Freight Wagons

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The thesis investigates the dynamic performance of existing freight wagon running gears through modelling and laboratory tests, and suggests improvements to provide better ride quality.

The thesis models and analyzes different types of existing freight wagon link suspensions and running gears to understand their dynamic performance when interacting with the track.

The thesis discusses single-axle running gears with link suspensions, link suspension bogies, and the Y25 bogie.

Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on

Freight Wagon Link Suspensions

with respect to Vehicle-track
Dynamic Interaction


Per-Anders Jönsson

Licentiate Thesis

TRITA AVE 2004:48

ISSN 1651-7660
ISBN 91-7283-806-X

Postal Address Visiting address Telephone E-mail

Royal Institute of Technology Teknikringen 8 +46 8 790 84 76 [email protected]
Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering Stockholm Fax
Railway Technology +46 8 790 76 29
SE-100 44 Stockholm
Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on Freight Wagon Link Suspensions
with respect to Vehicle-Track Dynamic Interaction


Preface and acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Outline of Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Contribution of Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Freight Wagon Running Gear in Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2.1 Single-axle running gear with link suspension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 Link suspension bogie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3 Y25 bogie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 Link Suspension Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 Laboratory Tests and Theoretical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5 Improved Ride Qualities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6 Conclusions and Further Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on Freight Wagon Link Suspensions,
with respect to Vehicle-track Dynamic Interaction

Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on Freight Wagon Link Suspensions,
with respect to Vehicle-track Dynamic Interaction

Preface and acknowledgements

The research reported in this thesis has been carried out as a part of a research program
on vehicle-track interaction (called SAMBA) at the Royal Institute of Technology
(KTH), Division of Railway Technology. The aim of the present work is to investigate
the dynamic performance of freight wagons with existing running gear and to suggest
The financial and personal support from the Swedish National Rail Administration
(Banverket), Bombardier Transportation (Sweden), Green Cargo and Interfleet
Technology (Sweden) is gratefully acknowledged.
Special thanks to Mr. Kent Lindgren and Mr. Danilo Prelevic at the Marcus Wallenberg
Laboratory for their valuable contribution to the laboratory tests. The support from Mr.
Ingemar Persson at DEsolver regarding the simulation software is also gratefully
Finally, I would like to thank my colleagues at the division, in particular my supervisors
Prof. Evert Andersson and Dr. Sebastian Stichel as well as Prof. Mats Berg.

Stockholm, November 2004

Per-Anders Jönsson

Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on Freight Wagon Link Suspensions,
with respect to Vehicle-track Dynamic Interaction

Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on Freight Wagon Link Suspensions,
with respect to Vehicle-track Dynamic Interaction

The link suspension is the most prevailing suspension system for freight wagons in
central and western Europe. The system design is simple and has existed for more than
100 years. However, still its characteristics are not fully understood. This thesis
emphasizes freight wagon dynamics and comprises three parts:
In the first part a review of freight wagon running gear is made. The different suspension
systems are described and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The review
covers the running gear standardized by UIC and the conventional so-called three-piece
bogie. Additionally five improved three-piece bogies and twelve novel running gear
designs are presented.
The second part focuses on the lateral force-displacement characteristics in the link
suspension. Results from stationary measurements on freight wagons and laboratory
tests of the link suspension characteristics are presented. To improve understanding of
the various mechanisms and phenomena in link suspension systems a simulation model
is developed. Link suspension systems have strongly nonlinear characteristics including
a hysteresis loop. The loop exhibits usually three characteristic sections with different
tangential stiffnesses. The actual contact geometry of the links and end bearings has a
significant influence on the characteristics. By wear in ordinary service - as well as by
geometric tolerances on new components - the contact geometry may deviate consi-
derably from nominal geometry. Further, it seems that elastic deformation in the contact
surfaces has considerable effects on the suspension characteristics, in particular on the
initial rolling stiffness for small displacements. Also, flexibilities in links and end
bearings influence the characteristics. It is also observed that new components after a
short period of dynamic testing can exhibit a very low amount of energy dissipation, a
phenomenon that is also indicated in some stationary measurements on wagons.
To summarize the second part, it appears that the link suspension characteristics are very
sensitive to several factors being hard to control in the real world of freight wagon
operations. The various stiffnesses and hysteresis loops have a considerable variation
and may have a strong influence on the ride qualities of vehicles. As long as the
characteristics can not be controlled within closer limits than found in this study, there is
a strong need for sensitivity analysis to be made, both in predictive multibody
simulations of vehicle dynamics, as well as in verification and acceptance tests.
In the third part a study on the possibility to improve ride qualities of freight wagons
with link suspensions is presented. Parametric studies with multibody dynamic
simulations on freight wagons equipped with link-suspension bogies are performed. The
effect of supplementary friction and hydraulic damping is investigated under various
running conditions: speed, loading, tangent and curved track, wheel-rail contact
geometry, track gauge and track irregularities. Substantial improvements of the lateral
running behaviour of wagons with link suspension bogies can be achieved - both at
ordinary speeds and at increased speeds - by using a proper combination of
supplementary hydraulic dampers. Speeds up to 160 km/h could be realistic.
Keywords: railway; freight wagon; running gear; link suspension; laboratory test;
stiffness; dry friction; hysteresis; simulation; vehicle-track interaction; multibody
simulation; MBS.

Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on Freight Wagon Link Suspensions,
with respect to Vehicle-track Dynamic Interaction

Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on Freight Wagon Link Suspensions,
with respect to Vehicle-track Dynamic Interaction

Outline of Thesis

The scope of this thesis is freight wagon performance with respect to vehicle-track
dynamic interaction. The thesis includes an introduction which summarises a literature
review [17], and the following appended papers:

A Jönsson, P-A.: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Freight Wagon Link

Suspension. Partly presented at the XXI International Congress of Theoretical and
Applied Mechanics, Warsaw, Poland, August 15-21, 2004.
To be submitted for publication.

B Jönsson, P-A. and Andersson, E.: Influence of Link Suspension Characteristics on

Freight Wagon Lateral Dynamics. Presented at the 6th International Conference on
Railway Bogies and Running Gear, Budapest, Hungary, September 13-16, 2004.
To be published in the conference proceedings.

Both papers have been written by Per-Anders Jönsson and reviewed by Prof. Evert
Andersson and Prof. Mats Berg. The above mentioned part of Paper A was presented
with Dr. Sebastian Stichel as co-author at the XXI International Congress of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics.

Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on Freight Wagon Link Suspensions,
with respect to Vehicle-track Dynamic Interaction

Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on Freight Wagon Link Suspensions,
with respect to Vehicle-track Dynamic Interaction

Contribution of Thesis

This thesis has improved the understanding of the link suspension system used in
European railway freight wagons. Several features and phenomena of lateral link
suspensions have been found and studied in laboratory tests and in a simulation model
developed for this purpose. Some of the features and phenomena are well known from
earlier investigations, while others appear to be fairly unknown, or at least not made
public. Suggestions for improvement of the dynamic performance of freight wagons are
made as well.
The thesis is believed to make the following contributions to the present research field:
- A comprehensive literature review covering various freight wagon running gear
- The actual contact geometry of the links and end bearings is found to deviate con-
siderably from the nominal geometry. This is the case for new components - due to
geometrical tolerances - and for components worn in service. These deviations
have a significant influence on the suspension characteristics.
- The influence of elastic deformation in the contact surfaces is pointed out to be
essential for the system characteristics.
- Flexibilities in the suspension components as well as in the connecting structures
are found to a have considerable effect on the suspension characteristics.
- A higher amount of energy dissipation is found in laboratory dynamic tests at 1-3
Hz compared to tests at 0.1 Hz.
- New suspension components appear to exhibit a very low amount of energy dissi-
pation after a short period of dynamic testing.
- Generally, considerable variations in the hysteresis loops are shown to appear
between different sets of suspension components.
- Multibody simulations on vehicle-track interaction indicate possibilities for sub-
stantial improvements of vehicle dynamic performance for freight wagons
equipped with standardized link suspension bogies. This is proposed to be
achieved by means of supplementary hydraulic dampers.

Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on Freight Wagon Link Suspensions,
with respect to Vehicle-track Dynamic Interaction

Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on Freight Wagon Link Suspensions
with respect to Vehicle-Track Dynamic Interaction

Most of the designs for running gear used on today´s rail freight wagons in central and
western Europe originated in the 1950s and 1960s. To increase competitiveness of
freight traffic on rails it is desired to increase speed or axle load but this would - at least
in some operational conditions with standard running gear - mean to exceed existing
limit values for ride quality and wheel-rail forces. At least as important is to improve ride
qualities in order to reduce damages on transported goods and being able to attract
customers that require transport service for sensitive and high-value goods.
The European freight wagon designers have been guided by the principle that the
wagons must be capable of being used on all standard-gauge railway networks in
Europe. Early efforts were made to standardize European freight wagons. In 1947 the
European Economic Commission gave the International Union of Railways (UIC) the
initiative and they defined a European standardization programme with the following
- Interchangeability of the most frequently required freight wagon
- Assimilation of some principle freight wagon data, in particular measures related
to loading capacity of the wagons.
- Complete standardisation of freight wagons.
In line with these efforts to create and maintain a standard within UIC the term “freight
wagon running gear” was for a long time - at least for international traffic - equal to
either the single-axle link suspension, the link bogie or the Y25 bogie [1], [2]. These
designs are presented in Section 2.
Today freight wagons in Europe run typically at maximum 100 km/h with a maximum
axle load of 22.5 tonnes. In Sweden a whole network for freight traffic with an increased
loading gauge and 25 tonnes axle load (for some lines 30 tonnes or more) is built. The
largest rail freight company, Green Cargo AB, is also running overnight mail service
with specially equipped two-axle freight wagons at 160 km/h at a maximum axle load of
20 tonnes. Similar mail traffic exist in Germany and France as well.
Outside central and western Europe the so called three-piece bogie is the prevailing
running gear design for freight wagons. Different variations of the three-piece design
exist, for example the inter-axle linkage designs of Scheffel and List. Reviews of various
three-piece bogie designs are given in [3] and [4]. More information on the three-piece
bogies is given in [5]-[16]. A detailed review of freight wagon running gear in general is
presented in a separate report by the author [17].


Since the middle of the 1990s several novel designs of freight wagon running gear are
used in Europe. Most of these designs are, up till now, used on national rail networks
only. These and traditional European designs are listed in Table 2-1. Reference to
literature for further information is given. Traditionally friction damping is used on

Section 2 - Freight Wagon Running Gear in Europe

freight wagons. However, on some of the new running gear designs hydraulic dampers
are used.

Table 2-1 Running gear for freight wagons in Europe [17]. The first three types are
standardized by UIC [1] and [2].

Running gear Reference Type Damping

Double-link suspension [18]-[24] Single-axle running gear Friction
Link suspension bogie [18], [20], [22], Bogie Friction
[25], [26]
Y25 [20], [25]-[33] Bogie Friction
Axle motion bogie [34], [35] Bogie Friction
DRRS bogie [36] Bogie Friction
Niesky link [37], [38] Single-axle running gear Friction
S2000 [37], [38] Single-axle running gear Friction
TF25 [4], [39], [40] Bogie Hydraulic
TF25SA [42], [43] Single-axle running gear Hydraulic
Unitruck [34], [44] Single-axle running gear Friction
Y37 bogie [36], [45], [46], Bogie Friction

A thorough description of the running gear listed in Table 2-1 is given in [17]. A short
description of the running gear standardized by UIC is given in the following Sections
2.1 - 2.3.

