with HEC‐RAS”
(October 2014) and the DNR document “A Method Using ArcMap to Create a Hydrologically – conditioned
Digital Elevation Model” (February 2010).
ArcMap .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Setting up ArcMap ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Adding elevation data to ArcMap .............................................................................................................. 7
Determining which elevation files to add to ArcMap ............................................................................ 7
10‐M DEM ............................................................................................................................................. 8
LiDAR ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Creating a mosaicked raster DEM ........................................................................................................... 12
Developing a hydrologically‐conditioned DEM ........................................................................................ 16
HEC‐RAS ...................................................................................................................................................... 30
Creating a new HEC‐RAS file .................................................................................................................... 30
Adding new terrain data .......................................................................................................................... 31
Creating a 2D Flow Area .......................................................................................................................... 35
Adding boundary condition lines ............................................................................................................. 42
Adding breaklines to the 2D Flow Area ................................................................................................... 44
Adding weir characteristics to an internal connection ............................................................................ 46
Adding National Land Cover Dataset layer as Land Cover ....................................................................... 50
Creating an unsteady flow file ................................................................................................................. 56
Running an unsteady flow model ............................................................................................................ 58
Viewing unsteady flow results ................................................................................................................. 62
Importing results to ArcMap ................................................................................................................... 63
Appendix A – Adding National Land Cover Dataset layer as Land Cover ..................................................... 66
Appendix B – Manning’s n‐values ................................................................................................................ 70
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 3
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Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 4
Setting up ArcMap
The steps below are used to set up an ArcMap document to prepare and ultimately export digital elevation
information to HEC‐RAS.
1. Open ArcMap from either the All Programs menu or a shortcut on your Windows
2. Click Customize ‐> Extensions.
Figure 1 ‐ Open the Extensions window
3. Make sure that both 3D Analyst and Spatial Analyst are checked. Click Close.
Figure 2 ‐ Extensions window
4. Before adding data into the data frame:
a. If not already open, turn on the Table of Contents window by clicking Windows and the
Table of Contents icon .
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 5
b. Set the spatial reference for the frame by right‐clicking the date frame icon near the
top of the Table of Contents window and clicking Properties .
c. In the Data Frame Properties window, click the Coordinate System tab
d. Expand the folder entitled Projected Coordinate System. Scroll to and expand the State
Plane folder. Find the folder entitled NAD 1983 (US Feet).
Figure 3 ‐ Coordinate System properties window
e. Expand this folder and click the state plane coordinate system for Tennessee: NAD 1983
StatePlane Tennessee FIPS 4100 (US Feet).
Figure 4 ‐ Tennessee State Plane coordinate system
f. Click Apply and OK.
5. Save the blank ArcMap document to the 07_GIS subfolder under the proper dam assessment folder
on the Nashville shared drive. Choose a filename that can be easily identified (e.g.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 6
6. Next, add orthographic imagery and the dam site location shapefile (e.g.
2014_DamRehab_Sites.shp) to the blank map. Files can be found in the GIS_Data_ForAllDams
7. Open the attribute table for the dam sites by right‐clicking the 2014_DamRehab_Sites layer in the
Table of Contents window and clicking Open Attributes Table.
8. In the table, find the dam you wish to locate:
a. Click the small grey box to the left of the first column. This should highlight the whole row.
b. Right‐click that same box and click Zoom to Selected. Once zoomed to the correct site, close
the attribute table.
1. Click this grey
box to select the
2. Right‐click this
same box to
Figure 5 ‐ Zoom to the dam location
9. Turn off (uncheck) the dam sites point file and save the file.
Adding elevation data to ArcMap
Raster digital elevation (DEM) files are often divided into smaller, manageable files defined by a surface
area (1000 m x 1000m) or governmental boundary (county lines, state lines). The following steps outline
how to compile and merge multiple digital elevation (DEM) tiles into a single raster file (a terrain file with
3D data).
Determining which elevation files to add to ArcMap
Engineering judgement will be needed to determine downstream breach wave analysis extents
(e.g. the area of interest (AOI)).
Generally, FEMA 100‐yr flood elevations (file path: S:\GIS_Data_ForAllDams\FEMA) can be used to
estimate the analysis boundary. The wave extent should be influenced by significant structures
(bridges, culverts) and population centers (farms, homes, businesses) that might be impacted
should a dam breach occur.
After the dam breach analyzer decides the extents of the breach area of interest, elevation
information covering the AOI will be added to and utilized in ArcMap.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 7
10‐M DEM
For sites with available 10‐meter digital elevation data:
1. In the ArcMap Catalog, click the Connect to Folder icon and map to the 2014 Dam Assessments
folder on the Nashville shared server (S:\ drive). Open this folder and expand the Assessments
2. Expand the respective dam site folder and expand the 07_GIS sub‐folder.
3. Open the DEM folder. The DEM filename references county Federal Information Processing
Standard (FIPS) codes. Note that the filename may not share the same FIPS code as that of the
current county since some DEM data crosses county boundaries. If more than one file is present,
determine which file to use.
4. Click and drag the file into the data frame.
For sites with available LiDAR coverage:
1. To determine which LiDAR files will be added to ArcMap, a shape file that shows the LiDAR coverage
areas (extents) will be added to ArcMap.
2. In the ArcMap Catalog, click the Connect to Folder icon and map to the 2014 Dam Assessments
folder on the Nashville shared server (S:\ drive). Open this folder and expand the
GIS_Data_ForAllDams folder.
3. Expand the Lidar folder and expand the TileGrids sub‐folder. Each folder within this TileGrids folder
contains grid shapefiles illustrating the LiDAR extents for various projects and counties in
Tennessee. For this example select the West_TN_Project_ 2011_2012 folder.
4. Click and drag the tile grid (ex. TN_Project_TileGrid.shp) into the data frame.
Each grid
represents a
single tile of
LiDAR d t
Figure 6 ‐ Adding LiDAR tiles to ArcMap
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 8
5. The layer will be added and displayed in the data frame. Most likely, the layer will be added with
opaque, filled tiles. While users can use their own preferred methods in identifying LiDAR tiles, an
easy method is to “hollow” the features and turn on the tile labels.
a. Click the rectangle feature under the tile layer title in the Table of Contents window. In the
Symbol Selector window, click the Hollow option under the ESRI style list.
b. In this same window, click the Outline Color selection box and select a bright color that
contrasts the orthographic imagery (e.g. Sodalite Blue).
c. Click OK.
