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“To provide protection against natural calamities and utilize

scientific knowledge as an effective instrument to insure the
safety, well-being and economic security of all the people, and
for the promotion of national progress.”


Center of excellence for weather related

information and services.


Protecting lives, properties and livelihoods

through timely, accurate and reliable
weather-related information and services.

Core Values

PAGASA Mandate, Vision, Mission and Core Values 2
Citizen’s Charter 4
Service Standards 5
Sec. Mario G. Montejo, DOST 6
Dr. Vicente B. Malano, Acting Administrator, PAGASA 7
Top PAGASA Accomplishments 8
Major Services
Weather and Warning Services 14
Flood Forecasting and Hydro-Meteorological Services 15
Climatological and Agrometeorological Services 19
Astronomical Services 20
Natural Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation Services 21
Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Campaign 21
Research and Development
Completed R&D 22
On-Going Projects & Researches 24
Infrastructure Development 30
Human Resources Development
Local and International Training, Seminar/Workshop 32
Scholarships 39
Local and International Linkages/Collaboration 40
S & T Collaboration 48
Human Resources and Budget 62
PAGASA Mid-Term Plans 65
PAGASA Officials 68
I. Mission/Vision
1. Mission
Protecting lives, properties and livelihoods through timely, accurate and reliable weather-related information and services.

2. Vision
Center of excellence for weather related information and services

II. Performance Pledge and Feedback and Redress Mechanisms:

1. Performance Pledge
We, the professional and dedicated officials and employees of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), commit

Provide service promptly, efficiently and with utmost courtesy by authorized personnel with proper identification from Mondays to Fridays. 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM,
without noon break; for Administration support and other similar services and 24/7 whole year round for forecasting services,

Adhere to strict compliance with service standards, with written explanation for any delays in the services we offered;

Give timely response to complaint about our services the soonest and take corrective measures accordingly;

Assure that every client’s comments, suggestions and needs are given importance.

Satisfy our customers’ needs by acting on their feedback and informing them of any developments first hand;

Allow the public access to information on our programs, activities and services through our website (www.pagasa.dost.gov.ph) or through SMS, and our hotline
927-1335 and 434-2696, FOLLOW US ON TWITTER (dost_pagasa), LIKE US ON FACEBOOK( DOST-pagasa),

Above all, we pledge to serve everyone with utmost honesty, dedication, respect and understanding, for we believe that in so doing, we are also serving and honoring
our country and God Almighty.

2. Feedback and Redress Mechanisms

Please let us know how we have served you by:

a. Accomplishing our Feedback Form available at the lobby and put in the drop box located at the front desk or give to the employee of the division concerned.

b. Sending your feedback through our website (www.pagasa.dost.gov.ph) or call our hotline 927-1335 and 434-2696, FOLLOW US ON TWITTER (dost_pagasa), LIKE

Your written/verbal complaints shall immediately be attended to.

Thank you for helping us improve our services.

I. Processed Data (Daily Summaries, rainfall maps, etc.)

Who May Avail of the Service : General Public

Fees : Minimum of P1,000 weather certificate first 3 pages

: Php 36.00/yr/parameter for monthly data
: Php 360.00/yr/parameter for daily data
How to Avail of the Service

Step Client/Customer Activity Maximum Duration Person In Charge

1 Register with the guard and seek the assistance Attend to the inquiries/needs of the client 30 minutes Guard/Personnel from
of the personnel from the Section concerned Section Concerned
2 Inquire from climate databank the availability of the data
3 Pay the Cashier at the 3rd floor Process the request and the customer of the appropriate 30 minutes Personnel from the
charges by preparing the Order of Payment Section concerned
4 Execute conforme that data is to be used only for Release data/maps to client upon presentation of receipt 15 minutes Personnel from the
specified purpose Section concerned
5 Accomplish Feedback Form Solicit client’s appraisal of services provided 15 minutes Personnel from the
Section concerned

II. Other Services (Calibration, Planetarium Services)

Who May Avail of the Service : General Public

Fees : Minimum of P510 depending on the instrument calibrated

: P25 per person for planetarium services

How to Avail of the Service

Step Client/Customer Service Provider Maximum Duration Person In Charge

1 Register with the guard and seek the assistance Attend to the inquiries/needs of the client 30 minutes Guard/Personnel from
of the personnel from the Section concerned Section Concerned
2 Consult with the Division in charge of the desired services 30 minutes Personnel from the
Section concerned
3 Conform with the arrangements discussed Discuss and finalize arrangement like fees, date services 1 hour Personnel from the
can be provided, the equipment and services needed, etc. Section concerned
4 Pay the Charges to the Cashier Provide the services agreed upon 1 - 2 hours Personnel from the
Section concerned
5 Accomplish Feedback Form Solicit client’s appraisal of services provided 5 minutes Personnel from the
Section concerned

III. For weather forecast/reports/updates proceed to Weather Division at WFFC Building located a few meters from the PAGASA Main Office

Mario G. Montejo
DOST Secretary

I am proud that the DOST-PAGASA can now be considered as one of the world- These recognitions confirm the raised level of accuracy and credibility of
class meteorological centers. PAGASA in terms of issuing weather forecasts. The trust bestowed to the
agency is overwhelming as the government and lawmakers have approved the
During the occurrence of typhoon Ruby in November last year, it had the most increase of its annual budget under the General Appropriations Act (GAA) to
accurate forecast as compared to other meteorological centers like the Japan ensure the continuity of its excellent performance in disseminating accurate
Meteorological Agency (JMA) and the US-based Typhoon Warning Center weather forecasts.
(TWC). Aside from this, the issued forecasts on the tropical cyclones that
entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) last year were either near The DOST-PAGASA will continue on improving its services with the ultimate
perfect or perfect. objective of achieving its mandate with flying colors.

The DOST-PAGASA was also ranked as one of the top four performers among
all government agencies in the Executive Outlook Survey conducted by the
Makati Business Club.


Vicente B. Malano
Acting Administrator

It is with confidence to say that as far as having modern meteorological and forecasters and upgrading of weather forecasting capabilities. These would
hydrological equipment and facilities is concerned, the DOST-PAGASA no not have been possible without the support of our national government and
longer lags behind technologically advanced foreign countries resulting in more lawmakers providing budgetary requirements to ensure sustainability of DOST-
accurate weather forecasts and warnings. This was clearly evidenced during PAGASA’s mandate. The trust and confidence accorded the agency by the
the passage of Typhoon Glenda and Typhoon Ruby in July and December public and higher authorities is largely due to the excellent performance of
2014, respectively, wherein DOST-PAGASA had made near perfect accuracy DOST-PAGASA in recent years. DOST-PAGASA was ranked fourth (4th) over-all
of forecasts than other international typhoon warning centers. The agency among 62 government agencies by the Makati Business Club in its survey of
now continues to enjoy the respect of international organizations engaged in top performing government agencies in 2014.
disaster preparedness and management.
Notwithstanding these significant achievements attained during the past year,
Major acquisition of modern facilities such as Doppler radars, wind profilers it is still our firm resolve and undying commitment to continue our noble service
and other state-of-the-art meteorological equipment installed in strategic to the people to provide protection from natural calamities.
locations nationwide have further aided the capacity-building of DOST-PAGASA

Moving Onward to Total Services…


Atmospheric, geophysical and astronomical services are essential to every human activity and to national development in a larger sense. With this philosophy, PAGASA
continues to be a dynamic organization, not only responsive but also productive, in light of the ever, changing human activities which are accompanied by phenomenon of
rising needs. These are also the changing physical environment and the fast progression of scientific and technological development to be reckoned with.

With available resources, both human and physical, at its disposal, the agency has had success in making concrete steps onward to the realization of its inspirations to
provide total service to its clientele. The year 2014, saw the completion of the development of new tools, techniques and information references for operational activities in
support of enhancing its services. The following section presents the major breakthrough and significant accomplishment for 2014.

Top list of PAGASA 2014 “all-media”, including communications media ranging

from sirens to cell phones, faxes, radio television, and
project was for expansion to include flood, and
storm surge alert. The first phase of the project was
various digital communication networks based on the completed and launched in November.
PAGASA CAP through Google Public internet -WMO. Google as an aggregator for WMO-
Alert WIS, with the help of Google as one of authorized Launching of Google Public Alert in
aggregators of CAP, a collaboration project with
The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) is an PAGASA Google was signed to speed up the creation the Philippines in partnership with
international standard format for emergency alerting of CAP. PAGASA
and public warning. It is designed for “all-hazards”,
related to weather events, earthquakes, tsunami, Phase I of the project. The PAGASA Technical Google in collaboration with PAGASA has officially
volcanic eruption, public health, power outages, and Working Group (TWG) suggested to start with the launched Google Public Alerts in the Philippines
many other emergencies. CAP is also designed for Tropical Cyclone Alert (CAP1) and with Tropical on November 12, 2014 which is an online platform
Warning (CAP2). CAP designed to quickly deliver natural disaster warnings
1 is issued to inform the to a wide user base and grant them access to critical
public about tropical information during a calamity. It is a platform for
cyclones that will not disseminating emergency messages and everyday
directly affect any part alerts using Google’s strength in information and
of the country. On the technology aiming to provide the public with
other hand CAP 2 will information it needs to make informed decisions during
be issued in case Public critical events such as severe weather disturbances.
Storm Signal is raised
(Color Coded). Online Google’s engineers sought to improve the information
interface was created for available to users searching for data on any currently
ease creation on CAP 1 occurring disasters in order to mitigate loss to life and
and other interface is still property.
on development for the
ease creation of CAP2 Google Public Alerts automatically targets users
(CAP2 would issue a within the affected zones of any ongoing calamity and
provincial warning in provides them with vital information such as storm
terms of Public Storm strength, wind speed and maps showing the direction
Warning Signal (PSWS). the weather disturbance.
The 2nd phase of the
8 PAGASA Technical Working Group (TWG) together with th Google Crisis Response Team
Moving Onward to Total Services…

Tropical Cyclone Alert

The PAGASA Technical Team worked on

the project for five months and it is the fastest
collaboration of Google amongst the nine (9)
partner countries.

The general public can view detailed information about

storm such as the location, strength, movement and impact,
as well as recommended actions and precautionary measures.

By providing readily-available online data, Google Public Alerts actually

complements the existing information released by PAGASA thru its website and
other social media accounts.

PAGASA Crisis Map

Google Public Alerts work by incorporating public alert
data from authoritative sources into Google Search,
Google Maps, and other Google platforms and simplifying
the process of finding emergency information. Contents
come from partner countries such as USA, Australia and
Canada. Google is able to provide Public Alerts in the
Philippines through the information provided by PAGASA

As of yet, Google Public Alerts only works for weather-

based disturbances in the Philippines, since PAGASA is
currently the sole provider of crisis information for Google.

Google Public Alerts uses official PAGASA data in their

alerts as part of their information-sharing deal.

Google product manager Payal Patel stressed the importance

of official and credible information during a crisis. “We
noticed this problem that whenever there was an emergency
situation, it was hard for our users to find authoritative and
useful information in their timeline,” she said. The PAGASA Technical Team together with the Google Team during the launching of Google Public Alerts
Moving Onward to Total Services…

Re-Establishment of
Social Media

Social Media
Social media is the interaction among people in
which they create, share or exchange information and
ideas in virtual communities and networks. Andreas
Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as
“a group of Internet -based applications that build
on the ideological and technological foundations of
Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of
user-generated content.” Furthermore, social media
depend on mobile and web-based technologies to
create highly interactive platforms through which
individuals and communities share, co-share, discuss,
and modify user-generated content. They introduce
substantial and pervasive changes to communication
between organizations, communities and individuals.

PAGASA Social Media (Facebook/Twitter)

Due to public PAGASA or just the forecasting? Who can access

demand, upon and used the said account or Administrator privileged
the start of the problem? With this problem argument arise and the
rainy season in account was loss it access and totally locked from
2011, former 2011.
Nathaniel T. With the development only the twitter account of
S e r v a n d o the two divisions namely the Weather Division and
directed to Hydrometeorology Division (HMD) was active during
create a new the rainy season of 2012.
PAGASA Twitter Account (@dost_pagasa) social media
account using another platform this time it was On December 02, 2012 Administrator Nathaniel
Facebook. The PAGASA Facebook account was Servando directed to revived or create new Facebook
Brief History of PAGASA Social Media created and the official twitter was activated. account for PAGASA. On the midst of Typhoon Pablo
the new PAGASA Facebook account was been live
On October 15, 2010, PAGASA Twitter was launched PAGASA Facebook was under the supervision of again with the support of communication group from
under the username @dost_pagasa upon the directive the Weather Division (WD) especially the forecasting Malacanang. With development of Rainfall Warning
of DOST Undersecretary Graciano P. Yumul, OIC, section. Due to lack of protocol and policy about System (RWS) PAGASA official Face book and twitter
PAGASA. management of this account some problem arises. account are now manage by National Capital Region
First, what is the information must be on the official –PAGASA Regional Services Division (NCR-PRSD)
10 Facebook account thus this represent the whole personnel.
Moving Onward to Total Services…

people use social media, still it’s a

great gateway for information to keep
updated, specifically, during inclement
weather. The PAGASA Social Media
Team was created to be responsible
to communicate with stakeholders and
clients nationwide. This response is one
of the strategies to promote the PAGASA
brand as the preferred provider of
weather and other related services, and
advocates for sustainable support.

Sleeker look for the new

PAGASA website
Yes, the color is still blue, but it is bolder
and livelier.

Inside Facebook The new look of the officially launched PAGASA-DOST

Page and Twitter
website is just one of the many improvements that
PAGASA is doing for its products and services.

Incorporating some of the features from the old

Total of 487, website, the new PAGASA website features rich
903 Facebook graphics and colorful icons that are easier to identify,
fans and making it more user-friendly.
over 1.15
Million Twitter Netizens can immediately see the different weather
Follower advisories through the scrolling panel in the homepage,
as well as the tweeter advisories from PAGASA.
Beyond Statistics and Analysis
Spike during August and November 2013 shows that Recommencement of
Face book increases during inclement weather. Social Media 2014
Moving forward 2013 A Social Media Team was re-
established to promote the PAGASA
Inside Face book Page and Twitter. A total of 487,903 brand as the preferred provider of
Facebook fans and over 1.15 Millions twitter followers, weather and other related services,
statistics and analytics show that people are more to be more visible, more effective and
visual and like to engage in terms of Photo post. We interactive with all stakeholders and
can clients. With the re-establishment of
see that people are active online during noontime and a Social Media Team of PAGASA, the
reach to 167K during the 10 pm. People engagement forecasting section of PAGASA can
increases the total number of reach or the number easily communicate the information
who saw out post. to the people with internet access
and use social media. While not all Spike during August and November 2013 shows that Facebook increases during
inclement weather 11
Moving Onward to Total Services…

Met-hydro Decision
Support Information (MDSI)
The PAGASA responded to the need to
provide a solution to the requirement for
an integrated web-based Information
System that will integrate majority of
the agency’s observation data and
products in a very short period of time,
or roughly around three (3) months
since it was conceived in July 2013.
Thus, the PAGASA ETSD-ICT team
conceptualized the Met-hydro Decision
Support InfoSys (MDSI) or better known
Launching of PAGASA website, Mr. John Bryan M.
as “meteopilipinas” last year.
Peconcillo presenting the new look of PAGASA Website

The MDSI integrates all available images, satellite images, typhoon forecast track and
Automatic Weather Station as well as recently added, “Station plots”.
Automatic Rain Gauges from project
initiatives; the system includes the The MDSI has come a long way in providing a web-
establishment and hardware upgrading based Met-Hydro Decision Support Information
of the PAGASA File Transfer Protocol System that will cater to the needs of our forecasters
The New PAGASA Website
(FTP) with high availability platform. and meteorologists and the public as well. It is still
The interesting part of the website is the pop-up It also includes the establishment of a robust SMS in the process of upgrading with the addition of vital
advisory on the Tropical Cyclone Update. Once users collection server that caters to all SMS-based data met-hydro information that will address warnings for
visit the website, the advisory will automatically appear reception for AWS and ARG. One
on the screen. of the highlights of MDSI, is the
integration of radar imagery from
The press launching of the PAGASA website saw the Doppler radar stations on a Google
signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Application Programming Interface.
between PAGASA and the LGU, in cooperation with This is the heart of MDSI wherein near
the civil society group, Rice Watch and Action Network real-time display is layered with radar
(R1), and international humanitarian organizations,
Oxfam and Christian Aid.
PAGASA Met-Hydro
The partnership aims to assist local government Decision Support
units (LGUs) in the Visayas and Mindanao to Infosys (MDSI)
integrate climate change adaptation in agriculture
and disaster risk reduction management (DRRM) in
local development plans, through a program entitled
Climate Resiliency Field School (CrFS) Farmers’
Access to Early Warning System (EWS) with Climate
Change Adaptation (CCA) Techniques in Farming.