2.1 Single-axle running gear with link suspension

Freight wagons with link suspensions have existed for more than 100 years. The link
suspension, shown in Figure 1, is the most common suspension type for freight wagons
in Europe today. Already in 1890 the principle of link suspension was defined as a
standard on two-axle freight wagons [18]. The present design originates from the early
1950s. The parabolic leaf spring was introduced as a standard component and the
permissible axle load was increased to 22.5 tonnes in the 1980s [19], [20].
The vehicle body is connected by double links to the parabolic or trapezoidal leaf spring
that rests on the axle box. In some cases [18], [37], [38] single links with the same total
link length are used. This arrangement allows the axle box to move in both the
longitudinal and the lateral directions relative to the carbody.
The suspension is quite simple and robust and also occupies a modest amount of space
laterally and vertically. Stiffness and damping are both provided by one system and is

Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on Freight Wagon Link Suspensions
with respect to Vehicle-Track Dynamic Interaction

intended to be proportional to the vertical load on the axle box. This type of running gear
is also quite light, which allows a maximum of payload in the wagon. It is also quite
inexpensive. The lateral and the longitudinal play is approximately ±20 mm [19].

a) Double-link suspension.

Leaf spring

End bearings Links

b) Double-link assembly. c) Components.

Figure 1: Single-axle running gear with UIC double-link suspension.

2.2 Link suspension bogie

The link suspension principle has been used on freight wagon bogies since about 1925.
The bogie Type 931 was developed in the 1950s and had an axle distance of 2000 mm
and wheel diameters of 1000 mm. The link suspension bogie, also known as the G bogie,
was the first bogie to be standardized by UIC. The UIC standard for freight bogies was
revised in 1966 to prepare for the introduction of automatic couplers. The new link
suspension bogie design, known as the Talbot bogie and in Sweden also G66, has an axle
distance of 1800 mm and 920 mm wheel diameters. Finally improvements in the design
were made and the G70 type, and later on the G762, was introduced [20], [26]. The
commonly used type G70 is shown in Figure 2. The lateral play is ±23 mm and the
longitudinal play is ±6 mm [19].

Figure 2: Link suspension bogie (G70).

Section 2 - Freight Wagon Running Gear in Europe

2.3 Y25 bogie

In 1960 the French National Railways (SNCF) started to develop a new type of freight
wagon bogie. The bogie should be lighter and occupy less space than the standard bogie
of those days, the link bogie Type 931 described in Section 2.2. The bogie known as Y21
was designed to be interchangeable with the Type 931 bogie. The Y21 bogie had an axle
distance of 2000 mm and used wheels with a diameter of 920 mm. Due to the use of coil
springs instead of leaf springs the bogie frame could be made shorter and lighter, [26]
When the standard for freight wagon bogies was revised in 1966 the design was changed
and the Y25 bogie was born. The Y25 bogie, shown in Figure 3, has an axle distance of
1800 mm and 920 mm wheel diameters.
The suspension of the Y25 bogie consists of coil springs and friction dampers. The
vertical load that is carried by the outer coil springs located towards the bogie centre, are
transmitted through the inclined Lenoir links connecting the bogie frame with the spring
holders. The resulting longitudinal force on the spring holders depends on the vertical
axle box load and is transmitted to the axle boxes by pushers. Thus friction forces,
approximately proportional to the vertical load, are created in the friction surfaces
between the axle boxes and the bogie frame via the pushers. As a result lateral and
vertical motions are damped, [26],[28] and [29].

a) Lenoir link. b) Damping.

Spring holder
Lenoir link
Outer spring
Inner spring

4 mm clearance


c) Sideview.
Figure 3: Y25 bogie [29].

The shorter bogie frame together with the use of coil springs instead of leaf springs
makes the Y25 bogie slightly lighter than the link suspension bogie. The lateral play of
±10 mm between the wheelsets and the bogie frame is less than half of the play for the
link suspension bogie and the Y25 bogie therefore permits the wagon to have a

Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on Freight Wagon Link Suspensions
with respect to Vehicle-Track Dynamic Interaction

somewhat wider carbody. The longitudinal play is 4 mm [29]. However, the curving
performance is poorer than for the link suspension bogie [21].


