Internet of Things in Power Distribution Networks - State of The Art
Internet of Things in Power Distribution Networks - State of The Art
Internet of Things in Power Distribution Networks - State of The Art
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assigned a unique IP address, transmitting its status and such as rebates, stimulus funds, incentives, with the aim to cash
receiving control commands from the utility authorized savings for both participants: utilities and their customers. The
operator via the Internet. general architecture of DSM is presented in Fig. 1 [7].
The main functions of the smart substation are summarized
as follows:
Intelligent analysis for alarm processing, bad data
processing, etc.
Intelligent control for auto-restoration, remedial or
predictive action, and emergency state estimation
Intelligent maintenance and management
Intelligent physical safety
Interconnection and application with Geographic
Information System (GIS).
The solution presented in [6] relies on an energy
Fig. 1. Basic architecture of DSM
management sensors combining monitoring of electrical
energy consumption, power quality analysis, and management Three basic layers can be recognized: a) Cloud and Services
of electrical energy use in a single powerful internet connected – central part of the architecture that collects data from different
device. With Ethernet or WiFi connectivity and built in web sources, providing tools and technologies for mass data storage
server, sensors can be quickly and easily deployed in any and data processing. b) Utility – this layer collects information
energy management scenario. from different parts of the power generation supply chains
(production, transmission, and distribution) and forwards them
Micro RTU Hardware platform is based on ARM platform
to the cloud (data related to the level of current and future
making the device functional. Micro RTU is designed with two
production and consumption, the price of electricity, and other
processors: Cortex M4F real time processor with 8 MB of
information that may affect the DR relation). c) Consumers
external RAM, serving inputs and outputs in the real time, and
(smart home, smart buildings, industry) – each consumer
Cortex A9 processor with Linux operating system. Its role is to
represents a node in a complex microgrid. Nodes are equipped
serve the communication interface and data storage.
with so-called sink or hub that collects information from all
Central control application performs the periodic polling of
smart devices for that node and which has a data storage
remote units in the set of selected transformer substations.
capacity, local data processing and communication capability
Measured values are placed in the RAM of each individual unit.
to devices outside the node.
Modbus masters embedded in the central control unit read the
Coordination of the huge number of IoT devices which are
Modbus slaves in the remote units, by the TCP protocol through
distributed over the entire platform and acquisition of the
the Virtual Private Network (VPN) formed by the 3G network.
necessary data in economically viable manner are some of the
The system requires sophisticated security mechanisms and
major challenges for the implementation of DSM. Taking into
it is important to note that once performed security evaluation
account that the DSM applications rely on the IoT architecture,
is of a temporary validity only because we face everyday
the challenges facing the IoT are also projected on the success
advances regarding the methods for cryptanalysis of
of DSM
cryptographic algorithms. Accordingly, monitoring of security
and security re-evaluations of the cryptographic techniques
appear as a top-priority issue in the security critical ICT IV. DEMAND RESPONSE
Demand Response (DR) is usually defined as the change in
III. DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT electric usage by end-use customers from their normal
consumption patterns in response to changes in the price of
electricity over time, or to incentive payments designed to
The basis of the new smart grid is a trend that reinvents the
induce lower electricity use at times of high wholesale market
functioning mode of electric utilities companies - Demand Side
prices, or when system reliability is jeopardized. In order to
Management (DSM). DSM represents the interface between
achieve this feature, data about the current consumption of
the utility company and smart devices that consume power with
multiple sites during an event should be consolidated in real
the aim of reducing peaks in power grid demand, minimizing
time through the IoT platform, so the consumer (or the third-
power losses in the grid, and increasing the use of unrealized
party aggregator) can gauge the performance of the entire
energy savings during low demand periods.
portfolio almost instantaneously.
In this way, DSM covers energy efficiency and demand
The system enables the aggregator to collect customer
response domains for customers. IoT based management
demand flexibility and provide access to the market. For this
platforms, in other words, deploying energy management
purpose, with the development of new features, the aggregator
measures units at the point of consumption, are a prerequisite
will study which customers can provide profitable DR, actively
for the successful implementation of DSM applications.
promote the DR service to customers, and provide financial
Electricity customers have at their disposal a variety of options
incentives to the customers to provide DR.
Most DR approaches involve a data concentrator that on changes in architectural and silicon level, it is clear that
advises a pool of consumers to reduce their current demand. achieving the energy efficiency for IoT will not be easy.
This approach has repeatedly been shown to be effective for Energy efficiency of the devices can be achieved through
relatively small pool sizes of industrial and commercial knowledge extraction from data collected in the early stages. In
consumers. While it remains feasible to signal a small number that way, sending huge amount of data and latency can be
of consumers and expect an immediate response, DR at a wider avoided. This kind of challenge is better known under the name
areal level is more complex. On these bases, cloud architecture Edge Fog.
of aggregated consumers is proposed, and the data concentrator Another aspect relates to the expected energy efficiency,
with advanced features should be developed. which is achieved by using DSM-based IoT platforms.
