? ُ ُّ َصلَوَا ُت
?Vol 1
The Salawaat of
Happiness and Goodness
Bashaa-irul Khayraat
Hadhrat Shaykh Abdhl Qaadir Jilaani
Selections from
Dalaa-ilul Khayraat
Imaam Jaihli - Rahimahhllah
Prince of Mankind with the 99
names of Allah and the Prophetic
titles - Hadhrat Shaykh Mawlana
Yhshf Motala - Hafiiahhlllah
ُ ُّ َصلَوَا ُت
Salawaatul Khayraat
Durood Colection Vol 1
The Salawaat of Happiness
and Goodness
Aliya Publications
South Africa
+27(0)11 8523661/+27(0)832908417
Dear Reader
We are grateful to Allah Ta’ala for having given us the good fortune
of presenting to the readers this valuable compilation. May Allah and
His Rasul sallallahu alayhi wasallam accept it. Amiin.
Aliya Publications
ْب َ َشـا ِئ ُالْخَيْرَات pg 4
Bashaa-irul Khyraat
Glad tiding of Good Things
Hadrat Shaykh Abdul Qaadir Jilaani Rahimahullah-
Hadrat Abdullaah ibn Mas‘uud narrates that Rasْlullaah Sallallaahu
alayhi Wasallam said: “On the day of Qiyaamah, the closest to me
from among the people will be those who have read the most
amount of Salaat on me” ~ Tirmidhi
And dont leave Rasulullaah even one day, for what can be sweeter than
salaat upon Muhammad! And ease in affairs is for him, who on the selected
one sends salaat on Muhammad! A cure for the sick just as it is a
medicine, is the salaat of the lovers upon Muhammad! Direct yourself, if
you wish for relief from debts, to the treasure of salaat upon
Muhammad!iShaykh Salih al J‘afari R.A
شبارئ اخلريات
اغلوث الظغم شيخ عد الادر يجلىن
ر محة اهلل عيله
Glad Tidings of Good Things
Al Ghawth al Azam Abd al Qadir al Jilani
Rahmatullah Alayh
Cardinal Poles [Qutb aliAqtab], the Supreme Helper [aliGhawth
al'Azam] and the most generous protector, my master, Abd aliQaadir
aliJilaani, that he said to one of his brethren in Allaah (Exalted is
Accept these invocations of blessing [salawaat] from me, for I
received them by way of inspiration [ilhaam] from Allah (Exalted is
He), then I presented them to the Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi
Wasallam. I intended to ask him about their special merit, but he
answered me before I asked him, and he said to me:
He will enter his grave with a feeling of security, happy and cheerful,
and he will experience no loneliness and no confinement therein.
Forty doorways of mercy will be opened for him, and the like
thereof of light. When he is raised up on the Day of Resurrection,
an angel will bring him good news from his right, and an angel will
reassure him from his left. He will be dressed in two fine garments,
and a wellibred steed will be guided to him for him to ride. He will
suffer no distress and no remorse, and he will be subjected to an easy
reckoning. When he passes across the Bridge of Hell, the Fire will
say to him: Make a quick escape, O emancipated slave of Allaah! I
am forbidden to touch you.
and who does so with profound respect and reverence.
My master, Shaikh Abd aliQaadir aliJilaani, then went on to say:
This invocation of blessing is the one that befits this Prophetic
tradition [hadith]. It is the opening of seventy doors of mercy, and it
manifests marvels from the path of the Garden of Paradise. It is
better than someone who emancipates a thousand souls, and
immolates a thousand sacrificial beasts, and donates a thousand
dinars [gold coins] to charitable causes, and fasts for a thousand
months. It contains a hidden secret, and it is the means by which
provisions are easy to obtain, characters are refined, needs are
satisfied, degrees are exalted, sins are erased, faults are pardoned, and
the lowly are dignified.
Bashaa-ir al Khayraat
Allah i"Bismillahi Rahmaanir Rahiim. Alihamdu lillaahi Rabbil ‘aalamiin.
Beginning with the name of i the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of All the Worlds.Bismillahir Rahmanir
O Allah, grant blessing and peace O Allah, grant blessing and peace
to our master Muhammad, the bringer of glad tidings and the
conveyer, to the believers, of what Allah the Magnificent has said:
And give glad tidings to the believers,(2:223) and that Allah does not
waste the wage of the believers. (3:171)
الْ َحمْ ُد ِ ه^ّ ِلل رَبِّ الْ َاليَم ِْني
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِلْمُؤْمِ ْ َِني بِمَا
ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #وَ ب ِّ َِش eلcمُؤcمِ َِ cني * وَ أَ َّن eلله^ّ َ يَل ُ ِييُ cع أ َ c
eلcمُؤcمِ َِ cني #
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِلْ َّاكِ ْ َِي بِمَا
كرُو اْ كرُ cك cم * اُ cذ ُ cن أَ cذ ُ كرُ و ِ d ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #ف َc eذ ُ
eلله^ّ َ ذ ِcكًا يَكثِريًا #وَ َسبِّ ُحو cهُ بُكَ cةً وَّ أَ ِصيcلً #هُوَ eذلَّ ِي ُي ِ َّل
عَليَ cكُ cم وَ مَليَ^dئِكيَ ُهُ /لِ ُ cخرِ جَكُ cم مِّ َن eظلُّلُ َم^تِ إِليَ eنلُّو cرِ Pوَ ك َا َن
بِeلcمُؤcمِ َِ cني رَحِ cمًا #تَ ِحيَّتُ ُ cم يَوَ cم يَلcقَو cنَهَُ /سليَ^ ٌ Pم وَ أَعَ َّد ليَ ُ cم
أ َcجًا كَـرِ يـcمًا #
Allaahumma salli wa sallim ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadiniilibashiiril
mubashshiri lil ‘aamilina bimaa qaalallaahul ‘Aziim: Innii laa udii‘u ‘amala
‘amilin minikum min dhakarin aw unthaa. (3:195) Wa man ‘amila saalihan
min dhakarin aw unthaa wa huwa mu’minun faiulaaiika yadkhuluunal
jannata yurzaquuna fiiihaa biighayri hisaab. (40:40)
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِتلَوَّ اب َِ cني بِمَا
ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #إِ َّن eلله^ّ يُ ِبُّ eتلَّوَّ^ب َِ cني وَ يُحِبُّ eلcم َُتيَهِّر ْ َِي *
َات # وَ هُوَ eذلَّ ِ ْي يَ cبَلُ eتلَّو cبَ َة عَ cن بعِ َا ِدهِ\ وَيَ cفُو اْ عَ يِن َّ eسليِِّ E
Allaahumma salli wa sallim ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadiniilibashiiril
mubashshiri lil ‘mukhlisiina bimaa qaalallaahul ‘Aziim: faiman kaana yari
juu liqaaia Rabbiihi faliy‘amal ‘amalan saalihan wa laa yushrik bii‘ibaadati
Rabbiihii ahada.(18:110) mukhlisiina laihuddiin.(7:29)
ْل ْ َنيايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِلْمُخ ِ ِ
بِمَا ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #فَمَ cن ك َا َن يَ cجُو اْ ِلَاdءَ رَ بِّهِ\ ف َلَ cعcمَل cعَمَلً
صَ^لِحًا و يََّل ي ُcشِك cبِ ِبَا َدةِ رَ بِّهِ \dأَ َحدًا *
cل َ cني ليَ ُ ِ eدل َّ cي #
مُخ ِ ِ
ْمل ْ َِّني بِمَا
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِل ُ َ
ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #وَ أَقِ ِ eصلَّلَ ةَ> إِ َّن eصلَّلَ ةَ تَ َcه عَ يِن eلc َ cح َشاِ dء
وَ eلcمُنcكيَ ِ * أَقِ ِ eصلَّلَ ةَ وَ أcمُ cبِeلcمَعcرُ وcفِ وَ eنَ cه عَ يِن eلcمُنcكيَ ِ وَeصcبِ c
ع يََىل مَا dأَ َصابَكَ > إِ َّن َذ^لِكَ مِ cن عَ ِ cم eُ cلمُو cرِ #
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِلْخَا ِشع ْ َِني
بِمَا ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #وَc eستَعِيcنُو اْ بِeصلَّب ِ cوَeصلَّلَ ةِ Pوَِإنَّ َا
كبِريَ cةٌ ِ َّإ ع يََل eلcخَ^ ِشع َِ cني e #ذلَّ َِ cي َيُنُّوَ cن أ َّ ُ َcن مُّليَ^قُو اْ ليَ َ
Rabbiihim wa annaihum ilayihi raaji‘uun. (2:45,46) Alladhiina
yadhkuruunallaaha qiyaamaw wa qu‘uudaw wa ‘alaa junuubiihim wa
yatafakkaruuna fi khalqisisamaawaati waliard: Rabbainaa maa khalaqta
haadha baatila: subhaanaika faiqinaa ‘aidhaaban naar. (3:191)
their Lord and that unto Him they are returning. (2:45,46) [There are
signs for] those who remember Allah, standing and sitting and on
sides and who reflect upon the creation of the heavens and the their
earth: Our Lord, You have not created this in vain. Glory be to You!
So guard us against the torment of the Fire.
