40 Advices of Shaykh Abd Al Qaadir PDF
40 Advices of Shaykh Abd Al Qaadir PDF
40 Advices of Shaykh Abd Al Qaadir PDF
Compiled by
Mawlana Tehseen Raza Hamdani
40 Advices of
Shaykh ‘Abd Al Qaadir Al Jilaani
ريض اهلل اعتيل عنه
Compiled by
Tehseen Raza Hamdani
Ajmeri Press
[email protected]
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advices. Therefore, O Muslims, become his followers in the
true sense, for this guidance is from Allah and His Messenger
Khaadim al-Mashaaikh
Tehseen Raza Hamdani
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Dedicated to my master and my spiritual aid
The Knower of Allah
The Crown of Islam
The noble Qaadhi & The elite Mufti
Shaykh Al-Islam
Muhammad Akhtar Rida Khan
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ق ُمَُي ْتُُُُل ََُقامَُ بُقُ ُْدَُرةُ اُل ْ َمُو ْيلُبََُعايل
َُ ْ ىُقَُو ُ َُولَو ْاَل ْ َقيْت
ْ ُسر
“And if I were to aim my secret over the dead,
The dead would stand up by the Power of the Great”
[Shaykh Abd Al-Qaadir Al-Jilaani]
ريض اهلل اعتيل عنه
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Advice 1 – The beneficial speech
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 1st discourse, Pg.7, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 2 – Knowledge
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 1st discourse, Pg.9, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 3 – Our priorities
The noble Shaykh has utilised the expression ‘Woe unto you’ many
times in his discourses. It does not refer to cursing anyone. The
contextual definition of it was directed to the audience for the
purpose of acquiring attention. It refers to the understanding that
whatever the Shaykh is about to say afterwards is worthy of
listening attentively.
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 1st discourse, Pg.9, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 4 – Being a double standard hypocrite
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 1st discourse, Pg.11, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 5 – Know what you are saying
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 1st discourse, Pg.14, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 6 – The Light of a Believer
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 2nd discourse, Pg.17, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
Jaami’ Tirmidhi, Kitaab At-Tafseer, Hadith no. 3127
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Advice 7 – A hypocrite hates me
A person who adheres to the Ahl As-Sunnah Wa Al-Jama’ah. In
modern times it refers to the path of Ahl As-Sunnah adopted by
Imam Nabhaani in the Arab world and Imam Ahmad Rida in the
Indo-Pak Subcontinent.
A person who follows any innovated beliefs and actions, such as
the Wahaabiya, the Deobandi fraternity and the Rawaafidh Shia’.
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 2nd discourse, Pg.18, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 8 – When to address the people?
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 2nd discourse, Pg.21, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
Al-Fath Ar-Rabbaani, 59th discourse, Al-Baz Publishing
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Advice 9 - Repentance
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 2nd discourse, Pg.20, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 2nd discourse, Pg.25, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 10 – Safety from Iblis
“If Iblis comes up to you, trying to make you change and alter
course [of goodness], you must therefore appeal to your Lord
for help, so that He may drive him away from you. You must
appeal to Him for help, just as those who have gone before
you appealed to Him for help in their time. You must do your
work well, then think well of your Lord Almighty. Think well
of Him and do your best to obey Him properly, for then He
will have a lot to do with you. Much goodness is to be found
in thinking well of Allah, His Prophets, His Messengers and
the righteous among His servants.”16
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 2nd discourse, Pg.24, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 11 – Following the Prophet {}ﷺ
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 2nd discourse, Pg.24, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 12 - Dhikr
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 2nd discourse, Pg.25, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 13 - Humbleness
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 3rd discourse, Pg.28, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 14 – Lawful diet
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 3rd discourse, Pg.29, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 15 – The way to remain patient
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 5th discourse, Pg.46, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 16 – Avoid much talk
“You really ought to desist from much merry talk and gossip
and wasting money. Do not spend too much time in the
company of neighbours, friends and acquaintances without a
good reason, for this is foolish. Most of what passes between
two people is telling of lies and backbiting, and it takes two to
stage a sinful revolt. None of you should go out of the house
except to attend to your own essential interests or those of
your family. Do make the effort not to be the first to speak,
but rather let your words be a response to someone who asks
you about something – provided there is some mutual benefit
to be gained by responding to him, otherwise you should not
answer his question. If you happen to meet a Muslim brother
of yours, do not ask him: ‘Where are you heading for now,
and where are you coming from?’ Perhaps he does not want to
tell you what he is up to, in which case he may lie about it,
and then you will be the one to blame for prompting him to
tell a lie.
