General Equations For Gear Cutting Machines

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-~The proper design or selection of gear cutting tools requires

thorough and detailed attention from the tool designer. In
addition to experience, intuition and practical knowledge, a
good understanding or profile calculations is very important.
The main purpose of this article is to acquaint readers with
a method of cutter profile calculations for both involute and
noninvolute forms, The formulas given below are applicable
to gear cutter racks, shaper cutters and hobs with thread
angles of less than 4 By a slight rearrangement,
• they can
be used for finding the part profile when the cutter profile
is known.

Hasic Principles
General Equations The following is the basis Ior the development of the
general equations:
1. Fundamental law of gear teeth conjugated action.
2, Geometry of generating action.
3. Cutter rack or hob are considered as a shaper cutter with

for Gear Cutting infinite number of teeth,

According to the fundamental law mentioned above, a
tangent to a cutter profile at a given point is simultaneously
the tangent to the part profile at the moment when the genera-
tion of 'this point takes place. As a result (Fig, Ia), the point
A on the cutter profile will generate the corresponding point

Tool Calculations on the part profile irrespectively of its form. Thus, any com-
plicated profile can be defined by a family of tangents or,
as a final step, by a set of points. Therefore, any profile can
be analyzed by applying the equations developed for one
point being taken separately.
From this standpoint, three coordinates, radius rA, angles
'PA and J1.A will provide us with the necessary information to
by describe the position of point A (Fig. ib), The IlA locates the
I. Bass tangent to the part profile at the current The genera]
Barber-Colman expression for J.l.A is:
Rockford, IL 'tan J.I. = Jr

Gear cutter profile equations


For 25 years, 11YA BASS has been involved in practical and

research work relating to manufacturing systems, and specifically to
cutting tools. He has authorized two books and I1Llmerous articles
on gear cutting tools, Currentlg, Bass is a p,.ogramrnerlSoftware
Engineer at Bourne & Koch Machjne Tool Co, in Rockford, Il: Prior
to this he was a Programmer Engineer wjth Barber-Colman,
The meshing of gear shaper cutter and part is shown on
Fig. 2. Axis Yp coincides with the axis of a part space:
whereas, axis Yc coincides with the axis of a cutter tooth.
Let this position be considered as a zero-position. During
meshing rotation from the zero-position to the position of
generation at point A, axes Yp and Yc will rotate by the
angles ,pp and !/te, respectively. The following relationship is

where ..
n, N - numbers of teeth in part and gear cutter,

rw, Rw - generating radii of the part and gear cutter. Note

that at the instant of generation, according to the fundamental x
law, a normal to the part profile at a g.iven point is also the
normal to the cutter profile, and passes through the pitch
point O. This geometric condition is used in deriving the
following set of equations which determine the XC' Yc -
coordinates of the shaper cutter:

Up = IX - P-A
1jJp = Up - IPA

x = I'A X sin Up B.

-Rw X sin ,pc +

xc= - r~ X sin (ifr X i) + fAX sin !1p X COS (0 + Vrr X i)

yc R.., X cos !/tc + _x_. _ X sin (a + ,pc) I cos 0
cos IX (2)
Yc ~ ~ X cos (~p X it + rA X sin ap X sin (a + !/tp x j) - ~
where I COS C/ I

a - pressure angle at a given point, The generating radius Rw was added to bring the Yc coor-
up - angle from a zero-position to generating position. dinate to the pitch line.
Since for the hobbing process i - 0, expressions'" can be
The equations for the rack or hob profile can be derived partially simplified as:
fromm considering N - 00. By making substitutions for Rw.
!/to x we get: Xc = - rw X sin (,pp X i) + rA X sin up

Yc = fw X cos (lfp X i) + rA X sin up X tan ~ - rw

Referring to Fig. 3 it is interesting to note that equations'"
and ()give the same results, with sufficient accuracy, using
Rw =10<6 inm.