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِ َّلابِ ْ َِي
بِمَا ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #اِنَّ َا يُوَفَّ eلصَّ^بِ ُ وَ cن أ َcج ُ َcه بِ َريِ ِ cحس ٍ
* أُوْ ليَ^dئِكَ eذلَّ َِ cي هَدَهىُ ُ eللَّ ُ> وَ أُوْ ليَ^dئِكَ ُ cه أُو cلُو اْ eَ cللcبَ^بِ #
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِلْ َخائِف ْ َِني بِمَا
ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #وَ لِمَ cن خ ََاف مَ َا َم رَ بِّهِ\ جَ َّتَا ِن * وَ أَمَّا مَ cن
خ ََاف مَ َا َم رَ بِّهِ\ وَ ن ََه eنلَّفcسَ عَ يِن eلَ cوَى×
فَإِ َّن eلَ cجنَّ َة ِ َه eلcمَأcوَى #
Allaahumma salli wa sallim ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadiniilibashiiril
mubashshiri lil Muttaqiin, bimaa qaalallaahul ‘Aziim: Wa rahmatii wasii‘at
kulla shay, fasaiaktubuihaa lilladhiina yattaquuna wa yu’ituunaz zakaata
walladhiina hum biiaayatiina yu’iminuun. Alladhiina yattabii ‘uunar
Rasuulan Nabiiyyil Ummiyyi (7:156i7) Laihum jazaudidifi bimaa amilu wa
hum filighurufaati aaminuun. (34:37)
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِلْمُتَّق ْ َِني بِمَا
كتُبُ َاش ٍ Pء َ َفأَ c ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #وَ ر َcح ِ َcت وَ ِسعَت cك ُلَّ َ c
لِلَّ َِ cي يَ َّقُوَ cن وَيُ cتُوَ cن eزلَّ كيَ^و ةَ وَeذلَّ َِ cي ُه بَِEايَ^تِ َا يُ cمِ ُوَ cن × eذلَّ َِ cي
ج اdءُ ِ eيّضلعcفِ بِمَا عَمِلُو اْ و َُهc يَتَّ ِعُوَ cن eرلَّ ُسوcليَ eنل يِ ََّّب ecل ِيّ َُّم * ليَ ُ cم َ َ
ِف eلُ cرُ فَ^تِ ءَامِ ُوَ cن #
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِلْمُ ْخبِت ْ َِني
كرَ eلله^ّ ُ بِمَا ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #وَ ب ِّ َِش eلcمُ cخبِت َِ cني × eذلَّ َِ cي إِذَا ُذ ِ
وَ ِجليَت cقُلُوcبُ ُ cم * وَeذلَّ َِ cي يُ cتُوَ cن مَا dءَاتَو اْ وَّ قُلُوبُ ُ cم وَ جِليَ ٌ أ َّ ُ َcن إِليَ
َ^جوَ cن #
ر ِّ َِب cم ر ِ ُ
Allaahumma salli wa sallim ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadiniilibashiiril
mubashshiri lis Saabiriin, bimaa qaalallaahul ‘Aziim: Wa bashshiris saabiriin
: Alladhina idhaa asaabatihum musiibatun qaaluu innaa lillaahi wa innaa
ilayihi raajiuun : Ulaaiika alayihim salawaatun min Rabbiihim wa rahma :
wa ulaaiika humulimuhtaduun.(2:155i57) Innii jazaytuihumuliyawma bima
sabaru annahum humul faaiizuun. (23:111)
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِ َّلابِ ْ َِي
بِمَا ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #وَ ب ِّ َِش eلصَّ^بِ ِcيَ× eذلَّ َِ cي إِ َذا dأَصَ^بَ cهُم
َ^جوَ cن × أُو ليَ^dئِكَ عَليَهيc ِ cم َصليَوَ^تٌ ُّمِيٌ َ cة قَالُو dاْ إِنَّا ِ ه^ّ ِلل وَ ِإنَّا dإِ يَلِ cه ر ِ ُ
مِّن ر ِّ َِّب cم وَ ر َcحَ ٌ >ة وَ أُو ليَ^dئِكَ ُ ُه eل ُ ccمتَ ُدوَ cن * إ ِ ّ ِcن َ َ
ج يcتُ ُ ُم c eلَوَ cم
بِمَا صَبَ ُو dاْ أ َّ ُ َcن ُ ُه eلَ cاdئِزُ وَ cن #
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب َِّشِ
لِلْكاظِم ْ َِني بِمَا ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #وَ eلcكَ^ ِظم َِ cني eل c cيََظي
َّاس وَeلله^ّ ُ يُ ِبُّ eلcمُ cح ِسنِ َني * فَمَ cن عَفَا وَ أَ cصليَحَ وَeلَ cاف َِ cني عَ يِن eنل ِ <
َج هُ /ع يََل eلله^ّ ِ Pإِنَّهُ /يَل يُ ِبُّ eلظَّ^لِم َِ cني # فَأ ُ c
Allaahumma salli wa sallim ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadiniilibashiiril
mubashshiri lil Muhsiniina bimaa qaalallaahul ‘Aziim: Wa ahsinuu
innallaaha yuhibbulimuhsiniin.(2:195) Man jaaia bilihasanati failahu ‘ashru
amthaaliiha wa man jaaia bisisayyiiati fa laa yujzaa illaa mithlaihaa wa hum
laa yuzlamuun. (6:160)
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِلْمُ ْح ِسن يِْ َِني
بِمَا ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #وَ أَ cح ِسنُو dاْ! إِ َّن eلله^ّ َ يُ ِبُّ eلcمُ cح ِسن َِ cني * مَ cن
َجاdءَ بِeلَ cح َسنَ ِة ف َليَ ُ /ع َُ cش أَمَ cالِ َا> وَ مَن َجاdءَ بَِّ eسليِيّئَ ِة ف َلَ يُ cزَ dى ِ َّإ
مِ cليَ َا و ُ َcه يَل ُيcليَمُو َن #
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِلْم َ َ
ُت ِّدق يِْ َِني
ك > cم إِ cن ُكنcتُ cم بِمَا ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #وَ أَن َ َت َّدقُو اْ خَري ٌ cلَّ ُ
تَ cليَمُو cنَ* إِ َّن eلله^ّ َ يَ cزِ cي eلcم َ َ
ُت ِّدق َِ cني #
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِلْمُتَّق يِْ َِني بِمَا
ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #وَ مِمَّا رَ زَ قcنَ^هُ cم يُ cفِقُوَ cن * وَ مَا dأَنَ cقcتُم مِّ cن َ c
ش ٍء
فَ ُوَ يُ cلِفُه#
Allaahumma salli wa sallim ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadiniilibashiiril
mubashshiri lish Shaakiriin bimaa qaalallaahul ‘Aziim: Washkuruu
n‘imatallaahi in kuntum iyaayaihu t’abuduun.(16:114) Laiin shakartum
laiaziidannaikum wa laiin kafartum inna adhaabi laishadiid.(14:7)
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِلشَّاكِ ْ َِي
بِمَا ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #وَeشcكُ ُو اْ نِ cمَتَ eلله^ّ ِ إِن ُكنcتُ cم إِيَّاهُ
يَاب يَ َشل ِديٌ cد تَ cبُ ُدو cنَ* ل ِيَئ شَكيَ ُ cت cيَ َلزِ يَ cدنَّ ُ
ك > cم وَ ل ِ cيَئ يَكفَرُ cت cإِ َّن عَذ ِ c
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش ِلسَّا ِئ ْ َِي بِمَا
ِي أُجِ ْبُ َدعcوَ ةَ eدلَّاعِ إِذَا َدعَا ِن * ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #فَإ ِ ّ ِْن قَ ْ ٌ >
اُ cدعُو ِ ْcdن أَ cستَجِب cليَ ُ
ك P cم #
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِ َّلالِح ْ َِني
بِمَا ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #أَ َّن eَ cلر َcض يَ ِثُهَا بعِ َا ِد َي eلصَّ^لِ ُحوَ cن *
أُو ليَ^dئِكَ ُ ُه eلcوَ^رِ ثُو cنَ× eذلَّ َِ cي يَ ِثُوَ cن eلِ cرَ cدو َcس ُ cه فِهيَا خَ^لِ ُدوَ cن
Allaahumma salli wa sallim ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadiniilibashiiril
mubashshiri lil Muhsiniina bimaa qaalallaahul ‘Aziim: Innallaaha wa
malaaiikataihu yusalluuna ‘alaniNabiyy: Yaa ayyuhalladhiina aamanu salluu
‘alayhi wa sallimuu tasliima. (33:56) yu’ tiikum kiflayni min Rahmatiihi
wa yaj‘al laikum nuuran tamshuuna biihi wa yaghfir laikum wallaahu
Ghafuurun Rahiim.(57:28)
#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِلْمُ ْح ِسن يِْ َِني
بِمَا ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #إِ َّن eلله^ّ َ وَ مَليَ^dئِكيَ َهَُ ُ /يلُّوَ cن ع يََل eنل يِ يِّ َّPب
يَ^dأَيُّ َا eذلَّ َِ cي ءَامَ ُو اْ َصلُّو اْ عَليَ ِ cه وَ َسلِّمُو اْ تيَسcلِ cمًا * يُ cت ِكُ cم كِفcل ِ cيَني
ك P cم ك cم نُو رًا تَ ُ cشوَ cن بِهِ\ وَيَ cفِر cليَ ُ مِن ر َّcحَتِهِ\ وَ يَ cجعَل cلَّ ُ
وَeلله^ّ ُ غَفُو cرٌ رَّحِ ٌم #
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِلْمُب َِّش ِْ َِي
بِمَا ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #ليَ ُ ُم c eل ُcشَى ِف eلَ cحيَ^و ةِ eدلُّنَ cا وَ ِف eَ cل ِ َ
خ ةِP
يَل تَ ِ cديcليَ لِكَلِ َم^تِ eلله^ّ َِ Pذ^لِكَ هُوَ eلَ cو cزُ eل َ ِcعيُ cم #
Allaahumma salli wa sallim ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadiniilibashiiril
mubashshiri lil Faaiiziin, bimaa qaalallaahul ‘Aziim: Wa man yuti‘illaaha wa
Rasuulaihu faiqad faaza fawzan ‘aziima. (33:71)
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش ِلهْفضَائِ ْ َِي بِمَا
عيcمًا # ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #وَ مَن ُ ِيعِ eلله^ّ َ وَ رَ ُسوcليَ ُ /فَ َ cد ف َازَ فَو cزًا َ ِ
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش لِزلَّاهِد ْ َِي بِمَا
ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ e #لcمَالُ وَc eلَنُوَ cن زِ نيَ ُة eلَ cحيَ^و ةِ eدلُّنَ cا> وَ eلcبَ^قِيَ^تُ
eلصَّ^لِحَ^تُ خَري ٌ cعِ َ cد رَ بِّكَ ثيَوَ ابًا وَ خَري ٌ cأَمَلً #
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش ِ هْلُمِّ ْ َِي بِمَا
ِج لِلَّ ِاس تَأcمُ ُ وَ cن ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #كُنتُ cم خَري َ cأُمَّ ٍة أ ُcخ َ c
بِeلcمَعcرُ وcفِ وَ تَنَ cوَ cن عَ يِن eلcمُنكيَ ِ #
Allaahumma salli wa sallim ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadiniilibashiiril
mubashshiri lil Mustafiin, bimaa qaalallaahul ‘Aziim: Thumma
awrathnaliKitaaballadhi nastafaynaa min ‘ibaadiinaa faiminhum zaalimun
liinafsihiiwa minhum muqtasid: Wa minihum saabiqun bilikhayri
biiidhnillaah, dhaalika huwa lifadlulikabiir. (35:32)
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش ل ِلهْ ُْسضَف ْ َِي
eصفَيcنَا مِ cن
كتَ^بَ eذلَّ َِ cي cيَ بِمَا ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #ثُ َّم أَو cرَثَ cا eلِ c
َاب بِeلcخَري^َِ cت cت ٌد وَ مِنc ُ cم س ِ ٌ بعِ َا ِدنَا> فَمِنc ُ cم ظيَالِ ٌ ِ ّنلَفِ cسهِ\ وَ مِنُ cم مُّ َ ِ
كبِريُ # بِإِ cذ ِن eللَّ َِ Pذ^لِكَ هُوَ eل َcفcلُ eلَ c
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش ل ِلهْ ُ هْذ ِن ْ َِي بِمَا
ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #ق ُل cيَ^ ِعبَا ِد َي eذلَّ ِ َي أ ََ cس فُو اْ ع يَ َdىل أَن ِ ُِس cم يَل
تَ َcنُو اْ مِن ر َّcحَ ِة eلله^ّ ِ Pإِ َّن eللَّ َ يَ cفِرُ eذلُّنُوcبَ َ ِجيcعًاP
إِنَّهُ /هُوَ eلَ cفُو cرُ eرلَّحِ ُ cم #
Allaahumma salli wa sallim ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadiniilibashiiril
mubashshiri lil Mustaghfiriin, bimaa qaalallaahul ‘Aziim: Wa man y‘amal
suuian aw yazlim nafsaihu thumma yastaghfirillaaha yajidillaaha Ghafuuran
Rahiima. (4:110)
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش ل ِلهْ ُ ْستَغْفِر ْ َِي
بِمَا ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #وَ مَن يَّ cمَلُ cسو dءًا أَوَ cيcلِ cنَ َ cسهُ /ثُ َّم ي َ cستَغcفِرِ
eلله^ّ َ يَ ِ ِد eلله^ّ َ غَفُو cرًا رَّحِ cمًا #