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 6th discourse, Pg.57, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 17 – Follow the Shari’ah
“You must keep the fast and perform the five daily Prayers
regularly at their prescribed times, as you must observe all the
rules of the sacred Law [Shari’ah]. When you have
discharged the obligatory duties [Faraaid], your attention
should draw towards the supererogatory things [Nawaafil]23.
You must practice strict observances [azima]24 and avoid
special concessions [rukhsa]25. When a person always takes
advantage of special concessions and gives up strict
observance, it is to be feared that he is risking the total loss of
his religion.”26
This statement clearly indicates that obligatory duties, as
commanded by the Shari’ah, are a conditional prerequisite before
practicing things that are voluntary. The ignorant pseudo-Sufis and
the so-called spiritual guides of modern times should take heed from
these words of the Leader of all spiritual guides.
The observance of the agreed upon ruling of a particular Fiqh
Madhab in all circumstances
The choice of adopting an easier ruling based on certain
conditions. The noble Shaykh discourages people to use Rukhsa all
the times for the fear that the person will take the Shariah very
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 7th discourse, Pg.62, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 18 - Modesty
The creation referred to here and above is in reference to the
worldly people and all those things that remove a person from the
remembrance of Allah. As for the Prophets, Saints and anything that
sparks the remembrance of Allah will, ultimately, be a relationship
with Allah Almighty.
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 8th discourse, Pg.65, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 19 – This world
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 8th discourse, Pg.68, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 20 – Sacrifice your passionate desire
‘If you suffer unjust treatment, do not act unjustly. If you are
praised, do not feel too pleased about it. If you are criticised,
do not feel too depressed. If you are accused of telling lies, do
not get angry. If you are betrayed, do not betray another.’
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 8th discourse, Pg.69, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 21 – The ignorant Sufi
“You31 are nothing but the lower self, natural inclination and
passion. You spend time in the company of strange women
and boys; then you say, ‘I am not interested in them’. You are
lying. Neither the Sacred Law [Shari’ah] nor reason [Aql]
will agree with you. You are adding fire to fire, firewood to
firewood, so the house of your religion [Deen] and your faith
[Imaan] will surely be set ablaze. Disapproval of this by the
sacred law is universally applicable, with no one being
exempt from it.”
The Shaykh is addressing the pretenders of Sufism and the
ignorant pseudo-Sufis who consider themselves to be the guiding
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 8th discourse, Pg.67, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 22 – The deception of this world
“Leave the lower self [nafs] to this world, the heart to the
Hereafter, and the innermost being to the Master. Do not
approach this world with confidence, for it is actually a
serpent in beautiful disguise. It lures people with its charming
appearance then it destroys them. You must be utterly sincere
in obeying your Lord Almighty, in befriending and serving
your righteous brothers, and in refusing to indulge the
appetites of the flesh. You must affirm the Oneness of the
Lord of Truth until not a single atom of the entire creation is
left within your heart, and you wish for nothing except that
which is compatible with the affirmation of Divine Unity. The
entire remedy lies in affirming that the Lord of Truth is One,
and in shunning the serpent of this world.”33
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 9th discourse, Pg.71, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 23 – The intelligent person
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 9th discourse, Pg.72, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 24 – The ethics of a disciple
These doubts should be very well substantiated with lawful
evidence. Mere supposition is the playground of the Devil and the
Devil will infuse whisperings within the heart of the disciples, in
order to discredit the Shaykh. Therefore, when one sees anything out
of the ordinary from his Shaykh, he should not question it unless
there is condemning proof substantiated by the Sacred Law of Islam.
If such a Shaykh acts clearly in contrary to the Shari’ah knowingly,
and its sin is well established then for the disciples of such people
the author advises them to leave the company of such a Shaykh.
Al-Fath Ar-Rabbaani, 62nd Discourse, Pg. 454, Al-Baz, 1997
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Advice 25 – The reality of your life
“All you want is to live a life of ease and comfort, but the end
of all of this is death. Your property will very soon be gone,
as will your span of life. Your eyesight will soon grow dim,
your mental faculties will deteriorate, and your capacity for
eating and drinking will diminish. You will see the pleasures
of the flesh, but you will not be capable of indulging in them
to the slightest extent. Your wife and children will come to
hate you and wish for you to die. Care and grief will be
heaped upon you. This world will depart and the Hereafter
will come to meet you. If you have a good deed to your credit
there, the Hereafter will bid you welcome and enfold you in
its bosom, but if this is not the case, then the grave will be
your lodging place and the Fire of Hell will be your custodian.
What is this crazy delusion [that you have about this world]?