The possible solution is the platform containing two main Business model that should bring a revolution into energy
subsystems: Energy Hub which is consisted of a power efficiency domain of smart grid relies on DSM applications and
analyzer and appropriate data concentrator, and software services. It is a crucial change in the concept of energy
enabling the aggregator relationship with both customers and efficiency, which so far has focused mainly on energy savings
market. The basic architecture of this system is based on in single devices. In this sense, a lot is expected from the IT
Energy Hub and layered-controlled system (Fig. 2). community, which should contribute with adequate
applications, regardless of whether they are great players or
startups companies.
Related to the issue of security, there are several topics of
interest that need to be considered such as a) generic techniques
for cryptographic security evaluation of certain algorithms for
encryption, authentication and key-management in smart grid
application, and b) generic techniques for design of certain
cryptographic algorithms for encryption, authentication and
Security is always a critical issue and challenge for the
architects of the system. With the huge number of connected
devices, smart grid solutions empowered by IoT are facing
Fig. 2. Communication infrastructure security risks both for consumers and for the entire business.
The following critical elements of DSM can be identified from
This architecture includes two embedded clouds. A small the standpoint of security:
cloud consisting of the elements which can operate Wireless communication – the possibility of
independently is a sub-cloud of the great network cloud. Loads unauthorized access to the devices and collection of
and distributed generation (DG) are controlled by the nearest sensitive data
hub, while the information of loads, power flow, power quality
Cloud-based servers – access and unauthorized use of
and power market can exchange among each hub and upload to
the aggregator dispatch center. The optimal load scheduling vast amounts of aggregated data
plan is made by the aggregator dispatch center. The aggregator Local Network and Devices – sending spam,
dispatch center acting as the cloud core, coordinates the disrupting the normal functioning of devices,
exchange of information, and sends control instruction. shutdown power grid.
Risk of security issues could be reduced by encrypting,
V. IOT CHALLENGES using multilayered architecture and other techniques which
could be implemented during the product design. Regular
To build a successful DSM and smart energy concept it is software patching for all devices is always welcomed.
necessary to efficiently cope with several challenges such as Furthermore, IoT devices of the smart grid collect large
energy efficiency, security, privacy and data protection, big amounts of personal data relating to consumption and daily
data, interoperability, and standardization. consumers habits. Privacy and data protection challenge is
How big and powerful is the IoT network? The IoT refers directly related to security. By applying the encryption it is
to a fast-expanding worldwide network of devices connected to possible to protect data privacy. If IoT devices have the
the Internet – today there are 4.9 billion connected devices, and possibility of sending anonymized data, it is possible to further
it is anticipated that by 2020 there will be 25 billion of them. reduce the risk of unauthorized access to data.
Moreover, the IoT has the potential to add US$6.2 trillion to Data collected from different sources are accumulated in the
the global economy by 2025 [8]. cloud, which therefore must have a massive data storage and
Energy efficiency of IoT devices alone, some of which are processing capabilities. Big data analytics represents the
expected to be 'always on' and to automatically collect dominant technique for intelligent processing of data of
information necessary for users. This feature makes sense only different structures and formats. The application of the big data
if IoT devices operate on very little power. Otherwise, their concept should always be considered as risky, because there is
application will not have much sense. Although there are no simple and unique solution for its implementation. Also, the
significant developments and results in this area that are based energy efficiency challenge should be taken into account, since
storing the large amounts of data in the cloud also requires system have to be carefully designed, in respect of all network
power. stakeholders, and the choice between totally decentralized and
The complex architecture of DSM requires communication centralized system should result in the compromise between
of an enormous number of devices. In such an environment, the them.
choice of suitable protocols may directly affect the success of However, it should be noted that applying smart technology
DSM implementation. The complex communication requires solutions just for the sake of technology and without
adding advanced features which automatically affects the price understanding the needs of citizens, enterprises and other city
increase and performance reduction. In the last couple of years, stakeholders probably will not solve economic, social or
many institutions, such as industry consortia (IEEE, Zigbee environmental issues that we encounter today. Appropriate
Alliance, etc.), standardization bodies, and also some of the ICT-led solutions should be applied only when their purpose is
leading companies and startups have jointly defined protocols clear and the problems that need to be solved are identified .
necessary for the advancement of IoT (Fig. 3) [9].
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education,
Science and Technological Development of the Republic of
Serbia through Mathematical Institute SASA under Grant III
42006 and Grant III 44006.
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VI. CONCLUSION [5] J. Backes, "The Riesling project - pilot project for innovative
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The increasing granularity of telemetry in MV and LV 22nd International Conference on Electricity Distribution,
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communicated to customers. There is no doubt that the IoT [7] D. Xu Li, W. He, and S. Li, "Internet of things in industries: A
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is the heart of the Smart MV/LV substation. IT prototype
hardware, functions and communication interfaces on an
embedded platform based on micro RTU offers the required
functionality for the flexible distribution network.
The IoT in power distribution networks is very alike to the
problem of auto piloted car: the technology is ready and
capable to operate the grid, but even a small anomaly can lead
to a disaster. Smart grid architecture and appropriate ICT