Figure 7 ‐ Editing shapefile feature properties
d. Right‐click the tile grid layer in the Table of Contents ‐> Properties. Click the Labels tab and
ensure the Label Field is set with the attribute column corresponding to the file or tile
names. If unsure, open the attribute table to verify. The following example uses TileName.
Users can edit the label properties by clicking Symbol.
e. Click OK.
Figure 8 ‐ Select the field corresponding to the tile name field in the attribute table
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 9
f. Right‐click the tile grid layer in the Table of Contents and click Label Features. The individual
tile labels will now be shown in the data frame. These labels correspond to individual LiDAR
DEM (digital elevation model) files
Figure 9 ‐ “Hollowed” and labeled LiDAR tile grids and corresponding file name(s) listed in ArcCatalog
6. The dam breach analyzer should determine which raster tiles cover the potential breach path
below the dam of interest. The selected tiles should fully encompass the potential inundation area
below the dam. It is better to be overly conservative than to not capture enough area. If the
analyzer does not capture enough elevation data, it may be necessary to repeat the elevation data
organization processes. Figure 10 shows the flowpath and crossings of concern downstream of
North Fork Forked Deer River Dam No. 27. The outlined tiles will be selected and mosaicked into a
new raster file.
7. After determining the DEM tiles to include, browse to the GIS folder
(S:\2014_Dam_Assessments\Assessments\[dam assessment site]\07_GIS) in the Catalog window.
Expand the LiDAR folder and find the DEM files with names matching those of the selected tiles.
They will be listed in alphabetical order. (See Figures 11, 12.)
8. Click and drag the files into the data frame. Once the DEM layers are added to the map, the tile grid
can be turned off.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 10
Crossing No. 2
NFFD No. 27
Crossing No. 1
Figure 10 – Outline of DEM tiles to mosaic
Figure 11 ‐ Adding LiDAR data to ArcMap
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 11
Figure 12 ‐ Individual DEM tiles added to data frame
Creating a mosaicked raster DEM
To mosaic (combine) these individual files into a single raster file:
1. Under the ArcToolbox window, expand the following tool path: Data Management Tools, Raster,
Raster Dataset, and double‐click Mosaic To New Raster. The Mosaic To New Raster window will
2. In this window the user will add the individual DEM files to merge, define an output location and
filename for the mosaicked raster and specify other properties.
a. While holding Ctrl, click each of the DEM tiles in the ArcMap Table of Contents. Once they
are all selected, drag them to the “Input Rasters” box.
b. Define an output location in the “Output Location” box. Generally this should be defined
as the same folder in which the ArcMap document is saved (e.g. 07_GIS).
c. Define the filename (without extension) in the “Raster Dataset Name with Extension” box.
(Note that this filename can be no longer than 13 characters.)
d. Define the spatial reference as NAD 1983 StatePlane Tennessee FIPS 4100 (US Feet) in the
“Spatial Reference for Raster” box.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 12
e. Check the source DEM properties and set the pixel type to match that of the source.
Figure 13 ‐ Check the pixel format of the DEM file
f. Enter “1” in the “Number of Bands” box.
g. Click OK. The mosaicking process will proceed and, if successful, the new DEM will be added
to the data frame. This will take a minute or two to complete.
Figure 14 ‐ Populated “Mosaic to New Raster” window
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 13
Figure 15 ‐ Mosaicked DEM layer added to data frame
3. If the individual raster files were developed with units of meters, this new raster dataset will also
be in meters and must be converted to feet for use in HEC‐RAS. Raster files are made of up of
individual cells that are assigned a z‐value or elevation. To convert the file from meters to feet,
users must multiply each of these cells by a factor of 3.280833 (1m = 3.280833 US ft.).
a. In ArcToolbox, expand 3D Analyst Tools and Raster Math. Double‐click Times.
b. The “Times” window will open. In this window users will define the raster layer that they
want to convert/scale and will specify the factor by which they want to multiply.
i. In the first input box, select the newly mosaicked raster file from the drop‐down
ii. In the second input box, enter “3.280833”.
iii. Define the output location and filename for the multiplied raster file.
iv. Click OK. The factored raster file will be added to the data frame.
Figure 16 ‐ “Times” window with populated input boxes
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 14
Figure 17 ‐ Raster files in meters (bottom) versus feet (top)
4. Remove the original raster dataset (in meters) in addition to the individual DEM tile raster layers
from the map. Removing these files will help reduce file clutter and possible confusion in later
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 15
Developing a hydrologically‐conditioned DEM
To help and condition the raster terrain for use in HEC‐RAS, it is good practice to remove any road‐crossings
or bridges that may be modeled as dams or weirs in a HEC‐RAS unsteady flow model.
Figure 18 ‐ Unconditioned terrain showing a bridge that will be removed through hydrologic conditioning.
The steps below will demonstrate the removal of several unenforced bridge/culverts from a terrain. The
analyzer should scan the floodway and locate these impasses before starting the enforcement procedures.
Figure 19 ‐ Several locations for hydro‐enforcement are identified in the floodway.
Create a point shapefiles at each bridge/culvert location that will be removed.
1. Zoom in closely to the area that will be hydro enforced.
Figure 20 ‐ Zoom in to crossing areas
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 16
1. Activate the Raster to Point tool (ArcToolbox ‐> Conversion Tools ‐> From Raster ‐> Raster to
Figure 21 ‐ Raster to Point tool
2. Set the input raster to the surface where the bridge/culvert is located. Set the output location
and filename to the desired location and name.
Figure 22 ‐ Raster to Point Input raster and output filename
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 17
3. Set the “Processing Extents” to “Same as Display” (found under the “Environments” button).
Figure 23‐ Raster to Point Environment Settings
4. The completed process will result in a shapefile of points.
Figure 24 ‐ Raster to Point results
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 18
5. Repeat step 1. for each crossing that will be enforced within the existing terrain. The analyzer
should use a sequential naming convention for each area.
Figure 25 ‐ Raster to Point results for a terrain
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 19
Create a flow line to represent the flow through each bridge/culvert.
6. Create a new line shapefile to represent the channel locations that must be enforced.
a. In Catalog, find a folder in which to save this shapefile. Right‐click the folder name.
b. Hover the mouse cursor over New and click Shapefile… from the fly‐out menu.