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش ل ِلهْ ُقضَ َّرب ْ َِي بِمَا
ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #إِ َّن eذلَّ َِ cي َسبَقَت cليَ ُم ِيّمَّا eلُ cحس َ cdىن أُو ليَ^dئِكَ
عَنَ cا مُ cعَ ُدوَ cن × يَل ي َ cسمَعُوَ cن َح ِس َسيهَا> و ُ َcه ِف مَا eشcتَ َت cأَن ُ ُُس cم
ِك هَ^ذيَا ُن eلَ cزَ ُع eَ cلكcبَ ُ وَتيَ َليَقَّىهُ ُم eلcمَليَ^dئ يَ ُ خَ^لِ ُدو cنَ× يَليَ cز ُ ُ ُ
يَو cمُكُ ُم eذلَّ ِ cي ُكنcتُ cم تُو cعَ ُدوَ cن #
Allaahumma salli wa sallim ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadiniilibashiiril
mubashshiri lil Mu’miniin, bimaa qaalallaahul ‘Aziim: Innalimuslimiina wal
muslimaati walimu’miniina walimu’minaati waliqaanitiina waliqaanitaati
wasisaadiqiina wasisaadiqaati wasisaabiriina wasisabiraati walikhaashi‘ina
walikhaashii‘aati walimutasaddiqiina walimutasaddiqaati wasisaaiimiina
wasisaaiimaati walihaafiziina furuujaihum walihaafizaati
wadhidhaakiriinallaaha kathiiran wadhidhaakiraati a‘addallaahu laihum
maghfiratan wa ajran aziimaa. (33:35) wa an laisa liliinsaani illa maa saa wa
anna s‘ayuihu sawfa yuraa, thumma yujzaihulijazaa aliawfaa. (53:390i41)
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ و سَـلِّ ْم ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ِد ِن ال َْبِريْ ِ الْمُب ِّ َِش ل ِلهْ ُؤْمِ ْ َِي بِمَا
ق َاليَ الله^ّ ُ ال َ ِْعيْمِ #إِ َّن eلcمُ cسلِم َِ cني وَ eلcمُ cسلِ َم^تِ وَ eلcمُؤcمِ َِ cني
وَ eلcمُؤ cمِنَ^تِ وَ eلcقَ^نِت َِ cني وَ eلcقَ^نِتيَ^تِ وَ eلصَّ^ ِدق َِ cني وَ eلصَّ^ ِدقَ^تِ
وَ eلصَّ^بِ َِ cي وَ eلصَّ^بِ َِ^ت وَ eلcخَ^ ِشع َِ cني وَ eلcخَ^ ِش َع^تِ
ُت ِّدقَ^تِ وَ eلصَّ^dئِم َِ cني وَ eلصَّ^dئِ َم^تِ ُت ِّدق َِ cني وَ eلcم َ َ
وَ eلcم َ َ
cج cم وَ eلcحَ^فِظيَ^تِ وَeذلَّ^كِ َِ cي eلله^ّ َ يَكثِريًا وَ eلcحَ^فِظ َِ cني فُ ُ و َ ُ
عيcمًا # وَّeذلَّ^كِ َِ^ت أَعَ َّد eلله^ّ ُ ليَ ُ cم مَّ cفِرَ ةً وَّ أ َcجًا َ ِ
وَ أَن ل ََّ cي ِ ِ cلن َس^نيِ ِ َّإ مَا س ََع × وَ أَ َّن َسعcيَهَُ /سو َcف يُ َى
× ثُ َّم يُ cزَى ُه eلَ cجزَ اdءَ eَ cلو يَcف #
Allahumma salli ‘alayihi salaatan tushrahu biihasisuduuru wa
tahuunu biihaliumuuru wa tankashifu biihasisutuuru wa sallim
tasliiman kathiran daaiiman ilaa Yawmi diDiin. D‘awaaihum fiihaa
subhaanaikallaahumma wa tahiyyatuihum fiiihaa salaam:
Wa aakhiru dawaihum ‘anilihamdu lillaahi Rabbiliaalamiin. (10:10)
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ عَليَ ْ ِه صَلَ ةً ت ُْشَحُ بِ َا ا ُّصل ُدوْ رُ ،وَ تَ ُوْ ُن بِ َا ْ ُالمُوْ رُ ،وَ
تَ يَ ِْك ُف بِ َا ا ُّستُوْ رُ ،وَ سَلِّ ْ تيَسْلِ ْمًا يَكثِريْ ًا َ ،دائِمًا اِليَ يَوْ ِم ادل ْ ِِّي
َدعcوَهىُ cفِهيَا ُسبcحَ^نَكَ eللَّ ُ َّم وَ تَ ِحيَّتُ ُ cم فِهيَا َسليَ^ ٌ Pم وَ ء ِ ُ
َ #دعcوَهىُ cأَ ِن eلَ cحمُ cد ِ ه^ّ ِلل ر ِ َّب eلَ cع^ليَمِ َني #
The Salawaat of Gladness and Happiness to Dispel Sorrow
and Sadness. A collection of Salawaat from
Dalaa-ilul Khayraat.
Apart from the salawaat from the Dalaaiil, there are also a few
salawaat at the end that are from ‘Dharii'atul Wusuul ila Janaabir
Rasul’ by Allamah Makhdoom Muhammad Sindhi, which was
compiled by Hadhrat Shaykh Moulana Yusuf Ludhianvi.
Rahmatullah Alayhim and one or two well knwn salawaat from other
works. These salawaat are marked with a different symbol from the
salawaat fromthe Dalaaiail.
We are grateful to Allah Ta’ala for having given us the good fortune
of presenting to the readers a portion of this valuable work. May
Allah and His Rasul sallallahu alayhi wasallam accept it. Amiin.
Aliya Publications
South Africa
ْاسل وْ رِ وَالْ َرَحُ ُّ َُصليَوَات
ْدلِ َ فْعِ الْ ُمُوْ ِم وَ التَّ َح
The Salawat of
Gladness and Happiness
to Dispel Sorrow and Sadness
A collection of Salawaat from
Dalaa-ilul Khayrat.
In the Name of Allah
The Most Compassionate
The Most Merciful
All praises are for Allaah. The Most Compassionate the Most
Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgement. Allah (Alone) is
Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs
#ب ِ cسمِ eللَّ ِ eرلَّ cح َم^نيِ eرلَّحِ مِe #لَ cحمُ cد ِ ه^ّ ِلل ر ِ َّب eلَ cع^ليَمِنيَ#
eرلَّ cح َم^نيِ eرلَّحِ مِ #مَ^لِكِ يَوِ cم ِّ eدل ِي َ #حس يِ َْب اهللُ وَنِ ْ َم
الْوَ كِيْلُ #و يََل َحوْليَ وَ يَل قُوَّ ةَ ا َِّل بِاهللِ الْ ِ َِّل ال َ ِْعيْمِ #أَ ْستَغْفِرُ
كرِ يْمِ َ #وع يََىل ا^لِ ِ الله^ّ َ ال َْعِي ْم #وَ ص ََّل اهللُ ع يََل انل يِ َِّّب الْ َ
َوا هْضَصَابِ اضَجْ َع ْ َِي
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ٍد وَ ع يََىل ا^لِ ِ وَ ايَ ْصحَـابِ ِه وَ ايَوْ يَل ِدهِ
وَ ايَزْ وَاجِ ـ ِه وَ ُذرِّيَّ ِ ِه وَ ايَهْلِ بَيْ ِ ِه وَ ا ْيَصَارِ هِ وَ ا ْيَنَارِ هِ وَ ايَ ْشيَاعِـ ِه
وَ مُ ِحبِّيْ ِه وَ اُمَّ ِ ِه وَ عَليَ ْنَا مَعَ ُ ْم ا ْيَجَع ْ َِني يَا dايَرْ حـَ َم ارلَّاحـِم ْ َِني
The first 3 Duruuds below should be read in abundance in
times of severe depression and difficulty
* Through his Waseela/Mediation, sorrows are lifted and darkness is dispelled by Allah
The first 3 Duruuds below should be read in abundance
in times of severe depression and difficulty
1#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل بَ ْدرِ اتلَّمَا ِم 2#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل نُوْ رِ اظلَّلَ ِم
3#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مِ ْتَاحِ دَارِ اسلَّلَ ِم 4#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََل ا َّشلفِيْعِ
ِ ْف َ ِجيْعِ ْ يَالنَا ِم 5#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم َص ِّل َ ضَع سَ يِّدِنَ ُ َ َّمٍ ،و َ ضََع آلِ ِ وَسَ مِّل ْ
6#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ن يِ َِّب ارل َّْحَ ِة 7#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َشفِيْعِ ْ ُالمَّ ِة
8#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ك َاشِفِ الْ ُمَّةِ 9# .ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مُج ِْل
اظلُّلْمَ ِة 10#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مُو ِْل انلِّعْمَةِ 11# .ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل
َاح الْحَـ ْو ِض المَوْ رُ وْ ِد ُ ْم ِت ارل َّْحَ ِة 12#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ
َاح الْمَقَا ِم المَ ْح ُمـ ْو ِد 14#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ 13#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ
َاح الْمَكَا ِن َاح اللِّوَا ِء الْمَعْقُوْ ِد 15#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ
كرَ ِم وَ الْ ُجوْ ِد الْم ْ َُشوْ ِد 16#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل الْمَوْ ُصوْفِ بالْ َ
17#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مَ ْن هُوَ ِف ا َّسلمَا ِء مَ ْحمُوْ ٌد وَ ِف ْ َالر ِْض ُ َ َّ ٌ
18. . O Allah, bless the possessor of the mole.
19. O Allah, bless the possessor of the token.
20. O Allah, bless the one described by nobility.
21. O Allah, bless the one delegated with leadership.
22. O Allah, bless the one whom the clouds shade.
23. O Allah, bless the one who saw behind him as he saw in front of
24. O Allah, bless the soughtifor intercessor on the Day of Resuri
25. O Allah, bless the possessor of humble supplication.
26. O Allah, bless the possessor of intercession.
27. O Allah, bless the possessor of the means of mediation.
28. O Allah, bless the possessor of preieminence.
29. O Allah, bless the possessor of the high rank.
30. O Allah, bless the possessor of the stalwart staff.
31. O Allah, bless the possessor of two the sandals
َاح ال َّشـامَ ِة 19#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل 18#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ
كرَامَ ِة َاح الْ َلَ مَ ِة 20#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل المَوْ ُصوْفِ بِالْ َ ص ِ ِ
َخو ِْص بِازلَّ عَامَ ِة 22#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل 21#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل الْم ْ ُ
مَـ ْن كـَا َن تُـظِـلُّ ُه الْ َ َمـامَ ُة 23#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ عَ يَـىل مَ ْن
كَـا َن يَ َى مَ ْن َخلْفَ ُه كَـمَا يَ َى مَ ْن أَمَامَ ُه 24#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ
عـ يََىل ا َّشلفِيْعِ الْمُ َشفَّعِ يَوْ َم الْ ِيـَامَ ِة 25#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ عَ يَـىل
َاح ا َّشلفَاعَ ِة 76# اضلَاعَ ِة 65#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ َـاح َّ ص ِ ِ
َاح الْوَ ِسيْليَ ِ 87#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ عَ يَـىل
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ عَ يَـىل ص ِ ِ
َـاح ال َ ِْفيْليَ ِ 29#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ عَ يَـىل ص ِ ِ
َـاح ا َّدلرَ َج ِة ص ِ ِ
َـاح الْ ِرَاوَ ةِ ارلَّفِ ْعَ ِة 30#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ عَ يَـىل ص ِ ِ
31#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ
َـاح انلَّعْل ْ ِيَني
32. O Allah, bless the possessor of the proof.
33. O Allah, bless the possessor of the decisive evidence.
34. O Allah, bless the possessor of authority.
35. O Allah, bless the possessor of the crown.
36. O Allah, bless the one who had the Mi'raj.
37. O Allah, bless the possessor of the staff.
38. O Allah, bless the rider of the noble camel.
39. O Allah, bless the rider of the Buraq.
40. O Allah, bless the one who passed through the seven heavens.
41. O Allah, bless the intercessor for all people.
42. O Allah, bless the one whose food glorified while in his hand.
43. O Allah, bless the one whom the palm trunk wept for and was
sighed at being parted from him.