The press launching and MOU signing were part of

the activities during the celebration of 2014 World and
National Meteorological Day (WMND) by PAGASA.
12 MDSI Display of a Typhoon Track with Automatic Rain Gauge (ARG) data
Moving Onward to Total Services…

severe weather conditions through the incorporation of HDSS radar products from
the PAGASA Integrated High Performance Computer (iHPC), VIL data from the
EDGE radar workstations and WRF products from the IHPC Leads On-line display
which is available only in a closed network at the WFFC.

We believe that PAGASA has responded to the needs of the agency for an immediate
response to produce locally an Information System which is cost effective and 100
percent product of PAGASA Technical- Information Communication Technology
(ICT) and at the same time, provided financial savings in the implementation of the
MDSI Information System.

MDSI Display of Surface Observation Station Plot


It is interactive application basically designed to facilitate the timely issuance of
accurate and properly formulated TC SIGMET (TC SIGMET is a kind of warning
or advisory for the safety of aircraft operations ). It is capable of providing visual
presentation of TC’s position through time. It stores SIGMET in database for easy
MDSI Display of Typhoon Track & ARG Data

Tropical Cyclone SIGMET Generator

MDSI Display of Satellite Image Overlay
Major Services

Major Services

Forecasts and warnings include information on the 5-8), Ty Glenda (July 13-17), Ty Henry (July 18-23),
probable daily weather condition especially during TS Inday (July 29-30), Ty Jose (Aug. 2-7), TD Karding
the occurrence of severe weather disturbances, such (Sept.6), Ty Luis (Sept. 12-15), Ty Mario (Sept. 17-
as tropical cyclones (tropical depressions, tropical 21), Ty Neneng (Oct. 3-4), Ty Ompong (Oct. 7-11), Ty
storm and typhoons), monsoons, active low-pressure Paeng (Oct. 31-Nov.4), TD Quennie (Nov. 26-28), Ty
areas and other atmospheric phenomena. The Ruby (Dec. 3-10) and TS Seniang (Dec. 27-31). Six (6)
information issued serves as inputs for the day-to-day of these tropical cyclones made landfall or crossed the
activities and extended periods for developmental Philippine landmass and brought havoc to the country.
and planning activities, more importantly, for disaster The landfalling tropical cyclones are: Tropical Storm
preparedness and response to disaster-causing “Basyang (Jan 30-01 Feb), Typhoon “Glenda”(Jul
severe weather phenomena. Beneficiaries of these 13-17), Typhoon “Luis”(Sep 12-15), Tropical Storm
services include various sectors such as education, “Mario”(Sep 17-21) and Tropical Storm “Quennie”(Nov
agriculture, tourism, trade & commerce air/sea and 26-28) and Typhoon “RUBY” (Dec 3-10).
land transportation and other industries.
TS Mario enhanced the Southwest Monsoon
The program entails observation, collection and (Habagat) such that excessive rainfall that resulted to
compilation of weather data and information widespread flooding in Metro Manila and surrounding
acquired from local and global networks. These provinces was experienced.
data are then plotted and analyzed on weather Tropical Storm Ruby made four landfalls which
maps for the formulation and issuance of weather
forecasts, advisories and
warnings, when warranted.
Printable copy of SIGMET The transmission of
data and information
The Agency, in accordance with its doable mandate utilizes a nationwide
and objectives, undertook various projects and telecommunication network
activities through its different organizations units. Some and communication link
significant results of these projects and activities, with global meteorological
grouped into key programs areas, are discussed in telecommunication
the following sections: institutions.

During the year, eighteen

Weather Forecasting and (18) tropical cyclones
Tropical Cyclone Warning entered the Philippine Area of
Responsibility (PAR) namely:
Services TD Agaton (Jan. 17-20), TD
Basyang (Jan. 30-Feb. 1),
This program is centered in the operation of the TD Caloy (March 21-22), TS
weather forecasting and warning system of the country. Domeng (April 6-10), TS Ester
(June 10-11), Ty Florita (July
14 2014 Tropical Cyclone Track
Major Services

brought widespread damage to the country after

cutting across Eastern Samar, Batangas , Mindoro,
Flood Forecasting and Hydro-
and Metro Manila. PAGASA closely monitored the meteorological Services
occurrence of TC with timely issuance of bulletins
and hourly updates of the position of the TC . The
general public was able to prepare in advance. This Non-Project Grant Aid (NPGA Bicol Project):
resulted to minimal loss of life and minor agricultural Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with
and economic damage.
Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change
Benefits gained through the provision of forecasting (Strengthening of Flood Forecasting and Warning
and warning services, in terms of preparedness System in the Bicol River Basin)
and mitigation of the adverse impacts of tropical
cyclone may not be expressed in concrete terms,
but these undoubtedly were of great help to the The Project in the operation and maintenance of the system are
communities in reducing of losses. The immeasurable aims to improve the numerous environmental and social changes in
gains redounded to the benefits of the concerned and upgrade its area of operation. Owing to the recurring flood of
communities, in particular, and the nation in general. the structures varying magnitude that contributed to the changes
Figure 1 shows the track of the TC that entered PAR in and equipment in the hydrological characteristics of the Bicol River
2014. Close tracking and more objectives analyses of the existing Basin, there is a pressing need to improve the existing
as prognoses of the TC, made possible with the facilities for flood forecasting and warning system, including the
newly developed 152, produced fairly accurate Bicol River telecommunication system. Flood forecasting and
weather disturbances, weather advisories and severe Basin Flood warning is considered one of the most economical
bulletin which were issued early enough to provided Forecasting and
ample time for the general public and concerned Warning System
disaster preparedness and response authorities to (BRBFFWS).
do necessary response. PAGASA has also provided The BRBFFWS
specially packaged weather information for Mt. started its
Mayon, Mt. Bulusan and other selected areas. operation in
1983 as part of
Implementation of ongoing projects continued for the Agno, Bicol
the upgrading of forecasting and warning system and Cagayan
of PAGASA; Development of Nowcasting in Metro (ABC) FFWS)
Manila, Establishment of Doppler Weather Radar Project. The
Network for National Weather, Watch, Accurate; BRBFFWS consists of a network of
Forecasting and Flood Early Warning, under the 6 combined rainfall and water level
Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP)-GOP gauging stations, 2 rainfall stations
funded, and Enhancing the Forecasting and Warning and 2 repeaters stations. Operating
Capabilities of PAGASA through Effective Utilization of for more than 20 years, the BRBFFWS
Weather Data – JICA -TCP. has already exceeded its shelf-life
and compounding the challenges
Major Services

interventions of mitigating the negative impacts Typhoon Sendong in 2011 (Cities of Cagayan De Oro
of flooding and will also stand to supplement the and Iligan) and Typhoon Pablo in 2012 (Compostela
structural measures of flood mitigation and other river Valley and Davao Oriental).
basin management intervention.
CCC partnered with PAGASA for the implementation/
The Bicol Project will further enhance the forecasting establishment of an operational flood early warning
capabilities of the Bicol River Basin FFWC as additional system, which is one of the components of the Project.
stations will be established that will be able to provide Activities undertaken by PAGASA to achieve this
the better information on the hydrological condition of were tabletop and field surveys of site for the rainfall,
the whole basin during inclement weather condition. water level and repeater stations, development
The backbone of telecommunication network will also and determining the standard specifications of the
be upgraded to ensure less interference thus provide monitoring equipment and supervise the installation
speed and reliability on data transmission. of the EWS equipment/instruments, conduct of IEC
activities for the LGUs and barangays who will host
and maintain the system and in the preparation of
Automation of Flood Early Warning warning messages for the flood bulletins that will be
System for Disaster Mitigation in The EWS3 will be an extension of the KOICA 2 Project issued by the PAGASA-Cagayan De Oro River Basin
Greater Metro Manila (EWS3 Project) which provided the early warning system for Pasig- Flood Forecasting and Warning Center, which is
Marikina. The allied rivers of Metro Manila and its currently housed at the Mindanao-PRSD.
In order to address the need for a more extensive nearby surroundings like Bulacan are also subjected
and sturdy flood monitoring and warning system for to yearly flooding and thus pose an urgency for the Culminating this activity is the conduct of IEC and
Metro Manila, the EWS3 Project was prepared and establishment of an early warning system for flood. the ceremonial switching of the system in Cagayan
submitted to the Korean International Cooperation The KOICA has already dispatched a Team of Experts De Oro and Iligan City last December 2014. It was
Agency (KOICA) for funding. The recurring flooding to define the scope of the Project. With the expansion attended by the LGUs of the two cities as well as
problem in Metro Manila continues to affect the of the NCR-PAGASA Integrated Flood Information their respective Local Chief Executives. A flood drill
lives and livelihood of the communities, causing Control System (PAGASA-PIFICS) to monitor the water was also undertaken to test how the new monitoring
the disruption educational, economic and industrial ways within Metro Manila and its vicinities, the EWS3 system will be integrated in the contingency plan of
activities, including its nearby environs. For a highly Project will be an essential tool in the flood warning the two recipient cities.
urbanized and thickly-populated area like Metro activities of the HMD as well as the DRR
Manila, an automated early warning system is vital activities at the local level.
as this will provide enough lead time for the affected
communities to undertake preventive measures. Enabling the Cities of
Cagayan De Oro and Iligan
and the Provinces of
Compostela Valley and Davao
Oriental to cope with Climate
Change (Twin Phoenix
The Twin Phoenix Project was
implemented by the Climate Change
Commission (CCC) in partnership with the
United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP). One of the component of the
Project is the establishment of a flood
early warning system (FEWS) in areas that
16 were greatly affected by the passage of
Major Services

Flood Drill at
Brgy. Macasandig,
Cagayan De Oro

Cagayan De Oro IEC and Ceremonial

Switching of the

Iligan City IEC and Ceremonial

Switching of FFWS

Flood Drill at Brgy. Santiago,

Iligan City

Major Services

An Operational System for Typhoon Contingency Plan. On the over-all evaluation,

the community drill proved to be a good exercise for
Integrated Management and Hydro- the community to see the gaps and needs that could
Meteorological Information for be addressed as well as some improvements in their
Disaster Risk Reduction (DEWETRA) contingency plan. The whole BDRRMC had displayed
full support and cooperation to the activity.
DEWETRA is a new initiative from of the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO), which was
developed by the International Centre on Environmental
Monitoring (CIMA) and now fully operational at the Division. Computer system and appropriate server
Italian Prime Minister Office–National Department for were installed at the HMD Main Operation Centre and
Civil Protection – “Centro Funzionale Centrale”. Hydrologists and the IT Personnel worked closely
DEWETRA Platform is an integrated system for real- with the CIMA for the assimilation of the PAGASA
time monitoring of hydro-meteorological and other products in DEWETRA platform. WRF data such as
environmental hazards, which can be utilized for rainfall, wind and temperature had been successfully
risk forecasting and eventually, paving the way for viewed in the platform. Continuous assimilation of
preparedness and mitigation. Through Graphic other PAGASA data and outputs, especially the river
Interface, the software provides high-resolution basin information, are being done. To ensure that
information that are continuously updated, allowing other concerned agencies would be able to access
the information thru the DEWETRA, a workshop was
conducted by the Italian Experts to provide on-site
assistance on the installation and configuration of
The ACCORD also conducted the Ugnayan and
the system as well as how it can be utilized in the
Bahaginan: Building Resilience through Good
DRR activities being carried-out by the respective
Governance, a forum among LGUs within their
project sites and other related agencies. PAGASA.
Recognizing the need to incorporate doable strategies
Partners for Resilience (PfR/ACCORD on DRR, climate change adaptation and ecosystem/
Project) river basin management, the forum served as an
avenue for presentations and discussions which are
Under this collaborative undertaking, PAGASA is aimed to capacitate the community to face the disaster
providing the technical assistance, particularly in the with proper preparations and counter measures.
conduct of field survey (hydrographic survey) and in
the user to track weather events, build detailed risk the training component of the ACCORD Project. JICA Technical Cooperation Project
scenarios and evaluate its potential impacts on
communities and infrastructures. The use of DEWETRA PAGASA participated in the training of as Resource
for the Strengthening Capacity of
is being encouraged by the WMO as an operational Speaker for the Community Based Early Warning Comprehensive Data Management
tool since it will provide a platform to improve the System for the staff of all implementing partners for PfR, of Flood Forecasting and Warning
capabilities of the national met-hydro agencies in which includes different chapters of Red Cross, other
terms of forecasting, monitoring real-time information NGOs, etc. It was designed to improve the capacity
System (FFWS) through Strategic
and modelling. It will also address concerns on inter- of all the staff of implementing partners to work with Formulation of Hydrometeorological
operability of data and forecast models that can be communities on risk reduction and preparedness for Information System
integrated with vulnerability and risk maps and thus flood and other risks. Another activity participated in by
produce real-time scenarios. PAGASA is in the conduct of community drill in one of The new TCP was approved by JICA for implementation
the project sites of ACCORD: Brgy. Portero, Malabon. and it will have a 3-year duration. The Project is aimed
Upon recommendation and collaboration of The said activity was participated in by the four (4) to develop a central data management system for
PAGASA with WMO, DEWETRA found its way to the of the most flood-prone puroks in the barangay and all hydrological data at the Main Operation Center,
Philippines thru the Agency’s Hydrometeorology its main objective is to test the barangay’s Flood and taking into consideration the importance of quality
Major Services