Figure 26 ‐ Create a new line shapefile
i. Name: {enter a name for the shapefile}
ii. Feature Type: Polyline
iii. Spatial Reference: click Edit ‐> NAD 1983 StatePlane Tennessee FIPS 4100 (US
Feet) ‐> OK
iv. Show Details: {leave unchecked}
v. Coordinates will contain M values. Used to store route data: {leave unchecked}
vi. Coordinates will contain Z values. Used to store 3D data: {leave unchecked}
vii. Click OK.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 20
Figure 27 ‐ New shapefile properties
7. Verify that a feature template is assigned to the polyline shapefile.
c. Right‐click the shapefile in the Table of Contents.
d. Hover the mouse cursor over Edit Features and click Organize Feature Templates… in the
fly‐out window. The Organize Feature Templates window will open.
Figure 28 ‐ Organize Feature Templates option
e. In the Layers column, click the polyline layer name. If the template table says: “There are
no templates to show,” a new shapefile template will be required.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 21
Figure 29 ‐ A new feature template is required
f. With the layer still selected, click the New Template icon . The Create
New Templates Wizard will open.
g. Verify that the shapefile layer selected previously has a check by it. Click Finish.
Figure 30 ‐ Create New Templates Wizard
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 22
h. A new template should now be assigned to the layer in the Organize Feature Templates
window. Click Close.
Figure 31 ‐ Newly assigned feature template
8. Start an editing session and add lines in the channel that start upstream of the crossing to be
removed and end downstream of the crossing.
i. Right‐click the layer in the Table of Contents ‐> Edit Features ‐> Start Editing.
j. In the Create Features window, verify that the proper layer is selected.
k. In the Construction Tools window, click the Line.
Figure 32 ‐ Shapefile editing tools
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 23
l. Hover the mouse cursor in the data frame and click to add line vertex points along the
centerline of the channel section to be enforced. Start upstream of the crossing and end
downstream of it.
Figure 33 ‐ Add channel enforcement lines
m. Repeat step I for each crossing that will be enforced in the terrain.
Figure 34 ‐ Channel enforcement lines for the entire raster
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 24
n. Save and stop the editing session.
Figure 35 ‐ Save edits before stopping the editing session
Create a new raster (DEM) for each bridge/culvert location.
9. Create a new hydrologically‐conditioned raster (DEM) for each identified bridge/culvert location
by using the Topo to Raster tool.
Tool path: ArcToolbox ‐> 3D Analyst Tools ‐> Raster Interpolation ‐> Topo to Raster
a. Input feature data: {select the raster points file and the channel break shapefile}
i. In the Field column, select GRID_CODE for the point layer.
ii. In the Type column, select PointElevation for the point layer and Stream for the
break‐line layer.
Figure 36 ‐ Edit input feature layer properties
b. Output surface raster: {user defined output folder and filename}
Figure 37‐ Edit input Output surface raster
c. Output cell size (optional): {user defined cell size, match original DEM resolution, view
source properties of}
Figure 38‐ Edit Output cell size
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 25
d. Output extent (optional): {match the raster points file layer}
Figure 39 ‐ Edit Output extent
e. Margins in cells (optional): {leave as 20}
f. Smallest z value to be used in interpolation (optional): {leave empty}
g. Largest z value to be used in interpolation (optional): {leave empty}
h. Drainage enforcement (optional): ENFORCE
i. Primary type of input data (optional): SPOT
j. Maximum number of iterations (optional): 40 {suggested}
k. Roughness penalty (optional): 0.5 {suggested}
l. Profile curvature roughness penalty (optional): {default}
m. Discretisation error factor (optional): 1 {suggested}
n. Vertical standard error (optional): {default}
o. Tolerance 1 (optional): 0 {suggested}
p. Tolerance 2 (optional): 200 {suggested}
q. Optional outputs: {default}
r. Click OK.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 26
Figure 40 ‐ Topo to Raster tool
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 27
10. Repeat step 9, for each bridge/culvert area.
Merge the hydrologically‐conditioned rasters and the original raster to create a new combined raster.
11. Activate the Mosaic to New Raster tool (ArcToolbox ‐> Data Management Tools ‐> Raster ‐>
Raster Dataset ‐> Mosaic to New Raster) – selecting all of the enforcement areas and the original
DEM raster.
Figure 41 ‐ Mosaic to New Raster tool
12. Under Mosaic Operator, set a priority setting for overlapping regions. Note that the mosaicking
tool will merge the listed raster files starting from the top and working down. Set the operator to
a. First – for overlapping areas, the tool will give precedence to the first or “top‐most” listed
b. Last – for overlapping areas, the tool will give precedence to the last or “bottom‐most”
listed raster.
c. Minimum – for overlapping cells, the tool will use the cell with the smallest value.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 28
13. This new, hydrologically‐conditioned digital elevation model can be used in HEC‐RAS to develop a
terrain for a 2D unsteady flow analysis.
Figure 42 ‐ Hydrologically‐conditioned DEM
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 29
HEC‐RAS (5.0 Beta) is a modeling system containing both one‐dimensional and two‐dimensional river
analysis components. This system can compute and simulate: (1) steady flow water surface profiles, (2) 1D
and 2D unsteady flow, (3) movable boundary sediment transport, and (4) water temperature and
constituent transport analysis. As stated in the introduction to the HEC‐RAS manual, the “key element is
that all four components use a common geometric data representation and common geometric and
hydraulic computation routines” (Brunner, 2015). Users will be utilizing digital terrain elevation data to
model unsteady breach flow below the dam of consideration.
Creating a new HEC‐RAS file
1. Open HEC‐RAS 5.0 .
2. A window showing an empty HEC‐RAS home screen should appear.
Figure 43 ‐ HEC‐RAS main screen without any saved data
3. Click File ‐> New Project.
4. In the New Project window, browse to an output directory (right sub‐window) and define a
descriptive project title and a file name (sub‐window). Note that the project file name will be used
in all of the sub‐files (e.g. plan, geometry, steady flow, unsteady flow). Make sure to save the
project under the correct dam assessment folder in the 09_HEC_RAS folder.
5. Click OK.
Figure 44 ‐ HEC‐RAS "New Project" window
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 30
6. A verification window will appear indicating that a new project is about to be created.
7. Click OK.
Figure 45 ‐ Verify the filename and location for new HEC‐RAS project
Adding new terrain data
1. In the main HEC‐RAS menu, click GIS Tools ‐> RAS Mapper . The blank RAS Mapper window
will open.