44. O Allah, bless the one from whose intercession was sought by
the birds of the deserts.
45. O Allah, bless the one in whose hand the pebbles gave praise.
َاح الْحُـ َّج ِة 33#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل 32#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ
َـاح اسل ْ يَُّلا ِن 35# َاح ال ْبُ ْهَا ِن 34#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ ص ِ ِ
َاح التَّـاجِ
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ
َاح الْمِعْرَاجِ 37#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل 56#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ
ِبي 38#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل راكـِبِ انلَّ ِجيْبِ 39# َاح ال َْق ْ ِص ِ ِ
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل رَاكِـبِ الْبُـرَا ِق
40#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مُـخْتَ ِ ِق ا َّسلبْـعِ اطلِّبـَا ِق
41#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ا َّشلفِيْعِ ِ ْف جَـ ِميْعِ ْ َالنَا ِم 42#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ
ع يََىل مَ ْن سَـبَّحَ ِ ْف كَـفِّ ِه اطلَّعَا ُم 43#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مَ ْن ب يََك
إِ يَلْ ِه الْ ِج ْذ ُع وَ حَـ َّن لِرَ اقِ ِه 44#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مَ ْن تَوَ سَّليَ بِ ِه طيَريْ ُ
الْ َلَ ةِ 45#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مَـ ْن َسبَّحَتْ ِ ْف يَكفِّ ِه ا َلحَاةُ
46. O Allah, bless the one whose intercession the gazelle sought with
the most eloquent of words.
47 O Allah, bless the one to whom the lizards spoke in his assembly
with his distinguished Companions.
48. O Allah, bless the bringer of good tidings, the Warner.
49. O Allah, bless the luminous lamp.
50. O Allah, bless the one to whom the camel complained.
51. O Allah, bless the one from whose fingertips pure water flowed
52. O Allah, bless the pure and made pure one.
53. O Allah, bless the light of the lights.
54. O Allah, bless the one for whom the moon was split.
55. O Allah, bless the good agreeable one.
56. O Allah bless the Messenger brought near.
57. O Allah, bless the radiant dawn.
58. O Allah, bless the piercing star.
59. O Allah, bless the firm handle.
60. O Allah, bless the Warner of the people of the earth.
46#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مَ ْن ت يَ َشفَّ َع إِ يَلْ ِه اظل ْ َُّب بِـأ ْ ََفحِ كلَ ٍم
47#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مَ ْن كلَّمَ ُه اضلَّبُّ ِ ْف مَجْـلِ ِس ِه َ َم أَ ْص َحابِ ِه
ْ َالعْلَ ِم 48#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ عَ يَـل ال َْبِريْ ِ انلَّ ِذيـْرِ
49#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََل ِّاسلَاجِ الْمُنِـريْ ِ 50#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مَ ْن
ش يََك إِ يَلْ ِه ا ْلَ ِعـريْ ُ 51#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مَ ْن تَ َ َّجرَ مِ ْن ب ْ َِني أَصَابِ ِ ِه
لمهَّرِ 53# .ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم الْمَاdءُ انلَّمِريْ ُ 52#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل الطَّـاهِ ِ ا ُ يَ
صَلِّ ع يََىل نُوْ رِ ْ َالنْوَارِ 54#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مَ يِن انْـشَقَّ ليَ ُ الْقَـ َمرُ
لميَّبِ 56#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ارلَّ ُسوْلِ 54#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل اطلَّيِّبِ ا ُ يَ
الْمُقَـر َِّب 57#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل الْ َ ْجرِ اسلَّاطِعِ 58#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل
َّاق 59#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل الْ ُرْ وَ ةِ الْوُ ثْ َـق انل ْ َِّج اثل ِ ِ
60#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل نَ ِذيـْرِ أَهْلِ ْ َالر ِْض
61.O Allah, bless the intercessor on the Day of presentation.
62. O Allah, bless the one who lets people drink from the water
63. O Allah, bless the possessor of the Banner of Praise.
64. O Allah, bless the one who was always ready for Your service.
65. O Allah, bless the one engaged in Your good pleasure to the very
limit of striving.
66. O Allah, bless the Prophet, the Seal.
67. O Allah, bless the Messenger, the Seal.
68. O Allah, bless the chosen upright one.
69. O Allah bless Your Messenger Abu'l Qasim.
70. O Allah, bless the possessor of the Signs.
71. O Allah, bless the possessor of proofs.
72. O Allah, bless the possessor of indications.
73. O Allah, bless the possessor of miracles.
74. O Allah, bless the possessor of tokens.
75. O Allah, bless the possessor of clear signs.
76. O Allah, bless the possessor of miracles.
61#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ عَ يَـىل ا َّشلفِيْعِ يَـ ْو َم الْ َر ِْض 62#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل
َاح لِوَا ِءاسل َِّاق لِلَّ ِاس مِ َن الْـ َحو ِْض 63#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ
الْحَـ ْم ِد 64#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل المُشَرمِّ ِ عَ ْن سَا ِع ِد الْ َج ِّد
65#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل الْمُ ْستَعْمِلِ ِ ْف مَ ْ ضَاتِكَ غَايَ َة الْجُـهْ ِد 66#
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََل انل يِ َِّّب الْخَاتِ ِ 67#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََل ارلَّ ُسوْلِ الْخَـاتِ ِ
ْمط َيَف الْقـَائِمِ 69#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل 68#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ال ُ ْ
َاح ْ dالي َِات 71# رَ ُسوْ لِكَ أ َِب الْ َاسِـمِ 70#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ
َاح ادل يََّل dل ِت 72#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ
َاح ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ
كرَام َِات 74# َاح الْ َ ْ ِالشَار َِات 73#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ
َاحَاح الْ َلَ م َِات 75#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ
َاح الْمُعْ ِجز َِات ا ْلَيِّ َِات 76#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل ص ِ ِ
77. O Allah, bless the possessor of events which break the natural
78.O Allah, bless the one whom the stones greeted.
79.O Allah, bless the one before whom the trees prostrated themi
80. O Allah, bless the one from whose light the flowers were proi
81. O Allah, bless the one by whose baraka the fruits are good.
82. O Allah, bless the one from the remainder of whose wudu' the
trees were made green.
83. O Allah, bless the one from whose light all lights overflowed.
84. O Allah, bless the one by whose prayer burdens fall off.
85. O Allah, bless the one by whose prayer the degrees of the righti
eous are obtained.
86. O Allah, bless the one by whose prayer old and young are shown
87. O Allah, bless the one by whose prayer we have blessings in this
abode and that abode.
88. O Allah, bless the one by whose prayer the mercy of the
Almighty, the Forgiving is obtained.
89. O Allah, bless the victorious confirmed one.
90. O Allah, bless the extolled chosen one.
91. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad.
92. O Allah, bless the one whom to the hem of whose cloak the wild
animals would cling when he waked in the desolate deserts.
93. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad among the first.
94. And bless our master Muhammad among the last,
95. And bless our master Muhammad among the Prophets,
96. And bless our master Muhammad among the Messengers,
97. And bless our master Muhammad in the Highest Assembly until
the Day of Repayment.
98. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the
drops of rain.
99. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the
leaves of the trees.
100. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the
beasts of the wastelands.
101. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the
creatures of the seas.
89. Allaahumma salli ‘alal mansuuril mu‘ayyad. 90. Allaahumma
salli ‘alal mukhtaaril mumajjad. 91. Allaahumma salli ‘alaa
sayyidinaa wa mawlaanaa Muhammad. 92.Allaahumma salli
‘alaa man kaana idhaa mashaa fil barril aqfaari ta‘allaqatil
wuhuushu bi-adh yaalih. 93. Allaahumma salli ala Muhammadin
fil awwaliin. 94. Wa salli ‘alaa Muhammadin fil aakhiriin. 95. Wa
salli ‘alaa Muhammadin fin-nabiyyiin. 96. Wa salli ‘alaa
Muhammadin fil mursaliin. 97. Wa salli ‘alaa Muhammadin fil
mala-il a‘alaa ilaa yawmid diin. 98. Allaahumma salli ‘alaa
sayyidinaa wa mawlaanaa Muhammadin‘adada qatril amtaar.
99. Allaahumma salli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa mawlaana
Muhammadin ‘adada awraaqil ashjaar. 100. Allaahumma salli
‘alaa sayyidinaa wa mawlaanaa Muhammadin ‘adada dawaabbil
qifaar. 101. Allaahumma salli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa mawlaanaa
Muhammadin ‘adada dawaabbil bihaar.
َنوْ رِ ال ُمـؤَ يَّ ِد 90#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل 89#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل الْم ْ ُ
الْمُ ْختَارِ الْمُمَجَّـدِ 91# .ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَو يَْلنَا مُحَـ َّم ٍد
92#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مَ ْن ك َا َن اِذَا َمَا ِف ال ْبَ ِّ ْ يَالقْفَـرِ تَ َلَّقَتِ
الْوُ حُـ ْو ُش بِايَ ْذيَالِ ِ 93#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مُحَـ َّم ٍد ِف ْ يَالوَّ ل ْ َِني
94#وَ صَلِّ عَىل مُحَـ َّم ٍد ِف الهْ ^خـِر ْ َِي 95#وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل
مُحَـ َّم ٍد ِف انلَّبِ ْ َِّني 96#وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل مُحَـ َّم ٍد ِف الْرمُ ْ َسل ْ َِني 97#
وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل مُحَـ َّم ٍد ِف الْمَلَ ِ ْ يَالع يَْىل اِليَ يَوْ ِم ادل ْ َِّي 98#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ
ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَو يَْلنَا مُحَـ َّم ٍد عَ َد َد َ ْقرِ ْ َالمْطيَـارِ 99# .ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ
ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَوْ ليَنا مُحَـ َّم ٍد عَ َد َد أَوْ رَا ِق ْ َال ْشجَـارِ 100#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم
صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَو يَْلنَا مُحَـ َّم ٍد عَ َد َد َدوَابِّ الْ ِفَـارِ 101#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم
صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَو يَْلنَا مُحَـ َّم ٍد عَ َد َد َدوَابِّ ا ْ ِلحَـارِ
102. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the
water of the seas. 103. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in
quantity as great as what the night darkens and the day gives light to.
104. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in the morning and
evening. 105. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as
great as the sand. 106. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in
quantity as great as men and women. 107. O Allah, bless our master
Muhammad with Your good pleasure. 108. O Allah, bless our master
Muhammad by the amount of Your words. 109. O Allah, bless our
master Muhammad by what Your heaven and earth contain.
110. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad by the weight of Your
throne. 111. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as
great as Your creatures. 112. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad
with the best of Your blessings.
