Application Guide: Entrance Examination For Foreign Students

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SÜYÖS 2017 / Application Guide






SÜYÖS 2017 / Application Guide

1. GENERAL INFORMATION, BASIC be selected and the information about

PRINCIPLES AND RULES the candidate should be organized.

- Selçuk University Foreign Students - Related to the communication between

Selection Exam (SUYOS) is an Selçuk University Coordinatorship for
examination which foreign students Foreign Students Selection Exam and
or the students from abroad desiring the candidates (email, mail, fax etc.),
to study at Selçuk University in the only Turkish language is employed.
daytime education and evening
- Throughout the communication,
education programs at the associate
SUYOS Coordinatorship cannot be
degree and bachelor degree
held liable for the imperfect and wrong
participated and they might use the
information and delays and failures in
results of this exam to be accepted
the communication instruments (mail,
to this institution. This examination is
internet etc.).
conducted by SUYOS Coordinatorship
which conducts the examination - The results of the Foreign Students
transactions for the selection of the Selection Exam are valid for only
students to be accepted to Selçuk the students who desire to study at
University. the associate degree and bachelor
degree. The transfer procedures of
- This guideline includes the
the foreign students who have been
procedures and provisions of exams
studying at a university and desire to
for the students who desire to apply for
study at a graduate program of Selçuk
the Foreign Students Selection Exam
University are out of the scope of the
in order to study at Selçuk University
Foreign Students Selection Exam.
during the education year of 2017-
2018. - Selçuk University Coordinatorship
for Foreign Students Selection Exam
- The results of SUYOS Exam are valid
doesn’t deal with the procedures
for two years.
related to the students such as
- The candidates will apply through accommodation, scholarship, living
the results of SUYOS-2016. In order expenses and residence permit in
to execute this procedure, the related Turkey.
option in the application form should

- Selçuk University Coordinatorship Selection Exam. The occasions
for Foreign Students Selection Exam not mentioned in this guideline are
doesn’t take over responsibility for the handled according to the decisions of
official permits allowing candidates Selçuk University Coordinatorship for
to leave their countries in order to Foreign Students Selection Exam.
participate the exam or take out
a passport and arbitrate for those
procedures. The SUYOS-2017 guideline will not
be published and distributed.
- The exam fees collected from the
candidates cannot be transferred to The SUYOS-2017 guideline may be
the following years. The fees paid by accessed only through internet.
the candidates who give up applying,
whose application is rejected and fail
in entering the exam irrespective of
the reason or are dismissed from the
examination, those who fail in passing On condition that the candidates are
the exam or whose exam is declared at the last grade of high school or
null and void, those who have are graduated from those schools,
conducted an unnecessary payment the applications from the students
or those who have conducted multiple described below will be accepted;
payments for the same exam aren’t
1) Those with foreign nationality,
refunded. However, application fees
of the candidates are refunded if there 2) Those who became Turkish citizens
aren’t enough applications in the at birth and who were allowed to be
exam center where the applications out of Turkish citizenship given by the
are conducted. Ministry of Internal affairs and their
non-adult children registered in their
- The processes and provisions of document to cease to be a citizen of
this guideline may be altered via the Turkey who can provide the certificate
decisions of the Higher Education. In related to the Use of the Given Rights
that case, the procedures to follow according to the Turkish Citizenship
are determined by Selçuk University Law (It will be better to analyze Turkish
Coordinatorship for Foreign Students Citizenship Law since the Turkish Law

SÜYÖS 2017 / Application Guide

5901, article No7 clause (1) states that except TRNC)

“the child who was born within Turkey
or abroad from a Turkish mother or 5) Among the candidates who are
father within a marriage community is the citizens of TRNC, reside in the
a Turkish citizen). TRNC and completed their secondary
education (high school) in TRNC,
3) The individuals with dual nationality those having the GCE AL exam
who were foreign from birth and turned results,
into a citizen of Turkish Republic
afterwards, 6) The students registered to the
colleges and high schools in the other
4) a) Among the students who countries between the years of 2005
received secondary school education and 2010 and possess the GCE AL
in foreign countries before February exam results or who will have it in the
1, 2013 01/02/2013 and attended future.
to a secondary school (high school)
except Turkish Republic of Northern Among the candidates, the
Cyprus (TRNC) during last three applications of the candidates who are
years of their education (including defined below aren’t accepted;
those who completed all their high
1) Those who has T.R. nationality and
school education at Turkish Schools
completed their secondary school
opened before the Ministry of National
(high school) education either in
Education in a foreign country except
Turkey or in the foreign countries,
2) Among the candidates from TRNC
b) Among the candidates who
(except those who completed their
started secondary school education
secondary school education in the
in the foreign countries after February
TRNC and have the GCE AL results
1, 2013 will be accepted to the
and those who registered to the
acceptance quotas from abroad if
colleges and high schools in the other
they completed a secondary school
countries between the years of 2005
in a foreign country except TRNC
and 2010 and have the GCE AL results
(including those who completed all
or will have soon),
their high school education at Turkish
Schools opened before the Ministry of 3) The individuals with double
National Education in a foreign country nationality and turned into Turkish