2. Next set the projection of your RAS Mapper environment. Click Tools ‐> Set Projection for Project…
The Spatial Reference Projection File window will open.
Figure 46 ‐ Spatial Reference Projection File window
a. Click the “browse” button and find the Tennessee State Plane projection file:
NAD 1983 StatePlane Tennessee FIPS 4100 (US Feet).prj
File path: S:\NRCS\Engineering\2014_Dam_Assessments\GIS_Data_ForAllDams\CoordinateSystems
b. Click Open.
c. Verify that the defined projection appears to be correct and click OK.
Figure 47 ‐ Defined projection file
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 31
3. In the RAS Mapper window, click Tools ‐> New Terrain … The New Terrain Layer creator window
will open.
Figure 48 ‐ New Terrain Layer window
a. Reference the conditioned floodplain raster created in ArcMap (see Creating a mosaicked
raster DEM). Click the button to open the Browse for Terrain raster files window. Find
the appropriate raster folder. A raster file is made up of multiple sub‐files of which only
one is required in creating a new terrain. Open the raster folder and select the file titled
Figure 49 ‐ Find and select an existing hdr.adf raster file
b. Click Open.
c. In the New Terrain Layer window, verify that the cell size listed matches the raster DEM
resolution (e.g. 10 for 10m, 3.808333’x3.808333’ for 1‐m LiDAR).
d. Under the “Output Terrain File” section, do not adjust the Rounding (Precision):. Click the
browse folder icon and set a new terrain file path location and filename if so desired.
e. Click Create.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 32
Figure 50 ‐ New Terrain Layer window (filled)
f. The RAS Mapper computation progress window will appear. Upon a (successful) terrain
creation, the bottom line should read: “Terrain Complete”.
Figure 51 ‐ RAS Mapper computation progress window
g. Click Close.
4. The new terrain should appear in the RAS Mapper window. If it does not, right‐click the new terrain
layer and click Zoom to Layer.
Figure 52 ‐ Zoom to Layer to center terrain layer
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 33
Figure 53 ‐ RAS Mapper with newly created terrain layer
5. Online aerial imagery is available to add as a map layer within RAS Mapper.
a. Right‐click the Map Layers heading and click Add Web Imagery layer…
Figure 54 ‐ Add Web Imagery layer...
b. The GDALWMS window will open and list available online web imagery servers. Browse to
and select a desired layer.
Figure 55 ‐ Available web imagery servers
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 34
c. Click OK.
d. If the map layer does not appear automatically, the user may need to click/check the Map
Layers box.
6. Close RAS Mapper and return to the main HEC‐RAS menu.
Creating a 2D Flow Area
1. In the main HEC‐RAS menu, click Edit and click Geometric Data . The Geometric Data editor
window will open.
2. Before adding data, save a new geometry file. Click File ‐> Save Geometry Data As … The Save
Geometry Data As window will appear.
3. Enter a descriptive title (for user purposes).
4. Click OK.
Figure 56 ‐ Save Geometry Data As window
5. Once the geometry file is saved, associate the geometry with the terrain layer.
a. Close the Geometric Data Editor.
b. Open the RAS Mapper window and find the newly added geometry layer.
c. Right‐click the layer name and click Associate Terrain Layer … The message window will
indicate that the “Geometry ‘___’ association was set to the one terrain available (___).”
Figure 57 ‐ Associate the terrain and geometry layers
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 35
d. Close the Manage Geometry Associations pop‐up window.
e. Open to the Geometric Data Editor and notice the zoom extents have seemed to change
as indicated by the overview box shown in the top left corner.
Figure 58 ‐The Geometric Editor zoom extents have changed
f. Right‐click in the editing space and click Full Plot.
Figure 59 ‐ Zoom to the full terrain extents
a. The background terrain imagery should now appear. Save the geometry data.
Figure 60 ‐ Geometric Data editor with terrain imagery
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 36
b. The associated terrain and any added map layers are referenced from RAS Mapper and
reflected into the geometric editor window.
i. Click the Background Picture or Schematic icon .
ii. Turn layers on or off by checking or unchecking the name boxes.
Figure 61 ‐ Background Picture or Schematic window
6. On the top Tools toolbar, click the 2D Flow Area icon .
Figure 62 ‐ Geometric Data Tools toolbar
a. Hover the mouse back in the editor window and click to add points outlining the area in
which to model the dam breach and subsequent flood wave progression downstream.
When drawing, use the mouse scroller‐ball to zoom in and out and hold shift to pan in any
direction. To re‐center the drawing, right‐click once. Be sure to include possible side
channels and floodplain “fingers” that could potentially be impacted by flow from the flood
b. Double‐click to finish the shape.
Figure 63 ‐ Drawing a 2D flow area. *Note: shape outlined for visual purposes.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 37
c. Enter a name for the 2D Flow Area
d. Click OK.
Figure 64 ‐ Name the 2D Flow Area
7. The shape should now be outlined in a bright blue and noted with a translucent title inside the
Figure 65 ‐ Geometric Data editor with a complete 2D Flow Area shape included
8. Note that the tools listed under the Edit tab can be used to edit any shape or object in the geometric
editor. To activate a tool, click it once to turn it on.
Figure 66 ‐ Click to turn on a geometry editor tool
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 38
9. Any editable features and nodes will now be highlighted in the geometric editor window. Click (and
drag if appropriate) to add, delete, and/or move nodes.
Figure 67 ‐ Editing a shape in the Geometric Data window
10. When finished editing, return to the Edit tab and click the current tool to de‐activate it.
Figure 68 ‐ Click to remove the check and de‐activate the tool
11. Save the geometry file.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 39
12. On the side Editor toolbar (Figure 37), click the 2D Flow Area icon . The 2D Flow
Areas property menu will appear.
a. Set a user‐defined Manning’s n‐value. This value will be used as a base value for
an area undefined in the Land Cover layer (see Adding National Land Cover
Dataset layer as Land Cover).
Figure 69 ‐ Editing the 2D Flow Area properties
b. Click Generate Computation Points on Regular Interval with All Breaklines. . .
c. Define the horizontal and vertical cell‐spacing values in the Spacing DX and
Spacing DY boxes.