102#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَو يَْلنَا مُحَـ َّم ٍد عَ َد َد مِ َاهِ ا ْ ِلحَارِ
103#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَو يَْلنَا مُ َحمَّ ٍد عَ َد َد مَا أَظْليَ َ عَليَ ْ ِه اللَّ ْلُ
م بِالْ ُ ُدوِّ وَ أَضَاءَ عَليَ ْ ِه النَّ ارُ 104#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَو يَْلنَا ُ َ َّ ٍ
و َْالصَالِ 105#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَو يَْلنَا مُ َحمَّ ٍد عَ َد َد ارلِّ مَالِ
106#اللَّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَو يَْلنَا مُحَـ َّم ٍد عَ َد َد ا ِّلنَا ِء وَارلِّ جَالِ
107#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَو يَْلنَا مُحَـ َّم ٍد رِ ضَاءَ نَ ْسِكَ 10#8
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَو يَْلنَا مُ َحمَّ ٍد مِدَا َد كَلِمَاتِكَ 109#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم
صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَو يَْلنَا مُحَـ َّم ٍد مِلْ ءَ َسمَوَاتِكَ وَ أَرْ ضِكَ 110#
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَوْ ليَنا مُحمَّ ٍد زِ نَ َة عَ ْ شِكَ 111#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ
ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَوْ ليَنا مُ َحمَّ ٍد عَ َد َد مَ ْخلُوْ ق َاتِكَ 112#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل
َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَو يَْلنَا مُحَـ َّم ٍد أ َْفَليَ َصليَوَاتِكَ
113. Allah, bless and grant peace and blessings on our master
Muhammadin, the Unlettered Prophet, the pure and made pure, and
his family and grant them peace. 114. O Allah, bless our master
Muhammad in the night when it darkens, 115. And bless our master
Muhammad in the day when it brightens, 116. And bless our master
Muhammad in the next abode and the first, 117. And bless our masi
ter Muhammad as a pure youth, 118. And bless our master Muhami
mad as a pleasing man of maturity, 119. And bless our master
Muhammad since he was a child in the cradle. 120. And bless our
master Muhammad until nothing remains of blessing. 121. O Allah,
bless the one with whom You sealed the message and confirmed
with victory, Kawthar and intercession. 122. O Allah, bless our masi
ter Muhammad, the possessor of beauty, handsomeness, splendour,
perfection, radiance, light and youths. 123. Allah, bless Your Chosen
Prophet and Your approved Messenger and Your Chosen Wali and
Your Guardian of the revelation of heaven.
113#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُحَـ َّم ِد ِن انل يِ َِّّب ال ِّ ُِّم اطلَّاهِ ِ ال ُ يَْمهَيّرِ
م ِف اللَّ ْل إِذَا يَ َْش وَ ع يََىل ا^لِ ِ وَ سَلِّ ْ 114#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل ُ َ َّ ٍ
115#وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل مُحَـ َّم ٍد ِف النَّ َارِ إِذَا تَج ََّىل 116#وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل
dخ ةِ وَ اْلُوْل^ 117#وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل مُ َحمَّ ٍد َشابَّا زَ كِيَّا مُحَـ َّم ٍد ِف ْال ِ َ
118#وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل مُحَـ َّم ٍد يَكهْلً مَ ْ ِضيًّا 119#وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل مُحَـ َّم ٍد
م ح ََّت يَل يَبْ َـق مِ َن مَ ْ ُذ ك َا َن ِف ال َ ْْم ِد صَبِ َّا 120#وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل ُ َ َّ ٍ
شءٌ 121#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مَ ْن خَ َمْتَ بِ ِه ارلِّ سَاليَ َ وَ أَيَّ ْدتَ ُه ا َّصلل ^وةِ َ ْ
ك ْو ثَ ِ وَا َّشلفَاعَ ِة 122#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مُحَـ َّم ٍد بِايَ ْنل ْ َِّص وَ الْ َ
كمَالِ ،وَ الْبَ َا ِء َاح الْ ُح ْس يِن وَ الْ َجمَالِ ،وَ الْبَ ْجَـ ِة وَ الْ َ ص ِ ِ
ْمط َيَف ،وَ رَ ُسوْ لِكَ وَانلُّوْ رِ وَ الْوِدلْ َا ِن 123#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل نَبِ ِّكَ ال ُ ْ
الْرمُ ْ ت ََض ،وَ وَ لِ ِّكَ الْمُجـت ََب ،وَ أَمِ ْنِكَ ع يََىل وَ حْـييِ اسلَّما ِء
124. Allah, bless Your angels and the near angels, Your Prophets and
Messengers, and all the people who obey You, and make us among
those to whom mercy has been shown by praying for them.
125. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the
running clouds and bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great
as the scattering winds from the Day You created the world until the
Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day. 126.O Allah,
praise Muhammad and grant him peace, and reward him as much as
he deserves, and he is Your Beloved. 127. O Allah, convey to him
from us peace just as he invoked peace, and peace be upon the
Prophet and the mercy of Allah the Exalted and His blessngs.
128. O Allah, bless Muhammad, Your slave and Prophet, the
unlettered Prophet and the family of Muhammad. 129. O Allah,
bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the leaves of the
olive tree and all fruits.
124#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مَل dئ ِكيَ ِكَ و الْمُقَـرَّ ب ِْي ،وَ ع يََىل أنْبِ َاdئِكَ
الْرمْ َسل ْ َِني وَ ع يََىل أَهْلِ طيَاعَتِـكَ ْأجَعِنيَ ،وَا ْجَلْ َا بِاصلَّلَ ةِ عَليَهيْ ِ ْم
َـاب مِ ْن الْـ َمرْ حُو م ْ َِني 125#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مُ َحمَّ ٍد عَ َد َد ا َّسلح ِ
م عَ َد َد ارلِّ يَاحِ اذلَّارِ يَ ِة ،مِ ْن يَوْ ِم َخليَقْتَ الْجَـارِ يَةِ ،وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل ُ َ َّ ٍ
ادلُّنْ َا إِليَ يَوْ ِم الْ ِيَامَ ِة ِ ْف كُـ ِّل يَوْ ٍم أ ْ ََل مَ َّ ةٍ 126#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل
م وَ سَلِّ ْ عَليَ ْ ِه وَاجـْزِ هِ عَ َّا مَا هُوَ أَهْلُ ُ حَ ـِيْ ِكَ َسيِّ ِدنَا ُ َ َّ ٍ
كرَ ال َّسـلَ مُ ،و ال َّسـلَ ُم ع يََىل 127#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم أَبْلِ ْ ُه مِ َّا ال َّسـلَ َم يَكَا ُذ ِ
انل يِ َِّّب وَ رَ حْـ َم ُة الله^ّ ِ تَ َال^ وَبَ َ كَـاتُ ُه 128#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل
م 129# مُحَـ َّمدٍ ،بعَ ْدِكَ وَ نَبِ ِّكَ وَ رَ ُسوْ لِكَ انل يِ َِّّب ْال ُِّمِّ ،وَ ع يََىل ا^لِ ُ َ َّ ٍ
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّـ ِدنَا وَ مَو يَْلنَا مُحَـ َّم ٍد عَ َد َد أَوْ رَا ِق ازلَّيْ ُوْ ِن
وَ جَـ ِميْعِ اثلِّ َمـارِ
130. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as
what was and what is and in quantity as great as what the night
darkens and what the day throws light on.
131. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad whose heart You filled
with Your majesty, and whose eye with Your beauty so that he
became overjoyed, supported and victorious, and bless his family and
Companions and grant them peace, and praise be to Allah for that.
132. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad according to his rank and
133. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and his family and wives
and offspring in quantity as great as the breaths of his community.
134. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad with a blessing by which
we are saved from all anxieties and afflictions, grant us all our needs,
purify us from all evils by it, raise up by it to the highest of degrees,
and by it let us reach the furthest of goals in all good things in life
and after death.
130#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَو يَْلنا مُحَـ َّم ٍد عَ َد َد مَا ك َا َن وَ مَا
يَكُـ ْو نُ ،وَ عَ َد َد مَا أَظْليَ َ عَليَ ْ ِه اللَّ ْلُ ،وَ أَضَاءَ عَليَ ْ ِه النَّ ارُ
131#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ٍد ِن اذلَّ ِ ْي مَلَ ْتَ ق َلْ َ ُه مِ ْن
جَـلَ لِكَ وَعَ ْنَ ْ ِه مِ ْن جـَ َمالِكَ ،فأَ ْصبَحَ فَ ِ حًا م ْ َُس وْر اً مُـؤَ يَّدًا
َنوْ رًا ،وَ ع يََىل ا^لِ ِ وَ َص ْحبِ ِه وَ سَلِّ ْ تيَسْلِ ْمًا ،وَ الْ َحمْ ُد ِ ه^ّللِ ع يََىل َذالِكَمْ ُ
132#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ٍد حـَقَّ ق َ ْدرِ هِ وَمِ ْدَارِ هِ 133#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم
صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ٍد وَ ع يََىل ا^لِ ِ وَ ايَزْ وَاجـِ ِه وَ ُذرِّ يَ ِةهِ عَ َد َد
ايَنْ َِاس اُمَّ ِ ِه 134#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّدٍ ،صَلَ ةً تُ َ ِّجيْنَا بِ َا
ْض يَنلَا بِ َا جَـ ِميْ َع مِ ْن َج ِمـيْعِ ْ َالهـْ َو الِ و ْ َdالف َِات ،وَ تَقـ ِ ْ
َات ،وَ تُطيَ ِّرُ نَا بِ َا مِ ْن جـَ ِميْعِ ا َّسليِّئ َِات ،وَتَ ْ فَعُنَا بِ َا أَع يَْىل الْحَاج ِ
َـات ،وَ تُ َلِّ ُنَا بِ َا أَق َْص الْ َاي َِات ،مِ ْن جَـ ِميْعِ الْخـَريْ َِات ا َّدلرَ ج ِ
ِف الْحـيَاةِ ،وَ بَعـْ َد الْمَ َم ِ
135. O Allah, bless Muhammad in quantity as great as Your
forbearance and bless Muhammad in quantity as great as Your
knowledge and bless Muhammad in quantity as great as Your words
and bless Muhammad in quantity as great as your bounties and bless
Muhammad such that it fills Your skies and and bless Muhammad
such that it fills Your earth and bless Muhammad such that it fills
Your Throne and and bless Muhammad as the adornment of Your
Throne and and bless Muhammad in all that the pen has written in
the Mother of the Book. and bless Muhammad as much as You have
created in Your seven heavens. and bless Muhammad as much as
You will create in them until the Day of Resurrection and every day
a thousand times. 136 O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the
master of the first and the last.
137. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad at every moment and
time. 138. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in the Highest
Assembly until the Day of Repayment.