citizens as a result of the birth which 4. APPLICATION PROCEDURES
was defined in the clause a sub-
clause 2 (except those who meet the The applications to the SUYOS-2017
requirements in the clause a sub- from inside and outside of the country
clause 2), will be conducted through web site
of Selçuk University Coordinatorship
4) Among the candidates with dual for Foreign Students Selection Exam
nationality whose one nationality is in
( All the
TRNC (except those who completed
candidates who want to participate
all the secondary school education
the exam should fill in “the Application
(high school) in the TRNC and those
Form for SUYOS-2017 Exam” online
who registered to the colleges and
high schools in the other countries on the web page of Selçuk University
between the years of 2005 and 2010 Coordinatorship for Foreign Students
and have the GCE AL results or will Selection Exam within the application
have soon), period. Except the online application,
no other ways of application for the
5) The citizens of Turkish Republic exam will be accepted. The application
who study at the schools within the
fee for the exam will be collected
structure of embassies in Turkey and
via credit card during the online
in the foreign high schools in Turkey
application process.
and the individuals with dual nationality
who became Turkish citizen due to the
birth which was defined in the article 5
sub-clause b.



SÜYÖS-2017 APPLICATION 08 March - 07 April 2017

SÜYÖS-2017 EXAM 06 May 2017

SÜYÖS 2017 / Application Guide

Upon the application period ends, “the application is completed, you may
Document for Entering SUYOS-2017 organize your information through the
Exam” will be posted to your mail “edit” button before the application
address which you stated in the period ends.
application form”.

In case there aren’t enough

Obtaining the Candidate Number
applications in the examination
centers, the candidates who apply to The Candidate Number will be
those centers are transferred to one of automatically sent to the e-mail
the other centers or their application is address you stated in this form after
cancelled and their fees are refunded. you fill the “Application Form for the
SUYOS-2017 Exam” on the internet
and verify it and it will be displayed
Points to Consider in Filling the on the screen of register form at the
Application Form for the Exam: same time. This candidate number will
also be written on the “Document for
- The information provided by you Entering SUYOS-2017 Exam” which
should be the same as the information will be posted to you through e-mail in
in your passport. Otherwise, you aren’t case your application is accepted. The
accepted to the exam. Candidate Number can be taken only
once. Since the candidate number will
- The photo that you will upload to
be required during all the stages of
the application form should be taken
this exam, the candidate should keep
within the last six months. Your face
it carefully.
should be clearly seen in the photo
and should be taken from front. The candidates who had applied to the
SUYOS-2016 Exam will apply again
- In case there are errors and imperfect
using the candidate number they had
information in the application form, you
obtained in 2016. Those who can’t
application will be regarded invalid.
remember their candidate numbers
- If you need to make alterations in the will send the information about them
information about you after your online such as “Name-surname”, “Place of

birth” and “Date of Birth” to the e-mail EXAMINATION ENTRY DOCUMENT"
address of [email protected] under hasn't reached themselves because
the title of “Reminding Candidate of a valid reason can personally get
Number” and their Candidate Numbers the document from Selcuk University
will be sent to them through their e-mail Coordinatorship for Foreign Student
address. until April 28, 2017.

In all sorts of correspondences with our

coordinatorship after the application
process is completed, the “Candidate
Number” should be stated. The
applicant forms which don’t employ
the Candidate Number will not put into


A photographed "SUYOS-2017
is edited for the candidates whose
applications are accepted after the
examination and who are eligible to
take the exam.This document is sent to
their e-mail address.Candidates must
print this document and carry it with
them during the exam.

Candidates can not take the exam

ENTRY DOCUMENT" in any way.