Figure 70 ‐
Geometric Data
Editors toolbar
Figure 71 ‐ Define a 2D mesh cell size
d. Click Generate Points in 2D Flow Area.
e. Verify that the mesh/cell number listed under “2D Flow Area Computation Points” has
updated and click OK.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 40
13. The 2D mesh is now complete and should be visible in the geometric editor window. Note any
error messages and red dots as they indicate errors in the mesh. A message at the bottom of the
Geometric Data window will indicate if errors are detected with the mesh.
Figure 72 ‐ Red dots indicate an error within the mesh cells
a. The user may need to add or remove data points using the Edit tab tools.
b. Click Add Points or Remove Points and use the tools as appropriate.
c. When finished, click the current tool (Add Points, Remove Points) again to turn it off.
d. The mesh will recalculate and any remaining errors will be noted.
e. Continue this process until all errors are addressed.
14. Save the geometry data file.
Figure 73 ‐ Geometric Data window with completed 2D mesh
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 41
Adding boundary condition lines
1. Under the Tools toolbar, click the SA/2D Area BC Lines icon . Start by outlining the upstream
boundary condition.
a. Hover the mouse back in the editor window along the toe of the dam. Click to add points
– following the general shape of the 2D mesh at that location.
Figure 74 ‐ Draw the upstream boundary condition line
b. Double‐click to finish the shape.
c. Enter a name for the boundary condition
Figure 75 ‐ Enter a name of the upstream boundary condition line
d. Click OK.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 42
2. Repeat these steps along the downstream edge(s) of the flow mesh. This boundary condition line
is generally drawn along the edge of the 2D mesh where a majority of the breach flow will be
directed (i.e. the downstream edge of the mesh crossing the prominent floodplain).
Figure 76 – Draw the downstream boundary condition line
Figure 77 ‐ Enter a name of the downstream boundary condition line
3. The completed boundary condition lines should appear as thick dark lines along the edge(s) of
the 2D flow area accompanied by a translucent title.
Figure 78 ‐ Geometric Data window with completed 2D mesh and BC lines
4. Save the geometry file.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 43
Adding breaklines to the 2D Flow Area
Breaklines can be used in HEC‐RAS 5.0 to model roadways, levees, weirs, or anything else that may serve
as an impedance to water flowing through the model at a higher level of detail. Breaklines allow the
modeler to define a smaller mesh size and assign weir flow characteristics along a linear section.
1. Under the Tools toolbar, click the 2D Area BreakLines icon .
a. Hover the mouse back in the editor window along centerline of the area of the area of
consideration. Click to add points.
Figure 79 ‐ Creating a breakline in a 2D mesh
b. Double‐click to finish the shape.
c. Enter a name for the new break line.
Figure 80 ‐ Name the breakline
d. Click OK.
e. A thin grey line will appear. Click the line to edit the breakline attributes.
Figure 81 ‐ Click the breakline to edit attributes
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 44
f. Click Edit Break Line Cell Spacing … The Enter Breakline Cell Spacing window will open.
i. Enter a minimum cell spacing in Minimum (blank for mesh spacing). This value is
optional but should not be less than ½ of the nominal mesh spacing defined in the
2D Flow Area.
ii. Enter a maximum cell spacing in Maximum (blank for mesh spacing).
Figure 82 ‐ Entering breakline cell spacing data.
Note: the nominal cell spacing in this example was 50'x50'
iii. Click OK.
g. Once again, click the breakline in the geometric editor window.
h. Click Enforce Breakline in 2D Flow Area ‘___’.
i. The mesh will be re‐computed along the breakline to include the more detailed, smaller
sized cell mesh.
Figure 83 ‐ Example of an enforced breakline with a minimum cell mesh defined
2. Save the geometry file.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 45
Adding weir characteristics to an internal connection
1. Next, create an internal connection from the defined breakline.
a. Click the breakline.
b. Click Create new Internal Connection from this breakline.
Figure 84 ‐ Create new Internal Connection with this breakline...
2. Enter a name for the new internal connection.
Figure 85 ‐ Enter a name for the internal connection.
3. Click OK.
4. Although it will seem as though nothing has happened, a new connection has been made. As
earlier, click in the general location of the breakline. The menu options have changed as a new
internal connection has be created on top of the existing breakline.
Figure 86 ‐ Internal connection options menu
5. Click Edit Connection … The Connection Data Editor window will open.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 46
Figure 87 ‐ Connection Data Editor window
a. Click the Terrain Profile …button. The Centerline Terrain Profile window will appear.
Figure 88 ‐ Centerline Terrain Profile window
b. Click the Table tab.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 47
c. Click the grey box cornered between [Terrain Station (ft)] and [1] to select all data.
Figure 89 ‐ Copy the profile station/elevation data
d. Type “Ctrl” + “C” to copy the data.
e. Returning to the Connection Data Editor window, select “Weir” from the drop‐down
Structure Type: menu if it is not selected be default.
f. Click the Weir/Embankment icon .
i. By Weir Width, enter the weir/road width (ft).
ii. By Weir Coefficient (Cd), enter a reasonable weir coefficient (e.g. 0.5)
iii. By Weir Crest Shape:, verify that Broad Crested is selected.
iv. In the Embankment Station/Elevation Table, select the top‐left grey box (as
before) to select the entire table. Type “Ctrl” + “V” to paste the profile data into
the table.
1. Use the Filter. . . button to reduce the total number of data points to 500
or less.
Figure 90 ‐ Filter data points to 500 or less
2. Click OK.
3. Verify the Comparison of original vs filtered weir line window. If it all
appears to be in order, click the X (close window) button.
4. The question will appear, “Do you want to keep the filtered line?” Click
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 48
Figure 91 ‐ Filtered line verification question
g. Click OK.
h. The terrain profile should now look like a solid gray structure and the plan view
(Geometric Data window) should now look like a thick, grey line.
Figure 92 ‐ Updated weir connection
i. Click the Hydraulic Property Tables (HTab) icon . The Parameter for Hydraulic
Property Tables window should appear.
Figure 93 ‐ HTab window
i. Number of points on free flow curve: 50
ii. Number of submerged curves: 50
iii. Number of points on each submerged curves: 20
iv. Head water maximum elevation: {type an estimated maximum water elevation –
the highest elevation that the breach wave could reach over the culvert. For a
proper model, this value should be at or higher than the maximum energy grad
line (EGL). After running the model, the analyzer may need to adjust this value.}
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 49
v. Tail water maximum elevation (Optional): {leave blank}
vi. Maximum Flow (Recommended): {type the maximum discharge listed in the
breach hydrograph.}
vii. Click OK.
j. Change the Overflow Computation Method from Use Weir Equation to Normal 2D
Equation Domain if flow depths greater than 1’ is expected at the weir structure.