135#اللَّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مُ َحمَّ ٍد عَ َد َد حِـلْمِكَ ،وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل مُحـ َّم ٍد
م عَ َد َد كَـلِمَاتِكَ ،وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل ُ َ َّ ٍ
م عَ َد َد ِعلْمِكَ ،وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل ُ َ َّ ٍ
عَ َد َد نِ ْمَتِكَ ،وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل مُحَـ َّم ٍد مِلْ ءَ َسمَاوَاتِكَ ،وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل
م مِلْ ءَ عَـرْ شِكَ ،وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل مُ َحمَّ ٍد مِلْ ءَ أَرْ ضِكَ ،وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل ُ َ َّ ٍ
مُ َحمَّ ٍد زِ نَ َة عَ ْ شِكَ ،وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل مُ َحمَّ ٍد عَ َد َد مَا جَـرَى بِ ِه الْ َليَ ُ ِفْ
كت َِاب ،وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل مُحـَ َّم ٍد عَ َد َد مَا َخليَقْتَ ِ ْف َسبْعِ أُ ِّم الْ ِ
م عَ َد َد مَا أ ْ ََن خَـالِقٌ فِهيِ َّن إِليَ يَـ ْو ِم َسمَوَاتِكَ ،وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل ُ َ َّ ٍ
الْ ِيَامَ ِة ِ ْف كُـ ِّل يَوْ ٍم أ ْ ََل مَ َّة 136#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا
وَ مَو يَْلنَا مُحَـ َّم ٍد َسيِّ ِد ْ يَالوَّ ل ْ َِني وَ ْ dالخِـر ْ َِي 13#7ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل
َق وَ ح ْ ٍِني 138#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَو يَْلنَا مُ َحمَّ ٍد ِ ْف كُـ ِّل و ْ ٍ
ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا وَ مَو يَْلنَا مُحَـ َّم ٍد ِف الْمَلَ ِ ْ يَالع يَْىل اِليَ يَـ ْو ِم ا ِّدليـْنيِ
139. O Allaah, bless our master Muhammad with a blessing that is
connected to his remembrance. O Allaah, bless our master
Muhammad with a blessing that is comprehensive with his happiness
and delight. O Allaah, bless our master Muhammad with a blessing
that encompasses all his manners and delights. O Allaah, bless our
master Muhammad with a blessing that encompasses all his manners
and ideas. O Allaah, bless our master Muhammad with a blessing
that brightens (creates Nuur in) the hearts of his listeners. O Allaah,
bless our master Muhammad with a blessing that explains his hidden
perfection through the lines of his countenance. and bless all his
brothers among the Prophets and the Saints as much as his passing
over and trekking between water and its purification, and (between)
the Noor and its being known, and (between) the Truth and its
affairs. 140. O You who is ever bountiful to the creation! O the One
with Outistretched hands with grants! O Exalted Owner of
Munificence! Bless Muhammad who is the best of creation in
disposition and forgive us O Owner of Exaltedness, this very
139#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مُحَـ َّم ٍد صَلَ ةً مَ ْرُ وْ نَ ًة بِ ِذكـْرِ هِ
* ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مُ َحمَّ ٍد صَلَ ةً جَ مِ َ ًة ب ْ ََني فَ ْ ِح ِه وَ ُ ُس وْ رِ هِ *
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مُ َحمَّ ٍد صَلَ ةً مُ ِْي ضَ ًة ِبيَوْ رِ هِ وَ َصوْ رِ هِ
َاب* ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مُحَـ َّم ٍد صَلَ ةً مُ َوِّ رَ ةً ِلُلُو ِْب ايَ ْصح ِ
ُص ُدوْ رِ هِ * ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل مُ َحـَّ ٍد صَلَ ةً شَارِ َح ًة لِـ َمنْقُوْ ِح ِه ِفْ
َسوْ رِ هِ * وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل َ ِجيْعِ اِ ْخوَ انِ ِه مِ َن ْ يَالنْبِ َا ِء و ْ يََالوْ لِ َا ِء * مْ ُ
بِ َ َد ِد بعُ ُوْ رِ هِ وَ مُ ُ وْ رِ هِ * ب ْ ََني الْـمَـا ِء وَ طيَ ُوْ رِ هِ * وَانلُّوْ رِ وَ ظُ ُوْ رِ هِ
* وَ الْحَقِّ وَ اُمُوْ رِ هِ
َاس ا ْلَد ْ َِي بِال َ ِْعيَّ ِة * يَا 140#يَا َداdئِ َم ال َْفْلِ ع يََىل ال ْبَ ِ يَّ ِة * يَا ب ِ يَ
َاح الْـ َموَاهِبِ اسلَّنِ َّ ِة * صَلِّ ع يََىل مُ َحمَّ ٍد خَريْ ِ الْوَ رَى ص ِ َ
بِا َّسل ِجيَّ ِة * وَاغْفِـرْ يَنلَا يَا ذَالْ ـ يَُىل ِ ْف ه^ ِذهِ الْ َ ِشيَّ ِة
141. O Allaah! I implore You O Allaah! O Most Compassionate!
O Most Merciful! O Protector of those seeking protection! O Giver
of shelter to the ones who are scared! O Supporter of him who has
none to support him! O Giver of rest to him who has nothing to
lean upon! O Trustee for him who has no treasure to draw upon!
O Giver of security to those who are weak! O Treasure of the poor!
You, in whom all hopes are placed! O Deliverer of those who are on
a perishing point. O Rescuer of those who drown! O Giver of goodi
ness! O Beautifier! O Bountiful! O Benefactor! O Munificent!
O Honourable! O Mighty! O Provider of Light! You are The One to
Whom prostrates the darkness of the night and the light of the day,
the rays of the sun, the rustle of the leaves of the trees, the ripple of
the water and the glitter of the moon. O Allaah! You are Allaah!
None is Your partner! I implore You that You shower Your blessings
on Muhammad, Your slave and Your Messenger, and on the family
of Muhammad.
141#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم اِنِّ ْ ايَ ْسايَل ُكَ يَا dايَلله^ّ ُ يَا رَ حْـم^ ُن يَا رَحِ ْ ُم * يَا جَـا َر
الْـ ُم ْستَ ِجر ْ َِي * يَا dايَمَا َن الْـ َخاdئِف ْ َِني * يَا ِعمـَا َد مَ ْن يَل ِعمَا َد
ُخ مَ ْن يَل ُذخْـرَ ليَ ُ ليَ ُ * يَا َسنَ َد مَ ْن يَل َسنَ َد ليَ ُ * يَا ذ ْ َ
عيْ َم ارلَّ جَـا ِء * يَا حِـرْ زَ ا ُّضلعَفَا ِء * يَا كـَنْ ُ الْ ُقَرَ اِ dء * يَا َ ِ
ْج الْ َر يَْق * يَا مُ ْح ِس ُن يَا * يَا مُ ْقِ يَذ الْـهَلْكَى * يَا مُنـ ِ َ
مُجْـمِلُ * يَا مُ ْعِ ُم يَا م ُْفِلُ * يَا عَ ِ يـْزُ يا جَـبَّارُ
* يَا مُ ِريْ ُ ا ْ َيَن اذلَّ ِ ْي َس َج َد ل يَكَ َسوَا ُد اللَّ ْلِ * وَ َضوْ ءُ ا َّشلم ِْس
حي ُْف ا َّشلجَـرِ * وَ َدوِ ُّي الْـ َماِ dء وَ نُوْ رُ الْقَـ َمرِ * يَا dايَلله^ّ ُ وَ َ ِ
ا ْ َيَن الله^ّ ُ يَل َ ِش يْكَ ل يَكَ * ايَ ْسايَل ُكَ ايَ ْن ُت ِّ ََل ع يََىل َسيِّـ ِدنَا
مُحَـ َّم ٍد عَبـْدِكَ وَ رَ سُـ ْو لِكَ وَ ع يََىل ا^لِ َسيِّـ ِدنَا مُحَـ َّم ٍد
142. O Allaah bless our master Muhammad in the arenas of the Day
of Resurrection. O Allah bless our master Muhammad when the
calamity occurs (Qiyaamah). O Allaah bless our master Muhammad
with a blessing that releases (us) from blame. O Allaah bless our
master Muhammad with a blessing that delivers us to peace.
O Allaah bless our master Muhammad with a blessing that abounds
on the generous folk. O Allaah bless our master Muhammad during
every moment and time. O Allaah bless our master Muhammad in
every era and place. O Allaah bless our master Muhammad on every
tongue and heart. O Allaah bless our master Muhammad when every
wisdom and speech is apparent. O Allaah bless our master Muhami
mad the one with the mighty book and the one to hold the glorious
Qur’aan. O Allaah bless our master Muhammad between the secret
of ‘Be and it is’. And bless all of his brothers among the Prophets,
142#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُحَـ َّم ٍد ِ ْف عَ َ ص ِ
َات الْ ِيَامَ ِة
* ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُحَـ َّم ٍد ح ْ َِني تَ ُوْ ُم اسلَّاعَ ُة اطلَّاdمَّ ُة *
ْل ًة عَ يِن الْـمَلَ مَ ِة * ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُحَـ َّم ٍد مُـخ ِ َ
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ٍد صَلَ ةً مُ َلِّ َ ًة اِليَ اسلَّلَ مَ ِة *
كرَامَ ِة ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ٍد صَلَ ةً فَاdئِضَ ًة ع يََىل ايَهْلِ الْ َ
* ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ٍد ِ ْف ك ُلِّ ح ْ ٍ
ِـني وَ ايَوَا ٍن *
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ٍد ِ ْف ك ُلِّ زَ مَا ٍن وَ مَكـا ٍن * ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم
صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ٍد ِ ْف ك ُلِّ ِسلَا ٍن وَ جـِنَا ٍن * ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ
عَىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ٍد عِ ْ َد ظُ ُوْ رِ كـُ ِّل حِكْ مَ ٍة وَ بَ َا ٍن * ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم
كت َِاب الْ َزِزيْ ِ وَ حَـامِلِ َاح الْ ِصَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ٍد ص ِ ِ
الْ ُرْ ق َا ِن الْـ َم ِجيْ ِد * ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَلِّ ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَّ ٍد صَلَ ةً جَ مِ َ ًة
ب ْ ََني ِ ِّس ُ ْك وَ ك َا َن * وَ صَلِّ ع يََىل جَـ ِميْعِ اِ ْخوَ انِ ِه مِ َن انلَّبِيَّ ْ َ
the truthful persons, the witnesses and the righteous folk. The peoi
ple of the Qiblah and faith and the Book and the Balance. O Comi
passionate! O Generous! And forgive the people of Your Prophet
and Your beloved Muhammad, on him be blessings and peace. And
let them reside in Paradise. And be good to them O Friend of
Goodness! Through the means of Your mercy cause them to obtain
Your satisfaction, mercy and forgiveness. Protect them from Satan
and the Fire, with Your mercy, O Most Merciful!
144. O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, by whose duaa every disi
tress is removed, and by whose blessings every hardship is eased and
upon his family and send peace
لش َداِ dء وَاصلَّالِـح ْ َِني * ايَهْلِ الْ ِبْليَ ِ و َْالِيْ َا ِن * وَا ِّصلدِّيْ ْ َِني وَ ا ُّ َ
كت َِاب وَالْـمِيْ َا ِن * يَا حَ َّا ُن يَا مَنـَّا ُن * وَاغْفِرْلِ ُ مَّ ِة وَ الْ ِ
نَبِ ِّكَ وَ حَ ِيْ ِكَ مُ َحمَّ ٍد عَليَ ْ ِه اصلَّلَ ةُ وَاسلَّلَ ُم * وَ ايَ ْسكـِنْهُ ْم
ايَع يَْىل الـْ ِجنَا ِن * وَ ايَ ْح ِس ْن اِ يَلْهـِ ْم يَا وَ ِ َّل ْ ِال ْحسَا ِن *
وَ ايَ ْدخِلْ ُ ْم بِ َ حـْ َمتِكَ ِف ارلِّ ضَا وَارلِّ ضْـ َو ا ِن * وَارلَّ حْـ َم ِة
وَالْ ُفْرَا ِن * وَ ايَ ِع ْذهُـ ْم مِ َن اشل َّْييَا ِن وَانلِّريْ َا ِن * بِ َ حْـ َمتِكَ
ْح ارلَّاحِـم ْ َِني 143#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم ص َِّل ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُحَـ َيّم ِد ِن انل يِ َِّّب يا dايَر َ َ
ْال ِّ ُِّم اطلَّاهِ ِ ازل ِ َِّّك * صَلَ ةً تُـحَلُّ بِ ِه الْعـُقَ ُد * وَ تُفَـكُّ بِـهَا
كرَبُ 144#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم ص َِّل ع يََىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُ َحمَيّ ِد ِن اذلَّ ِ ْي يـُزَالُ ك ُلُّ الْ ُ
كَـر ٍْب بِ َدعْـ َو تِ ِه وَ ي َ ْس َهـ ُل كُـ ُّل َصعْبٍ بِبَ َكـَتِ ِه وَ
ع يََىل ا^لِ ِ وَ سَـلِّ ْم
145. O Allah! Bestow complete blessings and perfect peace on our
master Muhammad by whom all our difficulties be removed, all
calamities and agonies prevented, all needs fulfilled; all our cherished
desires obtained; and a good end to life; and send us rainishowering
clouds by means of his noble countenance, and on his family and
companions in every glance and every breath, as many times as all
that is in Your Knowledge.