management due to the different format and storage and other field works (as necessary), designation of engagement between NDMI and PAGASA. “This
condition of the existing data. The data management counterpart personnel who will closely work for the system showcases the advanced technology of the
system should be flexible enough to accommodate Project, etc. government of South Korea in terms of information
future expansion of the hydrological monitoring and communication technology and disaster risk
system. As PAGASA is set to expand the flood As the Project also include the provision of monitoring reduction”, Dr. Malano said.
forecasting and warning services that will cover the equipment for rainfall and water level, site survey was
other major river basins, there is an underlying need conducted, where PAGASA selected the Jalaur River By collecting the rainfall amount and the level of
to have an independent data management system at Basin. It should be noted that with the completion of the streams in a particular area, the FFAS can provide the
river center for flood forecasting and warning activities Iloilo Radar Station and the eventual establishment of potential threats of flashfloods and be able to alarm
and these data should be simultaneously transmitted the Jalaur River Basin Flood Forecasting and Warning the community, giving them lead time for evacuation.
to the HMD Central Database Management System for Center in the said station, the operationalization of an
archiving purposes and other research undertakings. operational/functional flood early warning system could For two consecutive years from 2011 and 2012,
be realized with the installation of the monitoring stations. Mindanao was hit by strong typhoons that caused
Though there is an on-going PAGASA project with widespread flooding in the region resulting to
similar genre, the new TCP will ensure redundancy of Early detection for flashfloods heavy damage to properties and infrastructures
hydrological data that are vital for flood warnings, in with thousands of lives lost. Aside from the existing
the event that there is a system breakdown. In order to Flooding cannot be stopped, but it can be predicted warning systems of PAGASA, the FFAS will greatly aid
avoid duplication, all the detailed contents of the TCP in advance. the Agency in predicting the probability of flashfloods
will be agreed upon as the PAGASA central database in Mindanao, and eventually in the whole country.
management system had been completely installed, Through the establishment of the early warning system
tested and commissioned. called Flash Floods Alert System (FFAS), PAGASA can
now forecast the occurrence of flash floods.
Climatological and
Development and Implementation Agrometeorological Services
of User-Relevant End-to-End In the recent signing ceremony of the Memorandum
of Agreement (MOA) between PAGASA and the The Climatological and Agrometeological Division
Hydrological Forecast Generation National Disaster Management Institute (NDMI), it is (CAD) of PAGASA has consistently carried out services
and Application System for Disaster agreed that FFAS will be installed initially in Northern for the agricultural sector through the dissemination of
Mitigation in the Philippines Mindanao. vital agro-meteorological information for the farmers
for farming activities and proper farm management
This new collaborative undertaking with the Regional NDMI is a division of the National Emergency and necessary planning. Farmers make use of this
Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Management Agency (NEMA) in the Republic of information to increase income by avoiding weather
Africa and Asia (RIMES) is aimed at developing a Korea. NDMI hosts international education and training induced losses and prevent unnecessary waste of time
user-relevant end-to-end forecast generation and programs for government officials and civilians from and material input. For the semester, 180 ( English), 180
application system that could be demonstrated over other Asian countries. (Tagalog) and 180 live broadcast a total of 540 Daily
key areas in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Objectives Farm Weather Forecasts and Advisories (FWFA) were
of the Project includes the development of a system Dr. Woon Kwong Yeo, the president of NDMI, briefly issued to 70, 620 recipients. Likewise, 10-day Regional-
that will generate the long-lead location specific shared their previous activities conducted in the Agro weather forecasts and advisories for agriculture
hydrological forecast, preparation of a customized Philippines. He said that NDMI is happy to underwrite 18 were issued and 1,620 copies disseminated while
rainfall-run-off models for selected river basins in the the alert system that can help save people’s lives. eighteen (18) Philippine Agroclimatic Review &
Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao and the development Outlook and one Seasonal Climate Outlook were also
of a Decision Support System (DSS) for PAGASA to be The installation of the FFAS is part of a plan that will issued and 2,700 copies disseminated. Other beneficial
able to communicate relevant information that will be promote the Northern Mindanao Project. The project climatological information was also published.
used by planners and decision makers. initiated by NDMI aims to reduce disaster risks in the
Mindanao region and strengthen the resilience of the Increasing demand for climate forecasts as important
The Project started with the signing of a Memorandum community. inputs in agricultural planning for climate sensitive
of Agreement between PAGASA and RIMES on crops, such as rice and corn during the occurrence
the scope of the project, such as the respective Dr. Vicente B. Malano, Acting Administrator of of extreme climate events, has been observed. Since
PAGASA, expressed his appreciation for the
deliverables, capacity building, conduct of survey
MOA signing, sealing the close collaboration and
the Philippines relies chiefly on rice and corn as 19
Major Services

staple food, the application of climate forecasts for The National Climate Outlook Forum is
agriculture will be replicated in all the agricultural areas being conducted by the Climatology and
across the country. In addition, agro-meteorological Agrometeorology Division (CAD) under
research stations will be established in state colleges the Climate Impact and Prediction Section
and universities to obtain the database as well as the (CLIMPS) to give an update on the Weather
information for studies on cropping calendar, plant and Climate Outlook for the next coming
pest and disease control. Increase collaboration on months of the year. The regular presentations
improving crop yield must be strengthened with state included are: (1) Latest Weather Update and
universities and colleges. Weather Outlook for the next 3 to 5 days; (2)
Status of Monitored Major Dams; (3) Review
Communicating Climate Information of the Climate Conditions; (4) Climate Outlook
for the next 6 months; and an (5) Open Forum,
For User-Groups where the participants can give suggestions,
comments, and recommendations for the
PAGASA, the nation’s hub for climate and continuous improvement of the PAGASA
agrometeorological information, issues seasonal climate products and services. The forum
forecast, daily farm weather forecast, 10-day regional serves as an avenue for the clienteles
agriweather, and El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and PAGASA as well to exchange ideas,
advisories. These information serves to guide user information, and to render/deliver also their
groups such as: water planners, food security respective products, services, works and
agencies, public health officials, and farmers among functions with excellence. This initiative is
others to help them prepare and mitigate negative incorporated in the yearly activity of PAGASA
impacts of climate variability or take advantage of its in order that the public would be more aware
benefits. PAGASA hand in hand with the Department of of the weather and climate scenarios and as
Agriculture and other line agencies provide the public one of the responses to the Climate Change
with seasonal climate information on regular basis. thrusts of the country.
The symposium also
provides a venue where
participating agencies Local Climate Forum in Cooperation with Regional Integrated
to present special lecture relating Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Asia and Africa
(RIMES), Dumangas and Iloilo City
the importance of the products
and services of PAGASA to the were represented by the different divisions and sections
main functions of their company/ of PAGASA.
Likewise, a Local Climate Outlook Forum was
For the year, there are 7 National conducted at Dumangas and Iloilo City in cooperation
Climate Outlook Forums conducted with Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning
at the PAGASA Amihan Conference System for Asia and Africa (RIMES) on July 30-31, 2014
Room with 589 participants (301 at Dumangas and Iloilo City with 194 participants (103
female and 288 male). It was female and 91 male).
participated by different private
and government sectors, industrial
and plant companies, individual Astronomical Services
and group investors on farm and
crop plantation, electric, water As the country’s official time keeper, PAGASA is
and other business corporate, responsible for maintaining and disseminating the
academe as well as weather and Philippine Standard Time (PST). It operates a precise
climate enthusiasts. The forums standard clock from which the setting of time pieces
20 2014 Innovation Award - Climatology and Agrometeorology Division
Major Services

may be referred. Under normal conditions, the PAGASA being pushed by the agency to promote awareness
Observatory broadcasts time signals every hour on on natural hazards. PAGASA regularly conducts
the hour. For the semester, a total of 4,309 time check lectures on the different hazards, its effects and
requests through telephone, mostly in Metro Manila, characteristics. The STRIDE (Special Tropical
were accommodated which included synchronization Weather Disturbance Reconnaissance, Information
of time for all TV stations in Metro Manila. Dissemination and Damage Evaluation) Team, a quick
response group of the Agency that performs activities
To promote Astronomy in the countryside, PAGASA explicitly expressed by the group’s name, conducted
conducted Mobile planetarium, planetarium shows, field investigation and extended assistance in the
stargazing and telescoping activities in 9 schools mitigation of meteorological hazards and disaster
with 2,149 students and science teachers which reduction in areas affected by land falling tropical
generated an income of P 20,950.00. Likewise, the
agency disseminated 270 astronomical information
packages to students and science teachers which also
generated an income of P 17,460.00. Majority of the
end-users were geodetic engineers, construction and
development engineers and those from fishing and
other industries. End-users from the academe also
availed of some of the publications as teaching aids.
STRIDE Team’s field survey and assessment after the
passage of Ty Glenda (18.1-18.2) and Ty Ruby (18.3-18.4)
Natural Disaster
Preparedness and Mitigation Information Education and
Services Communication (IEC) Campaign
PAGASA remains at the forefront, among concerned A continuing activity of the agency is aimed at
agencies, in formulating strategies to combat the cyclone, tornadoes, store surge, etc. During the year increasing public awareness on natural hazards
effects of natural calamities. One proven strategy is the team conducted an investigation on the following: for proper implementation of appropriate mitigation
the vigorous information and education campaign measures. The main component of the IEC program
During Passage of Tropical Cyclones is the consistent participation of its personnel as
resource persons in seminars, workshops, training,
- TY GLENDA - July 13 - 17, 2014 at Region 4 & 5 fora, and other public gathering organized by LGUs,
RZ Quinto, JC Mendoza IV, T Santos and NA Robo NGOs and other disaster-oriented organizations on
related topics such as hydro-meteorological hazards,
- TY LUIS- Sept 12-15, 2014 at Northern Luzon. climate change, El Niño, La Niña, the agency’s role
WH Tuazon, MP Guzman, CP Ancheta Jr. and R in S&T and disaster preparedness and mitigation. A
Cuenca. total of 21,318 participants attended the different fora
conducted in Metro Manila and in some provinces.
- TY GLENDA – Dec 3 - 12, 2014 at Samar Island These activities have helped bring PAGASA closer to
RZ Quinto, CP Ancheta Jr, RL Siojo and NA Robo the public and likewise enhanced the participants’ level
of awareness on disaster reduction. Likewise, a total
• Deployed STRIDE members at NDRRMC of 41,979 information materials such as pamphlets,
Operations Center Camp Aguinaldo Quezon City maps, posters and brochures were distributed to the
as weather briefer during the occurrence of 15 public to help sustain the agency’s IEC campaign.
Tropical Cyclone. Strengthening of ties with the media continues in
Mr. Robert Z. Quinto, STRIDE Team Coordinator was • A Reports on TY Glenda, TY Luis and TY Ruby. support for a wider dissemination of information.
interviewed after the passage of Ty Ruby (left photo) and Ty
Glenda (right photo) 21
Research and Development

Research and Development

On research and development activities, PAGASA stepped up efforts to develop systems and techniques to improve its operational forecasting and warning capabilities.
These activities are supportive of the R&D priorities of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), which primarily aim to enhance agricultural and industrial
productivity, water resources and energy production. The following are the completed and on-going research and projects being implemented and monitored by the

Completed R&D PM onwards,

Davao City already

cloudy since 8:00

Intercomparison and Validation AM early backing
winds, and dew
of Radar rainfall Estimates Using point temperature
Raingauge Data for Hinatuan and greater than
Cebu Radars (2012-2014) 25°C, Hydro-
A. Davao City Flooding on 5 June 2013 Decision Support
System (HDSS)
The flood event occurred on 5 June 2013 in Davao with reflectivity of
City at 9:00 PM was studied. Some pre characteristics clouds over the
of the atmosphere based on the following: areas starting from
Climatology, Infra-Red Satellite 1, surface observation, 5:00 PM onwards
Hydrometeorology Decision Support System (HDSS) moving northwest
of Hinatuan radar was examined at least three hours toward to Davao
backward this severe weather event. The result shows City up to 9:00
that the following current and maintained synoptic PM. The results
situation like: Davao City with the highest normal rain- showed that the
fall for the month of June, Intertropical Convergence mechanisms of the
Zone (ITCZ), synoptic features
Low Pressure in relation to this
Area (LPA) weather situation
over Mindanao, lead to the heavy
infrared satellite rainfall associated
photo with red with severe
down to gray thunderstorm
colors of cloud and lightning
formation as that happened
manifested in the area. It is
by Cumulus recommended that surface observations be in EXCEL
Nimbus (Cb) format data entry as received at near real time for
clouds at 2:00 immediate comparative analyses of the existing
Research and Development

B. The Tornado Occurrence in Minglanilla,

Cebu on 18 June 2013
The tornado event that occurred on 18 June 2013
in Cebu was studied. The following observations
like climatology, existing weather, infrared satellite,
Meteorological Aviation Report (METAR), Upper Air,
Hinatuan radar as visualized from Hydrometeorology

all the present state of the art tools were monitored then there is a strong possibility to warn the public leading to
disaster preparedness. Therefore, precautionary measures to manage the risks and proper evacuation can be
implemented. It is recommended to use the above listed criteria to forecast the same event.

Decision Support System (HDSS) were examined. The

results showed the following: that Cebu is a tornado
prone area that can be seen in the Philippine tornado
hazard map, the presence of Tropical Storm (TS)
Emong in the north eastern part of the Philippines
brought bad weather as depicted in satellite at 2:00
PM, the hourly observations had positive indication
of severe weather especially the 5 hours before the
sustained synoptic condition and the monitored
photos of Hinatuan radar at 10 minutes intervals
wherein the hook shaped tornado was detected.
Within the short time of six hours before this event, if
Research and Development

An Algorithm to Enhance Nowcast of

Rainfall Brought by Tropical Cyclones
Through Separation of Motions. by W.C.
Woo, K.K. Li, Michael Bala

The Hongkong Observatory operates an in-house
developed nowcasting system, namely “Short-range
Warning of Intense Rainstorms in Localized Systems
(SWIRLS)”, to support the operation of rainstorm and
severe weather warnings as well as to provide rainfall
nowcast services for the public and for special users
in Hong Kong. Aiming to enhancing its performance in
nowcast of rainfall brought by tropical cyclones, a new
radar echo tracking scheme that separates the motion
of the spiraling rain bands from the overall movement of
tropical cyclone has been developed. Back-testing with
historical cases in the past ten years reveals that the new
scheme is more capable of preserving tropical cyclone
rain band structures and can enhance forecast skills.

