General Equations For Gear Cutting Machines
General Equations For Gear Cutting Machines
General Equations For Gear Cutting Machines
Hasic Principles
General Equations The following is the basis Ior the development of the
general equations:
1. Fundamental law of gear teeth conjugated action.
2, Geometry of generating action.
3. Cutter rack or hob are considered as a shaper cutter with
Tool Calculations on the part profile irrespectively of its form. Thus, any com-
plicated profile can be defined by a family of tangents or,
as a final step, by a set of points. Therefore, any profile can
be analyzed by applying the equations developed for one
point being taken separately.
From this standpoint, three coordinates, radius rA, angles
'PA and J1.A will provide us with the necessary information to
by describe the position of point A (Fig. ib), The IlA locates the
I. Bass tangent to the part profile at the current The genera]
Barber-Colman expression for J.l.A is:
Rockford, IL 'tan J.I. = Jr
where ..
n, N - numbers of teeth in part and gear cutter,
Up = IX - P-A
1jJp = Up - IPA
x = I'A X sin Up B.
a - pressure angle at a given point, The generating radius Rw was added to bring the Yc coor-
up - angle from a zero-position to generating position. dinate to the pitch line.
Since for the hobbing process i - 0, expressions'" can be
The equations for the rack or hob profile can be derived partially simplified as:
fromm considering N - 00. By making substitutions for Rw.
!/to x we get: Xc = - rw X sin (,pp X i) + rA X sin up
Reverse Calculations
Reverse calculations - when cutter profile is known -are
very useful, in many cases. Being calculated discretly, the cut-
ter profile has to be approximated by certain curves (or by
straight lines). As a result, the actual part prome will deviate
from the theoretical one. The same kind of calculations have
to be made when the tool designer has to decide whether a
cutter "on hand" can be used to cut a pa.rt with a slightly dif-
ferent profile. Reverse calculations are also of importance for
protuberance and lug design, when analyzing fillets, tip
reliefs, and so en.
For gear shaping process. the equ.ations(1) can be readily
used .. It is sufficient to consider R, 'f'c. IJ.c instead of rA, rfJA'
}LA to. receive mating part coordinates, For bobbing.
r",,)( ¥.p
'I'im , _ fw X . (' . .)I
Slf! \lip X I, ,'_ Ilim
-. O· I r", X sm
. (.1_
'11'1' X ')11 =
I -rw 'h>
i-O i lim (i)l
22 Gear Technology
equations(3) must be rearranged as follows: Condusion
1. The method of gear cutting tool calculations discussed in
rA = Yc + r .... this article are applicable Ear hobs and gear shapercuttere
cos Up
with involute and noninvolute forms. For precise hobs,
the 'equations should be used for rack calculations ~ol1owedl
"'" = rA X sin Up - Xc
by three-dimensional calculations of th hob cutting edges.
2. The general equations are based on the same, compara-
tively simple geometricapproac:h and give a good
I{JA = Up - ljJp
understanding of the generating process. They can be sue-
cessfully used foranalitical solutionsofa number of prob-
The formula Forerp is obvious from geometric: conditions
lems in gear cutHng design.
shown in Fig. 3:
3. The method allows one to build simplified and reliable
AA] Yc computer programs.
tan ap = ---.,;;....;;;,..;;.!.-
roy + Yc
The example below represents a "Spline profile with the
where 01' is a slope of the tangent to hob profile.
following dimensions:
The coordinates of the path, traced by any point of shaper
{j = 14.5°
cutter during generating, action, can be found from the same
a = 0.77316
equations.m. Assuming Xc and Yc a.reconstant we get:
n = 30
tan (01' + !fd = Yc - Rw X cos !fc N = 22
Xc + R.." X sin !fc ro = 2.7395
r, = 2.6645
Assign~ng different values to!fc we compute 01', x, rAt ap, 1'w = 2.6845
1(3,12)1 437--6604