147. O Allaah, bless our master Muhammad, who opened what was
closed, who sealed what had gone before; the helper of Truth by the
Truth, the guide to Your straight path, and on his family, equal to his
immense position and grandeur.
that our faces are preserved from turning to any one of Your creai
tion. And let it be for us O Allaah, an easy approach to it without
effort and fatigue and without pleading and pursuing and save us O
Allaah, from the forbidden whatever it is, wherever it is and with
whomsoever it is. And cause a barrier between us and those who
own it. Shut off their hands from us and turn away their hearts from
us. All this until our movements are not aimed but towards that
which pleases You. And may we not seek assistance with Your mercy
except with that which You love. (Grant all this) with Your Mercy, O
Most Merciful!
150. O Allaah, bless our master Muhammad, Your slave and Your
Messenger and bless the believing men and women and the
submitting men and women.
maa tasuunu bihi wujuuhanaa anit ta-‘arrudi ilaa ahadin min
khalqika waj‘al lanaa ilayhi tariiqan sahlan min ghayri ta‘abin
wa laa nasabin walaa minnatan wa laa tabi‘atin wa jannibnal
haraama haythu kaana wa ayna kaana wa ‘inda man kaana wa
hul baynanaa wa bayna ahlihi waqbid annaa aydiyahum wasrif
‘anna quluubahum hattaa laa nataqallaba illaa fiimaa yurdiika
wa laa nasta‘iinu birahmatika illaa ‘alaa maa tuhibu birahmatika
Yaa Arhamar Raahimiin.
151. O Allah bless the interceder of the one who is interceded for,
our master Muhammad son of Abdullah, such a salat that is followed
by help from Allaah, victory from Allah, blessings from Allah, nur
from Allah, comfort from Allaah, knowledge from Allah, protection
from Allah, nearness from Allah, inspiration from Allah, a proof
from Allah, safety from Allah, relief from Allah, support from Allah,
steadfastness from Allâh, radiance from Allah, forgiveness from
Allah, covering (of sins) from Allah, sustenance from Allah, wealth
from Allah, wellbeing from Allah, magnificence from Allaah, prestige
from Allah, ability (for good) from Allâh, peace from Allah, by the
rank of the beloved of Allah and the Messenger of Allâh and the
Prophet of Allah the possessor of sublime character, magnificent
rank and, perfect excellence. And upon his family be peace!
م بـ ْنِ عَ ْـ ِد اهللِ * 151#ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم صَـ ِّل عَ يَـل ا َّشلفِ ْ ِـي الهْـمُـ َشفَّ ِع سَ يِّدِنَ ُ َ َّ ِ
ن مِ َن اهللِ * َو ضَف ْحٌ مِ َن اهللِ * وَبَ َكضَ ٌمِ َن اهللِ * صَلضَ ةً يَ ْقُبُ َا َ ْ ٌ
وَ نُوْ رٌ مِ َن اهللِ * َوفـَرَجٌ مِ َن اهللِ * َوعِ هْل ٌ مِ َن اهللِ * وَدفِ ضَعٌ مِ َن اهللِ *
وَقُ ْبٌ مِ َن اهللِ * َو ِالهْـهَا ٌم مِ َن اهللِ * وَبُ ْهَـا ٌن مِ َن اهللِ * وََأمَا ٌن مِ َن
اهللِ * وَتضَ ْفِيْفٌ مِـ َن اهللِ * وَتَ ْ ِيْـ ٌد مِ َن اهللِ * وَثضَ َاتٌ مِـ َن اهللِ *
َوضِيَ ءٌ مِ َن اهللِ * َورِضْـوَا ٌن مِ َن اهللِ * َوعَفهْوٌ مِ َن اهللِ * َوسِتهْ ٌ مِ َن
اهللِ * َورِزْ ٌق مِ َن اهللِ * وَ غِىن مِ َن اهللِ * َوعـ َافِ َ ٌة مِ َن اهللِ *
َوجَـلضَ لٌ مِ َن اهللِ * َوهَيْ َـ ٌة مِ َن اهللِ * وَتضَ ْفِ ْقٌ مِ َن اهللِ * وَسَ لضَ َ ٌم مِ َن
ِي اهللِ َورَسُ وْلِ اهللِ َو ضَِ ِّن اهللِ * ذِي الهْـ ُخل ُقِ اهللِ * بِـجَـاهِ حَـب ْ ِ
ال َهْعِيْ ِ * َوالهْـجَـاهِ ال َ ِهْعيـْمِ * َوال ضَهْفْلِ الهْ َمِيـْمِ * وَا هْلَل هْبِ ارلَّحِيْ ِ
* َوعَ يَـل آلِ ِ َو َسلِّـ ْم
*** دعاء ***
#الْحَـ ْم ُد ِ ه^ّ ِلل ع يََىل حِـلْمِ ِه بَ ْ َد ِعلْمِهِ ،وَ ع يََىل عَفْوِ هِ بَ ْ َد ق ُ ْدرَ تِ ِه
ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم إِنِّ أَعُوْ ُذ بِكَ مِ َن الْ َقْرِ ِ َّإ إِ يَلْكَ ،وَ مِ َن اذلُّلِّ ِ َّإ ل يَكَ ،وَ مِ َن
ال َخوْفِ ِ َّإ مِ ْكَ ،وَ أَعُو ُذ بِكَ أَ ْن أَقُـ ْو ليَ زُ وْ رًا أَوْ أَغ َْش فُ ُجوْ رًا،
ك ْو َن بِكَ مَ ْرُ وْ رًا وَ أَعُوْ ُذ بِكَ مِ ْن َشمَاتَ ِة ْ َالعْدَاءِ ،و َُعَالِ أَوْ أَ ُ
ادلَّاءِ ،وَخَ ْبَ ِة ارلَّ جَـاءِ ،وَ زَ وَالِ انلِّعْمَةِ ،وَ فُجَـاءَةِ النِّـقْمَ ِة
َان َصغِريْ ًا، ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم اغْفِرْ ِل ُذنُو ِْب ،وَ لِوَادلِ َ َّي وَارْ ح ْ َُممَا يَكَا رَبَّ ِ ْ
وَ لِ َجمِيْعِ الْـ ُمؤْمِ ْ َِني وَالْـ ُمؤْمِ َِات ،وَالْـ ُم ْسلِم ْ َِني وَ المُ ْسلِم َِات،
َالمْو َِات ،ايَلله^ّ ُ َّم إِنِّ أَ ْسأَل ُكَ الْ َفْوَ وَالْ َافِ َ َة ِ ْف
ا ْيَلَحْ َا ِء مِنْ ُ ْم و ْ َ
ا ِّدليـْنيِ وَادلُّنْ َا و ْ َdالخِـرَ ةِ ،اللَّ ُ َّم اسْتُ ْنَا بِسِتْ ِكَ الجَـ ِميْلِ
O Allah, through our asking for blessings upon him expand our
hearts. And thereby ease our affairs. And dispel our anxieties. And
remove our sorrows. And thereby forgive our sins. And relieve our
debts. And improve our states. And thereby fulfil our hopes. And
accept our repentance. And may the blessings of Allah be on our
Master Muhammad and upon his family and companions as well as
perfect peace. And all Praise is for Allah the Sustainer of the Worlds.
#ايَللّ ُ َّم اشْـرَحْ بِا َّصلل ^وةِ عَليَ ْ ِه ُص ُدوْ رَ نَا ،وَ ي َِّسْ بِ َهـا اُمُوْ رَ نَا،
وَفَ ِّجْ بِ َا هُ ُوْمَ َا ،وَاكْـش ِْف بِ َا غُمُوْمَ َا ،وَاغْفِرْ بِ َا ُذنُوْبَ َا،
َاق بِ َا ُديُوْنَ َا ،وَ ايَ ْصلِحْ بِ َا ايَحْـ َو ا يَنلَا ،وَ بَلِّ ْغ بِ َا ايَمَا يَنلَا،
وَتَ َبَّلْ بِ َا تَوْ بَتَ َا.
#وَ ص ََّل الله^ّ ُ عَ يَـىل َسيِّ ِدنَا مُحَـ َّم ٍد
وَّ عَ يَـىل ا^لِ وَ َص ْحبِ ِه وَ سَـلَّ َم ت يَ ْسلِيْـمًا #
وَ الْحَـ ْم ُد ِ ه^ّ ِلل رَبِّ الْ َعـاليَم ْ َِني
صـلوة وسالم على سيداالنام
anytime, mercy of both worlds Sallallahu alayhi wassalam, can be
witnessed to be varying. Some, after presenting the renowned
words of Salaat ‘o' Salaam (peace and blessings) in respect and
fear, remain silent, stunned. Silence is a sign of true love. How
can speaking in the presence of the beloved be beneficial.
Others, with difficulty try to control their trembling feet and
string couplets full of deep love culminating into strings of tears
rolling down their cheeks. :
The Salaat and Salaam compiled in this small booklet are based
upon the ninetyinine names of Allah known as AsmaieiHusna
regarding which the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wassalam says,
“Allah has ninety nine names whosoever memorises them will
enter paradise” {Sahi Bukhari}.
matched in rhyme with Allah's blessed names then an attribute
was not formed by me but rather the rhythmical pattern was disi
For some time I had been reciting these words of Salaat 'o'
Salaam so when some of the pious acclaimed them and added
words of encouragement I thought that if this collection of
Salaat ‘o' Salaam was to be published then it would be easier to
present as gift to those interested. This was the cause of this
book being published.
1. You will not only be rewarded for the recitation of Salaat 'o'
Salaam but there is also a separate reward for the recitation of
created man from Nutfah, drops of mixed semen (discharge of
men and women), in order to try him, so We made him Samee
(hearing), Baseer (seeing).”{76:2} In this verse, every human being
is referred to as ‘Samee' and ‘Baseer' although these are from
among the seven core attributes of Allah. It should berememi
bered that when theses attributes are ascribed to Allah the belief
should be that these are Allah's natural attributes, and when these
attributes are used to characterise the creation then it is necessary
to believe that these attributes are not innate but are given By
Allah. Furthermore, the blessed attributes mentioned here are
solely supplications for the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasali
lam, which negates the association of attributes with Allah.
May Almighty Allah, grace the compiler, the publisher and the
readers with favours and blessings of Salaat ‘o' Salaam and may
He make it the means of increase nearness and love for the Holy
Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. There is no specific time for
the recitation of the collection, it may be recited before or after
Fajar or Maghrib Salah, before the recitation of the Quran or
before supplication for any need. May Allah's blessings be upon
our Master Muhamad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, his descendants
and his companions.
Acknowledgement :
Salaat wa Salaam ‘alaa Sayidil Anaam bis Salaatil Ilaahiyah
wal alqaab An Nabawiyyah
Salaat and Salaam Upon the Prince of Mankind
with the 99 names of Allah and the Prophetic titles
صـلوة وسالم على سيداالنام
11. O Creator! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, The
First Light. Yaa Khaaliq salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyis Saabiq.