On-going projects/researchers

• Improvement of Flood Forecasting and Warning

System for Magat Dam and Downstream
Communities - Norwegian funding
• Strengthening of Flood Forecasting and Warning
System (FFWS) in the Bicol River Basin - (JICS)
• Applying Remote Sensing Technology in River Basin
Management - JAXA-ADB
• Enhancing the Forecasting and Warning Capabilities
of PAGASA through Effective Utilization of Weather
Data – JICA -TCP.
• FAO - AMICAF Project on “Assessment of Climate
Change Impacts and Mapping of Vulnerability to
Food Insecurity under Climate Change to Strengthen
Household Food Security with Livelihoods Adaptation
• Enhancing Greater Metro Manila Institutional
Capacities for Effective / Climate Risk Management
Towards Sustainable Development (CSCAND for
Research and Development

GMMA Project) and Enhancing Risk Analysis Long-term trends and extremes in observed daily precipitation and near
Capacities for Flood, Tropical Cyclone, Severe
Wind and Earthquake for GMMA (Risk Analysis
surface air temperature in the Phils. For the period 1951-2010
Project)/ Security with Livelihoods Adaptation


• Establishment of Doppler Weather Radar Network

for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness
• Climate Impact modeling on various sectors (e.g.
water, agriculture, health)
• CCAM-Simulation of HadCM3 model of A1b
emission scenario - Summarized by municipalities
– Projected change in monthly average rainfall
and temperature under medium- range Emission
scenario (A1b)
• Develop an ensemble of climate change scenario
in the Philippines
• Summarized and analyzed Drought events by
provinces using SPI for the period 1951-2010.
Severe Wind Impact Analysis and the Exposure
Database for Greater Metro Manila Area (GMMA)
• Analysis and presentation of results on the Risk Observed daily precipitation and near surface Such indicators of a warming trend and increase in
Analysis Project (RAP) Flood, Severe, Wind and air temperature data from 34 synoptic weather extreme events in the Philippines are discussed in
Earthquake Impacts stations in the Philippines for the period 1951–2010 the context of similar national, regional (Asia Pacific)
• Development of Drought Monitoring index for the were subjected to trend analysis which revealed and global studies. The relevance of such empirically
Philippines using Standard Precipitation Index an overall warming tendency compared to the based climatology studies, particularly for nations
(SPI) as a Drought Monitoring Tool normal mean values for the period 1961–1990. This such as the Philippines which are increasingly
• Enhancement of Rainfall Warning System for warming trend can be observed in the annual mean vulnerable to the multiple impacts of global climate
Metro Manila. temperatures, daily minimum mean temperatures and change, is also considered.
• Isohyetal Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Rainfall to a lesser extent, daily maximum mean
during its Occurrence within the Philippine Area temperatures.
of Responsibility (PAR).
• A study of Thunderstorm Forecasting at Selected Precipitation and temperature extremes
Areas in the Philippines for the period 1951–2010 were also
• Validation of Radar Rainfall Estimates of Subic analysed relative to the mean 1961–1990
Radar in the Pampanga- Agno River Basin baseline values. Some stations (Cotabato,
• Intercomparison and validation of Radar Rainfall Iloilo, Laoag and Tacloban,) show
Estimates Using Raingauge data for Hinatuan increases in both frequency and intensity
and Cebu Radar (2012-2013) of extreme daily rainfall events which are
• Enhancing PAGASA’s Impact and Risk significant at the 95% level with none of the
Assessment Capability for Severe Wind stations showing decreasing trends. The
Associated with Tropical Cyclone, ( Legaspi, frequency of daily temperature maximum
Albay) above the 99th percentile (hot days) and
nights at the 1st percentile (cold nights)
suggests that both days and nights in
particular are becoming warmer.
Research and Development

Changes in extreme rainfall in the Philippines (1911–2010) linked to global mean temperature and ENSO
Marcelino Q. Villafuerte IIa,b*, Jun Matsumotoa,c and Hisayuki Kubotac
a Department of Geography, Graduate School of Urban Environmental Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan
b Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration, Quezon City, Philippines
c Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka, Japan


Statistical modelling of extreme valueswas used

to detect potential changes in extreme rainfall in
the Philippines and to investigate whether such
changes are associated with the rising near-surface
global mean temperature and the El Niño–Southern
Oscillation (ENSO). The generalized extreme value
distribution was formulated to its stationary and non-
stationary forms, and then was fitted by the maximum
likelihood method to the series of daily rainfall annual
maxima (RX1day) spanning 100 years (1911–2010) at
23 meteorological stations across the country.

Subsequently, statistically significant changes in

extreme rainfall in the country were detected; such
changes were further linked to the near-surface
global mean temperature and ENSO. Specifically,
the study has revealed a country-averaged increase
in the median intensity of extreme rainfall by about
4.3% °C−1 rise in the near-surface global mean
temperature. Furthermore, a seasonal influence
of ENSO on extreme rainfall in the Philippines has
been shown. In particular, the stations located in the
northwest section of the country, where 75–100% of
the RX1day occurred in the summer monsoon season
(July–September) during the entire period of 1911–
2010, showed an average increase in the median
intensity of extreme rainfall by about 6.5% °C−1
increase in the ENSO index.

These findings imply a potential intensification and Sensitivity of the location parameter of the GEV per degree Celsius change in global mean temperature anomaly (GTA)
increase in the occurrence of extreme rainfall into at: (a) every station and (b) the stations where it is significant at 5% level based on the likelihood ratio test (grey bars, left
the future as the global mean temperature continues axis). The corresponding return periods of RL20 when the GTA is warmer by 1 °C are shown as black bars in (b), and
to rise, and such trends should be considered in the error bars are based on the observed information matrix of the maximum likelihood estimates. The horizontal dashed
adaptation strategies to minimize the disasters caused (dotted) line marks the country-averaged change in median intensity of extreme rainfall (20-year return period) per degree
Celsius change in GTA (when the GTA was warmer by 1 °C). (Figure 5 in Villafuerte et al., 2014).
by extreme rainfall events in the Philippines.

Research and Development

A Regional Climate Modelling Experiment for Southeast Asia Using PRECIS Regional Climate Model
and selected CMIP3 Global Climate Models

This technical report is a product of the Southeast Asia regional climate model on its own, without (or with minimal) errors coming from the driving global climate model
Climate Analyses & Modeling (SEACAM) Framework data
which was initiated by the Centre for Climate Research
Singapore of the Meteorological Service Singapore Model projections are made for the mid-century (also “mid-term”) for the 30-year period between 2031 and 2060
(CCRS-MSS) and in collaboration with the Met Office and also for the end-century (also “long-term”) for the 30-year period between 2071 and 2100. For all projections,
Hadley Centre (MOHC). It assessed the performance the changes are reported relative to the baseline period of 1971-2000.
of the PRECIS Regional Climate historical simulations
and analysed future changes for S.E. Asia up to
year 2100. The report was contributed by climate
researchers from the region’s National Meteorological
& Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and Research
Institutes (RIs), as well as scientists from the MOHC.

SEACAM’s regional climate modelling experiment

provides high-resolution (25 km) information on
future climate change projections for the S.E. Asia
region up to year 2100. This was done by dynamical
downscaling of 5 selected members of the Met Office
HadCM3Q ensemble and the ECHAM5 model (from
the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology) using the
Met Office PRECIS model. The selection of members
from the HadCM3Q ensemble was done by assessing
their ability to simulate the major features of S.E. Asian
climate and capturing the broadest range of future
projections for temperature, monsoon characteristics
and precipitation

Model simulations were evaluated against

appropriate observation datasets available, which
includes APHRODITE and CRU. In instances where
direct observations were not accessible, the ERA-
40 reanalysis was used to compare against the
simulations. The ERA-40 reanalysis was also used
to drive the PRECIS model and the downscaled
reanalysis outputs were also compared against the
model simulations to assess the performance of the
Research and Development

Significant influences of global mean temperature and ENSO on extreme rainfall in Southeast Asia1
Marcelino Q. Villafuerte II1,2 and Jun Matsumoto1

Department of Geography, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration, Department of Science and Technology, Quezon City, Philippines


This study investigates the changes in annual and (left side of zero in the abscissa) and positive association (right side of zero in the abscissa) with (b)
seasonal maximum daily rainfall (RX1day) in Southeast Asia, GTA and (d) ENSOI are also shown. The histograms in (b) and (d) are based on the 1000 bootstrap
obtained from gauge-based gridded precipitation data, samples of annual RX1day in Southeast Asia, while the brown and the blue dots are based on the
to address the increasing concerns about climate change original data. The area of the histogram within the two dashed-lines in (b) and (d) corresponds to the
in the region. First, the nonparametric Mann–Kendall test 95% of the distribution that occurred by random chance. (This figure will appear as the Fig. 4 in the
was employed to detect significant trends in RX1day. Then, original article).
maximum likelihood modeling, which allows the incorporation of
covariates in the location parameter of the generalized extreme
value (GEV) distribution, was conducted to determine whether
the rising global mean temperature, as well as the El Niño–
Southern Oscillation (ENSO), are influencing extreme rainfall
over the region. The findings revealed that annual and seasonal
RX1day is significantly increasing in the Indochina Peninsula
and east-central Philippines while decreasing in most parts of
the Maritime Continent during the past 57 years (1951–2007).
The trends in RX1day were further linked to the rising global
mean temperature. It was shown that the location parameter of
the GEV, and hence the RX1day on average, has significantly
co-varied with the annually averaged near-surface global
mean temperature anomaly. Such co-variation is pronouncedly
observed over the regions where significant trends in RX1day
were detected. Furthermore, the results demonstrated that
as ENSO develops in July–September, negative co-variations
between the location parameter of the GEV and the ENSO
index, implying more (less) likelihood of extreme rainfall during
La Niña (El Niño), were observed over the Maritime Continent.
Such conditions progress northward to the regions of Indochina
Peninsula and the Philippines as the ENSO approaches its
maturity in October–December, and then retreat southward as
the ENSO weakens in the ensuing seasons.

Sensitivity of annual RX1day, on average (i.e., the location

parameter of the GEV) per degree Celsius change in (a) global
mean temperature anomaly (GTA) and (c) El Niño–Southern
Oscillation index (ENSOI; only those that are significant at
5% level based on the likelihood ratio test are shown). The
percentage of grid boxes where significant negative association
Research and Development

Downscaled Projected Changes (2011-2040) in Seasonal Mean Temperature

and Rainfall in Cagayan Valley, Philippines
Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration,
Climatology and Agrometeorology Division, Quezon City, Philippines


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, AMICAF-Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines

Tatsuji KOIZUMI, and Hideki KANAMARU

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy


Results obtained from the downscaling showed that there will be significant climate changes from 2011-2040 in
terms of rainfall and temperatures. Robust signals of climate change were found in many seasons and variables,
while conflicting signs of changes were found in a few cases. Inter-model difference is found to be as large as
inter-scenario difference in this time horizon. A larger warming is projected for daily minimum temperature than
maximum temperature, thus reducing diurnal temperature range. Precipitation is projected to increase in general
in the Valley. Regarding seasonality, dry months will continue to remain dry but July is likely to become a more
notable wet month in addition to November within the rainy season. There are also indications of increasing
Rice is an important commodity in the Philippines. frequency of extreme heavy rainfall events (about two-fold), number of dry spells (especially in Aparri), and
In the Cagayan Valley (CV) region, rice production extremely hot days.
provides employment to more than half of the region’s
population, and climate variability and change can
cause negative impacts on crop production and
livelihoods. This paper attempts to understand
projected climate changes in seasonal rainfall and
mean temperature (2011-2040) in order to inform
climate change adaptation planning in Cagayan
Valley. The climate change projections were provided
to crop and water resources modeling, agricultural
market modeling, food insecurity vulnerability analysis,
Projected Changes in Seasonal Mean Rainfall (A1B, A2)
community-based climate change adaptation
planning, and policy simulation.

The results are presented for the Provinces of

Cagayan, Isabela, Nueva Vizcaya, and Quirino
based on the statistical downscaling of three global
climate models (BCM2, CNCM3, and MPEH5) and
two emission scenarios (A1B and A2). A spatial
interpolation technique was utilized in interpolating
downscaled climate projections at weather stations
to grids, and they were aggregated to administrative

Projected Seasonal Change in Minimum Temperature (A1B, A2)

Infrastructure Development

Infrastructure Development

Fairly large sum out of the agency budget went into construction, repair and rehabilitation of buildings, facilities and other
installations. The following summarizes the various infrastructure project implemented during the year.

 Rehabilitation of Guiuan Doppler Radar

 Field Calibration of 17 AWS and 75 ARG

 Support Services for PAGASA ICT System

 Provided repair/maintenance services of PAGASA internet/LAN connection including repair & maintenance
of computers from various offices of the Agency

 Deployment of technical personnel to man ICT facilities at

Forecasting during inclement weather ensuring continuous ICT

 Rehabilitation/improvement of PAGASA Station building &

facilities @ Tayabas PAGASA Station

 Establishment of new Bohol Synoptic Station

 Rehabilitation/improvement of PAGASA Radar Tower building

including electrical installation of main feeder line & Station
building electrical system @ Basco Radar Station

 Rehabilitation of Tagaytay PAGASA Doppler Radar building,

repainting of steel tower & radome panels –Repair of Public CR,
pump house & construction of lifeguard station; and renovation of
picnic hut @ Science Garden

 Construction of 3m x 700m @ 6’ thick access road @ Tampakan,

South Cotabato

 LBP Quezon City Branch Offsite ATM @ PAGASA Science Garden

 Rehabilitation /improvement of Media Room @ WFFC Building

 Repair/rehabilitation of typhoon damage station building @

Rehabilitation of CAPSU-PAGASA Agromet Station

30 Newly constructed Dauis PAGASA Station

Human Resource Development (HRD)

Human Resource Development (HRD)

The level and quality universities accredited by the DOST. The scholars Under the Science Internship Program of the agency,
of education and training were supported under the PAGASA Scholarship a total of seventy nine (79) students from different
of personnel are a constant Program, the DOST- HRD Program, and the World schools were accommodated for the on-the -job
concern of the PAGASA. The Meteorological Organizations (WMO) Voluntary training on various fields of operation of PAGASA.
efficient and effective delivery of the Cooperation Program (VCP). Also during the year,
agency services depends to a large extent three (3) PAGASA personnel supported by the The following were in-house training conducted by the
on these factors. Thus, as ever, training of personnel Philippine-Australia Human Resource Organizational Agency during the year:
through different avenues and means is continuously Development Facility (PAHRODF) to pursue
a major component of the PAGASA programs. postgraduate studies in Australia.