Figure 94 ‐ Change the Overflow Computation Method
k. Close the Connection Data Editor.
6. Save the geometry file.
Adding National Land Cover Dataset layer as Land Cover
Import National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) data and assign Manning’s n‐values in RAS Mapper. See
Appendix A – Adding National Land Cover Dataset layer as Land Cover for more detail on importing NLCD
1. In Arcmap, prepare the data for the specific floodway to be analyzed by adding the Tennessee
NLCD shapefile to the project map (The file is located in the folder: GIS_Data_ForAlDams > Land
Figure 95 ‐ Add the NLCD Tennessee shapefile
2. Zoom to the floodway terrain layer.
Figure 96 ‐ Zoom to the floodway
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 50
Figure 97 ‐ NLCD shapefile and the floodway terrain
3. In the Table of Contents, right click on the nlcd_tn_stpl shapefile and click Data > Export Data
Figure 98 ‐ Exporting NLCD data
4. In the Export Data window, from the Export drop down select, All features In View Extent
Figure 99 ‐ Export NLCD data
a. Use the same coordinate system as: this layer’s source data
b. Output feature class: Browse and select a folder location and add an appropriate file
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 51
5. Add the shapefile to the project map, and verify that the data has been “clipped” to near the
Figure 100 ‐ NLCD data trimmed to floodway
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 52
6. In HEC‐RAS, add the floodway specific NLCD shapefile to RAS Mapper
as a new land cover layer:
Tool path: Tools ‐> New Land Cover …
a. Import Extents: {select Terrains}
b. Click the “+” button:
i. Browse to the GIS_Data_ForAllDams folder and select
the NLCD shapefile (.shp)
ii. Click Open. Figure 101 ‐ New Land Cover
c. Name Field: select GRIDCODE from drop‐down menu.
d. Naming Std.: select NLCD 2011 from drop‐down menu.
e. Output File/Mann. N: {enter user‐defined Manning’s n‐values based on TR‐55. Note that
the “NoData” cells will require a Manning’s n‐value. See step (4) in this section.}
f. Filename: {user defined output folder and filename}
g. Click Create.
Figure 102 ‐ Completed Land Cover Layer input screen
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 53
7. A computation progress window will appear and should indicate a successful import process
when finished. Click Close.
Figure 103 ‐ Notification of successful land cover layer import
8. Make sure that the land cover is associated with the geometry layer:
a. Right‐click the geometry layer name in RAS Mapper.
Figure 104 ‐ Geometry layer options menu
b. From the drop‐down menu, click Associate Terrain Layer …
c. Verify the associated land cover.
Figure 105 ‐ The new land cover layer is successfully associated
d. Click Close.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 54
9. A Manning’s n‐value is required for the NoData cells in the land cover:
a. Open the Geometry Data Editor.
b. Click Tables.
c. Click Manning’s n by Land Cover … (Note that this table can also be opened in the 2D
Flow Areas editor by clicking the Edit Land Cover to Manning’s n. . . button.)
d. Add a Base value for the NoData land cover line item.
Figure 106 ‐ Add a manning value for no‐data cells
a. Make any other necessary adjustments.
b. Click OK.
c. Save the geometry data file.
10. Close the Geometric Data Editor.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 55
Creating an unsteady flow file
1. In the main HEC‐RAS menu, click Edit ‐> Unsteady Flow Data … . The blank Unsteady Flow Data
window will open.
Figure 107 ‐ Unsteady Flow Data editor
2. Click the empty, grey Boundary Condition box next to the upstream boundary condition line listed
under Storage/2D Flow Areas.
a. Under Boundary Condition Types, click Flow Hydrograph.
i. Click the drop‐down menu for Data time interval: and click 6 Minute.
ii. Leave the Data’s Starting Time Reference set to Use Simulation Time:
Figure 108 ‐ Flow Hydrograph options
iii. Copy the breach outflow data calculated using the TR‐66 spreadsheet into the
Flow (cfs) column of the Flow Hydrograph table.
iv. If more hydrograph time interval are needed, click the No. Ordinates button to
add more time steps.
v. For Min Flow:, enter a low normal flow value (e.g. 10 cfs, 25 cfs, 50 cfs).
vi. For EG Slope for distributing flow along BC Line:, enter 0.01
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 56
Figure 109 ‐ Add TR‐66 breach hydrograph data to the upstream boundary condition
vii. To provide some “dead” time before the breach wave impacts the model,
provide at least 30 minutes of ramp time before the peak discharge value.
1. Click the first ordinate.
2. Click Ins Row multiple times until the peak flow is at simulation time is at
least at 00:30.
3. Enter flow values for times 00:00 to 00:24 (dependent on the number of
rows inserted). These values can be low flow values or they may ramp up
to the peak.
Figure 110 ‐ Additional values inserted at the start of the hydrograph
b. Click OK.
3. Click the empty, grey Boundary Condition box next to the downstream boundary condition line
listed under Storage/2D Flow Areas.
a. Under Boundary Condition Types, click Normal Depth.
i. For Friction Slope:, calculate and enter the approximate slope of the outlet
section terrain (e.g. stream channel, lake bed, river bed, etc.)
b. Click OK.
Figure 111 ‐ Normal Depth boundary condition
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 57
c. When finished editing the upstream and downstream boundary conditions, save the
unsteady flow data.
i. Click File ‐> Save Unsteady Flow Data As …
ii. Enter a descriptive title that indicates the breach scenario (e.g. seismic, static,
and hydrologic).
Figure 112 ‐ Save the unsteady flow data
iii. Click OK.
d. Close the unsteady flow data screen.
Running an unsteady flow model
1. In the main HEC‐RAS menu, click Run ‐> Unsteady Flow Analysis… . The blank Unsteady Flow
Analysis window will open.
Figure 113 ‐ Default Unsteady Flow Analysis window
a. Verify that the listed Geometry File and Unsteady Flow File are correct.