The Prophet { }ﷺused to say:
“He repeated this over and over again, to himself and to his
Companions. Learn from me, O ignorant ones! Follow me, for
I am your guide to the path of right conduct.”37
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 12th discourse, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 26 – On Dua’
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 14th discourse, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 27 – On helping the beggars
‘If someone turns the beggar away from his door, without
having a valid excuse to offer, the guardian Angels will not
come near his door for forty mornings’
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 14th discourse, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 28 – Love for Allah Almighty
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 15th discourse, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 29 – Conceal the faults of others
“As far as most of you are concerned, I notice that when you
see something bad [in others] you make it widely known, but
that when you see something good [in others] you keep it a
secret. You must not act like this. Are you not designated with
taking care of your fellow human beings? You must lodge
people under the protective shelter of Allah. You must leave
people free from your control. It is with their Lord that they
will have to settle their accounts. If you were really aware of
the Creator, you would treat His creation with compassion and
overlook their faults. If you were really aware of His door,
your hearts would turn away from the door of anyone other
than Him. If you recognised Him as the source of blessings,
you would give thanks to Him and forget about thanking
anyone else.”41
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 16th discourse, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 30 – Wake up and pay attention!
“Woe unto you! The shirt of your Islam is torn to shreds. The
robe of your faith is soiled. You are naked. Your heart is
ignorant. Your innermost being is confused. Your heart is not
opened wide to Islam. Your inner form is a wasteland while
your outer figure is flourishing. Your record sheets have all
been written on. This world of yours, which you love so
much, is about to move away from you, while the grave and
the Hereafter are coming toward you. Wake up and pay
attention to the state of your affairs and what you will soon
have to face. Your death may happen today, or even in this
very hour, intervening between you and your expectations.”42
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 19th discourse, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 31 – The elite saints
Hadrat Ilyas and Hadrat Khidr [peace be upon them] are the two
Prophets, from the four Prophets, who have not yet tasted death.
They are physically alive and they perform Hajj every year with
others. Nobody recognises them except for those who are authorised
to do so. Hadrat Khidr [peace be upon him] is in charge of the
terrestrial landscape of this Earth and Hadrat Ilyas [peace be upon
him] supervises the oceans. The other two Prophets are Hadrat Isa
and Hadrat Idris [peace be upon them]. These Prophets have not
tasted death physically but they will do so eventually, because death
is the Promise of Allah that will come to pass on every individual.
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 23rd discourse, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 32 – During trials and tribulations
In His remembrance
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 24th discourse, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 33 – Good attitude
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 25th discourse, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 34 – An unclean heart
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 26th discourse, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 35 – Spirituality without the Shari’ah
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 27th discourse, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 36 – Pretence of piety
“Most of you are out of touch with reality. You are pretending
to practice Islam, when in actual fact you are doing nothing of
the sort. Woe unto you! The mere name of Islam will do you
no good at all. You may be performing the required
observances, but only on the surface, devoid of inner content,
so your performance does not amount to anything of value.
Your external form may be there in the Mihraab [prayer niche
in a Mosque], but your inner being is putting on a show and
your outer self is playing the hypocrite. From a superficial
point of view, your conduct is considered pious and devout,
even though all the while your inner being is full of things
that are unlawful. This constitutes worship as far as your
physical frame is concerned. Its performance will render you
exempt from punishment under the Sacred Law, since you
have not committed any obvious infringement of that Law,
but true knowledge will condemn you to agony and
chastisement. You may see yourself as having dodged the
penalty today, but who will let you get away with it tomorrow
at the Resurrection? You see yourself safe from the view of
the legal scholars, but how can you hide from the sight of the
people of awareness, when they see your reality by the light of
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 29th discourse, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 37 – The Holy Qur’an
“You must listen attentively to the Qur’an, and put what you
hear into practice. The Lord of Truth has only sent it down so
that you may use it to get in touch with Him. It has two ends,
one end being in His Hand of Divine Power and the other end
is in your hands. If you put it into practice, He will cause your
hearts to climb up to Him. He will install your hearts in the
abode of His nearness, while you are still here in this world,
before you pass on to the Hereafter.”
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 29th discourse, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 38 – On Ramadan
“O keeper of fast! Give the poor and the needy a share of your
food, for this will increase your spiritual reward, and it will be
a sign that your fast has been accepted by Allah when the time
comes for you to break the fast."
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 30th discourse, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 39 – Sincerity in everything
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 31st discourse, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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Advice 40 – Speech of an inner pearl
Jalaa Al-Khawaatir, 1st discourse, Pg.12, Al-Baz Publishing, 1997
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“If anyone hears what I have to say, puts it into practice and does
so sincerely, he will become one of those who are drawn near to
the Lord, because it is a speech of an inner pearl, containing no
outer shell”
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