For the semester, a good number of PAGASA

personnel underwent secondment trainings through
in-house trainings programs held here and abroad. Title Objectives
The agency took advantage for the attainment of Hydrologist Training Course (HTC) Participants shall acquire broad knowledge and skills in
technical and administrative proficiencies of many hydrology
of its personnel, a total of 85 personnel of which 25
Capacity Enhancement for Doppler Enhance the capacity of Forecasters , Hydrologists and
participated locally while 60 personnel availed of the
Radar Application in Nowcasting Researchers in weather forecasting and warning using Doppler
Probabilistic, Quantitative, Precipitation Acquire knowledge in Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting
Interactions and exchange of technical knowledge Forecasting (PQPF)
whether during discussions in sessions during Refresher Course on Meteorological To refresh and broaden the participants’ knowledge and skills
conferences and seminars, or in informal corridor Observations, Practices and Procedures particularly in the observation, encoding/decoding, transmission
and coffee table conferences, have always been for Field Station Personnel and plotting of the different weather elements and secondarily to
meaningful conduits in the learning process. Many grasp the full functions of meteorological instruments, equipment
opportunities for interactions with local and foreign and other related facilities including their comprehensive
scientist were opened for a number of agency maintenance.
personnel. These opportunities were realized through
linkages with local and international organizations. Government Radio Operator’s To be able obtain license to operate radio equipment legally.
Certification (GROC) for Field Station
In the fulfillment of its commitments to national and Personnel (Regional)
international cooperative programs, in line with high- Meteorological Technicians Course To be able to qualified meteorological technicians having
level manpower development, PAGASA awarded (MTTC) completed the basic instruction package for meteorological
scholarship grants to 12 Filipinos and 3 foreign technicians (BIP-MIT) . Also be able to conduct preventive
students for post graduate studies in the Institute maintenance on meteorological equipment.
of Environmental Science and Meteorology (IESM)
at University of the Philippines and in other 31
Human Resource Development (HRD)

Local and International

training, seminar/workshop


Forecasting Training on Doppler Radar conducted at PAGASA Central Office

Lecture of Dr. Gareth Davies, Hydrology Expert, Hydrologist Training Course (HTC),
PAGASA-WMO Regional Training Center

Phase II: Training on Probabilistic, Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting, PAGASA-

Orientation Seminar for New Employees, PAGASA Amihan Conference Room WMO Regional Training Center
Human Resource Development (HRD)

JOOMLA Training on the Migration of the PAGASA/PRSD Websites to the

Government Hosting Services plus Social Media, PAGASA-WMO Regional
Training Center

Refresher Course on Meteorological Observations, Practices and

Procedures for Southern Luzon-PRSD, Rendezvous Beach Hotel and
Resort, Masbate City

Refresher Course on Meteorological Observations, Practices

and Procedures for Northern Luzon-PRSD, Northview Hotel,
Laoag City

Human Resource Development (HRD)

Supervisory Development Course, PAGASA Amihan Conference Room

Disaster Risk Reduction Management Seminar,

PAGASA Amihan Conference Room

Values Orientation Workshop and Re-Orientation Seminar,

Water Front Insular Hotel, Davao City

Human Resource Development (HRD)

AMICAF-Philippines Step I & II Consolidation Workshop, Holiday Inn, Clark,

Pampanga, 14-16 July 2014


The Philippines, through PAGASA, remains the WMO’s as the

Regional Meteorological Training Center for the South West
Pacific. For 2014, PAGASA conducted Regional Training
Workshop on Severe weather forecasting demonstration
projects (SWFDP)- Regional Subproject for Southeast Asia
Training Workshop on Severe Weather Forecasting and
Warning Services (PAGASA and WMO) Project for thirty nine
(39) WMO nationals, from Japan; Pakistan; Cambodia; Laos;
Regional Training Workshop on Severe Weather Forecasting and Warning Services, Severe Weather Forecasting
Thailand; Canada; Vietnam; Hongkong China; Geneva, Demonstration Project (SWFDP), Regional Sub-Project for Southeast Asia (SWFDP SeA), PAGASA-WMO Regional
Switzerland; and the Philippines. Training Center

Mr. Edino Nonato L. Nolasco, Weather Facilities Specialist II, participated in the
“eSurge training course in “Applying Earth Observation Data to Storm Surge Modeling
and Forecasting” held at Cork, Ireland on February 20 -21, 2014.

The two-day course demonstrated and teaches modelers and forecasters how the
application of Earth Observation (EO) data can enhance their efforts to model and
forecast storm surges.

The training ensured all modelers and forecasters comprehend all the key concepts on
forecasting and modeling and focused on inputting & researching ways and means to
exploit the full range of EO data available, and identify how to proceed.

eSurge Training Course in Applying Earth Observation Data to Storm Surge Modeling and Participants were taught about the potential for applying Earth observation data to
Forecasting, Cork Ireland, 20-21 February 2014, Mr. Edino Nonato L. Nolasco, Weather Storm Surge Modeling and Forecasting, and had the chance to meet folks from around
Specialist II, (front, 4th from right) the globe focused on mitigating the impacts of storm surges and coastal inundation.
Human Resource Development (HRD)

Mr. Bernard R. Punzalan II, Weather Observer I, CARDS-RDTD participated,

Advanced International Workshop on Climate Change and Agricultureon 9 June –
19 June 2014 in MASHAV-CINADCO Training Center, Kibbutz Shefayim, Israel. The
workshop demonstrates advanced Methodologies and Techniques developed in
order to compensate for the impact of unfavorable climate conditions on agricultural
production. Workshop Objectives are to discuss the effects of climate change
on different fields of agriculture and agricultural production and demonstrate
modern Agro-meteorological Techniques and methods for mitigating the effects of
climate change. The workshop was organizers /sponsors by World Meteorological
Organization – Regional Training Center (WMO-RTC) Israel, Israel Meteorological
Service (IMS), Center for International Agricultural Development Cooperation of
the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (CINADCO-MARD) and Advanced International Workshop on Climate Change and Agriculture, Kibbutz Shefayim,
MASHAV (Israel’s Agency for International Development and Cooperation under the Israel, 9-19 June 2014. Mr. Bernard R. Punzalan II, Weather Observer I, (2nd row, rightmost)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Japan Meteorological Agency/World Meteorological Organization (JMA/WMO) Workshop on WMO

Information System (WIS) Implementation held at Japan Meteorological Agency, 1-4-3 Otemachi,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Japan 100-8122 on November 18 - 20, 2014, participated by Ms. Nancy T. Lance,
Asst. Weather Services Chief and Engr. Arnel R. Manoos, Weather Facilities SpecialistIII.

The seminar workshop aimed to impart the capacity requirements necessary for operating WMO
Information System (WIS) centers and basic concepts of training framework for developing and
maintaining capacity.

Discussion on the milestone was provided by Mr. Yoshitomo KOJOH, Senior Coordinator for
International Communications, JMA who presented the following for discussion:
Japan Meteorological Agency
(JMA) Workshop on WIS
Implementation, Tokyo, Japan, • WMO Information System development milestone
18-20 November 2014 • Tokyo Global Information Service Center (GISC) and the Area Meteorological Data Communication
Ms. Nancy Lance, Asst. Weather Network (AMDCN) enhancement plan.
Services Chief and Engr. Arnel • Establishment of WIS backup facility for PAGASA (business Continuity Plan)
R. Manoos, Weather Facilities • Regular conduct of monitoring of WIS data exchange between National Centers and Tokyo GISC
Specialist III and, (1st row, 2nd and
3rd from left, respectively)

UM User Workshop 2014

The 2014 UM User Workshop took place at the Met Office in Exeter from the 16th
to the 20th June 2014. The five day event focussed on Model Evaluation, Technical
Infrastructure Development, Atmospheric Composition and Convective Scale Modeling.
Participated by Ms. Shirly David and Mr. Resly Amdor.

2014 UM User Workshop, Meteorological Office, Exeter, United Kingdom, 16-20 June 2014
Ms. Shirly J. David, Sr. Weather Specialist (front, 3rd from right) and Mr. Resly George Q.
Amador, Weather Observer 1, (front, rightmost)
Human Resource Development (HRD)

2014 Asia-Pacific Weather Radar Network Workshop

APEC Research Center for Typhoon and Society (ACTS) hosted “2014 Asia-Pacific Weather
Radar Network Workshop” in Taipei and a study field trip to Wu-Fen-Shan Weather Radar
Station and Central Weather Bureau on 18-19 February. Participated by Mr. Dionisio C.
Sarmiento, Jr. and Mr. Resly George Q. Amador.

2014 Asia Pacific Weather Radar Network Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, 18-19 February 2014, Mr. Dionisio
C. Sarmiento, Jr., Weather Specialist II and Mr. Resly George Q. Amador, Weather Observer 1 (2nd row,
3rd and 6th from right, respectively)

International Training Course on Thunderstorms and Severe Convection Nowcasting, Beijing,

China, 13-23 May 2014, Ms. Netherlen C. Saletrero (4th row, 2nd from left).

Training Workshop on 6th International Climate Variability and Prediction, Turkey, 2-17
August 2014, Mr. Anthony Joseph R. Lucero (front row, rightmost)

Human Resource Development (HRD)

Training of Trainers for Climate Field School in Asia-Pacific, Indonesia, 26-29 August 2014, Ms.
Ruthie M. Pacala (front row, rightmost) and Ms. Susan C. Flores (2nd row, 2nd from right)

Training Workshop on Climate Impact Assessment on Watershed Hydrology,

Pakistan, 15-17 September 2014, Mr. Joseph Q. Basconcillo (front row, 2nd from

1st World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Coordinated Regional Downscaling

Experiments (CORDEX) Science Workshop, Indonesia, 17-20 November 2014, Ms. Ana
Liza S. Solis (4th row, 2nd from left) and Mr. Joseph Q. Basconcillo (2nd row, 3rd from left)

Human Resource Development (HRD)

ASEAN Climate Outlook Forum (ASEANCOF), Singapore, 17-19 November 2014, Mr. Anthony
Joseph R. Lucero (2nd row, 5th from left) and Ms. Cherry Jane L. Cada (front row, leftmost)


Dr. Marcelino Q. Villafuerte II, Doctor of Philosophy in Science, Ms. Vivien E. Esquivel, Master in Climate Change, Australian Mr. Jose Daniel C. Suarez, Master in Public Administration,
Tokyo Metropolitan University (October 2011 - October 2014) National University (January-December 2014) University of Sydney (January-December 2014)

Local and International Linkages/Collaboration

Local and International Linkages/Collaboration

Collaboration with local and international

Climate Outlook Forum, PAGASA Amihan Conference Room
organizations continued in terms of
exchanges of information on meteorology
and related fields; technology transfer;
and financial grants/support for the
socio-economic programs. As part of its
international commitments, particularly
with UN agencies and the WMO,
country representation was provided in
international scientific fora. The following
were some of the collaborative efforts done
by the institution as well as participation
and invitation by WMO member countries.

Conducted Monthly
Climate Outlook
Forum held at Amihan
Conference Room,
Central office PAGASA
from January to
December 2014.
The Forum was attended by
representatives from the various agencies of
government and private sector entities. The Forum Conducted Annual Program Review and Analysis (PRA) and
provided an avenue to increase the level of
awareness of the participating agencies from public Planning Conference
and private sectors for updates on the development
of the La Niña phenomenon, review of the climate The Annual PAGASA Program Review and Analysis (PRA) and Planning Conference was conducted at Amihan
conditions during the last two months, status of major Conference Room at Central Office of PAGASA held on January 23-24, 2014. The PAGASA Annual PRA involved
dams, and extended forecasts, among others. As assessment of the performance of all various operating units based on the Priority Programs/Activities for the 2nd
always done in previous forums, participants were semester of FY 2013 and review of the FY 2014 Operations Plan. All heads of branches/divisions presented their
encouraged to actively participate in the discussions, highlights of accomplishments for the 2nd semester of FY 2013 and possible solutions to the identified concerns
towards a fruitful meeting of minds. in the implementation of programs and priority programs/activities and new initiatives for FY 2014.
Local and International Linkages/Collaboration

This is the message delivered by Dr. Landrico Dalida, Jr.,

OIC, office of the Deputy Administrator for Operations
and Services of PAGASA during the conduct of the
Multi-Hazard and Risk Maps Information, Education
and Communication (IEC) Campaign in Pasig City held
at Tanghalang Pasigueno last March 14, 2014.

The IEC Campaign hopes to strengthen the contingency

and preparedness plans of the community and create
an effective response to disaster mitigation.

Addressing the crowd composed of the

Pasig City officials, schools, barangay
heads, private volunteer organizations,
and local Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management (DRRMO) officers, Dr.
Dalida recognized the local government’s
concrete programs for disaster resilient

PAGASA Annual Program During the IEC Campaign, the Collective

Review and Analysis (PRA) Strengthening Community Awareness to
and Planning Conference,
Natural Disasters (CSCAND) agencies namely Dr. Landico U. Dalida, Jr., OIC, Office of Deputy
Conference Room PHIVOLCS, MGB, NAMRIA, OCD and PAGASA, Administrator for Operations and Services during the
discussed the different geological and hydro conduct of Multi-Hazard and Risk Maps Information,
Dr. Vicente B. Malano, Acting Adminstrator, Engr. Catalino meteorological hazards and the result of risk Education and Communication (IEC) Campaign in Pasig
L. Davis, Acting Deputy Administrator for Administrative and mapping, as well as a lecture on interpreting the risk maps. City on 14 March 2014
Engineering Services and Dr. Flaviana D. Hilario, Acting
Deputy Administrator for Research and Development during Some of the highlights of the program are the group
the 2014 PAGASA Annual PRA and Planning Conference discussions of the different hazards and output
presentations, as well as sharing of the best practices in
Empowering LGU’s with DRRM of the different participating barangays.

multi-hazard knowledge The IEC Campaign in Pasig, with support from the office
of Mayor Maribel Eusebio, is the eleventh (11th) leg of the
When Typhoon Ondoy struck the country, it made us Greater Metro Manila campaign focusing on the GMMA
see things differently. It awakened us to the reality that Ready and Risk Analysis Project (RAP) of the different
the effects and devastation of natural disasters can CSCAND agencies of the government in which PAGASA Group discussion regarding the difference geological
happen anytime, anywhere.” served as the lead agency in the campaign. and hydro-meteorological hazards and the result of risk
mapping during the IEC 41
Local and International Linkages/Collaboration

Philippine-Australia Human
Resources Organizational PAGASA-PAHRODF Strategic Planning: Formulating
Strategies, SWOT Analysis, External Environments, Oasis

Development Facility Hotel and Resort, Clark, Angeles, Pampanga, 3-4 February


Strategic Planning Conference
PAGASA asserts that meteorological, hydrological,
climatological and astronomical services are essential
to very human activity and to national development,
in the long term. PAGASA, therefore, is determined to
be a dynamic institution, responsive and proactive in
facing the ever-changing requirements of the various
sectors and the general public for weather, climate
and flood information services.

PAGASA responds to the SOC Pillar of “Better

Disaster Preparedness and Response,” specifically in
“Enabling national and local government agencies as
they provide strategic leadership and work with local
government units to implement effective disaster risk
management policies and programs.” It does this by
providing timely information and recommendations
regarding flood, storm and landslides induced by
rainfall in order to safeguard the public and minimize
the impact brought about by the said natural hazards

PAGASA, as a CSCAND agency, plays a lead

role in providing scientific, technical and advisory
services on climate-related, meteorological and
hydro-meteorological events, including disaster
preparedness education and early warning. It has providing forecasts and warning to the general public;
created multi-hazard maps, installed early warning and strengthening the capability of its organization
devices and intensified the information campaign and and human resources to deliver its services.
capacity building, at the community level, nationwide.
PAGASA has aligned its implementation and operation
PAGASA’s updated priority thrusts are still focused on strategy to the Aquino Administration’s 16-Point
the improvement of forecasting and operation services, Agenda, particularly in ensuring better understanding
disaster prevention and preparedness, physical of the unusual meteorological phenomena, improving
resources development, and active participation and the forecasting and warning efficiency and ultimately
linkages in national and regional cooperative S&T, as reducing adverse impacts including climate change
well as in international scientific activities. In addition, adaptation. Its efforts are geared towards assessing
it is giving greater attention to two crucial support the physical and socio-economic characteristics of the
components in achieving its mission: increasing disaster prone and coastal areas in the Philippines;
its visibility as the official and authorized provider determining the vulnerability of communities and
42 weather and other related services, specifically in households to hydro-meteorological hazards;
Local and International Linkages/Collaboration

identifying measures that can be adopted to cope information to every JUAN

with the short-term and long-term impacts of extreme 3. Establish two additional planetariums in Luzon
climatic events, particularly in the most vulnerable and Visayas
areas; and quantifying the costs and benefits of these 4. Upgrade human resource and other support
responses. The intent is to attain a significant change services capabilities
in the reduction of human and socio- economic losses 5. Be an ISO 9001 Quality Certified Agency
by developing and improving ways of managing the
effects of disaster, adopting mitigation measures, and STRATEGIES
using different approaches to minimize damages to
lives and properties. PAGASA-PAHRODF Strategic Planning: Strategic
1. Improve Forecasting System
Organization Architecture and Design with Key Officials,
Heads and Core Group Oakwood Premiere Hotel, Pasig City,
2. Develop and Implement Field Maintenance
The change in strategy aims to strengthen PAGASA’s and Calibration Procedures for Basic and other
15 April 2014. Dr. Vicente B. Malano, Acting Administrator,
role in: promoting excellence in the science of Instruments
delivering his Opening Remarks
Meteorology both applied and research; and 3. Advance Scientific Research and Application and
providing Disaster Management support towards PAGASA’s acquisition and installation of newly Linkages
minimum casualty, focused on the improvement of acquired equipment and new technologies require 4. Enhance Human Resource and Organization
hydro-meteorological, climatological data collection, capacity building for concerned personnel that are Development Systems
analyses and interpretation, upgrading of observation involved in the operation and application of the new 5. Promote PAGASA brand as the preferred provider
network, and intensified monitoring of extreme weather forecasting and warning system equipment. This is of Weather and other related services and
and climate events and climate change a priority that the agency must address as soon as advocate for sustainable support
equipment installation is done. 6. Strengthen effective utilization of resources
PAGASA’s organizational structure and operational
systems have correspondingly changed, and continue The demands brought in by PAGASA’s direct
to be reviewed, to effectively respond to emerging involvement in READY II and GMMA require personnel
demands and challenges; notwithstanding articulated retooling, not only in scientific and technical aspects,
limitations/gaps in both organizational and human but also in non-technical areas like stakeholder
resources capacities and competencies. relation, governance, human resource management.
The alignment of human resource performance
standards, processes and systems
should likewise be done to ease
up operational snags and ensure
quality engagement with key
stakeholders. The following were
output on the Strategic Planning
Conference conducted by the
winning Learning Service Provider
(LSP) the Ancilla.