Figure 114 ‐ Associated geometry and unsteady flow files.
b. Under Programs to Run, click/check: 1Geometry Preprocessor, 2Unsteady Flow Simulation,
Post Processor, and 4Floodplain Mapping.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 58
c. Under the Simulation Time Window, select a user‐defined starting and ending date
(DDMMMYYYY) and a starting and ending time (0000 hrs). Note that the time difference
between the starting and ending time may be shorter than the established hydrograph
but it cannot be any longer.
d. Under the Computation Settings, set the 1Computation Interval, 2Mapping Output
Interval, 3Hydrograph Output Interval, and the 4Detailed Output Interval.
i. Note that no interval may be smaller than the set Computation Interval. All other
intervals must also be a multiple of the Computation Interval.
ii. The Detailed Output Interval must be the same as or larger than the Hydrograph
Output Interval.
iii. A smaller Computation Interval (3sec – 10sec) generally provides a stable model
with low iterations and small errors when tied to 2D Flow Areas with cell spacing
values in the range of 25’ to 50’
iv. A Mapping Output Interval of 1 to 2 minutes provides a good visual
representation in RAS Mapper.
e. If running multiple unsteady flow analyses under the same HEC‐RAS file, be sure to
change the DSS Output Filename: for different runs.
2. After properly filling the Unsteady Flow Analysis window, save the plan.
a. Click File ‐> Save Plan As …
b. Enter a descriptive title that indicates the breach scenario (e.g. seismic, static, and
c. Click OK.
d. Enter a descriptive Short ID for the plan.
e. Click OK.
Figure 115 ‐ ID the unsteady flow analysis plan
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 59
Figure 116 ‐ Fully populated Unsteady Flow Analysis data screen
3. Edit the HEC‐RAS 2D computation options.
a. Click Options ‐> Calculation Options and Tolerances … The HEC‐RAS Unsteady
Computation Options and Tolerances window will appear.
b. Click the 2D Flow Options tab.
Figure 117 ‐ Edit HEC‐RAS unsteady flow analysis options
c. Under the file‐specific column (e.g. not the (Default) column):
i. (5) Equation Set: click the cell and select Full Momentum from the drop‐down list.
ii. (6) Initial Conditions Time (hrs): enter 2. (This option allows the minimum flow
defined in the upstream boundary condition hydrograph to run through the
system for a set amount of time before the breach hydrograph is applied.)
d. Click OK.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 60
Figure 118 ‐ Adjusted 2D computation options
4. Save the unsteady flow analysis file.
5. Before running the analysis, return to the HEC‐RAS main menu without closing the Unsteady Flow
Analysis window.
a. In the main HEC‐RAS menu, click GIS Tools ‐> RAS Mapper .
b. Under the appropriate geometry layer, right‐click 2D Flow Areas.
c. Click Compute 2D Flow Areas Hydraulic Tables.
Figure 119 ‐ Re‐compute all 2D Flow Areas hydraulic tables before running the unsteady flow model
d. Note that this step should be completed whenever any changes are made to the terrain or
land cover layers.
6. Return to the Unsteady Flow Analysis window and click Compute.
7. Examine and track progress in the HEC‐RAS Computation window during the computation to
identify errors or failures within the model.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 61
Figure 120 ‐ Completed HEC‐RAS unsteady flow analysis
8. When finished, click Close.
Viewing unsteady flow results
1. When the unsteady flow analysis has successfully completed, return to RAS Mapper. Note that
new layers have been added to the Results layer group. Click the check‐boxes to turn the layers
on and off
Figure 121 ‐ Unsteady flow analysis results in RAS Mapper
2. The toolbar along the top‐right edge of the display allows users to animate flow results.
Figure 122 ‐ RAS Mapper animation controls
a. After checking/turning on the Depth results layer, make sure that the drag‐box is pulled
all the way to the left.
b. Press the play icon to animate the breach. At any time during the breach
animation, the analyzer can pause the breach wave using the pause icon . When
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 62
paused, velocity vectors can be turned on with the velocity vector icon . The vector
properties can be edited by clicking the icon to open the Velocity Map Parameters
Figure 123 ‐ Velocity vectors at a defined time interval
c. Click the Max button to display the maximum breach extents.
d. Click the Min button to display the minimum breach extents.
Importing results to ArcMap
By default, HEC‐RAS 5.0 results layers are only visible and useable in HEC‐RAS since they are created and
stored in HEC‐RAS memory. The analyzer must manually create and update layers for use in ArcMap.
1. Right‐click the Results layer group header and click Manage Results Maps…
Figure 124 ‐ Open the Result Maps manager
2. If there is more than one unsteady flow analysis results stored in a single HEC‐RAS project file,
multiple results and maps will be shown. Find the plan results that are to be brought into ArcMap
and click Add New Map.
Figure 125 ‐ Add New Map layer to RAS Mapper
3. The Results Map Parameters window will open.
a. Click and select a map type, select an unsteady profile and select a stored map output
mode. Edit the layer name as desired. Click Add Map.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 63
b. A stored map output is an output file that can be used in programs outside of HEC‐RAS
(i.e. ArcMap). For the purposes of creating a general NRCS inundation map, the following
maps will be useful:
i. Map Type: Depth; Unsteady Profile: Maximum; Map Output Mode: Raster based
on Terrain: {user‐defined}
ii. Map Type: Inundation Boundary; Unsteady Profile: Maximum; Map Output Mode:
Polygon Boundary at Value: 0
Figure 126 ‐ Results Map Parameters options
4. The new map layer(s) will be added to the results list but will not yet be created. Click and
highlight the result layer and click Compute/Update Stored Maps. The map layers will process and
update. If the status reads, “Map files up to date,” the layers are ready to be used in ArcMap.
Note that stored map layers are indicated by a floppy disk.
Figure 127 ‐ The stored map layers must be updated before use
5. Close the Manage Results Maps window.
6. Verify that the new, stored map layers are listed and visible in RAS Mapper.
7. When satisfied with the results, the analyzer should open ArcMap and may close HEC‐RAS at this
Figure 128 ‐ Stored map layers present in RAS Mapper
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 64
8. In ArcMap:
Figure 129 ‐ Unsteady flow analysis results folder
i. The .vrt raster file represents the stored breach depth raster.
ii. The .shp polygonal shapefile represents the stored breach inundation area
d. Verify that these files are correctly projected (right‐click + Properties) and add them to
the data frame.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 65
Appendix A – Adding National Land Cover Dataset layer as Land Cover
1. Download the NLCD layer from USDA:NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway
a. Browse to the website:
b. Click the Get Data button.