The dynamic characteristics of a freight wagon, e.g. ride qualities and dynamic wheel-
rail forces, are strongly dependent of the suspension characteristics. Link suspensions in
freight wagons have principally a similar mode of operation in lateral and longitudinal
directions. In the present work the lateral characteristics are investigated. Suspension
characteristics from previous stationary tests are looked into, laboratory tests are
performed, and the results are presented and discussed, see Paper A.
Stationary force-displacement characteristics for freight wagon suspension system are
known from a number of sources, for example [21], [23], [48] of which a sample is
shown in Figure 4.
We observe the typical non-linear behaviour with a considerable hysteresis. The
variation of characteristics between different cases is significant. The variations mainly
appear in the initial tangential stiffness, i.e. for small displacements, and in the size of the
hysteresis loop. Variations would probably be even larger if more wagons were studied.

Figure 4: Stationary measurements on vehicles [21], [23], [48]. Lateral link system
characteristics for various single-axle running gear with double links.
The lateral forces are normalized with the vertical axle box force.

Several authors have tried to explain some of the variations through field or laboratory
tests and/or with mathematical models [21], [24], [49] and [50]. However, even though
the link suspension is simple in its design, as seen in Figure 1, the contacts between the
various components create a complex non-linear system. All phenomena that occur in
the link mechanism can not be explained by means of the proposed models.

Section 4 - Laboratory Tests and Theoretical Analysis


To improve the understanding of the link-bearing contact mechanism, laboratory tests
are carried out in the present work. An enhanced link system simulation model is
proposed to further improve the understanding of the system. The model is verified by
comparing results from the laboratory tests. The laboratory tests and the simulation
model are described in Paper A and summarized here.
A mass is hung from a frame via one link and two end bearings. The upper end bearing is
connected to the frame and the lower to the mass. A hydraulic cylinder applies a lateral
harmonic motion on the lower end bearing and the force-displacement characteristics are
measured. Loading mass, amplitude and frequency are varied during the test according
to the following:
- Mass: 660, 1380, 2200 kg (approximately 6 - 17.5 tonnes axle load).
- Frequency: 0.1, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 Hz.
- Amplitude: 1, 2, 5, 8, 10 mm (zero to peak).
New components as well as components worn in service are tested.
In Figure 5 some results from the laboratory tests are shown. Figure 5a) shows the load
dependence. The lateral force is normalized with the vertical load. We observe that the
energy dissipation is approximately proportional to the load. Three sections in the
characteristics are identified:
- in section s1 there is rolling contact between link and end bearings;
- in section s2 there is sliding contact, the break-out forces due to friction are reached;
- in section s3 there is a transition zone.
The transition zone may be due to different reasons, such as different conditions for the
lower and upper contacts regarding friction, geometry and flexibility. Also other effects
may influence the transition zone.
In section s1 it is observed that the tangential stiffness is not proportional to the normal
load due to flexibility in link, contact surfaces, end bearings etc.
Dependency of frequency is shown in Figure 5b). In the normal operation frequency
range for freight wagons (1 - 3 Hz) there is no significant frequency dependence.
However, for the excitation frequency of only 0.1 Hz the amount of hysteresis is lower,
as measured in the test rig.

Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on Freight Wagon Link Suspensions
with respect to Vehicle-Track Dynamic Interaction

s2 0.1 Hz
1 Hz
s3 600 kg 2 Hz
1400 kg 3 Hz
2200 kg

a) Normalized force. b) Frequency dependence.

Figure 5: Laboratory tests on lateral single-link characteristics.

Scatter in the results from tests on six different links worn in service is shown in Figure
6a). As seen there are significant variations in characteristics.
When we compare tests on new components and components worn in service, the
characteristics differ even more as seen in Figure 6b). It appears that the energy
dissipation in the hysteresis loop drops dramatically after a few hours of testing.

c2 c3

a) b)
Figure 6: Laboratory tests on lateral single-link characteristics.
a) Scatter between six different links worn in service.
b) Development of hysteresis and energy dissipation
c1 = Link worn in service
c2 = New link
c3 = New link after 220 hours testing.