1. Establish PAGASA as
the most reliable, accurate and
credible agency on weather,
climate and flood information
PAGASA-PAHRODF Strategic Planning: Coaching of Core
PAGASA-PAHRODF Strategic Planning: Strategic Organization Architecture and among 75 percent of the population
Learners for Cascading of Strategies with Core Group,
Design with Key Officials, Heads and Core Group, Oakwood Premiere Hotel, Pasig 2. Deliver accurate and
PHINMA Training Center, Tagaytay City, 24-25 April 2014
City, 15 April 2014 understandable weather related 43
Local and International Linkages/Collaboration


KOICA 3 project “Automation of Kick-Off Meeting for the KOICA 3 Project, “Automation of
Flood Early Warning System for Disaster Mitigation in Greater
Flood Early Warning System for Metro Manila”, PAGASA Amihan Conference Room, 4 March
Disaster Mitigation in Greater Metro
The project proposal entitled “Automation of Flood Early Warning
System for Disaster Mitigation in Greater Metro Manila“ or simply
referred to as KOICA 3 project., a follow-up proposal to KOICA 2
project (Establishment of Early Warning and Response System for
Disaster Mitigation in Metro Manila).

The implementation of the KOICA 2 was timely and was effective

in mitigating the damages to flooding in the Pasig-Marikina river
basins during the recent flooding in Metro Manila (August 19-
20, 2013). PAGASA, as well as disaster risk reduction and
management officers in cities along the Pasig-Marikina river
, were able to utilize the early warning facilities in providing
advisories and alerted the communities in flood prone areas to
evacuate. In addition, the PAGASA came up with an integrated
monitoring system in Metro Manila from various projects such as
KOICA 2, Effective Flood control Operations System (EFCOS),
under the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) and
the Resilience project under CIDA (Canadian International
Development Agency).

The proposed project will enhance the existing monitoring system

and flood forecast with the establishment of monitoring and
warning stations in the allied rivers of Greater Metro Manila Area
(GMMA) including the setting up of a Flood Management Center
in PAGASA. The flood events of increasing magnitudes such as
those in September 2009, September–October 2011, August 2012
and August 2013 underlined the need for an enhanced flood early
warning system covering all river systems in GMMA. The increasing
severity and frequency of flooding in the Metropolitan area and

Local and International Linkages/Collaboration

its environs prompted PAGASA to submit

the proposal as urgent need. The KOICA 3
project aims to provide advance warning of
an imminent flood in flood prone communities
in Metro Manila and adjacent areas.

The kick off meeting was held on March

04, 2014 at the Amihan Conference Room,
PAGASA Central Office, Quezon City. Attended
by the KOICA Deputy Representative Dong
Hill, the meeting discussed the activities to
be undertaken under the project these are as

• To provide an early warning system to the

residents living along the Pasig-Marikina
River and in allied rivers. Meeting between United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) Delegation and PAGASA regarding the proposed PAGASA
Modernization Plan
• To provide scientific and automated
method for gauging the flood in the
Pasig-Marikina rivers and its tributaries as well raising training and learning and; Proposed additional needs of PAGASA to be requested
as the allied rivers in Greater Metro Manila and • To conduct a feasibility study for design and to USTDA:
environs; implementation of the project.
• To establish real-time data monitoring system • Storm surge warning system (SLOSH, NWS)
in concerned government offices and local United States Trade and Development • Storm surge detection and warning
government units (LGUs). rant Agency (USTDA) Meeting • Monitoring of tsunamis –PHIVOLCS concern
• To establish an integrated flood information
control system (IFICS) for the PAGASA and Highlights of discussion of USTDA delegates and
the flood information system for Disaster Risk PAGASA, Acting Deputy Administrator for Engineering
Reduction (DRR) offices; and Administrative Services Engr. Catalino Davis
• To enhance community response capability discussed the proposed PAGASA modernization
through the development of alarm systems as plan implementation which includes the provision of
well as public information campaigns, awareness equipment and technical services, the use of Feasibility
raising training and learning and; study funded by USTDA in the design and finalization
• To conduct a feasibility study for design and of the PAGASA Met-Hydro Telecommunication
implementation of the project. Network , Development of project to be incorporated
• To enhance community response capability or included in the Information Communication
through the development of alarm systems as Technology Office (ICTO) Disaster Communication
Plan and with the iGov Philippines project.
well as public information campaigns, awareness 45
Local and International Linkages/Collaboration

2nd Session of the Intergovernmental Board on Climate

Services, Geneva, Switzerland, 10-14 November 2014
(L-R) Dr. Flaviana D. Hilario, Acting Deputy Administrator
for Research and Development, Ms. Artemilita Malano,
Dr. Vicente B. Malano, Acting Administrator and another
foreign participant.

36th ASEAN Sub-Committee Meeting on Meteorology and Geophysics, Vientiane

Capital, Lao P.D.R., 1-3 September 2014, (L-R) Dr. Edgardo Aban, member of the
ASEAN Secretariat, Dr. Flaviana D. Hilario, Acting Deputy Administrator for Research
and Development, Dr. Cynthia P. Celebre, Chief, Research & Development and Training
Division, Ms. Ma. Elena V. Tan, Sr. Weather Specialist, Dr. Chung Kyu Park, WMO

2014 APEC Typhoon Committee Symposium, Central Weather

Bureau, Chinese Taipei, 4-5 November 2014, Ms. Edna L.
Juanillo, OIC, Climatology and Agrometeorology Division and
Dr. Cynthia P. Celebre, Chief, Research & Development and
Training Division (5th and 6th from left, respectively)

Local and International Linkages/Collaboration

2014 Korea International Cooperation Workshop, Yangyang, South Korea, 15-18 December 2014,
Ms. Ma. Elena V. Tan, (front row, 2nd from left)

16th Session of WMO RA V, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2-8 May 2014, (L-R) Dr. Cynthia P.
Celebre, Chief, Research & Development and Training Division, Dr. Vicente B. Malano,
Acting Administrator, Dr. Flaviana D. Hilario, Acting Deputy Administrator for Research
and Development and Dr. Tanabe, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA), Honolulu, USA

“21st Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency

Forum (APRSAF-21)”, Tokyo, Japan, 3-4 December 2014,
Dr. Cynthia P. Celebre, Chief, Research & Development and
Training Division and Engr. Raul Sabularse, PCIEERD

S & T Celebration

S & T Celebration

National Astronomy Week were conducted at the PAGASA

Observatory, UP Diliman Fun Run Activity during the Women’s
participated by 207 students. The Month Celebration, 8 March 2014
The annual celebration of National Astronomy Week
Free Mobile Planetarium on Tour
(NAW) was held from 17-21 February 2014 participated
held at Citrus High School, San
by students, teachers and researches.
Jose Del Monte (SJDM), Bulacan
(Feb.19-20, 2014) was attended by
The NAW celebration was highlighted by, Star Party
815 students.,
Contest participated by eight (8) schools with fifty
four (54) High School students (Consolation Prize
of P2,000.00/school to non-winners) The Star Party
Contest was held at the PAGASA Observatory, UP
Campus, Diliman, Quezon City on February 21, 2014.
The contest was composed of Five (5) games: On-the 2014 National
Spot Painting, Astro Quiz Bee, Search and centered
selected celestial object, Astro Henyo and Group Women’s Month
Contest. All participating school was represented
by six (6) High School Science students and one (1) Celebration
Science Adviser. After registration, two (2) students
from participating school were oriented/hands-on in The celebration of Women’s Month
the operation of telescope in preparation for the Search in March 2014with the theme:
and Centered Selected Celestial Object Contest. “Juana, ang Tatag Mo ay Tatag Natin sa Pagbangon
Astro Henyo, Quiz Bee and On-the-Spot Painting were at Pagsulong,” paid tribute to the strong and resilient
represented by two (2) and one (1) students from each “Juanas” who have brought inspiring changes in
school, respectively. The winners were judged based the country and across the globe. The Philippine
on the total highest accumulated points per game. Commission on Women (PCW) spearheaded the
celebration in coordination with other government
The overall winner was the Ramon Magsaysay High agencies and non-government organizations. The
School won P20,000 , 2nd Bignay National High Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
School, P 15, 000, 3rd Commonwealth High School P conducted exciting activities geared toward the
10,000 and consolation and for the consolation prize empowerment and recognition of the Filipino women in
each wins 2,000 New Era High School, Caloocan City today’s society. DOST-PAGASA, in particular, actively
Science High School, Gen. Pio Del Pilar High School, participated in agency-specific activities nationwide
Peacemaker International Christian Academy and E. conducted during the month-long celebration of
Rodriguez Vocational High School. Women’s Month 2014.

The Human Women’s Symbol Formation kicked off Grandstand to form part of the assembly of the human
The free planetarium shows, held at the Planetarium women’s symbol. The said event was entered at the
Unit (PU), Science Garden, Quezon City was Women’s Month the celebration on March 8, 2014
where DOST-PAGASA personnel and representatives Guinness Book of World Records.
participated by 2,235 students and Astro enthusiasts,
while the Stargazing and Telescoping sessions from different agencies gathered at the Quirino
S & T Celebration

Expenses related to the National Women’s Month

Celebration like T-shirts, food and other allowances
were charged to the Gender and Development (GAD)
Budget of the agency.

The celebration of the National Women’s Month 2014

was a success because of the strong support and
relentless efforts provided by the agencies involved to
the advocacies of today’s women.

Mr. Nathaniel “Mang Tani” A. Cruz, former PAGASA employee and currently the
Resident Meteorologist of GMA 7, delivering an Inspirational Message on Juana
Talk Forum during the Women’s Month Celebration

The DOST-PAGASA conducted a forum entitled “Juana Talk – Forum

on Women’s Resiliency, Strength and Contributions to Progress” Mr.
Nathaniel A. Cruz, a former PAGASA employee, gave an inspirational
talked about his wife, Gloria, who had awaken from coma through the
power of faith in God, strength, courage, and family love.

Closing the celebration were the Fun Run, Aerobics and Zumba sessions
at PAGASA to help keep Juanas fit and in shape. Fun Run activity gave
away cash prizes to lucky participants who were able to finish the run. A
lecture which focused on Women’s Resiliency was also held where Mr.
Cruz again talked on his wife’s miracle story to give inspiration to the men
losing hope amidst life challenges. The program also included a livelihood
workshop in coordination with Nego-Skwela where the participants learned
how to turn reusable trash into cash by transforming trashes into novelty
items such as car and house decors as additional source of income.

S & T Celebration

Livelihood Workshop in coordination

with Nego-Skwela

Parade, PAGASA World/National Meteorological Day Celebration, 22 March 2014

S & T Celebration

Thanksgiving Mass

Aerobics and Fun Games

Scientific Forum and Junior Weather Forecasters Competition

S & T Celebration

To further encourage the youth attendees The Junior Weather Broadcasting Competition became
to be more involved in meteorology, four a training ground for aspiring weather reporters as it
scholars of the special course on BS showcased the communication skills of the students.
Meteorology presented topics on their Equally exciting is the Weather Observation Challenge,
respective research and comparative the first of its kind challenge ever held wherein high
studies. Other guest presenters were schools students were tasked to accomplish scientific
graduate students from the University of observation of weather parameters.
Santo Tomas who discussed topic the
PAGASA twitter page as a social media
advisory. Strong commitment to serve
The forum proved to be a learning event “I would like to extend my warmest congratulations
as attested by almost 100 participants to the officials and employees of PAGASA who were
who actively joined the discussions. recipients of loyalty award for numerous decades of
committed service, as well as those who remarkably
Aside from the Youth Scientific Forum, performed their duties for the past years.”
the WMND celebration also included
contests for high school and college Addressing the officers and employees of PAGASA,
Engaging Youth in the students. DOST Assistant Secretary Oswaldo Santos aptly
described the conferment of the Gawad PAGASA and
2014 World and National Loyalty Awards during the whole day celebration of
the WMND.
Meteorological Day
Recipients of the Loyalty Award were officers and
Encouraging young people to learn more about the employees who actively served in the Agency for
weather and climate system and to contribute to decades while the Gawad PAGASA recognizeds the
action on climate change, the PAGASA celebrated the exceptional service of individuals or divisions.
2014 World and National Meteorological Day (WMND)
focusing on the youth with the theme “Weather and
Climate: Engaging Youth”.

As member of the World Meteorological Organization

(WMO), PAGASA conducted different activities for the
WMND celebration held on March 2, 2014.

Nurturing the potential of the

To create awareness and encourage active
participation from the youth, DOST-PAGASA included
a Youth Scientific Forum which covered topics on
basic meteorology, climate and monitoring systems.
Suited with the theme, the forum brought together
junior forecasters, hydrologists and climatologists of
PAGASA as lecturers. Press Conference: Weather & Climate: Engaging Youth

S & T Celebration

Reinforcing support and partnerships

The WNMD culmination the presentation of the annual Wind Vane 2914 Awards.
This award is given to individuals and institutions who have supported the different
programs, activities and projects of PAGASA in disaster risk reduction.

Joined by the executive staff of PAGASA headed by Acting Administrator Dr.

Vicente Malano, the recipients of the Wind Vane Awards were treated with a night
of dance and music.

A partner, an advocate, a proponent, a champion, and a bearer of news.

These are the words that can best describe the recipients of the 2014 wind vane
awards conferred by the PAGASA -DOST.