Figure 130 ‐ Geospatial Data Gateway home screen
c. Under Where, select the state of interest.
d. Select the county or counties of interest and click the “>>” button.
e. Click Submit Selected Counties.
f. Under What, scroll to the Land Use Land Cover section.
Figure 131 ‐ Select the Land Use Land Cover dataset
g. Click to check the National Land Cover Dataset by State file and click Continue.
h. Under Delivery, select the Download radial and click Continue.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 66
i. Under Who, enter the required information and click Continue.
Figure 132 ‐ Delivery information and order placement
j. Under Review, select Place Order.
2. Extract .zip file and bring NLCD layer into ArcMap. Note that the layer will be a .tif (TIFF) raster
image projected in UTM.
Figure 133 ‐ National Land Cover Dataset for Tennessee
3. Zoom to use‐defined breach terrain extents and re‐project the
nlcd_tn_utm16.tif raster into State Plane (NAD 1983 US Feet):
Tool path: ArcToolbox ‐> Data Management Tools ‐> Projections and
Transformations ‐> Raster ‐> Project Raster
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 67
Figure 134 ‐ Project Raster tool
a. Input Raster: nlcd_tn_utm16.tif
b. Output Raster Dataset: {user defined output folder and filename.tif} (Be sure to define file
extension of .tif or .img.)
c. Output Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane Tennessee FIPS 4100 (US Feet)
d. Click Environments…
i. Click Processing Extent.
ii. Select Same as Display or the mosaicked raster terrain DEM.
iii. Click OK.
e. Click OK.
4. Convert the newly projected NLCD layer from a raster image to a shapefile (polygon):
Tool path: ArcToolbox ‐> Conversion Tools ‐> From Raster ‐> Raster to Polygon
Figure 135 ‐ Raster to Polygon tool
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 68
a. Input raster: {NLCD layer projected in State Plane}
b. Field: Value
c. Output polygon features: {user defined output folder and filename}
d. Click OK.
Figure 136 ‐ Output from Raster to Polygon tool
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 69
Appendix B – Manning’s n‐values
Value Mannings Definition
Barren Land (Rock/Sand/Clay) ‐ Barren areas of bedrock, desert pavement, scarps, talus, slides, volcanic
31 0.045 material, glacial debris, sand dunes, strip mines, gravel pits and other accumulations of earthen material.
Generally, vegetation accounts for less than 15% of total cover.
Cultivated Crops ‐ Areas used for the production of annual crops, such as corn, soybeans, vegetables, tobacco,
82 0.170 and cotton, and also perennial woody crops such as orchards and vineyards. Crop vegetation accounts for
greater than 20 percent of total vegetation. This class also includes all land being actively tilled.
Deciduous Forest ‐ Areas dominated by trees generally greater than 5 meters tall, and greater than 20% of
41 0.600 total vegetation cover. More than 75 percent of the tree species shed foliage simultaneously in response to
seasonal change.
Developed, High Intensity ‐ Includes highly developed areas where people reside or work in high numbers.
24 0.700 Examples include apartment complexes, row houses and commercial/industrial. Impervious surfaces account
for 80 to 100 percent of the total cover.
Developed, Low Intensity ‐Includes areas with a mixture of constructed materials and vegetation. Impervious
22 0.500 surfaces account for 20‐49 percent of total cover. These areas most commonly include single‐family housing
Developed, Medium Intensity ‐ Includes areas with a mixture of constructed materials and vegetation.
23 0.600 Impervious surfaces account for 50‐79 percent of the total cover. These areas most commonly include single‐
family housing units.
Developed, Open Space ‐ Includes areas with a mixture of some constructed materials, but mostly vegetation
in the form of lawn grasses. Impervious surfaces account for less than 20 percent of total cover. These areas
21 0.410
most commonly include large‐lot single‐family housing units, parks, golf courses, and vegetation planted in
developed settings for recreation, erosion control, or aesthetic purposes.
Dwarf Scrub ‐ Alaska only areas dominated by shrubs less than 20 centimeters tall with shrub canopy typically
51 n/a greater than 20% of total vegetation. This type is often co‐associated with grasses, sedges, herbs, and non‐
vascular vegetation.
Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands ‐ Areas where perennial herbaceous vegetation accounts for greater than 80
95 0.070
percent of vegetative cover and the soil or substrate is periodically saturated with or covered with water.
Evergreen Forest ‐ Areas dominated by trees generally greater than 5 meters tall, and greater than 20% of
42 0.650 total vegetation cover. More than 75 percent of the tree species maintain their leaves all year. Canopy is
never without green foliage.
Grassland/Herbaceous ‐ Areas dominated by grammanoid or herbaceous vegetation, generally greater than
71 0.200 80% of total vegetation. These areas are not subject to intensive management such as tilling, but can be
utilized for grazing.
Lichens ‐ Alaska only areas dominated by fruticose or foliose lichens generally greater than 80% of total
73 n/a
Mixed Forest ‐ Areas dominated by trees generally greater than 5 meters tall, and greater than 20% of total
43 0.600
vegetation cover. Neither deciduous nor evergreen species are greater than 75 percent of total tree cover.
74 n/a Moss ‐ Alaska only areas dominated by mosses, generally greater than 80% of total vegetation.
11 0.010 Open Water ‐ All areas of open water, generally with less than 25% cover or vegetation or soil
Pasture/Hay ‐ Areas of grasses, legumes, or grass‐legume mixtures planted for livestock grazing or the
81 0.150 production of seed or hay crops, typically on a perennial cycle. Pasture/hay vegetation accounts for greater
than 20 percent of total vegetation.
Perennial Ice/Snow ‐ All areas characterized by a perennial cover of ice and/or snow, generally greater than
12 n/a
25% of total cover.
Sedge/Herbaceous ‐ Alaska only areas dominated by sedges and forbs, generally greater than 80% of total
72 n/a vegetation. This type can occur with significant other grasses or other grass like plants, and includes sedge
tundra, and sedge tussock tundra.
Shrub/Scrub ‐ Areas dominated by shrubs; less than 5 meters tall with shrub canopy typically greater than
52 0.500 20% of total vegetation. This class includes true shrubs, young trees in an early successional stage or trees
stunted from environmental conditions.
Woody Wetlands ‐ Areas where forest or shrub land vegetation accounts for greater than 20 percent of
90 0.150
vegetative cover and the soil or substrate is periodically saturated with or covered with water.
Flood Breach Analysis Using ArcMap & HEC‐RAS 5.0 (February 2016) 70