The candidates whose "SUYOS-2017

SÜYÖS 2017 / Application Guide


COUNTRY CITY FEE SUYOS-2017 will be held at 11.00

Konya am.(Turkish local time) on May 06,
İstanbul 2017 on Saturday. Examination will
Turkey 130 TL
Ankara start simultaneously at all centers.
Van Candidates' information about the
Azerbaijan Baku 160 TL building name where they'll take the
Germany Cologne exam, room number and place number
Berlin will be written on the "SUYOS-2017
The candidates who will take the exam
Austria Vienna 220 TL have to put SUYOS-2017 examination
Belgium Brussels 220 TL entry documents and passports (a
Netherlands Amsterdam 220 TL photographed official identification
France Lyon 220 TL card instead of passport for those who
Denmark Fuglebjerg 220 TL will take the exam outside Turkey) on
England London 220 TL the desks before the exam starts.
Australia Sidney 220 TL
Switzerland Regensdorf 220 TL Candidates are required to have
soft lead pencils, erasers, pencil
sharpeners with them.They need to
carry no instruments, apparatus, tools
or supplies except watches without any
technological communication / image
or video capture features. Transparent
bottled water and candy types are free.

Candidates will be admitted to the

examination building at 10.30 am.
(Turkish local time) after clothes control
on the exam day. The exam will start
at 11.00 am. (Turkish local time). It will

start simultaneously at all centers. All questions in the question booklets
are "multiple choice" type questions.
It is extremely important that the Five different options are given for
candidates should be present in front each question.Only one of them is
of the exam building at least one hour the correct answer to the question.
before the exam in terms of being What the candidate will do is to find
received to examination halls on time. the right answer to every question and
mark the correct answer from A, B, C,
No candidate can enter the examination
D, E choices to the answer sheet. If
at a location other than what is written
more than one option for a question is
in the "SUYOS-2017 examination entry
marked or if the space reserved for an
option (small blank circle) is marked
Suyos is a test consisting of 80 randomly in the answer sheet, the
questions in General Ability, given answer for that question will be
Mathematics and Geometry. considered as incorrect.

The type of test booklets and the type of The answers must be marked correctly
the answer sheets must be the same. to the "the answer sheet" as stated
Because your answers will be scored above. Answers marked in the question
according to the type of the test booklet booklets will not be considered.It is a
answer key. violation of examination rules that the
candidates talk or cheat during the
The places left blank on the question exam. The exams of the candidates
booklet must be completed by the who are identified for such acts in any
candidate before the exam starts. way will be considered invalid.

Related question booklets will be At the end of the exam, each candidate
collected after the exam and examined will hand in the "Question booklet"
one by one in Selcuk University and "answer sheet" to hall officials in
Coordinatorship for Foreign Student accordance with the rules .The answer
Selection Exam. If even one page of sheets of the candidates whose exams
the question booklet is missing, your are considered invalid since they don't
exam will be considered invalid. obey the exam rules or they don't
submit the required documents will

SÜYÖS 2017 / Application Guide

not be evaluated and "Exam Result the examination of these candidates

Certificate "will not be edited for these will be considered invalid.
3. This exam will be held in one session
Exam Content and exam time is 120 minutes.

Suyos is a test consisting of 80 questions 4. The candidate who leaves the hall
in General Ability, Mathematics and by submitting the documents won't be
Geometry. The response time of this taken into the exam hall whatever the
test is 120 minutes. reason is.

5. No candidate will be allowed to go out

in the first 30 and last 15 minutes of the
Rules to be Followed in the Exam exam. If you complete the answering
process after the first 30 minutes and
1. It is strictly forbidden to take the
before the last 15 minutes, you can
exam with mobile phone. The exams of
leave the exam hall by submitting your
the candidates detected otherwise will
answer sheet and question booklet to
be canceled.
the hall officials. Otherwise, you must
2.It is forbidden to take the exam stay in your place until the end of the
with communication tools like pager, exam period is declared and wait for
radiophone, etc., pocket computer, the collection of all answer sheets and
devices having all types of computer question booklets.
features such as watches having
6. It is forbidden to talk to the exam
function with the exception of clock
staff and ask them questions during the
function, etc. and also equipments like
exam. Likewise, It is strictly forbidden
weapons, etc., tools such as scratch
that the exam staff talks quietly
paper, notebooks, books, dictionaries,
and closely with candidates and the
electronic devices with dictionary
candidates ask for pen, eraser and so
function, calculators, compasses,
on from each other.
protractors, rulers, etc. Details of
the candidates who have taken the 7. During the exam, you have to
exam with these tools will certainly be comply with all warnings of the officials.
recorded to the exam hall report,and If necessary, staff can change your