The Wind Vane Award is given to individuals and institution that have supported
the different programs and projects of PAGASA in its disaster risk reduction

After thorough deliberation from the PAGASA Screening Committee, five

individuals were chosen to receive the Awards for the 2014.
Gawad PAGASA and
Loyalty Awards
As a “Partner in information Dissemination“, Chairman Francis Tolentino of Metro
Manila Development Authority (MMDA) was a recipient of the Award because of
his valuable support in implementing the newly-enacted R.A. 10535, PAGASA is
the official timekeeper of the Philippines and is therefore mandated to disseminate
the Philippine Standard Time (PhST) and in raising public awareness on the
Rainfall Warning System (RWS) Projects of the Agency by installing billboards
along the major thoroughfares in Metro Manila.

Commissioner Mary Anne Sering of the Climate Change Commission was

recognized for her role as a “Proponent of Climate Change Adaptation”. Sering

S & T Celebration

PAGASA believes that every individual can contribute

in addressing the need for more action and response
on disaster risk reduction and management. As such,
PAGASA and the whole country can help protect the
lives and properties of every Pilipino people.

PAGASA Gawad Award

The PAGASA Gawad Award as most outstanding
employee of 2014 was conferred to Ms. Nancy T.
Lance, Asst. Weather Services Chief, of the Finance,
Planning and Management Division (FPMD), Ms Lance
was given the top agency award for her exceptional
performance and unquestionable dedication to duty.
As the Agency’s Planning Officer, she ensures that all
PAGASA’s reports on programs, projects and activities
are prepared and submitted prior to the scheduled
time frame for submission to the DOST, DBM,
Senate, House of Representatives, NEDA and other
2014 Wind Vane Awardees, (L-R Dr. Flaviana D. Hilario, Acting Deputy Administrator for R&D), Ms. Ice Martinez, Host,
government entities requiring the said reports. These
TV5, Mr. Nelson Lubao, Host, TV5, Representative of Mr. Julius Alfonso C. Sabularse, VP for Operations, ALDIZ Corp., Ms. reports are voluminous and tedious; requires thorough
Mary Anne Lucille L. Sering, Commissioner/Vice-Chairperson, Climate Change Commission, Mr. Alfonso Tomas Pagaduan scrutiny and often times, given with limited time of
Araullo, News Reporter, ABS-CBN News and Current Affairs, Gov. Jose Ma. Clemente Sarte Salceda, Albay, Representative preparation. With her position as Officer–in-Charge of
of Atty. Francis N. Tolentino. Chairman, Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA), Asec. Oswaldo C. Santos (DOST) and the Plans and Program Development Unit (PPDU) and
Dr. Vicente B. Malano, Acting Administrator her proven commitment to work, Lance’s significant
accomplishment for the year was her relentless effort
is a staunch supporter of different ecological projects information to the public made an impression to the in pushing on PAGASA’s partnership with GOOGLE in
specifically in the creation and formulation of disaster public specifically during the onslaught of Typhoon dissemination of public alerts in the Philippines. She
risk reduction and climate change policies. Yolanda in Tacloban Leyte last November 2013. gained commendation from the Google Manager for
Crisis Response with her effort in working steadfastly
Named as a “Champion in Climate Change Adaptation Araullo was also a suitable awardee because this with Google partners and PAGASA technical people.
(CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management year’s theme for the celebration of the World and The PAGASA Technical Team worked on the project
(DRRM)”, Albay Governor Jose “Joey” Salceda was National Meteorological Day is “Weather and Climate: for five months and it is the fastest collaboration
a perfect choice because of his role in creating Engaging Youth”. The theme is a call for the youth to of Google amongst the nine (9) partner countries.
systematic actions to Climate Change and organizing be more active in addressing weather and climate The launching of Google of Public Alert in the
strategic programs for disaster preparedness and concerns. Philippines was held on November 12, 2014. She also
response. Recognized as well by the United Nations, spearheaded the re-establishment of social media,
Salceda’s efforts and ideas in CCA and DRRM projects Maximizing the use of information, the fifth Wind preparation of Information Strategic System Plan
are widely implemented in Albay and is also adapted Vane awardee is a private individual who heads a (ISSP), among others, in relation to the attainment of
by other local government units and the national company that distributes agricultural products. Julius PAGASA’s goals for national development. Other
government. Alfonso Sabularse, Vice-President for Operations of significant accomplishments, includes the preparation
ALDIZ Incorporated, is recognized as an “Advocate and submission of the reportorial requirements of
The youngest awardee for this year, ABS-CBN’s of Weather and Climate Information”. He uses climate Performance-Based Bonus within the set deadline.
junior reporter Atom Araullo was tagged as the data and weather forecast for agricultural and She was commended by the Acting Deputy
“Herald for Disaster Preparedness and Awareness”. environmental care. Administrator for Administration and Eng’g Services in
His responsible news reporting on extreme weather various Agency Flag Raising and Retreat ceremonies
events and his courage in conveying weather-related for a job well-done. Also one of the members of
S & T Celebration

PAGASA’s Performance Management Team, she of the Forecasting Section of Weather Division was
prepared and monitored the necessary documents chosen as the PAGASA Most Outstanding Employee
of the Strategic Performance Management System for Operations and Services while Ms. Thelma A.
(SPMS) and submitted the same to the Civil Service Cinco was awarded the PAGASA most outstanding
Commission. Meanwhile, Mr. Vicente C. Manalo III employee for the Research and Development.

Mr. Vicente C. Manalo III, Most Outstanding Employee Ms. Thelma A. Cinco, Asst. Weather Services Chief,
for the Operations and Services CAD, Most Outstanding Employee for the Research and Ms. Nancy T. Lance, Asst. Weather Services Chief, FPMD,
Development 2014 PAGASA Most Outstanding Employee

PMS’ Tree Planting

Activity for the Earth Day

S & T Celebration

PAHRODF-PAGASA Strategic Planning: Stakeholder’s Conference,

Sulo Riviera Hotel, 2 April 2014

PAHRODF-PAGASA Strategic Planning: Stakeholder’s

Conference, Sulo Riviera Hotel, 2 April 2014

Lecture on Weather Information Services (WIS),

AO Conference Room, 22 May 2014

Lecture of Japanese Experts

S & T Celebration

of the effects of flood hazards. The Flood Drill was

conducted in a nearby coastal area to simulate a
flooding scenario and its possible impacts.

Recognizing the significant role of media in information

dissemination, PAGASA also conducted a seminar-
workshop. The seminar aims to further provide the
media with basic knowledge in meteorology and stress
their role in disaster risk reduction and management
or DRRM.

The TFAW, with support from the Philippines Science

Journalists Association, Inc. (PSciJourn), other
government agencies and the private sector, hopes to
continue building informed and educated communities
that can respond better to natural disasters with an
end result of becoming a disaster resilient nation.

Bringing meteorology to the

“I take note of this spirit of collaboration, and in
PAHRODF-PAGASA Strategic Planning: Coaching
Program for Head Office Core Team, PAGASA fact, I emphasize that sharing of responsibilities is
Amihan Conference Room, 22 May 2014 necessary and crucial in the disaster risk reduction
strategy. I believe that the building of partnership
with stakeholders will spell the difference in the
and equip the general public with strengthened effectiveness of disaster management in this country.”
response to disasters.
Addressing the participants of the Orientation-
By virtue of Presidential Proclamation 1535, PAGASA Seminar on the Role of PAGASA-DOST in DRRM for
celebrates TFAW through a series of activities that will Senate Technical Staff on May 7, 2014, Senator Ralph
further promote essential information on typhoon and G. Recto gave this encouraging message during the
flood hazards and effective early warning systems. opening ceremony of the event.
Strengthening awareness on
To provide media practitioners and local government With more than 100 participants in attendance, the
typhoon and flood hazards units (LGU’s) with better understanding of the products orientation-seminar co-organized by the Science
and services of PAGASA, the Agency conducted and Technology Committee of the Senate headed
Mandated to mitigate disaster impact and reduce the a presentation of the Warning System Protocol. The by Senator Rafael Recto, aimed to orient the Senate
loss of lives and properties, PAGASA spearheads the presentation aims to provide the participants with technical staff with the products and services of
annual observance of Typhoon and Flood Awareness guidelines concerning the communications protocol PAGASA and impart with them some basic knowledge
Week (TFAW). and to establish a cohesive flow of all activities during in meteorology and warning systems.
extreme weather events.
With the 2014 theme “Kaakibat ng Bagyo: Malakas na Senator Recto also mentioned the problems
Hangin, Malakas na Ulan, Baha, Pagguho ng Lupa, To transfer scientific knowledge into application, encountered in disaster risk reduction. “The immensity
Storm Surges, Dapat Ligtas Tayo”, TFAW aims to PAGASA, in coordination with LGU’s, organized a of the problems confronting disaster risk reduction
further create awareness on weather-related hazards Flood Drill to help participants gain a better grasp requires sharing of resources among the national and
S & T Celebration

local governments as well as the private sector. No Aside from the seminar-workshop, a 2-day mini exhibit industry, IT-BPM, government service, healthcare,
one group can adequately respond to the challenge was also included featuring the products and services human resources, and disaster mitigation.
alone.” He said. of the DOST such as the RxBox, DREAM, as well as
some of the weather instrument of PAGASA. Senator Yellow was the color of the day as thousands of
DOST Undersecretary Fortunato dela Peña also gave Aquilino Pimentel, Jr. led the ribbon-cutting ceremony participants wore the official DOST Commitment Day
enlightening opening remarks. He mentioned the and viewing of the displayed items. shirts illustrating the 8 DOST Outcomes and bearing
importance of the Science and Technology community the Juan Direction tagline which refers to the Filipino’s
and how it can be further improved and utilized. The participants composed of the legislative officers single, harmonized journey to progress.
and technical group of the Senate expressed their
Joining Usec. dela Peña is DOST Assistant Secretary appreciation for the event. As one participant said Showing full support for the activity, PAGASA travelled
Oswaldo Santos who also showed support for the “In general the seminar gave value to its purpose in to the DOST office in Taguig City early morning to take
event. which they seek to inform us on a greater scale. It also part in the preparation.
gave great value to what and how we can prepare for
In his message, Dr. Landrico U. Dalida, OIC of the disaster risk reduction management.” Headed by Dr. Vicente B. Malano, Acting Administrator
Deputy Administrator for Operations and Services of of PAGASA, the delegates from the Agency excitedly
PAGASA, expressed his gratitude to Senator Recto for The orientation-seminar was just one of the many waited for the activity to start.
proposing measures to improve the S&T sector such activities included in the Information, Education and
as the Senate Bill 1358 or the Hazard Allowance which Communication (IEC) Campaign of DOST-PAGASA After the flag ceremony, DOST Secretary Mario G.
seeks to increase the benefits of all S&T personnel regularly conducted throughout the country. Montejo delivered his opening message. He reminded
working in government. everyone to ensure that the country must be at a
position of advantage in the global economy. “We
Emphasizing the role of DOST-PAGASA in DRRM, Dr. have to find our niches in order to compete effectively
Dalida said that “the role of DOST-PAGASA is not only PAGASA declares strong in high-value added sectors mentioned in the eight
confined in the four corners of the office. We endeavor
to educate the public, to increase their awareness, to
support for the 8 DOST major outcomes and reap the many economic benefits
this can bring,” Secretary Montejo said.
build community resilience to disasters and reduce
their vulnerability to natural hazards.”
Outcomes Secretary Montejo led the formal signing of the
Thousands of yellow balloons flying up in the air, Declaration of Commitment on the event tarpaulin
Providing informative and engaging lectures about reminiscent of a Disney movie about a house being called the “Wall of Commitment”. DOST officials
meteorology, hydrometeorology and climate variability flown by balloons up filled with hopes and dreams. and employee cooperative leaders signified their full
during the seminar-workshop were some of the support by signing on the tarpaulin as well.
seasoned officers and Senior Weather Specialists of Onlookers near Bicutan in Taguig City who were
PAGASA namely Mr. Niño A. Relos, OIC of CARDS- surprised to see the splendid sight might be For its declaration, PAGASA “commits to continuously
RDTD, Mr. Christopher F. Perez of the Weather wondering “What’s with all the balloons?” improve its weather forecasting capability as a warning
Division, Mr. Roy A. Badilla of HMD, and Ms. Thelma agency and focus on Hydrometeorological Disaster
A. Cinco of CAD. The balloons in the air were actually the highlight of Risk Reduction activities for the benefit of the Filipino
an event organized by the Department of Science and people.” The declaration was signed by Dr. Malano
Meanwhile, Dr. Esperanza O. Cayanan, OIC of the Technology (DOST). Held last February 3, 2014 at the and Mr. Ramon Agustin, president of the Philippine
NRC-PRSD, discussed the Post Assessment on DOST Complex, the event entitled DOST Commitment Weathermen Employees’ Association (PWEA)
Typhoon Yolanda, Rainfall Warning System (RWS) and Day gathered thousands of employees, officials and
the PAGASA Way Forward. executives from the different attached agencies of the Before the simultaneous release of the balloons, the
Department. participants wrote down their personal wishes and
Mr. Oscar V. Lizardo, Chief Science Research commitments and tied them to their balloons.
Specialist of Project NOAH also delivered a brief The event aimed to gather the full commitment of
discussion about the NOAH and DREAM Project of the S&T community in achieving all of the “8 DOST Filling the sky that day were bright yellow-colored
DOST. Outcomes” for national development with the use balloons, soaring high with dreams and promises.
of science and technology (S&T) interventions to
enhance eight areas, namely agriculture, MSMEs,
S & T Celebration

PAGASA As Achiever In summary, PAGASA will now enjoy the comfort of earning the lasting respect of our people. The reputation
that it has established will remain in the hearts and minds of the people because of its present status as a top
performing agency. This much desired reputation would remain as the permanent inspiration of PAGASA in
A remarkable achievement of PAGASA was receiving
ensuring the sustainability of what has been achieved for the country. PAGASA has lived up and will always live
a Number 4 Ranking in the recent survey done
up to its name.
the Makati Business Club (MBC) among the top
performing government agencies is a giant leap for
Full results: Second Semester MBC Executive Outlook Survey
the agency.. The MBC official noted that PAGASA-
DOST has made surprisingly impressive debuts in the
business scorecard of government performance for
the improvement in disseminating accurate weather
forecasts (Source: http://www.mbc.com.ph).
PAGASA was among those cited in the survey which
scored in impressive fashion. Virtually a constant
outsider in the circle of efficiently performing agencies
since the distant past, PAGASA streaked from
nowhere to join the highly respected institutions in the
bureaucracy owing to significant accomplishments it
recently achieved. This is the first time that PAGASA
joined the elite group of achievers posting a score of
72.3 to claim the fourth spot overall out of 63 agencies
surveyed. Of those surveyed, 84.6 per cent said
they were satisfied with the bureau’s performance
in the delivery of its mission and services. Getting
the high approval rating of the country’s revered
business leaders on its perceived performance is not
a traditional pat in the back but rather an absolute
recognition. The MBC, founded in 1981, is committed
in the promotion of the business sector’s role in
national development and in addressing social and
economic issues affecting the Philippines. In recent
past, it played a crucial part in carving the course of
the nation’s history.

MBC cited the country’s official weather bureau,

specifically, for its vast improvement in disseminating
accurate weather forecasts to the public. Seriously
challenged by credibility problems in the past,
PAGASA has finally emerged as a dependable
organization through the efforts of its competent and
dedicated men and women who worked so hard to
realize the dream of making the agency fulfill its noble
mission. With sheer determination to overcome the
logistics handicap, the agency survived the hard
Makati Business Club Executive Outlook Survey for 2014 where PAGASA ranked No. 4
times by relying on patriotism as the rallying point.
among the Top Performing Government Agencies

S & T Celebration

PAGASA, Ilang katutubong salita din ang isinalang-alang sa

pagtutumbas sa Filipino katulad ng siyam-siyam,
nakipagtulungan sa taog, tarahiti, tarakitek at arammuk.