12. O Maker! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, Most
Brilliant. Yaa Baari’ salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Baari‘i
يَا جَـبَّارْ 9#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْمُخْـتَارْ
يَا مُ َكـ ِ َّبْ 10#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْمُت َ ِّ
َض ْع
يَا خَـالِقْ 11#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب اسل ِ ْ
يَا بَـارِ ْئ 12#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ا ْلَارِ ْع
موِّ رْ 13#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْمُ يَذ ِّ
كرْ يَا ُ َ
يَا غَفَّـارْ 14#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ا َّشلكـَّارْ
يَا قَ َّهـارْ 15#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب اذلَّكَّارْ
يَا وَ هَّـابْ 16#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ارلَّ هَّابْ
يَا رَ زَّاقْ 17#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْجَـ َّو ا ْد
18. O Facilitator! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet,
whose every breath was a cry. Yaa Fattaah, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil
19. O All Knowing! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet,
Most Forbearance. Yaa ‘Aleem, salli wa
sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Haliim.
22. O Abaser! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, The
Humble. Yaa Khaafid, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Waadi’i.
23. O Exalter! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, The
Intercessor. Yaa Raafi‘i, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyish Shaafi‘i.
26. O All Hearing! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet,
The Intercessor. Yaa Samii‘i salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyish Shafii‘i
ِني نل يِ يَِّّب الْمُب ْ
ل انل يِ يَِّّب الْمُخْـتَارْ
يَل انل يِ يَِّّب الْمُت َ ِّ
َض ْع
يَا فَـتَّاحْ 18#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ْ َالوَّاهْ َّاب
انل يِ يَِّّب اسل ِ ْ
ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ا ْلَارِ ْع
يَا عَـلِي ْم 19#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْحَـلِي ْم كرْ انل يِ يَِّّب الْمُ يَذ ِّ
انل يِ يَِّّب ا َّشلكـَّارْ
َاب 20#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْ َاسـِ ْم
يَا قـ ِ ْ
ـاس 21#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب اشلَّاهِـ ْد
يَا ب ِ ْ
َـاف 22#صَـ يِل ّ وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْوَاضِـ ْع
يَا خ ِ ْ
يَا رَافـِ ْع 23#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب اشلَّافـِ ْع
يَا مُ ِعـزيّ 24#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْمُ ِعـ ْني
يَا مُـذِلّ 25#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ال ُْمِيلْ
يَا َسمِي ْع 26#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ا َّشلفِي ْع
27. O All Seeing! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet,
Giver of glad tidings. Yaa Basiir, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Bashiir.
29. O Just! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, The
Refulgent Moon. Yaa ‘Adl, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Badr.
31. O All Aware! Shower Peace and blessings upon the Prophet,
The Forewarner. Yaa Khabiir salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyin Nadhiir.
يَا َ ِبريْ 27#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ال َ ِْبريْ
كرَ ْم
يَا َحكـَ ْم 28#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ْ َال ْ
يَا عَـدَلْ 29#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْبـَ َدرْ
يَا يَطل ِْيف 30#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْحَـن ِْيف
يَا خَ ِيـرْ 31#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب انلَّ ِذيـرْ
يَا َحلـِي ْم 32#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ال َحكـِي ْم
يَا َعِي ْم 3 #صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْ َ
كرِي ْم
يَا غَفُـو رْ 34#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب اظلَّفُـو رْ
يَا َشكـُو رْ 35#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب اطلَّهـُو رْ
36. O Most High! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the
Prophet, Most Devout. Yaa Aliiy’i salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyit
يَا ع ِ َّل 36#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب اتل ِ َّّق
يَا كَـبِريْ 37#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ْالَجِ ـريْ
يَا َحِظيْ 38#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْ َعـزِ زيْ
يَا مُ ِيتْ 39#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْ ُمقِي ْم
يَا َحسِبيْ 40#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ا َّلنِبيْ
يَا جَلِ لْ 41#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْخَلِ لْ
يَا كـَرِي ْم 42#صَـ يِّل و يَسَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ارلَّ ِحيـ ْم
يَا رَقِ بْ 43#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْ َحبِبيْ
يَا مُجِيبْ 44#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْمُنِبيْ
45. O Most Amply Giving! Shower Peace and Blessings
upon the Prophet, Most Fearful. Yaa Waasi‘i, salli wa sallim
‘alan Nabiyyil Khaashi’i.
يَا وَا ِس ْع 45#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْخَا ِش ْع
يَا َحكـِي ْم 46#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ازلَّعِ ْم
يَا وَ دُو ْد 47#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْ َجُـو ْد
يَا مَجِي ْد 48#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ا َّسلعِي ْد
َاع 49#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ارل ِ ْ
يَا ب ِ ْ
يَا َش ِهـي ْد 50#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ارلَّ ِشيـ ْد
يَا حَـقيّ 51#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ْ َالصْـدَقْ
يَا وَ كـِيلْ 52#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْ َجلِيـ ْل
يَا قَـوِ ّي 53#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب اصل ِ َّّف
54. O Invincible! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet
Most Trusted. Yaa Matiin, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Amiin.
55. O Patron! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, most
Faithful. Yaa Waliyy, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Wafiyy.
57. O Recorder! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, the
Exalter. Yaa Muhsiy, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyis M‘uli.
59. O Restorer! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, who
renounces falshood. Yaa Mu‘iid, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Muhiid.
60. O Giver of Life! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Unleti
tered Prophet. Yaa Muhyii, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Ummiyy.
61. O Giver of Death! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Illumii
nated Prophet. Yaa Mumiit, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Muniir.
62. O Ever Living! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Good
Prophet. Yaa Hayy, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Khayr.
يَا مَ ِ ْني 54#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ْ َالمِـ ْني
يَا وَ ِ ّل 5 #صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْ َو ِ ّف
يَا حَـمِي ْد 56#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ا َّسلدِي ْد
ْـص 57#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْ ُم ْع ِ ْل
يَا مُح ِ ْ
يَا مُبْـ ِد ْئ 58#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْمُقْـرِ ْئ
يَا مُ ِي ْد 59#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْمُحِي ْد
ْـي 60#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ْال ِيّ ُّم
يَا مُح يِ ْ
يَا مُـمِيتْ 61#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْمُنِيـرْ
ح 62#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْ َخريْ
يَا َ ّ
63. O Sustainer! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet,
divinely aided. Yaa Qayyuum, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Mansuur.
64. O All Perfect! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet,
fair warner of success and failure. Yaa Waajid, salli wa sallim ‘alan
Nabiyyil Waa‘id.
66. O Unique! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, the
Leader. Yaa Waahid, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil ‘Qaaiid.
67. O One! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, Brilliant
Moon. Yaa Ahad, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Qamar.
69. O All Powerful! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet,
Most Grateful. Yaa Qaadir, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyish Shaakir.
يَا قيَ ُّو ْم 63#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْم ْ ُ
َنو رْ
يَا وَاجِ ـ ْد 64#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْوَاعِـ ْد
يَا مَاجِ ـ ْد 65#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْ َعـابِ ْد
يَا وَاحِـ ْد 6 #صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْقَـائِ ْد
يَا أَحَـ ْد 67#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْ َمـَرْ
يَا َصمَ ْد 68#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ا ْل َ َشـرْ
يَا ق َا ِدرْ 69#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب اشلَّاكِـرْ
يَا مُقْـتَ ِدرْ 70#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْمُقْـتَصِ ْد
يَا مُقَـ ِّد ْم 71#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْمُقَـ َّد ْم
72. O Postponer, Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet,
conveyer of glad tidings. Yaa Muiakhikhar, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil
73. O First! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, unparali
leled in beauty. Yaa Awwal, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Ajmal.
74. O Last! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, enveli
oped in remembrance. Yaa Aakhir, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyidh Dhaai
75. O Manifest! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, posi
sessor of lustrous complexion. Yaa Zaahir, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyiz
76. O Hidden! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, The
Protected. Yaa Baatin, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Aamin.
78. O Exalted! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, supi
porter of the needy. Yaa Muta‘aali salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyit Taali.
79. O Most Kind! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, an
Ocean of Kindness. Yaa Barr salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Bahr.
يَا ُ َم خِّـرْ 72#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْمُبَ ِّشـرْ
يَا أَوَّلْ 73#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ْال َْجَلْ
آخ 74#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب اذلَّاكـِرْ
يَا ِ ْ
يَا ظيَاهِ ْ 75#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ازلَّاهِ ْ
يَا بَا ِط ْن 76#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب اآلمِ ْن
َال 7 #صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ارل ِ ْ
يَا و ِ ْ
َّال يَا مُ َع ِ ْ
َال 78#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب اتل ِ ْ
يَا بـَرّ 79#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ا ْلَ ْحرْ
يَا تَوَّابْ 80#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْ َحمَّا ْد
81. O Gracious Taker of Retribution! Shower Peace and Blessings
upon the Prophet, solemnly weeping in fear. Yaa Muntaqim, salli wa
sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Mubtahil.
86. O Most Just! Shower Peace and Blessing upon the Prophet,
Reformer of Men. Yaa Muqsit, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Muslih.
يَا مُ ْتَقِـ ْم 81#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْمُبْتَ ِهـ ْل
يَا عَـفُوّ 82#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْمَتْلُوّ
يَا رَ ء ُْوف 83#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ال َْع ُْوف
ِك الْمُل ْ
ُك 84#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب يَا مَال َ
حَـامِلِ لِوَا ِء الْ َحمْ ْد
يَا ذَا الْجَـلَ لِ و ْ َِالكـْرَا ْم 85#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل
انل يِ يَِّّب الهْ ُد^ى وَ الْ ُهـمَا ْم
ْس 86#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ال ُ ْ
يَا مُ ِ ْ
َـام 87#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْخَـا ِض ْع
يَا ج ِ ْ
يَا غ ِ َّن 8 #صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب اسل ِ ّ
89. O Enricher! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, The
Guide. Yaa Mughni, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Muhdi.
93. O Light! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, The
Pure Spirit. Yaa Nuur, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyir Ruuh.
94. O Guide! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, The
Healer. Yaa Haadi, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyish Shaafi.
95. O Originator! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, ray of
light. Yaa Badii‘i, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Bahiyy.
96. O Eternal! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, aboli
isher of wrong and evil. Yaa Baaqii, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil Maahii.
97. O Inheritor! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, the
Supreme and Dominant. Yaa Waarith, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyil
يَا مُ ِ ْْن 89#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْمُهـْ ِد ْي
يَا مَانـِ ْع 90#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ال َّشـارِ ْع
يَا ضَـارّ 91#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْك ّ
يَا نَافِـ ْع 92#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب اصلَّالِـحْ
يَا نُـو رْ 93#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ارلُّوحْ
يَا هَـا ِد ْي 94#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ال َّش ِ ْ
يَا بَ ِد ْعي 95#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْبَ ِ ّ
َاق 96#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْم ِ ْ
يَا ب ِ ْ
يَا وَارِثْ 97#صَـ يِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب الْ ِ ْ
98. O Guide Towards Virtue! Shower Peace and Blessings upon
the Prophet, The Brave. Yaa Rashiid, salli wa sallim ‘alan Nabiyyin Naji
يَا رَ شِي ْد 98#ص َِّل وَ سَـلِّ ْم ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب انلَّجِي ْد
يَا َصبـُو رْ 99#ص َِّل وَ س ِّ َْل ع يََل انل يِ يَِّّب ا َّشلكـُو رْ
# # # ##
For the Ethale Thawab of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam and all
Muslims from Sayyidina Adam Alayhi Salam till our Beloved Rasool
Sayyidina Muhammed Sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the Sahaba Radiallahu
Anhum, the Tabieen, pious predecessors our families and loved ones and the
Aliya Publications
Lenasia, Johannesburg
South Africa
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