places. First of all, validation of your exercising their discretion.
exam depends on your compliance
9. You must fill in necessary fields on
with the examination rules. If you act
the answer sheet.Pencil will be used
contrary to the rules and don’t follow the
for all kinds of writings and markings
warnings,your identity will be written in
on the answer sheet.Ball-point pens
the exam report and your exam will be
and fountain pens will never be used.
considered invalid.
The answers must be marked on the
8.The identification information of those answer sheet.The answers marked in
who cheat during the exam, attempt the question booklets are not valid.
to cheat,help cheating will be written
10. After the instructions of the
in Exam Hall Report and the exam of
Examination Officer,check whether
these candidates will be considered
pages are missing and there is
invalid. Officers are not obligated to
availability of the booklet printing
warn those who cheat. Responsibility
errors. If the page of question booklet
is yours.It is very important for you to
is incomplete or its printing is incorrect,
keep your exam paper in a position that
refer to the exam staff immediately for
can’t be seen by others. The distribution
a replacement.Check whether the
of the answers given to the questions
of the candidates will be examined species of the question booklet printed
on each page is the same kind of
with the information processing.If
question booklet printed on the front
the findings obtained from this study
cover of the booklet.Ask for a new
indicate the cheating individually or
question booklet if it is different. If you
collectively,some or all answers of the
notice that the question booklets are
candidates who participated in the
different later, refer to exam staff to
cheating action will be canceled. If
give you an accurate question booklet
the exam staff reports that the exam
that is the kind you are answering until
is not taken according to the rules
then.Your answer sheet should be the
and the attempt to cheat collectively
same as the question booklet.If they
,Selcuk University Coordinatorship for
are different, refer to exam staff.
Foreign Student Selection Exam uses
discreation, the exams of all candidates 11. Before answering,write your
participated the exam in this hall by name,surname, your candidate

SÜYÖS 2017 / Application Guide
number,the number of the hall with a considered separately. Raw scores will
pencil in the space reserved on the be found by subtracting one quarter of
question booklet that will be given to the number of incorrect answers from
you. Question sheets will be collected the number of correct answers.
at the end of the exam and examined
Announcement of Examination
one by one in Selcuk University
Coordinatorship for Foreign Student
Selection Exam. If even one page of Exam results will be just published
the question booklet is missing, your on Selcuk University Coordinatorship
exam will be considered invalid. for Foreign Student Selection Exam
Website.The candidates can learn
12. You can use the space of the
their exam results by means of using
question booklet for draft.
the number written in their Examinaton
13. During the examination, nobody Entry Document and the number sent
including the officers will use any to their e-mail adress written in their
cigarettes, pipes, cigars etc. And will application form. The screen of learning
eat nothing. Drinking transparent exam results will be active when the
bottled water and eating candies are results are clear. For this reason, you
free. should write down your candidate
number in a suitable place or keep the
14.It is strictly prohibited to write the e-mail message sent you automatically
questions and the answers of these or keep the SUYOS-2017 Examination
questions on a separate sheet of paper Entry Document that will stay with you.
and take them out of the exam.
15.Before leaving the exam hall, do not
forget to submit your question booklet The candidates that are accepted
and answer sheet to your exam staff. by the programmes whose teaching
language is Turkish should get enough
Evaluation of Exam Results points from Turkish tests of Turkish
Teaching Center in order to begin
The candidates’ right and wrong
learning after registering.Turkish
answers to the questions in the
exam won’t be conducted by Selcuk
test applied in SUYOS-2017 will be

University Coordinatorship for Foreign the Turkish level to minimum B1 level
Student Selection Exam. The Turkish ,but he must raise to his/her Turkish
level of candidates who completed proficiency level to C1 or C2 level until
secondary education in Turkish high graduation.
schools linked to Ministry of Education
A1 Level: His/HerTurkish is not
is accepted to be enough.
enough.He/She is obliged to learn
Turkish at the end of the year.He/She
can start his/her education after raising
The Turkish proficiency levels arranged his/her Turkish level to minimum B1
by the European Language Porttolio level ,but he must raise his/her Turkish
are listed below: proficiency level to C1 or C2 level until
C2 Level: Turkish is enough. He/She
can start teaching.

C1 Level: Turkish is enough.He/She 9.THE REQUIRED CONDITIONS FOR

can start teaching. ADMISSION(PLACEMENT) TO THE
B2 Level: Turkish can improve in a
short time. He/She can start learning,
but his/her Turkish proficiency levels
must rise to C1 or C2 level until
graduation. The application conditions for the
undergraduate or graduate levels
B1 Level: His/her Turkish level that the candidates can apply within
is enough to start learning at our the quota that will be announced by
university but he must raise to his/her the Selcuk University according to
Turkish proficiency level to C1 or C2 the exam results and the required
level until graduation. documents for registration are indicated
in ‘The Instruction on the Acceptance
A2 Level: His/HerTurkish is not
of Undergraduate and Graduate Level
enough.He/She is obliged to learn
Foreign Students or Students From
turkish at the end of the year.He/She
Abroad’ on our website.
can start his/her education after raising


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