Komisyon ng Wika sa Upang mas masuri at mahimay ang pagsasalin ng

mga termino, ilang pagpupulong pa ang isasagawa
pagsasalin ng mga ng PAGASA at KWF, kasama na ang planong
termino pagkakaroon ng seminar-workshop ukol sa proyekto
na ito.
24 Nobyembre 2014 - Upang mas
maunawaan at maintindihan ng
mamamayang Pilipino ang mga teknikal Congress’ S&T Committee
na termino na ginagamit ng PAGASA
sa pagtataya ng panahon, nagsagawa collaborates with DOST-
ang Komisyon ng Wika (KWF) ng
pakikipagpulong sa ilang forecasters at PAGASA for disaster
specialists ng Ahensya.
preparedness seminar
Kasama ang ilang opisyal ng KWF,
sa pangunguna ng Tagapangulong
With the onset of the rainy/typhoon season and the
Virgilio S. Almario, at ni Dr. Michael M.
prevailing weather system, the Southwest Monsoon or
Coroza, propesor ng Ateneo de Manila,
“Habagat”, the Science and Technology Committee of
naisakatuparan ang konsultasyon sa
the Philippine Congress, chaired by Cong. Victor Yu,
pamamagitan ng isang buong araw na
co-organized the conduct of the Orientation Seminar
pagsusuri sa bawat meteorological terms.
on the Role of DOST-PAGASA in DRRM and Climate
Change Adaptation (CCA).
Ang kasalukuyung tatlongdaan
dalawampu’t dalawang (322) entri ay
Held at the House of Representatives in Quezon City,
isinaayos sa anyong diksyunaryo na may
the event aimed to impart further understanding on
pagpapantig, bantas at etimolohiya ng
basic meteorology, different weather and disaster
salita. May katumbas sa salitang Filipino
warnings, useful applications, geological hazards, as
ang ilang pangunahing katawagan tulad
well as the significance of strengthening DRRM-CCA
ng bagyo para sa typhoon at unos para sa
practices in the country.
storm. Samantala, ang storm surge naman
ay tinumbasan ng salitang daluyong
In his welcome remarks, Cong. Mariano Piamonte Jr.
said, “this orientation/seminar on the role of PAGASA
and PHIVOLCS in Disaster Risk Reduction and
Ayon rin sa tagubilin ni Mr. Almario, ang mga
Management (DRRM) and climate change adaptation
katawagan ay dapat isaayos sa anyong
is very timely. Being geographically located in the
diksyunaryo na Filipino ang pangunahing
Northwestern Pacific Basin, the Philippines is prone to
entri at siyang bibigyan ng kahulugan o
natural hazards such as storm surge, extreme rainfall,
maikling paglalarawan samantalang Ingles
inland and coastal flooding, and strong winds.”
ang pangalawang entri at tutumbasan sa
Cong. Piamonte, the Vice-Chair for the S&T Committee
considers meteorological and hydrological hazards
as the most destructive in terms of human casualties

S & T Celebration

and damage to agriculture, infrastructures, properties

and livelihood. He also reiterated the importance of
PAGASA Sport Fest
PAGASA as the country’s government agency in
In line with the Wellness Program of the government, PAGASA conducted a badminton tournament in April
charge of providing timely, reliable and accurate
2014 which was spearheaded by the Philippine Weather Employees Association (PWEA). The main purpose
weather information.
of the tournament is to develop camaraderie and promote fun and physical fitness among the employees. It
and encouraged participation of employees as a way to stay healthy and fit and to foster and still values in the
During the orientation-seminar, Dr. Vicente Malano,
players especially on discipline, teamwork, fair play and sportsmanship. To ensure greater participation of the
PAGASA Acting Administrator, said that the Agency,
employees, PWEA requested the management for the employees to be allowed to attend the scheduled games
in collaboration with the other warning agencies of
on official time. The employees were grouped into five (5) color teams violet, yellow, blue, green and black. This
the country such as PHIVOLCS, regularly conducts
year, the champion was the violet team with 2nd place blue team and 3rd place black team.
an Information, Education and Communication (IEC)
Campaign, particularly in hazard-prone areas around
the country.

In his message, Dr. Malano said “the role of DOST-

PAGASA is not only confined in the four corners of the
office. We endeavor to educate the public, increase
their awareness and disaster preparedness, hence
building community resilience and reducing their
vulnerability to natural hazards.”

Dr. Malano added that as they continue to increase

their technical skills and develop new batch of
experts, the state weather bureau also hopes to have
the latest technology and equipment to aid them in
forecasting the weather and avoid a blind spot for
incoming weather disturbances. “We look forward to
a time when weather monitoring equipment is evenly
spread out in all parts of the country”, Dr. Malano said.

Last June, the PAGASA Modernization Bill was

unanimously approved on third reading by the
Congress. The objective of the bill includes the
upgrade of physical resources and operational
techniques through the acquisition of state-of-the-art Violet Team emerged as Champion in the
2014 Badminton Tournament (seated,
instruments, equipment, and facilities and to raise
L-R Mr. I.F. Furio, Mr. R.G.Q. Amador, Mr.
the salary and compensation of the officers and R.T. Binalayo, Mr. W.H. Tuazon, 2nd row,
employees of PAGASA to make their pay competitive L-R Ms. L.S. Mercado, Mr. T.M.T. Singun,
in the global market. Ms. E.P. Jacila, Ms. R.D. Paulo, Ms.
M.L.A.D. Miranda, Ms. A.L.S. Solis, Ms.
A total number of one hundred thirty five (135) B.J.D. Colobong, Ms. R.A. Saadvedra
participants were in attendance during the seminar-
orientation composed of Committee Secretaries,
Chief-of-Staff and other Technical Staff of the House
of Representatives.
2014 Badminton Tournament

Human Resources and Budget

Human Resources and Budget

Budget PAGASA Comparative Budget (2013 & 2014)

The total budget of the agency for 2014 was 700,000

₱1,386,603,000, which is 2.2% higher than 2013. The
increase in this year’s expenditures can be attributed 600,000
to Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
(MOOE) of the General Appropriations Act (GAA) of
the agency. 500,000
In terms of national expenses classification, the
expenditure was broken down as follows: ₱466,581,000 400,000
for Personal Services (PS), ₱317,418,000 for
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) 300,000
and ₱602,604,000 for Capital Outlay (CO).

2013 2014 %
PS 485,575 466,581 -3.9%
MOOE 390,432 317,418 -18.7% 0
CO 480,533 602,604 25.4% PS MOOE CO
Total 1,356,540 1,386,603 2.2%  2013 485,575 390,432 480,533
 2014 466,581 317,418 602,604


The PAGASA workforce has a total
of 975 with 87 Job Order (JO) and
57 project based personnel. Of NO. of
Male Female %
the 975, 836 or 86% performed Personnel
scientific & technical tasks and ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS 139 71 68 14%
functions while 139 or 14 % worked
in administrative support activities.
GRAND TOTAL 975 597 378 100%
62 86%
Human Resources and Budget



MALE 597 61%
FEMALE 378 39%

Personnel Distribution by Age

20-30 31-40
15% 12%
12% 20-30 149 97 52 15%
31-40 119 73 46 12%
41-50 215 137 78 22%
22% 51-60 378 229 149 39%
61 & ABOVE 114 61 53 12%
39% TOTAL 975 597 378 100%


PHD 7%
EDUCATION 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61 & ABOVE
PHD 5 4 9 0.9% 0 1 0 7 1
MS/MA 31 36 67 6.9% 3 15 21 24 4
BS/BA 305 232 537 55.1% 131 76 124 166 40
BELOW BS 256 106 362 37.1% 15 27 70 181 69 BS
TOTAL 597 378 975 100% 149 119 215 378 114 37%
Human Resources and Budget


3rd Level Officials 2 1 3 2 1 0 0 3
2nd Level Officials and Employees 167 130 297 5 61 226 5 297
1st Level Employees 428 247 675 2 5 311 357 675
TOTAL 597 378 975 9 67 537 362 975

Personnel Distribution by Sex and Level of Position Personnel Distribution by Education and Level of Position
450 450
400 400
350 350
300 300
250 250
200 200
150 150
100 100
50 50
0 0


Distribution of Personnel by S&T Function & Education

BY S&T FUNCTION General Administration and 18
Support Service (GASS) 158
Below BS BS/BA MS/MA PhD 1
S&T Education and
S&T Service (STS) 249 332 30 3 614 Training (STET) 4
Research and Development 4 42 18 4 68
(R&D) 4
Research and 18
S&T Education and Training 3 4 1 0 8 Development (R&D) 42
(STET) 4

General Administration and 106 159 18 2 285 3

Support Service (GASS) S&T Service (STS)
TOTAL 362 537 67 9 975 249

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350


PAGASA Mid-Term Plans

PAGASA Mid-Term Plans

PAGASA recognizes the changing physical environment and the progressive scientific and technological development that need
integration in the agency’s development activities, and envisions the future with more challenges and opportunities which are
imperative in meeting the demands of the global community. To meet these challenges, PAGASA has identified its sets of priorities,
consistent with the DOST’s vision and within the framework of the Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016, specifically, on climate
change adaptation, and disaster preparedness and hazard mitigation. To achieve its main goal of improved and enhanced services
to better serve the needs of the people, PAGASA has identified a set of priority strategies and programs for 2014-2018 in the
concluded Strategic Planning activity (supported by HRODF) held from November 2013 to June 1014 as follows:




1. Establishment of robust all weather meteorological and hydrological telecommunication system (ICT)

• To establish and enhance physical network connectivity

• To establish WMO Information System (WIS) implementation plan in the Philippines
• To put in place modernized observing systems

2. Densification /procurement/modernization of equipment and network observing systems based on standard specification

• To put in place a modernized observing systems





1. Formulation of Manual and Adoption of WMO Recommended Practices on field maintenance and calibration procedures/schedule

• Publication of Manual of Surface Synoptic Observation (MASSO) Vols I, II, II and IV (Observation Practices, coding and reporting
system; and field maintenance and calibration )

2. Procurement program for calibration equipment

• Finalization of procurement program for calibration equipment

PAGASA Mid-Term Plans





1. Enhancement/Establishment of strong linkages and partnerships with local and international academe, organizations and advanced
meteorological research centers for conduct of collaborative research

• To strengthen 90% of existing /partnership within the science community/partnership per year

2. Conduct of Research in support to operations

• To conduct 4 researches/studies per year in support to operations for publication and /or operationalization

3. Full utilization Data from State-of-the-art Equipment for R & D

• To develop new applications using data from state-of-the-art equipment and to adapt data assimilation techniques




1. Implementation of Competency-based Recruitment and Selection (CBRS), Learning & Growth

• Rationalize CB recruitment and selection
2. Strengthening HR-OD Policies
• Improvement of HRD policies

3. Enhance Human Resource and Organization Development Systems

• Improvement of HRD policies
4. Strict implementation of Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS)
• Full implementation of SPMS
5. Establishment and implementation of Quality Management System : ISO certification
• Acquire ISO: 9001 certification
6. Development of competitive remuneration package
• Attract the best and the brightest and maintain competent workforce
PAGASA Mid-Term Plans





1. Institutionalize the conduct of a layminized information, education and communication (IEC) campaign

• To establish understanding of NDRMMC, LGUs, media, and household in Metro Manila (pilot area) from 60% to 65%

2. Establishment of advocacy program for executive, legislative branches and LGUs and a pro-active system to alert decision makers,
media and the general public on impending extreme weather events

• To develop an effective pro-active alert system for government, DRRMC, Media (local and international ) LGUs and household




1. Program for effective and efficient utilization of resources

• 100% utilization of resources

PAGASA Officials
Members of the Executive Staff


Acting Administrator
[email protected]


Acting Deputy Administrator for Administrative and Officer-In-Charge
Engineering Services Office of Deputy Administrator for Operations and
434-2579/434-9039 Services
[email protected] 434-5886/434-8975
[email protected]


Acting Deputy Administrator for Research and Officer-In-Charge
Development Weather Division
929-1953/434-2537 922-1996/927-1541
[email protected] [email protected]
Officer-In-Charge Officer-In-Charge
Hydro-Meteorology Division Engineering and Technical Services Division
926-5060/926-6970 928-6461/435-5303
[email protected] [email protected]


Chief Chief
Research & Development and Training Division Financial, Planning and Management Division
434-2675/434-4677 434-2632/434-1882
[email protected] [email protected]


Officer-In-Charge Chief
Climatology and Agrometeorology Division Administrative Division
434-9024/435-1675 436-4033/434-3830
[email protected] [email protected]
PAGASA Regional
Services Divisions


National Capital Region - PAGASA Regional Services
PAGASA Science Garden, Agham Rd., Diliman,
Quezon City
(02) 433-1456
[email protected]


Officer-In-Charge Officer-In-Charge
Northern Luzon - PAGASA Regional Services Division Visayas - PAGASA Regional Services Division
Capitol Site, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Cebu PAGASA Complex, Airport Rd., Lapu-Lapu City,
(02) 927-5343/(078) 304-1994 Cebu
[email protected] (032) 340-4143/ (032) 340-1868
[email protected]


Officer-In-Charge Chief
Southern Luzon - PAGASA Regional Services Division Mindanao - PAGASA Regional Services Division
Airport Site, Legazpi City, Albay Molugan, El Salvador City
(052) 481-4471/(052) 481-4455 (08822) 745-5164/(088) 555-0485
[email protected] [email protected]
Ganap mong adhikain
Kaligtasan ng buhay
Sa pagbabago’t
Pagtugon ng kalikasan

Agham na kaakibat ng talino at husay

Sa pinsala’y nagsisilbing Production Staff


Sa pagdilim ng mga ulap

Sa gitna man ng unos ay kabalikat
Kaagapay kang lubos
Sa pagtaas ng mga alon
At maging sa tag-tuyo
Sa bawat panahon
Makakaasang PAGASA ko

Ang `yong paglilingkod

Sa bayan na pinag-inam
Ay katiyakang dulot ay kapanatagan

Agham na kaakibat ng talino at husay

Sa pinsala’y nagsisilbing

Sa pagdilim ng mga ulap

Sa gitna man ng unos ay kabalikat
Kaagapay kang lubos
Sa pagtaas ng mga alon
At maging sa tag-tuyo
Sa bawat panahon
Makakaasang PAGASA.....

Sa pagdilim ng mga ulap

Plans and Programs Development Unit (PPDU)
Sa gitna man ng unos ay kabalikat Nancy T. Lance
Kaagapay kang lubos Renely L. Basiño Ines Liberty M. Agdeppa
Sa pagtaas ng mga alon Roque E. Adora Ramon G. Agustin
At maging sa tag-tuyo Cynthia R. Paltuob
Sa bawat panahon
Makakaasang PAGASA ko
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical &
Astronomical Services Administration

PAGASA Science Garden

Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon City 1100

Tel. Nos:
434-9040 / 927-9308

Fax. No:
929-4865 / 434-2696


434-ULAN (8526)

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