Reverse Calculations
Reverse calculations - when cutter profile is known -are
very useful, in many cases. Being calculated discretly, the cut-
ter profile has to be approximated by certain curves (or by
straight lines). As a result, the actual part prome will deviate
from the theoretical one. The same kind of calculations have
to be made when the tool designer has to decide whether a
cutter "on hand" can be used to cut a pa.rt with a slightly dif-
ferent profile. Reverse calculations are also of importance for
protuberance and lug design, when analyzing fillets, tip
reliefs, and so en.
For gear shaping process. the equ.ations(1) can be readily
used .. It is sufficient to consider R, 'f'c. IJ.c instead of rA, rfJA'
}LA to. receive mating part coordinates, For bobbing.

r",,)( ¥.p

To evaluate these expressions as i - 0 we apply the

theorem of limits (L'Hospital's Rule):

'I'im , _ fw X . (' . .)I
Slf! \lip X I, ,'_ Ilim
-. O· I r", X sm
. (.1_
'11'1' X ')11 =
I -rw 'h>
i-O i lim (i)l

lim I' fw X cos (¥-p X i) ~ _ li~ Ifw

0 X ('os (I/Ir X illl = -0

i-O I i f lim (i)


Substituting these expressions into(2) we obtain:

Xc = rA X sint1p -rw X I/Ip

}Ie = rA X COS01p - I'",

22 Gear Technology
equations(3) must be rearranged as follows: Condusion
1. The method of gear cutting tool calculations discussed in
rA = Yc + r .... this article are applicable Ear hobs and gear shapercuttere
cos Up
with involute and noninvolute forms. For precise hobs,
the 'equations should be used for rack calculations ~ol1owedl
"'" = rA X sin Up - Xc
by three-dimensional calculations of th hob cutting edges.
2. The general equations are based on the same, compara-
tively simple geometricapproac:h and give a good
I{JA = Up - ljJp
understanding of the generating process. They can be sue-
cessfully used foranalitical solutionsofa number of prob-
The formula Forerp is obvious from geometric: conditions
lems in gear cutHng design.
shown in Fig. 3:
3. The method allows one to build simplified and reliable
AA] Yc computer programs.
tan ap = ---.,;;....;;;,..;;.!.-

roy + Yc
The example below represents a "Spline profile with the
where 01' is a slope of the tangent to hob profile.
following dimensions:
The coordinates of the path, traced by any point of shaper
{j = 14.5°
cutter during generating, action, can be found from the same
a = 0.77316
equations.m. Assuming Xc and Yc a.reconstant we get:
n = 30
tan (01' + !fd = Yc - Rw X cos !fc N = 22
Xc + R.." X sin !fc ro = 2.7395
r, = 2.6645
Assign~ng different values to!fc we compute 01', x, rAt ap, 1'w = 2.6845

!fp and. The

and f{JA coordinates will describe the loca-
f{JA' rA R", = 1.968633
tion of the point Ac. in the Xp-Yp coordinate system at any
moment with respect to angle !fe. We recommend the Calculations given in the table were made for r = 2.7.
foJ]owing formula for rA:
iJ.A "'" arcsin.JL = 16.639894"
rA ,... .J ~cos 2 Q
- 2, X x X I!'w X tan ex + rwZ

.1. _ 180° ( _ (.I)

'f'A - -- - P-A /J
The fo,rmula was obtained from the second, third and fourth
expressions opu.,
The same approach for hobbing gives: I
u 2.5869'33 1st formula (1) i

'tan up ... Xc + rw X !fp '01' 15.494625° 2nd formula (1)

Yc + fw ap - 1.145.269" 3rd formula (1)

'h - .0 ..087360 rad 4th formula m

x - 0.053966 5th formula (1)

PROFITS, AlAE, BIEIIIN'G 1- AIDE "'c - 6.825512" 6th formula (1)

not applicable for hob
... by advertising in GEAR TECH NOLOG,Y,
The JOUl1nal of Gear Manufacturing's classified "HOB 0.180552 1st formula, (3)
advertising section. A.dvertise your specia!lty: YHOB - 0.000539 2nd formula (3)-
• Open time en special or unusual machines 0.178603 7th Iormula m
'. UnIque c.a,pabillities 1.9462:4.0 ,8th Iormula (1)
'. Machine quality •the hob profile coorciina'l is tak n from Ihepitch line
'. Help wanted
Editors Note: 5peci,d thllnks to Dennis Gimpert, Amtrican Plaul'. LId..
'.' Subcontract work far his technl'ca/ editing lUSistance.
Vouradl reaches,
over 5'10001potential Icustomers. Art far pages 20-21 pr,avided through 1/1 courtesy of
Call GEA~TiECHNO~OG,Yfor details. TCR Graphics.

1(3,12)1 437--6604


November IDecember 19852 3

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