It is found that real links and end bearings (both new and worn) may have contact radii
that differ considerably from the nominal measures specified in the present standards.
See further Paper A. Most results from the laboratory test are explained by the link

Section 5 - Improved Ride Qualities

system simulation model. To fully explain the high initial rolling stiffness in section s1
that occurs in many cases, it is proposed that the elastic deformations in the contact
surfaces are taken into consideration. Simulation of load dependence is shown in Figure
7. The lateral forces are normalized with the load. Principally the load dependence is
similar to the test results; cf. Figure 5a).

Case: worn2, 5 mm, 1.0 Hz


s3 600 kg
1400 kg
2200 kg

Figure 7: Simulation of lateral single-link system characteristics.

Load dependence. Normalized force.


As seen in Section 4 the various stiffnesses and hysteresis loops have considerable
variation and may have strong influence on the ride qualities of vehicles. Means of
improving and securing ride qualities are therefore of interest. One way may be to
introduce supplementary friction or hydraulic dampers on standard freight wagons.
A tentative simulation study on the possibility to improve ride qualities of freight
wagons with link suspension is presented in Paper B and summarized here.
As a basis multibody dynamic simulation models of freight wagons with UIC
standardized running gear as well as novel designs, are developed and verified with on-
track tests [22], [24], [29], [43] and [51]. In the present work a parametric study on the
link-suspension bogie is performed by means of the multibody simulation system
GENSYS [52]. The effect of supplementary friction and hydraulic damping is
investigated under various running conditions: speed, loading, tangent and curved track,
wheel-rail contact geometry (expressed as the so-called equivalent conicity [53]), track
gauge and track irregularities.
To achieve good ride qualities under all conditions at speeds above 130 á 140 km/h a
combination of supplementary hydraulic dampers is proposed. Also friction dampers can
be considered. A full damper configuration is shown in Figure 8. To improve ride
qualities at lower speeds it may not be necessary to use a complete set of supplementary
dampers. Also at higher speeds it might be possible to run with a less number of
supplementary dampers, depending on the wagon type and loading.

Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on Freight Wagon Link Suspensions
with respect to Vehicle-Track Dynamic Interaction

Secondary yaw damper

Lateral damper
Longitudinal damper

Figure 8: Improved UIC link suspension bogie. Full damper configuration.

An example of lateral track shift forces (ΣY) [54] and lateral ride index for freight
wagons (WzG) [55] are shown in Figure 9. Results for a standard UIC link bogie as well
as for an improved UIC bogie with full damper configuration. A common type of
dynamic instability for freight wagons with link suspensions is a low-frequency
instability where the carbody yawing interacts with the sinusoidal lateral motions of the
wheelsets. The frequency of these lateral motions are usually in the order of 1.5 - 2 Hz.
This is the reason for the quite high ride index (around 3.5) of the standard bogie,
although the ride qualities are compatible with the previous quite liberal limit value of
4.25. According to the present simulations the improved bogie would have ride indexes
of typically 2 - 2.5. This is a substantial difference; if measured in r.m.s. accelerations the
standard UIC design exhibits 3 - 7 times higher amplitudes of motion.
Thus for the link suspension bogie considerable improvements can be achieved for ride
comfort and track forces on tangent track as well as in curves. It is also possible by
supplementary means to achieve similar improvements for two-axled wagons with link
suspension [51].

Section 5 - Improved Ride Qualities

ΣY [kN] 99.85%, bogie 2, axle 1 ΣY [kN] 99.85%, bogie 2, axle 1

ΣY limit value ΣY limit value
[kN] [kN]

UIC link bogie UIC link bogie

Improved bogie Improved bogie

Speed [km/h]
Speed [km/h]

WzG lateral above bogie 2 WzG lateral above bogie 2

limit value WzG limit value

UIC link bogie UIC link bogie

Improved bogie Improved bogie

Speed [km/h] Speed [km/h]

-32 19 81 152
Cant def. [mm]
a) Tangent track (λe=0.1). b) Curve (R = 1000 m).

Figure 9: Simulations of lateral track shift force (ΣY) and ride index (WzG).
Loaded wagon on tangent and curved track.
Full damper configuration according to Figure 8.
a) Tangent track; equivalent conicity λe=0.1.
b) Curved track; curve radius R=1000 m.

Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on Freight Wagon Link Suspensions
with respect to Vehicle-Track Dynamic Interaction


Several features and phenomena of lateral link suspension characteristics have been
studied in laboratory tests, see Paper A. Some of them are well known from earlier
investigations, while others appear to be fairly unknown, or at least not made public. By
the development of a simulation model of the link suspension system - as well as of the
test rig - it has been possible to study and explain most of the phenomena found in the
The energy dissipation in the hysteresis loop as well as the stiffnesses at sliding contact
are approximately proportional to the applied vertical load.
The actual contact geometry of the links and end bearings has a significant influence on
the characteristics. By wear in ordinary service the contact geometry changes conside-
rably, thus causing the characteristics to change. Normally the initial stiffness (before the
friction break-out force is reached) increases by wear. A low initial stiffness in
combination with a high friction in the contacts, may cause a thin hysteresis loop, i.e. a
low energy dissipation and damping. Also, the liberal tolerances being allowed
contribute to the uncertainty of the contact geometries.
Further, it seems that elastic deformations in the contact surfaces have considerable
effects on the suspension characteristics, in particular on the initial rolling stiffness.
Also, flexibilities in links and end bearings influence the characteristics - not to forget
flexibilities of the parts where the end bearings are attached, i.e. leaf springs, brackets
It is observed that new links after a short period of dynamic testing can exhibit a very
low amount of energy dissipation. Indications of this phenomenon are found also in
stationary measurements on wagons. However, just a small number of slightly worn
components on wagons have been studied so far. More force-displacement
measurements on wagons are needed, encompassing suspension components of different
maintenance status, i.e. new, slightly worn and worn components.
No significant frequency dependence is found in the normal operation frequency range
for freight wagons (1-3 Hz). However, for an excitation frequency of 0.1 Hz the amount
of hysteresis and energy dissipation is lower, as measured in the test rig. Whether this
phenomenon is restricted to the test rig only, or is typical also for vehicles in operation,
has not yet been determined. Further research is needed in this area.
In summary, it appears that the link suspension characteristics are very sensitive to
several factors being hard to control in the real world of freight wagon operations. The
various stiffnesses and hysteresis loops have a considerable variation and may have a
strong influence on the ride qualities of vehicles. As long as the characteristics can not be
controlled within closer limits than found in this study, there is a strong need for
sensitivity analysis to be made, both in predictive multibody simulations of vehicle
dynamics, as well as in verification and acceptance tests.
Supplementary means - for example friction and hydraulic dampers - may be needed as a
complement on standard freight wagons, in order to improve and secure ride qualities.
The tentative study of vehicle dynamics, as presented in Paper B, indicate that
substantial improvements of the lateral running behaviour of wagons with link

Section 6 - Conclusions and Further Work

suspension bogies can be achieved by using a proper combination of supplementary

hydraulic dampers. Speeds up to 160 km/h could be realistic. However, at this point it
must be pointed out that all effects of variations in the link suspension characteristics are
not considered.
Further research on freight wagon running gear should be focusing on the following
- Any frequency dependency in the link suspension characteristics. Further develop-
ment of the dynamic link simulation model and verification with respect to these
dynamic phenomena.
- Variations in link suspension characteristics. Investigations based on an extended
number of stationary measurements on wagons. Accuracy and relevance in the
method currently used for measurement must be considered. Longitudinal suspension
characteristics should be included.
- The influence of the variation in suspension characteristics on vehicle dynamics.
- Improvements of the dynamics of standard UIC running gear. Vertical dynamics
should be included. Comparison of simulations with on-track measurements.
- The effect of various ride qualities, freight wagon characteristics and axle load on
track deterioration.

Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on Freight Wagon Link Suspensions
with respect to Vehicle-Track Dynamic Interaction


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Modelling and Laboratory Investigations on Freight Wagon Link Suspensions
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Section 6 - Conclusions and Further Work

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